The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center


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immemorial. It prescribes how <strong>to</strong> be effective and pragmatic in standing up <strong>to</strong> barbarians<br />

without ourselves becoming one. It offers the criterion for resolving the existential dilemma<br />

often faced by all peoples of conscience, whether <strong>to</strong> confront, or <strong>to</strong> be co-opted. To know what<br />

it is, one still needs <strong>to</strong> acquire its “ilm”, as with everything else. We no more naturally know it in<br />

our au natural state of ignorance and barbarianism than we are born with our clothes on.<br />

Interestingly, it is also a commonsense wisdom. Acquire Knowledge – 'even if one has <strong>to</strong><br />

journey <strong>to</strong> China', as the Prophet of Islam is reputed <strong>to</strong> have also stated <strong>to</strong> his followers in that<br />

Age of Jahiliya (ignorance).<br />

<strong>The</strong> difficulty of physically journeying <strong>to</strong> China is of course considerably less <strong>to</strong>day. However,<br />

we continue <strong>to</strong> suffer another Age of Jahiliya in our modernity <strong>to</strong>day. One that is dominated by<br />

facile views and deception all around. <strong>The</strong> most pervasive of these facile views among<br />

Muslims <strong>to</strong>day is their own self-deception <strong>to</strong> avoid taking on the responsibility for rectifying<br />

their own subjugated condition. It is that oft heard self-serving proclamation of the pious and<br />

the scoundrel alike: “Allah chala raha hai”. Meaning, “God is running the world”. Its natural<br />

corollary then easily follows: “let Allah take care of his world while I take care of my camels.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> devil's apprentices who actually are running the world, from time immemorial, deliberately<br />

cultivate such servile dogmas and facile views among the foolish masses living in their au<br />

natural mental state. To await their favorite savior or messiah; <strong>to</strong> patiently suffer life for the<br />

future expectation of reward in heaven; <strong>to</strong> focus on taking care of one's own camels and <strong>to</strong><br />

leave the affairs of state <strong>to</strong> god, president, or king, except <strong>to</strong> vote every four years as that's<br />

called “democracy” which one must worship; etceteras, while the rulers continue <strong>to</strong> enjoy their<br />

own unlimited heavens right here on earth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> devil's apprentices also find an irresistibly natural fertile soil among the Muslims for<br />

imperial plowing and harvesting. Divided in<strong>to</strong> partisan sects from birth, each having not just a<br />

different understanding of the early his<strong>to</strong>ry of their religion, but also a slightly different<br />

understanding of the religion of Islam itself despite possessing the same Holy Qur'an that they<br />

all share, Muslims rush <strong>to</strong> draw upon their respective sectarian narrations of his<strong>to</strong>ry and<br />

doctrinal mumbo jumbo (that's the only way I can fairly describe what pious Muslim scholars<br />

utter from their highest pulpits <strong>to</strong> indoctrinate their flock), <strong>to</strong> dignify their pathetic silence <strong>to</strong><br />

tyranny. That's the “good Muslim” variety (sic!). <strong>The</strong> “bad Muslim” of course rush <strong>to</strong> join “Al<br />

Qaeeda” (sic!). <strong>The</strong> Muslim ethos, born in servitude, cultivated in<strong>to</strong> co-option, and dreaming of<br />

rewards in heaven, lends naturally <strong>to</strong> the Hegelian Dialectic of “good Muslim” vs. “bad Muslim”.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Poor</strong>-<strong>Man's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Modernity</strong> 194 / 334 Zahir Ebrahim

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