The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center


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hand in glove with creating specialized narrow-gauged morons with advanced university<br />

degrees who can very patriotically “United We Stand” for the common good while staying<br />

productively engaged in narrow specializations in the economy.<br />

Kept perpetually <strong>to</strong>o busy <strong>to</strong> either think independently from the herd even when capable of<br />

doing so, or <strong>to</strong> pursue knowledge outside of their narrow-gauged spheres of specializations by<br />

the sheer demands of time and the endless debt-bills in pursuit of their endless “American<br />

Dreams”, statecraft <strong>to</strong>day relies on inflicting exactly <strong>The</strong> Fable of the Bees upon man for its<br />

own functioning as an empire. In this scheme of things, vast amounts of useless information<br />

has been recast as knowledge, and parrots have been turned in<strong>to</strong> learned savants. While<br />

wisdom and commonsense have been driven out from the acumen of men and women<br />

“content <strong>to</strong> labor hard all day long ... forced by necessity.”<br />

That pursuit, by its very nature, promotes holding only facile world views among the dreamers<br />

of the 'American Dream'. <strong>The</strong> more one is invested in one's American Dream, the more averse<br />

one au<strong>to</strong>matically becomes <strong>to</strong> losing that dream if one wakes up <strong>to</strong> “ilm”. Natural psychological<br />

forces do the rest, by au<strong>to</strong>matically bringing <strong>to</strong> the cognitive surface incessant rationalizations<br />

and self-delusions <strong>to</strong> maintain status quo in order <strong>to</strong> suppress the discomfort of cognitive<br />

dissonance. (See Leon Festinger's study of mental gymnastics for harmonizing dissonance.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> end result is that one prefers <strong>to</strong> maintain only a nodding acquaintance with “ilm”,<br />

remaining mostly content with what's salutarily written on that piece of decorative parchment<br />

necessary for becoming an economic widget. <strong>The</strong> devil's apprentices building their palatial<br />

heavens right here on this earth, have further ensured that the very nature of participating in<br />

modernity also only permits the hardworking bees just sufficient time and inclination for either<br />

very superficially-broad, or very narrow-gauged specialized acquaintance with “ilm”.<br />

We have already seen above that without “ilm”, striving for “haq” is impossible. Thus, between<br />

self-deception, deception by Machiavelli, and full time engagement in bread and circuses, one<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matically becomes a captive audience <strong>to</strong> one's ignorance in all important matters which<br />

occupy the elites enjoying all that common good from the work of those “content <strong>to</strong> labor hard<br />

all day long.” This diabolically induced state of ignorance makes one easy putty in the rulers'<br />

cold calculating hands. <strong>The</strong> cumulative impact of this <strong>to</strong> society is exactly as presaged by<br />

Brzezinski in Between Two Ages – a must read ode <strong>to</strong> legitimizing the tyranny of the elite in<br />

the Technetronic Era (subtitle of the book). <strong>The</strong> era of global scientific dicta<strong>to</strong>rship.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proof of this is the empirical evidence that the most industrialized, most powerful, the<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Poor</strong>-<strong>Man's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Modernity</strong> 190 / 334 Zahir Ebrahim

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