The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center


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It is because of this empirical fact that the author of the Qur'an, in what it claims <strong>to</strong> be its last<br />

Testament <strong>to</strong> mankind, has laid such strong emphasis on striving for “haq” – even making it<br />

the underpinning of a life which is at a loss in its absence ( ‏خسر‏‎M‎ ‏لفى‏ ‏الانسان‏ ان‏ ). Otherwise, the Biblical “do un<strong>to</strong> others as you have others do un<strong>to</strong> you” is still sufficient<br />

general principle. However, while the latter was merely advisory, striving for “haq” has been<br />

made compulsory!<br />

And what has man, “insaan”, done about such striving?<br />

Nothing.<br />

Caught between facile world views on the one hand, and bread and circuses on the other, man<br />

continues <strong>to</strong> be manipulated in<strong>to</strong> voluntary servitude <strong>to</strong> tyrants of modernity just as he was in<br />

antiquity. While one may arguably understand the servitude in the Dark Ages <strong>to</strong> the tyrants of<br />

antiquity, in the modern information age, the Technetronic Era (term coined by Zbigniew<br />

Brzezinski), for the disease of the Dark Ages <strong>to</strong> persist is indicative of something far deeper<br />

which has not changed despite the march of civilizations, liberations, exponential increases in<br />

public knowledge, and the Technetronic progress.<br />

Those who pursue “ilm”, knowledge, don't necessarily do so <strong>to</strong> strive for “haq”, or <strong>to</strong> redress<br />

the human condition, but for their own narrow self-interests <strong>to</strong> achieve their own version of the<br />

'American Dream'. As the knowledge bearers, they are often either the direct harbingers of, or<br />

the silent bystanders <strong>to</strong>, the un<strong>to</strong>ld crimes against humanity. In the Technetronic Era of <strong>to</strong>day,<br />

the former are the scientists, engineers, and technicians of empire laboring under facile<br />

delusions of all kind.<br />

Tyranny of course only flourishes when many good men, and many good women, learned and<br />

pious, <strong>to</strong>o busy pursuing their 'American Dreams', stay silent, indifferent.<br />

That is just <strong>to</strong>o well-worn a statement <strong>to</strong> be anything but one of the best moral clichés of all<br />

time. Edmund Burke wasn't the first <strong>to</strong> think of it. All the sages throughout the ages have<br />

reflected upon it. And Solon, considered one of the seven greatest law givers of ancient Rome,<br />

even made coming <strong>to</strong> the aid of fellow man in distress, a legal obligation!<br />

Apart from the copious evidence of blood-stained pages of recorded his<strong>to</strong>ry, the obvious<br />

import of accurate knowledge <strong>to</strong> the pursuit of “haq” as its principled primemover, can also be<br />

contemporarily judged by the empirical fact that due <strong>to</strong> the Muslims having a rather facile view<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Poor</strong>-<strong>Man's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Modernity</strong> 184 / 334 Zahir Ebrahim

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