The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center


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jour? During the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic declaration by the WHO <strong>to</strong> unprecedented Stage-6<br />

for instance, how many in the medical profession administering the swine flu vaccines<br />

bothered <strong>to</strong> study first hand either the pandemic or the vaccination pro<strong>to</strong>col dictated by the<br />

authorities? Even the Direc<strong>to</strong>r-General of WHO was following orders of her superiors who <strong>to</strong>ld<br />

her exactly what <strong>to</strong> proclaim next.<br />

I wrote <strong>to</strong> Margaret Chan, the figurehead boss of WHO, on May 09, 2009: “I write you<br />

respectfully <strong>to</strong> express immense concern, and without mincing words. I would like <strong>to</strong> draw your<br />

kind attention <strong>to</strong> the letter <strong>to</strong> edi<strong>to</strong>r which is reproduced below. It expresses grave reservations<br />

that the World Health Organization is acting as a global sales-rep for vaccine<br />

manufacturers. I specifically draw your kind attention <strong>to</strong> the “Note on abetting the Pandemic”<br />

which is cited below. It is quite likely that you have become an unwitting pawn in the<br />

ruling oligarchs' game of population reduction. If you finally come <strong>to</strong> realize that [fact]<br />

through your [own] due diligence, I urge you <strong>to</strong> make that information public from your high<br />

pulpit. At worst, you will lose your job. But your unconscionable inaction, or mere<br />

resignation in silence, will lead <strong>to</strong> a billion-plus exterminated, with WHO subsequently<br />

claiming all the credit for saving the rest. <strong>The</strong>re is likely a Nobel Peace Prize lurking in<br />

there somewhere for all this 'saving'. And the cycle will repeat.” See details in my Letter <strong>to</strong> Dr.<br />

Margaret Chan, Direc<strong>to</strong>r-General, WHO: Global Sales-Rep for Big-Pharma!<br />

It is just assumed by the vast majority of medical practitioners that the FDA and the WHO have<br />

done their own due diligence, and that they operate in good faith under the same Hippocratic<br />

oath. In this perspective of the baby staring at the complicated creature in the fish bowl with<br />

wondrous innocence, there is no comprehension of the psychology and prime directive of the<br />

<strong>to</strong>m cat eyeing the same as a tasty morsel. <strong>The</strong> system ensures that the very existence of the<br />

<strong>to</strong>m cat is denied. But the evidence of its existence is neither hidden, nor classified <strong>to</strong>p secret.<br />

It is just inconvenient <strong>to</strong> see it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> incursion of big-Pharma in<strong>to</strong> medical school training regimens <strong>to</strong> groom that very faithful<br />

and trusting physician is now so no<strong>to</strong>rious that few pay any attention <strong>to</strong> it. <strong>The</strong> Western<br />

medical profession takes big-Pharma's very visible role in their profession as just the “normal”<br />

part of modern medicine. It is often rationalized away as “they are spending a billion dollars in<br />

research every year”. So this 2009 news s<strong>to</strong>ry of “Two hundred Harvard Medical School<br />

students are confronting the school’s administration, demanding an end <strong>to</strong><br />

pharmaceutical industry influence in the classroom.” was refreshing indeed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Poor</strong>-<strong>Man's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Modernity</strong> 132 / 334 Zahir Ebrahim

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