Settlers - San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center

Settlers - San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center

Settlers - San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center


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Above is the editorial ofice of Crisis, the magazine of the NAACP<br />

Messenger, the U.N.I.A. provided them with offices in the<br />

Harlem building that it owned. (45) The U.N.I.A. attempted<br />

to be broadly encouraging to Afrikan ventures, even<br />

those of a socialist nature, so long as they were Afrikanrun<br />

and oriented.<br />

Randolph's integrationism and ambition led him<br />

to break with the U.N.I.A. It was not, we should ernphasize,<br />

only a political struggle within A frikan ranks<br />

alone. The U.S. oppressor nation was also involved in the<br />

dispute. While Randolph and his fellow integrationists,<br />

totally impressed with the might of the U.S. Empire, never<br />

believed that national liberation could succeed, they feared<br />

that the growing mass agitation would antagonize settlers.<br />

To these neo-colonialists, settler "good-will" and<br />

patronage was more important than almost anything. Further,<br />

Randolph's immediate career as a would-be labor<br />

leader was threatened by Garveyism's hold on the Afrikan<br />

masses.<br />

Randolph and his associates were fanatically<br />

determined to destroy Garvey and the U.N.I.A. at any<br />

cost. They pursued this end using any and every means. In<br />

their magazine, the Messenger, Garvey was sneeringly<br />

referred to as "monumental monkey" and "supreme<br />

Negro Jamaican jackass." Randolph's near-racist rhetoric<br />

reflected his assertion that Garvey was an "alien" West Indian<br />

and not a true "American Nearo." National s~eaking<br />

tours with the NAACP for a ''~arie~<br />

Must Go" campaigi<br />

failed. (46)<br />

In a telling move, Randolph - the supposed<br />

"socialist"- and his integrationist allies turned to the<br />

U.S. Empire for help. They openly encouraged the repression<br />

of the U.N.I.A. In early January 1923 this grouping<br />

against Garvey in his coming mail fraud trial was killed.<br />

This traitor, Rev. J.W. Easton of New Orleans, had<br />

formerly been a leader in the U.N.I.A., but had been<br />

ousted for embezzlement. The dying Easton had allegedly<br />

identified his assailants as two workers, a longshoreman<br />

and a painter, who were U.N.I.A. security cadre.<br />

The anti-Garvey grouping was seized with fear<br />

that they themselves would be corrected for their<br />

treasonous collaboration with the State. On January 15,<br />

1923, constituting themselves as a "Committee of Eight,"<br />

they wrote to U.S. Attorney General Daugherty begging<br />

him to strike down the Afrikan nationalists without any<br />

delay. This historic letter is informative:<br />

"Dear Sir;<br />

(1) As the chief law enforcement officer of the<br />

nation, we wish to call your attention to a heretofore unconsidered<br />

menace to a harmonious race relations. There<br />

are in our midst certain Negro criminals and potential<br />

murderers, both foreign and American born, who are<br />

moved and actuated by intense hatred of the white race.<br />

These undesirables continually proclaim that all white people<br />

are enemies to the Negro. They have become so<br />

fanatical that they have threatened and attempted the<br />

death of their opponents.. .<br />

"(2) The movement known as the Universal<br />

Negro Improvement Association has done much to<br />

stimulate the violent temper of this dangerous movement.<br />

Its President and moving spirit is one Marcus Garvey, an<br />

unscrupulous demagogue, who has ceaselessly and<br />

assiduously sought to spread among Negroes distrust and<br />

hatred of all white people.<br />

became alarmed when the chief Government witness 11s ***********+**

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