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ACADEMIC INTEGRITY TRANSPORTATION Since the safety of students is paramount, parents are asked to cooperate with the following: Morning Drop-Off Parents may drop off students in the double lanes located in the Western Avenue parking lot. Drivers should move their cars down as far as possible before dropping students off, and then exit from the lower gate onto Western Avenue. Only faculty members or student drivers with parking permits may enter the Franklin Avenue lot after . Student Pick-Up Students may be picked up from the Western Avenue parking lot in the same manner as morning drop-off. After 3:30pm, students may also be picked up from the Franklin Avenue parking lot. Immaculate Heart believes that academic integrity is closely allied to the development of self-esteem. It is important for young women to understand that honest effort and struggle, despite one’s limitations, are commendable and that there is a transcedent value in knowing that not all rewards are graded or evaluated. Each student is encouraged to strive for excellence, to take pride in her work, to stretch her mind, and to feel that something worth doing is worth doing well. For a student to maintain academic integrity on a day to day basis is to build the kind of character and to develop the moral conviction that on one level of human development, at least, may be far more important than the acquisition of some quantity of knowledge. A young woman demonstrates her academic integrity when she produces her own original work, when she takes an exam without cheating, when she does her own homework, and when she acknowledges another’s ideas by identifying author and source. In keeping with its philosophy and mission, Immaculate Heart does not tolerate breaches of academic integrity in any form including, but not limited to, the following: • giving or taking information during an examination by any means including sign language, crib notes on paper or body parts, secret codes or electronic transmissions • copying or allowing another to copy from one’s exam, homework, labwork, or other assigned work • inventing information for the purpose of completing a laboratory experiment or case study • changing answers on a previously corrected test, assignment or case study • representing the words, ideas or work of another as one’s own in an academic exercise (plagiarism), including the use of all or parts of commercial research and term papers • taking credit for group work that has not been earned Academic dishonesty is always considered a serious matter. Consequences may range from the lowering of a grade to referral to an academic review board at which time suspension and/or expulsion may be recommended. HONOR CODE Immaculate Heart Middle School Honor Code As a young woman of integrity, I promise to uphold the values of our school community. I pledge to be honorable in my work, speech and actions. I will treat all members of the school community with respect. I will not give, ask for, or receive help from my classmates on any assignment, test or quiz without the specific permission of my teacher. I will not cheat on any test or quiz by giving information to or taking information from another student. I will not pressure any of my classmates into telling me anything about a test or quiz before I take it, nor will I share information with them about any test or quiz that I have taken. I will not plagiarize on any assignment by representing the words, ideas or work of another as my own. I will not copy anyone’s homework and turn it in as my own, nor will I allow anyone to copy my homework. I will treat all school property and the belongings of others with care and respect. I will not take, damage or destroy any property that does not belong to me. I will always take responsibility for my own actions, especially in relation to doing my work. I understand that the violation of any of the items above will result in disciplinary action. Student’s Name (signature) (please print name) Date Parent’s Name (signature) (please print name) Date ♥ 46 47 ♥

ACADEMIC POLICIES ♥ 48 Every effort is made to keep the student and parent informed of her academic standing. Mid-quarter reports, mailed prior to the issuing of quarter and semester grades, indicate that a student is doing work that is below a “C” or that she is in danger of failing. Upon receiving the notice, parents should sign and return it and, if necessary, arrange a conference with her teacher. Report Cards Report cards are posted online approximately two weeks after the end of the four quarters. The mid-term grades are considered to be progress reports. Semester grades are recorded on the permanent record card. A student is placed on academic probation when her grades fall below a 2.0 GPA. The extracurricular activities of a student on probation may be restricted. Explanation of Report Card marks A grade of “A” 100%-90% A 4.0 Outstanding Achievement A- 3.7 A grade of “B” 89%-80% B+ 3.3 Good Achievement B 3.0 B- 2.7 A grade of “C” 79%-70% C+ 2.3 Average Achievement C 2.0 C- 1.7 A grade of “D” 69%-60% D+ 1.3 Minimum Achievement D 1.0 D- 0.7 A grade of “F” Below 60% F 0.0 Failure due to unsatisfactory achievement Citizenship Grade Immaculate Heart takes seriously the responsibility it has to teach good citizenship, and therefore requires each teacher to make a judgment on the level of cooperation and respect that a student demonstrates in each class toward her teacher and her fellow classmates. Cheating and plagiarism are considered serious infractions and will be adressed in the following way: the student will receive a zero for the test, quiz, paper, assignment or project involved; detentions will be given; and the parent will be informed. Homework Immaculate Heart recognizes the value homework plays in extending and reinforcing classroom learning as well as its significance in the development of responsibility and consistency within each student. Although the amount and type vary among subjects and grade levels, homework is usually a responsibility to be met daily. Generally, students can expect two hours of homework each evening. A student usually receives a zero for missing assignments. If a pattern of missing or incomplete homework develops, the teacher will notify the parent, since failure to meet homework requirements will impact negatively on the student’s grade in the class. Students are responsible for any and all missed work assigned during their absence and to complete the work in a timely manner. It is up to the discretion of the individual teacher as to what is considered “a timely” manner. STANDARDIZED TESTING PROGRAM HONORS AND AWARDS HEALTH AND SAFETY An entrance examination is administered to all fifth and sixth graders who seek admission to Immaculate Heart Middle School. Reading, mathematics, and language skills are the major components of this test. The Stanford Achievement Test is administered to all sixth and seventh graders in March. This test provides for continuous, comprehensive assessment of the progress of students in the major skill areas. Honors Academic honors can be earned by students maintaining a 3.5 GPA for each semester. CJSF California Junior Scholarship Federation California Junior Scholarship Federation is a nationwide organization whose purpose is to foster pride in high standards of scholarship, service and citizenship. Membership is based on semester grades. Three points are given for an “A” and one point for a “B” in the academic subjects. To qualify for membership, a student must earn twelve points in one semester. Girls who maintain membership for three semesters—one in seventh grade and two in eighth grade — receive an honor certificate at graduation. Sister Christina Howell Award This award for academic excellence is given at graduation to the student who has achieved the highest grade point average during seventh and eighth grades. The winner’s name is inscribed on the roll of Sister Christina Howell winners which remains in the middle school office, and she receives a plaque in recognition of her accomplishment. The Outstanding Achievement Award. This award is presented to a graduate of the middle school. The award recognizes a student for: • her academic achievement; • her outstanding leadership qualities; • her service to others; and • her participation in school endeavors. The award includes an individual plaque for the winner, and her name is inscribed on the perpetual plaque which remains in the middle school office. The Student Council Award This annual award, given for spirit, enthusiasm and support of school endeavors, is voted on by the students and is presented at graduation. HEALTH POLICIES All new students must submit a completed immunization form before they are admitted to Immaculate Heart Middle School. All students entering grade 7 must have completed hepatitis B immunizations and the Tdap booster shot. Parents should not send a student who is ill to school. If a student should become ill at school, parents will be notified and asked to take the student home. 49 ♥



Since the safety of students is paramount, parents are asked to cooperate with the following:<br />

Morning Drop-Off<br />

Parents may drop off students in the double lanes located in the Western<br />

Avenue parking lot. Drivers should move their cars down as far as possible<br />

before dropping students off, and then exit from the lower gate onto Western<br />

Avenue. Only faculty members or student drivers with parking permits may enter<br />

the Franklin Avenue lot after .<br />

Student Pick-Up<br />

Students may be picked up from the Western Avenue parking lot in the same<br />

manner as morning drop-off. After 3:30pm, students may also be picked up from<br />

the Franklin Avenue parking lot.<br />

<strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> believes that academic integrity is closely allied to the development of<br />

self-esteem. It is important for young women to understand that honest effort and struggle,<br />

despite one’s limitations, are commendable and that there is a transcedent value in knowing<br />

that not all rewards are graded or evaluated. Each student is encouraged to strive for excellence,<br />

to take pride in her work, to stretch her mind, and to feel that something worth doing is worth<br />

doing well. For a student to maintain academic integrity on a day to day basis is to build the<br />

kind of character and to develop the moral conviction that on one level of human development,<br />

at least, may be far more important than the acquisition of some quantity of knowledge.<br />

A young woman demonstrates her academic integrity when she produces her own original<br />

work, when she takes an exam without cheating, when she does her own homework, and<br />

when she acknowledges another’s ideas by identifying author and source.<br />

In keeping with its philosophy and mission, <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> does not tolerate breaches of<br />

academic integrity in any form including, but not limited to, the following:<br />

• giving or taking information during an examination by any means including<br />

sign language, crib notes on paper or body parts, secret codes or electronic<br />

transmissions<br />

• copying or allowing another to copy from one’s exam, homework, labwork,<br />

or other assigned work<br />

• inventing information for the purpose of completing a laboratory experiment<br />

or case study<br />

• changing answers on a previously corrected test, assignment or case study<br />

• representing the words, ideas or work of another as one’s own in an academic<br />

exercise (plagiarism), including the use of all or parts of commercial research<br />

and term papers<br />

• taking credit for group work that has not been earned<br />

Academic dishonesty is always considered a serious matter. Consequences may range<br />

from the lowering of a grade to referral to an academic review board at which time<br />

suspension and/or expulsion may be recommended.<br />


<strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> Middle School Honor Code<br />

As a young woman of integrity, I promise to uphold the<br />

values of our school community.<br />

I pledge to be honorable in my work, speech and actions.<br />

I will treat all members of the school community with respect.<br />

I will not give, ask for, or receive help from my classmates on any assignment,<br />

test or quiz without the specific permission of my teacher.<br />

I will not cheat on any test or quiz by giving information to or taking information<br />

from another student.<br />

I will not pressure any of my classmates into telling me anything about a test or<br />

quiz before I take it, nor will I share information with them about any test or quiz<br />

that I have taken.<br />

I will not plagiarize on any assignment by representing the words, ideas or work<br />

of another as my own.<br />

I will not copy anyone’s homework and turn it in as my own, nor will I allow<br />

anyone to copy my homework.<br />

I will treat all school property and the belongings of others with care and respect.<br />

I will not take, damage or destroy any property that does not belong to me.<br />

I will always take responsibility for my own actions, especially in relation to<br />

doing my work.<br />

I understand that the violation of any of the items above<br />

will result in disciplinary action.<br />

Student’s Name (signature)<br />

(please print name)<br />

Date<br />

Parent’s Name (signature)<br />

(please print name)<br />

Date<br />

♥ 46<br />

47 ♥

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