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EXPECTED SCHOOL-WIDE LEARNING RESULTS ♥ 42 Immaculate Heart Middle School strives to help each student to become: I. A faith filled young woman who A. strives to be a woman of great heart and right conscience B. has studied and applies Catholic Christian values to her daily life C. respects the values of tolerance, justice, and the dignity of the human person D. develops an ongoing personal relationship with God through prayer II. A contributing member of society who A. realizes her intrinsic value as an individual with the ability to make a difference B. volunteers her time and talents with others C. seeks out and serves in leadership roles in her school and community D. appreciates and respects her family, community, country, and the democratic process III. A self-directed life long learner who A. sets academic, social, and spiritual goals and implements a course of action to achieve them B. exhibits personal responsibility for actions and learning to her daily life C. explores the diversity of other peoples and cultures D. exhibits a passion for learning IV. A critical thinker who A. continually evaluates and adapts problem solving strategies B. effectively integrates, synthesizes and applies knowledge from a variety of disciplines C. connects learned academic skills to real life problem-solving D. knows how to find information and evaluate its validity V. An effective communicator who A. expresses ideas clearly and accurately using both oral and written means B. actively participates through careful listening and meaningful questioning C. develops patterns for organizing and analyzing information D. is able to respectfully dialogue with peers and faculty VI. A health conscious student who A. knows that proper nutrition, physical fitness, and hygiene are essential to health and life-long well-being B. exhibits the behavior and choices that lead to optimal physical and psychological health C. conducts herself in an ethical, socially responsible manner VII. An aesthetically conscious individual who A. develops an appreciation for a variety of artistic expression, i.e., music, visual arts, performing arts and literature B. engages in activities which develop an appreciation for culturally diverse forms of artistic expression C. expresses an awareness about the importance of the arts in all areas of the curriculun VIII. A technologically enabled student who A. is prepared to adapt to technological advances in society and the workplace B. applies knowledge of word processing, presentation software, and the internet to complete assignment and projects C. applies critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information presented through various media outlets CURRICULUM Grade 6 Art Computer Science English Literature Mathematics Music Physical Education Fitness Nutrition Religious Studies The Old Testament Community Service Science Earth Science Social Studies Ancient History Grade 7 CAMPUS LIFE AND TRADITION SCHOOL COLORS Maroon and white MASCOT The panda Art English/Literature Honors English/Literature Foreign Language Spanish I A Mathematics Honors Pre-Algebra Pre-Algebra Music Physical Education Fitness/Nutrition Religious Studies Scripture/Christian Moral Values Community Service Science/Technology Life Science Social Studies World History & Geography Grade 8 Art English/Literature Honors English Literature Foreign Language Spanish I B Mathematics Honors Algebra I Algebra Physical Education Fitness/Nutrition Religious Studies Experiencing the Mysteries of God Community Service Science/Technology Physical Science Social Studies U.S. History RETREAT PROGRAM In order to enrich the spiritual experience of the students, day-long retreats are scheduled for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Special liturgies and prayer services are held throughout the year. Parents are always welcome. ORIENTATION FOR PARENTS OF NEW STUDENTS At the beginning of the school year, an orientation evening is presented to welcome new parents and to give them an overview of school policies and calendared events. BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Each September, IHMS hosts a Back to School Night for parents. Individual teachers explain specific class requirements and expectations. Refreshments are served. OPEN HOUSE An Open House is held in December for prospective students and their parents to acquaint them with the school and its programs. 43 ♥

WELCOME DAY This day of celebration is set aside to welcome all new students and faculty formally as well as informally through songs, skits and refreshments. DAILY ROUTINE BIG AND LITTLE SISTER PROGRAM Each middle school student is paired with a student from another grade level. Together they enjoy Spirit Days, the Halloween Carnival, and the Christmas and Easter outreach projects, all of which are sponsored by the big sisters. FATHER /DAUGHTER PICNIC All students are invited to enjoy a special weekend afternoon playday with their fathers or “adopted dads” (grandparents, uncles, older brothers are welcome, too!). The event features food, games, dancing and prizes. HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL The middle school’s annual Halloween Carnival which also features costumes, games and food booths, prizes and refreshments. Young children from an “adopted” elementary school are invited to participate. 10K WALK Students and faculty walk or jog 10 kilometers in a major fundraising effort for the school. FAMILY HERITAGE DAY The educational experience of Immaculate Heart Middle School students is greatly enriched by the vast cultural diversity of the school community. Family Heritage Day is the culmination of the students’ exploration of their national and ethnic origins. Highlights of the event include a formal program, colorful displays and a “potluck” banquet of their favorite international foods. Families are welcome to attend. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Chorus, Mock-Trial, Newspaper, Sports, Theatre Arts, Yearbook MOTHER/DAUGHTER LUNCHEON This springtime luncheon, sponsored by the Parent Council, features members of the senior class modeling the latest fashions. OUTREACH PROGRAM All students participate in a program which involves interaction with an inner city school. The Outreach Program is coordinated by the Student Council and JRAC. In addition, the entire school participates in activities throughout the year to support various other community projects. SHOWCASE NIGHT This is a special evening in the spring when faculty and parents acknowledge and celebrate the successes of students. SPORTS AWARDS Sports awards are presented during a daytime assembly. These ceremonies are held at the end of each season. FIELD TRIPS An important part of formal schooling is the experience of learning first hand through field trips which are scheduled throughout the year. In order to be allowed to participate, students must submit permission slips that have been signed by their parents. SCHOOL HOURS The school day begins at 8:10am and ends at 3:00pm for all middle school students. School is dismissed at 2:30pm on Wednesday for faculty meetings. On designated half days, school is dismissed at 12:15pm. Students are expected to arrive on campus by 8:00pm. SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS The middle school office is open from 7:30am to 3:30pm TARDINESS Because tardiness disrupts the learning process, students are expected to be on time. Students who arrive at school after 8:10am must report to the office to obtain an admit slip before they will be admitted to class. After a student has been late to class three times, subsequent tardiness will result in detention. Excessive tardies will result in suspension. RELEASE OF STUDENTS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY When a student needs to leave the campus for any reason during the school day, her parent/guardian must sign her out in the middle school office. ATTENDANCE Students are expected to attend all classes unless there is a legitimate reason for absence (illness or death in the family). Parents are asked to schedule medical appointments outside of school hours, if possible. Students absent from a class for 15 days in a semester ordinarily will not receive academic credit for that class. ABSENCE Parents of absent students are asked to call the school at (323) 461-3651 • ext 221 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on each day of absence. When a student returns to school after any absence, a note must be brought to the office explaining the reason for the absence. LOST AND FOUND Articles left on campus are kept in the lost and found in the middle school. Students may retrieve items from the lost and found at any time. TELEPHONE USE Students will not be called to the phone during the school day. Only messages which are absolutely necessary will be posted outside the middle school office on the message board. In an emergency, students may use the office phone to call parents. Cell phones may not be used during regular school hours and must be locked in students’ lockers. PUBLICATIONS POLICY On occasion, the school may wish to publish or display student projects or academic work as well as photographs and sound recordings of students engaged in school-related activities. It is the responsibility of the student’s parents to notify the principal , in writing, by the end of the first week of each school year, if they do not wish to have their daughter’s images, academic work or participation in school-related activities displayed or published on the Internet or in any of the school’s publications, including marketing materials. If such written notification is not received by the principal, it is presumed that the parents have given authorization to the school to publish images and work and thereby release Immaculate Heart from any liability arising out of such use. ♥ 44 45 ♥


♥ 42<br />

<strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> Middle School strives to help each student to become:<br />

I. A faith filled young woman who<br />

A. strives to be a woman of great heart and right conscience<br />

B. has studied and applies Catholic Christian values to her daily life<br />

C. respects the values of tolerance, justice, and the dignity of the human person<br />

D. develops an ongoing personal relationship with God through prayer<br />

II. A contributing member of society who<br />

A. realizes her intrinsic value as an individual with the ability to make a difference<br />

B. volunteers her time and talents with others<br />

C. seeks out and serves in leadership roles in her school and community<br />

D. appreciates and respects her family, community, country, and the democratic<br />

process<br />

III. A self-directed life long learner who<br />

A. sets academic, social, and spiritual goals and implements a course of action<br />

to achieve them<br />

B. exhibits personal responsibility for actions and learning to her daily life<br />

C. explores the diversity of other peoples and cultures<br />

D. exhibits a passion for learning<br />

IV. A critical thinker who<br />

A. continually evaluates and adapts problem solving strategies<br />

B. effectively integrates, synthesizes and applies knowledge from a variety of<br />

disciplines<br />

C. connects learned academic skills to real life problem-solving<br />

D. knows how to find information and evaluate its validity<br />

V. An effective communicator who<br />

A. expresses ideas clearly and accurately using both oral and written<br />

means<br />

B. actively participates through careful listening and meaningful questioning<br />

C. develops patterns for organizing and analyzing information<br />

D. is able to respectfully dialogue with peers and faculty<br />

VI. A health conscious student who<br />

A. knows that proper nutrition, physical fitness, and hygiene are essential to<br />

health and life-long well-being<br />

B. exhibits the behavior and choices that lead to optimal physical and<br />

psychological health<br />

C. conducts herself in an ethical, socially responsible manner<br />

VII. An aesthetically conscious individual who<br />

A. develops an appreciation for a variety of artistic expression, i.e., music, visual<br />

arts, performing arts and literature<br />

B. engages in activities which develop an appreciation for culturally diverse forms<br />

of artistic expression<br />

C. expresses an awareness about the importance of the arts in all areas of the<br />

curriculun<br />

VIII. A technologically enabled student who<br />

A. is prepared to adapt to technological advances in society and the workplace<br />

B. applies knowledge of word processing, presentation software, and the internet<br />

to complete assignment and projects<br />

C. applies critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate information presented<br />

through various media outlets<br />


Grade 6<br />

Art<br />

Computer Science<br />

English<br />

Literature<br />

Mathematics<br />

Music<br />

Physical Education<br />

Fitness<br />

Nutrition<br />

Religious Studies<br />

The Old Testament<br />

Community Service<br />

Science<br />

Earth Science<br />

Social Studies<br />

Ancient History<br />

Grade 7<br />

CAMPUS LIFE <strong>AND</strong> TRADITION<br />


Maroon and white<br />

MASCOT<br />

The panda<br />

Art<br />

English/Literature<br />

Honors English/Literature<br />

Foreign Language<br />

Spanish I A<br />

Mathematics<br />

Honors Pre-Algebra<br />

Pre-Algebra<br />

Music<br />

Physical Education<br />

Fitness/Nutrition<br />

Religious Studies<br />

Scripture/Christian Moral Values<br />

Community Service<br />

Science/Technology<br />

Life Science<br />

Social Studies<br />

World History & Geography<br />

Grade 8<br />

Art<br />

English/Literature<br />

Honors English Literature<br />

Foreign Language<br />

Spanish I B<br />

Mathematics<br />

Honors Algebra I<br />

Algebra<br />

Physical Education<br />

Fitness/Nutrition<br />

Religious Studies<br />

Experiencing the Mysteries<br />

of God<br />

Community Service<br />

Science/Technology<br />

Physical Science<br />

Social Studies<br />

U.S. History<br />


In order to enrich the spiritual experience of the students, day-long retreats are scheduled<br />

for sixth, seventh and eighth graders.<br />


Special liturgies and prayer services are held throughout the year. Parents are always welcome.<br />

ORIENTATION <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>PARENTS</strong> OF NEW <strong>STUDENTS</strong><br />

At the beginning of the school year, an orientation evening is presented to welcome new<br />

parents and to give them an overview of school policies and calendared events.<br />


Each September, IHMS hosts a Back to School Night for parents. Individual teachers explain<br />

specific class requirements and expectations. Refreshments are served.<br />


An Open House is held in December for prospective students and their parents to acquaint<br />

them with the school and its programs.<br />

43 ♥

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