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COLLEGE APPLICANTS: Please enter the school code number on your application forms for SAT, PSAT or ACT examinations. School Code Number: 051625 In addition to completion of required courses, students must achieve an eligibility index number based on grades earned after the ninth grade combined with SAT or ACT scores. The index is different for each system; the University of California uses grades from classes in the prescribed course of studies only, while the California State University uses grades from all classes in the 10th and 11th grades except physical education. In recent years, the growing number of applications to the University of California has resulted in increased competition for admission, particularly to the most popular campuses. Students must be more than minimally eligible in order to be admitted to most University of California campuses. In the CSU system, the most popular majors are also more competitive; students must have stronger preparation, grades and test scores if they wish to be admitted to the more selective programs. It is important that both students and parents understand that “eligibility ” no longer means automatic “admissibility” in the public sector. THE CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES The California Community College system provides two-year programs for transfer students, those seeking terminal associate of arts degrees, and others seeking vocational or certification programs. The community colleges are located throughout the state, in over 120 communities; they are accessible to students who are either 18 years of age or high school graduates. There are no entrance requirements. PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES The private colleges and universities throughout the country admit students based on a review of their program of studies, grades, test scores and personal qualifications. Most private institutions require that students submit an essay with their applications and that recommendations be supplied by teachers and/or counselors TESTING PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL The entrance and placement examination administered to all applicants to Immaculate Heart measures the student’s level of achievement in verbal and quantitative reasoning and in the basic skills of reading, mathematics and language. PRELIMINARY SAT/NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP QUALIFYING TEST (PSAT/NMSQT) The PSAT/NMSQT is offered in October by the Education Testing Service (ETS) on behalf of the College Entrance Examination Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The Preliminary SAT is a two-hour version of the College Board SAT. It measures verbal and mathematical abilities important in college study. All sophomores and juniors are required to take the Preliminary SAT. Juniors may receive recognition and financial awards through scholarship programs administered by NMSC. SAT I This test is administered by the College Entrance Examination Board and is required for admission by over 800 colleges and universities. Students may take the test one or more times. The test is a three-hour objective exam designed to measure how well the student has developed the verbal and mathematical skills which are considered necessary for success in college. It is recommended that the students complete their testing by December of their senior year. SAT II These one-hour tests, administered by the College Entrance Examination Board, are given on the same days as the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. They are designed to measure the level of achievement in the following subjects: American history, European history, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics (Level I and Level II), English, French, Spanish and Latin, etc. Students may take from one to three tests at each sitting. AMERICAN COLLEGE TEST (ACT) About 950 colleges, universities and scholarship programs require or recommend that their prospective applicants take the ACT battery of tests. The first part of the exam is the student profile section, a series of questions about the student’s academic and vocational fields of interest, type of housing expected in college, extracurricular plans, anticipated financial needs in college, and types of part-time work preferred. The second portion consists of four tests—English, mathematics, social studies and natural sciences, averaging 45 minutes each. An overall average of the scores achieved provides an estimate of the student’s ability to succeed in college. SSD TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS Any student who requires classroom or testing accommodations due to a diagnosed learning disability must submit an educational assessment report from an educational psychologist, completed within the last five years, to her counselor. A specific recommendation for extended testing time must be included within that report for a student to receive extra time on examinations or standardized tests. Also a separate application for eligibility must be submitted by IHHS to Educational Testing Services/College Board for any sudent to receive accommodations on college entrance exams. IHHS follows ETS/College Board criteria and guidleines for such accommodations, and students must be in compliance with those requirements to receive extended time testing on any PSAT, SAT, AP or ACT exams, as well as on IHHS exams. Appropriate accomodations may not be made without proper documentation. Further information on this policy is available at www.collegeboard.com or www.ets.org (click on “Test Takers with Disabilities”) or from the IH test coordinator and the counselors. MAJOR SCHOLASTIC AWARDS AND HONORS Each year at Graduation, Immaculate Heart High School presents five major awards to outstanding seniors. THE MOTHER EUCHARIA AWARD The Mother Eucharia Award is given in the name of the late, beloved Mother Eucharia Harney, who served as Mother General of the Immaculate Heart Community, President of Immaculate Heart College and, for fifteen years, Principal of Immaculate Heart High School. It is awarded by the faculty to the senior who best demonstrates excellence in scholarship, effective leadership, commitment to service to the school community, and womanly refinement. THE MOTHER REGINA AWARD The Mother Regina Award is given to an outstanding senior, selected by her classmates, whose enthusiastic commitment to the school’s academic and extra curricular programs, whose positive leadership and whose genuine concern for the welfare of others have been most influential in unifying her class and helping each member to enjoy the fullness of the Immaculate Heart experience. THE RUTH ANNE MURRAY AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP The Ruth Anne Murray Leadership Award recognizes outstanding seniors who have consistently demonstrated their ability to exercise positive leadership and, in doing so, have worked for the good of the school and of the community. THE DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR AWARD The Distinguished Scholar Award is the highest award for academic excellence given at IHHS. The recipient of this award is the student who has achieved the highest grade-point average (based on academic course work ) during her four years at Immaculate Heart High School. THE IHHS ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION SERVICE AWARD The IHHS Alumnae Association Service Award honors the student who has consistently and generously given of her time and talents to Immaculate Heart. Through her commitment to service, she exemplifies the spirit of community which distinguishes the Immaculate Heart woman. ♥ 20 21 ♥

CALIFORNIA SCHOLARSHIP FEDERATION (CSF) SEALBEARERS The California Scholarship Federation is a statewide organization which honors tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade students with high scholastic achievement. The purpose of CSF is to give recognition for scholarship and service to those students who maintain an excellent grade point average. *CHRISTMAS PROGRAM WINTER FORMAL Students and faculty join together for a Christmas celebration highlighted by a traditional faculty skit and student council parody. All students and their escorts are invited to attend this formal dance which is held during the holiday season at a location off campus. Membership in the CSF is not automatic; applications must be submitted by the deadline date each semester. Membership is based on semester grades and the points these grades merit. An “A” is awarded three points; a “B” is awarded one point. To qualify for membership, a student taking six classes must earn at least 10 points. A “D” or an “F” disqualifies a student. Freshmen may apply for associate membership at the beginning of their second semester. To qualify for life membership (CSF Sealbearer), a student must have earned membership for four semesters during the sophomore, junior or senior years, with at least one semester of membership based on grades in the senior year. DEPARTMENT AWARDS Individual departments recognize outstanding performance and the general academic excellence of students in various department courses. These awards are presented on Academic Awards Night. TRADITIONS AND ACTIVITIES SCHOOL COLORS SCHOOL MASCOT SCHOOL SYMBOL *WELCOME DAY JOIN DAY RETREATS Blue and white The panda The heart This is a special day of celebration set aside to welcome all new students and faculty and to pray for a successful school year. During this colorful day, organizations and clubs on campus present their campaigns to recruit new members and to begin the year’s activities. Each class participates in a unique retreat experience. The freshmen and sophomores enjoy a “Day of Recollection” focusing on the spiritual themes of their religion classes. The juniors and seniors have overnight retreats concentrating on their relationship with God, themselves and others. RING CEREMONY MOTHER/DAUGHTER LUNCHEON *MARY’S DAY ALUMNAE REUNION AWARDS NIGHT PROM BACCALAUREATE *CLASS DAY GRADUATION ALMA MATER In a traditional ceremony, juniors are presented with their class rings. This springtime luncheon, sponsored by the Parent Council, features seniors as models of the latest fashions. Named after the most honored of all women, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, this special day celebrates in liturgy and special programs the theme of “woman.” The annual reunion for all alumnae takes place on the first Sunday of May, when graduates of all ages return to Immaculate Heart. Special arrangements are made for the five-year celebrating classes to gather together and renew old friendships. This is a special evening in the spring when faculty and parents acknowledge and celebrate the academic successes of students. Sponsored and planned by the junior class, this formal dance held in late spring, is attended by many juniors and seniors and their escorts. The traditional highlight of the evening is the honoring of the Prom Queen and her court. Members of the senior class and their parents come together for a special liturgy and reception on the Sunday before graduation. On this traditional day, the classes bid farewell to the seniors. Major senior awards and accomplishments are acknowledged. Wearing white gowns and carrying red roses, Immaculate Heart seniors graduate in formal ceremonies at the Hollywood Bowl in June. Raise on high your standard, Sing to Alma Mater. Immaculate Heart, we greet you, Every loyal daughter, We’ll lead you on to victory. Never will we fail. For the glory of the blue and white, Hail, our Alma Mater, Hail. *Attendance on these days is mandatory for all students because a major goal of each event is to create the spirit of community. Parents and alumnae are welcome; however; no other visitors are permitted to attend these events. COMMUNITY OUTREACH FATHER/DAUGHTER PICNIC GENESIAN PRODUCTIONS *10K WALK CELEBRATION OF CULTURES Throughout the year, the activites director, the classes and the clubs sponsor service projects open to all students. The Parent Council sponsors a weekend playday for students and their fathers or their “adopted dads.” Fun, food, games, prizes and dancing characterize the event. Fall and spring mark the times when the Genesian Players present two major dramatic or musical productions for guests and students. Students and faculty walk or jog 10 kilometers in a major fund raising effort for the school. Events and activities sponsored by the multicultural club, are scheduled throughout the year to help students come to an understanding and appreciation of their own cultural heritage and that of others. STUDENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM Immaculate Heart High School encourages students to participate in student activities as a way of fostering and promoting their leadership abilities and their talents in specific areas of interest. An activities director works with all student leaders and moderators to insure the overall success of this program. ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY Every student registered at IH is a member of the Associated Student Body (ASB). As a member of ASB, each student has the responsibility to function as a conscientious citizen by supporting worthwhile projects initiated by the student council, and by entering into the process of selecting qualified members of student government. ♥ 22 23 ♥


Please enter the school code<br />

number on your application<br />

forms for SAT, PSAT or<br />

ACT examinations.<br />

School Code Number:<br />

051625<br />

In addition to completion of required courses, students must achieve an eligibility index number<br />

based on grades earned after the ninth grade combined with SAT or ACT scores. The index is<br />

different for each system; the University of California uses grades from classes in the prescribed<br />

course of studies only, while the California State University uses grades from all classes in the 10th<br />

and 11th grades except physical education.<br />

In recent years, the growing number of applications to the University of California has resulted in<br />

increased competition for admission, particularly to the most popular campuses. Students must be<br />

more than minimally eligible in order to be admitted to most University of California campuses. In<br />

the CSU system, the most popular majors are also more competitive; students must have stronger<br />

preparation, grades and test scores if they wish to be admitted to the more selective programs. It is<br />

important that both students and parents understand that “eligibility ” no longer means automatic<br />

“admissibility” in the public sector.<br />


The California Community College system provides two-year programs for transfer students,<br />

those seeking terminal associate of arts degrees, and others seeking vocational or certification<br />

programs. The community colleges are located throughout the state, in over 120 communities;<br />

they are accessible to students who are either 18 years of age or high school graduates. There are<br />

no entrance requirements.<br />


The private colleges and universities throughout the country admit students based on a review of<br />

their program of studies, grades, test scores and personal qualifications. Most private institutions<br />

require that students submit an essay with their applications and that recommendations be<br />

supplied by teachers and/or counselors<br />


The entrance and placement examination administered to all applicants to <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong><br />

measures the student’s level of achievement in verbal and quantitative reasoning and in the basic<br />

skills of reading, mathematics and language.<br />



The PSAT/NMSQT is offered in October by the Education Testing Service (ETS) on behalf of<br />

the College Entrance Examination Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The<br />

Preliminary SAT is a two-hour version of the College Board SAT. It measures verbal and<br />

mathematical abilities important in college study.<br />

All sophomores and juniors are required to take the Preliminary SAT. Juniors may receive<br />

recognition and financial awards through scholarship programs administered by NMSC.<br />

SAT I<br />

This test is administered by the College Entrance Examination Board and is required for admission<br />

by over 800 colleges and universities. Students may take the test one or more times. The test is a<br />

three-hour objective exam designed to measure how well the student has developed the verbal<br />

and mathematical skills which are considered necessary for success in college. It is recommended<br />

that the students complete their testing by December of their senior year.<br />

SAT II<br />

These one-hour tests, administered by the College Entrance Examination Board, are given on the<br />

same days as the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. They are designed to measure the level of achievement<br />

in the following subjects: American history, European history, biology, chemistry, physics,<br />

mathematics (Level I and Level II), English, French, Spanish and Latin, etc. Students may take<br />

from one to three tests at each sitting.<br />


About 950 colleges, universities and scholarship programs require or recommend that their<br />

prospective applicants take the ACT battery of tests. The first part of the exam is the student<br />

profile section, a series of questions about the student’s academic and vocational fields of interest,<br />

type of housing expected in college, extracurricular plans, anticipated financial needs in college,<br />

and types of part-time work preferred. The second portion consists of four tests—English,<br />

mathematics, social studies and natural sciences, averaging 45 minutes each. An overall average<br />

of the scores achieved provides an estimate of the student’s ability to succeed in college.<br />


Any student who requires classroom or testing accommodations due to a diagnosed learning<br />

disability must submit an educational assessment report from an educational psychologist,<br />

completed within the last five years, to her counselor. A specific recommendation for extended<br />

testing time must be included within that report for a student to receive extra time on<br />

examinations or standardized tests. Also a separate application for eligibility must be submitted<br />

by IHHS to Educational Testing Services/College Board for any sudent to receive accommodations<br />

on college entrance exams.<br />

IHHS follows ETS/College Board criteria and guidleines for such accommodations, and students<br />

must be in compliance with those requirements to receive extended time testing on any PSAT,<br />

SAT, AP or ACT exams, as well as on IHHS exams. Appropriate accomodations may not be<br />

made without proper documentation. Further information on this policy is available at<br />

www.collegeboard.com or www.ets.org (click on “Test Takers with Disabilities”) or from<br />

the IH test coordinator and the counselors.<br />


Each year at Graduation, <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> High School presents five major awards to<br />

outstanding seniors.<br />


The Mother Eucharia Award is given in the name of the late, beloved Mother<br />

Eucharia Harney, who served as Mother General of the <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong><br />

Community, President of <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> College and, for fifteen years,<br />

Principal of <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> High School. It is awarded by the faculty to the<br />

senior who best demonstrates excellence in scholarship, effective leadership,<br />

commitment to service to the school community, and womanly refinement.<br />


The Mother Regina Award is given to an outstanding senior, selected by her<br />

classmates, whose enthusiastic commitment to the school’s academic and<br />

extra curricular programs, whose positive leadership and whose genuine<br />

concern for the welfare of others have been most influential in unifying her<br />

class and helping each member to enjoy the fullness of the <strong>Immaculate</strong><br />

<strong>Heart</strong> experience.<br />

THE RUTH ANNE MURRAY AWARD <strong>FOR</strong> OUTST<strong>AND</strong>ING LEADERSHIP<br />

The Ruth Anne Murray Leadership Award recognizes outstanding seniors who<br />

have consistently demonstrated their ability to exercise positive leadership and,<br />

in doing so, have worked for the good of the school and of the community.<br />


The Distinguished Scholar Award is the highest award for academic<br />

excellence given at IHHS. The recipient of this award is the student who has<br />

achieved the highest grade-point average (based on academic course work )<br />

during her four years at <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> High School.<br />


The IHHS Alumnae Association Service Award honors the student who has<br />

consistently and generously given of her time and talents to <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong>.<br />

Through her commitment to service, she exemplifies the spirit of community<br />

which distinguishes the <strong>Immaculate</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> woman.<br />

♥ 20<br />

21 ♥

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