Chs. 28-31 vocabulary

Chs. 28-31 vocabulary

Chs. 28-31 vocabulary


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Jane Eyre Vocabulary Definitions, Chapters <strong>28</strong>-<strong>31</strong><br />

Chapter <strong>28</strong><br />

filial (adj) – of, relating to , or befitting a son or daughter<br />

omnipotence (n) – the quality or state of being all-powerful<br />

omnipresence (n) – the quality or state of being present in all places at all times<br />

importune (v) – to urge or beg persistently; pester<br />

sordid (adj) – marked by baseness or grossness; dirty, squalid<br />

degradation (n) – the condition or process of lowering to a destitute or demoralized<br />

state<br />

eccentric (adj) – peculiar, bizarre<br />

vouchsafe (v) – to grant or furnish, often as a privilege or favor<br />

Chapter 29<br />

satiety (n) – the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity; fullness<br />

eradicate (v) – to do away with; exterminate<br />

destitute (adj) – suffering extreme poverty<br />

sundry (adj) – miscellaneous, various<br />

gentry (n) – upper or ruling class; aristocracy<br />

placid (adj) – pleasantly calm or peaceful<br />

remuneration (n) – money paid for work or a service<br />

culpability (n) – blameworthiness; a state of guilt<br />

torpor (n) – a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy<br />

acumen (n) – keenness and depth of perception; the ability to make good judgments<br />

and quick decisions

Chapter 30<br />

halcyon (adj) – calm, peaceful; happy, golden<br />

expostulate (v) – express strong disapproval or disagreement<br />

zeal (n) – fervor, passion; eager and ardent interest in the pursuit of something<br />

turbid (adj) – cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter<br />

menial (adj) – not requiring much skill and lacking prestige<br />

dissuade (v) – to advise (a person) against something<br />

pensive (adj) – suggestive of sad thoughtfulness<br />

Chapter <strong>31</strong><br />

austerity (n) – severity of manner; sternness<br />

inanition (n) – exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment<br />

emphatic (adj) – showing or giving emphasis; expressing something forcibly and clearly<br />

ruddy (adj) – having a healthy reddish color<br />

automaton (n) – an individual who acts in a mechanical fashion<br />

obstinate (adj) – stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or action, despite attempts<br />

to persuade one to do so<br />

inexorable (adj) – impossible to stop or prevent

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