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YESH LANU TAISH [yaysh lah-ong>noong>o TIE-eesh] (Israel) This dance, kong>noong>wn affectionately as "Yesh" [yaysh] is a traditional ong>childong>ren's musical game done by Jewish youngsters in Israel and North America. It resembles a Virginia Reel type dance, a form enjoyed in many cultures. ―Yesh‖ is a much-loved dance, popular with everyone. CD, DVD/video: Available on Sanna’s CD #1, Folk Dance Music for Kids & Teachers. The dance is taught on her DVD/video #1, Favorite Folk Dances of Kids & Teachers (red). Traditionally, ong>childong>ren sing as they dance, to a guitar or other accompaniment. Meter: 4/4 Formation: Partners facing in longways sets of 5 or 6 pairs (like Virginia Reel). It is ong>noong>t necessary that females and males dance together. INTRODUCTION: Partners join both hands and use hands to beat time to rhythm, singing: "Yesh, yesh, yesh-yesh-yesh-yesh" (count 1 and 2 and 1, 2, 3, 4, or ta, ta, ti-ti-ti-ti). Then all but top pair (closest to music) quickly back away from partner as top couple begins next figure. MUSIC A (verse of song): In 8 counts, top couple holds joined hands out to sides and slides (sidecloses) to bottom of set. (Lines 1 and 2 of song) In 8 counts, top couple returns to top of set. (Lines 3 and 4 of song) MUSIC B (singing yeh-la-la, la-la-la, etc.): Top couple casts off (turning away from each other) and skips or moves quickly (keep to beat!) to bottom, where they meet to form an arch. People in each line follow them by dancing up to the top of the set and casting off, in turn, to the bottom. Beginning with second couple, partners meet at arch and join hands to go through and up to the top of the set. Original top couple remains at bottom, so second couple is ong>noong>w at the top. Note: Sets may move at different speeds, so some might have to mark time by clapping, dancing in place, etc., until music begins again. The dance starts again with a new top pair. Variations: Traditionally, instead of sliding to bottom, dancers often use other movements-- skipping, jumping, hopping, slithering, strolling, etc. Also traditionally, when doing "Yesh" to singing and/or live music, sometimes one long line is formed instead of shorter sets, and everyone keeps singing or playing, "Yeh-la-la, la-la-la. . . ." until extended pattern is done. Yesh lanu taish l'taish yesh zakan v'lo arbah raglayim v'gam zanaf katan. We have a goat and the goat has a beard, and he has four legs, and he has a little tail. Yeh-la-la, la-la-la, la la-la-la la. . . . _________________________________________ PRESENTED BY SANNA LONGDEN. Notes by Sanna Longden © 2006.

Grade 3 Introduction TT5sON AT A GTANCT Movement5lillObie(liv€ t)€'ong>noong>nrt.rtc(om{x,l.n.c rn .l I{'i|.1 t,, J \trna,, 1,. ol .'n.t r, ,.,.,r r, , bloe5 ityte white pcrtooninq smalldrnnralr ge5turer X 4 Ddn.e st.ndard lf D,.m^r.\trdt- J., "rd, , i,, n,,J to a mustlatbeat Pht'i(il tdu(nrion Jlandard I Dcmonrrrdte l:ompet(,ncy rrr moror skitlr and nrovcmeni pnternj needed io rdofin a variety or plrysi:al aaUVtIres MATfRIATS . "Th. Croundhog Bkrer,, Tea.hcr's tdition, Cr. l, p. I22 Co 4 29, to . Pictur.i of groundhog5 NtCORDIN6 ROUNNT hrtro (8 m.); vocalA (16 m.); vocarB (8 m ); intedude (8 m.); vocalE (8 m.); (odd(t m.) I- Ptuprr" Background "Thp Croundhoq 8lu.t," a sor)g in swinq \tyl.. r, baspd on tlre l^gpnd dbur,r uruundtru! Dry. (hot! \ludcnt\d pi, l"rF of d rrJltrounritrort Oi,.u.\ llr^ C.oundhog Day legend_ Traditionall, in (otder climes, february 2 B the day to tell how much longer the winter will be_ ll it is a nrnny day and the groundhog (a furry rodent) emcrges frorn il5 burrow and secs it5 shadoW this fireans there wjll be six nrore wceks of winter. lf there i5 ong>noong> \rrdoow, spring will come early. ASK Do you think this ir true? Warm Up Play the recording ol "lhc Croondhog BlueJ,, CD,l-29 and ask students to 5nap their finqers on the otfbeat! ai they listen. This will Lctp them get rnto the qroovc ol the music. 2 Trt" Aetion formation Have studcnts stand betide pa ners In a dngle (lrde, facing center partne. on the riglrt is l, partner on thc ong>leftong> is 2. Studen8 move 10 thc dilterenl nlusic !e.tions as follows. llave them praclice the stcpr in i5otation, thcn put on the mu5ic and let them swin9. . Eart and rnrp, Srep fiqht fool ro riqlrr sirtc, rolr.h tdt foot nert to riqhl foot; 5tep le{t foot to tetl ,ide, rorlrh lqhl toor ncxt ro tett llrp .Ir thr lorjche, or of{ beils. Do t}ri, lh11rrIl 6 trnrlr! in a . . Irnd pdrtner5 takr 8 it!p Iorns in oppo\rte clrrecuo|n p.t(oer I tu r,lc) the figlrl in a full ((W (ircle partner 2 trrrn5 ro the l;{t in a,utl CW Lircle. Now they each turn in the other drrectron in 8,teps, and 5top to ta.e rhe parl ner In,a ringle cift je Onc partncr i, Iacinq (W re other (CW Wa99le hrnd\ whjle circlrng Vocal A . Mearuret I and 2 parlners jojn two han{15 and do 4 5tep (lorer toward lhc cer)ter . Menrurel 3 and 4_partncrs do 4 rt€p (lorel j away lrom ccnter. \ . Mearurer 5.nd 6-Repeathe g step closes. sAY Try moving in a btLrp.,y \tvt" by tc,rnilg d orr toward the djrection you are goinq . Mearurer 7 ind E_All turn away from panners In U 5tep5 to end facing aenter. partner I turnj to thc ong>leftong>, partner 2 to the rjght. . Mcarur€i 9 and l0_Ihrow both hands in the air (M)oor, point both rhumbs back ovrr own slroulders (Bo.t ro my /og), shade eyer wrtn holh lr.jnds dnd |.,rj r to tr{ e t,Jrtnp. . Mearurei ll and l2 loin two hands wurr parr ncr and repeat I step closes toward and then away from cente. tnd by facing center Vocal B . Ive got lhe groundhaq b/uej W.rlk to cente n 4 steps, wagqling hand\ . lL\ wintet ill co/dl_Stop, wrap arms around sel{, look in one direcrion aod shiver (it,r ryirlcr), repcat to other dne.tion (iL,s cotd!) . l've got rhe groundhog bft./er Walk bdcKwafo out ol center in 4 steps, waggling hands. . lt\ wittcr, it's cold! _jf'epeat the shivers. . I've 9oI lhe groundhog blues, it's winka, n \ co/d/-Walk to (enter as above, ,epeat shivers. . I've got the groundhag blues. Brrr! /\ll twn, wdqqlinq hdld), lor 8 \'enr. pdrtncr I rurn\ t^ thl. riqht, pdrrnc,, ro tJrp ong>leftong>. Lnd b) tJ( rn! partners with both hands toined. SAY On each repetition, make your shivers more dramatrc, saving a rcally biq shiver for the last Srrrl lnterlude . Partners repeathe side,.lo5e! into the c€nter andout, as inVocalArneasures I 4. Repcat. Vocal B (reprise) . Repedt the ntove rents abovc, walking inlo the center and lhiverirlg. On the final Brrrl do a reatty big shivcr. 3 Reflect Discussion ASK tlow would you describ€ the tect of thi, nruri(? Wa! it diffi(ult to keep the bcar att the way through the dance?

Grade 3<br />

Introducti<strong>on</strong><br />


Movement5lillObie(liv€ t)€'<str<strong>on</strong>g>no</str<strong>on</strong>g>nrt.rtc(om{x,l.n.c rn<br />

.l I{'i|.1 t,, J \trna,, 1,. ol .'n.t r, ,.,.,r r, ,<br />

bloe5 ityte white pcrto<strong>on</strong>inq smalldrnnralr<br />

ge5turer<br />

X 4 Ddn.e st.ndard lf D,.m^r.\trdt- J., "rd, , i,, n,,J<br />

to a mustlatbeat<br />

Pht'i(il tdu(nri<strong>on</strong> Jlandard I Dcm<strong>on</strong>rrrdte l:ompet(,ncy<br />

rrr m<strong>or</strong><strong>or</strong> skitlr and nrovcmeni pnternj<br />

needed io rdofin a variety <strong>or</strong> plrysi:al<br />

aaUVtIres<br />


. "Th. Croundhog Bkrer,,<br />

Tea.hcr's tditi<strong>on</strong>, Cr. l, p. I22<br />

Co 4 29, to<br />

. Pictur.i of groundhog5<br />


hrtro (8 m.); vocalA (16 m.); vocarB (8 m ); intedude<br />

(8 m.); vocalE (8 m.); (odd(t m.)<br />

I- Ptuprr"<br />

Background<br />

"Thp Croundhoq 8lu.t," a s<strong>or</strong>)g in swinq \tyl.. r,<br />

baspd <strong>on</strong> tlre l^gpnd dbur,r uruundtru! Dry. (hot!<br />

\ludcnt\d pi, l"rF of d rrJltrounritr<strong>or</strong>t Oi,.u.\ llr^<br />

C.oundhog Day legend_ Traditi<strong>on</strong>all, in (otder<br />

climes, february 2 B the day to tell how much<br />

l<strong>on</strong>ger the winter will be_ ll it is a nrnny day and<br />

the groundhog (a furry rodent) emcrges fr<strong>or</strong>n il5<br />

burrow and secs it5 shadoW t<strong>his</strong> fireans t<strong>her</strong>e wjll<br />

be six nr<strong>or</strong>e wceks of winter. lf t<strong>her</strong>e i5 <str<strong>on</strong>g>no</str<strong>on</strong>g> \rrdoow,<br />

spring will come early.<br />

ASK Do you think t<strong>his</strong> ir true?<br />

Warm Up<br />

Play the rec<strong>or</strong>ding ol "lhc Cro<strong>on</strong>dhog BlueJ,,<br />

CD,l-29 and ask students to 5nap their finqers <strong>on</strong><br />

the otfbeat! ai they listen. T<strong>his</strong> will Lctp them<br />

get rnto the qroovc ol the music.<br />

2 Trt" Aeti<strong>on</strong><br />

f<strong>or</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> Have studcnts stand betide pa ners In a<br />

dngle (lrde, facing center partne. <strong>on</strong> the riglrt is l,<br />

partner <strong>on</strong> thc <str<strong>on</strong>g>left</str<strong>on</strong>g> is 2.<br />

Studen8 move 10 thc dilterenl nlusic !e.ti<strong>on</strong>s as follows.<br />

llave them praclice the stcpr in i5otati<strong>on</strong>, thcn<br />

put <strong>on</strong> the mu5ic and let them swin9.<br />

. Eart and rnrp, Srep fiqht fool ro riqlrr sirtc,<br />

rolr.h tdt foot nert to riqhl foot; 5tep le{t foot<br />

to tetl ,ide, r<strong>or</strong>lrh lqhl to<strong>or</strong> ncxt ro tett llrp<br />

.Ir thr l<strong>or</strong>jche, <strong>or</strong> of{ beils. Do t}ri, lh11rrIl<br />

6 trnrlr! in a .<br />

. Irnd pdrtner5<br />

takr 8 it!p I<strong>or</strong>ns in oppo\rte<br />

clrrecuo|n p.t(oer I tu r,lc) the figlrl in a full<br />

((W (ircle partner 2 trrrn5 ro the l;{t in a,utl<br />

CW Lircle. Now they each turn in the ot<strong>her</strong><br />

drrectr<strong>on</strong> in 8,teps, and 5top to ta.e rhe parl<br />

ner In,a ringle cift je Onc partncr i, Iacinq (W<br />

re ot<strong>her</strong> (CW Wa99le hrnd\ whjle circlrng<br />

Vocal A<br />

. Mearuret I and 2 parlners jojn two han{15 and<br />

do 4 5tep (l<strong>or</strong>er toward lhc cer)ter<br />

. Menrurel 3 and 4_partncrs do 4 rt€p (l<strong>or</strong>el j<br />

away lrom ccnter. \<br />

. Mearurer 5.nd 6-Repeathe g step closes.<br />

sAY Try moving in a btLrp.,y \tvt" by tc,rnilg d <strong>or</strong>r<br />

toward the djrecti<strong>on</strong> you are goinq<br />

. Mearurer 7 ind E_All turn away from panners<br />

In U 5tep5 to end facing aenter. partner I turnj<br />

to thc <str<strong>on</strong>g>left</str<strong>on</strong>g>, partner 2 to the rjght.<br />

. Mcarur€i 9 and l0_Ihrow both hands in the air<br />

(M)o<strong>or</strong>, point both rhumbs back ovrr own<br />

slroulders (Bo.t ro my /og), shade eyer wrtn<br />

holh lr.jnds dnd |.,rj r to tr{ e t,Jrtnp.<br />

. Mearurei ll and l2 loin two hands wurr parr<br />

ncr and repeat I step closes toward and then<br />

away from cente. tnd by facing center<br />

Vocal B<br />

. Ive got lhe groundhaq b/uej W.rlk to cente n<br />

4 steps, wagqling hand\<br />

. lL\ wintet ill co/dl_Stop, wrap arms around<br />

sel{, look in <strong>on</strong>e direcri<strong>on</strong> aod shiver (it,r<br />

ryirlcr), repcat to ot<strong>her</strong> dne.ti<strong>on</strong> (iL,s cotd!)<br />

. l've got rhe groundhog bft./er Walk bdcKwafo<br />

out ol center in 4 steps, waggling hands.<br />

. lt\ wittcr, it's cold! _jf'epeat the shivers.<br />

. I've 9oI lhe groundhog blues, it's winka, n \<br />

co/d/-Walk to (enter as above, ,epeat shivers.<br />

. I've got the groundhag blues. Brrr! /\ll twn,<br />

wdqqlinq hdld), l<strong>or</strong> 8 \'enr. pdrtncr I rurn\ t^<br />

thl. riqht, pdrrnc,, ro tJrp <str<strong>on</strong>g>left</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Lnd b) tJ( rn!<br />

partners with both hands toined.<br />

SAY On each repetiti<strong>on</strong>, make your shivers m<strong>or</strong>e<br />

dramatrc, saving a rcally biq shiver f<strong>or</strong> the last Srrrl<br />

lnterlude<br />

. Partners repeathe side,.lo5e! into the c€nter<br />

andout, as inVocalArneasures I 4. Repcat.<br />

Vocal B (reprise)<br />

. Repedt the ntove rents abovc, walking inlo<br />

the center and lhiverirlg. On the final Brrrl do<br />

a reatty big shivcr.<br />

3 Reflect<br />

Discussi<strong>on</strong><br />

ASK tlow would you describ€ the tect of thi,<br />

nruri(? Wa! it diffi(ult to keep the bcar att the<br />

way through the dance?

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