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Economic Models and Algorithms for<br />

Grid Systems<br />


an der Fakultät für<br />

Wirtschaftswissenschaften<br />

der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

von<br />

Dr. Dirk Georg Neumann, M.A., Univ. Wisc.<br />

12 October 2007, Karlsruhe

Table of Contents<br />

Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________ i<br />


TOWARDS AN OPEN GRID MARKET _____________________________________________ 1<br />

1 Introduction ________________________________________________________ 2<br />

2 Definitions _________________________________________________________ 3<br />

2.1 Cluster ___________________________________________________________ 3<br />

2.2 Distributed Computing ______________________________________________ 4<br />

2.3 Grid Computing ___________________________________________________ 5<br />

2.4 Utility computing ___________________________________________________ 5<br />

3 Markets as the Business Model for Grid _________________________________ 6<br />

3.1 Pricing strategies ___________________________________________________ 6<br />

3.2 The need for Self-organization ________________________________________ 9<br />

4 Related Work ______________________________________________________ 10<br />

4.1 Market-based Grid systems _________________________________________ 10<br />

4.2 Markets are dead, long live markets __________________________________ 13<br />

5 An Architecture for Open Grid Markets ________________________________ 14<br />

5.1 Architecture Rationale _____________________________________________ 14<br />

5.2 Open Grid Market Architecture _____________________________________ 15<br />

5.2.1 Layer 1 – Core Market Services _____________________________________ 16<br />

5.2.2 Layer 2: Open Grid Market _________________________________________ 16<br />

5.2.3 Layer 3: Intelligent Tools __________________________________________ 17<br />

5.2.4 Layer 4: Grid Application __________________________________________ 18<br />

6 Organization of the book _____________________________________________ 18<br />

6.1 Market Mechanisms for Grid Systems ________________________________ 18<br />

6.1.1 Bridging the Adoption Gap – Developing a Roadmap for Trading in Grids ___ 18<br />

6.1.2 A Truthful Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling in Network-centric Grid OS ____ 19<br />

6.1.3 Economically Enhanced MOSIX for Market-based Scheduling in Grid OS ___ 20<br />

6.1.4 GreedEx – A Scalable Clearing Mechanism for Utility Computing __________ 20<br />

6.1.5 Market-Based Pricing in Grids: On Strategic Manipulation and Computational<br />

Cost ___________________________________________________________ 21<br />

6.1.6 Trading grid services – a multi-attribute combinatorial approach ___________ 21<br />


6.1.7 A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun N1<br />

Grid Engine _____________________________________________________ 22<br />

6.1.8 Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service<br />

Applications ____________________________________________________ 22<br />

6.2 Economic Component Design _______________________________________ 22<br />

6.2.1 Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management – Policy-based Automated Bidding _<br />

_______________________________________________________________ 22<br />

6.2.2 A Decentralized Online Grid Market – Best Myopic vs. Rational Response ___ 23<br />

6.2.3 Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities _ 23<br />

6.2.4 Situated Decision Support for Managing Service Level Agreement Negotiations _<br />

_______________________________________________________________ 24<br />

6.2.5 Using k-pricing for Penalty Calculation in Grid Market ___________________ 24<br />

6.2.6 Rightsizing of Incentives for collaborative e-Science Grid Applications with TES<br />

_______________________________________________________________ 24<br />

6.3 Design Issues and Extensions ________________________________________ 25<br />

6.3.1 Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction – A Cryptographic Approach _________ 25<br />

6.3.2 Technology Assessment and Comparison: The Case of Auction and E-negotiation<br />

Systems ________________________________________________________ 25<br />

6.3.3 Comparing Ingress and Egress Detection to Secure – Inter-domain Routing: An<br />

Experimental Analysis ____________________________________________ 26<br />

6.3.4 A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in Micro-CHP Grids __________ 26<br />

7 Conclusion and Outlook on Future Research ____________________________ 27<br />

7.1 Concluding remarks _______________________________________________ 27<br />

7.2 Outlook __________________________________________________________ 28<br />

Bibliography ______________________________________________________________ 30<br />

Part B: Articles<br />

Article: “Bridging the Adoption Gap – Developing a Roadmap for Trading in Grids” 34<br />

Article: “A Truthful Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling in Network-centric Grid OS” _ 54<br />

Article:“Economically Enhanced MOSIX for Market-based Scheduling in Grid OS” _ 66<br />

Article:“GreedEx – A Scalable Clearing Mechanism for Utility Computing ________ 74<br />

Article:“ Market-Based Pricing in Grids: On Strategic Manipulation and<br />

Computational Cost” _______________________________________________ 95<br />

Article:“Trading grid services – a multi-attribute combinatorial approach ________ 125<br />

Article:“A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun<br />

N1 Grid Engine” __________________________________________________ 154<br />

Article:“Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service<br />

Applications” ____________________________________________________ 164<br />


Article:“Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management – Policy-based Automated<br />

Bidding” ________________________________________________________ 172<br />

Article:“A Decentralized Online Grid Market – Best Myopic vs. Rational Response” 180<br />

Article:“Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities” _<br />

_________________________________________________________________ 91<br />

Article:“Situated Decision Support for Managing Service Level Agreement<br />

Negotiations” _____________________________________________________ 205<br />

Article:“Using k-pricing for Penalty Calculation in Grid Market” _______________ 214<br />

Article:“Rightsizing of Incentives for collaborative e-Science Grid Applications with<br />

TES” ___________________________________________________________ 224<br />

Article:“Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction – A Cryptographic Approach” _____ 235<br />

Article:“Technology Assessment and Comparison: The Case of Auction and E-<br />

negotiation Systems” ______________________________________________ 244<br />

Article:“ Comparing Ingress and Egress Detection to Secure – Inter-domain Routing:<br />

An Experimental Analysis _________________________________________ 284<br />

Article:“A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in Micro-CHP Grids ________ 307<br />

Lebenslauf ______________________________________________________________ 317<br />

Schriftenverzeichnis ______________________________________________________ 327<br />


Part A<br />

Overview Article<br />

Towards an Open Grid Market<br />



Dirk Neumann<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and<br />

Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

neumann@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

1 Introduction<br />

During the last years, the costs for ICT infrastructures have enormously exploded as a result<br />

of „one-application-one-platform“ style of deployment. This has left most of the ICT infrastructures<br />

with extremely low system utilization and wasted resources (Carr 2005). Examples<br />

can be drawn from virtually all sources: One recent study of six corporate data centers reported<br />

that the bulk of their 1000 servers just utilized 10% to 35% of their available<br />

processing power (Andrzejak, Arlitt et al. 2002). IBM estimated the average capacity utilization<br />

rates of desktop computers to just 5% (Berstis 2002). The Gartner Group indicates that<br />

between 50% and 60% of a typical company’s data storage capacity is wasted (Gomolski<br />

2003). Overcapacity can not only be observed with respect to hardware, but also to software<br />

applications. In essence, highly-scalable applications can serve additional users at almost no<br />

incremental costs – hence red<strong>und</strong>ant installations of the same application create unnecessary<br />

costs (Carr 2003; Carr 2005).<br />

In recent times, ICT is <strong>und</strong>ergoing an inevitable shift from being an asset that companies<br />

posses (e.g. computers, software) to being a service that companies purchase from designated<br />

utility providers. This shift will take years to fully unfold, but the technical building blocks<br />

have already begun to take shape. On the coat tail of this shift, the business model of utility<br />

computing or equivalently e-Business on-demand is more and more emerging.<br />

Utility computing denotes the service provisioning model, in which a service provider makes<br />

computing resources and infrastructure <strong>management</strong> available to the customer as needed, and<br />

charges them based on usage. This new business model relying on service-oriented architectures<br />

contributes to driving down costs – resulting from low system utilization and waste –<br />

and complexity by plug & play service provisioning in the ICT infrastructure.<br />

Typically, two general pricing models for utility computing are identified. The first pricing<br />

model is the subscription model. Accordingly, users are charged on a periodic basis to subscribe<br />

to a service. The second pricing model is the metered model, where users are charged<br />

on the basis of actual usage. While the first model gives rise to a waste of resources, since<br />

charging is independent of usage, the second, the metered model, is ultimately deemed the<br />

promising to remove the waste of resources (Rappa 2004).<br />

From the user’s point of view, the metering of usage can be compelling, as “one pays for<br />

what one uses”. For the service provider the metered model is appealing, as it offers an opportunity<br />

to sell idle or unused computer capacity. The metered model, however, is not without<br />

problems per-se: It has to be determined, which price is charged from a customer, when<br />

the meter is turned on (Rappa 2004). The price is essential, as it determines the incentive for<br />

resource owners to provide them as well as for consumers to demand them. If the price is too<br />

high, not all the offered resources are demanded contributing to idle resources. If the converse<br />

is true, not all tasks can be realized as the resource provision is too low, which is equally bad.<br />


In general, market-based approaches are considered to work well for price determination. By<br />

assigning a value (also called utility) to their service requests, users can reveal their relative<br />

urgency or costs to the service (Buyya, Abramson et al. 2004; Irwin, Grit et al. 2004). Despite<br />

their theoretically excellent properties only few market-based approaches have become operational<br />

systems, let alone commercial. The reason for this lack of market-based operational<br />

systems stems from the fact that many questions arise particularly concerning the applicability<br />

of markets, and their relevance to system design.<br />

This book strives for bridging this gap by providing economic models and algorithms for Grid<br />

systems in general, and for utility computing in particular. It is argued that those economic<br />

models and algorithms supporting technical Grid infrastructures may result in a widespread<br />

usage of utility computing. The results reported in this book have been generated within the<br />

EU f<strong>und</strong>ed project “Self-organizing ICT resource <strong>management</strong>” (SORMA) 1 . While the<br />

project is mainly focused on the technical implementation aspects, this book is devoted to the<br />

<strong>und</strong>erlying economic principles.<br />

This introductory chapter primarily aims at providing a common backgro<strong>und</strong> for <strong>und</strong>erstanding<br />

the selected papers of this book. Moreover, the paper promotes the idea of an open Grid<br />

market, which defines a blueprint for how to construct Grid markets. This blueprint follows a<br />

component-based architecture with well-defined interfaces between the different components.<br />

Most of the components embody economic models and algorithms. This paper introduces the<br />

architecture of an Open Grid Market and describes how the following papers fit into this architecture.<br />

The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows. Firstly, important definitions are introduced<br />

that are commonly used throughout the book (2.1). Secondly, it is motivated why markets<br />

are deemed promising for Grid computing (2.2). Thirdly, related approaches are described;<br />

it is analyzed why those approaches never made it into practice (2.3). Fourthly, the<br />

architecture of an Open Grid Market is proposed, which improves over related approaches<br />

(2.4). Lastly, the structure of the book is illustrated by referring to the overall Open Grid Market<br />

Architecture (2.5).<br />

2 Definitions<br />

The terms cluster, distributed computing, Grid computing and utility computing are often used<br />

as synonyms. Although these terms denote related terms, they impose different requirements<br />

upon both the technical infrastructure as well as on the <strong>und</strong>erlying economic models. In the<br />

following we will define those four concepts, point out their differences and give examples.<br />

2.1 Cluster<br />

A cluster denotes a group of tightly coupled resources that work together on a common problem.<br />

The resources(e.g. computers consisting of memory and computation power) are homogeneous,<br />

which are typically connected via local area networks (Buyya 1999). As all parts of<br />

a cluster are working on a common problem they can be viewed as a single entity. Clusters<br />

can be distinguished into three types:<br />

• Failover clusters<br />

Failover clusters aim at improving the availability of services that the cluster performs.<br />

This implies that they maintain red<strong>und</strong>ant nodes, which can be used once components<br />

of the cluster fail to provide the service (Marcus and Stern 2000). Failover clusters are<br />

frequently used for important databases, business applications, and e-commerce websites.<br />

1 (http://www.sorma-project.eu/)<br />


Examples of failover cluster solutions are Linux-HA (High-Availability Linux), Sun-<br />

Cluster, or Microsoft Cluster Server.<br />

• Load-balancing clusters<br />

Load-balancing clusters distribute the workload to a set of computers or servers to<br />

achieve a balanced workload over all nodes of the cluster (Kopparapu 2002). Albeit<br />

those clusters are specialized in load balancing, in many cases they embed failover<br />

properties as well; those clusters are dubbed server farm. Professional load balancers<br />

are the Sun Grid Engine N1, Maui and MOSIX (Barak, Shiloh et al. 2005) and are typically<br />

used as back-ends for high traffic websites such as Wikipedia, Online-shops or<br />

marketplaces.<br />

• High-performance computing clusters<br />

High-performance computing clusters are those clusters that aim at increasing the performance<br />

by exploiting parallelism achieved through splitting a computationally demanding<br />

task into several subtasks. Examples for state-of-the-art high-performance<br />

computing solutions are so-called Beowulf clusters (Bell and Gray 2002). Almost all<br />

supercomputers are clusters. For instance the largest super computer of the world, the<br />

BlueGene/L at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California is devoted to high<br />

performance computing. It consists of 131072 processors attaining performance of<br />

more than 367 TFLOPS 2 at its peak. The investment costs for BlueGene/L were quite<br />

enormous exceeding $ 290 million.<br />

2.2 Distributed Computing<br />

Another computing model is referred to as distributed computing. In essence, it denotes a method<br />

of computer processing, where parts of the program are parallelized on different machines.<br />

Different to clusters, the involved resources are typically heterogeneous. In addition<br />

the resources are only loosely coupled for example over the internet. Distributed computing is<br />

characterized by the fact that there exists a central <strong>management</strong> component, which divides the<br />

program into smaller pieces and distributes those to the connected machines. The central<br />

<strong>management</strong> component thereby considers the heterogeneous resources when processing the<br />

distribution job.<br />

The most prominent example of distributed computing is SETI@home developed by the University<br />

of California at Berkeley. It is essentially a model of voluntary computing. End users<br />

can donate their idle computation time of their home PC to the search for extraterrestrial life.<br />

Subsequently, the results of the many PCs are automatically reported back and reassembled<br />

into a larger solution (Werthimer, Cobb et al. 2001). SETI currently combines more than<br />

1,594,396 active users from more than 208 different countries. The impact SETI has is quite<br />

enormous totaling average performance of 261 TFLOPS and up to 500 TFLOPS in its peak<br />

exceeding the performance of the largest supercomputer in the world. SETI has become the<br />

pioneer in voluntary computing – the BOINC framework is an open source software platform<br />

that is used for other distributed computing projects such as Folding@home and Cancer Research<br />

Project<br />

The advantages of distributed computing are impressive, as processor performances of supercomputers<br />

can be reached free of charge, just by utilizing otherwise idle resources. The potential<br />

of voluntary computing is huge, taking into consideration that home PCs are only utilized<br />

by 5 % of the time. Having in mind that investment costs accounts only for 20 % of the total<br />

cost of ownership leaving 80 % for administration, the computation achieved by the<br />

2 TFLOPS stands for Terra FLOPS, where FLOPS (floating point operations per second) denote a performance<br />

metric for processors.<br />


SETI@project would incur total cost of ownership of more than $ 1,450 million, which pertains<br />

to the BlueGene/L supercomputer.<br />

2.3 Grid Computing<br />

The term Grid computing was initially introduced by Foster and Kesselman in 1998. Accordingly<br />

a grid denotes “a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable,<br />

consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities” (Foster<br />

and Kesselman 1998). Later on Foster refined this definition as “direct access to computers,<br />

software, data, and other resources, as is required by a range of collaborative problemsolving<br />

and resource-brokering strategies emerging in industry, science, and engineering”<br />

(Foster and Kesselman 1998).<br />

Obviously, the concept of Grid computing is very related to distributed computing. Both<br />

computing models involve heterogeneous resources that are loosely coupled. Typically organizational<br />

bo<strong>und</strong>aries are crossed. Different to distributed computing, Grid computing relies<br />

on distributed <strong>management</strong>. A key advantage of Grid systems is their ability to pool together<br />

resources, including both computational resources as well as hard- and software, that can then<br />

be shared among Grid users (Alkadi and Alkadi 2006; Knight 2006). This sharing has major<br />

ramifications for the efficiency of resources, as it<br />

• allows increased throughput because of statistical multiplexing and the fact that users<br />

have a different utilization pattern.<br />

• lowers delay because applications can store data close to potential users<br />

• offers greater reliability because of red<strong>und</strong>ancy in hosts and network connections<br />

All of this results in lower costs than comparable private system (Lai, Huberman et al. 2004).<br />

An example for the potentials of Grid computing offering is Novartis. For their research and<br />

development activities in creating new drugs, they connected their PCs within all branches of<br />

the company. Over night up to 2700 computers were used as number crunching machines.<br />

According to their press releases, the Grid helped reducing projects scheduled on a single supercomputer<br />

for six years to a total run time of 12 hours. Including the productivity gains Novartis<br />

claimed Grid computing to be responsible for savings up to $ 200 million over three<br />

years.<br />

2.4 Utility computing<br />

Utility computing 3 differs from the previous three concepts, as it does not denote an additional<br />

computing model, but a business model on top of Grid computing. More precisely, utility<br />

computing refers to offering a b<strong>und</strong>le of resources (e.g. computation, and storage) as a metered<br />

service. Comparable with a utility (such as electricity, water or gas) the user is unaware<br />

about where the resources are coming from. Hence, utility computing can be <strong>und</strong>erstood as<br />

the on-demand delivery of infrastructure, applications, and business processes in a securityrich,<br />

shared, scalable, and standards-based computer environment over the Internet for a fee.<br />

Customers will tap into IT resources and pay for them (Rappa 2004)]. Utility computing provides<br />

companies with the advantage of low investment costs to acquire hardware, as resources<br />

can be rented. As the terms utility computing and Grid computing is closely related, we will<br />

use them as synonyms throughout the remainder of the book.<br />

The most prominent example of utility computing is Sun’s platform network.com<br />

(http://www.network.com/). Network.com makes use of Grid computing technologies and<br />

offers computational resources for a fix price of $1 per CPU hour. Although utility computing<br />

has the potential to mark “the end of corporate computing” as Nicholas Carr terms it (Carr<br />

3 Synonyms are cloud computing or on-demand computing.<br />


2005), neither Sun’s network.com nor any other utility computing initiative has succeed to<br />

exploit the potential. Currently, Sun has had only one single customer, Virtual Computing<br />

Company (VCC) that bought over 1 million CPU hours from Sun. It is a well known fact that<br />

VCC paid a price way less than $1 per CPU hour. Rumors are aro<strong>und</strong> that Sun has bought<br />

VCC for marketing purposes. These rumors are to some extent confirmed by the fact that<br />

VCC also heavily invested in the build up of their own infrastructure, which is said to exceed<br />

the 1 million CPU hours by far.<br />

The reasons why utility computing has not yet taken off are manifold. Legal problems are<br />

among the most severe. For instance network.com conducts all computations within the USA.<br />

Requests from other countries could not be accepted due to the absence of legally binding<br />

contracts. Sun has now remedied this shortcoming, allowing users from over 25 countries to<br />

use network.com on-demand. Other shortcomings address the fact that $1 per CPU hour is too<br />

expensive. $1 was merely set by Sun as a marketing message that can be easily communicated.<br />

According to Sun officials, the margin for CPU hours is not yet skimmed off. Apparently<br />

$1 per CPU hour establishes the break-even point for Sun if their infrastructures are utilized<br />

by 30%. Amazon offers their idle CPU hours for 10 cents per CPU hour (Butler 2006).<br />

In their fee structure they also include a fraction for bandwidth usage, which adds to the 10<br />

cents.<br />

3 Markets as the Business Model for Grid<br />

The need for computational resources from industry – especially in the automotive or pharmaceutical<br />

area – is tremendous, but current providers are struggling to accommodate this<br />

need. It seems that the fix prices are still too high. Throughout this book it is argued that viable<br />

business models are missing for Grid computing. This hypothesis is in line with the<br />

“Forrester Research of Grid Computing” The451Group (Fellows, Wallage et al. 2007). Markets<br />

are known to work effectively in allocating resources (who gets which resources and<br />

when?), especially in cases where the resources are <strong>und</strong>er decentralized control, users and<br />

providers are selfish, and where demand and supply are fluctuating. This ability of markets is<br />

gained by establishing dynamic prices that reflect demand and supply situations. Hence markets<br />

seem to be the adequate model to determine accurate prices (which are unknown right<br />

now) for the users and providers to be acceptable. In addition, price signals help to identify<br />

priorities in the requests (Neumann, Holtmann et al. 2006).<br />

3.1 Pricing strategies<br />

In the following, it is explored what kind of pricing strategies are deemed promising for a use<br />

in Grid computing. As in any distributed system, a key problem to sharing resources is find a<br />

suitable allocation (i.e. who gets what?). Resource allocation is not a problem, if sufficient<br />

resources are available. Once, demand exceeds supply this becomes more problematic, as a<br />

scheduling unit in the Grid must decide, which demand will be supplied with the given resource<br />

endowment. Nowadays, resource allocation increasingly becomes an issue, because<br />

resource demands of data mining applications, scientific computing, rendering programs, and<br />

Internet services have kept pace with hardware improvements (Cherkasova, Gupta et al.<br />

2007). This is expected to further increase.<br />

Traditionally, Grid systems address the resource allocation problem with naïve heuristics<br />

(e.g., first-in first out) or with more complex idiosyncratic cost functions (e.g. throughput<br />

maximization) (Buyya, Stockinger et al. 2001; Buyya, Abramson et al. 2004).<br />

Today's schedulers have recognized the need of expressing values by providing a combination<br />

of approaches including user priority, weighted proportional sharing, and service level agreements<br />

that set upper and lower bo<strong>und</strong>s on the resources available to each user or group (Irwin,<br />

Grit et al. 2004; LSF 2005; Sun 2005).<br />


One example will show why value-oriented algorithms are needed. Suppose SME Integrated<br />

Systems needs to submit the accounting statement in time in order to avoid a huge fine. Nonetheless,<br />

Integrated Systems resource request cannot be computed right away, as the resources<br />

are blocked by a big rendering job by corporation MovieRender. MovieRender needs the results<br />

of the rendering in two weeks and is indifferent whether this rendering job is computed<br />

now or the next week. The resource allocation should (re)allocate resources to Integrated Systems<br />

which needs them urgently reducing the allocation to MovieRender, as long as the delay<br />

does not change MovieRender value (i.e. the job is conducted within the given timeframe).<br />

Proportional Share is an example of such a scheduling mechanism. In essence, Proportional<br />

Share attaches to any user a weight. The resources allocated to the users depend on their<br />

weighted shares. For example, if there are two users Integrated Systems and MovieRender,<br />

where Integrated Systems has a weight of 1 and MovieRender of 2, Integrated Systems is allocated<br />

1/3 of the resources, leaving 2/3 to MovieRender. This is effective, if MovieRender always<br />

performs more valuable computations than Integrated Systems. In our example, Integrated<br />

Systems clearly has suddenly a higher valuation and MovieRender has a low valuation.<br />

This is rather common, as the arrival process of important work is highly bursty (similar to a<br />

web-, email-, file server) (Lai 2005). As a consequence, the situation would be efficient, if<br />

MovieRender announces that his job is not time-critical and reduces its weight, while Integrated<br />

Systems increases her weight correspondingly. But, if MovieRender’s rendering creates<br />

a small value, then there is no incentive for MovieRender to lower his value, since it would<br />

reduce its own value without compensation.<br />

In other words, maximizing the utility (i.e. the sum of valuations) is possible only if the scheduler<br />

knows the attached valuations, or as in the case of Proportional Share, the exact relative<br />

weights. However, as in the example MovieRender has no incentive to reduce its weight,<br />

when it looses value by not getting its computation done. This is a common phenomenon in<br />

Economics, known as the “Tragedy of the Commons”, which states that the utility maximizing<br />

behavior of the clients results in an overall inefficient solution (Hardin 1968).<br />

Value-oriented approaches are, hence, not sufficient per se, to achieve an efficient solution.<br />

Only if all participants are willing to report their priorities and values honestly, these algorithms<br />

such as Proportional Share will work well. As the example shows, in most cases there<br />

will be no incentive for the participants, who act strategically in order to maximize their utility.<br />

One way to prevent strategic misrepresentation of the weights would be to install a system<br />

administrator that monitors the system and dynamically changes the weights of the users to<br />

maintain high efficiency. Even inside organizational units this is expensive and extremely<br />

error-prone. Once organizational bo<strong>und</strong>aries are crossed, such a system-wide monitoring is<br />

politically almost impossible to achieve. This is where markets enter the discussion.<br />

Markets have the ability to set the right incentives for users to reveal their true valuation as<br />

well as for resource owners to provide those resources that are scarcest in the Grid. By the<br />

dynamic adjustment of the prices, markets can react to the ever changing conditions of resource<br />

demand supply. This flexibility is one major advantage against long-term heuristics<br />

like Proportional Share.<br />

Proportional Share typically determines the proportional value for a longer period, say a week<br />

or a month. Obviously, Proportional Share does neither set the incentive to shift usage from a<br />

high demand resource to a low demand resource, nor does it reward shifting usage from a<br />

high demand period into a low demand period. For instance, the system as a whole may have<br />

high demand for a certain number of CPUs and low demand for memory. Since those resources<br />

are typically allocated separately, there will be no incentive in the system to substitute<br />

CPUs by memory (Sullivan and Seltzer 2000; Lai 2005).<br />


With the introduction of prices, incentives will be given to the users to substitute the scarce<br />

resource (e.g. number of CPUs) with less scarce resource (memory). For instance, a fixed<br />

pricing scheme which requests 10 € for one CPU and 1 € per Gigabyte of memory, sets incentives<br />

to reduce the number of used CPUs in favor of the cheaper memory. A fixed pricing<br />

scheme, however, is not enough to achieve an efficient allocation, as the following consideration<br />

will reveal:<br />

Suppose the fixed price is as in Figure 1 (c.f. Lai 2005). Demand changes over time – this will<br />

be depicted by the parabola – without loss of generality the costs of supplying resources are<br />

assumed to be zero. If demand is below the fixed-price (left end of the graph), no resource<br />

will be requested. This is because the value for the resource, represented by the demand curve<br />

is below the price. In our example, neither Integrated Systems nor MovieRender would buy<br />

the resources as they are too expensive. As a consequence, there is a loss of utility, which is<br />

denoted by the area below the demand curve. In the middle part of the Graph there are could<br />

be more buyers willing to pay the fixed price, as their demand exceeds the price. For instance<br />

both Integrated Systems and MovieRender have a valuation higher than the fixed price. If the<br />

seller allocates the resource efficiently to the user who values the resource most (Integrated<br />

Systems in our example), there will be unrealized profit for the seller indicated by the striped<br />

gray area, which refers to the difference between the demand curve and the fixed price.<br />

Figure 1: Fixed Pricing (Lai 2005)<br />

Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for the seller to find the user with the highest resource.<br />

In many cases, the buyer receiving the allocation is someone who is below the highest valuation.<br />

This is shown in the right part of Figure 1, where some user with inferior valuation (MovieRender<br />

in our case) receives the allocation. The difference between the demand curve of<br />

the highest valued user and the one who receives the allocation marks the efficiency loss or in<br />

other words waste. A market mechanism has the ability to set the prices in a way that most, if<br />

not the entire utility <strong>und</strong>er the demand curve can be realized; resulting in an efficient allocation,<br />

where a system designer cannot extract more utility. The gist of a market is to couple<br />

price discovery with the valuations of the users, which are expressed in the form of bids.<br />

For instance, in our example Integrated Systems would submit a bid with a high valuation to<br />

the Grid Market, reflecting the high demand for resources. MovieRender would only mod-<br />


erately bid for resources, since it does not matter whether the job is conducted now or at a<br />

later time. For Integrated Systems, it is inadvisable to submit a bid lower than its valuation,<br />

since this would lower the probability of winning. Conversely, bidding higher than the valuation<br />

would create the risk of paying more than the job is worth. For MovieRender, the same is<br />

true. As a result of the market mechanism, Integrated Systems receives the resources and pays<br />

a moderate price.<br />

3.2 The need for Self-organization<br />

In summary, markets in Grids represent a business model for the resource owners, as a way to<br />

get money for their resource provision. On the other hand, markets are adequate way to determine<br />

the most efficient allocation making the Grid attractive for users.<br />

Suppose Integrated Systems needs more than one resource for the completion of the accounting<br />

statement, say CPU cycles and memory. Then Integrated Systems needs to formulate bids<br />

for both resources. If the resource demand is varying over time, Integrated Systems would<br />

have to adjust the bids frequently.<br />

For long-term contracts, manual discovery of the bids, appears to be reasonable, it is ineffective<br />

if low-value bids must be frequently submitted. Especially, if the resources are purchased<br />

on-demand, manual bid formulation is too slow and creates too many transaction costs. To<br />

reduce overhead, it is advisable to automate the bidding process. If the automated bid generator<br />

is coupled with the ICT infrastructure and possesses business knowledge on how to submit<br />

bids, the entire bidding process can be virtualized.<br />

Once the bidding process is virtualized, the ICT system of an organization will self-organize<br />

its resource <strong>management</strong>. Overcapacity will be provided over the market while <strong>und</strong>ercapacity<br />

initiates a buying process. The idea of the self-organizing resource <strong>management</strong> in depicted in<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Supply<br />

Demand<br />

Supply<br />

Situation<br />

Information<br />

Policies<br />

Bidding<br />

Agent<br />

Bids<br />

Open<br />

Grid<br />

Market<br />

Bids<br />

Bidding<br />

Agent<br />

Information<br />

Policies<br />

Demand<br />

Situation<br />

Agreements<br />

Agreements<br />

Resource<br />

Owner A<br />

Resource Provision<br />

Payment<br />

User I<br />

Figure 2: Self-organizing Resource Management<br />

Depending on the current demand for resources created by the Grid application, the bidding<br />

agent of the users autonomously defines bids on the basis of user-specific policies. The bids<br />

are submitted to the Open Grid Market. Likewise, on the resource owner side, the bidding<br />

agents publish automatically available resources based on the policies. The Open Grid Market<br />

matches requesting and offering bids and executes them against each other. The allocations<br />

are formulated in agreements (or contracts). The fulfillment of the agreements will be automatically<br />

executed, while the Grid middleware is responsible for the resource provisioning<br />

and the payment system (such as PayPal) for the monetary transfer of f<strong>und</strong>s. Thus, to be effective,<br />

any Grid Market system needs to be composed of three components:<br />

• An Open Grid Market, which determines the allocation in an efficient way and offers in<br />

addition complementary market services. Openness is widely defined and refers to the<br />


participants (i.e. all participants are potentially admitted to the market) and to the communication<br />

protocols, so that the market can be accessed by any kind of middleware<br />

system.<br />

• Economic Grid Middleware, which extends common virtualization middleware (e.g.<br />

Globus, GRIA, UNICORE, gLite, VMWare, Xen) in a way that the allocations determined<br />

by the Open Grid Market can be deployed.<br />

• Intelligent Tools, which automate the bidding process.<br />

Any reasonable effort in establishing Grid markets ultimately need to involve all three components,<br />

as these are prerequisite for full automation of the market process (Neumann 2006).<br />

4 Related Work<br />

Since the 60s researchers have motivated the use of markets as a means to cope with those<br />

incentival problems in distributed computing. The first attempt has been made with auctioning<br />

off time slots of the Harvard supercomputer (Sutherland 1968). While this primer was purely<br />

paper-based and restricted to one single computer, subsequent proposals and prototypes offered<br />

automated trading in distributed environments. Despite the fact that the idea of using<br />

markets in distributed computing is not new, no implementation has made it into practice.<br />

4.1 Market-based Grid systems<br />

In the following the most significant efforts will be compiled. Essentially, there are several<br />

ways to classify market-based distributed computing environments. This section will use a<br />

classification along the lines of Buyya et al and will sketch the related work (Buyya, Stockinger<br />

et al. 2001; Yeo and Buyya 2004). The <strong>und</strong>erlying taxonomy is structured aro<strong>und</strong> the<br />

market mechanisms, which are incorporated in the distributed computing environments. 4 It<br />

will be differentiated into the following market mechanisms:<br />

• Posted Price<br />

In posted price settings the price is revealed openly to all participants. As we have<br />

shown in our preceding motivation, the posted price is inadequate from an economic<br />

point of view if demand and/or supply are strongly fluctuating.<br />

• Commodity Market<br />

In a commodity market, the resource owners determine their pricing policy and the user<br />

determines accordingly his/her amount of resources to consume. Pricing can depend on<br />

the parameters such as usage time (e.g. peak-load pricing) or usage quantity (e.g. price<br />

discrimination) (Wolski, Plank et al. 2001). In many cases, it is referred to flat rates,<br />

which boils down to fixed price until a certain amount of resources or a certain time is<br />

reached.<br />

• Bargaining<br />

In bargaining markets, resource owners and users negotiate bilaterally for mutually<br />

agreeable prices. 5 By gradually lowering their claims, resource owners and users eventually<br />

reach an agreement. Logrolling for several attributes can also be included in the<br />

bargaining protocol (Rosenschein and Zlotkin 1994; Kersten, Strecker et al. 2004).<br />

4 From an economic point of view, this taxonomy is not detailed enough. Nevertheless, for a rough classification<br />

of running resource <strong>management</strong> systems this taxonomy is despite its lack of details sufficient.<br />

5 A game-theoretic treatment of applicable bargaining models can be fo<strong>und</strong> at (Wolinsky 1988; De Fraja and<br />

Sakovics 2001; Satterthwaite and Shneyerov 2003).<br />


• Contract Net Protocol<br />

In the contract net protocol the user advertises its demand and invites resource owners<br />

to submit bids. Resource owners check these advertisements with respect to their requirements.<br />

In case the advertisement is favorable, the resource owners respond with<br />

bids. The user consolidates all bids, compares them and selects the most favorable<br />

bids(s).<br />

• Proportional Share<br />

Proportional Share assigns resources proportionally to the bids submitted by the users.<br />

• Auctions<br />

Auctions are mediated market mechanisms. An auctioneer collects bids from either one<br />

market side (buyers or sellers) or from both. According to the auction rules (which are<br />

known to all bidders) the auctioneer allocates the resources. Typical one-sided auctions<br />

are the English, First-Price Sealed Bid, Dutch and Vickrey auction. Two sided auctions<br />

are the Double Auctions.<br />

A survey using the above mentioned taxonomy over selected market-based resource <strong>management</strong><br />

systems are summarized in the following.<br />

Computing<br />

Platform<br />

Marketbased<br />

System<br />

Market<br />

Mechanism<br />

Description<br />

Distributed<br />

Computing<br />

SPAWN Auction The SPAWN system provides a market mechanism for trading<br />

CPU times in a network of workstations (Waldspurger, Hogg et al.<br />

1992). SPAWN treats computer resources as standardized<br />

modities and implements a standard Vickrey auction. It is known<br />

from auction theory that the Vickrey auction attains (1) truthful<br />

preference revelation and (2) an efficient allocation of resources<br />

(Krishna 2002). However, SPAWN does not make use of the<br />

neralized Vickrey auction, which can cope with<br />

ties. 6 Furthermore, the Vickrey auction can traditionally neither<br />

cope with multiple attributes nor with different time slots.<br />

Peer-to-<br />

Peer<br />

Stanford<br />

Peers<br />

Bargaining<br />

The Stanford Peers model is a Peer-to-Peer system which<br />

implements auctions within a cooperative bartering model in a<br />

cooperative sharing environment (Wolski, Brevik et al. 2004). It<br />

simulates storage trading for content replication and archiving. It<br />

demonstrates distributed resource trading policies based on<br />

auctions by simulation.<br />

Internet POPCORN Auction POPCORN provides an infrastructure for global distributed<br />

computation (Nisan, London et al. 1998; Regev and Nisan 1998).<br />

POPCORN mainly consists of three entities: (i) A parallel program<br />

which requires CPU time (buyer), (ii) a CPU seller, and (iii) a<br />

market which serves as meeting place and matchmaker for the<br />

buyers and sellers. Buyers of CPU time can bid for one single<br />

commodity, which can be traded executing a Vickrey auction<br />

repeatedly. POPCORN obviously suffers <strong>und</strong>er the same<br />

shortcomings as SPAWN.<br />

6 Users often demand a b<strong>und</strong>le of resources. Since they need more than one resource to complete a task, they<br />

value the b<strong>und</strong>le higher than the sum of its constituents. In an extreme case, the constituents may generate<br />

no value at all – only the b<strong>und</strong>le creates value. If the resources are sequentially auctioned, the user is facing<br />

the so-called exposure risk, once he received one leg of the b<strong>und</strong>le, he is in danger of running a loss, if he<br />

does not get the other leg.<br />


Computing<br />

Platform<br />

Marketbased<br />

System<br />

Market<br />

Mechanism<br />

Description<br />

Grids Bellagio Auction Bellagio is intended to serve as a resource discovery and resource<br />

allocation system for distributed computing infrastructures. Users<br />

express preferences for resources using a bidding language, which<br />

support XOR bids. The bids are formulated in virtual currency.<br />

The auction employed in Bellagio is periodic. Bids from users are<br />

only accepted as long as enough virtual currency is left (AuYoung,<br />

Chun et al. 2004).<br />

Grids CATNETS Bargaining In CATNETS, trading is divided into two layers, the<br />

application/service layer and the resource layer. In both layers, the<br />

participants have varying objectives which change dynamically<br />

and unpredictably over time.<br />

In the application/service layer, a complex service is a proxy who<br />

negotiates the access to b<strong>und</strong>les of basic service capabilities for<br />

execution on behalf of the application. Basic services provide an<br />

interface to access computational resources<br />

Agents representing the complex services, basic services and<br />

resources participate in a peer-to-peer trading network, on which<br />

request are disseminated and when an appropriated provider is<br />

fo<strong>und</strong>, agents engage in a bilateral bargaining (Eymann, Reinicke<br />

et al. 2003; Eymann, Reinicke et al. 2003; Eymann, Ardaiz et al.<br />

2005).<br />

Grids G-<br />

Commerce<br />

Commodity<br />

market,<br />

auction<br />

G-Commerce provides a framework for trading computer resources<br />

(CPU and hard disk) in commodity markets and Vickrey auctions<br />

(Wolski, Plank et al. 2001; Wolski, Plank et al. 2001; Wolski,<br />

Brevik et al. 2003). While the Vickrey auction has the<br />

abovementioned shortcomings in grid, the commodity market<br />

typically works with standardized products. Additionally, the<br />

commodity market cannot account for the complementarities<br />

among the resources, as only one leg of the b<strong>und</strong>le is auctioned off,<br />

exposing the bidder to the threshold risk.<br />

Grids Nimrod/G Commodity<br />

market<br />

Grids OCEAN Bargaining/<br />

Contract net<br />

Nimrod/G enables users to define the types of resources needed<br />

and negotiate with the system for the use of a particular set of<br />

resources at a particular price (Buyya, Abramson et al. 2000). This<br />

requires from the system to conduct resource discovery, which can<br />

become quite complex, as the numbers of resources can be large.<br />

Also, does the system need to support price negotiations, which<br />

may be complex as well. Both resource discovery and negotiation<br />

can become very cumbersome, if the users demand b<strong>und</strong>les instead<br />

of single resources.<br />

OCEAN (Open Computation Exchange and Arbitration Network)<br />

is a market-based infrastructure for high-performance computation,<br />

such as Cluster and Grid computing environments (Acharya,<br />

Chokkaredd et al. 2001; Padala, Harrison et al. 2003). The major<br />

components of the OCEAN’s market infrastructure are user<br />

ponents, computational resources, and the <strong>und</strong>erlying market<br />

chanism (e.g. the OCEAN Auction Component). In the OCEAN<br />

framework, each user (i.e. resource provider or consumer) is<br />

represented by a local OCEAN node. The OCEAN node<br />

ments the core components of the system, for instance a Trader<br />

Component, an Auction Component, or a Security Component.<br />

The implemented OCEAN auctions occur in a distributed Peer-to-<br />

Peer manner. The auction mechanism implemented in the OCEAN<br />


Computing<br />

Platform<br />

Marketbased<br />

System<br />

Market<br />

Mechanism<br />

Description<br />

framework can be interpreted as a distributed sealed-bid<br />

nuous double-auction (Acharya, Chokkaredd et al. 2001). A trade<br />

is proposed to the highest bidder and the lowest seller. Afterwards,<br />

the trading partner can renegotiate their service level agreements.<br />

The renegotiation possibility one the one hand allows to cope with<br />

multiple attributes and with the assignment of resources to time<br />

slots. Nonetheless, the negotiation makes the results of the<br />

rent auction obsolete. Neither the auction can enfold its full<br />

tial, nor can the negotiation guarantee to achieve an efficient<br />

cation, as competition is trimmed.<br />

Grids Tycoon Proportional<br />

Share<br />

P2P clusters like the Grid and PlanetLab enable in principle the<br />

same statistical multiplexing efficiency gains for computing as the<br />

Internet provides for networking. Tycoon is a market based<br />

distributed resource allocation system based on an Auction Share<br />

scheduling algorithm (Lai, Rasmusson et al. 2004). Tycoon<br />

distinguishes itself from other systems in that it separates the<br />

allocation mechanism (which provides incentives) from the agent<br />

strategy (which interprets preferences). This simplifies the system<br />

and allows specialization of agent strategies for different<br />

applications while providing incentives for applications to use<br />

resources efficiently and resource providers to provide valuable<br />

resources. Tycoon’s distributed markets allow the system to be<br />

fault-tolerant and to allocate resources with low latency. Auction<br />

Share is the local scheduling component of Tycoon.<br />

Table 1: Summary of market-based systems (adapted from (Yeo and Buyya 2004))<br />

Those market-based resource <strong>management</strong> systems, however, are purely prototypical implementations.<br />

Apparently, only two prototypes implement all three components being CAT-<br />

NETS and Tycoon. Tycoon developed by Hewlett Packard offers the most comprehensive<br />

realizations of the system. However, Tycoon still fails to meet the challenge, as the supported<br />

economic models and algorithms are too simplistic and the deployment requires rebooting the<br />

resources before provisioning. CATNETS offers very interesting features but lacks comprehensive<br />

support (e.g., monitoring, multi platform deployment).<br />

All other approaches neglect the provision of decision support. In ordinary commodity markets,<br />

bidders have to come up with their bids themselves by rational deliberation. In Grid<br />

markets this can become extremely cumbersome, as demand and supply fluctuates dynamically<br />

and is in most of the cases unknown. In addition, the complex auctions make it difficult<br />

even for humans to devise suitable strategies.<br />

4.2 Markets are dead, long live markets<br />

Despite the shortcomings of providing intelligent tools, economic middleware extensions and<br />

a Grid market, there are several other reasons why previous systems have not (yet) made it<br />

into practice. Those other reasons partially stem from the fact that several prerequisites on the<br />

technical and economic side have not been given. In recent times, advancements in Grid<br />

Computing and Economics have been achieved so that the prerequisites as well as the environment<br />

have changed by now. Those advancements favor the application of market-based<br />

platforms for Grid systems. Among the most important changes are the following three<br />

(Shneidman, Ng et al. 2005):<br />

• Increasing Demand for Resources: In the past, demand for computational resources<br />

was not an issue. As a consequence, there was no scarcity of resources that would have<br />


equired value-based scheduling mechanisms. Thus, past market-based systems hardly<br />

(if ever) saw real field tests, and contention was often artificially generated. This has<br />

changed due to the increasing demand for resources that exceeds supply. A deployed<br />

market-based Grid system could solve real resource conflicts. The confrontation of<br />

market-based Grid systems is essential, as the real data will give researchers the insights<br />

to evaluate (and to adjust) their market-based resource schedulers.<br />

• Improved technical infrastructure: Past systems had to deal with limitations in technical<br />

Grid infrastructures. For example, the enforcement of the allocation decision was<br />

not possible. Market mechanisms without proper enforcement are useless, as the agreements<br />

are not binding. Recent advancements in the area of operating systems and Grid<br />

middleware have overcome this and other technical problems.<br />

• Advanced economic models and algorithms: Market-based Grid systems exclusively<br />

use simple market mechanisms. Simple market mechanisms, however, cannot attain<br />

economic efficiency, as they are unable to capture complementarities (i.e. one resource<br />

creates value for a user only in connection with another resource). During the past decade,<br />

advances have been made in the theory and practice of more complex market mechanisms.<br />

Current mechanisms can support combinatorial bidding, which allow the expression<br />

of multiple resource needs. As such, those bidding languages can represent any<br />

logical combination of resources, such as AND, OR, and XOR. On the other hand, these<br />

combinatorial mechanisms come at an additional cost of computation. Solving those resource<br />

allocation problems becomes fairly computationally expensive. Hence, the developments<br />

in market mechanisms need to be complemented by standard solver, which<br />

can determine the allocation within an acceptable time frame. In recent times, off-theshelf<br />

solvers such as CPLEX have been developed that can reach both efficient allocation<br />

and acceptable computation time.<br />

The key to the successful deployment of market-based Grid systems is a holistic and interdisciplinary<br />

approach. On the one hand, it is important to have a strong grip on the technical infrastructure.<br />

On the other hand, it is also important to make use of economic design knowledge.<br />

The concept of an Open Grid Market is expected to fill the current gap paving the way<br />

towards widespread Grid adoption (Neumann 2008).<br />

5 An Architecture for Open Grid Markets<br />

"As the size and complexity of software systems increases, the design problem goes beyond<br />

the algorithms and data structures of the computation: designing and specifying the overall<br />

system structure emerges as a new kind of problem" (Garlan and Shaw 1993). To address this<br />

complexity, an architecture-based system development approach seems promising. The architecture-based<br />

approach focuses on the organization and global control structure of the system,<br />

on protocols for communication, synchronization, and data access (Garlan and Shaw 1993).<br />

Key element of this approach is the architecture whose importance goes far beyond the simple<br />

documentation of technical elements. The architecture rather serves as the blueprint for both<br />

the system itself and the project developing it.<br />

As an Open Grid Market appears to be a very complex system, the architecture will be presented.<br />

Before, the rationale of the Open Grid Market will be given, revealing why “openness”<br />

is important in the Grid context.<br />

5.1 Architecture Rationale<br />

As presented in the related work, there are several ongoing attempts to establish a marketbased<br />

Grid system. The approach pursued here is different, as it does not strive for "yet another"<br />

Grid market system. Instead, a market system is envisioned that is open, with respect to<br />


1. the communication protocols being used, and<br />

2. the <strong>und</strong>erlying local resource managers of the traded resources.<br />

This devotion to openness has major ramifications on the scope of the market: Any potential<br />

Grid user can access the Open Grid Market via open communication protocols. Furthermore,<br />

resource providers with different virtualization platforms and resource managers can easily<br />

plug in the Open Grid Market. The idea is set up a flexible market infrastructure, which can<br />

access resources over all kind of virtualization platforms by means of wrappers.<br />

The openness is intended to offer the possibility of loosely integrating emerging Grid markets.<br />

For example the Open Grid Market needs to combine platforms like network.com or Amazon’s<br />

elastic cloud but should also be capable of accessing Beowulf or MOSIX clusters. This<br />

approach should attract already existing resource providers such as Sun to plug in the Open<br />

Grid Market. Obviously, competition on such Open Grid Markets encourages markets to integrate<br />

and weed out too complex or inefficient platforms.<br />

5.2 Open Grid Market Architecture<br />

The architecture of the Open Grid Market describes the functionalities of the entire market<br />

system in terms of its functional entities, their responsibilities and their dependencies (see<br />

Figure 3) (Neumann, Stoesser et al. 2008).<br />

Figure 3: Open Grid Market Architecture<br />

Boxes represent functional entities that can be encapsulated in a corresponding component.<br />

Arrows represent dependencies, where an arrow from an entity A to an entity B means that<br />

entity A either receives information or consumes a service from entity B.<br />

The architecture is structured along four layers. Ultimately, it is the Grid application and the<br />

available resources that create demand and supply for computational resources and thus give<br />


ise to the establishment of an Open Grid Market. Accordingly, Grid applications as well as<br />

the resource mark the fourth and most ‘low-level’ layer. Layer 3 consists of the intelligent<br />

tools that translate the resource demand or supply by the applications and machines into bids.<br />

Layer 2 concerns the market functionalities, whereas layer 1 comprises the core market services<br />

comprising the basic communication infrastructure that is common to all potential markets.<br />

The intuition for dividing layer 2 and 1 is very simple. While the core market services<br />

establish the common trading platform every market uses, the Open Grid market components<br />

can be different from market to market.<br />

5.2.1 Layer 1 – Core Market Services<br />

As aforementioned, state-of-the-art Grid middleware does not provide all the infrastructure<br />

services necessary for supporting an Open Grid Market. Layer 1 extends the standard Grid<br />

middleware by additional infrastructure services so that the Open Grid Market can be hooked<br />

up with the Grid middleware:<br />

• Trusted market exchange service: All communication among market participants –<br />

users and their applications as well as and providers and their resources – is mediated<br />

by this service, which assures that information is routed to the designated recipients in<br />

a secure and reliable way. The trusted market exchange service also enforces policies<br />

defined on specific messages for logging, encryption, and signing.<br />

• Logging: All transactions executed on the market are registered in a secure log for auditing<br />

purposes.<br />

• Market directory: The market directory is a market-enabled extension to the commonplace<br />

service registries in (Grid) middleware. The technical information on Grid<br />

markets directories are enriched by economically relevant information like pricing or<br />

quality of service parameters. The enriched information serves as input to the trading<br />

<strong>management</strong> component on layer 2.<br />

• Market information: The market information service allows market participants to<br />

publish information and to gather information from other participants (e.g., prices, resource<br />

usage levels). Participants can query the service or subscribe to topics. Information<br />

queries consider either instantaneous measures or their history.<br />

5.2.2 Layer 2: Open Grid Market<br />

The Open Grid Market in layer 2 defines the arena, where the published resources are assigned<br />

to the Grid applications, following certain market mechanisms.<br />

• Trading <strong>management</strong>: The trading <strong>management</strong> component is the access point for<br />

the users to the Open Grid Market where they can find the offered resources and submit<br />

their according bids. More specifically, the trading <strong>management</strong> matches the technical<br />

descriptions of the requests obtained from the bids to suitable technical descriptions<br />

of the offered resources collected from the associated Grid market directories.<br />

Subsequently, the trading <strong>management</strong> manages the bidding process according to given<br />

market mechanisms (e.g. MACE auction (Schnizler, Neumann et al. 2006)). If the<br />

bidding process finishes successfully the corresponding bid and offer are submitted to<br />

the contract <strong>management</strong>.<br />

• Contract <strong>management</strong>: The contract <strong>management</strong> component transforms corresponding<br />

pairs of bids and offers to mutually agreed contracts. One important part of these<br />

contracts are service level agreements (SLAs) which define the agreed terms of usage<br />

of the resources and the pricing. The contract <strong>management</strong> also initiates the enforce-<br />


ment of the contract, especially the allocation of the sold resources (aided by the<br />

EERM) and the payment process.<br />

• SLA enforcement and billing: The SLA enforcement and billing component is responsible<br />

for the surveillance and enforcement of the contracts it receives from the<br />

contract <strong>management</strong>. The component keeps track of the actual usage of the resources,<br />

makes comparisons to the SLA and (if appropriate) initiates the billing and clearing<br />

according to the results of the comparison.<br />

• Payment: The payment service offers a unified interface to payment, isolating the rest<br />

of the components from the particularities of the payment mechanism. The payment<br />

service also generates appropriate logging/auditing information.<br />

• Security <strong>management</strong>: The security <strong>management</strong> component is intended as the entry<br />

point for a single sign-on mechanism and is responsible for a tamper-proof identity<br />

<strong>management</strong> for the consumers, the suppliers and the constituent components of the<br />

Open Grid Market. Thus, all layers provide security connectors that build the technological<br />

bridges from the respective layers to the security <strong>management</strong>.<br />

• Economically Enhanced Resource Management (EERM): The EERM component<br />

provides a standardized interface to typical Grid middleware (e.g. Globus Toolkit or<br />

Sun Grid Engine). The EERM can shield clients from resource platform specific issues<br />

and also enhance or complement the <strong>management</strong> functions provided by job scheduling<br />

and submission systems. The EERM’s main duties include (i) resource <strong>management</strong><br />

including the <strong>management</strong> functionalities to achieve the expected service levels<br />

and notify of deviations. The resource <strong>management</strong> furthermore coordinates independent<br />

resources to allow co-allocation – if not provided by the fabrics (ii) resource<br />

monitoring (iii) accessing resource fabrics via standardized interfaces to create instances<br />

of resources and later make use of them by the application (Macías, Smith et<br />

al. 2007).<br />

5.2.3 Layer 3: Intelligent Tools<br />

The market participants including the Grid applications and resources are supported by intelligent<br />

tools for an easy access to the Open Grid Market.<br />

• Consumer preference modeling: This component allows for the users to describe<br />

their economic preferences that will determine their bidding strategies on the Open<br />

Grid Market, e.g. they could define if they prefer cheap over reliable resources. One<br />

approach would be to provide the users with a GUI in the form of a simplified ontology<br />

modeling tool to instantiate a given consumer preference modeling language.<br />

• Demand modeling: The user needs a tool to specify the technical requirements of her<br />

Grid application. The technical approach for this component is similar (i.e. ontologybased)<br />

to the preference modeling.<br />

• Business modeling: Analogously to the consumer preference modeling, the providers<br />

have to specify their business models to determine the generation of their offers on the<br />

Open Grid Market. For example one part of such a description could be a pricing<br />

model that specifies if the consumer has to pay for booked time-slots or for the actual<br />

usage. As the example indicates, the models specified by means of this component depend<br />

on the implemented market type.<br />

• Supply modeling: The resource modeling component is the correspondent of the demand<br />

modeling component. Aided by this component the providers can technically<br />

specify their offers.<br />


• Bid generation: The bid generation is the intelligent (i.e. agent-based) component that<br />

generates and places the bids of the consumer on the Open Grid Market. For this purpose<br />

it considers the user preferences, the technical requirements and the current state<br />

of the market and derives the bids. The bids are submitted to the trading Management<br />

component of the Open Grid Market. The bid generation component could be implemented<br />

with the help of a rule engine for logical inference over the mentioned inputs.<br />

• Offer generation: The offers are assembled from the technical resource descriptions<br />

and the business model of the respective provider by the offer generation component.<br />

It also publishes the offers at the Grid market directory.<br />

5.2.4 Layer 4: Grid Application<br />

Layer 4 pertains to the Grid applications and Grid resources for trade. At the provider side a<br />

provider IT specialist makes use of the intelligent tools in layer 3 to model the provider's<br />

business strategies and the offered Grid resources.<br />

On the consumer side it has to be distinguished between the Grid application's end user(s)<br />

and the consumer's IT support staff who will use the intelligent tools to model an application's<br />

resource requirements and the consumer's preferences.<br />

6 Organization of the book<br />

This book is devoted to the development of economic models and algorithms for the Open<br />

Grid Market. As such, the book mainly deals with layer 2 and 3 – as those areas comprise the<br />

components, where economic principles can help to improve the entire system. This book<br />

contains eighteen different papers, which are structured along three main sections: “Market<br />

Mechanisms for Grid Systems”, “Economic Component Design”, and “Design Issues and<br />

Extensions”. The papers present joint research conducted with colleagues at the <strong>Institut</strong>e of<br />

Information Management and Systems within the scope of the<br />

• EU-f<strong>und</strong>ed project “CATNETS” (http://www.catnets.org/),<br />

• EU-f<strong>und</strong>ed project “SORMA”, (http://www.sorma-project.eu/),<br />

• BMBF sponsored project “SESAM”,<br />

(http://www.internetoekonomie.uni-karlsruhe.de/)<br />

• project “Billing the Grid” f<strong>und</strong>ed by the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg as Landesschwerpunktprogramm<br />

(http://www.billing-the-grid.org/), and<br />

• SSHRC f<strong>und</strong>ed project “Electronic Negotiations, Media and Transactions for Socio-<br />

Economic Interactions”<br />

(http://interneg.concordia.ca/views/bodyfiles/enegotiation/index.html.)<br />

6.1 Market Mechanisms for Grid Systems<br />

The first section deals with different market mechanisms for scheduling Grid resources. Apparently,<br />

it is devoted to the economic modeling of the trading <strong>management</strong> component in<br />

layer 2 of the architecture. All papers focus on the design of market mechanisms for different<br />

market segments of the Grid market. This section consists in total of eight papers, where the<br />

first paper is an overview paper and the subsequent seven papers deal with different market<br />

mechanisms.<br />

6.1.1 Bridging the Adoption Gap – Developing a Roadmap for Trading in Grids<br />

The paper “Bridging the Adoption Gap – Developing a Roadmap for Trading in Grids” argues<br />

that the technology of Grid computing has not yet been adopted in commercial settings<br />


due to the lack of viable business models. While in academia Grid technology has already<br />

been taken up, the sharing approach among non for-profit organizations is not suitable for<br />

enterprises. In this paper, the idea of a Grid market is taken up to overcome this Grid adoption<br />

gap. Although this idea is not new, all previous proposals have been made either by computer<br />

scientists being unaware of economic market mechanisms or by economists being unaware of<br />

the technical requirements and possibilities.<br />

This paper derives an economically so<strong>und</strong> set of market mechanisms based on a solid <strong>und</strong>erstanding<br />

of the technical possibilities. More precisely, the paper analyzes the characteristics of<br />

the object traded in Grids. This trading object is closely related to the deployment of software<br />

applications via the EERM. The deployment directly on physical resources or via raw application<br />

services has major ramifications for the trading object and consequently for the requirements<br />

for market mechanisms. Physical resources are essentially commodities, whereas application<br />

services can be both standardized commodities and unique entities.<br />

Based on this analysis, a two-tiered market structure along the distinction between physical<br />

resources and application services is derived, where each tier demands different market mechanisms.<br />

The first tier comprises the markets for physical resources (e.g. CPU, memory) and<br />

raw application services. The second tier comprises the markets for complex application services.<br />

Subsequently, existing Grid market mechanisms are classified according to this market structure.<br />

At the core of this paper, we argue that there is no single market that satisfies all purposes.<br />

Reflecting the distinct requirements of different application models and deployment modes,<br />

a catalogue of co-existing market mechanisms is needed.<br />

This paper provides the outline for the following papers, which present the different mechanisms<br />

of the catalogue and derive their economic properties.<br />

6.1.2 A Truthful Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling in Network-centric Grid OS<br />

The paper “A Truthful Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling in Network-centric Grid OS” argues<br />

that a network-centric Grid OS coupled with market-based scheduling can increase efficiency<br />

in Grid and cluster environments by adequately allocating all available resources. This distinguishes<br />

network-centric Grid OS from state-of-the-art Grid middleware, which rely on batch<br />

processing of idle resources only. While there are highly sophisticated market mechanisms<br />

available for Grid middleware where raw services are being traded (e.g. MACE), there are no<br />

mechanisms available for network-centric Grid OS which rely on interactive application<br />

processing.<br />

The paper strives for filling this need by defining a market mechanism as a multi-attribute<br />

exchange in which resource owners and consumers can publish their demand and supply for<br />

resources deployed as raw services. Exact market-based scheduling mechanisms share one<br />

deficiency: they are quite complex. While this may not be a problem in a cluster setting with a<br />

small number of users, it may prove crucial in an interactive, large-scale Grid OS environment.<br />

Hence a greedy heuristic is designed, which performs a fast scheduling while retaining<br />

truthfulness on the request-side and approximating truthfulness on the provisioning-side of the<br />

market.<br />

In summary, the contributions of this paper are threefold: Firstly, the paper designs a multiattribute<br />

exchange that can be used for Grid OS. Secondly, a greedy heuristic is employed to<br />

solve the scheduling problem. Thirdly, an adequate pricing scheme is developed which assures<br />

that reporting truthfully is a dominant strategy for resource requesters and payments to<br />

resource providers are approximately truthful.<br />


6.1.3 Economically Enhanced MOSIX for Market-based Scheduling in Grid OS<br />

The paper “Economically Enhanced MOSIX for Market-based Scheduling in Grid OS” is a<br />

follow-up of the previous paper. Essentially, the paper describes the implementation of the<br />

greedy heuristic in the state-of-the-art network-centric Grid OS MOSIX (i.e. Multi-computer<br />

Operating System for Unix). The paper is a result of the co-operation with Amnon Barak and<br />

Lior Amar (both The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) who co-author this paper.<br />

By introducing market mechanisms to MOSIX, end users can influence the allocation of resources<br />

by reporting valuations for these resources. Current market-based schedulers, however,<br />

are static, assume the availability of complete information about jobs (in particular with<br />

respect to processing times), and do not make use of the flexibility offered by computing systems.<br />

In this paper, the implementation of a novel market mechanism for MOSIX, a state-ofthe-art<br />

<strong>management</strong> system for computing clusters and organizational grids is described. The<br />

market mechanism is designed so as to be able to work in large-scale settings with selfish<br />

agents. Facing incomplete information about jobs’ characteristics, it dynamically allocates<br />

jobs to computing nodes by leveraging preemption and process migration, two distinct features<br />

offered by the MOSIX system.<br />

The contribution of this paper can be summarized as follows. Firstly, a market mechanism is<br />

proposed, which is specifically tailored towards the needs and technical features of MOSIX so<br />

as to generate highly efficient resource allocations in settings with large numbers of selfish<br />

agents. Secondly, the implementation of the proposed market mechanism in MOSIX is presented<br />

which serves as a proof-of-concept.<br />

6.1.4 GreedEx – A Scalable Clearing Mechanism for Utility Computing<br />

The paper “GreedEx – A Scalable Clearing Mechanism for Utility Computing” extends the<br />

mechanism proposed in the paper “A Truthful Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling in Networkcentric<br />

Grid OS” by a more elaborate pricing scheme. The newly developed market mechanism<br />

is dubbed GreedEx, an exchange for clearing utility computing markets, based on a greedy<br />

heuristic.<br />

This market mechanism can be used to perform this clearing in a scalable manner while at the<br />

same time satisfying basic economic design criteria. Besides its computational speed, the<br />

main characteristic of GreedEx is its ability to account for the inter-organizational nature of<br />

utility computing by generating truthful prices for resource requests and approximately truthful<br />

payments to utility computing providers. In general, however, the computational speed of<br />

heuristic comes at the expense of efficiency. Consequently, a numerical simulation is presented,<br />

which shows that GreedEx is very fast and, surprisingly, highly efficient on average.<br />

These results strengthen our approach and point to several interesting avenues for future research.<br />

Obviously, the contribution of this paper is the design as well as analytical and numerical<br />

evaluation of GreedEx that achieves a distinct trade-off, as it conducts fast near-optimal resource<br />

allocations while generating truthful prices on the demand-side and approximately<br />

truthful prices on the supply-side. GreedEx may be used for two purposes: Firstly, utility<br />

computing providers (such as Sun) may choose to run a proprietary GreedEx-based marketplatform<br />

to allocate their scarce computing resources to resource requests in an efficient manner<br />

and to dynamically price these requests. Moreover, a GreedEx-based platform may be run<br />

as an intermediary market which aggregates demand as well as supply across multiple resource<br />

requesters and utility computing providers, thus increasing liquidity and efficiency.<br />


6.1.5 Market-Based Pricing in Grids: On Strategic Manipulation and Computational<br />

Cost<br />

The paper “Market-Based Pricing in Grids: On Strategic Manipulation and Computational<br />

Cost” uses the GreedEx mechanism and shows in several propositions the impossibility of a<br />

perfect heuristic that achieves truthfulness on both market sides. In addition, the paper proofs<br />

propositions on split- and merge-proofness as a measure of fairness. In addition, it numerically<br />

shows that manipulation of individual agents very rarely pays off but is very often punished<br />

by the mechanism.<br />

In summary, the paper make the following contributions: an in-depth analysis of these pricing<br />

schemes with respect to the distribution of welfare among resource requesters and providers,<br />

the incentives of single users to try to manipulate the mechanism, and the computational impact<br />

of the pricing schemes on the mechanism is provided. In addition, basic design options of<br />

how the mechanism can be integrated into current Grid schedulers are outlined.<br />

6.1.6 Trading grid services – a multi-attribute combinatorial approach<br />

The paper “Trading grid services – a multi-attribute combinatorial approach” proposes the<br />

derivation of a multi-attribute combinatorial exchange for allocating and scheduling services<br />

in the Grid. In contrast to GreedEx and other approaches, the proposed mechanism accounts<br />

for the variety of services by incorporating time and quality as well as coupling constraints.<br />

The mechanism provides buyers and sellers with a rich bidding language, allowing for the<br />

formulation of b<strong>und</strong>les expressing either substitutabilities or complementarities. The winner<br />

determination problem maximizes the social welfare of this combinatorial allocation problem.<br />

The winner determination scheme alone, however, is insufficient to guarantee an efficient<br />

allocation of the services. The pricing scheme must be constructed in a way that motivates<br />

buyers and sellers to reveal their true valuations and reservation prices. This is problematic in<br />

the case of combinatorial exchanges, since the only efficient pricing schedule, the VCG mechanism,<br />

is not budget-balanced and must be subsidized from outside the mechanism.<br />

The main contribution of this paper is the development of a new pricing family for a combinatorial<br />

exchange, namely the k-pricing rule. In essence, the k-pricing rule determines the price<br />

such that the resulting surpluses to the buyers and sellers divide the entire surplus being accrued<br />

by the trade according to the ration k. The k-pricing rule is budget-balanced but cannot<br />

retain the efficiency property of the VCG payments.<br />

As the simulation illustrates, the k-pricing rule does not rigorously punish inaccurate valuation<br />

and reserve price reporting. Buyers and sellers sometimes increase their individual utility<br />

by cheating. This possibility, however, is only limited to mild misreporting and a small number<br />

of strategic buyers and sellers. If the number of misreporting participants increases, the<br />

risk of not being executed in the auction rises dramatically. As a result, the k-pricing schema<br />

is a practical alternative to the VCG mechanism and highly relevant for an application in the<br />

Grid. The runtime analysis shows that the auction schema is computationally very demanding.<br />

However, the use of approximated solutions achieves adequate runtime results and fairly mild<br />

welfare losses for up to 500 participants. Comparing these results with an existing Grid testbed<br />

(PlanetLab) demonstrates the practical applicability of the proposed auction.<br />


6.1.7 A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun N1<br />

Grid Engine<br />

The paper “A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun N1<br />

Grid Engine” regards resources as traded object. This work was jointly conducted with Simon<br />

See from Sun Microsystems, who also co-authored this paper.<br />

In essence, this paper proposes an extended model of the Sanghavi-Hajek pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

a promising addition to the N1GE scheduler. Current technical schedulers require an administrator<br />

to specify user weights based on these users relative importance, regardless of the<br />

dynamic demand and supply situation, leading to inefficiencies.<br />

To this end, the contribution of this paper is twofold:<br />

• Mechanism design: A discriminatory pay-as-bid market mechanism by Sanghavi and<br />

Hajek is presented. Conditions are analytically derived <strong>und</strong>er which this mechanism<br />

outperforms market-based proportional share – the currently most prominent grid<br />

market mechanism – with respect to both provider’s surplus and allocative efficiency.<br />

• Integration into Sun N1GE: It is further showed that this mechanism is not a purely<br />

theoretical construct but that it can be integrated into state-of-the-art grid schedulers to<br />

economically enrich the current allocation logics. The basic design considerations are<br />

conducted for the case of the N1 Grid Engine (N1GE) the scheduler of Sun Microsystems’s<br />

grid platform.<br />

6.1.8 Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service Applications<br />

The paper “Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service Applications”<br />

deals with the definition of an online market mechanism that allocates requests to resources<br />

once the requests are submitted to the system.<br />

Economic scheduling mechanisms introduce economic principles to Grids and thus promise to<br />

increase the systems’ overall utility by explicitly taking into account strategic, interorganizational<br />

settings. Current economic scheduling mechanisms, however, do not fully satisfy<br />

the requirements of interactive Grid applications. In this paper, a video surveillance environment<br />

is introduced and it is shown how its functionality can be encapsulated in Grid services<br />

which are traded dynamically using an economic scheduling mechanism. Subsequently,<br />

a mechanism from the general machine scheduling domain is introduced. The applicability of<br />

the market mechanism to the Grid context is showcased by a numerical experiment. However,<br />

the mechanism suffers from some limitations due to the distinct properties of Grids. These<br />

limitations are pinpointed: extensions to the basic mechanism are introduced, which may remedy<br />

these drawbacks.<br />

6.2 Economic Component Design<br />

The second section deals with economic models and algorithms for the component Bid Generation<br />

(6.2.1 and 6.2.2) on layer 3 and for the components EERM (6.2.3), Contract Management<br />

(6.2.4), SLA enforcement (6.2.5), and Payment (6.2.6) on layer 2.<br />

6.2.1 Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management – Policy-based Automated Bidding<br />

The paper “Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management – Policy-based Automated Bidding”<br />

is devoted to the bidding agent. In essence, it is a premise of this paper that markets can <strong>und</strong>ertake<br />

this task better than any other coordination mechanism. This is especially the case if<br />

the bidding process is fully automated, such that the market itself will handle any unforeseen<br />

problem in the resource <strong>management</strong> process.<br />


By bringing autonomic and Grid computing as well as economic principles closer together,<br />

market-based approaches have the potential to achieve an economy-wide adoption of Grid<br />

technology and will thus leverage the exploitation of potential Grid technology offers. To<br />

achieve this potential, many Grid Economics related obstacles must be overcome: markets can<br />

only work well if bids accurately reflect demand and supply. If this is not the case, the market<br />

price cannot reflect the correct situation. Thus, the market price looses its capacity to direct<br />

scarce resources to the bidders who value them most.<br />

This paper is unique by recommending an autonomic computing approach for bidding in Grid<br />

markets. By defining policies the business models of the service consumers and providers can<br />

be represented. The proposed bid generation process is currently quite simple and referring to<br />

observations and straightforward rules.<br />

6.2.2 A Decentralized Online Grid Market – Best Myopic vs. Rational Response<br />

The paper “A Decentralized Online Grid Market – Best Myopic vs. Rational Response” establishes<br />

a bridge between the trading <strong>management</strong> component and the bidding agent. More precisely,<br />

the paper connects the automated bidding approach with the decentralized online mechanism<br />

proposed in “Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service<br />

Applications”.<br />

To this end, the contributions of this paper are twofold. Firstly, the theoretical analysis of Decentralized<br />

Local Greedy Mechanism is based on the assumption of simple agents behaving<br />

according to a so-called “myopic best response strategy”. By means of a simulation with<br />

learning agents, it is shown that an analysis using myopic best response strategies overestimates<br />

the performance of the mechanism and is thus not an appropriate solution concept for<br />

modeling real-world market-based scheduling mechanisms. As a byproduct of this analysis,<br />

the performance benefits of market-based schedulers as opposed to purely technical schedulers<br />

which are solely based on system-centric measures are demonstrated. Secondly, limitations<br />

of the mechanism for the practical use are pointed out. Furthermore, remedies that may<br />

help to mitigate these drawbacks are suggested.<br />

6.2.3 Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities<br />

The paper “Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities”<br />

local resource <strong>management</strong> systems are equipped with economic principles. The results reported<br />

in the paper have been achieved in cooperation with Jordi Torres and Jorid Guitart<br />

(both Barcelona Supercomputing Center) who co-author this paper.<br />

In this work various economical enhancements for resource <strong>management</strong> are motivated and<br />

explained. In addition a mechanism for assuring Quality of Service and dealing with partial<br />

resource failure without introducing the complexity of risk modeling is presented. It is shown<br />

how flexible dynamic pricing and client classification can benefit service providers.<br />

Various factors and technical parameters for these enhancements are discussed in detail.<br />

Moreover, a preliminary architecture for an Economically Enhanced Resource Manager integrating<br />

these enhancements is introduced. Due to the general architecture and the use of policies<br />

and a policy manager this approach can be adapted to a wide range of situations.<br />

The approach is evaluated considering economic design criteria and using an example scenario.<br />

The evaluation shows that the proposed economic enhancements enable the provider to<br />

increase his benefit. In the standard scenario a 92% of the maximum theoretically attainable<br />

revenue with the enhancements can be achieved in contrast to 77% without enhancements. In<br />

the scenario with partial resource failure the revenue is increased from 57% to 85% of the<br />

theoretical maximum.<br />


6.2.4 Situated Decision Support for Managing Service Level Agreement Negotiations<br />

The paper “Situated Decision Support for Managing Service Level Agreement Negotiations”<br />

tackles the interface between contract <strong>management</strong> and the bidding agent. This paper reports<br />

about the results achieved during the cooperation with Rustam Vahidov (Concordia University,<br />

Montreal) who co-author this paper.<br />

This work proposes the application of the situated decision support approach to managing<br />

automated SLA negotiations. The framework is based on the model for situated decision support<br />

that effectively combines human judgment and autonomous decision making and action<br />

by agent components. The key idea behind the approach lies in the managing the fleet of negotiating<br />

agents by the use of a “manager” agent and human decision maker. It is shown<br />

through simulation experiments how this approach performs <strong>und</strong>er a set of simplifying assumptions.<br />

6.2.5 Using k-pricing for Penalty Calculation in Grid Market<br />

The paper “Using k-pricing for Penalty Calculation in Grid Market” is concerned with the<br />

SLA enforcement component, by proposing penalty schemes for SLA violations. This research<br />

has been conducted in cooperation with Omer Rana and Vikas Deora (both Cardiff<br />

University) who also co-author the paper.<br />

Essentially, the paper considers the important role of the design of service level agreements<br />

(SLAs) to distribute risk in Grids. SLAs are crucial as they are contracts that determine the<br />

price for a service at an agreed quality level as well as the penalties in case of SLA violation.<br />

This paper proposes a price function over the quality of service (QoS) on the basis of the<br />

agreements negotiated upon price and quality objective. This function defines fair prices for<br />

every possible quality of a service, which are in line with the business of the customer and<br />

incentivize the provider to supply welfare-maximizing quality. Therewith, penalties can be<br />

calculated for every possible quality level as the difference between the agreed price and the<br />

output of the price function for the effectively met quality. A price function according to the<br />

k-pricing scheme is presented for a single service scenario and for a scenario with multiple<br />

interdependent services.<br />

6.2.6 Rightsizing of Incentives for collaborative e-Science Grid Applications with TES<br />

The paper “Rightsizing of Incentives for collaborative e-Science Grid Applications with TES”<br />

addresses the payment component. The work has been conducted within the scope of the research<br />

project “Billing the Grid”, which strives for designing and implementing a billing system<br />

for academia.<br />

For business Grids the payment component is comparatively easy, as money can be used as<br />

common denominator. In academia, the use of money is banned. Currently resources are used<br />

purely on availability. This raises incentive problems, as there is no fair allocation that takes<br />

the priority of a job into consideration. Researchers are using Grid resources regardless of<br />

whether others need them more urgently. In addition, researchers often tend to not contribute<br />

their own resources to the Grid, due to missing incentives. Thus, researchers are demanding a<br />

Grid infrastructure, which sets the right incentives to share supporting a fair allocation of resources.<br />

The most common instrument to establish incentives is the use of money. However,<br />

the constraint in academia rules out the use of money.<br />

In this paper, a mechanism called Token Exchange System (TES) is proposed. Considering<br />

the requirements from the particle physics community this mechanism combines the advantages<br />

of reputation and payment mechanism in one coherent system to realize a fair allocation.<br />

It enables to build up a Grid infrastructure with an incentive mechanism which is scalable,<br />


incentive-compatible and does not require a face-to-face agreement like the current system.<br />

Transaction between institutes can be accomplished without burdening their financial endowment.<br />

Simulations demonstrate that TES has a better performance than a common payment<br />

system combined with a reputation mechanism.<br />

6.3 Design Issues and Extensions<br />

While the first two sections are focusing on economic models and algorithms for the components<br />

of the Open Grid Market architecture, section 3 broadens the scope by addressing (i)<br />

design issues that helps to introduce the results in practice and (ii) extensions of the results<br />

concerning the applicability of the economic models and algorithms in other domains.<br />

6.3.1 Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction – A Cryptographic Approach<br />

The paper “Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction – A Cryptographic Approach” strives for<br />

decentralizing auctions through the use of cryptography. As Grid computing is characterized<br />

by decentralized <strong>management</strong>, the use of auctions is questionable as they are centralized in<br />

nature. The results of the paper have been conducted with Michael Conrad and Christoph<br />

Sorge from the Telematics area within the scope of the interdisciplinary research project “SE-<br />

SAM”.<br />

The paper presents a secure mechanism for distributed ascending proxy auctions. It fosters<br />

privacy and overall correct conduct to a degree that enables the trusted application of an asynchronous,<br />

iterative, second-price auction in systems as open as P2P networks.<br />

The approach produces several desirable properties for the auction process: It eliminates the<br />

dependency on one single auctioneer, and the winning bidder can hide his true valuation, respectively<br />

his highest bid. Using an encrypted bid chain for bidding ensures that only a fraction<br />

of information is revealed to each auctioneer. With any new bid chain each bidder can<br />

freely decide, which auctioneer groups to trust. Robustness is achieved by forming groups of<br />

auctioneers, where even one group member suffices to decrypt a bid step.<br />

In contrast to previous distributed second-price auction mechanisms, this approach is suitable<br />

for iterative open-cry auctions. It is never necessary for all participants to be online at the<br />

same time, which is what makes other approaches highly vulnerable, as it allows the blocking<br />

of an auction fairly by attacking any participating node. In the proposed protocol, all a bidder<br />

needs to do is to convey his bid chains, whereas the auctioneer groups must be accessible during<br />

the whole auction process. However, one single obedient auction group member being<br />

online at a time suffices to conduct the auction with a sufficient standard of security.<br />

Obviously, this paper showcases how inherently centralized auctions can be decentralized<br />

through rigorous use of cryptography. The chosen auction is in particular difficult to decentralize.<br />

It is assumed that the mechanisms presented in section 6.1. are much easier to decentralize.<br />

6.3.2 Technology Assessment and Comparison: The Case of Auction and E-negotiation<br />

Systems<br />

The paper “Technology Assessment and Comparison: The Case of Auction and E-negotiation<br />

Systems” investigates whether the use of auctions or negotiations are better suited for a use in<br />

situations, where the trading object is defined by more than one attribute. The paper introduces<br />

an Information Systems framework, which explains the antecedents of system performance<br />

emphasizing the role of mechanisms. A laboratory experiment shows how the framework can<br />

be used. This work helps to argue why the trading <strong>management</strong> uses auctions rather than negotiations.<br />

The paper has been conducted with Gregory Kersten, Rustam Vahidov and Eva<br />


Chen (all from Concordia University, Montreal) within the scope of the Canadian SSHRC<br />

f<strong>und</strong>ed project “Electronic Negotiations, Media and Transactions for Socio-Economic Interactions”.<br />

The purpose of this paper has been to propose a model for studying the impacts of electronic<br />

exchange mechanisms on key variables of interests, both objective, as well as subjective ones.<br />

The proposed TIMES model provides a framework that allows studying of types of exchange<br />

mechanisms in their various implementations within different task, environment, and individual<br />

contexts. These mechanisms could range from the simplest catalogue-based models to<br />

advanced auction and negotiation schemas. Thus, the model can accommodate continuity in<br />

the key design principles of the mechanisms, as opposed to considering them as distinct<br />

lasses. Therefore, one of the key contributions of the model is that it enables the comparison<br />

of various exchange structures in terms of the same set of key dependent factors.<br />

6.3.3 Comparing Ingress and Egress Detection to Secure – Inter-domain Routing: An<br />

Experimental Analysis<br />

The paper “Comparing Ingress and Egress Detection to Secure – Inter-domain Routing: An<br />

Experimental Analysis” addresses the issue of protocol security and adoption. The paper concentrates<br />

on the protocol of secure Border Gateway Protocol. It is assumed that the results can<br />

also be transferred to security mechanisms in the Open Grid market. The work has been conducted<br />

together with Christoph Goebel (Humboldt University Berlin) and Ramayya Krishnan<br />

(Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh) who co-author this paper.<br />

Starting point of the paper is that the global economy and society is increasingly dependent on<br />

computer networks linked together by the Internet. The importance of networks reaches far<br />

beyond the telecommunications sector since they have become a critical factor for many other<br />

crucial infrastructures and markets. With threats mounting and security incidents becoming<br />

more frequent, concerns about network security grow.<br />

It is an acknowledged fact that some of the most f<strong>und</strong>amental network protocols that make the<br />

Internet work are exposed to serious threats. One of them is the Border Gateway Protocol<br />

(BGP) which determines how Internet traffic is routed through the topology of administratively<br />

independent networks the Internet is comprised of. Despite the existence of a steadily<br />

growing number of BGP security proposals, to date neither of them is even close to being<br />

adopted.<br />

The purpose of this work is to contemplate BGP security from a theoretical point of view in<br />

order to take a first step toward <strong>und</strong>erstanding the factors that complicate secure BGP adoption.<br />

Using a definition of BGP robustness we experimentally show that the degree of robustness<br />

is distributed unequally across the administrative domains of the Internet, the so-called<br />

Autonomous Systems (ASs). The experiments confirm the intuition that the contribution<br />

ASs are able to make towards securing the correct working of the inter-domain routing infrastructure<br />

by deploying countermeasures against routing attacks differ depending on their position<br />

in the AS topology. It is shown that the degree of this asymmetry can be controlled by the<br />

choice of the security strategy. The strengths and weaknesses of two f<strong>und</strong>amentally different<br />

approaches in increasing the BGP’s robustness termed ingress and egress detection of false<br />

route advertisements and are compared against each other. Depending on the comparison the<br />

economic implications are discussed.<br />

6.3.4 A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in Micro-CHP Grids<br />

The last paper of this book “A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in Micro-CHP Grids”<br />

strives for transferring the lessons learnt to other Grid markets. This paper addresses the<br />


Energy market and motivates the use of markets for micro Grids. The results of the paper<br />

have been conducted within the scope of the interdisciplinary research project “SESAM”.<br />

Achieving a sustainable level of energy production and consumption is one of the major challenges<br />

in modern society. This paper contributes to the objective of increasing energy efficiency<br />

by introducing a market mechanism that facilitates the efficient matching of energy<br />

(i.e. electricity and heat) demand and supply in Micro Energy Grids. More precisely a combinatorial<br />

double auction mechanism is proposed that performs the allocation and pricing of<br />

energy resources especially taking the specific requirements of energy producers and consumers<br />

into account. The potential role of decentralized micro energy grids and their coupling to<br />

the large scale power grid is outlined. Furthermore an emergency fail over procedure is introduced<br />

that keeps the micro energy grid stable even in cases where the auction mechanism<br />

fails. As the <strong>und</strong>erlying energy allocation problem itself is NP-hard, a fast heuristic for finding<br />

efficient supply and demand allocations is defined. Lastly, the applicability of this approach<br />

is shown through numerical experiments.<br />

7 Conclusion and Outlook on Future Research<br />

In this section the work at hand is recapitulated. Moreover, an outlook on future research in<br />

this domain is outlined.<br />

7.1 Concluding remarks<br />

The vision of a complete virtualization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)<br />

infrastructures by the provision of ICT resources like computing power or storage over Grid<br />

infrastructures will make the development Open Grid Markets necessary. Over the Open Grid<br />

Market idle or unused resources – computational resources as well as hardware – can be supplied<br />

(e.g. as services) and client demand can be satisfied not only within organization but<br />

also among multiple administrative domains.<br />

In conventional IT environments, the decision “who shares with whom, at what time” is orchestrated<br />

via central server that uses scheduling algorithms in order to maximize resource<br />

utilization. Those central scheduling algorithms, however, have problems, when organizational<br />

bo<strong>und</strong>aries are crossed, and information about demand and supply are manipulated. In particular,<br />

if demand exceeds supply, the scheduling algorithms fail to allocate the resources efficiently.<br />

The further virtualization of ICT infrastructure and services requires technical solutions that<br />

allow for a reasonable – i.e. an economically efficient – allocation of resources. Economic<br />

mechanisms can be the basis for technological solutions that handle these problems by setting<br />

the right incentives to accurately reveal information about demand and supply. Market or<br />

pricing mechanisms foster information exchange and can therefore attain efficient allocations.<br />

Establishing pricing mechanisms raises many questions:<br />

• Can a price be calculated by only considering supply and demand, or will there be the<br />

need for a regulatory body?<br />

• How can the overall supply and demand volume be detected?<br />

• Will participants communicate their supply and demand wishes openly in bids, even if<br />

competitors have access to this information, e.g. to estimate production load?<br />

• How can the bid generation process be automated so as to adequately reflect the <strong>und</strong>erlying<br />

business model?<br />

In this work the design of an Open Grid Market is motivated. In addition, an architecture is<br />

proposed as a blueprint for Grid markets. To establish an Open Grid Market in practice, there<br />

are several obstacles that have to be overcome: The bidding process goes beyond the feasibili-<br />


ty of mere manual configuration, so there is a need for intelligent tools that reduce the complexity<br />

of Grid-based systems. In essence, those intelligent tools must support the automation<br />

of the bidding process, which is dependent on the resource supply situation and on business<br />

policies. Additionally, the Open Grid Market needs to be equipped with intelligent monitoring<br />

tools that audit the resources continuously, in order to correct unexpected events such as demand<br />

fluctuations, failure to share resources etc. Most of previous attempts to establish a vivid<br />

market process have hitherto failed, as the <strong>und</strong>erlying economic models were inadequate<br />

or incomplete – most prototypes lacked intelligent tools for automation.<br />

The set-up of an Open Grid Market has even more far-reaching ramifications on the ICT<br />

<strong>management</strong>. Essentially, the Open Grid Market cannot only be used to allocate idle but all<br />

available resources. In this case, ownership of resources does no longer play a central role in<br />

the resource allocation process, as the cheapest resources that assure the required QoS are<br />

allocated to the processes regardless from which organization they come. It is the price, reflecting<br />

the demand and supply situation, which determines which resources are accessed.<br />

The intelligent tools will help to make the Open Grid Market flexible and transparent enough<br />

such that the doubts concerning market-based resource allocation can be resolved. This paper<br />

tries to address all problems of an Open Grid Market that deal with economic models and<br />

algorithms. It intends to bridge the gap between conceptual strength and real world implementations<br />

of Grid platforms.<br />

7.2 Outlook<br />

Assuming that Grid markets will find their way into practice, more challenges need to be addressed.<br />

Today’s competitive markets require companies to flexibly adapt their products and<br />

services to meet rapidly changing business strategies and business models at low cost. Accommodating<br />

innovative services and products is mainly associated with changes in the business<br />

processes – and thus with IT systems embedding these processes – and in the dimensioning<br />

of the IT infrastructure to deliver the services in proper quality. Service orientation in<br />

software engineering grants companies the necessary flexibility by orchestrating services into<br />

different workflows, thus paving the way for new business processes. The shift towards service<br />

orientation also implies a transition from local optimization of the business processes to<br />

collaborative and (administratively) distributed business processes.<br />

Apparently, Service-Oriented Architectures are the best response to meet the flexibility needs<br />

imposed by competition. In this context, Grid technologies complement service orientation to<br />

manage the <strong>und</strong>erlying IT infrastructure. As will be demonstrated within the articles, Grid<br />

technologies are one way to get a grip on the growing complexity of IT infrastructures which<br />

is going along with innovative enterprise applications requiring different hardware, operation<br />

systems and application platforms. In addition, Grid technologies open up new possibilities in<br />

dimensioning IT infrastructures. While service orientation makes resource demand very difficult<br />

to predict, Grid technologies embedded in market-based business models facilitate ondemand<br />

assignment of resources via access to a pool of resources. Instead of attributing a<br />

fixed number of resources to services supporting specific business processes, Grid technologies<br />

dynamically assign resources depending on the actual demand. This is in particular desirable<br />

for SMEs, as it trims down the costs for IT infrastructure quite considerably. Accordingly,<br />

service orientation and Grid technologies in unison are likely to revolutionize modern enterprises<br />

in the future. It is the premise of this book that Open Grid Markets bolster the widespread<br />

adoption of Grids. There are, however, many open problems associated with Grids and<br />

Grid markets.<br />

Currently, Grid markets almost exclusively deal with application-agnostic deployment<br />

schemes. Trading CPU hours and memory is insufficient to support the deployment of complex<br />

systems such as Enterprise Planning Systems (ERP). If application-independent services<br />


are traded, the resource allocation problem will become even more complex due to the dependencies<br />

between services. For instance, a workflow of service requests may require several<br />

services in parallel or in sequential order.<br />

All approaches described within this book are devoted to number-crunching activities taking<br />

CPU as the scarce good. Taking into consideration that hardware and thus CPU gets way<br />

cheaper, it raises the question, whether this is the real problem of Grid computing. The <strong>management</strong><br />

of storage or more precisely the distributed data <strong>management</strong> (e.g. replications) raises<br />

many questions that could be used by referring to economic principles. In all of the presented<br />

models, the impact of bandwidth in combination with the topology was widely neglected.<br />

Assuming that bandwidth will become the critical factor there is a strong need to incorporate<br />

this limiting factor into the resource allocation decision.<br />

At the bottom line, the results of this book suggest several intriguing research avenues:<br />

• Analyze the properties of the proposed mechanisms for the respective application<br />

model classes.<br />

• Implement the proposed economic models and algorithms and conduct field studies in<br />

order to get real data.<br />

• Develop market mechanisms, where theory is mostly silent (e.g. task-oriented applications).<br />

• Develop sustainable business models for companies that provide market platforms for<br />

trading Grid services or resources.<br />

• Identify the size and the potential revenue of the single segments of the Grid market<br />

• Identify limits of the use of market mechanisms in Grid.<br />


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Part B<br />

Articles<br />


Bridging the Adoption Gap – Developing a Roadmap<br />

for Trading in Grids<br />

Dirk Neumann, Jochen Stoesser, Christof Weinhardt<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and<br />

Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

{Neumann|Stoesser|Weinhardt}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Introduction<br />

Grid computing is increasingly gaining traction in a number of application areas. It describes a computing model<br />

that distributes processing across an administratively and locally dispersed infrastructure. By connecting many<br />

heterogeneous computing resources, virtual computer architectures are created, increasing the utilization of<br />

otherwise idle resources (Foster et al. 2001). By the use of Grid technology, it is possible to set up virtual<br />

supercomputers via the connection of normal servers that cost no more than US$3000 each. Adding and<br />

removing servers is simple, granting extreme flexibility in building up infrastructures. The best example of what<br />

Grid technology can achieve is illustrated by its prominent predecessor SETI@home: Over one million<br />

computers spread across 226 countries were connected to reach a processing power of 418.6 TFLOPS (Cirne et<br />

al. 2006). By comparison, the world’s fastest supercomputer, IBM’s BlueGene/L, has an estimated total<br />

processing power of between 280 and 267 TFLOPS 1 , whereas Google's search engine can muster between 126<br />

and 316 TFLOPS estimated total processing power. The business case for Grids is further <strong>und</strong>erlined by<br />

potential cost savings. It has been projected that Grids may decrease total IT costs by 30 % (Minoli 2004). Thus,<br />

it is not surprising that Insight Research projects an increase in worldwide Grid spending from US$714.9<br />

million in 2005 to approximately US$19.2 billion in 2010 (Anonymous 2006).<br />

1 http://www.top500.org/, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />


Currently, Grids are mainly employed within enterprises to connect internal divisions and business units. What is<br />

needed to extend Grid technologies beyond company borders is a set of mechanisms that can enable users to<br />

discover, negotiate, and pay for the use of Grid services on demand. According to The451Group, a leading Grid<br />

research institute, the application of resource trading and allocation models is a crucial success factor for<br />

establishing commercial Grids (Fellows et al. 2007). Recent Grid offerings by Sun Microsystems and<br />

Amazon.com represent a first step in this direction. Sun introduced network.com, which offers computing<br />

services for a fixed price of $1 per CPU hour 2 , while Amazon is currently launching comparable initiatives with<br />

its Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).<br />

Despite these first approaches, electronic marketplaces for Grid resources have not yet taken off. Very few<br />

customers are using Sun’s network.com. Due to different legal frameworks, network.com was only offered to<br />

customers within the US. The adoption patterns in the US resemble those of the rest of the world – few<br />

customers have adopted Grid markets. 3 But what is the reason for this limited success of Grid markets? Almost<br />

every large computer hardware manufacturer like HP, Sun, or Intel has already worked on or at least considered<br />

the options for Grid markets, but still no Grid market has successfully been launched, creating a Grid adoption<br />

gap.<br />

This paper attempts to explain why Grid market initiatives have failed. The explanation mainly focuses on the<br />

object traded on Grid markets. The problem with current markets for Grids is that they are designed purely as<br />

markets for physical resources. For example, Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud only aims to sell CPU hours.<br />

This type of market is by design not relevant for enterprise customers who have deadlines for executing jobs and<br />

who have no idea of how many resources are required to meet this deadline. As a result of the analysis in this<br />

paper, it is concluded that a single Grid market for physical resources such as CPU and memory is insufficient to<br />

ensure successful take-up of Grid computing across organizational bo<strong>und</strong>aries. Instead, a set or catalogue of<br />

different marketplaces is needed to satisfy the diverse needs of different market segments. This paper begins the<br />

process of cataloguing the needed market mechanisms. Thus, this paper provides guidance for potential Grid<br />

2<br />

http://www.network.com/, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />

3 Quite recently, Sun has been facilitating access to customers in 25 countries. It remains to be seen if the<br />

removal of legal concerns will result in broader adoption.<br />


market operators (e.g. Telecom companies or hardware vendors such as Sun Microsystems) in the choice of the<br />

market mechanisms needed to increase the impact of Grid markets in commercial settings.<br />

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses ways to define the trading object in Grid<br />

markets and thus forms the backgro<strong>und</strong> for the discussion of market mechanisms. Section 3 explores whether<br />

one marketplace alone is sufficient for meeting the needs of Grid providers and users. A two-tiered market<br />

structure is proposed as a viable solution for structuring commercial Grids. Section 4 discusses the use of<br />

different market mechanisms for this two-tiered market structure and shows which mechanisms are most<br />

adequate for which kind of application. Section 5 concludes the paper with a summary and points to future work.<br />

Backgro<strong>und</strong> Discussion<br />

Applications in a Grid environment can be deployed in two ways, either by directly accessing resources that are<br />

distributed over the network or by invoking a Grid service 4 which encapsulates the respective resources behind<br />

standardized interfaces. These alternative ways of deployment give rise to different requirements for potential<br />

markets.<br />

From a technical point of view, resources are simple to describe as there exists only a finite set of well-defined<br />

resources. A resource may be characterized by its operating system (e.g. Windows, Linux), number and type of<br />

CPUs (e.g. 4 * x86), memory (e.g. 128MB RAM), or any finite number of other attributes. The standardization<br />

of resources offers a simple way to describe them semantically. Glue Schema 5 , for instance, provides a<br />

standardized vocabulary for characterizing computing elements and their status. This in turn facilitates resource<br />

discovery, as matchmaking within the finite domain space is straightforward.<br />

Services on the other hand can be extremely difficult to describe. The service space is essentially infinite due to<br />

the myriad of variations in service design. For the description of complex application services (e.g. a virtual web<br />

4 Grid Services are stateful extensions of Web Services (http://www.globus.org/ogsa/, accessed on 18 September<br />

2007).<br />

5 See http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/projects/glue-wg, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />


server service “Apache on Linux”), domain-dependent ontologies may become necessary. In the case of<br />

“resource-near” services, henceforth called “raw application services” (for instance, computational services<br />

which use only CPU and memory), standardized languages such as the Job Submission Description Language<br />

(JSDL) 6<br />

exist. Nonetheless, the indefinite search space tremendously exacerbates service description and<br />

likewise service discovery.<br />

Both resources and services are provided on the basis of Quality-of-Service (QoS) assertions, i.e. essentially<br />

guarantees of access to specific resources or services at specific times and <strong>und</strong>er specific conditions. For<br />

resources, the QoS description is simple, as only standardized properties and the duration of resource access<br />

matter. For services, however, QoS is more difficult, as not only time aspects but also precision and accuracy of<br />

the services play a role. The definitions of precision, accuracy and further parameters depend on the individual<br />

service and cannot be standardized. This also has ramifications for monitoring. While monitoring resource<br />

access is relatively simple, the monitoring of complex application services becomes particularly demanding<br />

when services are intertwined.<br />

Figure 1 shows the different aggregation levels of services and resources with respect to the layers of the Grid<br />

Protocol Architecture (Joseph et al. 2004). On top of this stack, the actual Grid application is located, such as a<br />

demand forecasting tool for Supply Chain Management or computer-aided engineering tools for simulations, etc.<br />

While these applications can be run directly on physical resources, they may access several complex application<br />

services, e.g. services for integrating, aggregating and statistically analyzing vast amounts of data, to simplify<br />

development and deployment by shielding parts of the Grid’s complexity from the application. Complex<br />

application services are so diverse that they cannot reasonably be standardized. These complex application<br />

services might in turn access raw application services which provide standardized interfaces for accessing<br />

various data sources and or computational services. These raw application services are resource-near services<br />

(such as storage, memory or computation services). Raw application services also comprise applications and<br />

software libraries which can be standardized. These physical resources may be CPUs, memory, sensors, other<br />

hardware and software or even aggregated resources such as clusters (e.g. a Condor cluster) and designated<br />

computing nodes.<br />

6 See http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.56.pdf, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />


Figure 1: Grid Protocol Architecture and the different aggregation levels of services and resources<br />

When relying on direct access to physical resources, executables and external libraries need to be transferred<br />

across the Grid. Typically, state-of-the-art Grid middleware only supports limited resource <strong>management</strong><br />

functionality. In most cases, the middleware does not enforce policies concerning how many resources a job can<br />

consume. Only the local administrator can specify the degree to which resources can be shared. Trading physical<br />

resources is thus difficult to achieve by means of Grid middleware. Trading physical resources, however, is<br />

possible on the operating system level, which supports effective resource <strong>management</strong>. So called Grid Operating<br />

Systems, henceforth Grid OS (e.g. MOSIX 7 ), support resource <strong>management</strong> on the OS Kernel level and are<br />

potentially available for setting up markets (Stößer et al. 2007). With Grid OS, applications need not be altered<br />

to be run on the Grid, as is the case when Grid middleware is being used.<br />

From an economic perspective, Grid resource markets are promising for automation via an organized electronic<br />

market. There are standardized items for sale that potentially attract many buyers and sellers. However, complex<br />

application services have the disadvantage that demand is highly specialized and distributed across niche<br />

markets, such that only few potential buyers are interested in the same or related application services.<br />

One Market Fits All?<br />

In this section, we explore whether it is sufficient to build up and operate a single market for Grids. Based on the<br />

previous backgro<strong>und</strong> description, the answer to this question is straightforward: Designing one Grid market for<br />

7 See http://www.mosix.org, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />


all kinds of resources, from physical resources, such as processing power, memory and storage running on native<br />

platforms, to sophisticated virtual resources or application services that b<strong>und</strong>le and enrich such physical<br />

resources, seems inappropriate due to both technical and economical factors.<br />

a) Technical factors<br />

From the technical point of view, differences in the monitoring and deployment of services and resources<br />

make it very difficult to devise a generic system capable of supporting all kinds of resource and service<br />

trading. Furthermore, different deployment mechanisms impose different requirements on the market<br />

mechanism, as we will outline below.<br />

b) Economic factors<br />

From the economic point of view, market mechanisms need to achieve the following standard objectives in<br />

mechanism design (Stößer et al. 2007):<br />

• Allocative efficiency: Allocative efficiency is the overall goal of market mechanisms for Grid resource<br />

allocation. A mechanism is allocatively efficient if it maximizes the utility across all participating users<br />

(welfare or overall “happiness”).<br />

• Budget-balance: A mechanism is budget-balanced if it does not need to be subsidized by outside<br />

payments.<br />

• Computational tractability: The market mechanism needs to be computed in polynomial run time in<br />

the number of resource requests and offers.<br />

• Truthfulness: Truthfulness means that it is a (weakly) dominant strategy for users to reveal their true<br />

valuations to the mechanism.<br />

• Individual rationality: A mechanism is individually rational if users cannot suffer a loss in utility from<br />

participating in the mechanism, i.e. if it is individually rational to participate.<br />

As mentioned in the backgro<strong>und</strong> discussion, trading physical resources and trading application services<br />

impose completely different requirements on the market: while physical resources are more or less<br />

commodities for which auction mechanisms seem to work well, (complex) application services are<br />

inherently non-standardized, thus making auction-like mechanisms inapplicable.<br />


From this brief discussion, it can be seen that a one-size-fits-all market for Grids is infeasible from both the<br />

technical as well as from the economic perspective. Due to the heterogeneous properties of Grids, they can be<br />

divided into two different types of markets: resource-near markets for physical resources and raw application<br />

services on the one hand, and markets for complex application services on the other hand, spanning out what<br />

may be called a “two-tiered Grid market structure” 8 as depicted in Figure 2. These two classes of markets are<br />

analyzed below in terms of their requirements for market structure 9 .<br />

Market for Complex<br />

Application Services<br />

Application<br />

Complex<br />

Application<br />

Service<br />

Market for Raw<br />

Application Services<br />

Raw<br />

Application<br />

Service<br />

Application<br />

Complex<br />

Application<br />

Service<br />

Raw<br />

Application<br />

Service<br />

Application<br />

Application<br />

Complex<br />

Application<br />

Service<br />

Complex<br />

Application<br />

Service<br />

Physical<br />

Resource<br />

Physical<br />

Resource<br />

Grid Users<br />

Market for Physical Resources<br />

Integrators<br />

Resource Providers<br />

Tier 2 Tier 1<br />

Tier 1 Markets<br />

Figure 2: Two-tiered market structure<br />

In the resource-near market for physical resources and raw application services, low-level resources such as<br />

processing power, memory, and storage are traded. Demand in this market is generated by complex application<br />

services that need to be executed on these physical resources and raw application services. This setting poses<br />

8 We use the term “market structure” to denote the configuration of marketplaces.<br />

9 It should be noted that there could be n-intermediate markets. We consider only the extreme cases, as they<br />

exhibit different characteristics.<br />


special requirements for market mechanisms (Schnizler et al. forthcoming). However, as mentioned earlier, the<br />

requirements also depend on the way resources are deployed.<br />

Deployment as Physical Resource<br />

The technical requirements in markets for physical resources are the following:<br />

• Multi-attributes: Physical resources have quality attributes such as CPU speed, operating platform or<br />

bandwidth. Thus the mechanism needs to cope with multiple attributes simultaneously.<br />

• Bids on b<strong>und</strong>les: Generally, users require a combination of physical resources to execute an application<br />

(e.g. CPU and memory). If the mechanism does not account for bids on b<strong>und</strong>les, the user faces the risk<br />

of obtaining only one part of a b<strong>und</strong>le (the so called “exposure risk”). The market mechanism thus<br />

needs to support requests for b<strong>und</strong>les of resources.<br />

• Online mechanism: The allocation of the mechanism needs to be made instantaneously, as the market<br />

assumes the role of an operating system scheduler. The mechanism thus needs to be lightweight such<br />

that it requires little computation time. Online mechanisms are crucial in the case where information<br />

such as release time or request processing time is only gradually released to the scheduler.. The<br />

scheduler must be able to mitigate past decisions that prove unfortunate when new information enters<br />

the system. For example, facing a decrease in the performance of an application, the mechanism may be<br />

required to allocate additional physical resources in a timely manner.<br />

• Split-proofness: In some scenarios, one might want the mechanism to treat small and large requests in<br />

a fair manner. The mechanism may need to be split-proof in the sense that users cannot improve their<br />

requests’ priority by splitting them into multiple parts and submitting them <strong>und</strong>er different aliases.<br />

• Merge-proofness: The mechanism must be stable in the face of strategic users, who build coalitions to<br />

improve their priority. Thus the mechanism needs to assure that users do not have an advantage by<br />

merging their requests.<br />

Deployment as Raw Application Service<br />

The technical requirements in markets for raw application services are the following:<br />


• Multi-attributes: A virtual machine, for instance, may be characterized by the number of CPUs, share<br />

of memory, cache and bandwidth of the <strong>und</strong>erlying physical resource. A simple computational service<br />

may need to provide a certain speed and accuracy.<br />

• Bids on b<strong>und</strong>les: A user program may require multiple interdependent raw application services in<br />

parallel.<br />

• Time constraints: When raw application services are traded, the market mechanism needs to take time<br />

attributes into account. The requesters need to specify their demand, so that the market mechanism can<br />

efficiently schedule the requests according to the availability of resources and price. This situation<br />

differs from the trading of resources, where the market mechanism executes requests and the<br />

corresponding applications upon availability.<br />

• Co-allocation: Capacity-demanding Grid applications usually require the simultaneous allocation of<br />

several homogenous service instances from different providers. For example, a large-scale simulation<br />

may require several computation services to be completed at the same time. This is often referred to as<br />

“co-allocation”. A mechanism for raw application services has to enable and control co-allocations.<br />

• Coupling: For some applications, it may be necessary to couple multiple raw application services into a<br />

b<strong>und</strong>le in order to guarantee that the services are allocated from the same seller and will be executed on<br />

the same machine.<br />

• Resource isolation: Security and performance considerations lead to the requirement of resource<br />

isolation, i.e. that a specific raw application service can only be instantiated once at any given time.<br />

Tier 2 Markets<br />

Along the lines of the two-tiered market structure, complex application services can be decomposed into several<br />

raw application services that can in turn be translated into the physical resources required to execute these<br />

services. For instance, some complex application service might require a basic XML transformer service, which<br />

in turn needs processing power, memory, storage etc. Buyers in such a market request a complex application<br />

service; the provider of this complex application service, the service integrator, is responsible for obtaining the<br />

required raw application services and physical resources in turn, thus hiding parts of the Grid’s complexity from<br />

the buyer. Such a hierarchical masking of complexity seems to be an appropriate approach since service<br />


equesters typically have no insight into the resources the complex application service will consume (Eymann et<br />

al. 2006).<br />

The requirements of complex application services for market mechanisms are totally different than for resourcenear<br />

markets. Complex application services are rarely used by two different companies; hence creating<br />

competition via an auction mechanism does not make sense. Instead, the market for complex application services<br />

faces the difficulty of finding a counterpart that offers the exact capabilities needed to execute the application.<br />

As the following requirements suggest, the market mechanism is more “search-oriented”, in terms of the need<br />

for bilateral or multi-lateral negotiation protocols:<br />

• Multi-attributes (see above).<br />

• Workflow support: To support complex services, distributed resources such as computational devices,<br />

data, and applications need to be orchestrated while managing the application workflow within Grid<br />

environments. The market mechanism needs to account for this during design time and run time of the<br />

workflow.<br />

• Scalability: Scalability considers how the properties of a protocol change, as the size of a system (i.e.<br />

the participants in the Grid) increases.<br />

• Co-allocation: (see above).<br />

As pointed out in the introduction, resource-near Grid markets are not a viable solution for enterprises which<br />

typically have to run time-critical applications. However, applications in academia are usually less time<br />

dependent. As such, resource-near markets would be a viable business model for such settings; the users have to<br />

wait until the queued jobs are executed. But clearly, the issue of payment is controversial in academia. Even for<br />

the EGEE Grid 10 , billing and payment will soon become an issue as demand exceeds supply. It seems that<br />

resource-near markets will soon become an adequate model for academic Grids such as EGEE or D-Grid, the<br />

German Grid initiative.<br />

Grid markets that will be widely accessed by enterprises need to be of the form of markets for complex<br />

application services. Consider a manufacturer interested in executing a computer-aided engineering application<br />

10 Enabling Grids for eScience, http://www.eu-egee.org/, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />


and deploying it on a computationally intense platform. This complex application service showcases a very<br />

specific service which is likely to be demanded by a single requester only. To accommodate this complex<br />

application service, the service must be decomposed into its constituent raw application services and the required<br />

physical resources. Integrators – companies such as EDO2 11, GigaSpaces 12 , etc. that specialize in aggregating<br />

and disaggregating services into physical resources – are needed to facilitate this decomposition process. The<br />

specialization stems from experience, allowing the identification of service needs by comparing each service<br />

request with similar service requests in the past, where similarity is established in terms of algorithms, data<br />

structures and sizes, etc. Telecommunication companies and hardware producers seeking to virtualize IT<br />

infrastructures naturally have the interest and competency to become Grid services integrators. Table 1<br />

summarizes this discussion.<br />

Market level Tier 1-market (resource-near) Tier 2-market<br />

Deployment Physical Resource Raw Application Service Complex Application Service<br />

Description<br />

languages<br />

GLUE JSDL/RSL Domain-dependent ontologies<br />

Time limits No Yes Yes<br />

Application areas<br />

Small enterprises,<br />

Integrators and resource<br />

All enterprises<br />

academia<br />

providers<br />

Requirements<br />

Multi-attributes, Bids on<br />

Multi-attributes, Bids on<br />

Multi-attributes,<br />

b<strong>und</strong>les, Online<br />

b<strong>und</strong>les, Time attributes, Co-<br />

Workflow support,<br />

mechanism, Split-proof,<br />

Allocation, Coupling, Resource<br />

Scalability,<br />

Merge-proof<br />

Isolation<br />

Co-Allocation<br />

A Roadmap for Grids<br />

Table 1: Types of grid markets<br />

In previous sections, we argued that Grids do not require something like a single global market where all Grid<br />

requests and supplies are aggregated, but a more complex two-tiered market structure. Figure 2 above<br />

summarizes this (meta-)market structure. Applications demand the execution of several complex application<br />

services in Tier 2 markets. In resource-near markets (Tier 1), complex services request physical resources either<br />

11 http://www.cdo2.com/, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />

12 http://www.gigaspaces.com/, accessed on 18 September 2007<br />


plainly deployed or accessed via service interfaces. Integrators assume the responsibility for mediating between<br />

requesters unaware of their resource needs and the needed resources.<br />

Based on the preceding discussion, we set up a taxonomy below of known market mechanisms that support<br />

different types of Grid applications. This taxonomy is conceived as a roadmap for further Grid market<br />

developments to help bridge the Grid adoption gap.<br />

Market Mechanisms for Trading Physical Resources<br />

For Grids where physical resources (but not services) are traded, no time restrictions apply. Usually, the<br />

resources themselves are not traded, but rather shares of computing units (e.g. nodes) are. The idea is that<br />

bidding determines the share a user receives from the pool of available nodes. The more resources a user obtains,<br />

the faster the application is completed. The following mechanisms have been proposed for this setting:<br />

• Fair Share (Kay and Lauder 1988): In the Fair Share mechanism, all users get the same share of the<br />

respective resource. This share is dynamically adjusted as new users enter the system or existing users<br />

leave.<br />

• Proportional Share (Lai et al. 2004): In contrast to the Fair Share mechanism, with Proportional Share<br />

the shares can differ across users to reflect each user’s priority. This priority may be determined<br />

dynamically based on the users’ bids for resources: If there are n users in the system and user i has<br />

submitted a valuation of v i , then i will receive a share amounting to v i<br />

/ ∑ j =<br />

v<br />

1 j<br />

.<br />

n<br />

• Pay-as-bid (Sanghavi and Hajek 2005; Bodenbenner et al. 2007): The pay-as-bid mechanism operates<br />

in the same settings as Fair Share and Proportional Share but is specifically designed so as to induce<br />

users to truthful reporting of valuations. It has been shown that pay-as-bid improves on the prominent<br />

Proportional Share mechanism as regards efficiency and provider’s revenue (Bodenbenner et al. 2007).<br />

All three mechanisms, however, share a common drawback: they can only be used in scenarios where one<br />

resource provider serves several consumers, that is, there is no competition among providers. In cases where all<br />

resources are <strong>und</strong>er fully centralized control, this condition is unproblematic. But the idea in Grids is to cross<br />

administrative bo<strong>und</strong>aries. Consequently, there is a need for market mechanisms that support multiple resource<br />

providers.<br />

Market Mechanisms for Trading Application Services<br />


Dividing the service market into two parts – raw and complex application services –is too simplistic, as the<br />

timing of demand for services has not yet been considered. This timing is determined by the application itself<br />

and depends on the task the application is performing. We use the term “application model” as a characterization<br />

of the processing mode of the application. This encompasses in particular the workload of the application as well<br />

as the interaction model between applications and the Grid middleware virtualizing the execution platform.<br />

Depending on the application model, different requirements upon the market mechanisms emerge.<br />

• Batch applications (e.g. data mining) are characterized by a planned execution and expected<br />

termination time. Execution is serial and resource demands depend on the parameters, such as the size<br />

of input data.<br />

• Interactive applications (e.g. online data analysis) are applications that require services on demand,<br />

depending on the interactions with users. In contrast with batch applications, it is not possible to plan<br />

the execution and expected termination time of interactive applications far in advance, so unpredictable<br />

peaks of requests can occur within a short time.<br />

• Task-oriented applications are dynamically composed from (sub-)tasks to build more complex tasks.<br />

Service demand depends on the (work-) flow of requests from multiple users (e.g. transaction system of<br />

a bank constitutes).<br />

Most of the market-based approaches relate to batch applications. Batch applications are comparably easy for<br />

two main reasons. First, there is no need to consider a whole workflow with different resource demands on each<br />

echelon of the workflow. Second, the time to determine the allocation can be relatively long; immediacy is not<br />

essential. Thus, complex resource allocation computations can be performed without hampering the whole<br />

application due to latency times devoted to the calculation of the optimal allocation. Furthermore, most of the<br />

practical market-based Grid prototypes consider only one single resource type (e.g. CPU only) and thus make<br />

use of standard auctions (e.g. English auction). In applications other than pure number crunching, those auction<br />

types are inadequate as more than one object (e.g. memory) is required at the same time.<br />

Market Mechanisms for Raw Application Services<br />

As mentioned above, the market mechanisms for raw services depend on the application model. Mechanisms<br />

that we identify as being adequate for batch applications are:<br />


• Multi-attribute Combinatorial Auction (Bapna et al. 2006): In the model of Bapna et al., multiple<br />

requesters and providers can trade both computing power and memory for a sequence of time slots.<br />

First, an exact mechanism is introduced. By imposing fairness constraints and a common valuation<br />

across all resource providers, the search space in the <strong>und</strong>erlying combinatorial allocation problem is<br />

structured so as to establish one common, truthful price per time slot for all accepted requests.<br />

Additionally, this introduces a linear ordering across all jobs and time which reduces the complexity of<br />

the allocation problem, which however still remains NP-hard 13 . To mitigate this computational<br />

complexity, a fast, greedy heuristic is proposed at the expense of both truthfulness and efficiency.<br />

• Multi-attribute Exchange (Stößer et al. 2007): The model of Stößer et al. extends the model of Bapna<br />

et al. (2006) in that it accounts for strategic behavior not only on the demand side of the market but also<br />

among resource providers. Stoesser et al. design a truthful scheduling heuristic for Grid operating<br />

systems that achieves an approximately efficient allocation fast. A greedy heuristic is employed to solve<br />

the scheduling problem. It is complemented with an adequate pricing scheme which assures that<br />

reporting truthfully is a dominant strategy for resource requesters and payments to resource providers<br />

are approximately truthful.<br />

• MACE-mechanism (Schnizler et al. forthcoming): Schnizler et al. elaborate a Multi-Attribute<br />

Combinatorial Exchange (MACE). Users are allowed to request and offer arbitrary b<strong>und</strong>les of computer<br />

resources and can specify quality attributes of these resources. The scheduling problem in this<br />

combinatorial setting is NP-hard, and the pricing scheme of MACE yields approximately truthful prices<br />

on both sides of the market. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, the mechanism is not applicable to<br />

large scale settings and interactive applications that require the immediate allocation of resources.<br />

• Combinatorial Scheduling Exchange (AuYoung et al. 2004): The Bellagio system also implements an<br />

exact combinatorial exchange for computing resources (AuYoung et al. 2004). Its pricing is based on<br />

the approximation of the truthful Vickrey-Clarke-Groves prices proposed by Parkes et al. (2001). As an<br />

exact mechanism it shares the computational drawbacks of MACE.<br />

• Augmented Proportional Share (Stoica et al. 1996): One major drawback of Proportional Share as<br />

proposed by Lai et al. (2004) is that users do not get any QoS guarantee. Generally, users will receive a<br />

13 Informally, for a complex / large problem instance, the allocation problem is not solvable with justifiable<br />


larger or smaller share than required and constantly need to monitor their resource needs and the actual<br />

allocation. To mitigate this deficiency, Stoica et al. propose an extension of the Proportional Share<br />

mechanism so that users can request and receive a fixed share of the resource. Thus, this approach<br />

inherits the benefits of the simplicity of Proportional Share and resource reservation if required.<br />

For interactive applications it is impossible to predict demand for raw application services. Thus, market<br />

mechanisms need to allocate these services continuously. This can be realized by frequent call mechanisms,<br />

where bids are collected for a very short time span and right away cleared. This requires that the mechanism is<br />

solvable in few milliseconds. The greedy approaches of the Multi-attribute Combinatorial Auction Heuristic<br />

(Bapna et al. 2006) and the Multi-attribute Exchange (Stößer et al. 2007) are capable of approximately solving<br />

the combinatorial allocation problem in the required timely manner. Alternatively, the mechanism could be a<br />

true online mechanism, which allows the real-time job submission to available resources (e.g. nodes or clusters).<br />

A third way is to introduce a derivative market to hedge against the risk of supernormal resource demand.<br />

Adequate market-based schedulers for interactive applications comprise:<br />

• Decentralized Local Greedy Mechanism (Heydenreich et al. 2006; Stößer et al. 2007): This<br />

mechanism is designed to provide a scalable and stable auctioning protocol. It operates in an online<br />

setting where jobs arrive over time. Its aim is to schedule these jobs so as to minimize the overall<br />

weighted completion times. This scheduling mechanism is complemented by a pricing rule which<br />

induces the users to truthful behavior.<br />

• Augmented Proportional Share (Stoica et al. 1996): The shares which are allocated to the users and<br />

the resulting prices can be adjusted very efficiently as new requests are submitted or requests are<br />

finished. Moreover, users can choose their risk by either fixing the price – and receiving a<br />

corresponding share which may or may not correspond to the true demand of their interactive<br />

application – or by fixing their share and having to pay the corresponding price, which may or may not<br />

match their valuation.<br />

• Derivative Markets (Kenyon and Cheliotis 2002; Rasmusson 2002): Derivative markets perform two<br />

basic functions, hedging and speculation, which become essential in the context of non-storable goods<br />

such as Grid resources. This generates early price signals which support capacity planning for both<br />

buyers and sellers. Rasmusson (2002) proposes the use of options to price network resources. Kenyon<br />

effort.<br />


and Cheliotis (2002) follow the same idea by proposing option contracts for network commodities such<br />

as bandwidth. They elaborate a pricing scheme for options which specifically takes into account aspects<br />

of the <strong>und</strong>erlying network topology that may affect prices, e.g. the existence of alternative paths.<br />

Options cannot only be used for hedging purposes but also for speculation (arbitrage) which contributes<br />

liquidity to the market.<br />

The requirements for market mechanisms that support task-oriented applications are very demanding, as all<br />

constituents of the workflow need to be allocated simultaneously, since otherwise the application cannot be fully<br />

executed and is of no value to the user. Currently, there are only bargaining protocols available that guide the<br />

users in their search for all components of the workflow, e.g.:<br />

• SNAP (Czajkowski et al. 2002): The Service Negotiation and Acquisition Protocol (SNAP) supports<br />

the reliable <strong>management</strong> of Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In particular, SNAP supports the<br />

process of negotiating simultaneously across multiple resource providers, a key requirement for<br />

complex and resource-demanding services.<br />

Market Mechanisms for Complex Application Services<br />

Trading complex application services is very demanding as there are not many providers and requesters.<br />

Currently, there is not much research available that aims to develop market mechanisms for trading complex<br />

application services. Hence, the market mechanisms for batch, interactive and task-oriented applications do not<br />

differ substantially. In particular, the MACE-mechanism (Schnizler et al. forthcoming), the Bargaining Protocol<br />

(Czajkowski et al. 2002), and the Decentralized Local Greedy Mechanism (Heydenreich et al. 2006; Stößer et al.<br />

2007) might be appropriate for trading such services. Furthermore, for all applications, the licensing model of<br />

software-as-a-service 14 is applicable. It refers to take-it-or-leave-it pricing, where the vendor sets the price and<br />

the users decide whether or not to purchase.<br />

Table 2 summarizes the existing market mechanisms for each application model.<br />

Application model Physical Resource Raw Application Service Complex Application Service<br />

14 Software-as-a-service refers more to model of software delivery where a service provider (e.g. SAP) offers to<br />

requesters applications that are specifically implemented for one-to-many hosting.<br />


Batch<br />

MACE<br />

Multi-attribute Combinatorial<br />

Auction<br />

Augmented Proportional Share<br />

MACE<br />

SNAP<br />

Software-as-a-service<br />

Interactive<br />

Fair Share<br />

Proportional Share<br />

Sanghavi-Hajek<br />

Decentralized Local Greedy<br />

Mechanism<br />

Multi-attribute Auction<br />

Augmented Proportional Share<br />

Derivative Markets<br />

Decentralized Local Greedy<br />

Mechanism<br />

SNAP<br />

Software-as-a-service<br />

Task-oriented<br />

SNAP<br />

SNAP<br />

Software-as-a-service<br />

Table 2: Market Mechanisms Canon for Grids<br />

Conclusion<br />

This paper argues that, despite its promising features, the technology of Grid computing has not yet been adopted<br />

by enterprises due to an absence of adequate business models. Grid markets may help to overcome this obvious<br />

“adoption gap”. This paper attempts to derive an economically so<strong>und</strong> set of market mechanisms based on a solid<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstanding of the technical possibilities.<br />

In the backgro<strong>und</strong> section, we analyzed the characteristics of the object traded in Grids. This trading object is<br />

closely associated with the deployment of software applications. The deployment directly on physical resources<br />

or via raw application services has major ramifications for the trading object and consequently for the<br />

requirements for market mechanisms. Physical resources are essentially commodities, whereas application<br />

services can be both standardized commodities (raw application services) and unique entities (complex<br />

application services).<br />

Based on this analysis, we derived a two-tiered market structure along the distinction between physical resources<br />

and application services, where each tier demands different market mechanisms. The first tier comprises the<br />

markets for physical resources (e.g. CPU, memory) and raw application services. The second tier comprises the<br />

markets for complex application services.<br />


We then presented and classified existing Grid market mechanisms according to this market structure. At the<br />

core of this paper, we argue that there is no single market that satisfies all purposes. Reflecting the distinct<br />

requirements of different application models (physical resource vs. raw application service vs. complex<br />

application service) and deployment modes (batch vs. interactive vs. task-oriented), a catalogue of co-existing<br />

market mechanisms is needed. Thus, in order to overcome the adoption gap, Grid market operators such as Sun<br />

Microsystems and Amazon must deploy multiple market mechanisms via a Grid market platform to satisfy the<br />

needs of their enterprise customers, or else integrators must step in to bridge these niche markets.<br />

In essence, this paper suggests several intriguing research avenues. Further research is needed to specify the<br />

properties of both the various application scenarios and the needed market mechanisms. Since existing market<br />

mechanisms represent rather theoretical constructs, they need to be deployed in real-world settings to verify the<br />

<strong>und</strong>erlying models and analytic results. However, existing mechanisms only represent a first step towards filling<br />

the identified market structure and satisfying the various requirements. This basic catalogue needs to be extended<br />

by means of improved and new mechanisms in order to further enhance efficiency and to account for the<br />

strategic dimension inherent in Grid markets. And, of course, the commercial adoption and adaption of Grid<br />

markets requires an analysis of the supply side as well as of the demand side, which was our focus in this paper.<br />

An in-depth analysis of the supply side would address questions such as the following: What are sustainable<br />

business models for companies that provide market platforms for trading Grid services or resources? And how<br />

large is each of the individual markets within the two-tiered market structure?<br />

Chargeable Grid services and sustainable business models are not the final or only answers to the Grid adoption<br />

problem. Other factors, such as trust in the security and reliability of Grid technology, are also relevant. But<br />

better technology alone will not ensure widespread adoption of the Grid: so<strong>und</strong> market mechanisms are also<br />

necessary.<br />


References List<br />

Anonymous (2006). Grid Computing: A Vertical Market Perspective 2006-2011. Boonton, NJ, USA, The Insight<br />

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Jochen Stoesser, <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>), Universität<br />

Karlsruhe (TH), Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, stoesser@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Dirk Neumann, <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>), Universität<br />

Karlsruhe (TH), Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, neumann@iism.unikarlsruhe.de<br />

Arun Anandasivam, <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>), Universität<br />

Karlsruhe (TH), Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, anandasivam@iism.unikarlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

The Grid is a promising concept to solve the dilemma of increasingly complex and demanding<br />

applications being confronted with the need for a more efficient and flexible use of existing resources.<br />

Network-centric Grid Operating Systems (OS) aim at providing users and applications with<br />

transparent and seamless access to heterogeneous Grid resources across different administrative<br />

domains. Scheduling in these heterogeneous environments becomes the key issue since scarce<br />

resources must be distributed between strategic and self-interested users. Market-based algorithms<br />

are deemed to provide a good fit to the Grid environment by accounting for its distinct properties and<br />

the needs of the users. Current market mechanisms, however, leave room for inefficiency and are<br />

computationally intractable. The speed of heuristics becomes a desirable feature in interactive, largescale<br />

Grid OS settings. Heuristics achieve a fast, approximately efficient allocation of resources but<br />

generally fail in preserving truthfulness, i.e. users can benefit from cheating the mechanism. The<br />

contribution of this paper is the proposal of a greedy, market-based scheduling heuristic for networkcentric<br />

Grid OS which does achieve this distinct trade-off: it is designed so as to obtain an<br />

approximately efficient allocation schedule at low computational cost while accounting for strategic,<br />

self-interested users in a heterogeneous environment.<br />

Keywords: network-centric Grid OS, market-based scheduling, heuristic, truthful<br />

1052<br />



Grids allow the aggregation and sharing of a wide variety of geographically dispersed computer<br />

resources owned by different administrative units (Foster and Kesselman 2004). Grids are typically<br />

used for scientific applications that require massive amounts of computational power and storage such<br />

as protein folding, weather forecasts, or gene encoding. These applications potentially process and<br />

store terabytes of data and the sharing of resources is necessary to reduce the enormous processing<br />

time (Berlich et al. 2005; Cirne et al. 2006). The most famous predecessor of modern Grids is<br />

SETI@home which connected in its peak time over one million computers spread across 226 countries<br />

to achieve processing power of 418.6 TFLOPS (Cirne et al. 2006). For comparison, the world’s fastest<br />

supercomputer – IBM’s BlueGene/L system – has an estimated total processing power of 280<br />

TFLOPS, while Google's search engine system can muster between 126 and 316 TFLOPS. Grids offer<br />

enormous potential by aggregating idle resources that are geographically distributed. For businesses, it<br />

is projected that Grids may reduce total IT costs by 30 % (Minoli 2004).<br />

The use of market mechanisms has often been suggested in situations that establish a price for<br />

resources. The price being paid to resource owners that share idle resources reflects the scarcity of the<br />

provided resource. Since consuming resources is not for free, demand will be restricted and shifted to<br />

those time slots where the resources are really needed. The employment of market mechanisms in<br />

distributed computing is not new. The first attempt was reported at Harvard University where auctions<br />

were used to allocate computing time to users of the PDP-1 computer (Sutherland 1968). Other<br />

examples are Tycoon, Bellagio, and Nimrod/G (Buyya et al. 2000; Lai et al. 2004).<br />

From an economic point of view, the use of market mechanisms in Grid computing is promising, but<br />

most of the potential in state-of-the-art Grid middleware such as Globus, UNICORE, and gLite is<br />

being wasted. Current Grid middleware is based on the premise to share idle resources only and<br />

computational jobs are submitted to these idle resources where they are being processed in batch<br />

mode. It would be more efficient to allocate all available resources over markets. Ideally, resource<br />

allocation should be on-demand such that interactive processing of jobs is permitted as well (Gorlatch<br />

and Müller 2005).<br />

Recently, a new stream of research on network-centric Grid operating systems (OS) has emerged in<br />

Grid computing that especially addresses interactive applications. Network-centric Grid OS provide<br />

the user with seamless and transparent access to Grid resources such as memory and computing<br />

power. While current OS provide only limited support for Grid computing, network-centric Grid OS<br />

adjust their view on the system at run-time contingent upon the particular resources. By means of<br />

network-centric Grid OS, the Grid can be used in an interactive manner. This interactivity certainly<br />

raises problems concerning bandwidth and latency – network-centric-Grid OS are an active research<br />

topic (Padala and Wilson 2003; Gorlatch and Müller 2005). Nonetheless, there are currently some<br />

implementations available that come close to this notion of a network-centric Grid OS. MOSIX, for<br />

example, is realized as an OS virtualization layer that provides a single system image with the Linux<br />

run time environment to users and applications. As such, it allows applications to run on remote nodes<br />

as if they ran locally. Users can run their applications while MOSIX is automatically and transparently<br />

seeking resources and migrating processes among nodes in order to improve overall performance<br />

(Barak et al. 2005).<br />

The concept of network-centric Grid OS coupled with markets is deemed promising to revolutionize<br />

resource allocation in Grids. From their conception, network-centric Grid OS do not only allocate<br />

resources being idle but all available resources. The employment of markets for allocating and<br />

scheduling jobs to resources appears promising to achieve an efficient resource allocation in the<br />

economic sense – allocating those jobs to the resources that value it most.<br />

The problem of scheduling resources is, however, computationally demanding. To be harnessed for<br />

network-centric Grid OS, market mechanisms needs to be solvable quickly. Currently, there is no<br />

market mechanism available that is specifically tailored towards the needs of a network-centric Grid<br />

1053<br />


OS. This paper seeks to remedy this gap by designing a truthful scheduling heuristic for MOSIX that<br />

achieves an approximately efficient allocation fast. The contributions of this paper are threefold:<br />

Firstly, the paper designs a multi-attribute exchange that can be used for Grid OS. Secondly, a greedy<br />

heuristic is employed to solve the scheduling problem. Thirdly, an adequate pricing scheme is<br />

developed which assures that reporting truthfully is a dominant strategy for resource requesters and<br />

payments to resource providers are approximately truthful.<br />

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the market-based scheduling<br />

problem of network-centric Grid OS systems is introduced. Section 3 suggests (i) a heuristic to solve<br />

this problem and (ii) a pricing scheme that provides the market mechanism with desirable properties.<br />

Section 4 discusses related work in the light of the presented market mechanisms. Section 5 concludes<br />

the paper with a summary and points to future work.<br />


There are two classes of system users in network-centric Grid OS: Resource requesters who want to<br />

use the computing resources offered in the system for solving a computational problem and resource<br />

providers who want to sell idle resources. We introduce the term “job” to refer to a computational<br />

problem and we will call an atomic b<strong>und</strong>le of resources on which the job or parts of it can be<br />

computed a “node”, e.g. one server within a cluster. If a job gets allocated to a node, we will call this<br />

job (node) a “winning” job (node). We intend to design a direct, sealed-bid mechanism which<br />

allocates periodically: the mechanism collects resource requests and offers from the users for a period<br />

of time and then allocates jobs to nodes on the basis of these submitted requests and offers. Users do<br />

not get to know the requests and offers submitted by other users before the allocation is determined by<br />

the mechanism.<br />

2.1 Economic Requirements<br />

The mechanism is intended to perform job scheduling in a distributed computing environment with<br />

heterogeneous and selfish users. There are a number of economic requirements which a market-based<br />

scheduling mechanism should ideally satisfy in this environment (Schnizler et al. forthcoming):<br />

• Allocative efficiency: A mechanism is said to be allocatively efficient if it maximizes the<br />

utility across all participating users (welfare), i.e. the sum over the valuations of all winning<br />

resource requesters less the sum over the reservation prices of all winning resource providers.<br />

• Budget-balance: the mechanism does not need to be subsidized by outside payments. The<br />

payments coming from the resource requesters cover the payments made to the resource<br />

providers.<br />

• Computational tractability: the mechanism can be computed in polynomial run time in the<br />

size of its input, i.e. the number of resource requests and offers.<br />

• Truthfulness: it is a (weakly) dominant strategy for users to reveal their true valuations to the<br />

mechanism.<br />

• Individual rationality: users cannot suffer any loss in utility from participating in the<br />

mechanism, i.e. it is individually rational to participate.<br />

Budget-balance and individual rationality are hard constraints which the mechanism must suffice. If<br />

these two requirements are not met, the mechanism will not be sustainable. Truthfulness is a desirable<br />

feature since it tremendously simplifies the strategy space of the users; there is no need to reason about<br />

the strategies of other users. Due to the celebrated impossibility result of Myerson and Satterthwaite<br />

(1983), this inherently implies that allocative efficiency can only be approximated: There is no<br />

exchange which is at the same time budget-balanced, individually rational, truthful and allocatively<br />

efficient in equilibrium.<br />

1054<br />


There are three basic components to be designed: the bidding language which defines how requests<br />

and offers are specified, the allocation algorithm which decides which job is to be executed on which<br />

node at what time, and the pricing scheme which translates the resulting allocation schedule in<br />

corresponding monetary transfers. In this section, the bidding language and the winner determination<br />

problem will be formalized. The complexity of this scheduling problem forms the rationale for a<br />

market-based heuristic. The pricing scheme will only be specified for the heuristic due to the focus of<br />

this paper.<br />

2.2 Bidding Language<br />

There is on-going research on applying machine learning, regression and filtering techniques for<br />

predicting run times of future jobs (Ali et al. 2004). In many cases a certain resource requester will<br />

submit jobs to a distributed computing environment which are similar in terms of algorithms, data<br />

structures, job size etc. Thus the run time of a new job is likely to follow the run times of “similar”<br />

jobs in the past. Building on this research we will assume that the resources needed for the<br />

computation of a job are known to the requester a priori. This comprises the amount of computing<br />

power, memory, and the run time of the job. A resource requester wanting to compute a job j submits a<br />

request (b j , c j , m j , s j , e j ) to the market mechanism where b j ∈ R + denotes the requester’s willingness to<br />

pay per unit of computing power and time slot, c j ∈ℵand m j ∈ ℵ the minimum amount of computing<br />

power and memory, s j ∈ ℵ the time slot at which the job needs to be started, and e j ∈ ℵ the time slot<br />

until which the job needs to be run. A job can only be executed in its entireness (atomicity). It cannot<br />

be parallelized on multiple nodes but migrate across different nodes over time. Note that job migration<br />

is one of the main features which distinguish Grid OS in general and MOSIX in particular from<br />

traditional machine scheduling domains. A resource offer containing node n consists of a tuple (r n , c¯n,<br />

m¯ n, ε n , λ n ) where r n ∈ R + denotes the reservation price per unit of computing power and time slot, c¯n ∈<br />

ℵ and m¯ n ∈ ℵ the maximum amount of computing power and memory, and ε n ∈ ℵ and λ n ∈ ℵ the<br />

earliest and the latest time slot at which the resources are available. Contrary to atomic resource<br />

requests, resources offered by some node are divisible and moreover freely disposable.<br />

Example: The following resource requests and offers have been submitted to the system:<br />

Job j b j c j m j s j e j Node n r n c¯n m¯ n ε n λ n<br />

J1 11 60 50 2 3 N1 5 150 100 1 5<br />

J2 10 80 50 1 3 N2 7 100 120 2 6<br />

J3 9 90 100 2 5 N3 8 140 100 1 5<br />

J4 8 130 100 4 5<br />

J5 7 80 90 1 3<br />

J6 6 70 50 2 4<br />

J7 5 30 40 1 3<br />

Table 1. Sample resource requests and offers.<br />

Job J1 requests to be run in time slots 2 and 3 and requires at least 60 units of computing power and 50<br />

units of memory in each time slot. The resource requester for job J1 is willing to pay up to $11 per unit<br />

of computing power and time slot, i.e. $11 * 60 * 2 = $1,320 in total. The provider of node N1 offers<br />

at most 150 units of computing power and 100 units of memory in time slots 1 to 5 and requires a<br />

minimum payment of at least $5 per unit of computing power per time slot.<br />

To simplify notation, in the following we will assume that each request and each offer has been<br />

submitted by a separate user and we will use the terms request and job (offer and node)<br />

interchangeably. In contrast to Schnizler et al. (forthcoming), this bidding language does not support a<br />

combinatorial exchange where users can request and offer arbitrary sets of goods and possibly link<br />

multiple requests and offers by means of logical operators. In the scenario at hand, each request and<br />

offer specifies one and the same b<strong>und</strong>le of computing resources and memory and thus rather<br />

implements a multi-attribute exchange (Bichler et al. 1999) by allowing the specification of multi-unit<br />

b<strong>und</strong>les, e.g. 100 units of computing power and 50 units of memory. Note, however, that while the<br />

bidding language is not combinatorial, the scheduling problem of allocating jobs to nodes remains a<br />

combinatorial assignment problem as will be seen below.<br />

1055<br />


2.3 Exact Scheduling<br />

Exact mechanisms such as the well-known Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism are guaranteed<br />

to find an optimal solution to the scheduling problem. Let N be the set of nodes contained in resource<br />

offerings, J the set of jobs contained in resource requests, T S (n) := {t ∈ ℵ | ε n ≤ t ≤ λ n } the set of time<br />

slots in which node n ∈ N is available according to the respective resource offering, T b (j) := {t ∈ ℵ | s j<br />

≤ t ≤ e j } the set of time slots in which job j ∈ J requests to get executed, and N(j) := {n ∈ N | T b (j) ⊆<br />

T S (n), c j ≤ c¯n, m j ≤ m¯ n} the set of nodes which can potentially execute job j. We introduce the binary<br />

decision variable x jnt ∈ {0,1} with x jnt = 1 if job j will be executed on node n in time slot t and x jnt = 0<br />

otherwise. The scheduling problem can be formalized as the following mathematical integer<br />

programme:<br />

[SP]<br />

max V : = c x ( b −r<br />

)<br />

x jnt<br />

n∈N( j)<br />

b<br />

j∈J j t∈T ( j) n∈N( j)<br />

jnt j n<br />

b<br />

s.. t x ∈{0,1}, j∈J, t∈T ( j), n∈N( j) ( C1)<br />

jnt<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑ ∑ ∑<br />

j∈J<br />

j∈J<br />

b<br />

x ≤1, j∈J, t∈T ( j) ( C2)<br />

jnt<br />

S<br />

x m ≤ m , n∈N, t∈T ( n) ( C3)<br />

jnt j n<br />

S<br />

x c ≤ c , n∈N, t∈T ( n) ( C4)<br />

jnt j n<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

b<br />

x = ( e − s + 1) x , j∈J,<br />

t∈T<br />

( j) ( C5)<br />

b<br />

u∈T ( j) n∈N( j)<br />

jnu j j n∈N( j)<br />

jnt<br />

b<br />

≥ ∈ ∈ ∈<br />

j jnt n<br />

b x r , j J, n N( j), t T ( j) ( C6)<br />

SP assigns jobs to nodes as to maximize welfare V. The economic scheduling scenario is encoded in<br />

the constraints of this combinatorial assignment problem as follows: (C1) introduces x jnt as binary<br />

decision variable. Jobs can only be assigned to nodes which provide the necessary resources during the<br />

right time slots. (C2) ensures that a job is allocated to at most one node at a time. (C3) and (C4)<br />

specify that for any given time slot and node, the total resource consumption in terms of memory and<br />

computing power cannot exceed the resources provided by this node. (C5) defines atomicity, i.e. every<br />

job is either executed as a whole or it is not executed at all. (C6) ensures that for each allocation of a<br />

job to a node, the requester’s willingness to pay is equal to or greater than the provider’s reservation<br />

price. The optimal allocation schedule X* := (x*) j∈J,n∈N,t∈T b(j) yielding welfare V* can be derived<br />

directly from the solution to SP.<br />

Example: For the sample resource requests and offers listed in Table 1, building and solving SP yields<br />

the optimal allocation schedule X* shown in Figure 1. In time slot 1, only job J2 runs on node N1. The<br />

requester of job J2 is willing to pay up to $10 [per computing cycle] * 80 [computing cycles] = $800<br />

per time slot. The provider of node N1 requires a minimum payment of $5 per computing cycle and<br />

time slot and receives – depending on the pricing which will be elaborated below – at least $5 * 80 =<br />

$400. Thus the allocation of job J2 to node N1 in time slot 1 yields welfare of $800 - $400 = $400.<br />

Across all time slots, X* generates welfare of V* = $3,420.<br />

J1<br />

J2<br />

J3<br />

J4<br />

J5<br />

J6<br />

J7<br />

Exact<br />

scheduling<br />

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6<br />

J2 J2<br />

J2<br />

J4 J4<br />

J1 J1<br />

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6<br />

Node N1<br />

J3 J3 J3 J3 Node N2<br />

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6<br />

Node N3<br />

Figure 1.<br />

Optimal Allocation Schedule.<br />

1056<br />


While this exact mechanism generates an optimal allocation schedule in terms of economic efficiency,<br />

this optimality only comes at the expense of computational efficiency: SP is an instance of a multiple<br />

knapsack problem (Ferrari 1994) and thus NP-hard. Computational costs of determining the allocation<br />

and the pricing may become a problem in dynamic network-centric Grid OS with a large number of<br />

resource requests and offers (Waldspurger et al. 1992). In these settings, a trade-off between efficiency<br />

and computational complexity may be desirable to support interactive applications.<br />


Heuristics aim at obtaining a good but generally suboptimal (in terms of welfare) allocation fast.<br />

Relaxing allocative efficiency not only impacts the outcome determination but also the pricing<br />

scheme: compromising a mechanism in terms of allocative efficiency generally implies compromising<br />

truthfulness as well (Mu’alem and Nisan 2002). Lehmann et al. (2002) and Mu’alem and Nisan<br />

(2002), however, elaborate necessary and sufficient conditions that do yield truthful, approximating<br />

mechanisms for a restricted class of users: known single-minded bidders. Informally, a bidder (user) is<br />

known single-minded if she only desires one specific set of goods and this set is known to the<br />

mechanism. Applying these conditions to the scenario above in order to design a truthful mechanism<br />

suggests itself: in a non-combinatorial multi-attribute exchange such as a market-based scheduler for<br />

Grid OS, resource requesters and providers are only allowed to request and offer one single b<strong>und</strong>le of<br />

resources corresponding to the b<strong>und</strong>le of attributes – in the scenario at hand this is computing power<br />

and memory.<br />

3.1 A Greedy Scheduling Heuristic<br />

Lehmann et al. (2002) and Mu’alem and Nisan (2002) propose greedy heuristics for constructing<br />

truthful heuristics for single-unit combinatorial auctions with one seller and multiple buyers. We build<br />

on this proposal and apply this greedy principle to construct a heuristic for the multi-attribute Grid<br />

exchange at hand with multiple sellers and multiple buyers. This heuristic consists of two basic<br />

phases:<br />

1. Sort the requests j ∈ J and offers n ∈ N in non-increasing and non-decreasing order with<br />

respect to some norm η;<br />

2. Sequentially run through the resulting rankings and allocate the requests with the highest<br />

ranking to the offers with the highest ranking (cf. pseudo code in Figure 2).<br />

(1) Sort jobs j ∈ J in non-increasing order and nodes n ∈ N in non-decreasing order of η.<br />

(2) Run sequentially through the job ranking, starting with the highest ranked job. For each job j:<br />

(3) Run sequentially through the node ranking, beginning with the highest ranked node, and<br />

check if j can be executed, i.e. whether conditions (b j ≥ r m ) ∧ (c j ≤ c¯m) ∧ (m j ≤ m¯ m) are<br />

satisfied for some m ∈ {n 1 ,...,n j } ⊆ N, i.e. the nodes with the highest ranking which can<br />

together accomodate job j, in time slots t ∈ T b (j).<br />

(4) If so, allocate j to {n 1 ,...,n j }; Update the residual capacities of m ∈ {n 1 ,...,n j }, i.e. subtract<br />

m j from m¯ m and c j from c¯m in time slots t ∈ T b (j).<br />

(5) Continue at (2).<br />

Figure 2. Heuristic for obtaining the initial allocation.<br />

The allocative efficiency of this greedy heuristic essentially hinges on norm η used in the sorting phase<br />

(Lehmann et al. 2002). This norm must lead to “efficient” rankings in the sense that the heuristic can<br />

create an approximately efficient allocation based on these rankings. A straightforward choice is to use<br />

b i and r i respectively as these set the valuation for a job (node) in relation to the amount of resources<br />

requested (offered). In conjunction with the sequential allocation rule in phase two, the resulting<br />

heuristic truly implements a greedy allocation algorithm: in each allocation step, it intends to<br />

maximize b j – r n from the objective function of SP above.<br />

1057<br />


Example: Assume η = b j , j ∈ J, and η = r n , n ∈ N.<br />

Job j b j c j m j s j e j Node n r n c¯n m¯ n ε n λ n<br />

J1 11 60 50 2 3 N1 5 150 100 1 5<br />

J2 10 80 50 1 3 N2 7 100 120 2 6<br />

J3 9 90 100 2 5 N3 8 140 100 1 5<br />

J4 8 130 100 4 5<br />

J5 7 80 90 1 3<br />

J6 6 70 50 2 4<br />

J7 5 30 40 1 3<br />

Figure 3. Example of the greedy heuristic.<br />

Jobs J1 and J2 can be fully executed on node N1. In time slots 2 and 3, job J3 does not fit on N1 but<br />

only on N2 which is next in the ranking. In time slots 4 and 5, J3 does fit on N1. Since J3 is allocated<br />

to N1 in time slots 4 and 5, J4 does not fit on N1 anymore but only on N3, in contrast to the optimal<br />

allocation X*. In total, X greedy yields welfare V greedy = $3,000 and an approximation ratio of V greedy / V* =<br />

$3,000 / $3,420 ≈ 88 %. The greedy heuristic generates the following allocation schedule X greedy :<br />

J1<br />

J2<br />

J3<br />

J4<br />

J5<br />

J6<br />

Heuristic<br />

scheduling<br />

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6<br />

J2 J2<br />

J2<br />

J3 J3<br />

J1 J1<br />

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6<br />

J3<br />

J3<br />

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6<br />

J7 J4 J4<br />

Node N1<br />

Node N2<br />

Node N3<br />

Figure 4. Greedy allocation schedule.<br />

The question is: How can these allocations of requests to resources and vice versa be translated into<br />

corresponding monetary transfers (prices and payments) according to the desired design criteria<br />

introduced above? Mu’alem and Nisan (2002) and Lehmann et al. (2002) propose a pricing scheme<br />

which generates truthful prices in restricted one-sided, combinatorial auctions with one provider and<br />

multiple requesters. In the remainder, these theoretical results will be applied to the Grid OS context to<br />

generate truthful prices for resource requesters. In contrast to the setting of Mu’alem and Nisan (2002)<br />

and Lehmann et al. (2002), the Grid OS market consists of multiple requesters and multiple providers.<br />

An algorithm will hence be proposed which yields approximately truthful payments to resource<br />

providers.<br />

3.2 Critical Value-based Pricing of Resource Requests<br />

Following the spirit of the truthful Vickrey auction, the payment of job j corresponds to its critical<br />

value given sets J and N of jobs and nodes (Lehmann et al. 2002, Mu’alem and Nisan 2002). The<br />

critical value of φ j is the minimal valuation that j has to report in order to remain in the allocation<br />

schedule, keeping all other requests and offers unchanged. Note that it is not possible to simply take<br />

the valuation of the job with the highest ranking which does not get executed since this job may not be<br />

executable in general due to capacity constraints. Moreover, removing j from the winning allocation<br />

might change the allocation of other jobs within the winning allocation as well. To determine the<br />

critical value for each winning job j, we need to determine the allocation without j: we successively<br />

allocate all other jobs from the ranking and, after having allocated a job, check whether j can still be<br />

accommodated (cf. pseudo code in Figure 5).<br />

1058<br />


(1) Sort jobs k ∈ J, k ≠ j, in non-increasing order and nodes n ∈ N in non-decreasing order of η.<br />

(2) Is any job k ≠ j left in the ranking?<br />

If not, set φ j = max r<br />

m∈ { n1<br />

,..., nj<br />

) m<br />

where {n 1 ,...,n j } are the nodes with the highest rankings<br />

which can together accommodate j, and finish.<br />

If so, select job k with the highest ranking.<br />

(3) Can k be accommodated? If not, continue at (2). If so, allocate k to the nodes {n 1 ,...,n k } ⊆ N<br />

with the highest ranking that can accommodate k, and update the residual capacities of m ∈<br />

{n 1 ,...,n k }.<br />

(4) Can j still be accommodated on some nodes {n 1 ,...,n j } ⊆ N? If not, set φ j = b k and finish.<br />

(5) If so, set r: = maxm ∈{ n1<br />

,..., nj<br />

)<br />

rm. Either r < b k , then continue at (2); or r ≥ b k , then it is cheaper<br />

for j to push away k than to take the next available nodes {n 1 ,...,n j }; set φ j = b k and finish.<br />

Figure 5.<br />

Determining the critical value of job j and refining the initial allocation.<br />

The critical value must be computed once for each winning job j. However, compared to the<br />

computational intractability of the VCG mechanism, the computation now runs in polynomial time.<br />

Every winning job j has to pay p greedy,j = (e j – s j + 1)c j φ j whereas every rejected job pays nothing.<br />

Example: Applying the algorithm to the example above, we get p greedy,J1 = (e J1 – s J1 + 1)c J1 φ J1 =<br />

120·b J7 = 120·r N1 = $600, i.e. the “cheapest” option for job J1 is to push away J7 by bidding $5 (plus<br />

some ε) which happens to equal the minimum reservation price of node N1. In total, the mechanism<br />

collects a revenue R of $6,400 from the resource requesters.<br />

Job j J1 J2 J3 J4<br />

φ j 5 5 7 8<br />

p greedy,j 600 1,200 2,520 2,080<br />

Table 2. Payments of resource requesters.<br />

The greedy allocation scheme combined with critical-value based pricing creates a truthful scheduling<br />

heuristic with respect to resource requesters: It is a weakly dominant strategy for resource requesters<br />

to report their true valuation for a job (the required resources). The payment depends on the critical<br />

value which is independent of the reported valuation. Assume a risk-neutral requester j has reported<br />

her true valuation v j , i.e. b j = v j . Then there are four cases to be considered.<br />

State\Action Decrease b j Increase b j<br />

j was accepted Case 1 Case 2<br />

j was rejected Case 3 Case 4<br />

Table 3. Proof sketch.<br />

Suppose j has won. Reporting a lower valuation (Case 1) might have resulted in j not being accepted<br />

while it would not have reduced j’s payment. Reporting a higher valuation (Case 2) would not have<br />

generated more utility either since j has been accepted anyways.<br />

Now suppose j has been rejected (φ j > b j = v j ). Reporting a lower valuation (Case 3) would still have<br />

left j outside the winning allocation. Reporting a higher valuation (Case 4) might even have resulted in<br />

a loss: if j had been accepted, b j > φ j > v j .<br />

3.3 Budget-balanced, Approximately Truthful Payments to Resource Providers<br />

The concept of critical value-based pricing cannot be applied when determining the payments for<br />

divisible resource offers. The concept requires a binary decision in the sense that an offer is either<br />

fully executed or it is not executed at all. We allow divisibility of offers, i.e. not all offered resources<br />

need to be used but the offer can be executed partially.<br />

1059<br />


The algorithm for determining the critical values ensures that each winning job pays at least the<br />

reservation price of the node it is allocated to. If there is competition from another job for the same<br />

slot, the critical value will exceed the reservation price. The question is: How can revenue R be<br />

distributed to the resource providers so as to ensure budget-balance, individual rationality and to<br />

approximate truthfulness? The VCG mechanism is generally not budget-balanced (Schnizler et al.<br />

forthcoming) and, combined with the heuristic above, not truthful (Mu’alem and Nisan 2002). A<br />

straightforward approach is to adopt the algorithm of Parkes et al. (2002) to our greedy heuristic. The<br />

basic idea of their algorithm is to approximate the VCG mechanism’s truthfulness by computing<br />

discounts Δ parkes that minimize the distance to the VCG-discounts Δ vick while ensuring budget-balance.<br />

In our algorithm, we first compute Δ temp,n := V greedy – (V –n ) greedy for each winning node n. The<br />

<strong>und</strong>erlying assumption is that the greedy Δ temp,n (which may in total exceed the surplus<br />

R – ∑ n∈N<br />

v^n(X greedy ) from the request-side) approximate the truthful VCG-discounts Δ vick,n . We then<br />

solve the mathematical programme<br />

[BB greedy ]<br />

( Δ Δ<br />

temp greedy )<br />

∑ Δ = −<br />

n∈N<br />

greedy,<br />

n ∑<br />

min L ,<br />

Δ greedy<br />

greedy, n temp,<br />

n<br />

greedy<br />

( )<br />

s.. t R vˆ<br />

X ( C7)<br />

n∈N<br />

0 ≤Δ ≤Δ , n∈N ( C8)<br />

The aim of BB greedy is to compute discounts Δ greedy,n as to approximate Δ temp,n in turn while ensuring<br />

(strong) budget-balance by distributing the surplus R – ∑ n∈N<br />

v^n(X greedy )) to resource providers (C7).<br />

Parkes et al. (2002) suggest and examine various distance functions analytically and numerically and<br />

recommend the “threshold function” L 2 (Δ temp, Δ greedy ) := ∑ n∈N<br />

(Δ temp,n – Δ greedys,n ) 2 as it minimizes the<br />

“residual degree of manipulation freedom” (Parkes et al. 2002), that is the maximum amount of utility<br />

a user can gain from reporting untruthfully. Analogously to the algorithm of Parkes et al. (2002), the<br />

optimal Δ greedy,n can be computed without explicitly having to solve the non-linear programme BB greedy .<br />

Let ∞ = Δ temp,0 ≥ Δ temp,1 ≥ Δ temp,2 ≥ … ≥ Δ temp,|N| ≥ Δ temp,|N|+1 = 0 be the partial ordering over the<br />

temporary greedy discounts for the winning nodes. Then, for the threshold function L 2 , Parkes et al.<br />

(2002) show that there is an interval K and a unique point C t * within this interval such that<br />

∑<br />

greedy<br />

( R−∑<br />

vˆ<br />

n ( X ))<br />

K<br />

Δ −<br />

* i=<br />

1 temp,<br />

i<br />

n∈N<br />

C<br />

temp K + t temp K<br />

Δ ≤ = ≤ Δ ( C9)<br />

, 1 ,<br />

K<br />

and Δ greedy,n = max{0, Δ temp,n - C t * } solves BB greedy . Node n receives a positive discount if n’s temporary<br />

greedy discount is greater than the threshold C t * . Otherwise n does not get any discount. C t * can be<br />

computed by running sequentially through the partially ordered temporary discounts and checking if<br />

condition (C9) is satisfied.<br />

Example: In the example, R = $6,400 > $6,040 = ∑ n∈N<br />

v^n(X greedy ), i.e. there are $360 above the<br />

reservation prices which are to be distributed as to approximate truthful payments. Solving BB greedy<br />

with distance function L 2 leads to C t * = $1,680 and the greedy discounts listed in Table 4. The total<br />

surplus of $360 is allocated to node N1, N2 and N3 only receive payments amounting to their<br />

reservation prices.<br />

Node n v^n(X greedy ) (V –n ) greedy p temp,n Δ temp,n p greedy,n Δ greedy,n<br />

N1 -2,700 960 -4,740 2,040 -3,060 360<br />

N2 -1,260 2,820 -1,440 180 -1,260 0<br />

N3 -2,080 3,000 -2,080 0 -2,080 0<br />

Σ -6,040 -8,260 2,220 -6,400 360<br />

Table 4. Approximately truthful greedy payments.<br />

n<br />

1060<br />


3.4 Evaluation of the Heuristic<br />

The greedy heuristic is designed so as to obtain approximately efficient allocations fast. It runs in<br />

polynomial time in the size of resource requests and offers: In the first phase, requests and offers get<br />

sorted in O(|J|·log |J|) and O(|N|·log |N|). In the second phase, the greedy allocation scheme<br />

sequentially runs through the |J| sorted requests and for each job j tries to allocate j to one of the |N|<br />

sorted offers. Hence the allocation phase runs in O(|J|·|N|). Note that the feasibility of allocating a<br />

specific job to a specific node can be tested in O(1) since the number of attributes which need to be<br />

checked is constant. Inherently, this speed is only achieved at the expense of allocative efficiency<br />

compared to exact mechanisms. In a theoretical worst case analysis, the approximation of the efficient<br />

allocation can be made arbitrarily bad with respect to norm b j , r n suggested above by means of simple<br />

examples. The pricing scheme of the greedy mechanism consists of two parts: a truthful pricing<br />

scheme for resource requesters and an approximately truthful payment scheme for resource owners.<br />

BB greedy links these two sides as to ensure budget-balance. The resulting prices are individual rational;<br />

a user reporting her true valuation will not have to pay more than her reported valuation if her request<br />

gets accepted and she will not have pay anything if she does not obtain the resources, and accordingly<br />

for resource owners.<br />


The study of market mechanisms for Grid and the implementation of running Grid market prototypes<br />

have received significant attention in the past. SPAWN (Waldspurger et al. 1992) implements a market<br />

for computing resources in which each workstation auctions off idle computing time to multiple<br />

applications by means of a Vickrey auction. All resources are allocated to at most one application at a<br />

time regardless of this application’s actual demand which yields low resource utilization. Chun and<br />

Culler (1999) realized a prototpyical market for computing time in which one resource provider sells<br />

computing time to multiple requesters. Resource requesters get allotted computing time proportional<br />

to their share in the total reported valuation across all requesters. The POPCORN market (Regev and<br />

Nisan 1998) is an online market for computing power which implements a Vickrey auction as well as<br />

two double auctions. All of these approaches share two major drawbacks: First, they allow the<br />

specification and trading of computing power only. But requesters require a b<strong>und</strong>le of resources such<br />

as computing power, memory, and bandwidth. On the one hand, the approaches at hand thus lead to<br />

inefficient allocations since requests with the same demand for computing power but different<br />

memory requirements, for instance, are treated the same. On the other hand, requesters are exposed to<br />

the risk of only being able to obtain one leg of the b<strong>und</strong>le of required resources without the other<br />

(“exposure risk”, Schnizler et al. forthcoming). A second limitation of these approaches is that they do<br />

not support reservations of resources in advance which are essential for Quality of Service assertions.<br />

Schnizler et al. (forthcoming) propose a comprehensive model that targets these deficiencies. They<br />

suggest the use of a multi-attribute combinatorial exchange (MACE). Users are allowed to request and<br />

offer arbitrary b<strong>und</strong>les of grid resources and can specify quality attributes on these resources. MACE<br />

implements an exact mechanism. The scheduling problem in this combinatorial setting is NP-hard, the<br />

pricing scheme of MACE yields approximately truthful prices. With truthful prices, strategic users do<br />

not have an incentive to report any valuation other than their true valuation. Due to the NP-hardness of<br />

the problem, the mechanism is adequate for batch applications – the use for interactive applications is<br />

rather limited.<br />

The work of Bapna et al. (forthcoming) is most relevant to the work presented in this paper. In their<br />

model, multiple requesters and providers can trade both computing power and memory for a sequence<br />

of time slots. First, Bapna et al. (forthcoming) introduce an exact mechanism. By introducing fairness<br />

constraints and imposing one common valuation across all resource providers, they structure the<br />

search space in the <strong>und</strong>erlying combinatorial allocation problem as to establish one common, truthful<br />

price per time slot for all accepted requests. Additionally, this introduces a linear ordering across all<br />

jobs and time which reduces the complexity of the allocation problem, which however still remains<br />

1061<br />


NP-hard. To mitigate this computational complexity, they thus propose a fast, greedy heuristic at the<br />

expense of both truthfulness and efficiency.<br />

Archer et al. (2003) also design a heuristic on the basis of Mu’alem and Nisan (2002) and Lehman et<br />

al. (2002) which, however, cannot be applied to the Grid OS context since multiple items of resources<br />

are traded, such as x computing cycles. The truthfulness of their mechanism, however, only holds for a<br />

small number of items.<br />


In Section 1, we argued that a network-centric Grid OS coupled with market-based scheduling can<br />

increase efficiency in Grid and cluster environments by adequately allocating all available resources.<br />

This distinguishes network-centric Grid OS from state-of-the-art Grid middleware such as Globus,<br />

gLite, and UNICORE which rely on batch processing of idle resources only. While there are highly<br />

sophisticated market mechanisms available for Grid middleware (e.g. MACE), there are no<br />

mechanisms available for network-centric Grid OS which rely on interactive application processing. In<br />

Section 2 we formalized the market mechanism as a multi-attribute exchange in which resource<br />

owners and consumers can publish their demand and supply. Exact market-based scheduling<br />

mechanisms share one deficiency: they are NP-hard. While this may not be a problem in a cluster<br />

setting with a small number of users, it may prove crucial in an interactive, large-scale Grid OS<br />

environment. We thus proposed a greedy heuristic in Section 3 which performs a fast scheduling while<br />

preserving truthfulness on the request-side and approximating truthfulness on the provisioning-side of<br />

the market. In Section 4, we presented related work on market-based resource allocation in Grids.<br />

In essence, our market mechanism suggests several intriguing research avenues. We intend to<br />

implement a prototype of the heuristic for dynamic scheduling in MOSIX, a state-of-the-art Grid OS<br />

presented in Section 1. Numerical analyses need to be performed to further analyze the heuristic’s<br />

properties with respect to the economic and technical requirements in Grid OS. The approximation of<br />

efficiency needs to be compared to the optimal allocation achieved by exact mechanisms. This ratio<br />

essentially depends on the norm used in the ranking phase of the heuristic. More sophisticated norms<br />

will be developed and analyzed. The run time of the presented scheduling mechanisms needs to be<br />

evaluated to determine the critical number of requests and offers at which an exact mechanism might<br />

become infeasible and to determine the speedup achieved by the heuristic. And finally, the<br />

approximation of truthfulness on the provisioning-side of the market needs to be analyzed. It is<br />

desirable to allow users to specify dependencies between resources, such as substitutability of<br />

computing power for memory. The model in this paper hence needs to be expanded to allow for such<br />

extended bidding logics.<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

This work has been partially f<strong>und</strong>ed by EU IST programme <strong>und</strong>er grant 034286 “SORMA – Self-<br />

Organizing ICT Resource Management”.<br />

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1063<br />


Economically Enhanced MOSIX for Market-based Scheduling in Grid OS<br />

Lior Amar ∗ , Jochen Stößer ∗∗ , Amnon Barak ∗ , Dirk Neumann ∗∗<br />

∗ <strong>Institut</strong>e of Computer Science<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Jerusalem, 91904 Israel<br />

{lior,amnon}@cs.huji.ac.il<br />

∗∗ <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

{stoesser,neumann}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

Applying economic principles to grids is deemed promising<br />

to improve the overall value provided by such systems.<br />

By introducing market mechanisms, end users can influence<br />

the allocation of resources by reporting valuations for<br />

these resources. Current market-based schedulers, however,<br />

are static, assume the availability of complete information<br />

about jobs (in particular with respect to processing<br />

times), and do not make use of the flexibility offered by computing<br />

systems. In this paper, we present our progress in implementing<br />

a novel market mechanism for MOSIX, a stateof-the-art<br />

<strong>management</strong> system for computing clusters and<br />

organizational grids. The market mechanism is designed<br />

so as to be able to work in large-scale settings with selfish<br />

agents. Facing incomplete information about jobs’ characteristics,<br />

it dynamically allocates jobs to computing nodes<br />

by leveraging preemption and process migration, two distinct<br />

features offered by the MOSIX system.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Grid computing denotes a computing paradigm where<br />

computer resources are shared across administrative bo<strong>und</strong>aries<br />

in order to efficiently serve compute-intense applications<br />

at low cost and to accommodate peak loads [6]. So<br />

called “Grid Operating Systems” (Grid-OS) are a revolutionary<br />

approach to grid computing [13]. Grid OS encapsulate<br />

the access to and <strong>management</strong> of grids on the operating<br />

system layer already. Applications can be left unchanged,<br />

leading to ease of use and hence increased acceptance of<br />

grid technologies. Moreover, instead of sharing only idle<br />

resources, grid OSs can be leveraged to efficiently share all<br />

resources.<br />

MOSIX 1 is a state-of-the-art grid OS [1] that makes an<br />

1 MOSIX R○ is a registered trademark of A. Barak and A. Shiloh.<br />

x86 based Linux cluster and an organizational grid perform<br />

like a single computer with multiple processors. A production<br />

organizational grid with 15 MOSIX clusters (∼ 650<br />

CPUs) in different departments is operational at Hebrew<br />

University (see http://www.MOSIX.org/webmon). The features<br />

of MOSIX allow better utilization of grid resources<br />

by users who need to run demanding applications but cannot<br />

afford such a large cluster.<br />

A key issue in inter-organizational grids is the decision<br />

which resource is allocated to whom. Current technical<br />

schedulers are designed to maximize the resource utilization<br />

or to balance the overall system load. In case of excess<br />

demand, such schedulers do not maximize the overall value<br />

of the system since users do not have means to report their<br />

valuations for resources.<br />

Market mechanisms are thus deemed promising to improve<br />

resource allocation in grids – and thus the systems’<br />

value – by explicitly involving users in the allocation process.<br />

Users report their valuations for resources to the system<br />

and are allocated resources and computational tasks<br />

based on these reports. Corresponding monetary transfers<br />

between resource requesters and providers serve so as to induce<br />

users to report truthfully about resource demand and<br />

supply, and to provide incentives to contribute resources to<br />

the system.<br />

Applying market mechanisms to resource allocation in<br />

computing systems is not a new idea [16, 3, 12]. However,<br />

this previous work is not tailored towards the use in<br />

grid OS for three reasons: (1) The Bellagio system [3] and<br />

the OCEAN system [12] are both located above the OS<br />

layer and interoperate with existing grid middleware such<br />

as Globus [5]. (2) From a market mechanism perspective,<br />

the employed matching algorithms are not suited for grid<br />

OS. The combinatorial allocation scheme of Bellagio and<br />

its computationally hard pricing scheme make this mechanism<br />

infeasible for settings with potentially large numbers<br />

of users and where immediacy of the resource allocation is<br />

crucial. The same holds for the negotiation protocol em-<br />


ployed in OCEAN which places significant communicational<br />

load on the system. (3) These existing market mechanisms<br />

assume complete information about resource requests<br />

and offers, in particular concerning processing times, and<br />

determine static allocations which do not dynamically adapt<br />

as the status of the system and its entities changes over time.<br />

The contribution of this paper is twofold:<br />

• We propose a market mechanism which is specifically<br />

tailored towards the needs and technical features<br />

of MOSIX so as to generate highly efficient resource<br />

allocations in settings with large numbers of selfish<br />

agents; and<br />

• We present a first implementation of the proposed<br />

market mechanism in MOSIX which serves as a proof<br />

of our concept.<br />

The paper is organized as follows. The next section<br />

presents an overview of MOSIX and its main relevant features.<br />

Section 3 presents the proposed market mechanism<br />

we use to enhance the resource <strong>management</strong> of MOSIX. In<br />

Section 4, we present the design and the pilot implementation<br />

of the MOSIX Economic Infrastructure (MEI). Section<br />

5 concludes the paper and points to future work.<br />

2. MOSIX Backgro<strong>und</strong><br />

MOSIX is a <strong>management</strong> system for clusters and organizational<br />

grids [1]. Its main feature is to make all the participating<br />

nodes perform like a single computer with multiple<br />

processors, almost like an SMP. In a MOSIX system, users<br />

can run applications by creating multiple processes, then let<br />

MOSIX seek resources and automatically migrate processes<br />

among nodes to improve the overall performance, without<br />

changing the run-time environment of migrated processes.<br />

The goal of MOSIX is to allow owners of nodes to share<br />

their computational resources from time to time, while still<br />

preserving the autonomy of the owners, allowing them to<br />

disconnect their nodes from the grid at any time, without<br />

sacrificing guest processes from other nodes.<br />

MOSIX is implemented as a software layer that provides<br />

applications with an unmodified Linux run-time environment.<br />

Therefore, there is no need to change or even link applications<br />

with any special library. Moreover, MOSIX supports<br />

most additional Linux features that are relevant to ordinary,<br />

non-threaded Linux applications, so that most Linux<br />

programs can run unchanged (and be migrated). To submit<br />

processes via MOSIX, users use the program mosrun. For<br />

example, the command “mosrun -m450 myprog myprogargs”,<br />

starts and later may migrate the program my-prog<br />

only to nodes with at least 450 MB of free memory.<br />

The relevant features of MOSIX to the work presented<br />

in this paper are the automatic resource discovery, the process<br />

migration and the freezing mechanisms. The following<br />

subsections provide some detailes about these features.<br />

Other features of MOSIX include a secure run-time environment<br />

(sandbox), that prevents guest processes from accessing<br />

local resources in hosting nodes; “live-queuing”<br />

that preserves the full generic Linux environment of queued<br />

jobs; gradual release of queued jobs, to prevent flooding of<br />

the grid or any cluster; checkpoint and recovery and support<br />

of batch jobs.<br />

2.1. Automatic Resource Discovery<br />

Resource discovery is performed by an on-line information<br />

dissemination algorithm [2], providing each node with<br />

the latest information about the availability and state of grid<br />

resources. The dissemination is based on a randomized gossip<br />

algorithm, in which each node regularly monitors the<br />

state of its resources, including the CPU speed, current load,<br />

free and used memory, etc. This information, along with<br />

similar information that has been recently received by that<br />

node is routinely sent to a randomly chosen node, where a<br />

higher probability is given to choosing target nodes in the<br />

local cluster. The outcome of this scheme is that each node<br />

maintains a local<br />

information-vector with information about all active<br />

nodes in the local cluster and the grid. Any client requiring<br />

information about cluster or grid nodes can simply access<br />

the local node’s information-vector and use the stored<br />

information. Information about newly available resources,<br />

e.g., nodes that have just joined the grid, is gradually disseminated<br />

across the active nodes, while information about<br />

nodes in disconnected clusters is quickly phased out.<br />

2.2. Process Migration and Scheduling<br />

MOSIX supports cluster and grid-wide (preemptive)<br />

process migration [4]. Process migration can be done either<br />

automatically or manually. The migration itself amounts<br />

to copying the memory image of the process and setting<br />

its run-time environment. In MOSIX, the node where the<br />

process was initially started is referred to as the process’s<br />

home-node. After a process is migrated out of its homenode<br />

all the system-calls of that process are forwarded to<br />

and processed in the home-node. The resulting effect is that<br />

there is no need to copy file or libraries to the remote nodes,<br />

and a migrated process can be controlled from its homenode<br />

as if it was running there.<br />

Automatic migration decisions are based on (run-time)<br />

process profiling and the latest information on availability<br />

of grid resources, as provided by the information dissemination<br />

algorithm. Process profiling is performed by continuously<br />

collecting information about its characteristics, e.g.,<br />

size, rates of system-calls, volume of IPC and I/O. This in-<br />


formation is then used by competitive on-line algorithms [7]<br />

to determine the best location for the process. These algorithms<br />

take into account the respective speed and current<br />

load of the nodes, the size of the migrated process vs. the<br />

free memory available in different nodes, and the characteristics<br />

of the processes. This way, when the profile of a<br />

process changes or when new resources become available,<br />

the algorithm automatically responds by considering reassignment<br />

of processes to better locations.<br />

2.3. Freezing Support<br />

In a dynamic grid environment the availability of resources<br />

may change over time, e.g., when clusters are connected<br />

or disconnected from the grid. In MOSIX, guest processes<br />

running on nodes that are about to be disconnected<br />

are migrated to other nodes or back to their home-node. In<br />

the last case, the available memory at the home-node may<br />

not be sufficient to receive all returning processes.<br />

To prevent the loss of running processes, MOSIX has a<br />

freezing mechanism that can take any running MOSIX process,<br />

suspend it, and store its memory image in a regular file<br />

(on any accessible filesystem). This mechanism can be activated<br />

automatically when a high load is detected, or manually<br />

upon specific request. The freezing mechanism ensures<br />

that a large number of processes can be handled without exhausting<br />

CPU and memory.<br />

Automatically frozen processes are reactivated in a circular<br />

fashion in order to allow some work to be done without<br />

overloading the owner’s nodes. Later, when more resources<br />

become available, the load-balancing algorithm migrates<br />

running processes away, thus allowing reactivation of<br />

additional frozen processes.<br />

3. A Market Mechanism for MOSIX<br />

In order to enhance the economic value provided by the<br />

system and to provide incentives to contribute resources<br />

to the grid, we implemented a market mechanism in the<br />

MOSIX system. In this section, we will specify our first<br />

approach towards designing such a market mechanism for<br />

MOSIX which accounts for its requirements – in particular<br />

online scheduling without knowing processing times in<br />

advance – while at the same time leveraging its distinct features<br />

such as migration and freezing.<br />

3.1. Requirements for Market-based<br />

Scheduling<br />

Scheduling in MOSIX gives rise to a number of requirements<br />

towards the market mechanism (e.g. [14]). The most<br />

prominent requirements are:<br />

Immediacy: The timing of the allocation is crucial. The<br />

allocation scheme must be scalable in order to be able to allocate<br />

large numbers of resource requests and offers (thousands<br />

of jobs and CPUs)<br />

Allocative efficiency: There shall be no “waste” of resources;<br />

the system is supposed to make optimal use of its<br />

resources and thus maximize the system’s overall which is<br />

returned to its users.<br />

Truthfulness: Participants cannot benefit from cheating<br />

the mechanism, i.e. reporting any valuation for a resource<br />

other than their true valuation.<br />

A market mechanism consists of three elementary components:<br />

a bidding language which specifies what information<br />

is exchanged between the mechanism and its users<br />

(Subsection 3.2), an allocation scheme which determines<br />

the assignment of offered resources to requests (Subsection<br />

3.3), and a pricing scheme which determines corresponding<br />

monetary transfers between the market mechanism<br />

and its participating users (Subsection 3.4).<br />

3.2. The Model<br />

Let J be the set of resource requests. We assume that<br />

request (or “job”) j ∈ J is fully described by the tuple<br />

(v j , c j , m j , s j , l j ). Computing power is the central scarce<br />

resource in the system. Consequently, v j ∈ R + denotes<br />

j’s valuation (or “maximum willingness to pay”) per unit<br />

of computing power and time (e.g. per standard processor<br />

and hour of processing time), c j ∈ N and m j ∈ N are j’s<br />

minimum required amount of computing power (e.g. number<br />

of processors in case of a parallelizable job) and memory<br />

(e.g. in MB) respectively, s j ∈ R + denotes j’s release<br />

time (the point in time at which is reported to the mechanism),<br />

and l j ∈ R + is j’s processing time (or length, e.g. in<br />

hours). However, with processes being located on the operating<br />

system level, users typically do not know the length<br />

of their jobs before these jobs are actually completed. Consequently,<br />

we assume that resource requesters submit the<br />

tuple (v j , c j , m j ) to the mechanism at time s j .<br />

Moreover, let N be the set of resource offers. We assume<br />

that offer (or “node”) n ∈ N is fully described by the<br />

tuple (r n , c n , m n , ɛ n , λ n ) where r n ∈ R + denotes n’s valuation<br />

(or “reservation price”) per unit of computing power<br />

and time, c n ∈ N and m n ∈ N is the maximum available<br />

amount of computing power and memory respectively, and<br />

ɛ n ∈ R + and λ n ∈ R + specify the timeframe during which<br />

these resources are available. For now, we further assume<br />

that nodes can potentially execute multiple jobs in parallel<br />

but that one job can only be executed by one node at a time. 2<br />

Again, we assume that resource providers do not know how<br />

long they can contribute their resources, e.g. because they<br />

2 In future extensions of this basic model we plan to also support parallelism.<br />


do not know when these resources will be required by a local<br />

process, and thus submit the tuple (r n , c n , m n ) to the<br />

mechanism at time ɛ n .<br />

This setting is oftentimes referred to as being an online<br />

setting where information is gradually being released to the<br />

mechanism as opposed to the offline setting where all information<br />

is known to the mechanism at the time it makes its<br />

allocation and pricing decisions. Furthermore, we are facing<br />

a so called non-clairvoyant scheduling problem where<br />

processing lengths are unknown [10].<br />

Example: Assume at time t when the market mechanism<br />

is to make its allocation and pricing decisions (“clearing”),<br />

the sample resource requests and offers listed in Table 1<br />

have been collected. Job J1 requires one processor and 200<br />

Job j v j c j m j Node n r n c n m n<br />

J1 1.8 1 200 N1 1.4 1 240<br />

J2 2.2 2 100 N2 1.0 2 200<br />

J3 2.0 1 80<br />

J4 1.0 1 120<br />

Table 1. Sample resource requests and offers<br />

MB of memory. It is willing to pay up to $1.8 per processor<br />

(and thus in total) per time unit. Node N2 is offering two<br />

processors and 240 MB of memory while requiring at least<br />

$1.0 per processor (and thus $2.0 in total) per time unit.<br />

3.3. The Allocation Scheme<br />

The mechanism clears at discrete points in time t ∈ R + .<br />

At time t, the requests J(t) = {j ∈ J | s j ≤ t ≤ s j + l j }<br />

and the offers N(t) = {n ∈ N | ɛ n ≤ t ≤ ɛ n + λ n } have<br />

been collected by the market mechanism. As introduced<br />

in Subsection 3.1, we intend to design and implement an<br />

allocation scheme with the aim of maximizing allocative<br />

efficiency (i.e. welfare), where allocative efficiency is<br />

the sum over all users’ utility resulting from a specific<br />

market outcome (allocations and prices) and may also be<br />

interpreted as overall “happiness”. Let V (t) be the resulting<br />

welfare at time t and V = ∑ t∈R +<br />

V (t) the overall welfare<br />

generated by the mechanism. Since we are facing an online<br />

setting, in order to maximize V , we must maximize V (t)<br />

for all t. This scheduling problem can be formalized as the<br />

following integer program:<br />

max X(t) V (t) = ∑ j∈J(t) c ∑<br />

j n∈N(t) x jnt(v j − r n )<br />

s.t. x jnt ∈ {0, 1}, v j ≥ r n , j ∈ J(t), n ∈ N(t) (1)<br />

∑<br />

n∈N(t) x jnt ≤ 1, j ∈ J(t) (2)<br />

∑<br />

j∈J(t) x jntc j ≤ c n , n ∈ N(t) (3)<br />

∑<br />

j∈J(t) x jntm j ≤ m n , n ∈ N(t) (4)<br />

X(t) gives the (optimal) allocation at time t. Constraint<br />

(1) introduces the binary decision variable x jnt with<br />

x jnt = 1 if job j ∈ J(t) is allocated to node n ∈ N(t) at<br />

time t and x jnt = 0 else. A job can only be allocated to<br />

a node whose reservation price (its minimal required payment)<br />

does not exceed this job’s maximum willingness to<br />

pay. Furthermore, a job can only be allocated to one node at<br />

a time (Constraint (2)). Constraints (3) and (4) enforce that<br />

the resource requirements by all jobs allocated to one specific<br />

node at a time do not exceed the amount of resources<br />

available on this node.<br />

This program is an instance of a Generalized Assignment<br />

Problem and thus NP-hard [9]. But in settings with<br />

large numbers of resource requests and offers, we must still<br />

be able to determine allocations quickly. Heuristics are a<br />

promising approach towards tackling this problem. They<br />

are very speedy while at the same time being simple to <strong>und</strong>erstand,<br />

implement, and extend.<br />

We present the pseudocode for a greedy heuristic in Algorithm<br />

1. We successively construct a feasible alloca-<br />

Algorithm 1 Greedy heuristic<br />

Require: A set J(t) of resource requests and a set N(t) of<br />

resource offers.<br />

Ensure: A feasible allocation X(t) = (x jnt ) of requests<br />

j ∈ J(t) to offers n ∈ N(t).<br />

1: init ∀j ∈ J(t), n ∈ N(t) : x jnt = 0<br />

2: while J(t) ≠ ∅ do<br />

3: Select and remove j ∈ argmax k∈J(t) v k<br />

4: N ′ (t) = ∅<br />

5: while N(t) ≠ ∅ do<br />

6: Select and remove n ∈ argmin k∈N(t) r k<br />

7: if c j ≤ c n and m j ≤ m n and r n ≤ v j then<br />

8: x jnt = 1<br />

9: c n = c n − c j and m n = m n − m j<br />

10: N ′ (t) ← n and break<br />

11: else<br />

12: N ′ (t) ← n<br />

13: end if<br />

14: end while<br />

15: N(t) ← N(t) ∪ N ′ (t)<br />

16: end while<br />

17: return X(t)<br />

tion request-by-request by employing a single-pass priorityrule-based<br />

scheduling heuristic, where the priority of requests<br />

and offers is determined by their reported valuation.<br />

3 By running through the list J(t) of requests in non-<br />

3 Ties may be broken randomly or by considering the memory requirements,<br />

for instance.<br />


ascending order of v j and trying to allocate this request to<br />

the cheapest possible offer n ∈ N(t), we greedily maximize<br />

the term v j −r n in the objective function of the integer<br />

program introduced above.<br />

Example: Job J2 has the highest ranking and can only<br />

be allocated to node N2. Consequently, there is only capacity<br />

left on node N1, which is then assigned to job J3 which<br />

is considered next in the job ranking. This allocation generates<br />

welfare amounting to v J2 c J2 + v J3 c J3 − r N2 c N2 −<br />

r N1 c N1 = $2.2 × 2 + $2.0 − $1.0 × 2 − $1.4 = $3 per time<br />

unit.<br />

This heuristic generates a feasible and approximately<br />

efficient allocation at low computational cost. The lists<br />

J(t) and N(t) can be sorted in O(|J(t)| log |J(t)|) and<br />

O(|N(t)| log |N(t)|) respectively. The actual allocation<br />

phase then runs in O(|J(t)||N(t)|).<br />

In our example, the generated welfare happens to correspond<br />

to the optimal welfare produced by solving the<br />

scheduling problem exactly. However, in general the computational<br />

speed of the heuristic will only come at the expense<br />

of allocative efficiency [15]. This is exacerbated by<br />

the fact that we are facing a non-clairvoyant online setting<br />

in which earlier allocation decisions may prove unfortunate<br />

(in terms of allocative efficiency) when new requests and offers<br />

(and hence new information) arrive in the system. We<br />

thus make use of the unique features provided by MOSIX to<br />

improve upon such unfortunate decisions: If the allocation<br />

scheme determines that a specific job j ∈ J(t) is allocated<br />

to some resource n ∈ N(t) at time t (x jnt = 1), in the<br />

next run at time t ′ the allocation scheme may decide to preempt<br />

this currently running job in case a job with a higher<br />

willingness to pay enters the system. This preempted job<br />

may then either be migrated to another node in case the allocation<br />

scheme decides to keep this job in the allocation<br />

(x jmt ′ = 1, m ∈ N(t ′ ), m ≠ n), or it may suspend the<br />

job and send it back to its home-node in case it decides to<br />

not keep the job in the allocation ( ∑ n∈N(t ′ ) x jnt ′) = 0).<br />

The implementation of this logic will be explained in detail<br />

in Section 4.<br />

3.4. The Pricing Scheme<br />

In inter-organizational grid settings, we assume users to<br />

be selfish and rational, meaning both resource requesters<br />

and providers try to maximize their individual benefit from<br />

participating in the system. Resource requesters, for instance,<br />

may benefit from <strong>und</strong>erstating their valuation, thus<br />

potentially lowering their price. We assume that resource<br />

requesters can only misreport about their valuations (ṽ j ≠<br />

v j ) and their release time (˜s j ≥ s j ). Overstating resource<br />

requirements can only increase the risk of not being allocated<br />

or having to pay a higher price. Understating resource<br />

requirements can easily be detected and punished by the<br />

system, e.g. by killing the job. We further assume that resource<br />

providers do not have an incentive to misreport their<br />

available resources. Again, overstating can easily be detected<br />

and punished by the system whereas providers obviously<br />

do not have an incentive to <strong>und</strong>erstate, as this cannot<br />

increase their resulting allocation and thus their payment.<br />

However, they can misreport about their reservation prices<br />

(˜r n ≠ r n ).<br />

Consequently, the users’ actions will generally not work<br />

towards the social optimum and we need to complement the<br />

allocation scheme with an “adequate” pricing scheme. With<br />

truthful prices (in dominant strategies), users cannot benefit<br />

from misreporting about their valuations, independently<br />

of the other resource requests and offers in the system.<br />

Building on the concept of “critical-value-based” prices as<br />

elaborated in [8] and [11], we will first construct such a<br />

scheme for determining truthful prices of resource requests<br />

and will then complement this scheme so as to distribute<br />

the resulting payments to the supply side of the market.<br />

Critical-value-based Pricing of Resource Requests<br />

Losing requests j ∈ J(t) (i.e. requests which have not been<br />

accepted) are not required to pay anything, so we set the<br />

price of these requests at time t to p j (t) = 0. For accepted<br />

requests, we set p j (t) = φ j c j , where φ j (t) ∈ R + denotes<br />

j’s critical value at time t. This critical value equals the<br />

minimum valuation j would have had to report to the system<br />

in order to remain in the allocation X(t).<br />

The strongest plus of critical-value-based pricing is that<br />

it generates truthful prices of resource requests [8, 11, 14].<br />

Truthfulness is a powerful concept. With truthful prices, resource<br />

requesters do not need to reason about other users’<br />

bidding strategies, instead they can “simply” report their<br />

true valuation to the system. They cannot benefit from<br />

trying to cheat the mechanism. The drawback of criticalvalue-based<br />

pricing is the additional computational burden<br />

it adds to the mechanism. The allocation is not independent<br />

of a specific request, meaning the allocation of the other requests<br />

might change in case a winning request is removed<br />

from the allocation. Consequently, in order to determine the<br />

critical value φ j (t) of a specific request j at time t, we need<br />

to determine the allocation without j.<br />

Critical-value-based prices guarantee payments from<br />

resource requesters which at least cover the reservation<br />

prices of resource providers and potentially generate a surplus<br />

exceeding these reservation prices. Intuitively, we will<br />

want to distribute this surplus so as to also induce resource<br />

providers to truthful reporting of their valuations. This,<br />

however, is impossible, as analytically shown in [8] and<br />

[15], and we can thus only aim to produce approximately<br />

truthful payments.<br />


Proportional Payments to Resource Providers<br />

Proportional payments distribute the surplus generated by<br />

critical-value-based pricing to resource providers according<br />

to these providers’ contribution of computing power as<br />

compared to the overall contribution. First numerical experiments<br />

indicate that this approach exhibits desirable strategic<br />

properties while only adding marginal computational<br />

burden on the mechanism [15]. More formally, let<br />

S(t) = ∑<br />

p j (t) −<br />

∑ ∑<br />

j∈J(t)<br />

˜r x jntc j<br />

n<br />

c n<br />

j∈J(t)<br />

n∈N(t)<br />

be the surplus at time t, i.e. overall payments by resource<br />

requesters less overall reservation prices. Then resource<br />

provider n receives a payment of<br />

∑<br />

j∈J(t)<br />

p n (t) = ˜r x ∑<br />

jntc j<br />

j∈J(t)<br />

n +S(t)·<br />

x jntc j<br />

∑ ∑<br />

c n<br />

m∈N(t) j∈J(t) x jmtc j<br />

per time unit the current allocation is valid.<br />

Example: Assume that ties between J2 and J1 and between<br />

J3 and J1 are broken in favor of J2 and J3. Then<br />

the winning jobs J2 and J3 both need to outbid J1 in order<br />

to remain in the allocation (φ J2 = φ J3 = $1.8). Consequently,<br />

J2 has to pay 2 · $1.8 = $3.6, J3 has to pay<br />

$1.8, and J1 and J4 do not have to pay anything. Node<br />

N2 receives 2 · $1.0 + 2 3 · $2 ≈ $3.33 while N1 receives<br />

$1.4 + 1 3 · $2 ≈ $2.07.<br />

4. Economically Enhanced MOSIX<br />

In this section we describe the enhancement of MOSIX<br />

to support economy aware scheduling using the market<br />

mechanism presented in the previous section. The MOSIX<br />

features used were the automatic resource discovery, manual<br />

process migration and manual freezing (the automatic<br />

process migration and freezing were disabled). A layer<br />

called the “MOSIX Economy Infrastructure” (MEI) was<br />

built on top of the existing MOSIX system. The MEI is<br />

composed of 3 main components: the provider component,<br />

the client component and the market manager component.<br />

Figure 1 shows a schematic view of those components.<br />

4.1. The Provider Component<br />

In our implementation each provider runs a daemon<br />

called providerd which is responsible for managing the economic<br />

properties of that provider. The economic properties<br />

currently includes: the provider market status, its reservation<br />

price and its current payment, see Figure 1. The market<br />

status may be ON or OFF, where ON indicates the provider<br />

is currently participating in the market. If the market status<br />

is ON, the amount of time the provider is expected to stay<br />

Figure 1. MEI components<br />

ON is also reported. This amount of time is only used as<br />

a hint and the provider may join or leave the market at any<br />

given moment. For example, student farm nodes can join<br />

the market from 22:00 until 8:00 the morning after (during<br />

this time the farm is closed for students). The reservation<br />

price specifies the minimal price the provider is willing to<br />

accept in order to run processes, and the current payment<br />

indicates how much the provider is currently getting payed<br />

(if it is used by a job).<br />

Those new economic properties were added to the information<br />

system of MOSIX and are constantly circulated<br />

among the cluster nodes. This way the market manager (see<br />

below) can easily obtain information about all the available<br />

providers by querying one node in the cluster and obtaining<br />

its information vector. An example of the relevant information<br />

which each provider supply is presented in Figure 2.<br />

A command line tool called provider-ctl enables the<br />

owners to online modify the economic properties of the<br />

provider. For example an owner may set different reservation<br />

prices for different nodes, or can set different time<br />

windows for participating in the market for each node.<br />

4.2. The Client Component<br />

The program erun (see Figure 4) allow the user to specify<br />

economic parameters in addition to the MOSIX standard<br />

parameters. The economic parameters includes the<br />


Figure 2. Sample provider XML information<br />

job’s maximal price and its budget. The standard MOSIX<br />

(non-economic) parameters are forwarded to the mosrun<br />

program. For example, the command “erun -p40 -m180<br />

myprog myprog-args“ submits a job with a maximal price<br />

of 40 and a memory requirement of 180 MB.<br />

Once an erun program is launched, it connects to a daemon<br />

called assignd, on the local host, which is responsible<br />

for managing all the economy-aware processes in each<br />

node. The assignd keeps track of all the erun programs and<br />

reporting to the market manager about newborn erun processes<br />

and also about erun processes which finished to run.<br />

Figure 3 shows an example of a message the assignd send<br />

to the market manager when a new job is submitted by the<br />

user.<br />

Figure 3. Sample job XML information<br />

In the figure it can be seen that each job has a unique jobid<br />

which is used to identify the job in the cluster. The user<br />

may specify the maximal amount of memory the job may<br />

need. This property helps the system to avoid assigning<br />

the job to nodes with not enough free memory. The cpunum<br />

property specifies how many CPUs this job requires,<br />

enabling the user to submit parallel jobs which need more<br />

than one CPU to run. The max-pay property stands for the<br />

maximal price (valuation) the user is willing to pay for running<br />

the jobs on a standard CPU for one hour. And finally<br />

the max-budget property let the user assign a limited budget<br />

to this job. Once the job consumes this budget the job will<br />

be suspended until the budget is increased again.<br />

The assignd is also responsible for receiving instructions<br />

regarding the allocation of erun processes from the market<br />

manager. Once such instructions arrive, the assignd uses the<br />

<strong>und</strong>erlying MOSIX system to enforce the market decision.<br />

For example, if the central market instruct the assignd to<br />

move a given erun processes from one provider to another<br />

provider, the assignd uses the manual migration capabilities<br />

of MOSIX to send the erun to the new location. If on<br />

the other hand the assignd is ordered to suspend a process,<br />

then the process is frozen to the local disk using the MOSIX<br />

freezing mechanism.<br />

4.3. The Market Manager Component<br />

The market manager component is responsible for performing<br />

the economic scheduling decisions. It consists of a<br />

daemon called marketd and a market solver program (which<br />

we refer to as the solver). The marketd receives job requests<br />

from client nodes (via the assignd’s) and collects information<br />

about the available providers using the MOSIX automatic<br />

resource discovery. Once there are jobs in the system<br />

and also available providers, the marketd passes this<br />

information to the solver and wait for the solver to output a<br />

scheduling decision. The solver is implemented as shown in<br />

Section 3. Once the schedule is computed, the solver sends<br />

to the marketd a scheduling decision for each job in the system.<br />

The marketd then forwards the scheduling decision of<br />

each job to the assignd responsible for that job (which carry<br />

on the decision). There are two possibilities for running the<br />

solver, the first is periodically and the second is upon arrival<br />

of a new process. Currently, periodic approach is used.<br />

Beside changing the status of the job, the market mechanism<br />

also specifies the payment of the job (in case it in<br />

a running state), this payment is used to update the totalpayment<br />

property of the job. So for each job we always<br />

know how much money it spent until now. Figure 4 shows<br />

two examples of scheduling decisions the solver may output.<br />

The first is for job 12345 which schedules the job to run<br />

on provider with price of 10. In this case, assuming<br />

the job is already running on another provider, the<br />

assingd responsible for the job will migrate the job to the<br />

new provider. The second schedule is for job 1233, but in<br />

this case the job is suspended. Here the assignd responsible<br />

for the job will use the freezing mechanism of MOSIX and<br />

will freeze (suspend) the job in it home-node.<br />

5. Conclusion & Future Work<br />

We have presented an enhancement to the MOSIX system<br />

which performs market-based scheduling instead of the<br />

existing load-balancing-based scheduling. The process migration<br />

and freezing capabilities allow our system to dy-<br />


Figure 4. Sample scheduling decisions<br />

namically allocate and reallocate jobs to any provider node,<br />

not only to idle nodes. The market mechanism we propose<br />

is specifically tailored towards the needs and technical features<br />

of grid OS so as to generate highly efficient resource<br />

allocations in large-scale settings. We presented a pilot implementation<br />

of the economic enhancement of MOSIX.<br />

Our work suggests several intriguing avenues for future<br />

research. First, we plan to perform real runs of the system<br />

with thousands of jobs and h<strong>und</strong>reds of providers. We<br />

will research how to keep the scheduling period as short as<br />

possible (several seconds) in order to keep the system responsive.<br />

An interesting issue is supporting short jobs with<br />

run times smaller than the clearing period of the market.<br />

To do that we need to assign the jobs as soon as they arrive.<br />

Here we plane to run a fast version of the market solver each<br />

time a new jobs arrives, while running the full version periodically.<br />

Another important goal is to introduce technical<br />

limitations to the market in order to take into account both<br />

performance and economic issues. For example, in the current<br />

market, the migration cost of a job is not yet taken into<br />

account. This can lead to a scenario where each new schedule<br />

causes a large number of concurrent migrations, which<br />

in turn can overload the network. We plan to enhance the<br />

market by taking the cost of migration into account as well<br />

as limiting the number of concurrent migrations. This will<br />

make the system more stable and usable in practice.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We wish to thank Amnon Shiloh for his contribution in<br />

the development of the erun and assignd programs, and for<br />

his valuable ideas. This research was supported in part by<br />

grants from the EU IST programme <strong>und</strong>er grant no. 034286<br />

SORMA – “Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management”.<br />

[3] A. AuYoung, B. Chun, A. Snoeren, and A. Vahdat. Resource<br />

allocation in federated distributed computing infrastructures.<br />

Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Operating<br />

System and Architectural Support for the On-demand IT InfraStructure,<br />

2004.<br />

[4] A. Barak, A. Shiloh, and L. Amar. An organizational grid of<br />

federated mosix clusters. In 5-th IEEE International Symposium<br />

on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid05), May<br />

2005.<br />

[5] I. Foster and C. Kesselman. Globus: a Metacomputing Infrastructure<br />

Toolkit. International Journal of High Performance<br />

Computing Applications, 11(2):115, 1997.<br />

[6] I. Foster, C. Kesselman, and S. Tuecke. The Anatomy of<br />

the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations. International<br />

Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,<br />

15(3):200, 2001.<br />

[7] A. Keren and A. Barak. Opportunity cost algorithms for<br />

reduction of i/o and interprocess communication overhead in<br />

a computing cluster. IEEE Tran. Parallel and Dist. Systems,<br />

14(1):39–50, 2003.<br />

[8] D. Lehmann, L. O’Callaghan, and Y. Shoham. Truth revelation<br />

in approximately efficient combinatorial auctions. Journal<br />

of the ACM (JACM), 49(5):577–602, 2002.<br />

[9] S. Martello and P. Toth. Knapsack problems: algorithms<br />

and computer implementations. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.<br />

New York, NY, USA, 1990.<br />

[10] R. Motwani, S. Phillips, and E. Torng. Nonclairvoyant<br />

scheduling. Theoretical Computer Science, 130(1):17–47,<br />

1994.<br />

[11] A. Mualem and N. Nisan. Truthful approximation mechanisms<br />

for restricted combinatorial auctions. Proc. 18th<br />

National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-02),<br />

2002.<br />

[12] P. Padala, C. Harrison, N. Pelfort, E. Jansen, M. Frank, and<br />

C. Chokkareddy. OCEAN: the open computation exchange<br />

and arbitration network, a market approach to meta computing.<br />

Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2003. Proceedings.<br />

Second International Symposium on, pages 185–192,<br />

2003.<br />

[13] P. Padala and J. Wilson. GridOS: Operating System Services<br />

for Grid Architectures. Proceedings of International<br />

Conference On HP computing, 2002.<br />

[14] J. Stößer, D. Neumann, and A. Anandasivam. A Truthful<br />

Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling in Network-Centric Grid<br />

OS. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information<br />

Systems (ECIS), 2007, to appear.<br />

[15] J. Stößer, D. Neumann, and C. Weinhardt. Market-based<br />

Pricing in Grids: On Strategic Manipulation and Computational<br />

Cost. Submitted for publication.<br />

[16] I. Sutherland. A futures market in computer time. Communications<br />

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References<br />

[1] Mosix. http://www.MOSIX.org, 2007.<br />

[2] L. Amar, A. Barak, Z. Drezner, and I. Peer. Gossip algorithms<br />

for maintaining a distributed bulletin board with guaranteed<br />

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GreedEx – A Scalable Clearing Mechanism for Utility Computing<br />

Authors:<br />

Jochen Stoesser, Dirk Neumann ∗<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

{stoesser,neumann}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

Corresponding author:<br />

Jochen Stoesser<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

Email stoesser@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Phone +49–721–6088372<br />

Fax +49–721–6088399<br />

∗ The authors have been partially f<strong>und</strong>ed by the EU IST programme <strong>und</strong>er grant 034286 “SORMA –<br />

Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management”.<br />


Abstract<br />

Scheduling becomes key in dynamic and heterogeneous utility computing settings.<br />

Market-based scheduling offers to increase efficiency of the resource allocation<br />

and provides incentives to offer computer resources and services. Current<br />

market mechanisms, however, are inefficient and computationally intractable in<br />

large-scale settings.<br />

The contribution of this paper is the proposal as well as analytical and numerical<br />

evaluation of GreedEx, an exchange for clearing utility computing markets,<br />

based on a greedy heuristic, that does achieve a distinct trade-off: GreedEx<br />

obtains fast and near-optimal resource allocations while generating prices that<br />

are truthful on the demand-side and approximately truthful on the supply-side.<br />

Keywords: Market-based Scheduling, Scalable Heuristic, Truthful<br />


In current business domains, information technology (IT) departments are forced to cut<br />

down on IT expenses but are at the same time required to provide the business side with<br />

systems that can flexibly be adjusted to new business requirements and processes. This<br />

is reflected in the vision of utility computing where computer resources can be accessed<br />

dynamically in analogy to electricity and water: “Utility computing is the on-demand delivery<br />

of infrastructure, applications, and business processes in a security-rich, shared, scalable, and<br />

standards-based computer environment over the Internet for a fee. Customers will tap into<br />

IT resources – and pay for them – as easily as they now get their electricity or water”<br />

[Rappa, 1]. According to Rappa, utilities are characterized by necessity, reliability, ease of<br />

use, fluctuating utilization patterns, and economies of scale [Rappa, 1].<br />

Computer resources match this profile very well. Rather than being a strategic asset, IT<br />

has become a basic necessity for almost all businesses [Carr, 2]. If IT systems fail, this can<br />

result in unsatisfied customers and severe contractual penalties. Moreover, IT systems must<br />

be easy to use for customers and employees and must adapt and connect to heterogeneous<br />

systems. However, especially small- and medium-size companies will not constantly require<br />

massive amounts of computer resources. Instead, these resources will be required in the<br />

design phase of a new product only or to create daily/monthly/yearly reports, leading to<br />

fairly dynamic and unpredictable (from the provider’s point of view) demand. The validity<br />

of the business model “utility computing” mainly stems from its immense economies of scale.<br />

Instead of having each company and research center to maintain its own costly computing<br />

and data centers, utility computing providers benefit from economies of scale and offer these<br />

resources on-demand. Setting up computing and data centers for the first customer takes<br />

tremendous fixed costs, but serving an incremental customer or request with these existing<br />

resources only requires (comparably) minor efforts. Sun’s One-Dollar-Per-CPU-Hour and<br />

Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud are prominent examples for the industry take-up of utility<br />

computing offerings [Sun, 3; Amazon, 4].<br />

Rappa suggests to base pricing in utility computing on metering usage (also coined “paywhat-you-use”<br />

or “pay-as-you-go”), as is the case with classic utilities such as water, telephone<br />

and Internet access [Rappa, 1]. This approach has also been adopted by Sun ($1/CPU-hour)<br />

and Amazon (e.g. $0.20 per GB of data transfer). However, even in this metered model,<br />

prices are temporarily static and do not fully reflect the dynamicity of demand and supply.<br />

Moreover, setting appropriate prices is a complex task for utility computing providers.<br />

The use of market mechanisms has often been suggested in situations in which allocations<br />

of and prices for scarce resources need to be established. The prices being paid reflect the<br />

resources’ scarcity. Consequently, dynamic market prices support on the one hand resource<br />

requesters in coordinating and distributing their demand over time, thus balancing the system<br />

load. On the other hand, utility computing providers have an incentive to offer resources<br />

in return for the payment of the market price. In dynamic, large-scale utility computing settings,<br />

however, the allocation problem of the market is computationally demanding. Market<br />

mechanisms must be solvable quickly. Currently, there is no market mechanism which can<br />

fully satisfy the economic requirements of utility computing markets.<br />

The contribution of this paper is the proposal as well as analytical and numerical evaluation<br />

of GreedEx, an exchange for clearing utility computing markets, based on a greedy<br />

heuristic, that does achieve a distinct trade-off: it obtains fast and near-optimal resource<br />

allocations while generating prices that are truthful on the demand-side and approximately<br />


truthful on the supply-side. GreedEx may be used for two purposes:<br />

• Utility computing providers may choose to run a proprietary GreedEx-based market<br />

platform to allocate their scarce computing resources to resource requests in an efficient<br />

manner and to dynamically price these requests.<br />

• A GreedEx-based platform may be run as an intermediary market which aggregates<br />

demand as well as supply across multiple resource requesters and utility computing<br />

providers, thus increasing liquidity and efficiency.<br />

This paper is structured as follows. Section 1 presents related work on market-based<br />

scheduling. In Section 2, we elaborate the heuristic with its allocation and pricing scheme.<br />

The heuristic’s speedup and its efficiency are evaluated numerically in Section 3 before Section<br />

4 concludes the paper and points to promising future research directions.<br />

1 Related Work<br />

There are two main streams of research in market-based allocation of utility resources: mechanisms<br />

which consider the trading of one type of resource only and mechanisms which account<br />

for dependencies between multiple utility resources.<br />

Spawn implements a market for computing resources in which each workstation auctions<br />

off idle computing time to multiple applications by means of a Vickrey auction [Waldspurger<br />

et al., 5]. All resources are allocated to at most one application at a time regardless of<br />

this application’s actual demand which yields low resource utilization. Chun and Culler<br />

present a market for computing time in which one resource provider sells computing time<br />

to multiple requesters [Chun and Culler, 6]. Resource requesters get allotted computing<br />

time proportional to their share in the total reported valuation across all requesters. The<br />

Popcorn market is an online market for computing power which implements a Vickrey<br />

auction as well as two double auctions [Regev and Nisan, 7]. All of these approaches share<br />

two major drawbacks: First, they allow the specification and trading of computing power<br />

only. But requesters require a b<strong>und</strong>le of resources such as computing power, memory, and<br />

bandwidth. On the one hand, the approaches at hand thus lead to inefficient allocations since<br />

requests with the same demand for computing power but different memory requirements, for<br />

instance, are treated the same. On the other hand, requesters are exposed to the risk of only<br />

being able to obtain one leg of the b<strong>und</strong>le of required resources without the other (“exposure<br />

risk”). A second limitation of these approaches is that they do not support reservations of<br />

resources in advance which are essential for Quality of Service assertions [Foster, 8].<br />

Schnizler et al. [Schnizler et al., 9] elaborate a multi-attribute combinatorial exchange<br />

(MACE) which targets these deficiencies. Users are allowed to request and offer arbitrary<br />

b<strong>und</strong>les of computer resources and can specify quality attributes on these resources. MACE<br />

implements an exact mechanism. The scheduling problem in this combinatorial setting is<br />

NP-hard, the pricing scheme of MACE yields approximately truthful prices. With truthful<br />

prices, strategic users do not have an incentive to report any valuation other than their true<br />

valuation. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, the mechanism is adequate for batch<br />

applications – the use for interactive applications is rather limited. The Bellagio system<br />


also implements an exact combinatorial exchange for computing resources [AuYoung et al.,<br />

10]. Its pricing is based on the approximation of the truthful Vickrey-Clarke-Groves prices<br />

proposed by Parkes et al. [Parkes et al., 11]. Being an exact mechanism it shares the<br />

computational drawbacks of MACE. The work of Bapna et al. [Bapna et al., 12] is most<br />

relevant to the work presented in this paper. Multiple requesters and providers can trade<br />

both computing power and memory for a sequence of time slots. First, an exact mechanism is<br />

introduced. By introducing fairness constraints and imposing one common valuation across<br />

all resource providers, the search space in the <strong>und</strong>erlying combinatorial allocation problem<br />

is structured so as to establish one common, truthful price per time slot for all accepted<br />

requests. Additionally, this introduces a linear ordering across all jobs and time which reduces<br />

the complexity of the allocation problem, which however still remains NP-hard. To mitigate<br />

this computational complexity, a fast, greedy heuristic is proposed at the expense of both<br />

truthfulness and efficiency.<br />

However, as shown in Lehmann et al. [Lehmann et al., 13] and Mu’alem and Nisan<br />

[Mu’alem and Nisan, 14], heuristics do not necessarily imply a loss of both truthfulness and<br />

efficiency. In their work, which is essential to this paper, Mu’alem and Nisan establish a<br />

set of necessary and sufficient properties which can be leveraged to indeed design a truthful<br />

heuristic.<br />

2 A Truthful Clearing Heuristic<br />

In this section we elaborate GreedEx, a market-based heuristic which obtains fast and<br />

near-optimal resource allocations while generating prices that are truthful on the demandside<br />

and approximately truthful on the supply-side of the utility computing market. To this<br />

end, we will first introduce the bidding language which defines the content of the messages<br />

being exchanged between the market mechanism and its participants and then we present<br />

the formal model of the <strong>und</strong>erlying allocation problem. Secondly, we will elaborate an allocation<br />

algorithm which achieves a fast approximation of the optimal allocation schedule.<br />

Thirdly, pricing schemes will be introduced which translate these resource allocations into<br />

corresponding monetary transfers.<br />

2.1 The Model<br />

There are two classes of participants in utility computing markets: requesters who would like<br />

to access computer resources such as processing power and memory, and utility computing<br />

providers who offer these resources in return for the market price. We introduce the term<br />

“job” to refer to a computational problem and we will call an atomic b<strong>und</strong>le of resources<br />

on which the job or parts of it can be computed a “node”, e.g. one server within a cluster.<br />

If a job gets allocated to a node, we will call this job and node a “winning” job and node<br />

respectively. The market mechanism is a centralized entity which clears periodically, meaning<br />

it collects resource requests and offers for a period of time before making its allocation and<br />

pricing decisions. Larger clearing periods generally allow for more efficient allocation decisions<br />

due to additional degrees of freedom when optimizing over a large number of requests and<br />

offers [Parkes et al., 11]. Note, however, that the clearing period can be made as small as<br />


a couple of seconds in order to support interactive applications [Stoesser et al., 15]. The<br />

market mechanism is a sealed-bid mechanism in the sense that both resource requesters and<br />

providers do not get to know the other users’ requests and offers before market clearing<br />

[Parkes et al., 11].<br />

A resource requester j who would like to submit a job to the utility computing system<br />

reports the job’s characteristics (v j , c j , m j , s j , e j ) to the market mechanism where v j ∈ R + 0<br />

denotes j ’s maximum willingness to pay (i.e. j ’s valuation) per unit of computing power<br />

and time slot, c j ∈ N and m j ∈ N the minimum required amount of computing power and<br />

memory respectively, and s j ∈ N and e j ∈ N specify the job’s estimated runtime. In the<br />

following we will use the terms “resource requester” and “job” interchangeably. There is ongoing<br />

research about using historical data and information about jobs’ size and application<br />

in order to predict resource requirements and runtimes [Degermark et al., 16; Smith et al.,<br />

17]. Based on this research we assume users to be able to report estimates about these<br />

characteristics to the system. We require the market mechanism to make atomic allocations<br />

in the sense that each job can only be executed if there are sufficient resources available in all<br />

requested time slots. Furthermore, jobs can potentially be migrated between several nodes<br />

over time but each job can only be executed on one node at a time.<br />

A utility computing provider n who would like to contribute a node to the utility computing<br />

system reports the node’s characteristics (r n , c n , m n , ɛ n , λ n ) to the market mechanism<br />

where r n ∈ R + 0 specifies this node’s reservation price per unit of computing power and time<br />

slot, c j ∈ N and m j ∈ N the maximum amount of computing power and memory available<br />

on this node, and ɛ n ∈ N and λ n ∈ N the time frame during which the node can be accessed.<br />

Given sufficient resources, we assume that each node is able to virtually execute multiple<br />

jobs in parallel, for instance by using virtualization middleware.<br />

Example: Assume the resource requests and offers listed in Table 1 have been submitted<br />

to the system. Job J1 requests to be run in time slots 1 to 7 and requires a minimum of 54<br />

Table 1: Sample resource requests and offers<br />

Job j v j c j m j s j e j Node n r n c n m n ɛ n λ n<br />

J1 12 54 126 1 7 N1 4 84 71 2 10<br />

J2 4 85 32 3 7 N2 7 100 101 1 9<br />

J3 12 43 43 1 8<br />

J4 16 35 43 2 7<br />

J5 11 47 37 3 7<br />

J6 6 31 19 2 7<br />

units of computing power and 126 units of memory in each time slot. J1 is willing to pay<br />

up to $12 per unit of computing power and time slot, that is $12 * 54 * 7 = $4,536 in total.<br />

Node N1 offers 84 units of computing power and 71 units of memory in time slots 2 to 10<br />

and requires a reservation price of $4 per unit of computing power and time slot.<br />

In real settings and with respect to designing usable systems, human users cannot be<br />

expected to frequently submit requests and offers manually. Instead, software agents may<br />

serve so as to hide the system’s complexity by automatically trading resources based on<br />


the current resource consumption of applications and configurable bidding rules which automatically<br />

derive corresponding valuations [MacKie-Mason and Wellman, 18; Neumann et al.<br />

19].<br />

2.2 Greedy Allocation Scheme<br />

Let J be the set of resource requests, N the set of resource offers, and T = {t ∈ N | s j ≤ t ≤<br />

e j , j ∈ J} ∪ {t ∈ N | ɛ n ≤ t ≤ λ n , n ∈ N} the set of time slots across all requests and offers,<br />

i.e. the allocation problem’s time horizon. Then the winner determination problem which<br />

solves the allocation problem exactly can be formalized as the following integer program:<br />

max V = ∑ ∑ ∑<br />

c j x jnt (v j − r n )<br />

X j∈J t∈T n∈N<br />

s.t. x<br />

∑ jnt ∈ {0, 1}, s j ≤ t ≤ e j , ɛ n ≤ t ≤ λ n , v j ≥ r n , j ∈ J, n ∈ N (C1)<br />

x jnt ≤ 1, s j ≤ t ≤ e j , j ∈ J<br />

(C2)<br />

n∈N ∑<br />

x jnt c j ≤ c n , ɛ n ≤ t ≤ λ n , n ∈ N<br />

(C3)<br />

j∈J<br />

∑<br />

x jnt m j ≤ m n , ɛ n ≤ t ≤ λ n , n ∈ N<br />

(C4)<br />

j∈J<br />

e j<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

u=s j n∈N<br />

x jnu = (e j − s j + 1) ∑<br />

n∈N<br />

x jnt , s j ≤ t ≤ e j , j ∈ J<br />

The objective of this integer program is to maximize welfare V, the total difference between<br />

the requesters’ valuations and the providers’ reservation prices across all time slots. Constraint<br />

(C1) introduces the binary decision variable x and ensures that a job can only be<br />

allocated to a node which is accessible during the right time slots and whose reservation<br />

price does not exceed the job’s willingness to pay. Furthermore, a job can only be allocated<br />

to at most one node at a time (C2). Constraints (C3) and (C4) specify that the jobs allocated<br />

to one node at a time are not allowed to consume more resources than are available on<br />

this node. Constraint (C5) enforces atomicity, i.e. a job is either fully executed or it is not<br />

executed at all.<br />

Example: Figure 1 shows the schedule which results from optimally allocating the sample<br />

requests and offers above.<br />

The allocation problem at hand is an instance of a multi-dimensional Generalized Assignment<br />

Problem [Martello and Toth, 20] and as such clearly NP-hard. Heuristics have the<br />

desirable property of generating suboptimal allocations fast. We define the following greedy<br />

heuristic:<br />

(C5)<br />

1. Sort jobs j ∈ J in non-ascending order of their reported willingness to pay v j . Sort<br />

nodes n ∈ N in non-descending order of their reported reservation prices r n .<br />

2. Starting with job j with the highest ranking (i.e. the highest reported willingness<br />

to pay), allocate j to the nodes n 1 , . . . , n k with the highest ranking (i.e. the lowest<br />

reported reservation prices) which can together accommodate j.<br />

3. Repeat the allocation procedure of Step 2 with the next job in the ranking until there<br />

are no more jobs which can be allocated to the available nodes.<br />


Figure 1: Sample allocation schedule<br />

This heuristic truly implements a greedy allocation scheme: it tries to greedily maximize<br />

the term v j − r n in the objective function of the exact allocation problem above.<br />

Example: For the sample requests and offers at hand, the greedy heuristic is illustrated<br />

in Figure 2.<br />

Figure 2: The greedy heuristic applied to the sample requests and offers<br />

The winning jobs and nodes are highlighted. Job J4 can be allocated to node N1 since<br />

N1 offers sufficient resources over all required time slots and its reported reservation price is<br />

less than J1’s reported willingness to pay. In time slot 1, J3 can be allocated to node N1.<br />

However, in time slots 2 to 8, there is not sufficient residual capacity left due to the execution<br />

of J4. So J3 is subsequently allocated to the next available node N2. J1 cannot be executed<br />

at all due to its excessive memory requirements. The heuristic proceeds until the ranked<br />

list of jobs ends and finally happens to generate the same allocation schedule as the exact<br />

mechanism for the example at hand.<br />

2.3 Pricing Schemes<br />

The allocation algorithm of market mechanism intends to achieve some global or social aim, in<br />

this case maximize social welfare. In achieving this goal, it depends on the resource requesters<br />

and providers to report their true valuations and resource characteristics. These participants,<br />

however, are assumed to be rational and self-interested agents trying to maximize their<br />


individual benefit which may not per se be aligned with the social aim. Pricing schemes<br />

are introduced and closely linked to the allocation algorithm so as to induce participants to<br />

indeed report truthfully about their valuations and characteristics while maintaining other<br />

economic criteria [Stoesser et al., 15; Schnizler et al., 9]. In this section, we will first introduce<br />

GreedEx’s pricing scheme. The prices of resource requests are determined by critical-valuebased<br />

pricing while the resulting revenue is distributed to the utility computing providers<br />

by proportional pricing. Subsequently, we will briefly outline K-Pricing [Schnizler et al., 9]<br />

as an alternative pricing scheme which we will use in section 4 to numerically analyze and<br />

benchmark both GreedEx as well as its pricing scheme.<br />

2.3.1 Critical-value-based Pricing<br />

The rationale behind the pricing of resource requests is similar to the well-known Vickrey-<br />

Principle: the payment of each winning job amounts to the lowest (total) willingness to pay<br />

it would have needed to report in order to still remain in the allocation, keeping all other<br />

resource requests and offers fixed. This is also called the critical value φ j of job j [Lehmann<br />

et al., 13; Mu’alem and Nisan, 14]. This is illustrated best by looking at the example at<br />

hand.<br />

Example: The critical values and resulting payments for the winning jobs J3, J4, J5 and<br />

J6 are given in Table 2.<br />

Table 2: Critical-value-based prices of the sample resource requests<br />

Job j J3 J4 J5 J6<br />

v j 12 16 11 6<br />

φ j 7 7 7 4<br />

p cv,j $2,408 $1,470 $1,645 $744<br />

Job J3 would have needed to report a willingness to pay of at least $7 – the reservation<br />

price of node N2 – in order to still remain in the allocation schedule. Consequently, φ j = $7<br />

and the resulting critical-value-based price of J3 is p cv,j = (e j − s j + 1)c j φ j = 8 ∗ 43 ∗ $7 =<br />

$2, 408. The prices of J4, J5 and J6 are determined accordingly. Jobs J1 and J2 have not been<br />

allocated and consequently no payment is required. Overall, the pricing scheme generates<br />

revenue of $6,267.<br />

Truthfulness with respect to a job’s resource requirements is straightforward. If a job’s<br />

resource requirements are <strong>und</strong>erstated, the job will not be finished; it has to pay for the used<br />

resources but these are of no value. Overstating a job’s requirements either increases the<br />

job’s payment or the job is not scheduled at all. Regarding the reported willingness to pay,<br />

the main feature of the proposed pricing scheme is its ability to generate truthful prices of<br />

resource requests: It is a (weakly) dominant strategy for resource requesters to report their<br />

true valuations [Stoesser et al., 15]. We assume quasli-linear utility functions. For utility<br />

P<br />

j∈J x jntc j<br />

c n<br />

computing provider n ∈ N, u n (X) = p n (X) − ∑ t∈T r n where X denotes a specific<br />

allocation schedule and p n (X) is provider n’s resulting payment. For resource requester j ∈ J,<br />

u j (X) = v j c j (e j − s j + 1) − p j (X) if j is among the winning jobs and u j (X) = 0 else, where<br />


p j (X) denotes j ’s price <strong>und</strong>er allocation schedule X. Then, with truthful critical-value-based<br />

prices p cv,j , j ∈ J,<br />

∀ ṽ j ∈ R + 0<br />

: u j (X) = v j c j (e j − s j + 1) − p cv,j (X) ≥ ṽ j c j (e j − s j + 1) − p cv,j ( ˜X) = u j ( ˜X)<br />

Truthfulness is a strong and desirable feature as it tremendously simplifies the resource<br />

requesters’ strategy space. For the individual participant, there is no need to reason about<br />

the other participants’ strategies. Instead, she can “simply” report her true valuation. Note<br />

that we assume participants to know their true valuations. As suggested above, a policybased<br />

approach may assist users in deriving adequate valuations from the current resource<br />

consumption of applications [MacKie-Mason and Wellman, 18; Neumann et al. 19].<br />

The critical value of a job essentially hinges on the competition of other jobs for the<br />

same resources. If there is no competition, the job is only required to pay the reservation<br />

price. Otherwise, the job at least needs to outbid these competing jobs. Consequently,<br />

critical-value-based pricing implements a desirable dynamicity from the providers’ point of<br />

view. Providers do not need to constantly monitor the demand-side of the market to set<br />

appropriate prices. Instead, they can simply delegate this to GreedEx. If there is sufficient<br />

competition such that critical values are above reservation prices, critical-value-based pricing<br />

of resource requests potentially generates a surplus, i.e. overall payments exceeding the utility<br />

computing providers’ reservation prices.<br />

2.3.2 Proportional Payments to Utility Computing Providers<br />

Like the resource requesters, these providers are assumed to be selfish agents trying to report<br />

to the mechanism so as to maximize their individual benefit. Utility computing providers<br />

clearly do neither have an incentive to <strong>und</strong>erstate nor to overstate their availability of resources;<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstating may reduce the generated revenue while overstating can be monitored<br />

and punished. Unfortunately, the critical-value-based pricing scheme is not applicable to<br />

resource offers; it requires a binary decision in the sense that either all resources of an offer<br />

are allocated or none at all. However, in our model, we allow the partial use of nodes. In<br />

order to at least approximate truthful payments, we thus fall back to payments proportional<br />

to each provider’s contribution of processing power to the allocation schedule. Let<br />

∑<br />

S(X) = ∑ p cv,j (X) − ∑ x<br />

∑ jnt c j<br />

j∈J<br />

r n<br />

c n<br />

j∈J<br />

n∈N t∈T<br />

be this surplus for allocation schedule X. Then provider n will receive a proportional payment<br />

amounting to<br />

∑ ∑ ∑<br />

p prop,n (X) = ∑ c j<br />

x jnt c j<br />

j∈J<br />

t∈T j∈J<br />

r n + S · ∑ ∑ ∑<br />

c n x jmt c<br />

t∈T<br />

j<br />

t∈T j∈J m∈N<br />

i.e. n will receive a share of the surplus according to its share in the total contribution of<br />

processing power across all providers.<br />

Example: In the example at hand, nodes N1 and N2 have reservation prices of $1,756<br />


and $3,752 respectively for the allocation schedule. Thus there is a surplus of $6,267 - $1,756<br />

- $3,752 = $759. In total, 975 units of processing power are provided, 439 by N1 and 536 by<br />

N2. Consequently, N1 receives a total payment of $1,756 + 0.45 * $759 = $2,097.55 and N2<br />

receives $3,752 + 0.55 * $759 = $4,169.45.<br />

As stated above, there are further economic design criteria besides truthfulness. The two<br />

most prominent and desirable are budget-balance and individual rationality.<br />

A mechanism is said to be budget-balanced if its pricing scheme does not need to be<br />

subsidized by outside payments, i.e. the payments from<br />

∑<br />

the resource providers cover the<br />

payments made to utility computing providers: ∀X : p cv,j (X) − ∑ p prop,n (X) ≥ 0. The<br />

pricing scheme of GreedEx is specifically designed so as to obtain strongly budget-balanced<br />

payments. Any surplus from the demand-side is distributed to the supply-side of the market.<br />

After settling the market, there are neither payments left, nor does the market need to be<br />

subsidized with outside payments.<br />

Individual rationality is satisfied if no participant can suffer a loss from participating in<br />

the mechanism: ∀X : u j (X) ≥ 0, j ∈ J, and u n (X) ≥ 0, n ∈ N. GreedEx (respectively<br />

participation) is individually rational. No resource requester needs to pay anything in case<br />

her request is not accepted, nor does she have to pay more than her reported willingness to<br />

pay in case her request is served. Each utility computing provider is guaranteed to receive<br />

at least her reported reservation price for her contributed resources.<br />

Budget-balance and individual rationality are hard feasibility constraints and must be<br />

satisfied in order for the market to be sustainable.<br />

2.3.3 K-Pricing<br />

K-Pricing is introduced in [Schnizler et al., 9]. The basic idea is to distribute the welfare<br />

generated by the allocation algorithm between resource requesters and utility computing<br />

providers according to a factor k ∈ [0, 1]. For instance, assume an allocation of resources<br />

from a specific provider to a specific requester. The buyer values these resources at $10 while<br />

the provider has a reservation price of $5. Then the (local) welfare is $10 - $5 = $5 and k *<br />

$5 of the surplus is allotted to the requester – thus having to pay $10 - k * $5 – and (1 - k)<br />

* $5 is allotted to the provider – thus receiving $5 + (1 - k) * $5.<br />

Besides allowing fairness considerations, the main advantage of K-Pricing is that it can be<br />

determined in polynomial runtime. On the downside, however, it only yields approximately<br />

truthful prices and payments on both sides of the market. In contrast to critical-value-based<br />

pricing, K-Pricing can be applied to both GreedEx and the exact mechanism and will thus<br />

be used for benchmark purposes in the following numerical experiment.<br />

j∈J<br />

n∈N<br />

3 Numerical Experiment<br />

Heuristics inherently imply a trade-off between computational speed and allocative efficiency.<br />

A theoretical analysis of the heuristic only allows examining its general behavior. Thus,<br />

computational speed and efficiency can only be evaluated properly by means of numerical<br />

simulations. In this section, we will shortly introduce the simulation setting which we chose<br />


to benchmark GreedEx against the exact mechanism before we will subsequently present<br />

and discuss the results of this simulation.<br />

3.1 Data Generation<br />

With numerical analysis, there are two general possibilities to come up with data sets upon<br />

which the heuristic can be tested [Böttcher et al., 21; Feitelson, 22]. Practical cases, e.g.<br />

derived from real workload traces of distributed systems, are of high practical relevance.<br />

However, it is hard to obtain complete traces about all job and node characteristics and to<br />

generalize from one workload trace to others. More importantly, to the best of our knowledge,<br />

there is currently no trace available containing the reported valuations of users. We<br />

consequently chose the second option, which is the creation of artificial instances. Artificial<br />

data sets yield the benefit that they can be constructed so as to specifically investigate certain<br />

properties of the heuristic.<br />

With our heuristic, reflecting the bidding language introduced in Subsection 2.1, there is<br />

a set of parameters upon which data sets need to be generated:<br />

Parameter<br />

Table 3: Simulation settings<br />

Number of orders per side 10, 20, . . . , 170<br />

Domain<br />

Processing power and memory requested Lognormal LogN(4, 0.28)<br />

Processing power and memory offered Lognormal LogN(4.5, 0.16)<br />

Start and end time of requests Normal N(2, 0.5) and N(6, 0.5)<br />

Start and end time of offers Normal N(2, 0.5) and N(8, 0.5)<br />

Willingness to pay Uniform [0, 20]<br />

Reservation price Uniform [0, 10]<br />

We call a specific combination of such parameter values a “setting”. We chose to fix the<br />

number of requests and offers within one setting but to increase this number across settings<br />

from 10 orders per side to 20, 30 and so forth up to 170 requests and 170 offers. As will be<br />

seen in our results, we fo<strong>und</strong> that the exact mechanism cannot be run within acceptable time<br />

with more than 170 orders per side upwards. Consequently, we defined 17 settings in total.<br />

According to Feitelson [Feitelson, 22], the lognormal distribution generates a good fit to<br />

characteristics in real workloads, such as file size. It represents a normal distribution in log<br />

space, is modal and positively skewed. The distributions specified in Table 3 have been kept<br />

fixed across all 17 settings. The same applies to time constraints and valuations, for which<br />

we chose normal and uniform distributions respectively.<br />

For each setting, we generated 30 order books with the corresponding number of requests<br />

and offers, meaning we ran each setting 30 times in order to mitigate stochastic outliers. We<br />

then fed both the heuristic as well as the exact mechanism with identical order books. The<br />

simulations were run using jCase on an Intel Pentium Xeon computer with 3.2 GHz and 2<br />

GB memory. jCase is a Java-based simulation environment for multi-attribute combinatorial<br />


environments. The exact formulations of the allocation problem were solved using CPLEX<br />

9.1, a state-of-the art commercial solver for mathematical optimization problems. The results<br />

presented below represent the averages across all 30 runs of each setting.<br />

In order to be able to run the simulation within acceptable time, we decided to stop the<br />

CPLEX solver after 300 seconds (dark red line) and after 1800 seconds (blue line). CPLEX<br />

then returned the best solution fo<strong>und</strong> so far. Since the results for the large settings do not<br />

always match with the optimum for large settings, we call these runs “Anytime[300s]” and<br />

“Anytime[1800s]” in the spirit of Sandholm et al. [Sandholm et al., 23] and Schnizler et al.<br />

[Schnizler et al., 9]. We chose K-Pricing as pricing scheme for the exact mechanism. Recall<br />

that critical-value-based pricing cannot be applied to the exact mechanism while the heuristic<br />

can be combined with both pricing schemes.<br />

3.2 Data Analysis<br />

In this subsection we will present the results of the experiment with respect to computational<br />

tractability and allocative efficiency.<br />

3.2.1 Computational Tractability<br />

GreedEx is designed so as to perform fast allocations. It runs in polynomial time of the<br />

number of resource requests J and offers N : In the first phase, requests and nodes are sorted<br />

in O(|J|log|J|) and O(|N|log|N|) respectively. In the second phase, jobs are allocated to<br />

nodes in O(|J||N|). While the allocation algorithm can thus be run very fast, critical-valuebased<br />

pricing adds computational complexity to GreedEx. The allocation schedule is not<br />

independent of a specific job j in the sense that the allocation of other jobs might change if<br />

j is not being considered. Thus, for every winning job j, in order to determine j ’s critical<br />

value, the allocation without j needs to be determined. This is similar to the drawback of<br />

the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism [Parkes et al., 11; Schnizler et al., 9]: The allocation<br />

needs to be computed n+1 times if n is the number of winning jobs. However, in contrast to<br />

the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism, this allocation can now be computed in polynomial<br />

time.<br />

The average runtime µ CT and the coefficient of variation CV CT = σ CT /µ CT (where σ CT is<br />

the standard deviation) for each setting and combination of allocation algorithm and pricing<br />

scheme is listed in Table 5 in the Appendix.<br />

In Figure 3, a linear scale was used. Note that the runtime of Anytime[300s] and Anytime[1800s]<br />

grows quickly in the number of orders per side. Especially the runtime of Anytime[1800s]<br />

shows an exponential growth and takes almost 22.3 minutes on average already<br />

with 170 orders per side. The curves of the anytime versions begin to flatten for large order<br />

books due to the predefined time limit, i.e. Anytime[1800s] and Anytime[300s] will converge<br />

asymptotically to an (average) runtime of 1800s and 300s respectively. In contrast,<br />

GreedEx clears very fast. It takes less than 800 milliseconds for 170 orders per side.<br />

Figure 4 shows the same data in milliseconds on a logarithmic scale in order to illustrate<br />

the runtime behavior of GreedEx in more detail. Moreover, this graph shows the computational<br />

cost of the critical-value-based pricing scheme compared to K-Pricing. Even though<br />

the allocation needs to be determined multiple times in order to compute the critical values of<br />


Figure 3: Runtime behavior in seconds on linear scale<br />

the winning jobs, GreedEx with critical-value-based pricing still only takes 763 milliseconds<br />

on average to clear order books with 170 orders per side and thus exhibits a good-natured<br />

linear growth in runtime. The speed of GreedEx allocation algorithm is showcased by<br />

GreedEx with K-Pricing. While Anytime[1800s] with K-Pricing takes about 22.3 minutes<br />

on average to clear order books with 170 orders per side, GreedEx with K-Pricing only<br />

takes 39 milliseconds.<br />

3.2.2 Allocative Efficiency<br />

The typical approach when analyzing the allocative efficiency of a heuristic is to benchmark<br />

it against the optimal welfare generated by an exact mechanism. Heuristics generally only<br />

produce suboptimal allocations. Furthermore, for most heuristics the ratio of the generated<br />

suboptimal allocation and the optimal allocation can be made arbitrarily small for special<br />

cases. This also holds for GreedEx. Such special cases, however, are mostly only of theoretical<br />

value since they do not reflect realistic workloads. We would consequently like to<br />

compare the efficiency achieved by the exact mechanism with the efficiency generated by<br />

GreedEx by means of numerical experiments. Unfortunately, as the analysis above illustrates,<br />

the runtime of the exact mechanism is prohibitively high. Anytime[1800s], however, is<br />

an accurate proxy for the optimal solution when benchmarking GreedEx. Table 4 indicates<br />

how many times the CPLEX solver returns a suboptimal solution (i.e. it hits its predefined<br />

time limit) dependant on the order book size:<br />

The results of Anytime[1800s] with order books with less than 130 orders per side cor-<br />


Figure 4: Runtime behavior in milliseconds on logarithmic scale<br />

Table 4: Suboptimal solutions<br />

Number of orders per<br />

side<br />

Number of runs with<br />

suboptimal solutions<br />

10 . . . 120 130 140 150 160 170<br />

0 . . . 0 1 1 7 7 14<br />


espond to the optimum. For larger order books, Anytime[1800s] always finds a feasible<br />

solution. Even though it returns an increasing number of suboptimal solutions, it still finds<br />

16 optimal solutions for the largest order book size while the suboptimal solutions will be<br />

fairly close to the optimum.<br />

Comparing the welfare generated by the anytime versions of the exact mechanism with the<br />

welfare generated by GreedEx yields the results shown in Figure 5. The average welfare µ W V<br />

and the coefficient of variation CV W V = σ W V /µ W V (where σ W V is the standard deviation)<br />

for each setting and combination of allocation algorithm is listed in Table 6 in the Appendix.<br />

GreedEx achieves a surprisingly high efficiency ratio. While it shows some minor spikes<br />

with small order books, efficiency successively levels off at aro<strong>und</strong> 95%. We conjecture that<br />

the spikes are settled due to the additional degrees of freedom the heuristic obtains with<br />

larger order books when making its allocation decisions. The efficiency of Anytime[300s]<br />

drastically deteriorates with order books of 100-110 orders per side upwards. The explanation<br />

is straightforward looking at Figure 4: With these order book sizes, Anytime[300s] begins to<br />

hit its predefined time limit. Consequently, the returned solutions are increasingly distant<br />

to the optimum or even worse, Anytime[300s] does not even find feasible allocations within<br />

5 minutes.<br />

Figure 5: Approximation of efficiency compared to the anytime versions of the exact mechanism<br />

3.3 Implications for Utility Computing<br />

While the results of this experiment must not be generalized overhastily, they are promising<br />

and clearly strengthen the case for heuristics such as GreedEx and related approaches.<br />

In real utility computing settings, the markets will be much larger than the sizes used<br />

in this experiment. Thus the results illustrate that exact mechanisms and even anytime<br />


approximations based on exact mechanisms are not appropriate for real utility computing<br />

markets but can merely be used as a baseline and reference point. The mere computational<br />

infeasibility of exact mechanisms even becomes exacerbated in interactive settings where<br />

immediacy of the allocation is the key requirement [Stoesser et al., 15].<br />

Designing market mechanisms in this domain is a complex task. The trade-off between<br />

computational speed and allocative efficiency, which is already challenging in itself, is aggravated<br />

by the introduction of economic design criteria such as truthfulness, budget-balance,<br />

and individual rationality, and the interdependencies between these criteria.<br />

The surprisingly high allocative efficiency of GreedEx in this experiment illustrates that<br />

we are on the right track in this regard. A promising trade-off was achieved while sacrificing<br />

only a minor fraction of efficiency. Market mechanisms may thus be a feasible means to allocate<br />

utility computing resources in an efficient manner while allowing fully dynamic pricing<br />

and the aggregation of demand and supply across multiple resource requesters and utility<br />

computing providers.<br />

4 Conclusion and Outlook<br />

In the introduction to this paper, we motivated the use of utility computing as a promising<br />

concept to increase the flexibility of IT systems while at the same time cutting down on IT<br />

expenses. Utility computing markets may serve so as to aggregate demand and supply of<br />

computer resources and to ease the discovery of appropriate utility computing providers. In<br />

inter-organizational and dynamic settings with a large number of both resource requesters<br />

and providers, however, the clearing of such markets becomes computationally demanding.<br />

The current mechanisms presented in Section 1 are not fully able to cope with this setting. To<br />

this end, in Section 2 we elaborated GreedEx consisting of a greedy allocation algorithm<br />

and a pricing scheme. This market mechanism can be used to perform this clearing in a<br />

scalable manner while at the same time satisfying basic economic design criteria. Besides its<br />

computational speed, the main characteristic of GreedEx is its ability to account for the<br />

inter-organizational nature of utility computing by generating truthful prices for resource<br />

requests and approximately truthful payments to utility computing providers. In general,<br />

however, the computational speed of heuristic comes at the expense of efficiency. Consequently,<br />

in Section 3 we reported the results of a numerical simulation which illustrated<br />

GreedEx’s speed-up as well as its surprisingly high efficiency.<br />

These results strengthen our approach and point to several interesting avenues for future<br />

research. These can be distinguished into two categories: Firstly, we will investigate whether<br />

we can further improve GreedEx’s approximation of efficiency by means of alternative<br />

norms in the sorting phase, look-ahead extensions, and/or randomization. However, this<br />

is a tricky thing to do as the impact on the economic criteria needs to be considered as<br />

well. Secondly, truthful payments to utility computing providers can only be approximated.<br />

We intend to perform an in-depth analysis of alternative pricing schemes and their strategic<br />

impacts.<br />


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Appendix – Numerical Results<br />

Table 5: Numerical results w.r.t. computational tractability (in milliseconds)<br />

Orders per side<br />

Anytime[1800s]<br />

Anytime[300s]<br />

GreedEx – GreedEx –<br />

Critical value K-Pricing<br />

µ CT CV CT µ CT CV CT µ CT CV CT µ CT CV CT<br />

10 42.40 1.02 52.77 0.88 5.77 1.49 4.23 2.34<br />

20 193.30 0.54 211.47 0.52 5.20 1.95 1.07 3.74<br />

30 960.43 1.09 1,254.73 1.39 7.23 1.07 3.60 1.81<br />

40 2,070.30 0.68 2,790.67 1.09 14.10 0.33 5.73 1.80<br />

50 6,000.70 0.90 6,498.37 1.11 27.20 0.42 9.37 1.11<br />

60 11,431.73 0.69 14,047.73 0.64 44.23 0.26 14.53 1.00<br />

70 28,573.00 1.19 36,452.57 1.45 59.33 0.20 13.50 1.22<br />

80 37,959.37 0.58 44,692.70 0.73 85.90 0.22 12.20 0.80<br />

90 57,150.47 0.49 56,592.63 0.68 131.87 0.20 12.47 0.50<br />

100 106,325.63 0.57 111,070.87 0.59 170.97 0.22 22.40 0.84<br />

110 141,735.97 1.02 112,234.80 0.49 216.17 0.14 21.30 0.69<br />

120 199,872.83 0.66 171,713.60 0.44 280.77 0.15 31.27 0.74<br />

130 503,131.70 0.95 229,594.20 0.34 340.70 0.14 25.60 0.37<br />

140 502,005.73 0.83 267,041.10 0.21 452.57 0.11 42.17 0.62<br />

150 991,292.77 0.58 292,886.40 0.10 538.60 0.14 33.77 0.36<br />

160 1,200,359.93 0.44 300,532.90 0.03 635.93 0.12 33.33 0.16<br />

170 1,334,458.33 0.40 302,720.20 0.00 762.90 0.14 39.07 0.34<br />


Table 6: Numerical results w.r.t. allocative efficiency<br />

Orders per side<br />

Anytime[1800s] Anytime[300s] GreedEx<br />

µ W V CV W V µ W V CV W V µ W V CV W V<br />

10 23,372.53 0.31 23,377.97 0.31 22,403.13 0.32<br />

20 46,669.43 0.23 46,637.00 0.23 43,209.23 0.23<br />

30 76,111.47 0.20 76,116.83 0.20 71,035.03 0.20<br />

40 102,620.77 0.14 102,572.77 0.15 94,277.03 0.16<br />

50 134,355.93 0.13 134,494.70 0.14 124,980.30 0.14<br />

60 161,050.57 0.09 161,076.40 0.09 151,352.00 0.10<br />

70 190,288.40 0.12 190,329.83 0.12 178,100.40 0.12<br />

80 210,268.83 0.13 210,307.70 0.13 198,849.70 0.13<br />

90 245,961.03 0.09 245,829.93 0.09 229,105.50 0.09<br />

100 268,946.90 0.09 268,940.60 0.09 251,325.97 0.09<br />

110 302,435.27 0.07 302,229.43 0.07 284,234.43 0.07<br />

120 332,844.77 0.10 331,924.17 0.10 314,384.40 0.10<br />

130 354,773.97 0.09 350,776.97 0.09 333,256.77 0.10<br />

140 394,100.43 0.09 389,306.87 0.09 371,391.67 0.10<br />

150 415,811.30 0.08 391,304.48 0.14 395,062.93 0.07<br />

160 443,498.97 0.09 376,813.14 0.23 420,429.00 0.09<br />

170 464,621.13 0.06 390,701.57 0.21 443,740.97 0.06<br />

Author Biographies<br />

Jochen Stoesser finished his studies in Information Engineering and Management at Universität<br />

Karlsruhe (TH) with a degree as Diplom-Informationswirt in 2006. During his studies<br />

he spent two terms at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and one term at The University<br />

of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He joined the <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information<br />

Systems and Management at Universität Karlsruhe (TH) in September 2006 as Ph.D. student<br />

and research assistant. Jochen’s main interest is in the design of market mechanisms<br />

for an efficient allocation of computer resources.<br />

Dirk Neumann received a degree as Diplom-Ökonom (economics) from Justus-Liebig University<br />

in Giessen and a Master of Arts degree in Economics from University of Wisconsin,<br />

Milwaukee. He received his doctoral degree from Universität Karlsruhe (TH) in 2004. Since<br />

then, he has been working as an assistant professor at the <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems<br />

and Management at Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Dirk’s research interests basically cover two<br />

areas. The first topic is concerned with market engineering. In essence, market engineering<br />

denotes the theoretically fo<strong>und</strong>ed design of electronic markets. The second topic is concerned<br />

with the <strong>management</strong> of self-organizing networks. In self-organizing networks it is extremely<br />

difficult to influence the entire network or cliques, as those networks adapt quickly to the<br />

new situation in unforeseen directions.<br />


Market-Based Pricing in Grids: On Strategic Manipulation and<br />

Computational Cost<br />

Jochen Stößer, Dirk Neumann, Christof Weinhardt<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

lastname@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

In Grid computing, computer resources are shared across administrative bo<strong>und</strong>aries. In this<br />

dynamic and inter-organizational setting, scheduling becomes a key challenge. Market<br />

mechanisms are deemed promising to revolutionize resource allocation in Grids. Current market<br />

mechanisms, however, are not adequately able to account for dependencies between multiple<br />

Grid resources in large-scale settings with strategic users who try to benefit from manipulating<br />

the mechanism. In this paper, we design a market-based heuristic for clearing large-scale Grid<br />

settings. At the core of this paper, we present alternative pricing schemes which may<br />

complement this heuristic so as to induce resource requesters and providers to report their true<br />

valuations and resource characteristics to the system. We provide an in-depth analysis of these<br />

pricing schemes and outline basic design options of how the mechanism can be integrated into<br />

current Grid schedulers.<br />

Key words: Distributed Systems, Market-Based Scheduling, Heuristic, Pricing<br />

Introduction<br />

IT departments in business and academia are facing a challenging dilemma. On the<br />

one hand, they need to support increasingly complex applications which require massive<br />

amounts of computer resources, such as ERP systems, engineering applications, or<br />

demand and weather forecasts. On the other hand, IT departments are <strong>und</strong>er constant<br />

pressure to cut down on hard- and software expenses. In order to be able to<br />


accommodate peak loads, they must maintain large computing clusters which lie idle<br />

most of the time, thus incurring tremendous costs. Results of a meta-study show that<br />

corporate data centers are only using 10% to 35% of their available computing power<br />

and that 50% to 60% of companies’ data storage capacity is being wasted [Carr, 2005].<br />

Grid computing is a promising way out of this dilemma by allowing organizations to<br />

respond quickly to peaks in demand for computer resources. It denotes a computing<br />

paradigm where computer resources are shared across administrative bo<strong>und</strong>aries, e.g.<br />

between enterprises and/or scientific computing centers or among business units and<br />

departments within one enterprise [Foster et al., 2001]. A recent study conducted by The<br />

Insight Research Corporation projects a growth in worldwide Grid spending from US$<br />

1.84 Billion in 2006 to US$ 24.52 Billion in 2011 [Anonymous, 2006]. Current scientific<br />

Grids such as D-Grid (www.d-grid.org) and EGEE (www.eu-egee.org) or enterprise<br />

Grids employed at GlaxoSmithKline [Anonymous, 2007a] and Sal. Oppenheim<br />

[Anonymous, 2007b], however, suffer from two major drawbacks: Firstly, resources are<br />

shared free of charge and users with idle resources do not have an incentive to<br />

contribute these resources to the Grid. Within enterprises, for example, business units<br />

are oftentimes unwilling to share idle resources with other units as they do not receive<br />

monetary compensation or future access to Grid resources in return. Secondly, Grids<br />

are highly dynamic in nature. Over time, participating organizations may switch from<br />

being a resource requester to being a resource provider and vice versa, and new entities<br />

may enter the system or existing entities may leave.<br />

In this dynamic and inter-organizational setting, scheduling, i.e. the decision about<br />

which user can access what resource at what time and at what cost, becomes a key<br />

challenge. Current scheduling mechanisms are based on system-centric measures and<br />


pre-defined policies and user priorities. The scheduler of Sun Microsystems’s N1 Grid<br />

Engine, for example, uses a combination of a central queue and a technical scheduler,<br />

as illustrated in Figure 1 [Anonymous, 2005].<br />

Figure 1. Scheduler in Sun Microsystems’s N1 Grid Engine<br />

Requests are placed in the central queue according to a priority value which is<br />

computed by using a complex combination of policies. A sample policy mix may<br />

comprise manually pre-defined shares for specific user groups, departments or projects,<br />

a contribution for requests which are close to their deadline or which have been waiting<br />

in the system for a long time, and users can sort their own requests according to their<br />

importance. Following this queue, a technical scheduler assigns the requests to Grid<br />

resources. The objective of technical schedulers is to maximize resource utilization and<br />

balance the system load [Buyya et al., 2005]. Users cannot specify their valuation for<br />

Grid resources. In settings with excess demand for resources, the resulting allocations<br />

will thus typically not coincide with economically efficient allocations that try to<br />

accommodate those requests with the highest valuations. Furthermore, pre-defined<br />

policies and priorities which are manually administered fail in dynamic and large-scale<br />

Grid settings with users frequently entering and / or leaving the system. In summary,<br />

current technical scheduling mechanisms are not fully able to handle the interorganizational<br />

and dynamic nature of Grids.<br />


To this end, market mechanisms are deemed promising to revolutionize resource<br />

allocation in Grids for two reasons: They dynamically and efficiently match resource<br />

requests to resource offers based on the users’ valuations. In addition, they establish<br />

previously unknown prices where these prices reflect the scarcity of the respective<br />

resources, thus offering users an incentive to contribute their idle resources to the Grid<br />

in return for the market price. Current market mechanisms, however, are not adequately<br />

able to account for dependencies between multiple Grid resources (e.g. computing<br />

power and memory are needed simultaneously) in large-scale settings with strategic<br />

users who try to benefit from manipulating the mechanism.<br />

Our paper is novel as:<br />

• We design a scalable market-based heuristic for clearing large-scale Grid<br />

settings.<br />

• We present alternative pricing schemes which may complement this heuristic<br />

so as to induce resource requesters and providers to report their true<br />

valuations and resource characteristics to the system.<br />

• We provide an in-depth analysis of these pricing schemes with respect to the<br />

distribution of welfare among resource requesters and providers, the incentives<br />

of single users to try to manipulate the mechanism, and the computational<br />

impact of the pricing schemes on the mechanism.<br />

• We outline basic design options of how the mechanism can be integrated into<br />

current Grid schedulers.<br />

This paper is structured as follows. We present related work in the field of market<br />

mechanisms in Grids. We subsequently describe a scalable heuristic for clearing Grid<br />

markets, before we present and analyze existing and elaborate novel pricing and<br />


payment schemes which distribute the revenue collected on the demand side of the<br />

market to the provisioning side while accounting for both computational and strategic<br />

considerations. These dimensions are evaluated in more detail by means of a numerical<br />

experiment. We finally summarize the paper and highlight future research directions.<br />

Related Work<br />

A conceptual view on the integration of market mechanisms into Grid systems is<br />

provided by the G-commerce project [Wolski et al., 2001] and GridBus [Buyya et al.,<br />

2002]. These projects propose and evaluate basic auction mechanisms. But as Wellman<br />

et al. [Wellman et al., 2001] point out, scheduling problems often exhibit properties which<br />

are not captured by such basic auction protocols, e.g. the presence of multiple resource<br />

providers and time constraints. Instead, a suite of mechanisms is likely to emerge for a<br />

broader range of scheduling problems. Research in market-based allocation of Grid<br />

resources can be separated into two streams with respect to the trading object:<br />

mechanisms which consider the trading of one type of resource only and mechanisms<br />

which account for dependencies between multiple Grid resources.<br />

In Spawn, workstations auction off idle computing time by means of a Vickrey auction<br />

[Waldspurger et al., 1992]. In market-based proportional share, resource requesters get<br />

allotted computing time proportional to their share in the total reported valuation across<br />

all requesters [Chun and Culler, 1999]. The Popcorn market is an online market for<br />

computing power which implements a Vickrey auction as well as two double auctions<br />

[Regev and Nisan, 1998]. All of these approaches allow the specification and trading of<br />

computing power only. But requesters require a b<strong>und</strong>le of resources such as computing<br />

power, memory, and bandwidth. On the one hand, the approaches at hand thus lead to<br />

inefficient allocations since requests with the same demand for computing power but<br />


different memory requirements, for instance, are treated the same. On the other hand,<br />

requesters are exposed to the risk of only being able to obtain one portion of the b<strong>und</strong>le<br />

of required resources without the other (“exposure risk”).<br />

Schnizler et al. [Schnizler et al., forthcoming] elaborate a Multi-Attribute Combinatorial<br />

Exchange (MACE) which targets these deficiencies. Users are allowed to request and<br />

offer arbitrary b<strong>und</strong>les of computer resources and can specify quality attributes on these<br />

resources. The pricing scheme of MACE yields approximately truthful prices on both<br />

sides of the market. The scheduling problem in this combinatorial setting is NP-hard and<br />

the mechanism is thus not applicable to large-scale settings and interactive applications<br />

which require the immediate allocation of resources. The Bellagio system also<br />

implements a combinatorial exchange for computing resources [AuYoung et al., 2004].<br />

Being an exact mechanism it shares the computational drawbacks of MACE. The work<br />

of Bapna et al. [Bapna et al., forthcoming] is most relevant to the work presented in this<br />

paper. In their model, multiple requesters and providers can trade both computing power<br />

and memory for a sequence of time slots. First, an exact mechanism is introduced. By<br />

introducing fairness constraints and imposing one common valuation across all resource<br />

providers, a linear ordering across all jobs and time is introduced which reduces the<br />

complexity of the allocation problem, which however still remains NP-hard. To mitigate<br />

this computational complexity, a fast, greedy heuristic is proposed at the expense of<br />

both truthfulness and efficiency.<br />

In summary, the mechanisms proposed for Grids are not fully able to account for<br />

dependencies between multiple Grid resources in large-scale settings with strategic<br />

users. In the following section, we propose a scalable heuristic which allows the trading<br />

of both computing power and memory. We present pricing schemes which may<br />


complement this heuristic so as to induce strategic users to truthful behavior, before we<br />

briefly discuss how this mechanism can be employed as economic Grid scheduler.<br />

The Exchange<br />

We will introduce the bidding language first which determines how resource requests<br />

and offers are expressed. In order to enable true usability of market-based approaches,<br />

human users may be released from the burden of having to issue requests and offers<br />

manually. Instead, software agents may serve so as to hide the Grid’s complexity from<br />

human users by automatically trading resources based on the current resource<br />

consumption of applications and configurable bidding rules which automatically derive<br />

corresponding valuations [MacKie-Mason and Wellman, 2006, Neumann et al., 2006].<br />

The market mechanism is a centralized entity and clears periodically, i.e. it collects<br />

resource requests and offers for a period of time before making its allocation decision.<br />

The mechanism’s order book is closed in that market participants do not obtain<br />

information about other participants’ requests and offers.<br />

Expressing Requests and Offers<br />

In our model, computing power is the central scarce resource to be traded. Let N be<br />

the set of resource offers which the mechanism has collected over a period of time.<br />

When submitting a resource offer (“node”) n ∈ N, resource providers report the tuple (r n ,<br />

c¯n, m¯ n, ε n , λ n ) to the system. r n ∈ R + denotes the provider’s reservation price per unit of<br />

computing power and time in some common monetary unit (MU), c¯n ∈ ℵ and m¯ n ∈ ℵ<br />

specify the maximum available amount of computing power (e.g. number of CPUs or<br />

CPU cycles) and memory (e.g. in Megabytes) respectively, while ε n ∈ ℵ and λ n ∈ ℵ<br />

indicate the earliest and latest time slot during which these resources are available. We<br />


assume that nodes can virtually execute multiple requests in parallel, e.g. by viewing<br />

each node as a virtual machine which makes this node almost perfectly divisible<br />

[Barham et al., 2003].<br />

Let J be the set of resource requests. Resource requesters wanting to submit a<br />

computational task (“job”) j ∈ J report the tuple (b j , c j , m j , s j , e j ) to the system where b j ∈<br />

R + expresses the requester’s maximum willingness to pay per unit of computing power<br />

and time, c j ∈ ℵ and m j ∈ ℵ specify the minimum required amount of computing power<br />

and memory respectively, and s j ∈ ℵ and e j ∈ ℵ mark the jobs start and end time. A job j<br />

can only be executed in its entirety, meaning it is only allocated if there are sufficient<br />

resources available in each time slot t ∈ [s j , e j ]. A job can only be run on one node at a<br />

time but can migrate across nodes over time.<br />

Table 1: Sample Requests and Offers<br />

Job j b j c j m j s j e j Node n r n c¯n m¯ n ε n λ n<br />

J1 10 35 50 3 7 N1 8 123 98 1 8<br />

J2 14 35 27 1 7 N2 11 98 82 1 9<br />

J3 11 84 45 2 7<br />

J4 16 71 48 2 7<br />

J5 12 63 30 2 7<br />

J6 17 55 20 2 7<br />

Example: The sample requests and offers listed in Table 1 have been submitted to<br />

the system. Job J1 is requesting 35 units of computing power and 50 units of memory<br />

throughout timeslots 3 to 7. It is willing to pay up to 10 MU per unit of computing power<br />

and timeslot, i.e. b j c j (e j – s j +1) = 1,750 MU in total. Node N1 requires a payment of at<br />

least 8 MU per unit of computing power and timeslot while it is offering up to 123 units of<br />

computing power and 98 units of memory throughout timeslots 1 to 8.<br />


Allocating Requests to Offers<br />

Let T be the scheduling horizon for a problem instance, i.e. the set covering all time<br />

slots specified in resource requests and offers. We introduce the binary decision variable<br />

x with x jnt = 1 if job j is allocated to node n in time slot t and x jnt = 0 else. Then the winner<br />

determination problem which allocates resource requests to resource offers so as to<br />

maximize allocative efficiency V, that is welfare (or overall “happiness” of the market<br />

participants), can be formalized as a mathematical integer program:<br />

maxV<br />

: =<br />

X<br />

s.<br />

t.<br />

x<br />

jnt<br />

∑<br />

∈<br />

{ 0,1 },<br />

∑ x<br />

n∈N<br />

jnt<br />

∑ x<br />

j∈J<br />

jnt<br />

∑ x<br />

j∈J<br />

jnt<br />

e j<br />

∑ ∑<br />

≤ 1, s<br />

c<br />

c<br />

m<br />

u= s j n∈N<br />

j∈J<br />

j T∈t<br />

n∈N<br />

j<br />

s<br />

j<br />

∑ ∑<br />

j<br />

x<br />

( b − r )<br />

≤ t ≤ e , ε ≤ t ≤ λ , b<br />

≤ t ≤ e , j ∈ J<br />

≤ c n , ε ≤ t ≤ λ,<br />

n ∈ N<br />

x<br />

≤ m n , ε ≤ t ≤ λ,<br />

n ∈ N<br />

jnu<br />

j<br />

=<br />

n<br />

n<br />

j<br />

j<br />

n<br />

jnt<br />

j<br />

n<br />

n<br />

j<br />

≥ r , j ∈ J,<br />

n ∈ N<br />

n<br />

( C1)<br />

( C2)<br />

( C3)<br />

( C4)<br />

( e − s + 1) x , s t e , j J ( C5)<br />

j j ∑ ≤ ≤ ∈<br />

n∈N<br />

jnt j<br />

j<br />

Constraint (C1) introduces the binary decision variable x and ensures that a job can<br />

only be allocated to a node which is accessible during the right time slots and whose<br />

reservation price does not exceed the job’s willingness to pay. Furthermore, a job can<br />

only be allocated to at most one node at a time (C2). Constraints (C3) and (C4) specify<br />

that the jobs allocated to one node are not allowed to consume more resources than are<br />

available on this node. Constraint (C5) enforces atomicity, i.e. a job is either fully<br />

executed or it is not executed at all.<br />

This winner determination problem constitutes a special case of the NP-complete<br />

Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) [Chekuri and Khanna, 2000]. Consequently,<br />

solving this combinatorial winner determination problem to optimality makes scheduling<br />

in this model computationally intractable in practice. Numerical experiments indicate that<br />

clearing order books with 170 resource requests and 170 resource offers already takes<br />


about 22 minutes on average with CPLEX, a state-of-the-art commercial optimization<br />

engine, with the solver not being able to find any feasible solution within 30 minutes in<br />

14 out of 30 simulation runs [self-citing]. In practice, especially with interactive<br />

applications which consist of rapid CPU bursts intermitted by I/O-requests, users<br />

typically require the resources in a timely manner and the overhead for determining<br />

allocations must be kept as low as possible. In interval allocation mode, the scheduler in<br />

Sun N1 Grid Engine [Anonymous, 2005], for instance, is typically executed every 2 to 15<br />

seconds, making the computation of optimal allocation schemes infeasible in practice.<br />

This computational hardness forms the rationale for an allocation scheme based on a<br />

greedy heuristic which, in its basic form, has been proposed by Lehmann et al.<br />

[Lehmann et al., 2002] and Mu’alem and Nisan [Mu’alem and Nisan, 2002] for clearing<br />

single-sided single-attribute combinatorial auctions. We extend this heuristic to the<br />

setting of double-sided multi-attribute auctions. The greedy allocation scheme works as<br />

follows:<br />

(1) Sort jobs j ∈ J in non-increasing order of their reported willingness to pay b j , and<br />

nodes n ∈ N in non-decreasing order of their reported reservation prices r n .<br />

(2) Run sequentially through the job ranking, starting with the highest ranked job. For<br />

each job j, try to allocate this job to the cheapest feasible node which has still idle<br />

capacity left.<br />

The basic idea behind this heuristic is that, by sorting the jobs and nodes with respect<br />

to their reported valuation in Step (1), we try to greedily maximize the difference b j – r n in<br />

the objective function of the exact formalization of the winner determination problem<br />

above for each job assignment.<br />


Example: Applying the greedy allocation scheme to the example generates the<br />

allocation schedule depicted in Table 2 with welfare of V greedy = 6,570 MU, while the<br />

optimum is 6,858 MU. In this example, job J6 is willing to pay up to 17 MU per unit of<br />

computing power and timeslot, which is more than any other job is willing to pay.<br />

Consequently, J6 is ranked first in the sorting phase, while J4 and J6 are ranked second<br />

and third respectively. After having allocated these three jobs, the remaining jobs either<br />

do not fit on nodes N1 and N2 at the same time or are not willing to pay these nodes<br />

reservation prices and are thus not allocated.<br />

Table 2: Sample Greedy Allocation Scheme<br />

t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

N1 J2 J2, J6 J2, J6 J2, J6 J2, J6 J2, J6 J2, J6<br />

N2 J4 J4 J4 J4 J4 J4<br />

This allocation scheme runs in polynomial time of the size of its input, i.e. the number<br />

of resource requests and offers. The sorting phase (Step (1)) runs in O(|J|log|J|) and<br />

O(|N|log|N|) while the allocation phase (Steps (2) to (4)) runs in O(|J||N|). This<br />

computational speed is demonstrated by numerical experiments. In contrast to the 22<br />

minutes of the exact integer program formalization, the heuristic clears order books with<br />

170 resource requests and 170 resource offers in about 40 milliseconds on average<br />

[self-citing].<br />

The computational speed of heuristics generally comes at the expense of efficiency.<br />

Let V* be the (optimal) efficiency generated by the exact mechanism and V greedy the<br />

efficiency generated by the greedy heuristic.<br />

Proposition 1: In the worst case, the performance ratio V greedy /V* can be made<br />

arbitrarily close to zero.<br />

See Appendix A for the proof. While this is clearly a negative result, even the<br />

standard GAP is known to be APX-hard to approximate and only a 2-approximation<br />


exists [Chekuri and Khanna, 2000]. Due to the multiple resources and time constraints,<br />

the structure of our allocation problem is tremendously more complex than the standard<br />

GAP, and these bo<strong>und</strong>s thus probably do not hold for our model. Furthermore, the<br />

approximation techniques used to obtain these bo<strong>und</strong>s do not allow for constructing<br />

truthful prices [Mu’alem and Nisan, 2002], a key feature of our mechanism as we will<br />

present below. Those special worst-cases, however, are merely of theoretical value and<br />

the heuristic’s efficiency needs to be evaluated in more realistic settings. Numerical<br />

experiments show that the greedy heuristic approximates the optimal efficiency<br />

generated by the exact integer program between 88-96% [self-citing].<br />

Besides its computational speed and approximate efficiency, the heuristic allocation<br />

scheme implements desirable strategic properties as it limits the potential gain of both<br />

resource requesters and providers to manipulate the mechanism by reporting resource<br />

characteristics, i.e. computing and memory requirements and time constraints, other<br />

than their true characteristics. Truthfulness with respect to a job’s resource requirements<br />

is straightforward. If a job’s resource requirements are <strong>und</strong>erstated, the job will not be<br />

finished in time; it has to pay for the used resources but these are of no value.<br />

Overstating a job’s requirements either increases the job’s payment or the job is not<br />

scheduled at all. Analogously, resource providers clearly cannot gain from <strong>und</strong>erstating<br />

the amount of available resources. Given sufficiently severe penalties, providers cannot<br />

gain from overstating their available resources either, since they may then not be able to<br />

execute allocated jobs.<br />

Moulin [Moulin, forthcoming] introduces two further strategic properties of<br />

mechanism’s which are relevant in this regard: A mechanism is said to be split-proof if<br />

users cannot gain from splitting their jobs (nodes) into several smaller jobs (nodes). A<br />


mechanism is said to be merge-proof if users cannot benefit from merging several jobs<br />

(nodes) to one bigger job (node).<br />

Proposition 2: The greedy heuristic is both split- and merge-proof.<br />

See Appendix A for a sketch of the proof. Consequently, the strategy space of selfish<br />

users is restricted to misstating the valuation for resources only, i.e. the maximum<br />

willingness to pay respectively the reservation price. In the following section, we will<br />

propose pricing schemes which further limit the mechanisms vulnerability in this respect.<br />

Pricing the Outcome<br />

Market mechanisms consist of two basic components: an allocation scheme and a<br />

pricing scheme. While the allocation component (i.e. the winner determination problem)<br />

generally accounts for the technical peculiarities of the Grid setting, the objective of the<br />

pricing component is to induce the selfish agents in the market environment to act<br />

towards the general objective, i.e. maximize efficiency. As Lai [Lai, 2005] points out, “the<br />

attention of system designers, especially those designing scalable systems, should also<br />

be balanced with equal concern given to strategic behavior”. To this end, in this section<br />

we present two pricing schemes which may be used in conjunction with the greedy<br />

heuristic and analytically derive both positive and negative results.<br />

Proportional CV-Pricing<br />

The concept of critical-value-based pricing (henceforth “CV-Pricing”) has been<br />

introduced and studied by Lehmann et al. [Lehmann et al., 2002] and Mu’alem and<br />

Nisan [Mu’alem and Nisan, 2002]. Let φ j R +<br />

be the minimal valuation per unit of<br />

computing power and time slot which the winning job j would have needed to report to<br />

the mechanism in order to still remain in the allocation. Then, with CV-Pricing, we set the<br />


price of job j to p j = φ j c j (e j – s j + 1) if j is in the allocation and p j = 0 else. In the remainder<br />

of this paper, we assume resource requesters to have quasi-linear utility functions.<br />

Proposition 3: The greedy heuristic with critical-value-based prices for resource<br />

requests makes truthtelling a (weakly) dominant strategy.<br />

Refer to Appendix A for the proof. CV-Pricing is a powerful tool as it tremendously<br />

simplifies the strategy space of resource requesters: With truthful prices in dominant<br />

strategies, there is no need to reason about the strategies of other users. The critical<br />

value of a job essentially hinges on the competition of other jobs for the same resources.<br />

If there is no competition, the job is only required to pay the reservation price. Otherwise,<br />

the job at least needs to outbid these competing jobs. If there is sufficient competition<br />

such that critical values are above reservation prices, CV-Pricing of resource requests<br />

generates a surplus, i.e. overall payments exceeding the providers’ reservation prices.<br />

The major drawback of CV-Pricing in our setting is the computational cost of<br />

determining the critical values. In order to calculate the critical value for a specific<br />

allocated request, it is not possible to simply take the valuation of the job with the<br />

highest ranking which does not get executed since this job may not be executable in<br />

general due to capacity constraints. Moreover, removing j from the winning allocation<br />

might change the allocation of other jobs within the winning allocation as well.<br />

Consequently, to determine the critical value for each winning job j, we need to<br />

determine the allocation without j: We successively allocate all other jobs from the<br />

ranking and, after having allocated a job, check whether j can still be accommodated.<br />

Note that, while the mechanism seems to suffer from the same computational problems<br />

than the prominent VCG mechanism, we can now compute the critical values in<br />

polynomial time due to our greedy allocation scheme.<br />


The subsequent question is, how the surplus generated on the demand-side of the<br />

market (i.e. revenue exceeding reservation prices) can be distributed to resource<br />

providers so as to also produce truthful payments. Unfortunately, CV-Pricing is not<br />

applicable to the pricing of resource offers. It requires a binary decision in the sense that<br />

a job is only allocated as a whole, or not at all. In our model, however, resource offers<br />

are divisible. Worse, the following proposition holds:<br />

Proposition 4: There is no payment scheme which can complement the greedy<br />

heuristic so as to generate truthful payments to resource providers.<br />

See Appendix A for a proof sketch. This is clearly a strong negative result as it<br />

extends across any payment scheme for the greedy heuristic.<br />

As a consequence of Proposition 4, we cannot design a payment scheme which<br />

precludes any strategic behavior of resource providers but we can only try to limit these<br />

strategic possibilities. A first approach may be to distribute any surplus according to the<br />

providers’ contribution of computing power, the key resource in our model. Let<br />

S : =<br />

j∈J<br />

jnt j<br />

∑ p −<br />

r<br />

j∈J<br />

j ∈ ∈<br />

n<br />

n<br />

∑ ∑ ∑<br />

n N t T<br />

c<br />

be this surplus. The first term captures the total revenue collected by CV-Pricing,<br />

whereas the second term captures the providers’ reservation prices for the allocation<br />

schedule at hand. Then, with proportional payments, provider n receives payments<br />

amounting to<br />

∑t<br />

∈T<br />

∑<br />

x<br />

c<br />

x<br />

c<br />

∑t∈T<br />

∑ j∈J<br />

∑t<br />

T ∑j<br />

J∑<br />

j∈J<br />

jnt j<br />

jnt j<br />

r ⋅<br />

+ S ⋅<br />

n<br />

,<br />

c n<br />

x<br />

∈ ∈ m∈N<br />

jmt<br />

c<br />

j<br />

where the first summand captures n’s reservation price of the allocation schedule and<br />

the second summand captures n’s proportional payments. The rationale for proportional<br />

x<br />

c<br />


payments is that the share of the surplus which is allotted to n does not directly depend<br />

on n’s reported reservation price. Instead, it only depends on the final allocation<br />

schedule, which can only be influenced by n to a rather limited extent depending on the<br />

competition on both sides of the market. The prices and payments generated by<br />

Proportional CV-Pricing for the sample requests and offers are listed in Table 3.<br />

Table 3: Sample Prices and Payments<br />

Proportional CV-Pricing K-Pricing (k = 0.5)<br />

Job j p j Node n p n Job j p j Node n p n<br />

J2 2,940 N1 6,165.88 J2 2,695 N1 6,820<br />

J4 5,112 N2 5,846.12 J4 5,751 N2 5,751<br />

J6 3,960 J6 4,125<br />

J1, J3, J5 0 J1, J3, J5 0<br />

Σ 12,012 Σ 12,012 Σ 12,571 Σ 12,571<br />

K-Pricing<br />

K-Pricing is an alternative pricing scheme to Proportional CV-Pricing. It was<br />

introduced in Schnizler et al. [Schnizler et al., forthcoming] for double-sided<br />

combinatorial auctions. The basic idea is to distribute the welfare generated by the<br />

allocation algorithm between resource requesters and resource providers according to a<br />

factor k [0,1]. For instance, assume an allocation of resources from a specific provider<br />

to a specific requester. The requester values these resources at 10 MU while the<br />

provider has a reservation price of 5 MU. Then the (local) welfare of this transaction is<br />

10 MU – 5 MU = 5 MU and k * 5 MU of the surplus is allotted to the requester – thus<br />

having to pay 10 MU – k * 5 MU – and (1 – k) * 5 MU is allotted to the provider – thus<br />

receiving 5 MU + (1 – k) * 5 MU.<br />

K-Pricing has two main advantages. The distribution of welfare among resource<br />

requesters and providers can be flexibly pre-defined by setting the factor k accordingly,<br />

thus allowing for both fairness and revenue considerations. Prices can be determined in<br />


polynomial runtime. On its downside, however, it only yields approximately truthful prices<br />

and payments on both sides of the market.<br />

Example: The prices and payments generated by Proportional CV-Pricing and K-<br />

Pricing with k = 0.5 are listed in Table 3. By construction, both pricing schemes generate<br />

budget-balanced prices and payments. In this example, K-Pricing produces higher<br />

revenue (12,571 MU) than Proportional CV-Pricing (12,012 MU).<br />

Evaluation<br />

The analytic evaluation in the previous section allowed us to derive some general<br />

insights into the strategic and computational properties of the presented pricing<br />

schemes. These general properties, however, only give rather limited guidance to the<br />

market operator who has to choose an “adequate” pricing scheme for the strategic<br />

setting at hand. In this section, we thus employ a numerical simulation in order to obtain<br />

more detailed insights into the properties of the presented pricing schemes, in particular<br />

with respect to:<br />

• The distribution of welfare among resource requesters and providers;<br />

• The incentives of selfish users to misreport to the mechanism about their<br />

valuations;<br />

• The computational influence on the mechanism as a whole.<br />

Data Generation<br />

Based on our model and the corresponding bidding language, there is a set of<br />

parameters upon which problem instances (henceforth “order books”) need to be<br />

generated (cf. Table 4). The resource requirements of jobs were randomly drawn from a<br />

lognormal distribution with mean 4 and variance .28 (in log space), whereas the<br />


esource characteristics of nodes were drawn from a lognormal distribution with mean<br />

4.5 and variance .16. The lognormal distribution is recommended by Feitelson<br />

[Feitelson, 2002] for the creation of parameters such as file size. Representing a normal<br />

distribution in log space, it is modal and positively skewed. The start times and end<br />

times have been drawn from normal distributions while the maximum willingness to pay<br />

and reservation prices were drawn from uniform distributions.<br />

Data Analysis<br />

Table 4: Simulation Settings<br />

Parameter Resource Requesters Resource Providers<br />

Computing power Lognormal (4, .28) Lognormal (4.5, .16)<br />

Memory Lognormal (4, .28) Lognormal (4.5, .16)<br />

Start time Normal (2, .5) Normal (2, .5)<br />

End time Normal (6, .5) Normal (8, .5)<br />

Valuation Uniform [10, 20] Uniform [7.5, 12.5]<br />

The simulations were run on an Intel Pentium Xeon computer with 3.2 GHz and 2 GB<br />

memory. We simulated four pricing schemes: K-Pricing with k = .7 (i.e. 70% of welfare is<br />

allocated to the demand side), k = .5, k = .3, and Proportional CV-Pricing. We created<br />

200 order books in total based on the distributions listed above. We then fed each<br />

combination of the heuristic and these pricing schemes with the same set of order<br />

books, i.e. we performed 200 runs per setting. The large number of runs is due to the<br />

number of parameters and their interdependencies (e.g. recall that the total valuation of<br />

a job (node) equals its reported valuation times its required computing power times its<br />

time span) which may cause heavy statistical noise.<br />

Welfare<br />

In most market settings, the distribution of welfare (i.e. the sum over the true<br />

valuations of all winning resource requesters less the sum over the true reservation<br />

prices of all winning resource providers) among resource requesters and providers will<br />


e the primary design consideration: Which side of the market receives what fraction of<br />

the welfare that is generated by the allocation scheme? Table 5 lists the results of our<br />

simulation with respect to this question. In a simulation with 20 requesters and 20<br />

providers, the heuristic allocation scheme generates welfare amounting to 35,735.33 MU<br />

on average across 200 runs. For K-Pricing, the answer to the above question is simple,<br />

as the demand side receives the fraction k of the welfare whereas the supply side<br />

receives 1 – k. The answer is more complex for Proportional CV-Pricing. In this<br />

simulation, Proportional CV-Pricing assigns about 71% of welfare to the demand side.<br />

Resource providers need to abandon a comparably large fraction of welfare to the<br />

requesters in order to induce these to truthful reporting. The difference b j – φ j between<br />

the reported valuation of request j and its critical value may thus be interpreted as a<br />

discount. Recall from above that the critical values of jobs heavily depend on the<br />

competition in the market and that the providers’ surplus will thus be higher in more<br />

competitive settings.<br />

Table 5: Distribution of Welfare<br />

Pricing Scheme Requesters’ surplus Providers’ surplus<br />

K-Pricing (k = 0.3) 10,720.6 (30%) 25,014.73 (70%)<br />

K-Pricing (k = 0.5) 17,867.66 (50%) 17,867.66 (50%)<br />

K-Pricing (k = 0.7) 25,014.73 (70%) 10,720.6 (30%)<br />

Proportional CV-Pricing 25,353.20 (70.95%) 10,382.13 (29.05%)<br />

The results listed in Table 5 assume truthful reporting of valuations by both resource<br />

requesters and providers. Consequently, we want to examine the strategic properties of<br />

the presented pricing schemes in more detail.<br />

Manipulating requesters<br />

In a first setting, we analyze to what extent a single requester can benefit from<br />

reporting a valuation other than her true valuation. Let v j be the true valuation for request<br />


j. Then we let j report b j = α * v j and vary α from .7 to .8 up to 1.3, that is b j is a<br />

percentage bid of the true valuation. For j, there are intuitively two possible strategies of<br />

how to deviate from truthful bidding:<br />

α < 1, i.e. j <strong>und</strong>erstates its true valuation. With K-Pricing, there are two somewhat<br />

opposite implications of this strategy compared to truthful bidding: On the one hand (the<br />

adverse effect), j risks getting a lower ranking and may thus not be allocated at all, or it<br />

may be allocated to a node n with a higher reservation price and may thus obtain a<br />

smaller fraction of the resulting welfare spread b j – r n . On the other hand (the beneficial<br />

effect), j may remain in the allocation and may instead even be able to obtain a higher<br />

fraction of the welfare spread, e.g. if it is still allocated to the same node as with truthful<br />

bidding. Which effect finally prevails depends on the individual setting.<br />

α > 1, i.e. j overstates its true valuation. Equivalently, j may improve its ranking but<br />

risk getting a lower fraction of the welfare spread. On the other hand, it may instead<br />

even obtain a larger fraction.<br />

Table 6 lists the average utility gain across all 200 runs for a single requester from<br />

misstating compared to truthful reporting in each of the four pricing schemes for the<br />

request side of the market.<br />

Table 6: Average utility gain from misstating for a single<br />

requester<br />

α (b j = α* v j )<br />

K-Pricing K-Pricing K-Pricing Proportional<br />

(k = 0.3) (k = 0.5) (k = 0.7) CV-Pricing<br />

.7 149.40 -146.96 -443.32 -405.20<br />

.8 327.56 108.54 -110.48 -93.69<br />

.9 177.86 52.41 -73.04 -32.48<br />

1.1 -306.31 -191.12 -75.92 -28.71<br />

1.2 -632.36 -397.81 -163.25 -53.81<br />

1.3 -949.66 -598.58 -247.49 -53.81<br />

In the simulation we fo<strong>und</strong> that with α = .9, the manipulating requester dropped out of<br />

the allocation in 16.5% of the runs, with α = .8 in 25% of the runs, and with α = .7 the<br />


equester dropped out of the allocation already in 47% of the runs. This component of<br />

the adverse effect stems from the design of the ranking in the allocation heuristic and<br />

thus holds for all pricing schemes.<br />

Since we fed each pricing scheme with identical sets of 200 order books, we applied<br />

one-tailed matched pairs t-tests to determine the statistical significance of these<br />

deviations. The p-values are given in Table B1 in Appendix B. The test shows a<br />

statistically significant utility gain from <strong>und</strong>erstating (α < 1) for K-Pricing with k = .3 and<br />

for α = .8 and α = .9 with k = .5. For all other settings, the test shows a statistically<br />

significant utility loss from misstating (i.e. both <strong>und</strong>er- and overstating). In essence, the<br />

larger the factor k – i.e. the larger the fraction of welfare which is allocated to resource<br />

requesters – the less can these requesters gain from misstating. We hypothesize that<br />

this effect can be explained with the two opposite effects pointed out above: On<br />

average, the larger the factor k, the lower the beneficial and the higher the adverse<br />

effect from <strong>und</strong>erstating the valuation for a specific job. On the other side, for overstating<br />

resource requesters, we can see that on average, the larger k, the higher the beneficial<br />

and the lower the adverse effect, whereas the latter still prevails.<br />

As stated in Proposition 3, with Proportional CV-Pricing, requesters cannot gain from<br />

misstating their valuations in any case, so the same holds for the averages across all<br />

runs.<br />

Manipulating Providers<br />

In a second – and from the setup symmetric – setting, we analyze to what extent a<br />

single provider can benefit from reporting a reservation price other than her true<br />

reservation price. The implications from <strong>und</strong>er- respectively overbidding are essentially<br />

analogous to those on the demand side:<br />


α < 1: As for resource requesters, there are two opposite effects of <strong>und</strong>erstating the<br />

reservation price. Recall that the payment to a resource provider consists of two<br />

components: its reservation price and its fraction of the surplus, i.e. total revenue less<br />

total reservation prices. On the one hand, by <strong>und</strong>erstating its reservation price, the node<br />

inherently lowers the first component. On the other hand, the node may achieve a higher<br />

ranking and may thus be allocated more demand and thus a higher fraction of the<br />

surplus.<br />

α > 1: Again, the implications of overstating the reservation price are essentially the<br />

reversion of the consequences of <strong>und</strong>erstating this valuation.<br />

Table 7 lists the average utility gain across all 200 runs for a single requester from<br />

misstating compared to truthful reporting in each of the four payment schemes. The p-<br />

values for the one-tailed matched pairs t-tests for this setting are listed in Table B2 in<br />

Appendix B.<br />

Table 7: Average utility gain from misstating for a single<br />

provider<br />

α (b j = α* v j )<br />

K-Pricing K-Pricing K-Pricing Proportional<br />

(k = .3) (k = .5) (k = .7) CV-Pricing<br />

.7 573.54 23.19 -527.16 -1026.51<br />

.8 425.28 58.92 -307.45 -598.16<br />

.9 -37.23 -125.91 -214.58 -260.26<br />

1.1 -427.84 -248.67 -69.49 26.03<br />

1.2 -744.00 -449.03 -154.06 15.18<br />

1.3 -1067.02 -698.20 -329.38 -187.86<br />

For K-Pricing with k = .3, the average utility gain from <strong>und</strong>erstating the reservation<br />

price by 20% (α = .8) and by 30% (α = .7) is statistically significant with the p-values<br />

being 9 * 10 –10 and 1 * 10 –12 respectively. While there is still a slight potential gain from<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstating with k = .5, this gain is not statistically significant with p-values of .103 for α<br />

= .8 and .325 for α = .7. For k = .7, there is no gain from both <strong>und</strong>er- and overstating.<br />


These results can again be explained by means of the two opposite implications of<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstating respectively overstating. As discussed above, if the requester n<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstates its reservation price r n , it directly lowers this component of its payment, but<br />

may be able to extract a larger fraction of the spread b j – r n . However, since the<br />

requester receives (1 – k) * (b j – r n ) of this spread, this beneficial effect of <strong>und</strong>erstating<br />

gradually diminishes as k converges to 1.<br />

Proportional CV-Pricing punishes the <strong>und</strong>erstatement of the reservation price more<br />

than K-Pricing. On its downside, it offers potential gains from overstating. But these<br />

gains only seem to support slight deviations. Looking at the p-values in Table B2, the<br />

gain from overstating is not statistically significant (.235 for α = 1.1 and .382 for α = 1.2).<br />

Scalability<br />

As reported above, numerical experiments show that the greedy heuristic generates<br />

highly efficient allocations at low computational cost. However, not only the allocation<br />

scheme, but also the pricing scheme places a computational burden on the mechanism<br />

as a whole. As presented above, with Proportional CV-Pricing, in order to determine the<br />

critical value of a winning job, the allocation without this job needs to be determined.<br />

In order to examine the impact of each pricing scheme on the mechanism’s<br />

computational complexity in more detail, we varied the number of requests and offers in<br />

the market from 20 orders per side, 40 orders per side, and so forth up to 200 orders per<br />

side. We again randomly generated 200 order books for each of these settings, and<br />

performed the heuristic with both K-Pricing and Proportional CV-Pricing. The average<br />

runtimes across all 200 runs are listed in Table 8. These simulation results confirm the<br />

computational superiority of the K-Pricing scheme. Complemented with K-Pricing, the<br />

heuristic only takes about 90 milliseconds to clear comparably large order books with<br />


200 requests and 200 offers. The computational cost of Proportional CV-Pricing is<br />

illustrated by the heuristic with Proportional CV-Pricing, taking 2,400 milliseconds on<br />

average for the largest order books.<br />

Table 8: Average runtime in milliseconds<br />

Orders per<br />

market side<br />

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200<br />

K-Pricing 2 7 16 26 41 48 52 58 70 87<br />

Proportional<br />

CV-Pricing<br />

6 29 77 162 302 506 813 1,214 1,717 2,400<br />

If employed in interval scheduling mode, Sun Microsystems’s N1GE scheduler is<br />

typically executed every 15 seconds. We fo<strong>und</strong> that, if complemented with K-Pricing, the<br />

heuristic can clear up to 2,500 orders per side on average across 200 order books within<br />

this timeframe (12.7 seconds). If compared to the size of PlanetLab, the largest testbed<br />

for networking and distributed computing which currently comprises about 700 nodes<br />

[Peterson et al., 2006], these results <strong>und</strong>erline our mechanism’s scalability and<br />

applicability to practical scenarios.<br />

Implications for Market-based Resource Allocation<br />

From a welfare perspective, K-Pricing offers the nice feature that, given truthful<br />

information from all users, welfare can be distributed among resource requesters and<br />

providers according to the parameter k, which can act as adjusting crew. The welfare<br />

implications of Proportional CV-Pricing are more involved, as the distribution of welfare<br />

hinges on the competition on both sides of the market. In contrast to K-Pricing, there is<br />

no direct adjusting screw for the market operator. However, via the critical values of<br />

requests, Proportional CV-Pricing implements a desirable economic dynamicity in the<br />

sense that prices and payments adequately reflect resource scarcity. If resources are<br />

not scarce, critical values will be low, and resource providers may just receive their<br />


eservation prices. With increasing scarcity, critical values converge to the requesters’<br />

maximum willingness to pay, and resource providers extract a larger fraction of welfare.<br />

Considering strategic users, Proportional CV-Pricing clearly shows its strengths, as<br />

resource requesters cannot profit from misreporting and resource providers can only<br />

slightly benefit from overstating their reservation prices. With K-Pricing, the freedom in<br />

choosing k becomes somewhat restricted. On the one hand, if k – and thus requesters’<br />

surplus – is small, both resource requesters and providers have a significant incentive to<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstate their true valuations. On the other hand, if k is large, and hence providers’<br />

surplus low, this reduces the incentive for resource providers to contribute their idle<br />

resources to the Grid. With respect to computational considerations, K-Pricing clearly<br />

outperforms Proportional CV-Pricing.<br />

In large-scale settings, K-Pricing will generally be preferable to Proportional CV-<br />

Pricing due to its computational simplicity. Moreover, as Jackson [Jackson, 1992]<br />

shows, as market size increases, the potential gains from misreporting become smaller.<br />

The increasing competition assumes the pricing scheme’s role of inducing users to<br />

truthful behavior. In small-scale settings, the importance of computational considerations<br />

naturally diminishes and, in line with Jackson’s [Jackson, 1992] results for increasing<br />

market sizes, strategic considerations gain in importance as the market size decreases.<br />

Proportional CV-Pricing may thus prove superior to K-Pricing in these settings as it not<br />

only ensures truthful reporting on average, but in dominant strategies.<br />

Returning to our discussion of Grid schedulers in the introduction, there are generally<br />

two ways in which market mechanisms can be integrated into Grid schedulers.<br />


Figure 2a. Market mechanisms to determine<br />

priority values / shares<br />

Figure 2b. Market mechanisms to determine<br />

both priority values and allocations<br />

Firstly, market mechanisms may be used to determine the priority values respectively<br />

shares of requests in the Grid scheduler’s central queue (cf. Figure 2a). In conjunction,<br />

as with Sun’s N1 Grid Engine, a technical scheduler can then subsequently be used to<br />

allocate the requests in this queue to Grid resources. As proposed in [self-citing], the<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism of Sanghavi and Hajek [Sanghavi and Hajek, 2004] or marketbased<br />

proportional share [Chun and Culler, 1999] are two mechanisms which may be<br />

suitable for this design option, which is particularly qualified to be employed as a so<br />

called online mechanism in order to schedule interactive applications, meaning resource<br />

requests and resources are allocated as soon as they arrive in the system. Secondly,<br />

market mechanisms may assume the role of both establishing priorities and allocations,<br />

thus also displacing the technical scheduler (cf. Figure 2b). This class of mechanisms is<br />

typically executed periodically. Larger clearing periods allow for more efficient allocation<br />

decisions since there are likely to be more requests and offers over which the<br />

mechanism can try to optimize. On the other hand, in dynamic settings where users<br />

require fast allocation decisions, the clearing period can be made as small as a couple<br />

of seconds. The market mechanism presented in this paper falls into this category.<br />


Concluding Remarks and Future Work<br />

In the introduction, we discussed that technical schedulers based on system-centric<br />

metrics – the current approach to allocating Grid resources – do not achieve efficient<br />

allocations in the economic sense since the pre-defined and static policies and priorities<br />

cannot cope with the dynamic and large-scale nature of Grids, do not allow requesters to<br />

specify their valuations for resources, and do not provide immediate incentives to<br />

contribute to the Grid. Market mechanisms are a promising approach to Grid scheduling<br />

by explicitly addressing these deficiencies. We presented related work on market<br />

mechanisms for Grid resource allocation and argued that these current approaches do<br />

not fully consider dependencies between multiple Grid resources, scalability issues, and<br />

strategic users which may try to manipulate the mechanism in their own benefit. The<br />

contribution of this paper is the proposal of a mechanism which achieves a distinct<br />

trade-off between allocative efficiency, computational tractability, and incentive<br />

compatibility. To this end, we designed a greedy heuristic which achieves near-optimal<br />

resource allocations at low computational cost. We subsequently presented alternative<br />

pricing schemes which may complement this allocation scheme and derived some<br />

general results on their strategic and computational properties. In order to examine<br />

these properties in more detail, we employed a numerical experiment which we<br />

described in our evaluation section. We compared these results for the presented pricing<br />

schemes and derived some general recommendations and design options for integrating<br />

market mechanisms into Grid schedulers.<br />

In the future, we intend to perform further analyses of the presented pricing schemes,<br />

e.g. by means of experiments and agent-based simulations. Moreover, we plan to<br />

integrate a prototype of the market mechanism into MOSIX, a state-of-the-art Grid<br />


system [Barak et al., 2005]. The heuristic’s approximation of efficiency needs to be<br />

compared in detail to the efficiency produced by the exact formalization of the winner<br />

determination problem. Extensions of the heuristic allocation scheme, such as the use of<br />

more sophisticated norms in the sorting phase, as well as their impact on the<br />

mechanism’s strategic properties, may be promising areas for future research.<br />

Appendix A – Proofs<br />

Proof of Proposition 1: W.l.o.g., we consider valuations and computing power only.<br />

Suppose one resource offer with characteristics (r, c¯) = (0 MU, k), k ∈ ℵ, and two resource<br />

requests (b 1 , c 1 ) = (2 MU, 1) and (b 2 , c 2 ) = (1 MU, k). The heuristic generates welfare of 2 MU<br />

while the optimum is k MU. Clearly, V greedy /V* → 0 for k → ∞.<br />

Proof sketch of Proposition 2: The sorting in Step 1 of the heuristic depends on the<br />

reported valuations per unit of computing power. Consequently, both requesters and providers<br />

can neither simultaneously improve the rankings of two requests (offers) by merging them, nor<br />

can they simultaneously improve the rankings of two requests (offers) which result from splitting<br />

a request (offer).<br />

Proof of Proposition 3: We assume resource requesters to have quasi-linear utility<br />

functions. Let u j be the resulting overall utility for request j, v j j’s true valuation for a unit of<br />

computing power per time slot, and p j the resulting payment. Then u j = v j (e j – s j + 1)c j – p j if j is<br />

allocated and u j = 0 else. Assume j has reported truthfully, i.e. b j = v j .<br />

Suppose j has won, i.e. b j = v j > φ j and p j = φ j (e j – s j + 1)c j . Reporting a lower valuation b j < v j<br />

either leaves j in the winning allocation while it does not change φ j and consequently it does not<br />

change u j , or it leads to j being rejected and thus uj’ = 0 < (v j – φj)(ej – sj + 1)cj = uj. Reporting a<br />

higher valuation b j > v j leaves j being accepted while it does not change φj and consequently it<br />

does not change uj.<br />


Now suppose j has lost, i.e. b j = v j < φ j and p j = 0. Reporting a lower valuation b j < v j leaves j<br />

being rejected. Reporting a higher valuation b j > v j either leaves j being rejected (b j < φj), or it<br />

leads to j being accepted (b j > φj > v j ) and thus uj’ = (b j – φj)(ej – sj + 1)cj < 0 = uj.<br />

Proof sketch of Proposition 4: A key requirement for achieving truthfulness is designing a<br />

monotonic allocation scheme in the sense that providers cannot do better by overstating their<br />

reservation prices [Lehmann et al., 2002, Mu’alem and Nisan, 2002]. By means of a simple<br />

example we will show that providers can potentially increase their load by overstating their<br />

reservation prices.<br />

W.l.o.g., we consider valuations and computing power only. Assume two resource requests,<br />

(10 MU, 1) and (9 MU, 2), and two truthful resource offers, (1 MU, 2) and (2 MU, 2). Then the<br />

first offer will be allocated one unit of computing power. Now assume the first provider had<br />

reported (3 MU, 2) instead. Then she would have been allocated 2 units of computing power.<br />

Appendix B – p-values<br />

Table B1: p-values of one-tailed matched<br />

pairs t-tests for the utility gains from<br />

misstating for a single requester provider<br />

α<br />

K-Pricing K-Pricing K-Pricing Proportional<br />

(k = 0.3) (k = 0.5) (k = 0.7) CV-Pricing<br />

.7 .004 .007 3 * 10 –10 6 * 10 –15<br />

.8 9 * 10 –15 .003 .005 1 * 10 –7<br />

.9 1 * 10 –12 .036 .023 9 * 10 –5<br />

1.1 3 * 10 –53 2 * 10 –30 2 * 10 –5 0.001<br />

1.2 1 * 10 –57 3 * 10 –46 5 * 10 –14 4 * 10 –4<br />

Table B2: p-values of one-tailed matched<br />

pairs t-tests for the utility gains from<br />

misstating for a single provider<br />

α<br />

K-Pricing K-Pricing K-Pricing Proportional<br />

(k = 0.3) (k = 0.5) (k = 0.7) CV-Pricing<br />

.7 1 * 10 –12 .325 4 * 10 –39 5 * 10 –73<br />

.8 9 * 10 –10 .103 4 * 10 –22 3 * 10 –56<br />

.9 .065 3 * 10 –11 1 * 10 –37 6 * 10 –32<br />

1.1 1 * 10 –11 2 * 10 –8 .006 .235<br />

1.2 1 * 10 –20 7 * 10 –16 6 * 10 –6 .382<br />

1.3 2 * 10 –26 9 * 10 –23 2 * 10 –13 4 * 10 –4<br />

1.3 1 * 10 –58 2 * 10 –52 4 * 10 –22 4 * 10 –4 123<br />

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Trading Grid Services –<br />

A Multi-attribute Combinatorial Approach<br />

Björn Schnizler, Dirk Neumann, Daniel Veit, Christof Weinhardt<br />

{schnizler,neumann,veit,weinhardt}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management, University of Karlsruhe (TH),<br />

Germany<br />

Abstract<br />

The Grid is a promising technology for providing access to distributed high-end computational<br />

capabilities. Thus, computational tasks can be performed spontaneously<br />

by other resources in the Grid that are not <strong>und</strong>er the user’s control. However, one<br />

of the key problems in the Grid is deciding which jobs are to be allocated to which<br />

resources at what time. In this context, the use of market mechanisms for scheduling<br />

and allocating Grid resources is a promising approach toward solving these<br />

problems. This paper proposes an auction mechanism for allocating and scheduling<br />

computer resources such as processors or storage space which have multiple quality<br />

attributes. The mechanism is evaluated according to its economic and computational<br />

performance as well as its practical applicability by means of a simulation.<br />

Key words: Auctions and Bidding, Integer Programming, Combinatorial<br />

Exchange, Market Engineering, Grid<br />

1 Introduction<br />

The increasing interconnection between computers has created a vision for<br />

Grids. Within these Grids, computing resources such as processing power,<br />

storage space or applications are accessible to any participant. This accessibility<br />

has major ramifications for organizations since they can reduce costs by<br />

outsourcing nonessential elements of their IT infrastructure to various forms<br />

of service providers. Such emerging e-Utilities – providers offering on-demand<br />

access to computing resources – enable organizations to perform computational<br />

jobs spontaneously through other resources in the Grid that are not<br />

<strong>und</strong>er the control of the (temporary) user (Foster et al., 2002).<br />

Most Grid research has been devoted to the development of hard and software<br />

infrastructures so that access to resources is dependable, consistent, pervasive<br />

and inexpensive (Foster and Kesselman, 2004). The specification of open<br />

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 29 June 2006<br />


standards that defines the interactions between different computing resources<br />

across organizational entities hallmarks a significant milestone in this development.<br />

With the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA), which specifies<br />

f<strong>und</strong>amental middleware components for the Grid, the Grid Community has<br />

laid the fo<strong>und</strong>ation for future developments. OGSA defines computer and storage<br />

resources as well as networks, programs, databases and the like as services,<br />

i.e. network-enabled entities that provide some capability. Using resources as<br />

service paves the road for interoperability among heterogeneous computing<br />

and application environments (Foster et al., 2002). OGSA and one of its reference<br />

implementations, Globus Toolkit 1 , provide the technical infrastructure<br />

for accessing computational services over the Grid. Computers equipped with<br />

a Globus installation can easily access computational resources over the Grid,<br />

where access for the user is transparent. Resource owners can become providers<br />

by offering their services using standardized interfaces in a global directory.<br />

The global directory allocates the services to appropriate service consumers.<br />

With the implementation of Grid middleware, institutional arrangements are<br />

becoming increasingly important. In essence, current Grid middleware provides<br />

insufficient incentive to participate in the Grid. This lack of incentive<br />

stems from the fact that most Grid middleware service directories employ<br />

batch algorithms which determine the allocation based on either naive heuristics<br />

such as first-come first-serve or on idiosyncratic cost functions (Buyya<br />

et al., 2002). From an economic point of view, however, these algorithms are<br />

harmful, as they strive to maximize a system-wide performance objective such<br />

as throughput or mean response time rather than maximize aggregate value.<br />

These batch algorithms can not guarantee that the buyers who value some<br />

services will really receive them.<br />

Market-based approaches are considered to work well in Grid settings. By assigning<br />

a value (also called utility) to their service requests, users can reveal<br />

their relative urgency or costs to the service, which is subject to service usage<br />

constraints. If the market mechanism is properly defined, users may be<br />

provided incentives to express their true values for service requests and offers.<br />

This in turn marks the prerequisite for attaining an efficient allocation<br />

of services, which maximizes the sum of aggregate valuations (Schnizler et al.,<br />

2005).<br />

In recent times, the idea of incorporating market mechanisms into Grid technology<br />

has increasingly gained attention. Among others, the proposals include<br />

the establishment of Open Grid Markets, where either idle or all available resources<br />

can be traded (Shneidman et al., 2005; Lai, 2005). Despite this recent<br />

interest in market-based approaches, research regarding market mechanisms<br />

for Grid resources remains in its infancy. The canon of available market mech-<br />

1 See http://www.globus.org/ for details.<br />

2<br />


anisms only insufficiently copes with the requirements imposed by the Grid.<br />

This paper seeks to supply the need for a market mechanism that is Gridcompatible<br />

and can thus be used for resource <strong>management</strong> in federated environments<br />

such as an Open Grid Market.<br />

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: the economic properties<br />

which the proposed market mechanism should satisfy are presented in<br />

section 2. In section 3, comparable efforts in designing mechanisms for Grids<br />

and related domains are discussed. Since none of these mechanisms is directly<br />

applicable, section 4 tailors a mechanism for the Grid. In section 5, the proposed<br />

mechanism is evaluated according to the properties laid out in section 2.<br />

Section 6 concludes with a brief summary and an outlook for future research.<br />

2 Desirable Properties and Requirements<br />

The objective of an adequate market mechanism for the Grid is the efficient<br />

and reliable provision of resources to satisfy demand. Economic approaches<br />

explicitly assume that users act strategically in a way that does not reveal<br />

their true valuations for resources aggregated in services. Incentive compatible<br />

mechanisms are accordingly advantageous, as they encourage users to report<br />

their true valuations. This allows the mechanism to maximize allocative<br />

efficiency (i.e. the sum of the individuals’ utilities).<br />

A critical step in designing markets is to <strong>und</strong>erstand the nature of the trading<br />

object. This paper considers services which respect resource functionalities<br />

(e.g. storage) and quality characteristics (e.g. size), dependencies and time<br />

attributes. Relying on services instead of computational resources removes<br />

many technical problems. For instance, the resource CPU may technically not<br />

be offered without an appropriate amount of hard disk space on the same<br />

computer, while a computation service offering CPU cycles already includes<br />

the complementary resources. In the remainder of the paper, it is abstracted<br />

from those technical details by treating resources and services as synonyms.<br />

The following presents the design objectives and the Grid specific requirements<br />

for the market mechanism.<br />

2.1 Design Objectives<br />

The theoretical basis for designing mechanisms has emerged from a branch<br />

of game theory called mechanism design (Milgrom, 2004). Within the scope<br />

of practical mechanism design, the primary design objective is to investigate<br />

a mechanism that has desirable properties. The following comprises common<br />

economic properties of a mechanism’s outcome:<br />

• Allocative efficiency:<br />

3<br />


An allocation is efficient if the sum of individual utilities is maximized. It<br />

is assumed that utility is transferable among all participants. A mechanism<br />

can only attain allocative efficiency if the market participants report their<br />

valuation truthfully. This requires incentive compatibility in equilibrium.<br />

• Incentive compatibility:<br />

A mechanism is incentive compatible, if every participant’s expected utility<br />

maximizing strategy in equilibrium with every other participant is to report<br />

its true preferences (Parkes et al., 2001).<br />

• Individual rationality:<br />

The constraint of individual rationality requires that the utility following<br />

participation in the mechanism must be greater or equal to the previous<br />

utility.<br />

• Budget balance:<br />

A mechanism is said to be budget balanced if the prices add up to zero for<br />

all participants (Jackson, 2002). In case the mechanism runs a deficit, it<br />

must be subsidized by an outside source and is therefore not feasible per-se.<br />

• Computational tractability:<br />

Computational tractability considers the complexity of computing a mechanism’s<br />

outcome. With an increasing number of participants, the allocation<br />

problem can become very demanding and may delimit the design of choice<br />

and transfer rules.<br />

It is clear that the objective allocative efficiency meets the general design<br />

goal that the mechanism designer wants to achieve, whereas the remaining<br />

categories are constraints upon the objective (Neumann, 2004).<br />

2.2 Domain-Specific Requirements<br />

In addition to those mechanism properties pertaining to the outcome, the<br />

mechanism must also account for the <strong>und</strong>erlying environment. The constraints<br />

of the market participants impose very rigid requirements upon the design:<br />

• Double-sided mechanism:<br />

A Grid middleware usually provides a global directory enabling multiple<br />

service owners to publish their services and multiple service requesters to<br />

discover them. Since a market mechanism replaces these directories, it has<br />

to allow many resource owners (henceforth sellers) and resource consumers<br />

(buyers) to trade simultaneously.<br />

• Language includes bids on attributes:<br />

Participants in the Grid usually have different requirements for the quality<br />

characteristics of Grid services and require these in different time spans. For<br />

example, a rendering job could require a storage service with at least 250 GB<br />

of free space for four hours in any slot between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. The Grid<br />

community takes these requirements into account by defining service level<br />

agreement protocols, e.g. WS-Agreement (Ludwig et al., 2004). To facilitate<br />

4<br />


the adherence of these agreement protocols, a market mechanism fitting the<br />

Grid is required to support bids on multiple quality attributes of services<br />

as well as their time objectives.<br />

• Language includes combinatorial bids:<br />

Buyers usually demand a combination of different Grid services as a b<strong>und</strong>le<br />

in order to perform a task (Subramoniam et al., 2002). As such, Grid services<br />

are complementarities, meaning that participants have super-additive<br />

valuations for the services, since the sum of valuations for single services<br />

is less than the valuation for the whole b<strong>und</strong>le (v(A) + v(B) ≤ v(AB)).<br />

Suppose a buyer requires services for storage, computation and rendering.<br />

If any service, e.g. the storage service, is not allocated to him, the remaining<br />

b<strong>und</strong>le has no value for him. In order to avoid this exposure risk (i.e.<br />

receiving only a subset of the b<strong>und</strong>le), the mechanism must allow for bids<br />

on b<strong>und</strong>les.<br />

The buyer may want to submit more than one bid on a b<strong>und</strong>le as well<br />

as many that exclude each other. In this case, the resources for the b<strong>und</strong>les<br />

are substitutes, i.e. participants have sub-additive valuations for the services<br />

(v(A) + v(B) ≥ v(AB)). For instance, a buyer is willing to pay a high price<br />

for a service during the day and a low price if the service is executed at<br />

night. However, this service may only be computed once. To express this,<br />

the mechanism must support XOR 2 bids to express substitutes. For the<br />

sake of simplicity, a seller’s bid is restricted to a set of OR 3 bids. This<br />

simplification can be justified by the fact that Grid services are non-storable<br />

commodities, e.g. a computation service currently available cannot be stored<br />

for a later time.<br />

• Language includes co-allocation constraints:<br />

Capacity-demanding Grid applications usually require the simultaneous allocation<br />

of several homogenous service instances from different providers.<br />

For example, a large-scale simulation may require several computation services<br />

to be completed at one time. Research literature often refers to the<br />

simultaneous allocation of multiple homogenous services as co-allocation. A<br />

mechanism for the Grid has to enable co-allocations and provide functionality<br />

to control it. In this context, two cases must be considered: Firstly, it<br />

is desirable to limit the maximum number of service co-allocations, i.e. the<br />

maximum number of service divisions. Secondly, it may be logical to couple<br />

multiple services of a b<strong>und</strong>le in order to guarantee that these resources are<br />

allocated from the same seller and – more importantly – will be executed<br />

on the same machine.<br />

An adequate market mechanism for the Grid must satisfy these requirements<br />

stemming from the economic environment and ideally meet the design objectives.<br />

2 A XOR B (A ⊕ B) means either ∅, A, or B, but not AB<br />

3 A OR B (A ∨ B) means ∅, A, B, or AB<br />

5<br />


3 Related Work<br />

For instance, Waldspurger et al. (1992) and Regev and Nisan (2000) propose<br />

the application of Vickrey auctions for allocating homogenous computational<br />

resources in distributed systems. Vickrey auctions achieve truthful bidding as<br />

a dominant strategy and hence result in efficient allocations.<br />

Buyya et al. (2002) were among the first researchers to motivate the transfer<br />

of market-based systems from distributed systems to Grids. Nonetheless, they<br />

propose classical one-sided auction types which cannot account for combinatorial<br />

bids. Wolski et al. (2001) compare classical auctions with a bargaining<br />

market, coming to the conclusion that the bargaining market is superior to<br />

an auction-based market. This result is less surprising since the authors only<br />

consider classical auction formats where buyers cannot express bids on b<strong>und</strong>les.<br />

Eymann et al. (2003) introduce a decentralized bargaining system for<br />

resource allocation in Grids. In their simulation the bargaining systems work<br />

fairly well; however, bids on b<strong>und</strong>les are largely ignored.<br />

Subramoniam et al. (2002) account for combinatorial bids by providing a<br />

tâtonnement process for allocating and pricing Grid resources. Furthermore,<br />

Ng et al. (2005) propose repeated combinatorial auctions as a microeconomic<br />

resource allocator in distributed systems. Nonetheless, the resources are still<br />

considered to be standardized commodities. Standardization of the resources<br />

would either imply that the number of resources are limited compared to the<br />

number of all possible resources or that there are many mechanisms which are<br />

likely to suffer due to meager participation. Both implications result in rather<br />

inefficient allocations.<br />

Additionally, state-of-the-art mechanisms widely neglect time attributes for<br />

b<strong>und</strong>les and quality constraints for single resources. Hence, the use of these<br />

mechanisms in the Grid environment is considerably diminished. The introduction<br />

of time attributes redefines the Grid allocation problem as a scheduling<br />

problem. To account for time attributes, Wellman et al. (2001) model singlesided<br />

auction protocols for allocating and scheduling resources <strong>und</strong>er different<br />

time constraint considerations. However, the proposed approach is single-sided<br />

and favors monopolistic sellers or monopsonistic buyers in a way that allocates<br />

greater portions of the surplus. Installing competition on both sides is deemed<br />

superior, since no particular market side is systematically given an advantage.<br />

Demanding competition on both sides suggests the development of a combinatorial<br />

exchange. In research literature, Parkes et al. (2001) introduce the<br />

first combinatorial exchange as a single-shot sealed bid auction. As payment<br />

scheme, Vickrey discounts are approximated. The approach results in approximately<br />

efficient outcomes; however, it neither accounts for time nor for quality<br />

constraints and is thus not directly applicable to the Grid allocation problem.<br />

6<br />


Counteractively, Bapna et al. (2005) propose a family of combinatorial auctions<br />

for allocating Grid services. Although the mechanism accounts for quality<br />

and time attributes and enables the simultaneous trading of multiple buyers<br />

and sellers, there is no competition on the sellers’ side as all orders are<br />

aggregated to one virtual order. Moreover, the mechanism does not take coallocation<br />

constraints into account.<br />

In reviewing the related mechanisms according to the requirements presented<br />

in section 2, it is revealed that no market mechanism installs competition on<br />

both sides, includes combinatorial bids, allows for time constraints, manages<br />

quality constraints, or considers co-allocation restrictions. This paper intends<br />

to address these deficiencies by outlining the design of a multi-attribute combinatorial<br />

exchange for allocating and scheduling Grid services.<br />

4 MACE: A Multi-attribute Combinatorial Exchange<br />

The design of a market mechanism mainly affects two components: (i) the<br />

communication language which defines how bids can be formalized and (ii)<br />

the outcome determination by means of winner determination and pricing<br />

rules.<br />

The following auction format follows common assumptions of mechanism design:<br />

participants are assumed to be risk neutral, have linear utility functions,<br />

as well as independent private valuations and reservation prices. Hence, the<br />

sellers’ reservation prices can be linearly transformed to any partial execution<br />

of any b<strong>und</strong>le.<br />

Firstly, a bidding language will be introduced which fits the requirements<br />

specified in section 2. Furthermore, a winner determination model (allocation<br />

rule) and a family of pricing schemes will be proposed.<br />

4.1 Bidding Language<br />

Meeting the requirements specified in section 2 requires a formal bidding language<br />

that enables buyers and sellers to submit combinatorial bids, including<br />

multiple attributes and co-allocation constraints:<br />

Let N be a set of N buyers and M be a set of M sellers, where n ∈ N defines<br />

an arbitrary buyer and m ∈ M an arbitrary seller. There are G discrete resources<br />

G = {g 1 , . . . , g G } with g k ∈ G and a set of S b<strong>und</strong>les S = {S 1 , . . . , S S }<br />

with S i ∈ S and S i ⊆ G as a subset of resources. For instance, S i = {g k , g j }<br />

denotes that the b<strong>und</strong>le S i consists of two resources g k and g j , where g k could<br />

be a computation service and g j a storage service.<br />

A resource g k has a set of A k cardinal quality attributes A gk = {a gk ,1, . . . , a gk ,A k<br />

}<br />

7<br />


where a gk ,j ∈ A gk represents the j.th attribute of the resource g k . For instance,<br />

in the context of a Grid service, a quality attribute can be the size of a storage<br />

service.<br />

A buyer n can specify the minimal required quality characteristics for a b<strong>und</strong>le<br />

S i ∈ S with q n (S i , g k , a gk ,j) ≥ 0, where g k ∈ S i is a resource of the b<strong>und</strong>le S i<br />

and a gk ,j ∈ A gk is a corresponding attribute of the resource g k . As such, the<br />

minimal required size of a storage service can be denoted by q n (S i , g k , a gk ,j),<br />

e.g. 200GB. Accordingly, a seller m can specify the maximum offered quality<br />

characteristics with q m (S i , g k , a gk ,j) ≥ 0.<br />

For each resource g k ∈ S i , a buyer n can specify the maximum number of coallocations<br />

in each time slot with γ n (S i , g k ) ≥ 0. This means that a buyer n can<br />

limit the number of partial executions for each resource g k . Let γ n (S i , g k ) = D,<br />

if the resource g k has no divisibility restrictions, where D is a large enough<br />

constant 4 . The coupling of two resources in a b<strong>und</strong>le is represented by the<br />

binary variable ϕ n (S i , g k , g j ) where ϕ n (S i , g k , g j ) = 1 if resources g k and g j<br />

have to be allocated from the same b<strong>und</strong>le bid of a seller and ϕ n (S i , g k , g j ) = 0<br />

otherwise. It is assumed that all services offered in a b<strong>und</strong>le are located on<br />

the same machine.<br />

Resources in the form of b<strong>und</strong>les S i can be assigned to a set of maximal<br />

T discrete time slots T = {0, . . . , T − 1}, where t ∈ T specifies one single<br />

time slot. A buyer n can specify the minimum required number of time slots<br />

s n (S i ) ≥ 0 for a b<strong>und</strong>le S i . The earliest time slot for any allocatable b<strong>und</strong>le<br />

S i can be specified by e n (S i ) ≥ 0 for a buyer n and e m (S i ) ≥ 0 for a seller<br />

m; the latest possible allocatable time slot by l n (S i ) ≥ 0 for a buyer n and by<br />

l m (S i ) ≥ 0 for a seller m.<br />

A buyer n can express the valuation for a single slot for a b<strong>und</strong>le S i by<br />

v n (S i ) ≥ 0, i.e. the maximum price for which the buyer n is willing to trade.<br />

The reservation price for allocating a single slot of a b<strong>und</strong>le S i is denoted by<br />

r m (S i ) ≥ 0, which represents the minimum price for which the seller m is<br />

willing to trade.<br />

Subsequently, a buyer n can submit a set of XOR b<strong>und</strong>le bids as an order<br />

B n = {B n,1 (S 1 ) ⊕ . . . ⊕ B n,u (S j )},<br />

where u is the number of b<strong>und</strong>le bids in the order and B n,f (S i ) is defined as<br />

4 The constant D has to be greater than the total number of seller bids.<br />

8<br />


the tuple<br />

B n,f (S i ) =(v n (S i ), s n (S i ), e n (S i ), l n (S i ),<br />

q n (S i , g 1 , a g1 ,1), . . . , q n (S i , g G , a gG ,A j<br />

), γ n (S i , g 1 ), . . . , γ n (S i , g G ),<br />

ϕ n (S i , g 1 , g 2 ), ϕ n (S i , g 1 , g 3 ), . . . , ϕ n (S i , g 1 , g G ), . . . , ϕ n (S i , g G , g G−1 )).<br />

For example, the bid B n,1 (S 1 ) = {1, 4, 2, 10, (3000, 30), (2, 4), 0} with S 1 =<br />

{g 1 , g 2 }, g 1 = {Computation} with one attribute A g1 = {Speed}, and g 2 =<br />

{Storage} with one attribute A g2 = {Space} expresses that a buyer n wants<br />

to buy the b<strong>und</strong>le S 1 and has a valuation of v n (S 1 ) = 1 per slot for it. The<br />

requested computation service g 1 should at least be capable of providing 3000<br />

MIPS 5 , and the storage service g 2 should have at least 30 GB of available<br />

space. The computation service g 1 can split in two parts at the most, while<br />

storage service g 2 can run on four different machines simultaneously. Furthermore,<br />

the two services have no coupling requirements. The buyer requires four<br />

slots of this b<strong>und</strong>le which must be fulfilled within a time range of slots two<br />

and ten.<br />

The sellers’ orders are formalized in a way similar to the buyers’ orders. However,<br />

they do not include maximum divisibility and coupling properties and<br />

assume that the number of time slots is equal to the given time range. An<br />

order B m is defined as a concatenated set of OR b<strong>und</strong>le bids<br />

B m = {B m,1 (S 1 ) ∨ . . . ∨ B m,u (S j )},<br />

where u is the number of b<strong>und</strong>le bids. A single bid B m,f (S i ) for a b<strong>und</strong>le S i<br />

is defined as the tuple<br />

B m,f (S i ) = (r m (S i ), e m (S i ), l m (S i ), q m (S i , g 1 , a g1 ,1), . . . , q m (S i , g j , a gj ,A j<br />

)).<br />

In the following it is assumed that the bid elicitation has already taken place.<br />

4.2 Winner Determination<br />

Based upon this notation, the multi-attribute combinatorial winner determination<br />

problem with the objective of achieving allocative efficiency can be<br />

represented as a linear mixed integer program.<br />

For formalizing the model, the decision variables x n (S i ), z n,t (S i ), y m,n,t (S i ),<br />

and d m,n,t (S i ) have to be introduced. The binary variable x n (S i ) denotes<br />

whether b<strong>und</strong>le S i is allocated to buyer n (x n (S i ) = 1) or not (x n (S i ) = 0).<br />

Furthermore, the binary variable z n,t (S i ) is assigned to a buyer n and is associated<br />

in the same way as x n (S i ) with the allocation of S i in time slot t. For<br />

a seller m, the real-valued variable y m,n,t (S i ) with 0 ≤ y m,n,t (S i ) ≤ 1 indicates<br />

5 Million instructions per second (MIPS) is a measure for a computer’s processor<br />

speed.<br />

9<br />


the percentage contingent of b<strong>und</strong>le S i allocated to the buyer n in time slot<br />

t. For example, y m,n,t (S i ) = 0.5 denotes that 50 percent of the quality characteristics<br />

of b<strong>und</strong>le S i are allocated from seller m to buyer n in time slot t. In<br />

the previous example including the storage service with 30GB of free space,<br />

a partial allocation of 15 GB from seller m to buyer n in time slot t would<br />

lead to y m,n,t (Storage) = 0.5. The binary variable d m,n,t (S i ) is linked with<br />

y m,n,t (S i ) and denotes whether the seller m allocates b<strong>und</strong>le S i to buyer n in<br />

time slot t (d m,n,t (S i ) = 1) or not (d m,n,t (S i ) = 0).<br />

By means of these variables, the multi-attribute winner determination model<br />

can be formulated as follows:<br />

max ∑ ∑ ∑<br />

v n (S i )z n,t (S i ) − ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑<br />

r m (S i )y m,n,t (S i ) (1)<br />

n∈N S i ∈S t∈T<br />

m∈M n∈N S i ∈S t∈T<br />

s.t. ∑<br />

S i ∈S<br />

x n (S i ) ≤ 1, ∀n ∈ N (2)<br />

∑<br />

z n,t (S i ) − x n (S i )s n (S i ) = 0, ∀n ∈ N , ∀S i ∈ S (3)<br />

t∈T<br />

∑<br />

y m,n,t (S i ) ≤ 1, ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (4)<br />

n∈N<br />

The objective function (1) maximizes the surplus V ∗ which is defined as the<br />

difference between the sum of the buyer’s valuations v n (S i ) and the sum of the<br />

sellers’ reservation prices r m (S i ). Assuming bidders are truthful, the objective<br />

function reflects the goal of maximizing economic social welfare. The first<br />

constraint (2) guarantees that each buyer n can be allocated only to one<br />

b<strong>und</strong>le S i . This constraint is necessary to fulfill the XOR constraint of a buyer<br />

order. Constraint (3) ensures that for any allocated b<strong>und</strong>le S i , a buyer n<br />

receives exactly the required slots within the time set T . The constraint has<br />

thus to formulated as an equality in to order to be binding.<br />

For each time slot t, constraint (4) ensures that each seller cannot allocate more<br />

than the seller possesses. The constraints (2-4) consider the basic allocation<br />

functionality of the exchange. In designing an adequate mechanism for the<br />

Grid, quality characteristics and dependencies between resources must also to<br />

be addressed:<br />

∑<br />

z n,t (S i )q n (S i , g k , a gk ,j) − ∑<br />

S i ∋g k<br />

∑<br />

S i ∋g k m∈M<br />

y m,n,t (S i )q m (S i , g k , a gk ,j) ≤ 0,<br />

∀n ∈ N , ∀g k ∈ G, ∀a gk ,j ∈ A gk , ∀t ∈ T (5)<br />

10<br />


∑ ∑<br />

d m,n,t (S i ) − ∑<br />

γ n (S i , g k )z n,t (S i ) ≤ 0,<br />

S i ∋g k m∈M<br />

S i ∋g k<br />

∀n ∈ N , ∀g k ∈ G, ∀t ∈ T (6)<br />

∑<br />

ϕ n (S j , g k , g l )( ∑<br />

S j ∋g k ,g l<br />

∑<br />

ϕ n (S j , g k , g l )( ∑<br />

S j ∋g k ,g l<br />

∑<br />

S i ∋g k m∈M<br />

S i ∋g k<br />

d m,n,t (S i ) − ∑<br />

S i ∋g l<br />

d m,n,t (S i )) = 0,<br />

∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ M, ∀g k , g l ∈ G, ∀t ∈ T (7)<br />

d m,n,t (S i )+ ∑<br />

∑<br />

S i ∋g l m∈M<br />

d m,n,t (S i ) − 2z n,t (S j )) ≤ 0,<br />

∀n ∈ N , ∀g k , g l ∈ G, ∀t ∈ T (8)<br />

Constraint (5) guarantees that for any allocated b<strong>und</strong>le in an arbitrary time<br />

slot t, all required resources have to be fulfilled in the same slot in at least the<br />

demanded qualities. Constraint (6) ensures that a resource will be provided<br />

by at most γ n (S i , g k ) different suppliers. For simplicity, it is assumed that a<br />

good g k with restricted co-allocations is not part of further XOR concatenated<br />

bids of the buyer n.<br />

Constraints (7) and (8) account for the coupling of two resources. Constraint<br />

(7) ensures that two resources must be provided by the same seller, in case they<br />

should be coupled. This constraint alone does not suffice for coupling resources<br />

requirements, since it would be possible for two sellers to co-allocate a coupled<br />

computation service with 3000 MIPS and a storage service with 30 GB in<br />

different quality characteristics, e.g. to allocate a computation service with<br />

2998 MIPS and a storage service with 1 GB from one seller, and a computation<br />

service with 2 MIPS and a storage service with 29 GB from another. To<br />

exclude these <strong>und</strong>esirable allocations, constraint (8) imposes the restriction<br />

that coupled resources cannot be co-allocated. Simplifying the model, this<br />

also includes free-disposal resources. For instance, if the computation service<br />

with 3000 MIPS and the storage service with 30 GB are allocated from one<br />

particular seller as a b<strong>und</strong>le, another seller cannot allocate a b<strong>und</strong>le containing<br />

a rendering service and another storage service to the same buyer. However,<br />

the seller may allocate any b<strong>und</strong>le without a storage and computation service<br />

to the buyer, e.g. the rendering service alone. Furthermore, it is assumed that<br />

coupled resources are only part of one particular b<strong>und</strong>le bid B n,f (S i ) in case<br />

a buyer submits two XOR concatenated bids containing coupled resources.<br />

The time restrictions of the bids are given by:<br />

(e n (S i ) − t)z n,t (S i ) ≤ 0, ∀n ∈ N , ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (9)<br />

(t − l n (S i ))z n,t (S i ) ≤ 0, ∀n ∈ N , ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (10)<br />

11<br />


(e m (S i ) − t) ∑ y m,n,t (S i ) ≤ 0, ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (11)<br />

n∈N<br />

(t − l m (S i )) ∑ y m,n,t (S i ) ≤ 0, ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (12)<br />

n∈N<br />

Essentially, constraints (9)-(12) indicate that slots cannot be allocated before<br />

the earliest and after the latest time slot of either buyer (constraint (9), (10))<br />

or seller (constraint (11), (12)).<br />

Finally, the establishment of the relationship between the real valued decision<br />

variable y m,n,t (S i ) and the binary variable d m,n,t (S i ) needs to be addressed and<br />

the decision variables of the optimization problem have to be defined:<br />

y m,n,t (S i ) − d m,n,t (S i ) ≤ 0, ∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (13)<br />

d m,n,t (S i ) − y m,n,t (S i ) < 1, ∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (14)<br />

x n (S i ) ∈ {0, 1}, ∀n ∈ N , ∀S i ∈ S (15)<br />

z n,t (S i ) ∈ {0, 1}, ∀n ∈ N , ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (16)<br />

y m,n,t (S i ) ≥ 0, ∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (17)<br />

d m,n,t (S i ) ∈ {0, 1}, ∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ M, ∀S i ∈ S, ∀t ∈ T (18)<br />

Constraints (13) and (14) incorporate an if-then-else constraint, i.e. if a<br />

seller m partially allocates a b<strong>und</strong>le S i to a single buyer n (y m,n,t (S i ) > 0), the<br />

binary variable d m,n,t (S i ) has to be d m,n,t (S i ) = 1 (constraint (13)); otherwise,<br />

it has to be d m,n,t (S i ) = 0 (constraint (14)). Finally, the constraints (15) - (18)<br />

specify the decision variables of the optimization problem.<br />

As multiple optimal solutions may exist, ties are broken in favour of maximizing<br />

the number of traded b<strong>und</strong>les and then at random.<br />

Example (Winner determination): Suppose there are two buyers n 1 , n 2 ,<br />

two sellers m 1 , m 2 and two services g 1 = {Computation} and g 2 = {Storage}<br />

with G = {g 1 , g 2 } each with single attributes, namely a g1 ,1 = {Speed} and<br />

a g2 ,1 = {Size}. The buyers and sellers can submit bids on the b<strong>und</strong>les S 1 =<br />

{g 1 }, S 2 = {g 2 }, and S 3 = {g 1 , g 2 }. The b<strong>und</strong>les can be allocated within a<br />

time range T = {t 0 , . . . , t 4 } of T = 5 slots. Each buyer submits a set of XOR<br />

bids (shown in table 1) and each seller a set of OR bids (see table 2).<br />

12<br />


N S i v n (S i ) q n (S i , g k , a gk ,j) e n (S i ) l n (S i ) s n (S i ) γ n (S i , g k ) ϕ n (S i , g i , g j )<br />

n 1 S 3 2 g 1 → 500, g 2 → 15 0 4 2 g 1 , g 2 → 1<br />

n 2<br />

S 1 3 g 1 → 400 1 4 3<br />

S 3 2 g 1 → 300, g 2 → 25 0 4 2 g 2 → 1<br />

Table 1. XOR orders of the buyers.<br />

M S i r m (S i ) q m (S i , g k , a gk ,j) e m (S i ) l m (S i )<br />

m 1 S 3 1 g 1 → 500; g 2 → 40 0 4<br />

m 2<br />

S 1 2 g 1 → 1000 0 3<br />

S 3 2 g 1 → 700; g 2 → 20 1 4<br />

Table 2. OR orders of the sellers.<br />

For instance, buyer n 2 submits two XOR concatenated bids to b<strong>und</strong>les S 1 and<br />

S 3 . The buyer has a valuation of v n2 (S 1 ) = 3 for the b<strong>und</strong>le S 1 which consists<br />

of the computation service g 1 . The service must have at least 400 GB of free<br />

space and can be allocated between the slots e n2 (S 1 ) = 1 and l n2 (S 1 ) = 4.<br />

The buyer requires s n2 (S 1 ) = 3 slots of the service and has no co-allocation<br />

restrictions.<br />

An optimal solution for the winner determination problem is an allocation<br />

of the b<strong>und</strong>les S 3 and S 1 to the buyers n 1 and n 2 with x n1 (S 3 ) = 1 and<br />

x n2 (S 1 ) = 1. Seller m 1 is part of the allocation with b<strong>und</strong>le S 3 and seller m 2<br />

with b<strong>und</strong>le S 1 . The maximized value V ∗ of the winner determination problem<br />

is V ∗ = 8.6. The corresponding schedule for this allocation is given in table 3.<br />

M S t 0 t 1 t 2 t 3<br />

m 1 S 3 n 1 : g 1 → 500, g 2 → 40 n 1 : g 1 → 500, g 2 → 40<br />

m 2 S 1 n 2 : g 1 → 400 n 2 : g 1 → 400 n 2 : g 1 → 400<br />

Table 3. Allocation schema.<br />

Buyer n 1 receives b<strong>und</strong>le S 3 = {g 1 , g 2 } from seller m 1 in time slots 0 and<br />

1. The b<strong>und</strong>le is allocated from one seller and as such the buyer’s requested<br />

coupling property is satisfied. Buyer n 2 receives requested computation service<br />

S 1 = {g 1 } in time slots 1, 2, and 3.<br />

Although n 1 does not require the entire allocated space of the storage service<br />

g 2 , a partial execution of the b<strong>und</strong>le is not possible due to the computation<br />

service g 1 requirements. B<strong>und</strong>les can only partially executed as a whole. If an<br />

isolated partial execution of single resources in a b<strong>und</strong>le would be possible,<br />

these single resources would also have to be valued. However, as resources<br />

may be complementarities or substitutes, valuation and reservation prices for<br />

a single resource of a b<strong>und</strong>le do not exist (Milgrom, 2004). As such, resources<br />

of a b<strong>und</strong>le cannot be partially executed.<br />

13<br />


The outcome of the winner determination problem is allocative efficient as long<br />

as buyers and sellers reveal their valuations truthfully. The incentive to set<br />

bids according to the valuation is induced by an adequate pricing mechanism<br />

introduced in the following subsection.<br />

4.3 Pricing<br />

The question how to determine payments made by participants to the exchange<br />

and vice versa after the mechanism has determined the winners is<br />

referred to as pricing problem. With respect to the objective of achieving an<br />

efficient allocation, a pricing scheme based on the well-known Vickrey-Clarke-<br />

Groves (VCG) mechanism would attain this objective (Vickrey, 1961; Clarke,<br />

1971; Groves, 1973). Moreover, VCG mechanisms are the only allocativeefficient<br />

and incentive compatible mechanisms (Green and Laffont, 1977).<br />

Hence, it is logical to turn to the VCG mechanism.<br />

The basic idea behind a VCG mechanism is to grant any participant a discount<br />

(called Vickrey discount) on that bid. The discount reflects the impact of that<br />

bid on the social welfare. A VCG mechanism is efficient, incentive-compatible,<br />

and individually rational for participants with quasi linear utility functions.<br />

However, Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983) proved that it is impossible to design<br />

an exchange which is incentive compatible, (interim) individually rational,<br />

and budget balanced that achieves efficiency in equilibrium. The theorem is<br />

comprehensive and also applies to the presented mechanism.<br />

Obviously, the VCG pricing schema cannot be applied since it runs a permanent<br />

deficit requiring outside subsidization. The VCG mechanism can, however,<br />

serve as a benchmark.<br />

VCG Pricing<br />

Let ¯N be the set of buyers and ¯M be the set of sellers who are part of<br />

the allocation (hence, x n (S i ) = 1 with n ∈ ¯N and y m,n,t (S i ) > 0 with m ∈<br />

¯M). The union of both sets is defined as W = ¯N ∪ ¯M, where w ∈ W is a<br />

participant that is part of the allocation. Let V ∗ be the maximized value of the<br />

winner determination problem and (V −w ) ∗ be the maximized value without the<br />

participant w. Thus, the Vickrey discount for a participant w can be calculated<br />

by ∆ V ICK,w = V ∗ − (V −w ) ∗ . With regards to the Vickrey discount ∆ V ICK,w ,<br />

the price p V ICK,n (S i ) for a b<strong>und</strong>le S i and a buyer n can be calculated by<br />

p V ICK,n (S i ) = v n (S i )s n (S i ) − ∆ V ICK,n , (19)<br />

and the price p V ICK,m (S i ) for a b<strong>und</strong>le S i and a seller m by<br />

p V ICK,m (S i ) = r m (S i ) ∑ n∈N<br />

∑<br />

t∈T<br />

y m,n,t (S i ) + ∆ V ICK,m<br />

. (20)<br />

α<br />

14<br />


N (V −n ) ∗ ¯v n (S i ) ∆ V ICK,n p V ICK,n (S i ) M (V −m ) ∗ ¯r m (S i ) ∆ V ICK,m p V ICK,m (S i )<br />

n 1 6.6 4 2 2 m 1 7.6 2 1 3<br />

n 2 2 9 6.6 2.4 m 2 4.75 2.4 3.85 6.25<br />

Table 4. Vickrey discounts and prices.<br />

As sellers submit OR concatenated bids, they can participate in the allocation<br />

with multiple b<strong>und</strong>les. Because the Vickrey discount refers to the seller’s overall<br />

impact, the discount has to be portioned among all of the seller’s successful<br />

bids. Thus the discount is divided by α, where α is the number of b<strong>und</strong>les with<br />

which a seller m is participating in the allocation.<br />

Applying the VCG pricing scheme to the example presented above (V ∗ = 8.6)<br />

results in the prices p V ICK,w (S i ) and the discounts ∆ V ICK,w shown in table 4<br />

with ¯v n (S i ) = v n (S i )s n (S i ) and ¯r m (S i ) = ∑ t∈T ,n∈N y m,n,t (S i )r m (S i ).<br />

As stated by the Myerson-Satterthwaite impossibility theorem, a VCG mechanism<br />

is efficient and individually rational but non budget balanced in an<br />

exchange. Aggregating the net payments of the example leads to a negative<br />

value with 2 + 2.4 − (3 + 6.25) = −4.85. In this case, the auctioneer has to<br />

subsidize the exchange. Naturally, such a situation cannot be sustained for a<br />

long period of time, making the VCG mechanism unfeasible.<br />

Relaxing the requirement of having an efficient allocation opens up the possibility<br />

for a second-best mechanism that is budget balanced. These ideas gave<br />

rise to the development of a k-pricing scheme which is presented in the next<br />

section.<br />

K-Pricing<br />

The <strong>und</strong>erlying idea of the k-pricing scheme is to determine prices for a buyer<br />

and a seller on the basis of the difference between their bids (Sattherthwaite<br />

and Williams, 1993). For instance, suppose that a buyer wants to purchase a<br />

computation service for $5 and a seller wants to sell a computation service for<br />

at least $4. The difference between these bids is π = $1, where π is the surplus<br />

of this transaction that can be distributed among the participants.<br />

For a single commodity exchange, the k-pricing scheme can be formalized as<br />

follows: let v n (S i ) = a be the valuation of a buyer n and r m (S i ) = b be the<br />

reservation price of the buyer’s counterpart m. It is assumed that a ≥ b, i.e. the<br />

buyer has a valuation for the commodity which is at least as high as the seller’s<br />

reservation price. Otherwise no trade would occur. The price for a buyer n and<br />

a seller m can be calculated by p(S i ) = ka+(1−k)b with 0 ≤ k ≤ 1. In regard<br />

to the above-mentioned bids for the computation service g 1 , the resulting price<br />

for both participants is p(g 1 ) = 0.5 ∗ 9 + (1 − 0.5) ∗ 2.4 = 5.7 for k = 0.5.<br />

15<br />


In the following, it is assumed that the number of buyers equals the number<br />

of sellers. Therefore, k is set to k = 0.5 since it favors neither the buyers’ side<br />

nor the sellers’ side.<br />

The k-pricing schema can also be applied to a multi-attribute combinatorial<br />

exchange: in each time slot t in which a b<strong>und</strong>le S i is allocated from one or<br />

more sellers, the surplus generated by this allocation is distributed among<br />

a buyer and the sellers. Suppose a buyer n receives a computation service<br />

S 1 = {g 1 } with 1000 MIPS in time slot 4 and values this slot with v n (S 1 ) = 5.<br />

The buyer obtains the computation service S 1 = {g 1 } by a co-allocation from<br />

seller m 1 (400 MIPS) with a reservation price of r m1 (S 1 ) = 1 and from seller<br />

m 2 (600 MIPS) with r m2 (S 1 ) = 2. The distributable surplus of this allocation<br />

is π n,4 (S 1 ) = 5 − (1 + 2) = 2. Buyer n gets k ∗ π n,4 (S 1 ) of this surplus, i.e.<br />

the price buyer n has to pay for this slot is p k,n,4 (S i ) = v(S 1 ) − kπ n,4 (S 1 ).<br />

Furthermore, the sellers have to divide the other part of this surplus, i.e.<br />

(1 − k)π n,4 (S 1 ). This will be done by considering each proportion a seller’s<br />

bid has on the surplus. In the example, this proportion o m,n,t (S i ) for seller m 1<br />

is o m1 ,n,4(S 1 ) = 1 and for seller m 3<br />

2 is o m2 ,n,4(S 1 ) = 2 . The price a seller m<br />

3<br />

receives for a single slot 4 is consequently calculated as<br />

p k,n,4 (S i ) = r m (S 1 ) + (1 − k)π n,4 (S 1 )o m,n,4 (S 1 ).<br />

Expanding this scheme to a set of time slots results in the following formalization:<br />

let π n,t (S i ) be the surplus for a b<strong>und</strong>le S i of a buyer n with all<br />

corresponding sellers for a time slot t:<br />

π n,t (S i ) = z n,t (S i )v n (S i ) − ∑<br />

m∈M<br />

y m,n,t (S i )r m (S i ) (21)<br />

For the entire job (i.e. all time slots), the price for a buyer n is calculated as<br />

p k,n (S i ) = x n (S i )v n (S i )s n (S i ) − k ∑ t∈T<br />

π n,t (S i ). (22)<br />

This means that the difference between the valuation for all slots (v n (S i )s n (S i ))<br />

of the b<strong>und</strong>le S i and the k-th proportion of the sum over all time slots of the<br />

corresponding surpluses is determined.<br />

The price of a seller m is calculated in a similar way: First of all, the proportion<br />

o m,n,t (S i ) of a seller m allocating a b<strong>und</strong>le S i to the buyer n in time slot t is<br />

given by<br />

o m,n,t (S i ) =<br />

y m,n,t (S i )r m (S i )<br />

∑m∈M y m,n,t (S i )r m (S i ) . (23)<br />

Having computed π n,t (S i ) and o m,n,t (S i ), the price a seller receives for a b<strong>und</strong>le<br />

16<br />


S i is calculated as:<br />

p k,m (S i ) = ∑ ∑<br />

y m,n,t (S i )r m (S i ) + (1 − k) ∑ ∑<br />

o m,n,t (S i )π n,t (S i ). (24)<br />

n∈N t∈T<br />

n∈N t∈T<br />

Applying this pricing scheme to the example presented above results in the<br />

prices given table 5 with<br />

¯v n (S i ) = v n (S i )s n (S i ) and ¯r m (S i ) =<br />

∑<br />

t∈T ,n∈N<br />

y m,n,t (S i )r m (S i ).<br />

In this case, the exchange does not have to subsidize the participants since it<br />

fulfills the budget balance property in a way that no payments towards the<br />

mechanism are necessary. Hence, the k-pricing schema qualifies as a candidate<br />

pricing schema for the Grid. Since the Myerson-Satterthwaite impossibility<br />

theorem is strict, the implications of the pricing schema on the allocation<br />

need to be investigated.<br />

N ¯v n (S i ) p k,n (S i ) M ¯r m (S i ) p k,n (S i )<br />

n 1 4 3 m 1 2 3<br />

n 2 9 5.7 m 2 2.4 5.7<br />

Table 5. Prices using k-Pricing with k = 0.5.<br />

5 Evaluation<br />

The presented auction formats are evaluated by means of a stochastic simulation.<br />

The winner determination problem is solved using the optimization engine<br />

CPLEX 9.1. 6 The evaluation assesses the impact of the auction schemas<br />

on the outcome requirements defined in section 2.<br />

5.1 Data Basis<br />

As a data basis, a random bid stream including Decay distributed b<strong>und</strong>les<br />

is generated. The decay function has been recommended by Sandholm (2002)<br />

because it creates hard instances of the allocation problem. At the beginning, a<br />

b<strong>und</strong>le consists of one random resource. Afterwards, new resources are added<br />

randomly with a probability of α = 0.75. This procedure is iterated until<br />

resources are no longer added or the b<strong>und</strong>le already includes the same resource.<br />

The effects that can be obtained by the Decay distribution will be amplified.<br />

Hence, the Decay function is used to create a benchmark for upper bo<strong>und</strong>s of<br />

the effects.<br />

6 CPLEX is commercial product and is currently the state of the art optimization<br />

engine.<br />

17<br />


As an order, buyers and sellers submit a set of bids on 10 different b<strong>und</strong>les,<br />

where a b<strong>und</strong>le is Decay-distributed from 5 possible resources. Each<br />

resource has two different attributes drawn from a uniform distribution in line<br />

with most of the quality characteristics of computer resources described by<br />

Kee et al. (2004). The time attributes are each uniformly distributed where<br />

the earliest time slot has a range of [1..3], the latest time slot is in [4..6],<br />

and the number of slots lies in [1..3]. Forty percent of the buyers’ bids have<br />

co-allocation restrictions. Sixty percent of the resources contained in these<br />

b<strong>und</strong>les have uniform distributed restrictions on the maximum number of coallocations.<br />

The number of resources which have to be allocated from the same<br />

machine (coupling) is also drawn from an uniform distribution.<br />

The corresponding valuations and reservation prices for a b<strong>und</strong>le are drawn<br />

from the same normal distribution, whereas the number of resources in a<br />

b<strong>und</strong>le and the quality characteristics affect the mean and variance of the<br />

distribution. This means the probability is greater that a buyer has a higher<br />

valuation for a storage service with 200 GB than for a storage service with 10<br />

GB of space. In any problem instance, new orders for buyers and sellers are<br />

randomly generated. Subsequently, demand and supply are matched against<br />

each other, determining the winning allocation and corresponding prices.<br />

In total, 120 different problem instances are generated, where a problem consists<br />

of 10 or 20 participants. The proportion of buyers and sellers is equally<br />

selected out of {10/10, 8/12, 12/8, 5/5, 1/4, 4/1}. In each instance, the buyers<br />

and sellers each submit one single bid.<br />

5.2 Truthful Bidders<br />

In the first treatment, it is assumed that bidders are truthful. The average<br />

results of the treatment regarding the budget balance and participant utilities<br />

are shown in table 6.<br />

Price Mechanism Budget Utility Buyers Utility Sellers Utility<br />

VCG −3.9425 2.6484 4.0928 6.7412<br />

k-price 0 1.3994 1.3994 2.7988<br />

Table 6. Average Utility and Budget using Decay distributed bids.<br />

As the Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem suggests, the budget using a VCG auction<br />

is always negative. The mechanism requires subsidization from outside the<br />

system. Note that these subsidies amount to half the total utility. Obviously,<br />

incentive compatibility is extremely expensive, as these subsidizations are required<br />

to motivate the buyers and sellers to truthfully report their valuations<br />

and reservation prices.<br />

By applying a k-price auction, the budget deficit can be converted into a mech-<br />

18<br />


anism, which is independent from outside subsidies. Regarding its formal construction,<br />

the k-price auction is budget balanced; however, the average total<br />

utility shrinks by the amount of the budget deficit (including a small approximation<br />

increment). The share between buyers’ and sellers’ surplus remains<br />

unchanged. In the k-pricing schema, however, the utilities of the buyers and<br />

sellers are significantly smaller than in the VCG auction and denote a measure<br />

for the incentive compatibility loss.<br />

As table 6 shows, the sellers’ utilities in a VCG auction are higher than those<br />

of the buyers. Regarding the data basis, sellers expect to offer more available<br />

time slots than buyers request. Buyers submit bids on a number of time slots<br />

s n (S i ) between a time range e n (S i ) and l n (S i ). The number of requested slots<br />

is less than the number of allocatable slots, i.e. s n (S i ) ≤ l n (S i ) − e n (S i ). A<br />

seller, however, offers a service for the entire time range. As the time ranges<br />

of the buyers and sellers are drawn from the same distribution, the number<br />

of tradeable slots a seller offers is greater than the buyer’s requested slots.<br />

The greater the number of tradeable slots, the higher the impact of the bid in<br />

the VCG mechanism. As such, the sellers’ average discounts are higher than<br />

those of the buyers; therefore the sellers have a higher average utility than the<br />

buyers.<br />

Because the simulation assumes truthful bidding, this rather naive analysis<br />

is only accurate for the VCG mechanism. If the pricing rule is changed – for<br />

example from the VCG mechanism to the k-price auctions – strategic bidding<br />

behavior may change since the k-price auction is not incentive compatible.<br />

5.3 Manipulating Bidders<br />

In a second treatment, it is assumed that buyers and sellers using the k-pricing<br />

schema misrepresent their true valuation or reservation price respectively. Only<br />

simple misrepresentations by β% are considered, where λ% of the buyers and<br />

sellers reduce or increase their reported values by β%. Instead of observing only<br />

symmetric Nash-equilibria as in the analysis by Parkes et al. (2001), where<br />

buyers and sellers either misrepresent their valuation or reservation price by 0<br />

or by β%, the ratio of misrepresenting buyers and sellers to the total number<br />

of participants is also varied. A ratio of β = 50%, for instance, denotes that<br />

50% of the buyers and sellers misrepresent their valuations and reservation<br />

prices by λ%, while the other 50% report truthfully.<br />

By exploring the joint strategy space (i.e. varying the share of misrepresentative<br />

and truthful participants as well as the percentage of misrepresentation)<br />

the average efficiency loss for the k-pricing schema can be analyzed: Let ¯n ∈ ¯N<br />

be the buyers and ¯m ∈ ¯M be the sellers who are part of the allocation in a<br />

truthful bidding scenario, i.e. λ = β = 0. Furthermore, let ˆn ∈ ˆN be the buyers<br />

and ˆm ∈ ˆM be the sellers of the allocation having manipulating bidders<br />

19<br />


(λ ≥ 0, β ≥ 0). Subsequently, the efficiency loss EL can be calculated as the<br />

difference between the true preferences of the participants who are part of the<br />

allocation in both the truthful and manipulating scenarios:<br />

∑<br />

EL = s¯n (S i )v¯n (S i ) +<br />

∑¯n∈ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑<br />

y ¯m,¯n,t (S i )r ¯m (S i )−<br />

¯N S i ∈S<br />

¯m∈ ¯M ¯n∈ ¯N S i ∈S t∈T<br />

∑<br />

( sˆn (S i )vˆn (S i ) +<br />

∑ˆn∈ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑<br />

y ˆm,ˆn,t (S i )r ˆm (S i )).<br />

ˆN S i ∈S<br />

ˆm∈ ˆM ˆn∈ ˆN S i ∈S t∈T<br />

Figure 1 shows the percentage efficiency loss and the percentage decrease<br />

of the number of successful bidders with a varying number of manipulating<br />

participants as a function of the manipulation factor. For instance, if β = 40%<br />

of the participants manipulate their valuations and reservation prices by λ =<br />

6%, the resulting efficiency loss is 15%. It is apparent that the efficiency loss<br />

is higher when more participants use manipulation and thereby increase the<br />

manipulation factor. With a manipulation factor greater than λ = 25%, the<br />

efficiency curves stagnate. This stagnation results from the fact that either<br />

non-manipulating bidders are the only participants of the allocation (in case<br />

of β < 100%) or no one is allocated further (in case of β = 100%). The<br />

valuation and reservation prices with a manipulation factor λ > 25% are so<br />

low – respectively so high – that no bid from the manipulating participants is<br />

allocated. This means that no manipulated offer for a b<strong>und</strong>le can be matched<br />

with any manipulated request. This effect is supported by the percentage<br />

decrease of the number of successful bidders by manipulating participants. For<br />

instance, if β = 20% of the participants manipulate their bids by λ = 21%,<br />

the number of allocated bids is 17% smaller than in the non-manipulating<br />

scenario. Furthermore, if all participants are manipulating by λ = 30%, the<br />

size decreases by 100%, i.e. the set of allocated participants is empty. The<br />

curves recurrently stagnate with a manipulation factor greater than λ = 25%.<br />

Effiency loss<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0,1<br />

0,2<br />

0,4<br />

0,6<br />

0,7<br />

0,8<br />

1<br />

0 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,24 0,27 0,3<br />

Manipulation factor<br />

Decrease of successful participants<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0,1<br />

0,2<br />

0,4<br />

0,6<br />

0,7<br />

0,8<br />

1<br />

0 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,24 0,27 0,3<br />

Manipulation factor<br />

Fig. 1. Efficiency loss (left) and decrease of the number of successful bidders (right)<br />

by manipulating participants.<br />

In another analysis, the aggregated average utility gain of manipulating partic-<br />

20<br />


ipants is measured. This gives information on whether or not the total utility<br />

of participants can be improved through manipulation. The utility which participants<br />

can gain by manipulation only depends on the prices they have to<br />

pay and is thus calculated as<br />

UG =<br />

∑ ∑ˆn∈ ˆN S i ∈S<br />

ˆpˆn (S i ) + ∑<br />

∑<br />

ˆm∈ ˆM S i ∈S<br />

ˆp ˆm (S i ) − (<br />

∑¯n∈ ¯N<br />

∑<br />

S i ∈S<br />

p¯n (S i ) + ∑<br />

∑<br />

¯m∈ ¯M S i ∈S<br />

p ¯m (S i )),<br />

where ˆN and ˆM are the sets of buyers and sellers who are part of the allocation<br />

with manipulating participants and ˆpˆn (S i ) and ˆp ˆm (S i ) are the corresponding<br />

prices. Sets ¯N and ¯M denote the participants of the allocation in the nonmanipulated<br />

scenario with p¯n (S i ) and p ¯m (S i ) as their prices.<br />

The percentage utility gain of manipulating participants in the k-price auction<br />

is shown in figure 2. The total utility of the participants can be increased<br />

by manipulation; at the highest point where all participants manipulate by<br />

λ = 6%, the utility gain is more than 26% compared to the non-manipulating<br />

scenario. Moreover, small manipulation factors between λ = 1% and λ = 9%<br />

always result in a positive utility gain. However, participants have a negative<br />

utility gain when the manipulation factor is greater than λ = 13%. In the worst<br />

scenario, the utility loss is 100% if all participants manipulate by λ = 30%.<br />

Utility gain<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

-20<br />

-40<br />

-60<br />

-80<br />

-100<br />

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1<br />

Participants manipulating<br />

0,3<br />

0,21<br />

0,12<br />

0,03<br />

20-40<br />

0-20<br />

-20-0<br />

-40--20<br />

-60--40<br />

-80--60<br />

-100--<br />

80<br />

Manipulation<br />

factor<br />

Fig. 2. Utility gain using k-pricing.<br />

In summary, the simulation has shown it reasonable to believe that participants<br />

will not strongly deviate from their truth valuations and reservation<br />

prices. Although participants’ average utility gain can be improved through<br />

manipulation, the participants increasingly risk not being executed in the<br />

auction (cf. figure 1). This risk actually increases the more participants use<br />

manipulation. The simulation result suggests that the k-pricing schema has<br />

accurate incentive properties resulting in fairly mild allocative efficiency losses.<br />

As such, the pricing schema is a practical alternative to the VCG mechanism<br />

and is highly relevant for an application in the Grid.<br />

21<br />


5.4 Computational Tractability<br />

As denoted in section 2, a computational tractable outcome determination<br />

is required. However, the multi-attribute combinatorial winner determination<br />

problem (MWDP) is N P-complete: consider the special case of the MWDP<br />

with multiple buyers, one seller, no quality attributes, one time slot, and<br />

no coupling and maximal divisibility restrictions. In this case, the problem<br />

is equivalent to the combinatorial allocation problem (CAP) formulated by<br />

Rothkopf et al. (1998). CAP is equivalent to the set-packing problem (SPP)<br />

on hypergraphs (Rothkopf et al., 1998) which is known to be N P-complete<br />

(Karp, 1972). Since CAP can be reduced to the MWDP, the MWDP is also<br />

N P-complete.<br />

Due to the N P-completeness of the winner determination problem, the auction<br />

schema is computationally intractable in large-scaled scenarios. For settings<br />

with a limited number of participants, however, the auction schema<br />

seems practicable. Ideally, an upper bo<strong>und</strong>ary of participants can be defined<br />

for which the problem is still computationally tractable within a meaningful<br />

timeframe. In the context of trading services, a meaningful timeframe is<br />

consistent with the maximum time limit that an allocation process may last.<br />

Experiences suggest that an allocation process that is shorter than 4 minutes<br />

is adequate.<br />

Preliminary studies with the auction schema confirmed that solving the winner<br />

determination problem can become computationally intractable, even in<br />

settings with less than 100 participants. This implies that exact solutions of<br />

the winner determination problem may require too much computation time<br />

and cannot be directly applied for the Grid market. To remedy this obstacle,<br />

we have to rely on approximations. A common way is to employ algorithms<br />

that compute solutions of the winner determination problem within a threshold<br />

r away from optimality, say 2%. Such deviations from optimal solutions are<br />

often conceived to be tolerable. However, in some cases even finding solutions<br />

within the specified threshold of 2% becomes impossible within a meaningful<br />

timeframe. In those cases the approximations need to have a termination<br />

condition that forces the algorithm to return the best solution fo<strong>und</strong> within<br />

a predefined time range. Combinatorial auction experiments have shown that<br />

these so-called anytime algorithms perform fairly well. For instance, Andersson<br />

et al. (2000) and Sandholm et al. (2005) report that feasible and approximate<br />

solutions can be determined in a fraction of time that would be required<br />

to find and prove an optimal solution.<br />

The applied standard solver CPLEX provides these functionalities. For our<br />

computational tractability analysis, we perform a series of simulations with<br />

anytime approximations for computing the solutions. The 4 minutes introduced<br />

above will serve as maximum timeframe. To compare the results, we<br />

22<br />


Participants<br />

Time Limit 2min Time Limit 4min No Time Limit<br />

µ 2 σ 2 CV 2 µ 4 σ 4 CV 4 µ σ CV<br />

100 11.6s 25.34s 2.18 30.9s 103.28s 3.34 38.25s 143.89s 3.76<br />

200 67.6s 50.09s 0.74 194.9s 178.78s 0.92 407.8s 598.4s 1.47<br />

300 95.4s 42.74s 0.45 307.4s 184.118s 0.6 673.6s 809.74s 1.2<br />

400 110.2s 24.06s 0.22 372.55s 165.07s 0.44 1536.8s 2117.91s 1.38<br />

500 116.58s 13.73s 0.12 374.2s 203.72s 0.54 2146.7s 2593.21s 1.21<br />

600 120s 0s 0 416.06 108.1s 0.26 3786.4s 3046.93s 0.8<br />

Table 7. CPU time required to solve the problem.<br />

also employ a simulation setting with a more optimistic limit of 2 minutes.<br />

As the anytime algorithms diverges from the theoretical optimum, we need a<br />

measure that captures the welfare loss imputed to the approximation. Nevertheless,<br />

computing the theoretical optimum may take very long, so that we use<br />

benchmark solution that lies within a 2% gap from the optimum. If CPLEX<br />

cannot find any feasible solution within the specified timeframe, the problem<br />

instance is rated as intractable. For instance, if no feasible solution is fo<strong>und</strong><br />

within 2 minutes, the problem is measured as an empty allocation with welfare<br />

of 0 and runtime of 2 minutes. This way, we include those hard instances in<br />

our analysis.<br />

In order to perform the simulation, nearly the same random order flow is<br />

used as described above. However, the time attributes are widened in order to<br />

generate harder and more realistic settings. The earliest time slots are within<br />

a range of [1..5], the latest time slots within [6..10], and the number of slots<br />

within a range of [1..5]. In the simulation, the proportions of buyers and sellers<br />

are equal and the number of participants is varied. In total, 20 treatments are<br />

computed and the results are averaged.<br />

Table 7 summarizes the runtime results of the simulations with 2 minutes<br />

time limit, 4 minutes time limit, and benchmark solution with no time limit. 7<br />

The table shows the mean µ, the standard deviation σ, and the coefficient of<br />

variation CV = σ/µ of the CPU times required to solve the winner determination<br />

problems. For example, with 200 participants the average runtime with<br />

2 minutes time limit is µ 2 = 67.6 seconds, with 4 minutes limit µ 4 = 194.9<br />

seconds, and without a time limit µ = 407.8 seconds. Note that the differences<br />

in the runtime of settings with equal number of participants are caused<br />

by the <strong>und</strong>erlying time limits. For 200 participants, several instances require<br />

more than 2 minutes, some even more than 4 minutes to find a solution within<br />

the specified gap. As CPLEX terminates after the predefined timeframe, the<br />

7 The analysis was performed on a Pentium XEON with 3.2GHz and 2GB ram<br />

using CPLEX 9.1 with a MIP gap of 0.02.<br />

23<br />


Participants<br />

Time Limit 2min<br />

Time Limit 4min<br />

µ 2 σ 2 CV 2 µ 4 σ 4 CV 4<br />

100 0.09% 0.33% 3.71 0.03% 0.24% 8.01<br />

200 0.27% 0.57% 2.11 0.06% 0.23% 3.67<br />

300 0.86% 0.94% 1.10 0.1% 0.36% 3.59<br />

400 1.85% 3.71% 2 0.31% 0.35% 1.13<br />

500 11.96% 31.14% 2.6 0.55% 0.74% 1.33<br />

600 21.59% 39.27% 1.82 13.79% 33.82% 2.45<br />

Table 8. Percentage Welfare Loss<br />

average runtime in the 2 minutes setting is less than the runtime required for<br />

finding the benchmark solution.<br />

With an increasing number of participants, CPLEX’s average execution time<br />

grows rapidly. This is most obvious in the benchmark settings with no time<br />

limit. For 500 participants, CPLEX requires nearly 2 hours to find a solution<br />

for some instances. In some settings with 600 participants, CPLEX even fails in<br />

finding a benchmark solution within 2 hours. In those cases, the simulation is<br />

stopped and the obtained results are neglected. More precisely, in our analysis<br />

this status occurred in 8 out of 20 instances. As these cases do not produce<br />

benchmark solutions, the obtained results with 600 participants may only have<br />

marginal significance.<br />

Overall, the runtime analysis shows that the winner determination problem is<br />

computationally intractable without the introduction of time limits. Apparently,<br />

delimiting the approximation produces solutions in a meaningful time,<br />

i.e. less than 4 minutes.<br />

In settings with limited time, however, the quality of the (suboptimal) solutions<br />

and accordingly its impact on the welfare changes. In the following the<br />

welfare effect due to the approximations is studied in detail. For this, we define<br />

a welfare loss higher than 5% as unacceptable for our settings, as we already<br />

have approximate solutions via the applied 2% gap.<br />

Table 8 summarizes the welfare loss of the time limited scenarios compared<br />

to the benchmark solution. For instance, for 300 participants the average welfare<br />

loss in the 2 minutes setting is µ 2 = 0.86% and in the 4 minutes limit<br />

µ 4 = 0.1%. With an increasing number of participants, the welfare loss becomes<br />

higher. On the one hand, this is reasoned by the fact that the problem<br />

instances become harder to solve within the given time frame. On the other<br />

hand, feasible solutions cannot always be fo<strong>und</strong> in time which results in a welfare<br />

loss for these infeasible instances of 100%. This explains the big increase<br />

24<br />


of the welfare loss from 400 to 500 participants in the 2 minutes settings –<br />

respectively, from 500 to 600 participants in the 4 minutes settings. Regarding<br />

the simulations with a limit of 2 minutes, the welfare loss exceeds our<br />

5% threshold for more than 400 participants. With a 4 minutes limit, this<br />

threshold is exceeded in settings with more than 500 participants.<br />

The analysis of the welfare loss shows, that the anytime algorithm achieves<br />

fairly efficient results: With a 2 minutes time limit, the welfare loss is acceptable<br />

for scenarios with up to 400 participants. For settings with up to 500<br />

participants, a time limit of 4 minutes entails reasonable results. However, the<br />

applied time limits become useless for settings with more than 500 participants.<br />

For such cases, the use of other approximations has to be considered.<br />

To anchor the problem to real Grid applications and to provide insights to<br />

practitioners, we studied the characteristics of PlanetLab 8 and compared<br />

them to our computational results. Essentially, PlanetLab is a testbed for networking<br />

and distributed computing among several scientific institutes worldwide.<br />

The network is state-of-the-art and currently the largest infrastructure<br />

for sharing computational Grid services. The user information was obtained<br />

using the data provided by the All-Pairs-Pings project 9 . We collected and analyzed<br />

the available data from November 2005 until March 2006. As a result,<br />

PlanetLab has currently µ = 170.89 active machines on average which can be<br />

used to perform computational jobs (with a standard deviation of σ = 21.33).<br />

The coefficient of variation (CV) for the values CV = σ/µ = 0.12 shows that<br />

the variability in reference to the size of the mean is low. Thus, the determined<br />

average constitutes to be a stable value.<br />

Transferring the PlanetLab characteristics to the proposed auction schema<br />

implies 170 sellers on average. Assuming an equal number of buyers and sellers,<br />

the average number of participants in the PlanetLab scenario is 340. With<br />

respect to the above presented results, the application of a 2 minutes time<br />

limit is sufficient to fulfill PlanetLab resource bids in a meaningful time. In<br />

cases the bo<strong>und</strong>ary raises up to 500 participants, a time limit of 4 minutes<br />

is preferable. For larger settings, however, alternative approaches have to be<br />

evaluated.<br />

6 Conclusion<br />

The paper at hand proposes the derivation of a multi-attribute combinatorial<br />

exchange for allocating and scheduling services in the Grid. In contrast to<br />

other approaches, the proposed mechanism accounts for the variety of services<br />

8 See http://www.planet-lab.org/ for details.<br />

9 Every 15 minutes, all registered nodes are contacted to check their availability<br />

status. See http://ping.ececs.uc.edu/ping/ for details.<br />

25<br />


y incorporating time and quality as well as coupling constraints. The mechanism<br />

provides buyers and sellers with a rich bidding language, allowing for the<br />

formulation of b<strong>und</strong>les expressing either substitutabilities or complementarities.<br />

The winner determination problem maximizes the social welfare of this<br />

combinatorial allocation problem. The winner determination scheme alone,<br />

however, is insufficient to guarantee an efficient allocation of the services. The<br />

pricing scheme must be constructed in a way that motivates buyers and sellers<br />

to reveal their true valuations and reservation prices. This is problematic in<br />

the case of combinatorial exchanges, since the only efficient pricing schedule,<br />

the VCG mechanism, is not budget-balanced and must be subsidized from<br />

outside the mechanism.<br />

This paper develops a new pricing family for a combinatorial exchange, namely<br />

the k-pricing rule. In essence, the k-pricing rule determines the price such that<br />

the resulting surpluses to the buyers and sellers divide the entire surplus being<br />

accrued by the trade according to the ration k. The k-pricing rule is budgetbalanced<br />

but cannot retain the efficiency property of the VCG payments.<br />

As the simulation illustrates, the k-pricing rule does not rigorously punish<br />

inaccurate valuation and reserve price reporting. Buyers and sellers sometimes<br />

increase their individual utility by cheating. This possibility, however, is only<br />

limited to mild misreporting and a small number of strategic buyers and sellers.<br />

If the number of misreporting participants increases, the risk of not being<br />

executed in the auction rises dramatically. As a result, the k-pricing schema<br />

is a practical alternative to the VCG mechanism and highly relevant for an<br />

application in the Grid. The runtime analysis shows that the auction schema is<br />

computationally very demanding. However, the use of approximated solutions<br />

achieves adequate runtime results and fairly mild welfare losses for up to 500<br />

participants. Comparing these results with an existing Grid testbed evinces<br />

the practical applicability of the proposed auction.<br />

This paper is a step towards <strong>und</strong>erstanding the effect and strength of different<br />

multi-attribute combinatorial exchange mechanisms on efficiency. Contributions<br />

include detailing a realistic market definition for Grid services, deriving<br />

the domain-specific requirements from the Grid, defining a winner determination<br />

scheme that meets these requirements, exploring adequate pricing schemes<br />

that contain the right incentives, and evaluating the market mechanism by<br />

means of a simulation.<br />

Future research needs to consider alternative heuristics that simplify the winner<br />

determination problem. Nature-inspired algorithms such as genetic algorithms<br />

may be adequate for an application in the service market. A further<br />

step towards a functioning Open Grid Market would be to confront the mechanism<br />

with real data in a pilot run.<br />

26<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

This work has partially been f<strong>und</strong>ed by EU IST progamme <strong>und</strong>er grant 003769<br />

“CATNETS”. The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for the<br />

constructive comments and suggestions that significantly improved the paper.<br />

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29<br />


A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun N1<br />

Grid Engine<br />

Jochen Stößer † , Philipp Bodenbenner † , Simon See ‡ , Dirk Neumann †<br />

† <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

lastname@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

‡ Asia Pacific Sciene & Technology Center<br />

Sun Microsystems, Inc.<br />

50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798<br />

simon@apstc.sun.com.sg<br />

Abstract<br />

Grid computing is a promising concept to increase the<br />

efficiency of existing computing systems and to cut down on<br />

IT expenses by allowing the dynamic access to computer<br />

resources across geographical and organizational bo<strong>und</strong>aries.<br />

These inter-organizational settings require a scheduling<br />

strategy for flexibly and efficiently matching resource requests<br />

to idle resources. Market-based mechanisms promise<br />

a good fit to grids’ strategic and dynamic nature by allowing<br />

resource requesters to express valuations in addition<br />

to technical metrics. The contribution of this paper<br />

is twofold: We present a discriminatory pay-as-bid market<br />

mechanism by Sanghavi and Hajek [14] and analytically<br />

show that it outperforms market-based proportional share –<br />

the currently most prominent grid market mechanism – with<br />

respect to both provider’s surplus and allocative efficiency.<br />

We further illustrate that this mechanism is not a purely theoretical<br />

construct but that it can be integrated into the Sun<br />

N1 Grid Engine, a state-of-the-art grid scheduler.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

Grid computing denotes a computing model that distributes<br />

processing across an administratively and locally<br />

dispersed infrastructure. By connecting many heterogeneous<br />

computing resources, virtual computer architectures<br />

are created, increasing the utilization of otherwise idle resources<br />

[7]. A recent report by The Insight Research Corporation<br />

projects an increase in worldwide grid spending<br />

from $1.84 billion in 2006 to $24.52 billion in 2011 [1].<br />

The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project is an<br />

intriguing example for the value of grid technology in science.<br />

EGEE aims at developing a grid infrastructure for<br />

more than 240 scientific institutions in 45 countries. The<br />

EGEE grid currently consists of more than 36,000 CPUs<br />

and 5 Petabytes of storage [6].<br />

The business case for grids is illustrated by the example<br />

of Synopsys [19]. Synposys is a world leader in integrated<br />

circuit (IC) design and requires massive computer resources<br />

for its computer-aided design processes, such as regression<br />

testing. In the past, each division within Synopsys maintained<br />

its own, separate computing cluster. The full computing<br />

power of these systems, however, was only needed<br />

in rare occasions to accommodate peak loads on the system.<br />

Obviously, this mode of operation thus led to tremendous<br />

inefficiencies. Synopsys leveraged Sun Microsystem’s<br />

grid technology to connect computing resources across divisional<br />

bo<strong>und</strong>aries, thus creating a virtual pool of computing<br />

resources which can be dynamically accessed on demand.<br />

In consequence, the runtime of regression tests could be reduced<br />

from about 12 hours to 2 hours.<br />

While the grid scenario is closely related to older allocation<br />

schemes for computer resources, such as mainframe<br />

allocation, it is somewhat more general because the grid<br />

resources might be owned by different organizations. In<br />

such inter-organizational settings, scheduling of resource<br />

requests becomes a key challenge. What is needed is a set<br />

of mechanisms that enable users to discover, negotiate, and<br />

pay for the use of grid resources. Classic technical scheduling<br />

mechanisms such as first-come-first-serve or fair share<br />

are solely built on system-centric measures. Consequently,<br />

they do not take into account the strategic and dynamic situation<br />

in grids:<br />

• Scarce resources: By nature, the concept of grids is all<br />

about sharing scarce resources. Excess demand has to<br />

be distributed to these resources so as to maximize the<br />

value provided by the grid system to its users.<br />

• Decentralized control: The scarce resources are spread<br />

across organizational bo<strong>und</strong>aries. There is no central-<br />


ized and complete knowledge about the state and the<br />

availability of these resources but the system depends<br />

on these organizations to report and act in a goodnatured<br />

manner so as to be able to realize this value.<br />

• Self-interested agents: The resource requesters and the<br />

organizations contributing their idle resources to a grid<br />

will generally try to selfishly maximize their individual<br />

benefit from participating in the system.<br />

In the light of these characteristics, market-based mechanisms<br />

are deemed promising to provide a better fit to<br />

grids’ strategic and dynamic nature by allowing resource requesters<br />

to express valuations in addition to technical metrics.<br />

Ultimately, prices are formed which help to balance<br />

the dynamic demand and supply in grids. The system can<br />

thus induce resource requesters to report truthfully and to<br />

distribute excess demand over time. To this end, the contribution<br />

of this paper is twofold:<br />

• Mechanism design: We present a discriminatory payas-bid<br />

market mechanism by Sanghavi and Hajek [14]<br />

and analytically derive conditions <strong>und</strong>er which it outperforms<br />

market-based proportional share – the currently<br />

most prominent grid market mechanism – with<br />

respect to both provider’s surplus (Proposition 1) and<br />

allocative efficiency (Proposition 2).<br />

• Integration into Sun N1GE: We show that this mechanism<br />

is not a purely theoretical construct but that it<br />

can be integrated into state-of-the-art grid schedulers<br />

to economically enrich the current allocation logics.<br />

We illustrate the basic design considerations for the<br />

case of the N1 Grid Engine (N1GE), the scheduler of<br />

Sun Microsystem’s grid platform.<br />

This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we discuss<br />

related work in the field of grid scheduling, before we<br />

introduce the pay-as-bid mechanism in Section 3. We provide<br />

an in-depth analysis of this mechanism and compare it<br />

to market-based proportional share. We present two design<br />

options for how to integrate this mechanism in the Sun N1<br />

Grid Engine in Section 4. We subsequently propose extensions<br />

to the basic mechanism and discuss problems which<br />

may emerge in this context. Section 5 concludes the paper<br />

and points to future work.<br />

2 Related Work<br />

Current resource allocation schemes in grids can be<br />

distinguished into technical and market-based schedulers.<br />

Technical schedulers are based solely on system-centric<br />

measures and aim at maximizing resource utilization and/or<br />

balancing the system load. In contrast, market-based schedulers<br />

introduce economic principles to grids in order to<br />

maximize the economic value provided by such systems;<br />

auctions or negotiations explicitly involve the users in the<br />

allocation process. Such market mechanisms must be carefully<br />

tailored towards the pecularities of the application environment<br />

and the trading object. Consequently, a suite of<br />

mechanisms has been proposed for a range of grid application<br />

scenarios (see [13] and [20] for surveys).<br />

In [15], [3] and [2], the scheduling problem in grids is<br />

formalized as an NP-hard periodic combinatorial allocation<br />

problem. In [3] and [17], heuristics are developed to migitigate<br />

this computational complexity. While these mechanisms<br />

account for dependencies between multiple grid resources<br />

(e.g. CPU, memory and bandwidth), they rely on<br />

strong technical information assumptions, such as knowledge<br />

about the time constraints and the resource requirements<br />

of applications.<br />

A f<strong>und</strong>amentally different approach are mechanisms<br />

which almost continuously assign resource shares to applications<br />

based on one-dimensional input only, e.g. single<br />

values which represent the users’ valuations. Market-based<br />

proportional share is the currently most prominent proxy of<br />

such mechanisms [5, 9, 16]. With an allocation rule purely<br />

based on economic reasoning, e.g. the prominent Vickrey<br />

mechanism, all available resources would be given to the<br />

resource request with the highest valuation. From a technical<br />

viewpoint, however, avoiding starvation 1 may be an<br />

important consideration. Combining the economic and the<br />

technical viewpoint, it may be desirable to give “better” service<br />

to high-value processes but to also give at least “some”<br />

service to low-value processes in order to avoid starvation.<br />

In the remainder of this section, the Sun N1 Grid Engine<br />

(N1GE), a state-of-the-art technical scheduler, and marketbased<br />

proportional share are presented in more detail.<br />

2.1 Sun N1 Grid Engine<br />

The N1GE is a distributed resource <strong>management</strong> and<br />

scheduling system developed by Sun Microsystems [18].<br />

Being an extension of the Solaris operating system, it administers<br />

and dynamically allocates the shared pool of heterogeneous<br />

resources such as computing power, memory<br />

and licensed software within an organization. The usage of<br />

these resources is managed so as to best achieve the goals of<br />

the organization, such as productivity, timeliness and level<br />

of service. The N1GE has been employed for setting up<br />

grids comprising a size of aro<strong>und</strong> 500-2,000 CPUs.<br />

The N1GE scheduler consists of a waiting queue with<br />

pending jobs and a technical scheduler which subsequently<br />

assigns waiting jobs to idle resources (cf. Figure 1). The<br />

user submits a job together with a specification of the tech-<br />

1 In scheduling theory, starvation denotes the fact that low-priority processes<br />

are prevented from doing any progress because all resources are<br />

assigned to other higher-value processes.<br />


their reported valuations’ fraction of the overall reported<br />

valuation across all resource requesters: User i with reported<br />

valuation w i will receive a fraction of of<br />

w i Pn<br />

j=1 wj<br />

the available resource when a group of n users is competing<br />

for resource access. Systems using proportional share as<br />

allocation scheme have been proposed in [5], [9] and [16].<br />

The problem with market-based proportional share is that<br />

it remains allocatively inefficient which we will illustrate in<br />

Section 3.3 by means of a numerical example.<br />

In the following, an alternative mechanism is explored –<br />

a so-called “discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism” [14] –<br />

that may improve on these present mechanisms.<br />

Figure 1: Scheduling process in the N1GE<br />

nical requirements of the job. After receiving the job requests,<br />

the scheduler places the jobs in the waiting list of<br />

pending jobs. The position of a job in the waiting list is<br />

determined by the job’s priority. This priority value is calculated<br />

by the scheduler using a pre-defined and static mix<br />

of different policies. A sample policy mix may comprise<br />

manually (by the administrator) set shares for individual<br />

users, user groups, a department or a project (also called<br />

Entitlement policy), an increase of priority for jobs which<br />

will reach their deadline soon or that have been waiting for a<br />

long time (Urgency policy). Additionally, users may be able<br />

to sort their own jobs according (Custom policy, POSIX)<br />

[4].<br />

An example policy mix can look like this<br />

P mix = W e ∗ P e + W u ∗ P u + W c ∗ P c<br />

where P mix is the dispatch priority, P e is the normalized<br />

entitlement priority (on an interval between 0 and 1) and W e<br />

is the entitlement weighting factor. P u , W u , P c and W c are<br />

defined accordingly for the urgency and custom priorities.<br />

The key drawback of technical schedulers is that static<br />

priorities are manually set up and thus do not reflect the<br />

fluctuating demand in the system, thus leading to inefficient<br />

allocations from an economic viewpoint. To alleviate<br />

this problem and to increase efficiency, proportional share<br />

mechanisms have been introduced to grid systems.<br />

2.2 Proportional Share<br />

Proportional share allows for resource distribution with<br />

shares of unequal size for different users accounting for<br />

varying importance among them. Whereas scheduling according<br />

to pre-set, fixed shares for different users remains<br />

technical, market-based proportional share mechanisms dynamically<br />

base the resource share on the users’ reported<br />

valuations, their “bids”. The total amount of available resources<br />

is distributed among the requesters according to<br />

3 A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism<br />

Let vector w = (w 1 , . . . , w n ) represent the positive<br />

bids of the users. The users receive shares x =<br />

(x 1 , . . . , x n ), x j ∈ R 0 ∑ n<br />

+,<br />

j=1 x j = 1, of the perfectly<br />

divisible good. These shares are calculated according to the<br />

pre-specified allocation mechanism τ. Thus, x i = τ i (w) is<br />

the quantity user i is allocated for a given bid vector w.<br />

As is common in mechanism design, the users are assumed<br />

to have quasi-linear utility functions: U i (x) =<br />

v i x i − c(x i ), with v i ∈ R + and linear price function<br />

c(x i ) = p i x i where p i is user i’s unit price, i.e. the price<br />

user i would have to pay if she got the whole resource unit<br />

(x i = 1). Let U P (x) be the provider’s utility function.<br />

For evaluating and comparing market mechanisms, we<br />

first need to define the user behavior, i.e. the users’ reporting<br />

of w, and a metric. For the former, we choose the<br />

widely used solution concept of Nash equilibria. In a Nash<br />

equilibrium w NE , no user i can benefit by unilaterally deviating<br />

from wi<br />

NE . We interpret Nash equilibria as the final<br />

outcome of an iterative process. After each stage, the requesters<br />

can adjust their bids based on feedback about the<br />

other requesters’ bids. Ultimately, we assume that every<br />

user knows the vector v = (v 1 , . . . , v n ) consisting of all<br />

users’ valuations.<br />

A common metric for a mechanism’s performance is<br />

its performance ratio in its Nash equilibrium. The performance<br />

ratio of mechanism τ is defined as<br />

∑<br />

U(τ(w NE ))<br />

i<br />

U ∗ =<br />

U i(τ(w NE )) + U P (τ(w NE ))<br />

U ∗ ,<br />

i.e. the worst-case ratio of the social welfare generated by<br />

the specific mechanism if all bidders play their Nash strategy<br />

wi NE divided by the theoretical optimum U ∗ .<br />

A key issue when considering the use and (probably<br />

more importantly) the usability of markets is the question<br />

of how users come up with their valuation functions and interact<br />

with the market, i.e. express their valuations in order<br />

to eventually arrive at some sort of equilibrium, such as a<br />

Nash equilibrium. Human users may be released from the<br />


urden of having to issue requests and offers manually. Instead,<br />

software agents may serve so as to hide the grids’<br />

complexity from human users by automatically trading resources<br />

based on the current resource consumption of applications<br />

and configurable bidding rules which automatically<br />

derive corresponding valuations [10, 12].<br />

From a mechanism design perspective, we are looking<br />

for a mechanism with maximum performance ratio, i.e. the<br />

mechanism that maximizes the market’s (and thus the grid<br />

system’s) value across all users. Sanghavi and Hajek [14]<br />

propose an allocation mechanism τ sh and show that it generates<br />

the optimal performance ratio. While this mechanism<br />

has been proposed for the allocation of network bandwidth,<br />

the setting essentially generalizes to the allocation of any divisible<br />

resource. In the remainder of this section, we will introduce<br />

this mechanism and compare it to the market-based<br />

proportional share mechanism with respect to provider’s<br />

revenue and overall welfare. In the following section, we<br />

will then discuss possibilities of how such mechanisms can<br />

be integrated into state-of-the-art grid schedulers.<br />

3.1 Two Users<br />

For a scenario with two bidders l (low bidder) and h<br />

(high bidder), τ sh allocates shares of the perfectly divisible<br />

resource as follows:<br />

τl sh (w l , w h ) = w l<br />

and τh<br />

sh (w l , w h ) = 1 − w l<br />

2w h 2w h<br />

Allocation scheme τ sh is complemented by a so called payas-bid<br />

pricing scheme such that c(x i ) = p i x i = w i , i =<br />

l, h. For two buyers, the worst case performance ratio of τ sh<br />

adds up to 87.5% when both buyers have linear valuation<br />

functions [14]. In comparison the worst case efficiency of<br />

the proportional share mechanism is 82.84% [8].<br />

Assume the low bidding user l has a quasi-linear valuation<br />

function U l (x l ) = v l x l − w l with v l ∈ R + . Further<br />

assume the high bidding user h to be characterized by utility<br />

function U h (x h ) = v h x h − w h with v h ∈ R + , v h ≥ v l .<br />

Lemma 1. In the Nash equilibrium w sh of the pay-as-bid<br />

mechanism τ sh , user l bids wl<br />

sh = v2 l<br />

2v h<br />

and receives a share<br />

of τl sh (w sh ) = v l<br />

2v h<br />

, whereas user h bids wh<br />

sh = v l<br />

2 , thus<br />

receiving τh<br />

sh(wsh<br />

) = 1 − v l<br />

2v h<br />

.<br />

Proof. In the Nash equilibrium with bid vector w sh ,<br />

∂U i(τ sh (w sh ))<br />

∂wi<br />

sh<br />

∂U l (τ sh (w sh ))<br />

∂wl<br />

sh<br />

= 0, i = l, h. Consequently,<br />

=<br />

v l<br />

2w sh<br />

h<br />

− 1 = 0 ⇔ w sh<br />

h<br />

= v l<br />

2<br />

and ∂U h(τ sh (w sh ))<br />

= v hw sh<br />

∂wh<br />

sh<br />

l<br />

− 1 = 0 ⇔ w sh<br />

2(wh sh)2<br />

l<br />

=<br />

(<br />

2 vl<br />

) 2<br />

v h 2 ⇔ w<br />

sh<br />

l<br />

= v2 l<br />

2v h<br />

. Inserting w sh in τ sh directly<br />

yields τl<br />

sh (w sh ) = v l<br />

and τh<br />

sh(wsh<br />

) = 1 − v l<br />

2v h<br />

2v h<br />

.<br />

The mechanism τ sh allocates the resource shares in such<br />

a way that, in the Nash equilibrium w sh , the low-bidding<br />

user l is pushed to zero utility:<br />

U l (τ sh (w sh )) = v l τl<br />

sh (w sh ) − wl sh v l<br />

= v l − v2 l<br />

= 0.<br />

2v h 2v h<br />

The high-bidding user h obtains utility of<br />

U h (τ sh (w sh )) = v h τh<br />

sh (w sh ) − wh sh = v h − v l ,<br />

while revenue amounts to<br />

r sh = w sh<br />

l<br />

+ w sh<br />

h<br />

= v2 l + v lv h<br />

2v h<br />

.<br />

This constitutes the provider’s utility U P (.) assuming a<br />

quasi-linear provider valuation function and zero reservation<br />

prices.<br />

The central result of our analysis is that, from a resource<br />

provider’s point of view, the pay-as-bid mechanism dominates<br />

market-based proportional share <strong>und</strong>er certain conditions<br />

both with respect to provider’s surplus and welfare.<br />

To be able to compare the results of both mechanisms,<br />

we first derive the provider’s surplus generated by marketbased<br />

proportional share in the Nash equilibrium. In doing<br />

so, we assume that, as the mechanism by Sanghavi and Hajek,<br />

the proportional share allocation rule is also complemented<br />

by the pay-as-bid pricing rule, as proposed in [5].<br />

Lemma 2. If combined with a linear uniform pricing<br />

scheme ∂ci(w)<br />

∂w i<br />

= 1 ∀i (e.g. pay-as-bid), in the Nash<br />

equilibrium w ps of the proportional share mechanism τ ps ,<br />

( ) 2<br />

user l bids w ps<br />

l<br />

= v lv h<br />

v l +v h<br />

− v<br />

vh<br />

l v l +v h<br />

and receives a<br />

share of τ ps<br />

l<br />

(w ps ) = v l<br />

v l +v h<br />

, whereas user h bids w ps<br />

h =<br />

v l<br />

(<br />

)<br />

vh<br />

2,<br />

v l +v h<br />

thus receiving τ<br />

ps<br />

h (wps ) =<br />

v h<br />

v l +v h<br />

.<br />

Proof. With proportional share, τ ps<br />

l<br />

(w) =<br />

τ ps<br />

h (w) = w h<br />

w l +w h<br />

.<br />

Thus, in the Nash equilibrium w ps ,<br />

w<br />

v ps<br />

h l<br />

(w ps<br />

h +wps<br />

w ps<br />

l<br />

w l<br />

w l +w h<br />

∂U l (τ ps (w ps ))<br />

∂w ps<br />

l<br />

and<br />

− 1 = 0 ⇔ √ v<br />

l ) 2 l w ps<br />

h<br />

= w ps<br />

l<br />

+ w ps<br />

h<br />

⇔<br />

= √ v l w ps<br />

h<br />

− wps h . Analogously, ∂U h (τ ps (w ps ))<br />

=<br />

∂w ps<br />

h<br />

w<br />

v ps<br />

l h<br />

− 1 = 0 ⇔ v<br />

(w ps<br />

h +wps l ) 2 h w ps<br />

l<br />

= (w ps<br />

l<br />

+ w ps<br />

h )2 ⇔<br />

( √vl )<br />

( )<br />

v h w ps<br />

h<br />

− wps h<br />

= v l w ps<br />

h<br />

⇔ w ps<br />

h<br />

= v<br />

vh<br />

2.<br />

l v l +v h<br />

Inserting w ps<br />

h<br />

above directly yields, w ps<br />

l<br />

= v lv h<br />

v l +v h<br />

−<br />

( )<br />

v<br />

vh<br />

2.<br />

l v l +v h<br />

Inserting w ps<br />

h<br />

and wps<br />

l<br />

into τ ps (w ps ) returns τ ps<br />

l<br />

(w ps ) =<br />

√ √<br />

vl w h −w<br />

√ h<br />

vl w h<br />

= 1 −<br />

wh<br />

vl<br />

= 1 − v h<br />

v l +v h<br />

= v l<br />

v l +v h<br />

and<br />

τ ps<br />

h (wps ) = 1 − τ ps<br />

l<br />

(w ps ) = v h<br />

v l +v h<br />

.<br />

=<br />


Consequently, market-based proportional share generates<br />

revenue of r ps = w ps<br />

l<br />

+ w ps<br />

h<br />

= √ v l w h = v lv h<br />

v l +v h<br />

.<br />

Based on Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, we can now state our<br />

first central result:<br />

Proposition 1. For two users with linear valuation functions<br />

with slopes v l and v h (v l , v h ∈ R + and v l ≤ v h ),<br />

in the unique Nash equilibria the discriminatory pay-as-bid<br />

mechanism generates a larger provider’s revenue than proportional<br />

share (r sh ≥ r ps ) iff<br />

Proof.<br />

( √ 2 − 1)v h ≤ v l ≤ v h .<br />

r sh − r ps = v2 l + v lv h<br />

2v h<br />

− v lv h<br />

v l + v h<br />

≥ 0<br />

⇔ (v l + v h )(v 2 l + v lv h ) − 2v l v 2 h<br />

2v h (v l + v h )<br />

≥ 0<br />

⇔ (v l + v h ) 2 ≥ 2v 2 h<br />

⇔ v l ≥ ( √ 2 − 1)v h<br />

Furthermore, as defined earlier, v h ≥ v l and thus r sh ≥<br />

r ps ⇔ ( √ 2 − 1)v h ≤ v l ≤ v h .<br />

This result is of significant importance in the context of<br />

enterprise/campus grid environments, which are the main<br />

application domains of N1GE. Especially in those scenarios,<br />

we hypothesize that the users can be assumed to have<br />

rather similar valuations for grid resources. Finally, we can<br />

use these results to also assess the allocative efficiency that<br />

is generated in the Nash equilibrium for two jobs, and in<br />

line with the results of Sanghavi and Hajek [14] we state<br />

the following proposition:<br />

Proposition 2. For two users with linear valuation functions<br />

with slopes v l and v h (v l , v h ∈ R + and v l ≤ v h ) the<br />

discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism generates an equal<br />

or larger total welfare in the Nash equilibrium compared to<br />

the proportional share mechanism with pay-as-bid pricing,<br />

that is U(τ sh (w sh )) ≥ U(τ ps (w ps )) for all combinations<br />

(v l , v h ).<br />

Proof. From our previous results, U(τ sh (w sh )) = U l (.) +<br />

U h (.)+U P (.) = 0+v h −v l + v2 l +v lv h<br />

2v h<br />

= v2 l +2v2 h −v lv h<br />

2v h<br />

and<br />

U(τ ps (w ps )) = U l (.) + U h (.) + U P (.) = (v l τ ps<br />

l<br />

(w ps ) −<br />

w ps<br />

l<br />

) + (v h τ ps<br />

h (wps ) − w ps<br />

h ) + wps l<br />

+ w ps<br />

h<br />

= v lτ ps<br />

l<br />

(w ps ) +<br />

v h τ ps<br />

h (wps ) = v2 l +v2 h<br />

v l +v h<br />

.<br />

Thus, U(τ sh (w sh )) − U(τ ps (w ps )) ≥ 0 ⇔<br />

v 2 l +2v2 h −v lv h<br />

2v h<br />

(v l − v h ) 2 ≥ 0.<br />

− v2 l +v2 h<br />

v l +v h<br />

≥ 0 ⇔ v 2 l<br />

+ v 2 h ≥ 2v lv h ⇔<br />

Consequently, the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

of Sanghavi and Hajek [14] not only provides us with a better<br />

performance ratio (i.e. worst-case bo<strong>und</strong>) than proportional<br />

share, but it outperforms the latter independently of<br />

the choice of v l and v h .<br />

If considered separately from the allocation scheme,<br />

pay-as-bid pricing is a uniform pricing rule as defined in<br />

Lemma 2. However, if combined with allocation scheme<br />

τ sh , the resulting mechanism as a whole produces discriminatory<br />

unit prices; the buyer with a lower bid pays a higher<br />

unit price than the high bidder. This volume discount encourages<br />

high bidders to bid higher, and thus closer to<br />

their true valuation, compared to a scenario with uniform<br />

prices where users can potentially benefit from shading their<br />

bids downwards.The discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

is not a “fair” allocation mechanism in that it does not allocate<br />

the resource in proportion to the submitted bids but<br />

subsidizes the high bidding users. However, this is justified<br />

by the increase in overall efficiency.<br />

3.2 n Users<br />

An extension of the above mechanism from two to n<br />

buyers was developed in [14]. This mechanism still has the<br />

property of a “volume discount”, i.e. higher bidders pay<br />

lower prices.<br />

For n buyers and a given payment vector w =<br />

(w 1 , . . . , w n ) , the following allocation rule is proposed:<br />

τ sh<br />

i (w) = w i<br />

w max<br />

∫ 1<br />

0<br />

∏<br />

j≠i<br />

(<br />

1 − s w j<br />

w max<br />

)<br />

ds<br />

with at least two w i ≥ 0 and w max being the maximum<br />

bid. This allocation rule simplifies to the optimal mechanism<br />

for two buyers given above for n = 2.<br />

In contrast to the case for two buyers, it is hard to determine<br />

an exact value for the worst case efficiency for an unlimited<br />

number of buyers. Instead, [14] calculate the interval<br />

[0.8703, 0.875] as bo<strong>und</strong>s for the worst case efficiency.<br />

The proposed mechanism is still close to the theoretical<br />

maximum worst case efficiency, i.e. 87.5%. But a guarantee<br />

that mechanism τ ∗ is the optimal one can no longer be<br />

given.<br />

Even if machines are assumed to be obedient, a “lying<br />

auctioneer” could be a problem in this mechanism (cf.<br />

[11]). The allocation rule is based on the the highest bid,<br />

w max , which is not publicly known and could thus be manipulated<br />

by the provider to change the allocation in his favor.<br />

Therefore, in practice it might be necessary to somehow<br />

publish and verify w max .<br />


3.3 Numerical Example<br />

In this section, proportional share and the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism are compared concerning their allocation<br />

and the resulting efficiencies by means of a simple<br />

numerical example. Table 1 provides a brief overview of<br />

the results of this example.<br />

There are two divisions within a company – divisions L<br />

and H – which execute computational jobs on a shared pool<br />

of computing resources.<br />

Division H temporarily demands more resources than<br />

division L, which is reflected in a higher valuation for<br />

the computing resources: U L (x L ) = 2.1x L − w L and<br />

U H (x H ) = 5x H − w H . The provider’s valuation function<br />

is given by U P (x) = w L + w H . Each division sends one<br />

resource request to the central market-based scheduler. Attached<br />

to both jobs are the corresponding valuations. Now<br />

we determine the allocation of resource shares to the jobs<br />

for both market-based mechanisms.<br />

For the two jobs and the given valuation functions, the<br />

proportional share mechanism arrives at the Nash equilibrium<br />

with bid vector w ps = (w ps<br />

L , wps H<br />

) ≈ (0.437, 1.041).<br />

In this equilibrium point, x ps<br />

L<br />

= 0.296 is allocated to division<br />

L and x ps<br />

H<br />

= 0.704 is allocated to division H. None<br />

of the divisions has an incentive to unilaterally deviate from<br />

these bids. The unit prices are p ps<br />

L<br />

= pps H<br />

= 1.478. Hence,<br />

the proportional share mechanism generates an overall social<br />

welfare of U(x ps ) = 4.142. This corresponds to a<br />

performance ratio of 82.84% compared to the optimal allocation.<br />

In this optimal allocation, the high bidding user<br />

is given a resource share of 1.0 whereas the low bidder receives<br />

nothing. This allocation would create the maximum<br />

social welfare of 5.<br />

The discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism reaches the<br />

Nash equilibrium for a bid vector w sh = (wL sh,<br />

wsh H ) =<br />

(0.441, 1.05). With these bids a resource share of x sh<br />

H =<br />

L =<br />

0.79 is assigned to division H and the remaining x ps<br />

0.21 are allocated to L. This allocation generates a total<br />

social welfare U(x sh ) = 4.391, which stands for a performance<br />

ratio of 87.82%. Applying the pay-as-bid-rule to this<br />

allocation exemplifies the “volume discount” for the high<br />

bidding division H. It pays a unit price of p ps<br />

H = 1.329<br />

whereas division L has to pay a notably higher unit price of<br />

p sh<br />

L = 2.1.<br />

Whereas in this example the provider’s revenue created<br />

by the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism (r sh = 1.491)<br />

is only slightly higher than with the proportional share<br />

mechanism (r ps = 1.478), overall welfare increases by almost<br />

5% from U(x ps ) = 4.142 to U(x sh ) = 4.391. While<br />

here both the high bidder and the provider benefit from<br />

switching to the pay-as-bid mechanism, as showed above,<br />

this gain mainly comes at the expense of the low bidder,<br />

whose utility becomes zero and who is thus indifferent to<br />

Optimal Bids<br />

Allocation<br />

Unit prices<br />

Utilities Users<br />

Provider’s Revenue<br />

Prop. Share<br />

w ps<br />

L<br />

w ps<br />

H<br />

x ps<br />

L<br />

Pay-as-Bid<br />

= 0.437 wsh L = 0.441<br />

= 1.041 wsh H = 1.05<br />

= 0.296 xsh L = 0.21<br />

x ps<br />

H = 0.704<br />

p ps<br />

L<br />

= pps H = 1.478<br />

U L(x ps<br />

L ) = 0.185<br />

U H(x ps<br />

H ) = 2.479<br />

xsh H = 0.79<br />

p sh<br />

L = 2.1<br />

p sh<br />

H = 1.329<br />

UL(xsh L ) = 0<br />

UH(xsh H ) = 2.9<br />

r ps = 1.478 r sh = 1.491<br />

Social Welfare U(x ps ) = 4.142 U(x sh ) = 4.391<br />

Performance<br />

ratio<br />

82.84% 87.82%<br />

Table 1: Numerical example<br />

not participating at all.<br />

In certain cases, the provider might be willing to actually<br />

sacrifice revenue in return for a higher social welfare.<br />

E.g. in the case of Synopsys, attributing the resources to the<br />

division with the higher valuation may be more important<br />

than creating revenue from internal sources. Especially in<br />

cases when provider revenue increases, one option might be<br />

to “subsidize” the lower bidder in order to convince this bidder<br />

to participate in the pay-as-bid mechanism. It will be an<br />

interesting avenue for future research to explore how such<br />

an incentive may be implemented in the pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

and how it changes the users’ strategic considerations.<br />

4 Integration into the Sun N1 Grid Engine<br />

The following section is dedicated to the integration of<br />

the market-based mechanism into the technical scheduling<br />

environment of N1GE. Two possible approaches are evaluated:<br />

1) a modular extension of N1GE, with an additional<br />

market-based policy and 2) the displacement of the current<br />

technical scheduler with the discriminatory pay-as-bid<br />

mechanism. The analysis is concluded with a comparison<br />

of both approaches in Section 4.3.<br />

4.1 The Pay-as-Bid Mechanism as Additional<br />

Policy<br />

In the following section, the application of the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism as a new policy in N1GE is<br />

discussed. The objective is to use the market-based mechanism<br />

as an instrument for partioning of the priority value.<br />

Analogous to the current N1GE system the users submit<br />

their jobs along with a specification document to state the<br />

job’s resource requirements. In addition the users send a<br />


one-dimensional bid (a single real number) to signal their<br />

valuation of the submitted job. These bids are then used by<br />

the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism to allocate shares<br />

of the priority value, which then again are used to determine<br />

the order in the waiting list of pending jobs. After<br />

sorting the jobs according to their assigned priority value<br />

the technical scheduler traverses the waiting list and picks<br />

a job for execution. Since the jobs can have different resource<br />

requirements the first job that fits the specifications<br />

of a currently available resource is chosen. Thus it could<br />

happen that a job that is heading the waiting list is not chosen<br />

due to its resource requirements. But still, taking up<br />

one of the front slots in the waiting list increases the possibility<br />

of early execution. Thus it is an incentive for jobs,<br />

respectively their owners, to compete for a high share of the<br />

priority value. As long as the job is not released for execution<br />

by the technical scheduler, a user can always abort his<br />

own jobs.<br />

In addition to this new policy, the currently available<br />

policies in N1GE will still be at the administrator’s disposal.<br />

This can be rather easily be achieved by adding the<br />

new discriminatory pay-as-bid policy to the existing policy<br />

mix (see figure 2). The value which is determined by the<br />

market-based mechanism is weighted and added to the total<br />

priority value of a job:<br />

ˆP mix = P mix + W sh ∗ N sh<br />

Thereby, ˆP mix is the new dispatch priority, P mix the priority<br />

value generated with the current N1GE policy mix<br />

and N sh , W sh the discriminatory pay-as-bid priority (on<br />

an interval between 0 and 1) respectively the corresponding<br />

weighting factor for this new policy.<br />

The main objective of the integration process is to preserve<br />

the economic properties of the discriminatory payas-bid<br />

mechanism. Therefore, the approach is to incorporate<br />

the mechanism mostly unchanged into a N1GE environment<br />

that is tailored to the needs of the mechanism. To<br />

guarantee a so<strong>und</strong> concurrence of N1GE system and the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism as a new policy, a number<br />

of extensions and modifications have to be considered<br />

on both sides. Adaptation of the discriminatory pay-as-bid<br />

mechanism requires a number of considerations in different<br />

areas. The major challenges are evaluated next and suitable<br />

solutions are proposed. Issues concerning the payment and<br />

the enforcement thereof, are not in the scope of this work<br />

and thus it plays only a tangential role in the evaluation.<br />

4.1.1 Re-evaluation of the Priority Value<br />

Recalculation of the priority values of all pending jobs is<br />

necessary whenever a new job enters the waiting list. Every<br />

new bid changes the priority values of all waiting jobs.<br />

In addition, a re-evaluation falls due for each updated bid<br />

that is received in the system. A job that leaves the waiting<br />

list for any reason does not require an update of the<br />

waiting list. The re-evaluation is processed periodically according<br />

to a pre-defined interval. A continous evaluation<br />

of newly arrived jobs would put to much additional load on<br />

the provider. Jobs, arriving at the waiting list during such<br />

an interval, are gathered and inserted into the waiting list<br />

within the next interval. In the worst case, utilisation of<br />

this periodic allocation scheme delays all arriving jobs by<br />

the pre-defined interval. This is <strong>und</strong>esirable especially for<br />

time critical and urgent jobs. Currently, the bidding interval,<br />

or scheduler interval as it is called in N1GE, is set to<br />

2-3 seconds. The testbed environments work with a 15 second<br />

interval on default. Consequently, these values seem to<br />

be reasonable references for the re-evaluation interval.<br />

4.1.2 Bid Updating<br />

Figure 2: Modified scheduling process in N1GE with the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism as additional policy<br />

Since re-evaluation of the priority value is indispensable in<br />

the N1GE scenario anyway, bid updating imposes no further<br />

computational effort on the scheduler. But it tremendously<br />

increases the communication effort. For each bid<br />

that is updated an additional message, carrying the single<br />

real value, has to be sent by the user and processed by the<br />

provider. However, allowing bid updates cannot interfere<br />

with the economic properties of the mechanism, since the<br />

Nash equilibrium is considered to be the final point of repeated<br />

plays. Thus, bid updates can even improve the speed<br />

of convergence since users can always adjust their bids towards<br />

the equilibrium. These adjustments are based on the<br />

behaviour of the other jobs in the queue. The bid updates<br />

can be interpreted as part of the ’myopic best response’ bidding<br />

strategy which leads to the Nash equilibrium. A received<br />

bid, respectively bid update, for a particular job is<br />

valid until another modified bid for this job is submitted by<br />

the user. Another feature of bid updates is the prevention<br />


of job starvation. Whenever job starvation impends the job,<br />

the user can intervene and update the bid.<br />

4.1.3 Feedback<br />

For a convergence to the Nash equilibrium point, the users<br />

need feedback on their bids to see what resource shares they<br />

received. Using this partial market information, they will<br />

adjust their bids in ”myopic best responses” to finally reach<br />

the Nash equilibrium point. Consequently, an accurate feedback<br />

is essential to preserve this equilibrium concept. By<br />

now, N1GE scheduler does not support this kind of direct<br />

feedback. The reporting tool for the waiting list, named qstat<br />

in N1GE, shows the priority value for each job. This<br />

priority value is the accumulated value for all policies that<br />

are part of the policy mix which is employed in the specific<br />

scenario. Thus, the users are not able to determine the fraction<br />

of the priority value that was calculated based on their<br />

bid. The speed of convergence to the Nash equilibrium can<br />

be further improved by publishing the whole waiting list<br />

in an anonymized form. This enables the users to monitor<br />

both the priority value and the corresponding position in the<br />

waiting list.<br />

4.2 The Pay-as-Bid Mechanism as Scheduler<br />

In this scenario the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

is applied as a scheduler to directly allocate the resources<br />

to the bidding users. In contrast to the scenario assumed<br />

so far, the mechanism does not calculate the respective<br />

priority value for each bidding user, but it determines<br />

the actual share of resources a user gets.<br />

The major challenge, that has to be mastered in this scenario,<br />

is the architectural limitation of N1GE, which only<br />

allows a single task to be executed on each slot at a time.<br />

Therefore resources can no longer be assumed as being perfectly<br />

divisible. There are two solution concepts to handle<br />

this restriction of N1GE. Firstly, the N1GE’s limitation<br />

can be attacked from the mathematical side. This requires<br />

a modification of the mechanism’s allocation rule to allow<br />

discrete shares only. Likewise, the problem can be tackled<br />

from the technical side. Employing virtualization tools<br />

could restore the perfect divisibility of the resources. Both<br />

solution concepts are discussed in the following – showing<br />

advantages and disadvantages of both.<br />

4.2.1 Discrete Resources<br />

The main challenge is to modify the current mechanism in<br />

such a way that it can be used for discrete resources. The<br />

calculated shares may only equal a multiple of 1 m , where<br />

m is the number of currently idle resources. By putting up<br />

a linear integer program a completely new mechanism is<br />

created. Since the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism is<br />

already the optimal mechanism (at least for two users) the<br />

linear integer program can not improve the current allocation<br />

and will most likely result in losses in the user’s utilities<br />

and overall efficiency. In addition, further issues have<br />

to be resolved. Firstly, the impact on the computational<br />

tractability has to be analysed. This is mainly dependent<br />

on the complexity class of such a linear integer program.<br />

Secondly, the convergence to a (Nash) equilibrium needs a<br />

more detailed examination. Taking all the considerations<br />

into account, this approach of restricting the mechanism to<br />

discrete resources is not very promising. Solving the linear<br />

integer program does hardly scale and will get computational<br />

intractable for a large number of jobs.<br />

4.2.2 Virtualization<br />

This approach tries to solve the restriction from the technical<br />

perspective. Virtualization could be the solution to<br />

the ”indivisibility constraint”. It is a technique for hiding<br />

the physical characteristics of the <strong>und</strong>erlying computing<br />

resources from the way in which other systems or end<br />

users interact with those resources. Not only homogeneous<br />

resources can be joined to form a virtual resource,<br />

with virtualization any type of resource can be combined.<br />

State-of-the-art virtualization tools, such as e.g. VMWare<br />

(http://www.vmware.com), can reach an almost perfect divisibility.<br />

Instead of directly addressing resources, the<br />

scheduler communicates with a virtual machines which<br />

again manages the resources as such. To the scheduler,<br />

the available resources appear to be one big resource. This<br />

would again fit the requirements of the discriminatory payas-bid<br />

mechanism, which is designed for allocation of a single<br />

unit of a perfectly divisble resource.<br />

In the following, a ’virtual resource’ is referred to as<br />

a single logical representation of multiple resources. Furthermore,<br />

it is assumed that virtualization is employed as<br />

a mean to enable the usage of the discriminatory pay-asbid<br />

mechanism for scheduling in N1GE. The adaptation of<br />

the mechanism to discrete resources is discarded due to the<br />

drawbacks of such an approach discussed earlier. Figure 3<br />

shows the modified N1GE scheduling process.<br />

The challenges in this application scenario differ essentially<br />

from the ones identified in the first scenario. For application<br />

of the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism as a<br />

direct scheduler, N1GE’s central architecture and workflow<br />

has to be radically changed. The market mechanism is not<br />

integrated as an modular extension but directly embedded<br />

into N1GE’s core structure.<br />

4.2.3 Mode of Allocation<br />

The scheduler allocates the jobs for a single time slot only.<br />

Consequently, a new allocation is calculated for all cur-<br />


to a fixed price, per job and time slot, paid in advance.<br />

4.2.5 Feedback<br />

Finally, a comprehensive feedback is the base for sustaining<br />

the convergence to the Nash equilibrium. The user needs to<br />

be informed about the share that he receives. This enables<br />

the user to see the impact of his bid on the resource share<br />

that is finally allocated to him. Analogous to the ”policy<br />

scenario” the provider has to put the level of allocated resource<br />

share at the user’s disposal.<br />

4.3 Implications<br />

Figure 3: Modified scheduling process in N1GE with the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism as direct scheduler<br />

rently running jobs after each time slot. This mode of allocation<br />

allows a flexible adjustment of short-time changes<br />

in the demand and supply situation. None of the resources<br />

is blocked for more than one time slot. The downside is<br />

an increased effort, both on the users’ and provider’s side.<br />

The users need to constantly monitor the allocation process<br />

for their running jobs and have to submit bids for every allocation<br />

interval. Otherwise, when no bid is received for<br />

a particular job, this job is suspended. Furthermore, the<br />

users are no longer able to determine the total execution<br />

time and corresponding payments for their jobs in advance.<br />

Moreover, the allocation for a single time slot burdens the<br />

provider with migration and re-prioritization of (nearly) all<br />

jobs after each allocation interval. However, this type of allocation<br />

does not affect the economic properties of the market<br />

mechanism. This can be easily proved since the method<br />

equals the initially proposed scenario by [14], in which the<br />

bandwidth of a network link was allocated for a single predefined<br />

time slot.<br />

4.2.4 Job Length<br />

A further factor that is not directly employed in the allocation<br />

scheme yet, is the job length. A major problem in this<br />

context is the determination of the job length in advance,<br />

i.e. before execution of the job. This is particularly a problem<br />

in an environment with heterogeneous resources. As<br />

already discussed in the previous section, the job length can<br />

indirectly be incorporated by allocating the resource for a<br />

single time slot. The total payment of the user is determined<br />

by summing up the fractional payments made for each allocation<br />

interval. Consequently, the job length does not need<br />

to be known in advance. Furthermore, it can be guaranteed<br />

that the user only pays for units of the resource that he really<br />

used, which adds an additional notion of fairness compared<br />

The two integration scenarios discussed in the previous<br />

subsections represent different approaches of extending the<br />

N1GE with economic features. Introducing the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism as an additional policy constitutes<br />

an modular extension of the N1GE. Most of the current<br />

architecture and structure retains unchanged. Solely<br />

the payment system requires major modifications. The policy<br />

mix still covers the existing policies besides the newly<br />

introduced market-based principle. In contrast, the direct<br />

scheduling scenario requires modifications and replacement<br />

of core components. Consequently, the implementation effort<br />

is much higher with this approach. In addition, the allocated<br />

resources are limited to a single type whereas the<br />

modular extension supports heterogeneous resources. On<br />

the other hand, giving the discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

direct access to the resources entails a multitude of advantages.<br />

For instance, a waiting list is dispensable since all<br />

jobs get a share of the resource. Furthermore, the additional<br />

in-between scheduler can be left out which removes complexity<br />

from the scheduling process. Both scenarios offer<br />

promising enhancements of N1GE. The modular extension<br />

offers a quick solution for incorporation of the discriminatory<br />

pay-as-bid mechanism, whereas the higher flexibility<br />

of the second approach comes at the expense of higher implementation<br />

effort.<br />

5 Conclusion<br />

The extended model of the Sanghavi/Hajek pay-as-bid<br />

mechanism is a promising addition to the N1GE scheduler.<br />

Employing a market-based mechanism for resource allocation<br />

in grids offers new possibilities on both sides, for<br />

providers as well as for buyers. Current technical schedulers<br />

require an administrator to specify user weights based<br />

on these users relative importance, regardless of the dynamic<br />

demand and supply situation, leading to inefficiencies.<br />

To this end, the Sanghavi/Hajek pay-as-bid mechanism<br />

allows flexible reactions to changes in the demand and<br />

supply situation. Moreover, it offers an elaborated pricing<br />


scheme where prices reflect the current market situation and<br />

induce users to report their true valuations to the system.<br />

The administrator no longer needs to adjust the weights<br />

manually but the users can directly express the urgency of<br />

their jobs. Furthermore, the market prices can be leveraged<br />

for usage-based accounting of shared computer resources.<br />

In comparison to other market-based mechanisms, the<br />

discriminatory pay-as-bid mechanism scores with its easeof-use.<br />

In addition, it has an increased worst case performance<br />

ratio as compared to market-based proportional<br />

share and is close to the theoretical maximum. Above all,<br />

the extended model imposes a very low communicational<br />

and computational burden on the scheduling process and<br />

allows for real-time allocations.<br />

Further work has to be done on analyzing the extensions<br />

to the basic mechanism and their impact on the mechanism’s<br />

economic properties. We explicitly mentioned the<br />

need to incentivize the low bidding user to participate in the<br />

grid. It would be very interesting to actually implement the<br />

mechanism within the N1GE scheduler. This would allow<br />

us to examine the mechanism’s behavior and performance<br />

in practice. A decentralized version of the mechanism<br />

would be desirable to support decentralized waiting queues<br />

as well. This might be necessary to keep the N1GE scheduler<br />

applicable for very large clusters (> 20, 000 cores),<br />

which will be demanded in the near future.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for<br />

their valuable comments. This research was partially supported<br />

by the EU IST programme <strong>und</strong>er grant #034286<br />

SORMA – “Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management”.<br />

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Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service Applications<br />

Jochen Stößer, Christine Rössle, Dirk Neumann<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

{stoesser,roessle,neumann}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

Economic scheduling mechanisms introduce economic<br />

principles to Grids and thus promise to increase the<br />

systems’ overall utility by explicitly taking into account<br />

strategic, inter-organizational settings. Current economic<br />

scheduling mechanisms, however, do not fully satisfy the requirements<br />

of interactive Grid applications. In this paper,<br />

we introduce a video surveillance environment and show<br />

how its functionality can be encapsulated in Grid services<br />

which are traded dynamically using an economic scheduling<br />

mechanism. We suggest a mechanism from the general<br />

machine scheduling domain and showcase its applicability<br />

to the Grid context. However, the mechanism suffers from<br />

some limitations due to the distinct properties of Grids. We<br />

point to these limitations and propose extensions to the basic<br />

mechanism which may alleviate these drawbacks.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Distributed computing environments such as compute<br />

clusters are a powerful concept to tackle complex computational<br />

problems. In recent years, the concept of Grids has<br />

emerged, extending these computing environments to comprise<br />

not only computing resources within an organization<br />

but across administrative domains to further increase efficiency<br />

and flexibility [6].<br />

Currently, mainly physical resources such as processing<br />

power, memory and storage are being shared in Grids.<br />

However, to be deployed in Grids, applications must be able<br />

to achieve Quality of Service assertions despite running on<br />

heterogeneous Grid resources and native platforms [6]. The<br />

Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) describes a shift<br />

from physical resources to Web services being shared in the<br />

Grid [7]. Web services are used to hide the <strong>und</strong>erlying infrastructures’<br />

heterogeneity from the Grid application/user<br />

and aggregate basic physical resources to more complex and<br />

elaborate services. As illustrated in [12], the technology gap<br />

between the Grid community and the Web services community<br />

has continuously been narrowed and recently resulted<br />

in the OGSA WSRF Basic Profile 1.0 in which the two technologies<br />

converge into so called Grid services or OGSA<br />

services which can be seen as stateful extensions to classic<br />

Web services [8]. A recent and prominent example for<br />

the application of Web services in the Grid context is Amazon’s<br />

Elastic Compute Cloud that allows Web service-based<br />

deployment of applications on Amazon’s compute platform<br />

[1].<br />

A further example for such a Grid service-based application<br />

with distinct properties and requirements is a video<br />

surveillance environment as described in [15]. Imagine an<br />

office building which accommodates several organizations,<br />

each operating video surveillance cameras. The aim of<br />

the surveillance system is to detect persons and track their<br />

movement across the facility. The analysis of the resulting<br />

video streams requires vast amounts of computing power.<br />

However, to avoid each organization having to deploy its<br />

own, separate cluster and to increase resource utilization,<br />

the organizations deploy one common inter-organizational<br />

compute Grid. In order to perform target separation, the<br />

analysis of a video stream performs a set of tasks which run<br />

sequentially in a pipeline: motion detection, body detection,<br />

direction estimation – in which direction is the person moving?<br />

– and field of vision detection – what is the identity of<br />

the spotted person? Each of these tasks can be encapsulated<br />

Figure 1. Grid service pipeline<br />


in a Grid service which can then be instantiated multiple<br />

times, possibly spread across multiple physical machines.<br />

Each video stream runs sequentially through these Grid services<br />

as illustrated in figure 1.<br />

If computer resources are scarce, a scheduling strategy<br />

is needed that decides which Grid service should be allocated<br />

to which camera feed at what time. Classic technical<br />

scheduling mechanisms such at first-come-first-serve or fair<br />

share are solely built on system-centric measures. Consequently,<br />

they do not take into account the strategic dimension<br />

in Grids, i.e. self-interested organizations with heterogeneous<br />

preferences and objectives [5]. For instance, during<br />

some periods of time, the required security level may<br />

vary within organizations. With technical scheduling mechanisms,<br />

these organizations cannot express this variation<br />

in their valuation of the shared Grid services. Economic<br />

scheduling mechanisms are deemed promising to provide a<br />

better fit to the Grid’s inter-organizational nature by allowing<br />

both service requesters and providers to express valuations<br />

in addition to technical metrics. Ultimately, prices are<br />

formed which help to balance dynamic demand and supply<br />

in the Grid. The system can thus induce service requesters<br />

to distribute excess demand over time. In addition, the system<br />

gives service providers incentives to contribute idle resources<br />

to the Grid.<br />

This paper is structured as follows. In section 2, the<br />

requirements for an economic scheduling mechanism for<br />

dynamic Web service applications are outlined. Section 3<br />

discusses related work on this class of scheduling mechanisms.<br />

In section 4 we introduce a mechanism for machine<br />

scheduling proposed by Heydenreich et al. in [11] and subsequently<br />

showcase its general applicability for interactive<br />

Grid settings such as the video surveillance application at<br />

hand in section 5. We will point to some limitations and extend<br />

this mechanism in the Grid context in section 6 before<br />

we recapitulate the main points in section 7.<br />

2. Requirements<br />

The video surveillance Grid service application poses a<br />

number of requirements towards an economic scheduling<br />

mechanism [16]:<br />

• Immediacy: The timing of the allocation is crucial.<br />

The allocation of services in this scenario is time critical<br />

as the monitored objects are dynamic in relatively<br />

constant movement and the workflow of services is<br />

sensitive to the order of execution [15]. For instance,<br />

the direction estimation process may not be executed<br />

prior to the body detection process. Consequently, a<br />

so called online mechanism is needed which allocates<br />

requests as soon as they arrive in the system instead of<br />

pooling and allocating requests and offers periodically.<br />

• Allocative efficiency: This requirement addresses that<br />

there should be no “waste” of resources; the system is<br />

supposed to make optimal use of its resources.<br />

• Decentralized scheduling removes the need for a central<br />

bottleneck which may not scale sufficiently or<br />

cause the whole system to fall over, an aspect that is<br />

crucial for large scale applications.<br />

• Incentive compatibility: participants cannot benefit<br />

from cheating the mechanism, i.e. reporting any valuation<br />

for a service other than their true valuation.<br />

• A mechanism is said to be individually rational if its<br />

users cannot suffer any loss in utility from participating.<br />

• The payment scheme of a budget-balanced mechanism<br />

is designed such that it does not require any subsidies;<br />

the payments to service providers are covered by the<br />

payments from service requesters. Any mechanism<br />

must be both individually rational and budget-balanced<br />

in order to be sustainable over time.<br />

In the following, we are interested in economic scheduling<br />

mechanisms that satisfy those requirements.<br />

3. Related Work<br />

There are two main classes of economic scheduling<br />

mechanisms with respect to the mode of allocation: mechanisms<br />

which execute periodically and mechanisms which<br />

execute continuously.<br />

Hitherto, periodic economic mechanisms have received<br />

the most interest from the economic mechanism design<br />

community. The prototype SPAWN implements a market for<br />

computing resources in which each workstation auctions off<br />

idle computing time to multiple applications by means of a<br />

Vickrey auction [17]. All resources are allocated to at most<br />

one application at a time regardless of this application’s actual<br />

demand which yields low resource utilization. POP-<br />

CORN is a Web-based market for computing power which<br />

implements a Vickrey auction as well as two double auctions<br />

[14]. While these two mechanisms focus on the trading<br />

of processing power only, Schnizler et al. elaborate a<br />

multi-attribute combinatorial exchange (MACE) in which<br />

users are allowed to request and offer arbitrary b<strong>und</strong>les of<br />

Grid resources and can specify quality attributes on these<br />

resources [16]. MACE implements an exact mechanism.<br />

The scheduling problem in this combinatorial setting is NPhard,<br />

the pricing scheme of MACE yields approximately<br />

incentive compatible prices.<br />

The BELLAGIO system also implements an exact combinatorial<br />

exchange for computing resources [3]. Being an<br />

exact mechanism it shares the computational drawbacks of<br />


MACE. In the mechanism proposed by Bapna et al., multiple<br />

requesters and providers can trade both computing<br />

power and memory for a sequence of time slots [4]. First,<br />

an exact mechanism is introduced. By imposing both fairness<br />

constraints and one common valuation across all resource<br />

providers, the search space in the <strong>und</strong>erlying combinatorial<br />

allocation problem is structured as to establish one<br />

common, incentive compatible price per time slot for all<br />

accepted requests. Additionally, this introduces a linear ordering<br />

across all jobs and time which reduces the complexity<br />

of the allocation problem, which, however, still remains<br />

NP-hard. To mitigate this computational complexity, a fast,<br />

greedy heuristic is proposed at the expense of both incentive<br />

compatibility and efficiency. All of these approaches may<br />

be applicable for batch applications where immediacy can<br />

be sacrificed in return for increased economic efficiency.<br />

However, due to periodic allocation, the complexity of the<br />

<strong>und</strong>erlying allocation problem and the necessary time to actually<br />

compute the allocation, all of these mechanisms are<br />

inappropriate for interactive Grid settings and do not satisfy<br />

the required immediacy needed for the video surveillance<br />

Grid service application at hand. Consequently, a continuous<br />

economic mechanism is required.<br />

The most prevalent continuous economic mechanisms –<br />

also called online mechanisms – are based on the concept<br />

of market-based proportional share as proposed in [5] and<br />

[13]. Each requester receives a fraction of the total available<br />

resources according to her share in the total reported<br />

valuation across all requesters; i.e., if requester i out of n<br />

requesters reported a valuation of v i , she will receive a fraction<br />

amounting to v i / ∑ n<br />

j=1 v j of the resource. The problem<br />

with market-based proportional share is that it does<br />

generally not support Quality of Service assertions. The<br />

mechanism holds the risk that requesters are not able to<br />

obtain the necessary resources [13]; the share of resources<br />

provided to a requester, i.e. the actual service level returned<br />

to the requester, will generally be below or above this requester’s<br />

required service level. More importantly, the basic<br />

form of market-based proportional share as suggested in<br />

[5] does not support advance reservation and may result in<br />

high latency which is fatal for interactive applications [13].<br />

The AUCTION SHARE mechanism proposed by Lai et al.<br />

extends the basic market-based proportional share mechanism<br />

as to support low latency, advance reservations and an<br />

incentive compatible pricing scheme [13].<br />

In summary, the employed mechanisms proposed for<br />

Grids do not fully satisfy all requirements stated in section<br />

2.<br />

4. A Decentralized Local Greedy Mechanism<br />

A Grid environment consists of a set of individual users<br />

(agents) which we will assume to act rationally and selfishly,<br />

meaning the agents intend to maximize their individual<br />

benefit from participating in the Grid. In the following,<br />

this setting will be introduced as an instance of the class of<br />

machine scheduling problems P| r j | ∑ w j C j [9].<br />

Agents submit (computational) tasks to the system, so<br />

called jobs. A job j is specified by the tuple t j =<br />

(r j , p j , w j ) where r j ∈ R + 0 denotes the job’s release date,<br />

p j ∈ R + the job’s processing time and w j ∈ R + the job’s<br />

weight, i.e. the job’s cost of waiting for one additional unit<br />

of time. When requesting resources for the execution of a<br />

job, the selfish agent 1 j may strategically submit the request<br />

(its type [10]) ˜t j = (˜r j , ˜p j , ˜w j ) ≠ t j to the system.<br />

The Grid infrastructure consists of m identical, parallel<br />

machines M = {1, ..., m}. We restrict the strategic analysis<br />

of this setting to selfish behavior on the demand side only<br />

and consequently assume that machines always report true<br />

information about their status to the system.<br />

Each of the jobs J = {1, ..., n} can be executed on any of<br />

the m machines. Jobs are assumed to be numbered in order<br />

of their release dates, i.e. j < k ⇒ ˜r j ≤ ˜r k . Each machine<br />

can process one job at a time. Preemption of jobs is not<br />

allowed, meaning once a job has been started, it cannot be<br />

interrupted externally.<br />

For this setting, Heydenreich et al. [10] propose a DE-<br />


which aims at maximizing the agents’ overall “happiness”<br />

by minimizing the sum of the jobs’ weighted completion<br />

times ∑ j∈J w jC j – the costs induced by the system –<br />

where C j denotes j’s actual completion time.<br />

DLGM comprises the following steps:<br />

1. At its chosen release date ˜r j , job j communicates<br />

˜w j and ˜p j to every machine m ∈ M. It is assumed<br />

that a machine can postpone its release date, therefore<br />

˜r j ≥ r j . The processing time can only be overstated<br />

(˜p j ≥ p j ), e.g. by adding unnecessary calculations,<br />

but not <strong>und</strong>erstated since this could easily be detected<br />

and punished by the mechanism [10]. The weight ˜w j<br />

can be reported arbitrarily.<br />

2. Based on the received information (˜r j , ˜p j , ˜w j ), the machines<br />

communicate a (tentative) completion time Ĉj<br />

and a (tentative) payment ˆπ j to the job. The tentativeness<br />

is due to the fact that later arriving jobs might<br />

overtake job j. This leads to a final (ex-post) completion<br />

time C j ≥ Ĉj and a final (ex-post) payment<br />

π j ≤ ˆπ j as compensation payments by overtaking<br />

jobs might occur (see below). The local scheduling<br />

on each machine follows the ”weighted shortest processing<br />

time first” (WSPT) policy. Jobs are assigned<br />

a priority value according to their ratio of weight and<br />

processing time: job j has a higher priority than job k<br />

1 In the following we will use the terms “agent” and “job” interchangeably.<br />


⇔ ˜w j /˜p j ≥ ˜w k /˜p k and is thus inserted in front of k<br />

into the waiting queue at the machine. Ties may be resolved<br />

by time of arrival or randomly, for instance. Let<br />

H(j) denote the set of jobs with higher priority than<br />

j and L(j) be the set of jobs with lower priority than<br />

j, respectively. Furthermore, let S j denote the point in<br />

time when job j is started to be processed and b i (t) the<br />

remaining processing units of the currently executed<br />

job at time t on machine i. j → i indicates that job j<br />

is assigned to machine i. Then (tentative) completion<br />

times Ĉj(i) and payments ˆπ j (i), j ∈ J and i ∈ M, can<br />

be computed as<br />

∑<br />

Ĉ j (i) = ˜r j + b i (˜r j ) +<br />

˜p k + ˜p j<br />

k∈ H(j),k→i,k

formance can be assured; the objective value ∑ j∈J w jC j –<br />

which is to be minimized – resulting from the online mechanism<br />

where information about jobs is gradually becoming<br />

available is compared to the the optimal solution by an<br />

offline mechanism whose computations are based on prior<br />

knowledge of the entire information space. Heydenreich et<br />

al. [10] derive a value of ρ = 3.281 for DLGM, meaning the<br />

objective value of DLGM is guaranteed to be no more than<br />

ρ = 3.281 times the objective value of an optimal offline<br />

mechanism.<br />

5. Sample Scenario<br />

In this section, we provide a numerical example to<br />

demonstrate the applicability of the DLGM to the video<br />

surveillance environment introduced in section 1. In our<br />

example setting, there are five cameras performing video<br />

stream analysis with the aim of target separation. A job<br />

can in this context be interpreted as a segment of a video<br />

stream which needs to be analyzed. According to the Grid<br />

service pipeline illustrated in figure 1, each job requests to<br />

be assigned sequentially to the four task types. For the sake<br />

of simplicity, we confine our example to the first two tasks<br />

in the pipeline, i.e. motion detection (MD) and body detection<br />

(BD) (cf. figure 1). Furthermore, the critical job<br />

restriction is neglected. Each of the tasks is encapsulated<br />

in a corresponding Grid service. We assume that we have<br />

two machines for each Grid service, i.e. MD 1 and MD 2<br />

for motion detection and BD 1 and BD 2 for body detection.<br />

The different job types are generated sequentially in<br />

the given order at each camera: only when a MD-job has<br />

been processed and the result has been transferred back to<br />

the camera, a BD-job can be generated. This illustrates<br />

the interactive processing mode of this Grid service application.<br />

We can partly avoid combinatorial problems since<br />

it is not possible that e.g. a direction estimation job is executed<br />

without the <strong>und</strong>erlying motion detection job being<br />

completed. Note, however, that it is still possible that the<br />

MD-part of a camera feed is being analyzed but the camera<br />

is not able to subsequently obtain the BD-service. A job<br />

which is released at time t can be started being processed at<br />

time t + 1. The order in which jobs with identical release<br />

dates are being considered by the machines is determined<br />

randomly; the same holds for the cameras’s choice between<br />

two machines if both yield the same utility. Table 1 lists<br />

all the generated jobs with the respective camera and service<br />

type as well as their type (˜r, ˜p, ˜w) and the priority ratio<br />

˜w/˜p.<br />

The waiting queues for each service and timestep are illustrated<br />

in figure 2; empty queues have been omitted, active<br />

jobs are highlighted. At time r = 0, cameras 1 to 3<br />

each generate a MD-job. All jobs report to the two MDmachines<br />

which compute tentative completion times and<br />

job camera service ˜r ˜p ˜w ˜w/˜p<br />

1MD 1 MD 0 2 6 3<br />

2MD 2 MD 0 4 5 1.25<br />

3MD 3 MD 0 1 6 6<br />

4MD 4 MD 1 1 10 10<br />

5MD 5 MD 2 2 7 3.5<br />

3BD 3 BD 2 2 11 5.5<br />

1BD 1 BD 3 2 5 2.5<br />

4BD 4 BD 3 1 8 8<br />

Table 1. Job generation at the cameras in<br />

chronological order<br />

Figure 2. Sample waiting queues<br />

job Ĉ j (MD 1 ) ˆπ j (MD 1 ) û j (MD 1 ) choice<br />

Ĉ j (MD 2 ) ˆπ j (MD 2 ) û j (MD 2 )<br />

1MD 0+0+0+2=2 0 -12 MD 1<br />

0+0+0+2=2 0 -12<br />

2MD 0+0+2+4=6 0 -30 MD 2<br />

0+0+0+4=4 0 -20<br />

3MD 0+0+0+1=1 1*6=6 -6-6=-12 MD 2<br />

0+0+0+1=1 1*5=5 -6-5=-11<br />

4MD 1+1+0+1=3 0 -30 MD 2<br />

1+0+0+1=2 1*5=5 -20-5=-25<br />

5MD 2+0+0+2=4 0 -28 MD 1<br />

2+0+0+2=4 1*10=10 -28-10=-38<br />

Table 2. Motion Detection (MD) service<br />


job Ĉ j (BD 1 ) ˆπ j (BD 1 ) û j (BD 1 ) choice<br />

Ĉ j (BD 2 ) ˆπ j (BD 2 ) û j (BD 2 )<br />

3BD 2+0+0+2 = 4 0 -44 BD 1<br />

2+0+0+2 = 4 0 -44<br />

1BD 3+1+0+2 = 6 0 -30 BD 2<br />

3+0+0+2 = 5 0 -25<br />

4BD 3+1+0+1 = 5 0 -40 BD 2<br />

3+0+0+1 = 4 1*5 = 5 -32-5 = -37<br />

Table 3. Body Detection (BD) service<br />

payments (cf. table 2). With no other jobs being present at<br />

any machine, camera 1 selects MD 1 to execute job 1MD<br />

since it yields a higher utility. Camera 2’s job 2MD is<br />

being considered next; due to the occupation of MD 1 by<br />

job 1MD, 2MD is scheduled on the other machine MD 2 .<br />

Since both jobs are allocated to idle machines, they do not<br />

need to compensate any other jobs. Next, job 3MD is evaluated.<br />

Both MD-machines now already have one job waiting<br />

to be executed from the next timestep on. But since<br />

MD 3 ’ s priority value exceeds the other two jobs’ priority,<br />

it can overtake them. With a payment of $5, job 2MD is<br />

”cheaper” to compensate and thus 3MD is scheduled on<br />

machine MD 2 in front of 2MD. The execution of job<br />

1MD on MD 1 and 3MD on MD 2 will start in the following<br />

period r = 1. The next job being generated is 4MD by<br />

camera 4 which shifts job 2MD at MD 2 further back in the<br />

waiting queue due to its higher priority and consequently<br />

pays $5 in compensation. MD 2 is chosen instead of MD 1<br />

since it can guarantee an earlier completion time. Two new<br />

jobs emerge at time r = 2, another MD-job at camera 5 as<br />

well as the first BD-job 3BD arising as a result from the already<br />

completed MD-job 3MD. Camera 5 chooses MD 1<br />

since no compensation payments are due, while the completion<br />

time is the same as for MD 2 . 3BD can choose from<br />

the two empty BD-machines (cf. table 3). Concerning the<br />

two BD-jobs 1BD and 4BD being generated in r = 3,<br />

1BD is considered first and placed at the empty machine<br />

BD 2 . It is, however, immediately being displaced by the<br />

higher-prioritized job 4BD which gains more utility from<br />

the earlier completion time feasible at BD 2 than from waiting<br />

at BD 1 even though it has to compensate 1BD with<br />

$5.<br />

6. Limitations and Possible Extensions<br />

Despite some striking features outlined in section 4,<br />

DLGM also suffers from drawbacks. In this section, we<br />

show a few of the identified limitations of the basic mechanism<br />

and point to extensions that may alleviate the problems.<br />

First, DLGM does not fully account for the interorganizational<br />

nature of Grids; strategic and self-interested<br />

behavior is modeled on the demand side only. Jobs have private<br />

information about their type and may misreport about it<br />

in hope for a utility gain. The supply side, i.e. the machines<br />

offering their service for the execution of jobs, is assumed<br />

to be ”obedient”. Since jobs are the ones determining the<br />

allocation by choosing their favorite location for execution,<br />

the machines’ action space is restricted to (truthfully) reporting<br />

tentative completion times and payments to the jobs<br />

upon request. Neither are they granted the right to select the<br />

jobs they want to execute themselves, nor does the design<br />

of the mechanism leave room for strategic behavior in terms<br />

of misstating completion time and/or payments. Moreover,<br />

with the basic setting, machines do not get any reward for<br />

contributing to the system. Their behavior is assumed to<br />

be beneficial and altruistic. Consequently, DLGM is only<br />

suitable for scheduling scarce resources that are <strong>und</strong>er centralized<br />

control. The design of a mechanism which accounts<br />

for strategic behavior on both sides of the market serves as<br />

a goal for future research.<br />

Another weakness of DLGM becomes observable when<br />

taking a closer look at the example provided in the previous<br />

section. Since job 2MD queues first at machine MD 2 , it<br />

does not displace any present job and this exempts it from<br />

having to make an immediate payment. However, it subsequently<br />

receives compensation payments amounting to $10<br />

from the overtaking jobs 3MD and 4MD. 2MD could<br />

thus have exploited the payment scheme by adding unnecessary<br />

computing instructions at the end of its regular code<br />

or even creating a whole artificial job with entirely senseless<br />

computations. A relatively simple remedy for preventing<br />

jobs from exploiting the mechanism to earn money may<br />

be to add a variable cost component to the payment scheme.<br />

This can be done by introducing z i ∈ R + which equals the<br />

operating costs per timestep for machine i. When extending<br />

the scenario to feature strategically acting machines which<br />

can misreport about Ĉj and ˆπ j , machines may be allowed to<br />

individually report their operating costs z i . To incorporate<br />

the operating costs in the mechanism, the tentative payment<br />

ˆπ j has to be extended:<br />

∑<br />

ˆπ j = ˜p j (˜z i +<br />

˜w k ).<br />

k∈ L(j),k→i,kr j<br />

The introduction of z (respectively ˜z) does on the one side<br />

have a positive effect on jobs. They are provided with an<br />

incentive to claim only as much processing time as needed<br />

since every unit of useless computation now costs money.<br />

On the other hand, it becomes possible to at least cover<br />

the expenses the machines incur for executing the jobs and<br />

computing the priority values, (tentative) completion times<br />

and (tentative) payments as well as the continuous interjob<br />

compensations. Assuring incentive compatibility on the<br />

supply side is yet another issue to be tackled in future work.<br />


Allowing preemptiveness of jobs may further increase<br />

the efficiency of the mechanism. In DLGM in its current<br />

form, a job which is being processed at a machine may not<br />

be interrupted until it is completed. Grid applications like<br />

the video surveillance scenario demand for the possibility to<br />

freeze the execution of a running job if a job with a higher<br />

priority enters the queue. As long as a job can be stopped<br />

at any point in time, the procedure of the mechanism needs<br />

to be adjusted only slightly: When a job j asks a machine<br />

for Ĉj and ˆπ j , the machine also considers the priority value<br />

of the currently executed job l . If the priority of the incoming<br />

job is higher, i.e. ˜w j /˜p j > ˜w l /˜p l , the current job l is<br />

“frozen”, its processing time set to the remaining processing<br />

time, and it is put back into the queue. Enabling suspension<br />

of jobs requires additional memory space for saving the<br />

preliminary results of a job; they are transmitted to the job<br />

initiator only when the job is completed to avoid communicational<br />

overload. The formula for computing the tentative<br />

completion time of a job j has to be changed to<br />

∑<br />

Ĉ j (i) = ˜r j +<br />

˜p k + ˜p j .<br />

k∈ H(j),k→i,k

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[4] R. Bapna, S. Das, R. Garfinkel, and J. Stallaert. A Market<br />

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forthcoming, 2006.<br />

[5] B. N. Chun and D. E. Culler. Market-based proportional<br />

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distributed systems integration. Technical report, Globus<br />

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[7] I. Foster, H. Kishimoto, A. Savva, D. Berry, A. Djaoui,<br />

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J. Treadwel, and J. V. Reich. The open grid services<br />

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Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies<br />

Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)<br />

IOS Press, 2006 Amsterdam<br />

ISBN: 1-58603-682-3<br />

Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management<br />

– Policy-based Automated Bidding<br />

Dirk NEUMANN<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>), Universität Karlsruhe (TH),<br />

Engler Str. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

Tel: +49 721 608 8377, Fax: + +4 721 608 8399, Email: Neumann@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract: For decades markets have been proposed for allocating computer<br />

resources in distributed systems. None of these approaches has made it into practice.<br />

One reason for the adoption failure that has been rarely discussed is the bidding<br />

process. Theoretic approaches assume that the bidders know their bids exactly. This<br />

includes the specific resource, which is needed at some time in the future, as well as<br />

the price. This assumption simplifies reality and can thus not contribute to the<br />

development of Grid markets. What is needed to establish a prospering Grid market<br />

are rules how to conduct the bidding. Since demand & supply are dynamic, manual<br />

bidding is too slow to accommodate abrupt shifts. This paper introduces a policy<br />

based autonomous agent approach for automated bidding. By means of the policies<br />

resource providers and consumers can specify how Grid resources are being traded.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The vision of a complete virtualization of Information and Communication Technology<br />

(ICT) infrastructures by the provision of resources like computing power or storage over<br />

Grid infrastructures will make the development of Open Grid Markets necessary. Over the<br />

Open Grid Market idle or unused resources (e.g. computational resources) can be supplied<br />

(e.g. as services) and client demand can be satisfied not only within organization but also<br />

among multiple administrative domains.<br />

In conventional IT environments, the decision “who shares with whom, at what time” is<br />

orchestrated via central server that uses scheduling algorithms in order to maximize<br />

resource utilization. Those central scheduling algorithms, however, have problems when<br />

organizational bo<strong>und</strong>aries are crossed and information about demand and supply are<br />

manipulated. In particular, if demand exceeds supply, the scheduling algorithms fail to<br />

allocate the resources efficiently.<br />

The further virtualization of ICT infrastructure and services requires technical solutions<br />

that allow for an economically efficient allocation of resources. Economic mechanisms can<br />

be the basis for technological solutions that handle these problems by setting the right<br />

incentives to reveal information about demand and supply accurately. Market or pricing<br />

mechanisms foster information exchange and can therefore attain efficient allocations.<br />

The idea of introducing markets in distributed systems is certainly not new. Despite<br />

previous efforts, none of the market-based approaches has made it into practice. The<br />

reasons can briefly be summarized by the following three arguments: (1) inadequate market<br />

design, (2) insufficient support to use the markets, and (3) improper coupling between the<br />

market and state of the art middleware.<br />

The SORMA project (Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management, www.sormaproject.eu)<br />

will implement a comprehensive Open Grid Market by addressing all three<br />

arguments. Firstly, the economic model provides an so<strong>und</strong> market structure. Secondly, the<br />

self-organization model deals with interaction between the Grid-application and the market<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 172

y providing intelligent tools. Thirdly, the economic middleware model builds the bridge<br />

between the self-organization, the economic model, and state of the art Grid infrastructure.<br />

Integrating those three models into the SORMA system, the Open Grid Market is expected<br />

to take off in practice and help realizing the benefits of Grid technologies. Potential target<br />

groups of the Open Grid Markets range from server farms, over large companies to SMEs,<br />

which strive for lowering the total cost of ownership for ICT resources.<br />

The design of Open Grid Markets and related issues attempting to move business to<br />

Grid are currently hotly debated <strong>und</strong>er the label Grid Economics. In this context, this paper<br />

concentrates on the self-organization model and shows how policies can be used to<br />

automate the bidding process. This paper is unique as it proposes a novel approach on<br />

bidding in Grid and reconciles research on Grid markets and on technical middleware.<br />

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In section 2 the SORMA system,<br />

enabling self-organized ICT resource <strong>management</strong> is illustrated. In section 3, the policybased<br />

working of the bidding component is showed. Section 4 concludes with a summary<br />

and a brief outlook.<br />

2. The SORMA System<br />

The lessons learned from the previous efforts to establish markets in distributed system<br />

gave rise to the SORMA project. The overall objective of SORMA is the development of<br />

methods and tools for establishing an efficient market-based allocation for ICT resources in<br />

a more efficient way in order to enable resource accessibility for all users and to increase<br />

user’s satisfaction, profit and productivity.<br />

Grid Application<br />

Payment Interface<br />

Open Grid<br />

Market<br />

Resource<br />

Monitoring<br />

Clearing &<br />

Billing<br />

Security<br />

Contract<br />

Management<br />

Market<br />

Connector<br />

Intelligent Tools<br />

Economic Grid Middleware<br />

Grid Market<br />

Directory<br />

Bidding<br />

Component<br />

Resource<br />

Decomposition<br />

Accounting<br />

Resource<br />

Auditing<br />

Grid<br />

Middleware<br />

Extended<br />

Resource<br />

Management<br />

Common Virtualization Middleware<br />

(Globus, UNICORE,...)<br />

Resource Fabrics<br />

Figure 1: The SORMA System<br />

SORMA uses concepts from autonomic computing [2, 9], such that the ICT resource<br />

allocation process is automatically and autonomously conducted. Once the bidding process<br />

is virtualized, the ICT system of an organization will self-organize its resource<br />

<strong>management</strong>: overcapacity is offered on the market, while <strong>und</strong>ercapacity initiates a buying<br />

process. Markets and self-organization go thus hand in hand.<br />

The SORMA system combines all those areas of self-organizing ICT resource<br />

<strong>management</strong> in a holistic way. This is reflected by the high-level architecture, which<br />

consists of the following building blocks: Open Grid Market, Intelligent Tools and<br />

Economic Grid Middleware (Figure 1). In the following, the focus is on the bidding<br />

component. Since bidding without a market is meaningless, the architecture of the Open<br />

Grid Market is presented.<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 173

2.1. Open Grid Market<br />

The Open Grid Market consists of the service consumers and providers, representing<br />

demand and supply, and of the software system that implements the market functionalities.<br />

Service consumers are those entities that request specific services. For example, a bionumerical<br />

simulation application requests computation and storage services. As it is the<br />

goal to have a self-organizing ICT resource <strong>management</strong>, the service consumer is<br />

considered to be the specific Grid application, which provides runtime data of the<br />

requestor’s system. Based on this data, service requests are initiated including detailed<br />

service type requirements (e.g. storage service) and quality of service constraints (e.g. ><br />

300GB free space for 4 hours). It is assumed that approximate quality and time constraints<br />

of the requested services can be determined using prediction models [e.g. 1].<br />

On the service provider side, computer nodes host a set of Grid services (e.g.<br />

computation service or storage service) and provide information about their current quality<br />

characteristics and availability. The node includes a resource manager that provides runtime<br />

data about scheduling, allocating, and monitoring of local resources. This resource manager<br />

makes use of prediction models in order to determine the approximate future availability of<br />

the <strong>und</strong>erlying computational resources.<br />

The Open Grid Market component aggregates the bids from service providers and users<br />

into an allocation of resources and corresponding prices. Crucial for the working of the<br />

Open Grid Market is the clearing mechanism component, which implements the logic how<br />

the market is resolved (i.e. auction formats). In the SORMA framework, the clearing<br />

mechanism can be arbitrarily defined. The MACE auction is deemed promising for a use in<br />

Grids, as it allows service requesters and providers the simultaneous submission of bids on<br />

heterogeneous services expressing substitutes and complements [8]. Bids, encoded as WS-<br />

Agreement offers, are submitted to an order book. The auction determines an allocation and<br />

the corresponding prices either regularly or continuously.<br />

The objective of the allocation process in MACE is the maximization of social welfare,<br />

i.e. the difference between the buyers' valuations and the sellers' reservation prices. The<br />

problem is formulated as a linear Mixed Integer Program and, thus, can be solved by<br />

standard optimization solvers. The outcome of the winner determination model is allocative<br />

efficient, as long as buyers and sellers reveal their valuations truthfully. The incentive to set<br />

bids according to the valuation is induced by an efficient pricing mechanism. MACE<br />

implements a k-pricing scheme and as such determines prices for buyers and sellers on the<br />

basis of the difference between their bids. For instance, presume a buyer wants to buy a<br />

computation service for 5 and a seller wants to sell a computation service for at least 4. The<br />

difference between these bids is ζ =1, i.e. ζ is the surplus of this transaction and can be<br />

distributed among the participants. This schema can be applied to MACE and results in an<br />

approximate efficient outcome [8].<br />

2.2. Bidding Component<br />

When describing the Open Grid Market, it was mentioned that service consumer and<br />

providers submit bids that express their demand and supply situation. This implies that the<br />

Grid applications and the computing nodes have the capabilities to determine reasonable<br />

bids. In Grid markets generating reasonable bids can become very complex for several<br />

reasons: For example demand and supply fluctuates dynamically and is in most of the cases<br />

unknown, valuations are unknown and bidding strategies have not yet developed.<br />

The bidding component in SORMA consists of two elements: a Bidding Agent that<br />

generates bids and forwards them to the clearing mechanism and an Administration<br />

Interface that allows the control and configuration of the agent [7].<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 174

• The Administration Interface specifies user policies. Policies are mostly static and do<br />

not change frequently. They define general rules <strong>und</strong>er which condition, when and how<br />

bids are being generated. These policies are either entered manually via a human control<br />

interface or imported from other sources in a company.<br />

• A Bidding Agent implements a bid generation process, which is based on policies as<br />

well as runtime data. It is also responsible for submitting bids to the market mechanism.<br />

The agent interacts with the Open Grid Market in order to gain auction feedback (e.g.<br />

current highest price) which influences its bidding decisions. The agent specifies all<br />

attributes of an order (e.g. price and bidding time) autonomously.<br />

The Bidding Agent integrates policies as well as runtime information via an ontology.<br />

Ontologies are logic-based representation languages that executable calculi. This is required<br />

by the agent in order to query and reason about this information during run-time. To capture<br />

system information as well as policies we rely on the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and<br />

a decidable fragment of the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) defined in [6].<br />

3. Policy-based Bidding<br />

This section introduces the reasoning behavior of the bidding agent, which autonomously<br />

derives one or several bids based on system and market information. In essence, the<br />

generation is guided by policies. Policies are considered as declarative rules defined by the<br />

user to adapt and control the behavior of the system. Policies are thus adequate to represent<br />

the logic (i.e. the business model) for bidding. Policies are specified by the administrator<br />

using the human control interface. The bidding component receives system information<br />

from the local resource manager of an application or computational nodes.<br />

By means of policies this system information is interpreted and appropriate bidding<br />

activities (e.g. submission or manipulation of bids) are initiated. The general bid generation<br />

process performed by the bidding component is distinguished into four steps (c.f. Figure 2).<br />

Demand<br />

Curve<br />

Market<br />

Information<br />

Demand<br />

Curve<br />

Grid<br />

Ontology<br />

System Information<br />

Monitoring<br />

Attribute<br />

Determination<br />

Bid expansion<br />

Bid specification<br />

Bidding<br />

Policies<br />

Pricing, QoS<br />

Policies<br />

Expansion<br />

Policies<br />

Bid Generation Process<br />

User Policies<br />

Figure 2: Bid Generation Process [7]<br />

In a first step, monitoring information, derived from the resource manager, is explored<br />

to assess whether a bid is submitted. This decision is based on (1) the current and on the<br />

predicted utilization of the resource or (2) on the expected demand of the application and on<br />

the preferences of the user.<br />

In case demand or supply situation requires the submission of one or more bids, the<br />

concrete properties of the bids are determined by taking information from the market<br />

mechanism, as well as utilization, and user policies into account (second step).<br />

In a third step, the bid is expanded by means of a domain ontology that contains<br />

taxonomical and composition information. This step assures that different levels of<br />

abstraction in descriptions of bids do not lead to inefficiencies in the market. In addition, it<br />

reflects the fact that several Grid services can be offered and requested within one order.<br />

Finally, before forwarding to the market the bid is serialized using a WS-Agreement<br />

template to assure interoperability with the market mechanism.<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 175

3.1. Information Gathering<br />

The bid generation process is triggered by a decision event. This decision event depends on<br />

the actual and expected utilization of the ICT resource or the demand of the application,<br />

respectively. The functions, which represent either the availability of the resources or the<br />

demand of an application are denoted as load curves D(t). Load curves are obtained from<br />

the resource manager by means of prediction models.<br />

Based on the load curves and on the bidding policies defined by the user a decision is<br />

made. For example, a simple bidding policy may specify that a bid must be submitted to the<br />

Open Grid Market in case the demand is predicted to exceed a certain threshold υc within<br />

the interval t 0 to t 1 . That means, a bid has to be submitted in case D(t) > υc holds at least for<br />

one t with t 0 < t < t 1 . The policy specifying if a bid b has to be generated within a certain<br />

planning interval p based on threshold value υ as well as the overall capacity c:<br />

issueBid(?b,?p) ← PlanningInterval(?p), lowerBo<strong>und</strong>(?p,?t1), upperBo<strong>und</strong>(?p,?t2), Time(?t),<br />

load(?t,?dt), greaterThan(?t,?t1), greaterThan(?t2,?t),hasThreshold(?b,?v), hasCapacity(?b,?c),<br />

multiply(?v,?c,?e), greaterThan(?dt,?e)<br />

The length of the interval should be determined according to the minimal slot that can<br />

be requested from one single service provider or that can be provided to a single requester,<br />

respectively. Long-range planning intervals may thereby entail inaccuracies due to load<br />

changes during the interval. Thus, it is referred to mean values. For each interval this step<br />

will be executed only once. Moreover, machine learning approaches can be applied in order<br />

to adapting υ with respect to changing environments.<br />

3.2. Bid Formulation<br />

After the bid formulation has been initiated by the monitoring step the attribute values for a<br />

concrete bid have to be determined. Within each bid the type of Grid service that is required<br />

or offered, quality of service criteria that have to be fulfilled, a time interval in which the<br />

resource is offered/requested, and a range of prices which are acceptable (e.g. maximal or<br />

minimal price) has to be specified in a way that it is optimal with respect to the goals of the<br />

agent. These goals are influenced by three aspects: The user preferences reflected by the<br />

system policies, the system monitoring information, and the current market information. In<br />

the following we show how these three information sources can be integrated in order to<br />

derive attribute values for the individual attributes.<br />

Static Storage Service<br />

Storage Service<br />

Dynamic Storage Service<br />

f,g<br />

1<br />

HDD Service DVD Service RAM Service<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Figure 3: Storage Service Ontology and Eagerness Policies<br />

l(t 0 ,t 1 ), t 0 -t<br />

Service Functionality: The service functionality determines which service is provided<br />

by the computational node, or requested by an application. This information is directly<br />

derived from the resource manager and can be modeled by referring to the corresponding<br />

concept of a Grid ontology, which is based on the JSDL and domain-specific extensions as<br />

shown for the storage service example in the left panel of Figure 3. In a subsequent step, the<br />

relations between the different concepts in the ontology are exploited to improve the<br />

matchmaking of services in the market.<br />

Price: In literature, it is frequently assumed that bidders know their valuations. From<br />

these valuations bidding strategies are derived that are either static such as so-called Zero-<br />

Intelligence bidders or highly adaptive. Unfortunately, for Grid services it is difficult to<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 176

make this assumption that the valuations are known. Thus, we have to refer to a<br />

constructive way to first approximate the valuations.<br />

In our approach we assume that the price for bids is determined by three factors: (a) the<br />

load curve and the resultant eagerness factor, (b) the current price of similar services in the<br />

market and finally (c) the pricing policies of the user.<br />

(a) In order to determine the load that is required from the application within the considered<br />

time frame [t 0 ,, t 1 ] the equation l( t , t ) = max ( D( t)<br />

) is applied to ensure that the demand for<br />

0<br />

1<br />

[ t , t ]<br />

t∈<br />

0 1<br />

that entire period can be fulfilled. For the provider, the minimum is vice versa used to<br />

avoid overstraining the resource.<br />

The eagerness factor µ specifies how quickly consumers or providers will make<br />

concessions in the price. Thus, the eagerness factor can be represented by the equation µ<br />

= f(l(t 0 ,t 1 )) + g(t 0 – t), where the functions f and g can be considered as eagerness<br />

policies, which assign to each load D(t) and each time span t 0 - t a corresponding factor<br />

µ. The right panel of Figure 3 reflects common eagerness policies for the storage<br />

example, which rests on the intuition that the pressure to identify a corresponding<br />

request increases with growing load and decreases with shortening remaining time. The<br />

range of the eagerness factor is defined between zero and a positive rational number R.<br />

According to the policies in our running example this might lead to f(300GB) = 0.3 and<br />

g(60s-0s)=0.6. Consequently, we get an eagerness factor of µ=0.9.<br />

(b) The eagerness factor µ is now used to adapt the current market price m of a service with<br />

the same functionality and similar quality characteristics. This is achieved by means of<br />

the following equation, where p represents the proposed price: p = m µ. Note that in<br />

case µ is greater than one, the price of the bid might surpass the current market price. In<br />

our running example this leads to 90% of the current market price.<br />

However, since the price depends heavily on the quality of the service and it is not<br />

always possible to find services with similar quality characteristics in the market, there<br />

is a need for calculating prices for different quality levels. How this can be done based<br />

on user policies is presented in [3].<br />

(c) Assuring that the price does not adopt any <strong>und</strong>esired value, the provider might<br />

additionally specify pricing policies, which define the valid range for the service prices.<br />

Those pricing policies are not limited to linear prices but can also discriminatory prices<br />

to skim off consumer surplus of heterogeneous users.<br />

In this paper it is referred to rather simple pricing policies. The pricing policies (b) and<br />

(c) can be expressed by the following statements:<br />

price(?s,?p) ← Service(?s), minPrice(?s,?p min ), maxPrice(?s,?p max ), marketPrice(?s,?m),<br />

hasEagernessFactor(?µ), multiply(?m,?µ,?p), greaterThan(?p,?p min ), smallerThan(?p,?p max )<br />

price(?s,?p) ← Service(?s), minPrice(?s,?p), marketPrice(?s,?m), hasEagernessFactor(?µ),<br />

multiply(?m,?µ,?e), smallerThan(?e,?p)<br />

price(?s,?p) ← Service(?s), maxPrice(?s,?p), marketPrice(?s,?m), hasEagernessFactor(?µ),<br />

multiply(?m,?µ,?e), greaterThan(?e,?p)<br />

Quality of Service (QoS): The service offers and requests need to specify the guaranteed<br />

or requested QoS level, since this information is crucial for the subsequent agreement.<br />

However, QoS attributes are highly domain dependent and thus may vary from one service<br />

to another. Our notion of QoS includes attributes ranging from the capacity of a storage<br />

service to the response time or error rate of a computational service.<br />

Information about quality requirements or quality guarantees can be automatically<br />

derived from the computing node or from the application, respectively. For example, as<br />

indicator for the capacity that can be offered or is required in the time interval [t 0 ,, t 1 ] the<br />

value l(t 0 ,, t 1 ) can be used. For this purpose we use the formula cap = φ l(t 0 ,, t 1 ), where the<br />

rate φ allows systematic over-/<strong>und</strong>er-selling or over-/<strong>und</strong>er-buying. In many scenarios φ is<br />

required; especially when contractual penalties are high (typically φ < 1) or working to<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 177

capacity (typically φ > 1) is important. In case of a storage provider a rate of φ = 0.95<br />

might be reasonable to reduce the risk of overselling. This means in the example we would<br />

offer storage capability of cap = φ l(t 0 ,, t 1 ) = 0.95 * 300GB = 285GB.<br />

Time Interval: Since the time interval [t 0 , t 1 ] represents the minimal period which can<br />

be sold to a single consumer or bought from a single service provider, the interval [t 0 , t 1 ]<br />

should also be the slot that is offered or requested in the bid. Moreover, the market<br />

mechanism being used within the framework supports aggregation of quality criteria and<br />

time. This means, several time slots can be aggregated in order to reach an agreement in the<br />

market. Hence, the issue of choosing slots that are too short is not relevant in this context.<br />

3.3. Bid Expansion<br />

Having generated the initial bid, the aim of this section is to improve the probability for<br />

finding a suitable request in the market by a semantic pre-processing of requests: On the<br />

one hand, a Grid service taxonomy is used to introduce alternative bids that can also be<br />

used to describe the corresponding service (vertical bid expansion). On the other hand,<br />

equivalence relations explicitly modelled in an ontology are used to address requests that<br />

could also be fulfilled by a combination of different services (horizontal bid expansion).<br />

Vertical bid expansion: Since offers and requests might be defined on different levels<br />

of abstraction pure syntactic matching may fail. Typically offers can be described very<br />

detailed since providers know exactly what kind of service they provide (e.g. Hard Disk<br />

Service), whereas customers usually define their requests on a rather abstract level (e.g.<br />

Storage Service). Consequently, in the market there will be no match between Hard Disk<br />

Service and Storage Service since the terms<br />

are compared only using strings. Therefore,<br />

we employ a Grid service ontology (c.f.<br />

Figure 3) that serves as backgro<strong>und</strong><br />

knowledge for adding additional XORrelated<br />

bids. By introducing these alternative<br />

bids according to Algorithm 1 we can<br />

overcome the different levels of abstraction<br />

while avoiding inappropriate matches.<br />

Figure 3 shows a taxonomy for storage services which is used to exemplify how bids<br />

can be vertically expanded. Note that since we use formal ontologies the taxonomic<br />

relations either are modelled explicitly or they are derived by means of automatic<br />

classification done by a reasoner. According to Algorithm 1 in case of offers we introduce<br />

an additional XOR-related bid for each concept that is passed when traversing to the root of<br />

the hierarchy. For instance, a HDD Service offer is expanded by adding an offer for a Static<br />

Storage Service and an offer for a Storage Service. This is necessary since a HDD Service<br />

also fulfills the functionality of a Static Storage Service and a Storage Service and thus<br />

should be matched with a request for the latter. In case of a request we have to traverse to<br />

the leafs of the taxonomy since more specific services also fulfill the functionality of the<br />

more general services, e.g. a HDD Service meets the requirements for a Storage Service<br />

request. However, since this expansion could lead to a high number of alternative bids it<br />

might be necessary to limit the depth of such an expansion, which can be done by means of<br />

an expansion policy.<br />

Horizontal bid expansion: Often a requested Grid service can not only be fulfilled by<br />

one single service, but also by a combination of different services. To account for this, the<br />

Grid ontology allows expressing composite services and equivalence relations: A service is<br />

either atomic or composite. Further, an equivalence relation can be defined between<br />

different services. This allows the explicit specification which services provide the same<br />

functionality. By means of the equivalent_to and contains relations new alternative bids can<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 178

e introduced automatically to improve the probability or finding a suitable match in the<br />

market. For example, a mainframe computing service containing computation and storage<br />

can be expanded by adding a XOR-related b<strong>und</strong>le request the two constituting services [4].<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

The presented SORMA project primarily aims at promoting the widest and best possible<br />

use of Grid applications and services. This is attempted by devising incentive mechanisms<br />

that ICT resources are offered and requested in Grid. This requires that the service<br />

providers are compensated for offering their ICT resources by the service consumers. It is a<br />

premise of this paper that markets can <strong>und</strong>ertake this task better than any other coordination<br />

mechanism. This is especially the case if the bidding process is fully automated, such that<br />

the market itself will handle any unforeseen problem in the resource <strong>management</strong> process.<br />

By bringing autonomic and Grid computing as well as economic principles closer<br />

together, market-based approaches have the potential to achieve an economy-wide adoption<br />

of Grid technology and will thus leverage the exploitation of potential Grid technology<br />

offers. To achieve this potential, many Grid Economics related obstacles must be<br />

overcome: markets can only work well if bids accurately reflect demand and supply. If this<br />

is not the case, the market price cannot reflect the correct situation. Thus, the market price<br />

looses its capacity to direct scarce resources to the bidders who value them most.<br />

This paper is unique by recommending an autonomic computing approach for bidding<br />

in Grid markets. By defining policies the business models of the service consumers and<br />

providers can be represented. The proposed bid generation process is currently quite simple<br />

and referring to observations and straightforward rules.<br />

As the next steps, the bid generation process will be implemented and coupled with<br />

available Grid markets and middleware extensions. Subsequently, validation and economic<br />

testing will be performed, gradually improving the bid generation process (incorporating<br />

minimum probabilities of receiving the resources).<br />

References<br />

[1] Kee, Y.-S., H. Casanova, and A. Chien. Realistic Modeling and Synthesis of Resources for<br />

Computational Grids. in ACM Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking. 2004.<br />

[2] Kephart, J.O. and D.M. Chess, The Vision of Autonomic Computing. Computer, 2003. 36(1): p. 41-50.<br />

[3] Lamparter, S., A. Eberhart, and D. Oberle. Approximating Service Utility from Policies and Value<br />

Function Patterns. in International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks. 2005:<br />

IEEE Computer Society.<br />

[4] Lamparter, S. and B. Schnizler. Trading Services in Ontology-driven Markets. in 21st Annual ACM<br />

Symposium on Applied Computing. 2005. Dijon, France.<br />

[5] Ludwig, H., A. Dan, and B. Kearney. Cremona: An Architecture and Library for Creation and<br />

Monitoring of WS-Agreements. in 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing<br />

(ICSOC 2004). 2004.<br />

[6] Motik, B., U. Sattler, and R. Studer, Query Answering for OWL-DL with Rules. Journal of Web<br />

Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 2005. 3: p. 41-60.<br />

[7] Neumann, D., S. Lamparter, and B. Schnizler. Automated Bidding for Trading Grid Services. in<br />

European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). 2006. Goeteborg, Sweden.<br />

[8] Schnizler, B., D. Neumann, and C. Weinhardt. Resource Allocation in Computational Grids - A Market<br />

Engineering Approach. in WeB 2004. 2004. Washington.<br />

[9] Sterritt, R., et al., A concise introduction to autonomic computing. Advanced Engineering Informatics,<br />

2005. 19(3): p. 181-187.<br />

Copyright © 2006 The Authors 179

A Decentralized Online Grid Market – Best myopic vs. rational response<br />

Dirk Neumann 1 , Nikolay Borissov 1 , Jochen Stoesser 1 ,<br />

and Simon See 2<br />

1 <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management, University Karlsruhe (TH), Germany<br />

2 Sun Microsystems, Singapore<br />

{neumann, stoesser, borissov}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de; simon.see@sun.com<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Grid computing is a new computing paradigm where processing is distributed across locally dispersed<br />

infrastructures. By connecting many heterogeneous computing resources, virtual computer architectures are<br />

created, increasing the utilization of otherwise idle resources [1]. Grid computing extends the traditional parallel<br />

and distributed computing paradigms as it deals with resources belonging to different administrative domains.<br />

One of the key problems in Grids is the scheduling of jobs, i.e. the decision about what jobs are to be<br />

executed on which machines at what time. Grid computing is hampered by the fact that different administrative<br />

units are involved. Priorities of jobs are communicated by the respective agents, thus opening up possibilities for<br />

strategic misreporting of true job priorities. In these heterogeneous and decentralized settings, markets are<br />

supposed to work well as the pricing mechanisms of markets may force the participants to reveal their true<br />

priorities [2]. Looking at existing market mechanisms, however, there are currently only few mechanisms which<br />

perform real-time scheduling for Grid applications, while at the same time appropriately accounting for the<br />

arising economic design challenges.<br />

To this end, the contributions of this paper are threefold. Firstly, we present the Decentralized Local Greedy<br />

Mechanism (henceforth “DLGM”) by Heydenreich et al. [3], a mechanism from the general machine scheduling<br />

domain which exhibits several desirable properties, and propose its use for Grid environments. Secondly, the<br />

theoretical analysis of DLGM is based on the assumption of simple agents behaving according to a so called<br />

“myopic best response strategy”. By means of a simulation with learning agents, we show that an analysis using<br />

myopic best response strategies overestimates the performance of the mechanism and is thus not an appropriate<br />

solution concept for modeling real-world market-based scheduling mechanisms. As a byproduct of this analysis,<br />

we illustrate the performance benefits of market-based schedulers as opposed to purely technical schedulers<br />

which are solely based on system-centric measures. Thirdly, we point at limitations of the mechanism for the<br />

practical use and suggest remedies that may help to mitigate these drawbacks.<br />

1<br />


This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present related work on the design of Grid market<br />

mechanisms. In Section 3, we present the DLGM mechanism and the concept of myopic best response equilibria<br />

used to analyze its economic worst-case performance. In Section 4, we model agents with learning capabilities,<br />

and contrast the DLGM for myopic best response agents with agents with learning capabilities by means of a<br />

numerical simulation. In Section 5, we point to limitations and possible extensions of the basic DLGM<br />

mechanism, before we conclude the paper in Section 6.<br />

2. Related Work<br />

Economic scheduling mechanisms can be distinguished into two classes according to their mode of<br />

allocation: mechanisms which execute periodically, so called “offline mechanisms”, and mechanisms which<br />

execute continuously, so called “online mechanisms” [4].<br />

In classic mechanism design, offline mechanisms have received the most interest. Examples comprise the<br />

simple Vickrey auction, English auction, Dutch auction, and double auctions [5, 6]. However, many modern<br />

applications in E-Commerce, and in particular in Grid scheduling, involve complementarities between goods.<br />

Examples of the resulting combinatorial mechanisms are MACE [7, 8], Bapna et al [9], and Stoesser et al [10,<br />

11]. All these mechanisms involve a scheduling problem that is NP-hard.<br />

Online mechanism design also allows agents to enter or leave the mechanism dynamically. Parkes et al.<br />

propose an NP-hard online Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism [12]. In a subsequent work, Parkes and<br />

Singh provide an approximation that retains the mechanism’s truth-telling property [13]. The computational<br />

complexity of such mechanisms drives researchers and practitioners to look at simpler allocation models which<br />

can be adapted to real-world scenarios and requirements. Prominent examples are proportional share<br />

mechanisms [14], where the users receive a share of the computer resource proportional to their valuation’s<br />

fraction of the overall valuation across all users. A related online mechanism is the so-called pay-as-bid<br />

mechanism proposed in [15]. In pay-as-bid mechanisms, the agents submit only a single real value as bids which<br />

at the same time make the agents’ final payments.<br />

Heydenreich et al. propose a Decentralized Local Greedy Mechanism (DLGM) [3]. DLGM is a promising<br />

economic mechanism for scheduling interactive Grid applications due to its polynomial runtime, budgetbalanced<br />

payments and incentive compatibility. In the following section, we will introduce the DLGM<br />

mechanism in more detail as we will use it to contrast the game theoretic solution concept of myopic best<br />

response strategies with a learning-based approach.<br />

2<br />


3. A Decentralized Local Greedy Mechanism<br />

3.1. The Setting<br />

In the following, a Grid environment consists of a number of individual agents, which are assumed to act<br />

rationally in the sense that they strive for maximizing their individual benefit from participating in the Grid.<br />

Agents submit computational jobs to the Grid, where a job j is specified by the tuple (its “type”) t j = (r j , p j ,w j ).<br />

The job’s release date is denoted by r j ∈<br />

+<br />

+<br />

R o , the job’s processing time by p j ∈ R , and the agent’s cost of<br />

+<br />

waiting for one additional unit of time until the job is finished (its “weight”) by w j ∈ R<br />

. The quasi-linear utility<br />

function of agent j is defined to be<br />

+<br />

u ( C , π | t ) = −w<br />

C − π , where C j ∈ R , C j ≥ p j , marks j’s completion<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

time, and π<br />

j<br />

∈<br />

+<br />

R o is j’s payment. When requesting resources for the execution of job j, the agent may<br />

~<br />

t =<br />

~ r ,<br />

~<br />

p , w<br />

~<br />

≠ t<br />

strategically choose to submit the request ( )<br />

j j j j j<br />

to the Grid. In the following, we will use thze<br />

terms “job” and “agent” interchangeably. We consider a decentralized setting where the action space of agent j<br />

~<br />

does not only consist of reporting its type t j , but also of subsequently choosing a machine at which to queue.<br />

We will henceforth denote agent j’s action, or strategy, by s j , and we will also write ( s,<br />

t)<br />

for agent j’s utility<br />

given the strategy vector s = ( s ,..., ) and the true types t ( t ,..., )<br />

1<br />

s n<br />

= .<br />

The Grid infrastructure consists of m identical, parallel machines M = {1, ..., m}. The strategic analysis of<br />

this setting is restricted to strategic behavior on the demand side only. Machines are assumed to report truthfully<br />

about their status. Each job can be executed on any machine, but each machine can execute at most one job at a<br />

time.<br />

1<br />

t n<br />

u j<br />

3.2. The Mechanism<br />

For this setting, we propose the use of the DLGM mechanism suggested by [3]. The mechanism aims at<br />

minimizing the total weighted completion time Σw j C j across all jobs. DLGM comprises the following three<br />

steps:<br />

Step 1 – Job submission<br />

At release date<br />

~<br />

r j , j reports w ~ j and<br />

~<br />

p j to every machine m ∈ M.<br />

Step 2 – Real-time planning<br />

Based on this information, the machines perform real-time planning based on a local scheduling policy. Job j<br />

3<br />


has a higher priority value than k ⇔<br />

w<br />

~<br />

~<br />

p<br />

j<br />

j<br />

≥<br />

w<br />

~<br />

~<br />

p<br />

k<br />

k<br />

. Then j is scheduled before job k in the waiting queue.<br />

Depending on the current local waiting queue which resulted from the previous strategies<br />

s − j<br />

of all other agents,<br />

and j’s report ~ t , machine i reports the tentative completion time ˆ ~<br />

~<br />

)<br />

j<br />

C ( i | s− , t to agent j. Cˆ<br />

( i | s<br />

−<br />

, t ) consists<br />

of j’s own runtime plus the runtime of the job which is currently being executed on machine i (if any) and the<br />

aggregated runtimes of the jobs which would be queuing in front of job j. Furthermore, the mechanism computes<br />

a tentative payment ˆ<br />

~<br />

π ( i | s , t ) according to the prominent Vickrey principle. Agent j has to compensate all<br />

j<br />

− j<br />

j<br />

agents whose jobs are currently waiting at machine i and which are delayed due to j being assigned to i for their<br />

additional waiting cost. These values are only tentative as later arriving jobs might displace job j. Consequently,<br />

the tentative utility of agent j at machine i at time ~ ) ~ ) ~<br />

~<br />

r is u i | s , t , t ) = −w C ( i | s , t ) −<br />

) π ( i | s , t )<br />

j<br />

Step 3 – Machine selection<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

(<br />

− j j j<br />

j j − j j j − j j<br />

Upon receiving information about its tentative completion time and required payment from the machines, the<br />

agent makes a binding decision to queue at a machine i, and pays ˆ<br />

~<br />

π ( i | s , t ) to the delayed jobs.<br />

j<br />

− j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

.<br />

3.3. Solution Concept and Theoretical Performance<br />

When evaluating the performance of a market mechanism, we first need to fix a solution concept which<br />

~<br />

defines the agents’ behavior, i.e. their reports of t<br />

j based on tj and their valuation for a given allocation.<br />

In the model of Heydenreich et al. [3], agents do not remember the outcomes of earlier market interactions<br />

but are somewhat “myopic” in the sense that they only consider the current situation. Agents choose the action<br />

which maximizes their tentative utility, given the machines’ tentative feedback. Formally:<br />

Definition 1 (“Myopic best response equilibrium”): A strategy profile s is called a myopic best response<br />

equilibrium if, for all agents j ∈ J, all agent types t, all strategies<br />

instead of s j , uˆ<br />

(( s , s ), t)<br />

≥ uˆ<br />

((<br />

~<br />

s , s ), t)<br />

j j − j<br />

j j − j<br />

.<br />

s − j<br />

, and all strategies<br />

~<br />

s<br />

j which j could play<br />

As shown in [3], without knowledge about the future, at time<br />

~<br />

rj<br />

it is a utility maximizing strategy sj for agent<br />

) ~<br />

j ∈ J to report its true type t j to the system and to choose the machine i which maximizes u i | s , t , t ) . We<br />

will henceforth refer to s j as being a “myopic best response strategy”.<br />

A common metric for a mechanism's performance is its “performance ratio”:<br />

(<br />

j − j j j<br />

Definition 2 (“Performance ratio”): Let Z A<br />

(J)<br />

be the objective value generated by an online mechanism A<br />

4<br />


for a given sequence J of jobs and let Z<br />

* ( J ) be the (optimal) objective value generated by an omniscient offline<br />

mechanism for this given job sequence. Then, for the class ψ of all possible job sequences, the performance<br />

⎧Z A<br />

A ( J ) ⎫<br />

ratio of mechanism A is ρ = ρ Ψ<br />

= sup ⎨ | J ∈ Ψ⎬<br />

.<br />

*<br />

⎩ Z ( J ) ⎭<br />

Assuming all agents play their equilibrium strategy, DLGM achieves a performance ratio of ρ = 3.281.<br />

4. Evaluation<br />

In this section, we examine two main questions which arise from the theoretical results in [3]:<br />

Myopic best response vs. rational response: Given agents with learning capabilities, does the concept of<br />

myopic best response equilibria adequately model agent behavior? Or do learning capabilities lead to some other<br />

form of equilibrium, which may be called a “rational response equilibrium”?<br />

Worst-case vs. average case: What is the average case performance of the DLGM as opposed to the worstcase?<br />

How does it compare to FIFO as a purely technical allocation mechanism, and how does it change if we<br />

introduce agents with learning capabilities?<br />

4.1. Data Generation<br />

For simplification, we assume that agents can only misreport about their weight w . As presented above, one<br />

j<br />

central result is that myopic best response agents then truthfully report<br />

w<br />

~<br />

= w .<br />

j<br />

j<br />

Our aim is to simulate rational agents with learning capabilities instead which may strategically misreport<br />

about<br />

w<br />

j<br />

based on their past behavior and payoffs. We will refer to these strategies as “rational response<br />

strategies”. To model the learning capabilities of these agents, we chose a reinforcement learning-based<br />

approach with a greedy selection policy [16]. This approach comprises the following two phases:<br />

• Exploration phase: In this phase, the agents simultaneously explore the strategy space and heuristically try<br />

to learn the expected payoffs of various strategies to finally decide on an expectedly optimal strategy. Within<br />

this exploration phase, we perform 25 runs of the market. In each run k, every agent j reports<br />

k<br />

w ~ j<br />

and p to<br />

j<br />

the market at time r j<br />

and, upon having received the feedback about its tentative completion time and<br />

) ~<br />

payment from each machine, selects the machine i which maximizes its tentative utility u i | s , t , t ) ,<br />

where<br />

k<br />

w ~<br />

j<br />

(<br />

j − j j j<br />

is an integer which is randomly drawn from the uniform distribution with support [0, 2w j ] in order<br />

to model both the <strong>und</strong>er- and overstating of weights. Subsequent to each run k, agent j determines its actual<br />

5<br />


k<br />

ex-post utility (i.e. its “reward”) u ((<br />

~<br />

s , s ), t)<br />

for ro<strong>und</strong> k. After all 25 runs, agent j greedily determines its<br />

j j − j<br />

best strategy * *<br />

k<br />

s as s = arg max u ((<br />

~<br />

s , s ), t)<br />

. Since the strategy space of agent j consists of strategically<br />

j j<br />

j j − j<br />

k<br />

reporting<br />

w ~<br />

j<br />

only, we can simplify this to the greedy optimal strategy being the report of<br />

~ *<br />

w which yielded<br />

j<br />

the maximum ex-post utility across all 25 runs.<br />

• Exploitation phase: In this phase, the agents try to “exploit” the information which they obtained in the<br />

previous exploration phase. Using a greedy selection policy, agent j assumes that, since the report of<br />

~ *<br />

w<br />

j<br />

maximized its ex-post utility given its true weight<br />

w in the past, reporting a fraction of<br />

j<br />

~ for the weights<br />

of all subsequent jobs will also maximize its future payoff. In order to examine this strategy, we also ran the<br />

exploitation phase for 25 ro<strong>und</strong>s. In each ro<strong>und</strong>, we generated one job per agent based on the same<br />

distributions as in the exploration phase as specified in Table 1.<br />

In order to compare the myopic best response strategy and the rational response strategy for the DLGM<br />

mechanism, we ran six settings, whereas each setting comprised 5 machines. To increase the competition in the<br />

market, across the course of these settings, we successively increased the Poisson-based arrival rate of jobs from<br />

λ = .2 to λ = 1as listed in Table 1, which also specifies the random choices of the processing times and weights.<br />

Each job sequence was then fed into both the DLGM mechanism with agents playing myopic best response<br />

strategies and in the DLGM mechanism with agents playing what we call rational response strategies. Moreover,<br />

we simulated a simple FIFO mechanism as an example of a technical scheduler to determine the benefit of<br />

involving users into the scheduling process by enabling them to dynamically submit weights for jobs instead of<br />

assigning static weights.<br />

Setting S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6<br />

Arrival time λ of the Poisson-based release dates r<br />

j .2 .5 .6 .7 .8 1<br />

Actual number of jobs 208 440 559 686 795 1050<br />

Processing time p<br />

j<br />

Lognormal distribution with mean 9 and variance 3<br />

Weights w<br />

j<br />

Normal distribution with mean 9 and variance 3<br />

Table 1: Simulation settings<br />

w *<br />

j<br />

w<br />

j<br />

4.2. Results<br />

The results of the simulations are summarized in Table 2. As aforementioned, we tested a FIFO mechanism<br />

as variant of a technical scheduler, the DLGM with myopic best response and the DLGM with learning agents in<br />

six settings with varying competition. The utilization being defined as the number of jobs where the mechanism<br />

6<br />


is busy divided by the total number of time slots represents a good metric for expressing the level of competition.<br />

As all three mechanisms do not impose reservation prices, utilization is identical for all three mechanisms. For<br />

an arrival rate of λ = . 2 .with a job sequence of 208 jobs, the machines are only used 38 % of the time. When the<br />

size of the job sequence increases to 559 jobs, the utilization rate grows up to 77 %, and the machines are fully<br />

utilized for settings with more than 700 jobs.<br />

When competition is low, technical schedulers achieve as good welfare (i.e. total weighted completion time)<br />

as DLGM does. However, with increasing utilization, technical schedulers are starting to perform worse than<br />

market mechanisms. When competition is extremely high, FIFO generates about 13 % higher overall waiting<br />

costs than DLGM with agents playing rational response strategies. This result is rather straightforward, as<br />

technical schedulers do not account for the relative urgency of jobs. When utilization is low, however, the<br />

welfare loss incurred by technical schedulers is insignificant. In the absence of machine prices, the use of market<br />

mechanisms for scheduling is accordingly only advantageous if excess demand for resources exist. Although<br />

there are strong indicators that demand for Grid resources exceeds supply [17], most papers in the so-called Grid<br />

economy overestimate the goodness of market mechanisms [18].<br />

Furthermore, another important result of our simulation is that myopic best response is an adequate proxy for<br />

rational bids only when utilization is low. Once competition increases, agents have an even stronger incentive to<br />

manipulate their weights reported to the mechanism. More specifically, the jobs have an incentive to <strong>und</strong>erstate<br />

their true weight, due to the fact that they have to compensate all other jobs in the queue for being scheduled<br />

earlier. The longer the waiting queue becomes, the more expensive truthful reporting becomes, as all jobs in the<br />

schedule needs to be compensated for their delay. This effect grows for the setting with more than 1,000 jobs, as<br />

learning jobs report on average only 19 % of their true weight. Naturally, the DLGM looses much of its power to<br />

prioritize jobs according to their urgency. However, when competition is high, the results of a realistic DLGM,<br />

where jobs learn to adjust their weight reports, are still better than for technical schedulers but way less than the<br />

concept of myopic-best response would suggest. This leads us to the conclusion that best myopic response<br />

behavior is only an adequate concept when competition is low – in those cases, however, the use of market<br />

mechanisms does not make sense, as technical schedulers are performing equally well.<br />

Our simulation also yields that the fraction of jobs that receive an overall positive payment does not depend<br />

on the learning capabilities of the jobs. When competition is low, the fraction of jobs earning positive<br />

compensation payments is as low as 1 %, and grows up to almost 40 %, when competition gets fierce. The<br />

employment of compensation payments opens up a way how to cheat the mechanism, as we will show in the<br />

7<br />


next section. This possibility does generally hold and is not restricted to myopic best response.<br />

Another important result of our simulation is that the planning quality of the DLGM becomes negligible<br />

when competition gets fierce. Essentially, the DLGM seems to be nice as it reports back a tentative completion<br />

time. As competition becomes fierce, this tentative completion time is overly extended. The lateness metric<br />

measures the time difference between ex-post and tentative completion time. As Table 2 shows, the lateness<br />

extends considerably so that the tentative completion time loses its power for prediction. Jobs cannot rely on<br />

those time reports, but should add considerably more time. Intuitively, lateness occurs in the same way for<br />

learning jobs.<br />

Metric Mechanism\Setting S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6<br />

Utilization All mechanisms 38% 77% 91% 100% 100% 100%<br />

%-bid of best<br />

myopic<br />

response weight<br />

DLGM with learning agents 102% 90 % 65 % 25 % 22 % 19 %<br />

Aggregated<br />

waiting cost<br />

Positive<br />

Compensations<br />

Lateness<br />

FIFO -916,634 -1,993,694 -2,676,904 -3,633,538 -5,046,646 -8784801<br />

DLGM with myopic best<br />

-7042589<br />

-916,701 -2,001,682 -2,650,274 -3,340,492 -4,370,345<br />

response<br />

DLGM with learning agents -916,717 -2,001,787 -2,663,577 -3,485,629 -4,676,194 -7802760<br />

DLGM with myopic best<br />

response<br />

1% 7% 16% 18% 23% 34%<br />

DLGM with learning agents 1% 8% 18% 20% 25% 36%<br />

DLGM with myopic best<br />

response<br />

.002 .073 1.13 8.72 20.73 58.99<br />

DLGM with learning agents .0021 .1056 1.198 8.6589 19.9821 58.79<br />

Table 2: Simulation results<br />

5. Limitations of the Mechanism and Possible Extensions<br />

As the simulation results suggest, despite exhibiting some striking features, DLGM also suffers from various<br />

drawbacks. In this section, we outline a few of the identified limitations of the basic mechanism and point to<br />

extensions that may alleviate these problems.<br />

First, DLGM does not fully account for the inter-organizational nature of Grids; strategic and self-interested<br />

behavior is modeled on the demand side only. The supply side, i.e. the machines offering their service for the<br />

execution of jobs, is assumed to be “obedient”. Moreover, with the basic setting, machines do not get any reward<br />

for contributing to the system. The design of a mechanism which accounts for strategic behavior on both sides of<br />

the market serves as a goal for future research.<br />

Another weakness of DLGM is that jobs may be able to exploit its payment scheme. If a job does not displace<br />

any present job, e.g. because it reported a low valuation, it does not have to make an immediate payment.<br />

However, it may subsequently receive compensation payments from the overtaking jobs. A relatively simple<br />

remedy for preventing jobs from exploiting the mechanism to earn money may be to add a variable cost<br />

+<br />

component to the payment scheme. This can be done by introducing z ∈R<br />

i<br />

which equals the operating costs<br />

8<br />


per timestep for machine i. When extending the scenario to feature strategically acting machines which can<br />

misreport about<br />

Ĉ j<br />

and<br />

πˆ<br />

j<br />

, machines may be allowed to strategically report their operating costs z i<br />

~ . To<br />

incorporate these operating costs in the mechanism, the tentative payment<br />

ˆ π ( i | s<br />

j<br />

− j<br />

~ ⎛<br />

, t ) =<br />

~<br />

p ⎜ ~ z +<br />

∑ w<br />

~<br />

j j i<br />

k∈L(<br />

j ), k→i,<br />

k<<br />

j,<br />

⎝<br />

k<br />

S k > r<br />

~ j<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

πˆ<br />

j<br />

has to be extended to<br />

Allowing preemption of jobs may further increase the efficiency of the mechanism. In DLGM in its current<br />

form, a job which is being processed at a machine may not be interrupted until it is completed. Grid applications<br />

demand for the possibility to freeze the execution of a running job if a job with a higher priority enters the queue.<br />

Deadline constraints are a further possible extension to the mechanism. With interactive settings,<br />

applications / users need the jobs to be computed in a timely manner and the validity of the job is limited. An<br />

extension to the basic mechanism is thus to expand a job’s (agent’s) type to t = r , p , w , d ) where<br />

+<br />

d ∈R<br />

j<br />

, d r + p<br />

j j j<br />

j<br />

(<br />

j j j j<br />

~<br />

~<br />

≥ , is j’s deadline and agent j reports t = (<br />

~<br />

r ,<br />

~<br />

p , w<br />

~<br />

, d ) to the machines. This additional<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

j<br />

information can then be used to adjust the priority of jobs when ordering the waiting queue such that jobs which<br />

approach their deadline receive a higher priority. Assume a new job j reports to the system. Then, at time<br />

~<br />

rj<br />

, the<br />

priority values of all jobs have to be recomputed. A measure for the urgency of a particular job k is its distance to<br />

the point in time at which it needs to be started at the latest in order to still be finished before its deadline, i.e.<br />

~<br />

d −<br />

~<br />

p −<br />

~<br />

r . The smaller this distance, the more the priority value of job k needs to be boosted. One possibility<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

is to use<br />

~<br />

p<br />

k<br />

w<br />

~<br />

k<br />

~<br />

( d −<br />

~<br />

p −<br />

~<br />

r )<br />

k k k<br />

as priority value for job k at time rj<br />

~ w<br />

~<br />

instead of<br />

k<br />

~<br />

pk<br />

.<br />

Overall, with such extensions, the DLGM mechanism is a promising approach towards scheduling in Grids.<br />

6. Conclusion and Outlook<br />

In Section 2, we briefly presented market mechanisms which have been proposed for the use in Grid<br />

scheduling. In Section 3, we focused on the DLGM mechanism which exhibits several desirable features. In their<br />

analysis, Heydenreich et al. [3] propose the use of the solution concept of myopic best response equilibria in<br />

order to model the behavior of strategic agents. In order to examine the validity of this concept and the<br />

performance of the mechanism in more realistic settings with learning agents, we performed an agent-based<br />

simulation in Section 4. The central result of our analysis is that myopic best response strategies do not<br />

adequately model more realistic agents. Furthermore, myopic best response strategies distort the performance<br />

9<br />


analysis of DLGM and yield overly optimistic results. In Section 5, we then pointed to several limitations of the<br />

basic DLGM mechanism if considered for practical settings, and pointed at extensions to this basic mechanism<br />

which may help to mitigate these drawbacks.<br />

The presented results point to several interesting possibilities for future research. From the mechanism design<br />

perspective, it would be interesting to evaluate the suggested extensions in more detail. We plan to implement<br />

the mechanism in the Sun N1 Grid Engine, a state-of-the-art Grid scheduler by Sun Microsystems. This may<br />

help in identifying both further limitations of this approach and possible remedies and extensions. The agent<br />

perspective suggests two ways to extend on our research. Firstly, one f<strong>und</strong>amental question is how actual users<br />

can discover their true valuations and interact with the mechanism. First research in this direction has been<br />

presented in [19] and [20], who suggest some form of “intelligent” software agents as intermediaries which assist<br />

the user in determining job priorities and communicating with the market. Secondly, the learning capabilities and<br />

strategies of the (software) agents need further refinement and validation.<br />

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11<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management<br />

for Internet Service Utilities<br />

Tim Püschel 1,2 , Nikolay Borissov 2 ,MarioMacías 1 ,DirkNeumann 2 ,<br />

Jordi Guitart 1 , and Jordi Torres 1<br />

1 Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Technical University of Catalonia(UPC),<br />

c/ Jordi Girona 29, 08034 Barcelona, Spain<br />

{tim.pueschel,mario.macias,jordi.guitart,jordi.torres}@bsc.es<br />

2 <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Englerstr. 14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

{pueschel,borissov,neumann}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract. As competition on global markets increases the vision of utility<br />

computing gains more and more interest. To attract more providers it<br />

is crucial to improve the performance in commercialization of resources.<br />

This makes it necessary to not only base components on technical aspects,<br />

but also to include economical aspects in their design. This work<br />

presents an framework for an Economically Enhanced Resource Manager<br />

(EERM) which features enhancements to technical resource <strong>management</strong><br />

like dynamic pricing and client classification. The introduced approach<br />

is evaluated considering various economic design criteria and example<br />

scenarios. Our preliminary results, e.g. an increase in achieved revenue<br />

from 77% to 92% of the theoretic maximum in our first scenario, show<br />

that our approach is very promising.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

Many web applications have strongly varying demand for computing resources.<br />

To fulfil these requirements sufficient resources have to be made available. In<br />

some cases it is possible to run certain tasks at night to achieve a more even<br />

usage, however in many cases it is not feasible to let users wait a long time<br />

for results. This leads to a situation in which utilization is very high during<br />

certain peak times while many resources lay idle during other times. Due to<br />

high competition on global markets many enterprises face the challenge to make<br />

use of new applications and reduce process times on one side and cut the costs<br />

of their IT-infrastructures on the other side [5].<br />

In light of this challenge the idea of utility computing gained interest. Utility<br />

computing describes a scenario where computer resources can be accessed dynamically<br />

in analogy to electricity and water [19]. The more resource providers<br />

offer their resources or services, the more likely it is they can be accessed at<br />

competitive prices. Therefore it is important to attract more providers.<br />

However providers will only offer their services if they can realize sufficient<br />

benefit. With state-of-the-art technology, this assimilation is hampered, as the<br />

B. Benatallah et al. (Eds.): WISE 2007, LNCS 4831, pp. 335–348, 2007.<br />

c○ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007<br />


336 T. Püschel et al.<br />

local resource managers facilitating the deployment of the resources are not<br />

designed to incorporate economic issues (e.g. price).<br />

In recent times, several research projects have started to develop price-based<br />

resource <strong>management</strong> components supporting the idea of utility computing.<br />

Those approaches are devoted to scheduling by utilizing the price mechanism.<br />

Clearly, this means that technical issues such as resource utilization are ignored<br />

for scheduling. In addition, resource <strong>management</strong> is much more comprehensive<br />

than just scheduling. For example Service-Level-Agreement (SLA) <strong>management</strong><br />

is also part of resource <strong>management</strong> that is often omitted in economic approaches.<br />

This plays a role when deciding which already ongoing jobs to cancel<br />

in overload situations to maintain system stability.<br />

To improve performance in the commercialization of distributed computational<br />

resources decisions about the supplied resources and their <strong>management</strong><br />

should be based on both technical and economic aspects [12]. Hence, this paper<br />

is an interdisciplinary work taking into account aspects from computer science<br />

and economics. We will explore the use of economic enhancements such as client<br />

classification and dynamic pricing to resource <strong>management</strong>.<br />

Technical resource <strong>management</strong> systems typically offer the possibility to include<br />

priorities for user groups. In purely price-based schedulers it is not possible<br />

to distinguish important from unimportant partners, as only current price matters<br />

for the allocation. We will motivate that client classification should be integrated<br />

into economically enhanced resource <strong>management</strong> systems. Essentially,<br />

there are two main reasons to do so: First, client classification allows the inclusion<br />

of long-term oriented relationships with strategically important customers<br />

so-called credential components. Second, client classification can be used as an<br />

instrument of revenue <strong>management</strong>, which allows skimming off consumer surplus.<br />

The main contribution of this paper is to show how technical parameters can be<br />

combined into an economically enhanced resources <strong>management</strong> that increases<br />

revenue for the local resource sites.<br />

2 Motivational Scenarios<br />

2.1 Organisation Selling Spare Resource Capacity<br />

An organisation offers different web services for internal use. However the utilization<br />

of the resources is uneven. During certain times there is only a low load,<br />

the resources are almost idle, and at other times users have to wait for their<br />

results very long. Therefore the organisation decides to buy more capacity on<br />

the market when needed and sell its spare capacity when the load is low. When<br />

accepting jobs users from within the organisation should always be preferred.<br />

To provide and communicate a good dynamic evaluation of resources, market<br />

mechanisms are also used for internal users. This also gives internal users an<br />

incentive to run their jobs during times of low utilization. Internal users also<br />

receive a significant discount compared to external users.<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities 337<br />

2.2 Resource/Service Provider with Preferred Customers<br />

A big service provider maintains a data center whose resources are sold. The<br />

service provider already has a number of clients but still has a high spare capacity.<br />

Therefore he joins a marketplace to find new clients and optimize capacity<br />

utilization. To maintain the good relations with the current clients and encourage<br />

regular use of its services the provider offers a preferred client contract.<br />

Preferred clients receive a discount on the reservation price and soft preference<br />

when accepting jobs. Soft preference means that their bids are increased by a<br />

certain amount for the winner determination. When offering the same price the<br />

preferred client is chosen over the external client, but the standard client has the<br />

chance to outbid the preferred client. Prices should be calculated dynamically<br />

based on utilization, client classification, estimated demand and further pricing<br />

policies of the provider.<br />

3 Economically Enhanced Resource Management<br />

To improve performance in the commercialization of distributed computational<br />

resources and increase the benefit of service providers we propose the introduction<br />

of various economic enhancements into resource <strong>management</strong>. This chapter<br />

first describes the objectives and requirements for the enhancements, then follows<br />

a description of the key mechanisms that are to be integrated in the EERM.<br />

The chapter ends with a description of the architecture and the components of<br />

the EERM.<br />

3.1 Objectives and Requirements<br />

The main goals of these enhancements are to link technical and economical<br />

aspects of resource <strong>management</strong> and strengthen the economic feasibility. This<br />

can be achieved by establishing more precise price calculations for resources,<br />

taking usage of the resources, performance estimations and business policies into<br />

account. The introduced mechanisms should be be able to deal efficiently with<br />

the motivational scenarios given earlier. This means they have to feature client<br />

classification, different types of priorities for jobs from certain clients, reservation<br />

of a certain amount of resources for important clients, and dynamic calculation<br />

of prices based on various factors. In addition to these requirements the system<br />

should also offer quality of service (QoS) and be able to deal with situations in<br />

which parts of the resources fail. To adapt to different scenarios and business<br />

policies of different situations it should be highly flexible and configurable via<br />

policies.<br />

When designing mechanisms various economic design criteria [4], [20] should<br />

be considered. These following criteria apply to the respective features as well<br />

as the overall system and the market mechanisms it is embedded in.<br />

Individual Rationality. An important requirement for a system is that it is<br />

individual rational on both sides, i.e. both providers and clients have to have a<br />

benefit from using the system.<br />


338 T. Püschel et al.<br />

Simplicity and Computational Costs. While the enhancements introduce some<br />

additional factors and they should not introduce any unnecessary complexity.<br />

Similarly client classification, quality of service and dynamic pricing add<br />

some additional computational complexity, however they should not add any<br />

intractable problems and its benefits should outweigh its costs.<br />

Revenue Maximization. A key characteristic for resource providers is revenue<br />

maximization or more general utility maximization.<br />

Incentive Compatibility. Strategic behaviour of clients and providers can be<br />

prevented if a mechanism is incentive compatible. Incentive compatibility means<br />

that no other strategy results in a higher utility than reporting the true valuation.<br />

Efficiency. There are different types of efficiency. The first one considered here<br />

is pareto optimimality. An allocation is considered pareto optimal if no participant<br />

can improve its utility without reducing the utility of another participant.<br />

The second efficiency criterion is allocative efficiency. A mechanism is called<br />

allocative efficient if it maximizes the sum of individual utilities.<br />

3.2 Key Features<br />

The motivational scenarios and the further requirements lead to four key features<br />

the of the EERM presented in this work.<br />

Quality of Service. The first feature is quality of service. This can be broken<br />

down into two aspects. The first aspect is to assure adequate performance during<br />

normal operation of the resources. Overload situations can lead to reduced overall<br />

performance [17] and thereby can result in breaking QoS agreements between<br />

the provider and clients. Thus it is necessary to have a mechanism that ensures<br />

that jobs will not be accepted if they result in an overload situation. The second<br />

aspect of quality of service regards situations in which parts of the resources<br />

fail. To be able to fulfill all SLAs even in situations of partial resource failure it<br />

would be necessary to keep an adequate buffer of free resources. Where this is<br />

not feasible there should at least be a mechanism that ensures that those SLAs<br />

that can be kept with the available resources are fulfilled. This can be done by<br />

suspending or cancelling those jobs that can not be finished in time due to the<br />

reduced availability of resources.<br />

Job Cancellation. Related to QoS is the feature automatic job suspension and<br />

cancellation. It is needed to ensure quality of service in situations where problems<br />

arise, i.e. parts of the resources fail or the estimations of the utilization were to<br />

optimistic. Cancellation of lesser important jobs to free capacity for incoming<br />

jobs with higher importance, i.e. jobs from a client with a higher classification<br />

or a jobs that deliver significantly more revenue is also possible.<br />

Dynamic Pricing. Another enhancement is dynamic pricing based on various<br />

factors. [21] shows an approach for a pricing function depending on a base pricing<br />

rate and a utilization pricing rate. However the price can depend not only on<br />

current utilization but also on other factors such as projected utilization, client<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities 339<br />

classification, and projected demand. Pricing should also be contingent on the<br />

demand on the market. This feature can be either implemented in the EERM<br />

or in a dedicated component responsible for trading. This agent would request<br />

a price based on factors including utilization of the resources and client classification.<br />

from the EERM and then calculate a new price taking the situation on<br />

the market into account.<br />

Client Classification. Earlier giving clients different privileges was mentioned,<br />

e.g. by discriminating on factors like price and quality of service. This part<br />

describes the factors that can be used to differentiate various client classes.<br />

Price Discrimination. Price discrimination or customer-dependent pricing is one<br />

way to differentiate between different classes of clients. One idea to achieve this<br />

is introducing Grid miles [16] in analogy to frequent flyer miles. Clients could be<br />

offered a certain amount of free usage of the resources or a 10% discount after<br />

spending a certain amount of money.<br />

Reservation of Resources. For certain users it may be very important to always<br />

have access to the resources. This class of users could be offered a reservation of<br />

a certain amount of resources. One option is to reserve a fixed share of resources<br />

for a certain class of users another possibility is to vary this share depending on<br />

the usage of the system.<br />

Priority on Job Acceptance. Another option is to use a client priority on job<br />

acceptance. When the utilization of the system is low jobs from all classes of<br />

clients are accepted but when the utilization of the resources rises and there is<br />

competition between the clients for the resources, jobs from certain clients are<br />

preferred. There are two types of priorities: strict priorities and soft priorities.<br />

– Strict priority means that if a job from a standard client and a client with<br />

priority compete for acceptance, the job from the client with priority always<br />

wins. Jobs from clients with priority are always preferred, thus there is no<br />

real competition between the different classes of clients.<br />

– Soft priority means jobs from clients with priority are generally preferred but<br />

standard clients have the chance to outbid clients with priority. Thus soft<br />

priority is essentially a discount on the reservation price or bid that may only<br />

apply in certain situation, i.e. when utilization exceeds a certain threshold.<br />

Quality of Service. Another factor where differentiation for classes of clients<br />

is possible is quality of service. For some classes of clients quality of service is<br />

offered, for others not. Offering different levels of quality of service for different<br />

classes of clients is also possible. An example for this would be offering different<br />

risk levels [7].<br />

4 Architecture of the EERM<br />

This part describes the architecture of the EERM that was designed based on<br />

the requirements and key features. It includes a description of the components<br />


340 T. Püschel et al.<br />

Fig. 1. EERM Architecture<br />

with the aid of sequence diagrams. An overview of the architecture of the EERM<br />

can be seen in Fig. 1.<br />

The EERM interacts with various other components, namely a Grid Market<br />

Middleware, a Monitoring component and the Resource Fabrics. The Grid<br />

Market Middleware represents the middleware responsible for querying prices<br />

and offering the services on the Grid market. The Monitoring is responsible for<br />

monitoring the state and the performance of the resources and notifying the System<br />

Performance Guard in case of problems. Additionally data collected by the<br />

Monitoring is used by the Estimator component to for its predictions. Resource<br />

Fabrics refers to Grid Middlewares such as Condor [15] or Globus [9].<br />

Economy Agent. The Economy Agent is responsible for deciding whether<br />

incoming jobs are accepted and for calculating their prices. These calculations<br />

can be used both for negotiation as well as bids or reservation prices in auctions.<br />

Figure 2 shows the sequence of a price request. First the Economy Agent receives<br />

a request from a market agent. Then it checks whether the job is technically and<br />

Fig. 2. Sequence Diagram Price Request<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities 341<br />

economically feasible and calculates a price for the job based on client category,<br />

resource status, economic policies and predictions of future job executions from<br />

the estimator component.<br />

Estimator. The Estimator component calculates the expected impact on the<br />

utilization of the resources. This is important to prevent reduced performance<br />

due to overload [17], furthermore the performance impact can be used for the<br />

calculation of prices. This component is based on work by Kounev et al. using<br />

online performance models [13],[14].<br />

System Performance Guard. The System Performance Guard is responsible<br />

for ensuring that the accepted SLAs can be kept. In case of performance problems<br />

with the resources it is notified by Monitoring. After checking the corresponding<br />

policies it determines if there is a danger that SLAs cannot be fulfilled. It<br />

then takes the decision to suspend or cancel jobs to ensure the fulfilment of the<br />

other SLAs and maximize overall revenue. Figure 3 shows a typical sequence for<br />

such a scenario. Jobs can also be cancelled when capacity is required to fulfil<br />

commitments to preferred clients.<br />

Policy Manager. To keep the EERM adaptable the Policy manager stores and<br />

manages policies concerning client classification, job cancellation or suspension,<br />

etc. Policies are formulated in the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) [11].<br />

All features of the EERM require the respective components to be able to communicate<br />

with the Policy Manager and base their decisions on the corresponding<br />

policies. A simple example from a pricing policy in SWRL is the following rule<br />

which expresses that if the utilization is between 71% and 100% there is a surcharge<br />

of 50:<br />

Utilization(?utilization)∧InsideUtilizationRange(?utilization, ”71%−100%”)<br />

⇒ SetSurcharge(?utilizationsurcharge, ”50”)<br />

Fig. 3. Sequence Diagram System Performance Guard<br />


342 T. Püschel et al.<br />

Economic Resource Management. The Economic Resource Management is<br />

responsible for the communication with the local resource managers and influences<br />

the local resource <strong>management</strong> to achieve a more efficient global resource use.<br />

5 Evaluation<br />

The evaluation of this proposal consists of three parts. First an example scenario<br />

is described, then the results are presented and last the economic design criteria<br />

[4],[20] are considered.<br />

5.1 Example Scenario<br />

The first part of the evaluation considers an example scenario. For this evaluation<br />

there were no actual jobs executed. The policies were manually applied and<br />

revenue, utilization and utilities calculated. The job information given in Table 1<br />

and the following assumptions were used.<br />

The total capacity is 100 and the jobs given in Table 1 will be available during<br />

the run. The system receives information about jobs one timeslot before they<br />

become available. The Gold-client only uses the provider when he is assured<br />

access to a certain capacity. In this case he is guaranteed a total capacity of 60<br />

units, while being able to launch new jobs of up to 30 units per period.<br />

Using this scenario as a basis four policies are evaluated. The following policies<br />

represent the some of the basic options - no enhancements, client classification<br />

with fixed reservation, dynamic pricing with reservation prices, and client classification<br />

with strict priority:<br />

– Case I is an example without any EERM. In this case any job is accepted if<br />

there is enough capacity left to fulfil it.<br />

– Case II features a simple form of client classification, there is a fixed reservation<br />

of 60% of the capacity for the Gold-client. There is no System Performance<br />

Guard.<br />

– Case III features the EERM with utilization-based pricing and the System<br />

Performance Guard, but without client classification. The policy is to only<br />

accept jobs that offer a price higher than 1 currency unit per capacity unit<br />

and time slot if the job results in utilization over 80%. The unit price is<br />

determined by dividing the price by the total capacity used by a job over all<br />

periods.<br />

– In case IV the EERM with client classification and the system performance<br />

guard is used. The policy is to accept only jobs from the Gold-client if the<br />

job would result in utilization higher than 70%. This policy which can be<br />

applied to the first motivational scenario when replacing ”Gold-client” with<br />

”Internal”.<br />

To evaluate the ability of the EERM to adapt to problems with the resources<br />

there is also a second scenario. It includes a reduced capacity of 70 in t=7 and a<br />

capacity of 60 in t=8 due to unpredicted failure of resources. In the cases without<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities 343<br />

Table 1. Example scenario<br />

Job Start Time End Time Capacity/t Client Class Price Penalty<br />

A 1 3 55 Standard 330 -82.5<br />

B 1 5 24 Standard 180 -30<br />

C 1 7 20 Standard 140 -17.5<br />

D 2 4 20 Standard 120 -30<br />

E 3 5 15 Standard 90 -22.5<br />

F 3 8 20 Standard 120 -15<br />

G 4 7 20 Standard 160 -40<br />

H 4 9 15 Standard 135 -22.5<br />

I 5 10 30 Standard 180 -22.5<br />

K 5 8 30 Standard 240 -60<br />

L 6 8 30 Standard 90 -11.25<br />

M 6 9 12.5 Standard 50 -6.25<br />

O 8 10 20 Standard 90 -15<br />

P 9 10 21 Standard 84 -21<br />

Q 9 10 30 Standard 90 -15<br />

R 2 6 30 Gold 375 -187.5<br />

S 5 8 30 Gold 300 -150<br />

T 7 10 7.5 Gold 75 -37.5<br />

U 7 9 20 Gold 150 -75<br />

V 9 10 20 Gold 100 -50<br />

the System Performance Guard it is assumed that the SLAs of jobs that end in<br />

periods that are overloaded due to the reduced capacity fail and that jobs that<br />

continue to run for more time can catch up and fulfil their SLAs. To assess the<br />

benefits of the EERM for providers and clients we compare their utility without<br />

and with EERM. Utility functions depend on the preferences of providers and<br />

clients. For the provider revenue is obviously a key criteria. Another factor that<br />

has to be considered is utilization. To allow for maintenance and reduce the<br />

effects of partial resource failure it is not in the interest of the provider to have a<br />

utilization that approaches 100%. In this example an average utilization of 80% is<br />

considered optimal. The following utility function for the provider considers the<br />

revenue per utilization while taking into account the optimal average utilization<br />

of the resources:<br />

u provider =<br />

revenue<br />

n ∗ averageutilization ∗ 1<br />

1+|0.8 − averageutilization<br />

100<br />

|<br />

For the client utility the idea is to weight the capacity needed by a job with<br />

its importance. The importance of a job for a client is expressed in the price per<br />

capacity unit the client is willing to pay for it. This results in the following client<br />

utility function, where P is the set of prices per unit (i.e. 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1):<br />

u client = ∑ l∈P<br />

unitprice l ∗ allocatedjobcapacity l<br />

totaljobcapacity l<br />


344 T. Püschel et al.<br />

Table 2. Result of the four cases<br />

Case Completed<br />

Revenue Avg Load u provider u client Revenue Proportion<br />

I A, B, C, G, H, L, M, O , P, Q 1349 89.7 1.37 3.10 76.65%<br />

II C, D, M, O, R, S, T, U, V 1400 71 1.81 3.33 79.55%<br />

III A, B, D, G, H, K, M, O, P, Q 1479 84.7 1.67 3.25 84.03%<br />

IV A, G, H, R, S, T, U, V 1625 73.5 2.08 3.87 92.33%<br />

A* A, E, G, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V 1760 81 2.15 3.53 100%<br />

Table 3. Result with partial resource failure<br />

Case Completed<br />

Failed Revenue Avg Load u provider u client Revenue Proportion<br />

I A, B, H, L, M, P, Q C, G 901.5 79.7 1.13 2.28 56.56%<br />

II D, P, R, M, T, U, V C, S 786.5 66.2 1.04 2.23 49.34%<br />

III A, B, D, G, H, K, P, Q M 1332.75 74.95 1.69 3.05 83.61%<br />

IV A, P, R, S, T, U, V G, H 1351.5 71.2 1.74 3.31 84.79%<br />

A* A, E, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V 1594 71.2 2.06 3.11 100%<br />

5.2 Results<br />

Table 2 shows the results of applying these 4 cases to the scenario given in Table<br />

1. A* is the allocation with maximum revenue that could be achieved if all job<br />

information was available before the first period. The table includes information<br />

about the completed jobs, the realized revenue, the average utilization of the<br />

providers resources, the provider utility, the client utility, and the proportion of<br />

the revenue in comparison with the A*. Cases II, III and IV perform significantly<br />

better than the standard case I without any economical enhancements. Although<br />

the average utilization is lower than in case I the yielded revenue as well the<br />

provider’s and the client’s utility is higher.<br />

Table 3 shows the results of applying the policies to the scenario with failure<br />

of parts of the resources in t=7 and t=8. It can be seen that the improvement in<br />

cases III and IV is even more significant. In this situation case II is worse than case<br />

I regarding revenue, provider utility and client utility. This is caused by the lack of<br />

the System Performance Guard and thereby higher cancellation penalties of the<br />

jobs of the Gold-client. Case III delivers a significantly better utility for providers<br />

and clients. However since it doesn’t include client classification it does not address<br />

the needs of the Gold-client. Case IV again delivers the best results regarding revenue,<br />

provider utility and client utility. Figure 4 shows the revenue proportion in<br />

the standard case (a) and with partial resource failure (b). In both cases III and<br />

IV the benefit of the System Performance Guard can be clearly seen, they deliver<br />

of 83.61% and 84.79% compared to the 56.56% of the standard case I.<br />

5.3 Economic Design Criteria<br />

In cases III and IV of the example both sides have a clear benefit from using<br />

the respective mechanisms, hence individual rationality is achieved in these<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities 345<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Fig. 4. Proportion of maximum revenue in the four cases<br />

cases. The proposed mechanisms introduce some additional complexity but this<br />

is encapsulated in the EERM. They, however, do not introduce any NP-hard<br />

problems into the mechanism and the additional computational cost is limited.<br />

Another key characteristic for resource providers is revenue maximization. Inthe<br />

given example the policy of case IV delivers the highest revenue, provider utility<br />

and client utility among the options.<br />

Whether the criterion of incentive compatibility is fulfilled depends on the<br />

market and classification mechanisms the EERM is embedded in. For the example<br />

a simple pay as you bid scheme is assumed. As this means that clients set<br />

their bids lower than their evaluation to achieve a benefit incentive compatibility<br />

is not given in the example. If, however, embedded in an allocation and pricing<br />

mechanism that is incentive compatible the EERM serves to give more precise<br />

valuations for the jobs.<br />

Efficiency also depends on the mechanisms the EERM is embedded in. For<br />

the example we used a scenario where the provider decides whether jobs are<br />

accepted. Obviously the provider is mainly concerned with maximizing its own<br />

utility. Therefore it does not guarantee the maximum total utility. The EERM<br />

can also be embedded in efficient market mechanisms serving to give a more<br />

precise valuations of the jobs.<br />

6 Related work<br />

There is related work covering different aspects of our work. [8] discusses the<br />

application of economic theories to resource <strong>management</strong>. [1] presents an architecture<br />

for autonomic self-optimization based on business objectives. Elements<br />

of client classification such as price discrimination based on customer characteristics<br />

have been mentioned in other papers [16], [3]. They did however not<br />

consider other discrimination factors. [6] describes data-mining algorithms and<br />

tools for client classification in the electricity grids but concentrate on methods<br />

for finding groups of customers with similar behaviour. An architecture for admission<br />

control on e-commerce websites that prioritizes user sessions based on<br />

predictions about the user’s intentions to buy a product is proposed in [18]. [2]<br />


346 T. Püschel et al.<br />

presents research on how workload class importance should be considered for<br />

low-level resource allocation.<br />

One approach to realize end-to-end quality of service is the Globus Architecture<br />

for Reservation and Allocation (GARA) [10]. This approach uses advance<br />

reservations to achieve QoS. Another way to achieve autonomic QoS aware resource<br />

<strong>management</strong> is based on online performance models [13], [14]. They introduce<br />

a framework for designing resource managers that are able to predict the<br />

impact of a job in the performance and adapt the resource allocation in such a<br />

way that SLAs can be fulfilled. Both approaches do not consider achieving QoS<br />

in case of partial resource failure. Our work makes use of the second approach<br />

and adds the mechanism of Job Cancellation.<br />

The introduction of risk <strong>management</strong> to the Grid [7] permits a more dynamic<br />

approach to the usage of SLAs. It allows modelling the risk that the SLA cannot<br />

be fulfilled within the service level agreement. A provider can then offer SLAs<br />

with different risk profiles. However such risk modelling can be very complex. It<br />

requires information about the causes of the failure and its respective probabilities.<br />

Clients need to have the possibility to validate the accuracy and correctness<br />

of the providers risk assessment and risks have to be modelled in the SLAs.<br />

7 Conclusion and Future Work<br />

In this work various economical enhancements for resource <strong>management</strong> were<br />

motivated and explained. We presented a mechanism for assuring Quality of<br />

Service and dealing with partial resource failure without introducing the complexity<br />

of risk modelling. Flexible Dynamic Pricing and Client Classification was<br />

introduced and it was shown how these mechanisms can benefit service providers.<br />

Various factors and technical parameters for these enhancements were presented<br />

and explained.<br />

Furthermore the preliminary architecture for an Economically Enhanced Resource<br />

Manager integrating these enhancements was introduced. Due to the general<br />

architecture and the use of policies and a policy manager this approach can<br />

be adapted to a wide range of situations.<br />

The approach was evaluated considering economic design criteria and using<br />

an example scenario. The evaluation shows that the proposed economic enhancements<br />

enable the provider to increase his benefit. In the standard scenario we<br />

managed to achieve a 92% of the maximum theoretically attainable revenue<br />

with the enhancements in contrast to 77% without enhancements. In the scenario<br />

with partial resource failure the revenue was increased from 57% to 85%<br />

of the theoretical maximum.<br />

The next steps will include refinement of the architecture as well as the implementation<br />

of the EERM. During this process further evaluation of the system<br />

will be done, e.g. by testing the system and running simulations. Another issue<br />

that requires further consideration is the generation of business policies for the<br />

EERM. Further future work in this area includes the improvement of price calculations<br />

with historical data and demand forecasting; the design of mechanisms<br />


Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities 347<br />

for using collected data to determine which offered services deliver the most revenue<br />

and concentrate on them; the introduction of a component for automatic<br />

evaluation and improvement of client classification.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain<br />

and the European Union (FEDER f<strong>und</strong>s) <strong>und</strong>er contract TIN2004-07739-C02-<br />

01 and Commission of the European Communities <strong>und</strong>er IST contract 034286<br />

(SORMA).<br />

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Rustam Vahidov 1 , Dirk Neumann 2<br />

1 John Molson School of Business<br />

Concordia University, Montreal, Canada<br />

rVahidov@jmsb.concordia.ca<br />

2<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and<br />

Management (<strong>IISM</strong>)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

neumann@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

In this paper we propose a situated decision<br />

support system for efficient negotiating of service<br />

level agreements (SLAs) in Grids. Situated decision<br />

support systems effectively combine human<br />

judgment with autonomous decision making and<br />

action by agents. The intuition of using this approach<br />

for SLA negotiations lies in the monitoring<br />

and controlling of the fleet of local agents<br />

negotiating single services from multiple service<br />

providers by the use of a “manager” agent and<br />

human decision maker. We show through numerical<br />

experiments that the approach performs<br />

well <strong>und</strong>er a set of simplifying assumptions.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Quite recently, Grid computing has been increasingly<br />

gaining traction in a number of application<br />

areas. Grid computing denotes a computing<br />

model that distributes processing across an administratively<br />

and locally dispersed infrastructure.<br />

The ability to connect numerous heterogeneous<br />

computing devices, allows the creation of<br />

virtual computer architectures from otherwise<br />

idle resources.<br />

According to market surveys is the average productivity<br />

of IT infrastructures extremely low:<br />

mainframes are up to 40 % of the time idle;<br />

UNIX servers even less than 10 % of the time<br />

used; individual PCs reach a utilization rate of at<br />

most 5 % [2]. This daunting ineffectiveness of IT<br />

infrastructures and associated costs entail that<br />

enterprises seek to use Grid technologies to outsource<br />

IT services. Rather than investing and<br />

maintaining proprietary infrastructures enterprises<br />

tap to the Grid and consume IT services<br />

on-demand. Service providers like SUN and<br />

Amazon accommodate this need by offering<br />

CPU hours and storage over web-services.<br />

Outsourcing of IT services is, however, not a<br />

panacea as proposed by critics Nicholas Carr [2].<br />

Any outsourced IT service incurs high risks, as<br />

the deployment is outside the control of the enterprises.<br />

Service providers address this risk by<br />

referring to formal contracts, so-called Service<br />

Level Agreements (SLAs). SLAs define the<br />

common <strong>und</strong>erstanding about services (e.g.,<br />

priorities, responsibilities, guarantees and penalties<br />

once SLAs are violated) between service<br />

providers and consumers. Essentially, SLAs are<br />

the crucial instrument for service consumers to<br />

formulate guarantees on the service quality delivered<br />

by the service provider. Nonetheless,<br />

SLAs are also an important tool for service providers<br />

to advertise free service capacities as well<br />

as to manage their internal resources.<br />

It is thus not asto<strong>und</strong>ing that SLA lifecycle <strong>management</strong><br />

is currently a hot topic [6, 10]. One<br />

major success has been the specification of the<br />

de-facto standard WS-Agreement as a description<br />

language for SLAs by the Open Grid Forum<br />

(OGF). WS-Agreement allows the formulation<br />

of well defined and comprehensive contracts,<br />

which minimizes the risks of disputes resulting<br />

from unclear formulations among service provider<br />

and consumer. Clearly, a description language<br />

is merely prerequisite for well defined<br />

SLAs. What is equally important is a procedure<br />

with which SLAs are created. This becomes even<br />

more important, if SLAs are dynamically<br />

adapted dependent on resource availability and<br />

demand. If the SLAs are well-negotiated, the<br />

likelihood that balanced SLAs are signed is<br />

much higher. In this spirit, the Grid Resource<br />

Allocation Agreement Protocol Working Group<br />

(GRAAP-WG)<br />

(http://forge.gridforum.org/projects/graap-wg) of<br />

OGF set on their agenda for future work to define<br />

so-called negotiation profiles or protocols<br />

for SLA negotiation as part of the WS-<br />

Agreement specification [22].<br />

SLA negotiations can become very complex as<br />

service consumers need to negotiate with multiple<br />

service providers to reserve different resources.<br />

The resource reservations that are<br />


needed are typically described via a workflow.<br />

Service consumers either want to have all resources<br />

reserved along the workflow or none at<br />

all. This is reasoned by the fact that failure to<br />

reserve one single constituent of the workflow<br />

results in unsuccessful termination of the service<br />

[15]. Due to this complexity the use of software<br />

agents have been proposed for managing SLA<br />

negotiations [4, 7, 19].<br />

In this work our interest is in one-to many SLA<br />

negotiations involving one service provider and<br />

multiple potential customers. In such settings the<br />

complexity involved in tracking and <strong>management</strong><br />

of multiple on-going negotiations can be<br />

alleviated by means of intelligent support (e.g.<br />

software agents). However, in our opinion, a<br />

balanced approach combining autonomous action<br />

with overall human control and decisionmaking<br />

is a more adequate approach, as it allows<br />

for timely intervention and improves the predictability<br />

of business outcomes. In this respect the<br />

recently introduced model of “situated decision<br />

support” seems to be a promising framework to<br />

apply to SLA negotiations [26, 28]. Situated<br />

decision support advocates abandoning the traditional<br />

“toolbox” type of decision aids in favor of<br />

a more connected and active mode. The major<br />

components of situated decision support system<br />

include sensors, effectors, manager, and active<br />

user interface. In this setup, decision support<br />

expands to include problem sensing and action<br />

generation and monitoring of the implementation<br />

of decisions in addition to the conventional intelligence/design/choice<br />

phases. It also allows<br />

flexibility for effectively combining autonomous<br />

action by the system with judgmental input from<br />

the human decision makers.<br />

Since the fields of decision and negotiation support<br />

are closely related, in this work we show the<br />

potential applicability of the situated decision<br />

support model to managing multiple concurrent<br />

SLA negotiations, where a managing entity<br />

monitors and controls the local negotiation<br />

agents. The contribution of this paper is threefold:<br />

• Firstly, we provide motivation for the adoption<br />

of situated decision support model for<br />

SLA negotiations;<br />

• Secondly, we briefly describe a situated decision<br />

support framework for SLA negotiations.<br />

• Thirdly, we illustrate the approach through<br />

numerical simulation experiments for the<br />

scenario involving two issues.<br />

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.<br />

Section 2 provides the backgro<strong>und</strong> on<br />

SLAs, SLA negotiation and on agent strategies<br />

in automated negotiations. Section 3 motivates<br />

and describes the situated decision support<br />

framework and shows how it can be used for<br />

SLA negotiation. Section 4 provides an evaluation<br />

on the basis of numerical experiments showing<br />

that situated decision support is advantageous<br />

for SLA negotiations. Section concludes<br />

with a summary and an outlook on future research.<br />

2. Backgro<strong>und</strong><br />

This section provides brief overview of service<br />

level agreements (definition, content of typical<br />

SLAs), SLA negotiations (common protocols)<br />

and agent-based strategies. It further discusses<br />

why situated DSS model is deemed promising<br />

for use in SLA negotiations.<br />

Service Level Agreements<br />

A SLA is defined a contract between a service<br />

provider and consumer that specifies the rights<br />

and obligations of the provider and the penalties<br />

that will be applied if those obligations are not<br />

satisfied.<br />

Since the late 80s SLAs have been used by telecom<br />

operators as contracts with their corporate<br />

customers. With the recent trend of outsourcing<br />

and application service providing, IT departments<br />

have adopted the idea of using service<br />

level agreements with their internal or external<br />

customers.<br />

SLAs for Grid computing are not very different<br />

than those for other services (e.g. computation,<br />

or storage services). But while the elementary<br />

issues of an SLA can be the same, negotiating<br />

SLAs for Grid services is aggravated by the fact<br />

that Grid services are typically composed of<br />

several basic services. This implies that it is<br />

essential needs to manage concurrent SLA negotiations<br />

with multiple service providers [24].<br />

Typical attributes of SLAs for Grid are compiled<br />

in Table 1.<br />

Attributes<br />

Operating System<br />

Attribute Levels<br />

Linux<br />

Solaris<br />

Windows<br />

Service Availability 99,999 %<br />

99,99 %<br />

99,9 %<br />

Price<br />

< 1,000 €/month<br />

< 5,000 €/month<br />

< 10,000 €/month<br />

> 10,000 €/month<br />


CPU type<br />

CPU utilization<br />

Storage (RAM)<br />

Bandwidth<br />

Deployment<br />

Co-allocation<br />

Single CPU<br />

Dual CPU<br />

4 CPU<br />

> 4CPU<br />

1,000 CPU hours<br />

5,000 CPU hours<br />

10,000 CPU hours<br />

1 GB<br />

2 GB<br />

4 GB<br />

> 4 GB<br />

1 Mb<br />

10 Mb<br />

100 Mb<br />

1 Tb<br />

Webservice<br />

Source code<br />

others<br />

Service is provided by a<br />

single provider<br />

Service is provided by a<br />

multiple provider<br />

Table 1: Common Attributes and attribute<br />

levels for Grid services<br />

Service Level Agreements Negotiation<br />

It is commonly accepted that the success of SLA<br />

negotiations relates to the specification and implementation<br />

of a protocol that creates legallybinding<br />

agreements. This protocol needs to describe<br />

a set of domain-independent messages,<br />

together with an abstract schema, such that it can<br />

be exchanged by all negotiators [15]. Several<br />

bargaining protocols that meet those requirements<br />

have been proposed by [4, 7, 9, 20, 25].<br />

The bargaining protocols share a very similar<br />

structure but differ in some details. For example<br />

the protocol proposed by [25] involves multiple<br />

ro<strong>und</strong>s among service consumers (e.g., coallocators)<br />

and providers (e.g., schedulers) until<br />

they reach an agreement. The providers post<br />

their offers on request to the consumers, who can<br />

either select among the available offers or enter<br />

re-negotiation by relaxing some constraints.<br />

Another noteworthy effort has been proposed by<br />

[17] who combine the negotiation protocol with<br />

a template-based contract generation process. At<br />

the end of the negotiation protocol a fullyfledged<br />

SLA is generated as WS-Agreement<br />

instance.<br />

Agent-based Negotiation<br />

SLA negotiations can involve a number of participants<br />

both on the consumer as well as the<br />

provider side trying to reach an agreement in<br />

multiple bi-lateral interactions. A given provider,<br />

for example, could have several on-going negotiations<br />

at the same time and has to set the objectives,<br />

constraints and strategies in those negotiation<br />

instances in such a way that maximizes the<br />

achievement of business objectives, while avoiding<br />

over-commitment, i.e. promising more than<br />

the provider can deliver. Clearly, with the growing<br />

complexity of the composite services and<br />

increasing customer base, automated means of<br />

supporting multiple negotiations could help the<br />

providers to better handle SLA negotiation processes.<br />

In this respect, employing intelligent<br />

agents seems to be an adequate approach. Below<br />

we briefly describe some agent-based approaches<br />

to automated negotiations, in particular for the<br />

case of multi-bilateral settings.<br />

Most of the related work in the area of agentbased<br />

negotiation has been devoted to the design<br />

of strategies for agents. The f<strong>und</strong>amental work<br />

has been <strong>und</strong>ertaken without considerations to<br />

SLA negotiations. Nonetheless, as those approaches<br />

are domain-independent, they are<br />

highly relevant for SLA negotiations.<br />

Faratin et al. have proposed a “smart” strategy<br />

for autonomous negotiating agents [8]. Agents<br />

following this strategy would try to make tradeoffs<br />

in a manner that the newly generated offer is<br />

similar to the opponent’s last offer, before trying<br />

a concession. Another work in this direction<br />

seeks to map business policies and contexts to<br />

negotiation goals, strategies, plans, and decisionaction<br />

rules [16].<br />

While fully automated negotiations may not<br />

always be a feasible choice, agents could also act<br />

as intelligent assistants, helping the users by<br />

providing advice, critiquing user’s own candidate<br />

offers as well as the offers by an opponent,<br />

and generating candidate offers for a user to<br />

consider [3, 14].<br />

In multi-bilateral negotiations a negotiator may<br />

be having several concurrent negotiation processes<br />

taking place at the same time and involving<br />

multiple opponents A fuzzy set-theoretic approach<br />

to analysis of alternatives in multibilateral<br />

negotiations has been proposed in [29].<br />

The authors have considered scenarios involving<br />

RFQ sent by one seller to multiple buyers<br />

(agents) with the purpose of deciding which<br />

potential buyers to negotiate with. They used<br />

fuzzy-relational approach to obtain a partial<br />

rank-order of the prospective buyers.<br />

A setup where multiple agents negotiate<br />

autonomously and one agent is designated as a<br />

coordinator has been proposed in [18] and [21].<br />


In [18] a buyer agent runs multiple concurrent<br />

negotiation threads that interact with several<br />

sellers. The coordinator agent provides each<br />

thread with reservation values and negotiation<br />

strategy. The threads report back to the coordinator,<br />

which then advises them on the possible<br />

changes to reservation values or strategies. In<br />

[21] a similar approach has been used including<br />

coordinating agents and multiple “sub-buyer”<br />

agents. In [5] a protocol for handling many-tomany<br />

concurrent negotiations for internet services<br />

has been proposed.<br />

In most of the above models of one-to-many<br />

negotiations it is assumed that the party on the<br />

one side can only have one agreement as an<br />

outcome of negotiations with multiple opponents<br />

(i.e. XOR case). In this work we interested in<br />

managing multiple SLA negotiations where each<br />

negotiation may fail or succeed regardless of<br />

others (OR case). In such settings the system<br />

could learn from the agreements made recently<br />

and take into account other relevant information<br />

(e.g. market situation) to direct concurrent negotiations.<br />

3. Situated DSS for SLA Negotiation<br />

When negotiation mechanism is used as one of<br />

the means to conduct daily basic business activities,<br />

much human effort may be required. Employing<br />

automated software components to conduct<br />

or assist human negotiators in conducting<br />

regular SLA negotiations may be a promising<br />

solution to achieve significant cost and time<br />

savings. However, with automated negotiations<br />

there is a potential danger that the overall process<br />

and the important business outcomes may<br />

become somewhat unpredictable. Moreover,<br />

often the course of negotiations depends on other<br />

factors, lying outside the domain of the expertise<br />

or sensory capabilities of the agents. For example,<br />

customer behavior may be heavily affected<br />

by the latest important economic, technologyrelated<br />

and other types of events. This calls for a<br />

type of solution allowing certain degree of automation,<br />

but allowing the control by the user of<br />

the overall process.<br />

In light of the above considerations we propose a<br />

type of solution that would effectively combine<br />

human judgment capabilities with autonomous<br />

actions by agents. The key motivation here is to<br />

relieve human users from the necessity of being<br />

involved in each and every SLA negotiation<br />

process. Rather, the system should allow the<br />

human decision maker to effectively and efficiently<br />

manage the fleet of negotiating agents to<br />

meet and maintain higher-level business targets.<br />

The field of decision support systems (DSS) is<br />

very much related to the area of negotiations and<br />

negotiation support systems [13]. In the recent<br />

DSS literature there has been important research<br />

streams directed towards building “active” and<br />

agent-based systems that would transform the<br />

original “toolbox” model of DSS into an active<br />

participant in the decision-making process,<br />

which could perform some decision-related tasks<br />

in an autonomous fashion [1, 11, 23, 27].<br />

One such model introduced recently is known as<br />

“situated decision support system”, or “decision<br />

station” [26, 28]. Situated DSS looks to combine<br />

the benefits of agent technologies and those of<br />

decision support systems to facilitate active<br />

problem sensing, decision implementation and<br />

monitoring in addition to pure decision support.<br />

In essence, situated DSS expands the traditional<br />

model from purely “problem-solving/decision<br />

making” frame to situation assessment and action<br />

generation.<br />

Situated DSS is made up from different active<br />

(agent) components in addition to the traditional<br />

“toolbox” of data, models, and knowledge. The<br />

components include: sensors (for information<br />

search and retrieval), effectors (for affecting<br />

current state of affairs), manager (for deciding<br />

how to handle a particular situation), and active<br />

user interfaces (for intelligent interaction with<br />

the user).<br />

The composition and interactions of different<br />

components of the situated DSS model provides<br />

an appealing blueprint for facilitating one-tomany<br />

SLA negotiations with limited autonomous<br />

action and overall control of the process by a<br />

human decision maker. Various negotiationrelated<br />

tasks can be mapped to specific agents in<br />

the model. For example, tasks including monitoring<br />

service levels, sensing potential problems,<br />

generating alerts, and predicting market trends<br />

for SLA could be delegated to the “sensor”<br />

agents. Controlling the fleet of negotiating<br />

agents by monitoring their progress and instructing<br />

them on the adjustments to negotiation<br />

strategies, reservation levels and preference<br />

structures can be delegated to some extent to the<br />

“manager” agent. Human decision maker could<br />

set the limits of authority of this agent and intervene<br />

if necessary. Each negotiation instance<br />

could be delegated to a particular “effector”<br />

agent that conducts a given negotiation and reports<br />

on the progress.<br />

The model for supporting multiple SLA negotiations<br />

is shown in figure 1.The situated DSS<br />


model is essentially hierarchical involving three<br />

layers. At the bottom layer, which could be<br />

called “operational” the agents perform negotiations.<br />

They are given the preferences, aspiration<br />

and reservation layers and strategies to follow<br />

and try to negotiate effectively with a given<br />

opponent. The basic cycle of generating an offer<br />

by these agents could be described as: retrieve<br />

preference structure (possibly updated by the<br />

“manager” agent); compare past offer and<br />

counter-offer; generate new offer according to<br />

adopted strategy. Automated negotiations have<br />

been studied extensively in the recent past and<br />

thus we do not focus on the detailed design of<br />

negotiating agents. One possibility is to employ<br />

“smart” strategy by the negotiating agents proposed<br />

in [8].<br />

The second layer contains the manager agent,<br />

which makes use of the traditional DSS components<br />

(data, models and knowledge) to manage<br />

the negotiating agents. The manager monitors<br />

key indicators of the negotiation processes, such<br />

as number of agreements reached, proportion of<br />

failed negotiations, resource consumption and<br />

others and decides whether to intervene or not.<br />

For example, if memory resource becomes<br />

scarce, then in the next ro<strong>und</strong> of SLA negotiations<br />

the manager would instruct the agents to<br />

stress more the importance of memory resource<br />

in the utility calculation. One way to encode the<br />

knowledge of the manager could be through “If-<br />

Then” (possibly fuzzy) rules. The following<br />

simple example from a manager policy in SWRL<br />

[12] is the following rule which expresses that if<br />

memory units sold is somewhat larger than<br />

memory units estimated, the importance of<br />

memory units is slightly increased:<br />

Function(?MemoryUnitsSold, ?MemoryUnitsEstimated,<br />

?MemoryImportance,<br />

?Increment) ←<br />

builtin:greaterThanOrEquals(?MemoryU<br />

nitsSold, ? MemoryUnitsEstimated),<br />

,builtin:add(?MemoryImportance,?Increm<br />

ent,? MemoryImportance)<br />

Such rule, when invoked would change the preference<br />

structure for the negotiator agents, which<br />

then would be willing to give up less memory<br />

units as a trade-off compared to other issues.<br />

This level could be termed “planning” layer.<br />

Figure 1: Situated DSS for managing multiple<br />

SLA negotiations<br />

The manager agent would base its decisions<br />

solely on the information available to it, i.e.<br />

reports received from the sensors and negotiators.<br />

However, in reality, there are many other<br />

sources and types of information that may not be<br />

accessible to the agent. Furthermore, often<br />

judgmental input would be required to set the<br />

limits of authority for the manager agent, set the<br />

objectives and constraints (e.g. to maintain the<br />

ratio of failed vs. successful negotiations at a<br />

certain level) and attune its parameters, e.g. its<br />

risk profile, or the thresholds for sensitivity for<br />

reacting to <strong>und</strong>esirable developments. This is<br />

accomplished by the user through active user<br />

interface. Active user interface facilitates effective<br />

interaction with the user, while learning user<br />

preferences. This layer could be called the<br />

“judgmental” layer. Components of situated DSS<br />

could send various alerts to the user when human<br />

intervention may be desirable.<br />

4. Numerical Experiments<br />

To illustrate the situated DSS approach with the<br />

example and obtain preliminary empirical results<br />

we have conducted simulation experiments described<br />

in this section.<br />

4.1 Data Generation<br />

We have used the scenario where service provider<br />

negotiates with multiple prospective customers<br />

the terms of the SLA. For the simplicity,<br />

we considered only two issues: price of service<br />

and number of CPU hours. Simplifying assumptions<br />

were made, e.g. the negotiation ended the<br />

same day as it began. We did not actually simulate<br />

every negotiation process, as automated<br />


negotiations have been studied in the past, and<br />

the focus of the work is on the overall performance<br />

of situated DSS that includes negotiating<br />

agents as components. We generated various<br />

values for reservation levels for the incoming<br />

customers and their preference structures. We<br />

furthermore assumed that if agreement between a<br />

customer and an agent was possible it would be a<br />

Nash solution. Thus, we assumed that the parties<br />

(consumers and negotiating agents) followed<br />

reasonable strategies to achieve mutually beneficial<br />

outcomes. The latter assumption has been<br />

adopted, since in [8] strategies were proposed for<br />

autonomous negotiations that lead to desirable<br />

outcomes for the parties involved.<br />

In simulated settings we had included 20 days of<br />

SLA negotiations with twenty potential service<br />

consumers generated each day. The consumer<br />

reservation levels for price were generated from<br />

normal distribution aro<strong>und</strong> the “market” price,<br />

which was set to $100 per 1000 CPU hours. The<br />

requested number of CPU hours was also distributed<br />

normally. The number of available CPU<br />

hours was set to two millions and this “capacity”<br />

did not change throughout the period. Each service<br />

consumer was assigned a separate negotiator<br />

and the reservation levels were provided by<br />

the “manager” (agent). In addition, we have<br />

incorporated the preferences for the number of<br />

CPU hours vs. unit price by introducing discount<br />

options, which were also controlled by the manager.<br />

In particular, if agents committed more<br />

(less) CPU hours than targeted for a given period,<br />

the manager would decrease (increase) the<br />

discount values for additional CPU hours. This<br />

was accomplished through “If-Then” type of<br />

rules, similar to that described in the previous<br />

section.<br />

On a single day a number of agreements were<br />

made ranging from 0 to 20. Then the outcomes<br />

were analyzed and corrections were made by the<br />

manager to price limits and discounts using simple<br />

rules, e.g.: “if the number of successful negotiations<br />

is smaller than expected by a given margin<br />

then adjust the reservation level for price<br />

downward”. The manager could make such adjustments<br />

only within the limits specified by the<br />

human user. In the extreme case no such adjustments<br />

could be allowed.<br />

Figure 2: Effect of price level adjustments on<br />

number of agreements reached<br />

4.2 Results<br />

Figure 2 shows the number of service level<br />

agreements reached throughout the 20-day period<br />

as it is affected by the manager’s adjustments.<br />

Vertical bars represent increases and<br />

decreases to price levels set by the manager<br />

agent and communicated to the negotiator<br />

agents. For example, in period 8 the manager<br />

drops the reservation levels for negotiating<br />

agents to increase the number of deals made. The<br />

number of agreements reduces to zero by the end<br />

of the period as the capacity limit for CPU hours<br />

is reached. Figure 3 shows the effect of adjustments<br />

to the discount levels on the number of<br />

CPU hours.<br />

Figure 3: Effect of adjustments to discount<br />

levels on the number of CPU hours<br />

As mentioned earlier, the freedom given to the<br />

manager in setting the levels is controlled by the<br />

human decision maker. In setting these levels the<br />

human decision maker should use his or her<br />

knowledge of the market situation and make a<br />

judgment. The settings could also translate into<br />


the various levels of risk the decision maker is<br />

willing to take. For example if these are set high<br />

and tight there is a risk that not all CPU hours<br />

would be sold by the end of the period. If the<br />

spread between the upper and lower levels is<br />

large, then manager would start with higher<br />

levels and then gradually decrease them to be<br />

aligned with the market, thus possibly losing<br />

some early opportunities.<br />

The above figures were based on a scenario<br />

when the market price remains stable. In case the<br />

market price is initially much lower than the<br />

price levels set by the manager and then gradually<br />

increasing, the manager would have to make<br />

several adjustments to its reservation level before<br />

it could get the needed number of agreements.<br />

This situation is shown in figure 4.<br />

Figure 4: Adjustments when market price<br />

increases from low to high<br />

Also, in case of a sudden change in market price<br />

the manager would be able to adjust, though it<br />

would take some time and result in the loss of<br />

some possibilities. In such cases making early<br />

interventions as a result of rightly exercised<br />

judgment by the human decision maker would be<br />

beneficial. Such a combination of human judgment<br />

with the automated capabilities could be<br />

beneficial to the successful operation of the business.<br />

Finally, figure 5 compares profits achieved by<br />

the fixed pricing policy (price was fixed equal to<br />

the market price) vs. negotiation based policies<br />

based on the profits averaged over 20 runs.<br />

Figure 5: Comparison of average profits<br />

achieved by fixed pricing vs. situated DSSdriven<br />

negotiation-based approaches<br />

The negotiation-based scenarios divide into two:<br />

the one where manager’s actions were restricted<br />

(SDSS1), and the one where there are little restrictions<br />

(SDSS2). The latter case promises<br />

highest profits, though also least control that<br />

might jeopardize higher-level policies. As one<br />

can see the more adaptive situated DSS-based<br />

solutions perform better than the fixed price<br />

based one.<br />

Table 2 shows the average profits made by using<br />

the fixed pricing and situated DSS approaches<br />

<strong>und</strong>er various price settings. The column headings<br />

reading “price” refer to constant price set in<br />

case of the fixed pricing and to the initial reservation<br />

price in cases of situated DSS.<br />

Method Price = Price = Price =<br />

90 100 110<br />

Fixed 171.8 190.9 163.0<br />

SDSS1 206.9 213.4 191.1<br />

SDSS2 210.6 213.0 207.4<br />

Table 2: Mean Profits earned by situated DSS<br />

vs. fixed pricing (in $1000)<br />

5. Conclusion<br />

This work proposed applying situated decision<br />

support approach to managing automated SLA<br />

negotiations. The framework is based on the<br />

model for situated decision support that effectively<br />

combines human judgment and autonomous<br />

decision making and action by agent components.<br />

The key idea behind the approach lies in<br />

the managing the fleet of negotiating agents by<br />

the use of a “manager” agent and human decision<br />

maker. We have illustrated the approach<br />

through simulation experiments performed <strong>und</strong>er<br />

a set of simplifying assumptions.<br />

Possible future work could be directed towards<br />

extending the situated DSS to workflow cases,<br />


where the service consumers engages into concurrent<br />

negotiations with many service providers<br />

such that SLAs will be made with respect to all<br />

constituents of the workflow. In addition, future<br />

work will comprise the implementation of a<br />

user-friendly prototype involving multiple negotiated<br />

issues and empirical testing involving<br />

human subjects.<br />

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Using k-pricing for Penalty Calculation in Grid Market<br />

Michael Becker, <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management, University of Karlsruhe 1<br />

Nikolay Borrisov, <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management, University of Karlsruhe 2<br />

Vikas Deora, School of Computer Science, Cardiff University 3<br />

Omer F. Rana, School of Computer Science, Cardiff University 4<br />

Dirk Neumann, <strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management, University of Karlsruhe 5<br />

Abstract<br />

To distribute risk in Grid, the design of service level<br />

agreements (SLAs) plays an important role, since<br />

these contracts determine the price for a service at<br />

an agreed quality level as well as the penalties in<br />

case of SLA violation. This paper proposes a price<br />

function over the quality of service (QoS) on the<br />

basis of the agreements negotiated upon price and<br />

quality objective. This function defines fair prices for<br />

every possible quality of a service, which are in line<br />

with the business of the customer and incentivize the<br />

provider to supply welfare-maximizing quality.<br />

Therewith, penalties can be calculated for every<br />

possible quality level as the difference between the<br />

agreed price and the output of the price function for<br />

the effectively met quality. A price function according<br />

to the k-pricing scheme is presented for a single<br />

service scenario and for a scenario with multiple<br />

interdependent services.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

In order to drive sustainable business growth,<br />

organizations are nowadays constantly improving<br />

their information technology systems to produce<br />

business results sooner and make them available to a<br />

wider audience within the organization. To meet<br />

increasing demands on IT services without bearing<br />

enormous costs, IT services are sourced out more and<br />

more. To be able to fulfill high requirements even on<br />

peak demand, services are purchased on demand.<br />

Unfortunately, all organizations purchasing and<br />

selling computational services in a Service Oriented<br />

Computing (SOC) environment such as Grid have to<br />

_____________________________<br />

1<br />

michael.becker1981@web.de<br />

2 borrisov@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

3 v.deora@cs.cardiff.ac.uk<br />

4 o.f.rana@cs.cardiff.ac.uk<br />

5<br />

neumann@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

bear risks. Each outsourced service used by a<br />

company could provide high risks since they cannot<br />

be controlled adequate anymore. But also service<br />

providers bear risks, since their reputation will shrink<br />

and a penalty fee will have to be paid, if it fails to<br />

fulfil the Service Level Agreement (SLA).<br />

A SLA defines the responsibilities of the<br />

service provider and the consumer of the relevant<br />

service by describing the service provided and the<br />

quality standards of the service, measurement<br />

criteria, reporting criteria as well as penalties in cause<br />

of SLA violation. A SLA can be seen as contract that<br />

clearly outlines the rights and obligations of the<br />

parties in order to reduce the scope for disagreement<br />

to arise in the course of the parties` business<br />

relationship. The source of the largest number of<br />

disputes is likely to be the gap between the actual<br />

performance by a service and the performance<br />

expected by the service consumer. Thus, wellnegotiated<br />

SLAs that are comprehensive and well<br />

drafted are f<strong>und</strong>amental to minimizing the risk of<br />

disputes. Thereby SLAs should be negotiated in a<br />

way that both, the service provider and consumer will<br />

profit by successful executed SLAs. “The best SLAs<br />

are setup to allow both you and your service provider<br />

to share in the success and failure of an agreement”<br />

[3].<br />

Besides the establishment of transparency, the<br />

creation of SLAs aims to arrange risk sharing in<br />

order to provide a fair market, which equates<br />

financially weak and strong enterprises as well as<br />

service providers and consumers. To establish a fair<br />

agreement it is important that agreed service level<br />

objective, price and penalties are accomplishable and<br />

in line with the business of the contractual partners.<br />

To incentivize providers to fulfill the agreement,<br />

penalty design plays an important role. Thereby,<br />

penalties have to be designed according to the<br />

business value of the service for the customer and in<br />

a way that incentivizes the provider to fulfill the<br />

agreement satisfactory.<br />


The main contribution of this paper is to define<br />

balanced penalties that induce the right incentives for<br />

service providers to meet the SLAs. This paper<br />

introduces a price function on the basis of the results<br />

of the negotiation (price and service quality). This<br />

function provides fair prices for every possible<br />

quality of a service, which are in line with the<br />

business of the customer and incentivize the provider<br />

to supply welfare-maximizing quality. On this basis,<br />

penalty fees can easily be calculated for as the<br />

difference between the agreed price (for the agreed<br />

service level objective) and the output of the price<br />

function (for the effectively met quality).<br />

Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3<br />

defines the price function for penalty calculation<br />

referring to a k-pricing scheme for a single service<br />

scenario and for a scenario with multiple<br />

interdependent services. Section 5 concludes with a<br />

summary and an outlook on future research.<br />

2. Related work<br />

In the field of match making and pricing of<br />

services at a certain quality level, considerable<br />

research provides several pricing schemes in the Grid<br />

context (e.g. [2], [8] for auction and commodity<br />

market models and [6] for an overview of state-ofthe-art<br />

bargaining models).<br />

A review of current research of penalty<br />

calculation in the context of Grid Computing showed<br />

that there is no satisfactory comprehensive research<br />

in this area. In their paper, Yeo and Buyya [9]<br />

presented a proportional share allocation technique<br />

called “LibraSLA” that takes into account the utility<br />

of accepting new jobs into the cluster based on their<br />

SLA. Thereby a linear penalty function that reduces<br />

the profit of a job over time after the lapse of its<br />

deadline is introduced. Equally, a linear penalty<br />

function that reduces profit after a jobs run time has<br />

been presented by [1]. Multiple interdependent<br />

services are not considered in related work.<br />

Since linear penalty functions are not sufficient<br />

to determine penalties according to the business<br />

valuations of service provider and consumer in<br />

practice, this work focuses specifically on presenting<br />

a framework for penalty calculation according to the<br />

business value of the agreed services for the<br />

customer, which also incentivizes the provider to<br />

perform at the best. In doing so, the k-pricing<br />

scheme, well-known as a method for pricing in<br />

double-auctions [4] and already applied for pricing in<br />

Grid context [5] is used to come up with a fair and<br />

incentive compatible price function for all possible<br />

qualities of multiple, interdependent services. In the<br />

following we employ the intuition of k-pricing to the<br />

calculation of penalties.<br />

3. Penalty calculation<br />

3.1. SLA violation<br />

This section explains what SLA violation means<br />

in the context of Grid and how SLA violation could<br />

be measured. For the purpose of this paper, following<br />

general definition of SLA violation is sufficient:<br />

“A service level agreement is violated, as soon as it<br />

is impossible to meet the agreed service level<br />

objective(s).”<br />

The determination of the degree of the breach is<br />

important for penalty calculation to enable penalty<br />

design according to the occurring loss of the<br />

customer. For the purpose of this paper, the quality of<br />

service q is arbitrary normalized on a percentage rate<br />

basis, i.e. q ∈ 0,100 , in order to provide<br />

comparability of the degree of SLA breaches. For<br />

example, availability measured in percent could be<br />

considered as normalized service quality.<br />

3.2. Requirements on penalty scheme<br />

The value of the penalty fee of a SLA has deep<br />

impact on the SLA negotiation and the decision of<br />

accepting or rejecting an offer. Along with the price<br />

for a service and the reputation and reliability of the<br />

prospective associate partner the penalty in case of<br />

violation constitute the basis of decision-making<br />

whether to accept an offer or not. Hence following<br />

objectives for penalty calculation can be identified:<br />

Requirement 1: Penalties should be fair. The<br />

penalty agreed in a SLA should be proportionable to<br />

the loss triggered by violation. Penalty calculation<br />

has to be specific to customer`s (and provider`s)<br />

business and should truly establish risk sharing [3].<br />

Requirement 2: Penalties should incentivize<br />

contractual partners to perform best for each<br />

other. The penalty agreed in the SLA should<br />

incentivize the provider to fulfill the agreement<br />

satisfactory to the customer concerning the delivered<br />

Quality of service (QoS). This effect can be achieved<br />

by establishing a penalty proportional to the degree<br />

of SLA violation and by implementing a reward,<br />

which will be paid, if the agreed QoS is<br />


outperformed. Although the amount of this penalty<br />

and reward respectively has to be greater than the<br />

cost the provider may save by not performing at its<br />

best. Furthermore, the business value of the provided<br />

service level for the customer has to be taken into<br />

account, since the consumer should not be worse off,<br />

if the provider increases service quality (suppose the<br />

business value of a service will diminish as from a<br />

certain value).<br />

According to this, the business value of the<br />

service for the consumer as well as the production<br />

costs expressed by the reservation price for the<br />

provider have to be taken into account when<br />

calculating the penalty and reward respectively in<br />

SLAs.<br />

3.3. Required information and assumptions<br />

This section describes the needed information<br />

for proper penalty calculation. Thereby a single<br />

service scenario, which is about one single SLA<br />

between one service consumer and one provider that<br />

includes exactly one service, as well as a multiple<br />

service scenario is considered. The multiple service<br />

scenario is about multiple, interdependent SLAs<br />

between one service consumer and one service<br />

provider, whereas every service is represented by<br />

exactly one SLA.<br />

Information 1: Business value of service<br />

qualities for the consumer. The business value BV<br />

of a service for the consumer can be expressed as a<br />

function of the quality q of a service. Thereby, the<br />

business value represents the amount of currency<br />

units CU the service is worth for the consumer at<br />

each possible quality of a service. For example, the<br />

consumer is willing to pay $1.5 for every additional<br />

percentage point of availability of a service. Then its<br />

business value of this service can be expressed as a<br />

straight line BV q = 1.5q [$] in the domain<br />

q ∈ [0,100]. The cardinal definition based on the<br />

measurement in CU is essential for penalty<br />

calculation, since a same base for the functions BV<br />

and the provider`s valuation function R (introduced<br />

below) is indispensible for penalty calculation.<br />

Furthermore, the strength of preferences (slope of<br />

function BV) has magnificent influence on the<br />

penalty calculation. The quality is defined as the<br />

provided quality relative to the determined maximum<br />

quality (e.g. availability expressed in percent). Thus,<br />

the business value of a single service can be<br />

expressed as follows:<br />

for single services and<br />

BV: q → IR + ∀q ∈ [0,100]<br />

BV: q 1 , … , q n → IR +<br />

∀q i ∈ [0,100]<br />

for the multiple service scenario respectively,<br />

whereas q i represents the quality of service i.<br />

Thereby, the business value represents the amount of<br />

currency units CU each possible combination of<br />

qualities of the n services is worth for the consumer.<br />

This graph mirrors the consumer`s preferences about<br />

the quality of service and could vary for every<br />

consumer as well as for every service considered.<br />

To simplify the design of incentive constraints,<br />

it is assumed that the function BV(q i ) is completely<br />

differentiable in every direction in the domain<br />

q i ∈ [0,100] for all possible i = 1, … , n. Since the<br />

business value of a service for the consumer has to be<br />

determined in advance of the negotiation and match<br />

making process, it is assumed that consumers have<br />

already disclosed their valuations to the market<br />

directory when it comes to penalty calculation.<br />

Furthermore it is assumed that consumers truly<br />

disclose business values and do not distort their<br />

preferences in order to manipulate penalty<br />

calculation. This assumption will be discussed in<br />

section 5.<br />

Information 2: Reservation price of the<br />

service provider. Equally, the reservation price R<br />

(measured in CU), which represents the value of the<br />

service for the provider can be expressed as a<br />

function of the quality q of service<br />

R: q → IR + ∀q ∈ [0,100]<br />

in the single service scenario and as following graph<br />

R: q 1 , … , q n → IR +<br />

∀q i ∈ [0,100]<br />

in the multiple service scenario. Thereby the same<br />

assumptions as for the Business Value BV(q i ) apply.<br />

Opportunity costs occurring during service execution<br />

because of arising business alternatives are not taken<br />

into account, since they are very hard to measure and<br />

the service provider will have no incentive to<br />

disclose his true estimation.<br />


Information 3: Quality of service according<br />

to SLA. The quality of service q ∗ defined in the<br />

service level objectives (SLO) of the SLA is<br />

necessary to determine whether a penalty has to be<br />

paid by the provider or a reward has to be paid by the<br />

service consumer. For multiple services several SLO<br />

have been negotiated:<br />

BV [CU]<br />

q i ∗ ∈ 0,100 ∀ i = 1, … , n<br />

Information 4: Price of service according to<br />

SLA. In the negotiation process both parties have<br />

agreed upon one certain price p ∗ for the services<br />

provided at the quality q ∗ i . Thereby it is assumed,<br />

that both parties have agreed upon one certain all<br />

ro<strong>und</strong> price p ∗ for all services i provided at the<br />

agreed qualities q ∗ i . This assumption is maintainable,<br />

since all considered services, each represented by one<br />

SLA, usually belong to one contract between the<br />

service provider and consumer. All these services<br />

included in one contract should be negotiated<br />

together, since interdependencies between the<br />

services could have significant influence on the<br />

valuation for both contractual partners. Therefore,<br />

these interdependencies already have been taken into<br />

account in the negotiation process. The result of the<br />

negotiation is a b<strong>und</strong>le of service level objectives<br />

(q ∗ 1 , q ∗ ∗<br />

2 , … , q n−1 , q ∗ n ) and one agreed all ro<strong>und</strong> price<br />

p ∗ ∈ IR + in currency units [CU].<br />

p ∗ ∈ IR + ,<br />

measured in currency units [CU]<br />

This price p ∗ will be basis for penalty and reward<br />

calculation respectively via a price function<br />

described subsequently.<br />

Figure 1. exemplary shows the initial<br />

information in the single service scenario: business<br />

value for the consumer BV (q), reservation price of<br />

the provider R (q), agreed price p ∗ and quality of<br />

service q ∗ according to SLA.<br />

The exemplary function BV may be typical for<br />

IT services: It increases slowly at low qualities,<br />

because very low service quality (e.g. availability)<br />

usually will have no useful effect to the consumer.<br />

From a certain quality level on, BV may increase<br />

progressive. At high quality levels marginal utility<br />

could diminish caused by saturation.<br />

3.4. Incentive and fairness constraints<br />

In the following several constraints for<br />

designing a price function P(q i ) are described, which<br />

secure to meet the objective of establishing fairness<br />

(fairness constraints) as well as incentivizing the<br />

provider to act satisfactory to its customer (incentive<br />

constraints). This function P(q i ) represents the total<br />

amount of currency units (CU) the consumer will<br />

have to pay for the services. The penalty and the<br />

reward respectively can be calculated as the<br />

difference between the agreed price p ∗ and the output<br />

P(q i ) of effectively met qualities q i . P(q i ) can be<br />

defined as follows:<br />

P: q 1 , … , q n → IR +<br />

∀ q i ∈ [0,100]<br />

whereas following constraint has to be fulfilled:<br />

P q 1 ∗ , … , q n<br />

∗<br />

= p ∗<br />

This constraint guarantees the agreed price p ∗ for met<br />

service level objectives q i ∗ , i.e. no penalty or reward<br />

has to be paid, if the agreed qualities are met exactly.<br />

BV(q)<br />

R(q)<br />

p*<br />

q*<br />

0 50 100<br />

q [%]<br />

To implement a SLA pricing design which<br />

maximizes overall welfare, several constraints have<br />

to be added. In this context, the welfare which has to<br />

be distributed among the contractual partners is<br />

defined by the difference W q = BV q – R(q) for<br />

every possible service quality q. To clarify the<br />

explanations of the following constraints, only one<br />

service is regarded and a case differentiation is<br />

introduced in order to reduce complexity:<br />

Figure 1. Initial situation for single service<br />


a. ∀q ∈ q<br />

∂R(q)<br />

∂q<br />

∂R q<br />

∂q<br />

≤<br />

∂BV q<br />

∂q<br />

≤ ∂P(q)<br />

∂p<br />

, R q ≤ BV(q)}:<br />

≤ ∂BV(q)<br />

∂q<br />

R q ≤ P q ≤ BV q<br />

(IC)<br />

FC<br />

Case a. represents the situation that the given<br />

quality of service is rated higher by the consumer<br />

BV q than by the provider R q . Furthermore the<br />

slope of function BV(q) is greater than the slope of<br />

reservation price R(q). In this case welfare W(q) is<br />

positive and increases with rising service quality q.<br />

To incentivize the service provider to deliver higher<br />

quality in order to maximize overall welfare, the<br />

price P(q) has to increase faster than the reservation<br />

price R(q). Although, the price P(q) has to increase<br />

slower than the business value BV q to secure that<br />

the consumer will not be worse off, if the provider<br />

delivers higher quality. These requirements are<br />

expressed by the incentive constraint (IC). The<br />

fairness constraint (FC) guarantees that no party will<br />

have to bear a loss as long as overall welfare is<br />

positive.<br />

∂R q<br />

b. ∀q ∈ {q|<br />

∂q<br />

∂R(q)<br />

∂q<br />

≤<br />

∂BV q<br />

∂q<br />

≤ ∂P(q)<br />

∂p<br />

, R q ≥ BV q }:<br />

≤ ∂BV(q)<br />

∂q<br />

BV q ≤ P q ≤ R q<br />

(IC)<br />

FC<br />

On the other hand case b. represents the<br />

situation that reservation prices of the provider are<br />

higher than the monetary utility for the consumer<br />

R q > BV q . Furthermore the slope of function<br />

BV(q) is greater than the slope of the reservation<br />

price function R(q). This means that overall welfare<br />

W(q) is negative but increasing with rising service<br />

quality q. The incentive constraint (IC) implements<br />

the incentive for the service provider to supply higher<br />

quality in order to maximize overall welfare without<br />

making the consumer being worse off, i.e. the price<br />

P(q) has to increase faster than its reservation price<br />

R(q) and slower than BV q . The fairness constraint<br />

(FC) guarantees that no party will make a profit as<br />

long as overall welfare is negative.<br />

c. ∀q ∈ q<br />

∂R q<br />

∂q<br />

∂BV(q)<br />

∂q<br />

><br />

∂BV q<br />

∂q<br />

≤ ∂P(q)<br />

∂q<br />

, R q ≤ BV q :<br />

≤ ∂R(q)<br />

∂q<br />

(IC)<br />

R q ≤ P q ≤ BV q<br />

FC<br />

Case c. represents the situation of positive<br />

overall welfare W(q), which is decreasing with<br />

rising service quality q. To incentivize the service<br />

provider to deliver lower quality in order to<br />

maximize overall welfare, the price P(q) has to<br />

increase slower than R(q), but faster than the<br />

business value BV q to secure that the consumer<br />

will not be worse off if the provider decreases<br />

quality. Again, the fairness constraint secures that no<br />

party will have to bear a loss as long as overall<br />

welfare is positive.<br />

d. ∀q ∈ q<br />

∂R q<br />

∂q<br />

∂BV(q)<br />

∂q<br />

><br />

∂BV q<br />

∂q<br />

≤ ∂P(q)<br />

∂q<br />

, R q ≥ BV q :<br />

≤ ∂R(q)<br />

∂q<br />

BV q ≤ P q ≤ R q<br />

FC<br />

(IC)<br />

Finally, in case d. overall welfare W(q) is<br />

negative and decreasing with rising service quality q.<br />

To incentivize the service provider to deliver lower<br />

quality in order to maximize overall welfare, the<br />

price P(q) has to increase slower than the reservation<br />

price R(q) of the provider but faster as the business<br />

value to the consumer again. The fairness constraint<br />

guarantees that no contractual partner will make a<br />

profit as long as overall welfare is negative.<br />

Note that following assumption forms the basis<br />

of these constraints: If the marginal reservation price<br />

of the service provider equals the marginal revenue<br />

of the service provider, it will act according the<br />

preferences of the service consumer.<br />

In conclusion, these constraints can be extended<br />

for the multiple service scenario as follows:<br />

s.t.<br />

P: q 1 , … , q n → IR +<br />

∀q i ∈ [0,100]<br />

P q 1 ∗ , … , q n<br />

∗<br />

= p ∗<br />

and the incentive constraint IC :<br />

min ∂R q i<br />

∂q i<br />

, ∂BV q i<br />

∂q i<br />

≤ ∂P q i<br />

∂q i<br />

≤ max{ ∂R(q i)<br />

, ∂BV(q i)<br />

} ∀q<br />

∂q i ∂q i ∈ [0,100]<br />

i<br />


and the fairness constraint (FC):<br />

min R q i , BV q i ≤ P q i<br />

≤ max{R q i , BV(q i )}<br />

∀i = 1, … , n<br />

Every function P(q i ) which fulfills these<br />

constraints incentivizes the service provider to act in<br />

a way that maximizes overall welfare and guarantees<br />

that no party will bear a loss, if overall welfare is<br />

positive (and no party will make a profit, if overall<br />

welfare is negative respectively), i.e. the objective<br />

“service provider and consumer win and lose<br />

together” is implemented.<br />

Even for not completely differentiable valuation<br />

functions BV(q i ) and R(q i ), a price function P(q i ),<br />

which fulfils the requirements can be designed by<br />

introducing steps according the considerations made<br />

above.<br />

The introduced constraints do not determine the<br />

distribution of welfare to service provider and<br />

customer. This profit distribution is depending on the<br />

design of the price function P q i according to these<br />

constraints. An exemplary price function which<br />

guarantees fair distribution of the overall welfare is<br />

introduced in the following section.<br />

3.5. Using k-pricing for penalty calculation<br />

for single services<br />

This section aims to come-up with a price<br />

function that fulfils the incentive constraints<br />

introduced above for a single service scenario, i.e.<br />

only one SLA between one service provider and one<br />

consumer is considered. The resulting penalty of a<br />

SLA can easily be computed as the difference of the<br />

agreed price p ∗ for met service level objective and<br />

the output of the price function for effectively met<br />

service quality q:<br />

Penalty(q) = p ∗ − P(q)<br />

Thereby a negative penalty is called a reward, since it<br />

has to be paid from the consumer to the provider for<br />

outperforming services, i.e. if the effectively met<br />

service quality is higher than the agreed service level<br />

objective.<br />

Sattherthwaite and Williams [4] presented a k-<br />

pricing scheme to distribute the welfare of trades in<br />

double auction markets. The <strong>und</strong>erlying idea of the k-<br />

pricing scheme is to determine prices for a buyer and<br />

a seller on the basis of the difference between their<br />

valuations. For instance, suppose that a buyer wants<br />

to purchase a computation service for $5 and a seller<br />

wants to sell for at least $4. The difference between<br />

these bids is W = 5 − 4 = 1, where W is the surplus<br />

of this transaction that can be distributed among the<br />

participants. For a single service exchange, the k-<br />

pricing scheme can be formalized as follows [5].<br />

According to chapter 0, let BV q = bv be the<br />

valuation of the consumer and R q = r be the<br />

valuation of the provider of the service at a given<br />

quality level q. The price for the service of quality q<br />

can be calculated by P q = kbv + 1 − k r with<br />

k ∈ [0,1]. In regard to the above-mentioned<br />

valuations for the service with the quality q, the<br />

resulting price is P q = 0.5 ∗ 4 + 1 − 0.5 ∗ 5 =<br />

4.5 [$] for k = 0.5.<br />

Sattherthwaite and Williams assumed that<br />

BV q ≥ R(q), i.e. the consumer has a valuation for<br />

the commodity which is at least as high as the seller`s<br />

reservation price. Otherwise no trade would occur.<br />

This assumption is not applying in the context of<br />

penalty calculation, since (unwished) situations could<br />

occur in which the business value for the consumer is<br />

lower than the reservation price of the provider. E.g.,<br />

suppose the provider has served 100% availability<br />

until a certain point of time and suddenly it is unable<br />

to provide the service due to an electrical power<br />

outage until the agreed time is past. Then the met<br />

quality of service could be unexpected low and the<br />

situation mentioned above could occur.<br />

The k-pricing scheme can also be applied to<br />

penalty calculation in SLAs in order to provide a<br />

price function that guarantees fair distribution of the<br />

welfare according to the constraints introduced in the<br />

previous chapter for every possible valuation<br />

functions BV q and R q :<br />

P q ≔ k ∗ BV q + 1 − k ∗ R q<br />

∀q ∈ [0,100]<br />

whereas following equation determines parameter k:<br />

k ∶= p∗ − R(q ∗ )<br />

BV q ∗ − R(q ∗ )<br />

This equation guarantees the fulfilment of the<br />

constraint P q ∗ = p ∗ and secures the distribution of<br />

positive and negative overall welfare according to the<br />

welfare distribution agreed in the SLA negotiation<br />

process (for the price p ∗ of the service at the quality<br />


level q ∗ ). Figure 2. shows the price function P(q) for<br />

the exemplary initial situation showed in Figure1.<br />

BV [CU]<br />

P(q)<br />

BV(q)<br />

R(q)<br />

p*<br />

q*<br />

0 50 100<br />

q [%]<br />

Figure 2. Price function calculation using k-<br />

pricing (k=0.8)<br />

3.6. Using k-pricing for penalty calculation<br />

for multiple services<br />

Provided that only one overall price has been<br />

negotiated (see section 3.3) to meet exactly one<br />

service level objective for every service, k-pricing<br />

could be used to calculate fair, incentive compatible<br />

penalties for multiple services as follows:<br />

with<br />

P q 1 , … , q n ≔<br />

k ∗ BV q 1 , … , q n + 1 − k ∗ R q 1 , … , q n<br />

k ∶=<br />

∀q i ∈ 0,100 ; i = 1, … , n<br />

p ∗ − R(q 1 ∗ , … , q n ∗ )<br />

BV q 1 ∗ , … , q n<br />

∗<br />

− R(q 1 ∗ , … , q n ∗ )<br />

Again, this equation guarantees the fulfilment<br />

of the constraint P(q 1 ∗ , … , q n ∗ ) = p ∗ and secures the<br />

distribution of positive and negative overall welfare<br />

according to the welfare distribution agreed in<br />

negotiation process. The incentive constraints<br />

determined in section 3.4 are met by this price<br />

function.<br />

3.7. Application in Grid Markets<br />

Since the mathematical formulation of valuation<br />

functions, especially for n-dimensional valuations in<br />

the multiple service scenario, would be too complex<br />

in practice, a simplified framework with tiered<br />

valuation functions is introduced in this section.<br />

To ease the formulation of valuation functions,<br />

the quality range of all services s i is divided into a<br />

certain number j i of intervals. The relevant service<br />

qualities have to be valuated by the provider and the<br />

consumer with one value for each interval in the<br />

single service scenario and with one value for each<br />

possible combination of quality domains in the<br />

multiple service scenario (since services are<br />

interdependent). Thereby, the number of intervals j i<br />

does not necessarily have to be equal for all services<br />

and the length of intervals does not necessarily be the<br />

same within one service. These parameters have to be<br />

set according to the usual structure of the valuation<br />

functions for every service. The parameter setting<br />

stands for a trade-off between convenience and<br />

accuracy, i.e. a high number of short valuation<br />

intervals will provide better incentives, but will also<br />

raise complexity. It must be pointed out, that<br />

complexity increases very fast with the number of<br />

relevant services. With two services and five quality<br />

intervals for each service, 5 2 = 25 combinations<br />

have to be valuated by both contractual partners.<br />

With three services and the same classification,<br />

already 5 3 = 75 combinations have to be valuated.<br />

This classification of quality levels leads to step<br />

functions according to the business value and the<br />

reservation price of the services, which could be<br />

discontinuous at the interval bo<strong>und</strong>s. In the intervals<br />

the slope of the functions is zero. According to this,<br />

the valuation functions generally can be defined as<br />

follows:<br />

Information 1 (simplified): Business value<br />

BV(q i ) of service qualities for the consumer for n<br />

services:<br />

BV:<br />

n<br />

i=1<br />

Q i<br />

→ IR + ∀i = 1, … , n<br />

whereas BV is a graph spanned over the Cartesian<br />

product<br />

with<br />

n<br />

i=1<br />

Q i<br />

= Q 1 × … × Q n ∶=<br />

q 1 , … , q n |q i ∈ Q i ; i = 1, … , n<br />

Q i : = (q 1,1 , q 1,2 , … , q 1,j1 −1, q 1,j1 ).<br />

Thereby Q i represents the set of quality intervals<br />

q i,1 , q i,2 , … , q i,j1 −1, q i,j1 of service i, whereas j i is the<br />

number of quality intervals of service i. In other<br />


words, all possible combinations of quality intervals<br />

of the different services have to be valuated by the<br />

consumer by allocation of one positive, monetary<br />

value.<br />

Information 2 (simplified): Reservation price<br />

R(q i ) of the service consumer for n services.<br />

Equally, the reservation price of the provider can be<br />

expressed as a graph:<br />

R:<br />

n<br />

i=1<br />

Q i<br />

→ IR + ∀i = 1, … , n<br />

whereas R is spanned over the Cartesian product<br />

n<br />

i=1 Q i again.<br />

With information about the results of the<br />

negotiation process, as a b<strong>und</strong>le of service level<br />

objectives (q ∗ 1 , q ∗ ∗<br />

2 , … , q n−1 , q ∗ n ) and one agreed all<br />

ro<strong>und</strong> price p ∗ for all the services, the price function<br />

applying k-pricing can be written as follows:<br />

with<br />

P q 1 , … , q n ≔<br />

k ∗ BV q 1 , … , q n + 1 − k ∗ R q 1 , … , q n<br />

k ∶=<br />

∀q i ∈ 0,100 ; i = 1, … , n<br />

p ∗ − R(q 1 ∗ , … , q n ∗ )<br />

BV q 1 ∗ , … , q n<br />

∗<br />

− R(q 1 ∗ , … , q n ∗ )<br />

This equation guarantees the fulfilment of the<br />

constraint P(q 1 ∗ , … , q n ∗ ) = p ∗ and secures the<br />

distribution of positive and negative overall welfare<br />

according to the welfare distribution agreed in<br />

negotiation process. Of course, fulfilling the<br />

incentive compatibility conditions presented in<br />

section 3.4 is not feasible with tiered functions. Since<br />

these step functions could be considered as<br />

approximation and pass into real valuation functions<br />

for sufficiently small intervals, incentive<br />

compatibility can be achieved in some degree<br />

anyway.<br />

Figure 3. visualises k-pricing in case of the<br />

simplified scenario by using step functions for<br />

service valuation for a single service.<br />

BV [CU]<br />

P(q)<br />

BV(q)<br />

R(q)<br />

p*<br />

q*<br />

0 50 100<br />

q[%]<br />

Figure 3. Simplified step functions BV(q),<br />

R(q) and P(q) using k-pricing (k=0.8)<br />

In the following a numerical example with two<br />

interdependent services is drawn to clarify the<br />

(simplified) k-pricing scheme in multiple services<br />

scenario. For the sake of clarity a graphic account has<br />

been left out.<br />

In this example, two interdependent services are<br />

considered. These services are supposed to be<br />

complements for the consumer, i.e. these services<br />

should be consumed together. In economics, a good 1<br />

is a complement to good 2, if the demand for good 1<br />

goes down when the price of good 2 goes up [7]. A<br />

famous example of complement goods would be<br />

hamburgers and hamburger buns. In a Grid market,<br />

CPU and storage could be considered as complement<br />

goods, since there may be only very limited use for<br />

an application to purchase computing power without<br />

having the appropriate memory capacity. The same<br />

services could be of substitute character to the<br />

service provider, for example if the provision of these<br />

services is independent from each other. Then the<br />

reservation price for both services will simply be the<br />

sum of the reservation prices of the two single<br />

services. Following tables show exemplary<br />

valuations of two services, which are of complement<br />

character for the consumer and of substitute character<br />

for the provider respectively.<br />

Table 1. Exemplary business value BV(q 1 , q 2 )<br />

of complements for the consumer<br />

q 2,1 q 2,2 q 2,3 q 2,4<br />

∈ 0,25 ∈ [25,50) ∈ [50,75) ∈ [75,100]<br />

q 1,1 ∈ 0,25 0 5 10 20<br />

q 1,2 ∈ [25,50) 5 50 60 70<br />

q 1,3 ∈ [50,75) 10 60 100 110<br />

q 1,4 ∈ [75,100] 20 70 110 150<br />


Table 2. Exemplary provider`s reservation<br />

price R(q 1 , q 2 ) of substitutes<br />

q 2,1 q 2,2 q 2,3 q 2,4<br />

∈ 0,25 ∈ [25,50) ∈ [50,75) ∈ [75,100]<br />

q 1,1 ∈ 0,25 10 20 30 40<br />

q 1,2 ∈ [25,50) 20 40 50 60<br />

q 1,3 ∈ [50,75) 30 50 60 70<br />

q 1,4 ∈ [75,100] 40 60 70 80<br />

Table 4. Penalties and rewards for different<br />

service levels<br />

q 2,1 q 2,2 q ∗ 2 = q 2,3 q 2,4<br />

∈ 0,25 ∈ [25,50)] ∈ [50,75) ∈ [75,100]<br />

q 1,1 ∈ 0,25 72.5 63.75 55 45<br />

q 1,2 ∈ [25,50) 63.75 37.5 27.5 17.5<br />

∗<br />

q 1,3 ∈ [50,75) 55 27.5 10 0<br />

q 1,4 ∈ [75,100] 45 17.5 0 -17.5<br />

Suppose the service level objective is to meet a<br />

quality q 1 ∈ [75,100] for service s 1 and quality<br />

q 2 ∈ [50,75) for service s 2 for an all ro<strong>und</strong> price<br />

p ∗ = 80 [CU], which has been determined for met<br />

service level objectives in the negotiation process. So<br />

factor k can be calculated as<br />

k =<br />

p ∗ − R q 1 ∗ , q 2<br />

∗<br />

BV q 1 ∗ , q 2<br />

∗<br />

− R q 1 ∗ , q 2<br />

∗<br />

= 0.25<br />

=<br />

80 − 70<br />

110 − 70<br />

With the equation presented above the price can be<br />

calculated for every possible combination of services.<br />

P q 1,a , q 2,b =<br />

k ∗ BV q 1,a , q 2,b + 1 − k ∗ R q 1,a , q 2,b<br />

∀ a = 1, … ,4 and ∀ b = 1, … ,4<br />

Table 3. shows the results of a price calculation.<br />

Table 3. Prices P(q 1 , q 2 ) calculated via k-<br />

pricing (k = 0, 5)<br />

q 2,1 q 2,2 q ∗ 2 = q 2,3 q 2,4<br />

∈ 0,25 ∈ [25,50) ∈ [50,75) ∈ [75,100]<br />

q 1,1 ∈ 0,25 7.5 16.25 25 35<br />

q 1,2 ∈ [25,50) 16.25 42.5 52.5 62.5<br />

∗<br />

q 1,3 ∈ [50,75) 25 52.5 70 80<br />

q 1,4 ∈ [75,100] 35 62.5 80 = p ∗ 97.5<br />

The calculated prices are always between the<br />

valuations of the relevant service partners of the<br />

contractual partners. For the agreed service level<br />

objective q 1 ∗ ∈ [75,100] and q 2 ∗ ∈ [50,75) the<br />

calculated price P(q 1 ∗ , q 2 ∗ ) equals the agreed price p ∗ .<br />

From these prices again the penalty and reward<br />

respectively can be calculated as<br />

Penalty(q 1 , q 2 ) = p ∗ − P(q 1 , q 2 )<br />

whereas q i is the actually met quality of service i.<br />

For the agreed service level objective<br />

q 1 ∗ ∈ [75,100] and q 2 ∗ ∈ [50,75) the penalty is zero,<br />

since the calculated price P(q 1 ∗ , q 2 ∗ ) equals the agreed<br />

price p ∗ . The penalty for q 1 ∈ [50,75) and q 2 ∈<br />

[75,100] is also zero, because of the symmetry of the<br />

valuations in this example If the SLO is<br />

outperformed, i.e. q 1 ∈ [75,100] and q 2 ∈<br />

[75,100], the consumer will pay a reward (negative<br />

penalty) to the service provider.<br />

Table 5. Benefit of service provider<br />

P(q 1 , q 2 ) − R(q 1 , q 2 )<br />

q 2,1 q 2,2 q ∗ 2 = q 2,3 q 2,4<br />

∈ 0,25 ∈ [25,50) ∈ [50,75) ∈ [75,100]<br />

q 1,1 ∈ 0,25 -2.5 -3.75 -5 -5<br />

q 1,2 ∈ [25,50) -3.75 2.5 2.5 2.5<br />

∗<br />

q 1,3 ∈ [50,75) -5 2.5 10 10<br />

q 1,4 ∈ [75,100] -5 2.5 10 17.5<br />

Table 5. shows the benefit of the service<br />

provider at each quality level combination calculated<br />

as the difference P(q 1, q 2 ) − R(q 1, q 2 ). Table 6.<br />

presents the associated benefits for the consumer,<br />

calculated equivalent as the difference between its<br />

valuation and the determined price BV(q 1, q 2 ) −<br />

P(q 1, q 2 ).<br />

Table 6. Benefit of service consumer<br />

BV(q 1 , q 2 ) − P(q 1 , q 2 )<br />

q 2,1 q 2,2 q ∗ 2 = q 2,3 q 2,4<br />

∈ 0,25 ∈ [25,50) ∈ [50,75) ∈ [75,100]<br />

q 1,1 ∈ 0,25 -7.5 -11.25 -15 -15<br />

q 1,2 ∈ [25,50) -11.25 7.5 7.5 7.5<br />

∗<br />

q 1,3 ∈ [50,75) -15 7.5 30 30<br />

q 1,4 ∈ [75,100] -15 7.5 30 52.5<br />

As can be seen from these tables, both parties<br />

will bear a loss, if at least one service is delivered at<br />

the lowest quality. As soon as both services are<br />

provided in a quality greater or equal than 25%, both<br />

parties will make a (positive) profit, which is<br />


increasing with rising quality of both services. For<br />

every possible change of service qualities making the<br />

provider being better off, the service consumer will<br />

also be better off. Hence, the provider is incentivized<br />

to provide both services in best possible quality to<br />

maximize its profit. Due to the fixed ratio of overall<br />

welfare distribution provided by the k-pricing<br />

scheme, this will maximize the benefit of the<br />

consumer too. In this case the SLO is outperformed<br />

by the service provider and an overall welfare even<br />

greater than the welfare in the originally agreed<br />

situation will be distributed fairly.<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

Penalty calculation is crucial for true risk<br />

sharing in SLAs, since it determines the distribution<br />

of the associated risk of the SLA among the<br />

contractual partners. The k-pricing scheme provides<br />

fair and economical reasonable prices for every<br />

quality level of a single service. Thereby the overall<br />

welfare is distributed at a fixed ratio according to the<br />

result of a negotiation process for all possible met<br />

service qualities. Thus, the party with the bigger<br />

share of positive welfare will also bear a higher share<br />

of the loss, if the SLA is violated, i.e. the party which<br />

gets a bigger share of the positive welfare also bears<br />

a higher risk. Due to these characteristics and the<br />

fact, that k-pricing fulfils the incentive constraints<br />

presented in section 3.4 (proof trivial) and provides<br />

fair welfare distribution, k-pricing is the ideal scheme<br />

for penalty calculation in automated markets.<br />

However, the problem of using k-pricing for penalty<br />

calculation is that it provides incentives for market<br />

participants to distort their true valuations. Suppose a<br />

service consumer is interested in a service at one<br />

specific level of quality. Then he is incentivized to<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstate its valuation for all other service levels in<br />

order to maximize penalties in case of violated SLA<br />

and to minimize rewards in case of outperformed<br />

SLO. This incentive problem cannot be solved in<br />

context with k-pricing, since the price function is<br />

always directly associated with the valuations and<br />

thus directly influence able. Thus, the incentive to<br />

report true valuations has to be provided by other<br />

components in a Grid Market, maybe the Market<br />

Mechanism, which matches supply and demand. Just<br />

as well the creditability of the contractual partners<br />

regarding the disclosed valuations could indirectly be<br />

gauged by observing valuations for similar services<br />

in the past. But surely the incentive to distort<br />

valuations will remain as a challenge to be solved.<br />

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20 th Bled eConference<br />

eMergence:<br />

Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes, and <strong>Institut</strong>ions<br />

June 4 - 6, 2007; Bled, Slovenia<br />

Rightsizing of Incentives for collaborative e-Science<br />

Grid Applications with TES<br />

Arun Anandasivam, Dirk Neumann, Christof Weinhardt<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e for Information Systems and Management,<br />

University of Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

{name}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

The particle physics community is sharing its resources over a Grid network.<br />

Currently resources are used on availability. But there is no fair allocation<br />

considering the importance or the private value of a job. Researchers are using<br />

Grid resources regardless of whether others need them more urgently.<br />

Furthermore, they do not even provide their own resources as they do not have an<br />

incentive for sharing them. Researchers are demanding a Grid infrastructure<br />

where an incentive mechanism is implemented. This will support a fair allocation<br />

of resources. Incentives can be provided by using money. But one constraint is<br />

that no real money should be involved for billing the resources in the science<br />

community. In this paper, a mechanism called Token Exchange System (TES) is<br />

proposed. Considering the requirements from the particle physics community this<br />

mechanism combines the advantages of reputation and payment mechanism in<br />

one coherent system to realize a fair allocation. It enables to build up a Grid<br />

infrastructure with an incentive mechanism which is scalable, incentivecompatible<br />

and does not require a face-to-face agreement like the current system.<br />

Keywords: Token Exchange System, incentive mechanism, Grid network<br />

1 Introduction<br />

In the e-Science community, Grid is an important infrastructure for the<br />

collaboration of scientific researchers to run calculations in a reasonable period of<br />

time. Combining distributed computing resources together and sharing these<br />

resources with others is demanded by research institutes. Especially researchers<br />

from particle physics are interested in sharing resources. They have a great<br />

resource demand for analyzing the data collected from the particle detector. The<br />

large amount of data comprising 4 million Gigabytes a year that is generated by<br />

the Large Hadron Collider experiment cannot be stored and processed by a single<br />

research institute (Berlich et al. 2005). Currently the GSI institute in Darmstadt,<br />

Germany, with its focus on particle and ionic physics produces about 1 Gigabyte<br />

data per second with its detectors. The various institutes take an interest in<br />

cooperative data analysis for saving precious time. Any institute can contribute his<br />


esources to the e-Science community and can in turn use the resources of others.<br />

The technical infrastructure allowing such coordinated resource sharing is<br />

provided by the Grid environment so as to realize an e-Collaboration among the<br />

researchers.<br />

This resource sharing approach, however, is problematic due to free-riding as<br />

known from Peer-to-Peer coupled with the prevailing competition in the research<br />

field (Adar, Huberman 2000). It turns out that even in Academia researchers are<br />

quite not willing to share resources or knowledge with other institutes without<br />

reciprocity. Furthermore, in the particle physics the resources are not utilized<br />

efficiently. Users tend to send too many jobs on others’ computing nodes. To<br />

avoid overconsumption, the sharing of resources has to be compensated to enable<br />

a fair transaction, which is not trivial in this context. This is not a “tragedy of the<br />

commons” problem (Hardin 1968, Ostrom 1990), since the resources belong to<br />

institutes or research projects, who are the owner. The need for more resources<br />

from other institutes is due to analysis of the large amount of data.<br />

In industry, compensation for shared resources is typically made by transferring<br />

money. Money is used to pay the counterpart a compensation for having access to<br />

the resources like applications (Application Service Providing), information or<br />

services. In principle, this payment system is also applicable to the scientific<br />

communities. However, the community faces major problems by implementing<br />

this system: researchers deny the usage of money for sharing resources for two<br />

main reasons. Firstly, researchers are not allowed to spend money without<br />

presenting valid reasons for their expenses to the sponsor. They always take care<br />

of the investment they make. An investment can lead to revenue. In some<br />

countries it is prohibited by law for institutes to make profit (e.g. Germany).<br />

Secondly, it is regarded unethical that those institutes with a deeper pocket are in a<br />

position to do better research than others. Thus, it is not surprising that researchers<br />

tend to prefer reputation mechanisms rather than money as incentive mechanisms.<br />

In reputation mechanisms the researchers do not rate the value of resources, but<br />

the behavior of the user. A disadvantage of reputation mechanism is the lack of<br />

incentive for motivating researchers to offer scarce resources. The participants do<br />

only the bare minimum to retain an acceptable reputation level that allows<br />

participating in the exchange process without restrictions. This means that there is<br />

no clear incentive to share scarce resources (i.e. high computational power).<br />

The main contribution of this paper is to give an overview of the requirements of a<br />

mechanism in the scientific community, compare former research work regarding<br />

the requirements and present a tailored mechanism for the e-Science Grid<br />

community. The incentive mechanism we propose is called Token Exchange<br />

System (TES). TES promises to achieve sharing resources in e-Science without<br />

money while retaining the beneficial coordination effect of money. TES is based<br />

on a reputation mechanism and a payment mechanism merged into one system.<br />

We use tokens instead of money for compensation. These tokens have a certain<br />

value. In contrast to real money or e-Cash, the tokens can be issued and<br />

distributed by the participants themselves. The value of the tokens is derived from<br />

the reputation of a participant and the number of issued tokens. Several<br />

restrictions are realized through a function calculating the token value to restrain<br />

flooding the whole system with their own tokens to manipulate the system. This<br />

approach is novel, as it combines existing payment and reputation mechanism into<br />

one coherent system. This way, transaction between institutes can be<br />

accomplished without burdening their financial endowment.<br />

2<br />


System analysis<br />

This paper is structured as follows: in section 2 requirements and the related work<br />

will be outlined. The model of TES is described in section 3 and the simulation<br />

results are shown in section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper.<br />

2 System analysis<br />

In a Grid network agents can have different behavioral characteristics. They can<br />

be altruistic, selfish or malicious (Yu, Singh 2003). These characteristics are not<br />

fixed per se. The agents can change the way they behave. For instance, Liebau et<br />

al (2005) define a normal agent who behaves selfishly, but to a certain extent<br />

altruistic. This type of agent only shares a few files for a certain period of time.<br />

One goal in a network with different agents is to maximize the overall welfare to<br />

enhance trust in the network. The good agents expect to be treated fairly, if<br />

resources are allocated in the Grid. Otherwise, they will not participate in the<br />

network any longer (in the long run). The idea behind TES is to provide a new<br />

incentive which cannot be fulfilled by current payment and reputation<br />

mechanisms. This will make the agent behave more cooperative and lead to an<br />

enhanced overall outcome. The incentive is set by combining both mechanisms<br />

into one coherent system. The payment mechanism is used to evaluate a<br />

commodity (goods or services). The reputation mechanism is necessary to<br />

evaluate the behavior of a user in a network. In TES the reputation has an impact<br />

on the budget of the users.<br />

2.1 Requirements<br />

The Grid usage for particle physics is one example from a variety of possible<br />

scenarios. Although TES is not limited to the application in particle physics Grid,<br />

we use it as a sample scenario. Different scenarios are defined by different<br />

requirements. The requirements describe the upcoming issues for exchanging<br />

resources in Grid. The most important requirement is the absence of real money in<br />

the Grid (requirement 1). In scientific environment the Grid computing resources<br />

are financed by research projects. These projects are led and controlled by<br />

national governments. One restriction by the national governments is not to earn<br />

money with the government-f<strong>und</strong>ed resources. Implementation of a non-monetary<br />

system is, therefore, essential. Instead of money, tokens are used which have other<br />

properties.<br />

Another property is to provide a compensation payment (requirement 2). Grid<br />

resources have to be consumed immediately. A reservation without consumption<br />

is a loss for the provider and other consumers who are waiting to complete their<br />

jobs. Without a payment mechanism (neither real money nor tokens), the provider<br />

will not receive compensation. As real money is not applicable, tokens can be<br />

used for paying compensation to the provider.<br />

Tokens as a payment mechanism can give agents an incentive to share their<br />

scarce resources with others (requirement 3). The particle physics Grid has<br />

several institutes in its projects. They have to share their resources with other<br />

project members, which is not always done consistently. An economic incentive<br />

can elicit the researcher or his institute to contribute high computational power or<br />

machines with specific configuration for certain jobs. These incentives have to be<br />

set by the economic model based on the token payment system. The model must<br />

226<br />


e designed in such a way that it enforces the participants to behave in a fair<br />

manner.<br />

Enforcements are implemented on both at the technical and at economical level.<br />

The implementation at both levels has to be complementary. The goal of<br />

enforcements is to achieve fairness and robustness for the participants using the<br />

accounting system (requirement 4). An exchange in the Grid is fair, if the<br />

requester gets the desired service and the provider receives adequate payment for<br />

the service. In case even if one of the rules is not obeyed, the accounting system<br />

has to be robust enough to identify the failure and punish the offending party<br />

(Dasgupta 2000; Papaioannou, Stamoulis 2005).<br />

A Grid network must be capable of accommodating the expanding number of<br />

users. Scalability is, therefore, necessary for technical and volume throughput<br />

expansion (requirement 5). A scalable economic model can be implemented into a<br />

technically well-defined system to guarantee a compo<strong>und</strong> dynamic and flexible<br />

system as emphasized by Forster (Foster et al. 2006).<br />

2.2 Related work<br />

In TES, every agent has his own tokens. For scalability reasons, the <strong>und</strong>erlying<br />

technical infrastructure is supposed to be a decentralized network as known from<br />

P2P. There has been a lot of research work done on implementing payment<br />

mechanisms for P2P and Grid systems (Barmouta, Buyya 2003; Dutta et al. 2003;<br />

Irwin et al. 2005). One example is Karma (Vishnumurthy, Chandrakumar, Sirer<br />

2003). Karma uses a uniform currency called Karma for payment. Every user in<br />

the network can earn and pay with Karma. The problem is the inflation and<br />

deflation of the currency. Furthermore, a reputation mechanism is not considered<br />

in Karma.<br />

A potential combination of payment and reputation was used in PeerTrust system<br />

(Xiong, Liu 2004). They introduced a Transaction Context Factor in their<br />

reputation mechanism to give a big transaction more weight than a small<br />

transaction. The aim is to avoid malicious attacks, where small transactions are<br />

done truthfully and fairly for building up a reputation and then to be dishonest on<br />

a big transaction to earn more profit while not substantially decreasing their own<br />

reputation. Hence, the amount of a transaction has an impact on the reputation.<br />

But the reputation has no impact on the user’s budget.<br />

Liebau et al. (2004) propose a mechanism called Token-based Accounting System<br />

(TbAS) for P2P systems. Tokens serve as a receipt for a transaction between two<br />

peers. The peer who receives a file hands over a token to the file provider. The<br />

provider exchanges the received token into one of his own. The exchange of the<br />

token is done via a public aggregation function, which is not defined. Moreover, a<br />

reputation mechanism is not integrated in the accounting system. In TbAS the<br />

token itself does not have a value. They assume that one token is fixed to a trading<br />

parameter like one token for one Megabyte or for one minute of service. Thus, the<br />

“price” will not vary for one Megabyte, i.e. depending on quality of service or<br />

reputation of provider.<br />

The solution to avoid double-spending in TbAS is done by using a serial number<br />

for each token. However, the double-spending check is done after the transaction.<br />

The problem here is that once the tokens have been exchanged and the reputation<br />

evaluated, there is no possibility for the provider to revoke the process or to get<br />

compensation. In TES the check is always done during the transaction before the<br />

4<br />


The model<br />

services are exchanged. There is no way that once spent tokens can be re-offered<br />

and distributed successfully.<br />

Moreton and Twigg (2003) presented a token-based protocol, where the token has<br />

a value and it has an impact on the exchange of resources and payment. The<br />

reputation is represented by the token-value. However, they did not examine how<br />

their calculation of the token value can set incentives for behaving truthfully. The<br />

calculation function is a one way track. Once the peer behaves badly and gets a<br />

bad evaluation, he cannot “clean” his reputation again. On one side it so<strong>und</strong>s as a<br />

good incentive to behave well. On the other side, if it is an attack where several<br />

peers rate him incorrectly, he has no chance to show his true face later on.<br />

3 The model<br />

In TbAS, each agent in the network is assigned to a group of trusted peers (Liebau<br />

et al. 2004). The tokens are issued by the trusted peers who are assumed to be<br />

trustworthy. These trusted peers manage the accounting information of the agent.<br />

An agent has a certain number of tokens. To consume resources, the agent has to<br />

send a request for the emission of the tokens for payment. The trusted peers check<br />

the amount of available tokens with the amount of requested tokens to avoid<br />

unauthorized token distribution and emit the tokens to the agent. With the<br />

received tokens the agent can consume resources from other agents. For every<br />

utilized service he has to hand over tokens to the service provider. The service<br />

provider redeems the tokens at his trusted peers. This will raise his “budget”. The<br />

foreign tokens from the consumer agent will be changed into the tokens of the<br />

service provider. The exchange rate is a publicly available function. The provider<br />

can use his earned tokens to acquire resources for himself.<br />

3.1 Exchanging the tokens in TES<br />

The function for calculating the exchange rate was not defined by Liebau et al.<br />

From the economic perspective, this is essential for an incentive-based resource<br />

exchange. Tokens can be changed at a predefined ratio, for instance 1:1. In our<br />

approach, the exchange rate is not based on a public function. Every price offer<br />

from the provider side is based on the number of offered tokens and is open to<br />

bargain. For instance, a provider can ask 5 tokens for 1 CPU hour. The requester<br />

can offer only 4 tokens as payment.<br />

The aim of TES is to set an incentive for an unselfish and a non-malicious<br />

behavior. Tokens are deployed to be used as a payment system. The participants<br />

in a network can pay another participant with the tokens. One characteristic of<br />

these tokens is individuality. Every participant has his own tokens, which can be<br />

created and distributed by himself. The agent is the token issuer. For instance,<br />

user A wants to receive a Grid service from user B. A offers his tokens to B. If B<br />

accepts the offer he will be “paid” in A’s Tokens. B as the owner of a certain<br />

number of tokens from A can decide whether he wants to redeem these tokens at<br />

A or to offer them to another participant C. After several transactions a<br />

participants possesses tokens from different users. The incentive of possessing<br />

others’ tokens is to increase the liquidity. Every token from agent A has a token<br />

value v A which can change over time. The token value is influenced by the<br />

reputation. A bad behavior of A has an impact on his token value. If B has tokens<br />

228<br />


from A, the value of these tokens will decrease and therefore his budget will<br />

decrease, too. In future, B will think twice about accepting tokens belonging to A.<br />

In the long run the tokens of users with a bad token value (and thus a bad<br />

reputation) will not be accepted widely. The bad users can still earn money by<br />

providing services. However, their token value is further an indicator of their<br />

reputation. Thus, a service provider with a bad reputation has an issue with<br />

canvassing customers. Both ways he has to increase his token value by behaving<br />

well. Three constraints have to be considered in providing this token system.<br />

Axiom 1: Since everybody has his own tokens, these tokens have to be<br />

limited in number (Moreton, Twigg 2003). Otherwise the users can<br />

mint their tokens arbitrarily and have infinite money (like minting<br />

Axiom 2:<br />

your own Cent-Coins).<br />

The reputation has an impact on the token value. An incentive for<br />

emitting tokens is necessary. Otherwise the agents will not<br />

distribute their tokens and their token value will not have an effect<br />

on others’ budget.<br />

Axiom 3: The number of distributed tokens has to be bo<strong>und</strong>ed (Axiom 1).<br />

However, a hard constraint will make it less flexible for the user.<br />

Any agent should be able to obtain a credit for an emergency. In<br />

this case, the agent has to pay some kind of interest.<br />

3.2 Calculating the token value<br />

The determination of the token value has to consider these axioms. To fulfill these<br />

axioms the token value function v x of an agent X is calculated as follows<br />

6<br />

v ( m<br />

x<br />

x<br />

, ncr<br />

x<br />

mx<br />

0 x<br />

x<br />

k<br />

l<br />

2<br />

) = max{0, ub − ncr − j * ( e * m − ) } (1)<br />

with v x ∈ [0, …, ub 0 - ncr x ], m x ∈ IN 0 . ub 0 is the upper bo<strong>und</strong> value which has to<br />

be determined for a system. The influence of the reputation value on the token<br />

value is expressed by the non-credibility rate ncr x with 0 as the best reputation<br />

value (similar to Papaioannou, Stamoulis 2005). The higher the value of ncr x the<br />

worse is the reputation. The calculation of the reputation value is only an example.<br />

Other reputation mechanisms can be included by calculating the ncr x value. For<br />

instance, by including a reputation mechanism with a valuation rep x ∈ [0, 1] the<br />

function does not need an upper bo<strong>und</strong>, as it is limited by the reputation value:<br />

v ( m<br />

x<br />

x<br />

, rep<br />

x<br />

m<br />

l<br />

2<br />

) = max{0, rep − j * ( e * m − k)<br />

}<br />

(2)<br />

In this paper we will consider the first function (1). Every distributed token has<br />

the current value v x which is adjusted dynamically based on the two variables m x<br />

and ncr x . The number of distributed tokens m x is necessary to define the liquidity<br />

of an agent X. By spending his own tokens (increasing m x ), the agent has less<br />

tokens for further transaction. He can earn foreign tokens or wait until others<br />

redeem his tokens to increase his budget. But the distribution of his tokens will<br />

raise his token value until a predefined maximum m* is reached.<br />

Furthermore, with the three parameters j, k and l the value function can be<br />

adjusted regarding the initial token value for m x = 0, the maximum token value m*<br />

and the gradient of the decrease of the token value (Figure 1). The gradient is<br />

229<br />

x<br />

x<br />


Evaluation<br />

crucial to determine how hard an agent is punished when distributing more than<br />

m* tokens. The option to provide more tokens than the maximum reflects<br />

axiom 3. The agent can provide more tokens, but he has to take his reputation loss<br />

into account (as payment of interest).<br />

The token value cannot be increased infinitely by distributing unlimited number of<br />

tokens (axiom 1). The limitation of the distributed tokens is not a hard constraint,<br />

but it reduces the reputation and the acceptance of the tokens and the transaction<br />

with a negatively rated agent will decrease:<br />

lim<br />

m →∞<br />

x<br />

v ( m<br />

x<br />

x<br />

, ncr<br />

x<br />

) =<br />

lim<br />

m →∞<br />

x<br />

max{0,<br />

l<br />

2<br />

ub0 − ncr − j * ( e * m − k)<br />

} = 0<br />

x<br />

m<br />

x<br />

x<br />

(2)<br />

The fulfillment of axiom 2 is presented <strong>und</strong>er the terms of a simple utility function<br />

of u x (v x ) = v x . For m x,1 , m x,2 ∈ [0, …, m*] with m x,1 < m x,2 the token value is as<br />

follows: v x (m x,1 , ncr x ) < v x (m x,2 , ncr x ). The agent X is always better off by<br />

increasing his token value until m x = m*.<br />

Figure 1 illustrates how the axioms are fulfilled by the token value function.<br />

Figure 1: Token value function<br />

4 Evaluation<br />

4.1 Simulation setup<br />

In this simulation we want to show the effect of reputation on the budget of the<br />

agents. There are two types of agents we name Pastors and Mavericks. An agent’s<br />

behavior can be good (providing full service or transferring payment) or bad<br />

(providing bad service or not transferring payment). As an agent will not always<br />

behave well or badly, a probability parameter decides how well or badly an agent<br />

might act. Thus, the Pastors might behave well with a probability of 90% and a<br />

Maverick might behave well with a probability of 10%. All agents of one type are<br />

symmetric. Different agents do not have different utility functions.<br />

The parameters are defined as follows: ub 0 = 1000; ncr x = 0; j = 0.05; k = 70;<br />

l = 110. The reputation mechanism is based on the credibility mechanism<br />

(Papaioannou, Stamoulis 2005). However, the punishment is not implemented<br />

since any utility function and learning algorithms are not considered yet. The<br />

7<br />


eputation mechanism is based on an asymmetric approach, where a bad rating<br />

increases the ncr-value by 10 and a good rating decrease the ncr-value by 2 with 0<br />

as the best value and with no upper bo<strong>und</strong> value.<br />

For the transaction in each case two randomly selected agents will be allocated<br />

together (25 allocations for 50 agents in one ro<strong>und</strong>). After the allocation the<br />

transaction begins and is divided into 4 phases. In phase 1 it has to be decided, if<br />

the agent behaves well or badly based on the probability. The second phase is<br />

about how the buyer and the seller are thinking about the reputation of the<br />

counterpart and if they want to settle a transaction with the partner. Pastors will<br />

not deal with agents who have a token value below a threshold of v 0 (·) = 500. In<br />

Phase 3 the offered price and the payment will be determined. The process of<br />

finding the right tokens (token selection process) is divided into three subsections.<br />

The succeeding subsection is only executed, if the preceding subsection was not<br />

successful:<br />

1. At first, the buyer tries to maximize his own reputation. Thus, he<br />

scrutinizes, whether he can distribute his tokens without decreasing his<br />

reputation.<br />

2. If he cannot distribute his own tokens (m x = m*), he will check, if he<br />

possesses enough tokens from the seller.<br />

3. In case he does not have any tokens from the seller, he tries to offer tokens<br />

from other agents.<br />

After this token selection process there can be an offer (in case there are enough<br />

tokens for payment) or an offer is not possible due to lack of enough tokens and<br />

the token value respectively. The price of an offer will be calculated by summing<br />

up the current token value of each token. Now the provider can decide whether he<br />

accepts the offer or not. The price varies randomly between 0 and 10,000. In<br />

Phase 4 the transfer of the tokens and the evaluation of the provider and consumer<br />

are settled. A well behaving agent will be rated well whereas a bad agent will be<br />

rated poorly. The <strong>und</strong>erlying assumption is that the agent will rate each other<br />

truthfully and there are no opportunistic or false ratings.<br />

4.2 Simulation scenarios and results<br />

We analyzed two scenarios for a better <strong>und</strong>erstanding of the effects of reputation<br />

on the budget. In the first scenario the Mavericks did not take their individual<br />

token value into account whereas it was considered in the second scenario. If their<br />

token value falls below the threshold value v 0 (·), the Mavericks will change their<br />

strategy and behave well until their token value is over the threshold value again.<br />

The results are compared to the combination of a payment and a reputation<br />

mechanism. The identical reputation mechanism was implemented in both<br />

systems. In the payment system the agents have an initial budget of 41488<br />

currency units. For comparison, this value is derived from the area below the<br />

curve of TES (assuming the agents have the best reputation ncr x = 0):<br />

m*<br />

46<br />

∫ =<br />

vx<br />

0<br />

( m<br />

x<br />

) ∂m<br />

x<br />

=<br />

46<br />

∫<br />

0<br />

1000 − 0.05 * ( e<br />

mx<br />

110<br />

* m<br />

x<br />

2<br />

− 70) ∂m<br />

x<br />

= 41488<br />

(3)<br />

The simulation was run over 20 generations with each 5000 ro<strong>und</strong>s for the two<br />

scenarios. Nevertheless, in the figures only the relevant first 1000 ro<strong>und</strong>s are<br />

visible. In the simple scenario the Mavericks do not care about their own<br />

8<br />


Evaluation<br />

reputation. The budget of the Pastors and Mavericks was used as a metric to<br />

compare both systems. As illustrated in Figure 2 the Mavericks earn a lot of<br />

tokens at the beginning where the Pastors trust the Mavericks. After 100 ro<strong>und</strong>s<br />

there are no more transactions between the two groups, because the reputation of<br />

the Mavericks is below a predefined threshold value. The Pastors do not trust the<br />

Mavericks. But Pastors still trust other Pastors. The Mavericks do not have the<br />

chance to trust Pastors, because there is no transaction due to their token value. In<br />

the monetary system, liquidity of the Mavericks is not decreasing whereas in TES<br />

the Mavericks can still “lose money”. This is the major incentive not to behave<br />

selfishly in TES. In the first scenario, the Mavericks only have a small loss,<br />

because their tokens are distributed among all agents. We assumed the worst case,<br />

where the Mavericks wait to behave selfishly until 90% of their tokens are<br />

emitted. It has to be considered that not all tokens of the Mavericks are distributed<br />

to Pastors. The Mavericks do not identify who the Pastors are. Thus, Mavericks<br />

can earn the tokens of Mavericks as well. After 450 ro<strong>und</strong>s the reputation of the<br />

Mavericks cannot get worse anymore. Thus, the budget of each group in TES<br />

remains almost stable. Because the Mavericks behave well and the Pastors behave<br />

poorly with a probability of 10%, the reputation affects the budget marginally.<br />

(a)<br />

Figure 2: Simulation results for payment mechanism (a) and TES (b) in<br />

scenario one (average budget of an agent)<br />

If the Mavericks are concerned about their reputation as in the second scenario,<br />

the difference between both systems is even more significant (Figure 3). Even<br />

though the Mavericks can gain nearly all the money in the system with time, in<br />

TES their budget is worse than the budget of the Pastors. In the first case they<br />

behave well to gain more money from others, if their reputation is below the<br />

threshold value. In TES, the Pastors can recover from the selfishness of the<br />

Mavericks and regain their budget. The reason is a constraint of the acceptance of<br />

the tokens. A Pastor who already has a good token value does not accept tokens<br />

with a low token value. Thus, in a transaction between two agents of each group<br />

the Maverick will accept the low valued token for payment and pay with high<br />

valued tokens, because they need resources. They have no alternative. In the long<br />

run the budget of the Mavericks will get even worse, since they only receive the<br />

worse tokens. The Mavericks are forced to behave well over a long period of time.<br />

In this simple simulation setup, we could present that the Mavericks in TES<br />

perform worse in both scenarios than in a common payment system.<br />

(b)<br />

232<br />


(a)<br />

Figure 3: Simulation results for payment mechanism (a) and TES (b) in<br />

scenario two (average budget of an agent)<br />

(b)<br />

5 Conclusion<br />

In our approach, the tokens represent the reputation value and the liquidity of an<br />

agent. A payment is done by exchanging tokens. As everybody has his individual<br />

tokens, his reputation has a direct effect on the token value and thus the liquidity.<br />

With a better performance and a good evaluation of others on his service and<br />

payment the agent can increase his reputation.<br />

TES enables a resource exchange in scientific Grids. Tokens are used for<br />

payments and do not represent real money (requirement 1). The payment via<br />

tokens allows the agents to pay compensation (requirement 2), if the resource of<br />

the provider was not utilized or misused by the consumer. Furthermore, TES<br />

provides an incentive to share scarce resources as the provider can earn more<br />

tokens, if he offers the resources that are in greater demand (requirement 3). From<br />

the economic perspective, the price for the resource (here the number of tokens<br />

with a high value offered) will rise. Fairness and robustness have to be considered<br />

in the reputation mechanism. An appropriate mechanism has to be chosen, which<br />

affords a fair evaluation of the agent’s reputation and an attack-resistant reputation<br />

system (requirement 4). Moreover, the scalability is given by the economically<br />

decentralized token system. A P2P-System like TbAS is a complementary<br />

technically decentralized system (requirement 5).<br />

The simulation proved that TES has a better performance than a common payment<br />

system combined with a reputation mechanism. Up to now in the simulation the<br />

payment in TES does not offer a combination of tokens from different agents<br />

within one transaction. This will lead to more transactions in a ro<strong>und</strong>. A<br />

sensitivity analysis with the initial settings of the parameters is required to adapt<br />

the function to different scenarios. Additionally, untruthful feedback of lying<br />

agents can worsen the system.<br />

Another aspect is to introduce an expiration date for the tokens. Firstly, this will<br />

prevent the hoarding of tokens by one user as the tokens will get invalid.<br />

Secondly, if agents join and leave the network the tokens should be taken out of<br />

the system to avoid inflation. An expiration date will automate this process.<br />

All in all, TES is an approach to set an incentive for good behavior and<br />

cooperation the scientific Grid network. Our token based system is tailored to the<br />

needs of the scientific community and is thus a promising starting point to<br />

overcome incentive problems in e-Science.<br />

10<br />


Conclusion<br />

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Open Grid Services Architecture, Version 1.5.<br />

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Hardin, G. (1968): The Tragedy of the Commons. In Science Magazine, Vol. 162<br />

No. 3859, pp. 1243-1248.<br />

Irwin, D.; Chase, J.; Grit, L.; Yumerefendi, A. (2005): Self-recharging virtual<br />

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pp.16-28.<br />

Moreton, T.; Twigg, A. (2003): Trading in Trust, Tokens and Stamps. In<br />

Proceedings of the first workshop on economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems,<br />

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Economic Framework for Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing. In 1st Workshop<br />

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Yu, B.; Singh, M.(2003): Incentive Mechanisms for Agent-Based Peer-to-Peer Systems.<br />

In Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, Second International Workshop, pp. 77-<br />

88.<br />

234<br />


WI – Schwerpunktaufsatz<br />

Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction<br />

A Cryptographic Approach<br />

The Authors<br />

Daniel Rolli<br />

Michael Conrad<br />

Dirk Neumann<br />

Christoph Sorge<br />

Daniel Rolli<br />

Dirk Neumann<br />

<strong>Institut</strong> für <strong>Informationswirtschaft</strong><br />

<strong>und</strong> -<strong>management</strong><br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Englerstr. 14<br />

76131 Karlsruhe<br />

{rolli | neumann}@iw.uka.de<br />

Michael Conrad<br />

Christoph Sorge<br />

<strong>Institut</strong> für Telematik<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Zirkel 2<br />

76131 Karlsruhe<br />

{conrad | sorge}@tm.uka.de<br />

The Internet revolution has given rise to a<br />

widespread use of online auctions as a price<br />

discovery mechanism for selling different<br />

items (e.g. eBay). When referring to auctions,<br />

one traditionally has central or brokered<br />

auctions in mind with a designated<br />

entity that collects all the bids, determines<br />

the resulting allocation, and corresponding<br />

prices. Central auction platforms are typically<br />

of high reliability, where reliability refers<br />

to (1) correctness with respect to compliance<br />

to the auction rules, (2) continuous<br />

availability, and (3) security to a certain extent.<br />

Since the designated broker offers<br />

auctions to several groups repeatedly and<br />

enforces agreements, it can build up reputation<br />

that eventually may form trust in the<br />

platform.<br />

The central approach, however, also has<br />

several disadvantages. Since a designated<br />

central entity conducts all brokering services,<br />

it is vulnerable against Denial-of-Service<br />

(DoS) attacks and may suffer <strong>und</strong>er<br />

overload. Hence, scalability may be problematic,<br />

as the broker can only handle a<br />

certain number of participants at a time.<br />

Furthermore, the central broker typically<br />

charges fees from the participants in order<br />

to recover the investments in infrastructure<br />

and its maintenance.<br />

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies have<br />

emerged that remove or at least alleviate<br />

these technical disadvantages of client-server<br />

architectures. In general, P2P networks<br />

distinguish themselves by providing scalable<br />

and robust applications. Combining<br />

P2P technologies with auctions is expected<br />

to bring forth auction systems that are scalable<br />

and robust on a technical level and retain<br />

the excellent allocation properties of<br />

auctions on an economic level.<br />

In so-called decentralized auctions, peers<br />

can be brokers and bidders at a time. When<br />

red<strong>und</strong>ant broker peers supersede the central<br />

broker, decentralized auctions are less<br />

vulnerable to DoS attacks. Scalability properties<br />

can be widely improved in comparison<br />

to the central approach, since every<br />

bidder contributes his share of additional<br />

infrastructure. Since peers collectively<br />

make for the total infrastructure, holding a<br />

decentralized auction can be free of (monetary)<br />

charge. Regarding the massive infrastructure<br />

of major auction providers like<br />

eBay, scalability may be less of an issue.<br />

But a need for decentralized auctions is<br />

further driven by the demand of P2P based<br />

user communities, who strive for disintermediation.<br />

Executive Summary<br />

1 Introduction<br />

The paper presents a distributed ascending proxy auction protocol. The protocol substitutes<br />

trust in a central (auctioneer) entity by ensuring correct conduct and privacy preservation. It<br />

finally enables the robust application of decentralized auctions in open environments like<br />

Peer-to-Peer systems.<br />

&<br />

&<br />

&<br />

Initial registration of bidders is not required; they can enter and bid spontaneously.<br />

Winner and second-price determination are robust to bidder and auctioneer failure or<br />

disconnection, as well as malicious peers.<br />

The privacy of the winning bidder’s highest bid is preserved – with a minor exception<br />

theoretically possible.<br />

Keywords: Internet Economics, Distributed Auctions, Privacy, Trust, Security Protocols, Peerto-Peer<br />

Systems<br />

235<br />


8 Daniel Rolli, Michael Conrad, Dirk Neumann, Christoph Sorge<br />

In recent times, the benefits of decentralized<br />

auction platforms have been recognized<br />

in research [McAf00; HaSt05a;<br />

HaSt05b] as an alternative to central auction<br />

servers. Nonetheless, there are several<br />

obstacles to overcome before decentralized<br />

auctions will become an important pillar of<br />

e-business solutions: Due to the lack of a<br />

centralized platform, trust becomes an issue.<br />

Since any peer can set up an auction,<br />

there is no persistent instance, which assures<br />

reliability of the auction process. To<br />

introduce a threshold level of trust into decentralized<br />

auctions, appropriate security<br />

mechanisms become indispensable.<br />

In the following, we present the distributed<br />

ascending proxy auction as an example<br />

for an iterative decentralized auction. It<br />

is coupled with proxy agents that increase<br />

the price on behalf of the corresponding<br />

participants to beat the preceding highest<br />

price, as long as the bid that is given to the<br />

proxy agent is at least an increment higher<br />

than the current price. This allows bidders<br />

to have their bid value revealed step by step<br />

– and no earlier than necessary – without<br />

the need of constantly being online. This<br />

auction corresponds to the original eBay<br />

auction, while the latter is centralized. In<br />

the present paper, this decentralized auction<br />

is extended to a secure, decentralized<br />

mechanism, which can be easily conducted<br />

by peers over the internet.<br />

The remainder of this paper is structured<br />

as follows. The requirements of an ascending<br />

proxy auction are pointed out in section<br />

2. In section 3, related approaches in<br />

literature are reviewed with respect to these<br />

requirements. Subsequently, the protocol<br />

for the auction is presented in section 4.<br />

Section 5 evaluates the protocol in terms of<br />

its security and robustness. Lastly, in section<br />

6, the paper concludes with a summary<br />

and future work.<br />

2 Requirements<br />

For a secure asynchronous ascending<br />

proxy auction, the following main requirements<br />

have been identified. Since the auction<br />

is envisioned to be decentralized, its<br />

protocol is no longer managed by a central<br />

auctioneer but by multiple collaborating<br />

auctioneer nodes. Principally, it is possible<br />

that those auctioneer nodes are recruited<br />

from the bidders.<br />

In the context of ascending proxy auctions<br />

there arise four main requirements<br />

pertaining to the role of those multiple auctioneers<br />

(A1–A4).<br />

&<br />

&<br />

&<br />

&<br />

Distributed Result Determination (A1):<br />

In absence of a central entity, which can<br />

keep track of the bidding process, proxy<br />

bidding is difficult to realize. Since we<br />

want to avoid another trusted third<br />

party, we rely on several auctioneers and<br />

require that they jointly determine the<br />

price (which equals in our case the second<br />

highest bid) and the winner.<br />

Preservation of Secret Highest Bid (A2):<br />

The idea of a proxy auction is that bidders<br />

may submit their valuation truthfully.<br />

A bidder can be reluctant to do so,<br />

as he wants to keep his true valuation secret<br />

and may not trust the auction process.<br />

Thus, ensuring the preservation of<br />

the winning bidder’s highest bid within<br />

the distributed protocol is an imperative.<br />

Resistance to Bidder Exclusion (A3): The<br />

ascending proxy auction is intended as<br />

an open auction allowing all peers in the<br />

network access. Neither a single auctioneer<br />

nor “smaller” coalitions of auctioneers<br />

are able to exclude bidders by<br />

illegitimately dropping bids.<br />

Robustness to Paralysis Attacks (A4):<br />

For a smooth, error-free conduct of the<br />

auction, it is required that neither a single<br />

auctioneer nor “smaller” coalitions<br />

of auctioneers are able to block the protocol.<br />

From the auction format of an ascending<br />

proxy auction five additional requirements<br />

arise referring to the bidding process<br />

(B1–B5).<br />

&<br />

&<br />

&<br />

&<br />

Spontaneous Entry and Exit (B1): To account<br />

for the dynamic environment of<br />

the Internet, any bidder must be able to<br />

submit bids without prior registration at<br />

any time. This means, a bidder can spontaneously<br />

join and leave the auction.<br />

Asynchronous Bid Submission (B2): Bidders<br />

can independently submit bids at<br />

any time during the bidding phase. Only<br />

when submitting a bid, a bidder must be<br />

online. Under no circumstances are all<br />

bidders required to be online at a time.<br />

This requirement focuses on the monitoring<br />

costs, which should be as low as<br />

possible.<br />

Iterative Nature (B3): Bids can be submitted<br />

iteratively with the standing<br />

highest price revealed as information<br />

feedback.<br />

Single Individual Independent Key-Pair<br />

(B4): For participation in a distributed<br />

ascending proxy auction, each bidder<br />

needs only a single individual key-pair<br />

for encryption, which are not dependent<br />

on any other peer’s key-pair. These keys<br />

can be (re-)used for an arbitrary number<br />

236<br />

of auctions. Generating keys for any<br />

new auction creates high transaction<br />

costs. This requirement is closely related<br />

to B1 and emphasized, because many<br />

existing secure auctions are particularly<br />

costly in this respect.<br />

& Non-repudiation (B5): As with any<br />

other auction, the winning bidder may<br />

not deny the submission of the winning<br />

bid.<br />

An auction protocol that achieves those requirements<br />

is secure in a sense that there is<br />

no single point of failure, assured bid submission,<br />

protected bid acceptance, and a<br />

certain degree of robustness against paralysis<br />

attacks.<br />

3 Related Work<br />

In recent years, several cryptographic protocols<br />

have been proposed mainly for secure<br />

sealed-bid auctions. Among the first<br />

was the auction protocol developed by<br />

Franklin and Reiter [FrRe96] that was later<br />

criticized due to its inadequate privacy preservation<br />

after the auction is concluded.<br />

Privacy preservation means that neither<br />

bids nor bidder identities are revealed (A2).<br />

Since privacy preservation is a crucial requirement<br />

for sealed-bid auctions, and in<br />

particular for second-price sealed bid auctions<br />

– the so-called Vickrey auction – various<br />

new protocols have been suggested to<br />

remedy this shortcoming [Bran02].<br />

Among those newly suggested approaches<br />

only few can cope with auction<br />

formats that both comply with the privacy<br />

preservation requirement and embody<br />

other pricing rules than pay-your-bid. The<br />

auction protocols that do satisfy privacy<br />

preservation and, nonetheless, support<br />

more sophisticated pricing schemes, can be<br />

classified into two classes.<br />

& Distributed computation among multiple<br />

auctioneers: Typically, the agents submit<br />

shares of the bids to different auctioneers.<br />

The auctioneers jointly compute<br />

the auction price by using the techniques<br />

of secure multiparty function evaluation.<br />

The gist of those techniques is<br />

that the auctioneers can compute the<br />

auction price without knowing any bid<br />

&<br />

[KHAN00; Kiku01].<br />

Partially trusted third party: The second<br />

class of protocols requires the introduction<br />

of a third party, which controls the<br />

auctioneer. Crucial for those protocols<br />

is that the third party needs not be fully<br />

trusted but can draw on a weaker form<br />

of trust [Cach99; BaSt01].<br />


Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction 9<br />

Both classes inherently impose several<br />

challenges and problems. In fact, the first<br />

class requires a threshold number of obedient<br />

auctioneers, i.e. auctioneers that correctly<br />

follow the protocol. Otherwise, collusion<br />

among malicious auctioneers might<br />

compromise the auction process. The second<br />

class of protocols requires some sort<br />

of third party that is trustworthy to a certain<br />

degree. Brandt introduced a third way<br />

to secure sealed-bid auctions. In fact, his algorithm<br />

requires all bidders in conjunction<br />

with the seller to resolve the auction. Because<br />

this approach preserves privacy completely,<br />

as only the winner and the corresponding<br />

bid is resolved, it is deemed<br />

superior to the other approaches for supporting<br />

sealed-bid auctions [Bran03].<br />

Iterative auctions (B3), however, have<br />

hardly been considered explicitly. In traditional<br />

iterative auction formats, the privacy<br />

requirements are not as demanding as in<br />

sealed formats. As bids are by nature open,<br />

there is no further need to secure them.<br />

For preventing malicious behavior (A3 &<br />

A4), it is often recommended to use the secure<br />

sealed-bid auction iteratively. The lessons<br />

learned from sealed-bid auctions<br />

would suggest to refer to the approach of<br />

Brandt [Bran03] for iterative auctions, as it<br />

allows anonymity and correctness (B5)<br />

along the bidding process.<br />

This recommendation is, however, premature<br />

and even faulty. Staging ro<strong>und</strong>-wise<br />

bidder-resolved auctions does not support<br />

a continuous bidding process (B2). This<br />

shortcoming could be excused, but, even<br />

worse, Brandt’s algorithm requires all participating<br />

bidders staying in the auction<br />

until it is resolved (B1<br />

B4). Once a bidder leaves the auction during<br />

one ro<strong>und</strong>, the auction cannot be resolved.<br />

For a dynamic network such as the<br />

Internet or any P2P network this requirement<br />

is way too strong. Another argument<br />

that challenges Brandt’s approach is concerned<br />

with the active involvement of the<br />

seller in the bidding process. Since the seller<br />

receives the auction outcome first and,<br />

subsequently, determines who has submitted<br />

the winning bid, he can leave the<br />

auction at will, before it is settled. In a oneshot<br />

auction with no outside option, this is<br />

rather unproblematic, as the seller can always<br />

impose a reservation price (e.g., the<br />

seller can also submit a bid specifying the<br />

reservation price) and all bids above this<br />

price contribute to positive utility. In reality,<br />

this explanation is not adequate, as it<br />

excludes alternative ways to sell the item.<br />

For instance, the seller could use the auction<br />

to get an idea about the bidders’ valuations,<br />

which can be exploited in subsequent<br />

re-negotiations with parts of the bidders.<br />

From a strategic point of view, bidders will<br />

presumably take this behavior into account<br />

and may bid less aggressively.<br />

Thus, Brandt’s approach cannot be used<br />

for supporting iterative auctions in more<br />

realistic settings – despite its appealing theoretical<br />

conduct. Other existing alternative<br />

cryptographic approaches hold even severer<br />

problems. Existing protocols using<br />

multiple auctioneers typically require all<br />

auctioneers to jointly determine the winning<br />

bid. As such, all auctioneers are<br />

employed at a time to resolve the auction,<br />

violating spontaneous exit and entry (B1)<br />

and asynchronous bidding (B2) [Kiku01;<br />

AbSu02]. Protocols using partially trusted<br />

third parties can principally represent continuous<br />

bidding processes with spontaneous<br />

exit and entry of bidders (as long as<br />

the third party is online). However, third<br />

party protocols typically have problems<br />

with non-repudiation and privacy preservation<br />

[BaSt01; LiAN02].<br />

Table 1 wraps up the current approaches<br />

proposed in literature. Note that most protocols<br />

are originally intended for sealed<br />

auctions. Nonetheless, the authors claim<br />

that these sealed protocols can be applied<br />

for iterative auctions as well. This paper examines<br />

the appropriateness of those protocols<br />

for iterative auctions only, not questioning<br />

their merits for sealed auctions.<br />

As Table 1 illustrates, in most protocols,<br />

possible bids (prices) have to be determined<br />

before the auction starts. The computation<br />

complexity usually depends on<br />

the number k of possible bids. With Asynchrony,<br />

we refer to the possibility of asynchronous<br />

bid submission; additionally, a<br />

protocol with more than one auctioneer<br />

should not require all auctioneers to be online<br />

at the same time. Verifiability means<br />

that it is possible to verify the correctness<br />

of the auction outcome.<br />

This paper attempts to provide a reasonable<br />

protocol for supporting secure iterative<br />

auctions. Drawing on asymmetric encryption<br />

the protocol can satisfy correctness<br />

in a way that winning bidder and<br />

corresponding price are accurately and<br />

transparently determined. Accordingly,<br />

bids can never be repudiated by any agent<br />

and the possibility for successful collusion<br />

among malicious auctioneers is extremely<br />

low. Furthermore, bidders can join and<br />

leave the auction spontaneously – there is<br />

no need for connecting to the auction other<br />

than submitting a bid.<br />

4 Protocol Description<br />

For the distributed ascending proxy auction,<br />

in essence we use multiple auctioneers<br />

in different groups to prevent at any time<br />

one single auctioneer from obtaining complete<br />

control over the auction process.<br />

As in most iterative auctions, bidders<br />

send their bids at arbitrary points in time<br />

to the auction mechanism. Any bidder can<br />

address an arbitrary auctioneer node in the<br />

collection of auctioneers. Since one of our<br />

main goals is the protection of the highest<br />

bid amount, we produce for any bid a bid<br />

chain BC, i.e. a sequence of strictly monotonously<br />

increasing bid steps B i where i<br />

denotes the order in the bid chain. The idea<br />

of the protocol is that only one bid step at<br />

a time can be revealed in the order the bid-<br />

Table 1<br />

Related Protocols (adapted from [Bran05])<br />

Protocol Price Auctioneers Number of ro<strong>und</strong>s Overall Computation Verifiability Non-Repudiation Asynchrony Spontaneous<br />

entry and exit<br />

[Bran03] ðM þ 1Þ st z þ 1 Oð1Þ OðkÞ Yes Yes No No<br />

[LiAN02] ðM þ 1Þ st 2 Oð1Þ OðkÞ Yes No No Yes<br />

[AbSu02] ðM þ 1Þ st 2 Oðlog kÞ OðkÞ Yes Yes No No<br />

[BaSt01] 1 st 1 Oð1Þ Oðzðlog kÞ z 1 Þ No No No Yes<br />

[Kiku01] ðM þ 1Þ st M > k Oðlog kÞ Oðz log kÞ Yes Yes No No<br />

WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 48 (2006) 1, S. 7–15<br />


10 Daniel Rolli, Michael Conrad, Dirk Neumann, Christoph Sorge<br />

der intends. To ensure this sequential revelation,<br />

the bidder encrypts the steps of the<br />

bid chain in cascades. Avoiding that one<br />

auctioneer reveals subsequent bid steps<br />

every step is encrypted with the private<br />

keys of different auctioneer groups. We use<br />

two public keys of different auctioneer<br />

groups to encrypt one bid step in order to<br />

increase privacy preservation. The additional<br />

auctioneer group of the second key<br />

also needs to be compromised for illegitimately<br />

revealing one bid step. The number<br />

of involved groups per bid step can be arbitrarily<br />

adjusted starting from one. Whenever<br />

an auctioneer group receives a bid<br />

chain during the auction process, one or<br />

several randomly chosen members of the<br />

group decrypt the next encrypted bid step,<br />

if their private group key is applicable and<br />

the preceding bid step in the chain is not<br />

higher than the standing highest bid<br />

(SHB). In case their key is not applicable,<br />

the group passes the bid chain on to the<br />

corresponding auctioneer group. A newly<br />

decrypted bid step higher than the SHB is<br />

broadcast to all other auctioneer groups as<br />

the new SHB. Each auctioneer group holding<br />

a partially decrypted bid chain only<br />

passes it on to the next group in the chain,<br />

if the bid step they decrypted does not beat<br />

the SHB. As a consequence, only the bid<br />

chain containing the SHB is typically kept<br />

partially encrypted and held by one auctioneer<br />

group, while all other bid chains<br />

are fully decrypted and discarded.<br />

At the end of the auction, the winner<br />

with the highest bid chain pays the price of<br />

the highest bid step in the second-highest<br />

and fully revealed bid chain.<br />

The description of the crucial details in<br />

the auction protocol is structured along<br />

three distinct parts: The initial setup describes<br />

the selection of the auctioneer<br />

groups and their order of appearance in the<br />

decryption process, the bid placing specifies<br />

the way bid chains are structured and<br />

submitted, and finally the bid processing<br />

describes how the auctioneers deal with<br />

bid chains for outcome determination.<br />

4.1 Initial Auction Setup<br />

At the outset of the auction, seller S has to<br />

create a document D describing the auction.<br />

This document includes the description<br />

of the items for sale and the fully specified<br />

auction procedure with all relevant<br />

parameters such as starting and ending rule<br />

or minimum price. Document D is used to<br />

determine the auctioneers and their groups<br />

that share the same public/private key pair.<br />

To ensure authenticity of document D,<br />

seller S has to digitally sign D using the private<br />

key of his public/private key pair.<br />

Starting from a desirably large number<br />

A total of auctioneers responsible for the<br />

protocol, the number of groups G number<br />

and their group size G size can be determined.<br />

The number of groups should grow<br />

faster, with an increasing A total , than the<br />

size of each group. As a design choice for<br />

our particular auction protocol, we use the<br />

following concave function for G size and<br />

the convex counterpart for G number :<br />

<br />

G size ¼ log x ðA p<br />

totalÞþ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi <br />

A total<br />

<br />

2<br />

G number ¼<br />

A <br />

total<br />

G size<br />

In the formula for G size , we use the average<br />

of the base x logarithm and the square root<br />

of the total number of auctioneers A total to<br />

determine the size of any auctioneer group<br />

and take the integer part of the result. x is<br />

common knowledge throughout the auction<br />

and in our examples set to 2. For the<br />

number of groups G number we divide the<br />

total number of auctioneers A total by the<br />

group size G size and take the integer part.<br />

This approach provides many auctioneer<br />

groups relatively small in size. The particular<br />

choice of this group generating function<br />

is discussed in section 5.1.<br />

After having determined G size and<br />

G number the auctioneers themselves and<br />

their membership in groups have to be<br />

identified. This identification must be deterministic<br />

and traceable, but hard to anticipate.<br />

In particular, the seller himself<br />

must not be capable of influencing the selection<br />

process. Otherwise, he could select<br />

collaborating or malicious nodes in the set<br />

of auctioneers.<br />

Hence, we employ the description document<br />

D for the selection. One approach is<br />

the application of a cryptographic hash<br />

function. Such a function, which can be efficiently<br />

computed, maps arbitrary input<br />

onto a result of fixed length. No inverse<br />

can be efficiently calculated, nor can two<br />

different inputs leading to the same result<br />

be efficiently determined. Typical hash<br />

functions generate a 128-bit or 160-bit output<br />

value.<br />

Starting with the hash value of D, a chain<br />

of hash values can be calculated for the<br />

auctioneers.<br />

H r ðDÞ ¼HðHðHð...HðDÞÞÞÞ<br />

|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}<br />

r þ 1 times<br />

Given an addressing mechanism which is<br />

capable of mapping such hash values to<br />

238<br />

distinct nodes, a chain of auctioneer nodes<br />

can be derived from the chain of hash values.<br />

Such mechanisms are commonly<br />

available in structured P2P networks like<br />

CAN [RFHK01] or Chord [SMKK01].<br />

The configuration of auctioneer addresses<br />

in groups is computed by using the following<br />

equation, where A ij is the j-th auctioneer<br />

in the i-th group.<br />

Address ðA ij Þ¼H i Gsize þ jðDÞ<br />

where 0 i < G number<br />

and 0 j < G size<br />

Having defined groups, the members of<br />

each group have to obtain a common<br />

group public/private key pair. For simplicity,<br />

we have one auctioneer per group<br />

generate a public/private key pair and distribute<br />

it to all other auctioneers in the<br />

group using the individual public key of<br />

each group member.<br />

After a successful conduct of this auction<br />

setup, which includes determination of the<br />

number G number and size G size of groups,<br />

selection of group members and groupbased<br />

key generation, we receive the following<br />

entities:<br />

G i ¼ group i of auctioneers,<br />

where 0 i < G number<br />

K i ¼ public key of group G i<br />

A ij ¼ auctioneer j of group i<br />

with public key K i ;<br />

where 0 j < G size<br />

4.2 Bid Placement<br />

Having set up the auction, potential buyers<br />

can join by placing bid chains. According<br />

to requirement A2 (refer to section 2), a<br />

bidder wants to hide his highest bid<br />

amount as long as possible, which may reflect<br />

his true valuation.<br />

If a bidder has a valuation v, he typically<br />

offers successively increasing bids in the<br />

form of several bid chains up to v. Our<br />

procedure makes it possible, but not necessary,<br />

for the bidder to observe the auction<br />

during its whole runtime in order to receive<br />

information feedback.<br />

The approach at hand gives the bidder<br />

the possibility to place with any bid chain a<br />

series of bid steps and ensures that these<br />

steps are only revealed if necessary for<br />

moving closer to or surpassing competing<br />

bidders. When a bidder joins an auction,<br />

he can retrace G number and G size by using<br />

the same algorithm as the seller, which is<br />

described in the previous section.<br />


Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction 11<br />

According to his bidding strategy, a bidder<br />

typically submits a bid chain BC with a<br />

price p ¼ v, where p is the maximum value<br />

that is submitted with BC. For breaking<br />

down BC, he formulates n strictly monotonously<br />

increasing bid steps starting from<br />

a value p start < p (i.e. the SHB of the auction)<br />

ranging to p with certain increments.<br />

Each bid step in the chain is digitally<br />

signed by the bidder to ensure non-repudiation.<br />

The bidder can reproduce A ij , the auctioneer<br />

addresses with group-association,<br />

applying the same calculations as the seller.<br />

From this he arbitrarily chooses a hopping<br />

sequence (HS) of auctioneer groups and receives<br />

the respective public keys. Each single<br />

bid step is then encrypted using two<br />

different keys of the HS.<br />

HS i ¼ j<br />

where<br />

0 j < G number ^ HS 2k 6¼ HS 2k þ 1 j k 2 N 0<br />

The idea is that the first bid step, which is<br />

decrypted, contains all subsequent encrypted<br />

bid steps in cascades. So, the construction<br />

of any bid chain starts from the<br />

highest to the lowest bid step in reverse order<br />

to the decryption process.<br />

For asymmetric cryptographic operations<br />

described in the following paragraphs,<br />

S A ðxÞ denotes x, signed by A; K i is<br />

the public key of the i-th auctioneer group.<br />

The bidder starts by signing the highest<br />

bid step plus its index number, which results<br />

in S L ðB n , nÞ, and encrypts this with<br />

the public key K HS2n of the last auctioneer<br />

group in the HS. As shown in the following<br />

formula (1), this encrypted statement is<br />

denoted as I 1 . With the second last public<br />

key K HS2n 1<br />

in the HS the bidder generates<br />

I 2 – formula (2) – by encrypting the following:<br />

& The index HS 2n of the auctioneer group,<br />

which is responsible for decrypting I 1<br />

With this information the subsequent<br />

auctioneer group in the hopping sequence<br />

can be addressed (c.f. 4.1) in the<br />

decryption process.<br />

& The encrypted statement I 1 for achieving<br />

encryption in cascades.<br />

& The signed hash value S L ðHðB n Þ, nÞ of<br />

the previously encrypted bid step and its<br />

index number. As described in 4.3 this<br />

hash value is used by auctioneer group<br />

HS 2n to verify the correctness of their<br />

decryption operation.<br />

With the third public key K HS2n 2<br />

of the HS,<br />

the bidder incorporates the index of the responsible<br />

auctioneer group HS 2n 1 , the encrypted<br />

statement I 2 and the signed bid<br />

step plus index number S L ðB n 1 , n 1Þ.<br />

The encryption analogously continues<br />

until all bid steps are encrypted. Those<br />

statements with uneven indices contain a<br />

signed bid step with its index number<br />

S L ðB i , iÞ, whereas the ones with an even index<br />

contain a signed hash value of the bid<br />

step and its index number S L ðHðB i Þ, iÞ.<br />

To the very last statement, which is<br />

firstly generated to the abovementioned<br />

rule for even indices, the bidder adds HS 1 ,<br />

which determines the auctioneer group<br />

capable of decrypting the statement, and<br />

signs this.<br />

The following formulas illustrate the encryption<br />

of the bid chain from the highest<br />

to the lowest bid step. In the formulas, HS i<br />

stands for the i-th key of the hopping sequence,<br />

E i denotes the encryption with key<br />

K i , S L the signing by bidder L, B j the j-th<br />

bid step of the bid chain, HðB j Þ the hash<br />

value of bid step B j , and I k for the k-th encrypted<br />

statement of the bid chain BC,<br />

where k ¼ 2n i þ 1.<br />

E HS2n ðS L ðB n , nÞÞ ¼ I 1 ð1Þ<br />

E HS2n 1<br />

ðHS 2n , I 1 , S L ðHðB n Þ, nÞÞ ¼ I 2 ð2Þ<br />

E HS2n 2<br />

ðHS 2n 1 , I 2 , S L ðB n 1 , n 1ÞÞ ¼ I 3 ð3Þ<br />

E HS2n 3<br />

ðHS 2n 2 , I 3 , S L ðHðB n 1 Þ, n 1ÞÞ ¼ I 4 ð4Þ<br />

...:<br />

E HS4 ðHS 5 , I 2n 4 , S L ðB 2 ,2ÞÞ ¼ I 2n 3 ð5Þ<br />

E HS3 ðHS 4 , I 2n 3 , S L ðHðB 2 Þ,2ÞÞ ¼ I 2n 2 ð6Þ<br />

E HS2 ðHS 3 , I 2n 2 , S L ðB 1 ,1ÞÞ ¼ I 2n 1 ð7Þ<br />

S L ðHS 1 , E HS1 ðHS 2 , I 2n 1 , S L ðHðB 1 Þ,1ÞÞÞ ¼ I 2n ð8Þ<br />

Having constructed the encrypted bid chain,<br />

the bidder transmits I 2n to any auctioneer.<br />

If each bid chain consists of a fixed number<br />

of bid steps and the value p is reached<br />

after a random number of steps, which is<br />

significantly larger than 1, other bidders or<br />

auctioneers are not able to predict the value<br />

of p from the starting value and/or other<br />

parameters like the increments or number<br />

of bid steps. Accordingly, the number of<br />

bid steps has to be chosen sufficiently large.<br />

4.3 Bid Processing<br />

The decision tree in Figure 1 illustrates the<br />

exact steps each auctioneer group has to<br />

follow according to our ascending proxy<br />

auction protocol.<br />

So, according to Figure 1, an auctioneer<br />

receiving a newly submitted bid chain BC<br />

follows the decision tree in the following<br />

239<br />

way: he firstly sends BC in its initial form<br />

of I 2n to HS 1 – even if it happens that he<br />

belongs to this group. The auctioneer<br />

group HS 1 then checks, if HS 1 in I 2n addresses<br />

them. If it does address them and<br />

there is no decrypted lower bid step, a subset<br />

(randomly chosen) of all group members<br />

of HS 1 directly starts the first decryption<br />

step using key K HS1 ; otherwise they<br />

would pass BC on to the actual HS 1 . After<br />

the first successful decryption step, they<br />

check, if the revealed S L ðHðB 1 Þ,1Þ contains<br />

the index number 1. If it does not,<br />

they discard the bid chain. If it does, however,<br />

contain the right index number 1, the<br />

auctioneer group sends a bid confirmation<br />

for BC back to the bidder L. The group<br />

also conveys I 2n 1 ¼ E HS2 ð...Þ and<br />

S L ðHðB 1 Þ,1Þ to the auctioneer group with<br />

index HS 2 to continue decryption. The<br />

members of HS 2 check the index number 1<br />

in S L ðHðB 1 Þ,1Þ that they receive and presume<br />

that no bid step of BC has been decrypted,<br />

yet. Hence, a subset (randomly<br />

chosen) of all group members of HS 2 decrypts<br />

I 2n 1 to HS 3 , I 2n 2 , and S L ðB 1 ,1Þ.<br />

The decrypting members then propagate<br />

the signed bid step S L ðB 1 ,1Þ to all other<br />

group members. This enables all group<br />

members firstly to check if the received index<br />

number 1 in S L ðHðB 1 Þ,1Þ equals the<br />

index number in the newly revealed<br />

S L ðB 1 ,1Þ. If not, there is a decryption or<br />

integrity error. Secondly, they can verify<br />

valid decryption by hashing B 1 and comparing<br />

the result to HðB 1 Þ of S L ðHðB 1 Þ,1Þ.<br />

If those do not match, another auctioneer<br />

subset of the respective group has to repeat<br />

this whole process until validity is established<br />

or an integrity error must be presumed.<br />

Having successfully checked validity of<br />

the decrypted bid step B 1 , and B 1 beating<br />

the SHB, the auctioneer group broadcasts<br />

S L ðB 1 ,1Þ that includes B 1 as the SHB to all<br />

auctioneers.<br />


12 Daniel Rolli, Michael Conrad, Dirk Neumann, Christoph Sorge<br />

5.2 Security Analysis<br />

a<br />

YES<br />

b) (no decrypted bid step B i-1 )<br />

b<br />

or (B i-1 < SHB)?<br />

YES NO<br />

2) decrypt bid step B i 2<br />

0<br />

1) pass on bid chain BC 1<br />

e) B i >B i-1 ?<br />

f) newly decrypted B i >SHB?<br />

3) publish B i as new SHB<br />

Figure 1<br />

Decision Tree<br />

If bid step B 1 does not beat the leading<br />

bid, the group transfers I 2n 2 , and S L ðB 1 ,1Þ<br />

to the next auctioneer group HS 3 in the<br />

hopping sequence. After successfully validating<br />

the index numbers and B 1 as well as<br />

processing of the statement I 2n 2 , the next<br />

auctioneer group HS 3 passes on the newly<br />

decrypted I 2n 3 and S L ðHðB 2 Þ,2Þ plus<br />

S L ðB 1 ,1Þ to the next auctioneer group HS 4 .<br />

After validating B 1 < SHB, HS 4 decrypts<br />

I 2n 3 and firstly checks, if the index<br />

number of their newly decrypted S L ðB 2 ,2Þ<br />

is exactly one higher than the index number<br />

they received in S L ðB 1 ,1Þ from HS 2 via<br />

HS 3 . If so, they check if B 2 is higher than<br />

B 1 . If not, they discard BC. IfB 2 > B 1 applies,<br />

they also check if B 2 is higher than<br />

SHB and, in case this applies, they publish<br />

S L ðB 2 ,2Þ as the new SHB. If B 2 > SHB<br />

does not apply, they pass on I 2n 4 and<br />

S L ðB 2 ,2Þ to HS 5 .<br />

This process is continued until the auction<br />

terminates. Obviously, all bid chains –<br />

except for the winning bidder’s – end up<br />

fully decrypted.<br />

5 Evaluation<br />

YES<br />

YES<br />

YES<br />

This section analyzes the protocol taking<br />

into account the requirements presented in<br />

section 2. After a discussion of the group<br />

generating functions, the security and<br />

threat analysis is performed, and the complexity<br />

analysis closes the evaluation.<br />

5.1 Group Generating Function<br />

In section 4.1 we presented a pair of group<br />

generating functions to define the number<br />

and size of auctioneer groups. The proposed<br />

auction protocol does not depend on<br />

a special function, as long as the applied<br />

3<br />

1<br />

YES<br />

f<br />

e<br />

NO<br />

1<br />

c<br />

NO<br />

d<br />

NO<br />

4<br />

NO<br />

0<br />

NO<br />

1<br />

a) bid chain intended for this group?<br />

1) pass on bid chain BC 1<br />

0) throw integrity error<br />

c) more encryption on B i ?<br />

d) i of B i =(jofreceivedB j )+1?<br />

0) throw integrity error<br />

4) discard BC 1<br />

1) pass on bid chain BC 1<br />

group generating function is common<br />

knowledge. The intuition, however, behind<br />

the chosen pair of functions is as follows:<br />

The size of auctioneer groups increases robustness<br />

and security as bigger groups can<br />

tolerate more (in absolute terms) disabled<br />

or even corrupted members. The number of<br />

auctioneer groups, however, is associated<br />

with a higher level of security, as more<br />

available auctioneer groups entail a higher<br />

number of encryption keys leaving any bidder<br />

with more options to generate a hopping<br />

sequence. Hence, we prefer the group<br />

number to increase faster than the size of<br />

groups. We regard log-based and squareroot-based<br />

functions for G size as stylized<br />

functions to motivate the trade-off between<br />

robustness and communication overhead.<br />

In essence, the log as well as the square root<br />

both have certain disadvantages.<br />

– Using the log-based function entails a rapid<br />

growth of G number but a slow growth<br />

of G size . For large auction setups with<br />

many auctioneers, many different groups<br />

of very small size are generated. This can<br />

be exploited by an attacker, who may relatively<br />

easily overtake a small group<br />

empowering him to partially block the<br />

auction.<br />

– In contrast, the square-root-based function<br />

generates almost identical results for<br />

G number and G size . Compared to the logbased<br />

function, it attains a slower growth<br />

of group numbers, but faster growth of<br />

group sizes. Hence, given a large number<br />

of auctioneers, groups with more group<br />

members are generated. As a side effect<br />

this creates higher communication and<br />

<strong>management</strong> costs within the groups,<br />

which may become a bottleneck.<br />

The proposed ad-hoc function combines<br />

both functions to a compromise, where the<br />

number of groups grows modestly faster<br />

than the group size.<br />

240<br />

In the security analysis, we refer to security<br />

risks within the auction protocol only.<br />

Those risks related to standard cryptographic<br />

algorithms like SHA1 or RSA as<br />

well as common threats (e.g. data flooding<br />

or virus infection) are beyond our scope.<br />

Two major risks associated with the distributed<br />

ascending proxy auction are<br />

1. premature revelation of the highest bid<br />

step(s) and<br />

2. exclusion of a targeted bidder from the<br />

auction.<br />

For each threat we provide an attack tree<br />

[Schn99], exhibiting the crucial attack possibilities<br />

and giving a short explanation of<br />

how such attacks are countered in the protocol.<br />

Figure 3 shows the attack tree of the premature<br />

revelation attack (refer to requirement<br />

A2).<br />

As Figure 2 shows, there are two approaches<br />

to illegitimately revealing all bid<br />

steps up to the highest one. Firstly, the attacker<br />

infiltrates the auctioneer groups to<br />

reveal the highest bid step. To do so, he<br />

firstly needs to infiltrate the auctioneer<br />

group holding the bid chain and forward it<br />

to the next auctioneer group in the hopping<br />

sequence. The attacker then has to infiltrate<br />

this auctioneer group to decrypt the next<br />

bid step. If this bid step is not the highest in<br />

the bid chain, the attacker has to repeat this<br />

process until the highest bid step is revealed.<br />

Secondly, the attacker attempts to retrieve<br />

the remaining bid chain from the<br />

auctioneer group currently holding it.<br />

Having succeeded, the attacker tries to decrypt<br />

the remaining bid steps by using illegitimately<br />

obtained private keys of the involved<br />

auctioneer groups.<br />

Accordingly, both attacks require the<br />

identification of the auctioneer group holding<br />

the bid chain and all subsequent groups<br />

in the hopping sequence. The addresses of<br />

the involved auctioneer groups are encoded<br />

within the bid chain and can only sequentially<br />

be obtained. The attacker can do<br />

nothing but guess the current auctioneer<br />

group with the bid chain and learn each<br />

following auctioneer group stepwise.<br />

Note that one possibility of revealing the<br />

overall highest bid step is immanent to the<br />

proposed protocol. If the highest bid step<br />

of the second-highest bid chain is higher<br />

than or equal to the second-highest bid<br />

step of the highest bid chain, the overall<br />

highest bid step is revealed at least to one<br />

auctioneer group.<br />

The second attack tree addresses excluding<br />

potential bidders from an auction.<br />


Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction 13<br />

There are three independent possible attacks,<br />

which are shown in Figure 3.<br />

The first attack possibility is to suppress<br />

the submission of the bid chain. Hence, the<br />

attacker can lock out the bidder by flooding<br />

its peer and thus disconnecting it from<br />

the network. Such an attack can be easily<br />

detected.<br />

The second possible attack is forging the<br />

auction description. In this case, the attacker<br />

could provide wrong information about<br />

the auction, so that the bidder cannot join<br />

the auction and place a valid bid chain.<br />

However, this attack can easily be detected<br />

by any bidder. At first the signature of the<br />

auction description document generated by<br />

the seller becomes invalid. Furthermore the<br />

bidder does not retrieve a positive bid confirmation<br />

after placing an invalid bid.<br />

The third, more complex attack possibility<br />

is the dedicated prevention of processing<br />

bid steps of a specific bidder. To reach<br />

this, the attacker has to overtake at least<br />

one auctioneer group in every HS of the<br />

bidder as whole. This attack requires the<br />

knowledge of any HS of a bidder, and the<br />

bidder can even react by adapting the HS<br />

of a repeated bid chain. Accordingly, the<br />

attacker must either employ a lot of effort<br />

for maliciously obtaining and stepwise decrypting<br />

all bid chains of one bidder, or<br />

simply guess to take over several auctioneer<br />

groups randomly, hoping to compromise<br />

the right one by chance.<br />

Most of the attacks base on the presumption<br />

that the attacker succeeds in guessing<br />

the HS of a bidder. Figure 4 shows the<br />

probability of an attacker unfolding one<br />

next bid step of the standing highest bid<br />

chain depending on the number of infiltrated<br />

auctioneer groups in relation to the<br />

total group number. To reveal the next bid<br />

step an attacker has to compromise at minimum<br />

three auctioneers in different groups.<br />

The first group is needed to maliciously<br />

transfer the encrypted bid step to the next<br />

group, without a higher SHB present; the<br />

other two for actual decryption, since we<br />

assume that each bid step is encrypted with<br />

two different keys of the HS.<br />

We analyze auctions starting from 16 up<br />

to 1024 different auctioneers. Using our<br />

group generating functions described in<br />

section 4.1 results in 4 auctioneer groups<br />

for 16 auctioneers up to 48 auctioneer<br />

groups for 1024 auctioneers. We assume<br />

the attacker is able to compromise between<br />

3 and 15 auctioneers.<br />

Figure 4 and its findings imply that the<br />

probability of unfolding the next bid step<br />

and the exclusion of a certain bidder by an<br />

attacker decrease significantly with an ascending<br />

number of auctioneer groups.<br />

Even in case the attacker is able to compromise<br />

almost one third (15 of 48) of all auctioneer<br />

groups (from a total of 1024 auctioneers)<br />

he reaches a probability lower<br />

than 3 percent of unfolding even the next<br />

bid step of a specific bid chain. All values<br />

are calculated using a hypergeometric distribution:<br />

<br />

<br />

M N M<br />

x n x<br />

PðX ¼ xÞ ¼<br />

Forward bid chain<br />

to responsible<br />

auctioneer group<br />

Infiltrate auctioneer<br />

group holding<br />

remaining bid chain<br />

Know hopping<br />

sequence of<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

Figure 2<br />

Overtake first<br />

auctioneer group<br />

in bid chain<br />

Know hopping<br />

sequence of<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

Figure 3<br />

Reveal remaining<br />

bidding step(s) by<br />

malicious auctioneers<br />

<br />

N<br />

n<br />

<br />

AND<br />

Decrypt next bidding<br />

step of bid chain<br />

Infiltrate auctioneer<br />

group decrypting<br />

next bidding step<br />

Reveal highest<br />

bidding step(s)<br />

Attack Tree – Highest Bid Step Revelation<br />

Prevent submission of<br />

bid chain<br />

Lock out bidder<br />

from network<br />

Attack Tree – Bidder Exclusion<br />

241<br />

Exclude a<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

Forge auction<br />

description<br />

Infiltrate auctioneer<br />

group holding<br />

remaining bid chain<br />

Know hopping<br />

sequence of<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

Infiltrate next<br />

auctioneer group(s)<br />

in bid chain<br />

Know hopping<br />

sequence of<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

Reveal remaining<br />

bidding step(s) by<br />

attacker<br />

AND<br />

Prevent processing of<br />

next bidding step<br />

Variable N stands for the total number of<br />

auctioneer groups; n is the number of compromised<br />

groups. The variables M and x<br />

by assumption are 3, because an attacker<br />

needs all of the three involved auctioneer<br />

groups to reveal the next bidding step. The<br />

value PðX ¼ xÞ gives the probability of unfolding<br />

the next bid step of a specific bid<br />

chain.<br />

5.3 Complexity Analysis<br />

Decrypt remaining<br />

bidding step(s)<br />

Know private keys<br />

of auctioneer groups<br />

used in bid chain<br />

Know hopping<br />

sequence of<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

Overtake current<br />

auctioneer group<br />

in bid chain<br />

Know hopping<br />

sequence of<br />

dedicated bidder<br />

This section covers a basic complexity analysis<br />

of the presented auction protocol concerning<br />

calculation and communication<br />

complexity.<br />

For the analysis, let z be the number of<br />

bidders, A total the number of auctioneers, n<br />

the (average) number of bid steps with new<br />

information in a bid chain, e the number of<br />

groups whose keys are used to encrypt each<br />

bid step (two in our example), and b the<br />

average number of bid chains per bidder.<br />

Each bidder has to generate b n bid<br />

steps. As each bid step is encrypted e times,<br />

b n e encrypt operations have to be performed<br />

by a bidder, leading to a (computation)<br />

complexity in Oðb n eÞ for a bid-<br />


14 Daniel Rolli, Michael Conrad, Dirk Neumann, Christoph Sorge<br />

Revealing Probability<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

Figure 4<br />

Decrypt Operations<br />

Probability of revealing the next Bidding Step of the Winner’s Bid Chain<br />

P (3 compromised auctioneers) (log+sqrt)<br />

P (6 compromised auctioneers) (log+sqrt)<br />

P (9 compromised auctioneers) (log+sqrt)<br />

P (12 compromised auctioneers) (log+sqrt)<br />

P (15 compromised auctioneers) (log+sqrt)<br />

0<br />

4 6 9 14 21 34 48<br />

Number of Auctioneer Groups<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

Figure 5<br />

Probability of Maliciously Revealing Next Bid Step<br />

Decrypt Operations per Auctioneer<br />

(10 bidders with 3 bid chains each per auction, 100 steps per bid chain)<br />

Bid Chains per Auctioneer (one group per bidding step) (log)<br />

Bid Chains per Auctioneer (two groups per bidding step) (log)<br />

Bid Chains per Auctioneer (one group per bidding step) (sqrt)<br />

Bid Chains per Auctioneer (two groups per bidding step) (sqrt)<br />

Bid Chains per Auctioneer (one group per bidding step) (log+sqrt)<br />

Bid Chains per Auctioneer (two groups per bidding step) (log+sqrt)<br />

0<br />

16 32 64 128 256 512 1024<br />

Total Number of Auctioneers<br />

Decrypt Operations per Auctioneer<br />

der. On the other hand, all bid chains but<br />

one are completely decrypted, and those<br />

members of an auctioneer group who have<br />

not decrypted a bid step must check the<br />

proper decryption. As the latter only requires<br />

the use of a cryptographic hash<br />

function, the computation time for this<br />

check can be neglected in comparison to<br />

the asymmetric decryption operations necessary.<br />

All in all, this leads to a computation<br />

complexity in Oðz b n eÞ for the<br />

entirety of bidders and auctioneers<br />

throughout the whole auction process. The<br />

complexity for one auctioneer depends on<br />

the<br />

<br />

number of auctioneers and is in<br />

O<br />

z b n e <br />

.<br />

A total<br />

Communication complexity turns out<br />

similar, as each bid step is sent to all auctioneers<br />

of a group to allow for decryption<br />

and its verification. This results in<br />

an overall communication complexity in<br />

Oðz b n e G size Þ.<br />

Note that b and e are typically small<br />

constants and the suggested group generation<br />

functions also keep G size small.<br />

Figure 5 illustrates the number of decrypt<br />

operations for a single auctioneer.<br />

For this figure, we assume that on average<br />

10 bidders are involved in an auction<br />

(z ¼ 10). Furthermore, we set b ¼ 3 and<br />

n ¼ 100. Encryption with two group keys<br />

for each bid step (e ¼ 2) is compared to a<br />

single key (e ¼ 1). These parameters result<br />

in 3000 (10 3 100) bid steps with 3000 or<br />

6000 decrypt operations that must be processed<br />

by the auctioneers. As can easily be<br />

seen, complexity of the protocol is independent<br />

of the group generating functions:<br />

in all three cases the auctioneers have to<br />

overall decrypt the same number of bid<br />

steps. Only the number of encryptions per<br />

bid step impacts the complexity as two decryption<br />

steps per bid step double the<br />

costs. Generally, Figure 5 shows that the<br />

computation complexity of each auctioneer<br />

is significantly reduced with a growing<br />

number of auctioneers. With 256 auctioneers,<br />

e.g., each auctioneer has to perform<br />

less than 50 decrypt operations during the<br />

whole auction.<br />

Table 2<br />

Proposed Protocol<br />

Protocol Price Auctioneers Number of ro<strong>und</strong>s Overall Computation Verifiability Non-Repudiation Asynchrony Spontaneous<br />

entry and exit<br />

Proposed 2 nd M not applicable Oðz b n eÞ Yes Yes Yes Yes<br />

z – number of Bidders, M – constant, k – possible bids, b – bid chains per bidder (1 for the non-iterative auction protocols in table 1), n – bid steps per bid chain,<br />

e – number of encryption operations per bid step<br />

242<br />


Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction 15<br />

6 Conclusion<br />

We present a secure mechanism for distributed<br />

ascending proxy auctions. It fosters<br />

privacy and overall correct conduct to a degree<br />

that enables the trusted application of<br />

an asynchronous, iterative, second-price<br />

auction in systems as open as P2P networks.<br />

The approach produces several desirable<br />

properties for the auction process: It eliminates<br />

the dependency on one single auctioneer,<br />

and the winning bidder can hide his true<br />

valuation, respectively his highest bid.<br />

Using an encrypted bid chain for bidding<br />

ensures that only a fraction of information<br />

is revealed to each auctioneer. With any new<br />

bid chain each bidder can freely decide,<br />

which auctioneer groups to trust. Robustness<br />

is achieved by forming groups of auctioneers,<br />

where even one group member<br />

suffices to decrypt a bid step. All requirements<br />

stated in section 2 are fulfilled.<br />

In contrast to previous distributed second-price<br />

auction mechanisms, our approach<br />

is suitable for iterative open-cry<br />

auctions. It is never necessary for all participants<br />

to be online at the same time, which<br />

is what makes other approaches highly vulnerable,<br />

as it allows the blocking of an auction<br />

fairly by attacking any participating<br />

node [cf. Bran03]. In our protocol, all a<br />

bidder needs to do is to convey his bid<br />

chains, whereas the auctioneer groups must<br />

be accessible during the whole auction process.<br />

However, one single obedient auction<br />

group member being online at a time suffices<br />

to conduct the auction with a sufficient<br />

standard of security.<br />

Table 2 summarizes all the properties of<br />

our ascending proxy auction. Obviously,<br />

the proposed protocol can remedy some of<br />

the shortcomings of the protocols presented<br />

in Table 1.<br />

The overall computation complexity<br />

does not depend on the number of auctioneers;<br />

hence, the computation per auctioneer<br />

decreases linearly in the number of auctioneers.<br />

The possible bids need not be<br />

specified in advance, nor does computation<br />

complexity depend on them. The values b<br />

and e, on which our protocol’s complexity<br />

depends, are small; n can be chosen arbitrarily.<br />

Note that the proposed auction protocol<br />

can only support 2 nd -price auctions.<br />

As a next step, a transfer of the presented<br />

notions to multi-unit and possibly combinatorial<br />

auctions is envisioned. For these<br />

challenging tasks, distributed algorithmic<br />

mechanism design and cryptography have<br />

to be combined to further realize the potential<br />

of decentralized auctions.<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

This research was partially f<strong>und</strong>ed by the<br />

German Federal Ministry of Education<br />

and Research (BMBF) in the SESAM-project<br />

as part of the research program Internet<br />

Economics. The authors are responsible<br />

for the content of this publication.<br />

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private auctions. 5th Annual Conference on Financial<br />

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[Bran02] Brandt, F.: A verifiable, bidder-resolved<br />

auction protocol. AAMAS Workshop on Deception,<br />

Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, 2002.<br />

[Bran03] Brandt, F.: Fully private auctions in a<br />

constant number of ro<strong>und</strong>s. 7th International<br />

Conference on Financial Cryptography (FC),<br />

2003.<br />

[Bran05] Brandt, F.: How To Obtain Full Privacy<br />

in Auctions. Preliminary Draft, February 9,<br />

2005.<br />

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Conference on Computer and Communications<br />

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[FoIM05] Fontoura, M.; Ionescu, M.; Minsky, N.:<br />

Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Auctions. In: Electronic<br />

Commerce Research Journal 5 (2005) 1, S.<br />

7–24.<br />

Abstract<br />

[FrRe96] Franklin, M. K.; Reiter, M. K.: The design<br />

and implementation of a secure auction service.<br />

In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering<br />

22 (1996), S. 302–312.<br />

[HaSt05a] Hausheer, D.; Stiller, B.: Decentralized<br />

Auction-based Pricing with PeerMart. 9th IFIP/<br />

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Network Management (IM 2005), Nice, France,<br />

2005.<br />

[HaSt05b] Hausheer, D.; Stiller, B.: PeerMart: The<br />

Technology for a Distributed Auction-based<br />

Market for Peer-to-Peer Services. 40th IEEE International<br />

Conference on Communications<br />

(ICC 2005), Seoul, Korea, 2005.<br />

[Kiku01] Kikuchi, H.: (Mþ1)st-price auction protocol.<br />

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Cryptography (FC), 2001.<br />

[KHAN00] Kikuchi, H.; Hotta, S.; Abe, K.; Nakanishi,<br />

S.: Resolving winner and winning bid<br />

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Workshop on Next Generation Internet, 2000.<br />

[LiAN02] Lipmaa, H.; Asokan, N.; Niemi, V.: Secure<br />

Vickrey auctions without threshold trust.<br />

6th International Conference on Financial Cryptography<br />

(FC), 2002.<br />

[McAf00] McAfee, A.: The Napsterization of B2B.<br />

In: Harvard Business Review 78 (2000) 6, S. 18–<br />

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[RFHK01] Ratnasamy, S.; Francis, P.; Handley, M.;<br />

Karp, R.; Shenker, S.: A Scalable Content-Addressable<br />

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[Schn99] Schneier, B.: Attack Trees: Modeling Security<br />

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[SMKK01] Stoica, I.; Morris, R.; Karger, D.; Kaashoek,<br />

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2001.<br />

Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction – A Cryptographic Approach<br />

In recent years, auctions have become a very popular price discovery mechanism in the<br />

Internet. The common auction formats are typically centralized in nature. The peer-to-peer<br />

paradigm demands gearing up auctions for decentralized infrastructures. In this context, this<br />

paper proposes a distributed mechanism for ascending second-price auctions that relies on<br />

standard cryptographic algorithms. In essence, the auction protocol has the capability of<br />

preserving the privacy of the winning bidder’s true valuation.<br />

The auction protocol makes use of a high number of auctioneers divided into several<br />

groups. A bidder creates an encrypted chain of monotonously increasing bidding steps,<br />

where each bidding step can be decrypted by a different auctioneer group. This considerably<br />

reduces the attack and manipulation possibilities of malicious auctioneers. In addition,<br />

this secure approach does not require bidders to be online unless they are submitting their<br />

bid chain to the auctioneers.<br />

Keywords: Internet Economics, Distributed Auctions, Privacy, Trust, Security Protocols, Peerto-Peer<br />

Systems<br />

243<br />


Technology Assessment and Comparison:<br />

The Case of Auction and E‐negotiation Systems<br />

Gregory E. Kersten 1 , Eva Chen 1 , Dirk Neumann 2 , Rustam Vahidov 1<br />

and Christof Weinhardt 2<br />

1 InterNeg Research Centre, Concordia University, Canada<br />

2 <strong>IISM</strong>, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

An e‐market system is a concrete implementation of a market institution; it embeds one or<br />

more exchange mechanisms. The mechanisms are—from the economic point of view—<br />

disembodied objects (models and procedures) which control access to and regulate execution<br />

of transactions. E‐market systems are also information systems which are information and<br />

communication technology artifacts. They interact with their users; have different features<br />

and tools for searching, processing and displaying information. This work puts forward an argument<br />

that the study of e‐markets must incorporate both the behavioural economic as well<br />

as the information systems perspectives. To this end the paper proposes a conceptual framework<br />

that integrates the two. This framework is used to formulate models, which incorporate<br />

the essential features of exchange mechanisms, as well as their implementations as IS artefacts.<br />

The focus of attention is on two classes of mechanisms, namely auctions and negotiations.<br />

They both may serve the same purpose and their various types have been embedded in<br />

many e‐market systems.<br />


2<br />

1. Introduction<br />

E‐markets are an important component of e‐business that bring demand and supply for goods<br />

and services into balance. They are the meeting places for buyers and sellers who use exchange<br />

mechanisms to conduct transactions. Exchange mechanisms are market institutions<br />

providing sets of rules, which specify the functioning of the market and permissible behaviour<br />

of its participants. Mechanisms include catalogues, where requests and offers are posted, negotiations,<br />

where the participants bargain over the conditions of an exchange, and auctions,<br />

where one side automates the process during which participants from the other side compete<br />

against each other.<br />

The design of exchange mechanisms is the concern of economists. The economists’ interest in<br />

market institutions or mechanisms emphasizes problems of social decision making of who<br />

shall get what resources. In their influential articles Hayek (1945) and Hurwicz (1973), formulated<br />

the resource allocation problem as an information aggregation problem. Because the<br />

valuation of different kinds of resources by individuals and organizations is typically private<br />

information, it is difficult for a planner to define the efficient allocation that secures the best<br />

use of resources by the society. To solve this social decision making problem, the economic<br />

planner needs to extract this dispersed knowledge of the individuals by setting the right incentives.<br />

Economists became involved with the engineering of market institutions, which involves the<br />

specification of rules to control the exchanges and trade execution, since the 1990’s (Roth<br />

2002). The field of market design provides a mathematical framework with which the outcomes<br />

of particular mechanisms can be computed as equilibrium, and the mechanisms could<br />

be designed to induce socially optimal outcomes (Maskin and Sjöström 2002).<br />

In recent years, the economists have adopted laboratory experiments to confront theory with<br />

empirical observations in their “toolbox” (Roth 1995; Smith 2003). The test‐beds used for these<br />

experiments abstract from the real world situations in order to isolate specific human decision‐making<br />

behaviours (Friedman and S<strong>und</strong>er 1994). Isolation is achieved by inducing the<br />

pre‐specified characteristics in participants of the experiments via a specially designed incentive<br />

system. This incentive‐based control entails that the participants’ innate characteristics<br />

can be assumed away (Smith 1994) and the market institutions can be implemented in a<br />

highly simplified form.<br />

An exchange mechanism can be used only if it is implemented in some and kind of an information<br />

system (IS). Behavioural economists make a deliberate effort to devoid the system of<br />

any features, which may contribute to its ease or difficulty of use or its appeal. This allows<br />

studying the relationships between different incentive structures and mechanism outcome,<br />

the selection of a revenue‐maximizing mechanism and separate market participants’ deviations<br />

from perfectly rational behaviour.<br />

Viewed from a different perspective, e‐markets are ISs deployed on the networks, which incorporate<br />

(among others) exchange mechanisms. As such, they are of interest to<br />

IS researchers, who study behaviours of users, with a particular interest in explaining perceived<br />

usefulness, fit with the task, intention to use, as well as other important IS adoption‐<br />


3<br />

related factors (e.g., Goodhue 1995; e.g., DeLone and McLean 2003; Iivari 2005). Beginning<br />

with the technology acceptance model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989) to the unified theory<br />

of acceptance and use of technology (Venkatesh et al. 2003), to TAM/user satisfaction integrated<br />

model (Wixom and Todd 2005), users’ attitude and behavioural intention has been the<br />

predominant concern of IS researchers.<br />

In IS research four views of technology have been proposed: tool, perception, model and project<br />

(Orlikowski and Lacono 2001). In some of these views certain facets of a system are ignored<br />

or various components (and <strong>und</strong>erlying models) are made <strong>und</strong>istinguishable. Depending<br />

on the chosen perspective the studies of the technology use and performance focus on its<br />

selected characteristics or actions. Arguably, this occasionally vague or partial consideration<br />

of technology can be contrasted with a key purpose of IS studies which is technology performance<br />

leading to its individual and organizational success (DeLone and McLean 2003; Garrity et<br />

al. 2005) for which there have been “nearly as many measures as there are studies” (DeLone<br />

and McLean 1992, p. 61). Knowledge of many rejected, <strong>und</strong>erperforming and misaligned systems<br />

led IS researchers to seek answers to such questions as: Will this system be adopted? Do<br />

users have positive attitude about using the system? Do they intend to use it?<br />

Many studies of technology use, adoption and performance consider the overall perception of<br />

the experience with hardware, software and rules of their use in performing a particular task<br />

(DeSanctis et al. 1994; Goodhue et al. 1995; Zigurs et al. 1998). If—as it is typically the case—<br />

several technologies are b<strong>und</strong>led together in order to <strong>und</strong>ertake the task, then such an approach<br />

may not give useful results for the developers of a particular technology and/or the<br />

technology adopting organization. Similarly, practical value of the assessment of software performance<br />

that produces similar results but uses different embedded mechanisms is questionable<br />

if these mechanisms are not explicitly distinguished.<br />

Over the last 30 years ISs and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) <strong>und</strong>erwent<br />

dramatic changes. While the old systems were single‐purposed, the new systems allow<br />

to dynamically binding different low‐level services into a service requested by the users<br />

(Turner et al. 2003). The old ISs were difficult to modify; the new ISs have components with<br />

partial and provisional connections which can be easily changed in order to adapt the system<br />

to the user’s preferences and the task at‐hand (Orlikowski and Lacono 2001). The old ISs were<br />

difficult to use; the new ones share common graphical interface features and require little<br />

training. These and other changes led to ICTs being increasingly ubiquitous and entering all<br />

dimensions of work and leisure. Often it is no more a question of an IS being used but of the<br />

selection of the system or the compositions of ITC components and services so that the usersystem<br />

interaction yields better results than if another choice was made. We therefore argue<br />

that we need to concentrate on seeking comprehensive answers to the following question as:<br />

What systems features, components and services are particularly useful for the given user, task,<br />

and context?<br />

In order to study these issues we choose e‐market systems because of their exemplary ubiquity,<br />

ease of use and customization. They are well‐known information systems which embed<br />

different mechanism and services. Some of them may be complementary (e.g., enhancing<br />

shoppers experience), others may be competitive giving gro<strong>und</strong>s to the question formulated<br />

in the preceding paragraph.<br />


4<br />

The purpose of this work is to propose a research framework and associated models that allow<br />

studying the performance of ISs. For this purpose we define IS technology as a system which is<br />

designed in order to provide services to its users so that they can achieve their goals by interacting<br />

with the system. Note that the system may be a single software program or several programs;<br />

in the later case the system may be designed at the run time. Note also that we take a<br />

narrow view of the system as being designed with a given purpose so that we do not consider<br />

servers, modems and PCs as an e‐market system if they are also used for other reasons.<br />

Typically, an IS has several ICT components which comprise a complex technological solution<br />

and the services they provide. These components include user and software interfaces, data<br />

storage and access, configuration and <strong>management</strong>, and computational models. What components<br />

are used and in what way they are configured determines the system’s services.<br />

Therefore, to assess the system usefulness and performance we need to be able to assess its<br />

components or artefacts of a technology separately rather than jointly as a black‐box. To obtain<br />

a comprehensive assessment we also need to consider all four views of technology (tool,<br />

perception, model and project). In the case of e‐market systems this leads us to draw from behavioural<br />

economics and IS research so that:<br />

1. Performance is measured at level of individual user, at the group level (all users involved<br />

in a single transaction), role‐level (e.g., buyers and sellers), and at the marketlevel;<br />

and<br />

2. Both behavioural (beliefs and attitudes) and economic (costs, returns, profits) measures<br />

of process inputs and outputs are included.<br />

This work proposes a conceptual framework that integrates the behavioural economic and the<br />

information systems approaches to studying socio‐technical processes. This framework is used<br />

to formulate a model, which incorporates the essential features of exchange mechanisms, as<br />

well as their implementations as IS artefacts. The focus of attention is on two classes of<br />

mechanisms: auctions and negotiations because they both may serve the same purpose and<br />

their various types have been embedded in very similar and in very distinct e‐market systems<br />

(Neumann et al. 2003). In addition to mechanism and system we also include three additional<br />

constructs in the proposed research model: task, individual, and environment. The interaction<br />

of these constructs results in the behavioural and in economic outcomes. Outcomes are used<br />

to describe the transaction process and its results.<br />

The interactions of the individuals and systems and mechanisms is the process, which is not<br />

explicitly modelled in IS studies that typically use either variance or process models (Seddon<br />

et al. 1999; Iivari 2005; Kim et al. 2006). One exception is the DeLone‐MceLean IS success<br />

model (DeLone and McLean 1992)) in which system use is one of the modelled constructs.<br />

The framework proposed in this work, called TIMES proposes to integrate variance and process<br />

models, that is, explicitly and in‐dept consider process as it is a category of concepts which<br />

explain causal relationships between input (independent variables) and output (dependent<br />

variables). “One significant way to improve the robustness of process explanations in variance<br />

theories is to explicitly observe the process argument that is assumed to explain why an independent<br />

variable causes a dependent variable. To do so requires opening the proverbial 'black<br />

box' between inputs and outcomes, and to directly observe process.” (van de Ven 1992, p. 170).<br />


5<br />

The TIMES framework provides a basis for the construction of models that allow studying information<br />

systems from several perspectives, including:<br />

1. Analysis of the use of and assessment of the efficacy of components and exchange<br />

mechanisms;<br />

2. Assessment of the impact of IS services and economic mechanisms on human interactions,<br />

their behaviours and behavioural and economic assessments;<br />

3. Study of the behaviours of the individuals, groups of individuals participating in a single<br />

transaction, and individuals participating in the separate roles (e.g., buyers and<br />

sellers); and<br />

4. Development of prescriptions for advocating exchange mechanisms depending on the<br />

participants and their objectives, context and the exchanged object(s).<br />

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 two exchange mechanisms:<br />

auctions and negotiations are discussed and their hybrid forms are introduced. Sections 3 and<br />

4 review the two perspectives on e‐market design, namely those of economics and IS. Section 5<br />

proposes an integrated framework for assessing e‐market systems that incorporates the two<br />

perspectives. Section 6 utilizes the framework to describe a concrete research model, which is<br />

tested through the comparisons of mechanism and system in a laboratory experiment. Section<br />

7 concludes with a summary and an outlook on future work.<br />

2. Auctions and negotiations<br />

A market mechanism is a set of rules governing the transaction process; it defines how the<br />

market participants reach their agreements. These rules can be <strong>und</strong>erstood as mechanisms,<br />

because they make behaviour more orderly and thus more predictable. The space of potential<br />

market mechanism is large, since there are many ways to define the rules which can be imposed<br />

on the exchange process. While the commonly used catalogue‐based exchanges is one<br />

example of an institution, of greater interest to the researchers are classes of mechanisms,<br />

which permit richer dynamics and more complex behaviour on part of the market participants,<br />

such as auctions and negotiations (Wolfstetter 2000).<br />

2.1 Auctions<br />

Auctions are defined by an explicit set of rules which determine resource allocation and prices<br />

on the basis of the bids made by the market participants (McAfee and McMillan 1987). The<br />

four following characteristics differentiate auctions from other exchange mechanisms:<br />

5. Auction rules are explicit and known to bidder prior to the auction. Therefore, rules<br />

cannot be modified during the auction.<br />

6. The rules completely describe the mechanisms allowing for the determination one or<br />

more winners solely based on the bids. Auctioneers or any other party have no discretion<br />

in winner choice.<br />

7. Rules typically include: (a) bidding rules stating how bids can be formulated and when<br />

they can be submitted; (b) allocation rules describing who gets what on the basis of<br />


6<br />

submitted bids; and (c) pricing rules stating the corresponding prices the bidders have<br />

to pay (Reiter 1977); and<br />

8. Auction rules allow mapping of bids on a single dimension – the price. They focus on<br />

prices to achieve either an efficient allocation or revenue maximization.<br />

The adequateness of utilizing the price mechanism has been conjectured by Hayek (1945) and<br />

has been demonstrated <strong>und</strong>er certain assumptions by Hurwicz (1973). If those assumptions<br />

are violated (e.g. there are externalities in preferences), then richer message spaces, e.g. inclusion<br />

of delivery schedules and quality in addition to prices, may become necessary (Mount<br />

and Reiter 1974).<br />

Auctions can be either single‐sided, where one seller auctioneers off goods to a number of<br />

bidders, or double‐sided, where competition is employed on both sides of a market. Auctions<br />

have been widely used in practice to allocate products as varied as securities, offshore mineral<br />

rights and emission certificates (Wolfstetter 1995; Lucking‐Reiley 2000).<br />

Modern auction theory has adapted to these needs of richer message spaces by including<br />

other than price attributes (Bichler 2000). Multi‐attribute auctions and combinatorial auctions<br />

have been designed but have not been used because of their complexity in formulating<br />

strategies, eliciting valuations for combinatorial goods, solving the winner determination<br />

problem and communicating bids (Parkes 2001). Most auction formats still rely on a single<br />

price dimension.<br />

Auction mechanisms dominate the economic view. In fact, the field of market design is almost<br />

exclusively focussed on the theoretical and applied auction theory. This focus has a major<br />

ramification upon practical market design: the decision whether to use auctions or other exchange<br />

mechanisms favours auctions.<br />

2.2 Negotiations<br />

Negotiation is a rich and ill‐defined family of processes, used for exchanging goods or services<br />

among buyers and sellers, and resolving inter‐personal and inter‐organizational conflicts. Negotiation<br />

is an iterative communication and decision making process between two or more<br />

participants who cannot achieve their objectives through unilateral actions. In addition, negotiation<br />

involves exchange of information comprising offers, counter‐offers and arguments<br />

with the purpose of finding a consensus (Bichler et al. 2003).<br />

This notion of negotiations includes negotiation as an exchange mechanism, mediation, voting<br />

and other forms of conflict resolution. Restricting the attention to trade negotiations only,<br />

in which the participating agents engage in order to reach an agreement about an allocation<br />

(which goods are exchanged to whom at what compensation), simplifies negotiations to bilateral<br />

and multi‐bilateral encounters in which two roles are distinguished: buyers and sellers.<br />

The peculiarity of negotiation as an exchange mechanism is its degree of freedom in the level<br />

of structuring the process and the scope of exchanged information. Negotiations differ in the<br />

degree of their structuredness, possibility of modification, and participation rules (Bichler,<br />

Kersten et al. 2003; Ströbel and Weinhardt 2003). The process of interactions may be not prescribed<br />

a priori as it is the case with many face‐to‐face negotiations; and the rules may be<br />


7<br />

known only implicitly, for example, based on tradition. Negotiations typically allow for the<br />

modification of the protocol, but this characteristic may be limited in the case of e‐<br />

negotiations. Also, the participation may be limited or determined by one part allowing another<br />

to participate or not.<br />

The above indicates the degree of flexibility in the design of negotiation mechanisms and this<br />

is the key characteristic that differentiates them from auctions. A particular instance of multibilateral<br />

negotiation can be indistinguishable from an auction, with offers having the same<br />

format as bids and forbidden exchange of arguments and other messages. The difference is<br />

that every negotiation allows for a change of its protocol while this is not allowed in auctions;<br />

instead one auction would need to be cancelled and a new one initiated.<br />

Negotiations mechanisms have been studied in economics and game theory. For example, bilateral<br />

bargaining models were used to investigate how the surplus of a transaction is allocated<br />

between two parties (Nash 1954). Recently, in response to the evolution of e‐<br />

marketplaces, two streams of bargaining models have been studied in the field of economics<br />

in order to explain market behaviour. In the first stream of studies several bilateral bargaining<br />

processes between buyers and sellers have been investigated in order to determine the properties<br />

of the aggregate market, which results from the bilateral relationships (De Fraja and<br />

Sakovics 2001; Satterthwaite and Shneyerov 2003). One extension of this mechanism is a double‐multi‐bilateral<br />

negotiation in which one party (e.g. a buyer) negotiates with several sellers<br />

and each seller negotiates with several buyers. Such negotiations are similar to double‐side<br />

auctions, but buyers are engaged in bilateral negotiations with many sellers and sellers are<br />

negotiating with many buyers (Satterthwaite and Shneyerov 2006). The second stream of empirical<br />

research extends bilateral bargaining models to multilateral bargaining (Thomas and<br />

Wilson 2002). The latter are similar to single‐sided auctions in that they incorporate explicit<br />

competition among all participants representing one side.<br />

2.3 Hybrid forms<br />

Auctions and negotiations are considered here as two distinct classes of market institutions.<br />

The popularity of on‐line auctions led some researchers to state that internet negotiations are<br />

auctions (Kumar and S.I.F. 1999), thus indicating that there is no need for negotiation mechanisms,<br />

while others stated that e‐negotiations should be replaced with on‐line auctions (Segev<br />

and Beam 1999). These statements, contrasted with beliefs that negotiations differ from auctions<br />

in essence, may have been behind efforts to design mechanisms, which have certain<br />

properties derived from both classes of mechanisms.<br />

Some of the combined or hybrid mechanisms are well known, albeit little studied. For instance,<br />

the mechanism used in hiring normally involves first a mechanism closely resembling<br />

sealed bid auction with candidates submitting their resumes and other supporting documents.<br />

In the second stage, a few of the “auction winners” are invited for interviews involving<br />

negotiations over salary and benefits. For e‐markets, Teich, Wallenius et al. (2001) propose<br />

NegotiAuction, a mechanism generalizing the process of auction followed by negotiation<br />

(Leskela et al. 2006). A reverse process, in which multilateral negotiations are followed—if the<br />

parties agree to do so—by an auction is suggested by Shakun (2005). These exchange mechanisms<br />

are said to have a hybrid format.<br />


8<br />

Other types of hybrid formats occur in practice. For example, e‐Bay auctions allow for inclusion<br />

of a “Buy‐it now” option that is typical for a catalogue, while Alibaba (http://alibaba.com)<br />

combines catalogues with free‐text communication between the buyers and sellers.<br />

3. Experimental and field studies<br />

We are interested in the assessment and comparison of e‐market systems which includes both<br />

economic and IS perspectives. Economic studies focus on market mechanisms, their functioning<br />

and efficiency. The focus of IS studies is on the systems in which the mechanisms are embedded<br />

with—in most cases—little concern for the mechanisms themselves. This indicates<br />

that the two areas of research are complementary as we attempt to show through the discussion<br />

of the theoretical and experimental studies.<br />

3.1 Auctions and negotiations in economics<br />

Research by the economists into auction mechanisms can be fo<strong>und</strong> in several theoretic studies<br />

on single‐ and multi‐attribute auctions. Interestingly, the empirical research provides no<br />

clear answer as to the superiority of one mechanism with respect to another. These results are<br />

one of the motivations for the model we present in Section 5, which could be used in more<br />

comprehensive comparative studies of both auctions and negotiations.<br />

3.1.1 Theoretical comparisons<br />

Bulow and Klemperer (1996) have shown in one of the first formal comparative studies that<br />

simple English auction with N + 1 participating bidders always yielded higher revenue than a<br />

negotiation with N participants. In essence, Bulow and Klemperer did not analyze a specific<br />

negotiation protocol, instead they referred to an “optimal” mechanism. Such mechanism denotes<br />

an abstract selling scheme, which is designed so as to maximize revenue of the seller.<br />

The implication is that a seller should “devote resources to expanding the market than to collecting<br />

the information and making the calculations required to figure out the best mechanism.”<br />

(op. cit., p. 180).<br />

This result does, however, hold only <strong>und</strong>er fairly strong assumptions, e.g. attribute preference<br />

independence. For affiliated preferences for example, the Bulow‐Klemperer (1996) result also<br />

holds when the seller’s choice of the negotiation mechanism is restricted. If other assumptions<br />

are relaxed (regularity, symmetry, etc.) the result may not be valid any more.<br />

Kirkegaard (2004) showed that a seller‐offer bargaining game is more advantageous than an<br />

English auction when demand is discrete, i.e., it has finite space, and the buyers are patient. In<br />

those cases, sellers prefer a bargaining protocol over an English auction. Furthermore, Kirkegaard<br />

(op. cit.) showed that when demand is continuous, an English auction can be improved<br />

by some kind of pre‐negotiation.<br />

The models proposed by Bulow and Klemperer (1996) and Kirkegaard (2004) focus on revenue<br />

as the sole comparison criterion. If other objectives (i.e. allocative efficiency) are considered,<br />

then these models do not provide valuable insights. But even in terms of revenue, the decision<br />

whether to use auctions or negotiations crucially depends on the assumptions.<br />


9<br />

Both papers only refer to single‐issue mechanisms, a comparison between auctions and negotiations<br />

that are capable of submitting several attributes beyond the price has not yet been<br />

<strong>und</strong>ertaken. The reason for this can be in the fact that studies of auctions that consider more<br />

attributes have only been published recently.<br />

Che (1993) and Branco (1997) initiated studies on the buyer’s payoffs in the two‐attribute (i.e.,<br />

price and quality) auctions. The private information of buyers determining the utility can be<br />

represented in one dimension; this shortcut allows applying the auction design apparatus to<br />

these problems. More recently, Beil and Wein (2003) analyzed the problem of designing the<br />

multi‐attribute auction. They were in particular concerned with finding a scoring rule to<br />

maximize buyer’s utility.<br />

3.1.2 Laboratory and field experiments<br />

Thomas and Wilson (2002; 2005) conducted two experimental studies, in which reverse auctions<br />

were compared with multi‐bilateral negotiations. In their most recent laboratory experiments,<br />

they noted that general superiority of auctions predicted by Bulow and Klemperer’s<br />

(1996) was not supported by the empirical data. In multi‐bilateral negotiations, a buyer<br />

solicits price offers from multiple sellers and then the buyer requests more favourable offers<br />

form the sellers who need to compete against each other. In their first experiment Thomas<br />

and Wilson (2002) compared multi‐bilateral negotiations with first‐price sealed‐bid auction.<br />

In the second experiment they replaced the first‐price with the second‐price (Vickrey) sealedbid<br />

auction (2005).<br />

Thomas and Wilson (2002) observed that for the inexperienced buyers and sellers multibilateral<br />

negotiations with two sellers led to significantly higher prices than first‐price sealed<br />

bid auctions. In the experiment with four sellers both mechanisms were fo<strong>und</strong> outcomeequivalent.<br />

In their second study, Thomas and Wilson (2005) observed that prices in second<br />

price sealed bid auctions exceed the prices generated in multi‐bilateral negotiations, suggesting<br />

that this auction mechanisms is inefficient in the given experimental setting.<br />

These two studies compared price‐only auctions and negotiations. Therefore, it is surprising<br />

that in some experimental settings negotiations were fo<strong>und</strong> to be more efficient than auctions.<br />

Many commercial and non‐commercial transactions concern objects characterized by multiple<br />

attributes. Few are now supported electronically with multi‐attribute auction systems.<br />

Ongoing and future work in auctions and negotiation suggests an increase in their use in<br />

multi‐attribute transactions. At present time, we are not aware of any comparative studies of<br />

multi‐attribute auctions and negotiations. Therefore, we restrict our discussion to selected<br />

experiments with multi‐attribute auctions followed by discussion of negotiation experiments.<br />

The highly stylized information exchange in auctions makes it impossible for the participants<br />

(e.g., sellers) to learn the preferences (needs, limitations) of the auction owners (e.g., buyers).<br />

Therefore, much effort in multi‐attribute auctions experiments has been devoted to the role<br />

and scope of preference revelation schemes. Experiments in which the bidders (sellers) were<br />

given the utility (value) function of the buyer show that multi‐attribute auctions do not provide<br />

substantial benefits over comparable single‐attribute auctions (Bichler 2000). In other<br />


10<br />

words, even with fully‐revealed utilities the additional complexity outweighs the theoretical<br />

gains.<br />

The impact of information availability on the mechanism efficiency was studied by Koppius<br />

and van Heck (2002). The information availability specifies the type of information that is<br />

given to whom, or when and how it becomes available to whom during the auction. They considered<br />

two types of multi‐attribute English auctions: (1) with unrestricted information availability,<br />

in which suppliers are provided with the standing highest bid and the corresponding<br />

bidder as well as score or bid ranking of the most currently loosing bids; and (2) restricted information<br />

availability, in which the bidders are only informed about the standing highest bid<br />

and bidder. The experiments indicated that auctions with unrestricted information availability<br />

yield higher efficiency than auctions with restricted availability.<br />

Strecker (2004) analyzed the impact of preference revelation schemes on the efficiency of<br />

multi‐attribute English and Vickrey auctions. He concluded that English auctions with revealed<br />

preference structure of the buyer are more efficient than Vickrey auctions, and English<br />

auctions with hidden preferences. Chen‐Ritzo, Harrison at al. (2005) introduced a multiattribute<br />

English auction, where only partial information about the buyer’s utility function<br />

was revealed. They showed that this variant performs better in terms of efficiency than a single<br />

attribute (price‐only) auction. This outperforming of the multi‐attribute over the single<br />

attribute auctions holds even though the bids in the multi‐attribute auction were far away<br />

from those predicted by the solution predicted by theory. Notably, complexity in the auction<br />

mechanism consumes a portion of the efficiency gains over price‐only auctions. This observation<br />

however, contradicts with the findings reported by Bichler (2000).<br />

An empirical analysis of auctions and negotiations in the construction industry revealed the<br />

use of the exchange mechanism depends on the knowledge and complexity of the context and<br />

task (Bajari et al. (2002). Negotiations have advantages if the specifications of the product to<br />

be traded are not well‐defined a priori, which is often the case in this industry. Negotiations,<br />

unlike auctions allow for the discussion and clarification of the specifications. Not surprisingly,<br />

their empirical analysis also reveals that auctions perform poorly in terms of efficiency<br />

when changes in the product design need to be made after the transaction took place.<br />

3.2 Lessons learned form economic research<br />

The apparatus of economics has shed some light into the selection decision whether to employ<br />

negotiations or auctions. However, while the theoretical results are unequivocal, the results<br />

from experiments are inconclusive. The strength of economic approach to study market<br />

mechanisms lies in its formal approach to experiment design and conduct. The power of economic<br />

approach to markets is in its capability of abstracting the functions and mechanisms,<br />

removing interfering events and processes and focusing on transactions. This strength coupled<br />

with the focus on the mechanism design and efficiency may also be seen as a weakness,<br />

in particular if the mechanisms implementation and functioning is an issue. In particular, we<br />

consider here four issues of importance for our discussion.<br />

1. Economics is interested in mechanisms and their economic properties rather than in<br />

their users. The concerns are to determine if a mechanism functions according to its<br />

design, what is its efficiency and what outcomes it produces given an assumed envi‐<br />


11<br />

ronment (e.g. preferences), which leaves out many relevant peculiarities of the users<br />

(e.g. beliefs, emotions).<br />

2. One of the most persistent issues within behavioural economics is the representation<br />

of human behaviour. Traditionally economics begins with “the notion of homo<br />

economicus acting in a world with full information, independent decision making,<br />

polypolistic competition, transitivity, and fixed preferences” (Beckert 2003). It relaxes<br />

some of the assumptions in order to study the violations of perfect rationality, but<br />

does not consider the real decision‐makers “messiness” (e.g., deviation from<br />

(bo<strong>und</strong>ed) rationality and adherence to various rationalities (Simon 1986)) making its<br />

results difficult to implement in e‐markets.<br />

3. The impact of the system in which an exchange mechanism is embedded is often ignored.<br />

ICT imposes additional rules on human behaviour and it changes the behaviour<br />

of the participating humans. The devotion of economics to analyze highly abstract<br />

mechanisms “with little or no concerns for practical application” (Palfrey 2001) diminishes<br />

the value of economic theory for assessing real‐world negotiation and auction<br />

systems.<br />

4. Economics largely focuses on price‐only mechanisms. Only a few papers address negotiations<br />

or auctions that use multiple attributes in allocation. Neglecting multiattribute<br />

problems diminishes the applicability of economics in procurement and<br />

other settings, where the resources for sale are not specified from the outset of procurement<br />

process. Although advancements have been made in the area of multiattribute<br />

auctions but a comprehensive comparison with multi‐attribute negotiations<br />

is still missing.<br />

The few shortcomings mentioned here do not take away significant contributions of economics<br />

to market research. The discipline of information systems with its concern for peoples’<br />

perceptions, attitudes and feelings, may help introducing ICT to behavioural economics. IS<br />

may allow for a more comprehensive e‐market framework which can be used for the assessment<br />

of auctions and negotiation systems, in addition to the assessment of the mechanisms<br />

embedded in them.<br />

3.3 Information systems research<br />

Information systems research has been concerned with the success of systems; their roles in<br />

organizations and their impact on individual and organizational performance. Its purpose is<br />

to “further knowledge that aids in the productive application of information technology to<br />

human organizations and their <strong>management</strong>” (ISR 2002). Arguably, one of the reasons of IS<br />

researchers focus on success and productivity is because of the “IT productivity debate” of the<br />

1980s and 1990s and the fact that past empirical research generally did not significant productivity<br />

improvements associated with IT investments (see for review of 150 articles Brynjolfsson<br />

and Yang 1996). Economic studies at both micro and macro levels led to a “sobering conclusion:<br />

our <strong>und</strong>erstanding of how information technology affects productivity either at the level<br />

of the firm or for the economy as a whole is extremely limited” (Wilson 1995).<br />

Glass et al. (2004) review of over 1,500 papers from IS, computer science and software engi‐<br />


12<br />

neering shows that the IS papers are predominantly concerned with evaluative and descriptive<br />

research (76%) with validation coming from field studies (27%), laboratory experiments (16%)<br />

and case studies (13%). Discussion on the IT evaluation measure has been, as DeLone and<br />

McLean (1992) put it “the quest for the dependent variable” and it spanned the same period as<br />

the discussion on the IT productivity debate. The results of this discussion are three main<br />

models presented below and their numerous variants.<br />

3.3.1 Technology acceptance model<br />

TAM is one of the models most often used to explain the willingness of potential users to actually<br />

use an information system (Davis 1989). In this, as well as in other IS models technology<br />

is viewed as hardware, software, services and their combinations.<br />

This model was extensively tested empirically (see, Legris et al. 2003 for a review) and several<br />

extensions have been proposed (e.g. Szajna 1996; Al‐Khaldi 1999). According to the basic<br />

model, the actual use of a system is determined by the behavioural intention to use a system.<br />

This intention depends on the attitude towards the system, which is described by two subjective<br />

factors: the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use of the system. The model<br />

and the research instruments constructed within its framework have been fo<strong>und</strong> useful in<br />

studying potential and actual information system adoption and use in organizations (e.g. Szajna<br />

1996; Agarwal et al. 1997; Jackson et al. 1997).<br />

More recently Vankatesh et al. (2000) proposed TAM2, which adds social norms to TAM. The<br />

extended model had been tested in field studies and the authors fo<strong>und</strong> that social norms and<br />

perceptions significantly influence user acceptance of technology. It should be noted, however,<br />

according to meta‐analyses and field studies, most versions explain about 40% of the<br />

system’s use (Agarwal et al. 1997; Venkatesh et al. 2000; Legris et al. 2003)<br />

3.3.2 Task‐technology fit model<br />

Technology may be accepted and used, and yet fail to bring forth expected changes. Goodhue<br />

and Thompson (1995) proposed the technology‐to‐performance model and tested its part<br />

known as task‐technology fit (ttf) model. The dependent variable is the individual performance<br />

and the purpose of the model is to measure the impact of the technology on such.<br />

The model considers tasks, which are activities requiring application of knowledge; they involve<br />

synthesis, assessment, problem solving and decision making. It asserts that individual<br />

performance depends on the fit between the task a user needs to <strong>und</strong>ertake and the technology<br />

used for this task (Goodhue 1995).<br />

The fit between task and technology is “the matching of the functional capability of available<br />

information technology with the activity demands of the task at hand” (Dishaw and Strong<br />

1996). The better the fit is the higher user performance and, thus value of the technology. The<br />

model also includes the moderating role of user’s characteristics on the user assessment of the<br />

task‐technology fit.<br />

The TTF model, like many other IS research models, considers technology as a complete computer<br />

system (hardware, software and data) as well as organizational IS policies and services<br />

(Goodhue and Thompson 1995, p. 216). While the individual characteristics of the user (e.g.,<br />


13<br />

education, training and experience) are distinguished, the technology is black‐boxed and no<br />

specific features, tools and mechanisms are included. Recent modifications include the “exploration<br />

of the black box” (Gebauer and Ginsburg 2006) in terms of system characteristics<br />

rather than its structure. System characteristics include data quality, ability to retrieve and<br />

consolidate required data and reliability. They are important but their assessment provides<br />

little insight regarding system adaptation and modification.<br />

The model shares its subjective orientation with TAM and other models; it models user attitudes<br />

and behaviours toward the system (Dishaw and Strong 1998). The measurement of fit,<br />

utilization and performance are based on the user beliefs rather than any objectively measurable<br />

variables pertaining to cognitive effort, costs, time or productivity.<br />

3.3.3 DeLone‐McLean model of information system success<br />

The TAM, TTF and other early models could have been used to study almost any technology.<br />

Although developed within the IS field, they do not consider the specific characteristics of<br />

software and make no distinction between software, hardware and services of the IT departments.<br />

The end user computing satisfaction (EUCS) model (Doll and Torkzadeh 1988) and the<br />

information systems success (ISS) model (DeLone and McLean 1992; DeLone and McLean<br />

2003) explicitly consider the attributes of information and system which produces information.<br />

The purpose of EUCS is to measure satisfaction of IS users through the measurement of five<br />

variables describing information content, accuracy and format, and the system ease of use and<br />

timelines in producing data. The model has been widely used and considered as one that is<br />

principally connected to the IS field with the premise that this field differs from social and<br />

cognitive psychology (Doll and Torkzadeh 1991; Pikkarainen et al. 2006).<br />

The ISS model was designed to explain the key factors that are accountable for the success of<br />

information system projects. The key feature of the model is the separation of the quality of<br />

information provided by the system from the operational measures of quality of a system. The<br />

former includes such measures as information accuracy, precision, timeliness, and relevance,<br />

while the latter refers to such indicators as reliability, response time, and ease of use.<br />

The model aims at predicting the individual and organizational impact of the system based on<br />

the attitudes formed by its users. The key factor conveying the attitude is user satisfaction.<br />

According to the model user satisfaction is influenced by the two essential quality‐related factors<br />

of the system. Satisfaction has a significant impact on the actual system use, and the latter<br />

reciprocally affects the level of user satisfaction. Both of these constructs (use and satisfaction)<br />

affect the construct of individual impact, which in turns influences the organizational<br />

impact.<br />

3.4 Lessons learned from information systems research<br />

The major focus of IS research has been on the attitudes and behaviours induced by the use of<br />

instantiated systems in organizations. This perspective brings in the psychological, organizational<br />

and social factors into the study of the impacts of information systems. The variables<br />

that describe subjective perceptions and aim at the facilitation of adoption of information sys‐<br />


14<br />

tems and their impact on the individuals and organizations have been identified. These findings<br />

help explain how people perceive systems and which variables help successful adoption<br />

of systems by the users.<br />

Behavioural models discussed in the preceding section and their various refinements are<br />

largely concerned with technology use, adoption, efficacy and satisfaction of its users. They<br />

are less concerned with the issues pertaining to the identification of the concrete IS artefacts,<br />

features and contributions to the achieved results. They are also less concerned with the identification<br />

of types of users, decision problems and organizations that are particularly<br />

(un)suitable for a given technological solution.<br />

In this respect, it is worthwhile mentioning recent important concerns raised by the prominent<br />

researchers in the field. The first one is concerned with the diversity of themes in IS research<br />

and venturing by the researchers into the areas remotely related to the information<br />

systems (Benbasat and Weber 1996). These tendencies, according to the authors are <strong>und</strong>ermining<br />

the very identity of the IS field (Benbasat and Zmud 2003). The authors stress that the<br />

research should focus on the phenomena intimately linked with the core subject of the field,<br />

which is information systems. On the other hand, another important and possibly related issue<br />

is that of relevance vs. rigor. It has been stressed that IS researchers tend to overemphasize<br />

the rigor in conducting research, while largely sacrificing the relevance of the studies<br />

(Benbasat and Zmud 1999). In our view, the incorporation of system features in theoretical<br />

models could help tackle both of these issues. Firstly, the IS artefact would become an organic<br />

part of these models, thus battling the “identity crisis”. Secondly, this would enable illuminating<br />

better design decisions during system development, as the theoretical findings will provide<br />

direction and support as to which salient features and functionalities to incorporate for a<br />

given class of contexts.<br />

To construct prescriptive rather than descriptive models of socio‐technical systems there are<br />

several issues which need to be considered, which are focussed specifically on the ICT technologies<br />

and their configurations.<br />

1. Presumably, technology is the focus when one tries to identify its usefulness, ease of<br />

use and its other user‐oriented attributes. However, in many IS models technology is<br />

not specified or even broadly defined. Models such as TAM and TTF can be applied to,<br />

for example, computing devices as well as to transportation apparatus. There is nothing<br />

that allows for the identification of the special nature of information systems viz.<br />

some mechanical systems.<br />

2. IS researchers have focused on instantiated systems in the past and paid little attention<br />

to abstract features and models (e.g. mechanisms). This effectively restricted the<br />

possibilities of incorporating the characteristics of systems in theoretical models.<br />

While the IS success model does include the informational and system qualities, it<br />

does not provide sufficient insight into the drivers of IS quality, e.g. whether it derives<br />

from the model embedded in the system, or the way the model has been implemented<br />

in the system. It could be beneficial to separate the concrete features of implemented<br />

systems (e.g. user interface) from more abstract characteristics of the <strong>und</strong>erlying<br />

mechanisms.<br />


15<br />

3. IS literature tends to <strong>und</strong>erestimate the value of the objective measures (e.g. outcomes)<br />

associated with the system use, paying more attention to the subjective factors.<br />

While the subjective categories (beliefs, attitudes, etc.) are <strong>und</strong>oubtedly important,<br />

we believe that they are intimately linked to the objective variables, especially<br />

when studying new economic institutions, like e‐markets.<br />

4. Mechanism and system design<br />

E‐markets are economic entities as well as information systems. These markets rely (in their<br />

deep structure) on some family of abstractly defined economic mechanisms. They are also information<br />

systems composed of software and hardware, which expose their functionalities<br />

through specific features of user interface. Thus, the theories that would usefully allow researchers<br />

to assess, compare, and prescribe e‐market systems must include both economic<br />

and IS perspectives. One important question arising in connection with the possibility of such<br />

integration is how the issue of mechanism/system design is viewed in economics and IS.<br />

4.1 Basic concepts and theory building<br />

Market design in economics traditionally uses axiomatic models to obtain propositions and<br />

theorems about the impact exchanges have on resource allocation. Unlike other areas of economics,<br />

market design has breed out a well‐accepted methodology for designing and analyzing<br />

auctions. In recent times, laboratory experiments and numerical simulations have been<br />

added to complement the study of auctions (Roth 2002).<br />

A framework for economic market design research has been proposed by Smith (1982; 2003),<br />

who sought to reconcile theoretic research with laboratory experiments. The framework is so<br />

general that it applies to any microeconomic system. In essence, Smith suggests that the<br />

analysis of alternative exchange mechanisms always share a common view on the structure of<br />

the microeconomic system (Hurwicz 1973; Reiter 1977). The framework sketches an economic<br />

system comprising economic environment, individual preferences, behaviour, mechanism,<br />

outcomes and performance (see Figure 4).<br />


16<br />

Economic environment;<br />

context<br />

Individuals: preferences,<br />

costs, resources, knowledge<br />

Individual’s choice<br />

behavior<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>ion: market<br />

mechanism, rules of<br />

contracts, fullfilment<br />

Outcomes:<br />

allocations and prices<br />

Mechanism<br />

performance<br />

Figure 1: Microeconomic system framework (adapted from Smith 2003)<br />

The economic environment describes all factors (e.g., legal regulations, types of products and<br />

services, customs and laws), which influence demand and supply in which economic agents<br />

(individuals) operate. These factors are out of direct control of the mechanism designer. Deviating<br />

from Smith’s depiction, we distinguish two parts of the environment, the context and<br />

the individual characteristics.<br />

The context characterizes the situation, in which the resources are being allocated. For example,<br />

the context may describe a procurement setting with multiple sellers competing against<br />

each other to serve one buyer. Economic theory attempts to eliminate context by abstracting<br />

the resource allocation as much as possible.<br />

The individual (economic agent) is described by all characteristics relevant to the decision<br />

making, that is, his or her concrete choices. The key characteristics are preferences, risk attitude,<br />

costs, resources (endowment) and knowledge.<br />

The individuals’ are affected by the context, in which they operate. Their actual preference<br />

structure and other innate characteristics determine their individual choice behaviour which<br />

impacts, in turn, the functioning of the exchange mechanism.<br />

The market mechanism is the set of rules and formulae which specify the way offers (bids,<br />

proposal) can be formulated and how they are translated into outcomes (i.e., allocation and<br />

prices). In other words, it is fed inputs (offers) and yields as its output an allocation of resources<br />

among the participating users. The mechanism can be seen as a dialogue between its<br />

users leading to an allocation of resources.<br />

Individual choice behaviour does not depend solely on the individual and the environment<br />

she or he operates in. The behaviour is a middle layer between the motivations of individual<br />

buyers and sellers embedded in their local environment and the feasible actions confined by<br />

the market mechanism and the resulting outcomes. The participating users need to formulate<br />

their needs in terms, which are acceptable by the mechanism. Therefore, market institutions<br />

restrict the users’ response behaviour, without uniquely prescribing it (Hurwicz 1973).<br />


17<br />

The outcomes of the use of the mechanism by individuals are the allocation of the resources<br />

among the individuals and the corresponding prices which they pay. Finally, performance is<br />

determined by the outcomes, the environment and the mechanism users. The performance is<br />

of the mechanism rather than its users; it is defined by the comparison of the outcomes<br />

achieved when two or more mechanisms are employed.<br />

Given the framework (Figure 4), the mechanism design problem is the identification of a set of<br />

rules for which that the equilibrium outcome satisfies the desired performance expressed by<br />

an evaluation function. The evaluation function values the outcome attained by the mechanism<br />

in a specific environment. This formulation is rather general, as it regards not only the<br />

preferences of the individual, but also all other possible arguments of the environment.<br />

Mechanism design seeks to describe mechanisms, which maximize the evaluation function<br />

subject to the following three types of constraints:<br />

1. Incentive compatibility constraints require that the participants truthfully report their<br />

information about their local environment. In such a case, the outcome is the same as<br />

if a benevolent arbitrator would have chosen the outcome on the basis of the full information<br />

about the environment.<br />

2. Computational compatibility refers to the complexity of the outcome function. Outcome<br />

functions can be very demanding concerning computational tractability<br />

(Rothkopf et al. 1998) and these constraints assure the feasibility of the outcome function<br />

achievement.<br />

3. Participation constraints require that the participants voluntarily take part in the<br />

mechanism’s use. The individuals participate if the benefit they draw out of participation<br />

is higher than participation in an alternative mechanism (Ledyard 1993).<br />

In laboratory experiments, both the environment and the institution are controlled by the experimenter.<br />

Achieving control over institution is in principle straightforward, as the experimenter<br />

not only explains the institutional rules but also enforces them. Achieving control<br />

over the environment is less easy, as the humans who participate in the experiment have idiosyncratic<br />

characteristics that are unknown to the experimenter (and can hardly be observed).<br />

If the experimenter wants to examine theories that rely on certain assumptions on the characteristics<br />

of the individuals, the experimenter has to align the unknown characteristics of the<br />

individual with the assumed behaviour. This is particularly challenging as these two can f<strong>und</strong>amentally<br />

differ from each other.<br />

Experimental economics usually employs induced values. By coupling behaviour with a rewards<br />

scheme the experimenter attempts to induce the values upon the individual, overruling<br />

the real characteristics. Since it is very difficult to control the context, experimenters frequently<br />

try to abstract from the context as much as possible testing theory, whereas the exploration<br />

of new mechanisms <strong>und</strong>er real world is often neglected.<br />

4.2 Design research in IS<br />

The problem of systems analysis and design has long been one of the core subjects of study in<br />

the area of information systems. Considerable attempts have been made in the past in devel‐<br />


18<br />

oping methods, techniques, and tools for guiding the development of concrete systems. However,<br />

the study of the IS design is a relatively recent and gaining popularity and consideration<br />

of an important part of IS research (Gregg et al. 2001; Markus et al. 2002; Dufner 2003; Hevner<br />

et al. 2004).<br />

Nunamaker et al. (1991) argued that system development is an important research methodology<br />

to study information systems. They encouraged researchers to develop prototypes as<br />

means of better <strong>und</strong>erstanding the research domain, thus emphasizing the instrumental role<br />

of artifacts (i.e., the means) in IS research. Burstein and Gregor (1999) proposed and defended<br />

the view of system development as a type of action research. They stressed that it can play an<br />

important role in theory building, experimentation, and observation. While these views put<br />

forward a model for IS research whereby IS artifact design is the means of conducting research,<br />

a stronger perspective treats the artifact itself as the end.<br />

Herbert Simon’s seminal book “The Sciences of the Artificial” had introduced the issue of design<br />

research in the computing disciplines (1996). One of the most significant insights by<br />

Simon was the separation of the outer environment from the inner environment of an artifact.<br />

The outer environment could be regarded as the requirements imposed on the artifacts’ function.<br />

The inner environment is the internal organization of the artifact. Simon regarded design<br />

as the interface between the outer and inner environments of an artifact. March and<br />

Smith have shown that the design and natural science approaches in IS research should be<br />

complementary, whereby the design phase consists of building and evaluating IS artifacts, and<br />

the “natural science” phase with theorizing abut artifacts and justifying the theories (March<br />

and Smith 1995). According to them there are four types of products of design research, including:<br />

constructs (language), models, methods, and implementations (this included both<br />

prototypes as well as working systems).<br />

Walls et al. (1992) proposed the notion of a “design theory” for information systems, in which<br />

they envisaged the use of “kernel theories” in the design of a class of artifacts. According to<br />

them design theories should consist of type of user requirements (“meta‐requirements”); type<br />

of system solution or class of artifacts (“meta‐design”); and the type of methodology used to<br />

develop such artifacts. Thus, in this work they had explicitly emphasized the shift of focus<br />

from instantiated systems to the classes of artifacts. They had used an example of “vigilant executive<br />

information systems” to present an example of a design theory. More recently, Markus<br />

et al. (2002) employed this concept of a design theory to devise the characteristics of a broad<br />

class of systems that the authors called “systems that support emergent knowledge processes”.<br />

In a recent publication Hevner et al. (2004) stressed the necessity of emphasizing rigor in<br />

conducting design research and advocated a number of guidelines for design researchers.<br />

In summary, the most important contributions of the design research to the study of information<br />

systems include:<br />

1. Approaching the design of IS artifacts as a legitimate and rigorous research initiative;<br />

and<br />

2. Recognition that the IS artifact in the context of design research refers to classes of systems,<br />

rather than specific instantiations.<br />

Together these principles help bridge the gap between the IS community on one hand and<br />


19<br />

those interested in the design of markets and economic exchange mechanisms on the other.<br />

4.3 Convergence of IS and economics designs<br />

Notable attempts have been made in the recent past by the researchers in both fields to entertain<br />

the possibilities of adopting alternative perspectives to studying the core subjects of their<br />

respective disciplines. While information systems are engineered artifacts, engineering approaches<br />

seem to have wider applicability in somewhat less expected areas. Roth (2002) have<br />

advocated an engineering view of economics and pointed at the emerging discipline of design<br />

economics: “the part of economics intended to further the design and maintenance of markets<br />

and other economic institutions” that would rely on the use of computational models and experimental<br />

approaches. Subrahmanian and Talukdar (2004) have discussed how market design<br />

can be formulated as an engineering problem.<br />

Researchers in IS have started integrating economic perspective in their assessment of the utility<br />

and impact of systems, in particular those that support e‐commerce applications (Zwass<br />

1996; Bhargava and S<strong>und</strong>aresan 2004; Zhu 2004). The recent discussion on the nature of the<br />

core of the discipline highlights important alternative models for conceptualizing information<br />

systems. Alter (2003) proposes and defends what he calls the IT‐reliant work system view,<br />

where the emphasis is placed on the business and organizational processes as supported by<br />

the information systems, rather than focusing on purely technological aspects. El‐Sawy (2003)<br />

advocates the adoption of the “fusion” perspective, according to which the IS artifacts have<br />

merged with the respective processes and entities in business environment to an extent that it<br />

is no longer possible to separate them from each other.<br />

As it has been stressed earlier, design research aims at producing generic system solutions to<br />

practical problems, while preserving the level of rigor characteristic of other, more traditional<br />

modes of research. The type of system solutions proposed by a design researcher is a class of<br />

systems, or meta‐systems (Walls, Widmeyer et al. 1992; Iivari 2003). According to one proposed<br />

representational framework, a researcher’s view of an abstract IS artifact can be organized<br />

according to a number of perspectives (Vahidov 2006).<br />

Following these lines of interdisciplinary study, in the next section we propose a unifying<br />

theoretical model that allows studying the impact of exchange mechanisms together with<br />

other contextual variables on the relevant dependent variables derived from the fields of information<br />

systems and economics.<br />

5. TIMES framework<br />

The advance of electronic commerce and new forms of technology‐enabled exchange models<br />

brings together the fields of IS and economics closer than ever before (Zwass 1996; Bhargava<br />

and S<strong>und</strong>aresan 2004; Zhu 2004). This de‐facto merging of the structures of exchanges among<br />

participating economic entities and the types of evolving system solutions to facilitate such<br />

exchanges necessitates the development of novel research models to study the resulting forms<br />

of amalgamated mechanisms. Such models must necessarily integrate the existing theoretical<br />

approaches from different and complementary research areas; this is the purpose of the TIMES<br />

framework, it provides a common fo<strong>und</strong>ation for models that may be constructed with a nar‐<br />


20<br />

row and concrete focus. Examples of such models are given in Section 6.<br />

5.1 Basic concepts and dependencies of the TIMES framework<br />

The developments discussed in Sections 3 and 4 facilitate construction of a research model<br />

that draws on the theoretical constructs derived both from economics as well as IS field. The<br />

relevance of these constructs has been studied in behavioural economics and IS. An integrated<br />

model puts forward relationships between the independent variables, including type of<br />

mechanism and contextual factors on one hand, and the performance‐related criteria on the<br />

other. The factors that have their origin in economics include mechanism, environment, and<br />

individual characteristics which drive the choice behaviour of the market participants ultimately<br />

resulting in certain outcomes.<br />

The IS literature has been studying, among other phenomena, the effects of the system, individual,<br />

and task characteristics on the performance and on the subjective (perceived) assessments<br />

of the systems. In the integrated model proposed here the characteristics of: task, individual,<br />

mechanism, environment, and system—jointly called TIMES—are included as independent<br />

constructs. Below we will introduce basic concepts and dependencies first by pointing out<br />

the differences with the microeconomic system framework and with the IS research models.<br />

5.1.1 From the economic environment towards task, individuals and IS environment<br />

Not only economic theories but also laboratory experiments too often define task complexity<br />

away (e.g. in the context of market design the determination of the bidding strategy) by assuming<br />

that people can determine an optimal strategy no matter how complex the task might<br />

be. However, humans tend to adopt simplifying strategies if the task is complex. They also<br />

may ignore complexity. For market design, this implies that the designed exchange mechanisms<br />

may be too complex for humans to derive the optimal strategies.<br />

Complex negotiation tasks that require substantial cognitive efforts tend to lead to suboptimal<br />

solutions (Hyder et al. 2000). People’s cognitive limitations, their lack of interest in engaging<br />

in highly complex transactions, and their involvement with many competitive activities often<br />

lead to their selection of a quick and simple tool which does the work even if the results are<br />

not optimal. Some may know that the use of a simple tool allows them doing more elsewhere;<br />

others may be unable of learning the tool’s intricacies. This latter issue has been studied<br />

within the IS domain.<br />

Having in mind the importance of the task, it appears reasonable to separate the task from the<br />

environment, where the task construct refers to the properties of the goals that need to be<br />

accomplished through the use of an exchange mechanism. Rangaswamy and Starke (2000)<br />

provide the characteristics of bargaining orientation, degree of conflict, time pressure, and<br />

complexity for describing tasks.<br />

The environment construct captures the environmental factors that may have impact on the<br />

negotiation outcomes, including type of market, type of product, level of competitiveness<br />

among buyers and sellers, and other important contextual considerations.<br />

5.1.2 From institutions to mechanisms and systems<br />


21<br />

One lesson learned by the economics is that the institution matters. We use the term mechanism<br />

here to reflect the economic notion of institutions. The mechanism reflects the convergence<br />

point of institution construct from the economics perspective and meta‐system from<br />

the IS perspective. Accordingly, the mechanism is an abstract artefact describing the protocol<br />

and mode of exchange regardless of its implementation. The description of the mechanism<br />

can be based upon the Montreal Taxonomy, which provides a comprehensive schema for classification<br />

of such mechanisms (Ströbel and Weinhardt 2003). The characteristics include, but<br />

are not limited to: flexibility, ro<strong>und</strong>s, concurrency, number and nature of attributes of offers,<br />

offer matching, offer evaluation, and others. Additionally, the availability of analytical support<br />

(decision support capabilities) and mediation can be added for a useful description<br />

(Rangaswamy and Starke 2000). Taking only the mechanism into consideration is, however,<br />

not sufficient, as it abstracts away from the implementation and thus limits the consideration<br />

of subjective factors explaining its acceptance.<br />

Different from economics, the TIMES model regards the way and form a mechanism is presented<br />

to its users, its embodiment into a system and the interaction process between the system<br />

and the user to be crucial for studying both systems and their mechanism. We know that<br />

the way problems are presented and the way people are prompted to make choices and solve<br />

problems, affects their behaviours. A mechanism has to be implemented in some medium; it<br />

has to communicate with the user using media. These are design issues and they are no less<br />

important for the mechanism, the outcomes and the performance than the mechanism itself.<br />

Thus, we include the construct system in our model; it reflects those characteristics of the instantiated<br />

systems that are implementation‐specific, including user interface, various features,<br />

and functionalities that process and manage information required by the market participants<br />

(Lumuscio et al. 2003).<br />

5.1.3 From individuals’ choice behaviour to individual<br />

The individual construct refers to those aspects of individuals that tend to be relevant to market<br />

processes and outcomes, including: individual characteristics, number of users, as well as<br />

psychological issues such as attitude, beliefs etc. Here, the purpose is to explain the choices<br />

made by the individuals in light of their characteristics, and their interactions with the task,<br />

system, mechanism, and environment.<br />

5.1.4 From individual to individual, group, role and mechanism<br />

Experimental IS research focuses on the users and their behaviours. The focus of economic<br />

research is on the design of market mechanisms and their functioning. In situations when the<br />

use of a system is required and accepted, an important question is what system to use, by<br />

whom and for what types of tasks. These are the types of questions that both system owners<br />

(firms that provide e‐market services) and users ask. User satisfaction, intention to use a system<br />

and other behavioural user perceptions are important. But no less important are the specific<br />

aspects of the system (including its mechanisms and functions).<br />

The independent constructs of the TIMES model impact, through the user‐system interactions,<br />

the individual behavioural perceptions and outcomes and also the economic outcomes. Both<br />

types of outcomes describe performance of individuals, groups participating in a single transaction<br />

(e.g., dyads in bilateral negotiations), roles (e.g., buyers, sellers and auction owners),<br />


22<br />

and the mechanism performance (e.g., English auction and Vickrey auction).<br />

5.1.5 From system performance to perceptions, and behavioural and economic outcomes<br />

The assessment of performance used in the TIMES model is more complicated than the economic<br />

notion of performance. The dependent variables—partly derived from the IS research—<br />

are both objective and subjective or “perceived”. The former type seems to be emphasized in<br />

economics, while the latter has been the focus of extensive behavioural investigations in the<br />

area of information systems. The importance of subjective assessments lies in the fact that the<br />

latter tend to contribute towards the adoption of the systems by individuals. We have incorporated<br />

economic performance as an objective dependent construct in our model and two<br />

types of behavioural variables: perceptions and behavioural outcomes. Perceptions describe<br />

user assessments and beliefs of the system and its features and objects, including usefulness,<br />

ease of use for such tasks and aspects as communication and learning about the counterpart<br />

priorities. Behavioural outcomes pertain to the subjective assessments of the final results, e.g.,<br />

satisfaction with the agreement, satisfaction with the process and relationship established<br />

with other participants.<br />

5.2 Dependent constructs of TIMES<br />

The overall impact of TIMES variables on important dependent constructs is shown in Figure 2.<br />

As we have already introduced the TIMES (independent) variables, in the section we will elaborate<br />

on the choice of the dependent ones, as well as the impacts on them.<br />

Figure 5. TIMES framework<br />

5.2.1 Process<br />

The transaction process is clearly identified in the microeconomic framework (Section 4.1);<br />

the choices made by the individuals, and the information provided by the mechanism and<br />

other market participants is the interaction process in which e‐market system plays a role. IS<br />

models, with the exception of the DeLone‐McLean model (Section 3.3.3), tend not to model<br />


23<br />

the interaction process. Most models are variance models and according to Seddon et al.<br />

(1999), “variance‐ and process‐model diagrams represent quite different concepts and cannot<br />

be combined meaningfully in one model”. Variance models explain variation in a dependent<br />

variable by studying its association with one or more independent variables while process<br />

models explain an outcome by identifying the sequence of events or states that precede it.<br />

E‐market systems make interactions between market participants possible; these interactions<br />

have social aspects and the process perspective allows studying the different activities <strong>und</strong>ertaken<br />

by the participants. These activities lead to the behavioral and market outcomes, and<br />

thus the introduction of process constructs that allow for the actual use of the system’s services<br />

and their impact on the outcomes. The TIMES framework looks at the efficacy of mechanisms<br />

and services, the development of prescriptions for advocating exchange mechanisms<br />

and service b<strong>und</strong>les, and the need for process consideration is similar as in the IS development<br />

(Robey and Newman 1996; Kim and Pan 2006).<br />

The interaction process includes formulating and submitting offers (possibly accompanied<br />

with and/or embedded in messages or contract forms) and receipt and analysis of offers made<br />

by other participants. There may also be other activities that involve user‐system interactions,<br />

such as, agenda setting, preference elicitation and value (utility) function construction, and<br />

the specification of reservation levels and the best alternative to the negotiated agreement.<br />

The process that involves these activities may lead to the users’ reassessments and change of<br />

their strategies and tactics.<br />

The consideration of the process categories allows including non‐monetary costs of the transaction<br />

and study the relationship between mechanisms and systems and these costs. For example,<br />

in one of the preliminary studies of trade negotiations conducted via an e‐negotiation<br />

system ENS) it was fo<strong>und</strong> that a service that provides graphical representation of the negotiation<br />

dynamics does not affect behavioural and market outcomes but it leads to much shorter<br />

(334 words on average) messages exchanged (Weber et al. 2006). This indicates that graphical<br />

service reduces users’ efforts; we would not be able to observe this relationship without explicit<br />

consideration of process.<br />

5.2.2 Perceptions: ease of use, usefulness and other assessments<br />

The technology acceptance model (TAM) postulates perceived usefulness and ease of use being<br />

important factors that help predicting actual usage of the system in question. Because of system<br />

adaptability and adjustment potential, we are less concerned with the actual usage than<br />

with the users’ perceptions of the services and mechanisms ease of use.<br />

The effect of ease of use on perceived usefulness had been postulated by TAM (Davis 1989) and<br />

widely studied since the early 1990s. The TAM model had been recently criticized for ignoring<br />

important variables related to system features (Wixom and Todd 2005). An alternative stream<br />

of research had been focusing on the way system features influence users’ beliefs and attitudes,<br />

including, most notably user satisfaction (Baroudi and Orlikowski 1988; Doll et al.<br />

1998). We propose to extend the studies to include mechanisms embedded in systems. We<br />

should mention here that the main difference between the usability studies and the services’<br />

ease of use and usefulness assessment is in the detailed, during‐the‐process measurement in<br />

usability engineering (Nielsen 1994) and post‐transaction measurement in the TIMES frame‐<br />


24<br />

work.<br />

E‐market systems may be used to engage in purely economic transactions; they may also be<br />

used for socio‐economic transactions which involve such issues as trust, relationships and affect<br />

(Bakos 1998). The system contribution to the users’ perceptions of effective communication,<br />

gaining <strong>und</strong>erstanding of the counterparts and competitors, and trust and relationship<br />

building may be valuable and no less important than its ease of use and usefulness. While usefulness<br />

is considered in a narrow, transaction‐oriented sense, occasionally the social aspects<br />

which arise during the transaction process may be considered more important than the purely<br />

economic ones.<br />

5.2.3 Behavioural outcomes: satisfaction, relationship and other outcomes<br />

A model integrating important service‐based and behaviour‐based beliefs had brought together<br />

the important theoretical constructs to provide a more comprehensive picture of system<br />

adoption (Wixom and Todd 2005). In this model satisfaction with the way the system<br />

provided informational support was fo<strong>und</strong> positively related to the perceived usefulness of the<br />

system.<br />

In the TIMES framework we are interested in, on one hand, the ease of use and usefulness of<br />

services and the satisfaction with different facets of the overall process (experience). Therefore,<br />

the construct satisfaction is a behavioural outcome associated with the achievement of<br />

both goals established prior the transaction process and the factors that the users did not consider<br />

beforehand. Satisfaction is an integrative evaluation of the person’s attitudes as they<br />

form during a process (Yi 1990); it is a high level assessment that integrates other cognitive<br />

components. Thus, we have incorporated satisfaction as an important factor of the perceived<br />

usefulness of the system. Since we are interested in both important objective (economics) as<br />

well as subjective (behavioural research in IS) factors our framework postulates that the satisfaction<br />

and other behavioural outcomes may be influenced by the objective performance of<br />

individuals.<br />

Based on a review of IS literature and research instruments Yu (2007) identifies eight categories<br />

of satisfaction: 1) satisfaction with the achieved outcome, 2) satisfaction with own performance,<br />

3) satisfaction with the relationship with other participants, 4) satisfaction with information<br />

obtained from and via the system, 5) satisfaction with the communication media,<br />

6) satisfaction with transaction process, 7) satisfaction with the system, and 8) overall satisfaction.<br />

We propose considering these categories because they allow for the assessment of different<br />

dimensions of the system, its services and the process.<br />

5.2.4 Market outcomes<br />

Objective (market) outcomes are separated from subjective evaluations because the former<br />

describe results achieved by the individuals and their different groupings, such as, all individuals<br />

who participate in the same process (e.g., bidding), all those who play the same role<br />

(e.g., buyers, sellers), and all those who use the same mechanism or system. Market outcomes<br />

include utility values, prices, distance to efficient frontier, distance to axiomatic solutions, and<br />

social welfare distribution. Performance measures also include agreement rate, balance of the<br />

deal, early withdrawal rate and, in addition to utility or profit, they may also reflect equity.<br />


25<br />

Also, the recent study suggests that economic outcomes do not necessarily behave identically<br />

as behavioural ones (Galinsky et al. 2002). For example, when high targets are stated, negotiators<br />

tend to be dissatisfied with the objectively superior outcomes. We also note that the satisfaction<br />

is individual while the market outcomes not necessarily so (some depend on more<br />

than one person).<br />

6. Experimental assessments<br />

The verification of the TIMES framework and its construct requires several experiments and<br />

field studies because the framework includes behavioural, economic and technical perspectives,<br />

all of which allows for the construction of different models. By providing a common<br />

fo<strong>und</strong>ation for comparative behavioural studies of information systems the framework allows<br />

studying various systems and their components. A thorough and exhaustive TIMES assessment<br />

is beyond the scope of this work; we hope that the two studies reported in this section will be<br />

followed by a larger number of experimental and field studies.<br />

6.1 The NorA project<br />

For the purpose of comparison of e‐market systems, we need a detailed specification of the<br />

model constructs and the formulation of the associated research instruments. The comparison<br />

has been <strong>und</strong>ertaken as part of the project called “Negotiations or auctions” (NorA) (InterNeg<br />

2006; Yu 2007). The project focus is the comparison of two market mechanism and two e‐<br />

market systems. The overview of the project and its relationship to the TIMES framework is<br />

illustrated in Figure 6.<br />

Figure 6. Research model for the NorA project<br />

In the first study the same software platform was used with a very similar interface but with<br />

different market mechanisms, i.e., auction and negotiation (Yu 2007). The second study compared<br />

different system interfaces and different internal implementations of the same mechanism<br />

(English auction) in (Kolitz and Neumann 2007). In our attempt towards model building,<br />

we investigate the effects of mechanism and system based on general hypotheses of process<br />

and outcome variables, rather than postulating formal hypotheses.<br />

6.1.1 Two mechanisms<br />


26<br />

While widespread popularity of on‐line auctions is well known, however—as we mentioned in<br />

Section 2.1—their claimed superiority is not obvious. Therefore, we would like to attempt delineating<br />

the types of individuals and transactions (tasks) for which auctions are preferable<br />

and those, where negotiations are more suitable. This is one purpose of the NorA project for<br />

which the TIMES framework was used to construct models. Another purpose of the project is<br />

to study the ease of use and usefulness of specific features and tools of the systems, and test<br />

the relationships between the perceived ease of use and usefulness and the individual and task<br />

characteristics.<br />

For the purpose of illustration of the framework application we consider the following two<br />

exchange mechanisms:<br />

1. Multi‐attribute English auction with a buyer being the auction owner; and<br />

2. Multi‐bilateral purchasing negotiation involving one buyer and several suppliers.<br />

The auction bidders can submit multiple bids during the process. Between the bids they can<br />

have an information feedback and they have the chance to adjust their bids. This characteristic<br />

resembles negotiation to some extent, and makes the comparison easier.<br />

The two mechanisms can be further characterised by several parameters, each taking one or<br />

more values. The concrete mechanism implementation requires that the transaction rules and<br />

all their parameters are specified. The main parameters describing the two mechanisms and<br />

the values selected for illustrative purposes (and used in NorA experiments) are listed in Table<br />

1.<br />

Table 1. Two exchange mechanisms and their selected parameters<br />

Parameter Auction Negotiation<br />

Issues (auction attributes) Four Four<br />

Issue values Given by the principal Given by the principal<br />

Knowledge of owner’s utility Partial Partial<br />

Offers Complete Complete or incomplete<br />

Offer commitment Binding Binding<br />

Messages No Yes with owner<br />

Termination Time and reservation level Time and bilateral agreement<br />

Transparency Full, best offer None, final offer<br />

The difference between auction and negotiation has been the subject of numerous studies.<br />

Thomas and Wilson (2002, 2004) fo<strong>und</strong> that negotiations and auctions were similar in economic<br />

efficiency for a market of four bidders or greater competing on a single attribute. But,<br />

when the number of bidders was reduced, negotiation produced higher revenues for the bidders<br />

(i.e., less efficient). Therefore, we hypothesize that:<br />

H1a. Negotiation will generate higher revenue for the bidders.<br />

The behavior outcomes consist of satisfaction with outcome, which is the difference between<br />

the results of the exchange in comparison to the expectations that have anchored the process,<br />

and satisfaction with process points to the emotions expressed and the degree of conflict felt<br />

by the participants (Suh 1999). Ivanova‐Stenzel et al. (2005) fo<strong>und</strong> that participants were more<br />


27<br />

satisfied with the results derived from an auction because the process is more transparent. We<br />

expect that:<br />

H1b(i) and H1b(ii). Auction will generate greater satisfaction with outcome and satisfaction<br />

with process for the bidders.<br />

Even though the mechanism is embedded into the e‐market system, the difference in the<br />

market institution would not interfere with the user’s perceptions of the system. We posit<br />

that:<br />

H1c. Auction will have no differential effect on IS perceptions (i.e., usefulness, ease of<br />

use, information quality, system reliability) relative to negotiation.<br />

As auctions require little to no interaction among market participants and the owner, we hypothesis<br />

that:<br />

H1d. Auction will reduce cognitive effort for the bidders.<br />

6.1.2 Two systems<br />

The two mechanisms are embedded in systems generated by the Invite software platform<br />

(Strecker et al. 2006). Invite software platform allows setting up systems supporting different<br />

auction and negotiation processes and varying the range and type features and tools available<br />

to the system users. One of important capabilities of the platform is the ability to easily modify<br />

the interface of the generated systems. Figure 7 shows two screen shots, the left one comes<br />

from the auction system and the right‐hand side comes from the negotiation system. In order<br />

to reduce the potential impact of the system interface “look and feel” on process and its results<br />

the differences between these two systems are minimal (the colouring is different only<br />

for illustrative purposes). However, both systems have complete functionalities and provide<br />

support for offer (bid) analysis, selection and comparison.<br />


28<br />

Figure 7. Screen shots (view history) of two Invite systems: English auction (InAuction)<br />

and multi‐bilateral negotiation (Imbins)<br />

meet2trade is a generic, flexible trading platform facilitating the creation and automation of<br />

auction‐based markets. The platform is flexible enough to host markets from a large variety of<br />

domains and to support various market mechanisms. It can be configured by a Market Modeling<br />

Language (MML). This language was developed to describe electronic market parameters<br />

and to enhance the development and creation of electronic auctions (Mäkiö and Weber 2004).<br />

The experimental system MES allows us to conduct economic experiments on electronic markets<br />

with rigorous control on the procedures (Kolitz and Weinhardt 2006). meet2trade follows<br />

a client‐server architecture with a central server. The server provides the running platform<br />

for all available markets as well as the hosting of all data (e.g. user data, account data,<br />

product information, protocol data) and the data preparation. The clients connected to this<br />

central server display this data and provide an interface for submission of bids and for displaying<br />

relevant information. Table 2 provides a comparison of characteristic fo<strong>und</strong> in Invite and<br />

meet2trade, and Figure 8 shows a multi‐attribute, English, auction on meet2trade.<br />

Table 2. Two e‐market system platforms and their characteristics<br />

Characteristics Invite meet2trade<br />

User interface Two screens One screen<br />

Functionality Web browser Java applet<br />

Features Offer rating, activity table, history graph Offer rating, activity table<br />

Figure 8. Screen shots of meet2trade (multi‐attribute English auction)<br />

Given these different instantiation of Invite and meet2trade as independent variables, the following<br />

general propositions are made taking into account the past research in e‐market and<br />


29<br />

related exchange systems described in the previous sections.<br />

From the economic perspective, market outcome is the result of the mechanism that governs<br />

the transaction process and not due to the system that mediates the exchange. We hypothesize<br />

that:<br />

H2a. InAuction will have no differential effect on revenue relative to meet2trade.<br />

While the systems have different user interface, they process bidding information in the same<br />

manner, which reduces variation on the impact of sociological aspects on outcome (Delaney<br />

et al. 1997). We postulate that:<br />

H2b. InAuction will have no differential effect on behavioral outcomes (i.e., satisfaction<br />

with outcome and satisfaction with process) relative to meet2trade.<br />

The characteristics of each system play an important on its perception according to cognitive<br />

theory. Given that Invite provides a history graph of the user’s performance during the auction,<br />

we posit that:<br />

H2c(i) and H2(ii). InAuction will be perceived as more useful and as providing higher information<br />

quality.<br />

On the other hand, meet2trade functions on one screen such that users readily see all bidding<br />

information. In addition, meet2trade uses Java applet technology, which does not require refresh<br />

time that a browser would need. Thus, we expect that:<br />

H2c(iii) and H2(iv). meet2trade will be perceived as easier to use and as being more reliable.<br />

6.1.3 The experimental setup<br />

Both studies employed a contract case involving: (1) an agent representing an artist, and (2)<br />

representatives of three entertainment firms interested in signing up the artist. The case entails<br />

four discrete issues: (1) the number of song the artist must introduce each year, (2) the<br />

royalties given to the artist for each CD sold, (3) a contract signing bonus, and (4) the number<br />

of promotional concerts that the artist must perform each year, all of which are comprised of<br />

various options. The importance for each of these issues was explicitly defined for the subjects<br />

in the negotiation.<br />

Participants consist of university students from a major Canadian city. They play the role of<br />

agents who represent one side of the case, and they are randomly assigned to different treatments<br />

depending on the study. The experiments were divided into three phases: preexchange,<br />

whereby participants answer questions about the case, their reservation values and<br />

expectation, as well as their conflict approach; exchange, whereby subjects interact with the<br />

system in hopes of winning a successful contact that is favorable for the principal; and postexchange,<br />

whereby participants answer questions on their experience related with the research<br />

variables.<br />

6.1.4 The measures<br />


30<br />

The variables are categorized as: (1) independent variables, (2) subjective evaluations of IS<br />

perceptions and behavioral outcomes, and (3) objective measure of market outcome.<br />

The independent variables were manipulated according to the e‐market system (Imbins, In‐<br />

Auction and meet2trade) following their difference in mechanism and system.<br />

The subjective dependent variables were measured using slightly altered items from previous<br />

research to meet the needs of this project (satisfaction with outcome and process were<br />

adapted from (Suh 1999); cognitive effort was developed based on (Lilien et al. 2004); usefulness<br />

and ease of use were modified from (Davis, Bagozzi et al. 1989); and information quality<br />

and system reliability were adapted from (Wixom and Todd 2005)). Factor analysis served to<br />

assess the quality of the seven constructs (information quality, system reliability, usefulness,<br />

ease of use, satisfaction with outcome and satisfaction with process). In Table A of the appendix<br />

show the factor rotation whereby convergent and discriminant validity are supported. It<br />

also relates the reliability of the items assessed by Cronbach alphas between 0.708 and 0.896).<br />

The objective market variable is the revenue obtained by participants after the exchange.<br />

Since only one bidder can win the auction or negotiation in each market, this variable is determined<br />

solely by the winners.<br />

6.2 Results<br />

In experiment 312 students participated; most were aged between 20 and 30 years old; and the<br />

male‐female proportion was the same for both mechanisms. There were 20 multi‐bilateral negotiations<br />

(three parties negotiated with a single counterpart) and 27 auctions with three bidders.<br />

The effective samples for this study (i.e. those instances with complete questionnaires)<br />

enabled us to conduct analysis on both objective and cognitive measures. The data analysis of<br />

subjective measures is only for the buyer side (i.e. the music companies) because there was no<br />

auctioneer in auction sessions, such that the sample consist of only 272 records.<br />

6.2.1 Impact of mechanism and system<br />

The responses collected from the participants were tested using a series of analysis of variance<br />

(ANOVA). The results are reported in Table4 with significant effects highlighted.<br />

The market outcome was expected to be affected by the mechanism (H1a) and not the system<br />

(H2a). However the results show the opposite, meaning that negotiation is no better than auction,<br />

but InAuction generates higher revenues than meet2trade.<br />

Users related greater satisfaction with outcome and process for auction compared to negotiation<br />

as predicted by H1b (i) and H1b (ii). There was no difference between the two auction systems,<br />

which supports H2b (i) and H2b (ii).<br />

H1c predicted that difference in mechanism would not result in difference in IS perceptions,<br />

and it is supported. In terms of IS perceptions when different systems are used, meet2trade<br />

was fo<strong>und</strong> to be easier to use and more reliable, supporting H2c (iii) and H2c(iv). InAuction<br />


31<br />

did not result in greater usefulness or information quality as expected in H2c (i) and H2c(ii).<br />

The cognitive effort required in the exchange process follows H1d and H2d, which means that<br />

auction requires less effort than negotiation and systems have no effect.<br />

Market outcome<br />

Table 4. Summary of experimental results of mechanism and system comparisons<br />

Imbins InAuction meet2trade<br />

Negotiation Auction Auction<br />

Invite Invite meet2trade<br />

Mechanism<br />

ANOVA<br />

System<br />

ANOVA<br />

mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (SD) F (p‐value) F (p‐value)<br />

• revenue 4.95 (16.48) 7.27 (11.04) 0.57 (8.51) 0.44 (0.51) 6.46 (0.013)<br />

Behavioral outcomes<br />

• satisfaction<br />

‐0.32 (1.86) 0.46 (1.60) 0.28 (1.33) 7.44 (0.007) 0.66 (0.42)<br />

with outcome<br />

• satisfaction<br />

1.35 (1.33) 1.72 (0.84) 1.56 (0.84) 4.30(0.04) 1.48 (0.23)<br />

with process<br />

IS perceptions<br />

• usefulness 1.21 (1.34) 1.31 (1.06) 1.45 (1.11) 0.57 (0.45) 0.77 (0.38)<br />

• information<br />

1.50 (1.16) 1.58 (0.91) 1.57 (0.99) 0.27(0.61) 0.013 (0.91)<br />

quality<br />

• ease of use 1.93 (1.14) 1.81 (0.98) 2.14 (0.72) 0.37 (0.54) 7.08 (0.008)<br />

• system reliability<br />

0.93 (1.40) 1.07 (1.35) 1.82 (0.91) 0.49 (0.48) 19.11 (0.00)<br />

Process<br />

• cognitive effort 0.42 (1.48) 0.92 (1.24) 0.61 (1.20) 4.84 (0.029) 2.62 (0.11)<br />

6.2.2 Impact of process<br />

Further analysis was performed to determine the influence of the process, in view of only cognitive<br />

effort, on the outcome variables. We ran exploratory regression analyses with cognitive<br />

effort as the antecedent on market and behavioral outcome, as well as IS perceptions. The results<br />

are summarized in Table 5.<br />

In general, the cognitive effort reported does not affect the participant’s revenue, satisfaction<br />

with outcome or system reliability. But all e‐market systems led users to express that cognitive<br />

effort influences their perception of information quality and reliability of the system. When<br />

using a negotiation mechanism, users describe that less effort influences greater satisfaction<br />

with process. In instances of Invite, less effort allows for higher perception of usefulness.<br />

Table 5. Regression of process (cognitive effort) on outcome variables<br />

Imbins InAuction meet2trade<br />

System Invite Invite meet2trade<br />

Mechanism Negotiation Auction Auction<br />

βˆ<br />

F<br />

(p‐value)<br />

2<br />

R<br />

βˆ<br />

F<br />

(p‐value)<br />

2<br />

R<br />

βˆ<br />

F<br />

(p‐value)<br />

2<br />

R<br />


32<br />

Market outcome<br />

• revenue ns ns ns<br />

Behavioral outcomes<br />

• satisfaction<br />

with outcome<br />

• satisfaction<br />

0.53 22.91<br />

(0.000)<br />

with process<br />

IS perceptions<br />

• usefulness 0.50 19.31<br />

(0.000)<br />

ns ns ns<br />

0.28 ns ns<br />

0.25 0.31 8.71 0.10 ns<br />

(0.004)<br />

• information<br />

quality<br />

0.45 14.71<br />

(0.000)<br />

0.20 0.31 8.63<br />

(0.004)<br />

0.10 0.33 9.78<br />

(0.002)<br />

• ease of use 0.41 12.00 0.17 0.43 18.30 0.18 0.43 17.97<br />

(0.001)<br />

(0.000)<br />

(0.000)<br />

• system reliability<br />

ns ns ns<br />

0.33<br />

0.19<br />

6.3 Summary<br />

The mechanism and system comparisons revealed that economic revenue acquired by bidders<br />

is affected by the difference in system rather than mechanism. However users report contrary<br />

results, in that they are more satisfied with the outcome and process of an auction versus a<br />

negotiation. IS perception is rightfully unaffected by the mechanism, but a faster system with<br />

one screen (meet2trade) impacts perceived ease of use and system reliability. Adding a history<br />

graph (InAuction) has not enabled greater perception of usefulness or information quality.<br />

The process, in terms of reported cognitive effort, influences perceived information quality<br />

and ease of use for all e‐market systems, because these two construct describe what is need on<br />

how the participants interact with the system.<br />

7. Discussion and future work<br />

Electronic commerce has led to the emergence of the new forms of electronic exchange<br />

mechanisms driven by the convergence of economic and technological factors. The complexities<br />

of these formations preclude one‐sided attempts to meaningfully study them from either<br />

side. Instead, a comprehensive approach to investigate the components and workings and<br />

guide the design of electronic markets demand an adoption of the integrated technoeconomical<br />

frameworks of reference. The purpose of this paper has been to propose a model<br />

for studying the impacts of electronic exchange mechanisms on key variables of interests,<br />

both objective, as well as subjective ones. To this end we had reviewed and incorporated relevant<br />

concepts from both fields of Economics and Information Systems.<br />

The proposed TIMES model provides a framework that allows studying of types of exchange<br />

mechanisms in their various implementations within different task, environment, and individual<br />

contexts. These mechanisms could range from the simplest catalogue‐based models to<br />

advanced auction and negotiation schemas. Thus, the model can accommodate continuity in<br />

the key design principles of the mechanisms, as opposed to considering them as distinct<br />


33<br />

classes. Therefore, one of the key contributions of the model is that it enables the comparison<br />

of various exchange structures in terms of the same set of key dependent factors.<br />

One research project that will utilize TIMES to compare particular forms of auctions vs. negotiations<br />

has been briefly discussed earlier (NorA). This project will provide empirical data for<br />

testing the theoretical model, and provide key insights into the implications of design of market<br />

mechanisms for different classes of tasks. In particular, the key objective process and performance<br />

characteristics, as well as subjective perceptions and evaluations induced by adopting<br />

auctions vs. negotiations for specific tasks will be revealed. Comparisons of other relevant<br />

types of mechanisms within the TIMES framework will become the core part of future empirical<br />

efforts.<br />

While the study of electronic exchange mechanisms has been the primary motivation for developing<br />

the TIMES model, we believe it is not limited to studying information systems for<br />

conducting market transactions only. It can be used to study also other information systems<br />

for which the issues of their ease of use, performance and usefulness are of interest. In this<br />

respect, the inclusion of the abstract representation of the <strong>und</strong>erlying “mechanism” in addition<br />

to the concrete implementation‐specific features would enable studying broad classes of<br />

systems. The proposed model thus could be potentially extended to become a powerful tool<br />

for the design research community, as the latter is focusing on developing innovative classes<br />

of systems. This extension of the TIMES model would however require to expand the notion of<br />

the mechanism towards the task. The emphasis of the mechanism (and algorithms) embedded<br />

in the system f<strong>und</strong>amentally affect the perceived usefulness of the system.<br />

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40<br />

Appendix<br />

Information<br />

quality<br />

System reliability<br />

Usefulness<br />

Ease of use<br />

Satisfaction<br />

with outcome<br />

Cognitive effort<br />

Satisfaction<br />

with process<br />

Table A. Factor analysis of subjective variables 1<br />


IQ1 .162 .337 .791 .134 .009 .128 .057<br />

IQ2 .204 .263 .836 .135 .079 .100 .136<br />

IQ3 .267 .039 .649 .029 .377 .104 .175<br />

IQ4 .230 .194 .762 .113 .275 .113 .117<br />

SR1 .742 .134 .208 .094 .267 ‐.006 .186<br />

SR2 .794 .187 .207 .027 .211 ‐.032 .128<br />

SR3 .801 .176 .161 .109 .059 .104 .036<br />

SR4 .812 .220 .143 .081 .084 .097 ‐.023<br />

U1 .236 .764 .252 .101 .124 .178 .185<br />

U2 .178 .834 .210 .203 .156 .125 .109<br />

U3 .302 .750 .137 .176 .233 .114 .098<br />

U4 .172 .733 .269 .114 .189 .083 .238<br />

EU1 .225 .270 .157 .067 .776 .163 .150<br />

EU2 .321 .276 .088 .046 .722 .135 .159<br />

EU3 .084 .086 .215 .071 .839 .131 .049<br />

SO1 .123 .102 .088 .889 .043 .111 .136<br />

SO2 .066 .176 .113 .859 .050 .122 .120<br />

SO3 .064 .123 .092 .872 .067 .072 .074<br />

CE1 ‐.056 .100 .095 .137 .150 .855 .058<br />

CE2 .066 .084 .241 .163 .015 .797 .165<br />

CE3 .192 .217 ‐.007 .019 .266 .729 .225<br />

SP1 .013 .109 .106 ‐.028 .310 .078 .698<br />

SP2 .111 .237 .147 .321 ‐.057 .165 .710<br />

SP3 .142 .149 .118 .175 .076 .197 .753<br />

Reliability<br />

(Cronbach<br />

alpha)<br />

0.879<br />

0.874<br />

0.895<br />

0.858<br />

0.896<br />

0.708<br />

0.809<br />

1 Factor analysis was rotated by Varimax method with Kaiser normalization.<br />

All seven factors have eigenvalues above 1.<br />


Comparing Ingress and Egress Detection to Secure<br />

Inter-domain Routing: An Experimental Analysis<br />

Christoph Goebel<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems<br />

Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin<br />

10178 Berlin<br />

Germany<br />

Dirk Neumann<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Information Systems and Management<br />

University of Karlsruhe<br />

76131 Karlsruhe<br />

Germany<br />

Ramayya Krishnan<br />

H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management<br />

Carnegie Mellon University<br />

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890<br />

USA<br />

July 18, 2007<br />

Abstract<br />

The global economy and society is increasingly dependent on computer networks linked<br />

together by the Internet. The importance of networks reaches far beyond the telecommunications<br />

sector since they have become a critical factor for many other crucial infrastructures<br />

and markets. With threats mounting and security incidents becoming more frequent, concerns<br />

about network security grow.<br />

It is an acknowledged fact that some of the most f<strong>und</strong>amental network protocols that make<br />

the Internet work are exposed to serious threats. One of them is the Border Gateway Protocol<br />

(BGP) which determines how Internet traffic is routed through the topology of administratively<br />

independent networks the Internet is comprised of. Despite the existence of a steadily<br />

growing number of BGP security proposals, to date neither of them is even close to being<br />

adopted.<br />

The purpose of this work is to contemplate BGP security from a theoretical point of view<br />

in order to take a first step toward <strong>und</strong>erstanding the factors that complicate secure BGP<br />

adoption. Using a definition of BGP robustness we experimentally show that the degree of<br />

robustness is distributed unequally across the administrative domains of the Internet, the<br />

so-called Autonomous Systems (ASs). The experiments confirm the intuition that the contribution<br />

ASs are able to make towards securing the correct working of the inter-domain<br />

routing infrastructure by deploying countermeasures against routing attacks differ depending<br />

on their position in the AS topology. We also show that the degree of this asymmetry<br />

can be controlled by the choice of the security strategy. We compare the strengths and<br />

weaknesses of two f<strong>und</strong>amentally different approaches in increasing the BGP’s robustness<br />

which we termed ingress and egress detection of false route advertisements and indicate<br />

their economic implications.<br />

1 284

1 Introduction<br />

The global society and economy is increasingly dependent on the effective working of communication<br />

networks. These networks have created connectivity linking together millions of users<br />

including private users, businesses and public institutions. They also have become a critical<br />

factor for infrastructures (e.g. water and electricity supply) and markets other than the telecommunications<br />

market (e.g. the worldwide financial market) [2, 23]. Consequently, concerns about<br />

the security of these global networks and information systems have been growing along with the<br />

rapid increase in the number of users and the importance of the information transmitted.<br />

Although targeted attacks on the confidentiality of information assets and the availability of particular<br />

services have been at the center of public attention so far, the Internet infrastructure as<br />

a whole suffers from more f<strong>und</strong>amental vulnerabilities due to its design. Security considerations<br />

did not play a major role when the f<strong>und</strong>amental protocols were devised, which still orchestrate<br />

global data flows in today’s Internet.<br />

Ironically, the same mechanisms that have contributed substantially to the success of many<br />

Internet protocols have severe drawbacks when it comes to securing them against malicious<br />

activities. In the absence of a central authority, the different components of the Internet infrastructure<br />

rely on distributed control protocols. This cooperative control effort can only lead<br />

to the desired outcome if every control unit behaves in the way it is supposed to, i.e. behave<br />

according to the protocol it implements. Consequently, the misbehavior of one control unit can<br />

have adverse effects on the way the infrastructure works as a whole [16].<br />

One of the key Internet protocols suffering from a f<strong>und</strong>amental lack of security is the Border<br />

Gateway Protocol (BGP). The BGP is the core routing protocol of the Internet. It enables the<br />

exchange of reachability information based on the Internet Protocol (IP) across administratively<br />

independent networks, the so-called Autonomous Systems (ASs).<br />

In this work we address the vulnerability of the BGP to routing attacks. This is a particularly<br />

virulent type of attack targeted at the Internet infrastructure as a whole. The contributions of<br />

this paper are threefold. Firstly, a new countermeasure approach, egress detection, is motivated.<br />

Secondly, a simulation design is proposed that has the potential to gauge the effectiveness of<br />

alternative countermeasures. Thirdly, a rigorous analysis showing the properties of egress detection<br />

and comparing it with state-of-the-art ingress detection approaches. This research is<br />

important, as it supports the design of a viable strategy to secure the global routing architecture.<br />

This work is original as we adopt an abstract approach that allows us to compare the efficiency<br />

of different strategies on a general level. Our approach simplifies the problem of determining the<br />

degree of routing security by not making too detailed assumptions. Closely related earlier work<br />

by Chan et. al [4] on the topic attempts to compare details in the protocol, which is hampered<br />

by the fact that the introduction of a large number of additional assumptions increases the<br />

complexity of the model and therefore both validation and interpretation of simulation results.<br />

This work is conceived to be a primer for better <strong>und</strong>erstanding the dominant utility effects<br />

<strong>und</strong>erlying the adoption process, which will fuel analyses on the protocol level. Section 2 gives<br />

an overview of related work. In section 3 we provide an overview of inter-domain routing, routing<br />

attacks and countermeasures. In section 4 we present a basic approach to measure routing<br />

security based on previous work by Chan et al. [4]. This measurement methodology is applied<br />

to artificial Internet topologies in section 5 in order to conduct an extensive sensitivity analysis<br />

both revealing f<strong>und</strong>amental coherences and comparing the effects of two different approaches<br />

to secure inter-domain routing (ingress and egress detection) on two different security metrics<br />

(one based on robustness and the other one based on semi-robustness). In sections 6 and 7 we<br />

summarize our results, conclude and provide an outlook for future research.<br />

2 285

2 Related Work<br />

An impressive amount of work has been devoted to the specification of different BGP security<br />

protocols recently. S-BGP, the first and most comprehensive proposal was made by Kent et<br />

al. [13]. It uses several Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) to enable BGP routers to authenticate<br />

outgoing route announcements and validate incoming ones. Inter-domain hops are signed<br />

recursively as paths are constructed in the forwarding process described in section 3. Since<br />

S-BGP implies a significant protocol overhead, other authors tried to develop less expensive<br />

solutions. For instance, White et al. [24] propose a centralized heuristic solution to path validation<br />

that has the potential to reduce complexity and overhead significantly but also leads to less<br />

accurate detection of falsified routes. Unlike S-BGP, which uses a push-approach to distribute<br />

authentication information, IRV allows for authentication on-demand using a dedicated server<br />

infrastructure (pull-approach) [8]. Hu et al. [10] have proposed SPV which reduces security overhead<br />

by substituting expensive but concise public key cryptography by less expensive but more<br />

complicated procedures based on symmetrical primitives and one-time signatures. Additional<br />

work on inter-domain routing security includes research on ways how to make a security protocol<br />

proposed earlier more efficient [17, 12], the specification of less comprehensive approaches<br />

to BGP security [21, 26], and the advancement of causal research and attack detection methods<br />

[27, 14].<br />

Chan at al. [4] have raised the issue of adoptability of secure BGP protocols. They provide a<br />

taxonomy of properties in order to classify the numerous secure BGP schemes that have been<br />

proposed so far. Based on these properties they model the adoption process and compare the<br />

adoption thresholds of the different protocols <strong>und</strong>er numerous assumptions, e.g. regarding attacker<br />

capability and traffic load. Although our approach to measure the degree of security of<br />

AS paths follows the lines laid out by Chan et al., the level of analysis differs. While Chan et al.<br />

dive into the analysis of different protocol classes based on detailed protocol specifications, we<br />

follow a more general way exploring the pros and cons of two different security strategies. The<br />

reduction of protocol details on the one hand and the abstraction from the security protocol<br />

level to the security strategy level on the other hand allow us to make more general statements.<br />

3 Backgro<strong>und</strong><br />

3.1 Inter-domain Routing and the BGP<br />

The Internet is a network of networks. It is currently comprised of more than 20,000 interconnected<br />

computer networks, the so-called Autonomous Systems (ASs). We will refer to this network<br />

of ASs as the AS topology. The physical coverage of an AS can vary substantially: Large<br />

backbone providers like AT&T own physical networks that have Points of Presence (PoPs) 1<br />

aro<strong>und</strong> the globe, whereas a university network is usually confined to some campus area.<br />

The AS topology is a scale-free topology, i.e. a relatively small subset of the ASs, the transit<br />

ASs, forward the traffic originated elsewhere, while most ASs, the stub ASs, serve as mere traffic<br />

end-points. Physically, the stub ASs depend on the transit ASs to carry their traffic over long<br />

distances.<br />

Inter-domain routing refers to the path selection process on the AS level. The outcome of this<br />

process is a complete prescription of how IP traffic is forwarded through the AS topology. The<br />

information required to compute this global routing table is communicated by dedicated routers<br />

implementing an inter-domain routing protocol. The de-facto standard protocol used for interdomain<br />

routing is the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) [20]. The routers which implement the<br />

1 A Point of Presence (PoP) is a place where an AS provides the required physical infrastructure to establish<br />

connections with other ASs.<br />

3 286<br />

r51<br />

AS5<br /> r51 AS5<br />

AS1<br />

r11<br /> r41 AS4_AS5<br />

AS4<br />

r41<br />

r42<br /> r21 AS2_AS4_AS5<br />

r21<br />

r22<br /> r42 AS4_AS5<br />

AS2<br />

r23<br /> r31 AS3_AS4_AS5<br />

r31<br />

AS3<br />

Figure 1: Propagation of route advertisements according to the BGP.<br />

BGP are oftentimes denoted as BGP speakers.<br />

The BGP belongs to the family of path vector protocols, i.e. the basic information exchanged<br />

by the BGP speakers is comprised of (destination,path)-tuples. 2 The destinations are ranges<br />

of IP addresses (oftentimes denoted as prefixes) and the paths are concatenations of AS identifiers.<br />

IP ranges and AS numbers are allocated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names<br />

and Numbers (ICANN) or the allocation task is delegated to local Internet registries. If an AS<br />

originates a certain prefix, this information is passed on to the BGP speakers in adjacent ASs<br />

and so forth. Consequently, each BGP speaker eventually receives a number of routes leading to<br />

the same address space. BGP speakers performs a standardized path selection process in order<br />

to determine which of these paths will be added to their local routing table. When the BGP<br />

has reached a steady state, each router knows for any IP address which adjacent router an IP<br />

packet needs to be forwarded to reach its destination. It is important to note that currently<br />

only selected paths are forwarded to other BGP speakers, not all of them.<br />

The BGP path selection process takes a large number of criteria into consideration. A comprehensive<br />

description of the path selection process can be fo<strong>und</strong> in [20]. One of the most important<br />

criteria is path length (in terms of AS hops). The shorter the path, the higher the probability<br />

that it is chosen by a router.<br />

Example 1: Propagation of Route Advertisements<br />

If nothing but the shortest path criterion were used in the path selection process,<br />

the prefix in figure 1 would be propagated in the following way:<br />

The prefix is owned and originated by AS5. Accordingly, router r51 announces<br />

this information to router r42 in the adjacent AS4. AS4 is connected to<br />

AS2 and AS3 and forwards the advertisement over the BGP sessions between the<br />

routers r42 and r31 and the routers r41 and r22. This process continues until all<br />

2 The current specification of the BGP encompasses many more attributes which we cannot describe here due<br />

to space constraints.<br />

4 287

outers are aware of the fact that AS5 originates prefix and a corresponding<br />

inter-domain path. Each time the route advertisement crosses an AS border,<br />

an AS identifier is appended to the path. Router r21 receives two different paths<br />

leading up to the same prefix. Considering the shortest path criterion, it will prefer<br />

the path AS4 AS5 over the path AS3 AS4 AS5. Only the announcement containing<br />

the shorter path is then forwarded to router r11 in AS1.<br />

After the routing tables maintained by the routers have reached a converged state,<br />

all traffic from AS1 to AS5 will travel on the path leading through AS2 and AS4,<br />

which is emphasized in figure 1.<br />

3.2 BGP Routing Attacks<br />

It is widely known that the BGP is vulnerable to a whole range of possible attacks [16]. When<br />

considering attacks on a complex system like the inter-domain routing infrastructure, it is advisable<br />

to put oneself into the position of an attacker and explore possible ways how to achieve<br />

certain attack goals. Using the scope of an attack’s impact as a means of differentiation, we<br />

distinguish two general types of attacks on the BGP: Attacks on single BGP sessions (small scale<br />

attacks) and attacks intended to affect the global routing infrastructure as a whole (large scale<br />

attacks) [3]. Particular sessions may be attacked in order to terminate them or to eavesdrop on<br />

the control messages exchanged. Carrying out large scale attacks on the routing infrastructure<br />

may, for instance, be conducted with the intention to alter the global routing table, i.e. in order<br />

to change the paths inter-domain traffic travels on. We denote this kind of attack a routing<br />

attack. While the ultimate goal of routing attacks can be manifold, their consequences mostly<br />

include disruption of reachability, so that effective traffic delivery is prevented [3].<br />

Both small and large scale attacks can only be carried out if the attacker finds a way to gain control<br />

over BGP speakers or to at least tamper with BGP control messages on their way from one<br />

BGP speaker to another. Thus, BGP security is inherently linked to classical security problems<br />

concerning host and network security. If we assume that attackers are always in the position to<br />

control one or several BGP speakers, providing BGP security appears to be a question of achieving<br />

stronger protocol robustness. Generally, a distributed protocol is robust, if the misbehavior<br />

of one or several of the entities do not have any negative impact on the outcome.<br />

Taking into account the distributed nature of the Internet infrastructure, router and session<br />

security can only be considered as a first line of defense. This is because as long as humans<br />

are involved, computer and network security can never be fully guaranteed, no matter how sophisticated<br />

the security technologies and policies are. Security technology should at least aim<br />

at putting the right ’speed bumps’ into place, such that the velocity and impact of electronic<br />

attacks are decreased to a level where other protection mechanisms can operate [18]. 3<br />

In terms of security, inter-domain routing exhibits weakest link properties: To date, if an attacker<br />

succeeds in compromising the BGP speakers of one AS, many other ASs may be hurt by<br />

a routing attack. Therefore, even the deployment of host and network security on the Internet<br />

backbone can only reduce the probability of a threat occurance, it cannot effectively delimit<br />

the extent of the damage caused in case the threat is realized. As a consequence, securing the<br />

inter-domain routing infrastructure requires on the one hand, enhancing the security of BGP<br />

sessions and routers and on the other hand making the protocol itself more robust.<br />

In this paper, we concentrate on two important types of routing attacks, namely prefix hijacking<br />

and path spoofing. Prefix hijacking takes advantage of the fact that current BGP implementations<br />

do not prevent a compromised or miss-configured router from illegitimately announcing<br />

prefixes it does not originate. The router in adjacent ASs are not able to distinguish the real<br />

3 Intentional misbehavior (i.e. attacks) is only one part of the BGP security problem. In fact, the incidents that<br />

have been recorded so far were due to unintentional misconfiguration of BGP speakers [15]. The configuration of<br />

BGP speakers is error-prone, since it is still done manually to a significant extent. Unintentional misconfiguration<br />

cannot be prevented by more rigid access controls or the protection of BGP sessions.<br />

5 288<br />

r51<br />

AS5<br /> r51 AS5<br />

AS1<br />

r11<br /> r41 AS4_AS5<br />

AS4<br />

r41<br />

r42<br />

legitimate advertisement:<br /> r21 AS2_AS4_AS5<br />

illegitimate advertisement:<br />

r21<br />

r22<br /> r42 AS4_AS5<br /> r21 AS2_AS3<br />

AS2<br />

r23<br />

hijacked prefix<br />

legitimate advertisement:<br /> r31 AS3_AS4_AS5<br />

illegitimate advertisement:<br /> r31 AS3<br />

r31<br /><br />

AS3<br />

Figure 2: Prefix Hijacking<br />

from the fake owner, leaving a significant probability that the fake advertisement is selected and<br />

subsequently forwarded. Since AS path length is one of the most important criteria in the best<br />

path selection algorithm, the fake announcements are more likely to be adopted by routers in<br />

ASs which are further away from the legitimate originator of the prefix. 4 Let us illustrate the<br />

working of prefix hijacking.<br />

Example 2: Prefix Hijacking<br />

Using the same topology as in example 1, suppose that router r31 in AS3 has been<br />

compromised and is used for a prefix hijacking attack (figure 2). It injects a route<br />

announcement claiming that AS3 originates the prefix All routers located<br />

in ASs other than AS5 and AS3 not know which AS legitimately originates<br />

the prefix. Router r21 cannot validate these route advertisements and will therefore<br />

be likely to adopt the advertisement containing the shorter path. Consequently, the<br />

traffic that previously used to travel on the inter-domain path leading over AS2 and<br />

AS4 will now be forwarded to AS3. Hence the traffic will never be delivered to the<br />

intended destination.<br />

Path spoofing works in a similar way as prefix hijacking but with the slight difference that not<br />

the originating AS but the remaining ASs present on the AS path are faked. A router can<br />

change route announcements received from other routers by inserting or deleting ASs from the<br />

path attribute. Malicious ASs can take advantage of this possibility forcing traffic to make a<br />

detour.<br />

4 If an AS illegitimately claims to be the origin of some IP address space and the prefix it announces is more<br />

specific than the one announced by the legitimate AS, prefix hijacking is particularly effective. Since BGP performs<br />

longest prefix matching, prefixes that are more de-aggregated, i.e. longer, are preferred. Prefix de-aggregation<br />

forces routers to adopt the fake announcement even if they have received the legitimate announcement on a shorter<br />

path before. We do not consider this particular type of prefix hijacking in this paper.<br />

6 289

Example 3: Path Spoofing<br />

Considering the scenario depicted in figure 2, router r31 could apply path spoofing<br />

by faking a direct connection to AS5. This results in forwarding the advertisement<br /> r31 AS3 AS5 to router r23. Since r21 would then receive two paths with<br />

equal length leading to the same origin, there is a good chance that this path spoofing<br />

attack has the same effect as the prefix hijacking attack described above.<br />

3.3 BGP Security Countermeasures: Ingress and Egress Detection<br />

As described above, the protection of BGP routers and sessions is an important first step toward<br />

securing the inter-domain routing infrastructure. AS operators have begun to deploy security<br />

mechanisms in their networks, e.g. the BGP TTL Security Hack [7] and the MD5 signature option<br />

[9]. However, the f<strong>und</strong>amental lack of robustness inherent to the BGP cannot be removed<br />

by these individual security efforts. Effective protection against large scale attacks requires a<br />

concerted security effort by many AS operators [3].<br />

We describe two different approaches to prevent illegitimate route announcements from adversely<br />

affecting inter-domain routing. The first enables BGP speakers to validate the legitimacy of received<br />

route announcements. The second prevents BGP speakers from announcing illegitimate<br />

routes. In the following we will call these two approaches ingress and egress detection, respectively.<br />

3.3.1 Ingress Detection<br />

The need for a comprehensive BGP security architecture has lead to an ab<strong>und</strong>ance of proposals<br />

[3]. Almost all of them follow the ingress detection approach, as they enable routers implementing<br />

the same ingress detection protocol to exchange authoritative routing information. This<br />

information can be used by routers to validate incoming route advertisements, e.g. to check if<br />

the origin of an announced route is correct. Comparing two of the most discussed comprehensive<br />

BGP security proposals, S-BGP [13] and IRV [8], we find that both of them basically call for<br />

an additional communication channel between BGP speakers. Although different techniques<br />

are applied to facilitate the transfer of authentication data, the degree of security achieved is<br />

approximately the same [3].<br />

3.3.2 Egress Detection<br />

Hitherto, egress detection has not received much attention as a viable solution to the routing<br />

security problem so far - albeit the general idea ’taking care of one’s own front garden’ is<br />

certainly not new. An implementation of egress detection includes some security mechanism<br />

that prevents or at least complicates the announcement of false routes. For instance, the routes<br />

being announced by an AS could be double-checked by a trusted and secure third party within<br />

the AS before they are released. The trusted instances could in turn be bo<strong>und</strong> to validate all<br />

route announcements with certificates distributed through a PKI as proposed by Aiello et. al [1].<br />

Egress detection has the advantage that no additional communication channels between routers<br />

located in different ASs would be needed. Therefore, issues such as communication overhead<br />

and Internet-wide protocol standardization can be avoided.<br />

An obvious disadvantage of egress detection is that it cannot be used by a subset of ASs to<br />

achieve guaranteed routing security of the connecting inter-domain paths. With ingress detection<br />

deployed in all ASs on a path, none of the legitimate traffic flowing on that path can be diverted<br />

by prefix hijacking or path spoofing. However, this does not imply that egress detection performs<br />

worse with respect to the number of paths that can be secured given a set of adopters. The<br />

protection effort simply cannot be targeted onto particular routes the way it could be if ingress<br />

detection was used as a countermeasure.<br />

7 290

The egress detection approach appears to be particularly attractive regarding the fact that many<br />

false announcements are actually caused by the unintended misconfiguration of routers and not<br />

by malicious behavior [15, 14].<br />

4 Experimental Setup<br />

This section introduces a basic quantitative methodology to measure the security level interdomain<br />

routing. Using this measurement method, we can experimentally show important features<br />

of inter-domain routing security depending on the employed countermeasure strategy,<br />

either ingress or egress detection. We focus on topological characteristics and the dynamics of<br />

selected security metrics depending on the number of secure BGP adopters.<br />

4.1 Preliminaries<br />

Emphasizing the interdependencies of topological features, router configurations and policies,<br />

the whole path selection process needs to be taken into account. As earlier research has shown,<br />

models of inter-domain routing which equate routing and administrative domains do not yield<br />

accurate results. BGP speakers would have to be modeled independently from each other in<br />

order to reconstruct or accurately predict inter-domain paths [5]. Furthermore, the impact of<br />

intra-domain routing on inter-domain paths needs to be explicitly taken into account [19]. 5<br />

Policy routing is another major factor determining how traffic is routed through the AS topology<br />

[22]. The business relationships between AS operators find their expression in the way traffic<br />

engineering is done: The standardized path selection process running on every BGP router is<br />

influenced by ingress and egress filters configured in a way that business objectives are achieved.<br />

One typical routing policy implemented by transit AS operators consists of announcing only<br />

customer routes to peers minimizing their own transit fees [11].<br />

Clearly, the emphasis of this work is not on the prediction of realistic inter-domain paths. As<br />

this would require the inclusion of router-level topologies, intra-domain routing mechanisms and<br />

most importantly as many protocol details as possible into the model. The purpose of our<br />

work is to quantify the effects illegitimate route announcements have on the robustness of interdomain<br />

routes. This study is designed to reveal how effective ingress and egress detection are<br />

in preventing the most straight-forward routing attacks depending on how many ASs support<br />

ingress and egress detection, on their position in the network and on the order of deployment.<br />

With respect to topology detail the model is restricted to the AS level, ignoring the effects<br />

of individual router behavior and intra-domain routing. For simplicity, we make the following<br />

assumptions on the simulation set-up. The path selection process is reduced to a single but<br />

crucial criterion, namely the AS path length.<br />

The routers in each AS are aware of one AS path leading from their AS to all other ASs in the<br />

Internet, i.e. n − 1 paths in total where n is the number of ASs in the Internet. There exist<br />

n(n − 1) AS paths at a time, which form the global routing table.<br />

4.2 Threat Model<br />

Operationalizing our questions, we will set up a basic threat model. In our model attackers<br />

are assumed to have two basic techniques at their disposal, prefix hijacking and path spoofing.<br />

In the absence of any countermeasures deployed in the ASs on the path, the success of either<br />

attack depends on the shape of the topology in the region aro<strong>und</strong> that path. The attack can be<br />

5 Intra-domain routing refers to the way IP traffic is routed through the network topology of an AS. Intradomain<br />

routing also has an important influence on the way inter-domain paths are selected because it determines<br />

at which border gateway router an IP packet leaves the AS. The chosen egress point can in turn have a significant<br />

impact on the inter-domain path a packet travels on in the following.<br />

8 291

thwarted if certain ASs on the path implement ingress detection or if egress detection is implemented<br />

by the infiltrated AS. Let us explain these relationships using the generic configuration<br />

depicted in figures 3 and 4.<br />

m<br />

m<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

j ... p k<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

j p‘ k<br />

p ...<br />

. . .<br />

alternative path<br />

. . .<br />

alternative path<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 3: Prefix Hijacking<br />

Node m represents the compromised AS. Consider a legitimate path from AS j to AS k emphasized<br />

by a bold line, where AS k legitimately advertises a prefix. If no countermeasures<br />

have been implemented, the nodes in the network cannot distinguish the legitimate originator<br />

k from the illegitimate originator m and will thus accept the announcement from the AS which<br />

is closer in terms of AS hops. We assume that if m announces a path which is as long as the<br />

legitimate path, the nodes will pick the illegitimate path. 6 An attacker controlling AS m can<br />

thus change the paths if all ASs on the bold path except k because at least AS p will accept m’s<br />

announcements and forward all traffic intended for k to m instead. If AS m has deployed egress<br />

filtering, the path is totally secure from attacks using m’s routers: All route advertisements are<br />

’double-checked’ using authoritative information kept by AS m before they leave it and false<br />

ones are prevented from passing the egress filter. Now consider the case when both, j and k<br />

use ingress detection. This boils down to j and k being able to communicate authentication<br />

information. Therefore AS j knows who is the legitimate originator of the prefix and will therefore<br />

choose a path other than the bold path leading to AS k given it is aware of such a path.<br />

This result can be generalized: Falsified AS paths connecting two endpoints will never carry the<br />

traffic between those endpoints if both implement ingress detection. This is only a first step<br />

towards routing security, however. Note that the attacker has at least succeeded in preventing<br />

the traffic from flowing on the original path. 7 This is why we define this security property of a<br />

legitimate inter-domain path semi-robustness.<br />

Definition : Semi-Robustness of Inter-domain Paths<br />

A legitimate inter-domain path is semi-robust if it cannot be changed in a way that its traffic<br />

passes through or terminates in the AS that launched the routing attack. Either there exists an<br />

alternative path that can be used instead, or the corresponding traffic does not flow at all.<br />

Complete path robustness can only be assured if all ASs on the bold path that have deployed<br />

ingress filtering and at the same time no AS is connected to m via a shorter AS path than with<br />

k. We define inter-domain path robustness as follows:<br />

Definition : Robustness of Inter-domain Paths<br />

6 Note that this can be considered a worst case assumption. Since we only consider the relative results of our<br />

measurements, this decision is not very important with respect to our conclusions.<br />

7 Either the router at the two ends of the AS path know an alternative legitimate path through the AS topology<br />

or the connection is disrupted.<br />

9 292

A legitimate inter-domain path is robust if it is entirely resistant to the invalid behavior of<br />

routers located in ASs that are not positioned along the path.<br />

Inter-domain path robustness trivially implies inter-domain path semi-robustness: If an AS path<br />

is robust, the traffic flowing on that path cannot be diverted such that it is impossible not to<br />

reach the destination. The reverse is, however, not true.<br />

m<br />

m<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

spoofed link<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

spoofed link<br />

j ... p k<br />

j<br />

...<br />

p<br />

q<br />

k<br />

. . .<br />

alternative path<br />

. . .<br />

alternative path<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 4: Path Spoofing<br />

Figure 4 depicts the generic situation in which an attacker uses path spoofing to divert traffic<br />

from its legitimate path. AS m announces routes indicating that it is directly connected to k<br />

while in reality it is not. Figure 4a) illustrates that path spoofing results in almost the same<br />

threat for the legitimate path except that the distance between mislead AS j and m has to be at<br />

least one AS hop smaller than the distance between AS j and k. Consequently, the situations in<br />

which path spoofing is successful are less numerous than the situations in which prefix hijacking<br />

is successful. If ingress detection was deployed both in j and k, k could tell j that it is not<br />

directly connected to m and j would therefore not accept route announcements claiming that<br />

this is the case. AS j would then forward traffic destined to k via another path. In fact, the<br />

attacker would have to spoof a direct connection to the nearest AS on the legitimate path that<br />

has not deployed ingress detection to maximize the chances of a successful attack. The legitimate<br />

path can only be completely secured against path spoofing attacks if all ASs on the legitimate<br />

route, except the two ASs that are one and two hops away from k, implement ingress detection.<br />

4.3 Security Metrics<br />

Based on the threat model we can now formally define the security metrics we use to determine<br />

the security level of each AS in the topology.<br />

Consider the generic configurations depicted in figures 3 and 4; false route announcements from<br />

AS m can have adverse effects on the AS path connecting AS j and k. Let the AS topology<br />

by denoted by G(V, E) where V stands for the set of ASs and E for the set of connections in<br />

the topology. Based on this topology the global routing table is constructed. We represent this<br />

construction process as a function denoted by Ψ. Consequently, Ψ maps the topology G(V, E)<br />

on a global routing table satisfying the shortest path criterion. Let ψ denote a possible global<br />

routing table, i.e. the relation Ψ(G(V, E)) ↦→ ψ holds. Any intermediate AS p on a legitimate<br />

path from AS i to AS j therefore has the property p ∈ R ij where R ij is given by ψ.<br />

We define a binary function describing the security level of that path, which takes k, j, m,<br />

G(V, E) and ψ as arguments.<br />

Definition : Security Indicator Function<br />

The function sec(j, k, m, G(V, E), ψ) is equal to 1 if false route announcements injected by BGP<br />

speakers in m will have no influence at all on the legitimate path from j to k, and equal to 0<br />

10 293

otherwise.<br />

We now define the probability that a legitimate path from j to k is vulnerable to an attack from<br />

m. It is implicitly assumed that all ASs are equally likely to be used for routing attacks. The<br />

probability is referred to as the route security metric in the following way.<br />

Definition : Route Security Metric<br />

s route (j, k, G(V, E), ψ) = 1 ∑<br />

n m∈V,m/∈R jk<br />

sec(j, k, m, G(V, E), ψ)<br />

Using the route security metric we can measure the security of all n(n − 1) routes provided<br />

the network topology G(V, E) and an instance of the global routing table ψ determined by the<br />

function Ψ.<br />

We compute the security metric describing the security level of AS i by averaging the route<br />

security metrics of the (n − 1) routes leading form i to all other ASs j ∈ V and back.<br />

Definition : AS Security Metric<br />

s node (i, G(V, E), ψ) = 1<br />

n−1<br />

∑<br />

j∈V,j≠i sroute (i, j, G(V, E), ψ)<br />

Regarding these definitions the security measurement model can be represented as a function S<br />

mapping the (n × 1)-vector of binary security protocol adoption decisions to another (n × 1)-<br />

vector of node security metrics s node .<br />

Definition : Security Measurement Function<br />

S(e, G(V, E), ψ) = s node where e ∈ {0, 1} n and s node ∈ [0, 1] n<br />

The route security metric is apparently a worst case metric, as it only assesses a route as secure<br />

if it cannot be influenced by any means. In contrast to that the AS security metric is not a worst<br />

case metric, as it rather represents the expected value of the event that the communication of a<br />

particular AS is not affected by false routes announcements.<br />

Example 4: Calculation of the Security Metrics<br />

We demonstrate the calculation of the security measurement function for prefix hijacking<br />

<strong>und</strong>er the requirement of full path robustness using the topology introduced<br />

in the earlier examples (n = 5). Assume that AS1 and AS5 have deployed ingress<br />

detection. In order to calculate the AS security metric for AS1 we need to compute<br />

the route security metric of all four legitimate routes which connect AS1 to the four<br />

other ASs. The calculation of the route security metric of the legitimate path from<br />

AS1 to AS2 implies evaluation of the security indicator function three times using<br />

m = {AS3, AS4, AS5}. It does not have to be evaluated for m = AS1, AS2 since<br />

these ASs lie on the legitimate path. It turns out that AS1’s prefixes can be hijacked<br />

using AS3 and AS4, but not using AS5.<br />

Using the formula for the route security metric we get<br />

s route (AS1, AS2, G(V, E), ψ) = 1 5<br />

= 0.6<br />

∑<br />

m∈{AS3,AS3,AS5}<br />

sec(AS1, AS2, m, G(V, E), ψ)<br />

Applying the same reasoning to the remaining three legitimate AS paths we obtain<br />

s route (AS1, AS3, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.4<br />

s route (AS1, AS4, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.6<br />

s route (AS1, AS5, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.8<br />

11 294

Therefore, the AS security metric of AS1 evaluates to<br />

s node (AS1, G(V, E), ψ) = 1<br />

n − 1<br />

∑<br />

j∈{AS2,AS3,AS4,AS5}<br />

= 1 (0.6 + 0.4 + 0.6 + 0.8)<br />

4<br />

= 0.6<br />

s route (AS1, j, G(V, E), ψ)<br />

Note that for the full evaluation of the security measurement function this procedure<br />

would have to be repeated for the remaining four ASs. For the other ASs we get<br />

s node (AS2, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.55<br />

s node (AS3, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.6<br />

s node (AS4, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.55<br />

s node (AS5, G(V, E), ψ) = 0.65<br />

Thus the security measurement function evaluates to<br />

S((1, 0, 0, 0, 1) T , G(V, E), ψ) = (0.6, 0.55, 0.6, 0.55, 0.65) T<br />

The average AS security metric - which we will use as a proxy for the network’s<br />

routing security - is the average of all AS security metrics, i.e. 0.59.<br />

4.4 Simulation Procedure<br />

The initial step of the simulation is the generation of a global routing table with n(n − 1) entries<br />

for a given network topology. 8 As aforementioned, the sole criterion for path selection is path<br />

length. In case there exist several paths with minimal length, one path is chosen with equal<br />

probability. Thus, the function Ψ is inherently indeterministic. Throughout our experiments,<br />

we used only one out of many possible global routing configurations. This simplification was<br />

necessary due to computational constraints. We used artificial AS topologies of different shapes<br />

and sizes for the experiments. In terms of the shape of topologies an important criterion of<br />

differentiation is the distribution of node degrees. We used scale-free topologies as well as<br />

topologies where the distribution of the node degree follows a normal distribution with little<br />

variance, i.e. where all nodes had approximately the same node degree. In order to determine<br />

the effect of topology size on our results, we compared the results from measurements on 20-<br />

node topologies and 4000-node topologies. As the differences are almost negligible, we report<br />

the results of measurements using a 4000-node Internet-like, i.e. scale free topology generated<br />

by Inet-3.0 [25].<br />

After the global routing table ψ has been constructed, the simulation applies the measurement<br />

function S(e, G(V, E), ψ), which maps a vector of adoption decisions onto a vector of AS security<br />

levels given the AS topology defined by G(V, E). In addition to the adoption decisions e, the<br />

topology G(V, E) and the global routing table ψ, we considered three more independent variables<br />

in our model not included in the formal definitions for notational convenience:<br />

• The security scheme implemented by the adopters, i.e. ingress or egress detection<br />

• The capability of the attackers, i.e. prefix hijacking, path spoofing or both attacks 9<br />

• The security goal <strong>und</strong>erlying the security metric, i.e. either semi-robustness or (complete)<br />

robustness<br />

8 Thus, exactly one path connecting each AS to all other ASs is stored although there may be many more.<br />

9 If the attacker is able to use both kinds of attacks we assume that she first tries to use prefix hijacking and<br />

if this should not be successful uses path spoofing.<br />

12 295

Independent Variable<br />

configuration of adoption decisions<br />

AS topology<br />

global routing table<br />

security scheme<br />

attacker capability<br />

security goal<br />

Values<br />

ascending and descending deployment a<br />

scale-free and random, 20 and 4000 ASs<br />

shortest path routing b<br />

ingress and egress detection<br />

prefix hijacking, path spoofing and both attacks<br />

semi-robustness and (complete) robustness<br />

a Ascending deployment refers to a sequential deployment process starting with the AS that has the least interdomain<br />

paths leading through it until full adoption is reached. Descending deployment proceeds in the opposite<br />

way.<br />

b For each topology we based the simulation on one random instance of the global routing table only. We do<br />

not expect the indeterministic nature of the routing table construction to have a significant impact on our results.<br />

Table 1: Summary of independent variables<br />

Altogether 32 simulation treatments were run with different parameter configurations. Table 1<br />

gives an overview of the independent variables and corresponding values we considered in our<br />

simulation study.<br />

5 Experimental Results<br />

5.1 F<strong>und</strong>amental Vulnerability<br />

The benchmark model assumes that no countermeasures have been implemented. For this<br />

benchmark, we measure the f<strong>und</strong>amental vulnerability of ASs. In terms of our notation, this<br />

boils down to evaluating the security measurement function S with the parameter e = (0, ..., 0).<br />

Shortest path selection in a scale free topology naturally results in few ASs with high node degree<br />

being responsible for carrying the traffic of a much larger portion of ASs with low outdegree.<br />

Subsequently, we counted the number of (legitimate) inter-domain paths leading through each<br />

AS and formed groups of ASs with the same number of paths leading through them.<br />

mean<br />

0.9 1<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1<br />

mean<br />

0.9 1<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1<br />

path fraction<br />

path fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

standard deviation<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.1<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0<br />

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1<br />

path fraction<br />

standard deviation<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.1<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0<br />

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1<br />

path fraction<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Figure 5: Mean and standard deviation of AS security metrics without countermeasures<br />

Figure 5 shows plots of the mean (a) and standard deviation (c) of the AS robustness metric for<br />

13 296

each of these AS groups if attackers are only capable of prefix hijacking. Plots (b) and (d) of<br />

figure 5 show the same measurements applied to path spoofing. We restricted the presentation<br />

of results to the robustness metric. The conclusions drawn from the depicted results are the<br />

same for the semi-robustness metric. The measurement results for the third attack mode (prefix<br />

hijacking combined with path spoofing) coincides with the results for prefix hijacking since prefix<br />

hijacking is always more effective than path spoofing in the absence of countermeasures. Each<br />

impulse in the plots represents one group of ASs with an equal number of inter-domain paths<br />

leading through them. Accordingly, all stub ASs are allocated to the same group and this group<br />

is represented by the first impulse from the left. 10 We normalized the horizontal axis to the unit<br />

interval and applied a log scaling in order to improve visibility.<br />

The plots indicate that there is a significant positive correlation between the number of interdomain<br />

paths leading through ASs and their vulnerability to routing attacks. We obtained a<br />

correlation coefficient of 0.1763 for prefix hijacking and 0.1205 for path spoofing. Thus, the<br />

security level of an AS with more inter-domain paths going through it tends to be lower for<br />

both kinds of attacks and this relationship is more significant for prefix hijacking. The plots<br />

also show that vulnerability to prefix hijacking attacks is generally much higher than to path<br />

spoofing. The observed correlation would be much higher if the security metrics of ASs with a<br />

relatively small number of inter-domain paths leading through them were less scattered. The<br />

plots of the standard deviations across the different groups show that the security metrics are<br />

less scattered in groups of ASs that have more transit paths. The standard deviation of the stub<br />

ASes’ security metric is particularly high, i.e. there are significant differences among their levels<br />

of vulnerability.<br />

In the Internet-like topology the ASs are more specialized on either serving as transit ASs or<br />

mere traffic end-points (aka stubs). Given that paths are constructed solely based on the shortest<br />

path criterion, this does not come as a surprise. If flat topologies are used instead of scale-free<br />

ones, the number of inter-domain paths leading through the ASs is distributed more evenly<br />

because there are fewer network hubs accommodating shortest paths. In our experiments using<br />

this kind of topology we observed the same correlation between the number of paths leading<br />

through an AS and its security metrics.<br />

5.2 The Effects of Ingress Detection<br />

To measure the effect of the deployment of ingress detection in the AS topology, we aggregated<br />

the AS security metrics by computing the average over all ASs (including the non-adopters).<br />

The aggregate metric therefore serves as a metric for the resilience against routing attacks of<br />

the whole network. Figure 6 shows how the mean AS security metrics based on path robustness<br />

evolve for all three attack modes if ingress detection is deployed in an increasing number of ASs.<br />

While figure 6a) shows the measurement results obtained when deployment was performed in<br />

ascending order of the number of inter-domain paths leading through the ASs, figure 6b) shows<br />

the results obtained for the opposite deployment order, i.e. descending deployment.<br />

Figure 6a) indicates that the mean AS security metrics for path robustness significantly increase<br />

only if more than 90% of the AS population deploy ingress detection. Furthermore, the metrics<br />

hardly move until about half of the ASs take part in the effort. Remember that this approximately<br />

accounts for the number of stub ASs in the sample. Therefore we can conclude that<br />

stub ASs contribute almost nothing to the overall robustness of the network if they are alone to<br />

deploy ingress detection.<br />

From the comparison of figures 6a) and 6b) one can observe that if the security protocol is<br />

deployed in ascending order, the marginal mean AS security metric increases at a lower rate in<br />

10 For the 4000 node topology we used in our experiment, the algorithm responsible for constructing the global<br />

routing table terminated with more than half of the ASs being stubs.<br />

14 297

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.4<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.4<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 6: Mean robustness for ascending (a) and descending (b) deployment of ingress detection<br />

mean AS security metric (semi-robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.4<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

mean AS security metric (semi-robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.4<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 7: Mean semi-robustness for ascending (a) and descending (b) deployment of ingress<br />

detection<br />

the beginning and at a higher rate toward the end compared to the case where deployment takes<br />

place in the opposite order (descending deployment). The major transit ASs therefore have a<br />

crucial influence on the overall routing security in the AS topology. Without their participation<br />

hardly any additional inter-domain paths can be made robust against routing attacks. If they<br />

deploy ingress detection right at the beginning, they pave the way for a faster increase of the<br />

mean path robustness metric as the ASs with fewer or no transit paths leading through them<br />

join.<br />

If semi-robustness is measured instead of complete robustness, the mean security metrics evolve<br />

differently. Figure 7 depicts the development of the mean security metric based on semirobustness.<br />

Comparing 6b) and 7b) we see that if the ASs deploy ingress detection in descending<br />

order, the mean security metrics for semi-robustness and complete robustness almost coincide. 11<br />

Therefore the number of paths which are semi-robust but not robust at the same time is very<br />

small during the whole deployment process. If the deployment order is reversed, however, this<br />

number becomes much greater. The explanation for this observation can be fo<strong>und</strong> in the fact<br />

that semi-robustness is a weaker security requirement. More importantly, it shows that if the<br />

11 In fact, the former is always slightly greater than the latter.<br />

15 298

aim is to only enhance the overall semi-robustness of the network, the order of deployment plays<br />

a much less significant role. If complete robustness is required, descending deployment is clearly<br />

superior to ascending deployment in terms of overall resilience against routing attacks.<br />

Let us now have a closer look at some of the more subtle differences between the curves in<br />

figure 6a) and 7a). We have already noted that the importance of the deployment order is less<br />

significant if we consider semi-robustness instead of complete robustness. This can be attributed<br />

to the fact that a path can be made semi-robust against prefix hijacking if ingress detection is<br />

deployed at both ends of the path whereas complete robustness in the worst case requires deployment<br />

of security filters along the whole inter-domain path. However, this does not explain<br />

why the mean semi-robustness metric in figure 7a) tends to be higher than the one in figure<br />

7b). Apparently, the ASs with fewer legitimate paths leading through them contribute more to<br />

the increase of the mean AS security than the major transit ASs do. If one considers the initial<br />

distribution of security levels described in section 5.1, the reason for this effect can be explained<br />

by the relatively low baseline vulnerability of transit ASs. Since many of their inter-domain<br />

paths are robust (or at least semi-robust) even in case no countermeasures are deployed in the<br />

network, there is little additional security to be gained among them. Those ASs accomodating<br />

fewer or no transit paths gain more on average if more ASs deploy ingress detection. Since<br />

the f<strong>und</strong>amental distribution of vulnerability has the same properties both for semi-robustness<br />

as well as complete robustness, this explanation given above applies even more generally. The<br />

reason that the effect cannot be observed in figure 6a) is that transit ASs play such an important<br />

role in providing (complete) robustness of their inter-domain paths. Thus they prevent stub ASs<br />

from realizing security gains as long as they have not deployed ingress detection.<br />

Another interesting observation from the comparison of the plots is that the mean semi-robustness<br />

against prefix hijacking increases particularly quickly if deployment takes place in increasing order.<br />

This can be explained by the fact that assuring semi-robustness against prefix hijacking<br />

only requires the deployment of ingress detection at both ends of the legitimate path. However,<br />

if the attacker is able to path spoof, this might not be enough. In this case the structural<br />

position of the path within the topology remains an important factor in determining the degree<br />

of semi-robustness. For example, if the infiltrated AS (1) spoofs a link to one of the neighbors<br />

of the destination AS which has not deployed ingress detection and (2) the spoofed path is not<br />

longer than the legitimate one, the path is not considered semi-robust according to our simulation.<br />

Thus, resilience against path spoofing in many cases requires the deployment of ingress<br />

detection in intermediate ASs. 12<br />

Our next step was to divide the set of ASs into stub and transit ASs and compute the mean AS<br />

security metric of both groups separately. We did so in order to find out more about the mutual<br />

dependencies of the two groups.<br />

Figure 8 depicts the mean security metrics of stub and transit ASs based on complete robustness<br />

(figure 8) and on semi-robustness (figure 9) given the respective group is the first deploying<br />

ingress detection. The gap between the last measurement point in these diagrams and complete<br />

security (i.e. a mean AS security metric of 1) represents the security increase of the observed<br />

group that would be achieved if the other group also adopted ingress detection. In economic<br />

terms, the effect of the action of one entity on the utility of another entity which has no influence<br />

on the effect itself is called externality. Borrowing from the economics literature we therefore<br />

denote this effect security externality. The comparison of figures 8a) and b) reveals that stub<br />

ASs can achieve almost no increase of their mean security metric without the adoption of transit<br />

ASs whereas the transit ASs can achieve a significant increase without the adoption of the<br />

stub ASs. Accordingly, stub ASs in terms of complete robustness depend more strongly on the<br />

adoption of the transit ASs than vice versa.<br />

Figure 9 shows the development of the mean security metric of the two groups if the weaker<br />

security requirement semi-robustness is the objective. 9a) and b) indicate that the asymmetry<br />

12 You may want to refer to the description of the simulation model to clarify this point.<br />

16 299

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.2<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.95<br />

0.9<br />

0.85<br />

0.8<br />

0.75<br />

0.7<br />

0.65<br />

0.6<br />

0.55<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.5<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 8: Comparison of the robustness of stub (a) and transit ASs (b)<br />

mean AS security metric (semi-robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.3<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

mean AS security metric (semi-robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.95<br />

0.9<br />

0.85<br />

0.8<br />

0.75<br />

0.7<br />

0.65<br />

0.6<br />

0.55<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.5<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 9: Comparison of the semi-robustness of stub (a) and transit ASs (b)<br />

of dependencies is less significant compared to the case where complete robustness of the paths<br />

is required. We have noted earlier that the deployment of ingress detection in intermediate ASs<br />

is oftentimes not required in order to make a path semi-robust. Hence, the stub ASs can secure<br />

a significant fraction of the paths connecting them to each other without the participation of<br />

transit ASs in this case.<br />

All mean security metrics depicted in figures 8 and 9 are higher for the group of transit ASs.<br />

This is because the more inter-domain paths lead through an AS, the more secure it usually<br />

is. Since stub ASs are present on the minimum number of paths, namely just the n − 1 paths<br />

connecting each of them with all other ASs in the Internet, their average security metric is lower<br />

than the one of the remaining ASs on average.<br />

5.2.1 The Effects of Egress Detection<br />

The development of the mean AS security metric changes substantially if egress instead of ingress<br />

detection is deployed in the topology.<br />

Figure 10 shows how the this metric evolves as egress detection is deployed sequentially in ascending<br />

and descending order. In both deployment modes the mean robustness increases with<br />

each adopting AS. According to our model, deploying egress detection in an AS is equivalent<br />

17 300

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.4<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.4<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 10: Mean robustness for ascending (a) and descending (b) deployment of egress detection<br />

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

0.3<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.2<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

mean AS security metric (robustness)<br />

1<br />

0.95<br />

0.9<br />

0.85<br />

0.8<br />

0.75<br />

0.7<br />

0.65<br />

0.6<br />

only prefix hijacking<br />

0.55<br />

only path spoofing<br />

both attacks<br />

0.5<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1<br />

adopting fraction<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 11: Comparison of the mean robustness of stub (a) and transit ASs (b)<br />

to eliminating this AS as a potential threat for the inter-domain paths linking together other<br />

ASs. Therefore the linear shape of the curves depicted in figure 10 indicates that each AS can<br />

be used to conduct successful attacks on at least some portion of the paths. Comparing figures<br />

10a) and 10b) more closely, we see that - although the metrics increase in an almost linear way<br />

in both deployment modes - securing the transit ASs first causes the metric to rise more quickly<br />

in the beginning. This shows that attacks launched from core ASs can be expected to have more<br />

severe consequences in terms of the number of inter-domain paths affected.<br />

Comparing the plots of figure 10 with the ones obtained for ingress detection (figure 6), we<br />

observe that switching the deployment mode has much more severe consequences for the development<br />

of the mean security metrics in the case of ingress detection. Furthermore we find<br />

that irrespective of the deployment order, the egress detection approach dominates the ingress<br />

detection approach: For all analyzed configurations of the input vector e (except zero and full<br />

adoption) it is greater.<br />

Since the results for semi-robustness do not differ from the mean security metric evolves, we<br />

omit them. The explanation for this similarity is straightforward given the premises of our simulation:<br />

Deploying egress detection in an AS causes the potential adverse influence of the AS on<br />

legitimate paths in the topology to vanish completely. Thus, the difference between robustness<br />

18 301

and semi-robustness does not have any influence on the way the mean security metric evolves. 13<br />

Figure 11 shows the development of the mean security metric based on complete robustness of<br />

the groups of stub and transit ASs separately. The plots reveal that the security externalities<br />

we have already observed in the ingress detection case also exist in the egress detection case.<br />

However, the dependency of the stub on the transit ASs as compared to ingress detection is far<br />

less significant. The stub ASs can significantly improve their own security by adopting egress<br />

detection while they can achieve almost no additional security if they deploy ingress detection.<br />

6 Summary and Discussion<br />

This paper provides several contributions to the discussion of how tomorrow’s Internet infrastructure<br />

can be protected against routing attacks, which opens up new avenues for protocol<br />

research. The contributions can be summarized as follows:<br />

First and most importantly, taking a step back by questioning the approach that takes ingress<br />

detection for granted has brought us to the definition and motivation of an alternative approach<br />

which we call egress detection. Egress detection requires less communication overhead and fewer<br />

standardization efforts compared to ingress detection and therefore represents a much less complex<br />

and less expensive solution. On the other hand, egress detection fails in terms of securing<br />

specific paths. In order to quantify the effects ingress and egress detection have we adapt a<br />

simulation model that was introduced by Chan et al. [4].<br />

While the security measurement methodology used in our paper is based on the same principle,<br />

the model we use is less detailed with respect to attacker characteristics 14 and makes less stringent<br />

assumptions 15 . We have noted earlier that the model we use does not address many of the<br />

complexities of the BGP. In order to compare the efficiency of ingress and egress detection on<br />

a strategic level our simulation can yield important insights. The implementation of our model<br />

is capable of showing the effects of prefix hijacking and path spoofing attacks separately. This<br />

way we have shown that the inter-domain routing infrastructure is about twice as vulnerable to<br />

prefix hijacking than to path spoofing attacks and that if attackers have both types of attack at<br />

their disposal, path spoofing does not significantly increase the impact of attacks.<br />

Furthermore, we have defined two different security metrics based on different robustness requirements<br />

(robustness and semi-robustness of inter-domain paths).<br />

Our measurement study has revealed that the vulnerability of the different ASs is correlated<br />

with the number of inter-domain paths leading through them and therefore depends on the<br />

roles the ASs play in provisioning connectivity. The results suggest that stub ASs are more<br />

vulnerable to routing attacks than transit ASs. Furthermore, we have shown experimentally<br />

how ingress and egress detection differ with respect to how efficiently they enhance the routing<br />

security of the whole network. We have discovered that deploying ingress and egress detection<br />

in increasing and decreasing order of the number of paths that lead through each AS is an<br />

effective way to reveal existing dependencies between ASs. By separating the set of ASs in the<br />

sample topology into stub and transit ASs, we have directly shown the existence of what we call<br />

security externalities, i.e. that the action of deploying either countermeasure in one AS has a<br />

positive effect on the security metric of other ASs. If ingress detection is used, security benefits<br />

13 The only difference between the robustness and semi-robustness plots is that the semi-robustness curve possesses<br />

a higher intercept. This can again be explained by the fact that semi-robustness is the weaker requirement.<br />

We have seen earlier that there are a few more paths that are semi-robust than there are robust paths given no<br />

countermeasures are deployed.<br />

14 Chan et al. use two different attacker models based on different degrees of knowledge that the attacker has<br />

about the topology. We adopted what Chan et al. denote as the strong attacker model, i.e. attackers are expected<br />

to know how the global routing table looks like before the attack.<br />

15 Chan et al. use an AS security metric based on the assumption that all inter-domain paths leading through<br />

an AS are relevant for that AS, whereas we only consider the n-1 paths that connect that AS with all other ASs<br />

in the topology. They also introduce a weighing factor differentiating the importance of different paths based on<br />

some estimate of for traffic load while we treat all paths as equal.<br />

19 302

Property Ingress Detection Egress Detection<br />

type of externality positive network positive pure<br />

mean (semi-)robustness metric convex linear<br />

asymmetric dependency stub ASs depend on transit ASs a none<br />

subnet (semi-)robustness practical impractical<br />

rank of dominance b 2 1<br />

a Only applies if complete robustness is required.<br />

b The term dominance refers to the number of paths that are (semi-)robust given a fraction of adopters. A<br />

lower number translates to a higher rank, i.e. egress detection dominates ingress detection with respect to this<br />

definition.<br />

Table 2: Comparison of ingress and egress detection<br />

are restricted to the set of adopters while they spill over from adopters to non-adopters in case<br />

egress detection is used. Therefore we are dealing with two different kinds of externality, namely<br />

network externalities in the case of ingress detection and pure externalities in the case of egress<br />

detection.<br />

The results of our experimental analysis suggest that security externalities are more or less<br />

asymmetric depending on the countermeasure used (ingress or egress detection), how security<br />

is measured (requiring semi-robustness or complete robustness) and the kind of ASs that the<br />

countermeasure is deployed in. If ingress detection is used, stub ASs can achieve no significant<br />

increase of their path robustness levels without the help of transit ASs whereas transit ASs are<br />

much less dependent on the stub ASs. However, this asymmetry does not exist if semi-robustness<br />

instead of complete robustness is being measured. Therefore we argue that a more explicit definition<br />

of the security goal is needed as the objective regarding robustness requirements may<br />

influence adoption incentives. Do we only want to make sure that traffic cannot be hijacked by<br />

the attacker (then semi-robustness would be a sufficient security requirement), or do we want<br />

to maintain the legitimate paths in any event (then complete robustness would be required)?<br />

Another important result of the experiments is that using egress detection as a countermeasure<br />

more overall security can be achieved by fewer adopters, i.e. that the egress detection approach<br />

dominates the ingress detection approach with respect to efficiency. However, egress detection<br />

has the downside that neither robustness nor semi-robustness of particular paths can be guaranteed<br />

if it is only deployed in the ASs on these paths. 16 Thus, complete robustness of a subset<br />

of the inter-domain paths can only be effectively achieved by the use of ingress detection. We<br />

call this property subnet (semi-)robustness.<br />

We have summarized our findings concerning the comparison of ingress and egress detection in<br />

table 2.<br />

7 Conclusions and Future Work<br />

Inter-domain routing security has been on the agenda of the networking community for quite<br />

some time now. Although an impressive number of proposals for security patches lie on the table,<br />

there has still not been any substantial progress with respect their adoption. All comprehensive<br />

security solutions put forward to make the Internet’s infrastructure more robust to routing<br />

attacks suffer from high adoption barriers due to technical issues (protocol standardization and<br />

router overhead) which are in turn amplified by network effects. We conclude that these ingress<br />

detection schemes would have to be deployed by a significant number of AS operators in order<br />

to reliably prevent serious outages in the case of routing attacks. Furthermore, our analysis has<br />

16 This statement has to be seen within the bo<strong>und</strong>s of our model, of course. In reality inter-domain routing can<br />

be a highly dynamic process and therefore the guaranteed robustness of a particular end-to-end connection may<br />

require adoption of ingress detection by a different set of ASs in the course of time.<br />

20 303

evealed strong asymmetries in the dependency relationship of the ASs at the top of the Internet<br />

hierarchy and the ones at the bottom: Stub ASs for instance are more dependent on transit ASs<br />

to deploy ingress detection than vice versa. This dependency is very relevant since the major<br />

transit ASs have little incentive to take part in the security effort given the fact that their paths<br />

are pretty safe from routing attacks anyway. Following the ingress detection approach may thus<br />

lead to a situation where adoption is prevented due to strategic considerations on both sides.<br />

Egress detection could represent an alternative security approach. It is less demanding in terms<br />

of overhead and standardization efforts. According to our results, deployment of egress detection<br />

in a given set of ASs provides more routing security on average than the deployment of<br />

ingress detection. Furthermore, the asymmetries in the dependency structure do not come into<br />

existence if the egress detection approach is being followed. Also, since many routing attacks<br />

occur rather by chance than by intuition, egress detection is an inexpensive alternative to ingress<br />

detection when it comes to preventing unintended misconfiguration. However, egress detection<br />

cannot be effectively used to make a particular set of inter-domain paths more robust, which<br />

might be regarded as crucial by AS operators eager to protect the most important connections<br />

first. Furthermore, egress detection suffers from pure externalities and thus adoption is not<br />

individually incentive-compatible.<br />

More efforts should be devoted to the specification of more realistic simulation models. For<br />

instance, the behavior of the BGP could be modeled more realistically (e.g. using C-BGP [19]).<br />

Furthermore, the effects of policy routing on path selection have been ignored throughout this<br />

work and may also be a worthwhile topic of future research with respect to the security backgro<strong>und</strong><br />

[22].<br />

Although we have outlined the general functionality of egress detection, a technical analysis<br />

would have to follow in order to determine whether corresponding mechanisms are feasible at all<br />

and if so how they could be implemented. One could also imagine to mix the two approaches, i.e.<br />

to deploy ingress and egress detection in parallel, in order to further optimize robustness for a<br />

given set of adopters. From a technical viewpoint it would be interesting to see what additional<br />

infrastructure is needed to implement egress detection on top of ingress detection.<br />

Routing attacks certainly are no purely BGP-specific threat. They should be included into security<br />

considerations regarding all networked systems. Recent research in related areas like sensor<br />

networks show interesting parallels [6].<br />

What makes this work particularly interesting is the inherent connection of network security and<br />

economics. Some of the results we obtained can actually be used as a fo<strong>und</strong>ation of economic<br />

argumentation and provide decision support for policy makers. We have seen that, depending on<br />

the technological approach of increasing the robustness of inter-domain routing, different types<br />

of externalities come into existence. This in turn leads to different economic incentives and corresponding<br />

instruments to overcome the economic adoption barriers. A promising research avenue<br />

would therefore be to further investigate the interdependency between technological features of<br />

BGP security schemes, economic incentives and appropriate policies.<br />

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23 306

A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in Micro-CHP Grids<br />

Carsten Block, Dirk Neumann, Christof Weinhardt<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany<br />

{block, neumann, weinhardt}@iism.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

Abstract<br />

Achieving a sustainable level of energy production and<br />

consumption is one of the major challenges in our<br />

society. This paper contributes to the objective of<br />

increasing energy efficiency by introducing a market<br />

mechanism that facilitates the efficient matching of<br />

energy (i.e. electricity and heat) demand and supply<br />

in Micro Energy Grids. More precisely we propose<br />

a combinatorial double auction mechanism for the<br />

allocation and pricing of energy resources that especially<br />

takes the specific requirements of energy producers and<br />

consumers into account. We describe the potential role<br />

of decentralized micro energy grids and their coupling<br />

to the large scale power grid. Furthermore we introduce<br />

an emergency fail over procedure that keeps the micro<br />

energy grid stable even in cases where the auction mechanism<br />

fails. As the <strong>und</strong>erlying energy allocation problem<br />

itself is NP-hard, we derive a fast heuristic for finding<br />

efficient supply and demand allocations. In addition we<br />

show the applicability of this approach through numerica.<br />

Keywords: Combined Heat and Power; Market<br />

mechanism; Double Auction; Combinatorial allocation<br />

1 Introduction<br />

Over the last years fossil energy prices were rising remarkably.<br />

E.g. the price for Crude oil increased from approximately<br />

20 USD in 1995 to more than than 65 USD<br />

as of today [25] while the prices for other fossil resources<br />

evolved similarly [13]. On the one hand rising energy<br />

prices indicate the increasing scarcity of these resources<br />

and thus implicate a need for change in our energy consumption<br />

habits, on the other hand high prices foster the<br />

development of alternative technologies for energy generation.<br />

A study from Emerging Energy Research [16]<br />

states that today wind power technology already allows<br />

electricity generation at cost below those of conventional<br />

coal fired power plants if carbon penalties of more than<br />

30 EUR per tonne are applied. 1 Similarly Krewitt and<br />

Schlomann [17] state that energy produced from renewable<br />

resources is already competitive if external cost are<br />

included.<br />

Taking this ongoing change process as given one<br />

needs to determine the challenges that come along with<br />

this development. In particular the effects on the future<br />

energy generation and distribution infrastructures need<br />

to be addressed [6]. Traditionally energy generation is<br />

a centralized business, mainly because the required (fossil)<br />

resources were (and still are) available “on the spot”<br />

and central generation allows to exploit some economies<br />

of scale. Throughout the last years the development<br />

of new energy generation technologies fosters the utilization<br />

of renewable energy resources. But compared<br />

to large scale power plants, energy generation through<br />

photovoltaic systems, biogas plants or even windparks is<br />

(i) a much more decentralized and (ii) a much less predictable<br />

business. Thus this development puts a lot of<br />

pressure on the current energy distribution infrastructure.<br />

Our proposition to address this issue is to develop<br />

semi-autonomous micro energy grids that bind the<br />

distributed energy generation facilities to the local demands.<br />

The local netting of energy demand and supply<br />

inside a microgrid could already reduce parts of the randomness<br />

and thus should enable the microgrid to appear<br />

as a rather predictable “citizen” in the large scale grid<br />

where it buys peak demands from the outside outside<br />

world and offers free generation capacities as balancing<br />

power to others. Furthermore a combined usage of heat<br />

1 In May 2006 carbon prices in the European Cap-and-Trade<br />

System already reached 30 EUR per tonne of CO 2<br />

1<br />


and power inside the microgrid will increase the overall<br />

energy efficiency.<br />

Besides difficulties in predicting and coordinating<br />

distributed energy supply, energy consumption forecasting<br />

– especially for private households – is problematic as<br />

well. This is mainly due to two reasons: On the one hand<br />

old metering technology limits readouts in practice to annual<br />

cycles, on the other hand flat fee tariffs (e.g. 18 Ct<br />

/ kWh of electricity) do not set any economic incentives<br />

for consumers to shift energy consumption from peak<br />

hours to periods of low consumption. The result is that<br />

consumers use energy more or less “at random” while energy<br />

providers are more or less blind on the energy flows<br />

inside their low voltage distribution networks. At the<br />

same time it is known from field studies that about 50%<br />

of the private households’ electricity consumption is dedicated<br />

to the operation of refrigerators, freezers, (water)<br />

heaters, washing mashines or dryers [24] and thus could<br />

follow – at least within certain bo<strong>und</strong>aries – a planned<br />

schedule.<br />

Our solution for addressing the aformentioned challenges<br />

is to develop combined heat and power micro<br />

energy grids (CHPMEG) that are “loosely” connected<br />

to the conventional large-scale power grid minimizing<br />

energy transmission losses while maximizing generation<br />

efficiency ratios. Within a CHPMEG energy producers<br />

and energy consumers trade their energy (i.e. heat<br />

and electricity) supplies and demands on local marketplaces.<br />

Arbitrage agents ensure that the resulting energy<br />

prices within the microgrid are levelled to those on<br />

external marketplaces such as the European Energy Exchange<br />

(EEX). As markets provide an efficient matching<br />

of demand and supply on average, a technical balancing<br />

mechanism (spinning reserve) complements the market<br />

mechanisms to ensure stable operation of the local energy<br />

grid, even in those cases where the market-based allocation<br />

might fail without compromising the economic<br />

2 http://www.sesam.uni-karlsruhe.de<br />

tract making on the platform[8]. In this paper we focus<br />

on the hybrid control mechanism for CHPMEG that is<br />

developed as part of this project. The applicability of<br />

incentives set by the markets. The work presented in<br />

this paper is part of the project “Self-organization and<br />

Spontaneity in Liberalized and harmonized Markets” 2<br />

(SESAM). The main focus of the project ist to develop<br />

an electronic energy market platform that also features<br />

mechanisms for secure and non repudiable communication<br />

between the market participants, permits the utilization<br />

of electronic trading agents and provides an electronic<br />

law mediator who supervises the electronic con-<br />

our approach is demonstrated through numerica. The<br />

remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section<br />

2 describes the typical setup of a CHPMEG and describes<br />

the importance and role of energy markets within<br />

the microgrids. Based on this several requirements for<br />

the operation of CHPMEG are deduced which serve as<br />

benchmarks for the literature review in section 3. In section<br />

4 the formal market model is introduced along with<br />

a fast heuristic for implementation purposes. Section 5<br />

concludes with an application case study and an outlook<br />

on future work.<br />

2 Motivational Scenario<br />

In this section we describe an application for a market<br />

based micro CHP grid which typically consists of several<br />

components connected to each other trough heat pipes<br />

and power / communication lines. Usually five key components<br />

can be identified in a micro grid as shown in<br />

figure 1 [1, 18].<br />

1. Consumers are private households and small business<br />

that require electricity and / or heat.<br />

2. Producers are photovoltaic systems, heaters,<br />

micro-turbines, biogas plants, etc. They generate<br />

electricity, heat or both.<br />

3. Spinning Reserves provide ad-hoc energy reserves<br />

that is used to stabilize voltage and frequency of<br />

the power grid. Battery banks or spinning wheels<br />

usually provide facilities for quick electricity storage<br />

and retrieval and thus serve as spinning reserves.<br />

3 Heat-wise grid stability is not too critical,<br />

still therms can take over the role of heat regulators<br />

as they are able to temporarily store certain<br />

amounts of heat.<br />

4. The coupling point is the connection between CH-<br />

PMEG and the large scale grid. At this point in-<br />

3 Balancing power from the large scale grid can complement the<br />

migrogrid’s spinning reserves. Still, distinct spinning reserves are<br />

oftentimes build into the micro grid as well in order to gain a<br />

certain degree of independence from power outages in the large<br />

grid.<br />


o<strong>und</strong> and outbo<strong>und</strong> power flows are metered and<br />

regulated.<br />

5. The controller is the core of the CHPMEG. It<br />

is responsible for matching the consumer’s energy<br />

demandy by dispatching appropriate generators for<br />

heat and / or electricity, i.e. it has to determine an<br />

optimal production schedule given the consumption<br />

requests.<br />

Although figure 1 depicts consumers and producers<br />

as distinct entities these roles can switch dynamically.<br />

A household might generate and sell excess electricity<br />

from its own photovoltaic system during daytime while<br />

it might consume power during night time. We require<br />

all entities within a CHPMEG, i.e. producers, consumers<br />

and spinning reserves to be connected to the controller<br />

through power lines, local area network (LAN) and –<br />

where applicable – through heat pipes as well. Furthermore<br />

we assume that heat pipe and power line capacities<br />

are sufficiently dimensioned to meet all transmission demands<br />

that might occur.<br />

As mentioned above, the central component of this<br />

microgrid is the Controller which determines energy production<br />

and consumption of all grid participants and ensures<br />

that (i) the electricity grid is always balanced in<br />

terms of voltage and frequency and (ii) the heat grid<br />

always provides at least as much heat as required, storing<br />

or disposing overproduction in therms. Furthermore<br />

the controller should provide incentives to consumers to<br />

shift their energy consumption from peak hours to time<br />

periods with low energy demands if possible. Likewise<br />

on the producer side the controller needs to determine<br />

an operation schedule that always favors the producer<br />

with the lowest production cost for generating the required<br />

energy. If e.g. a photovoltaic system and a microgas<br />

turbine are ready to produce power for the microgrid,<br />

the photovoltaic system will likely have comparably<br />

lower production cost during sunshine periods and thus<br />

should produce the energy saving the microturbine from<br />

burning gas.<br />

This idea could be extended even further: The controller<br />

needs to make sure that not only the cheapest<br />

producers inside the microgrid generate the required energy<br />

but that the overall cheapest producers will take<br />

over this responsibility, i.e. if the spot market price for<br />

electricity e.g. at the EEX is lower than the marginal<br />

production cost of the most expensive currently running<br />

generator in the microgrid, it should be turned off and<br />

the electricity should be purchased from the EEX instead<br />

(and vice versa). The same procedure should be applied<br />

if – during peak hours – the local generation capacity is<br />

insufficient to meet the local demands. From a technical<br />

perspective is important to note that many generators,<br />

especially combustion engines are not able to operate at<br />

below certain load levels. Thus the CHPMEG controller<br />

hast to take minimum and maximum production constraints<br />

of the respective energy producers into account<br />

as well.<br />

Finally the netting of energy demand and supply<br />

within the CHPMEG should reduce the randomness<br />

in energy production and consumption to the outside<br />

world. At best the CHPMEG is able to announce future<br />

energy shortages (or energy reserves) as early as possible<br />

to the outside world, making its behavior as predictable<br />

as possible.<br />

In this section we collected several different requirements<br />

that CHPMEGs and especially the CHPMEG<br />

controllers should meet. These can be summarized as<br />

follows:<br />

R1<br />

R2<br />

R3<br />

R4<br />

R5<br />

R6<br />

R7<br />

Online Mechanism (instantaneous matching<br />

of demand and supply)<br />

B<strong>und</strong>led allocation of electricity and heat<br />

Price signals to indicate scarcity<br />

Min and max. allocation constraints<br />

Stable operation (balanced demand & supply)<br />

Coupling with large-scale power grid<br />

Forecasts for demand and supply<br />

In the following section we will review related approaches<br />

for realizing this control component before we<br />

introduce our market based controller in section 4.<br />

3 Related Work<br />

The idea to employ market mechanisms for distributed<br />

environments is not new. Since the 60s researchers have<br />

motivated the use of markets as a means to cope with<br />

incentival problems especially for distributed computing.<br />

But it was only recently that the idea of decentralization<br />

spilled over from computer grids to power grids [4, 10].<br />


Figure 1: Schematic Layout of a Micro CHP Grid<br />

Also relatively new is the idea to use markets for the<br />

coordination of decentralized resources. Among the first,<br />

Buyya, Wolski et al. [5], and Subramoniam et al. [23]<br />

motivated the use of auctions and negotiations for Computational<br />

Grid. In their first paper, Wolski et al. [27]<br />

suggested the use of traditional auction formats such as<br />

English auctions. Eymann et al. [12] introduce a decentralized<br />

bargaining system for resource allocation. Regev<br />

et al. [21] propose the use of a Vickrey auction for allocation<br />

computational resources in distributed systems.<br />

Although often suggested in literature, the effectiveness<br />

of traditional bargaining and auction systems in<br />

grid environments is conceivably delimited as the trading<br />

objects are traded as unb<strong>und</strong>led standardized commodities.<br />

Consequently, these auction formats fail to express<br />

demand on b<strong>und</strong>les – exposing especially owners of CHP<br />

generators to the risk of selling only e.g. electricity without<br />

selling the co-generated heat.<br />

Reviewing the requirements upon the mechanism,<br />

it becomes obvious that the previous described mechanisms<br />

fail to satisfy these requirements. Most of the<br />

mechanisms proposed in literature do not meet the immediacy<br />

requirement in a way that they are either iterative<br />

in nature or NP hard to compute. Both properties<br />

rule out a use in highly interactive markets for different<br />

reasons. While iterative mechanisms are unsuited due<br />

to the fact that they frequent user feedback is needed,<br />

NP hard mechanisms consume too much time to be of<br />

use in large scale markets. Beside the requirement of immediacy,<br />

the negligence of capacity constraints for bids<br />

diminish the use of the proposed market mechanisms.<br />

To account for predictability of the system time<br />

attributes, Wellman et al. model single-sided auction<br />

protocols for the allocation and scheduling of resources<br />

<strong>und</strong>er consideration of different time constraints . Conen<br />

goes one step further by designing a combinatorial<br />

bidding procedure to improve the resource scheduling offering<br />

different running, starting, and ending times for<br />

different resources. Furthermore, Bapna et al propose<br />

an auction that allows to bid on b<strong>und</strong>les and on time<br />

slots. In addition, the authors also suggest a heuristic<br />

that approximates the outcome of the auction in polynomial<br />

time. However, these approaches are single-sided<br />

and hence do not create competition on both sides. Furthermore<br />

in electricity grids it might not be clear, when<br />

a consumer wants to start consuming energy and how<br />

long his consumption will take. Thus integrating time<br />

schedules into the auction mechanism does not solve the<br />


Requirements R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7<br />

√<br />

√<br />

Eymann et al. 2003<br />

√<br />

–<br />

√<br />

– – – –<br />

Buyya et al. 2001<br />

√<br />

–<br />

√<br />

– – – –<br />

Wolski et al. 2003<br />

√<br />

–<br />

√<br />

– – – –<br />

Regev et al. 1998<br />

–<br />

√ √<br />

– – – –<br />

Wellman et al. 2001 –<br />

√ √<br />

– – – –<br />

Conen 2002 –<br />

√ √<br />

– – – –<br />

Parkes et al. 2001 –<br />

√ √<br />

– – – –<br />

Biswas et al. 2003 –<br />

– – – –<br />

Bapna et al. 2006 –/ √ √ √ √ √ √<br />

– – – –<br />

√<br />

Schnizler et al. 2006<br />

√<br />

–<br />

√<br />

– –<br />

Entchev 2003<br />

– – –/ √ √<br />

√ √ √<br />

– –<br />

Engler 2005<br />

– –<br />

–<br />

Legend: R1: online mechanism; R2: b<strong>und</strong>le allocation; R3: price signals; R4: capacity<br />

constraints; R5: stable operation; R6: coupling with large grid; R7: forecasts<br />

Table 1: Literature Overview<br />

problem of providing precise estimates on future consumption<br />

and production of the grid.<br />

Demanding competition on both sides suggests the<br />

development of a combinatorial exchange. In literature,<br />

Parkes et al. introduce the first combinatorial exchange<br />

as a single-shot sealed bid auction . As payment scheme,<br />

Vickrey discounts are approximated. Biswas and Narahari<br />

propose an iterative combinatorial exchange based<br />

on a primal/dual programming formulation of the allocation<br />

problem. By doing so, the preference elicitation<br />

problem can be alleviated, as the bidders can restrict<br />

their attention to some preferred b<strong>und</strong>les in contrast<br />

to all 2n1 possible combinations. Obviously, both<br />

approaches do not account for immediacy demands are<br />

thus not directly applicable for the problem at hand.<br />

The MACE mechanism developed by Schnizler et<br />

al. satisfies the b<strong>und</strong>ling requirement and also allows the<br />

modeling of capacity constraints but is NP hard and cannot<br />

account for application scenarios with more than 500<br />

bids and asks within a reasonable time span . Accordingly,<br />

this mechanism can be used for batch applications,<br />

but not for those applications that require immediacy as<br />

is the case in the motivating scenario.<br />

Enchev [11] proposes a different approach in that he<br />

uses a fuzzy logic based optimization algorithm for adjusting<br />

the energy production to a given (and possibly<br />

changing) demand pattern. This approach appears to be<br />

suitable for ensuring stable operation of the micro electricity<br />

grid, but as there are no price signals provided to<br />

indicate the scarcity of resources, consumers do not have<br />

an incentive to optimize there consumption schedules.<br />

Engler et. al. [10] exploit the potentials of an<br />

agent based system for controlling a micro electricity<br />

grid. They show that the system operates stable <strong>und</strong>er<br />

realistic conditions and even recovers automatically from<br />

exogenous shocks (brownouts). Still in this approach<br />

heat is not considered as a resource, furthermore price<br />

signals are missing so that also in this case consumers<br />

do not have an incentive to optimize their consumption.<br />

This paper intends to tailor a mechanism for the<br />

simultaneous allocation of electricity and heat resources<br />

by coupling two separate call markets together [9] so that<br />

it accounts for the aforementioned requirements.<br />

4 Modeling an Auction Based<br />

Energy Allocation Mechanism<br />

The base model<br />

Based on the aforementioned requirements we propose<br />

a double auction mechanism that is capable of coallocating<br />

electricity and heat and additionally takes<br />

minimum and maximum allocation constraints for both<br />

goods into account (if specified by the bidders). For the<br />

description of our model we use the following notation<br />


with the superscripts e and h indicating the variable’s<br />

dedication to electricity or heat respectively:<br />

i<br />

j<br />

h i<br />

h j<br />

e i<br />

e j<br />

b h i<br />

a h j<br />

βi<br />

h<br />

βi<br />

h<br />

αj<br />

h<br />

αj<br />

h<br />

x h i<br />

yj<br />

h<br />

Index for buyers i = 1 . . . I<br />

Index for sellers j = 1 . . . J<br />

Quantity of heat requested by buyer i<br />

Quantity of heat offered by seller j<br />

Quantity of electricity requested by buyer i<br />

Quantity of electricity offered by seller j<br />

Maximum price per heat unit<br />

buyer i is bidding<br />

Minimum price per heat unit seller j<br />

is asking for<br />

Market allocation for buyer i‘s bid on heat<br />

Min. heat allocation constraint of buyer i<br />

Market allocation for seller j‘s ask for heat<br />

Minimum allocation constraint of seller j<br />

Binary decision variable for buyer i‘s bid on heat<br />

Binary decision variable for seller j‘s ask for heat<br />

Using this notation we can formulate our market<br />

model as a mixed-integer maximization problem. In particular<br />

the total welfare, i.e. the difference between all<br />

allocated buyers bids b i and all allocated sellers asks<br />

a j is maximized, subject to the resulting solution being<br />

feasible. A solution is feasible only if the consumed<br />

amount of heat is leq the generated amount of heat (1)<br />

and the generated amount of electricity equals the consumed<br />

amount of electricity (2). Furthermore if a buyer’s<br />

bid or a seller’s ask is allocated by the market for either<br />

heat or electricity it also has to be allocated for the other<br />

product, i.e. combinatorial bids on both products cannot<br />

be split by the auctioneer but have to be allocated<br />

simultaneously. Lastly a consumer can set minimum allocation<br />

constraints for heat and / or electricity (5)-(8)<br />

that have to be taken into account as well.<br />

max<br />

s.t.<br />

∑<br />

βi h x h i b h i + βi e x e i b e i − ∑ αj h yj h a h j + αjy e j e a e j<br />

j∈J<br />

i∈I<br />

∑<br />

β h i x h i h i ≥ 0 (1)<br />

αj h yj h h j − ∑<br />

j∈J i∈I<br />

∑<br />

βi e x e i e i = 0 (2)<br />

j∈J<br />

α e jy e j e j − ∑ i∈I<br />

y h j = y e j ∀j ∈ J (3)<br />

x h i = x e i ∀i ∈ I (4)<br />

0 ≤ α e j ≤ α e j ≤ 1 ∀j ∈ J (5)<br />

0 ≤ α h j ≤ α h j ≤ 1 ∀j ∈ J (6)<br />

0 ≤ β e i ≤ β e i ≤ 1 ∀i ∈ I (7)<br />

0 ≤ β h i ≤ β h i ≤ 1 ∀i ∈ I (8)<br />

x h i , x e i ∈ {0, 1} ∀i ∈ I (9)<br />

y h j , y e j ∈ {0, 1} ∀j ∈ J (10)<br />

Assume a seller j who operates a combined heat<br />

and power (CHP) generator. He is able to produce<br />

e j = 10 units of electricity which he wants to sell at<br />

a price of at least a e j = 20 ct/unit. As his generator<br />

always co-generates heat when producing electricity,<br />

j wants to sell the heat (h j = 30 units) simultaneously<br />

at a price of at least a h j 5 ct/unit. Furthermore, as<br />

his generator is not able to operate at a capacity of <<br />

50% of the norm capacity, he wishes to make sure that<br />

– in case his offer is matched – the allocated amount<br />

of electricity is ≥ αj<br />

e = 50% of the originally specified<br />

amount. For the heat on the other hand, seller<br />

j might have a thermae available capable of storing<br />

the produced heat if it cannot be sold, thus αj h = 0.<br />

In summary, the ask of seller j will consist of a tuple<br />

A(e j ; a e j ; αe j ; h j; a h j ; αh j ) = A(10; 20; 50; 30; 5; 0).<br />

Similarly a buyer i might want to buy e i = 10units<br />

of electricity for at most b e i = 25ct/unit but he is<br />

neither interested in heat nor in partial allocations.<br />

Thus buyer i‘s bid will be B(e i ; b e i ; βe i ; h i; a h i ; βh i ) =<br />

A(10; 25; 100; Nil; Nil; Nil).)<br />

In general, combinatorial allocation problems as the<br />

one described above belong to the complexity class of<br />

NP-hard problems but this does not mean that every<br />

possible problem instance will be NP hard. Instead there<br />

usually exist problem instances that can be easily computed<br />

in polynomial time. We will further exploit this<br />


particular property for the design of our heuristic in the<br />

extended model described in the following section. For<br />

the example above we can easily solve the allocation<br />

problem by awarding the 10 units of electricity offered<br />

by seller j to consumer i ignoring the heat that j offered<br />

as well (αj h = αj h = 0). Having solved the allocation<br />

problem like this, the pricing for the transaction still<br />

needs to be determined. In general one possible solution<br />

is to employ a Vickrey Clarke Groves (VCG) like<br />

mechanism, which is the only class of mechanisms that<br />

provides allocative efficient, individual rational and incentive<br />

compatible solutions [14]. But as solving VCG<br />

problems is NP-hard and furthermore VCG mechanisms<br />

cannot be budget balanced [19], thus we will use the<br />

maximum execution principle to determine prices. The<br />

idea is described in more detail in the next section.<br />

The extended model<br />

In this section we describe a heuristic that is capable<br />

of efficiently finding near-optimal solutions solving the<br />

aforementioned allocation and pricing problem in polynomial<br />

time by particularly exploiting the fact that in<br />

micro electricity grids, most of the consumers and some<br />

of the producers do not need to allocate electricity and<br />

heat at the same time. In other words, in most of the<br />

cases separate double auctions for heat and electricity<br />

would be sufficient, only e.g. for producers that rely on<br />

CHP generators, submitting b<strong>und</strong>le offers might be advantageous.<br />

Thus our solution is to set up two slightly adapted<br />

open book call markets [9] running parallel and independently<br />

from each other. Table 2 depicts the orderbooks<br />

of an electricity and a heat call market that are meant<br />

to run in parallel. Call market trading basically means<br />

that incoming orders are collected in an open order book<br />

up to a predefined point in time. Then all orders are executed<br />

in a single multilateral trade at a price that best<br />

matches the aggregated asks and bids. On the buy side,<br />

all bids with limit prices greater or equal to the matching<br />

price are executed and vice versa for the sell side.<br />

If e.g. the ask side of the orderbook is longer, meaning<br />

more ask than buy orders exist at the clearing price,<br />

those ask orders are executed at the same fraction (pro<br />

Our<br />

rata) ensuring for each order that a potential minimum<br />

allocation constraint αj e (αh j ) is not violated.<br />

solution for coupling the two markets together<br />

thus allowing combinatorial bids is simple. Besides the<br />

two orderbooks we use an extra table to keep track of the<br />

combinatorial constraints. In our case Table 3 is used to<br />

record these constraints 4 . The first row states that the<br />

order with order id oid e = 1 and the one with order id<br />

oid h = 2 have to be either executed together or not at<br />

all (AND order). Now, when the time for matching the<br />

markets is reached, each of the markets determines its<br />

optimal set of matched orders independently from the<br />

other market. In this case we extended the previous<br />

example. The electricity market is matched as before<br />

but for the heat market we now have an additional ask<br />

(oid 4) and an additional buy order (oid 5). With the<br />

only bidder in this auction offering to buy heat at most<br />

6 ct per unit and two potential sellers offering 10 units<br />

of heat for at least 4 ct/unit and 30 units for at least<br />

5 ct/unit respectively, the price will be set to 5 ct/unit<br />

in order to maximize the exchange volume. As a result,<br />

seller j = 3 sells 10 units of heat, seller j = 1 sells 20<br />

units of heat, and buyer i = 4 buys 30 units of heat in<br />

this auction, each for 5 ct/unit.<br />

As soon as this task is accomplished both markets<br />

indicate the results of the matching in the b<strong>und</strong>ling constraint<br />

table. Orders for which the b<strong>und</strong>ling constraint is<br />

violated are then deleted from both, the order books and<br />

the b<strong>und</strong>ling constraint table before the market matching<br />

is executed again. This procedure is repeated until<br />

no violations occur anymore. In our case, the b<strong>und</strong>ling<br />

constrained is not violated, thus the matching process is<br />

completed.<br />

A controller that implements the mechanism as described<br />

so far would already fulfill requirements R2 (b<strong>und</strong>le<br />

allocation), R3 (price signals), and R4 (capacity constraints)<br />

but, as stated before, this is not sufficient for<br />

operating a micro CHP grid. In particular, this mechanism<br />

does not describe when the allocated resources<br />

need to be available and for how long. We overcome this<br />

limitation by discretizing time into distinct, consecutive<br />

slots of a predefined duration d, e.g. d = 15min. Then<br />

n b<strong>und</strong>le call auctions are set up similar futures markets<br />

at the stock exchanges one for each of the next n time<br />

slots (n being sufficiently large). We adjust the auctions’<br />

execution time intervals intervals t such that t ≤ d. Also<br />

we ensure that a future market is closed well timed be-<br />

4 Non-combinatorial orders go directly into the respective markets<br />

and are thus not recorded in this table.<br />


Orderbook Electricity<br />

Orderbook Heat<br />

Ask Bid Ask Bid<br />

oid j e j a e j αj e oid i e i b e i βi e oid j e j a e j αj e oid i e i b e i βi<br />

e<br />

1 1 10 20 5 3 2 10 25 1 4 3 10 4 .2 5 4 30 6 1<br />

2 1 30 5 nil<br />

Table 2: Sample Orderbooks<br />

oid e oid h type match e match h<br />

1 2 AND true true<br />

Table 3: B<strong>und</strong>ling Constraints<br />

fore the <strong>und</strong>erlying time slot starts. Like this all market<br />

participants can submit several orders to the respective<br />

market adjusting their combined electricity and heat demands<br />

and supplies for the next n time slots.<br />

Setting up our mechanism like this has several advantages.<br />

Market prices on the respective markets indicate<br />

the energy scarcity in the respective time slot and<br />

thus help users decide whether to use (or not to use)<br />

energy in certain time slots. In case a user decides to<br />

change his consumption schedule he can then immediately<br />

submit orders to sell energy in case of excess capacities<br />

or to buy energy in case of increased demand. Thus<br />

micro grid particpants can continuously adjust their demand<br />

and supply profiles over time, which in turn meets<br />

our requirement R1 (online mechanism).<br />

The two requirements R6 (coupling with large-scale<br />

power grid) and R7 (forecasts for demand and supply)<br />

are now relatively easy to satisfy by introducing a special<br />

market participant namely, a so-called arbitrage agent.<br />

Located at the coupling point (c.f. Figure 1 (4)) of the<br />

microgrid this agent can buy electricity from the largescale<br />

grid (e.g. at the EEX) and immediately sell it<br />

inside the microgrid markets at a higher price if electricity<br />

is cheaper in the outside world and vice versa. On<br />

average this agent (i) levels market prices in both markets,<br />

(ii) ensures that generators in the microgrid are<br />

only turned on if they can be operated at competitive<br />

costs, and (iii) communicates the future aggregated energy<br />

demand (supply) of the microgrid to the large-scale<br />

grid through placing his orders on the outside market.<br />

With the arbitrage agent in place our mechanism<br />

now fulfills all requirements but one for operating a micro<br />

energy: Stable operation (R5)). We claim that one<br />

average markets are very good of matching demand and<br />

supply. But in particular on average means not always.<br />

We already described the procedure for allocating energy<br />

resources in case of unbalanced orderbooks, which<br />

basically condenses to rationing one side of the market.<br />

In case supply is rationed, nothing much will happen besides<br />

some generators being operated at a reduced workload<br />

or even being turned off. But in case of demand rationing<br />

this means at worst that energy production and<br />

consumption become unbalanced and thus a brownout<br />

or a blackout might occur.<br />

In order to cope with this challenge we need to introduce<br />

another (market) institution. Consider the point<br />

in time where a market will be closed because the <strong>und</strong>erlying<br />

timeslot starts. At this moment energy trading<br />

becomes impossible for the market participants leaving<br />

them with the risk that they can no longer intervent (i.e.<br />

buy or sell) in case predicted and actual demand (supply)<br />

diverge due to unforeseen events (e.g. a defect generator).<br />

In such a situation the whole micro grid, especially<br />

the electricity subgrid, is likely to become unstable and<br />

will eventually collapse.<br />

This is where the spinning reserves (c.f. Figure 1<br />

(3)) take over control as emergency coordinators. Spinning<br />

reserves do not trade their energy capacities on the<br />

above mentioned future markets instead they provide<br />

balancing power on demand throughout the currently<br />

running time slot. In other words, the spinning reserves<br />

are responsible to level out energy (i.e. heat and electricity)<br />

demand and supply on the spot beyond the market’s<br />

capabilities ensuring a stable operation of the micro grid<br />

and thus fulfilling our last requirement R5.<br />

In order to set an incentive for regular consumers<br />

and producers not to rely on the spinning reserves, the<br />

effectively provided balancing power (heat) is charged<br />


ex post to those market participants who originated the<br />

market imbalance by deviating from their originally negotiated<br />

energy consumption (production) level. The<br />

spinning reserves are price sufficiently above the market<br />

price in order to provide market participants with a<br />

strong incentive to negotiate exactly the amount of energy<br />

that they are going to consume (produce) during a<br />

certain time slot. In other words, truth revelation becomes<br />

a dominant strategy for the market participants<br />

the shorter the remaining time until the start of a slot<br />

becomes.<br />

5 Conclusion & Outlook<br />

In this paper we describe a market based system for coordinating<br />

combined heat and power micro energy grids.<br />

We use b<strong>und</strong>led open book call markets to let consumers<br />

and producers of the microgrid negotiate the allocation<br />

their future energy (i.e. heat and electricity) demand<br />

and supply. Furthermore we propose the utilization of<br />

an arbitrage agent for connecting the micro (electricity)<br />

grid to the large-scale grid. We also describe a way to<br />

employ spinning reserves for stabilizing the micro grid<br />

on the spot without inferencing the principal of market<br />

based coordination.<br />

Overall the approach for operating micro energy<br />

grids described in this paper is very interesting as it proposes<br />

several new research avenues:<br />

• The efficiency of the mechanism introduced in this<br />

paper needs to be further evaluated, especially the<br />

average gap between optimal allocations and those<br />

allocations generated by the heuristic needs to be<br />

determined in more detail.<br />

• Subsequently, agent based simulations could be used<br />

to further study the system’s dynamics, e.g. its reactivity<br />

to exogenous shocks such as a sudden generator<br />

breakdown [15].<br />

• Electronic agents need to be developed that automate<br />

the process of energy trading. Here a clear<br />

advantage of our model is its simplicity. The fact<br />

that e.g. consumer agents can be implemented for<br />

procuring only heat or electricity reduces complexity<br />

and allows the recource to related literature from<br />

algorithmic trading research.<br />

• Trading strategies for different types of producers<br />

(i.e. wind turbines vs. micro CHP generator) and<br />

consumers need to be developed.<br />

• Innovative preference elicitation methods are required<br />

in order to allow e.g. consumers to only specify<br />

target temperatures for certain times of the day<br />

thus leaving the task of determining the resulting<br />

optimal heat consumption profile to the agents.<br />

• Different energy prices for different timeslots set an<br />

incentive for demand side optimization. In this area,<br />

new models need to be developed that support consumers<br />

in finding optimal or at least more efficient<br />

consumption schedules without reducing their quality<br />

of life.<br />

• The potentials and dynamics of hierarchically organized<br />

energy grids as well as potential yo-yo effects,<br />

which might occur if a large number of microgrids<br />

are coupled together hierarchically, need further investigation.<br />

6 Acknowledgement<br />

This work was supported in part by the German Federal<br />

Ministry of Education and Research (SESAM - Selforganization<br />

and Spontaneity in Liberalized and harmonized<br />

Markets, Grant 01-AK-703).<br />

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Lebenslauf<br />

Dr. Dirk Neumann, M.A. (Univ. Wisc) Tel. (privat) 0721-6238678<br />

Rintheimer Str. 78 Tel. (univ.) 0721-6088377<br />

76131 Karlsruhe Email: neumann@kit.edu<br />

Geboren am 15. März 1974<br />

Geboren in Frankfurt/Main<br />

Familienstand ledig<br />

1. Ausbildung<br />

15.07.2004 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. in Wirtschaftswissenschaften (summa<br />

cum laude)<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften<br />

Thema der Dissertation „Market Engineering – A Structured<br />

Design Process for Electronic Markets”. Doktorvater: Prof. Dr.<br />

Christof Weinhardt<br />

08.06.2000 Diplom in Ökonomie an der Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen<br />

(Note: 1,3: 1. von 83)<br />

16.05.1999 Master of Arts (M.A.) in Economics an der University of Wisconsin,<br />

Milwaukee (GPA: 3,97/4,00)<br />

18.08.1998 Immatrikulation für den Masterstudiengang Economics<br />

an der University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee<br />

29.07.1996 Vordiplom in Wirtschaftswissenschaften<br />

an der Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen<br />

03.10.1994 Immatrikulation für den Diplomstudiengang Wirtschaftswissenschaften<br />

an der Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen<br />

14.06.1993 Abitur an dem katholischen Privatgymnasium St. Lioba<br />

in Bad Nauheim, Leistungskurse Mathematik <strong>und</strong> Physik<br />

August 1984 St. Lioba Gymnasium, Bad Nauheim<br />

August 1980 Frauenwald Gr<strong>und</strong>schule, Bad Nauheim, Nieder-Mörlen<br />


2. Berufserfahrung<br />

1.10.2004 – heute Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1) am Lehrstuhl für Informationsbetriebswirtschaftslehre<br />

der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

1.6.2000–30.9.2004 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter<br />

2001 – 2004 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (BAT IIa) am Lehrstuhl<br />

für Informationsbetriebswirtschaftslehre bei Prof. Christof<br />

Weinhardt, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Universität<br />

Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

2000 – 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (BAT IIa) am Lehrstuhl<br />

für BWL-Wirtschaftsinformatik bei Prof. Christof Weinhardt,<br />

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Justus Liebig Universität<br />

Giessen<br />

1996 – 2000 Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft<br />

1999 – 2000 Stud. Hilfskraft Tutor <strong>und</strong> Übungsgruppenleiter für<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik (Programmierung Visual Basic), Prof.<br />

Weinhardt, Universität Gießen<br />

1996 – 1998 Stud. Hilfskraft Tutor <strong>und</strong> Übungsgruppenleiter für<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik (Programmierung Visual Basic), Prof.<br />

Weinhardt, Universität Gießen<br />

1993 – 1994 Gr<strong>und</strong>wehrdienst in Gotha <strong>und</strong> Stadtallendorf<br />

Panzeraufklärungseinheit<br />


3. Eingeladene Vorträge<br />

• Entwicklungsperspektiven des Grid Computing, im Rahmen des 7.@kit-Kongresses<br />

"Vernetztes Rechnen – Softwarepatente – Web 2.0" 2007, Potsdam, 21.06.2007.<br />

• A Decision Support System for Designing Auctions, im Rahmen des Research Symposiums<br />

"Hot Topics in Negotiation Support Systems" an der HICSS Conference 2006,<br />

Po’ipu, Hawaii, 04.01.2006.<br />

• A Framework for Assessment of e-Negotiation Systems – The Case of Online Auctions<br />

and E-negotiations, im Rahmen des Research Symposiums "Hot Topics in Negotiation<br />

Support Systems" an der HICSS Conference 2006, Po’ipu, Hawaii, 04.01.2006.<br />

• Computer Aided Market Engineering, im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der John Molson<br />

School of Business in Montreal 2005, Montreal, Kanada, 12.10.2005.<br />

• P2P – Technical and Economic Fo<strong>und</strong>ations, Tutorial zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Klemens<br />

Böhm im Rahmen der 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology,<br />

München 21.07.2005.<br />

• Market Engineering – Wissensbasierte Unterstützung der Konzeptphase, E-Commerce<br />

Kompetenzzentrum Abschluss-Kolloquium, Dresden, 18.11.2004.<br />

• A Market Engineering – Knowledge Based Auction Design Markets, negotiations and<br />

dispute resolution in the new economy, Montreal, Canada, October 12-13, 2004, Montreal,<br />

Kanada, 12.10.2004.<br />

• Market Engineering and Auction Design: Pricing Per Column (PPC), im Rahmen der<br />

CORS/INFORMS Tagung in Banff 2004, Banff, Kanada, 16.05.2004.<br />

• eNegotiation –Taxonomy and Design, im Rahmen des IFIP Workshops “B2B Markets –<br />

Beyond MRO” in Zürich 2001, Zürich, Schweiz, 03.10.2001.<br />

• The London Classification Scheme – An Application on Commercial eNegotiations, im<br />

Rahmen des eNegotiation Workshops in Montreal 2001, Montreal, Kanada, 05.08.2001.<br />

4. Lehre<br />

Vorlesungen<br />

• Vorlesung “Gr<strong>und</strong>züge der <strong>Informationswirtschaft</strong>”, im Wintersemester 2005/2006<br />

Pflichtvorlesung für Informationswirte, ca. 80 Studierende.<br />

• Vorlesung “Programmieren in Visual Basic”, im Wintersemester 2001/2002 (6 Termine),<br />

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen<br />

Pflichtvorlesung im Gr<strong>und</strong>studium für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, ca. 300 Studierende.<br />

• Vorlesung “Information and Market Engineering” (engl.), im Sommersemeter 2006<br />

– Vorlesung im Rahmen des Executive Master Programs „Information Engineering“ der<br />

Hector School<br />

• Vorlesung “Management of Business Networks” (engl.), im Wintersemester<br />

2004/2005 – Vorlesung enthält eine Fallstudie, die mit den kanadischen Partnern der<br />

Concordia University abgehalten wird.<br />

Wahlpflichtvorlesung, ca. 15 Studenten.<br />

• Vorlesung “Market Engineering” (engl.), im Sommersemester 2005<br />

Wahlpflichtvorlesung, ca. 20 Studenten.

• Vorlesung “Market Engineering” (engl.), im Sommersemester 2006<br />

Wahlpflichtvorlesung, ca. 25 Studenten.<br />

• Vorlesung “Market Engineering” (engl.), im Sommersemester 2007<br />

Wahlpflichtvorlesung, ca. 25 Studenten.<br />

Seminare<br />

• eNegotiation I, SS 2001<br />

• eNegotiation II, WS 2001/2002<br />

• Management of Business Networks, SS 2005<br />

• Peer-to-Peer Economics, SS 2005<br />

• Grid Economics, WS 2005/2006<br />

• Mechanismen in verteilten Netzen (Mechanisms in Distributed Networks), in Kooperation<br />

mit Prof. Dr. Klemens Böhm, WS 2005/2006<br />

• Information Pricing, SS 2006<br />

• Supply Chain Management & Auktionen, SS 2006<br />

• Service Science. Management and Engineering, WS 2006/2007<br />

• Computer Online Game in Finance – Entwicklung eines browserbasierten Wirtschaftssimulationsspiels,<br />

WS 2006/2007<br />

• Automatisierte Verhandlungen <strong>und</strong> Algorithmen, SS 2007<br />

• Energie <strong>und</strong> Märkte, WS 2007/2008<br />

• Mobilfunk <strong>und</strong> Telekommunikation, WS 2007/2008<br />

Tutorien Vorlesungen<br />

• Tutorium (50 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Gr<strong>und</strong>züge der <strong>Informationswirtschaft</strong>“,<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Prof. Weinhardt, Wintersemester 2000/2001<br />

• Tutorium (50 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Gr<strong>und</strong>züge der <strong>Informationswirtschaft</strong>“<br />

(Hälfte der Termine), Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Prof. Weinhardt, Wintersemester<br />

2001/2002<br />

• Tutorium (50 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Gr<strong>und</strong>züge der <strong>Informationswirtschaft</strong>“<br />

(Hälfte der Termine), Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Prof. Weinhardt, Wintersemester<br />

2002/2003<br />

• Tutorium (15 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Koordination <strong>und</strong> Netzwerkeffekte im<br />

eBusiness“, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Prof. Weinhardt, Sommersemester 2002<br />

• Tutorium (15 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Koordination <strong>und</strong> Netzwerkeffekte im<br />

eBusiness“, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), (Hälfte der Termine) Prof. Weinhardt, Sommersemester<br />

2003<br />

• Zwei Tutorien (je 25 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Wirtschaftsinformatik I“, Justus-<br />

Liebig-Universität Gießen, Prof. Weinhardt, Wintersemester 1996/1997<br />

• Drei Tutorien (je 25 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Wirtschaftsinformatik I“, Justus-<br />

Liebig-Universität Gießen, Prof. Weinhardt, Wintersemester 1997/1998<br />

• Zwei Tutorien (je 25 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Wirtschaftsinformatik I“, Justus-<br />

Liebig-Universität Gießen, Prof. Weinhardt, Wintersemester 1999/2000<br />


• Ein Tutorium (19 Teilnehmer) zur Vorlesung „Einführung in die BWL“, Justus-<br />

Liebig-Universität Gießen, Prof. Glaum, (3 Termine) Wintersemester 2000/2001<br />

Betreute Diplomarbeiten<br />

• Dr. Bjoern Schnizler, Iterative Kombinatorische Auktionen – iB<strong>und</strong>le vs. SAAPB. Abgabe<br />

im Dezember 2003 (Von 2004-2007 Assistent am Lehrstuhl Prof. Weinhardt), Note:<br />

1,3.<br />

• Thorsten Bendrich, Computational Mechanism Design im Umfeld kombinatorischer<br />

Auktionen. Abgabe im Januar 2004, Note: 2,0.<br />

• Dr. Henner Gimpel, Auktionsverfahren im Aktienprimärmarkt – Experimentelle Evaluierung<br />

der Informationseffizienz. Abgabe im Mai 2003. Ausgezeichnet mit dem 1.<br />

Hochschulpreis 2003 des Deutschen Aktieninstituts (DAI) in der Kategorie Diplomarbeiten.<br />

(Von 2003-2007 Assistent am Lehrstuhl Prof. Weinhardt), Note: 1,0.<br />

• Dr. Daniel Rolli, Eine dynamische Workflow-Standard-Erweiterung im Hinblick auf die<br />

Steuerung elektronischer kombinierter Verhandlungen. Abgabe im März 2003 (von<br />

2003-2006 Assistent am Lehrstuhl Prof. Weinhardt), Note: 1,3.<br />

• Tunc Berdan, Auctions versus Negotiations in Procurement., an der Concordia University,<br />

Montreal in Kooperation mit Gregory Kersten. Abgabe im März 2006, Note: 1,3.<br />

• Christoph Goebel, Securing Interdomain Routing: An Incentive Analysis, an der Carnegie<br />

Mellon University, Pittsburg in Kooperation mit Ramayya Krishnan. Abgabe im<br />

Juli 2006. (Seit 10/2006 Assistent am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Günther, Humboldt Universität<br />

Berlin), Note: 1,0.<br />

• Jochen Stoesser, Generic Market Platforms: Adaption and Application of meet2trade to<br />

Emissions Trading, an der University of Newsouth Wales, Sydney in Kooperation mit<br />

Fethi Rabhi. Abgabe im Juli 2006 (Seit 09/2006 Assistent am Lehrstuhl Prof. Weinhardt),<br />

Note: 1,3.<br />

• Kai Beckhaus, Innovation in Value Chain Management, in Kooperation mit AT Kearney,<br />

Abgabe im März 2007, Note 1,0.<br />

• Sibylle Stacklies, Innovation in Value Chain Management, in Kooperation mit AT<br />

Kearney, Abgabe im April 2007, Note 1,0.<br />

• Christian Wiedenhoff, Einflussgrößen innerhalb der Transportplanung auf eine gesamtkostenminimale<br />

Gestaltung des Logistiksystems Audi Neckarsulm, in Kooperation<br />

mit Audi AG. Abgabe im Januar 2007, Note 1,3.<br />

• Thorsten Hau, An Allocation Scheme for the Retail Business – How Auctions Can Ensure<br />

Allocative Efficiency, in Kooperation mit Lux International. Abgabe im Dezember<br />

2006 (Seit 01/2007 Assistent am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Brenner, St. Gallen), Note:<br />

1,0.<br />

• Lutz Jansen, Information Management Design Decomposition, in Kooperation mit ETH<br />

Zürich <strong>und</strong> Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), Abgabe im Dezember 2006, Note:<br />

1,3.<br />

• Christine Rössle, Decentralized Online Resource Allocation for Dynamic Web Service<br />

Applications, bei SUN Singapur <strong>und</strong> Nanyang Technological University in Kooperation<br />

mit Simon See, Abgabe im Juni 2007, Note: 1,3.<br />

• Philipp Bodenbenner, Pay-your-Bid Mechanisms for Resource Allocation in Grids, bei<br />

SUN Singapur <strong>und</strong> Nanyang Technological University in Kooperation mit Simon<br />

See, Abgabe im Juni 2007, Note: 1,0.<br />


• Marius Romanescu, Product delivery to Customers using company-internal Markets,<br />

Abgabe im April 2007, Note: 1,0.<br />

• Benno Schwaiger, Das Similarity-based-Cost-Estimation Verfahren zur Schätzung der<br />

IT-Kosten bei Kooperationen, in Kooperation mit BMW, Abgabe im August 2007.<br />

• Christian Schaub, Efficient Management of Information Resources Over Ad-Hoc Data<br />

Grids, laufend, an der University of Newsouth Wales, Sydney in Kooperation mit Fethi<br />

Rabhi.<br />

• Philip Caune, Evaluating different Market Mechanisms in Grids, laufend, an der Singapure<br />

Management University (SMU), Singapore in Kooperation mit Steven Miller.<br />

• Tim Püschel, Economically Enhanced Resource Management, laufend, am Barcelona<br />

Supercomputing Center (BSC), Barcelona in Kooperation mit Jordi Torres.<br />

• Michael Becker, Risk Management in Grids, laufend, an der Cardiff University, Wales<br />

in Kooperation mit Omer Rana.<br />

• Melanie Mossmann, Combinatorial Auctions in Grids, laufend, bei France Telecom‚<br />

Paris, Frankreich in Kooperation mit Ruby Krishnaswamy.<br />

• Matthias Deindl, Agent-Based Demand Management in Micro Energy Grids, laufend,<br />

an der Concordia University, Montreal in Kooperation mit Rustam Vahidov.<br />

• Tobias Heitfeld, Situated Decision Support Systems for Complex Services, laufend, an<br />

der Concordia University, Montreal in Kooperation mit Rustam Vahidov.<br />

5. Forschungsschwerpunkt <strong>und</strong> Drittmittel<br />

Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte<br />

• Grid Computing <strong>und</strong> Internet Economics<br />

• Marktmechanismen in verteilten Netzen<br />

• Peer-to-Peer Economics<br />

• IT-Service-Management<br />

• Business Service Management<br />

• Autonomic Computing<br />

• Virtuelle Währungssysteme<br />

• Incentive Engineering <strong>und</strong> Service Science<br />

• Anreizgestaltung in kooperativen Systemen <strong>und</strong> Netzwerken<br />

• Geschäftsmodelle<br />

• Prozess<strong>management</strong>/ Kontinuierliche Verbesserungsprozesse<br />

• Situated Negotiation Support Systeme<br />

• Supply Chain Management <strong>und</strong> Market Engineering<br />

• Koordination in Wertschöpfungsnetzen<br />

• eProcurement Mechanismen<br />

• Anwendungen des Operation Research<br />


Laufende Forschungsprojekte<br />

1/8 Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management (SORMA)<br />

Förderung<br />

EU FP 6 IST 5th Call als STREP<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.08.2006 – 31.07.2008<br />

Beantragtes 2.700.000,00 €<br />

Gesamtvolumen<br />

Beantragter 609.034,63 €<br />

eigener Anteil<br />

Persönliche Rolle Koordinator/Projektmanager<br />

Projektpartner Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe<br />

Cardiff University, Großbritannien<br />

Swedish <strong>Institut</strong>e of Computer Science, Schweden<br />

Research Center at the BFM Bayreuth<br />

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spanien<br />

University of Reading, Großbritannien<br />

Hebrew University, Israel<br />

Sun Microsystems, Singapur<br />

Correlation Systems, Israel<br />

TXT e-Solutions, Italien<br />

Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spanien<br />

Kurzbeschreibung Konzeption, Implementierung <strong>und</strong> Einführung eines Open Grid<br />

Marktes für Grid Ressourcen.<br />

Webseite: http://www.sorma-project.eu/<br />

2/8 Billing the Grid<br />

Förderung<br />

Gefördert von der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg als Landesschwerpunktprogramm<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.11.2005 – 31.10.2007<br />

Gesamtvolumen 280.000,00 €<br />

Eigener Anteil 70.000,00 €<br />

Persönliche Rolle<br />

Projektpartner<br />

Kurzbeschreibung<br />

Projektleiter<br />

Universität Karlsruhe (TH)<br />

Konzeption <strong>und</strong> Implementierung von Zahlungs- <strong>und</strong> Abrechnungsfunktionalitäten<br />

für Grids im universitären Bereich.<br />

Webseite: http://www.billing-the-grid.org/<br />

3/8 Efficient Management of Information Resources Over Ad-Hoc Data Grids<br />

(ADAGE)<br />

Förderung<br />

DEST-ISL Competitive Grants Programme – Australien<br />

Ergänzungsantrag zu SORMA<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.01.2007 – 31.12.2008<br />

Gesamtvolumen 812.863,00 $<br />

Eigener Anteil 16.000,00 $<br />

Persönliche Rolle<br />

Projektpartner<br />

Workpackage Leader<br />

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australien<br />

University of Sydney, Australien<br />

SIRCA, Australien<br />

Cardiff University, Großbritannien<br />

University of Lyon, Frankreich<br />


Kurzbeschreibung<br />

Vienna University of Technology, Österreich<br />

Das Ergänzungsprojekt zu SORMA zielt darauf ab, effiziente<br />

Methoden <strong>und</strong> Technologien für ad-hoc Data Grids zu entwickeln.<br />

Webseite: http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~soc/adage/<br />

4/8 Selbstorganisation <strong>und</strong> Spontaneität in liberalisierten <strong>und</strong> harmonisierten Märkten<br />

(SESAM)<br />

Förderung<br />

BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunktprogramm "Internetökonomie"<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.07.2003 – 31.09.2007<br />

Gesamtvolumen 3.063.927,00 €<br />

Eigener Anteil 63.170,34 € (p.a)<br />

Persönliche Rolle Projektverantwortlicher am <strong>Institut</strong><br />

Projektpartner ---<br />

Kurzbeschreibung Das interdisziplinäre Projekt “SESAM” bietet Infrastruktur <strong>und</strong><br />

ökonomische Mechanismen, um einen dezentralen Energiehandel<br />

zu ermöglichen.<br />

Webseite: http://www.sesam.uni-karlsruhe.de/<br />

5/8 Electronic Negotiations, Media and Transactions for Socio-Economic Interactions<br />

Förderung<br />

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada<br />

(SSHRC)<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.04.2002 – 30.10.2007<br />

Eigener Anteil ca. 12.000,00 €<br />

Persönliche Rolle Projektverantwortlicher am <strong>Institut</strong><br />

Projektpartner Concordia University Montreal, Kanada<br />

University of Ottawa, Kanada<br />

McMasters University, Hamilton, Kanada<br />

University of Hawaii, USA<br />

TU München<br />

Universität Wien, Österreich<br />

University of Taiwan, Taiwan<br />

Kurzbeschreibung Analyse der Auswirkung von e-Negotiation-Protokollen auf das<br />

Verhalten menschlicher Verhandlungsführer. Design geeigneter<br />

e-Negotiation-Protokolle in verschiedenen Szenarien.<br />

Webseite: http://interneg.concordia.ca/enegotiation/index.html<br />

6/8 Georgia Tech Austauschprogramm<br />

Förderung<br />

ISAP Programm, DAAD<br />

Förderzeitraum 21.08.2006 – 03.08.2007<br />

Gesamtvolumen ca. 30.650,00 €<br />

Eigener Anteil ca. 30.650,00 €<br />

Persönliche Rolle Projektleiter<br />

Projektpartner Georgia <strong>Institut</strong>e of Technology, Atlanta<br />

Kurzbeschreibung Studentenaustausch mit dem Computer Science Department der<br />

Georgia Tech. Jährlicher Austausch von 3 Karlsruher Studenten<br />

im Master Programm.<br />

Webseite:<br />

http://www.wiwi.uni-<br />


karlsruhe.de/studium/auslandstudium/bewerbung.html<br />

7/8 CatNets<br />

Förderung<br />

EU IST FET Open als STREP<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.09.2004 – 30.08.2007<br />

Gesamtvolumen 1.414.000,00 €<br />

Eigener Anteil 284.275,00 €<br />

Persönliche Rolle Projektmitarbeiter<br />

Projektpartner Universität Bayreuth<br />

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunia, Spanien<br />

Universita delle merche Ancona, Italien<br />

University of Cardiff, Großbritannien<br />

ITC-irst Treno, Italien<br />

Universität Mannheim<br />

Kurzbeschreibung Untersuchung von dezentralen versus zentralen Marktmechanismen<br />

in Grid Märkten.<br />

Webseite: http://www.catnets.org/<br />

8/8 Moving Business to the Grid – An Application for the Automotive Industry<br />

(Biz2Grid)<br />

Förderung<br />

BMBF Projekt<br />

Förderzeitraum 01.06.2007 – 31.05.2010<br />

Gesamtvolumen 1.180.000,00 €<br />

Eigener Anteil 401.052,00 €<br />

Persönliche Rolle Projektmitarbeiter/Antragsteller<br />

Projektpartner Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe<br />

BMW München<br />

IBM Deutschland GmbH<br />

Philipps-Universität Marburg<br />

Webseite: http://www.biz2grid.de/<br />

6. Gutachtertätikeiten<br />

Begutachtung von Beiträgen der Zeitschriften:<br />

• Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Expertise<br />

• International Journal of Electronic Markets<br />

• Journal of Grid Computing<br />

• Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation<br />

• Journal of Managament Information Systems (JMIS)<br />

• Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce<br />

• Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

Begutachtung von Beiträgen der Konferenzen <strong>und</strong> Workshops:<br />

• Agent-based Grid Computing Workshop<br />

• Cooperative Information Systems<br />

• EC-Web Conference<br />


• ECIS<br />

• EuroSys<br />

• Gecon Workshop<br />

• Grid Economics Workshop<br />

• HICSS<br />

• Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

• Wirtschaftsinformatik Tagung<br />

• Workshop on eBusiness – ICIS Pre-Conference<br />

Enagagement in internationalen Veranstaltungen<br />

• Chair des Workshops "Economic Models for Distributed System", im Rahmen der Mardigras<br />

Conference 2008, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee an der Konferenz "EC Web Conference", 2008<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee der Teilkonferenz "Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen<br />

des Grid Computing" im Rahmen der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

2008 (MKWI '08), in München, 26.-28. Februar 2008.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee der Teilkonferenz "Märkte <strong>und</strong> Geschäftsmodelle<br />

für Service-orientiertes Computing <strong>und</strong> Grid-Netzwerke" im Rahmen der Multikonferenz<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008 (MKWI '08), in München, 26.-28. Februar 2008.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee an der Konferenz “Group Decision and Negotiation”,<br />

Coimbra, Portugal, 2008.<br />

• Chair des Workshops "Economic Models and Algorithms in Grid System", im Rahmen<br />

der Grid 2007, Austin, Texas.<br />

• Tutorial Chair an der Wirtschaftsinformatik Konferenz WI 2007 “eOrganisation: Service-,<br />

Process-, Market-Engineering” Karlsruhe, 2007.<br />

• Track Chair der Session “Autonomous Bidding Agents for Auctions and Negotiations”<br />

im Rahmen der Group Decision and Negotiation Konferenz (GDN07) in Montreal.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am Workshop "Grid Economics and Business Models"<br />

(Gecon 2007), Rennes, Frankreich, 2007.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee an der Konferenz “Group Decision and Negotiation”,<br />

Montreal, Kanada, 2007.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am Workshop "FinanceCom" im Rahmen der ICIS,<br />

Montreal, Kanada 2007.<br />

• Invited Speaker für das Tutorial “P2P – Technical and Economic Fo<strong>und</strong>ations” zusammen<br />

mit Prof. Dr. Klemens Böhm im Rahmen der 7th International IEEE Conference<br />

on E-Commerce Technology, München 21. Juli 2005.<br />

• Mitglied des CT1 Technical Collaboration Steering Committee der Europäischen<br />

Kommission für den Bereich Grid Computing.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee an der Konferenz "EC Web Conference", 2007<br />


• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am Workshop "Agent-based Grid Computing" for<br />

7 th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid07) in<br />

Rio de Janeiro, Mai 2007.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee der Konferenz "Group Decision and Negotiation“<br />

(GDN07) in Montreal.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am Workshop "Agent-based Grid Computing" im<br />

Rahmen der 6 th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid<br />

(CCGrid06) in Singapore, 16. – 19. Mai 2006.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am Track "Business Applications of P2P and Grid<br />

Computing" for Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006 (MKWI '06), in Passau, 20.<br />

– 22. Februar 2006.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am "4th Workshop on Grid Economics & Business<br />

Models for Grid” im Rahmen der Grid Asia Konferenz 2006, in Singapore, 16. Mai<br />

2006.<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee der Konferenz "EC Web Conference", 2006<br />

• Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee am Workshop "Smart Grid Technologies“ (SGT06),<br />

Dublin, Ireland,<br />

• Eingeladener Teilnehmer für das Dagstuhl Seminar “Electronic Market Design” im Juli<br />

2002. These workshops consist of gatherings of leading experts in one research area for<br />

a week at the Dagstuhl Castle in Germany. Participation is by invitation only.<br />

• Eingeladener Teilnehmer für das Dagstuhl Seminar “Market and Negotiation Engineering”<br />

im November 2006. These workshops consist of gatherings of leading experts in<br />

one research area for a week at the Dagstuhl Castle in Germany. Participation is by invitation<br />

only<br />

• Organisation des Habilitanden Workshop im November 2005, in Schloss Rauischholzhausen<br />

Schriftenverzeichnis<br />

Beiträge in referierten Fachzeitschriften<br />

• D. Neumann, J. Stoesser, C. Weinhardt (2008): Briding the Adoption Gap – Developing<br />

a Roadmap for Trading Grids, Electronic Markets – The International Journal, 18(1),<br />

(akzeptiert am 26. August 2007), forthcoming.<br />

• B. Schnizler, D. Neumann, D. Veit, Ch. Weinhardt: A Multi-attribute Combinatorial<br />

Exchange for Trading Grid Services, European Journal of Operational Research<br />

(EJOR), (akzeptiert am 04. November 2006), forthcoming<br />

• C. Weinhardt, D. Neumann, C. Holtmann (2006) Computer Aided Market Engineering,<br />

Communications of the ACM, 49(7): 79.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Orwat, C. Holtmann (2006) Grid Economics, Wirtschaftsinformatik,<br />

48(3): 206-209<br />

• Ch. Weinhardt, B. Weber, D. Neumann, T. Hendershott, R. Schwartz (2006) Financial<br />

Market Engineering, Electronic Markets – The International Journal, 16(2), 98-100<br />


• D. Rolli, M. Conrad, D. Neumann, C. Sorge (2006) Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction<br />

– A Cryptographic Approach, Wirtschaftsinformatik, 48(1): 7-15.<br />

• T. Eymann, O. Ardaiz, M. Catalano, P. Chacin, I. Chao, F. Freitag, M. Gallegati, G.<br />

Giulioni, L. Joita, L. Navarro, D. Neumann, O. Rana, M. Reinicke, R. Schiaffino, B.<br />

Schnizler, W. Streitberger, D. Veit, F. Zini (2006), Catallaxy-based Grid Markets, Multi-Agent<br />

Systems and Grid, Special Issue on Smart Grid Technologies & Market Models,<br />

1(4): 297 - 307<br />

• Ch. Weinhardt, C. Holtmann, D. Neumann (2003) Market Engineering, Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

45(6): 635-640<br />

• D. Neumann, M. Benyoucef, S. Bassil, J. Vachon (2003) Applying the Montreal Taxonomy<br />

to State of the Art E-Negotiation Systems, Group Decision and Negotiation<br />

12(4): 287-310<br />

• C. Lattemann, D. Neumann (2002) Clearing <strong>und</strong> Settlement im Wandel – Eine Perspektive<br />

für den europäischen Wertpapierhandel, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Kreditwirtschaft:<br />

1159-1164.<br />

• M. Budimir, C. Holtmann, D. Neumann (2001) Design of a Best Execution Market,<br />

Revue Bancaire et Financière/Bank en Financiewezen: 66(2-3): 138-146.<br />

Monographien<br />

• D. Neumann (2007) Market Engineering - A Structured Design Process for Electronic<br />

Markets, in Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe<br />

Referierte Konferenzbeiträge<br />

1. J. Stoesser, D. Neumann, C. Weinhardt, Market-Based Pricing in Grids: On Strategic<br />

Manipulation and Computational Cost, Journal of AIS Sponsored Theory Development<br />

Workshop, Montreal, Canada.<br />

2. G. Kersten, E. Chen, D. Neumann, R. Vahidov, Technology Assessment and Comparison:<br />

The Case of Auction and E-negotiation Systems, Journal of AIS Sponsored Theory<br />

Development Workshop, Montreal, Canada.<br />

3. R. Vahidov, D. Neumann, Situated Decision Support for Service Level Agreement Negotiations,<br />

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), 7-10<br />

Januar 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii.<br />

4. J. Stoesser, P. Bodenbenner, S. See, D. Neumann, A Discriminatory Pay-as-Bid Mechanism<br />

for Efficient Scheduling in the Sun N1 Grid Engine, Hawaii International Conference<br />

on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), 7-10 Januar 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii.<br />

5. C. Block, D. Neumann, C. Weinhardt, A Market Mechanism for Energy Allocation in<br />

Micro-CHP Grids, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008),<br />

7-10 Januar 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii.<br />

6. M. Becker, N. Borissov, V. Deora, O. Rana, D. Neumann, Using k-pricing for Penalty<br />

Calculation in Grid Markets, , Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences<br />

(HICSS 2008), 7-10 Januar 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii.<br />


7. R. Riordan, B. Blau, C. Weinhardt, D. Neumann, Collaborative Continuous Service<br />

Engineering, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), 7-10<br />

Januar 2008, Waikoloa, Hawaii.<br />

8. T. Püschel, N. Borissov, M. Macias, D. Neumann, J. Guitart, J. Torres, Economically<br />

Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities, The 8th International<br />

Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2007), 3-7 Dezember<br />

2007, Nancy, France.<br />

• J. Stoesser, D. Neumann, GreedEx – A Scalable Clearing Mechanism for Utility Computing,<br />

Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC) 2007, 18-<br />

21 October 2007, Riva Del Garda, Italy.<br />

• L. Amar, J. Stoesser, A. Barak, D. Neumann, Economically Enhanced MOSIX for Market-based<br />

Scheduling in Grid OS, Workshop on Economic Models and Algorithms for<br />

Grid Systems (EMAGS) 2007, 19 - 21 September 2007, Austin, USA.<br />

• T. Püschel, N. Borissov, D. Neumann, M. Macías, J. Guitart, J. Torres, Extended Resource<br />

Management Using Client Classification and Economic Enhancements, eChallenges<br />

e-2007 Conference, 24-26 October 2007, The Hague, Netherlands.<br />

• J. Stoesser, C. Roessle, D. Neumann, Decentralized Online Ressource Allocation for<br />

Dynamic Web Service Applications, IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology<br />

(CEC'07) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE '07), 23-26<br />

July 2007, Tokyo, Japan.<br />

• D. Neumann, J. Stoesser, C. Weinhardt, Bridging the Grid Adoption Gap – Developing<br />

a Roadmap for Trading Grids, 20th Bled eConference, Merging and Emerging Technologies,<br />

Processes, and <strong>Institut</strong>ions, June 4-6, 2007, Bled, Slovenia – Best Theme Paper<br />

Award.<br />

• A. Anandasivam, D. Neumann, C. Weinhardt, Rightsizing of Incentives for collaborative<br />

e-Science Grid Applications with TES, 20th Bled eConference, Merging and<br />

Emerging Technologies, Processes, and <strong>Institut</strong>ions, June 4-6, 2007, Bled, Slovenia.<br />

• P. Bodenbenner, J. Stoesser, D. Neumann, A Pay-as-Bid Mechanism for Pricing Utility<br />

Computing, 20th Bled eConference, Merging and Emerging Technologies, Processes,<br />

and <strong>Institut</strong>ions, June 4-6, 2007, Bled, Slovenia.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Block, C. Weinhardt, Y. Karabulut, Knowledge-Driven Selection of<br />

Market Mechanisms in e-Procurement, European Conference on Information Systems<br />

(ECIS) 2007.<br />

• J. Stoesser, D. Neumann, A. Anandasivam, A Truthful Heuristic for Efficient Scheduling<br />

in Network-centric Grid OS, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)<br />

2007.<br />

• D. Neumann, J. Stoesser, A. Anandasivam, N. Borissov, SORMA – Building an Open<br />

Grid Market for Grid Resource Allocation, The 4th International Workshop on Grid<br />

Economics and Business Models (GECON 2007), 28 August 2007, Rennes, France.<br />

• D. Neumann, B. Schnizler, I. Weber, Ch. Weinhardt, Second Best Combinatorial Auctions<br />

– The Pricing-Per-Column Auction, Hawaiian International Conference of System<br />

Sciences (HICSS) 2007.<br />

• A. Anandasivam, D. Neumann, Token Exchange System as incentive mechanism for<br />

the e-Science Grid community, Workshop on Agents for Grid Computing 2007<br />

(AGC2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.<br />


• E. Chen, G. Kersten, D. Neumann, R. Vahidov, C. Weinhardt, B. Yu, A Framework for<br />

E-market System Assessment and Design, Group Decision and Negotiation, 2007,<br />

Montreal, Kanada.<br />

• K. Kolitz, D. Neumann, The Impact of Information System Design on eMarketplaces –<br />

An Experimental Analysis, Group Decision and Negotiation, 2007, Montreal, Kanada.<br />

• D. Neumann, Engineering Grid Markets, N. Jennings, G. Kersten, A. Ockenfels, C.<br />

Weinhardt (Eds.): Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06461 Negotiation and Market Engineering,<br />

2006, Internationales Begegnungs- <strong>und</strong> Forschungszentrum (IBFI), Schloss<br />

Dagstuhl, Germany.<br />

• G. Kersten, E. Chen, D. Neumann, R. Vahidov, C. Weinhardt, On Comparison of Mechanisms<br />

of Economic and Social Exchanges: The Times Model N. Jennings, G. Kersten,<br />

A. Ockenfels, C. Weinhardt (Eds.): Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06461 Negotiation<br />

and Market Engineering, Internationales Begegnungs- <strong>und</strong> Forschungszentrum<br />

(IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2006.<br />

• D. Neumann, Self-Organizing ICT Resource Management – Policy-based Automated<br />

Bidding, eChallenges e-2006 Conference, Barcelona.<br />

• J. Stoesser, A. Anandasivam, N. Borissov, D. Neumann, Economic Virtualization of<br />

ICT Infrastructures, Cracow Grid Workshop 2006.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Holtmann, Ch. Weinhardt, Using Blueprints for Engineering Electronic<br />

Market Services, The First International Workshop on Service Intelligence and Service<br />

Science (SISS 2006), October 17, 2006, Hong Kong.<br />

• D. Neumann, S. Lamparter, B. Schnizler, Automated Bidding for Trading Grid Resources,<br />

European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2006, Göteborg.<br />

• B. Schnizler, D. Neumann, D. Veit, Ch. Weinhardt, Moving Markets to the Grid, 68.<br />

wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft,<br />

2006, Dresden.<br />

• T. Eymann, D. Neumann, M. Reinicke, B. Schnizler, W. Streitberger, D. Veit, On the<br />

Design of a Two-Tiered Grid Market Structure, Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik,<br />

2006, Passau.<br />

9. M. Kunzelmann, D. Neumann and C. Weinhardt, Zwischen Limit <strong>und</strong> Market Order,<br />

10th Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance, 2005, Karlsruhe.<br />

10. D. Rolli, M. Conrad, D. Neumann, C. Sorge, An Asynchronous and Secure Ascending<br />

Peer-to-Peer Auction, ACM SIGCOMM'05 Workshop on the Economics of Peer-to-Peer<br />

Systems, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.<br />

• D. Neumann, B. Schnizler, Transforming Auction Mechanisms into Protocols, Group<br />

Decision and Negotiation, 2005, Vienna, Austria.<br />

11. B. Schnizler, D. Neumann, D. Veit, C. Weinhardt, A Multiattribute Combinatorial Exchange<br />

for Trading Grid Resources Proceedings of the 12th Research Symposium on<br />

Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM), 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands.<br />

12. D. Neumann, J. Maekioe, C. Weinhardt, CAME – A Toolset for Configuring Electronic<br />

Markets, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2005, Regensburg.<br />

• B. Schnizler, D. Neumann, C.Weinhardt, Resource Allocation in Computational Grids –<br />

A Market Engineering Approach, Proceedings of the Workshop on eBusiness (WeB<br />

2004) – ICIS Pre-conference, Washington.<br />


• D. Rolli, D. Neumann, C. Weinhardt, A Minimal Market Model in Ephemeral Markets,<br />

Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Theory Building and Formal Methods in<br />

Electronic/Mobile Commerce (TheFormEMC), Toledo, 2004, Spain.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Holtmann, Embodiment Design in Market Engineering, Proceedings of<br />

the Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2004), Dublin, Irland,<br />

S. 85-96.<br />

• D. Neumann, Market Engineering - A Structured Design Process for Electronic Markets<br />

Dissertation, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2004, Universität Karlsruhe.<br />

• C. Holtmann, D. Neumann, Market and Firm - Two Sides of a Coin, Proceedings of the<br />

10th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2003), Bremen.<br />

• C. Holtmann, D. Neumann, Konzeption eines Bezugsrahmens für die interdisziplinäre<br />

Analyse <strong>und</strong> Gestaltung elektronischer Märkte, 65. wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung des<br />

Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, 2003, Zürich.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Holtmann, T. Honekamp, Market Integration and Metamediation:<br />

Perspectives for Neutral B2B E-Commerce Hubs in: Ch. Weinhardt, C. Holtmann<br />

(Hrsg.) E-Commerce - Netze, Märkte, Technologien, 2002, Physica, Heidelberg, S. 67-<br />

86.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Holtmann, H. Gimpel, Ch. Weinhardt, Agent-based bidding in Electronic<br />

Markets – A Prototypical Approach J. Monteiro, P. M. C. Swatman <strong>und</strong> L. V.<br />

Tavares (Hrsg.) Towards the Knowledge Society: e-Commerce, e-Business and e-<br />

Government, 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers, S.553-567.<br />

• D. Neumann, C. Holtmann, H. Weltzien, C. Lattemann, Ch. Weinhardt, Towards a Generic<br />

E-Market Design J. Monteiro, P. M. C. Swatman <strong>und</strong> L. V. Tavares (Hrsg.) Towards<br />

the Knowledge Society: e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government, 2002,<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers, S. 289-305.<br />

• D. Neumann, Ch. Weinhardt, Domain-independent eNegotiation Design: Prospects,<br />

Methods, and Challenges In Proceedings of the 3rd DEXA Workshop e-Negotiations,<br />

2002, Aix-en-Provence, France, S.680-684.<br />

Sonstige Beiträge<br />

1. D. Neumann, Engineering Grid Markets, in H. Gimpel, N.R. Jennings, G. Kersten, A.<br />

Ockenfels, C. Weinhardt (Hrsg), 2008 Negotiation and Market Engineering, Lecture<br />

Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer.<br />

2. G. Kersten, R. Kowalczyk, H. Lai, D. Neumann, M. Chhetri, Shaman: Software and<br />

Human Agents in Multiattribute Auctions and Negotiations, in H. Gimpel, N.R.<br />

Jennings, G. Kersten, A. Ockenfels, C. Weinhardt (Hrsg), 2008 Negotiation and Market<br />

Engineering, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer.<br />

3. G. Kersten, E. Chen, D. Neumann, R. Vahidov, C. Weinhardt, On Comparison of<br />

Mechanisms of Economic and Social Exchanges: The Times Model, in H. Gimpel, N.R.<br />

Jennings, G. Kersten, A. Ockenfels, C. Weinhardt (Hrsg), 2008 Negotiation and Market<br />

Engineering, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Springer.<br />

4. C. Block, D. Neumann, A Decision Support System for choosing Market Mechanisms<br />

in e-Procurement, in H. Gimpel, N.R. Jennings, G. Kersten, A. Ockenfels, C. Weinhardt<br />


(Hrsg), 2008 Negotiation and Market Engineering, Lecture Notes in Business Information<br />

Processing (LNBIP), Springer.<br />

5. D. Neumann, D. Veit, C. Weinhardt, Grid Economics: Market Mechanisms for Grid<br />

Markets. Grid Computing: Konzepte, Technologien, Anwendungen. T. Barth and A.<br />

Schüll ‘(‘Hrsg), 2006, Viehweg Verlag: 64-83.<br />

6. Weinhardt, C., D. Neumann, M. Kunzelmann, Design <strong>und</strong> Evaluierung von Relative<br />

Orders zur Reduktion impliziter Transaktionskosten, in W. Bessler (Hrsg), 2006 Börsen,<br />

Banken <strong>und</strong> Kapitalmärkte, 205-226.<br />

7. D. Neumann, I. Weber, Market Engineering and the PPC-Auction, CORS/INFORMS<br />

Joint International Meeting, May 19-22 2004, The Banff Center, Banff, Alberta, Kanada.<br />

8. C. Holtmann, D. Neumann, Ch. Weinhardt, e-Commerce im Wertpapierhandel – Der<br />

private Investor im Fokus, Branchengutachten im Auftrag des Deutschen B<strong>und</strong>estags,<br />

2001, im Rahmen des TAB-Projekts "e-Commerce", 2. Phase, vorgelegt dem Büro für<br />

Technikfolgenabschätzung (TAB) beim Deutschen B<strong>und</strong>estag, Berlin.<br />


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