A Novel Two-Stage Cultivation Method to Optimize Carbon ...

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A Novel Two-Stage Cultivation Method to Optimize Carbon ...


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Folia Microbiol. 54 (2), 142–146 (2009)<br />

http://www.biomed.cas.cz/mbu/folia/<br />

A <strong>Novel</strong> <strong>Two</strong>-<strong>Stage</strong> <strong>Cultivation</strong> <strong>Method</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Optimize</strong><br />

<strong>Carbon</strong> Concentration and <strong>Carbon</strong>-<strong>to</strong>-Nitrogen Ratio<br />

for Sporulation of Biocontrol Fungi<br />

L. GAO a,b , X.Z. LIU a *<br />

a Key Labora<strong>to</strong>ry of Systematic Mycology and Lichenology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,<br />

Chaoyang District, Beijing 100 010, P.R. China<br />

fax +86 10 6480 7505<br />

e-mail liuxz@im.ac.cn<br />

b State Key Labora<strong>to</strong>ry for Biology of Plant Disease and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection,<br />

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100 193, P.R. China<br />

Received 2 July 2008<br />

Revised version 1 December 2008<br />

ABSTRACT. A two-stage solid cultivation method was used <strong>to</strong> determine the precise requirements of carbon<br />

concentration (1–16 g/L) and C : N ratio (0.625 : 1 <strong>to</strong> 80 : 1) for the sporulation of six biocontrol fungi.<br />

The C concentration and C : N ratio producing the highest conidia yield were 1 g/L and 5 : 1 for Paecilomyces<br />

lilacinus IPC-P; 2 g/L and 10 : 1 for P. lilacinus M-14; 16 g/L and 80 : 1 for Metarhizium anisopliae<br />

SQZ-1-21; 4 g/L and 5 : 1 for M. anisopliae RS-4-1 and Lecanicillium lecanii CA-1-G; and 2 g/L and 10 : 1<br />

for Trichoderma viride TV-1. Sporulation was more affected by C : N ratio than by C and N concentration<br />

per se. More spores per colony were produced by the two-stage method than by a conventional, single-stage<br />

cultivation method. These results should be useful for improving the mass production of these biocontrol<br />

agents.<br />

Abbreviations<br />

CC continuous cultivation TC two-stage (solid) cultivation<br />

LSD least significant difference PDA pota<strong>to</strong> dextrose agar<br />

Lecanicillium lecanii, Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces lilacinus, and Trichoderma viride have<br />

been extensively studied as promising biocontrol agents (Ekbom 1979; Papavizas 1985; Mittal et al. 1995;<br />

Arthurs and Thomas 2001; Azaizeh et al. 2002; Sun and Liu 2006), and some have been commercialized<br />

(Liu and Li 2004). Their mass-production at present is largely dependent on a two-phase system (Feng et al.<br />

1994), i.e., mycelium growth in liquid medium and sporulation on solid substrate. Solid incubation for sporulation,<br />

however, generally requires a long fermentation period and a large space relative <strong>to</strong> the quantity of<br />

spores produced (Jenkins et al. 1998). In view of these problems, many studies have been carried out <strong>to</strong> increase<br />

production efficiency by optimizing nutritional requirements and other cultivation conditions for sporulation<br />

(Walker and Riley 1982; Mortensen 1988; Weidemann 1988; Jackson and Slininger 1993).<br />

The C concentration is an important fac<strong>to</strong>r affecting fungal sporulation (Elson et al. 1998; Gao et<br />

al. 2007); our previous studies have measured the effects of numerous C sources (and N sources, vitamins<br />

and minerals) on mycelial growth and sporulation of biocontrol fungi (Sun and Liu 2006; our unpublished<br />

data). A lower C concentration usually increases sporulation of filamen<strong>to</strong>us fungi, and several researches<br />

have demonstrated that sporulation could be enhanced by the exhaustion of the saccharide source for Aspergillus<br />

niger (Galbraith and Smith 1969) or by the depletion of the N source for Aspergillus nidulans (Carter<br />

and Bull 1969). Pycnidia also formed more frequently when nutrient concentration was low (Nebane and<br />

Ekpo 1992; Xiao and Sit<strong>to</strong>n 2004). The phosphate, C, and N levels in liquid media significantly influenced<br />

blas<strong>to</strong>spore production of Beauveria bassiana (Thomas et al. 1987; Hegedus et al. 1990; Bosch and Yan<strong>to</strong>rno<br />

1999). The finding that media with high C concentration are unfavorable for conidia production may<br />

explain why some fungi produce relatively few conidia on PDA, which provides ≈10 g of C per L (Jackson<br />

and Bothast 1990). In some cases, however, media with a high C and N concentration support good sporulation<br />

of fungi, e.g., a medium with 80 g of glucose per L and 13.2 g of casamino acids per L resulted in a high<br />

blas<strong>to</strong>spore yield of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Jackson and Bothast 1990; Jackson and Schisler 1992).<br />

*Corresponding author.


The C : N ratio is another important fac<strong>to</strong>r affecting fungal sporulation (Elson et al. 1998; Gao et al.<br />

2007). Jackson and Bothast (1990) found that Colle<strong>to</strong>trichum truncatum produced more conidia in media<br />

with a C : N ratio of 15 : 1 than 40 : 1 or 5 : 1, and the biological control agent Talaromyces flavus produced<br />

more ascospores as the C : N ratio increased from 5 : 1 <strong>to</strong> 30 : 1 (Engelkes et al. 1997). However, higher<br />

C : N ratio or higher C concentration reduced sporulation of isolate HSND07 of Helminthosporium solani<br />

(Elson et al. 1998). However, Jackson et al. (1997) found that the blas<strong>to</strong>spore yields of P. fumosoroseus<br />

were insensitive <strong>to</strong> C : N ratio at 10 : 1, 30 : 1 or 40 : 1 at C concentration of 4 g/L. The optimal C : N ratio<br />

for sporulation depends on the fungal species and/or isolates.<br />

Traditionally, researchers used CC (continuous cultivation) on agar plates <strong>to</strong> investigate nutritional<br />

and other cultural requirements. With continuous growth on agar, however, the vegetative growth may<br />

deplete nutrients in the medium before sporulation takes place. Thus, the exact nutritional requirements for<br />

sporulation are unknown. To better understand how nutrition affects sporulation, we applied here a TC (twostage<br />

cultivation) method (Sun et al. 2009). In the first stage, fungi are grown for 4 d on an agar medium<br />

with a defined nutrient content. To induce sporulation, the colonies are then transferred <strong>to</strong> a second agar medium<br />

containing a wider range of known C concentration and C : N ratio.<br />


Fungi. Six isolates included three nema<strong>to</strong>phages (P. lilacinus M-14, P. lilacinus IPC-P, M. anisopliae<br />

SQZ-1-21), two en<strong>to</strong>mopathogens (M. anisopliae RS-4-1, L. lecanii CA-1-G), and a mycoparasite (Trichoderma<br />

viride TV-1). All fungi were deposited in the Center of General Microorganisms Culture Collection<br />

in the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Table I).<br />

Table I. Details of fungal isolates used<br />

Species<br />

Isolate<br />

Deposition<br />

no. CGMCC<br />

Host Location Isolated by<br />

Paecilomyces lilacinus IPC-P 3.10031 Meloidogyne incognita Lima, Peru P. Jatala<br />

P. lilacinus M-14 3.10032 Heterodera glycines Huanan County, Heilongjiang, China X.Z. Liu<br />

Metarhizium anisopliae SQZ-1-21 3.10033 Meloidogyne arenaria Qingzhou, Shandong, China M.H. Sun<br />

M. anisopliae RS-4-1 3.10035 soil a Jiangsu, China Z.A. Chen<br />

Lecaticillium lecanii CA-1-G 3.10036 Myzus persicae Fujian, China M. Xie<br />

Trichoderma viride TV-1 3.10038 Alternaria alternata Yunnan, China G. Wang<br />

a With Galleria mellonella baiting.<br />

For preparing homogeneous spore suspensions, each fungus was cultured on PDA (Oxoid, UK) plates<br />

at room temperature for 2 weeks. <strong>Two</strong> plugs ( 5.0 mm) of each isolate growing on PDA plates were<br />

transferred <strong>to</strong> 10 mL of sterile 500 ppm Tween 80 in a 50-mL centrifuge tube, and conidia were then suspended<br />

with a WH-861 vortex shaker (Koled, China). Conidia number was determined with a hemocy<strong>to</strong>meter<br />

and adjusted <strong>to</strong> 5 × 10 4 conidia per mL (Elson et al. 1998).<br />

Medium. One L of the basal medium contained 19 g of sucrose (equal <strong>to</strong> 8 g of C), 17 g of Bac<strong>to</strong><br />

(Difco) agar, 4 g of soy pep<strong>to</strong>ne (equal <strong>to</strong> 330 mg of N), 1 g of K 2 HPO 4 , 500 mg of KCl, 500 mg of MgSO 4 ,<br />

and 10 mg of FeSO 4 . C concentrations were adjusted with sucrose (42 % C) <strong>to</strong> 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 g/L; N concentrations<br />

were adjusted with soy pep<strong>to</strong>ne (8 % N) <strong>to</strong> 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6 g/L. The combinations of C and<br />

N concentrations resulted in C : N ratio ranging from 0.625 : 1 <strong>to</strong> 80 : 1.<br />

Determination of optimal carbon concentration and C : N ratio for sporulation. Sterile basal medium<br />

(15 mL) was poured in<strong>to</strong> plastic plates ( 90 mm; Miniplast, Israel). After agar solidified and 2 d before<br />

inoculation, a sterile cellophane membrane disc was placed on the surface of the agar in each plate; the disks<br />

90 mm for plates <strong>to</strong> be inoculated with T. viride and 35 mm for plates with the other fungi. A conidia<br />

suspension (5 L at ≈5 × 10 4 conidia per mL) was transferred on<strong>to</strong> the center of the sterile cellophane disk,<br />

and the plate was then sealed with double Parafilm (Pechiney Plastic Packaging, USA). After 4 d at 25 °C,<br />

the cellophane disks and associated colonies were transferred <strong>to</strong> fresh media with different C concentrations<br />

and C : N ratios, and cultured for further 4 d for sporulation. CC for 8 d on the basal medium with the cellophane<br />

disk was used as control. To quantify sporulation, both the colony and the disk were transferred in<strong>to</strong><br />

a 50-mL centrifuge tube containing 10 mL of 500 ppm Tween 80; spores were counted with a hemocy<strong>to</strong>meter.<br />

Triplication for each medium and each isolate were used in both TC and CC method.

144 L. GAO and X.Z. LIU Vol. 54<br />

Statistical analysis. Sporulation data (number of conidia per colony) were transformed logarithmically<br />

before statistical analysis with Statistical Analysis System software (Version 8.2, SAS Institute, USA).<br />

Data were subjected <strong>to</strong> one-way analysis of variances (ANOVA), and means were separated using Fisher’s<br />

protected LSD or Duncan’s multiple-range test.<br />


C concentration significantly affected the spore production of five of the six fungi, while N concentration<br />

significantly affected the spore production of three fungi (Table II). The effect of C : N ratio was extremely<br />

significant on the sporulation of all fungi, which indicated that we cannot predict the sporulation<br />

effect of C independently of N and vice versa. Generally, most sporulation occurred at lower C concentration<br />

and lower C : N ratio, but abundant sporulation sometimes occurred with higher C concentration and<br />

higher C : N ratio (Table III).<br />

Table II. Effects of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations, and their combination (C × N) on sporulation of biocontrol<br />

fungi*<br />

Concentration<br />

g/L<br />

P. lilacinus M. anisopliae L. lecanii T. viride<br />

IPC-P M-14 SQZ-1-21 RS-4-1 CA-1-G TV-1<br />

C a a b a b ns<br />

N ns a ns a ns c<br />

C × N c c c c c c<br />

*a, b, c represent p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001, respectively; ns – no significant difference at p ≥ 0.05.<br />

<strong>Two</strong> isolates of the nema<strong>to</strong>phage P. lilacinus required different C concentration and C : N ratio for<br />

good sporulation. For IPC-P, C at 1 and 2 g/L with higher C : N ratio, and at 4 and 8 g/L with lower C : N<br />

ratio, supported abundant sporulation (Table III). IPC-P sporulation was significantly inhibited at the highest<br />

C concentration (16 g/L) with all C : N ratios, and the CC on the basal medium (control plates) led <strong>to</strong> low<br />

spore production. For M-14, C at 2 g/L with all C : N ratios supported abundant sporulation, and the highest<br />

conidial yield was obtained with C at 2 g/L with a C : N of 10 : 1. The highest C concentration (16 g/L) with<br />

the highest C : N ratio (80 : 1) also supported abundant sporulation (Table III). All treatments with the TC<br />

(except for C at 8 g/L with a C : N ratio of 20 : 1) resulted in significantly higher spore yield than the control<br />

(CC on the basal medium).<br />

For M. anisopliae SQZ-1-21, lower C concentrations at 1 and 4 g/L with lower C : N ratios supported<br />

abundant sporulation but spore production was highest at C of 16 g/L with a C : N ratio of 80 : 1<br />

(Table III). All C : N ratios at C of 8 g/L inhibited sporulation. For M. anisopliae RS-4-1, higher C concentrations<br />

at 8 and 16 g/L with all C : N ratios (except 8 g/L with a C : N of 20 : 1) inhibited sporulation, and<br />

lower C concentrations with lower C : N ratios increased sporulation. Spore yield for M. anisopliae RS-4-1<br />

was highest at 4 g/L of C with a C : N of 5 : 1, followed by 2 g/L with a C : N of 1.25 : 1, and 1 g/L with<br />

a C : N of 0.625 : 1. All other treatments (except C at 16 g/L with a C : N of 10 : 1) supported higher M. anisopliae<br />

RS-4-1 spore yields than did the control.<br />

The responses of the en<strong>to</strong>mopathogen L. lecanii CA-1-G <strong>to</strong> C concentration and C : N ratio were<br />

similar <strong>to</strong> those of the other fungi, but the differences between treatments were less (Table III). More spores<br />

were produced at lower C concentrations with lower C : N ratios and at higher C ones with higher C : N<br />

ones. Sporulation of L. lecanii CA-1-G was poor with 8 g/L of C regardless of C : N ratio.<br />

For the mycoparasite T. viride TV-1, the spore yield was highest with 2 g/L of C and a C : N of<br />

10 : 1, followed by 1 g/L and a C : N of 5 : 1 and 8 g/L with a C : N of 20 : 1. All the C : N ratios at 16 g/L<br />

of C greatly inhibited sporulation (Table III).<br />


TC provides a new method <strong>to</strong> determine the nutritional requirements for fungal sporulation. Our results<br />

indicated that TC resulted in much greater spore yields than CC. Relative <strong>to</strong> CC, TC increased maxi-


mum spore yields 3× for P. lilacinus IPC-P, M. anisopliae SQZ-1-21, L. lecanii CA-1-G, and T. viride TV-1;<br />

19× for P. lilacinus M-14, and 27× for M. anisopliae RS-4-1.<br />

Table III. Effect of carbon concentration (g/L) and C : N ratio on the sporulation of biocontrol agents by two-stage cultivation method<br />

(10 6 conidia per colony)*<br />

<strong>Carbon</strong><br />

C : N<br />

P. lilacinus M. anisopliae L. lecanii T. viride<br />

IPC-P M-14 SQZ-1-21 RS-4-1 CA-1-G TV-1<br />

1 5 28.9 a 167. j 55.5 fg 291. eghi 337. j 286.0 b<br />

1 2.5 22.9 b 107. n 194. c 359. def 269. k 108.9 f<br />

1 1.25 6.8 fgh 117. m 195. c 386. de 225. l 210.0 c<br />

1 0.625 8.5 ef 185. h 126. e 642. bc 438. ef 59.9 g<br />

2 10 24.7 b 630. a 189. c 186. fghijkl 438. ef 451.7 a<br />

2 5 24.3 b 443. c 147. de 252. efghi 612. c 17.0 h<br />

2 2.5 5.2 hi 466. b 32.9 gh 344. defgh 860. b 167.7 de<br />

2 1.25 3.4 ij 201. g 159. d 712. b 34.8 o 6.7 h<br />

4 20 3.0 jk 173. i 65.3 f 204. efghijkl 415. fg 185.7 cd<br />

4 10 3.2 j 215. f 131. e 358. defg 122. n 56.5 g<br />

4 5 16.7 c 163. j 194. c 1540. a 983. a 2.8 h<br />

4 3 24.7 b 231. e 247. b 246. efghij 419. efg 14.5 h<br />

8 40 9.3 e 111. n 43.7 fg 161. hijkl 170. m 5.9 h<br />

8 20 8.5 ef 35.8 p 67.3 f 512. cd 172. m 270.7 b<br />

8 10 17.2 c 123. l 53.2 fg 64.2. jkl 161. m 5.3 h<br />

8 5 11.5 d 118. m 56.3 fg 164. hijkl 343. j 2.0 h<br />

16 80 1.2 k 315. d 801. a 228. efghijk 439. e 6.5 h<br />

16 40 8.3 efg 154. k 47.3 fg 171. hijkl 582. d 1.9 h<br />

16 20 6.5 gh 84.0 o 18.3 h 109. ijkl 402. gh 0.8 h<br />

16 10 6.7 fgh 116. m 39.9 gh 20.8 l 386. hi 1.2 h<br />

8** 24 8.5 ef 34.0 p 242. b 56.4 kl 377. i 134.6 e<br />

LSD 2.0 5.1 24.0 187. 23.9 29.0<br />

*Means of triplicates; values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD; p < 0.05).<br />

**Control.<br />

Although sporulation varied here in response <strong>to</strong> the C and N concentrations, it was always very sensitive<br />

<strong>to</strong> C : N ratio (Table II). The concentration of C had more effect on sporulation than that of N, in that<br />

five of six tested fungi were sensitive <strong>to</strong> C concentration, while only three were sensitive <strong>to</strong> N concentration.<br />

Although higher spore yields sometimes occurred with higher C concentration along with higher C : N ratios,<br />

the highest sporulation generally occurred at lower C concentration with lower C : N ratios.<br />

We used a wider range of C concentration and lower one (1–16 g/L) than previous papers (Evans and<br />

Black 1981; Jackson and Bothast 1990; Elson et al. 1998). For the maximum spore production of fungi with<br />

lower costs, C concentration was set up as low as 1 g/L which is lower than any previous related researches,<br />

such as 6 g/L in Evans and Black (1981) medium, 2 g/L in Jackson and Bothast (1990) medium and 1.25 g/L<br />

in Elson et al. (1998) medium. A wider range of C concentration resulted in a wider range of C : N ratio<br />

(from 0.625 : 1 <strong>to</strong> 80 : 1), which allowed us <strong>to</strong> obtain more details about the nutritional requirements for sporulation.<br />

We were interested in reducing costs for spore production and therefore in finding the minimal C requirement.<br />

Substrates that support the highest production of spores do not necessarily result in their highest<br />

quality. For example, although a medium with a C : N of 30 : 1 produced the greatest number of conidia of<br />

C. truncatum (a biocontrol fungus against weeds), a medium with a C : N of 10 : 1 produced conidia that<br />

were most effective against the weed Sesbania exaltata (Schisler et al. 1991); the C : N ratio influenced the<br />

lipid content of C. truncatum spores, and lipid content regulates appressorium formation (Jackson and Schisler<br />

1992). C concentration and C : N ratio can also affect shelf-life and survival after application, e.g., conidia<br />

of C. truncatum produced in media with excess C vs. N would often accumulate and s<strong>to</strong>re trehalose (Jackson<br />

and Bothast 1990; Jackson and Schisler 1995), which has been associated with desiccation <strong>to</strong>lerance (Costa<br />

et al. 2000). Zhang et al. (2005) found that Cryp<strong>to</strong>coccus nodaensis OH 182.9 produced more freeze-<strong>to</strong>lerant<br />

cells on media with higher C : N ratio.

146 L. GAO and X.Z. LIU Vol. 54<br />

This project was jointly supported by the National Hi-Tech Program of China (no. 2006–AA10 A211), the Knowledge<br />

Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-YW-G-037) and National Natural Scientific Foundation of China<br />

(no. 3077 0072 and 3062 5001). The authors also thank Prof. B. Jaffee (University of California at Davis) for serving as pre-submission<br />

reviewers and for his valuable comments and suggestions.<br />


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