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INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS - India Environment Portal

INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS - India Environment Portal


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Section XIV : Plant Sciences 1<br />


Biodiversity and Biotechnology- Explore Experience and Enjoy<br />

President : Professor T. N. Lakhanpal*<br />

Hon’ble Chairman, the elite assembly of “Ever Greens” delegates, ladies and<br />

gentlemen, at the outset allow me to express my deep sense of gratitude to the<br />

fraternity in plant sciences for having elected me Sectional President unanimously.<br />

It is not only a great honour but a rare privilege to be part of the continuum that<br />

nurtured and illuminated the path of botanical teaching and research over a century<br />

and brought it to the level where we feel securely anchored to-day. I realize my<br />

limitations, still with the blessings of all those, I venture to step into their shoes.<br />

Therefore, I dedicate this address to all those, but before them to the Divine, Lotus<br />

Feet of the Almighty, and then at the reverential feet of my parents and teachers<br />

who moulded and groomed this inconspicuous ‘spore’ into a ‘conspicuous fruiting<br />

body’. The entire credit for making me tread the path and attain the goal is theirs,<br />

since “No one unaware of the goal can choose the path and No one unaware<br />

of the path can reach the goal”.<br />

I also dedicate this lecture to the ‘battery’ of my students who trained me in<br />

patience and perseverance and were continuously a part of my learning process,<br />

shaping Information into Knowledge and Knowledge into Wisdom. I have<br />

attempted to select a subject which is in conformity with the main theme of the<br />

Science Congress; because I realized that the best ethical role models are the<br />

Plants! Along with this came the realization that the Nature provides the best<br />

experience and enjoyment, if explored properly. Hence the topic I wish to share<br />

with you all is Biodiversity and Biotechnology : Explore Experience and<br />

Enjoy. The topic begins with nature, and its inherent ethics, the biodiversity that it<br />

supports, and groups I worked with during the last four decades.<br />

Nature exhibits multiplicity of objects. Multiplicity results from multiplication i.e.<br />

when one becomes many. Multiplication leads to variations and variations bring in<br />

diversity. This diversity is like rainbow or seven musical notes, which have origin<br />

*Department of Biosciences, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171005, H.P.

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