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Vol. 5 J uly 1948 No. 7<br />

ctivl tles ___________________<br />

_~ ~<br />

Proceedin9s 01 the<br />


MARINE <br />

COUNCIL <br />

' wlolr....., _ ,hly g' C..Of G...1t Ho..." u .........<br />

Wau.rft,' aft U. O. C.. w""•• , ........,;

I<br />

Public Law 544 approved May 21, GENERAL REGULATIONS nl"'INA110N Of APPROVALS fOR CERTAIN<br />

1948. 33 U. S. C. 154. was passed by<br />

Congress to bring within the a ppllea·<br />

Uon of the Inland Rules certain waters<br />

which aTC now under the Western<br />


Rivets RuLes. Therefore It wiIJ be<br />

necessary to make amendments to<br />

certain sections In part 302 of tll.Je 33<br />

of the Code of Federal Regulations to<br />

redefine boundary lines In order to<br />

bring some of the Mvers entering Into<br />

the Gulf of Mexico within the appUca­<br />

Uon o f the Inland Rules. Also it 100'111<br />

be necessary to make amendments to<br />

certain of the Pilot Rules of I nland<br />

Waters appearing In part 3 12 10 order<br />

to extend \.he waters on which these<br />

Rules wlil be applicable on J a nuary 1.<br />

1949. FUrther. It will be necessary<br />

to amend the Pilot Rules for Western<br />

Rivers appearing In part 332 In order<br />

to Implement Public Law 544 , which<br />

Includes a complete redraft of Navigation<br />

Rules for the MISSissippi River<br />

and Mobile River systems, A number<br />

of the Pilot Rules wh.ich now appear<br />

In part. 332 were incorporated Into the<br />

new statute and In order to a void<br />

repetition It 15 proposed to delete those<br />

sections from the regulations,<br />


Public Law ~25 approved May 12,<br />

1948, provides for the licensing of<br />

marine radio telegraph operators as<br />

shlp radlo officers, It is proposed to<br />

add a new subpart 10,13 to prOvide for<br />

licensing of radio officers In order to<br />

Implement the statute, T he new regulations<br />

will prescribe requirements<br />

which an applicant. for license as<br />

radio officer must meet before obtain_<br />

Ing a license,<br />


WATERS<br />

Amendments are proposed to be<br />

made Imposing the same requirements<br />

for obtaining licenses as masters,<br />

mates, pilots or engineers on vessels<br />

In HawaIIan waters as are required<br />

for these officers on vessels In other<br />

ocean and coastwise waters,<br />


It Is proposed to a mend l'egulntlons<br />

to require that all applicants Cor licenses,<br />

merchant mariner's documents,<br />

and certificates of service shall<br />

be required to produce evidence of<br />

citizenship or nationality prior to<br />

Issuance of such documents and<br />

whether stich a ppllcant.s are allens or<br />

citizens of the United Stales, Heretofore<br />

where applicants could not<br />

produce eVidence of citizenship or n a­<br />

tionality a question mark was placed<br />

alongside the space indicating the<br />

place of birth and such appJlcants<br />

were consldered to be aliens.<br />

It 15 proposed to amend the marine<br />

engineering regulations and material<br />

s pecifications to clarify the requirements<br />

for hydrostatic tests conducted<br />

on refrigeration systems as well as to<br />

specify temperature and pressure lImitations<br />

In certain piping systems<br />

rather than use the term "Class II<br />

piping,"<br />

Another proposal Is to t ransfer the<br />

specifi cations for cork and balsa wood<br />

life preservers from the various regulations<br />

to Subchapter Q--Specificatlons,<br />

These s pecifications are pri_<br />

marily for manuJacturers. The re­<br />

Quirements are being a lso revised and<br />

brought up to date. In addition , certain<br />

parts of the specification for<br />

ka pok life pl'cservers are being revised<br />

to allow alternate methods of<br />

construction and use of COlored cloth,<br />

For v, ssels over 16 feet in lengt.h<br />

and propelled by outboard motors It<br />

Is proposed to exempt the owners of<br />

such vessels to SUbmit a builder's<br />

statement when submitting proof of<br />

ownership with their applications for<br />

certificates of award of number for<br />

an undocumented vessel.<br />

It Is proposed to terminate certain<br />

approvals of safety valves which do<br />

not comply with the reVised marine<br />

engineering regulations and material<br />

specltlcatlons which became effective<br />

on and after July I , 1948. Those<br />

safety valves which are in use on<br />

merchant vessels will be permitted to<br />

be continued In service so long as they<br />

are in ¥ood and serviceable condition,<br />


The amendments to the regulations<br />

which were recommended by t.be<br />

Merchant Marine Council for adop_<br />

tion at its sem iannual meeting held<br />

on March 30 nnd 31, 1948 were a p­<br />

proved by the Commandant and published<br />

In the Federal Register of June<br />

26th, 1948. These amendments will<br />

be published In the Appendix of the<br />

"Proceedings" for this Issue and In<br />

subseqUen t Issues. Due to space lim_<br />

itations It. Is not possible to publish<br />

all amendments In this Issue of the<br />

"Proceedings."<br />


" B ig Mama." the world's biggest. and<br />

most powerful river towboat, has been<br />

kicking up a muddy spray along the<br />

Mississippi River for 45 years. But<br />

early this spring her pilot rang "stop<br />

engines" fol' the last time. For " Big<br />

Mama," foretelling Ule end of a colorful<br />

era, gave way to new st.reamllned<br />

Diesel boats and went Into retire_<br />

ment<br />

There was no other boat on t.he<br />

river quite like " Big M am.a," as she<br />

WB!! fondly nicknamed by the river<br />

men who regarded her as the mother<br />

of alI towboats. The September issue<br />

of "The Lamp," publication of Standard<br />

011 Co. (New Jersey), describes<br />

her prowess as the Misslsslppi"s<br />

"shovingest" craCt and he r unusual<br />

features which dlstlnguJs.h her from<br />

othel' vessels.<br />

DIsplacing 1.500 tons and measuring<br />

315 feet. long and 62 feet wide,<br />

"Blg Mama" pushed heavier and<br />

longer large tows than any other Mtsslsslppl<br />

craft. More than 100 persons<br />

could be seated comfortably at dinner<br />

In the main forward cabin, Her<br />

famous stern paddlewheel, a massive<br />

structure 37 feet In diameter, turned<br />

on a 40-ton shaft and as one of her<br />

own pllo t.~<br />

once remarked, "when It<br />

pushes water, someth.ing's sure got to<br />

move."<br />

The big river steamer, whose real<br />

name was the Sprague, appeared on<br />

the MiSSissi ppi when river transportation<br />

was changing Cram fast passenger<br />

travel to slow mass movement oC<br />

heavy freight. She was built In 1902<br />

at Dubuque, Iowa, for the coal trade<br />

out of the Ohio River to New Orleans,<br />

and made her first trip In time to exchange<br />

whistled greetings with the<br />

last of the great white fieet of swIft<br />

packetboaLs that had made Mississippi<br />

R iver steamboatlng famous.<br />

And "Big /\tama's" whistle. like her<br />

sizeable proportions, is something to<br />


was enough 011 In that tow to load<br />

a tank car train 10 miles long.<br />

The popular river boat also w;ed<br />

her great power to save lives and to<br />

help win wars. In 1921, when the<br />

Mississippi burst Its banks neal'<br />

Greenville, Miss .• '" Big Mama," with<br />

two empty barges, swung out of the<br />

raging ma.ln channel and steamed<br />

Inland more than a mile, battering her<br />

way over treetops to rescue almost<br />

all of Oreenvlllc's stranded population.<br />

in World War I , the big '-essel participated<br />

In the Oo\'ernment·s great<br />

erron. to mo\'e millions of tons of vital<br />

materials to tidewater for shipment<br />

overseas. In World War n , she<br />

shoved so much vital oil cargoes so<br />

Tegularly that she was called " Ule only<br />

pipe Une running lengthwise of the<br />

MississippI,"<br />

104<br />

" B ig Mama" traveled more than a<br />

million miles on the river, a dL

which have been made for a public<br />

hearing. permanent rules will not be<br />

adopted by the Commission until a<br />

datc beyond June 15. 1948; and<br />

IT J'UlI THER APPEARING, That pending<br />

the final adoption of permanent rules<br />

governing operator license requirements<br />

as aforesaid. It is necessary to<br />

contlnue beyond J une 15. 1948. the<br />

temporary rules governing operator<br />

license requirements for ship radar<br />

stations licensed In the Ship Service;<br />

. nd<br />

IT FORTlI£R APPEARWG, That because<br />

of the temporary nature of the proposed<br />

ell:tenslon, and because of the<br />

opportunity which heretofore has<br />

been afforded to all interested parties<br />

to submit comments on the subject of<br />

operator requirements for ship radar<br />

stations licensed In the Ship Service,<br />

and because the need for the continuance<br />

of the temporary rules is urgent,<br />

the public notice and procedure<br />

provided for In section 4 of the Administrative<br />

Procedure Act are found<br />

to be Impracticable and unnecessary<br />

herein, and for the same reasons, and<br />

because the extension of the temporary<br />

ru'tes In question will contlnue<br />

to relieve a restriction. such extension<br />

J;hould be made effective Immediately;<br />

and<br />

IT J'UlInlU APPEARING, Thnt unless<br />

the waiver hereinabove referred to<br />

of the requirements ot J;ection 318<br />

ot t he act IJ; extended. the provision:;<br />

of that J;ectlon wUl, after June 15,<br />

1948, require J;hlp radar stations li ­<br />

censed In the Ship Service to be operated<br />

by licensed radio operators;<br />

.nd<br />

IT nrnmER APPEARING, That under<br />

the pl'ovislons of section 318 aforesaid<br />

!.he Commission may waive the<br />

requirement of llcenJ;ed radio operators<br />

for ship radar J;tatlons licensed<br />

In the Ship Service if the Commission<br />

first shall find that stich a waiver will<br />

serve the public Interest, convenience,<br />

or necesslt.y; and<br />

IT FO~TIIEII APPEARING, That under<br />

CommiSSion Order 133, dated May 10 ,<br />

1946, the Commission waived to a<br />

limited extent the llcensed radio operator<br />

requirements of SEction 318<br />

aforesaid with regard to shipboard<br />

radar stations licensed In the Exper­<br />

Imental service; and<br />

IT FURTHER APPEAR ING, That during<br />

the Interim period preceding the final<br />

adoption and effectiveness of permanent<br />

rUles governing operator license<br />

requirements fo r J;hip rada.r stations<br />

licensed In the Ship Service. radar<br />

stations so licensed can be as well operated<br />

by unlicensed personnel as can<br />

radRr stations licen.o;ed in the Experimental<br />

service; and<br />

IT nrnTIlER APPEARtNa, That under<br />

the foregoing circumstances It wllJ<br />

serve the public Interest and con_<br />

venience temporarily to waive, to the<br />

July 1948<br />

same extent as now provided In t he<br />

ExperLmental Service by Order 133,<br />

the licensed radio operator requirements<br />

with regard to ship radar stations<br />

Ilcensed In the Ship Service;<br />

.nd<br />

IT FURTHER APPEARING, That author­<br />

Ity to accomplish the a foresaid ob­<br />

Jective Is contained In sections 303<br />

If), \g) , Cll , and 318 of t he Com;<br />

munications Act of 1934, as amended;<br />

IT IS ORDERED, That, effective J une<br />

is, 1948, the provisions of section 318,<br />

aforementioned, are hereby waived<br />

Insofar as such provl~lon s require any<br />

person to hold a radio operat.or license<br />

Issued by this CommIssion In<br />

order to operate ship radar stations<br />

licensed by this Commission In the<br />

Ship Service, prowded that. this<br />

waiver shall extend only to the nOfmal<br />

operation of such radar stations<br />

on board ship and shall not be con ­<br />

strued to permit unlicensed personnel<br />

to make any adjustments or to do<br />

any servicing Of maintenance tha t<br />

may affect the proper operation of<br />

the station; provided fu rther that<br />

this waiver Shall not be construed<br />

to affect In any way the responsibility<br />

of the station licensee for the proper<br />

operation of the station; and provided<br />

further that the waiver herein<br />

ordered may, in the discretion of the<br />

Commission and without advance notice<br />

or hearing. be changed or cancelled<br />

by order of the Commission.<br />

and shall In no event extend beyond<br />

the effecUve date of permanent rules<br />

adopted by the Commission govern­<br />

Ing operator license reqUirements for<br />

ship radar stations licensed In t.be<br />

Ship Service, or beyond November<br />

15, 1948, whichever is earlier;<br />

I T lS Fl)'Rl'nJ;R ORlIER!lI, That effective<br />

June IS, 1948, parts 8 and 13 of<br />

the Commission's Rules Governing<br />

Ship Service and Commercial Radio<br />

Operators, respectively, are amended<br />

as follows;<br />

( I) Footnote '71 to Section 8.195 Is<br />

amended as follows;<br />

(al By deleting In the first sentence<br />

thereof the phrase "and a second<br />

temporary waiver effective<br />

March 15. 1948," and substituting<br />

therefor, the ph,rase "and by sub­<br />

~equen t temporary .....alvers effec_<br />

tive March 15, 1948 and June 15,<br />

1948."<br />

(b) By deletlllg In the lru;t sentence<br />

thereof the phrase "J une IS ,<br />

1948" and substituting therefor the<br />

phrase "November I S, 1948."<br />

(2) The lourth footnote appended<br />

to section 13.1 which footnote commences<br />

" By order dated and effective<br />

December 15. 194'7 • • • ," Is<br />

amended as follows;<br />

(a ) By deleting the phrase "and<br />

by a seeond order dated March 12,<br />

1948 and effective March IS, 1948."<br />

and substituting therefor the phrase<br />

"and by subsequent orders effective<br />

March IS, 1948 and June IS, 1948."<br />



Is1 T , J. SLOWIE,<br />

SecrelarJ/,<br />

Adopted: Junc 2, 1948.<br />


<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Merchan~ Marine Investigating<br />

units and Merchant Marine<br />

deta.Jls Investigated a total of<br />

682 cases during th e month of April<br />

1948, Of this number charges were<br />

prelerred InvolVing 2'7 lIcen:;cs and<br />

65 unlicensed men. No hearings were<br />

held becnuse examiners were not<br />

available,<br />


THE ROAD"<br />

Attention Is called to some errors<br />

which appeared In the May 1948 Issue<br />

of the "ProceedingJ;" on pages '74 and<br />

75 under the heading "Rules of the<br />

Road." In referring to the whistle<br />

signals to be used In passing, t.he<br />

article stated that short blasts were to<br />

be used. There should be substituted<br />

for the word "J;hort" the word "distinct,"<br />

which change was made In the<br />

most recent amendment to the Pilot<br />

Rules for the Great Lakes In March of<br />

this yea r. The bend signal and the<br />

signal to be used by a ves.~el leaving<br />

her dock and berth should read one<br />

long blast of the whistle of at least<br />

8 seconds duration. On page '75 in the<br />

first paragraph under the heading<br />

"Steam Vessel Overtaking Another"<br />

t he first phrase In the paragraph<br />

should read "When one steam vessel<br />

Is overtaking another" Instead or<br />

"When steam vessels are running in<br />

the same direction."<br />



Articles of ships' Slores and supplies<br />

certificated or cancelled from<br />

May 25. 1948 to June 25, 1948, Inclu_<br />

sive, lor use on board vessels In accordance<br />

with the provisions of part<br />

147 of the Regulations Governing Ex_<br />

plosives or Other Dangerous Articles<br />

on Board Vessels.<br />

Tile Tallgle/aot Co .. Grand RapldJ;<br />

4, Mlch.. Certification No. 167, dated<br />

1 J une 1948. Victory DUusor Liquid,<br />

This item I~ cancelled.<br />


The following alIldavlts were ac ­<br />

cepted during the period from May<br />

15 to J une 15, 1948:<br />

Tlte Parker Appliance Co., 1'1325<br />

Euclid Ave .. Cleveland 12, Ohio, Pipe<br />

Fittings.<br />

Clark Cooper Co.. Palmyra. N. J ..<br />

Valves and Fittings.<br />





Now that the 1948 motorboat season<br />

is underway. the COMt <strong>Guard</strong> requests<br />

that owners cooperate to reduce<br />

accidents and calls for assist ­<br />

ance to a minimum by operatlng their<br />

boats In a safe and sane manner.<br />

Every year many persons lose their<br />

lives. are Injured, or have their property<br />

damageS thnn It Is capable of making. As<br />

an example of this, a motorboat oper­<br />

!\lor who was running at a somewhat<br />

reduced speed was in the \'Iclnity of<br />

some bathers but he did not see them.<br />

HoweVer. he knew from past experience<br />

that the area was frequented by<br />

swimmers. It is \'ery difficult to observe<br />

a head in the water from a boat.<br />

especially tr the water Is ChOppy. HIs<br />

boat~truck one swim mer and mangled<br />


Amendments to Regulations<br />

latlon.'t was published In the FEDERAL<br />

REIlISTER dated March 6. 1948 (13 F . R.<br />

123'1 1, and public hearings were held<br />

by the Mcrchant Marine Council on<br />

March 30 and 31. 1948, at Washington.<br />

D. C.<br />

The purpose of the miscellaneous<br />

amendments to the regulations is to<br />

clartry t heir Intent. el'lcct editorial<br />

his lea: to such an extent that It had to<br />

be amputated. T hIS terrible aCCident<br />

was considered avoidable, as in the<br />

fi rst place the operator should have<br />

remained away from that vicinity;<br />

and In the second place, while he was<br />

operRting at 11 reduced speed he was<br />

stili going t.oo fast to maintain a<br />

proper lookout. As this Is wrlUen<br />

the case hIlS not been settle

I<br />

lean Bureau of Shipping, heating boU ­<br />

er COde of the American Society of<br />

Mechanical Engineers. and the rules<br />

tor fusion weld ing piping of the Ame r_<br />

Ican Welding Society. All the written<br />

lind oral comments. data, snd suggesUons<br />

submitted were considered by<br />

the Mercha nt Marine Council and<br />

where practicable were InCOrPOrated<br />

Into the miscellaneous amendments<br />

to the regulations.<br />

The Department of the Army, as<br />

"'ell as various shlp)'srds and contractors<br />

Indicated that It Is very dim.<br />

cult to obtain wire Inserted glass with<br />

deliveries being up to 18 months from<br />

the tlme the orders a re given. Ac_<br />

cordingly. In order not to hinder the<br />

construction and delivery of passenger<br />

vessels, the use of plain glass as a n<br />

alternate for the wire Inserted glass<br />

will be permitted until July l. 1949.<br />

This a mendment to the regulations.<br />

46 cm 144.29. 15 published without<br />

prior general noUce of its proposed Issuance<br />

for the reason that nOtice and<br />

public rUle making procedure In connection<br />

therewith are hereby found to<br />

be impracticable. and contrary to the<br />

publJc Interest.<br />

By virtue of the authority vested In<br />

me by R. S. 4405. as amended. 46<br />

U. S. C. 375 and sec. 101 of Reorganlutlon<br />

Plan No.3 of 1946. 11 F. R.<br />

7875. as well as the statutes cited with<br />

the regulations below. the foll owing<br />

amendments t.o the regulations are<br />

prescribed. which shall become effeclive<br />

90 days after date of publication<br />

of this document In the htlEIlAL REG­<br />

I5T1:R :<br />

SoIKlwo"Of e-M",,,,I>0>,0.. , .....r C....Dln v ......<br />

" ....11.01 Io~ Ma

occupy roorm to which private facilities<br />

are attached.<br />

(2) When the engine room crew,<br />

exclusive of licensed omcers and<br />

others separately provided tor, exceeds<br />

eight, separate washing facilities<br />

shall be provided.<br />

(3) Vessels contracted for after<br />

January 1. 1949. shall hao,:e the toUet<br />

rooms separate from the washrooms,<br />

and at least one washbasin shall be<br />

fitted In each tOilet room. (R. S. 4417a<br />

and sec. 5 (e), 55 Stat. 244, as<br />

amended; 46 U. S. C. 391a, 50 U. S. C.<br />

1275)<br />


2. Sect.lon 32.2-4 Is amended by<br />

adding the loliowlng new sentence at<br />

the end thereof:<br />

f 32.2--4 Pump rOOm,,:"" TB/ ALL.<br />

• Thc RCCess to a cargo pump<br />

room handling such liquids shall be<br />

from thc open deck. (R 5. 4417a, and<br />

sec. 5 (e) . 55 Stat.. 244, as amended;<br />

46 U. S. C. 391a. 50 U. S. C. 1275 )<br />

BOI LEJtS ANO boL\CHtNf;Ry<br />

3. Section 32 . ~2 is amended to rcad<br />

as tollows:<br />

I 32.5-2 Test and fn&pection 0/<br />

bolt e r sand equlpmcnl-TB/ ALL.<br />

Boilers. unnred pressure vessels. pip­<br />

Ing systems, and appurtenanceS shall<br />

be fabricated, tested. and inspected as<br />

required by Parts 50 to 57 .l n clu..~lve. of<br />

this chapter (Subchapter F- Marlne<br />

Engineering) . CR. S. 4417a, and sec.<br />

5 (e), 55 Stat. 244. as amended: 46<br />

U. S. C. 391a. 50 O. 5. C. 1275)<br />

4. Section 32.5-5 Is amended to read<br />

as tollows:<br />

132.5-5 in" tallatkm offuel-otl spstenu-TB/<br />

ALL. The InstallaUon ot<br />

fu el-oil systems shall comply with<br />

the requirements In Part 55 of this<br />

chapter (Subchapter F-Marlne Englneerlngl.<br />

(R. S. 4417a. and sec. 5<br />

(e), 55 Stat. 244. as amended; 46<br />

O. S. C. 391a. 50 U. S. C. 1275)<br />


5. Section 32.7-4 (b) Is amended to<br />

read as follows:<br />

132.7-4 VcnUllg 0/ cargo tallks;<br />

new ,;euels--TB/ ALL. • • •<br />

(b) (1) Cargo tanks In which Grade<br />

A liquids are to be transported shall<br />

be fitted with a venting system consisting<br />

of branch vent line from eacb<br />

cargo tank connected to a vent header<br />

which shall extend to 0. rcasonable<br />

height abovo the wcather deck and be<br />

fitted with a flame arrester or pressure-vacuum<br />

relicf valve. Each<br />

branch vent line may be provided<br />

with a. manually operated control<br />

valve. provided It Is bypassed with a<br />

pressure-vacuum relief valve or each<br />

cargo tank to which such a branch<br />

vent line Is connected Is tltted with an<br />

108<br />

Independent pressure-vacuum relief<br />

valve. The l'cnt header system shall<br />

bc provided with sultable connections<br />

for flushing and drnlnlng.<br />

(2) In barges with Indepcndent.<br />

tanks carrying GradO A liquids. separate<br />

discharge pipes may be fitted to<br />

each pressure-vacuum relief " alve, or<br />

the pressure-vacuum relief l'alve may<br />

be elevated. so that In either case the<br />

discharge from such valve will not be<br />

less than 7 feet above the deck where<br />

practicable.. (R. S. 4417a. and sec. 5<br />

(e), 55 Stat. 244, as amended; 46<br />

U. S. C. 391a. 50 O. 5 . C. 1215)<br />


6. Section 32.8-2 (a) Is amended to<br />

rcad as follows:<br />

f 32.8-2 Cargo pump fittings alld<br />

COfltrob; new veti"cls-TB/ ALL. Ca)<br />

Where a cargo pump Is capable of developing<br />

a pressure exceeding 125<br />

pounds at the pump under shut-olT<br />

hcad eondUtons (based on water) . a<br />

suitable rcllef valve shall be Installed<br />

between the pump and shut-Off valve<br />

In the cargo pump dlschargc and<br />

piped back Into the suction. The rc_<br />

uer valve setting shall not exceed the<br />

pressure for which the plplng syst.em<br />

is designed. CR. S. 4417a and sec. 5<br />

(c), 55 Stat. 244. as amended: 46<br />

O. S. C. 391a, 50 O. S. C. 1275)<br />

7. Sectlon 32.8-4 (a) Is amended to<br />

read as follows:<br />

I 32.8-4 Co.rgo pip/ng; ncw tIC,,­<br />

"cls-TB/ ALL. (a) (1 ) The piping<br />

shall be arranged so as to avoid excessive<br />

stresses at the JOints. For sizes<br />

exceeding 2 Inches In diameter,<br />

flanged, welded, or other approved<br />

types of joints shall be employed.<br />

Packing material shaU be sultable<br />

for thc cargo carrlecl. COnnections<br />

at bulkheads shall be made so that<br />

the plaUng does not torm part of a<br />

fianged joint. Piping may be carried<br />

through bunker spaces and deep<br />

tanks provided It Is run through a.<br />

pipe tunnel. The tunnel may be<br />

om.1tted where the pipe Is extra heavy.<br />

all Joints are welded. and bends are<br />

In.o;tallcd to provide tor expansion and<br />

contraction.<br />

(2) Cargo piping shall not pass<br />

through spaces containing machinery<br />

wherc sources of vapor Ignition arc<br />

normalJy present: Provided. That. In<br />

conversions effected during the National<br />

Emergency proclaimed by the<br />

P resident May 27. 1941. cargo piping<br />

tor Grade E JlQuids passing through<br />

shaft alleys and machinery spaces<br />

may be permitted. (R. S. 4417a and<br />

sec. 5 (e) . 55 Stat. 244. as amended;<br />

46 O. S. C. 391a: 50 U. S. C. 12751<br />


8. Section 32.9-10 Is amended to<br />

read Ill! follows:<br />

132.9-10 Cargo hosr.-TB/ ALL.<br />

Cargo hose. whcn carried on tank vesscls.<br />

shall be of a grade suitable for<br />

oil service and shall be designed to<br />

withstand the pressure of the Shutoff<br />

head of the cargo pump or pump<br />

relief valve setting. less static head.<br />

but In no case less than 100 pounds<br />

per square Inch. f R . S. 4417a. and sec.<br />

5 (e). 55 Slat. 244 . as amended: 46<br />

U. S. C. 391a. 50 O. S. C. 1275 )<br />




1. Section 33.2-1 Is amended to read<br />

as follows:<br />

133.2-1. Tallk "hiP'; ocean--T/ O.<br />

(al All tank ships which normally operate<br />

more than 20 miles off shore<br />

shall carry a sumclent number of IIfcboats<br />

on each side to accommodate all<br />

persons on board: Providea, That such<br />

tank ships of 350 feet In length or<br />

over. havlng superstructure amidships<br />

and propelling machinery aft shall be<br />

prOvided wlt.h at least four IUeboats.<br />

one on each sldc In way of the arter<br />

accommodations, and one on each side<br />

In way of amidships accommodations.<br />

(b) No boat. shall be of less than 180<br />

cubic feet measurement. (R. 5 . 4417a.<br />

and sec. 5 (e) . 55 Stat. 244, as<br />

amended : 46 O. S. C. 391a. 50 O. S. C.<br />

1275)<br />



2. Section 33.3-1 (y) Is amended to<br />

read as follOWS;<br />

§ 33.3-1 Ta11k slilp lifeboat equipment;<br />

oceall alld cocutwf"e-<br />

T I Qe.<br />

(YJ Parachute flare dlstreu Si011a./8.<br />

(1) TWelve approo,:ed parachute red<br />

flare dJstrcss signals and an Bpproved<br />

means ot projecting them, all contained<br />

In a portable watertight case.<br />

SeI"V1ce use of t.he signals shall be<br />

limited to a period ot three yean<br />

from date of manufacture. (For<br />

specifl catlons for the above equipment.<br />

see subparts 160.024 and 160.036<br />

In Subchapter Q of this chapter.)<br />

(2) The stowage of t.hls equlpment<br />

is discretionary with the master.<br />

(3) On ocean tank ships parachute<br />

red tlare distress signal outnts need<br />

not be provided for more than two<br />

lifeboats.<br />

(4) On coastwise tank ships parachute<br />

red tlare distress signal outfits<br />

need not be provided tor more than<br />

one IIfcboat. lR. S. 4417a. and sec. 5<br />

(CI, 55 Stat. 244 . as amended: 46<br />

U. S. C. 391a, 50 O. S. C. 1275)<br />

3. Section 33.3-2 Is amended by<br />

deleting paragraph U) and by amend­<br />

Ing paragraph (e) to read as follows:<br />

I 33.3-2 Tank shIp II/emt equlpmetlt;<br />

Great Lakcs-TI L . • • •<br />

Ie) Distress s/glla/s. (I) Twelve<br />

approved hand red nare distress slg-<br />

July 1948

nals In a wa~ertlght container, or<br />

twelve approved hand combination<br />

nare and smoke distress signals In a<br />

watertight. container. Service use<br />

shall be Umlted to a period of three<br />

years from date ot manufacture. D is·<br />

tress signals not bearing date of manufacture<br />

shall not be carried alter<br />

January 1, 1949. (For specJftcations<br />

for the above signals, sec subparts<br />

160.021, 160.022, and 160.023 In Subchapter<br />

Q of this chapter.)<br />

(2) Either an approved flashlight<br />

or tv.-elve approved parachute red<br />

Hare distress signals. and an approved<br />

means of projecting them ; all contained<br />

In a portable watertight case.<br />

may be substituted for sIx of the above<br />

diStress signals. but at least six of the<br />

above hand red flare distress signals<br />

shall be carried. SerVice use of the<br />

signals shall be limited to a period of<br />

three years from date of manulacture.<br />

(For speclftcatlons for the parachute<br />

red flare distress signal equipment.<br />

see subpar t.s 160.024 and 160.036 In<br />

SubchaPter Q of this chapter.)<br />

un: BUOVS<br />

4. Section 33.7- 115 amended to read<br />

a.s foUows:<br />

§ 33.7-1 Number required ; tank<br />

,hlp_TI A.LL. The minimum number<br />

of approved 30·lnch life buoys and<br />

the minimum number to which approved<br />

automatic ,,'ater lights shall be<br />

attached shail be In accordance with<br />

the following table:<br />

'\Unl"'III"<br />

.\ I lnl·<br />

n"",btr or<br />

:1.?:::i.'Tiln<br />

­ ...,to)" ..·]I11<br />

1'"" ''''' a ,>,,",,''''1<br />

~.<br />

nu",~,<br />

1""'1111 "'lank ...,.,.1<br />

3O.lncll<br />

au,ouWll 1r<br />

",<br />

b,,,,J'II ... ~It" I!.h"<br />

.,""'1>0--oPER.-\TION<br />


Section 25.4-5 Is amended to read<br />

as follows:<br />

I 35 4-5 Fresh air breatILi1l11 ap­<br />

JX1ratns-TBI ALL. All manned tank<br />

veMelll having cargo tanks which ex_<br />

ceed 15 feet In deplh, measured from<br />

the deck to the lowest point at which<br />

cargo is carried, shall be provided<br />

willi fresh air breathing apparatus,<br />

Including belt and lUe lines. (R. S.<br />

4417a. lind sec. 5 (e) , 55 Stat. 244. as<br />

amended ; 46 U. S. C. 39 10.. 50 U. S. C.<br />

1275)<br />




1. Section 37.6-3 Buol/allt materlaill-TBI<br />

ALL is deleted. (R. S.<br />

4417a and sec. 5 ( e ) , 55 Stat. 244. as<br />

amended; 46 U. S. C. 391a, 50 U. S. C.<br />

1275 )<br />


2. SeeUons 37.8--1 to 37.8-10, Inclu_<br />

sive, and the figure for "Standard<br />

R ing Lite Buoy" are deleted. ( R . S.<br />

4417a, and sec. 5 (el , 55 Stat. 244. as<br />

amended; 46 U. S. C. 3910.. 50 U. S. C .<br />

1275 )<br />


3. Section 37.1G-S Signal pistol­<br />

T 10C and figure I-Marine Signal<br />

Pistol Ilre deleted. (R. S. 4417a. and<br />

sec. 5 (e). 55 Stat. 244. as amended;<br />

46 U. S. C. 39 1a, 50 U. S. C. 1275)<br />

Sob.hap•• • ~• • I ~ .<br />

l~gl~_I~g<br />



REQUlR£MI'.NTS<br />

1. Section 52 .01-5 (13 F. R. 1706)<br />

is a mended to read RS follows:<br />

J 52.0W DrawIngs. (a) Manu_<br />

facturers Intending to fabricate boU_<br />

ers. unnred pressure vessels or appliances<br />

or riveted, welded. brazed. or<br />

seamless material to be Installed on<br />

vessels subject to Inspection by the<br />

<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>, shall submit detaU<br />

drawings In triplicate whlS;h shall be<br />

fully descriptive of the pressure containing<br />

parts. of such boilers. unfired<br />

pressure vessels. or appliances to be<br />

m anufactured. to the OMce.r in<br />


Charge. Marine Inspection. baving<br />

jurl!dlcUon over the vessel. When<br />

due to location of the s hipyard or de.<br />

&ign oMce. such a procedure would re·<br />

sUIt In unnecessary delay In trans.<br />

m l.sslon, the drawings may be forwarded<br />

directly to the Commandant<br />

(MMT) . U. S. <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>, Washing.<br />

ton 25. D. C,<br />

(b) The procedure ~lJl.ed In<br />

paragraph (al shall apply also to<br />

prOPOSed alterations. (R. S. 4417a,<br />

4.4.18, 4426. 4427, 4429-4434. 4.4.53, and<br />

4.4.91 , sec. 14. 29 Slat. 690. 41 Stat.<br />

305, 49 Stat. 154.4., M Stat. 346, and<br />

sec. 5 (el, 55 Stat. 244, as amended;<br />

48 U. 6 . C. 363. 366, 367, 39 1a. 392.<br />

404 . 405. 407-412, 435, 1333,50 U. S . C.<br />

1275 ><br />

IlU8PART S2.05--CYLINDRIC.u. S}tELLS<br />

2. Section 52.0:)-5 (a) (13 F. R.<br />

1707) 1$ amended to read as follOws:<br />

152.0:)-5 Materials. (al P:ates<br />

shall be of marine boiler steel complying<br />

with subpart 51.04. except that<br />

boilers designed for pressures not exceeding<br />

150 pounds per t quare Inch<br />

may be constructed of steel plate<br />

meeting the specifications of subpart<br />

51.22 Rnd which are lested, Inspected.<br />

and stamped u required by 151.01-1<br />

of this subchapter. (R. S. 4.4.17a. 44018,<br />

4426, 4427, 4429-4434 . 4453, and 4491 .<br />

sec. 14 , 29 Stat. 690. 41 Stat. 305. 49<br />

Stat. 1544, 54. Stat. 346. and sec. 5 (e),<br />

55 Stat 244, as amended: 46 U. S. C.<br />

363 , 366. 367, 391a, 392. 404. 405. 407­<br />

412, 435, 1333, 50 U. S. C. 1275)<br />

SUBPART S3.300-Ht.\OS<br />

3. Soctlon 5220-5 (al (13 F. R.<br />

1710 ) Is amended to read as follows:<br />

f 52.20-5 Materials a'lld workmanship.<br />

(a) Steel plate used In the<br />

fabrication of heads shall be either<br />

nange or nrebox qUality complying<br />

with subpart 51.01. or 51.22. Flanged<br />

or dished heads If pressed or nanged<br />

cold shall be stress- relieved u required<br />

by 156.01-70 of this subchapter<br />

after the cold·formlnlr operations are<br />

completed. Heads that are flanged<br />

or dished hot need not be stress-relieved.<br />

(R, 8. 4417a, 4418. 4426, 4427.<br />

4429-4434, 4453. and 4491 , sec. 14 . 29<br />

8tat. 690, 41 Stat. 305, 49 Stat. 1544.,<br />

54 Stat. 346, and sec. 5 (el, 55 Stat.<br />

24.4. as amended: 46 U. S. C. 363, 366,<br />

367. 391a. 392. 404. 405, 407-412, 435,<br />

1333.50 U. S .C. 1275 )<br />



4. Section 52.60--6 D rawings and<br />

specf}tcatio1l" (13 P. R. 1723 ) Is<br />

deleted.<br />


BoTLElls <br />

Part 53 (13 'P. R. 1728, 1729) Is<br />

amended to read as follows:<br />

110<br />

"". ~.Ol - I<br />

Scope.<br />

IU1U'AJI'l' U .D)-eTEZL pUon HUoT11fO<br />

~-<br />

&3.03- 1 Scope. <br />

63,03- G Plan approval.<br />

63.03- 10 "a("rlall. <br />

63.03-1G Computatlo nl and dealgn. <br />

63.03-20 Brice

C_ t70 lew plates exp

(I) Washout openings may be used<br />

for return pipe connections and the<br />

washout plug placed in a tee so that<br />

the plug Is directly opposite and as<br />

close as po.sslble to the opening In t he<br />

boiler.<br />

(g) All threaded openings shall be<br />

tapped Into material having a minimum<br />

thlckness as specifled for the<br />

variOUS pipe slzes!n table 53.03-50 (g).<br />

'fA ft'.1i: r..l.(n. 1\(j I ~ ) _ ~ ' ' .~ 'l' '''' T .. ,rx"'li:!d (> ~ ,'IA'<br />

1U'A ~ r UM T" ~I:.\I> ~ I> C""."'n"TIo"'~<br />

~ l l,,11I1I1I 1I<br />

Ihk-I"o. lI "r<br />

1 \""",1 "...<br />

'1111"",<br />

(IIId"",,)<br />

,,<br />

I "m' ",,,10' _ ••_ ••.•.•_ .. _ ..•..••<br />

1U 1 ~, lnclll.I,·~_•••• ••_ ••_ ••••_••<br />

2'4.... . ..... .... _ •._ ... <br />

".<br />

3,--10<br />

of this subchapter.<br />

(dl T he mlnlmum valve CflPo.c1ty<br />

in pounds per hour shall be determined<br />

by dividing the maximum<br />

B . t. u. output at the boiler nOZZle for<br />

which the un it Is designed by 1.000<br />

or by multiplying the square feet of<br />

heating surface by 5. In some In_<br />

stances. a largel' valve may be required<br />

and In all cases the requirem<br />

ent of paragraph le I of this section<br />

shall be met.<br />

ee) The safety and relief va!ve<br />

capacity for each boiler shaJl be such<br />

that with any fu el-burning equipment<br />

Installed. the pressw'e cannot<br />

rise more than 6 percent for steam<br />

boilers and 10 percent for hot -water<br />

boilers above the maximum allowable<br />

pressure of the boilers.<br />

(n Each safety or relief valve sha\!<br />

be plainly marked by the manufac_<br />

turer in such a way that the mark_<br />

Ings wlll not be obliterated In service,<br />

TIle markings may be stamped on the<br />

valve body or stamped or cast on a<br />

plate securely fastened to the body.<br />

and sh all contain the following Information:<br />

fll The name or manurac~urer<br />

sa}et1J and relte} val ves. (a) The<br />

sizes and discharge capacities of<br />

'Return "alve--Number ( ) .<br />

safety and relief valves for heating<br />

Do<br />

not clOOle without alllO closing BUp_ boilers shall conform to the requirements<br />

of subpart 52.65 covering safety<br />

ply \'alve--Nu mber ( ,.<br />

valves for power boUers except as pro­<br />

Vided for In thls part.<br />

(g) After installation the boiler 4b) The safety and relle! valves<br />

shall be hydrostatically tested to twice for each boiler shall be tested for connection of pipe to boiler.<br />

____ _<br />

-( 2) -si;; . :.::::::::::::::::::. ·Iiieh~.<br />

(The pIpe size or the ~Illve Inlet)<br />

(3) PTeasure _______ ••_____ p. S. I.<br />

(Set pressureI<br />

( 4 1 Capacity _______ ________ I b~. pH<br />

lIn accordance with f 52.6.5--10\<br />

hour or reller "alve mlU'klng. Capll.(:cty<br />

_________________ B. ~. u . per hour.<br />

I 53.03-70 F f ·t t f n fi g and appll_<br />

ances-(a) Steam gauges. (1 ) Each<br />

steam boiler shall have a steam gauge<br />

connected to Its steam space. or to<br />

It.s water column, or to Its steam connection<br />

by means of a siphon or<br />

equivalent device exterior to the boiler<br />

and or surneient capacity to keep<br />

the gauge tube ruled with water and<br />

so arranged that the gauge cannot<br />

be shut ofT from the boiler except by<br />

a cock, with T or lever handle. pl aced<br />

In the pipe near the gauge. The<br />

handle of the cock sha.11 be parallel<br />

to the pipe on whlch It Is located<br />

when the cock Is open.<br />

(2) Connections to steam gauge<br />

siphon shall be of nonferrous metal<br />

when smaller than 1 Inch pipe and<br />

longer than 5 feet between the siphon<br />

and point of connection of pIpe to<br />

boiler. and also when smaller than ~<br />

Inch pipe size and shorter than 5<br />

feet between the siphon and point of<br />

112 Jul y 1948

(3) The scale on the dial of the<br />

gauge shall be graduated to not less<br />

than 30 p. s I. The gauge shall be<br />

provided with effectlve stops for Indicating<br />

pointer at the zero point.<br />

The travel of Ule pointer from zero<br />

to 30 p. s. i. shall be at least 3 Inches.<br />

(b) Water pressure gauges. ill<br />

Eaoh hot water boiler shall have a<br />

pressure gauge connected to It or to<br />

Its flow connection In s uch a manner<br />

that It cannot be shut off from the<br />

boiler except by a cock, with T or lever<br />

handle, placed on the pipe near the<br />

gauge. The handle of the cock shall<br />

be parallel to the pipe on which It Is<br />

located when the cock Is open.<br />

(2) Pressure gauge connections<br />

shall be of nonferrous material when<br />

smaller than 1 Inch pipe size and<br />

longer than 5 feet between gauge and<br />

point of connection of pipe to boller,<br />

and also when smaller than Y:1: inch<br />

pipe slze and shorter than 5 feet between<br />

gauge and point of connection<br />

of pipe to boiler.<br />

(c) Thermometers, (1 ) Each hot<br />

water boiler s hall have a thermometer<br />

so located and connected that It will<br />

be easily readable when observing the<br />

water pressure.<br />

(2) The thermometer shall be so<br />

located that It shall at all times Indicate<br />

the temperature In degrees Fahr_<br />

enhet of the water In the boiler or<br />

near t.he outlet.<br />

Id) Temperature combustion TeQItlalor.<br />

A temperature combustion regulator,<br />

which will control the rate of<br />

combustion to prevent the temperature<br />

Of the water from rising above<br />

250· F. at or near the outlet. or a<br />

thermostatic devIce whIch will relieve<br />

the pressure on the boiler when the<br />

temperature exceeds 250· F. shall be<br />

Installed on each hot water heating<br />

boiler.<br />

(e) Bottom blowoD. Each boiler<br />

shall have a blawoff pipe connection<br />

fitted with a valve or cock of not less<br />

than % Inch pIpe slze connected to<br />

the lowest water space available.<br />

10 Water ga!lgc glasses. Each<br />

steam boiler shall have one or more<br />

water gauge glasses attached to the<br />

water column or boiler by means of<br />

valved Httlngs with the lower fitting<br />

pro\'lded with a valve Dr pet. cock.<br />

\g) Gauge cocks. Each steam<br />

boUer shall have two or more gauge<br />

cocks located wlt.hln the visible range<br />

of the water glass.<br />

(h ) Water column pipes. The.<br />

minimum size ot pipes connecting a<br />

waler colUmn to a steam boUer shall<br />

be I InCh. No connectlons, except for<br />

regulator, drain Dr steam gauge, shall<br />

be attached to a water column or the<br />

piping connecting a water column to<br />

a boiler. Ir the water column or gauge<br />

glass Is connected to the boiler by pIpe<br />

and fittings, a T, or equIvalent tittlng,<br />

in whIch a drain valve and ·pip-<br />

July '948<br />

Ing may be attached. shall be Installed Ing boilers shall be provided with suitable<br />

washout openings to permit the<br />

In the water piping connection at<br />

every right angle turn to facilitate removal of any sediment that may accumulate<br />

therein. Washout openings<br />

cleaning.<br />

(I) Low-water fuel cut-oU. (I) All may be used for return pipe connectJons<br />

and the washout plug placed In<br />

automalically fired steam boilers shall<br />

be equipped with low-water fuel cutoff<br />

so located as to automatically CUt posite and as close as possIblc to the<br />

a T so tha t the plug Is directly OP­<br />

off the fuel supply when the surface opening In t.he bol!er.<br />

of the water falls below the lowest t 53.05--20 Flanged connections.<br />

safe water level.<br />

Flanged pipe connection openings In<br />

(2) An automatic water feeding device,<br />

so located as to supply the re­<br />

Standard given In table 55.07-15 (JI)<br />

boilers shall conform to the American<br />

quired amount of feedwaler when the of} 55.07-15 (j) of this subchapter for<br />

surface of the water falls below the the corresponding pipe size and shall<br />

safe water level. may be Installed In h ave the corresponding drilling for<br />

conjunction with the required lowwater<br />

fuel cut-off .<br />

I 53.05--25 Threaded openings.<br />

bolts or s tUds.<br />

~ 53.03-75 Hydrostatic tests, i71­All threaded openings shall be tapped<br />

SpeCtiOIl . al/d stamping. ( a) Each<br />

boiler shall be s ubject to a hydrostatic<br />

lest pressure of not less than 60<br />

pounds per square Inch by the manu·<br />

facturer.<br />

Cb) In the event of any defects de·<br />

veloplng, the defective material may<br />

be replaced and the boiler retested.<br />

(c) Individual shop Inspection of<br />

heating boilers by an Inspector Is not<br />

required. Such Inspection shall be<br />

made by the manufacturer while the<br />

boiler is subjected to the required hydrostatic<br />

test pressure to Insure that<br />

there are no defects In workmanshJp<br />

and materials.<br />

(d) Upon completion of the hydrostatic<br />

tests and Inspectlon and after<br />

the boiler is found acceptable It shall<br />

be stamped In a suitable location so<br />

as to be readlly visible. with the fol_<br />

lowing data:<br />

(Nllme of rabrlcator and aerial number)<br />

(Month and year fabricated )<br />

______ ___ ._._.____• __ ______••• _._p. •. I.<br />

(Ma;dmum w. p .) (Steam or water)<br />

____ B. t . u. per hour, or pounds per <br />

hour. <br />

( Sl\ret~' or reller YI\I~e capacity. minimum) <br />

(COII..St OU8m Approval No.)<br />


BOlLERS<br />

§ 53.05--1 Scope. The regulations<br />

In this subpart contain detail require_<br />

ments for the design and construction<br />

of cast-Iron heating boilers.<br />

{53.05--5 Mallllf actuTu'3 certificatloll.<br />

A manufacturer desiring to<br />

fabricate cast-Iron heating boilers (or<br />

use on vessels subject to Inspection by<br />

the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> s hall SUbmit an amdavit.<br />

on Form C0-935A certifying<br />

that such boilers will comply with all<br />

the applicable requirements of the<br />

regulations In this subchapter.<br />

1 53.05--10 Material. The male_<br />

rial used In the fabrlcaUon of cast­<br />

Iron heating boilers shall conform to<br />

the requirements of subpart 51.64 for<br />

grade B or grade C cast. Iron.<br />

~ 53.05--15 Washollt openings. All<br />

east·Iron steam and hot water heat-<br />

Inlo material haVing a minimum<br />

thickness as specified In table 53.05--25.<br />

7A~ U 103 .115-2.1--:11'"1>·&.................... "<br />

§ 53.05-30 HlIdrost atic tcsts, In.<br />

specUo n. and stamping. (a) The<br />

completed boiler shall be subject to a<br />

hydrostatic test pressure or not les.o;<br />

than 60 pounds per square inch by the<br />

manuracturer.<br />

(bl In the event of any defects developing.<br />

the defective cored section<br />

may be replaced and the boiler retested.<br />

(c) Individual s hop Inspection of<br />

cast-Iron heaUng boilers by an Inspec·<br />

tor Is not required. SUch Inspection<br />

shall be made by the manufacturer<br />

while Lhe boiler is subjected to the<br />

required hydrostatic·tcst pressure to<br />

Insure that there are no defects In<br />

workmanship and materials.<br />

(dJ (1 ) All cast-Iron heating boil ­<br />

ers shall be plainly and permancntly<br />

marked, stamped, or cast with the<br />

following data:<br />

(I) __ __ _•••__________________. __ _<br />

(Name or fabrIcator !\nd l!erlal number).<br />

(II) ___ ._. ____ • ____••••_._••___ __•<br />

(Month and year fabr lcRtedj.<br />

tlll ) _____._.__ ____ • _____ __ • ___ p .D. I.<br />

(MaIlmum w. p.) (Steam or water).<br />

(\\' I ____ ._._ ... _ pounds per hour or<br />

B. t. u. per hour. (Safety or reller valve<br />

cApacIty. minimum).<br />

(v) Coa..st <strong>Guard</strong> Approval No...__. ____<br />

(2) Ilems (I). (II). and (liD shall<br />

be stamped or cast on all cored seetlons<br />

of the boiler. In addition. a<br />

name plate containing all the mark­<br />

Ings listed herein shall be attaChed In<br />

a suitable locution on the outside of<br />

\.he completed boiler or casing.<br />


i 53.05-35 I nstal/allan. The provisions<br />

of i 53.05- 55 shall apply to<br />

cast-Iron boilers.<br />

I 53.0!).-40 Safe/II and relief VGl lles.<br />

The provisions of ~ 53.03-60 shall apply<br />

to cast-Iron boilen; except tha t the<br />

safetY ,or relle r valve shall be set to<br />

discharge at a preMure not to exceed<br />

15 p. s. l.<br />

I 53.05-45 Dlscllarge capacilles 0/<br />

lIalelll and rel/cl valve.,. (a) The<br />

provisions of I 53.03-65 shall apply<br />

except as s peelfted In this section.<br />

(b) Safety valves for cast-Iron<br />

heating boilers sha.ll be tested for ca ­<br />

pacity at 33 ~ percent over the 15<br />

p. s. I. required set prell$ure. Relief<br />

valves shall be tested at 10 percent<br />

over the required set pressure.<br />

(c) The safety and relief valve capacity<br />

for eaeh cRst-lron boiler shall<br />

be such that, with any fuel-burning<br />

equipment Installed. the pressure cannot<br />

rise allove the maximum allowable<br />

pressure more than 5 p. s. I. for 11<br />

steam boiler or 3 p. s. l. for 11 hot -water<br />

boiler.<br />

§ 53.05-50 Fitlil/gs al/d app/ftwccs.<br />

The provision!; of 1 53.03-70 s hill!<br />

apply to nttlngll and applia nces for<br />

east-Iron boilers.<br />


stnlP"'IIT n .C4-<br />


1. SecUon 55.0

I<br />

(4) Oceangoing sailing vC$Sd.s and<br />

boruel. Ef!\clent hand pumps which<br />

can be operated from above the bulk4<br />

head deck or the highest convenlen~<br />

level which Is always accessible shall<br />

be Installed on oceangoing sailing<br />

vessels and barges. There shall be<br />

one pump lor each compartment or<br />

two pumps connected to It bilge main<br />

having at least one branch to each<br />

1 compartmem. Where power Is always<br />

available two power pumps connected<br />

to the bilge main may be substituted<br />

for the hand pumps.<br />

(5) River and Ilarbor scrufce, Utlmanned<br />

barges. Suitable hand or<br />

power -operated pumps or syphons,<br />

portable or fixed, carried either on<br />

board the barge or on the towing vessel<br />

shall be provided lor river and<br />

harbor service on unmanned barges.<br />

(cI Priming. Suitable means shall<br />

be provided Jor priming centrHu gal<br />

pumps.<br />

(d ) Location. The power bilge<br />

pumps shalt be located In separate<br />

w£ltertlght comparunents where prac_<br />

ticable. U watertight bulkheads separate<br />

the engine and boiler rooms a<br />

direct suction shall be fi tted to each<br />

compa rtment unless the bilge pumps<br />

are distributed throughout these compartments.<br />

In which case at lea.'It one<br />

pump In each compartment shall be<br />

J'ltted with 0. direct suction In U.s<br />

compartment.<br />

(e) Other PIj/IlPS. SanlWuy, ballast.<br />

and general service pumps may<br />

be accepted as Independent power<br />

bilge pumps If ntted with the necessary<br />

connections to the bilge-pumping<br />

system.<br />

(f! Illdependellt power bilge<br />

JlIll1Ip.~. The Independent power bilge<br />

pumps required by paragraph \bl of<br />

this section shall be capable of draw­<br />

Ing the water throUgh their suction<br />

pipes at a velocity of not less than 400<br />

fect per minute under ordinary work_<br />

ing conditions.<br />

5. Se

about a proper balance between the<br />

factors of safety at sea and this or·<br />

derly reconversIon. VarIous orders<br />

have been Issued since 1 March 1942<br />

for the purpose of carrying out this<br />

policy. While It is not the policy of<br />

the CoaH <strong>Guard</strong> to countenance wll·<br />

ful violations of the laws and regula·<br />

tlons or negligence In meeting t he re·<br />

qulrements thereof, n either Is It con·<br />

templated that masters who exercise<br />

aU reasonable etrorts to comply with<br />

the requirements In effect be cited for<br />

violations on technical grounds:.<br />




e made on the face of the COpy of<br />

the application sent to Headquarters.<br />

l'",RT m. CREW S HORTAe: E REPORTS RE­<br />

QUIR£D UND£R R. S. 4483 ; FORM OF<br />


Ca ) R. S. 4463 (46 U. S . C. 222 )<br />

provides, among other things. for the<br />

establishment of a crew complement<br />

for every vessel subject to the Inspection<br />

laws. This complement sPCclfles<br />

the number of ofll cers and 5e1Imen of<br />

various ranks and ratlnlS considered<br />

ntcessary to the sale navigation of<br />

the vessel. Onder R. S. 4463. a vessel<br />

for which a complement has been established<br />

is prohibited from being<br />

navlll'ated prior to the filling of such<br />

complement by the signing on of the<br />

full crew called for thereby, that 15, a<br />

crew which meets the requlrement:~ of<br />

the complement both as to number<br />

and quality. Furthermore, that statute<br />

requires such complements to be<br />

tilled prior to the navigation or the<br />

vessel after the eXpiration or each<br />

period for which a lull crew Is signed<br />

" ,<br />

(b) Parts IV and V of this circular<br />

explain general waivers of the requirements<br />

of R. S. 4463 as to quality<br />

of the crew but not as to the number<br />

of the crew. There Is no waiver permitting<br />

a vessel to be n avlaated with<br />

less than the total number 01 crew<br />

members specified In fIJI complement<br />

and this sitUation Is governed by R. S.<br />

4463.<br />

(c) R. S. 4463 outllnes \.he conditions<br />

under which a. vessel may be<br />

navlll'ated in situations 'IIo'here the vessd<br />

15 deprived of the services of any<br />

number or her crew durlnll' the period<br />

for which the lull crew hu been<br />

signed on. In such cases If the vacancies<br />

are ruled with replacements of<br />

the same grade or a hlll'her rating the<br />

vessel may, of course, continue to be<br />

navigated just as though no vacancies<br />

had occurred. She may be navigated<br />

without all positions occupied by such<br />

replacements only If (1) such services<br />

were lost through desertion or casualty;<br />

(2) such services were lost Without<br />

the consent, lault, or collusion ol<br />

the master, owner, or any othcr person<br />

Interested In the vessel: (3 ) the<br />

master was unable to obtain replacements<br />

ol the same irade or ol a higher<br />

rating to fill the vacant positions:<br />

and, (4) it is Ule judgment oC the<br />

master that the vesse] 15 sufllcienuy<br />

manned.<br />

(d) For purposes oC administration<br />

of R. S. 4463, the terms "desertion or<br />

casualty" shall be construed to Include<br />

all circumstances beyond the control<br />

of the muter, OIl/Tier, or any othcr person<br />

Interested In the vessel whlch result<br />

In crew vacancies.<br />

(el In cases where a vessel which<br />

has been deprived of the services of<br />

Jlllr 1948<br />

crew members through desertion or<br />

casualty Is navigated with fewer crew<br />

members on board than the complement<br />

lor the vessel calls Cor , or with<br />

replacements of lower grade or rat.­<br />

lng, R. S. 4463 requires that the master<br />

report such shortall'e and explain<br />

the cause thereof In wrlUng to the<br />

Ofllcer In Charge. Ma rlne Inspection,<br />

within 12 hours of the arrival of the<br />

vessel at her destination. No partic_<br />

ular lorm 15 required by this statute<br />

to be used In making such report.<br />

(0 To reduce paper work and simplify<br />

the filing of reports <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong><br />

Form CO '729 may be used. Muters<br />

using this form must make appropriate<br />

modification thereof to Indicate<br />

that the report Is a shortage report<br />

under R. S. 4463, enter thereon the<br />

name and license or certificate number<br />

of each member of the crew who<br />

lelt the vessel, state the cause or the<br />

shortage and the port at which It occurred,<br />

certify that no replacements<br />

of the slUlle grade or 01 a higher rat­<br />

Inll' were obtainable and that In his<br />

Judgment the vessel was sufllclenUy<br />

manned, and file the same In duplicate<br />

with \.he arncer In Charge, Marine<br />

Inspection, within 12 hours of<br />

the arrival of the vessel at her destination.<br />

(g) Form CG 729 may be modified<br />

to report crew shortages. Reports In<br />

this form shan be accepted by the<br />

Omcer In Charge. Martne I nspection.<br />

This ofllcer shall forward one of the<br />

copies filed with him to Headquarters<br />

without delay.<br />

The waiver dated April 12, 1946. In<br />

document COFR 43-16. page 78, May<br />

1946 Proceedings.<br />





(a) Is a conditional waiver of the<br />

mannlnll' requirements lor merchanL<br />

cargo and tank vessels other than<br />

those navigating the Great Lakes.<br />

(b) ThiS waiver has general application<br />

to aU cargo and tank vesscls<br />

other than those navigating the Oreat<br />

Lakes. I ~ permlt.s holders of AB certificates<br />

endorsed "any waters-12<br />

months" to be employed In the crews<br />

of cargo and tank vessels to the extent<br />

01 the nonavallabillty oC fully Quallfled<br />

AS's but not to exceed one-half<br />

the number of able seamen required<br />

on the vessel by Its Certificate of Inspection.<br />

On the average vessel<br />

wbere s ll't AB's are required thls wl11<br />

mean that three 01 t.be six may be<br />

hOlders of limited certiflcates Instead<br />

Df one 01 the six allowed by law.<br />

(c) No written reports of substitutions<br />

made In crews pursuant to this<br />

general waiver are required or a vessel's<br />

m aster , owner , or operator .<br />

Shipping Commissioners, however,<br />

shall make a notation on the shipping<br />

articles of all AB's signed on under<br />

this general waiver. This notation<br />

shall be made opposite tbe seaman's<br />

name in the column entitled "capacity"<br />

by adding "12 mos" under the<br />

letters " AB."<br />

(d I The requlremcnt in the waiver<br />

order that reasonable efforts be made<br />

to secure properly certificated AB's is<br />

to be lIlerally construed. Wblle no<br />

statement outlining these efforts Is required<br />

the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> may require<br />

a Justification for SUbstitutions in specific<br />

cases, especially those wbere It<br />

appears there has been a vlo\aUon of<br />

the intent and purpose of the waiver<br />

authority. In this connection attention<br />

Is called to the penalty provision<br />

contained In the waiver order.<br />

(el It Is pointed out that all crew<br />

substitutions on passenger vessels and<br />

substitutions other than those specifically<br />

authorized by Inclosure (4) and<br />

eXplained In this Part may be made<br />

only upon a pplication to and approval<br />

by the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> District<br />

Commander or hiS authorized representative<br />

and on an Individual ship<br />

basis In accordance with the procedure<br />

out lined In Part D of this<br />

Circular.<br />




(a ) The waivers dated April 12,<br />

1948. In documents CGm 48-19 and<br />

48-21, pages 79 and 80, May 1948 Proceedings,<br />

are conditional waivers of<br />

the manning requirements applicable<br />

to Great Lak~ merchant carll'O and<br />

tank vessels.<br />

(bl The waiver order 10 CGFR<br />

48-19 has genera l application to all<br />

cargo and tank vessels navlgaUnll' the<br />

Great Lakes. It permits certlficated<br />

ordinary seamen who have served a<br />

minimum or 8 months on deck at sea<br />

or on the Great Lakes to be employed<br />

In the crews 01 cargo and tank vessels<br />

t.o the extent of the nonavallabillty<br />

Of fully Qualified able seamen but not<br />

to exceed one-half the numbcr 01 such<br />

able seamen required on the vessel by<br />

Its Certificate 01 Inspection. Certificated<br />

ordinary seamen employed UD_<br />

der this waiver are required to present<br />

to the master of the vessel at the<br />

time of being employed authentic evidence<br />

of at least 8 months' service on<br />

deck at sea or on the Great Lakes.<br />

The evidence of tbls service 15 required<br />

to be In the form of certificates<br />

01 dlscharae or other properly authenticated<br />

records of service which<br />

show the name of the vessel or vessels<br />

and the dates employed thereon. Entries<br />

In continuous books or signed<br />

records of service Issued to the man<br />

by masters or operators of vessels<br />


meet the requirements of this pro·<br />

vision.<br />

IC) The waiver contained In CGFR<br />

48-21 is the waiver order which bas<br />

general a pplication to a ll coal burn·<br />

Ing merchant cargo and tank vessels<br />

of the United States n avigating the<br />

Great Lakes. It permits seamen who<br />

are certlticated for other engine room<br />

ratings to be employed as Q..."\IED In<br />

the rating of tire man on coal burnlnil"<br />

Oreat Lakes vessels to the extent of<br />

t he nonavaiJability of fully qualified<br />

QMED's In the rating of fireman.<br />

Seamen substituted for QMED's un·<br />

der this waiver must have served a<br />

minimum of 3 months In the fireroom<br />

or coal burning Great Lakes vessels<br />

and such seamen must present to the<br />

master of the vessel at the time of be·<br />

Ing employed authentic evidence of<br />

this 3 months' service. Certificate of<br />

discharge. entries [n continuous dis·<br />

charge books. and signed records ot<br />

service Issued by masters or operators<br />

showing the name ot the v~e l or ves~<br />

sels and the dales employed thereon<br />

will be acceptable.<br />

Id) No written reports of subst.ltu·<br />

tlOIlS made in crews of Oreat Lakes<br />

vessels pursuant to the general walv·<br />

ers are required of a vessel's master.<br />

owner , or operator. The requirement<br />

In these waiver orders that reasonable<br />

en orts be made to secure properly<br />

certificated AB's and Q.VIED·s Is to<br />

be literally construed and the <strong>Coast</strong><br />

<strong>Guard</strong> may require nn explanation In<br />

the form of a justifi cation for substl·<br />

tutlons In speclflc cases, especially<br />

those where It appears that there has<br />

been a violation of the Intent and pur·<br />

pose of the waiver authority. In this<br />

connection attenUon Is called to the<br />

penalty provision contained In the<br />

waiver orders.<br />

(el It Is pOinted out that all crew<br />

substitutions on passenger vessels a nd<br />

SUbstitutions other than those speclfl.<br />

cally authorized by com 48-19 and<br />

48-21. and explained In this Part may<br />

be made only upon application to and<br />

approval by the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> District<br />

Commander or his authorized repre·<br />

sentatlve and on an Individual ship<br />

basis in accordance with the pro·<br />

cedure outlined in Part II of thJs Clr·<br />

cular.<br />

PAn VI. EMPLOYJ,fENT OF Aurns AS<br />



(a) The conditional waiver, dated<br />

April 12. 1948. in document CGF'R<br />

48-20, page 80, May 1948 Proceedings,<br />


Merchant Marine Personnel Statistics<br />


D IW K on' lc ~: I\ S<br />

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