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Queen‘s Day Becomes King‘s Day<br />



Skompilować, zrobić save’a,<br />

zrestartować to veni vidi vici<br />

XXI wieku.<br />

50 lat po wydaniu masterpiece’owego<br />

tłumczenia<br />

Mechanicznej Pomarańczy<br />

Roberta Stillera, jego wizja<br />

stała się ciałem: angielski<br />

ma feature w wypowiedziach<br />

każdego szanującego się<br />

pracownika dużego c<strong>it</strong>y lub<br />

skromnego użytkownika<br />

forum społecznościowego.<br />

“Userzy wszystkich krajów,<br />

łączcie się!”<br />

To nie język obcy, to polski.<br />

Biada tym kmieciom, którzy<br />

nadal posługują się obscenicznymi<br />

i plebejskimi<br />

słow<strong>am</strong>i typu “punkt widzenia”<br />

(z<strong>am</strong>iast view) czy<br />

“ ś c i e ż k a<br />

dźwiękowa” (z<strong>am</strong>iast soundtrack)!<br />

To gorzej wpływa na<br />

image niż przestarzały software.<br />

Aby czytelnik nie zagubił się<br />

w t y m f e n o m e n i e<br />

lingwistycznym, poniżej z<strong>am</strong>ieszcz<strong>am</strong>y<br />

przydatny<br />

guidebook.<br />

Należy zawsze być in touch z<br />

najnowszymi update’<strong>am</strong>i -<br />

inaczej ryzykujemy feedback,<br />

który nie jest the best.<br />

Wtedy nawet najlepszy background<br />

nie pomoże: koniec z<br />

licznymi zaproszeni<strong>am</strong>i na<br />

dinner party, a o ile się<br />

szybko nie zorientujesz,<br />

nawet brunche w sushibarze<br />

będziesz jadał s<strong>am</strong>.<br />

Podsumowując: p<strong>am</strong>iętajcie,<br />

że less is more, ale more is<br />

better, a w ogóle to nothing<br />

is impossible, więc bądźcie<br />

careful i best of luck.<br />

Nela Soszynska S5En<br />

Se<strong>it</strong>e 5<br />

On Tuesday, 30 April, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands<br />

abdicated after 33 years. In the morning, she signed the<br />

act of abdication in the Royal Palace on D<strong>am</strong> Square,<br />

Amsterd<strong>am</strong>. Both the new king, Willem Alexander, and<br />

the new queen Maxima signed this act as well. Everyone<br />

was gathered outside to watch what happened in the<br />

palace on big screens. Afterwards the royal f<strong>am</strong>ily went<br />

to the New Church, also on D<strong>am</strong> Square, where King<br />

Willem Alexander’s inauguration was held. There were a<br />

lot of foreign quests; most were princes and princesses<br />

from other European countries, for instance Norway,<br />

Sweden, Denmark and Spain, or from the Middle East.<br />

In the evening, the new king and queen made a round<br />

trip through Amsterd<strong>am</strong> harbour and watched all kinds<br />

of artists performing on other boats or on the quay. Their<br />

three daughters were present the whole day. The eldest<br />

daughter is called Pincess Amalia, who is now 9 years<br />

old, and will succeed her father when she is older and<br />

become the next queen.<br />

The whole day was a<br />

celebration, the people<br />

felt grat<strong>it</strong>ude for Queen<br />

Beatrix and were exc<strong>it</strong>ed<br />

to have a new king and<br />

queen.<br />

Jeanne Brugman S5En<br />

"O homen é do t<strong>am</strong>anho do seu sonho..."<br />

Esta é uma das linhas mais f<strong>am</strong>osas<br />

de Fernando Pessoa. Quem é<br />

Fernando Pessoa e por que é ele tão<br />

importante? Fernando António Nogueira<br />

Pessoa nasceu em Lisboa, no<br />

dia 13 de junho 1888 e faleceu<br />

emLisboa no dia 30 de novembro<br />

1935, com 47 anos. Entre outras<br />

coisas, Pessoa foi sobretudo um<br />

poeta português, escr<strong>it</strong>or e filósofo.<br />

Ele é considerado um dos Maiores<br />

poetas da Língua Portuguesa, e da<br />

L<strong>it</strong>eratura Universal.<br />

O que é que faz com que Fernando<br />

Pessoa ofusce todos os outros<br />

escr<strong>it</strong>ores e poetas lus<strong>it</strong>anos? Em<br />

uma palavra; heterónimos. O conce<strong>it</strong>o<br />

l<strong>it</strong>erário do heterónimo, foi<br />

inventado por ele. Heterónimo refere<br />

-se a um ou mais personagens imaginárias<br />

criada por um escr<strong>it</strong>or, neste<br />

caso Pessoa, para escrever em<br />

diferentes estilos. Heterónimos diferem<br />

de pseudônimos, porque enquanto<br />

os pseudônimos são apenas<br />

nomes falsos, heterônimos são personagens<br />

que têm seus próprios<br />

supostos físicos, biografias e estilos<br />

de escr<strong>it</strong>a. No caso de Pessoa, há<br />

pelo menos 70 heterónimos. Alguns<br />

deles são parentes ou conhecem<br />

uns aos outros, eles cr<strong>it</strong>ic<strong>am</strong> etraduzem<br />

obras de cada um. No entanto<br />

os seus três principaisheterônimos<br />

são Alberto<br />

Caeiro, Ricardo Reis e Álvaro<br />

deC<strong>am</strong>pos. Os heterónimos t<strong>am</strong>bém<br />

integrav<strong>am</strong> Pessoa nas suas vidas,<br />

falav<strong>am</strong> com ele. Pessoa ch<strong>am</strong>ou<br />

isso de "o teatro de ser"<br />

ou "dr<strong>am</strong>a em gente". Mas conversa<br />

ndo não foi o suficiente, elesmexi<strong>am</strong><br />

na vida social dele. Durante o único<br />

romance de Pessoa, Álvaro<br />

de C<strong>am</strong>pos cheio<br />

de ciúmes, escreveu cartas para<br />

asenhora, e ela, gostando de este<br />

jogo, escrevia de volta! Isso levanta<br />

a questão, era<br />

um gênio l<strong>it</strong>erário ou simplesmente<br />

louco?Diante dos fatos, podemos<br />

concordar que o homem era um<br />

gênio l<strong>it</strong>erário, o primeiro a chegar a<br />

ideia de heterónimos.<br />

Inês Peres S5Ena<br />

Dornálaíochta<br />

Is è an dornàlaìochta an sport is fearr liom. Tá sé ar<br />

cheann de na spóirt is mó tóir ar fud<br />

an domhain. Thosaigh sé sna Cluichí Oilimpeacha sa<br />

Ghréig. Tá go leor rialacha sa dornálaíocht.<br />

Ní mór don dá dhornála<strong>it</strong>he lámhainní a cha<strong>it</strong>he<strong>am</strong>h.<br />

Níl cead greim ar do chéile comhraic a bhe<strong>it</strong>h agat.<br />

Níl cead ciceáil, poc leis an gceann nó airm ar b<strong>it</strong>h a<br />

bhe<strong>it</strong>h ag an dornálaí eile ach an oiread.<br />

Ta<strong>it</strong>níonn dornálaíochta liom mar choinníonn sé tú<br />

aclaí agus cabhraítear strus a scaoileadh. Múineann<br />

sé conas du<strong>it</strong> féin a chosaint. In aon comórtas<br />

bíonn triúir daoine sa fhainne. Beirt dornálaí agus ao<br />

n ré<strong>it</strong>eoir <strong>am</strong>háin ann chomh<br />

ma<strong>it</strong>h. Tá dhá chluiche deag<br />

agus tríbhabhta agus má tá aon duine Ko'd an vóta<br />

bre<strong>it</strong>hiúna a bhuaigh.<br />

Thosaigh mé féin leis an<br />

ndornálaíocht mar gheall ar mo dheartháir agus m’ at<br />

hair. Tá clú ar go leor dhornála<strong>it</strong>he na<br />

hÉireann mar sh<strong>am</strong>pla, Katie Taylor, John Joe Nevins,<br />

Darren Sutherland agus Bernard Dunne. Tá<br />

dornálaíocht ag fás in Éirinn sa dá<br />

réir agus anois tá club dornálaíochta de<br />

ngach réimse in Éirinn agus i dtíortha eile.<br />

Beidh muid ag súil le<br />

níos mó boinn i Rio de Janeiro i 2016.<br />

Ar aghaidh libh in Éirinn!<br />

Le Eanna Kiarie S5 en

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