Bibliography - IILJ

Bibliography - IILJ

Bibliography - IILJ


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Global Administrative Law: Bibliographical Resources *<br />

Compiled by Maurizia De Bellis, June 2006 ( including many<br />

but not all materials from the April 2005 <strong>IILJ</strong> GAL <strong>Bibliography</strong><br />

which was published in LCP 68 3-4).<br />

I.<br />


- S. BATTINI, Amministrazioni senza Stato. Profili di diritto<br />

amministrativo internazionale, Milano, Giuffrè, 2003.<br />

- S. BATTINI, International Organizations and Private Subjects: A<br />

Move Toward a Global Administrative Law?, <strong>IILJ</strong> Working<br />

Papers No. 2005/3, available at<br />

http://www.iilj.org/publications/wp_globadminlaw.htm. (also as<br />

Organizzazioni internazionali e soggetti privati: verso un diritto<br />

amministrativo globale?, in Riv. trim. dir. pubbl., 2005, n. 2, p.<br />

359 et seq.).<br />

- E. BENVENISTI, The Interplay between Actors as a Determinant<br />

of the Evolution of Administrative Law in International<br />

Institutions, 68 Law & Contemp. Probs. 319 (2005).<br />

- L. CASINI, Diritto amministrativo globale, in Dizionario di<br />

diritto pubblico, edited by S. Cassese, Milano, Giuffrè, 2006, ad<br />

vocem.<br />

- S. CASSESE, Global Administrative Law: an Introduction, paper<br />

for the NYU Law School «Global Administrative Law<br />

Conference», April 22-23 2005, available at<br />

http://www.iilj.org/global_adlaw/documents/Cassesepaper.pdf<br />

(also as Il diritto amministrativo globale: una introduzione, in<br />

Riv. trim. dir. pubbl., 2005, n. 2, p. 331 et seq.).<br />

- G. DELLA CANANEA, Beyond the State: The Europeanization and<br />

Globalization of Procedural Administrative Law, 9 Eur. Pub. L.<br />

563 (2003).<br />

- C. HARLOW, Global Administrative Law: The Quest for<br />

Principles and Values, 17 Eur. J. Int. L. 214 (2006).<br />


Governance as Administration – National and Transnational<br />

* By Maurizia De Bellis, Ph.D. candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Rome<br />

“La Sapienza”. Conditions of Use (Creative Commons License): You are<br />

free to use and copy this work, under the following conditions: Attribution.<br />

You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor;<br />

Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes; and<br />

For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license<br />

terms of this work.<br />


Approaches to Global Administrative Law, 68 Law &<br />

Contemp. Probs. 1 (2005).<br />

- B. KINGSBURY, N. KRISCH, R.B. STEWART, The Emergence of<br />

Global Administrative Law, 68 Law & Contemp. Probs. 15<br />

(2005).<br />

- N. KRISCH, B. KINGSBURY, Introduction: Global Governance<br />

and Global Administrative Law in the International Legal Order,<br />

17 Eur. J. Int. L. 13 (2006).<br />

- N. KRISCH, The Pluralism of Global Administrative Law, 17<br />

Eur. J. Int. L. 278 (2006).<br />

- R.B. STEWART, U.S. Administrative Law: a Model for Global<br />

Administrative Law?, 68 Law & Contemp. Probs. 63 (2005).<br />

- R.B. STEWART, Il diritto amministrativo globale, in Riv. trim.<br />

dir. pubbl., 2005, n. 3, p. 633 et seq.<br />

II.<br />



- A.C. AMAN JR., Administrative Law in a Global Era: Progress,<br />

Deregulatory Change, and the Rise of the Administrative<br />

Presidency, 73 Cornell L. Rev. 1101 (1988).<br />

- A.C. AMAN JR., Proposals for Reforming the Administrative<br />

Procedure Act: Globalization, Democracy and the Furtherance<br />

of a Global Public Interest, 6 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 397<br />

(1999).<br />

- A.C. AMAN JR., The Limits of Globalization and the Future of<br />

Administrative Law: From Government to Governance, 8 Ind. J.<br />

Global Legal Stud. 379 (2001).<br />

- A.C. AMAN JR., Administrative Law in a Global Era, 54 Admin.<br />

L. Rev. 409 (2002).<br />

- A.C. AMAN JR., Globalization, Democracy, and the Need for a<br />

New Administrative Law, 10 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 125<br />

(2003).<br />

- J.B. AUBY, La globalisation, le droit, l’Etat, Paris,<br />

Montchrestien, 2003.<br />

- S. BATTINI, L’impatto della globalizzazione sulla pubblica<br />

amministrazione e sul diritto amministrativo, in Giorn. dir.<br />

amm., 2006, n. 3, p. 339 et seq.<br />

- S. BATTINI, La globalizzazione del diritto pubblico, forthcoming<br />

in Riv. Trim. Dir. Pubbl., 2006.<br />

- S. CASSESE, Lo spazio giuridico globale, Roma-Bari, Laterza,<br />

2003.<br />

- S. CASSESE, La crisi dello Stato, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2002.<br />


- S. CASSESE, The Globalization of Law, available at<br />

http://iilj.org/global_adlaw/documents/CasseseGlobalPaper.doc<br />

(also as Universalità del diritto, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica,<br />

2005).<br />

- J. DELBRÜCK, Globalization of Law, Politics, and Markets.<br />

Implications for Domestic Law, 1 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 9<br />

(1993 -1994).<br />

- G. DELLA CANANEA, I pubblici poteri nello spazio giuridico<br />

globale, in Riv. trim. dir. pubbl., 2003, n. 1, p. 1 et seq.<br />

- M.R. FERRARESE, Le istituzioni della globalizzazione. Diritto e<br />

diritti nella società transnazionale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000.<br />

- E.D. KINNEY, The Emerging Field of International<br />

Administrative Law: Its Content and Potential, 54 Admin. L.<br />

Rev. 415 (2002).<br />

- R. KEOHANE, Governance in a Partially Globalized World, 95<br />

Am. Pol. Sci. Rev. 1 (2001).<br />

- M.C. PONTHOREAU, Trois interprétations de la globalisation<br />

juridique. Approche critique des mutations du droit public, in<br />

Ajda, 2006, p. 20 et seq.<br />

- M. SHAPIRO, Administrative Law Unbounded: Reflections on<br />

Government and Governance, 8 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 369<br />

(2001).<br />

- S. SHAPIRO, The Globalization of Law, 1 Ind. J. Global Legal<br />

Stud. 37 (1993 -1994).<br />

- R.B. STEWART, Administrative Law in the Twenty-First Century,<br />

78 N.Y.U.L. Rev. 437 (2003).<br />

III.<br />



- D. ANZILOTTI, Gli organi comuni nelle società di Stati, in D.<br />

ANZILOTTI, Scritti di diritto internazionale pubblico, Cedam,<br />

1956, vol. I, p. 603 et seq.<br />

- G. BISCOTTINI, Diritto amministrativo internazionale, Padova,<br />

Cedam, 1964.<br />

- U. BORSI, Carattere ed oggetto del diritto amministrativo<br />

internazionale, in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1912, p. 368<br />

et seq.<br />

- F. D’ALESSIO, Il diritto amministrativo internazionale e le sue<br />

fonti, in Rivista di diritto pubblico, 1913, p. 276 et seq.<br />

- S. GEMMA, Prime linee di un diritto internazionale<br />

amministrativo, Seeber, 1902.<br />

- J. GASCON Y MARIN, Les transformations du droit administratif<br />

international, 34 Recueil des Cours 5 (1930).<br />


- P. KAZANSKY, Théorie de l’administration internationale, 9<br />

Revue Générale de Droit International Public 353 (1902).<br />

- P. NEGULESCO, Principes du droit international administratif,<br />

51 Recueil des Cours 579 (1935).<br />

- K. NEUMEYER, Internationales Verwaltungsrecht, Munchen-<br />

Berlin-Leipzig, 1910-36.<br />

- A. RAPISARDI-MIRABELLI, Diritto internazionale<br />

amministrativo, Padova, Cedam, 1939.<br />

- R. WOLFRUM, International Administrative Unions, in 2<br />

Encyclopedia of Public International Law, 1041 (Rudolf<br />

Bernhardt, ed., 1995).<br />

IV.<br />



- K.W. ABBOTT et al, The Concept of Legalization, 54<br />

International Organization 401 (2000).<br />

- K.W. ABBOTT, D. SNIDAL, Hard and Soft in International<br />

Governance, 54 International Organization 421 (2000).<br />

- K.W. ABBOTT, D. SNIDAL, International 'standards' and<br />

international governance, 8 Journal of European Public Policy<br />

345 (2001).<br />

- N. BRUNSSON, B. JACOBBSON (eds.), A world of standards,<br />

2000, Oxford, Oxford University Press.<br />

- H. CAROLI CASAVOLA, Internationalizing public procurement<br />

law. Conflicting global standards for public procurement, paper<br />

presented at the Global Administrative Law Symposium, Viterbo,<br />

June 10-11, 2005, 6 Global Jurist, forthcoming.<br />

- M. DE BELLIS, Global standards for domestic financial<br />

regulations. Concourse, competition and mutual reinforcement<br />

between different types of global administration, paper presented<br />

at the Global Administrative Law Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-<br />

11, 2005, 6 Global Jurist, forthcoming.<br />

- R. DELONIS, International Financial Standards and Codes:<br />

Mandatory Regulation Without Representation, 36 International<br />

Law and Politics 563 (2004).<br />

- D. KERWER, Rules That May Use: Standards and Global<br />

Regulation, 18 Global Governance 611 (2005).<br />

- J. KIRTON, J. TREBILCOCK (eds.), Hard Choices, Soft Law.<br />

Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social<br />

Governance, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, 2004.<br />

- S.D. KRASNER (ed.), International Regimes, Ithaca, 1983.<br />


- W. MATTLI, The politics and economics of international<br />

institutional standards setting: an introduction, 8 Journal of<br />

European Public Policy 328 (2001).<br />

- H.V. MORAIS, The Quest for International Standards: Global<br />

Governance vs. Sovereignty, 50 U. Kan. L. Rev. 779 (2002).<br />

- D.T. ZARING, Best Practices, 81 New York University Law<br />

Review 294 (2006), available at SSRN:<br />

http://ssrn.com/abstract=899149.<br />


1. General Works<br />

- C. F. AMERASINGHE, Principles of the Institutional Law of<br />

International Organizations, 2nd ed., Cambridge, Cambridge<br />

University Press, 2005.<br />

- S. BATTINI, Amministrazioni internazionali, in Dizionario di<br />

diritto pubblico, edited by S. CASSESE, Milano, Giuffrè, ad<br />

vocem.<br />

- A. CAFFARENA, Le organizzazioni internazionali, Bologna, Il<br />

Mulino, 2001.<br />

- M. CONTICELLI, The G8 and “the others”, paper presented at the<br />

Global Administrative Law Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-11,<br />

2005, 6 Global Jurist, forthcoming.<br />

- M. DIEZ DE VELASCO, Las Organizaciones Internacionales, XIV<br />

ed., Tecnos, Madrid, 2006.<br />

- U. DRAETTA, Principi di diritto delle organizzazioni<br />

internazionali, Milano, Giuffrè, 1997.<br />

- A Handbook on International Organizations – Manuel sur les<br />

organisations internationales, edited by R.J. DUPUY, Dordrecht,<br />

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998.<br />

- C. MARTINI, States’ control over international<br />

organizations: loss or transformation?, paper presented at<br />

the Global Administrative Law Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-11,<br />

2005, 6 Global Jurist, forthcoming.<br />

- F. MORGENSTERN, Legal Problems of International<br />

Organizations, Cambridge, Grotius Publications, 1986.<br />

- H.G. SCHERMERS e N.M. BLOKKER, International Institutional<br />

Law, Unity within Diversity, Boston, Martinus Nijhoff<br />

Publishers, 2003.<br />

- C. SHANKS, H.K. JACOBSON, J.H. KAPLAN, Inertia and Change<br />

in the Constellation of International Governmental<br />

Organizations, 1981-1992, 50 International Organization 593<br />

(1996).<br />


2. United Nations Security Council<br />

- J. ALVAREZ, The UN’s “War” on Terrorism, 31 International<br />

Journal of Legal Information 238 (2003).<br />

- E. CANNIZZARO, La dottrina della guerra preventiva e la<br />

disciplina internazionale sull’uso della forza, in Rivista di diritto<br />

internazionale, 2003, p. 171 et seq.<br />

- M.J. GLENNON, Why the Security Council Failed, 82 Foreign<br />

Affairs 16 (2003).<br />

- S.D. MURPHY, Security Council Recognition of U.S. Postwar<br />

Role in Iraq, 97 American Journal of International Law 681<br />

(2003).<br />

- P. PICONE, Le autorizzazioni all’uso della forza tra sistema delle<br />

Nazioni Unite e diritto internazionale generale, in Rivista di<br />

diritto internazionale, 2005, p. 5 et seq.<br />

- P. PICONE, La guerra contro l’Iraq e le degenerazioni<br />

dell’unilateralismo, in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2003, p.<br />

329 et seq.<br />

3. International Financial Institutions<br />

a. General Works<br />

- A. BURIA (ed.), Challenges to the World Bank and IMF:<br />

Developing Country Perspectives, Anthem, 2003.<br />

- S. CLAESSENS, G.R.D. UNDERHILL, The Need for Institutional<br />

Changes in the Global Financial System: An Analytical<br />

Framework, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 4970, available at<br />

SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=771634.<br />

- B. EICHENGREEN, Toward a New Financial Architecture. A<br />

Practical Post-Asia Agenda, Washington D. C., Institute for<br />

International Economics, 1999.<br />

- R. GERMAIN, Global Financial Governance and the Problem of<br />

Inclusion, 7 Global Governance 411 (2001).<br />

- G.W. NOBLE e J.RAVENHILL (eds.), The Asian Financial Crisis<br />

and the Architecture of Global Finance, Cambridge, Cambridge<br />

University Press, 2000.<br />

- J.A. OCAMPO, Reforming the International Financial<br />

Architecture: Consensus and Divergence, in D. NAYYAR (ed.),<br />

Governing Globalization, edited by, Oxford University Press,<br />

2002, p. 287 et seq.<br />

- T. PORTER, The Democratic Deficit in the Institutional<br />

Arrangements for Regulating Global Finance, in Global<br />

Governance, 7 Global Governance 427 (2001).<br />


- J.E. STIGLITZ, Globalization and its Discontents, Norton<br />

Paperback, 2003.<br />

- D.K. TARULLO, Rules, Discretion, and Authority in International<br />

Financial Reform, 4 Journal of International Economic Law 613<br />

(2001).<br />

- N. WOODS, Making the IMF and the World Bank more<br />

accountable, 77 Int’l Aff. 83 (2001).<br />

b. World Bank<br />

- G. ALFREDSSON, R. RING (eds.), The Inspection Panel of the<br />

World Bank: A Different Complaints Procedure, The Hague,<br />

Kluwer Law International, 2001.<br />

- M. CIRCI, The World Bank inspection panel: is it really<br />

effective?, paper prepared for the Global Administrative Law<br />

Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-11, 2005, 6 Global Jurist,<br />

forthcoming.<br />

- D. CLARK, J. FOX, K. TREAKLE, Demanding Accountability.<br />

Civil-Society Claims and the World Bank Inspection Panel,<br />

Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003.<br />

- J.A. FOX, The World Bank Inspection Panel: Lessons from the<br />

First Five Years, 6 Global Governance 273 (2000).<br />

c. International Monetary Found<br />

- M.S. EDWARDS, Investor Responses to IMF Program<br />

Suspensions: Is Noncompliance Costly?, 86 Social Science<br />

Quarterly 857 (2005).<br />

- O. ELDAR, Reform of IMF Conditionality: A Proposal for Self-<br />

Imposed Conditionality, <strong>IILJ</strong> Working Papers No. 2005/10, now<br />

in 8 Journal of International Economic Law 509 (2005).<br />

- G. SCHLITZER, Il Fondo monetario internazionale, Il Mulino,<br />

Bologna, 2004.<br />

- B. THIRKELL-WHITE, The IMF and the Politics of Financial<br />

Globalization: from the Asian Crisis to a New Financial<br />

Architecture?, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2005.<br />

4. World Trade Organization<br />

a. General Works<br />

- G. ADINOLFI, L’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio. Profili<br />

istituzionali e normativi, Padova, Cedam, 2001.<br />

- A.O. KRUEGER, The WTO as an International Organization,<br />

Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1998.<br />



World Trade Organization: Law, Practice and Policy, Oxford,<br />

Oxford University Press, 2003.<br />

- G. MAYEDA, Developing Disharmony? The SPS And TBT<br />

Agreements And The Impact Of Harmonisation On Developing<br />

Countries, 7 Journal of International Economic Law 737 (2004).<br />

- L. PERROTTI, Captive to its own web? WTO relations with<br />

non-State actors, paper presented at the Global Administrative<br />

Law Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-11, 2005, 6 Global Jurist,<br />

forthcoming.<br />

- P. PICONE, A. LIGUSTRO, Diritto dell’organizzazione mondiale<br />

del commercio, Padova, Cedam, 2000.<br />

- K. RUBENSTAIN, J. SCHULTZ, Bringing Law and Order to<br />

International Trade: Administrative Law Principles and the<br />

GATT / WTO, 11 St. Johns J. Legal Comment. 271 (1996).<br />

- M. TREBILCOCK, R. HOWSE, The Regulation of International<br />

Trade, 2nd ed., London – New York, Routledge, 1999.<br />

- G. VENTURINI, L’Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio, 2nd<br />

ed., Milano, Giuffré, 2002.<br />

b. On Domestic Regulation and the Gats<br />

- C. ARUP, The new world trade organization agreements –<br />

globalizing law through services and intellectual property,<br />

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000.<br />

- A. MATTOO, P. SAUVÉ (eds.), Domestic Regulation and Service<br />

Trade Liberalization, Washington, World Bank and Oxford<br />

University Press, 2003.<br />

- A. MATTOO, Services in a Development Round: Three<br />

Comments and Three Proposals, World Bank Policy Research<br />

Working Paper No. 3718, September 2005, available at SSRN:<br />

http://ssrn.com/abstract=821409.<br />

- P. SAUVÉ, R. M. STERN (eds.), GATS 2000 : New directions in<br />

services trade liberalization, Washington DC, Brookings<br />

Institution Press, 2000.<br />

- J.P. TRACHTMAN, Lesson for Gats Article VI from Existing WTO<br />

Rules on Domestic Regulation, in Domestic Regulation and<br />

Service Trade Liberalization, edited by A. MATTOO - P. SAUVE,<br />

Washington, World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2003, p.<br />

57 et seq.<br />

5. Oecd<br />


- J.E. SALZMAN, Decentralized Administrative Law in the<br />

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 68<br />

Law & Contemp. Probs. 189 (2005).<br />

6. International Labour Organization<br />

- R. Blanpain, M. Colucci, The Globalization of Labour<br />

Standards. The Soft Law Track, Kluwer Law International, The<br />

Hague, 2004.<br />

- A. DAVIES, Global Administrative Law at the International<br />

Labour Organisation: The Problem of Softer Standards, paper<br />

for the NYU Law School «Global Administrative Law<br />

Conference», April 22-23 2005, available at<br />

http://iilj.org/global_adlaw/documents/DaviesPaper.pdf.<br />

- K.E. MASKUS, Should Core Labour Standards Be Imposed<br />

through International Trade Policy?, The World Bank<br />

Development Research Group, policy Research Working Paper,<br />

August, 1997, available at www.worldbank.org/research/<br />

trade/pdf/wpl817.pdf.<br />

- C. SABEL, D. O’ROURKE, A. FUNG, Ratcheting Labour<br />

Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the<br />

Global Workplace, May 2, 2000, available at<br />

www2.law.columbia.edu/sabel/papers/ratchPO.html.<br />

- A. SINGH, A. ZAMMIT, The Global Labour Standards<br />

Controversy: Critical Issues for Developing Countries,<br />

November, 2000, available at www.southcentre.org/<br />

publications/labour/Toc.htm.<br />

- R.M. STERN, Labour Standards and Trade Agreements,<br />

Discussion Paper No. 496, University of Michigan, August 18,<br />

2003, available at http://fordschool.umich.edu/<br />

research/papers/PDFfiles/00-008.pdf.<br />


1. Transnational Regulatory Networks<br />

- M.S. BARR, G.P. MILLER, Global Administrative Law: The View<br />

from Basel, 17 Eur. J. Int. L. 46 (2006).<br />

- K. JAYASURYA, Globalization, Law, and the Transformation of<br />

Sovereignty: The Emergence of Global Regulatory Governance,<br />

6 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 425 (1998-1999).<br />

- C. JOERGES, I.-J. SAND, G. TEUBNER (eds.), Transnational<br />

Governance and Constitutionalism, Oxford and Portland<br />

Oregon, Hart Publishing, 2004.<br />


- R.O. KEOHANE, J.S. NYE,. Transnational Relations and World<br />

Politics: Introduction, 25 International Organization 329 (1971).<br />

- R.O. KEOHANE, J.S. NYE,. Transnational Relations and World<br />

Politics: A Conclusion, 25 International Organization 721<br />

(1971).<br />

- S. PICCIOTTO, Networks in International Economic Integration:<br />

Fragmented States and the Dilemmas of Neo-Liberalism, 17 Nw.<br />

J. Int’l L. & Bus. 1014 (1996).<br />

- K. RAUSTIALA, The Architecture of International Cooperation:<br />

Transgovernmental Networks and the Future of International<br />

Law, 43 Va. J. Int’l L. 1 (2002).<br />

- M. SAVINO, The role of transnational committees in the<br />

European and global order, paper presented at the Global<br />

Administrative Law Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-11, 2005, 6<br />

Global Jurist, forthcoming.<br />

- A.M. SLAUGHTER, The Real New World Order, 76 Foreign<br />

Affairs 183 (1997).<br />

- A.M. SLAUGHTER, A New World Order, Princeton - Oxford,<br />

Princeton University Press, 2004.<br />

- A.M. SLAUGHTER, Governing the Global Economy through<br />

Government Networks, in The Role of Law in International<br />

Politics edited by M. BYERS, Oxford – New York, Oxford<br />

University Press, 2000, p. 177 et seq.<br />

- A.M. SLAUGHTER, Global Government Networks, Global<br />

Information Agencies, and Disaggregated Democracy, 24 Mich.<br />

J. Int’l L. 1041 (2003).<br />

- D. ZARING, International Law by Other Means: The Twilight<br />

Existence of International Financial Regulatory Organizations,<br />

33 Tex. Int'l L.J. 281 (1998).<br />

2. Mutual Recognition Agreements<br />

- M. EGAN, Mutual Recognition and Standard Setting: Public and<br />

Private Strategies for Governing Markets, in M. POLLACK, G.<br />

SHAFFER (ed.), Transatlantic Governance in the Global<br />

Economy, Lanham, Rowmann-Littlefield, 2001.<br />

- L. HORTON, Mutual Recognition Agreements and<br />

Harmonization, 29 Seton Hall L. Rev. 692 (1998).<br />

- K. NICOLAIDIS, G. SHAFFER, Transnational Mutual Recognition<br />

Regimes: Governance without Global Government, 68 Law &<br />

Contemp. Probs. 263 (2004-2005).<br />

- K. NICOLAIDIS, Regulatory Cooperation and Managed Mutual<br />

Recognition: Developing a Strategic Model, in G. BERMANN et<br />

al. (ed.), Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation, Oxford, Oxford<br />

University Press, 2001.<br />


- K. NICOLAIDIS, Harmonization and Recognition: What Have we<br />

Learned?, in Trade and Regulatory Reform: Insights from<br />

Country Experience, Parigi, OECD, 2001.<br />

- K. NICOLAIDIS, R. STEFFENSON, Managed Mutual Recognition<br />

in the Transatlantic Marketplace, in D. ANDREWS, M. POLLACK,<br />

G. SHAFFER, H. WALLACE (eds.), The future of Transatlantic<br />

Economic Relations: Continuity Amid Discord, EUI Schuman<br />

Centre 2005.<br />

- K. NICOLAIDIS, J. TRACHTMAN, From Policed Regulation to<br />

Managed Recognition in GATS, in S.M. STEPHENSON (ed.),<br />

Services Trade in the Western Hemisphere: Liberalization,<br />

Integration and Reform, Organization of American<br />

States/Brooking Institution Press, Washington DC, 2000.<br />

- G. SHAFFER, Reconciling Trade Regulatory Roles: The<br />

Prospects and Limits of New Approaches to Transatlantic<br />

Governance Through Mutual Recognition and Safe Harbor<br />

Agreements, 9 Colum. J. Eur. L. 29 (2002).<br />

- A. SUWA, T. VERDIER, Reciprocity, harmonization and mutual<br />

recognition of regulatory measures: a political economy<br />

perspective, Paris, Delta, 2000.<br />


- A. BATTAGLIA, Food safety: between European and global<br />

administration, paper presented at the Global Administrative<br />

Law Symposium, Viterbo, June 10-11, 2005, 6 Global Jurist,<br />

forthcoming.<br />

- S. CASSESE, Global Standards for National Administrative<br />

Procedure, 68 Law & Contemp. Probs. 109 (2005).<br />

- S. CASSESE, Relations between International Organizations and<br />

National Administrations, in IISA, Proceedings, XIXth<br />

International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Berlin, 1983.<br />

- S. CHARNOVITZ, International Standards and the WTO, The<br />

George Washington Law School Public Law and Legal Theory<br />

Working Paper No. 133, available at<br />

http://ssrn.com/abstract=694346.<br />

- M. D’AURIA, Emissions trading and polycentric negotiation,<br />

paper presented at the Global Administrative Law Symposium,<br />

Viterbo, June 10-11, 2005, 6 Global Jurist, forthcoming.<br />

- R. HOWSE, A new device for creating international legal<br />

normativity: the WTO technical barriers to trade agreement and<br />

international standards, paper for the NYU Law School «Global<br />

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