Disaster Recovery and the Road Ahead - IGNOU

Disaster Recovery and the Road Ahead - IGNOU Disaster Recovery and the Road Ahead - IGNOU


ABBREVIATIONS ADB : Asian Development Bank AIDMI : All India Disaster Mitigation Institute AIIMS : All India Institute of Medical Sciences ALP : Action Learning Project ATI : Administrative Training Institute ATLS : Advance Trauma Life Support BARC : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards BMTPC : Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council CARE : Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CBDM : Community Based Disaster Management CBDP : Community Based Disaster Preparedness CBRN : Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear CBSE : Central Board of Secondary Education CDRN : Corporate Disaster Resource Network CHAI : Catholic Health Association of India CITES : Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CLW : Community Level Worker CPC : Community Participation Consultant DAE : Department of Atomic Energy DFI : Department for International Development DM : Disaster Management DRDE : Defence Research Development Establishment DRDO : Defence Research and Development Organization DRM : Disaster Risk Management DRR : Disaster Risk Reduction DSS : Decision Support System ERB : Earthquake Resistant Bracing ERC : Emergency Response Centre ECOSOC : Economic and Social Council ES : Epidemiological Surveillance FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization FCGRP : FICCI-CARE Gujarat Rehabilitation Project GDP : Gross Domestic Product GIS : Geographic Information System GO : Government Official HPC : High Powered Committee HUDCO : Housing and Urban Development Corporation IDRN : India Disaster Resource Network IEC : Information Education Communication IGNOU : Indira Gandhi National Open University 7

IFRC : International Federation of the Red Cross IIT : Indian Institute of Technology IS : Indian Standards INMAS : Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences ITDG : Intermediate Technology Development Group ITI : Industrial Training Institute LOS : Law of the Sea LRRD : Linking of Relief and Rehabilitation with Development MEERP : Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake Rehabilitation Programme MSRTC : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation NCERT : National Council for Educational Research and Training NDMA : National Disaster Management Authority NDMIS : National Disaster Management Information System NDRF : National Disaster Response Force NGO : Non- Governmental Organization NIDM : National Institute of Disaster Management NIMHANS : National Institute for Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences NPM : Nari Prabodhan Manch OFDA : Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance PAP : Project Affected People PDK : Personal Decontamination Kit PDS : Public Distribution System PRI : Panchayati Raj Institution PSSMHS : Psycho-Social Support and Mental Health Services RRD : Relief-Rehabilitation-Development SD : Sustainable Development SDRF : State Disaster Response Force SEEDS : Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society SEWA : Self-Employed Women’s Association SHG : Self-Help Group SIRD : State Institute of Rural Development SMA : SEEDS Mason Association SOPs : Standard Operating Procedures SPARC : Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres TISS : Tata Institute of Social Sciences ULB : Urban Local Body UNDP : United Nations Development Programme UNESCO : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNICEF : United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund UNOCHA : United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs USAID : United States Agency for International Development UT : Union Territory VHAI : Voluntary Health Association of India WHO : World Health Organization WFP : World Food Programme 8

IFRC : International Federation of <strong>the</strong> Red Cross<br />

IIT : Indian Institute of Technology<br />

IS : Indian St<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

INMAS : Institute of Nuclear Medicine <strong>and</strong> Allied Sciences<br />

ITDG : Intermediate Technology Development Group<br />

ITI : Industrial Training Institute<br />

LOS : Law of <strong>the</strong> Sea<br />

LRRD : Linking of Relief <strong>and</strong> Rehabilitation with Development<br />

MEERP : Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake Rehabilitation Programme<br />

MSRTC : Maharashtra State <strong>Road</strong> Transport Corporation<br />

NCERT : National Council for Educational Research <strong>and</strong> Training<br />

NDMA : National <strong>Disaster</strong> Management Authority<br />

NDMIS : National <strong>Disaster</strong> Management Information System<br />

NDRF : National <strong>Disaster</strong> Response Force<br />

NGO : Non- Governmental Organization<br />

NIDM : National Institute of <strong>Disaster</strong> Management<br />

NIMHANS : National Institute for Mental Health <strong>and</strong> Neuro-Sciences<br />

NPM : Nari Prabodhan Manch<br />

OFDA : Office of US Foreign <strong>Disaster</strong> Assistance<br />

PAP : Project Affected People<br />

PDK : Personal Decontamination Kit<br />

PDS : Public Distribution System<br />

PRI : Panchayati Raj Institution<br />

PSSMHS : Psycho-Social Support <strong>and</strong> Mental Health Services<br />

RRD : Relief-Rehabilitation-Development<br />

SD : Sustainable Development<br />

SDRF : State <strong>Disaster</strong> Response Force<br />

SEEDS : Sustainable Environment <strong>and</strong> Ecological Development Society<br />

SEWA : Self-Employed Women’s Association<br />

SHG : Self-Help Group<br />

SIRD : State Institute of Rural Development<br />

SMA : SEEDS Mason Association<br />

SOPs : St<strong>and</strong>ard Operating Procedures<br />

SPARC : Society for <strong>the</strong> Promotion of Area Resource Centres<br />

TISS : Tata Institute of Social Sciences<br />

ULB : Urban Local Body<br />

UNDP : United Nations Development Programme<br />

UNESCO : United Nations Educational Scientific <strong>and</strong> Cultural Organisation<br />

UNICEF : United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund<br />

UNOCHA : United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs<br />

USAID : United States Agency for International Development<br />

UT : Union Territory<br />

VHAI : Voluntary Health Association of India<br />

WHO : World Health Organization<br />

WFP : World Food Programme<br />


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