Impact Of Agricultural Market Reforms On Smallholder Farmers In ...

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REFERENCES Ahoyo Adjovi, N.R. and F. Heidhues. 1997. “Impact de la devalulation du franc CFA sur la competitivite de la production rizicole au sud du Benin.” Agriculture et Developpement 13 : 13-21. Alpini, C. (1998). « Problematique de l’autosuffisance alimentaire au Bénin. » In Edouard Wallace (ed.) Bénin : Approches Endogenes du Developpement. Club Goli. Impremerie Tunde. Cotonou, Benin. Chilowa, W. 1998. The Impact of Agricultural Liberalization on Food Security in Malawi. Paper presented at a seminar on Economic Liberalization: A review of Policies, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi. Foster, J., J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984). “A class of decomposable poverty measures.” Econometrica 52: 761- 66. Gaultier, F. and Z. Tassou. (1998) “La reexportation: vice ou virtu ? Le commerce du Bénin ver le Nigeria. » In J. Egg and J. Herrera (eds.) Echanges transfrontaliers et intégration régionale en Afrique subsaharienne. Editions de l ‘Aube. ORSTOM. France. Igue, J. and Bio G. Soulé (1992) L’etat-entrepot au Bénin : Commerce informel ou solution à la crise ? Editions Karthala, Paris. Igue, J. (1996). “L’economie beninoise sou ajustement: Bilan et perspectives.” In L’Economie Beninoise sous Ajustement Structurel Fredrich Ebert Stiftung. Impremerie COPEF, Cotonou, Benin. Igue, J. (1999). Le Bénin et la Mondialisation de l’Economie. Editions Karthala. Paris. Janssen, M. and D. Perthel (1990). “Seasonal and regional differences in agricultural supply response in Benin.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 17: 407-420. Kambewa P.S and R.N.Kachule. 1999. Analysis of the Starter Pack Scheme on Wholesale and Retail Input Markets. Paper submitted to Department for International Development (DFID) Starter Pack Evaluation Project. Kleih, U., C. Jumbe and H, Tchale. 1999. Community Access to Marketing Opportunities: Options for Remote Areas. Report submitted to the Department for International Development (DFID). Luhe, Niko von der (1991) “Transfer of technology or barter trade? The rural extension service in the Atlantique province of Benin as a market for negotiating resources.” Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. 3 (30): 248-263. Lutz, C., A. van Tilburg, and B. J. van der Kamp (1995). “The process of short- and long-term price integration in the Benin maize market.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 22: 191-212. Masters, W., G. Shively, H. Hogset, and M. Fisher. 2000. Evaluating Recent Strategies to Improve Food Security Among Smallholder Households in Malawi. Report submitted to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC Mataya C.S., W.C. Chimombo, and M. Chimtokoma. 1998. Structural Adjustment Effects on Small and Medium Scale Trade Performance in Malawi: The Case of Grains, Roots and Tubers. Report submitted to the European Commission Food Security Aid Programme. Munyemana, A. and M. von-Oppen. 1999. Impact of Agricultural Market Reforms on Smallholder Farmers in Benin and Malawi. Paper Submitted to the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. 349

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Ahoyo Adjovi, N.R. and F. Heidhues. 1997. “<strong>Impact</strong> de la devalulation du franc CFA sur la competitivite de la<br />

production rizicole au sud du Benin.” Agriculture et Developpement 13 : 13-21.<br />

Alpini, C. (1998). « Problematique de l’autosuffisance alimentaire au Bénin. » <strong>In</strong> Edouard Wallace (ed.) Bénin :<br />

Approches Endogenes du Developpement. Club Goli. Impremerie Tunde. Cotonou, Benin.<br />

Chilowa, W. 1998. The <strong>Impact</strong> of <strong>Agricultural</strong> Liberalization on Food Security in Malawi. Paper presented at a<br />

seminar on Economic Liberalization: A review of Policies, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi.<br />

Foster, J., J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984). “A class of decomposable poverty measures.” Econometrica 52: 761-<br />

66.<br />

Gaultier, F. and Z. Tassou. (1998) “La reexportation: vice ou virtu ? Le commerce du Bénin ver le Nigeria. » <strong>In</strong> J.<br />

Egg and J. Herrera (eds.) Echanges transfrontaliers et intégration régionale en Afrique subsaharienne. Editions de<br />

l ‘Aube. ORSTOM. France.<br />

Igue, J. and Bio G. Soulé (1992) L’etat-entrepot au Bénin : Commerce informel ou solution à la crise ? Editions<br />

Karthala, Paris.<br />

Igue, J. (1996). “L’economie beninoise sou ajustement: Bilan et perspectives.” <strong>In</strong> L’Economie Beninoise sous<br />

Ajustement Structurel Fredrich Ebert Stiftung. Impremerie COPEF, Cotonou, Benin.<br />

Igue, J. (1999). Le Bénin et la Mondialisation de l’Economie. Editions Karthala. Paris.<br />

Janssen, M. and D. Perthel (1990). “Seasonal and regional differences in agricultural supply response in Benin.”<br />

European Review of <strong>Agricultural</strong> Economics 17: 407-420.<br />

Kambewa P.S and R.N.Kachule. 1999. Analysis of the Starter Pack Scheme on Wholesale and Retail <strong>In</strong>put<br />

<strong>Market</strong>s. Paper submitted to Department for <strong>In</strong>ternational Development (DFID) Starter Pack Evaluation Project.<br />

Kleih, U., C. Jumbe and H, Tchale. 1999. Community Access to <strong>Market</strong>ing Opportunities: Options for Remote<br />

Areas. Report submitted to the Department for <strong>In</strong>ternational Development (DFID).<br />

Luhe, Niko von der (1991) “Transfer of technology or barter trade? The rural extension service in the Atlantique<br />

province of Benin as a market for negotiating resources.” Quarterly Journal of <strong>In</strong>ternational Agriculture. 3 (30):<br />

248-263.<br />

Lutz, C., A. van Tilburg, and B. J. van der Kamp (1995). “The process of short- and long-term price integration in<br />

the Benin maize market.” European Review of <strong>Agricultural</strong> Economics 22: 191-212.<br />

Masters, W., G. Shively, H. Hogset, and M. Fisher. 2000. Evaluating Recent Strategies to Improve Food Security<br />

Among <strong>Smallholder</strong> Households in Malawi. Report submitted to the <strong>In</strong>ternational Food Policy Research <strong>In</strong>stitute<br />

(IFPRI), Washington, DC<br />

Mataya C.S., W.C. Chimombo, and M. Chimtokoma. 1998. Structural Adjustment Effects on Small and Medium<br />

Scale Trade Performance in Malawi: The Case of Grains, Roots and Tubers. Report submitted to the European<br />

Commission Food Security Aid Programme.<br />

Munyemana, A. and M. von-Oppen. 1999. <strong>Impact</strong> of <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Market</strong> <strong>Reforms</strong> on <strong>Smallholder</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> in<br />

Benin and Malawi. Paper Submitted to the <strong>In</strong>ternational Food Policy Research <strong>In</strong>stitute, Washington, DC.<br />


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