Impact Of Agricultural Market Reforms On Smallholder Farmers In ...

Impact Of Agricultural Market Reforms On Smallholder Farmers In ... Impact Of Agricultural Market Reforms On Smallholder Farmers In ...
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Housing characteristics The overwhelming majority (99 percent ) of farmers own their house. As shown in Table 5.62 the average value of a farmer household dwelling (value of residence and plot of land) is MK 6,035. The value of the dwelling increases with levels of expenditure. The most common types of dwellings are made of mud walls, earth floors, thatch or straw roofs, with no electrical source for energy or lighting. The most prevalent source of drinking water is a borehole followed by public wells. On average, households have to travel about half a kilometer to get water, about 8 km to use a telephone, and about 0.3 km to get to the nearest road accessible by a truck. The characteristics of the dwelling structure and the households’ access to different amenities such as sources of drinking water, access to a telephone or a main road, do not seem to vary a lot with expenditure levels. The only exception is for brick or stone houses which are more likely to be owned by better-off farmers. These also seems to be some gender differences in the quality of the dwellings; male-headed households are twice as likely as female-headed households to have a house made of brick or stones and the average value of a male headed household dwelling is MK 6,730 compared to MK 4,644 for female-headed households. 5.1.12 Sources of information and access to extension services Smallholder farmers receive most of their agro-economic information from extension agents. About two-third to 70 percent obtain information on seed varieties, fertilizer use and prices, controlling pests and weeds, and crop production techniques from extension agents. Approximately half of them also get information on prices, crop marketing and government policies from extension agents. Other important sources of information are the radio, followed by family and friends. The radio is more important for prices and changes in government policies than for technological information. Because of the sparse population density in the North, the extension agent to farmer ratio is higher in this region compared to the Center or the South. The use of extension agents also seems to increase with farm size. This is perhaps because farmers with a larger land area have a higher marginal benefit from meeting with an extension agent than smaller farms or because extension agents visit bigger farms in general. Farmers are visited an average of 17 times a year. Most extension agents visits are done with a group of farmers, or the whole village. The type of information that extension agents provide include 265

information on agricultural input use, crop production methods, how to obtain credit for crop production, and information on input and crop prices and crop marketing. The most useful type of information that farmers would like to get is how to increase yields followed by how to conserve and manage the land. Only about a quarter of the households noted that access to extension and information services has gotten worse since 1995. The rest mentioned either better access (36-38 percent) or no change (38-39 percent). In about 70 percent of the households, the extension agent’s visit is attended by the household head. For the rest of the households, either the spouse or both the head and the spouse attend the extension agent meeting. Female-headed households are almost as likely to get extension services as their male-headed counterpart. However, in male-headed households, extension agents visit the head in 63 percent of the households, or the head and spouse in 27 percent of the households. Therefore, the spouse of a male-headed household is less likely to see an extension agent. 5.1.13 Farmers’ perceptions about the reforms To get an idea of how farmers feel about the reform, farmers were asked about their perceptions regarding the changes that have occurred since the reform of 1995. The first series of questions focused on whether some crops had become more profitable since 1995. Table 5.63 summarizes the farmers’ responses. For most crops, farmers noted that profitability had increased since the reforms of 1995. This perhaps reflects the fact that market liberalization has favored the agricultural sector in general, in terms of better prices and more opportunities for marketing by smallholders. The second series of questions focused on perceptions regarding changes in the availability of inputs since 1995 (see Table 5.64). About two-thirds of the households noted that seeds had become more available since 1995. And, for about half of the households, labor had also become more available since then. Perceptions about the availability of fertilizer were more negative; only about 39 percent reported an increase in fertilizer availability, 37 percent noted a decrease, and 23 percent reported no change. Since most farmers do not use pesticides, the majority did not know if they had become more or less available since 1995. These results suggest that, more than for any other input, the rising cost of fertilizer has become an important issue for farmers following the reforms. 266

information on agricultural input use, crop production methods, how to obtain credit for crop<br />

production, and information on input and crop prices and crop marketing. The most useful type of<br />

information that farmers would like to get is how to increase yields followed by how to conserve<br />

and manage the land. <strong>On</strong>ly about a quarter of the households noted that access to extension and<br />

information services has gotten worse since 1995. The rest mentioned either better access (36-38<br />

percent) or no change (38-39 percent).<br />

<strong>In</strong> about 70 percent of the households, the extension agent’s visit is attended by the household<br />

head. For the rest of the households, either the spouse or both the head and the spouse attend the<br />

extension agent meeting. Female-headed households are almost as likely to get extension services<br />

as their male-headed counterpart. However, in male-headed households, extension agents visit<br />

the head in 63 percent of the households, or the head and spouse in 27 percent of the households.<br />

Therefore, the spouse of a male-headed household is less likely to see an extension agent.<br />

5.1.13 <strong>Farmers</strong>’ perceptions about the reforms<br />

To get an idea of how farmers feel about the reform, farmers were asked about their perceptions<br />

regarding the changes that have occurred since the reform of 1995. The first series of questions<br />

focused on whether some crops had become more profitable since 1995. Table 5.63 summarizes<br />

the farmers’ responses. For most crops, farmers noted that profitability had increased since the<br />

reforms of 1995. This perhaps reflects the fact that market liberalization has favored the<br />

agricultural sector in general, in terms of better prices and more opportunities for marketing by<br />

smallholders.<br />

The second series of questions focused on perceptions regarding changes in the availability of<br />

inputs since 1995 (see Table 5.64). About two-thirds of the households noted that seeds had<br />

become more available since 1995. And, for about half of the households, labor had also become<br />

more available since then. Perceptions about the availability of fertilizer were more negative;<br />

only about 39 percent reported an increase in fertilizer availability, 37 percent noted a decrease,<br />

and 23 percent reported no change. Since most farmers do not use pesticides, the majority did not<br />

know if they had become more or less available since 1995. These results suggest that, more than<br />

for any other input, the rising cost of fertilizer has become an important issue for farmers<br />

following the reforms.<br />


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