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DNA & Amino Acids – The Game Unpacked<br />

by Anthony Morris<br />

Version 4 – Released 16 th September 2013<br />

Abstract<br />

This ground-breaking paper builds on the existing body of work in the numerical analysis of DNA and<br />

the Human Genome. It is a fresh perspective on the ‘Game of DNA’ by looking at it as if one were<br />

unpacking a game of Monopoly and counting how much money comes with the game. In so doing, I<br />

have been able to bring extraordinary new light to the true Numerical and Musical Structure of the 64<br />

Codons that code for the 20 Amino Acids that must be present if Life of any kind is to be maintained.<br />

The 64 Codons show that our DNA & Amino Acids are connected directly to the mean dimensions of<br />

the Sun, Earth and Moon. For example, when one totals all the Protons and Neutrons for the whole<br />

game, the result is 7920, which is the same number as the mean diameter of the Earth in miles. One<br />

may be forgiven for dismissing this as coincidence if it were not for the other, obviously highly perfect<br />

arrangement of numbers and relationships found in the resulting analysis.<br />

For example, the total number of Hydrogen molecules utilised in the Side Chain across the 4 bases A C<br />

G and T, totals 360, while the number of Carbon molecules totals 180, showing the Octave<br />

Relationship between the two elements, exhibited in the Game of DNA and of course their spherical<br />

and semi spherical nature. This is highly supportive of Walter Russell’s Octave Wave Theory which<br />

has never been debunked. His cosmogony, in my humble view, is perfect but the primordial numerical<br />

structure is missing from the piece.<br />

There are further clear Musical Relationships between the Base Pairs, Adenine / Thymine, and<br />

Cytosine / Guanine highlighted in the Side Chain and I highlight the particular Prime Numbers<br />

associated with each Base in both the Side Chain and the Standard Block.<br />

The highly significant numbers, 1152, 1728 and 3456 that stand out in the paper are also the same<br />

numbers that appear in the Great Pyramid at Giza, Stonehenge and virtually every large<br />

astronomically / navigationally based site of antiquity.<br />

Finally, I suggest a connection between the Group of 64 Codons / 20 Amino Acids, and the Sporadic<br />

Groups, the Monster and Monstrous Moonshine.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Introduction<br />

DNA & Amino Acids 101<br />

DNA Codes for the 20 Amino Acids that must be present wherever Life of any kind is found.<br />

The whole game of DNA consists of 64 Codons as each Codon is a 3 Base Combination made up from<br />

4 Possible Bases.<br />

Adenine (A) Cytosine (C) Guanine (G) Thymine (T)<br />

Any 3 from 4 gives 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 Possibilities<br />

61 of these 64 Codons encode Amino Acids while the other 3 are ‘Stop’ codons which terminate the<br />

growing chain of Amino Acids at that point.<br />

The 4 Bases Are Paired and Exclusive<br />

Adenine with Thymine<br />

Cytosine with Guanine<br />

My mind turned immediately to the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, which I have long been a student of,<br />

and also to the ancient game of Chess, also played out on an 8 x 8 square. In particular, I really was<br />

struck with an image of an 8×8 chess board with the codons distributed across it. Having played a bit<br />

of chess as a kid, I also knew that there are only 20 opening moves in Chess which was also an<br />

interesting coincidence:<br />

Above, we can see that each Amino Acid is coded for at least twice with the exception of Tryptophan<br />

which only appears once. All other Amino Acids are coded for, between 2 and 6 times.<br />

Methionine appears at the Start of every nucleotide sequence.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Amino Acid Frequency & Chemical Content Table<br />

Amino Acid Ticker Mass Hydrogen Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Sulphur Protons Neutrons Total Freq Total Mass<br />

Glysine GLY 75.0669 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 300.2676<br />

Alanine ALA 89.0935 3 1 0 0 0 9 6 15 4 356.3740<br />

Serine SER 105.0930 3 1 0 1 0 17 14 31 6 630.5580<br />

Proline PRO 115.1310 6 3 0 0 0 24 18 42 4 460.5240<br />

Valine VAL 117.1469 7 3 0 0 0 25 18 43 4 468.5876<br />

Threonine THR 119.1197 5 2 0 1 0 25 20 45 4 476.4788<br />

Cysteine CYS 121.1590 3 1 0 0 1 25 22 47 2 242.3180<br />

Isoleucine ILE 131.1736 9 4 0 0 0 33 24 57 3 393.5208<br />

Leucine LEU 131.1736 9 4 0 0 0 33 24 57 6 787.0416<br />

Asparagine ASN 132.1184 4 2 1 1 0 31 27 58 2 264.2368<br />

Aspartic Acid ASP 133.1032 3 2 0 2 0 31 28 59 2 266.2064<br />

Glutamine GLN 146.1451 6 3 1 1 0 39 33 72 2 292.2902<br />

Lysine LYS 146.1882 10 4 1 0 0 41 31 72 2 292.3764<br />

Glutamic Acid GLU 147.1299 5 3 0 2 0 39 34 73 2 294.2598<br />

Methionine MET 149.2124 7 3 0 0 1 41 34 75 1 149.2124<br />

Histidine HIS 156.1552 6 4 2 0 0 44 38 82 2 312.3104<br />

Phenylalanine PHE 165.1900 7 7 0 0 0 49 42 91 2 330.3800<br />

Arginine ARG 174.2017 10 4 3 0 0 55 45 100 6 1045.2102<br />

Tyrosine TYR 181.1894 7 7 0 1 0 57 50 107 2 362.3788<br />

Tryptophan TRP 204.2262 8 9 1 0 0 69 61 130 1 204.2262<br />

STOP 0.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.0000<br />

TOTALS 2739.0169 119 67 9 9 2 688 569 1257 64 7928.7580<br />

Each Amino Acid obviously has a known and undisputed chemical formula.<br />

All I have done is to simply count up the Protons and Neutrons for each amino acid, on a per square /<br />

codon basis, for each of the 64 Codons / Squares on the board.<br />

I felt that seeing the Amino Acids in this way would give the most accurate rendering of the whole<br />

‘game’ of DNA and I could not have been more fortunate in the results of doing so!<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Amino Acid Basics<br />

Chemical Structure<br />

Amino Acids are fortunately not very complex chemical equations.<br />

NB - Protons Total 1 + 37 and Neutrons Total 37<br />

The Group of Amino Acids uses just 5 Elements with the listed Protons and Neutrons.<br />

Amino Acid Components<br />

There are 2 Component Parts to an Amino Acid.<br />

Standard Block - Common to 19 of the 20 Amino Acids (the odd man out is Proline, though the<br />

molecular / atomic count remains unaltered)<br />

Side Chain - This is where all the 'good stuff' happens that gives each of the Amino Acids their<br />

'individuality'.<br />

The Standard Block can be thought of as a household drill, on to which may be placed different shaped<br />

‘drill bits’ to achieve a desired effect, these ‘drill bits’ are the Side Chains.<br />

As an example, the most simply constructed Amino Acid, Glycine, consists of simply the Standard<br />

Block with a single Hydrogen Molecule attached.<br />

I have analysed the numerical attributes of the Side Chain and the Standard Block individually and<br />

then looked at the combined totals.<br />

First we will begin with the Side Chain Analysis.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain Analysis<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

360 Hydrogen<br />

The total number of Hydrogen atoms utilised in the Side Chain across the 4 bases A C G and T totals<br />

360 exactly.<br />

Obviously this is inextricably linked to the most important of geometries, as far as life is<br />

concerned. The 360 degrees of the circle! Fascinating!<br />

I propose that Hydrogen now needs to be thought of in terms of circles and angles where perhaps<br />

Hydrogen content within compounds controls the angles.<br />

This aspect I hope will become clearer a little further on.<br />

180 Carbon<br />

Exactly half the count of Hydrogen and a semi-circle of 180 degrees.<br />

Again, I was amazed, and now delighted to see the Octave Relationship between Carbon and<br />

Hydrogen!<br />

Here's why.<br />

In the course of my research, I came across the phenomenal work of one, Walter Russell, whose<br />

Octave Wave Theory, in my humble opinion, actually describes the true structure of the Periodic Table<br />

of Chemical Elements and whose whole Cosmology is to my feeling, flawless.<br />

His work also illuminates the Octave relationship between Carbon and Hydrogen as depicted below.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Walter Russell’s Octave Wave Theory<br />

Below we can see Hydrogen peaking at the beginning of the 4 th Octave with Carbon peaking at the<br />

beginning of the 5 th , separated exactly by an Octave.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain - More Musical Relationships<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

Adenine and Thymine<br />

The Hydrogen count for Thymine led codons is 72 while its pair Adenine has a Hydrogen count of 108<br />

illuminating an important musical ratio.<br />

108 : 72 = 3 : 2 = The Fifth<br />

The Pivot for the Hydrogen count between Adenine 108 & Thymine 72 is at 90.<br />

90 x 6/5 = 108 90 x 5/6 = 72<br />

6/5 is the Minor Third<br />

Cytosine & Guanine<br />

In the Cytosine & Guanine pairing we see that the total Hydrogen count is in the relationship<br />

120 : 60 = 2 : 1 = The Octave<br />

The Total number of Protons and Neutrons utilised by Cytosine and Guanine led codons exhibits the<br />

octave relationship also.<br />

1100 : 500 = 2 : 1<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain - Significant Numbers<br />

3456<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

Total Proton & Neutron Count for the Side Chain of the 64 Codons<br />

3456 could hardly be a more important number given this wonderful explanation illuminated for me<br />

by one of the great people I have been fortunate to meet in the course of this work.<br />

''Ray Tomes found a very harmonic ratio 34560 that miraculously seems to be the ratio that by scale<br />

connects everything in the universe from the quantum realm to the universe at large.<br />

For instance, if we were to take the average distance between moons and multiply it by 34560 we<br />

get the average distance between planets. If again we multiply this value by 34560 we get the<br />

average distance between stars etc.<br />

The ratio 34560 seems to scale all of the following spherical objects from small to large: nucleons,<br />

atoms, cells, moons, planets, stars, galaxies, universe . . .<br />

Daniel Winter who learned about the miraculous ratio of Ray Tomes discovered that if we compress<br />

the speed of light by a factor of 34560 we get the speed of sound. If we compress the speed of sound<br />

by a factor of 34560 we get the speed of heat.<br />

The number 34560 according to Ray Tomes is the seed number for many cycles in the universe.'' -<br />

Hans Konstapel<br />

345.6 feet is the outer rim of Stonehenge while 34.56 feet is a dynamic number incorporated into the<br />

Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge. A circle with a diameter of 55 has a circumference of 345.6.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


1728<br />

1728 is located in 2 places in the Side Chain.<br />

Firstly, it is the Pivot number between the Total Number of Protons 1883 and the Total Number of<br />

Neutrons 1573 used in the Side Chain and further it is the Pivot utilised by Adenine and Thymine led<br />

codons 1806 versus Cytosine and Guanine led codons 1650.<br />

1728 is the most important number in Algebraic Mathematics, the J-Function Constant of the<br />

Jacobian Interval which is connected to the Monster, the largest of the Sporadic Groups.<br />

The Monster Group is one of two principal constituents in the Monstrous moonshine conjecture by<br />

Conway and Norton, which relates discrete and non-discrete mathematics and which was finally<br />

proved by Richard Borcherds in 1992.<br />

More about this further on.<br />

Dynastic Egyptian Royal Cubit that was exactly 1.728 feet in length<br />

A few interesting things to note about the number 1728 which will mean more to the reader with an<br />

appreciation of my latest research piece Partition Theory / Hologram Projector and other<br />

earlier papers.<br />

Note – 1728 / 55 gives a Pi value at 3.14 18181818 R<br />

55 being the Central Axis or Pivot Point of the Hologram Projector.<br />

1728 = 12^3 or 12 x 12 x 12<br />

(12 inches = 1 foot and therefore 1728 = the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot)<br />

1728 = 4 x 432<br />

The 4 poles in 2D, North South East and West.<br />

The 4 Bases of DNA.<br />

432,000 miles is the mean Radius of the Sun and 432 Hz is the tuning frequency for A on the Middle<br />

Octave in the Pythagorean Musical Scale. Please see my paper on Music<br />

1728 = 3^3 x 4^3 1728 = 27 x 64 1728 = 24 x 72<br />

There is a 24 digit, repeating sequence, Mod 9 that I discovered in the Fibonacci sequence – I wasn't<br />

the first as it turned out. Please see my paper on Fibonacci and Other Important Integer Sequences.<br />

72 is the number of the Mod 9 sequence I have identified in Music that repeats every 6 octaves - 6 x 12<br />

= 72.<br />

I am ascribing the number 72 as representative of Physical Reality in my paper Partition Theory & the<br />

Hologram Projector of Physical Reality.<br />

1728 is related to the Number 5 because<br />

1^3 x 2^3 x 3^3 x 4^3 x 5^3<br />

1 x 8 x 27 x 64 x 125 = 1,728,000<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


''It struck me that most of the numbers highlighted in the text corresponded to octaves above A=432<br />

Hz in the Pythagorean Tuning Scale”<br />

A...<br />

216 *432 *864 *1728 *3456 6912<br />

Just an interpretation of 3456 = 2^7*3^3: it's the spread of (cubic, 3d, 3x3x3) reality through seven<br />

octaves'' - Jordi Sola-Soler - Phd Biomedical Engineering at Technical University of Catalonia<br />

The 1728 Code - http://www.celticnz.co.nz/US4.html<br />

‘Again, this is one of the big codes of antiquity and is virtually guaranteed to be found encoded into<br />

every large astronomically/ navigationally based site.<br />

It is extractible amidst the 1100 standing stones of Le Menec, Brittany, France, where it provides a<br />

founding principle upon which the entire site was built. The same holds true of Silbury Hill.<br />

The reason 1728 is so important relates to the wonderful relationship that occurs between it and a PI<br />

reduction, which goes:<br />

A 1728 circumference ÷ 3.1416 (PI) = 55.00381971 diameter.<br />

This close relationship between a sexagesimal circumference converting conveniently to a whole "11<br />

series" number, was exploited universally in antiquity.<br />

Many linear distances were based upon an 11 series of numbers (league, mile, furlong, chain, rod /<br />

perch, fathom & link.<br />

The 1728 system, which incorporated a circumference number that could be broken down<br />

sexagesimally was, exploited for navigation.<br />

The charts would calibrate distances covered leagues (without any doubt, 16500 feet or 3.125 miles,<br />

although lost sometime after the Roman incursion into Great Britain).<br />

Therefore: 16500 feet X 3.1416 = 51836.4 feet...and look again very closely at the number<br />

achieved...it is extremely close to 51840 feet.<br />

Under this excellent system, 1440 feet represented 1 degree of arc in a circle extending through a<br />

league of diameter.<br />

This means that the navigator could calculate the straight-line distance covered in leagues and the<br />

expanding circle would go up exponentially to the linear distance covered.<br />

Careful plotting of the expanding circumference calibration would maintain knowledge of the<br />

degree angle back to the point of origin or to the destination.<br />

Any course change would necessitate the creation of a new circle, with knowledge of degree angles<br />

to points of departure or destination, maintained by trigonometric calculations between plotted<br />

circles.<br />

Evidence on other calibrated circles, such as the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, would suggest that the<br />

ancient navigators used a specialised and marginally adjusted expression of PI for navigation.<br />

This was set to 3.141818182 and would always achieve a perfect, breakdown sexagesimal<br />

circumference value in any of the 11 series linear measurements, including the link.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


It is very plausible to consider that mariner / navigators would have had a calculation rod of 1.728<br />

feet (20.736 inches) for geodetic, mnemonic reference.<br />

Such a rod would be in direct ratio to the 51840 feet circumference achieved in a diameter of 1<br />

league...51840 ÷ 1.728 = 30000 or 51840 ÷ 20.736 (the inch value rod would have been 20.736") =<br />

2500.<br />

Some rods have been found in Egypt, which are slightly in excess of 20.7 inches and it is now time to<br />

return to a close analysis of all rods located and the hieroglyphics displayed above each incremental<br />

segment.<br />

The 345.6 feet outer rim of Stonehenge would equate to 1.728 X 200 or 345.6 feet ÷ 20.736 =<br />

16.666666666. Remember, the adjacent in 3,4,5 triangulation is always 1.666666666 less than the<br />

hypotenuse.<br />

It would appear likely that the ancient "11 series" grid referencing system segmented the Earth into<br />

360 divisions for both latitude and longitude.<br />

A grid square, near the equator, would, by this system, be 22 leagues or 68.75 miles. With the<br />

traversal of 1 degree of arc of 22 leagues diameter, the accompanying, associated, circle<br />

circumference was 69.12 leagues, 216 miles, 1728 furlongs, 17280 chains, 69120 rods/ perches,<br />

207360 fathoms or 1728000 links.<br />

To plot 1 degree of arc on the periphery of a circle of 22 leagues diameter, one could work in a<br />

smaller increment like chains...17280 ÷ 360 degrees = 48 chains per degree of arc.<br />

Also, 22 leagues of diameter converts to 1140480 feet of circumference and if this is divided by 51.84<br />

the result is 22000 divisions of 51.84 feet.<br />

Adept navigators are encouraged to test this ancient navigational numerical system, such that we<br />

can restore it to full knowledge and understanding.<br />

Most of the foundation mathematical elements have been identified on the Great Pyramid, but the<br />

fullness of practical application, upon the open sea, is yet to be experimented with anew...and this<br />

author is a landlubber.’<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


1152<br />

Found in 3 places<br />

1. Side Chain - Total Number of Protons and Neutrons utilised by Adenine and Thymine led<br />

codons via Carbon content.<br />

2. Combined Analysis - Total Proton Count for Adenine led Codons<br />

3. Combined Analysis – Total Proton and Neutron Count for Adenine & Thymine led codons via<br />

Oxygen content.<br />

4. Proton & Neutron Count for the 96 Carbon atoms used by Adenine + Thymine led Codons in<br />

the Side Chain.<br />

1152 = 72 x 16<br />

72 is the number representing physical reality 16 being the number of Codons per Base<br />

1 Egyptian Foot is 1.152 feet<br />

From http://www.celticnz.co.nz/US4.html<br />

The 11.52 Code.<br />

This particular number is of such immense importance that it will be found encoded, somewhere,<br />

within the larger standing stone circles or communal structures of antiquity. The number had a very<br />

significant purpose and universal application, which was:<br />

The Heliacal or Sothic rise of the binary star, Sirius, occurs at a measurable interval of every 365.25<br />

days and this event almost perfectly describes the duration of the true solar year. The Heliacal rise<br />

of Sirius, therefore, represented a gauge, by ancient astronomers, for a close approximation coding<br />

of the count of days in a year.<br />

They did, however, know that the figure was slightly incorrect and so introduced a number, which<br />

could be used to correct the Sirius year. The amount of time required to deduct from the Sirius year,<br />

by their system, was 11.52 minutes, rendering the solar year as 365.2420 days...the exact figure<br />

occurring on the Mayan calendar.<br />

It will be demonstrated, as we proceed, that this number, 11.52, is integral to the Menkaure Pyramid,<br />

but for the moment, let's extract it from the dimensions of the Great Pyramid.<br />

1. The coded lengths up the side of the diagonal faces of the Great Pyramid were 576 feet...this is 1/2<br />

of 1152.<br />

2. Just as the sum of 51.84 was 1/500th of the 25920-year duration of the Precession of the<br />

Equinoxes, if the sum of 576 feet of diagonal side length is reduced to 1/500th of its value, the total is<br />

1.152 feet.<br />

3. It has been shown, mathematically, that the true square footage value for a face of the Great<br />

Pyramid was 230400 sq. ft. This is 115200 X 2.<br />

The numbers 1.152, 11.52, 115.2, 1152 or larger expressions, will be seen to recur prolifically from<br />

Egypt to Stonehenge, then into the Pacific. This is a truly dynamic astronomical number, related to<br />

288 and 5184. It is an important calibration increment coded into the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge,<br />

where the total circumference (345.6 feet) is 11.52 feet per lintel (30 lintels) or 360 (degrees) X 11.52<br />

inches per degree of arc.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain - Base Specific Observations<br />

A – Adenine<br />

108 Hydrogen 45 Carbon 10 Nitrogen 8 Oxygen 1 Sulphur<br />

Looking at the Hydrocarbon content exclusively we see<br />

H108 + C45 = 153<br />

Figuracy wise, 153 is the 17th Triangle Number and the 9th Hexagon Number and 153 = 6 x 17 - 17<br />

being the mirror of 71 and the largest Supersingular Prime used as a factor in the Monster, see further<br />

on.<br />

Then looking at the rest as a system of their own<br />

N10 + O8 + S1 = 19<br />

19 figuratively, is the 3rd Centred, and only Magic, Hexagon –Note the Magic Constant is 38<br />

Prime Number for Adenine is 17.<br />

Atomic Number 17 is Chlorine.<br />

Total Molecules<br />

19 + 153 = 172<br />

172 = 4 x 43<br />

153 - The miraculous catch of 153 fishes, which occurs in the last chapter of St. John’s Gospel<br />

Sum of the numbers 1 to 17 is 153<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


T – Thymine<br />

72 Hydrogen 51 Carbon 1 Nitrogen 6 Oxygen 2 Sulphur<br />

72 is a Central Number throughout all my work and is the number that represents Physical Reality.<br />

Thymine is specifically related to Physical Reality and it is this base that is replaced by Uracil in RNA.<br />

123 = 3 x 41<br />

H72 + C51 = 123<br />

41 is the central number in the 9x9 Magic Square which is able to maintain its 'Magic - ness' when<br />

converted using Mod 9.<br />

Prime Number for Thymine is 41.<br />

N1 + O6 + S2 = 9<br />

41 is the only number to produce 5 digit recurring decimals. Pentagons....<br />

Thymine is special, no doubt about it at all.<br />

Total Molecules<br />

9 + 123 = 132<br />

132 = 4 x 33 or 12 x 11<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


C – Cytosine<br />

120 Hydrogen 58 Carbon 18 Nitrogen 2 Oxygen<br />

H120 + C58 = 178<br />

178 = 2 x 89 - 89 is closely related to Phi because the decimal expansion of 1/89 is just the Fibonacci<br />

series, added together in an appropriate fashion as discovered by Cody Birsner, a student at the<br />

University of Oklahoma, in the fall of 1994.<br />

Specifically, think of the Fibonacci series 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 as being a sequence of decimal<br />

fractions, arranged so the right most digit of the nth Fibonacci number is in the n+1th decimal place.<br />

Link to the proof.<br />

89 is the 11th Fibonacci Number and the 24 th Prime Number. There is also a 24 digit repeating<br />

sequence in the Fibonacci Sequence interestingly… – more on this at<br />

www.newunderstandings.com<br />

N18 + O2 = 20<br />

Prime Number for Cytosine is 89<br />

Atomic Number 89 is Actinium<br />

Total Molecules<br />

20 + 178 = 198<br />

198 = 11 x 18<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


G – Guanine<br />

60 Hydrogen 26 Carbon 8 Oxygen<br />

86 = 2 x 43<br />

H60 + C26 = 86<br />

43 is the 14th Prime Number<br />

43 is the atomic number for one of only 2 unstable elements, Technetium, the other being<br />

Promethium, number 61.<br />

Another interesting fact popped up for the Number 86 - "The tablet may also be a pregnancy calendar.<br />

There are 86 notches on the tablet, a number that has two special meanings. First, 86 is the number of<br />

days that must be subtracted from a year to equal the average number of days of a human gestation.<br />

This is no coincidence, says Dr Rappenglueck. 86 is also the number of days that one of Orion's two<br />

prominent stars, Betelguese, is visible. To ancient man, this might have linked human fertility with the<br />

gods in the sky." http://www.s8int.com/sophis9.html<br />

Prime Number for Guanine is 43.<br />

O8 = 8<br />

43 is the atomic number for one of only 2 unstable elements, Technetium, the other being<br />

Promethium, number 61.<br />

Total Molecules<br />

8 + 86 = 94<br />

94 = 2 x 47<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain - Overall Combined Bases Analysis<br />

H360 + C180 + N29 + O24 + S3 = 596<br />

H360 + C180 = 540<br />

N29 + O24 + S3 = 56<br />

540 = 1 ½ Circles = 2^2 x 3^2 x 5 – In terms of figuracy 540 is Heptagonal, Decagonal and 21-gonal<br />

which I think is particularly significant given my understanding of the Number 21. This again is<br />

related to the soon to be released paper involving the Partition Table.<br />

In the Norse Eddas, there are said to be 540 doors to Valhalla, where the shades of past heroes enjoy<br />

perpetual fighting and feasting. Each door being double and framed by two pillars makes the pillars<br />

around Valhalla number 1080, the Mean Radius for the Moon in miles – John Michell – Dimensions<br />

of Paradise<br />

56 = Partitions for the Number 11, the Number of the Earth<br />

56 =2 x 28, where 28 is the 7 base triangle 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28<br />

These 2 triangles, when inverted relative to each other form a 37 Star Hexagram and 'throw off' a 19<br />

Magic Hexagon. Please see my paper, Partition Theory and the Hologram Projector of Physical Reality<br />

for a greater appreciation and explanation of this effect.<br />

Prime Numbers<br />

Guanine 43 Cytosine 89 Thymine 41 Adenine 17<br />

Adenine & Thymine = 17 + 41 = 58 Guanine & Cytosine = 43 + 89 = 132<br />

58 + 132 = 190 = 19 x 10<br />

Also note that<br />

58 : 132 = 29: 66<br />

66 - 29 = 37<br />

Both 19 and 37 are Centred Hexagons in terms of their figuracy and feature heavily in my latest paper<br />

Partition Theory and the Hologram Projector of Physical Reality.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain - Sun & Moon<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

2160<br />

The Total number of Carbon atoms in the Side Chain for the 4 Bases is 2160 which is the<br />

mean diameter of the Moon in miles.<br />

Diameter of Inner circle – St. Mary’s chapel, Glastonbury 21.6 feet<br />

2160 years in a great month because 25920 years / 12 = 2160<br />

72 x 30 = 2160<br />

1080<br />

The Pivot for total Carbon atoms between the two pairs Adenine, Thymine and Cytosine, Guanine is<br />

1080 as is the radius of the Moon.<br />

The ratios of ancient metrology are also based on the number system to which 1080 belongs.<br />

The Roman half pace of 1.216512 feet divides exactly 108,000,000 times into the Earth’s mean<br />

circumference, and, 1080 square megalithic yards are equal to 888 square yards in English measure.<br />

Silver has atomic weight of 108 and pentagons exhibit the 108 degree angle between its sides.<br />

Chronologically 1080 is the number of breaths one takes in an hour and the Jews therefore divide the<br />

hour into 1080 Minims or Chalakim.<br />

108,000 years is the duration of a season in the Hindu Kali Yuga of 432,000 years. According to<br />

Heraclitus, civilisation is destroyed every 10800 years and modern climatologists give about the same<br />

period between successive ice ages.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


The old astronomers’ use of the sexagesimal number makes 10800 the number of minutes in the<br />

semi- circumference of the Earth or in any semicircle, and it is also the number of stars of first<br />

magnitude brightness and Galileo wrote that the Sun’s diameter contains the diameter of a sixth<br />

magnitude start 2160, or twice 1080, times.<br />

108 is an important natural ratio in astronomy, being the mean distance between the Earth and the<br />

Sun, measured by the Sun’s diameter. The same distance is equal to 43,200 xor 4 x 10800 diameters<br />

of the Moon.<br />

The Number is widely referred to in religious symbolism. 108 beads in the Hindu or Buddhist Rosary.<br />

10800 stanzas in the Rigveda, each of 40 syllables and 10,800 bricks in the Indian fire altar.<br />

864<br />

The Pivot of Pivots between Adenine, Thymine led codons and Cytosine, Guanine led codons<br />

in the Totals column in the Side Chain is 864.<br />

The mean diameter of the Sun is 864,000 miles. There are 86,400 seconds in a day and<br />

8640 hours = 1 solar year = 360 days.<br />

1008<br />

Cytosine + Guanine Carbon Total Atoms is 1008<br />

Earth Mean Diameter is 7920 miles + Moon Mean Diameter is 2160 miles = 10080 miles.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Side Chain - Family Number Groups<br />

Having done the Family Number Group Analysis in the course of my research, in relation to the<br />

number 37, I noted that:<br />

3 6 9<br />

369 + 396 + 963 + 936 + 639 + 693 = 3996 = 108 x 37<br />

And 369 = (10 x 37) – 1 = 369<br />

2 5 8<br />

258 +285 + 528 + 582 + 825 + 852 = 3330 = 90 x 37<br />

And 258 = (7 x 37) - 1 = 258<br />

1 4 7<br />

147 + 174 + 741 + 714 + 471 + 417 = 2664 = 72 x 37<br />

And 147 = (4 x 37) – 1 = 147<br />

Interestingly this is the distribution of Hydrogen molecules in the Side Chains for Adenine and<br />

Thymine led codons found in DNA…. It is supportive of my assertion that the system of Numbers 0-9<br />

is perfectly congruent and at the root of All.<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

The Total Hydrogen Count for Adenine is 108 – 3 6 9<br />

The Hydrogen Count Pivot between Adenine and Thymine is 90 – 2 5 8<br />

The Total Hydrogen Count for Thymine is 72 – 1 4 7<br />

Coincidence?<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Standard Block Analysis<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

Again we see the Octave Relationship between Carbon and Hydrogen in the Totals for the 4 Bases<br />

244 Hydrogen v 122 Carbon<br />

Individual Bases<br />

Adenine, Cytosine and Guanine led Codons are uniform with 144 governing the number of molecules<br />

required for their make-up.<br />

H64 + C32 + N16 + O32 + S0 = 144<br />

The Number 144 is related to the number 5 via 1^2 x 2^2 x 3^2 x 4^2 x 5^2 = 14400.<br />

144 is the 12th Fibonacci term and 12^2 = 144<br />

H64 + C32 = 96 (6x16)<br />

N16 + O32 = 48 (3x16)<br />

Demonstrating the balance between Hydrogen and Carbon content, in octave relationship to the<br />

Nitrogen and Oxygen content perhaps.<br />

Interesting that 96 / 144 = 2/3 and 48 / 144 = 1/3 which is how the Cellular Mitosis Doubling<br />

Sequence is shown to place the Vortex point at 2/3 the diameter of the circle.<br />

Powers of 2 are the dominant number for these Bases.<br />

The Thymine led Base is the odd one out again, using just 117 molecules, 27 less than the other 3<br />

uniform Bases Adenine, Cytosine and Guanine.<br />

H52 + C26 + N13 + O26 + S0 = 117 (9x13)<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


H52 + C26 = 78 (6x13)<br />

N13 + O26 = 39 (3x13)<br />

Interesting that 78 / 117 = 2 / 3 and 39 / 144 = 1 / 3 which is how the Cellular Mitosis Doubling<br />

Sequence is shown to place the Vortex point at 2/3 the diameter of the circle.<br />

13 is the Prime number for Thymine in the Standard Block.<br />

There is no denying there is a very specific structure to this Game of DNA & Amino Acids.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Standard Block - Prime Numbers 37 & 61<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S – Sulphur<br />

The Standard Block Totals are dominated by multiples of the number 37 and 61, numbers that are<br />

connected via their figuracy, producing the 4th and 5th Centred Hexagon respectively.<br />

2257 = 37 x 61<br />

Pivot Number between the Total number of Protons and Neutrons utilised in the Standard Block<br />

Pivot Number between the total number of Protons and Neutrons used by Adenine and Thymine led<br />

codons, and Cytosine and Guanine led codons.<br />

4514 = 74 x 61 or 122 x 37<br />

Total Subatomic Particles utilised by all 4 bases in the Standard Block.<br />

2146 = 58 x 37<br />

Total Subatomic Particles utilised by Adenine and Thymine led codons.<br />

2368 = 64 x 37<br />

Total Subatomic Particles utilised by Cytosine and Guanine led codons.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Combined Analysis<br />

7920<br />

KEY - H - Hydrogen P - Proton N - Neutron C - Carbon N - Nitrogen O - Oxygen S - Sulphur<br />

Bottom right hand corner you will see that the total number of Protons and Neutrons utilised by the<br />

entire ‘Game of Amino Acids’, when all are added together, is 7920 exactly.<br />

7920 Miles is the Mean Diameter of the Earth!<br />

11! / 7! = 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 = 7920<br />

11 being the Number of the Earth and 7 representing the Whole Tones in an Octave.<br />

Also note, 22 (2 x 11) x 360 (circles) = 7920<br />

From Ancient Metrology<br />

7920 feet = 1 League 7920 inches = 1 Furlong 12 Furlongs = 1 League<br />

1 Link = 7.92 inches<br />

100 Links = 1 Chain 10 Chains = 1 Furlong<br />

Note - 7920 inches = 1 Furlong means that 1 Inch : Furlong as 1 Mile : Earth’s Diameter because the<br />

Earth’s Diameter is 7920 miles...<br />

The Bluestone Circle at Stonhenge has a diameter of 79.20 feet.<br />

It seems to me, that on the evidence I have laid out in this paper, that this version of Metrology is<br />

absolutely inherent to everything.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Physical Reality is a Perfect Numerical Construction, Unfolding According to a<br />

Mathematical Algorithm whose Foundation is perpetuated by the attributes of the<br />

Numbers themselves.<br />

At some point in Antiquity it seems clear that we had a Perfect Understanding of the Universe.<br />

Aside from these very interesting 'coincidences', 7920 offers an extremely important clue as it links to<br />

the world of Group Theory that we touched on earlier.<br />

In particular 7920 links to the smallest of the Sporadic Group, the Matthieu Group, M11, whose value<br />

is also 7920....<br />

Notes on 7920<br />

A Square with a side of 7920 miles (2 x Earth Radius 3960) has a perimeter of 31680<br />

A Circle with a radius of 5040 miles (Earth Radius 3960 + Moon Radius 1080) has a circumference of<br />

31680.<br />

3168 represents the spirit which passes through and encircles the universe, Plato’s World Soul –<br />

Dimensions of Paradise John Michell.<br />

316.8ft is the mean circumference of the Stonehenge Sarsen circle.<br />

3960<br />

The Combined (Standard Block and Side Chain) Central Pivot between the Base pairs A T and C G,<br />

towards the bottom of the spread sheet, for the total Protons and Neutrons utilised, is 3960, this is the<br />

same number as the mean radius of the Earth in miles.<br />

Here, we see the Earth emerge as the main player when one looks at the whole game of DNA and<br />

unpacks all the pieces to count up all the Protons and Neutrons.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Sporadic Groups: Mod 9 and the Monster<br />

To be fair, only specialists in this area of high conceptual mathematics will really appreciate this<br />

section. I do not profess to have any expertise in this area but numerically it seems there are too many<br />

coincidences and I feel I must shine a light on them.<br />

What follows is pure intuitive conjecture and I am inviting collaboration from experts to root out the<br />

truth of the matter.<br />

7920 - Matthieu Group M11<br />

Table of Sporadic Groups<br />

Perhaps, most significantly, in terms of advancing a radical way of understanding the Game of DNA<br />

and the Group of Amino Acids, is the fact that 7920 is also the number of M11, in the Matthieu Group,<br />

the smallest of the 20 Sporadic Groups, the largest being the Monster .<br />

I had first come across the Sporadic Groups very early on in my research, courtesy of my father having<br />

introduced me to the book ‘SYMMETRY OF THE MONSTER’, written by a fellow club member, Mark<br />

Ronan.<br />

Before I had even begun the book I had noticed Appendix 4 in the back which lists ‘The 26 Exceptions’<br />

which is a list of the 26 exceptional symmetry atoms – these so-called Sporadic Groups.<br />

I had just discovered the virtues of Mod 9 analysis revealing information that could not otherwise be<br />

gleaned from Fibonacci and Prime Numbers so I immediately applied Mod 9 to all of the numbers<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


associated with these exceptional symmetries only to find they all returned a result of 9, or 0, (Mod 9),<br />

but with one exception.<br />

I e-mailed Professor Ronan immediately to ask him if there was anything unusual about this<br />

exception, J1 in the Janko Group, and he responded right away that ‘funny I should ask, but in<br />

mathematical circles, J1 is known as the ‘mechant nain’ or ‘naughty child’ of mathematics.<br />

Now, I knew nothing about Sporadic Groups or exceptional symmetry atoms but Mod 9 made J1 stick<br />

out like a sore thumb.<br />

The secret of J1 may lie in correctly interpreting and understanding what exactly the effect is, of<br />

having 3 as a factor, just once. Every other exceptional symmetry atom has a minimum of 3^2 (3<br />

squared), or in other words, 3 shows up as a factor on at least 2 occasions. This of course ensures that<br />

the Mod 9 result will always be a 9 (or 0) as 3^2 x anything at all Mod 9 = 9 or 0.<br />

The Monster<br />

J1 does not. Its factors are 2^<br />

In Group Theory, a discipline within Mathematics, a Sporadic Group is one of the 26<br />

exceptional groups found in the classification of Finite Simple Groups.<br />

A simple group is a group G that does not have any normal subgroups except for the subgroup<br />

consisting only of the identity element, and G itself.<br />

The classification theorem states that the list of finite simple groups consists of 18 countably infinite<br />

families, plus 26 exceptions that do not follow such a systematic pattern.<br />

These are the sporadic groups.<br />

They are also known as the sporadic simple groups, or the sporadic finite groups.<br />

Because it is not strictly a group of Lie type, the Tits group is sometimes regarded as a sporadic<br />

group, in which case the sporadic groups number 27.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Of the 26 sporadic groups, interestingly, exactly 20 can be seen inside the Monster<br />

group as subgroups or quotients of subgroups.<br />

The 6 exceptions are J1, J3, J4, O’N, Ru and Ly. These 6 groups are sometimes known as 'the pariahs'.<br />

It is also very interesting in light of many of other research, that the Monster, the largest of these<br />

exceptional symmetry groups, only uses 15 of the first 20 prime numbers, as its factors, ranging from<br />

2 to 71.<br />

There are 20 Amino Acids and I think that each one is formulated around a specific Prime Number,<br />

the understanding of which could be profoundly useful.<br />

1728 & The J Function<br />

This initial intuition regarding Sporadic Groups is further supported by the appearance of the number<br />

1728 as I discovered that it is the most important number in Algebraic Mathematics, the J-Function<br />

Constant of the Jacobian Interval.<br />

1728 is located in 2 places in the Side Chain. Firstly, it is the Pivot number between the Total Number<br />

of Protons 1883 and the Total Number of Neutrons 1573 used in the Side Chain and further it is the<br />

Pivot utilised by Adenine and Thymine led codons, 1806 versus Cytosine and Guanine led codons,<br />

1650.<br />

The J-function of the Jacobian Interval is connected to the Monster, the largest of the Sporadic<br />

Groups. The Monster Group is one of two principal constituents in the Monstrous<br />

moonshine conjecture by Conway and Norton, which relates discrete and non-discrete mathematics<br />

and which was finally proved by Richard Borcherds in 1992.<br />

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-invariant for more information<br />

Monstrous Moonshine<br />

Great information may be found at Professor Ronan's website and he has explained this difficult<br />

subject as clearly as anyone could.<br />

http://www.markronan.com/mathematics/symmetry-corner/moonshine/<br />

''Moonshine, in its original form, expressed a connection between a remarkable group of symmetries<br />

called the Monster, and an important sequence of numbers in number theory. Further investigation<br />

then led to the mathematical physics of string theory, as I explain in my book Symmetry and the<br />

Monster.<br />

The original moonshine observation was made by John McKay. He knew that the first non-trivial<br />

dimension in which the Monster might operate was 196,883, and was astonished to find 196,884<br />

appearing in a quite different branch of mathematics, as the first in a sequence of numbers expressing<br />

an important formula in number theory. This had to be more than a chance coincidence, and McKay<br />

wrote to John Thompson, who then found further numerical evidence, and was convinced something<br />

mysterious was going on. Thompson communicated his observations to John Conway who had<br />

complete data on the Monster at the Cambridge mathematics department. It appeared that the<br />

numbers in the sequence — which were coefficients in a formula for something called the j-function —<br />

were related to dimensions in which the Monster could operate, and in a 1979 paper with the<br />

title Monstrous Moonshine, Conway and Simon Norton proved there was a relationship, though noone<br />

quite understood why.<br />

The dimensions in which the Monster can operate are given in the first column of its character table, a<br />

square array of numbers that encodes a massive amount of data about the group in question, and<br />

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Conway and Norton proved that the other columns generated similar functions in exactly the same<br />

way. This helped explain a coincidence, noticed in the mid-1970s by Andrew Ogg. He had attended a<br />

talk in Paris by Jacques Tits, who mentioned the recently-discovered Monster, and wrote down its size<br />

as a product of prime numbers. Ogg remarked that these prime numbers were precisely those for<br />

which functions similar to thej-function exist. No one had an explanation for Ogg’s observation, until<br />

Conway and Norton showed that these functions arise from columns in the Monster’s character table,<br />

one for each of the prime numbers concerned.<br />

The Monster has 194 rows and columns in its character table, but some columns generate the same<br />

function, and the number of distinct ones is 171. These are not all linearly independent, and Conway<br />

and Norton showed they span a space of dimension 163. Since 163 has a very distinctive feature in<br />

number theory, this yields yet another coincidence, but one that remains completely unexplained.<br />

Conway and Norton published their results in 1979, since when the Moonshine topic has blossomed<br />

into a field of study in its own right, drawing connections between the Monster and the mathematics<br />

of string theory.<br />

These connections stemmed from work of Igor Frenkel, James Lepowsky and Arne Meurman, who<br />

created something called the Moonshine Module.<br />

It is built up from subspaces stabilized by the Monster, whose dimensions are given by the coefficients<br />

of the j-function, one for each coefficient.<br />

It is connected with the mathematics of string theory (a theory of elementary particles in physics).<br />

Richard Borcherds made great contributions to understanding this connection, and proved that the<br />

Moonshine module satisfies the Conway-Norton conjectures, work for which he was awarded a Fields<br />

Medal in 1998.''<br />

Matthieu Groups Comparison<br />

Here I have just done a quick analysis of the relationships between the Matthieu Groups from a table<br />

found http://www.markronan.com/mathematics/symmetry-corner/mathieu-groups/<br />

95040 M12 / 7920 M11 = 12 10200960 M23 / 443520 M22 = 23<br />

244823040 / 10200960 = 24 443520 M22 / 7920 M11 = 56<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Supersingular Prime Numbers<br />

The Supersingular Primes are exactly the set of primes that divide the group order of the Monster<br />

Group.<br />

There are exactly 15 Supersingular Primes:<br />

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 41 47 59 and 71 - 378 total – 9 Mod 9<br />

5 of the first 20 Prime Numbers are not used and are not Supersingular Primes<br />

37 43 53 61 67 - 261 total – 9 Mod 9<br />

Total of First 20 Prime Numbers 2 – 71 is 261 + 378 = 639. Note the 3 6 9 Family Number Group<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Caveat and First ‘Proof.’<br />

When I had first added up the numbers it was quickly pretty clear to me that if I could find just 2 more<br />

Protons, the numbers would come out perfectly in line with many of the numbers that stand out in the<br />

rest of my work.<br />

All my analysis has assumed that there are in fact 2 Hydrogen Molecules ‘missing’ from the aggregated<br />

64 Codons.<br />

I had no idea how or where I was going to find them but I knew they had to be there somewhere.<br />

Because I was looking for 2 protons, this had to mean looking for 2 Hydrogen molecules as all the<br />

other molecules contribute neutrons and too many protons anyway.<br />

This meant that my answer could only possibly be those amino acids that are coded for exactly twice,<br />

leaving the possibilities for finding these 2 Hydrogen molecules as:<br />

Asparagine Aspartic Acid Glutamine Lysine Glutamic Acid<br />

Histidine Phenylalanine Tyrosine Cysteine<br />

I was certain that these 2 Hydrogen molecules were on the C and G side, mainly because the total<br />

molecules on the C & G side including these 2 errant Hydrogen molecules are such stand out rounded<br />

and clearly related numbers in 1100 and 550 respectively.<br />

This assumption then cuts it down to –<br />

Histidine Glutamine Glutamic Acid Aspartic Acid<br />

A little research and I knew it must be Histidine because<br />

Histidine can bind a proton to the non-bonded electron pair of its ring nitrogen to become a weak acid<br />

at low pH. The pK of the acid is 6.0 so that at neutral pH, Histidine is about 90% in the basic form<br />

with about 10% still in the acid form.<br />

Histidine is the only amino acid that has a functional group that titrates in the physiological pH range.<br />

It is a polar molecule, Hf < O that tends to favour the formation of helical structure. Depending upon<br />

its form, which depends on the localized pH of its environment, Histidine can serve as both a proton<br />

donor and accepter. The non-bonded electron pair of the basic form are always available for metal<br />

chelation. This versatility has been utilized and Histidine is quite often found at the active site of<br />

enzymes and as a point of attachment for metal containing group - http://class.fst.ohiostate.edu/fst605/lectures/Lect9.html<br />

As a result, I have adjusted the Hydrogen molecular count for Histidine to 6 from 5 and as there are 2<br />

occurrences, which gives me the 2 Hydrogen molecules I am looking for.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


Conclusions<br />

I have looked at the whole game of the Amino Acids in a slightly different way to the other researchers<br />

in this field and am able to add concrete proof, for the knowledge and full understanding, of the<br />

existence of a primordial numerical and mathematical process in the Game of Life.<br />

Therefore, a non-evolving, or abiotic origin of Life, as the other researchers have also concluded, is<br />

what one is forced to come to.<br />

The Game of Life was irrefutably frozen in place, full formed, right at the beginning and is directly<br />

connected to the Earth.<br />

This paper would seem to lend much credence to the existence of a primordial, numerical and<br />

mathematical process inherent to the Game of Life and further the Universe, and therefore, a nonevolving,<br />

or abiotic origin of Life, as the other researchers have also concluded, is what one is forced to<br />

come to.<br />

The Game of Life was birthed, fully formed, right at the beginning of creation and is directly<br />

connected to the Earth.<br />

Not one Hydrogen molecule or even a proton can be missing or elsewhere, without the entire musical,<br />

numerical and symmetrical structure being lost completely.<br />

To my mind this another clear sign of a superhuman design and intelligence at work, just like the<br />

original version of the Bible and the Quran which are to me both perfect numerical universal treatises,<br />

where, again, not even one word may be displaced lest the congruence be lost.<br />

There is no man or woman alive today who could write even one sentence that is as mathematically<br />

and numerically perfect as these entire books are.<br />


I was very fortunate to have Jean Claude Perez review the nascent version of this paper in early<br />

December 2012 and he gave it an unequivocal thumbs up with a ‘that is very impressive..!!!’ opening<br />

statement in his response to my email to him, introducing him to my early findings.<br />

http://creationwiki.org/Jean-claude_Perez<br />

He is a leading light in the area of numerical analysis of DNA.<br />

Jean Claude introduced me to Jordi Sola-Soler, Phd Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of<br />

Catalonia, who wrote to me saying<br />

‘I really think it contains a different and fruitful view, from which many interesting interpretations of<br />

the Genetic Code may arise’<br />

http://www.sacred-geometry.eu/<br />

This is a work in progress and I am inviting specialists to comment and collaborate.<br />

The latest version of the paper can be found at www.newunderstandings.com<br />

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported<br />

License.<br />

anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


anthony@marketharmony.com<br />


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