N-Body Simulation

N-Body Simulation

N-Body Simulation


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N-<strong>Body</strong> <strong>Simulation</strong><br />

Solving the CBE with a 6-D grid takes too many cells. Instead,<br />

we use a Monte-Carlo method.<br />

Example: Monte-Carlo calculation of π .<br />

Scatter<br />

n circle<br />

n<br />

points in square; count number<br />

falling within circle.<br />

π = 4A circle /A square ≃ 4n circle /n<br />

Typical uncertainty:<br />

|π est − π| = O(n −1/2 )

Representing the Distribution Function<br />

Replace smooth distribution with bodies:<br />

f (⃗r,⃗v) → {(m i ,⃗r i ,⃗v i ) | i = 1,...,N}<br />

f (⃗r,⃗v) ≃<br />

This requires that for any phase-space volume V,<br />

Z<br />

〈 〉<br />

d⃗rd⃗v f (⃗r,⃗v) = ∑ m (⃗ri ,⃗v i )∈V i<br />

E.g., select (⃗r i ,⃗v i ) with probability proportional to f (⃗r i ,⃗v i ), and<br />

assign all bodies equal mass:<br />

V<br />

N<br />

∑ m i δ 3 (⃗r −⃗r i )δ 3 (⃗v −⃗v i )<br />

i=1<br />

m i = 1 N<br />

Z<br />

d⃗rd⃗v f (⃗r,⃗v)

Advancing Time<br />

Move bodies along phase flow (method of characteristics):<br />

Estimate potential from N-body representation:<br />

This will yield the usual N-body equation for point masses. But<br />

singular potentials are awkward, so we smooth the density field:<br />

δ 3 (⃗r −⃗r i ) → 3<br />

4π<br />

ε 2<br />

(|⃗r −⃗r i | 2 + ε 2 ) 5/2<br />

This substitution yields the following equations of motion:<br />

d⃗r i<br />

dt =⃗v i<br />

(˙ ⃗r i , ˙ ⃗v i ) = (⃗v i ,−(∇Φ) i )<br />

∇ 2 Φ ∣ ∣<br />

⃗r<br />

= 4πG<br />

d⃗v i<br />

dt = N<br />

∑<br />

j≠i<br />

N<br />

∑ m i δ 3 (⃗r −⃗r i )<br />

i=1<br />

Gm j (⃗r j −⃗r i )<br />

(|⃗r j −⃗r i | 2 + ε 2 ) 3/2<br />

Plummer (1911)<br />

smoothing<br />

Aarseth (1963)

Comments<br />

1. N-body models relax at roughly the same rate as real stellar<br />

systems with the same<br />

N<br />

; the relaxation time is<br />

t r ≃<br />

N<br />

8ln(R /ε) t c<br />

2. Sampling proportional to f (⃗r i ,⃗v i ) is the simplest option, but<br />

not the only one; other weighting schemes are also possible.<br />

E.g., use different masses when sampling f s (⃗r,⃗v) and f d (⃗r,⃗v) , or<br />

make m i depend on f (⃗r i ,⃗v i ) . But note effect on relaxation time!<br />

3. Plummer smoothing is just one of many possibilities, and may<br />

not be optimal; one alternative with less of a “tail” is<br />

δ 3 (⃗r −⃗r i ) → 15<br />

ε 4<br />

8π (|⃗r −⃗r i | 2 + ε 2 ) 7/2 Dehnen (2001)

Force Calculation: Direct Summation<br />

Simplest method: sum over all other bodies.<br />

⃗a i =<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

j≠i<br />

Gm j (⃗r j −⃗r i )<br />

(|⃗r j −⃗r i | 2 + ε 2 ) 3/2<br />

Advantages: robust, accurate, completely general.<br />

Disadvantage: computational cost per body is O(N) ;<br />

need O(N 2 ) operations to compute forces on all bodies.<br />

However, direct summation is a good fit with<br />

1. Individual timesteps (see Sverre’s lectures)<br />

2. Specialized hardware (see Simon’s lectures)

Tree Codes<br />

Long-range gravitational field dominated<br />

by monopole term:<br />

φ ≃ − Gm<br />

r + O(r−3 )<br />

Divide system into hierarchy (i.e.“tree”)<br />

of compact cells:<br />

Saul Steinberg, “A view of the World from 9 th Avenue, 1976.<br />

Barnes & Hut (1986)<br />

Replace sum over N bodies with sum<br />

over N c ≃ O(logN) cells; cost to find<br />

forces on all bodies is O(N logN) .<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

→<br />

N c<br />

∑<br />


Tree Codes Continued<br />

1. To compute potential at ⃗r due to a cell c :<br />

a) if c is “too close” to ⃗r , sum the potentials of its sub-cells;<br />

b) otherwise, approximate the potential as −Gm c /|⃗r −⃗r c | .<br />

2. “too close” can be defined in various ways; e.g.:<br />

cell’s center<br />

of mass<br />

a) geometrically: |⃗r −⃗r c | < l c /θ (BH86) or < l c /θ + δ c (B95),<br />

b) dynamically: |⃗r −⃗r c | 4 < GM c l 2 c/α|⃗a| (GADGET-2: Springel 2005).<br />

3. Different tree structures give roughly equivalent results:<br />

a) oct-trees: 1 cube → 8 cubes (Barnes & Hut 1986),<br />

b) kd trees: divide at median along x,y,z (Dikaiakos & Stadel 1996),<br />

c) particle trees: group nearest neighbors (Appel 1985, Press 1986).<br />

4. Higher moments improve accuracy:<br />

a) quadrupole potential term:<br />

1<br />

2Gδ⃗r · Q c · δ⃗r /δr 5 (Hernquist 1987),<br />

b) source/sink symmet. momentum cons., O(N) (Dehnen 2000).

Self-Consistent Field Method<br />

Represent potential and density as sums:<br />

Φ(⃗r) = ∑<br />

k<br />

A k Φ k (⃗r),<br />

ρ(⃗r) = ∑<br />

k<br />

A k ρ k (⃗r)<br />

where are coefficients and the basis functions and are<br />

A k<br />

bi-orthogonal and satisfy the PE:<br />

I k δ k k<br />

′ =<br />

Z<br />

d⃗r ρ k (⃗r)[Φ k ′(⃗r)] ∗ ,<br />

The coefficients are computed using overlap integrals:<br />

A k = 1 Z<br />

d⃗r ρ(⃗r)[Φ k (⃗r)] ∗ = 1 ∑m i [Φ k (⃗r i )] ∗<br />

I k I k<br />

Φ k<br />

∇ 2 Φ k = 4πGρ k<br />

The cost of calculating forces on all bodies is just O(N) .<br />

ρ k<br />

With the right basis set, SCFM yields good forces for spheroidal<br />

systems with only a few terms (Hernquist & Ostriker 1992).

Time Step Algorithms<br />

The underlying symmetry of the N-body equation of motion<br />

becomes evident in Hamiltonian formulation:<br />

d⃗r<br />

dt = ∂H<br />

∂⃗p ,<br />

d⃗p<br />

dt = −∂H ∂⃗r<br />

This symmetry has important consequences:<br />

1. dynamical evolution conserves phase space volume<br />

2. Hamiltonian systems have no attractors<br />

3. dynamical evolution is reversible.<br />

Hamiltonian systems are not structurally stable; most<br />

integrators will not preserve these properties.<br />

An integration algorithm with Hamiltonian symmetry is<br />

desirable; such an integrator is known as symplectic.

Leapfrog Integrator<br />

This very simple integrator explicitly preserves the symmetry<br />

of the Hamiltonian equations of motion:<br />

⃗r [k+1]<br />

i<br />

⃗v [k+3/2]<br />

i<br />

⃗v [k+1/2]<br />

i<br />

=⃗r [k]<br />

i<br />

+∆t⃗v [k+1/2]<br />

i<br />

=⃗v [k+1/2]<br />

i +∆t⃗a i (⃗r [k+1] )<br />

In addition, it is accurate to second order, meaning that the error<br />

is<br />

O(∆t 3 )<br />

per step, and requires very little storage.<br />

A drawback of the leapfrog is that velocities are a half-step out<br />

of sync with positions; this can be avoided as follows:<br />

⃗r [k+1]<br />

i<br />

⃗v [k+1]<br />

i<br />

=⃗v [k]<br />

i<br />

=⃗r [k]<br />

i<br />

=⃗v [k+1/2]<br />

i<br />

+ ∆t<br />

2 ⃗a i(⃗r [k] )<br />

+∆t⃗v [k+1/2]<br />

i<br />

+ ∆t<br />

2 ⃗a i(⃗r [k+1] )<br />

This formulation introduces a one-time error of<br />

otherwise equivalent to the standard leapfrog.<br />

O(∆t 2 )<br />

but is

Individual Time Steps?<br />

Leapfrog becomes inaccurate if ∆t is not constant<br />

and identical for all bodies. This seems inefficient.<br />

However, the symplectic properties of the leapfrog<br />

give it much more stability than most integrators.<br />

Algorithms in which ∆t is determined by current<br />

conditions are not reversible. Symmetrizing the<br />

time step between endpoints t and t + ∆t works<br />

but imposes a significant overhead (Hut et al. 1995).<br />

A 4 th order symplectic scheme allowing individual<br />

and adaptive time-steps is now available (Farr &<br />

Bertschinger 2007).<br />

Springel (2005)

Errors and Relaxation<br />

N-body simulations diverge from exact<br />

solutions of CBE and PE for several reasons:<br />

1. Roundoff errors.<br />

2. Truncation in time stepping.<br />

3. Force calculation approximations.<br />

4. Density field smoothing.<br />

5. Relaxation due to finite N.<br />

“An Introduction to Error Analysis”, John R. Taylor<br />

In theory, these effects can all be controlled — at a price. Error<br />

#1 is seldom an issue, while errors #2 and #3 are easily limited.<br />

Smoothing and relaxation are harder to balance; high resolution<br />

demands shorter timesteps and more bodies.<br />

Finally, all N-body systems with N > 2 are potentially chaotic,<br />

while the role of chaos in real galaxies is unclear.

Parameter Choices<br />

The number of bodies<br />

N<br />

is the key parameter:<br />

— 2-body relaxation time: t r ≃ Nt c /8ln(R /ε)<br />

— Monte-Carlo errors: O(N −1/2 )<br />

Maximum duration of simulation must be . t ≪ t r<br />

Typical errors in acceleration should be |δa/a| N −1/2 .<br />

Global energy should be conserved to |δE/E| N −1/2 .<br />

Smoothing length is typically R N −1/2 < ε < R N −1/3 .<br />

Leapfrog time-step should be ∆t 0.03t min ≃ 0.09(Gρ max ) −1/2 .<br />

WARNING: these rules are not definitive. Tests with different<br />

parameter values are useful; a skeptical attitude is advised!

Introduction to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics<br />

Fluid equations in conservation form:<br />

mass:<br />

momentum:<br />

∂ρ<br />

∂t + ∇ · (ρ⃗v) = 0<br />

∂⃗v<br />

∂t + (⃗v · ∇)⃗v = −∇Φ + 1 ρ ∇P<br />

energy or<br />

entropy:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

∂u<br />

∂t + (⃗v · ∇)u = −P ∇ ·⃗v + ˙u<br />

ρ<br />

∂a<br />

∂t + (⃗v · ∇)a = (γ − 1)ρ1−γ ˙u<br />

Equation of state (ideal gas):<br />

P = (γ − 1)ρu<br />

P = a(S)ρ γ

ρ(⃗r),⃗v(⃗r), u(⃗r), a(⃗r) → {(m i ,⃗r i ,⃗v i , u i , a i ) | i = 1,...,N}<br />

d⃗r i<br />

dt =⃗v i<br />

du i<br />

dt = (<br />

− P ρ ∇ ·⃗v )<br />

i<br />

SPH Formalism<br />

Particle representation (c.f. N-body):<br />

Density estimate uses smoothing kernel W(⃗x,h) with scale h :<br />

N<br />

ρ(⃗r) ≃ ∑m i W(⃗r −⃗r i ,h)<br />

i<br />

R<br />

where d⃗xW(⃗x,h) = 1 ; estimates of gradients become sums<br />

involving gradients of W(⃗x,h) .<br />

Dynamical equations:<br />

d⃗v i<br />

dt = (−∇Φ) i + (<br />

− 1 ρ ∇P )<br />

+ ˙u i + ˙u visc<br />

i<br />

da i<br />

dt<br />

i<br />

+⃗a visc<br />

i<br />

= (γ − 1)ρ1−γ i<br />

( ˙u i + ˙u visc<br />

i )

Comments<br />

1. The smoothing kernel W(⃗x,h) has compact support, so only<br />

nearby bodies are included in the sums. Most SPH codes adapt<br />

the smoothing length h to the local particle density.<br />

2. Adaptive timesteps are generally necessary to satisfy the<br />

Courant condition; most SPH integrators are not symplectic.<br />

3. Artificial viscosity is required to keep particles from streaming<br />

through shocks. The best formulation is not entirely clear.<br />

4. SPH is often criticized as a poor approximation to proper gas<br />

dynamics. However, the ISM is much more complex than an ideal<br />

gas. In the context of galaxy-scale simulations, momentum and<br />

energy conservation may be all we can expect of a code.

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