Opportunistic Multiuser Scheduling for Wireless Channels - NTNU

Opportunistic Multiuser Scheduling for Wireless Channels - NTNU

Opportunistic Multiuser Scheduling for Wireless Channels - NTNU


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<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong><br />

Lecture in “Communication Theory <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong>”<br />

Vegard Hassel — October 25, 2004<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 1

Outline - I<br />

• System model<br />

• What is opportunistic scheduling?<br />

• <strong>Multiuser</strong> diversity<br />

• <strong>Scheduling</strong> concepts<br />

• HDR example<br />

• Calculating MASSE<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 2

Outline - II<br />

• <strong>Scheduling</strong> schemes:<br />

– Algorithms that consider the channel conditions and feedback<br />

reduction<br />

– Algorithms that consider fairness<br />

– Algorithms that consider delay and power<br />

– Algorithms that consider QoS<br />

– An algorithm <strong>for</strong> a MIMO system<br />

– An algorithm <strong>for</strong> an OFDM system<br />

– Relay-aided algorithm<br />

• <strong>Scheduling</strong> and cross-layer design<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 3

System Model - I<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 4

System Model - II<br />

• Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) system<br />

• Uplink (user transmits) and down-link (user receives) at different<br />

frequencies<br />

• N users<br />

• Most algorithms assume that the users’ carrier-to-noise-ratios (CNR)<br />

are i.i.d.<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 5

What is <strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong>?<br />

• The traditional TDM scheduling algorithm has been Round robin<br />

(GSM)<br />

– The time-slots are assigned to the users in a sequential manner,<br />

independently of the channel conditions<br />

– Resource fair, but not necessary per<strong>for</strong>mance fair<br />

• <strong>Opportunistic</strong> scheduling exploits the varying quality of the fading<br />

channel to increase the Maximum Average System Spectral Efficiency<br />

(MASSE)<br />

• The future challenge will be to design algorithms that are both<br />

opportunistic and operates according to the QoS-demands from the<br />

applications<br />

• Efficient adaptive modulation and coding is necessary to implement the<br />

scheduling algorithms<br />

[1]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 6

<strong>Multiuser</strong> Diversity (MUD)<br />

• Diversity in wireless systems arises because of independently fading<br />

channels<br />

• Traditional <strong>for</strong>ms of diversity: space, time and frequency<br />

• Viswanath and Tse: <strong>Multiuser</strong> diversity, MUD<br />

• Background: With many users in a cell, there is high probability of<br />

finding a user with a good channel at any time<br />

• MUD concept: To obtain the highest rate, the user with the best<br />

channel has to be chosen at all times<br />

• Observe: While traditional <strong>for</strong>ms of diversity gives better link spectral<br />

efficiency, multiuser diversity increases the system (sum) spectral<br />

efficiency<br />

[1]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 7

<strong>Scheduling</strong> Concepts<br />

• <strong>Scheduling</strong> policy - a rule that specifies which user is allowed to<br />

transmit and which user is allowed to receive at each time-slot (Q(t))<br />

• Feasible - a policy that satisfies the QoS-constraints from all users<br />

• Throughput optimal - an algorithm that manages to keep all queues<br />

stable and still fulfill the QoS-requirements<br />

[2, 3]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 8

HDR Example - I<br />

Algorithm implemented in the High Data Rate (HDR) products from<br />

Qualcomm<br />

• The channel conditions <strong>for</strong> each user is independent<br />

• The channel is GOOD 50% of the time and BAD 50% of the time<br />

• Two users with bitrates (Markov channel):<br />

– User 1: 200Mbit/s or 400Mbit/s<br />

– User 2: 400Mbit/s or 800Mbit/s<br />

– The users cannot be active at the same time<br />

• Round robin algorithm without opportunistic scheduling:<br />

– R1=0.5*(0.5*200Mbit/s+0.5*400Mbit/s)=150Mbit/s<br />

– R2=0.5*(0.5*400Mbit/s+0.5*800Mbit/s)=300Mbit/s<br />

[3]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 9

HDR Example - II<br />

• With opportunistic scheduling, the user that has the GOOD channel<br />

condition is chosen:<br />

– 25% of the time both users have BAD channel<br />

– 50% of the time one user has GOOD channel<br />

– 25% of the time both users have GOOD channel<br />

• The user with the relatively best channel is chosen<br />

• Round robin with opportunistic scheduling:<br />

– R1=0.5*(0.25*200Mbit/s+0.75*400Mbit/s)=175Mbit/s<br />

– R2=0.5*(0.25*400Mbit/s+0.75*800Mbit/s)=350Mbit/s<br />

• <strong>Opportunistic</strong> scheduling gives a 17% capacity gain<br />

• But what if both users need 200Mbit/s?<br />

[3]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 10

Calculating the MASSE<br />

Calculating the Maximum Average System Spectral Efficiency<br />

(MASSE)<br />

Optimum rate adaptation (no power adaptation):<br />

C ora<br />

W<br />

∫ ∞<br />

= log 2 (1 + γ)p γ ∗(γ) dγ<br />

0<br />

Optimum power and rate adaptation:<br />

C opra<br />

W<br />

= ∫ ∞<br />

γ 0<br />

log 2<br />

( γ<br />

γ 0<br />

)<br />

p γ ∗(γ) dγ,<br />

where γ 0 is found from the power constraint:<br />

∫ ∞<br />

γ 0<br />

( 1<br />

− 1 )<br />

p γ ∗(γ) dγ = 1<br />

γ 0 γ<br />

[4]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 11

Algorithms that Consider the Channel Conditions and<br />

Feedback Reduction<br />

• Max CNR <strong>Scheduling</strong>, MCS<br />

• Analyzing Feedback<br />

• Selective <strong>Multiuser</strong> Diversity, SMUD<br />

• Optimal Rate, Reduced Feedback, ORRF<br />

• Nested ORRF, NORRF<br />

• Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms<br />

• Inducing Channel Fluctuations<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 12

Rate-Optimal TDM <strong>Scheduling</strong> - I<br />

Ride the peaks!<br />

[5, 6]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 13

Rate-Optimal TDM <strong>Scheduling</strong> - II<br />

The Max CNR scheduling (MCS) policy can be stated as:<br />

i ∗ (t) = argmax<br />

1≤i≤N<br />

γ i (t)<br />

Equivalently:<br />

i ∗ (t) = argmax<br />

1≤i≤N<br />

R i (t)<br />

• Also called the greedy algorithm<br />

• Only fair if the users’ CNRs are i.i.d. (dependent on coherence time)<br />

• Only rate-optimal if the capacity degradation due to feedback is ignored<br />

[5]<br />

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Rate-Optimal TDM <strong>Scheduling</strong> - III<br />

The cumulative distribution of the best user is found by using order<br />

statistics:<br />

P γ ∗(γ) = P N γ (γ),<br />

The probability density function (PDF) of the best user is found by<br />

differentiating the cumulative distribution function (CDF) with respect to<br />

γ:<br />

p γ ∗(γ) = N · Pγ<br />

N−1 (γ) · p γ (γ),<br />

For a Rayleigh channel we get the following PDF:<br />

p γ ∗(γ) = N · (1 − e −γ/γ ) N−1 · e−γ/γ<br />

γ<br />

To make integration easier, it is often preferable to use binomial<br />

expansion:<br />

[5]<br />

p γ ∗(γ) = N γ<br />

N−1<br />

∑<br />

n=0<br />

( N − 1<br />

n<br />

)<br />

(−1) n e −(1+n)γ/γ<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 15

Rate-Optimal TDM <strong>Scheduling</strong> - IV<br />

[5]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 16

Analyzing Feedback<br />

• The MCS algorithm assumes that each user feeds back its CNR <strong>for</strong><br />

every time-slot<br />

• We will look at how to reduce the feedback load of the MCS algorithm<br />

• Normalized Feedback load (NFL) is defined as the average ratio of users<br />

that give feedback <strong>for</strong> every time-slot<br />

• To analyze the feedback in depth it is also interesting to investigate the<br />

feedback rate, i.e. the number of bits that are fed back <strong>for</strong> every<br />

time-slot<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 17

SMUD: Selective <strong>Multiuser</strong> Diversity - I<br />

• Algorithm that reduces the feedback load by using a CNR threshold<br />

• The scheduler asks <strong>for</strong> the instantaneous CNR level only from the users<br />

that have CNR above a threshold, γ th<br />

• If none of the users feed back their CNR, a random user is chosen<br />

• The algorithm is not rate-optimal, but gives a significant reduction in<br />

the feedback load<br />

i ∗ (t) =<br />

⎧<br />

⎨<br />

⎩<br />

rand(i),<br />

argmax<br />

1≤i≤N<br />

γ i (t),<br />

if all γ i (t) ≤ γ th<br />

if it exists a γ i (t) > γ th<br />

[7]<br />

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SMUD: Selective <strong>Multiuser</strong> Diversity - II<br />

CDF:<br />

P γ ∗(γ) =<br />

{<br />

P<br />

N−1<br />

γ (γ th ) · P γ (γ), γ ≤ γ th<br />

Pγ N (γ),<br />

γ > γ th<br />

PDF can be found by differentiating the CDF with respect to γ:<br />

p γ ∗(γ) =<br />

{<br />

P<br />

N−1<br />

γ (γ th ) · p γ (γ), γ ≤ γ th<br />

N · Pγ N−1 (γ) · p γ (γ), γ > γ th<br />

The NFL <strong>for</strong> the SMUD algorithm can be shown to be given by:<br />

¯F = 1 − P γ (γ th )<br />

[7]<br />

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SMUD: Selective <strong>Multiuser</strong> Diversity - III<br />

[7]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 20

ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - I<br />

• Based on the SMUD algorithm<br />

• If all users fail to meet the CNR threshold value, the base station<br />

requests full feedback<br />

• Obtains optimal rate, but has a significant reduction in feedback<br />

• Disadvantage: Needs more time to collect feedback in<strong>for</strong>mation (guard<br />

interval)<br />

[7, 8]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 21

ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - II<br />

[8]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 22

ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - III<br />

For the ORRF algorithm, it can be shown that the normalized average<br />

feedback load can be expressed as:<br />

¯F = 1 − P γ (γ th ) + P N γ (γ th ), N = 2, 3, 4, · · ·<br />

Differentiating this expression with regard to γ th and setting the expression<br />

equal to zero gives the optimal threshold value:<br />

γ ∗ th = P −1<br />

γ ∗<br />

( ( 1<br />

N<br />

) 1<br />

)<br />

N−1<br />

, N = 2, 3, 4, · · ·,<br />

For a Rayleigh channel this expression is given as:<br />

γ ∗ th = −γ ln(1 − (1/N) 1<br />

N−1), N = 2, 3, 4, · · ·,<br />

[8]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 23

ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - IV<br />

[8]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 24

ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - V<br />

Delays can be analyzed using two different scenarios:<br />

• Scenario 1: <strong>Scheduling</strong> delay:<br />

– Arises because the scheduler received channel estimates, takes a<br />

scheduling decision and notifies the selected user<br />

– The selected user transmits using a constellation size based on a<br />

channel estimate without delay<br />

– When the user is transmitting, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the<br />

best anymore. There<strong>for</strong>e, we will experience a degradation in MASSE<br />

compared to the optimal rate<br />

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ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - VI<br />

• Scenario 2: Outdated channel estimates:<br />

– Leads to both a scheduling delay and suboptimal modulation<br />

constellations with increased BER<br />

– Both the scheduling decision and the decision of the modulation<br />

constellation is based on an outdated channel estimate<br />

– The selected user experiences a CNR degradation, but does not adjust<br />

its modulation constellation accordingly (as <strong>for</strong> the previous scenario)<br />

– The rate is not lowered, but the BER will increase with the degree of<br />

outdatedness<br />

[8]<br />

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ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - VII<br />

[8]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 27

ORRF: Optimal-Rate, Reduced Feedback - VIII<br />

[8]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 28

NORRF: Nested ORRF - I<br />

• Employs multiple (nested) feedback thresholds<br />

• Denoting the thresholds by γ th,L >γ th,L−1 > · · ·>γ th,0 (γ th,L = ∞ and<br />

γ th,0 = 0)<br />

• The base station initially requests feedback from those users whose<br />

CNR is above γ th,L−1 . If there are none, the threshold is successively<br />

lowered to γ th,L−2 , γ th,L−3 , · · ·, γ th,0<br />

• The best user is always selected, but the average feedback load is<br />

significantly reduced compared to the MCS algorithm<br />

[9]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 29

NORRF: Nested ORRF - II<br />

For the NORRF algorithm the feedback load can be expressed as:<br />

¯F NORRF = 1 N<br />

L−1<br />

∑<br />

N∑<br />

l=0 n=1<br />

( ) N<br />

n (P γ (γ th,l+1 ) − P γ (γ th,l )) n · Pγ N−n (γ th,l )<br />

n<br />

Using the binomial expansion <strong>for</strong>mula, it can be shown that this expression<br />

can be written as:<br />

¯F NORRF =<br />

L−1<br />

∑<br />

l=0<br />

(P γ (γ th,l+1 ) − P γ (γ th,l )) · P N−1<br />

γ (γ th,l+1 )<br />

[9]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 30

NORRF: Nested ORRF - III<br />

Taking the gradient of this expression with regard to the thresholds γ th,l<br />

and setting the result equal to zero yields:<br />

γ ∗ th,l = P −1<br />

γ<br />

(S l · P γ (γ th,l+1 )) , l = 1, 2, 3, · · ·, L−1<br />

Pγ<br />

−1 (·) is the inverse CDF of the CNR <strong>for</strong> a single user<br />

The expression <strong>for</strong> S l is:<br />

S l =<br />

where N ≥ 2.<br />

{<br />

N<br />

1<br />

1−N , l = 1<br />

[N − (N − 1)S l−1 ]<br />

1<br />

1−N ,<br />

l = 2, 3, · · ·, L−1<br />

[9]<br />

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NORRF: Nested ORRF - IV<br />

[9]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 32

Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - I<br />

• Key observation: algorithms originally devised to select between<br />

antennas in a spatial diversity combiner may also be applied as<br />

multiuser access schemes<br />

• The switched algorithms work as follows:<br />

– The base station probes users in a sequential fashion<br />

– If a probed user is under a CNR threshold, the next user is probed<br />

– The probing process continues until a good enough user is found or<br />

all N users have been checked<br />

– The sequential probing process is done during a guard interval<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - II<br />

The expression <strong>for</strong> the feedback load is the same <strong>for</strong> all the switched<br />

algorithms:<br />

¯F SWITCH = 1 N<br />

1 − P N γ (γ th )<br />

1 − P γ (γ th )<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - III<br />

Scan-and-Wait Transmission, SWT<br />

• The base station probes users in a sequential fashion<br />

• If the scheduler fails to find a good enough user, there is a deliberate<br />

outage <strong>for</strong> one coherence time<br />

• The PDF can be given by:<br />

p γSWT (γ) =<br />

{<br />

pγ (γ)<br />

1−P γ (γ th )<br />

γ ≥ γ th<br />

0 γ < γ th<br />

p γSWT (γ) =<br />

{ ∑N−1<br />

n=0 [P γ(γ th )] n p γ (γ) γ ≥ γ th<br />

[P γ (γ th )] N−1 p γ (γ) γ < γ th<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - IV<br />

Switch-and-Examine Transmission, SET<br />

• The base station probes users in a sequential fashion<br />

• If the scheduler fails to find a good enough user, the last probed user is<br />

chosen to transmit<br />

p γSET (γ) =<br />

{ ∑N−1<br />

n=0 [P γ(γ th )] n p γ (γ) γ ≥ γ th<br />

[P γ (γ th )] N−1 p γ (γ) γ < γ th<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - V<br />

SET with Post-Selection, SETps<br />

• The base station probes users in a sequential fashion<br />

• If the scheduler fails to find a good enough user, the best user is chosen<br />

• Alternative: To increase the short-term fairness, the user which have<br />

waited the longest time <strong>for</strong> transmission can be chosen<br />

p γSETps (γ) =<br />

{ ∑ N−1<br />

n=0 [P γ(γ th )] n p γ (γ) γ ≥ γ th<br />

N[P γ (γ)] N−1 p γ (γ) γ < γ th<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - VI<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - VII<br />

[10]<br />

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Switched <strong>Scheduling</strong> Algorithms - VIII<br />

[10]<br />

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Inducing Channel Fluctuations - I<br />

• If the channel fluctuations are too small, no MUD gain will be<br />

experienced<br />

• This is mainly a problem <strong>for</strong> static users<br />

• By using multiple TX-antennas which are fed by a randomly varying<br />

amplitude and phase, fluctuations can be induced<br />

• The increase in channel variations <strong>for</strong> the users, will lead to a higher<br />

MUD gain<br />

• Especially efficient when users have different γ<br />

[1, 11]<br />

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Inducing Channel Fluctuations - II<br />

[1, 11]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 42

Inducing Channel Fluctuations - III<br />

[1, 11]<br />

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Inducing Channel Fluctuations - IV<br />

[1, 11]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 44

Inducing Channel Fluctuations - V<br />

[1, 11]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 45

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - I<br />

• General Algorithm<br />

• <strong>Opportunistic</strong> Round Robin Algorithm<br />

• Proportional Fair Algorithm<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 46

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - II<br />

• Fairness can be seen as:<br />

– Time-slots are fairly shared between the users<br />

– Spectral efficiency fairly shared between the users<br />

• Fairness is always considered with regard to time:<br />

– Short-term<br />

– Long-term<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 47

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - III<br />

General Algorithm with a Short-Term Fairness Constraint<br />

Optimization problem <strong>for</strong> window size of M time-slots:<br />

max<br />

M−1<br />

∑<br />

t=0<br />

N∑<br />

E[R i (t)I Q(t)=i ]<br />

i=1<br />

Subject to the constraint:<br />

M−1<br />

∑<br />

t=0<br />

I Q(t)=i ≥ Mφ i<br />

R i (t): Instantaneous rate in time-slot t<br />

Q(t): <strong>Scheduling</strong> policy<br />

I Q(t)=i : Indicator function which is one when the ith user is chosen and<br />

zero otherwise<br />

φ i : The minimum share of time-slots allocated to user i<br />

[12]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 48

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - IV<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> Round Robin Algorithm<br />

The optimization problem is a special case of the general algorithm with<br />

M = N and φ i = 1/N:<br />

max<br />

N−1<br />

∑<br />

t=0<br />

N∑<br />

E[R i (t)I Q(t)=i ]<br />

i=1<br />

Subject to the constraint:<br />

N−1<br />

∑<br />

t=0<br />

I Q(t)=i = 1<br />

Each user has to be selected once within a time window of N time-slots<br />

[12, 6]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 49

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - V<br />

Proportional Fair Algorithm<br />

Implemented in Qualcomm’s HDR (CDMA2000/1xEV) standard<br />

Step 1: Choose the user with the highest relative bit-rate<br />

Step 2: Update the average rate<br />

C i (t + 1) =<br />

i ∗ (t) = argmax<br />

1≤i≤N<br />

( )<br />

Ri (t)<br />

C i (t)<br />

(<br />

1 − 1<br />

t C<br />

)<br />

C i (t) + 1<br />

t C<br />

R i (t)I Q(t)=i<br />

C i (t): Average rate over a time window t C<br />

[13]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 50

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - VI<br />

PF-algorithm: tries to serve each user near its peak.<br />

[11]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 51

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - VII<br />

Mobile environment: The channel varies faster<br />

[11]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 52

Algorithms that Consider Fairness - VIII<br />

Mobile environment: 3km/h, Rayleigh fading<br />

Fixed environment: 2Hz Rician fading with E fixed /E scattered<br />

[11]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 53

Algorithms that Consider Delay and Power<br />

• Analysis of MCS Packet Delay<br />

• Lazy Scheduler with a Deadline<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 54

MCS Packet Delay<br />

Packet delay <strong>for</strong> MCS algorithm assuming constant packet length:<br />

[14]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 55

Algorithms that Consider the Tradeoff Energy-Delay - I<br />

• Trade-off between power and delay<br />

[15, 16, 17, 18]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 56

Algorithms that Consider the Tradeoff Energy-Delay - II<br />

Lazy Scheduler with a Deadline - I<br />

• The goal is to minimize the transmission energy subject to a delay<br />

constraint<br />

• Key observation: in many coding schemes, the energy required to<br />

transmit a packet can be significantly reduced by lowering transmission<br />

power and transmitting the packet over a longer period of time<br />

• Because in<strong>for</strong>mation often is time-critical, transmission times cannot be<br />

made arbitrarily long<br />

• From an optimal offline algorithm (all arrival times known at time 0), a<br />

lazy online algorithm is devised<br />

[17, 18]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 57

Algorithms that Consider the Tradeoff Energy-Delay - III<br />

Lazy Scheduler with a Deadline - II<br />

• The lazy algorithm varies transmission times (τ) <strong>for</strong> packets transmitted<br />

at time t < T , according to a backlog (b):<br />

τ(b, t) =<br />

max<br />

k∈{1,...,M}<br />

{<br />

1<br />

k + b<br />

}<br />

k∑<br />

D i ,<br />

i=1<br />

where M is the random number of packets that arrive in the time<br />

interval [0, T ) and D i are the inter-arrival times of the packets.<br />

[17, 18]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 58

Algorithms that Consider the Tradeoff Energy-Delay - IV<br />

Lazy Scheduler with a Deadline - III<br />

[17, 18]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 59

Algorithms that Consider QoS - I<br />

• M-LWDF with a guarantee that the delay is not longer than a threshold<br />

• M-LWDF with a guarantee that the throughput is not below a threshold<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 60

Algorithms that Consider QoS - II<br />

M-LWDF: Modified Largest Weighted Delay First<br />

• Assumes queuing at the base station <strong>for</strong> each user<br />

• The following scheduling policy is used:<br />

i ∗ (t) = argmax<br />

1≤i≤N<br />

(ρ i W i (t)R i (t)) ,<br />

where W i (t) is the head-of-the-line packet delays and ρ i is a constant<br />

<strong>for</strong> controlling delay distributions (priority)<br />

• The algorithms picks the users that have large delays and large<br />

instantaneous bit-rates<br />

• It is surprising that such a simple algorithm is throughput optimal<br />

[3]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 61

Algorithms that Consider QoS - III<br />

M-LWDF does not give a dramatical throughput degradation compared to<br />

the MCS algorithm:<br />

[19]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 62

Algorithms that Consider QoS - IV<br />

M-LWDF: Modified Largest Weighted Delay First<br />

• The M-LWDF algorithm can be modified to provide minimum<br />

throughput guarantees<br />

• The following scheduling policy is used to guarantee minimum<br />

throughput R i (Leaky bucket?):<br />

i ∗ (t) = argmax<br />

1≤i≤N<br />

(ρ i W i (t)R i ) ,<br />

where R i is the constant bucket arrival rate <strong>for</strong> bucket (user) i, W i is<br />

the delay of the longest delay token in bucket and ρ i is a constant <strong>for</strong><br />

controlling the time-scale on which throughput guarantees are provided<br />

[3]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 63

Algorithms <strong>for</strong> MIMO Systems - I<br />

We consider a specific algorithm:<br />

• Each user transmits over a MIMO link<br />

• The base station induces rapid variation by using a transmission<br />

randomizing matrix<br />

• A common pilot is used and each user estimates the mutual in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

between the sender and the transmitter<br />

• The Proportional fair algorithm is used to schedule the users<br />

[20, 21]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 64

Algorithms <strong>for</strong> MIMO Systems - II<br />

• Maximum mutual in<strong>for</strong>mation between sent and received signal<br />

I(X; Y) = log det(I M + HQH † )<br />

• A non–negative definite Q such that I(X; Y) is maximum and<br />

tr(Q) ≤ P remains to be found<br />

• H known at the transmitter (“waterfilling solution”): Choose Q<br />

diagonal, such that<br />

Q ii = (α − λ −1<br />

i ) + , i = 1, . . . , N<br />

with (·) + max(·, 0), (λ 1 , . . . , λ N ) the eigenvalues of H † H and α such<br />

that ∑ i Q ii = P . The capacity is given by:<br />

[20, 21]<br />

N∑ (<br />

C WF = log(αλi ) ) +<br />

[bits/s/Hz]<br />

i=1<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 65

Algorithms <strong>for</strong> MIMO Systems - III<br />

[20, 21]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 66

Algorithms <strong>for</strong> OFDM Systems - I<br />

• N users share M OFDM subchannels<br />

• Two scheduling algorithms are proposed to reduce the feedback load:<br />

– Fixed reporting: Each user feeds back the CNRs of K predetermined<br />

subchannels<br />

– Best reporting: Each user feeds back the CNRs of the K best<br />

subchannels<br />

[22]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 67

Algorithms <strong>for</strong> OFDM Systems - II<br />

[22]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 68

Relay-Aided Algorithm - I<br />

[23]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 69

Relay-Aided Algorithm - II<br />

• An un<strong>for</strong>tunate user relays via a <strong>for</strong>tunate user nearby<br />

• Both link and system/network capacity is increased<br />

• Relay or not criterion:<br />

r ∗ (t) = argmax[min(R s,r , R r,d )]<br />

r<br />

Direct mode when r = d and relaying when r ≠ d<br />

[23]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 70

Embedded Modulation and <strong>Scheduling</strong> - I<br />

• Way to increase system capacity <strong>for</strong> downlink transmission<br />

• Because of fairness constraints, it may be necessary to serve a user with<br />

low CNR<br />

• The base station transmits to this user with a small modulation<br />

constellation<br />

• By using embedded modulation, the base station can transmit to a user<br />

with a higher CNR at the same time<br />

[24]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 71

Embedded Modulation and <strong>Scheduling</strong> - II<br />

[24]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 72

Embedded Modulation and <strong>Scheduling</strong> - III<br />

[24]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 73

<strong>Scheduling</strong> and Cross-Layer Design - I<br />

TCP/IP-layers:<br />

• Application<br />

• Transport (TCP, UDP)<br />

• Internet (IP)<br />

• Network access (MAC, LLC)<br />

• Physical<br />

[25, 26]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 74

<strong>Scheduling</strong> and Cross-Layer Design - II<br />

Today: Some adaptation between neighbouring layers.<br />

Tomorrow: Network stack that take advantage of the interdependencies<br />

between the layers.<br />

Variations follow different time scales:<br />

• SNR variations ~ microseconds<br />

• Congestion of packets ~ seconds<br />

• Cumulative user traffic ~ 10-100 seconds<br />

Goldsmith: Because of the different timescales, adaptation between layers<br />

is reasonable only if problems cannot be fixed locally within a layer.<br />

[25, 26]<br />

<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 75

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<strong>Opportunistic</strong> <strong>Multiuser</strong> <strong>Scheduling</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Channels</strong> 78

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