aksel kirch elulookirjeldus (cv) - The Institute for European Studies

aksel kirch elulookirjeldus (cv) - The Institute for European Studies

aksel kirch elulookirjeldus (cv) - The Institute for European Studies


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1. Eesnimi Aksel<br />

2. Perekonnanimi Kirch<br />

3. Töökoht Eurouuringute Instituut<br />

4. Ametikoht direktor<br />

5. Sünniaeg 11.09.1949<br />

6. Haridus Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1973<br />

7. Teenistuskäik 1973 -1975 Tartu Ülikooli hariduslabori insener<br />

1975 -1981 Ajaloo Instituudi nooremteadur<br />

1981 -1983 Eesti TA Presiidiumi teadussekretär<br />

1983 -1988 TA Ajaloo Instituudi vanemteadur<br />

1989 -1994 TA Filosoofia, Sotsioloogia ja Õiguse<br />

Instituudi vanemteadur ja doktorant<br />

1994 - 2001 aug TPÜ Rahvusvaheliste ja<br />

Sotsiaaluuringute Instituudi vanemteadur<br />

1998 apr - Eurouuringute Instituudi direktor<br />

8. Teaduskraad<br />

9. Teaduskraadi välja andnud<br />

asutus, aasta<br />

Filosoofiakandidaat (sotsioloogia)<br />

NSVL TA Sotsioloogia Instituut, 1979<br />

10. Tunnustused 2001 Eesti Teadlaste Liidu hõbemärk<br />

11. Teadusorganisatsiooniline<br />

ja –administratiivne tegevus<br />

1994-2000 RASI etnopoliitika töörühma juht Eesti<br />

Sotsioloogide Liidu asutajaliige ja Eesti Teadlaste<br />

Liidu asutajaliige ning aastatel 1999-2001 Juhatuse<br />

liige ja kaasesimees<br />

12. Juhendamisel kaitstud<br />

Praegu juhendan 3 magistrandi<br />

väitekirjad<br />

13. Teadustöö põhisuunad etnosotsioloogia ja Euroopa uuringud<br />

14. Jooksvad grandid ei ole<br />

15. Viimase viie aasta olulised<br />

teaduspublikatsioonid (taotlejal 10,<br />

põhitäitjal 5 teadus-publikatsiooni)<br />

1. Kirch Marika and Kirch Aksel. Search <strong>for</strong><br />

Security in Estonia: New Identity Architecture.<br />

Security Dialogue, Vol 26, No 4 December 1995,<br />

439-449;<br />

2. Kirch, Aksel; Ott, Attiat; Kirch, Marika. Ethnic<br />

Anxiety: A Case Study of Resident Aliens in Estonia<br />

(1990-1992). - Journal of Baltic <strong>Studies</strong>, 1996, Vol<br />

XXVII, No. 1 (Spring 1996), 21-47;<br />

3. Kirch, Marika; Kirch, Aksel, Ruutsoo, Rein;<br />

Tuisk, Tarmo; Talts, Mait. <strong>The</strong> Elites of Estonia and<br />

Other Baltic States on <strong>The</strong>ir Way to the <strong>European</strong><br />

Union In: Antje Herrberg (Ed.) Which Identity <strong>for</strong><br />

Which Europe?, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press,<br />

1998. (Language and Cultural Contact, 25), 19-36.

4. Kirch, Aksel, Kirch Marika, Ruutsoo, Rein;<br />

Tuisk, Tarmo; Talts, Mait. Europe and the Baltic<br />

States: Which Way should be Chosen <strong>for</strong> Re-<br />

Unification -Revue Baltique (Vilnius), No. 8, 1997,<br />

5-18.<br />

5. Kirch, Aksel, Kirch, Marika; Pettai, Vello; Tuisk,<br />

Tarmo. Changing Ethnic and National Identities in<br />

Estonia In: States of Mind: American and Post-<br />

Soviet Perspectives on Contemporary Issues in<br />

Psychology, New York, Ox<strong>for</strong>d: Ox<strong>for</strong>d Univ.<br />

Press, 1997, 306-314;<br />

6. Kirch, Aksel; Ruutsoo, Rein. Integrating into<br />

Europe and the World. Attitudes of Estonia's<br />

Population Towards Estonia's Accession to the<br />

<strong>European</strong> Union. Estonian Human Development<br />

Report 1998.- S.l.: UNDP, 1998.76-82.<br />

7. Kirch, Aksel; Brökling, Iris. Estonia's Accession<br />

to the <strong>European</strong> Union: Effects, Expectations and<br />

Interests. In: Katlijn Malfliet and Wim Keygnaert<br />

(Eds.) <strong>The</strong> Baltic States in an Enlarging <strong>European</strong><br />

Union : Towards a Partnership between Small<br />

States, Leuven: <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>European</strong> Policy,<br />

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1999, 27-48.<br />

8. Kirch Aksel. Social Support <strong>for</strong> the Eastenlargement<br />

of the EU in Estonia. In: Monitoring<br />

preparations of transition countries <strong>for</strong> EU-<br />

Accession, Taking place in Prague from June 1st<br />

until June 4th 2000. Prague: University of<br />

Economics Prague, 260-265.<br />

9. Kirch Aksel and Kirch Marika. National and<br />

<strong>European</strong> Identities: View from Estonia. In:<br />

National and <strong>European</strong> Identities in the EU<br />

Enlargement: View from East-Europe. Prague,<br />

2001, 108-120;<br />

10. Aksel Kirch, Iris Brökling, Mart Kivimäe.<br />

Images of Europe - <strong>The</strong> country study Estonia. In:<br />

Newsletter "Social Science in Eastern Europe" -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Countries of Central and Eastern Eorope and<br />

the EU: Attitudes and Perceptions", Berlin, 2001,<br />


Aksel Kirch<br />

Curriculum Vitae (CV)<br />

1. First Name Aksel<br />

2. Surname Kirch<br />

3. Institution <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Studies</strong><br />

4. Position Director<br />

5. Date of birth 11.09.1949<br />

6. Education Tartu State University, 1973<br />

7. Research and professional<br />

experience<br />

1973 -1975 Tartu University Education<br />

Laboratory, Engineer<br />

1975 -1981 <strong>Institute</strong> of History Junior Research<br />

Fellow<br />

1981 -1983 Presidium of Estonian Academy of<br />

Science, Scientific Secretary<br />

1983 -1988 <strong>Institute</strong> of History, Senior Research<br />

Fellow<br />

1989 -1994 <strong>Institute</strong> of Philosophy, Sociology and<br />

Law, Senior Research Fellow and Doctorate<br />

1994 - 2001 Aug TPU <strong>Institute</strong> of International and<br />

Social <strong>Studies</strong>, Senior Research Fellow<br />

1998 Apr - <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> Director<br />

8. Academic degree<br />

Ph.D. Sociology<br />

9. Dates and sites of earning the <strong>Institute</strong> of Sociology at USSR Academy of<br />

degrees<br />

Science, 1979<br />

10. Honours/awards 2001 Silver Award of Estonian Union of Scientists<br />

11. Research-administrative<br />

experience<br />

since 1989 Member of the Estonian Union of<br />

Scientists<br />

since 1992 Member of <strong>European</strong> and Estonian<br />

Associatioins' of Sociologists<br />

1994-2000 Head of Ethnopolicy Working Group at<br />

TPU IISS<br />

1999-2001 Estonian Union of Scientists, member of<br />

Board and Co-Head<br />

12. Supervised dissertations Currently supervising 3 Masters degree dissertations<br />

13. Current research program Ethnosociology and <strong>European</strong> studies<br />

14. Current grant funding No current grants<br />

15. List of most important<br />

publications published <strong>for</strong> 5<br />

previous years (10 in case of PI,<br />

5 in case of senior personnel)<br />

1. Kirch Marika and Kirch Aksel. Search <strong>for</strong><br />

Security in Estonia: New Identity Architecture.<br />

Security Dialogue, Vol 26, No 4 December 1995,<br />

439-449;<br />

2. Kirch, Aksel; Ott, Attiat; Kirch, Marika. Ethnic<br />

Anxiety: A Case Study of Resident Aliens in Estonia<br />

(1990-1992). - Journal of Baltic <strong>Studies</strong>, 1996, Vol<br />

XXVII, No. 1 (Spring 1996), 21-47;<br />

3. Kirch, Marika; Kirch, Aksel, Ruutsoo, Rein;<br />

Tuisk, Tarmo; Talts, Mait. <strong>The</strong> Elites of Estonia and

Other Baltic States on <strong>The</strong>ir Way to the <strong>European</strong><br />

Union In: Antje Herrberg (Ed.) Which Identity <strong>for</strong><br />

Which Europe?, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press,<br />

1998. (Language and Cultural Contact, 25), 19-36.<br />

4. Kirch, Aksel, Kirch Marika, Ruutsoo, Rein;<br />

Tuisk, Tarmo; Talts, Mait. Europe and the Baltic<br />

States: Which Way should be Chosen <strong>for</strong> Re-<br />

Unification -Revue Baltique (Vilnius), No. 8, 1997,<br />

5-18.<br />

5. Kirch, Aksel, Kirch, Marika; Pettai, Vello; Tuisk,<br />

Tarmo. Changing Ethnic and National Identities in<br />

Estonia In: States of Mind: American and Post-<br />

Soviet Perspectives on Contemporary Issues in<br />

Psychology, New York, Ox<strong>for</strong>d: Ox<strong>for</strong>d Univ.<br />

Press, 1997, 306-314;<br />

6. Kirch, Aksel; Ruutsoo, Rein. Integrating into<br />

Europe and the World. Attitudes of Estonia's<br />

Population Towards Estonia's Accession to the<br />

<strong>European</strong> Union. Estonian Human Development<br />

Report 1998.- S.l.: UNDP, 1998.76-82.<br />

7. Kirch, Aksel; Brökling, Iris. Estonia's Accession<br />

to the <strong>European</strong> Union: Effects, Expectations and<br />

Interests. In: Katlijn Malfliet and Wim Keygnaert<br />

(Eds.) <strong>The</strong> Baltic States in an Enlarging <strong>European</strong><br />

Union : Towards a Partnership between Small<br />

States, Leuven: <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>European</strong> Policy,<br />

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1999, 27-48.<br />

8. Kirch Aksel. Social Support <strong>for</strong> the Eastenlargement<br />

of the EU in Estonia. In: Monitoring<br />

preparations of transition countries <strong>for</strong> EU-<br />

Accession, Taking place in Prague from June 1st<br />

until June 4th 2000. Prague: University of<br />

Economics Prague, 260-265.<br />

9. Kirch Aksel and Kirch Marika. National and<br />

<strong>European</strong> Identities: View from Estonia. In:<br />

National and <strong>European</strong> Identities in the EU<br />

Enlargement: View from East-Europe. Prague,<br />

2001, 108-120;<br />

10. Aksel Kirch, Iris Brökling, Mart Kivimäe.<br />

Images of Europe - <strong>The</strong> country study Estonia. In:<br />

Newsletter "Social Science in Eastern Europe" -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Countries of Central and Eastern Eorope and<br />

the EU: Attitudes and Perceptions", Berlin, 2001,<br />


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