Diapositivo 1 - Sweet - Universidade de Aveiro

Diapositivo 1 - Sweet - Universidade de Aveiro

Diapositivo 1 - Sweet - Universidade de Aveiro


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What is VTK?<br />

An Introduction to the<br />

Visualization Toolkit<br />

Information Visualization – Paulo Dias<br />

• Open Source library based in Object<br />

Oriented Programming<br />

• multi-platform (Windows/Unix/Mac)<br />

• C++ implementation with several wrappers<br />

for other languages (Tcl/Tk-Python-Java)<br />

• No User Interface but possible to integrate<br />

with several libraries: Tk, Motif, Visual<br />

Studio, Qt, …<br />

Instituto <strong>de</strong><br />

Engenharia Electrónica e<br />

Telemática<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>Aveiro</strong><br />

z<br />

Departamento <strong>de</strong><br />

Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática<br />

<strong>Universida<strong>de</strong></strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Aveiro</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>ti <strong>de</strong>partamento <strong>de</strong> electrónica telecomunicações e informática<br />

universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> aveiro<br />

2<br />

VTK Goals<br />

• Scientific Visualization<br />

• Information Visualization<br />

• Large Data Visualization<br />

• Volume ren<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

• 3D Interaction<br />

What we get<br />

• Several data representation: points,<br />

polygonal meshes, images, volumes,<br />

structured and unstructured grids.<br />

• Importers and exporters for several<br />

formats allowing data exchange between<br />

applications.<br />

• Hundreds of filters for data processing.<br />

3<br />

4<br />

The origin<br />

• VTK Started December 1993<br />

as supporting software for the<br />

book “ The visualization Toolkit:<br />

An Object Oriented Approach<br />

to 3D Graphics” by Will<br />

Schroe<strong>de</strong>r, Ken Martin and Bill<br />

Lorensen (Prentice Hall).<br />

• Supported by Kitware<br />

company:<br />

http://public.kitware.com/VTK/<br />

• Software, Books, FAQ’s,<br />

examples, forums…<br />

Main characteristics<br />

• High level of abstraction when compared<br />

with other libraries such as OpenGL.<br />

• Support all the main visualization<br />

algorithms.<br />

• Hundred of classes and functions.<br />

• Key to success:<br />

– Get used to the objects.<br />

– Use examples.<br />

5<br />

6<br />


Architecture<br />

• C++ core: inclu<strong>de</strong> data structures,<br />

algoritms and co<strong>de</strong>.<br />

• Interpretation layers: to allow use with<br />

several languages :<br />

– C++<br />

– Tcl<br />

– JAVA<br />

– Python<br />

VTK subsystems<br />

• Graphics<br />

• Image Processing (2D and 3D ImageData<br />

and Filter)<br />

• 3D Geometry (DataSets and Filters)<br />

• Picking, Interactions<br />

• 2D Chart API<br />

• Information Visualization<br />

7<br />

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VTK Visualization Pipeline<br />

VTK Graphic<br />

data mappers actors<br />

• Just like hollywood: Lights, Cameras,<br />

Actors, Properties. The graphics mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>s tools for<br />

– Window managing (Creation and<br />

manipulation of ren<strong>de</strong>ring windows).<br />

– Mappers and their properties.<br />

– 2D, 3D and volume ren<strong>de</strong>ring.<br />

9<br />

10<br />

VTK Graphic<br />

Dataset<br />

A VTK scene consists of:<br />

• vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindow - contains the final image<br />

• vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rer - draws into the ren<strong>de</strong>r window<br />

• vtkActor - combines properties / geometry<br />

– vtkProp, vtkProp3D<br />

– vtkProperty<br />

• vtkLights - illuminates actors<br />

• vtkCamera - ren<strong>de</strong>rs the scene<br />

• vtkMapper - represents geometry<br />

– vtkPolyDataMapper, vtkDataSetMapper are subclasses<br />

• vtkTransform - positions actors<br />

• Dataset structure consists of<br />

– points (x-y-z coordinates)<br />

– cells (e.g., polygons, lines, voxels) which are<br />

<strong>de</strong>fined by connectivity list referring to points<br />

ids<br />

• Access is via integer ID<br />

Points<br />

Cell<br />

11<br />

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Data Representation - Cells and points<br />

Data Types<br />

• 5 different type of data:<br />

• Vertex<br />

• Polyvertex<br />

• Line<br />

• Polyline<br />

• Triangle<br />

• Triangle Strip<br />

• Quadrilateral<br />

• Polygon<br />

• Tetrahedron<br />

• Hexahedron<br />

• Voxel<br />

– vtkImageData - Structured Points<br />

– vtkRectilinear Grid - Rectilinear Grid<br />

– vtkStructuredGrid - Structured Grid<br />

– vtkUnstructuredGrid - Unstructured Grid<br />

– vtkPolyData - Polygonal Data<br />

• Format choice is important for efficiency and for use<br />

of a<strong>de</strong>quate filters<br />

13<br />

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DataSet Attributes<br />

• vtkDataSet also has point and cell<br />

attribute data:<br />

– Scalars<br />

– Vectors - 3-vector<br />

– Tensors - 3x3 symmetric matrix<br />

– Normals - unit vector<br />

– Texture Coordinates 1-3D<br />

– Array of arrays (i.e. FieldData)<br />

VTK –Example<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkConeSource.h"<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkPolyDataMapper.h"<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkActor.h"<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindow.h"<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindowInteractor.h"<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rer.h"<br />

#inclu<strong>de</strong> "vtkProperty.h"<br />

void main ()<br />

{<br />

// create cone geometry<br />

vtkConeSource *cone =<br />

vtkConeSource::New();<br />

// create cone mapper for mapping the cone<br />

to the graphics library.<br />

vtkPolyDataMapper *coneMapper =<br />

vtkPolyDataMapper::New();<br />

coneMapper ->SetInput(cone->GetOutput());<br />

// actor coordinates geometry, properties,<br />

transformation<br />

vtkActor *aCone = vtkActor::New();<br />

aCone->SetMapper(coneMapper);<br />

aCone->GetProperty()->SetColor(0,0,1); //<br />

cone color blue<br />

// an interactor<br />

vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindowInteractor *iren =<br />

vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindowInteractor::New();<br />

iren->SetRen<strong>de</strong>rWindow(renWin);<br />

// add the actor to the scene<br />

ren1->AddActor(aCone);<br />

ren1->SetBackground(1,1,1); //<br />

Background color white<br />

// ren<strong>de</strong>r an image<br />

renWin->Ren<strong>de</strong>r();<br />

// begin mouse interaction<br />

iren->Start();<br />

cone->Delete();<br />

coneMapper->Delete();<br />

aCone->Delete();<br />

ren1->Delete();<br />

renWin->Delete();<br />

iren->Delete();<br />

}<br />

15<br />

// a ren<strong>de</strong>rer and ren<strong>de</strong>r window<br />

vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rer *ren1 = vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rer::New();<br />

vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindow *renWin =<br />

vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindow::New();<br />

renWin->AddRen<strong>de</strong>rer(ren1);<br />

16<br />

vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindowInteractor<br />

• SetRen<strong>de</strong>rWindow – ren<strong>de</strong>r window<br />

• Key and mouse bindings (Interactor Style)<br />

• Light Follow Camera (a headlight)<br />

• Picking interaction<br />

Interactor Styles<br />

• Button 1 – rotate<br />

• Button 2 – translate ( Button 1 for 2-button<br />

• mouse)<br />

• Button 3 – zoom<br />

• Keypress e or q – exit<br />

• Keypress f – “fly-to” point un<strong>de</strong>r mouse<br />

• Keypress s/w – surface/wireframe<br />

• Keypress p – pick<br />

• Keypress r – reset camera<br />

• Keypress 3 – toggle stereo<br />

Switch styles: Keypress j – joystick; t - trackball<br />

style<br />

17<br />

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Picking<br />

• vtkPropPicker - hardware-assisted picking of<br />

vtkProps (returns vtkProp picked and x,y,z<br />

coordinate)<br />

• vtkWorldPointPicker - get x-y-z coordinate; does not<br />

pick prop (hardware assisted, returns x,y,z<br />

coordinate)<br />

• vtkPicker - pick based on prop3D’s bounding box<br />

(software ray cast – returns vtkProp)<br />

• vtkPointPicker - pick points (closest point to camera<br />

within tolerance - software ray cast – returns point id<br />

& x,y,z coordinate)<br />

• vtkCellPicker - pick cells (software ray cast –<br />

returns cell id & x,y,z)<br />

3D Widgets<br />

• Ad<strong>de</strong>d since VTK 4.0 release<br />

• Requires version 4.2 or later<br />

• Subclass of vtkInteractorObserver<br />

• Interactor observers watch events<br />

invoked on vtkRen<strong>de</strong>rWindowInteractor<br />

• Events are caught and acted upon<br />

• Events can be prioritized and or<strong>de</strong>red<br />

19<br />

20<br />

3D Widgets<br />

• vtkPointWidget<br />

• vtkLineWidget<br />

• vtkPlaneWidget<br />

• vtkImplicitPlaneWidget<br />

• vtkImagePlaneWidget<br />

• vtkBoxWidget<br />

• vtkSphereWidget<br />

• …..<br />

Algorithms / Filters<br />

• Algorithms operate on data objects<br />

source<br />

data<br />

filter<br />

data<br />

mapper<br />

s<br />

actors<br />

21<br />

22<br />

Algorithms / Filters<br />

• vtkAppendFilter<br />

• vtkAppendPolyData<br />

• vtkBooleanTexture<br />

• vtkBrownianPoints<br />

• vtkCastToConcrete<br />

• vtkCellCenters<br />

• vtkCellDataToPointData<br />

• vtkCullVisiblePoints<br />

• vtkCleanPolyData<br />

• vtkClipPolyData<br />

• vtkEdgePoints<br />

• vtkElevationFilter<br />

• vtkExtractEdges<br />

• vtkExtractGeometry<br />

• vtkExtractGrid<br />

• vtkExtractTensorComponent<br />

s<br />

• vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid<br />

• vtkExtractVOI<br />

• vtkExtractVectorComponents<br />

• vtkFeatureEdges…<br />

Vtk Chart API<br />

• Multiple chart types<br />

– Line plots<br />

– Bar graphs<br />

– Scatter plots<br />

– Area charts<br />

– Pie charts<br />

– Flood plots<br />

23<br />

24<br />


VTK chart API<br />

Information Visualization in VTK<br />

• Titan project 2008 - collaborative effort<br />

between Sandia National Laboratories and<br />

Kitware Inc.<br />

• One of the first software <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

efforts to address the merging of scientific<br />

visualization and information visualization<br />

25<br />

26<br />

VTK infoVis<br />

VTK infoVis<br />

vtkTable<br />

vtkDataObject<br />

vtkArray<br />

vtkGraph<br />

vtkTable<br />

vtkGraph (network)<br />

vtkDirectedGraph<br />

vtkTree (hierarchy)<br />

vtkDirectedAcyclicGraph<br />

vtkUndirectedGraph<br />

vtkArray<br />

vtkTree<br />

From:<br />

http://titan.sandia.gov/media/Information_Visualization_in_VTK.pdf<br />

27<br />

vtkMutableDirectedGraph<br />

vtkMutableUndirectedGraph<br />

28<br />

From: http://titan.sandia.gov/media/Information_Visualization_in_VTK.pdf<br />

VTK infoVis<br />

VTK infoVis<br />

AND MORE:<br />

– Data conversion<br />

– Database access<br />

– Graph algorithms<br />

– Statistics<br />

vtkGraphLayout<br />

vtkTreeMapView<br />

From: http://titan.sandia.gov/media/Information_Visualization_in_VTK.pdf<br />

29<br />

From: http://titan.sandia.gov/media/Information_Visualization_in_VTK.pdf<br />

30<br />


Main advantages<br />

Main problems<br />

– Free<br />

– Easy creation of graphical applications<br />

– C++ source co<strong>de</strong> available<br />

– Make learning of computer Graphics,<br />

Visualization and Image Processing easier.<br />

– Platform in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

– Large quantity of widgets for object<br />

manipulation<br />

– Integrate software (not a series of pieces of<br />

co<strong>de</strong>).<br />

– Easy visualization of data<br />

– Object Oriented<br />

– Largely used in many commercial<br />

applications, almost standard<br />

31<br />

– Not very fast<br />

– Relatively heavy, need a reasonable machine<br />

– Documentation<br />

32<br />

Help<br />

3D Mo<strong>de</strong>lling and Visualization Course<br />

• VTK User’s Gui<strong>de</strong><br />

• The Visualization Toolkit TextBook<br />

• Doxygen Documentation<br />

• Kitware pages on VTK (examples, testing,<br />

etc…)<br />

FootVR<br />

3D Audio<br />

Brain Imaging<br />

Vectorial Data<br />

2D Audio<br />

Polygonal Meshes<br />

Cutting<br />

33<br />

34<br />

3D Mo<strong>de</strong>lling and Visualization Course<br />

3D Mo<strong>de</strong>lling and Visualization Course<br />

Geoscience data<br />

RIR Acquisition<br />

Medical data<br />

Robotic simulators<br />

35<br />

36<br />


VTK Installation<br />

• Download Cmake<br />

http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/softwar<br />

e.html<br />

• Download VTK<br />

http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html<br />

VTK Installation - Cmake<br />

• Run Cmake -indicate source directory (VTK files)<br />

and where to build binaries.<br />

• Choose compiler (for example Visual Studio 9 –<br />

VS2008)<br />

37<br />

38<br />

VTK Installation - Cmake<br />

• Configure compilation options, namely:<br />



– CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (directory for<br />

installation)<br />



• Click on configure<br />

VTK Installation - Compilation<br />

• Open Project in Visual Studio (solution is in<br />

binary directory with name: vtk.sln)<br />

• Build all (take some time)<br />

• run install project to copy files to install directory<br />

• Add Install directory in path<br />

39<br />

40<br />

VTK Installation – Visual Studio<br />

1. Indicate location of hea<strong>de</strong>r files [configuration properties-<br />

>C/C++->General]. In [Additional Inclu<strong>de</strong> Directories] inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

hea<strong>de</strong>r file directory: [ex:”C:\Program Files\VTK\inclu<strong>de</strong>\vtk“]<br />

VTK Installation – Visual Studio<br />

2. Indicate location of library files [configuration properties->Linker-<br />

>Genera]. In [Additional Library Directories] inclu<strong>de</strong> lib file<br />

directory: [ex:” C:\Program Files\VTK\lib“]<br />

41 42<br />


VTK Installation – Visual Studio<br />

3. In Linker->Input->Additional Depen<strong>de</strong>ncies, inclu<strong>de</strong> lib files:<br />

vtkCommon.lib vtkFiltering.lib vtkGraphics.lib vtkHybrid.lib<br />

vtkImaging.lib vtkIO.lib vtkjpeg.lib vtkpng.lib vtkRen<strong>de</strong>ring.lib vtkzlib.lib<br />

vtkWidgets.lib<br />

4. Add vtk DLL directory to the path. In windows can be done thorugh<br />

Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment variables<br />

and rebooting computer<br />

VTK Installation - netbeans<br />

• Add vtk.jar to the project (right click, libraries).<br />

• Ensure that vtk DLL files are in the path.<br />

• Add the import to the JAVA file:<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkCommonJava");<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkFilteringJava");<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkViewsJava");<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkImagingJava");<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkInfovisJava");<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkGraphicsJava");<br />

System.loadLibrary("vtkRen<strong>de</strong>ringJava");<br />

In VTK (5.8.1), Java wrapping is missing for<br />

vtkChart API. To create the wrapper, copy vtk.jar<br />

to vtk.zip, unzip the file, and run javac *.java insi<strong>de</strong><br />

the unzipped file to wrap all the classes for JAVA,<br />

the zip the files into vtk.jar again.<br />

43<br />

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