Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes

Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes
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M. Popescu et al.: Spectral properties of eight Near-Earth Asteroids Table 2. Some characteristics of our NEAs: orbit type, semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, absolute magnitude (H), the Delta-V, and taxonomic classification. Object Orbit type a e i ΔV H Taxonomic type [km s −1 ] Previous This work (1917) Cuyo Amor 2.15005205 0.50448184 23.943786 8.556 14.7 Sl;S Srw (5620) Jasonwheeler Amor 2.15783969 0.42369152 7.861788 6.974 17.0 – D;T (8567) 1996 HW1 Amor 2.04580925 0.44905867 8.439303 6.495 15.4 S Sq (16960) 1998 QS52 Apollo 2.20249841 0.85791440 17.563883 11.11 14.2 Sq;Q Sr (164400) 2005 GN59 Apollo 1.65644063 0.46770919 6.627004 6.002 17.4 – L (188452) 2004 HE62 Amor 2.55781560 0.56690184 24.685809 9.074 17.3 – Sr;Sv 2001 SG286 Apollo 1.35819973 0.34708703 7.772096 5.604 20.9 D D 2010 TD54 Apollo 1.97198039 0.64352131 4.809727 – 28.7 S Sr;Sv tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 normalized reflectance spectrum by dividing the asteroid spectrum by the solar analog spectrum and performing a correction for telluric lines. For the first step, the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (Tody 1986) was used. Preprocessing of the CCD images included bias and flat field correction. An averaged bias frame taken at the telescope at the beginning of each observing night was used to perform bias subtraction. Flat fields images were obtained for each object using calibration lamps, at the beginning or end of the night. For the wavelength calibration, the Ar lamp spectrum was used. In the second step, specific IDL routines were used to help diminish the influence of telluric bands in our spectra (Rivkin et al. 2004). No other correction for the differential refraction was performed. For the computation of the final reflectance (ratio of the asteroid spectrum to the star spectrum), we took into account the similar dynamic regimes of the detector (Vacca et al. 2004; Rayner et al. 2003). Log of asteroids observations is given in Table 1. In general, the asteroid spectra were obtained taking images with an integration time (Itime) of 120s in the nodding procedure, for several cycles, to increase the S/N ratio. For two objects of our sample (2005 GN59, and 2001 SG286), the atmospheric conditions and their low brightness imply a poor S/N ratio. In this case, to obtain reliable spectral measurements, the images were selected by visual inspection, removing all those in which we could not distinguish the trace of the spectrum before the data reduction procedure. 3. Methods used to analyze data We consider our analysis of spectra in the context of previously published physical and dynamical properties of these objects. Table 2 summarizes some parameters of our sample. We complete our spectral data with the visible counterpart, when available. This is the case for four of our asteroids: (1917) Cuyo, (8567) 1996 HW1, (16960) 1998 QS52, and 2001 SG286. For each of them, the visible spectrum was merged with our NIR data using a procedure of minimization of data in the common spectral region 0.82–0.9 μm. We computed the slope for each spectrum using a first-order polynomial fit. For the case of composite spectra (V + NIR), the slope was computed for the spectra normalized to 0.55 μm to compare with the conclusions of the DeMeo et al. (2009) taxonomy. Otherwise, when only NIR was available, the slope was computed for the spectra normalized to 1.25 μm. Taxonomic types, although not usable to determine the mineralogic compositions of the objects, help constrain mineral species that may be present on the surface of the asteroid. Currently, the most commonly taxonomies are: Tholen taxonomy (Tholen 1984), Barucci taxonomy (Barucci et al. 1987; Birlan et al. 1996), based on Eight-Color Asteroid Survey data (Zellner et al. 1985), SMASII spectral taxonomy (Bus & Binzel 2002), and Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009). We used the last one, which is an extension of the Bus & Binzel (2002) taxonomy to the near-infrared, considering the data spanning the wavelength range between 0.45 μm to2.45μm. The Bus-DeMeo taxonomy is based on Principal Component Analysis and comprised 24 classes. This taxonomy allows us to analyze spectra using only NIR data, although we are in this case unable to obtain a unique classification. We used two independent methods to establish the taxonomical class of each asteroid in our sample. In a first approach, spectral data of our asteroids were compared with Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classes via the MIT-SMASS on-line tool 2 . The second approach to taxonomic classification was a procedure developed during this study using a χ 2 minimization method accounting for the mean and standarddeviation values of the Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classes. For this method, we define a reliability criterion: Reliability = card([λ m,λ M ] ⋂ {λ T 1 ,λT 2 , ..., λT 41 }) (1) 41 where [λ m ,λ M ] is the spectral interval between the minimum and maximum wavelengths of the spectrum, λ T 1 ,λT 2 , ..., λ 41 are the 41 wavelengths from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy, spanning the interval between 0.45 μm and 2.45 μm, and card() represents the number of elements of a discrete set. To apply this procedure, we smoothed our data by curve fitting with polynomial functions. This was done using poly fit from the Octave3.2 computation environment. The degree of the polynomial was selected to be between 15 to 21 such that the fit produces the smallest least squares fitting residuals. The obtained fitting curves are given in Fig. 3. Overall, we observed that both procedures gave similar results. We also compared our observational data with laboratory spectra. Spectroscopy of different samples made in the laboratory provides the basis upon which compositional information about unexplored or unsampled planetary surfaces is derived from remotely obtained reflectance spectra. The Relab 3 spectral database contains more than 15 000 spectra for different types of materials from meteorites to terrestrial rocks, man-made mixtures, and terrestrial and lunar soils. The comparison was made in the first step using a χ 2 minimization method between asteroid spectrum and all the spectra from the Relab database, which were first normalized to 1.25 μm. In this way, the best fifty spectral curves of different Relab samples were selected for further analysis. From these results, only the meteorite spectra were 2 3 A15, page 3 of 15

A&A 535, A15 (2011) tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 kept. After that, we considered only those meteorite spectra for which the mean reflectance value remains roughly in an interval of ±50% centered on the albedo value (or mean albedo value corresponding to taxonomic class for that asteroid). A third selection was made by taking into account the spectral-feature position (band maxima, band minima) and slope. This was done by comparing each asteroid spectrum with a meteorite spectrum, and selecting the meteorite spectra for which the spectral features do not differ by roughly more than 10% and the difference in slope is not notably larger than 10%. Our initial intention had been to publish the first three most closely fitting solutions satisfying this criteria, for each asteroid spectrum. However, for some asteroid spectra we found only one or two solutions corresponding to the above mentioned criteria. In our sample, the asteroids belonging to the S-complex were also investigated by considering space weathering effects. Our approach involved applying the model proposed by Brunetto et al. (2006) and calculating the C s parameter for each of these objects using the formula: W(λ) = K × exp ( Cs λ ) · (2) Brunetto et al. (2006) demonstrated that for laboratory experiments this provides a good approximation of the effects of irradiated materials, regardless of whether they are powder or bulk samples, meteorite or terrestrial samples, or samples of either olivine or orthopyroxene. They concluded that a weathered spectrum can be obtained by multiplying the spectrum of the unaltered sample by the exponential function (Eq. (2)) depending on the precise value of the parameter C s . C s = α × ln(β × d + 1) (3) where α = −0.33 μm andβ = 1.1 × 10 19 cm 2 . Brunetto & Strazzulla (2005) demonstrated that ion-induced spectral reddening is related to the formation of displacements, though this C s parameter is also correlated with the number of displacements per cm 2 (damage parameter, noted here by the letter d). By fitting experimental data, Brunetto et al. (2006) obtained the relation between C s and the number of displacements per cm 2 (Eq. (3)). We computed this damage parameter by considering the values from Brunetto et al. (2006). This model for the space weathering effects, which we applied to our data, describes the effects of solar-wind ion irradiation. This is not the only active weathering process, but it seems to be the most efficient at 1 AU (Vernazza et al. 2009; Brunetto et al. 2006). We managed to remove the effects of space weathering by dividing the spectrum with the computed exponential continuum W(λ). The de-reddened spectra obtained for the S-type asteroids were compared again with the laboratory measurements from the Relab database. The computations for the modeling methods described above were done using M4AST 4 (Popescu & Birlan 2011), which is software developed at IMCCE Paris to analyze asteroid spectra. This tool implements the algorithms for the aforementioned models. ( ) OPX BII OPX + OL = 0.4187 × BI + 0.125 . (4) Since for (1917) Cuyo, (8567) 1996 HW1, and 16960 (1998 QS52) we had V+NIR spectra, we were able to apply the model 4 A15, page 4 of 15 proposed by Cloutis et al. (1986). Thus, we computed the twoband centers (at 1 μm and2μm), the ratio of the areas of the second to the first absorption band (BAR) and we analyzed the percentage of orthopyroxene using Eq. (4). The computations were done using the standard procedures described by Cloutis et al. (1986). These results are presented in Table 5. 4. Results This section describes the results obtained for the observed asteroids: (1917) Cuyo, (5620) Jasonwheeler, (8567) 1996 HW1, (16960) 1998 QS52, (188452) 2004 HE62, 2010 TD54, (164400) 2005 GN59, and 2001 SG286. All spectra were normalized to 1.25 μm. The spectra for the first six objects are plottedinFig.1 with error bars and joined with the visible part available from the literature (Binzel et al. 2004b; Vernazza 2006). The data obtained for the last two objects, (164400) 2005 GN59 and 2001 SG286, are plotted in Fig. 4 together with some curves that model these spectra. The discussion about the taxonomic type of each object is made with reference to Fig. 3. The results for the taxonomic classification of spectra are synthesized in Table 2 to allow a comparison with the physical properties and previously taxonomic classification. Table 3 summarizes the comparison of asteroid spectra with those of meteorites from the Relab database considering both the original and de-reddened spectra (the case of S-type asteroids). The corresponding figures are presented in Appendices A and B. Some additional data related to meteorites with similar spectra to our objects are given in Table 3. 4.1. (1917) Cuyo With an absolute magnitude H = 14.7, this object has an estimated diameter of 5.2 km (Binzel et al. 2002). It is an Amor-type asteroid,with a synodic period of 2.6905±0.0005 h (Wisniewski et al. 1997). Two spectra in the visible are published for this object. For the first one, Binzel et al. (2004b) found that this asteroid is a Sl-type in Bus taxonomy, with a high slope of (0.7233 μm −1 ). The second one was classified by Michelsen et al. (2006) asan S-type asteroid in Tholen taxonomy. We joined the visible spectrum from the SMASS database corresponding to Binzel et al. (2004b), with our data in NIR region (Fig. 1). The analysis was made on the composite V + NIR spectrum. With the tool from the MIT-SMASS website, this NEA was classified as Sr-type with a higher spectral slope of 0.5086 μm −1 . Using our χ 2 method, R- and Sr-types are obtained as possible classes for this object. The R-type is obtained with a slightly better coefficient of reliability than Sr-type, because of the trend in the 1–1.5 μm spectral region. By visual inspection of the two solutions, we can see that the features around 1 μmand2μmare more shallow than for R class (Fig. 3), so we can conclude that this object is an Sr type asteroid. The comparison with the Relab database shows that the closest spectral fit is obtained for a tiny section from the Dhajala meteorite (Sample ID: LM-LAM-026, Fig. A.1). This corresponds to an ordinary chondrite meteorite rich in Fe (H3-4 olivinebronzite). Das Gupta et al. (1978) estimated a total iron content of 27.1% of the total mass of Dhajala. This meteorite was also studied by analyzing the metallic grains in its OC structure (Kong & Ebihara 1997). While the formation of metallic iron is a consequence of the spatial alteration of an object, space weathering models are nevertheless justified.

M. Popescu et al.: Spectral properties of eight Near-Earth Asteroids<br />

Table 2. Some characteristics of our NEAs: orbit type, semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, absolute magnitude (H), the Delta-V, and<br />

taxonomic classification.<br />

Object Orbit type a e i ΔV H Taxonomic type<br />

[km s −1 ] Previous This work<br />

(1917) Cuyo Amor 2.15005205 0.50448184 23.943786 8.556 14.7 Sl;S Srw<br />

(5620) Jasonwheeler Amor 2.15783969 0.42369152 7.861788 6.974 17.0 – D;T<br />

(8567) 1996 HW1 Amor 2.04580925 0.44905867 8.439303 6.495 15.4 S Sq<br />

(16960) 1998 QS52 Apollo 2.20249841 0.85791440 17.563883 11.11 14.2 Sq;Q Sr<br />

(164400) 2005 GN59 Apollo 1.65644063 0.46770919 6.627004 6.002 17.4 – L<br />

(188452) 2004 HE62 Amor 2.55781560 0.56690184 24.685809 9.074 17.3 – Sr;Sv<br />

2001 SG286 Apollo 1.35819973 0.34708703 7.772096 5.604 20.9 D D<br />

2010 TD54 Apollo 1.97198039 0.64352131 4.809727 – 28.7 S Sr;Sv<br />

tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013<br />

normalized reflectance spectrum by dividing the asteroid spectrum<br />

by the solar analog spectrum and performing a correction<br />

for telluric lines.<br />

For the first step, the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility<br />

(Tody 1986) was used. Preprocessing of the CCD images included<br />

bias and flat field correction. An averaged bias frame<br />

taken at the telescope at the beginning of each observing night<br />

was used to perform bias subtraction. Flat fields images were obtained<br />

for each object using calibration lamps, at the beginning<br />

or end of the night. For the wavelength calibration, the Ar lamp<br />

spectrum was used. In the second step, specific IDL routines<br />

were used to help diminish the influence of telluric bands in our<br />

spectra (Rivkin et al. 2004). No other correction for the differential<br />

refraction was performed. For the computation of the final<br />

reflectance (ratio of the asteroid spectrum to the star spectrum),<br />

we took into account the similar dynamic regimes of the detector<br />

(Vacca et al. 2004; Rayner et al. 2003).<br />

Log of asteroids observations is given in Table 1. In general,<br />

the asteroid spectra were obtained taking images with an integration<br />

time (Itime) of 120s in the nodding procedure, for several<br />

cycles, to increase the S/N ratio. For two objects of our sample<br />

(2005 GN59, and 2001 SG286), the atmospheric conditions<br />

and their low brightness imply a poor S/N ratio. In this case, to<br />

obtain reliable spectral measurements, the images were selected<br />

by visual inspection, removing all those in which we could not<br />

distinguish the trace of the spectrum before the data reduction<br />

procedure.<br />

3. Methods used to analyze data<br />

We consider our analysis of spectra in the context of previously<br />

published physical and dynamical properties of these objects.<br />

Table 2 summarizes some parameters of our sample.<br />

We complete our spectral data with the visible counterpart,<br />

when available. This is the case for four of our asteroids: (1917)<br />

Cuyo, (8567) 1996 HW1, (16960) 1998 QS52, and 2001 SG286.<br />

For each of them, the visible spectrum was merged with our<br />

NIR data using a procedure of minimization of data in the common<br />

spectral region 0.82–0.9 μm.<br />

We computed the slope for each spectrum using a first-order<br />

polynomial fit. For the case of composite spectra (V + NIR), the<br />

slope was computed for the spectra normalized to 0.55 μm to<br />

compare with the conclusions of the DeMeo et al. (2009) taxonomy.<br />

Otherwise, when only NIR was available, the slope was<br />

computed for the spectra normalized to 1.25 μm.<br />

Taxonomic types, although not usable to determine the<br />

mineralogic compositions of the objects, help constrain mineral<br />

species that may be present on the surface of the asteroid.<br />

Currently, the most commonly taxonomies are: Tholen<br />

taxonomy (Tholen 1984), Barucci taxonomy (Barucci et al.<br />

1987; Birlan et al. 1996), based on Eight-Color Asteroid Survey<br />

data (Zellner et al. 1985), SMASII spectral taxonomy (Bus &<br />

Binzel 2002), and Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009).<br />

We used the last one, which is an extension of the Bus & Binzel<br />

(2002) taxonomy to the near-infrared, considering the data<br />

spanning the wavelength range between 0.45 μm to2.45μm.<br />

The Bus-DeMeo taxonomy is based on Principal Component<br />

Analysis and comprised 24 classes. This taxonomy allows us to<br />

analyze spectra using only NIR data, although we are in this case<br />

unable to obtain a unique classification. We used two independent<br />

methods to establish the taxonomical class of each asteroid<br />

in our sample. In a first approach, spectral data of our asteroids<br />

were compared with Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classes via the<br />

MIT-SMASS on-line tool 2 . The second approach to taxonomic<br />

classification was a procedure developed during this study using<br />

a χ 2 minimization method accounting for the mean and standarddeviation<br />

values of the Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classes. For this<br />

method, we define a reliability criterion:<br />

Reliability = card([λ m,λ M ] ⋂ {λ T 1 ,λT 2 , ..., λT 41 })<br />

(1)<br />

41<br />

where [λ m ,λ M ] is the spectral interval between the minimum and<br />

maximum wavelengths of the spectrum, λ T 1 ,λT 2 , ..., λ 41 are the 41<br />

wavelengths from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy, spanning the interval<br />

between 0.45 μm and 2.45 μm, and card() represents the number<br />

of elements of a discrete set. To apply this procedure, we<br />

smoothed our data by curve fitting with polynomial functions.<br />

This was done using poly fit from the Octave3.2 computation<br />

environment. The degree of the polynomial was selected to be<br />

between 15 to 21 such that the fit produces the smallest least<br />

squares fitting residuals. The obtained fitting curves are given in<br />

Fig. 3. Overall, we observed that both procedures gave similar<br />

results.<br />

We also compared our observational data with laboratory<br />

spectra. Spectroscopy of different samples made in the laboratory<br />

provides the basis upon which compositional information<br />

about unexplored or unsampled planetary surfaces is derived<br />

from remotely obtained reflectance spectra. The Relab 3 spectral<br />

database contains more than 15 000 spectra for different types<br />

of materials from meteorites to terrestrial rocks, man-made mixtures,<br />

and terrestrial and lunar soils. The comparison was made<br />

in the first step using a χ 2 minimization method between asteroid<br />

spectrum and all the spectra from the Relab database, which<br />

were first normalized to 1.25 μm. In this way, the best fifty spectral<br />

curves of different Relab samples were selected for further<br />

analysis. From these results, only the meteorite spectra were<br />

2<br />

3<br />

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