Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes

Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes
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146 BIBLIOGRAPHY Gaffey, M. J. 2010. Space weathering and the interpretation of asteroid reflectance spectra. Icarus, 209(Oct.), 564–574. Gaffey, M. J., Burbine, T. H., & Binzel, R. P. 1993a. Asteroid spectroscopy - Progress and perspectives. Meteoritics, 28(June), 161–187. Gaffey, M. J., Burbine, T. H., Piatek, J. L., Reed, K. L., Chaky, D. A., Bell, J. F., & Brown, R. H. 1993b. Mineralogical variations within the S-type asteroid class. Icarus, 106(Dec.), 573–+. Gaffey, M. J., Cloutis, E. A., Kelley, M. S., & Reed, K. L. 2002. Mineralogy of Asteroids. Asteroids iii, 183–204. Gladman, B., Michel, P., & Froeschlé, C. 2000. The Near-Earth Object Population. Icarus, 146(July), 176–189. tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 Gradie, J., & Veverka, J. 1986. The wavelength dependence of phase coefficients. Icarus, 66(June), 455–467. Hapke, B. 2001. Space weathering from Mercury to the asteroid belt. J. Geophys. Res., 106(May), 10039–10074. Hardersen, P. S., Gaffey, M. J., & Abell, P. A. 2004. Mineralogy of Asteroid 1459 Magnya and implications for its origin. Icarus, 167(Jan.), 170–177. Harris, A. W., & Lupishko, D. F. 1989. Photometric lightcurve observations and reduction techniques. Pages 39–53 of: Binzel, R. P., Gehrels, T., & Matthews, M. S. (eds), Asteroids ii; proceedings of the conference, tucson, az, mar. 8-11, 1988 (a90-27001 10-91). tucson, az, university of arizona press, 1989, p. 39-53. Hicks, M., & Rhoades, H. 2010. The near-Earth asteroid 2010 TD54: The fastest rotating natural body known in the solar system? The astronomer’s telegram, 2984(Oct.), 1–+. Higgins, D., Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Masi, G., Galad, A., Gajdos, S., Kornos, L., Vilagi, J., & Pray, D. 2006. Asteriod lightcurve analysis at Hunters Hill Observatory and collaborating stations - autumn/winter 2005. Minor planet bulletin, 33(Mar.), 8–10. Hilton, J. L. 2002. Asteroid Masses and Densities. Asteroids iii, 103–112. Høg, E., Fabricius, C., Makarov, V. V., Urban, S., Corbin, T., Wycoff, G., Bastian, U., Schwekendiek, P., & Wicenec, A. 2000. The Tycho-2 catalogue of the 2.5 million brightest stars. A&A, 355(Mar.), L27–L30. Holsapple, K. A., & Michel, P. 2008. Tidal disruptions. II. A continuum theory for solid bodies with strength, with applications to the Solar System. Icarus, 193(Jan.), 283–301. Ivezić, Ž., Tabachnik, S., Rafikov, R., Lupton, R. H., Quinn, T., Hammergren, M., Eyer, L., Chu, J., Armstrong, J. C., Fan, X., Finlator, K., Geballe, T. R., Gunn, J. E., Hennessy, G. S., Knapp, G. R., Leggett, S. K., Munn, J. A., Pier, J. R., Rockosi, C. M., Schneider, D. P., Strauss, M. A., Yanny, B., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Hindsley, R. B., Kent, S., Lamb, D. Q., Margon, B., McKay, T. A., Smith, J. A., Waddel, P., York, D. G., & SDSS Collaboration. 2001. Solar System Objects Observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data. AJ, 122(Nov.), 2749–2784.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 147 tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 Keil, K. 2002. Geological History of Asteroid 4 Vesta: The ”Smallest Terrestrial Planet”. Asteroids iii, 573–584. Kitchin, C. R. 1995. Optical astronomical spectroscopy. Kong, P., & Ebihara, M. 1997. The origin and nebular history of the metal phase of ordinary chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 61(June), 2317–2329. Labotka, T. C., & Papike, J. J. 1980. Howardites - Samples of the regolith of the eucrite parentbody: Petrology of Frankfort, Pavlovka, Yurtuk, Malvern, and ALHA 77302. Pages 1103– 1130 of: Bedini, S. A. (ed), Lunar and planetary science conference proceedings. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Proceedings, vol. 11. Lagerkvist, C.-I., Barucci, M. A., Capria, M. T., Fulchignoni, M., Guerriero, L., Perozzi, E., & Zappala, V. 1987. Asteroid photometric catalogue. Landolt, A. U. 1992. UBVRI photometric standard stars in the magnitude range 11.5-16.0 around the celestial equator. AJ, 104(July), 340–371. Lazzarin, M., Marchi, S., Magrin, S., & Licandro, J. 2005. Spectroscopic investigation of near-Earth objects at Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. MNRAS, 359(June), 1575–1582. Lazzaro, D., Mothé-Diniz, T., Carvano, J. M., Angeli, C. A., Betzler, A. S., Florczak, M., Cellino, A., Di Martino, M., Doressoundiram, A., Barucci, M. A., Dotto, E., & Bendjoya, P. 1999. The Eunomia Family: A Visible Spectroscopic Survey. Icarus, 142(Dec.), 445–453. Lazzaro, D., Michtchenko, T., Carvano, J. M., Binzel, R. P., Bus, S. J., Burbine, T. H., Mothé- Diniz, T., Florczak, M., Angeli, C. A., & Harris, A. W. 2000. Discovery of a Basaltic Asteroid in the Outer Main Belt. Science, 288(June), 2033–2035. Lazzaro, D., Angeli, C. A., Carvano, J. M., Mothé-Diniz, T., Duffard, R., & Florczak, M. 2004. S3OS2: the visible spectroscopic survey of 820 asteroids. Icarus, 172(Nov.), 179–220. Leone, G., Paolicchi, P., Farinella, P., & Zappala, V. 1984. asteroids. A&A, 140(Nov.), 265–272. Equilibrium models of binary Lord, S. D. 1992 (Dec.). A new software tool for computing Earth’s atmospheric transmission of near- and far-infrared radiation. Tech. rept. Luu, J. X., & Jewitt, D. C. 1990. Charge-coupled device spectra of asteroids. I - Near-earth and 3:1 resonance asteroids. AJ, 99(June), 1985–2011. Magrin, S. 2006. Spectroscopic investigation of near Earth objects. Ph.D. thesis, Padova University, astronomy departament. McCord, T. B., & Adams, J. B. 1977. Use of ground-based telescopes in determining the composition of the surfaces of solar system objects. Nasa special publication, 370, 893–922. McCord, T. B., Adams, J. B., & Johnson, T. V. 1970. Asteroid Vesta: Spectral Reflectivity and Compositional Implications. Science, 168(June), 1445–1447. McLean, I. S. 2008. Electronic Imaging in Astronomy: Detectors and Instrumentation (Second Edition). Praxis Publishing. McSween, Harry Y. 1999. Ometeorites and their Parent Planets. Knoxville: University of Tennessee.


Gaffey, M. J. 2010. Space weathering and the interpretation of asteroid reflectance spectra.<br />

Icarus, 209(Oct.), 564–574.<br />

Gaffey, M. J., Burbine, T. H., & Binzel, R. P. 1993a. Asteroid spectroscopy - Progress and<br />

perspectives. Meteoritics, 28(June), 161–187.<br />

Gaffey, M. J., Burbine, T. H., Piatek, J. L., Reed, K. L., Chaky, D. A., Bell, J. F., & Brown,<br />

R. H. 1993b. Mineralogical variations within the S-type asteroid class. Icarus, 106(Dec.),<br />

573–+.<br />

Gaffey, M. J., Cloutis, E. A., Kelley, M. S., & Reed, K. L. 2002. Mineralogy of Asteroids.<br />

Asteroids iii, 183–204.<br />

Gladman, B., Michel, P., & Froeschlé, C. 2000. The Near-Earth Object Population. Icarus,<br />

146(July), 176–189.<br />

tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013<br />

Gradie, J., & Veverka, J. 1986. The wavelength dependence of phase coefficients. Icarus,<br />

66(June), 455–467.<br />

Hapke, B. 2001. Space weathering from Mercury to the asteroid belt. J. Geophys. Res.,<br />

106(May), 10039–10074.<br />

Hardersen, P. S., Gaffey, M. J., & Abell, P. A. 2004. Mineralogy of Asteroid 1459 Magnya and<br />

implications for its origin. Icarus, 167(Jan.), 170–177.<br />

Harris, A. W., & Lupishko, D. F. 1989. Photometric lightcurve observations and reduction<br />

techniques. Pages 39–53 of: Binzel, R. P., Gehrels, T., & Matthews, M. S. (eds), Asteroids<br />

ii; proceedings of the conference, tucson, az, mar. 8-11, 1988 (a90-27001 10-91). tucson, az,<br />

university of arizona press, 1989, p. 39-53.<br />

Hicks, M., & Rhoades, H. 2010. The near-Earth asteroid 2010 TD54: The fastest rotating<br />

natural body known in the solar system? The astronomer’s telegram, 2984(Oct.), 1–+.<br />

Higgins, D., Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Masi, G., Galad, A., Gajdos, S., Kornos, L., Vilagi, J.,<br />

& Pray, D. 2006. Asteriod lightcurve analysis at Hunters Hill Observatory and collaborating<br />

stations - autumn/winter 2005. Minor planet bulletin, 33(Mar.), 8–10.<br />

Hilton, J. L. 2002. Asteroid Masses and Densities. Asteroids iii, 103–112.<br />

Høg, E., Fabricius, C., Makarov, V. V., Urban, S., Corbin, T., Wycoff, G., Bastian, U., Schwekendiek,<br />

P., & Wicenec, A. 2000. The Tycho-2 catalogue of the 2.5 million brightest stars.<br />

A&A, 355(Mar.), L27–L30.<br />

Holsapple, K. A., & Michel, P. 2008. Tidal disruptions. II. A continuum theory for solid bodies<br />

with strength, with applications to the Solar System. Icarus, 193(Jan.), 283–301.<br />

Ivezić, Ž., Tabachnik, S., Rafikov, R., Lupton, R. H., Quinn, T., Hammergren, M., Eyer, L.,<br />

Chu, J., Armstrong, J. C., Fan, X., Finlator, K., Geballe, T. R., Gunn, J. E., Hennessy, G. S.,<br />

Knapp, G. R., Leggett, S. K., Munn, J. A., Pier, J. R., Rockosi, C. M., Schneider, D. P.,<br />

Strauss, M. A., Yanny, B., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Hindsley, R. B., Kent, S., Lamb, D. Q.,<br />

Margon, B., McKay, T. A., Smith, J. A., Waddel, P., York, D. G., & SDSS Collaboration.<br />

2001. Solar System Objects Observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data.<br />

AJ, 122(Nov.), 2749–2784.

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