Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes

Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes
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120 CHAPTER 7. SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF MAIN BELT ASTEROIDS Relative Reflectance 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 (a) (854) Frostia: NIR (854) Frostia:V 1 1.5 2 2.5 Wavelength [um] Relative Reflectance (b) 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Frostia V Sv Sr 1 1.5 2 2.5 Wavelength [um] 0.45 0.4 0.38 tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 Relative Reflectance (c) 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 Frostia ALHA76005,85 1 1.5 2 2.5 Wavelength [um] Relative Reflectance (d) 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.3 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 Frostia Y−793591,90 1 1.5 2 2.5 Wavelength [um] Figure 7.2: a) The visible and NIR spectrum of (854) Frostia; b) A polynomial fit for the spectrum of (854) Frostia compared with the theoretical spectra of V, Sv and Sr types; c) the comparison between the spectrum of (854) Frostia and the spectrum of a sample from ”ALHA76005,85” meteorite; d) the comparison between the spectrum of (854) Frostia and the spectrum of a sample from Y − 793591,90 meteorite. movement of components around their center of mass can be validated by observational results (obtained for instance using adaptive optics); results of their dynamics will be constrained by the physical model which takes into account shape, bulk density, and internal properties of the components. Furthermore, the interaction between a dynamical and a physical model allows the derivation of the most probable configuration of the system (in terms of separation of components, orbital parameters, shapes and densities). (854) Frostia is a Main-Belt asteroid with an absolute magnitude H = 11.8mag. Its semimajor axis is a=2.36832AU (Table 7.1). This asteroid was observed intensely in photometry [Behrend et al., 2006] by amateurs and professional astronomers 4 . (854) Frostia is a slow rotator with a synodic period of 37.728hrs. Its regular lightcurve with an amplitude of 0.33mag presents, for short periods of time, important attenuation, of about 0.7−0.8mag. The large magnitude is very well explained by mutual eclipse/occultation events for an object with two 4

CHAPTER 7. SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF MAIN BELT ASTEROIDS 121 tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 components of comparable size. Unfortunately, no physical ephemerides of Frostia are known to have a precise timing of possible mutual phenomena of this system. Nevertheless there is little chance for a geometry allowing mutual phenomena at the time of our observations. Based on a physical model of a double system, Behrend et al. [2006] calculated a bulk density of 750 - 1,020 kg/m 3 . They explain such a low density value by a possible C-type asteroid with a high macro-porosity of about 45 %. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) colors (Ivezić et al. [2001]) 5 of this object were also reported. These data show large variations in color. It is important to note that the v−i color is greater than the v−z one 6 , which suggest the presence of absorption band around 1 µm. Visible spectroscopy of Frostia was reported by Alvarez-Candal et al. [2006]. These results are in agreement with SDSS colors and the authors classified this asteroid in the V-taxonomic class. NIR spectrum of (854) Frostia was obtained on March 13, 2007. The total integration time of 40 min allows an accurate spectrum with the S/N of 120. I joined the visible spectrum from Behrend et al. [2006] with our data in NIR region (Fig. 7.2a). The analysis was made on the composite V+NIR spectrum. This spectrum likely represents the asteroid globally, being a first characterization of the asteroid’s mineralogy. The spectrum of (854) Frostia reveals large and deep absorption bands around 1 and 2 µm. In Bus-DeMeo taxonomy the V+NIR spectrum is typical of V -type asteroids [DeMeo et al., 2009], similar to the asteroid (4) Vesta. The next two matches returned by M4AST are Sv and Sr types but these types have larger matching error (Fig 7.2b). (854) Frostia was not included in the family of (4) Vesta by Zappala et al. [1995]. The location of (854) Frostia inside the Main-Belt is very similar to that of Vesta family in semi-major axis and inclination and may justify its membership to the same clan. Frostia’s eccentricity of 0.17 is slightly over the greater boundary (of 0.12) of Vesta family. This case is not particular while other V-type asteroids were already reported in the inner part of the Main Belt, relatively close to the Vesta family [Duffard et al., 2004]. In the assumption of (854) Frostia as a fragment of Vesta’s crust, a value of its density around 3,000 kg/m 3 seems to be reasonable. The value calculated by Behrend et al. [2006] (around 1,000 kg/m 3 ) is very difficult to explain even if an unrealistic porosities of 75% in a rubblepile structure is assumed. In fact, large porosities for small fragments of large differentiated bodies are not realistic while the self-gravitation tendency is to decrease the volume of empty space inside the object. Behrend et al. [2006] inferred a C-type asteroid by analogy with the asteroid (90) Antiope. It is difficult to reconcile the C and V taxonomic classes while the objects experienced different temperatures in their history. Descamps [2010] published recently a refined study of binary systems by accounting in- 5 6 Sloan Digital Sky Survey was obtained using five broad band filters, namely u,g,r,i,z centered to 3,551, 4,686, 6,165, 7,481, and 8,931


tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013<br />

components of comparable size. Unfortunately, no physical ephemerides of Frostia are known<br />

to have a precise timing of possible mutual phenomena of this system. Nevertheless there is<br />

little chance for a geometry allowing mutual phenomena at the time of our observations.<br />

Based on a physical model of a double system, Behrend et al. [2006] calculated a bulk<br />

density of 750 - 1,020 kg/m 3 . They explain such a low density value by a possible C-type<br />

asteroid with a high macro-porosity of about 45 %.<br />

Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) colors (Ivezić et al. [2001]) 5 of this object were also reported.<br />

These data show large variations in color. It is important to note that the v−i color is<br />

greater than the v−z one 6 , which suggest the presence of absorption band around 1 µm.<br />

Visible spectroscopy of Frostia was reported by Alvarez-Candal et al. [2006]. These results<br />

are in agreement with SDSS colors and the authors classified this asteroid in the V-taxonomic<br />

class.<br />

NIR spectrum of (854) Frostia was obtained on March 13, 2007. The total integration time<br />

of 40 min allows an accurate spectrum with the S/N of 120. I joined the visible spectrum from<br />

Behrend et al. [2006] with our data in NIR region (Fig. 7.2a). The analysis was made on the<br />

composite V+NIR spectrum. This spectrum likely represents the asteroid globally, being a first<br />

characterization of the asteroid’s mineralogy.<br />

The spectrum of (854) Frostia reveals large and deep absorption bands around 1 and 2 µm.<br />

In Bus-DeMeo taxonomy the V+NIR spectrum is typical of V -type asteroids [DeMeo et al.,<br />

2009], similar to the asteroid (4) Vesta. The next two matches returned by M4AST are Sv and<br />

Sr types but these types have larger matching error (Fig 7.2b).<br />

(854) Frostia was not included in the family of (4) Vesta by Zappala et al. [1995]. The location<br />

of (854) Frostia inside the Main-Belt is very similar to that of Vesta family in semi-major<br />

axis and inclination and may justify its membership to the same clan. Frostia’s eccentricity of<br />

0.17 is slightly over the greater boundary (of 0.12) of Vesta family. This case is not particular<br />

while other V-type asteroids were already reported in the inner part of the Main Belt, relatively<br />

close to the Vesta family [Duffard et al., 2004].<br />

In the assumption of (854) Frostia as a fragment of Vesta’s crust, a value of its density around<br />

3,000 kg/m 3 seems to be reasonable. The value calculated by Behrend et al. [2006] (around<br />

1,000 kg/m 3 ) is very difficult to explain even if an unrealistic porosities of 75% in a rubblepile<br />

structure is assumed. In fact, large porosities for small fragments of large differentiated<br />

bodies are not realistic while the self-gravitation tendency is to decrease the volume of empty<br />

space inside the object. Behrend et al. [2006] inferred a C-type asteroid by analogy with the<br />

asteroid (90) Antiope. It is difficult to reconcile the C and V taxonomic classes while the objects<br />

experienced different temperatures in their history.<br />

Descamps [2010] published recently a refined study of binary systems by accounting in-<br />

5<br />

6 Sloan Digital Sky Survey was obtained using five broad band filters, namely u,g,r,i,z centered to 3,551, 4,686, 6,165, 7,481, and 8,931

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