Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes

Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes Techniques d'observation spectroscopique d'astéroïdes
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114 CHAPTER 7. SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF MAIN BELT ASTEROIDS Table 7.1: Some characteristics of our observed MBAs: semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, absolute magnitude (H), and orbital period. Object a e i Orbit. Period H AU ◦ Days Mag. (9147) Kourakuen 2.19161 0.106186 5.816 1185.06 13.4 (854) Frostia 2.36832 0.172996 6.091 1331.25 11.8 (1333) Cevenola 2.63344 0.133589 14.641 1560.93 11.5 (3623) Chaplin 2.85105 0.086814 3.071 1758.35 11.9 (10484) Hecht 2.32087 0.079053 5.729 1291.44 13.7 (31569) 1999 FL18 2.31427 0.123171 6.402 1285.94 14.0 Table 7.2: Log of asteroids observations. Asteroid designation, date of observation with the fraction of the day for the mid time of the observation, apparent magnitude, phase angle, heliocentric distance, the airmass at the mean UT of each observation, the integration time for each spectrum (ITime), and the number of cycles are presented. tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 Asteroid Date V Φ r Airmass ITime Cycles UT Mag. ◦ UA sec (9147) Kourakuen 2011-11-15.357 16.1 20.1 1.9596 1.116 120 16 (854) Frostia 2007-03-13.487 14.9 3.6 2.3484 1.070 120 10 (1333) Cevenola 2007-03-12.549 15.6 13.8 2.6696 1.035 120 24 (1333) Cevenola 2007-03-13.575 15.6 14.5 2.6710 1.031 120 10 (3623) Chaplin 2007-03-12.378 17.1 14.7 3.0366 1.085 120 18 (3623) Chaplin 2007-03-13.267 17.2 14.9 3.0371 1.018 120 20 (10484) Hecht 2011-11-16.420 17.0 16.3 2.1986 1.060 120 6 (31569) 1999 FL18 2011-11-16.330 17.1 19.9 2.0294 1.040 120 12 was used in low-resolution mode for these sessions. The observations were made in the 0.8- 2.5 µm spectral interval. A 0.8 arcsec wide and 15 arcsec length slit, oriented North-South, allowed simultaneous measurements of the object and sky. The nodding procedure described in chapter 3 was applied. The observing conditions and parameters are given in Table 7.2. The automatic guiding mode of the telescope was used for these observation. Since, for the main belt asteroids the relative speed (∆RA/∆t, ∆DEC/∆t) is low, it does not impose difficulties for the differential tracking. In the moment of observations our objects had speed bellow 0.6 ′′ /min. The apparent magnitude of the asteroids varies depending on the relative position with the Earth and the Sun. In the case of main belt asteroids this apparent magnitude variation could up to four magnitudes. The asteroids described here were observed when they were close to their brightest apparent magnitudes (at oppositions - Table 7.2). Another constraint that should be taken into account when scheduling the observations is the airmass. In order to obtain good SNR for the spectra, I managed to observe all objects at an airmass smaller than 1.12 (zenith angle below 25 ◦ ) - Table 7.2. The integration time for each image was 120 second. Depending on the weather conditions, and considering a basic SNR evaluation of the data, a different number of images for each object were taken. Each observed asteroid was preceded by observations of solar analogs located in the vicinity.

CHAPTER 7. SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF MAIN BELT ASTEROIDS 115 Table 7.3: Solar analogs used for data reduction, their airmass at the moment of observations and their relative distance to the object. Asteroid Solar Analogue Air mass Distance [ ◦ ] (9147) Kourakuen HD940 1.280 11.5 (854) Frostia G104-335 1.070 11.3 (1333) Cevenola HD127913 1.055 10.1 (1333) Cevenola HD127913 1.031 10.2 (3623) Chaplin HD73708 1.025 6.6 (3623) Chaplin HD73708 1.018 6.6 (10484) Hecht Land115-271 1.200 19.5 (31569) 1999 FL18 Land115-271 1.200 15.1 tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013 The following stars were observed and used as solar analogs: HD940, G104-335, HD127913, HD73708 and L115-256 (Table 7.3). Our choice was to observe the solar analogue as close as possible to the target (bellow 20 o ). The differential airmass between the asteroid and the standard was usually restricted to less than 0.16. The stars were chosen using the tool available on IRTF website 1 . An exception was made for (10484) Hecht and (31569) 1999 FL18, where the data reduction were performed using L115-271, commonly used in NIR spectral measurements. G104-335, HD127913, HD73708 are G2V type, while HD940 is a K0 star [Høg et al., 2000, Cutri et al., 2003, Landolt, 1992]. HD 940 was chosen as trade-off between the spectral type, airmass, and its relative distance to (9147) Kourakuen. The data reduction followed the procedure described in chapter 3. For the computation of the final reflectance (ratio between the asteroid spectrum and the star spectrum) is considered the similar dynamic regimes of the detector [Vacca et al., 2004, Rayner et al., 2003]. 7.2 (9147) Kourakuen - a V-type asteroid outside Vesta family One of the most interesting asteroid family is the one of (4) Vesta. Located in the inner asteroid belt, the origins of this family is in a collision event that excavated a large crater in the surface of asteroid (4) Vesta [Asphaug, 1997]. The presence of such a crater in the south hemisphere of the asteroid has been confirmed by HST images [Thomas et al., 1997] and recently by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. This crater, called Rheasilvia, has 505 Km in diameter and is one of the largest craters in the Solar System. The latest estimates indicate that the cratering event occurred at least 1.2 Gyr ago [Carruba et al., 2005]. (4) Vesta is particularly interesting because it is the only large asteroid showing a basaltic crust [McCord et al., 1970]. Basaltic asteroids are believed to derive from bodies whose interiors reached the melting temperature of silicate rocks and subsequently differentiated [Gaffey et al., 2002]. Thus, (4) Vesta is a differentiated object with a basaltic crust and exposed mantle material [Gaffey, 1997] that survived during the Solar System history. It is considered 1


Table 7.1: Some characteristics of our observed MBAs: semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, absolute magnitude<br />

(H), and orbital period.<br />

Object a e i Orbit. Period H<br />

AU<br />

◦<br />

Days Mag.<br />

(9147) Kourakuen 2.19161 0.106186 5.816 1185.06 13.4<br />

(854) Frostia 2.36832 0.172996 6.091 1331.25 11.8<br />

(1333) Cevenola 2.63344 0.133589 14.641 1560.93 11.5<br />

(3623) Chaplin 2.85105 0.086814 3.071 1758.35 11.9<br />

(10484) Hecht 2.32087 0.079053 5.729 1291.44 13.7<br />

(31569) 1999 FL18 2.31427 0.123171 6.402 1285.94 14.0<br />

Table 7.2: Log of asteroids observations. Asteroid designation, date of observation with the fraction of the day for<br />

the mid time of the observation, apparent magnitude, phase angle, heliocentric distance, the airmass at the mean<br />

UT of each observation, the integration time for each spectrum (ITime), and the number of cycles are presented.<br />

tel-00785991, version 1 - 7 Feb 2013<br />

Asteroid Date V Φ r Airmass ITime Cycles<br />

UT Mag.<br />

◦<br />

UA sec<br />

(9147) Kourakuen 2011-11-15.357 16.1 20.1 1.9596 1.116 120 16<br />

(854) Frostia 2007-03-13.487 14.9 3.6 2.3484 1.070 120 10<br />

(1333) Cevenola 2007-03-12.549 15.6 13.8 2.6696 1.035 120 24<br />

(1333) Cevenola 2007-03-13.575 15.6 14.5 2.6710 1.031 120 10<br />

(3623) Chaplin 2007-03-12.378 17.1 14.7 3.0366 1.085 120 18<br />

(3623) Chaplin 2007-03-13.267 17.2 14.9 3.0371 1.018 120 20<br />

(10484) Hecht 2011-11-16.420 17.0 16.3 2.1986 1.060 120 6<br />

(31569) 1999 FL18 2011-11-16.330 17.1 19.9 2.0294 1.040 120 12<br />

was used in low-resolution mode for these sessions. The observations were made in the 0.8-<br />

2.5 µm spectral interval. A 0.8 arcsec wide and 15 arcsec length slit, oriented North-South,<br />

allowed simultaneous measurements of the object and sky. The nodding procedure described<br />

in chapter 3 was applied. The observing conditions and parameters are given in Table 7.2.<br />

The automatic guiding mode of the telescope was used for these observation. Since, for the<br />

main belt asteroids the relative speed (∆RA/∆t, ∆DEC/∆t) is low, it does not impose difficulties<br />

for the differential tracking. In the moment of observations our objects had speed bellow<br />

0.6 ′′ /min.<br />

The apparent magnitude of the asteroids varies depending on the relative position with the<br />

Earth and the Sun. In the case of main belt asteroids this apparent magnitude variation could<br />

up to four magnitudes. The asteroids described here were observed when they were close to<br />

their brightest apparent magnitudes (at oppositions - Table 7.2).<br />

Another constraint that should be taken into account when scheduling the observations is<br />

the airmass. In order to obtain good SNR for the spectra, I managed to observe all objects at an<br />

airmass smaller than 1.12 (zenith angle below 25 ◦ ) - Table 7.2.<br />

The integration time for each image was 120 second. Depending on the weather conditions,<br />

and considering a basic SNR evaluation of the data, a different number of images for each<br />

object were taken.<br />

Each observed asteroid was preceded by observations of solar analogs located in the vicinity.

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