Facing China's Coal Future - IEA

Facing China's Coal Future - IEA Facing China's Coal Future - IEA


Facing China’s Coal Future: Prospects and Challenges for CCS © OECD/IEA 2011 Page | 58 Units of measure GJ gigajoule Gt gigatonne Km kilometre kWh kilowatt hour m metre Mt megatonne MW megawatt ppm parts per million

© OECD/IEA 2012 Facing China’s Coal Future Prospects and Challenges for Carbon Capture and Storage References ADB (Asia Development Bank) (2009), People’s Republic of China: Carbon dioxide capture and storage demonstration, strategic analysis and capacity strengthening, ADB Technical Assistance Program 7286, Asia Development Bank, Manila, the Philippines. ADB (2010), Tianjin Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant Project, Project Administration Memorandum, Asia Development Bank, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China. The Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21, MOST, (2011) Technology Roadmap Study on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in China, Beijing, September 2011. Asia Society (2009), A Roadmap for U.S.‐China Collaboration on Carbon Capture and Sequestration; www.asiasociety.org/policy‐politics/environment/roadmap‐us‐china‐collaboration‐carbon‐captureand‐sequestration. Brookings (2010), Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Briefing Paper, Doha Carbon and Energy Forum, Energy Security Initiative, The Brookings Institution. CAGS (China Australia Geological Storage of CO 2 Project) (2011), “Proceedings and Presentations from the 2 nd CCS Summer School”, The China‐Australia Geological Storage of CO 2 , www.cagsinfo.net/ Campbell, Richard (2010), China and the United States—A Comparison of Green Energy Programs and Policies, www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41287.pdf CCAP (Center for Clean Air Policy) (2009), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions by Developing Countries: Architecture and Key Issues, Center for Clean Air Policy, Washington D.C. CERC (US‐China Clean Energy Research Center) (2011), Joint Work Plan for Research on Clean Coal Including Carbon Capture and Storage, U.S.‐China Clean Energy Research Center, www.us‐chinacerc.org/pdfs/US/CERC‐Coal_JWP_english_OCR_18_Jan_2011.pdf Chen, W. and R. Xu (2010), "Clean coal technology development in China", Energy Policy, 38(5): 2123‐2130 The Climate Group China (2011), Delivering Low Carbon Growth: A Guide to China’s 12 th Five Year Plan, March 2011, Beijing The Climate Group China (2010), CCS: Towards Market Transformation in China, Briefing Paper, www.theclimategroup.org/_assets/files/China‐CCS‐briefing_2.pdf China Climate Change Info‐Net website, (2010), “Promising opportunities for the promotion of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies,” July 22, 2010, www.ccchina.gov.cn/cn/NewsInfo.asp?NewsId=24806 Page | 59 China Coal Industry.Net, (2011) “Shenhua CCS Demonstration Project successfully produced high purity CO 2 liquid,” January 5, 2011, www.coalchina.org.cn/page/info.jsp?id=44268 China Energy Net (2009), “CCS Knowledge – An Introduction to CCS Technology,” 6 November 2009 www.china5e.com/show.php?contentid=55063. China State Council (2008), China's policies and actions on climate change, White Paper, State Council Information Office, www.china.org.cn/government/news/2008‐10/29/content_16681689.htmg COACH, (Co‐operation Action within CCS China‐EU) (2009), EU‐China Cooperative action on CCS, Cooperation Action within CCS China‐EU, www.co2‐coach.com CSLF, (2011) Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Conference Proceedings, Beijing, http://www.cslforum.org/meetings/beijing2011/index.html DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) (2011), “Chinese advanced power plant carbon capture options”, Department of Energy and Climate Change, United Kingdom, www.decc.gov.uk

<strong>Facing</strong> China’s <strong>Coal</strong> <strong>Future</strong>: Prospects and Challenges for CCS © OECD/<strong>IEA</strong> 2011<br />

Page | 58<br />

Units of measure<br />

GJ<br />

gigajoule<br />

Gt<br />

gigatonne<br />

Km<br />

kilometre<br />

kWh<br />

kilowatt hour<br />

m<br />

metre<br />

Mt<br />

megatonne<br />

MW<br />

megawatt<br />

ppm<br />

parts per million

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