OES Annual Report 2012 - Ocean Energy Systems

OES Annual Report 2012 - Ocean Energy Systems OES Annual Report 2012 - Ocean Energy Systems


81 04 / COUNTRY REPORTS The real scale prototype system of 100 kW with 5 knots of water current speed has been built and has been deployed nearby Venice in a very slow speed current of about 3 knots, downscaling the power to 20 kW. This prototype has been built by a consortium of Venetian companies thanks also to a financial contribution of Veneto Regional Authority. The real field test has demonstrated the fully correspondence of the system behaviour with respect to what had already been measured on the 1:5 model during the test campaign in naval towing tank. GEM: Artist impression and real scale prototype FRI – EL SEA POWER System Sea Power is a new groundbreaking project which consists of a vessel or pontoon, moored to the seabed, to which several lines of horizontal axis hydro turbines are attached. The same pipes, connecting the turbines through cardanic joints providing the necessary flexibility to the system, transfer the power captured from the water on board of the pontoon. Pipes are here connected to electrical permanent magnet generators (PMG) that are kept out of the water in order to simplify and diminish their maintenance. The electric generators transform the power carried by the transmission lines into electrical energy, which can be directly fed into the grid through an undersea cable, connecting the individual floating structures to a submarine hub, which in turn is connected to the shore by a single submarine cable. Alternatively, the systems can be installed offshore far away from the coasts and hydrogen can be produced with the electricity generated by the turbines. After several numerical simulations, a first validation of the studies has been made by testing a prototype of the system in the water towing tank of the Naval Engineering Department of the University of Naples “Federico II”. Soon after the controlled tests, a series of open water prototypes tests has been carried out in the Strait of Messina, in order to check if the system works well in real conditions. In July 2008, a small-scale of the Sea Power prototype (6 kW - 2.5m/s) was launched and in 2009 later another bigger prototype (20 kW - 2.5m/s) was tested in the same waters. The final system will be designed to be installed in rivers. THE KOBOLD TURBINE The Kobold Turbine is conducted in collaboration with “Ponte di Archimede international Spa”, a company that works in the field of research and development into alternative and renewable energy sources, specialising in the environmental aspects of this work. The Kobold consists of a submerged vertical-axis turbine for exploitation of marine currents installed in the Strait of Messina, 150 metres off the coast of Ganzirri, since 2002. The realization of the Enermar prototype has been financed by Ponte di Archimede Company, together with a 50% fund paid by the Sicilian Region

82 Administration (Regione Siciliana), in the framework of European Union Structural Funds. This project has been disseminated among the developing countries in which the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) operates and three first countries that expressed interest. These countries were the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, and Indonesia. A joint-venture was created, under the auspices of UNIDO, between “Ponte di Archimede” and the Indonesian Walinusa Energy Corporation. A prototype is being built and it will placed on the Lomboc Island (the island immediately at east of Bali), where it could feed energy to a small village. The Indonesian plant will have blades length 7 m, (chord 0,4 m) and diameter 5 m (intercepted area 35 m 2 ). The power could be about 120-150 kW. Ponte di Archimede International has signed an agreement with the Dutch company Bluewater to develop the Bluetec device with the scientific and technological support of ADAG Group from University of Naples “Federico II”. This floating device will hold four Kobold turbines for a total power of about 1 MW and will represent a single unit of a possible farm made by several Bluetec systems. Towing tank experiments have been carried out both at Wageningen facilities and at University of Naples. ISWEC Project Sea waves are one of the most interesting and well distributed renewable energy sources in the world. At the current state of the art, all the existing sea wave energy conversion systems are designed to operate offshore, mainly in the oceans where the waves’ height is definitely high. In the Mediterranean Sea, waves are generally low, except under particular meteorological conditions. Thus, it is necessary to develop devices that can exploit other properties of the waves instead of their height, like wave slopes. The mechanical conversion system, called ISWEC, that will be used for the development of the project has been analysed by Politecnico di Torino and results show that the system possesses good potential for energy conversion. ISWEC device is composed mainly of a floating body with a slack mooring to the seabed. The waves tilt the buoy with a rocking motion that is transmitted to the gyroscopic system inside the buoy. The gyroscopic system is composed of a spinning flywheel carried on a platform. As the device works, the gyroscopic effects born from the combination of the flywheel spinning velocity φ˙ and the wave induced pitching velocity δ˙ create a torque along the ε coordinate. Using this torque to drive an electrical generator, the extraction of energy from the system – and therefore from the waves – is possible. Trials at various levels will be carried out: in the first phase, a set of “dry tests” will be carried out on a controlled position mobile platform; in the second phase, a series of tests will be carried out in a tank, with suitably generated and controlled waves. Finally, the system will be placed and tested on Pantelleria Island. ISWEC drawing and scaled prototype in testing site ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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The real scale prototype system of 100 kW with 5 knots of water current speed has been built and has been<br />

deployed nearby Venice in a very slow speed current of about 3 knots, downscaling the power to 20 kW.<br />

This prototype has been built by a consortium of Venetian companies thanks also to a financial contribution<br />

of Veneto Regional Authority.<br />

The real field test has demonstrated the fully correspondence of the system behaviour with respect to what<br />

had already been measured on the 1:5 model during the test campaign in naval towing tank.<br />

GEM: Artist impression<br />

and real scale prototype<br />

FRI – EL SEA POWER System<br />

Sea Power is a new groundbreaking project which consists of a vessel or pontoon, moored to the seabed, to<br />

which several lines of horizontal axis hydro turbines are attached. The same pipes, connecting the turbines<br />

through cardanic joints providing the necessary flexibility to the system, transfer the power captured from<br />

the water on board of the pontoon. Pipes are here connected to electrical permanent magnet generators<br />

(PMG) that are kept out of the water in order to simplify and diminish their maintenance. The electric<br />

generators transform the power carried by the transmission lines into electrical energy, which can be directly<br />

fed into the grid through an undersea cable, connecting the individual floating structures to a submarine<br />

hub, which in turn is connected to the shore by a single submarine cable. Alternatively, the systems can be<br />

installed offshore far away from the coasts and hydrogen can be produced with the electricity generated<br />

by the turbines.<br />

After several numerical simulations, a first validation of the studies has been made by testing a prototype<br />

of the system in the water towing tank of the Naval Engineering Department of the University of Naples<br />

“Federico II”. Soon after the controlled tests, a series of open water prototypes tests has been carried out<br />

in the Strait of Messina, in order to check if the system works well in real conditions.<br />

In July 2008, a small-scale of the Sea Power prototype (6 kW - 2.5m/s) was launched and in 2009 later<br />

another bigger prototype (20 kW - 2.5m/s) was tested in the same waters.<br />

The final system will be designed to be installed in rivers.<br />


The Kobold Turbine is conducted in collaboration with “Ponte di Archimede international Spa”, a company<br />

that works in the field of research and development into alternative and renewable energy sources,<br />

specialising in the environmental aspects of this work.<br />

The Kobold consists of a submerged vertical-axis turbine for exploitation of marine currents installed in the<br />

Strait of Messina, 150 metres off the coast of Ganzirri, since 2002. The realization of the Enermar prototype<br />

has been financed by Ponte di Archimede Company, together with a 50% fund paid by the Sicilian Region

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