OES Annual Report 2012 - Ocean Energy Systems

OES Annual Report 2012 - Ocean Energy Systems OES Annual Report 2012 - Ocean Energy Systems


115 05 / DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL OCEAN ENERGY INDUSTRY: PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS AND COST REDUCTIONS rapid progress and reducing cost, by reducing the need for validation and testing. Where traditionally such code development was the domain of national laboratories and universities with supercomputing capabilities, today desktop computers are often sufficient for these problems, enabling small companies to contribute to this code development more rapidly and at much lower cost. ÌÌ Nurturing technological breakthroughs -- Systematic studies of novel design concepts should be carried out to keep feeding the innovation pipeline. At this stage of wave energy industry development, major breakthroughs are likely to come from radically different design approaches and concepts. Too much focus on established technology could lock out potential breakthroughs that are needed to reduce the CoE in this sector. Conclusions The CoE from wave energy devices deployed today is high, primarily because of the lack of any large-scale deployments. However, careful analysis shows that the commercial opening cost of wave energy is just slightly higher than offshore wind, which is at about 22 cents/kWh today in the US. The detailed study of innovation pathways that can lead to a reduction in CoE furthermore shows that significant cost-reduction potential exists, which could reduce the CoE from commercial-scale wave power plants to about 15 cents/kWh in the near future. Nurturing this innovation potential and carefully benchmarking novel concepts and technologies will be critically important over the coming years if substantial cost reductions are to be attained. ESB OCEAN ENERGY PROJECTS – A UTILITY PERSPECTIVE ON COST AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS John Fitzgerald, Technology Manager, ESB Ocean Energy Fergus Sharkey, Technology Integration Engineer, ESB Ocean Energy INTRODUCTION ESB believes Ocean Energy projects can ultimately compete with other forms of renewable energy and that offshore wind economics is a suitable benchmark to inform ocean energy targets. Current offshore wind costs are in the region of €4m/MW installed. ESB sees Ocean Energy cost reducing and performance improving in progressive phases as projects are rolled out by ESB and others. This paper sets out the cost, performance, and revenue requirements for these project phases. While there are areas of significant cost and performance risk in the medium term, technical fundamentals suggest that forms of ocean energy have the potential to meet this cost trajectory and contribute to meeting ESB’s renewable energy targets. The Offshore Renewable Energy Market In terms of large scale electricity generation market, offshore renewable energy projects must compete with other forms of renewable energy. However, competitiveness must be considered within the context of: a) Increasing demand for secure and low carbon forms of electricity to meet government targets. b) Terrestrial constraints to the widespread deployment of onshore wind, hydro and other renewables that are already close to competing with conventional generation. This has resulted in the introduction of market incentives favouring the importing of renewable electricity from increasingly remote locations back to more densely populated load centres that require it. These incentives are required to overcome the increased costs as well as transmission of electricity over longer distances. Offshore wind is currently the vanguard in this trend and is commercially viable in a number of jurisdictions, including the UK under current incentives of 1.9 Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs).

116 Over 2GW of offshore wind is now operational in the UK alone. There is potential for over 50GW of offshore wind to be further developed under recent seabed leasing rounds in the UK and it is expected to make a strong contribution to meeting UK renewable energy targets, where there are constraints to onshore developments in densely populated areas of southern Britain. As EU energy markets integrate and renewable targets evolve, such offshore wind opportunities offer the potential to meet the demands of more densely populated regions across Northern Europe. In the medium term, there are no obvious constraints to offshore wind’s expansion though there are risks to accessing the deeper water sites identified to meet future requirements. Renewable UK [1] expects investment costs of offshore wind to remain at circa £3m/MW (~€4m/MW) 1 up to 2022 with levelised cost of energy (LCOE) reducing to £130/MWh (€160/MWh) during that period. Given the potential scale of the offshore wind expansion, in order for other forms of offshore renewable energy to gain significant penetration in the market, they will need to achieve similar or lower cost levels. Furthermore, given that ocean energy is operating in a similar or more severe environment than offshore wind and shares similar marine foundation and transmission costs, it is likely that ocean energy will also require economies of scale similar to offshore wind for long term viability. Whereas offshore wind was able to benefit from onshore wind technology to build up such economies of scale, ocean energy technologies must find a similar bridging market to develop a supply chain, while also benefiting from the lessons of offshore wind in terms of electrical infrastructure and marine operations. ESB and Ocean Energy ESB (Electricity Supply Board) is the largest utility in Ireland comprising of 6GW of generation capacity in Ireland and Great Britain as well as the transmission and distribution system on the island of Ireland. ESB has ambitious decarbonisation targets requiring significant investment in renewable generation such as wind energy and ocean energy. As such, ESB’s interest in ocean energy relates to its considerable potential to contribute to ambitious renewable generation targets. ESB has a dedicated Ocean Energy team, which is responsible for the strategic approach to developing wave and tidal stream energy generation assets. ESB has had an involvement in Ocean Energy for a number of decades including technology partnership with numerous device developers such as MCT, Wavebob and Wave Dragon. ESB is currently developing their own wave energy project called WestWave (www. westwave.ie) and this has been developed with partners such as Pelamis Wave Power, Aquamarine Wave Power, Ocean Energy Ltd. and Wavebob Ltd. There has been significant progress in technology verification in recent years. However, given that technology is still being proven based on single device testing, ESB envisages that it could still be some time before large commercial ocean energy generation projects of the scale seen in offshore wind energy will become viable investment propositions. ESB envisages that the bridging market for ocean energy projects will require enhanced public support until economies of scale can be realised. ESB define three broad phases of Ocean Energy projects in this regard. These phases are as follows: ÌÌ Phase 1: Pre-Commercial Arrays (5-10MW) This would follow on from successful single prototype device verification. Phase 1 projects would be the first step in establishing the potential reliability and operational costs of ocean energy arrays. As described later, ESB believe that this phase will require significant grant and tariff support. ESB’s WestWave project is an example of a Phase 1 project. ÌÌ Phase 2: Small Commercial Arrays (25MW+) This Phase would involve the first projects of significant scale using technologies proven with the benefit of Phase 1 projects and expanding manufacturing capability. It is likely that tariff support over and above what would be sustainable in the long term for large scale electricity generation projects may be required to develop projects at this phase. 1 An exchange rate of £1 = €1.25 is assumed ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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rapid progress and reducing cost, by reducing the need for validation and testing. Where traditionally<br />

such code development was the domain of national laboratories and universities with supercomputing<br />

capabilities, today desktop computers are often sufficient for these problems, enabling small companies to<br />

contribute to this code development more rapidly and at much lower cost.<br />

ÌÌ<br />

Nurturing technological breakthroughs -- Systematic studies of novel design concepts should be<br />

carried out to keep feeding the innovation pipeline. At this stage of wave energy industry development,<br />

major breakthroughs are likely to come from radically different design approaches and concepts. Too much<br />

focus on established technology could lock out potential breakthroughs that are needed to reduce the CoE<br />

in this sector.<br />

Conclusions<br />

The CoE from wave energy devices deployed today is high, primarily because of the lack of any large-scale<br />

deployments. However, careful analysis shows that the commercial opening cost of wave energy is just slightly<br />

higher than offshore wind, which is at about 22 cents/kWh today in the US. The detailed study of innovation<br />

pathways that can lead to a reduction in CoE furthermore shows that significant cost-reduction potential<br />

exists, which could reduce the CoE from commercial-scale wave power plants to about 15 cents/kWh in the<br />

near future. Nurturing this innovation potential and carefully benchmarking novel concepts and technologies<br />

will be critically important over the coming years if substantial cost reductions are to be attained.<br />



John Fitzgerald, Technology Manager, ESB <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Energy</strong><br />

Fergus Sharkey, Technology Integration Engineer, ESB <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Energy</strong><br />


ESB believes <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> projects can ultimately compete with other forms of renewable energy and<br />

that offshore wind economics is a suitable benchmark to inform ocean energy targets. Current offshore<br />

wind costs are in the region of €4m/MW installed. ESB sees <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> cost reducing and performance<br />

improving in progressive phases as projects are rolled out by ESB and others. This paper sets out the cost,<br />

performance, and revenue requirements for these project phases. While there are areas of significant cost<br />

and performance risk in the medium term, technical fundamentals suggest that forms of ocean energy have<br />

the potential to meet this cost trajectory and contribute to meeting ESB’s renewable energy targets.<br />

The Offshore Renewable <strong>Energy</strong> Market<br />

In terms of large scale electricity generation market, offshore renewable energy projects must compete with<br />

other forms of renewable energy. However, competitiveness must be considered within the context of:<br />

a) Increasing demand for secure and low carbon forms of electricity to meet government targets.<br />

b) Terrestrial constraints to the widespread deployment of onshore wind, hydro and other renewables that<br />

are already close to competing with conventional generation.<br />

This has resulted in the introduction of market incentives favouring the importing of renewable electricity<br />

from increasingly remote locations back to more densely populated load centres that require it. These<br />

incentives are required to overcome the increased costs as well as transmission of electricity over longer<br />

distances. Offshore wind is currently the vanguard in this trend and is commercially viable in a number of<br />

jurisdictions, including the UK under current incentives of 1.9 Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs).

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