Newsletter, October 2009 - IDRBT

Newsletter, October 2009 - IDRBT Newsletter, October 2009 - IDRBT


REGULATOR'S PERSPECTIVE : Shri. G. Padmanabhan, CGM-in-charge, DPSS, RBI, delivering a lecture on Mobile Banking at IDRBT on August 11, 2009 EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES ONSIDERING the changing nature of Risk for Compliance was conducted and the threats and feedback from the earlier response was encouraging. A Programme on Cprogrammes on Information Systems Mobile Banking was conducted in August 2009 with Security, focussed programmes on Hardening of active participation from several banks. Operating System was held in January and June 2009. Besides conducting training programmes, a meeting with IT Heads of Regional Offices of various banks A programme on Business Continuity Management was conducted to understand and discuss their was held in December 2008. This programme was training needs, and also the typical problems faced based on the DRI International's Professional in implementation of IT. Practices and Business Continuity Institute's Good Practice Guidelines. A meeting with General Manager (IT) & (HR) of a few banks was also held in Bangalore in January Given the national imperative for bringing 2009 to understand the Top Management unbanked sections to the formal banking sector, expectations from our Executive Development three programmes on Financial Inclusion were held Programmes. Aspects such as Green IT, during December 2008 - July 2009. Virtualization, Governance, Business-IT alignment Further, for the first time, the Institute has were discussed. conducted two programmes on IT Governance, A Training Consultative Council has been formed since huge investments in IT need to be with representation from banks (IT and HR), IT administered in an efficient and effective manner. industry and Consultants. The purpose is to align Governance, Risk and Compliance is the new the programmes offered at IDRBT in tune with the mantra whatever the industry; to sensitize the Chief requirements of the banking sector. Compliance Officers of Banks, a one day Programme on Data Protection Imperatives was In all 20 programmes have been conducted from conducted on July 07, 2009 in collaboration with December 2008 to August 2009 and attended by Data Security Council of India. 547 participants. Operational Risk is a huge area where there is lot of scope for improvement. For the first time, a 2-day Programme on Basel II - Managing Operational The Institute's constant endeavour has been to provide programmes that are relevant to banks, with quality content. 8

BANKING FOR MASSES : Smt. Usha Thorat, Shri. B. Sambamurthy, Dr. K. Ramakrishnan and Dr. K. Unnikrishnan, at the workshop on Open Standards for Financial Inclusion held on Feb. 5-6, 2009 OPEN STANDARDS FOR FINANCIAL INCLUSION MANY banks have started implementing Financial Inclusion on February 05 - 06, 2009. financial inclusion schemes using information and communication Consequent to the deliberations, a "Technical solutions. Broadly, two technologies have been Committee on Open Standards for Financial explored; while one is smart card based, the other Inclusion" has been constituted comprising of rides on mobile telephony. bankers, technical experts from academia and government. This committee has been working for However, almost all banks, barring a couple have not over five months and the draft open standards for been able to roll out the pilots. This is largely Smart Card based Solutions for Financial Inclusion attributed to lack of common standards which makes has been released for public review at large-scale procurement and implementation Subsequent to the review, the final standards will be difficult, and even renders intra-bank operability released. difficult. Interface with CBS platform would also pose problems. A migration path for adoption of these standards for banks and certification for adherence to the standards Common standards would facilitate pan India are also envisaged. The smart card based solution deployment by banks; bring in scale benefits in standards relate to the following areas - card procurement and deployment; help in accelerating numbering scheme, smart card hardware, smart card ICT deployment and avoid vendor lock in for all operating system, smart card architecture, bank technology components; and enhance customer terminal functionality and security framework (key convenience by providing inter-bank access. management system). In order to address these issues, the Institute along with the Indian Banks' Association teamed up with a few select banks like State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Union Bank of India, Corporation Bank, South Malabar Grameena Bank, UCO Bank, NABARD and institutions like Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and National Informatics Centre to organise a workshop on Open Standards for 9 These standards are likely to facilitate a quick and efficient rollout of the financial inclusion schemes, provide convenience to customers by making bank terminals interoperable and ensure vendor independence for banks. The proposed UIDN number/standards would compliment these smart card standards particularly by way of KYC compliance.

REGULATOR'S PERSPECTIVE : Shri. G. Padmanabhan, CGM-in-charge, DPSS, RBI,<br />

delivering a lecture on Mobile Banking at <strong>IDRBT</strong> on August 11, <strong>2009</strong><br />


ONSIDERING the changing nature of Risk for Compliance was conducted and the<br />

threats and feedback from the earlier response was encouraging. A Programme on<br />

Cprogrammes on Information Systems Mobile Banking was conducted in August <strong>2009</strong> with<br />

Security, focussed programmes on Hardening of active participation from several banks.<br />

Operating System was held in January and June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Besides conducting training programmes, a meeting<br />

with IT Heads of Regional Offices of various banks<br />

A programme on Business Continuity Management was conducted to understand and discuss their<br />

was held in December 2008. This programme was training needs, and also the typical problems faced<br />

based on the DRI International's Professional in implementation of IT.<br />

Practices and Business Continuity Institute's Good<br />

Practice Guidelines.<br />

A meeting with General Manager (IT) & (HR) of a<br />

few banks was also held in Bangalore in January<br />

Given the national imperative for bringing <strong>2009</strong> to understand the Top Management<br />

unbanked sections to the formal banking sector, expectations from our Executive Development<br />

three programmes on Financial Inclusion were held Programmes. Aspects such as Green IT,<br />

during December 2008 - July <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Virtualization, Governance, Business-IT alignment<br />

Further, for the first time, the Institute has<br />

were discussed.<br />

conducted two programmes on IT Governance, A Training Consultative Council has been formed<br />

since huge investments in IT need to be with representation from banks (IT and HR), IT<br />

administered in an efficient and effective manner. industry and Consultants. The purpose is to align<br />

Governance, Risk and Compliance is the new the programmes offered at <strong>IDRBT</strong> in tune with the<br />

mantra whatever the industry; to sensitize the Chief requirements of the banking sector.<br />

Compliance Officers of Banks, a one day<br />

Programme on Data Protection Imperatives was In all 20 programmes have been conducted from<br />

conducted on July 07, <strong>2009</strong> in collaboration with December 2008 to August <strong>2009</strong> and attended by<br />

Data Security Council of India.<br />

547 participants.<br />

Operational Risk is a huge area where there is lot of<br />

scope for improvement. For the first time, a 2-day<br />

Programme on Basel II - Managing Operational<br />

The Institute's constant endeavour has been to<br />

provide programmes that are relevant to banks, with<br />

quality content.<br />


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