Semantic Annotation for Process Models: - Department of Computer ...

Semantic Annotation for Process Models: - Department of Computer ... Semantic Annotation for Process Models: - Department of Computer ...


12 CHAPTER 2. PROBLEM SETTING • PIM — A platform independent model is a view of a system from the platform independent viewpoint. A PIM exhibits a specified degree of platform independence so as to be suitable for use with a number of different platforms of similar type. • PSM — A platform specific model is a view of a system from the platform specific viewpoint. A PSM combines the specifications in the PIM with the details that specify how that system uses a particular type of platform. In our research, we adopt the vision of MDA. Model plays an essential role in the information system development lifecycle and it should achieve system products portable, reusable and interoperable. Model itself can be treated as product and representation of knowledge. Therefore, model should also be portable, reusable and interoperable. Model is also found central and important in the Zachman framework [171], where models are classified based on different roles involved in the system development and enterprise’s functionings (see Figure 2.1). In this architecture framework, there are three model categories — enterprise model, system model and technology model, distinguished from different perspectives of the different participants [214]. Each model category contains six basic models regarding different types of descriptions oriented to different aspects of the object being described. The six types of descriptions are entities, functions, locations, people, times and motivations. In the matrix representation of the framework, enterprise model is at the conceptual level and it includes semantic model, business process model, business logistics system, workflow model, master schedule and business plan. In our work, we mainly focus on the business process model, which indicates that our research focus and scope is the functional descriptions of enterprise business at the conceptual level. While, corresponding to the MDA definitions, our research subject is CIM. 2.2 Modeling Basis 2.2.1 Semiotic triangle Modeling at the conceptual level is an activity of representing phenomena of the real world in a model. It complies with the famous semiotic triangle adapted from Ogden and Richards’ triangle of meaning [121], i.e. the relationships between a concept, a referent and a sign. Concepts are mental things, words of mind. A referent is a thing in reality to which a concept refers. Signs are expressions, symbols or labels to signify concepts in some language. Modeling aims to conceptualize referents by employing modeling signs in certain languages. Obviously models could be quite different from each other due to what (referent) to model, how to model (concept) and with what (sign) to model. The three elements interact on each other from a semantic representation perspective. The capability of signs’ expressiveness can determine what semantics of referents can be represented, also how semantics are conceptualized.

Figure 2.1: Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework [189] [171] [214] 2.2. MODELING BASIS 13

Figure 2.1: Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework [189] [171] [214]<br />


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