The work-reflection-learning cycle - Department of Computer and ...

The work-reflection-learning cycle - Department of Computer and ... The work-reflection-learning cycle - Department of Computer and ...


In our project courses we currently see the successful use of various shared workspace tools: wikis, forums, simple file hierarchies, and more comprehensive tools (e.g. Sharepoint), used for within-team purposes and for sharing contents and interacting with other stakeholders. We suggest that this infrastructure be utilized in efforts to provide effective representations of, access to, boundary objects. In future and ongoing work, we investigate more closely the potential of particular collaboration tools to support the development of boundary objects in customer-driven SD projects. 7. Acknowledgements [13] We wish to thank Glenn Munkvold for useful discussion related to this paper. 8. References [1] P. C. Blumenfeld, E. Soloway, R. W. Marx, J. S. Krajcik, M. Guzdial, and A. Palinscar, "Motivating Project-Based Learning: Sustaining the Doing, Supporting the Learning," Educational Psychologist, vol. 26, pp. 369-398, 1991. [2] L. Helle, P. Tynjälä, and E. Olkinuora, "Project-based learning in post-secondary education - theory, practice and rubber sling shots," Higher Education, vol. 51, pp. 287-314, 2006. [3] J. S. Brown, A. Collins, and P. Duguid, "Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning," Educational Researcher, vol. 18, pp. 32-42, 1989. [4] P. J. A. van Vliet and L. R. Pietron, "Information Systems Development Education in the Real World - A Project Methodology and Assessment," Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 17, pp. 285- 293, 2006. [5] B. Fitzgerald, "The use of systems development methodologies in practice: a field study," Information Systems Journal, vol. 7, pp. 201-212, 1997. [6] J.-H. Ahn and A. E. Skudlark, "Resolving conflict of interest in the process of an information system implementation for advanced telecommunication services," Journal of Information Technology, vol. 12, pp. 3-13, 1997. [7] A. Pouloudi, "Aspects of the Stakeholder Concept and their Implications for Information Systems Development," presented at 32nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 1999. [8] M. Riel and L. Polin, "Online Learning Communities. Common Ground and Critical Differences in Designing Technical Environments," in Designing for Virtual Communities in the Service of Learning, S. A. K. Barab, Rob; Gray, James H., Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 16-50. [9] E. Wenger, Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning, and Identity: Cambridge University Press, 1998. [10] U. Gal, Y. Youngjin, and R. Boland, "The dynamics of boundary objects, social infrastructures and social identities," 2005. [11] H. Karsten, K. Lyytinen, M. Hurskainen, and T. Koskelainen, "Crossing boundaries and conscripting participation: representing and integrating knowledge in a paper machinery project," European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 10, pp. 89-98, 2001. [12] S. L. Star, "The Structure of Ill-Structured Solutions: Boundary Objects and Heterogeneous Distributed Problem Solving," in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, M. Huhns and L. Gasser, Eds.: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1990, pp. 37-54. H. In, B. Boehm, T. Rodgers, and M. Deutsch, "Applying WinWin to quality requirements: a case study," presented at ICSE'01, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2001. [14] T. Erickson and W. A. Kellogg, "Social Translucence: An Approach to Designing Systems that Support Social Processes," ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 7, pp. 59-83, 2000. [15] J. Lave and E. Wenger, Situated Learning. Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press., 1991. [16] A. Bandura, "Self-efficacy," in Encyclopedia of human behaviour, vol. 4, V. S. Ramachaudran, Ed. New York, USA: Academic Press, 1994, pp. 71-81. [17] A. Langley, "Strategies for theorizing from process data," Academy of Management Review, vol. 24, pp. 691-710, 1999. 20th Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEET'07) 0-7695-2893-7/07 $20.00 © 2007 Authorized licensed use limited to: Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet. Downloaded on February 5, 2010 at 08:55 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 106

Research paper P2 Title: Power Through Brokering: Open Source Community Participation in Software Engineering Student Proejcts Authors: Birgit Krogstie Published in: Proceedings of ICSE 2008 Pages: 10 Complete reference: Krogstie, B. (2008). Power through brokering. OSS participation in SE projects. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2008, Leipzig, Germany, 10-18 May. IEEE Computer Society. 107

Research paper P2<br />

Title:<br />

Power Through Brokering: Open Source Community Participation in S<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

Engineering Student Proejcts<br />

Authors:<br />

Birgit Krogstie<br />

Published in:<br />

Proceedings <strong>of</strong> ICSE 2008<br />

Pages:<br />

10<br />

Complete reference:<br />

Krogstie, B. (2008). Power through brokering. OSS participation in SE projects.<br />

International Conference on S<strong>of</strong>tware Engineering (ICSE) 2008, Leipzig, Germany,<br />

10-18 May. IEEE <strong>Computer</strong> Society.<br />


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