The Role of State Constitutions in Protecting ... - International IDEA

The Role of State Constitutions in Protecting ... - International IDEA

The Role of State Constitutions in Protecting ... - International IDEA


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List <strong>of</strong> Participat<strong>in</strong>g Groups:<br />

<strong>The</strong> workshops were attended by around 120 representatives from various<br />

ethnic nationalities.<br />

All Arakan Students and Youth League AASYL<br />

All Burma Students Democratic Front ABSDF<br />

All Burma Students League ABSL<br />

All Burma Democracy Lusei Women’s Organization ABDLWO<br />

All Kach<strong>in</strong> Students & Youth Union AKYU<br />

Arakan Liberation Party ALP<br />

Arakan League for Democracy ALD<br />

Burma Lawyers Council BLC<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> National League for Democracy CNLD<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Forum<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Students Union CSU<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> National Front CNF<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Human Rights Organization CHRO<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Refugee Committee CRC<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Women Organization CWO<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Literature and Cultural Committee CLCC<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> Trade Union CTB<br />

Ch<strong>in</strong> National Council CNC<br />

Cho Youth Association CYA<br />

Delhi Haka Se<strong>in</strong>o Bu<br />

Democratic Party for New Society<br />

Federation Trade Union <strong>of</strong> Burma FTUB<br />

Falam Union (Delhi)<br />

Khumi Democracy Organization KDO<br />

Khumi Youth Association KYA<br />

Kuki Women Human Rights Organization KWHRO<br />

Kuki Students Democratic Front KSDF<br />

Kuki National Organization KNO<br />

Mara People Party MPP<br />

Matu Youth Organization MYO<br />

Naga National League for Democracy NNLD<br />

National League for Democracy NLD (LA)<br />

Radio Free Asia RFA<br />

Shan Students & Youth Union SSYU<br />

Women Rights and Women Affairs <strong>of</strong> Burma WRWAB<br />

Zomi Human Rights Foundation<br />

Zomi Youth Association ZYA<br />

Zomi Re-unification Organization ZORO<br />

Zo Revolutionary Organization<br />

Zo National Union ZNU<br />

Zomi National Congress ZNC (Liberated Area)<br />


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