BIBLIOGRAPHIE - The International Council of Museums

BIBLIOGRAPHIE - The International Council of Museums BIBLIOGRAPHIE - The International Council of Museums


WATSON, Peter & TODESCHINI, Cecilia. – The Medici conspiracy: the illicit journey of looted antiquities from Italy's tomb raiders to the world's greatest museums. – New York : BBS Public Affairs, 2006. – xx, 379 p., ill. WAXMAN, Sharon. – Loot: The battle over the stolen treasures of the ancient world. – Times Book, 2009. – 432 p. WITTMAN, Robert K. & SHIFFMAN, John. – How I went undercover to rescue the world's stolen treasures. – New York : Broadway Paperbacks, 2010. – 336 p. Conferences / Conférences / Conferencias AARONS, L., CHAPPELL, D. & POLK, K. - Art crime in Australia: A market analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, July 10 , 1998. ALDER, Christine. - The illicit traffic in Asian antiquities. Paper presented at the Australian Registrars Committee Conference, Melbourne, 9 October 2001, 14 p. COLOMBIA. MINISTERIO DE CULTURA. – III Taller regional contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles. Taller de preparación de la Lista roja de bienes culturales en peligro en América Latina: Memorias Talleres, 23 al 26 de abril de 2002, Bogotá, Colombia / Jorge Caballero (coord.). – Bogotá : Imprenta Nacional, 2003. – 167 p. – (Campaña nacional contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles) COMANDO CARABINIERI TUTELA PATRIMONIO ARTISTICO. –"La circolazione illecita delle opere d'arte: principio della bona fede. Atti del del 6° Convegno internazionale, Roma, 12-16 giugno 2000", in Bollettino di numismatica, Roma, Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello Stato, Supplemento al No. 36, 2001, 420 p. COMANDO CARABINIERI TUTELA PATRIMONIO CULTURALE. – "Traffico illecito del patrimonio archeologico: internalizzazione del fenomeno e problematiche di contrasto. Atti del del 7° Convegno internazionale, Roma, 25-28 giugno 2001", in Bollettino di numismatica, Roma, Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello Stato, Supplemento al No. 38, 2002, 499 p. EYO, Ekpo Okpo. – "A threat to national art treasures: the illicit traffic in stolen art ", in The Challenge to our cultural heritage: why preserve the past?, Conference on Cultural Preservation, Washington, D.C., 1984, Paris, UNESCO, 1986, p. 203-212. FRAOUA, Ridha. – [Atelier Euromed Heritage et Bureau régional Beyrouth de l’ UNESCO] Prévention et lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels : Atelier régional, Beyrouth, Liban, 9 – 11 novembre 2009 : Rapport de synthèse. - (Beyrouth] : Euromed Heritage, novembre 2009. – 24 p. Beyrouth.pdf ICOM. COMITÉ PERUANO. - Encuentro trinacional de lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales. - [Lima] : Comité Peruano del Consejo Internacional de Museos, 2003. - 45 p. INSTITUT NATIONAL DU PATRIMOINE. – La lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels en Europe : acteurs et expériences. Dossier du colloque organisé par l’Institut national du patrimoine dans le cadre des Rencontres européennes du patrimoine, 3-4 décembre 2009. – Paris : Institut national du patrimoine, 2009. (voir Médiathèque numérique, les retransmissions audio) KOREA (Republic of). NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR UNESCO. – International Expert Meeting on the Return of Cultural Property and the Fight against its Illicit Trafficking, 30 September-3 October 2002, Seoul, Republic of Korea. – Seoul : Korean National Commission for UNESCO, 2002. – 259 p., ill. 6

LEGENDRE, Jacques. – La protection des biens culturels africains: actes du colloque du 28 mars 2003. – Paris : Sénat, 2003. – 63 p. – (Les Rapports du Sénat ; n° 361, 2002-2003). – ISSN 1249-4356. NEERU, Misra. – Prevention of illicit traffic in cultural property, New Delhi, 25 July 2003: Workshop proceedings. - New Delhi : UNESCO New Delhi Office, 2003. - 60 p. PAPADOPOULOS, Jeannette & PROIETI, Enrico (eds). – International meeting on illicit traffic of cultural property, Rome, 16-17 December 2009. – Roma : Gangemi Editore, 2010. – 224 p. PROTT, Lyndel V. – Strengths and weaknesses of the 1970 Convention: an evaluation 40 years after its adoption. – Paris : UNESCO, 2011. – 11 p. – (CLT/2011/CONF.207/7) (Background paper prepared for the UNESCO meeting on The fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural objects : the 1970 Convention : Past and future, Paris, 15-16 March 2011) PROTT, Lyndel V. – Forces et faiblesses de la Convention de 1970 : un bilan 40 ans après son adoption. – Paris: UNESCO, 2011. – 11 p. – (CLT/2011/CONF.207/7) (Document de référence préparé pour la réunion “La lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels. La Convention de 1970 : bilan et perspectives, Paris, 15-16 mars 2011) RENOLD, Marc-André ; GABUS, Pierre & de WERRA, Jacques (éd.). – Criminalité, blanchiment et nouvelles réglementations en matière de transfert de biens culturels. – Genève : Schulthess, 2006. – 197 p. – (Études de droit de l’art ; 17) UNESCO. – The fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural objects: the 1970 Convention: Past and future, Paris, 15-16 March 2011 : Report of meeting. – Paris : UNESCO, 2011. – 7 p. – (CLT/2011/CONF.207/8) VRDOLJAK, Ana Filipa & FRANCIONI, Francesco. – The Illicit traffic of cultural objects in the Mediterranean. – Firenze : European University Institute, Academy of European Law, Robert Schuman Centre Mediterranean Programme, 2009. – 154 p. – (EUI Working Papers AEL 2009/9). – ISSN 1831-4066. WILLAUMEZ, Marie-France. - "Patrimoine africain : Quels succès, quels périls ?", in La Vie des musées, Bruxelles, AFMB/ICOM Wallonie-Bruxelles, n° 10, 1995, pp. 75-86 [Synthèse de la journée d'étude organisée par l'ICOM et l'ICOMOS] Articles / Articles / Artículos ACAR, O. & ROSE, M. - "Turkey’s war on the illicit antiquities trade", in Archaeology, Vol .48, No. 2, 1995, p. 44-53. ADNET, Julien. – “ Focus : Ethics and Heritage : ICOM and the fight against illicit traffic”, in ICOM News, Paris, Vol. 58, No. 3, 2005, p. 8. ADNET, Julien. – “ Gros plan : Éthique et patrimoine : ICOM et la lutte contre le trafic illicite”, in Nouvelles de l’ICOM, Paris, Vol. 58, No. 3, 2005, p. 8. ADNET, Julien. – “ Enfoques : Ética y patrimonio : El ICOM y la lucha contra el tráfico ilícito”, in Noticias del ICOM, París, Vol. 58, No. 3, 2005, p. 8. AKINADE, Olalekan Ajao. –"Illicit traffic in cultural property in Nigeria: Aftermaths and antidotes", in African Study Monographs, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 1999, p. 99-107. 7

WATSON, Peter & TODESCHINI, Cecilia. – <strong>The</strong> Medici conspiracy: the illicit journey <strong>of</strong> looted antiquities from<br />

Italy's tomb raiders to the world's greatest museums. – New York : BBS Public Affairs, 2006. – xx, 379 p., ill.<br />

WAXMAN, Sharon. – Loot: <strong>The</strong> battle over the stolen treasures <strong>of</strong> the ancient world. – Times Book, 2009. –<br />

432 p.<br />

WITTMAN, Robert K. & SHIFFMAN, John. – How I went undercover to rescue the world's stolen treasures. –<br />

New York : Broadway Paperbacks, 2010. – 336 p.<br />

Conferences / Conférences / Conferencias<br />

AARONS, L., CHAPPELL, D. & POLK, K. - Art crime in Australia: A market analysis. Paper presented at the<br />

Annual Australian and New Zealand Society <strong>of</strong> Criminology Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, July 10 ,<br />

1998.<br />

ALDER, Christine. - <strong>The</strong> illicit traffic in Asian antiquities. Paper presented at the Australian Registrars<br />

Committee Conference, Melbourne, 9 October 2001, 14 p.<br /><br />

COLOMBIA. MINISTERIO DE CULTURA. – III Taller regional contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles.<br />

Taller de preparación de la Lista roja de bienes culturales en peligro en América Latina: Memorias Talleres, 23<br />

al 26 de abril de 2002, Bogotá, Colombia / Jorge Caballero (coord.). – Bogotá : Imprenta Nacional, 2003. – 167<br />

p. – (Campaña nacional contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles)<br />

COMANDO CARABINIERI TUTELA PATRIMONIO ARTISTICO. –"La circolazione illecita delle opere d'arte:<br />

principio della bona fede. Atti del del 6° Convegno internazionale, Roma, 12-16 giugno 2000", in Bollettino di<br />

numismatica, Roma, Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello Stato, Supplemento al No. 36, 2001, 420 p.<br />

COMANDO CARABINIERI TUTELA PATRIMONIO CULTURALE. – "Traffico illecito del patrimonio archeologico:<br />

internalizzazione del fenomeno e problematiche di contrasto. Atti del del 7° Convegno internazionale, Roma,<br />

25-28 giugno 2001", in Bollettino di numismatica, Roma, Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello Stato, Supplemento<br />

al No. 38, 2002, 499 p.<br />

EYO, Ekpo Okpo. – "A threat to national art treasures: the illicit traffic in stolen art ", in <strong>The</strong> Challenge to our<br />

cultural heritage: why preserve the past?, Conference on Cultural Preservation, Washington, D.C., 1984, Paris,<br />

UNESCO, 1986, p. 203-212.<br />

FRAOUA, Ridha. – [Atelier Euromed Heritage et Bureau régional Beyrouth de l’ UNESCO] Prévention et lutte<br />

contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels : Atelier régional, Beyrouth, Liban, 9 – 11 novembre 2009 : Rapport de<br />

synthèse. - (Beyrouth] : Euromed Heritage, novembre 2009. – 24 p.<br /><br />

Beyrouth.pdf<br />

ICOM. COMITÉ PERUANO. - Encuentro trinacional de lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales. -<br />

[Lima] : Comité Peruano del Consejo Internacional de Museos, 2003. - 45 p.<br />

INSTITUT NATIONAL DU PATRIMOINE. – La lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels en Europe : acteurs<br />

et expériences. Dossier du colloque organisé par l’Institut national du patrimoine dans le cadre des<br />

Rencontres européennes du patrimoine, 3-4 décembre 2009. – Paris : Institut national du patrimoine, 2009.<br /> (voir Médiathèque numérique, les retransmissions audio)<br />

KOREA (Republic <strong>of</strong>). NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR UNESCO. – <strong>International</strong> Expert Meeting on the Return <strong>of</strong><br />

Cultural Property and the Fight against its Illicit Trafficking, 30 September-3 October 2002, Seoul, Republic <strong>of</strong><br />

Korea. – Seoul : Korean National Commission for UNESCO, 2002. – 259 p., ill.<br />


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