2003 AGM Minutes - Intercity Railway Society

2003 AGM Minutes - Intercity Railway Society

2003 AGM Minutes - Intercity Railway Society


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SATURDAY 20th MARCH 2004<br />

Present:<br />

Jeff Hall, Alan Gilmour, Gary Mutten, Simon Mutten, Ken Pitt,<br />

Maurice Brown, Nathan Beahan, Martin Hall, R.David J Sharpe,<br />

Peter J Foster, David F Smith, Barrie A Edwards, Keith Ware,<br />

George Palin, Andrew Hollis, Peter Hollis, Peter Gregory,<br />

John Woods, David Whitaker, Andrew Watts, Bob Howe,<br />

Lawrence McCormick, Fred A Lyon, Bill Wise, Chris Higgins,<br />

Ronald Guest, Edward Hearn.<br />


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.<br />

Apologies were received from: Pete Waterman, Peter King, Bryan King, Lee Mason<br />

& Owen Rhodes.<br />


Reflecting on the year, Chairman Jeff Hall noted that at the end of 2002 both<br />

members and Officials of ICRS had made some radical decisions as to the future<br />

directions of the <strong>Society</strong> as its traditional visit-running arm was in serious decline, it<br />

was obvious however that publications were showing clear signs of breaking through<br />

to a much wider audience.<br />

The decision was made to push hard for acceptance of good value, high quality and<br />

up to date titles catering to the needs of rail enthusiasts offering both UK and Foreign<br />

titles.<br />

That decision proved a ground breaking move for the <strong>Society</strong> with sales of all of its<br />

titles exceeding all expectations, and receiving reviews in the railway periodical titles<br />

that prove ICRS to be market leaders in providing material that is seriously up to date<br />

at an affordable price.<br />

In the first quarter of 2004 the <strong>Society</strong> has outstripped the sales figures for all of <strong>2003</strong><br />

-- itself the best for very many years.<br />

In further radical moves during the year ICRS has worked closely with Porterbrook<br />

Leasing, producing for them a 10th anniversary stock book that had been very warmly<br />

received, and ICRS had, for the first time in its history, a national outlet for its titles<br />

through Ian Allan bookshops, links which both parties are keen to see develop and<br />

Jeff thanked David Smith for all his work in fostering the relationship with Ian Allan<br />

and Maurice Brown, who along with Jeff himself negotiated discounts for ICRS<br />

members on all Ian Allan publications and magazine subscriptions.<br />

ICRS is gaining respect from many quarters of the <strong>Railway</strong> Industry and we have seen<br />

a lot of doors opening and all members visits once again are increasing with visits

eing arranged to MOD Kineton, and Bombardier Derby during the year, and<br />

hopefully to certain other sites if negotiations conclude successfully.<br />

In addition ICRS launched its website ----- icrs.org.uk ---- that has since been<br />

acclaimed as one of the leaders in its field for its style and up to date information,<br />

covering a wide range of detail for the rail enthusiast. The site continues to improve<br />

and is proving to be hugely popular by the number of 'hits' registered.<br />

Membership of the <strong>Society</strong> has leaped up as a result with in excess of 200 new<br />

members joining during the year, and that figure shows signs of continuing to climb.<br />

Numbers of people ceasing membership has slowed to a trickle at the same time.<br />

Current membership is in excess of 570.<br />

Jeff concluded that had had been a stunning year for ICRS,- finances were very<br />

sound, and that there would be no increases in membership rates for 2004, other than<br />

that for 5 year membership from May 1st which was agreed at the 2002 <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

There was a clear potential for the <strong>Society</strong> to keep moving forward at the same pace,<br />

but there was also a danger that without help from members, or if we were to keep<br />

producing more and more, we were in danger of becoming victims of our own<br />

success, and very possibly implode.<br />

It was time for a year of consolidating and taking stock of the future direction of<br />

ICRS, and to develop a clear strategy that would allow ICRS to retain and maintain<br />

its status as the premier enthusiast society.<br />

To this end, Jeff announced he was standing down as Chairman and subject to<br />

ratification, stand as vice president with portfolio for publications and the website.<br />

Finally Jeff expressed his thanks to the membership and <strong>Society</strong> Officials for the<br />

support and hard work put in over the last 12 months.<br />


This item was brought up the agenda list by agreement of the meeting.<br />

Officials were elected as follows<br />

Jeff Hall-<br />

Vice President with portfolio for publications and website<br />

Simon Mutten- Chairman & East Anglia Branch<br />

Gary Mutten- Treasurer/<strong>Society</strong> Coordinator & East Anglia Branch<br />

Maurice Brown- Membership & Publications/ Sales Manager<br />

Ken Pitt-<br />

Magazine Editor<br />

Robert Brown- European Branch<br />

Bryan King- Publications<br />

Nathan Beahan- Publications<br />

The <strong>Society</strong> welcomed Peter Gregory back as an Official to assist with visits.<br />

Some members will remember Peter as the East Midlands branch Official for many<br />

years and the <strong>Society</strong> is delighted to have him back as an experienced Official.<br />

Pete Waterman as <strong>Society</strong> President.<br />

Alan Gilmour and Peter King as Vice Presidents.<br />

These posts are retained automatically.

4) MATTERS ARISING FROM THE <strong>2003</strong>/3 <strong>AGM</strong> NOT COVERED BY THE<br />

AGENDA<br />

The meeting was reminded that the 5 year membership rate would increased as<br />

approved by last years <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

The previous minutes were proposed by Simon Mutten & seconded by John Woods.<br />

The meeting duly approved the minutes.<br />


Jeff outlined the reasoning behind the re organisation of the <strong>Society</strong> Officials and the<br />

management of the <strong>Society</strong>.<br />

The old system of all Officials meeting 2-3 times a year to make and approve<br />

decisions in the management of the <strong>Society</strong> was no longer effective for the way the<br />

<strong>Society</strong> now operates.<br />

There are now different ‘business’ sectors covering the various functions of the<br />

<strong>Society</strong>, which meet and have the authority to make and carry out their decisions<br />

without reference to full Officials meetings.<br />

The functions covered are Magazine production, Strategy, Visits, PR/Advertising,<br />

Website, Budget planning and Publications, with appropriate Officials sitting on each<br />

sector i.e. Strategy would consist of Vice President(s), Chairman & Treasurer.<br />

Magazine would consist of Editor, Publications Manager and Treasurer etc.<br />

The post of Secretary would disappear but would be replaced by <strong>Society</strong> Coordinator<br />

to which information would be passed from business sectors for dissemination to all<br />

Officials and that <strong>Society</strong> paperwork such as insurances etc. were up to date.<br />

Alan Gilmour had been charged with re writing the Officials Manual that whilst<br />

serving us well for the past 30 years was; again, no longer appropriate for the way<br />

the <strong>Society</strong> now operates.<br />

Alan has begun this task with input from all officials and should be complete by the<br />

middle of the year.<br />

The new management system had been operating for the past few months and was<br />

working successfully.<br />


a) Financial<br />

Jeff reported on the accounts for <strong>2003</strong>, as he was treasurer for that year.<br />

The Accounts are attached.<br />

Jeff made the following comments to the accounts:<br />

All publications and the magazine are now produced in house with resultant saving in<br />

costs.<br />

There has been an increase in meeting costs. This is mainly due to increased meetings<br />

in connection with publications (e.g. Ian Allan, Porterbrook etc.) and visits (e.g.<br />

MOD, Alstom etc) which as can be seen have been very successful.<br />

The Sales dept. is now defunct as everything goes through publications.

We no longer sell third party publications nor do we attend open days but have a<br />

presence via Midland Counties publications/Ian Allan.<br />

The Assets relate to <strong>Society</strong> equipment e.g. printers etc. held by Officials for <strong>Society</strong><br />

work such as magazine/publication production.<br />

Jeff pointed out we are not in the business of making large profits hence the recent<br />

launch of the member loyalty scheme.<br />

The accounts were proposed by David Sharpe, seconded by Alan Gilmour and duly<br />

approved by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

b) Editorial<br />

Ken had produced a written report for the <strong>AGM</strong>:<br />

I have been involved with the Magazine for some time now, and I am proud that it<br />

has, with the Web Site developed into what is hopefully considered a quality product<br />

and the ICRS Shop Window.<br />

I would like to say that following Jeff as Editor last year has not been an easy task,<br />

but thanks to computerisation it is a lot easier now, also I appreciate that more and<br />

more members are now submitting reports to help us maintain the high standard. We<br />

rely on your, that is members' contributions, to maintain this high standard, and I<br />

know we can do it.<br />

I hope that I can continue to serve the ICRS as Editorial Manager for the foreseeable<br />

future. I know we can maintain the standard for you so that ICRS remains No.1.<br />

Thank You<br />

In addition, Ken thanked the membership for the amount and quality of information<br />

coming through.<br />

Prize Quiz and all members raffle took place at this point<br />

Quiz: Joint 1 st : Keith Ware Escorted visits to Signal boxes in Lincoln<br />

Bill Wise<br />

Signed Porterbrook stock book<br />

Joint 2 nd Peter Gregory Freightliner Pen & Pencil<br />

Andrew Watts Network Rail Paperweight – Saltley<br />

All Members<br />

Raffle: 1st C.Dolphin First class Virgin ticket<br />

2 nd M.J.Cooper Hornby 2-8-0 7675<br />

3 rd M.L Jones Pewter EWS class 66<br />

<strong>AGM</strong><br />

Raffle: 1 st Peter Gregory First Class Eurostar ticket<br />

2 nd John Woods Hornby 4-6-0 King<br />

3 rd Gary Mutten Pewter EWS class 66<br />

Other Prize: Edward Hearn Network Rail mug.

c) Publication Sales/Production:<br />

Maurice reported an excellent position for publications.<br />

Jeff had already covered a lot in his address and sales were already exceeding the<br />

total for all of last year.<br />

We have received very good reviews from railways Illustrated for our publications.<br />

We now supply our publications to Ian Allan Bookshops and our books also now<br />

carry the Ian Allan logo.<br />

Maurice asked that all members take the opportunity to promote our publications on<br />

their travels.<br />

Help was always needed in producing our publications and the <strong>Society</strong> was grateful<br />

for offers received so far, which are being followed up.<br />

Maurice said he would be grateful for any feedback, particularly where we may have<br />

made mistakes.<br />

There are ideas for future publications such as an appendix to the combined volume<br />

featuring stored, preserved, and withdrawn stock.<br />

There were various items raised from the floor:<br />

• Jeff explained that the combined volume was as large as it could be due to the<br />

maximum size of binder spirals.<br />

• Fred Lyon asked about glued spines. It was explained that the pages tended to<br />

come out after time on glued spines and the spirals format allows the pages to<br />

fold flat and are proving very popular.<br />

• Consideration was being given to extending the A5 ring binder format.<br />

Following a suggestion from the floor, The <strong>Society</strong> will look into obtaining lapel<br />

badges.<br />

d) Membership:<br />

Maurice reported on another success story for the <strong>Society</strong> this year.<br />

Current membership stands at around the 570 mark, which is 240+ up on last year.<br />

Maurice said we are looking at a target of 700 for this year.<br />

The turnout at the <strong>AGM</strong> was reflective of the current success of the <strong>Society</strong>.<br />

Maurice again urged members to promote the <strong>Society</strong> at every opportunity.<br />

e) Website:<br />

www.icrs.org.uk<br />

Jeff reported on the website which is proving to be one of the most successful sites for<br />

Rail enthusiasts judging by the number of ‘hits’.<br />

The site has ‘members only’ areas and some of the most up to date info available on<br />

the web.<br />

Jeff went through the various subjects the site provides.<br />

Barrie Edwards reported he had trouble accessing the site using his<br />

username/password. Jeff gave a solution that should hopefully solve the problem.

f) Branches/Visits:<br />

Jeff stated that Robert had organised a comprehensive programme of European<br />

Branch trips for 2004 and these can be found on the website and in the magazine.<br />

Simon Mutten stated that although the kind of trip running is changing, the East<br />

Anglian Branch still operate one or two ‘traditional’ trips each year, with last years<br />

bi- annual trip to the South West a great success once again.<br />

Although nothing is arranged yet, there will probably be a trip or two later this year.<br />

Alan, Jeff and Simon have been working at developing relationships with various<br />

bodies in the rail industry to enable us to access different sites.<br />

The trip to LNWR prior to the <strong>AGM</strong> was a case in point.<br />

Alan said that negotiations had been had with the MOD, ALSTOM, LNWR, Marcroft<br />

Engineering , Bombardier and Virgin.<br />

Following a question from the floor regarding the details for the MOD visit, Simon<br />

stated that in fairness to all members, details would appear in the next magazine.<br />

Alan said that a visit to Washwood Heath in July was being discussed and he was<br />

meeting with ALSTOM’s communications director in the near future.<br />

Discussions will also take place regarding the possibility of visits to Longsight,<br />

Willesden, Oxley and Wolverton<br />

Central Rivers was another possibility again.<br />

If successful it was likely that visits would roll into next year.<br />

Alan said any offers of help in running trips or members wishing to become Branch<br />

Officials would always be welcome.<br />

An offer was received from Peter Gregory (see item 3).<br />

g) Advertising:<br />

Jeff reported that we only now advertise in <strong>Railway</strong>s Illustrated.<br />

The <strong>Society</strong> had developed an excellent relationship with Ian Allan and Alan and Jeff<br />

hope to be meeting with Colin Marsden shortly with a view to <strong>Railway</strong>s Illustrated<br />

producing an article on the <strong>Society</strong>.<br />

Thanks were due to David Smith from Ian Allan in particular.<br />

Jeff also reported Martin Hall was working on a logo for the <strong>Society</strong>.<br />


Gary was pleased to report that because of the current healthy position in finances<br />

the membership rates are to remain unchanged for the forthcoming year with the<br />

exception of the 5 year rate which was agreed at the <strong>2003</strong> <strong>AGM</strong>.


The Annual General meeting for 2004 was agreed for March 19 th 2005 at the Crewe<br />

North signal box, commencing at 12.00 p.m.<br />


Gary re iterated the importance of help, particularly in respect of publication<br />

production and if anyone thought either, themselves or someone they knew could offer<br />

assistance it would be greatly appreciated.<br />

A vote of thanks was received from the floor for the LNWR visit prior to the <strong>AGM</strong> and<br />

the provision of the buffet that was much appreciated.<br />

A vote of thanks was received from the floor for all the work the <strong>Society</strong> Officials had<br />

put in over the past year.<br />

Vice President Alan Gilmour thanked Jeff Hall in particular on behalf of the <strong>AGM</strong>,<br />

whose leadership and hard work had got the <strong>Society</strong> to the position it is now in and<br />

without him we would not be enjoying the level of success we currently are.<br />


Jeff thanked all Members and Officials for attending and supporting the <strong>Society</strong> and<br />

wished everyone a safe journey home.

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