View Details - icrisat

View Details - icrisat View Details - icrisat


Micro-Level Studies Bioeconomic model to study Ex-Ante impact for policies & technological interventions Increased productivity of cereal-legumes legumes intercropping improved the welfare It promoted crop-livestock integration Irrigated vegetables, cotton, sunflower mined the soil nutrients Support price for dryland crops is a promising policy alternative that could generate multiple benefits

Micro-Level Studies (Contd..) Bioeconomic model to study ex-ante impact for policies & technological interventions Water pricing policy - trade-off for welfare and sustainability Incentives for water saving technologies are must Non-farm employment - trade off bet household welfare and conservation measures Need to avoid conflicting policies

Micro-Level Studies<br />

Bioeconomic model to study Ex-Ante impact for<br />

policies & technological interventions<br />

Increased productivity of cereal-legumes<br />

legumes<br />

intercropping improved the welfare<br />

It promoted crop-livestock integration<br />

Irrigated vegetables, cotton, sunflower mined the<br />

soil nutrients<br />

Support price for dryland crops is a promising<br />

policy alternative that could generate multiple<br />


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