At a Glance - icrisat

At a Glance - icrisat At a Glance - icrisat


6. Classification of households: Male headed (No.): 644 Female headed (No.): 16 Category No. Farm Size* No. Caste No. Religion No. Main occupation No. SC 58 Landless 160 Maratha 224 Hindu 632 Farming 261 ST 29 Marginal 96 Shepherd 90 Muslim 28 Agril.labor 160 OBC 281 Small 169 Mali 86 Non-agril.labor 72 General 292 Medium 146 Navboudha 58 Caste occupation 25 Large 89 Koshti 40 Others$ 142 Wani 33 Muslim 28 Cobbler 26 Carpenter 17 Wadar 15 Barber 9 Potter 8 Washerman 6 Brahmin 5 Koli 4 Berad 3 Jangam 3 Gosavi 1 Swami 1 Blacksmith 1 Sonar 1 Teli 1 Total 660 660 660 660 660 $ include salaried, money lenders, middlemen, service sector, etc. * As defined in B(5) overleaf. C) LAND USE PATTERN (2009-10) 1. Distribution of Geographical Area: Ha 2. Cropped Area Acres Agricultural land 2,511 Kharif 3,113 Permanent fallow 17 Rabi 2,835 Grazing lands 21 Summer 180 Land used for roads, buildings & non-agril. purposes 19 Annual/Perennial crops 62 Gawthan (used for Government housing schemes) 17 Gross Cropped Area 6,190 Current fallow 7 3. Irrigated Area Acres Kharif 310 Rabi 950 Summer 180 Annual/Perennial crops 62 Total Geographical Area 2,592 Gross Irrigated Area 1,502 D) LAND RESOURCES 1. Soil distribution 2. Irrigation sources (as on 31 December 2010) Soil type % area Sources Total No. Working No. Approx. depth (ft) of working wells Irrigable area (Ac/year) Deep black 7 Borewells 190 165 340 600 Medium black 23 Open wells 315 300 58 902 Shallow black 47 Approx. land area Loam soil 8 covered (ac) Murrum 13 Ponds 3 0 0.4 0 Problematic 2 Tanks 3 0 2.1 0 3. Rainfall: (a) Quantity (mm/year): Normal: 550 Actual (Jun’09-May’10): 637 (b) No. of rainy days: Normal: 30 Actual (Jun’09-May’10): 45 6 Kalman Village - At a Glance

E) CROP PRODUCTION (2009-10) Kharif Rabi Summer Annual/Perennial Crops Crops Area(ac) Crops Area(ac) Crops Area(ac) Crops Area(ac) Pigeonpea 2,050 Sorghum 2,155 Groundnut 50 Grape 33 Maize 212 Chickpea 138 Fodder 25 Citrus 12 Sunflower 175 Maize 112 Vegetables 88 Banana 12 Groundnut 75 Wheat 102 Others 17 Coconut 3 Vegetables 300 Sunflower 88 Pomegranate 1 Other pulses 150 Vegetables 152 Guava 1 Others 151 Others 88 Total 3,113 Total 2,835 Total 180 Total 62 F) ASSETS (as on 1 June 2010) 1. Productive Assets: 2. Consumer Assets: 3. Buildings: Livestock Heavy machinery Type No. Type No. Type No. Type No. Television 223 Houses-Pucca 570 Cow (indigenous) 106 Tractor 11 Refrigerator 24 Houses-Kuchcha 90 Cow (exotic) 190 Thresher 7 Air-Conditioner 2 Cattle sheds 196 Buffalo 155 Bullock Cart 61 Washing machine 4 Irrigation pump houses 245 Bullock 270 Auto 1 LPG connection 165 Storage godowns 2 Sheep 97 Van 9 Dish Antenna 9 Goat 387 Jeep 4 Motorbike/Scooty 182 Poultry 624 Tum-Tum 11 Car/Jeep 4 Flour mill 8 Computer 16 Milk sale (lt/day) 560 CGM# 3 Others 11 #Chilli Grinding Machine. G) BASIC NEEDS (as on 31 December 2010) 1. Type of food (# of households): (a) Vegetarian: 214 (b) Non-vegetarian: 446 2. Type of clothes: (a) Men: Pant-Shirt, Dhoti-Shirt (b) Women: Sari and blouse 3. Type of houses: (a) Pucca: 570 (b) Kuchcha: 90 H) INFRASTRUCTURE (as on 31 December 2010) 1. Village electrification: Yes No. of houses having access to electricity: 582 2. Is there a Tar/metal/cement road to village? Yes 3. Is there a tar/metal/cement road inside the village? Yes Length of the road (m): 425 4. Public transport facility: Public/private bus facility to village available?: Yes No.of trips/day from town to village: 3 Other modes of travel available? Yes Available modes: Auto, Jeep, Tum Tum 5. Drinking water facility: Yes Source(s): Open well/Bore well Tap connections available? Yes No. of connections: 268 6. Public toilet/urinal facility: Yes No. of toilets: 5 7. Public health facility: Yes No. of PHC: 1 Private Doctors: 4 8. Veterinary health facility: Yes 9. Banking facility: Yes No. of PACS: 1 Commercial Bank: 1 Pvt. Bank: 1 10. Educational facilities: Level Number of institutions Enrolment (number) Male Female Pre-primary (Anganwadi) 4 101 99 Primary (1-4 years) 1 123 123 Secondary (5-7 years) 1 116 99 Higher Secondary (8-10 years) 1 129 102 College (11-12 years) 1 5 31 Kalman Village - At a Glance 7

E) CROP PRODUCTION (2009-10)<br />

Kharif Rabi Summer Annual/Perennial Crops<br />

Crops Area(ac) Crops Area(ac) Crops Area(ac) Crops Area(ac)<br />

Pigeonpea 2,050 Sorghum 2,155 Groundnut 50 Grape 33<br />

Maize 212 Chickpea 138 Fodder 25 Citrus 12<br />

Sunflower 175 Maize 112 Vegetables 88 Banana 12<br />

Groundnut 75 Wheat 102 Others 17 Coconut 3<br />

Vegetables 300 Sunflower 88 Pomegranate 1<br />

Other pulses 150 Vegetables 152 Guava 1<br />

Others 151 Others 88<br />

Total 3,113 Total 2,835 Total 180 Total 62<br />

F) ASSETS (as on 1 June 2010)<br />

1. Productive Assets: 2. Consumer Assets: 3. Buildings:<br />

Livestock Heavy machinery Type No. Type No.<br />

Type No. Type No. Television 223 Houses-Pucca 570<br />

Cow (indigenous) 106 Tractor 11 Refrigerator 24 Houses-Kuchcha 90<br />

Cow (exotic) 190 Thresher 7 Air-Conditioner 2 Cattle sheds 196<br />

Buffalo 155 Bullock Cart 61 Washing machine 4 Irrigation pump houses 245<br />

Bullock 270 Auto 1 LPG connection 165 Storage godowns 2<br />

Sheep 97 Van 9 Dish Antenna 9<br />

Goat 387 Jeep 4 Motorbike/Scooty 182<br />

Poultry 624 Tum-Tum 11 Car/Jeep 4<br />

Flour mill 8 Computer 16<br />

Milk sale (lt/day) 560 CGM# 3<br />

Others 11<br />

#Chilli Grinding Machine.<br />

G) BASIC NEEDS (as on 31 December 2010)<br />

1. Type of food (# of households): (a) Vegetarian: 214 (b) Non-vegetarian: 446<br />

2. Type of clothes: (a) Men: Pant-Shirt, Dhoti-Shirt (b) Women: Sari and blouse<br />

3. Type of houses: (a) Pucca: 570 (b) Kuchcha: 90<br />

H) INFRASTRUCTURE (as on 31 December 2010)<br />

1. Village electrification: Yes No. of houses having access to electricity: 582<br />

2. Is there a Tar/metal/cement road to village? Yes<br />

3. Is there a tar/metal/cement road inside the village? Yes Length of the road (m): 425<br />

4. Public transport facility:<br />

Public/private bus facility to village available?: Yes No.of trips/day from town to village: 3<br />

Other modes of travel available? Yes Available modes: Auto, Jeep, Tum Tum<br />

5. Drinking water facility: Yes Source(s): Open well/Bore well<br />

Tap connections available? Yes No. of connections: 268<br />

6. Public toilet/urinal facility: Yes No. of toilets: 5<br />

7. Public health facility: Yes No. of PHC: 1 Private Doctors: 4<br />

8. Veterinary health facility: Yes<br />

9. Banking facility: Yes No. of PACS: 1 Commercial Bank: 1 Pvt. Bank: 1<br />

10. Educational facilities:<br />

Level Number of institutions Enrolment (number)<br />

Male<br />

Female<br />

Pre-primary (Anganwadi) 4 101 99<br />

Primary (1-4 years) 1 123 123<br />

Secondary (5-7 years) 1 116 99<br />

Higher Secondary (8-10 years) 1 129 102<br />

College (11-12 years) 1 5 31<br />

Kalman Village - <strong>At</strong> a <strong>Glance</strong><br />


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