draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley


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(6.3) a. i. Mara e pupe Dios yahueque emenua ayquiara upacatu Mara encana?<br />

ii. maraepupe dios yahueque emenua ayquiara upacatu maraencana?<br />

iii. maRaipupe Dios yaw1k1 1m1nua aikiaRa upakatu maRainkana?<br />

maRai<br />

what<br />

=pupe Dios yaw1k1 1m1nua aikiaRa upa =katu maRain =kana<br />

=instr God make long.ago dem.prox.ms all =intsf thing =pl.ms<br />

close: ‘With what did God make all these things long ago?’<br />

target: ‘With what did God make all these things?<br />

spanish: none<br />

b. i. Rasemai cumessamai pupe raniputari maipupe purai.<br />

ii. ra semai cumessamaipupe ra ni putarimaipupe purai.<br />

iii. Rasemai kumesamaipupe Ra ni putaRimaipupe puRai.<br />

Ra= =semai 177 kumesa =mai =pupe Ra= ni putaRi<br />

3sg.ms= =excl.foc say =inact.nomz =instr 3sg.ms= ? desire<br />

=mai =pupe puRai<br />

=inact.nomz =instr contr.foc<br />

close: ‘With and only with what he says, and not merely with what he desires.’<br />

target: ‘With and only with his words, and not merely with his desires.’<br />

spanish: none<br />

(6.4) a. i. Macate Dios yuriti?<br />

ii. macate dios yuriti?<br />

iii. makate Dios yuRiti?<br />

makate<br />

where<br />

Dios yuRiti<br />

God be.in.place<br />

close: ‘Where is God?’<br />

spanish: ‘¿Dónde está Dios?’<br />

b. i. Euatemairritama cate ayquiaratuya carritama cate, upacatu macate Dios yuritimura.<br />

ii. euatemai ritamacate ayquiara tuyaca ritamacate, upacatu macate dios yuriti mura.<br />

iii. 1watimai Ritamakate, aikiaRa tuyuka Ritamakate, upakatu makate Dios yuRiti muRa.<br />

1wati =mai Ritama =kate aikiaRa tuyuka Ritama =kate upa<br />

be.high.up =inact.nomz village =loc dem.prox.ms land village =loc all<br />

=katu<br />

=intsf<br />

makate<br />

where<br />

Dios<br />

God<br />

yuRiti<br />

be.in.place<br />

muRa<br />

3sg.ms<br />

close: ‘In the high village, in this land village, everywhere is God.’<br />

target: ‘God is in Heaven, on Earth, everywhere.’<br />

spanish: ‘En el cielo, en la tierra y en todo lugar está.’<br />

(6.5) a. i. Ahuxeca Dios amiti?<br />

ii. Ahuxeca dios amiti?<br />

iii. aw1R1ka Dios amiti?<br />

177 Here the placement <strong>of</strong> =semai is unexpected, as it breaks up the possessor Ra= from the possessum kumesamai.<br />

However, this distribution corresponds to a distinction in the function <strong>of</strong> =semai. See § for more description.<br />


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