draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley


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(Uriarte [1776]1986:ibid.) goes on to explain, stating: “Con que entendieron la frase y callaron:<br />

que querían decirles, que eran huidores, que corrían al monte lo mismo que las charapas al río”. 280<br />

8.5 Part III, Section 28<br />

In approximately June 1763, 281 Manuel Ezeguazo, 282 who was the elderly Omagua mayor (Sp.<br />

alcalde) <strong>of</strong> San Joaquín, died. Uriarte reports the following interaction near to his death:<br />

...éste [Manuel Ezeguazo], que había sido de mucha autoridad entre los Omaguas, me<br />

dijo cerca de morir: “Padre, no te olvidarás de mi hijo Andrés (era de unos siete años);<br />

le darás algún cuchillo”. Yo le respondí: “No sólo eso, sino lo criaré en casa, como mi<br />

hijo, si su madre quiere”. 283<br />

(Uriarte [1776]1986:329)<br />

Uriarte reports that Manuel then uttered (8.6) to his wife.<br />

(8.6) a. Ename ucagrachupi Andrés; taumanu cápuaré, 284 erusu Padre ucacati.<br />

b. Ename ucagrachupi Andrés; taumanucápuaré, erusu Padre ucacati.<br />

c. ename uka1Rasupe Andrés. taumanu[sa]kap1R1, 285 eRusu padre ukakate.<br />

ename<br />

proh<br />

uka1Ra =supe Andrés<br />

be.stingy =appl Andrés<br />

ta= umanu =sakap1R1 eRusu padre uka =kate 286<br />

1sg.ms= die =temp.post take father house =all<br />

‘Don’t be stingy with Andrés. 287 After I die, take him to the Father’s house.’<br />

original: ‘No lo mezquines, llévalo, muerto yo, a casa del Padre.’<br />

(Uriarte [1776]1986:329)<br />

representation <strong>of</strong> this word in the Jesuit period. For example, although is elsewhere in these texts confused<br />

with /a/, the fact that it follows leads us to believe that it is really in the <strong>manuscript</strong> (otherwise <br />

should be , given standard Spanish orthographic conventions).<br />

280 Translation (ours): “With which they understood the phrase and quieted down: that they meant to say to them<br />

that they were cowards, that they ran to the forest the same as a charapa [turtle sp.] to the river.”)<br />

281 Uriarte ([1776]1986:329) places the date near to the celebration <strong>of</strong> Corpus Christi, a Catholic holiday that takes<br />

place 60 days after Easter, which in 1763 fell on April 3.<br />

282 This surname is also spelt (Uriarte [1776]1986:232), and corresponds to the Omagua word 1s1wasu<br />

‘deer’.<br />

283 Translation (ours): ‘This [man], who had a lot og authority among the Omagua, told me close to his death:<br />

“Father, you won’t forget my son Andrés (he was about seven years old); you’ll give him a knife or something”. I<br />

responded to him: “Not just that, but I’ll raise him in my home as my own son, if his mother is willing”.’<br />

284 Note that accent marks are not found in the Lord’s Prayer or catechism fragment, and only once in the full<br />

catechism (see (6.22a)). Their inclusion here is interesting, but difficult to interpret because <strong>of</strong> their sporadic<br />

appearance.<br />

285 The insertion <strong>of</strong> sa is supported by Espinosa’s representation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>manuscript</strong> (see footnote 288). It is unclear,<br />

however, if Bayle accidentally omitted this sequence sequence <strong>of</strong> letters in his own representation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>manuscript</strong>,<br />

or if Espinosa Pérez inserted it without comment in order to make the utterance intelligible.<br />

286 Note that, unlike the Lord’s Prayer and full catechism, in which =kate is always rendered orthographically as<br />

, Uriarte consistently writes it as in the passages throughout this chapter. The only other attestation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the representation is in the catechism fragment, in which it occurs once (with elsewhere). This<br />

distribution in orthographic representation is similar to that <strong>of</strong> maRai ‘thing’ (see footnote 144), although in the<br />

latter case a single orthographic representation () is found throughout the catechism fragment.<br />

287 That is, she is not to be so protective <strong>of</strong> and/or possessive over her son as to prevent Uriarte from caring for him.<br />


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