draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley


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(7.2) a. Enesemai tasaschita upacatu mara encana ucuataraschi.<br />

b. Enesemai tasaschita upacatu maraencana ucuataraschi.<br />

c. enesemai tasaSita upakatu maRainkana ukuataRaSi.<br />

ene =semai ta= saSita upa =katu maRain =kana ukuata =RaSi 252<br />

2sg =verid 1sg.ms= love all =intsf thing =pl.ms pass.by =nass<br />

close: ‘I truly love you, even though all things may pass by.’<br />

target: ‘I truly love you, even though anything may happen.’<br />

(7.3) a. Ene era Dios taschitaraschi, Epuepe maitata topa toaquase araschi veranu, taya me muea<br />

upacatu ta huchacana pupe tayo muerata y cua ene era Dios.<br />

b. Ene era Dios taschitaraschi, Epuepemai tata topa toaquasearaschi veranu, tayamemuea<br />

upacatu tahuchacanapupe tayomuerataycua ene era Dios.<br />

c. ene eRa dios ta[sa]SitaRaSi, 1p1pemai tata tupa taak1s1aRaSi weRanu, tayam1m1a upakatu<br />

tautSakanapupe tayum1Rataikua ene eRa dios.<br />

ene eRa dios ta= saSita =RaSi 1p1pe =mai tata tupa ta=<br />

2sg good God 1sg.ms= love =nass be.inside =inact.nomz fire place 1sg.ms=<br />

ak1s1a 253 =RaSi weRanu ta= yam1m1a upa =katu ta= utSa =kana<br />

fear =nass coord 1sg.ms= grieve all =intsf 1sg.ms= sin =pl.ms<br />

=pupe ta= yum1Ra -ta =ikua ene eRa dios<br />

=instr 1sg.ms= get.angry -caus =reas 2sg good God<br />

close: ‘Loving you good God, and fearing the inner fire place, I grieve because I have<br />

angered you good God, with all <strong>of</strong> my sins.’<br />

target: ‘Loving you good God, and fearing Hell, I grieve because I have angered you,<br />

good God, with all <strong>of</strong> my sins.’<br />

(7.4) a. Ene yumaya huresrachita, ro ayahuere taya muerata ari Ene.<br />

b. Ene yumayahuresrachi ta, roaya huere tayamuerataari Ene.<br />

c. ene yumiaw1RaRaSi ta, Roaya [uya]w1R1 254 tayum1RataRi ene.<br />

ene yumiaw1Ra =RaSi ta Roaya uyaw1R1 ta= yum1Ra -ta =aRi ene<br />

2sg help =nass 1sg.ms neg again 1sg.ms= get.angry -caus =impf 2sg<br />

close: ‘If you help me, I will not anger you again.’<br />

(7.5) a. Upaita huchacana era ta confefsa yara ari: huchacana sepue Patiri.<br />

b. Upai tahuchacana era taconfefsa yaraari. huchacanasepue Patiri [huanacarimai ta amuyasucatari].<br />

255<br />

252 Note that the argument structure <strong>of</strong> ukuata ‘pass by’ is reversed in comparison to (6.35a) (see footnote 246).<br />

253 The modern Omagua reflex <strong>of</strong> this form is aks1a. Our transliteration <strong>of</strong> as ak1s1a, in particular the<br />

transliteration <strong>of</strong> the word-medial as 1, is based on two sources: 1) Espinosa Pérez (1935:163, emphasis ours)<br />

transcribes , which suggests that the medial vowel in question was 1, and not a; 2) The Kokama-<br />

Kokamilla cognate is ak1tSa, which exhibits 1 in the second syllable, as well as the Kokama-Kokamilla reduction<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1a to a, a process which occurred in final position in words <strong>of</strong> three syllables or more (O’Hagan and Wauters<br />

2012).<br />

254 Our insertion <strong>of</strong> uya here makes the sentence comprehensible, and also follows Espinosa Perez’s (1935:164) transliteration<br />

<strong>of</strong> this portion <strong>of</strong> the catechism: .<br />


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