draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley

draft manuscript - Linguistics - University of California, Berkeley


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iii. yeneikua RasusanaRaSi, cruzaRi tak1tamai RaumanuRaSi 1m1nua (muRa).<br />

yene= =ikua Ra= susana 196 =RaSi cruz =aRi tak1ta<br />

1pl.incl= =reas 3sg.ms= suffer =nass cross =loc.diff nail<br />

=mai Ra= umanu =RaSi 1m1nua muRa 197 .<br />

=inact.nomz 3sg.ms= die =nass long.ago 3sg.ms<br />

close: ‘Suffering for us, dying long ago nailed to the cross.’<br />

target: ‘Suffering for us, dying nailed to the cross.’<br />

spanish: ‘Padeciendo y muriendo clavado en una cruz por nosotros.’<br />

(6.17) a. i. Mania huassu Jesu Xto.-Dios raschi raumanuemenua?<br />

ii. Maniahuassu Jesu Xto.-Diosraschi ra umanu emenua?<br />

iii. maniawasu jesucristo DiosRaSi Raumanu 1m1nua?<br />

mania<br />

how<br />

=wasu<br />

=aug<br />

jesucristo Dios =RaSi Ra= umanu 1m1nua<br />

Jesus.Christ God =nass 3sg.ms= die long.ago<br />

close: ‘How did Jesus Christ, being God, die long ago?’<br />

target: ‘How did Jesus Christ, being God, die?’<br />

spanish: ‘¿Cómo Jesucristo murió siendo Dios (inmortal)?’<br />

b. i. (Con letras desvaídas: R: Aguacai ruana pure (?) Roaya.) R: Dios caisuara purai<br />

raumanua menua.<br />

ii. Aguacairuanapure (?) Roaya. Dioscaisuara purai raumanu amenua.<br />

iii. awakaisuaRapuRa. Roaya DioskaisuaRa puRai Raumanu 1m1nua. 198<br />

awa =kai =suaRa =puRa<br />

man =? 199 =advblzr =foc<br />

Roaya<br />

neg<br />

Dios =kai =suaRa 200 puRai Ra= umanu 1m1nua<br />

God =? =advblzr contr.foc 3sg.ms= die long.ago<br />

close: ‘As a man. He did not die as God long ago.’<br />

target: ‘As a man. He did not die as God.’<br />

spanish: none<br />

195 This is the only attestation <strong>of</strong> maRiamai as a manner interrogative word. Elsewhere in these texts, as in modern<br />

Omagua, manner interrogatives are expressed with mania. An alternative interpretation is that the the word in<br />

the original <strong>manuscript</strong> was actually maniamai, where what has been interpreted as an in <br />

was actually an in the original <strong>manuscript</strong>. However, maniamai is attested elsewhere in these texts meaning<br />

‘which (one)’, and in modern Omagua as ‘what type (<strong>of</strong> thing)’. This would not be a great improvement over<br />

the choice <strong>of</strong> maRiamai, given that response to this question clearly indicates that maRiamai is intended to mean<br />

‘how’. Consequently, we gloss it as such.<br />

196 The verb root susana is not attested in modern Omagua, but it has cognates in other Tupí-Guaraní languages,<br />

e.g., Tupinambá osaN ‘suffer’ (Lemos Barbosa 1951:118).<br />

197 The 3sg.ms pronoun muRa is not grammatically obligatory in this context, which we suppose accounts for the fact<br />

that it is enclosed in parentheses in the original <strong>manuscript</strong>.<br />

198 The copyist <strong>of</strong> the <strong>manuscript</strong> appears to have erred in identifying the break between these two sentences, and<br />

we have repartitioned them between the second and third lines <strong>of</strong> our multilinear representation in order that<br />

the partitioned sentences make more sense in the broader doctrinal context. The principal source <strong>of</strong> confusion<br />

are the words , which appear with the annotation con letras desvaídas ‘with faded words’,<br />

perhaps indicating a subsequent addition or correction. The transcriber appears to have interpreted <br />

as belonging to these ‘faded’ words, and not to the other adjacent material, resulting in a rather doctrinally<br />

problematic sentence. In particular, under the problematic partitioning, the sentence reads that Jesus died as a<br />

god, rather than as a man, as is doctrinally correct. Note that under the partition we propose, Roaya appears<br />


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