SIMCA 法判别分析木材生物腐朽的研究 - ICBR

SIMCA 法判别分析木材生物腐朽的研究 - ICBR

SIMCA 法判别分析木材生物腐朽的研究 - ICBR


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2 7 , 4 <br />

Vol1 27 ,No1 4 ,pp6862690<br />

2 0 0 7 4 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis April , 2007 <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

1 , 1 ,2 3 , 1 , 2<br />

11 , 100091<br />

21 , 100102<br />

, , , <br />

, , <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, , <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, <strong>SIMCA</strong> , <br />

PCA <strong>SIMCA</strong> , <br />

100 % , 8215 %100 % ; ( ) , <br />

100 % , 85 %100 % ; <strong>SIMCA</strong> 100 % , <br />

, <br />

<br />

; <strong>SIMCA</strong> ; PCA ; ; ; <br />

: O65713 ; S78213 : A : 100020593 (2007) 0420686205<br />

<br />

, <br />

<br />

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[3 ] , <br />

, <br />

<br />

, <br />

(<br />

) , <br />

<br />

, <br />

[4 , 5 ] , <br />

, <br />

<br />

, ( N IR) <strong>SIMCA</strong> ( soft independent<br />

modeling of class analog) <br />

[629 ] , <br />

, , ,<br />

, <br />

[10 ] , N IR <br />

<br />

, N IR <br />

, <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

<br />

1 <br />

111 <br />

<br />

, , <br />

, , <br />

() <br />

140 , <br />

20 , 60 60 <br />

112 <br />

ASD () <br />

Field Spec g 350<br />

: 2006204221 , : 2006208206<br />

: 948 (2006245 ,200324227) (20052M201) <br />

: , 1976 , e2mail : zyang @caf1ac1cn 3

4 <br />

687<br />

2 500 nm , , <br />

<br />

DC , <br />

30 , <br />

2 cm , <br />

30 <br />

, ASD<br />

,<br />

5002 500 nm <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

<br />

113 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, <br />

, ,<br />

, <br />

PCA2 SIM2<br />

CA PL S ( PL S , discriminant analysis) , <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> PL S Unscrambler g <br />

<br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

PCA , <br />

PCA , <br />

, , <br />

, <br />

, , 1 Sam2<br />

ples Gi Gj , Gi <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> ( mahalanobis dis2<br />

tance , MD) <br />

<br />

PCA , <br />

PCA , <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

PCA , 2<br />

4 <br />

Fig12 PCA model of the non2decay samples in <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Fig13 PCA model of the white2rot samples in <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Fig11 The principle of distance2discrimination analysis<br />

2 <br />

211 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> , : (1) <br />

PCA , <br />

PCA ; (2) PCA <br />

, <strong>SIMCA</strong> , <br />

,<br />

<br />

, , , <br />

<br />

<br />

2/ 3 <strong>SIMCA</strong> , 1/ 3 <br />

Fig14 PCA model of the brown2rot samples in <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

2 , 3 4 Scores ,<br />

, <br />

<br />

, , <br />

; Influence PCA

688<br />

27 <br />

, (Leverage) ( Residual)<br />

, <br />

(Outlier) <br />

, <br />

, , <br />

<br />

, <br />

, , 24 , <br />

, <br />

, <br />

, <br />

212 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> , <br />

, , <br />

, Unscrambler g <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

<br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, 57 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

<br />

, , <br />

, ; <br />

(Sample leverage) , <br />

, , <br />

; <br />

= 0105 <br />

, <br />

<br />

0105) , <strong>SIMCA</strong> ,<br />

(1715 %) , <br />

<br />

, <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> PCA , <br />

PCA <br />

, <br />

Fig1 6 The discrimination results of white2decay<br />

samples of training set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Fig17 The discrimination results of brown2decay<br />

samples of training set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Table 1 The discriminant results of wood biological<br />

decay of test set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Training set<br />

( n = 93)<br />

Non2decay<br />

/ %<br />

White2rot<br />

decay/ %<br />

Brown2rot<br />

decay/ %<br />

Fig1 5 The discrimination results of non2decay<br />

samples of training set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

N ,W , and B stands for non2decay , white2rot<br />

and brown2rot decay samples , respectively<br />

57 , 7 7 <br />

(= 01 05) , <br />

, 7 <br />

, <br />

1 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, , <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

100 % , 8215 % 100 % (=<br />

Disciminant probability<br />

(= 0105)<br />

213 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

100 8215 100<br />

<br />

, 47 810 <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> , <br />

, 8 9 10 <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

(= 0105) <br />

810 , 10 3 <br />

(<br />

) , 2 <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> , ,<br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> , <strong>SIMCA</strong>

4 <br />

689<br />

100 % ,<br />

85 %100 %(= 0105) , <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, , <br />

15 %<strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, ,<br />

, <br />

<br />

3 <br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

Fig1 10 The discrimination results of brown2decay<br />

samples in tset set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Table 2 The discrimination results of wood biological<br />

decay of test set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Test set<br />

( n = 47)<br />

Disciminant probability<br />

(= 0105)<br />

Non2decay<br />

/ %<br />

White2rot<br />

decay/ %<br />

Brown2rot<br />

decay/ %<br />

100 85 100<br />

Fig1 8 The discrimination results of non2decay<br />

samples in tset set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

Fig1 9 The discrimination results of white2decay<br />

samples in tset set by <strong>SIMCA</strong><br />

<strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

, <br />

100 % 8215 %100 % ; (<br />

) , 100 % , 85 %<br />

100 %<br />

, <strong>SIMCA</strong> <br />

100 % , , , <br />

<br />

, <br />

PCA <br />

, <br />

<br />

<br />

: <br />

Chung2Yun Hse Dale ,

690<br />

27 <br />

<br />

[ 1 ] Winandy J E , Morrell J J . Wood and Fiber Science , 1993 , 25 (3) : 278.<br />

[ 2 ] Curling S F , Clausen C A , Winandy J E. Forest Product Journal , 2002 , 52 (7/ 8) : 34.<br />

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[ 4 ] Backa S , Brolin A , Nilsson T. Holzforschung , 2001 , 55 (3) : 225.<br />

[ 5 ] M ller U , Bammer R , Teischinger A. Holzforschung , 2002 , 56 (5) : 529.<br />

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24 (12) : 1537.<br />

[ 7 ] L I Qing2bo , YAN G Li2min , L IN G Xiao2feng , et al (, , , ) . Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis(<br />

) , 2004 , 24 (4) : 414.<br />

[ 8 ] YAN G Zhong , J IAN G Ze2hui , FEI Ben2hua , et al ( , , , ) . Scientia Silvae Sinicae () , 2005 , 41 (4) : 177.<br />

[ 9 ] J IAN G Ze2hui , FEI Ben2hua , YAN G Zhong (, , ) . Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis() , 2007 ,<br />

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Discrimination of Wood Biological Decay by Soft Independent Modeling of<br />

Class Analogy ( <strong>SIMCA</strong>) Pattern Recognition Based on Principal<br />

Component Analysis<br />

YAN G Zhong 1 , J IAN G Ze2hui 1 ,2 3 , FEI Ben2hua 1 , Q IN Dao2chun 2<br />

1. Research Institute of Wood Industry , Chinese Academy of Forestry , Beijing 100091 , China<br />

2. International Center for Bamboo and Rattan , Beijing 100102 , China<br />

Abstract Wood , as a biomass materials , tends to be attacked by microorganisms , and its structure could be rapidly destroyed by<br />

biological decay. Therefore , it s significant to rapidly and accurately detect or identify biological decay in wood. Recently , exten2<br />

sive research has demonstrated that near infrared spectroscopy (N IR) and soft independent modeling of class analogy (<strong>SIMCA</strong>)<br />

can be used to discriminate or detect a wide variety of food , medicine and agricultural products. The use of N IR coupled with<br />

principal component analysis ( PCA) and <strong>SIMCA</strong> pattern recognition to detect wood biological decay was investigated in the pres2<br />

ent paper. The results showed that N IR spectroscopy coupled with <strong>SIMCA</strong> pattern recognition could be used to rapidly detect the<br />

biological decay in wood. The discrimination accuracy by the <strong>SIMCA</strong> model based on the training set for the non2decay , white2rot<br />

and brown2rot decay samples were 100 % , 8215 % and 100 % , respectively ; and that for the samples for the test set were 100 % ,<br />

85 % and 100 % , respectively. However , some white2rot decay samples were mis2discriminated as brown2rot decay , for which<br />

the main reasons might be that the training set does not have enough typical samples , and there s a slight difference between<br />

white2rot and brown2rot decay during the early stage of decay.<br />

Keywords Near infrared spectroscopy (N IR) ; Soft independent modeling of class analogy (<strong>SIMCA</strong>) ; Principal component anal2<br />

ysis ( PCA) ; Wood ; Biological decay ; Discrimination<br />

(Received Apr. 21 , 2006 ; accepted Aug. 6 , 2006) <br />

3 Corresponding author

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