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Answers to some of the exercises.<br />

Chapters 3,4,5,6.<br />

Ex. 3.1 An upper bound on the optimal value is ∑ k+1<br />

i=1 v i. The value of the solution given<br />

by the algorithm is<br />

( )<br />

k∑<br />

max{v i ∗, v i } 1 k∑<br />

v i ∗ + v i 1 ∑k+1<br />

v i 1 2<br />

2 2 Opt.<br />

i=1<br />

i=1<br />

i=1<br />

Ex. 3.2 The running time for Knapsack in Section 3.1 is O(n 3 /ɛ). We improve this here<br />

to O(n 2 /ɛ). Let L Opt U. In Section 3.1 we had the lower bound L = M = max i v i<br />

and the upper bound U = V = ∑ i v i nL. From Exercise 3.1 we see that we can take<br />

L = max{v i ∗, ∑ k<br />

i=1 v i} (where k and i ∗ are as defined in exercise 3.1), and U = 2L. That<br />

means, instead of U ≤ nL we may use U = 2L and that leads to the improved running time.<br />

Let us follow the analysis of Section 3.1 but now with a general lower bound L and upper<br />

bound U. Let<br />

v ′ i = ⌊v i /µ⌋ , where µ = ɛL n .<br />

As before, let S be the set of items found by the D.P. after rounding and let O be the set of<br />

items in the optimal solution for the non-rounded instance. Then in the same way we get<br />

value(S) = ∑ v i ∑ µv i ′ ∑ µv i ′ ∑ i − µ) = Opt − |O|µ<br />

i∈S i∈S i∈O i∈O(v<br />

Opt − nµ = Opt − ɛL Opt − ɛOpt = (1 − ɛ)Opt.<br />

So for the approximation factor it works out fine to use any lower bound L instead of the<br />

specific bound M of Section 3.1.<br />

Now we analyze the running time. Let Opt ′ be the optimal value for the rounded instance.<br />

Opt ′ = ∑ i∈S<br />

v ′ i ∑ i∈S<br />

v i /µ ∑ i∈O<br />

v i /µ = Opt<br />

µ = nOpt<br />

ɛL<br />

nU<br />

ɛL .<br />

The running time of the D.P is O(nOpt ′ ). From exercise 3.1 we see that we can take U = 2L.<br />

O(nOpt ′ ) = O(n 2 U 2L<br />

) = O(n2<br />

ɛL ɛL ) = O(n2 /ɛ).<br />


Ex.3.3 This execise consist of three parts:<br />

(A) Prove that there always exists an optimal schedule in which (i) all on-time jobs complete<br />

before all late jobs, and (ii) the on-time jobs complete in an earliest due date (EDD) order.<br />

(B) Give a Dynamic Program.<br />

(C) Give a (fully) polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS).<br />

Part (B) and (C) are almost identical to the Knapsack problem of Section 3.1.<br />

(A) Consider an arbitrary schedule σ and let S be the set of jobs that complete before their<br />

due date. Then these jobs will still complete before their due date if we place all jobs that<br />

are not on-time after the the jobs from S, while keeping the same order for S. This proves<br />

(i). So assume from now that the jobs from S are first in σ. Next, we place the jobs from S<br />

in EDD order and show that each job from S remains on-time. One way to put the jobs from<br />

S in σ in EDD order is to swap two adjacent jobs from S if they are not in EDD order. Keep<br />

doing this until the jobs from S are in EDD order. We need to show that for every swap,<br />

the two swapped jobs remain on time. Say that job j is followed by job k and d j > d k . Let<br />

C j , C k be the completion times before the swap and C j ′, C′ k<br />

be the completion times after the<br />

swap. Both jobs remain on-time since<br />

C ′ k < C k ≤ d k and C ′ j = C k ≤ d k < d j .<br />

(B) The next part of the question is to give a dynamic program. The problem appears similar<br />

to the knapsack problem of Section 3.1. We need to find a subset S of the jobs to be placed<br />

first in the schedule such that they are all on time and maximize the weight of the selected<br />

jobs. Let us follow the same approach as for the knapsack problem. In fact the analysis below<br />

is almost identical to that of the knapsack problem and we merely changed ‘item’ by ‘job’<br />

and v j by w j .<br />

Label the jobs such that d 1 ≤ d 2 ≤ · · · ≤ d n . Assume that p j ≤ d j for any job j since<br />

otherwise the job can never be on-time and it can be removed from the instance. Define:<br />

A j : the set of all pairs (t, w) such that there is a subset of jobs in {1, . . . , j} with value exactly<br />

w and size exactly t and such that all these jobs can be scheduled on-time.<br />

The pair that we are looking for is (t, w) ∈ A n with maximum value w.<br />

A 1 = {(0, 0), (p 1 , w 1 )}. Now, A j can be computed from A j−1 as follows.<br />

By definition<br />

For j = 2 to n do:<br />

(1) A j ← A j−1<br />

(2) For each (t, w) ∈ A j−1 do: If t + p j ≤ d j then add (t + p j , w + w j ) to<br />

A j .<br />

In the first step, all pairs from A j−1 are added to A j . This corresponds with not choosing<br />

job j. In the second step, we add job j if it can be placed at the end such that it completes<br />

before its due date.<br />

The size of each set is bounded as |A j | ≤ P · W for all j, where P = ∑ j p j and W − ∑ j w j.<br />

Hence, the total running time of this dynamic program is O(nP W ).<br />

We can improve the running time by adding an extra step (3) in which dominated pairs are<br />

removed. A pair (t, w) dominates another pair (t ′ , w ′ ) if t ≤ t ′ and w ≥ w ′ . By removing<br />

each pair that is dominated by another pair, the number of pairs in A j is at most min{P, W }.<br />


Now, step (1) and (2) can be done in O(min{P, W }) time. Also, the removal of dominated<br />

pairs (as an extra step (3) ) can be done in this time. We see that the total improved running<br />

time is O(n min{P, W }), which is even better than O(nW ) time.<br />

(C) The last part of the question is to turn this into a (fully) polynomial time approximation<br />

scheme. (‘Fully’ means that the running time in polynomial in 1/ɛ.) Again we copy form the<br />

knapsack problem. Let<br />

M = max w i , and µ = ɛM<br />

i<br />

n , and w′ i = ⌊w i /µ⌋.<br />

The maximum value w ′ i is ⌊M/µ⌋ = ⌊n/ɛ⌋. In general, w′ i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , ⌊n/ɛ⌋}. Let W ′ =<br />

∑<br />

i w′ i . Then W ′ = O(n 2 /ɛ). Now apply the dynamic programming to the rounded instance<br />

and take as solution the set S of jobs returned by the DP. The DP runs in time O(nW ′ ) =<br />

O(n 3 /ɛ).<br />

The error that we make by this rounding is at most µ for each job. This gives a total error<br />

of at most nµ = ɛM ≤ ɛOpt.<br />

We can make this more precise in the same way as was done for the knapsack). Let S be the<br />

set of jobs found by the DP and let O be an optimal set of jobs for the original (unrounded)<br />

instance. For any job i we have<br />

The value of the final solution is<br />

∑<br />

w i ≥ µw ′ i > µ(w i /µ − 1)) = w i − µ.<br />

w i ≥ ∑<br />

i∈S i∈S<br />

∑<br />

≥ (1)<br />

i∈O<br />

µw ′ i<br />

µw ′ i<br />

≥ ∑ i∈O(w i − µ)<br />

= Opt − |O|µ<br />

≥ Opt − nµ<br />

= Opt − ɛM<br />

≥ (2)<br />

Opt − ɛOpt = (1 − ɛ)Opt.<br />

(1): S is optimal for the rounded instance with value w ′ i .<br />

(2): Opt ≥ M since taking the job with largest value is a feasible solution.<br />

Ex. 4.1 (This is a special form of the Integer Multicommodity flow problem of Section 5.11.)<br />

One approach is rounding an LP-solution. Let P i be the set of the two paths for call i. Let<br />

P = ∪ i P i .<br />

(ILP) min Z<br />

s.t.<br />

∑<br />

x P Z, for all edges e,<br />

P :e∈P<br />

∑<br />

x P = 1<br />

P ∈P i<br />

for all calls i,<br />

x P ∈ {0, 1} for all P ∈ P.<br />


The LP-relaxation is obtained by replacing the last constraint by:<br />

x P 0 for all P ∈ P.<br />

The algorithm first solves the LP and then rounds each variable. Let ˆx P = 1 if x ∗ P > 1/2<br />

and let ˆx P = 0 if x ∗ P<br />

< 1/2. If the two paths for some call both have value exactly 1/2 then<br />

choose P arbitrarily among the two and set ˆx P = 1 and set it to zero for the other path.<br />

Now, take P in the solution if and only if ˆx P = 1. The solution is feasible since each call is<br />

assigned exactly one path. Moreover, the value is<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

max ˆx P ≤ 2 max x ∗<br />

e<br />

e<br />

P = 2ZLP ∗ ≤ 2Opt.<br />

P :e∈P<br />

P :e∈P<br />

bjective value of the ILP is at most twice that of the optimal value of the LP-relaxation.<br />

(EXTRA: Note that the following local search algorithm does NOT give a 2-approximation:<br />

Start with any solution. If there is some call i for which changing its path reduces the<br />

maximum load, then change its path. Repeat this as long as possible. (To prove that this is<br />

not a 2-approximation, you only need to give one example where the algorithm fails.)<br />

Also, the following greedy algorithm does NOT give a 2-approximation: Assign paths to calls<br />

one by one. Take the first path arbitrarily. For each new path choose that direction that<br />

minimize the maximum load.)<br />

NB The following algorithm is also a 2-approximation: Choose the shortest path for each call.<br />

Proof sketch: Let e 1 be the most loaded edge and let L 1 be its load. Let e 2 be the opposite<br />

edge on the circle. Let L ′ 1 and L′ 2 be the load on these edges in the optimal solution. We<br />

must have L ′ 1 + L′ 2 ≥ L 1.<br />

Ex. 4.2 The proof is done by a simple swapping argument. Consider a solution in which jobs<br />

are placed in order 1, 2, . . . , n and assume that w i /p i < w j /p j for some pair i, j = i + 1 with<br />

1 i n − 1. We show that swapping the jobs i and j reduces the total weighted completion<br />

time. Note that this swapping only affects the completion time of i and j. The completion<br />

time of i increases by p j and the completion time of j increases by −p i . The total increase in<br />

the objective is w i p j − w j p i < 0 since w i /p i < w j /p j .<br />

Ex. 4.3 Denote [n] = {1, 2 . . . , n} and for any set S ⊆ [n] let p(S) = ∑ j∈S p j. We can make<br />

a similar LP-relaxation as in Section 4.2.<br />

(LP) min<br />

∑ n<br />

j=1 w jC j<br />

s.t. C i C j − p j for every pair i ≺ j<br />

∑<br />

p j C j 1 2 p(S)2 for all S ⊆ [n]<br />

j∈S<br />

Let Cj<br />

∗ (j = 1 . . . , n) denote an optimal LP-solution. For the ease of analysis, let us relabel<br />

the jobs such that C1 ∗ C∗ 2 ≤ · · · C∗ n. Now we schedule jobs in order 1, 2, . . . , n. This is a<br />

feasible schedule since if i ≺ j then the first constraint ensures that Ci ∗ < C∗ j . In other words,<br />

none of the precedence constraints is violated if we schedule the jobs in this order.<br />

Let C j be the completion time of job j in our schedule. Then<br />

C j = p([j]). (1)<br />


Below we prove, in exactly the same way as in the proof of Theorem 4.4 (book), that Cj ∗ <br />

1<br />

2p([j]). Combining this with (1) we see that the total weighted completion time of our<br />

schedule is<br />

n∑<br />

n∑<br />

n∑<br />

w j C j = w j p[j] (1) 2 w j Cj ∗ 2Opt.<br />

j=1<br />

j=1<br />

j=1<br />

(1): Let S = [j]. From the LP-constraint it follows that<br />

∑<br />

Cj ∗ p(S) = Cj<br />

∗ p k ∑ p k Ck ∗ 1 2 p(S)2 ⇒ Cj ∗ 1 2 p(S) = 1 2 p([j]).<br />

k∈S k∈S<br />

Ex. 4.4 and 4.5 : Bin packing was not done.<br />

Ex. 4.6 (a) Let x be a solution to the LP with value Z ∗ . Say that an edge (i, j) is fractional<br />

if 0 < x ij < 1. Consider the graph G x defined as G restricted to the fractional edges. If x<br />

is fractional then G x has at least one edge (by definition of a fractional solution). We show<br />

that we can find another solution y with value equal to Z ∗ but with strictly less fractional<br />

edges. Then, by repeating the argument we end up with a 0, 1-solution with value Z ∗ .<br />

First assume that G x has a cycle C. Since the original graph G is bipartite, C must be even.<br />

Pick any edge e ∈ C and increase its x-value by epsilon. Next, decrease and increase the<br />

x-values on C alternatingly by a small ɛ. For small enough ɛ the solution stays feasible. If the<br />

cost of the solution increases by these changes then make the changes the other way around,<br />

i.e., decrease the x-value of e and continue from there. We can choose ɛ such that the solution<br />

stays feasible and has no larger cost and at least one fractional value becomes 0 or 1.<br />

Now assume that G x has no cycles. Then, it has a path P for which both endpoints have<br />

degree 1. Note that the endpoints msut be in B since, by the first LP-constraint, each point<br />

in A has degree at least 2 in G x . Let ɛ > 0 be small. On P , we can alternatingly reduce and<br />

increase the x-value by ɛ such that such that all constraints remain satisfied, the cost does<br />

not increase, and at least one edge gets an x value either 0 or 1. (Since the endpoints are in<br />

B, all constraints remain satisfied for small enough ɛ.)<br />

(b) This follows directly from the analysis in (a). Consider G x and let C be an even cycle<br />

in G x . (The case that G x has a path P with both endpoint of degree 1 works the same.)<br />

Define y by alternatingly increasing and decreasing x-values on C by ɛ > 0. Define z the<br />

same but now the +ɛ and −ɛ are switched. Then (for small enough ɛ) y and z are feasible<br />

and x = 0.5y + 0.5z.<br />

Ex. 5.1 Assign each vertex uniformly at random to one of the sets V 1 , . . . , V k . We need<br />

to show that the expected weight of the corresponding k-cut is at least (k − 1)/k times the<br />

optimal value. As an upper bound for Opt we take Opt ∑ (i,j)∈E w ij. For any edge<br />

e = (i, j), the probability that e appears in the cut is exactly (k − 1)/k. (Assume that i is<br />

assigned first, then the edge appears in the cut only if j is assigned to another set as i.) Let<br />

W be the total weight of the cut. By linearity of expectation<br />

E[W] =<br />

∑<br />

(i,j)∈E<br />

k − 1<br />

k w ij = k − 1<br />

k<br />

∑<br />

(i,j)∈E<br />

w ij k − 1<br />

k<br />

Opt.<br />


Ex. 5.2 (a) Note that the unweighted max cut problem is taken here but the same applies<br />

to the weighted version. In fact, the proof is easier to write down in the weighted version.<br />

Remember that in the weighted version we may assume that the graph is complete (since<br />

missing edges simply get weight 0). Let n be the number of vertices and let W G be the total<br />

weight of G.<br />

n∑ ∑k−1<br />

W G = w kj .<br />

1<br />

2<br />

k=1 j=1<br />

In<br />

∑<br />

the k-th iteration (when vertex k is placed), the weight that is added to the cut is at least<br />

k−1<br />

j=1 w kj. Hence, the total weight of the cut is at least<br />

n∑<br />

k=1<br />

1 ∑k−1<br />

w kj = 1 2 2 W G 1 2 Opt.<br />

j=1<br />

(b) See the notes for Section 5.3. Let S k−1 denote the assignement of the first k − 1 vertices.<br />

The derandomized algorithm assigns k to U if<br />

E[Z|S k−1 , v k ∈ U] E[Z|S k−1 , v k ∈ W ]<br />

and assigns it to W otherwise. This corresponds exactly with choosing that side for which<br />

the weight of the edges added to the cut is maximized.<br />

Ex. 5.3 Same algorithm as for the undirected problem. Assign each vertex uniformly at<br />

random to either U or W . For each directed edge (i, j) we have that the probability that it<br />

appears in the cut is exactly Pr(i ∈ U and j ∈ V ) = 1 2 · 1<br />

2 = 1 4<br />

. Let W be the total weight of<br />

the cut. Then<br />

E[W] =<br />

∑ 1<br />

4 w ij ≥ 1 4 Opt.<br />

(i,j)∈E<br />

Ex. 5.4 Let (y, z) be an optimal solution to the LP on page 107 (page ?? in pdf) and let Z LP<br />

be its value. When we apply randomized rounding as suggested we sxee that the probability<br />

that an arbitrary clause C j is satisfied is bounded as follows. Remember that P j is the set of<br />


(indices of) variables that appear positively and N j is the set of negative variables in C j .<br />

Pr( C j not sat.) = ∏<br />

(1 − ( y i<br />

2 + 1 4 )) ∏<br />

( y i<br />

2 + 1 4 )<br />

i∈P j i∈N j<br />

= ∏<br />

( 3 4 − y i<br />

2 ) ∏<br />

( y i<br />

2 + 1 4 )<br />

i∈P j i∈N j<br />

⎡ ⎛<br />

⎞⎤<br />

≤ ⎣ 1 ⎝ ∑ ( 3 l j 4 − y i<br />

2 ) + ∑<br />

l j<br />

( y i<br />

2 + 1 4 ) ⎠⎦<br />

i∈P j i∈N j<br />

⎡ ⎛ ⎛<br />

⎞⎞⎤<br />

= ⎣ 1 ⎝ 3<br />

l j 4 l j − 1 ⎝ ∑ y i + ∑<br />

(1 − y i ) ⎠⎠⎦<br />

2<br />

i∈P j i∈N j<br />

⎡ ⎛<br />

⎞⎤<br />

= ⎣ 3 4 − 1 ⎝ ∑ y i + ∑<br />

l j<br />

(1 − y i ) ⎠⎦<br />

2l j<br />

i∈P j i∈N j<br />

[ 3<br />

≤<br />

4 − z ] lj<br />

j<br />

2l j<br />

l j<br />

For the first inequality above we used Fact 5.8 and for the second inequality we used the<br />

LP-constraint. We get that<br />

[ 3<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) ≥ 1 −<br />

4 − z ] lj<br />

j<br />

.<br />

2l j<br />

Denote the righthand side by f(z j ). This function is concave for l j 1. (We omit the proof<br />

for this.) Now we use Fact 5.9. Let<br />

( ) 3<br />

lj<br />

( ) 3<br />

lj<br />

( 3<br />

a = f(0) = 1 − and b = f(1) − f(0) = −<br />

4<br />

4 4 − 1 ) lj<br />

.<br />

2l j<br />

( ) 3<br />

lj<br />

( ) 3<br />

lj<br />

( 3<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) ≥ f(z j ) ≥ 1 − + z j −<br />

4 4 4 − 1 ) lj<br />

z j .<br />

2l j<br />

We use that 1 − ( )<br />

3 lj<br />

4<br />

≥ (1 − ( 3 lj<br />

4)<br />

)z j . Then, the inequality reduces to<br />

( 3<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) ≥ z j −<br />

4 − 1 ) lj<br />

z j .<br />

2l j<br />

For l j = 1 and l j = 2 we have<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) ≥ z j − 1 4 z j = 3 4 z j.<br />


For l j ≥ 3 we precede as in Section 5.5. and use that (1 − 1/k) k < 1/e for all k 1.<br />

( 3<br />

4 − 1<br />

2l j<br />

) lj<br />

=<br />

Hence, also for l j 3 we have<br />

=<br />

<<br />

( 3<br />

lj<br />

(<br />

1 −<br />

4) 2 ) lj<br />

3l j<br />

( 3<br />

lj<br />

( )<br />

1 (3/2)lj (2/3)<br />

1 −<br />

4)<br />

(3/2)l j<br />

( ) 3<br />

lj<br />

( ) 1 (2/3)<br />

4 e<br />

< 1 4 , for l j ≥ 3.<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) > z j − 1 4 z j = 3 4 z j.<br />

Let W be the total weight of the satisfied clauses. Then<br />

E[W] ≥<br />

m∑<br />

j=1<br />

3<br />

4 w jz j = 3 4<br />

m∑<br />

w j z j = 3 4 Z LP 3 4 Opt.<br />

j=1<br />

Ex.5.5 –<br />

Ex.5.6 (a) It is enough to show that for any optimal solution of the max directed cut<br />

problem there is a feasible solution for the given mixed ILP with at least the same value and,<br />

vice versa, for any optimal solution of the mixed ILP there is a feasible solution for the max<br />

directed cut problem with at least the same value.<br />

Let U ⊂ V be a feasible solution for the max directed cut problem. Now choose x i = 1 if<br />

i ∈ U and x i = 0 otherwise. Choose z ij = 1 if i ∈ U and j ∈ W and choose z ij = 0 otherwise.<br />

Note that the value of both the solutions (max cut and ILP) is the same.<br />

For the other direction, assume that x i , z ij is optimal for the given mixed ILP. Now assign i<br />

to U if x i = 1. De value of the solution remains the same.<br />

b.<br />

Pr((i, j) in cut) = Pr(i ∈ U and j ∈ W ) = Pr(i ∈ U)Pr(j ∈ W )<br />

= (1/4 + x i /2)(1 − (1/4 + x j /2))<br />

= (1/4 + x i /2)(1/4 + (1 − x j )/2)<br />

≥ (1/4 + z ij /2)(1/4 + z ij /2)<br />

= (1/4 − z ij /2) 2 + z ij /2<br />

≥ z ij /2<br />

Let Opt be the maximum weight of a cut and hence the optimal value of the given mixed ILP.<br />

Let Opt LP be the optimal value of the LP-relaxation that is obtained by replacing x i ∈ {0, 1}<br />

by 0 x i 1. Let W be the total weight of the cut obtained by the proposed algorithm.<br />

Then,<br />

E[W] =<br />

∑<br />

Pr((i, j) in cut) · w ij ≥<br />

∑<br />

w ij z ij /2 Opt LP /2 Opt/2.<br />

(i,j)∈E<br />

8<br />


Ex. 5.8 Note that there are only positive variables: N j = ∅ for all j.<br />

(IP) max<br />

s.t.<br />

∑<br />

Z = m w j z j + ∑ n<br />

i=1 v i(1 − y i )<br />

∑<br />

j=1<br />

y i z j<br />

i∈P j<br />

j = 1, . . . , m<br />

z j ∈ {0, 1} (Relax.:0 z j 1) j = 1, . . . , m<br />

y i ∈ {0, 1} (Relax.:0 y i 1) i = 1, . . . , n.<br />

Let (y, z) be an optimal solution to the LP-relaxation. Let W be the weight of the satisfied<br />

clauses and V be the weight of the false variables after the rounding.<br />

Pr(x i is false ) = 1 − (1 − λ + λy i ) = λ(1 − y i )<br />

⇒<br />

E[V] = λ<br />

n∑<br />

v i (1 − y i ). (2)<br />

i=1<br />

So the expected value of the false variables is at least λ times the value in the optimal LPsolution.<br />

Next we show a bound for the first part of the objective, the weight of the satisfied<br />

clauses. Then, the approximation factor will be the minimum of the two bounds. We shall<br />

choose λ such that this minimum is maximized. Assume that clause C j has k literals. Then,<br />

Pr( C j not sat.) = ∏<br />

≤<br />

=<br />

λ(1 − y i )<br />

i∈P j<br />

⎛<br />

⎞k<br />

⎝ 1 ∑<br />

λ(1 − y i ) ⎠<br />

k<br />

i∈P j<br />

⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞<br />

⎝ λ ⎝k − ∑ y i<br />

⎠⎠<br />

k<br />

i∈P j<br />

k<br />

≤<br />

( λ<br />

k (k − z j)) k<br />

(<br />

= λ k 1 − z )<br />

j k<br />

.<br />

k<br />

The first inequality follows from Fact 5.8 and for the second we used the LP-constraint.<br />

(<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) ≥ 1 − λ k 1 − z )<br />

j k<br />

.<br />

k<br />

The function of z j on the righthand side is concave on [0, 1] for λ > 0 and k 1. (Follows<br />

directly from the concavity of 1 − (1 − z j /k) k which was shown on page 108.) For z j = 0 its<br />

value is 1 − λ k > 0. Therefore, for z j ∈ [0, 1] we have<br />

(<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) <br />

(1 − λ k 1 − 1 ) ) k<br />

z j .<br />

k<br />


Figure 1: Example. Graph for (¯x 1 ∨ x 2 ), (¯x 2 ∨ x 3 ), (x 1 ∨ ¯x 3 ), (x 2 ∨ x 3 )<br />

For k = 1 the above inequality implies Pr( C j is sat.) z j . For k = 2 we get<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) ≥ ( 1 − λ 2 /4 ) z j .<br />

Looking at (2), the approximation factor is min{λ, 1 − λ 2 /4} if each clause has at most<br />

two literals. Let us first maximize this minimum and then check that things works out<br />

well for k 3. The minimum is maximized for λ ∗ = 2 √ 2 − 2. It is easy to check that<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) λ ∗ z j if C j has k = 3 or k = 4 variables. For k 5 we use the general bound<br />

(1 − 1/k) k < 1/e and get<br />

Pr( C j is sat.) <br />

(1 − (λ∗ ) k )<br />

z j > λ ∗ z j , (for λ ∗ = 2 √ 2 − 2).<br />

e<br />

The expected weight of the solution is<br />

Ex. 6.1, 6.2<br />

E[V] + E[W] ≥ λ ∗ Z ∗ LP ≥ λ ∗ Opt.<br />

Ex. 6.3 Hint: Construct the following directed graph G = (V, E). For every variable x i there<br />

are two vertices: v i and v i ′ in V . For every clause there are two arcs in A defined follows:<br />

For every (x i ∨ x j ) there is an arc (v i ′, v j) and an arc (v j ′ , v i).<br />

For every (¯x i ∨ ¯x j ) there is an arc (v i , v j ′ ) and an arc (v j, v i ′).<br />

For every (x i ∨ ¯x j ) there is an arc (v i ′, v′ j ) and an arc (v j, v i ).<br />

Prove that the formula is satifyable if and only if there is no i for which there is a directed<br />

pathin G from v i to v ′ i and a directed path from v′ i to v i.<br />

Ex. 6.4 (a) Start in any vertex v and give it color 1. Then, the neighbors must get color 2.<br />

Their neighbors have color 1 again. Repeat this until all points are colored (in which case we<br />

found a 2-coloring) or when a vertex is assigned both colors (in which case the graph is not<br />

2-colorable).<br />

(b) Color the vertices in any order. Since each vertex v has at most ∆ neighbors, there is<br />

always a color in {1, 2, . . . , ∆ + 1} which is not used by any of the neighbors of v.<br />


References<br />


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