1978-02 February IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1978-02 February IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1978-02 February IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Goll Tourn ey<br />

•• o'h. Did: L ..... ,. kn. ... 81'01", " '"_<br />

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" Idlln ~ ..., ... 10 " aroup .1 .o lf~ .. wain", 10 IN<br />

olf. Th.,. art. Id. to . 1 ••"<br />

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lI,o,h, JM aa_f. 11M Anti,," 10110 Mu llCt'.<br />

Il m nu nod the a Wd,dm. <strong>of</strong> trophIC's, Co· ~ hmrman<br />

Ilrother Diek Lundnhl won .he 10 .... ,rou class,<br />

Orothe. W~)' n c Slim ~ Qn won the low net cta~~.<br />

ll rothcf Ada .. Marv,n had the lonl~ 1 drive <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the firM ICC and I1m'hcr ErlJnd Ohlj,On (retired)<br />

ll'oPlX'd his tee St.OI o:'lo'itsl 10 the pin on KVen·<br />

Icen. A I.Llly ~njo)ilblc lIme was h~d by all who<br />

pJ.ucipaled.<br />

1I' (l1her IIJber', uprc"cd deSire to mJh tllis<br />

an nnnual affair "',11 ~urcly come to pa.~ if we<br />

can look forword '0 more loke this one.<br />

Members Save life<br />

Of Small Boy<br />

J OliN /\.tUfl.1 r I, P .5,<br />

LoU. III, DENVER, COI.O,-This local 1$ very<br />

pleased '1.1 make I requc!i' In behalf <strong>of</strong> four Qf<br />

our mc:mbers for .hc IiIEW I.lfe-Sn,'ing Award.<br />

The members who •. ned a life are: John IJJCI,<br />

John James, Jay Ril'iChard. and ThQmas WhIle.<br />

These men are from Unit I, the Con~lluCljon<br />

Unit.<br />

On Augu~t 9. 1971. I t approximately 12: 21<br />

p m. John !Jan. l 'homa~ Whlll:. 1Iy RllliChard,<br />

and JQhn James w~re hhm. lunch under I llee<br />

in a 'annt lot. At .hlli lime. two lillie boys. about<br />

10 yurs old, proc:ecded rQ clm>b a tree. One: <strong>of</strong><br />

the little bo)'$ climbed aboul 20 to 25 feel up,<br />

.. hen ulltkr his P'C!i.)Ure lhe br.neh b.oke and 1M<br />

little boy feU. landllll on hIS Mad. Tlle crew. Ioee·<br />

in, him faU. ImmWllldy Jumped up . nd nln 10<br />

.. here M lay, mo~on. hIm 10 .. hert: they ct)Uld<br />

admlnis.er .he ne«$~ ry IUenuon thll M would<br />

need. llecause lhe boy's b,uthln, Ind M.II had<br />

itoppcd. John Da..,. proceeded \0 admInISter .,.<br />

IHielal rnus

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