1980-08 August IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1980-08 August IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1980-08 August IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Union-Industries<br />

Show<br />

fbatur{}~<br />

Once again, as in past yea rs, the IB EW Ex·<br />

hibi t a t the Annual AFL·CIO Union Industri es<br />

Show was a sta r attracti on this year in Cincin·<br />

nati, Ohio. Sponsored by the Union Label and<br />

Service T rades Department , this year's 35 th Annual<br />

Show held May 23-28 drew over two hundred<br />

thousand visitors from the C incinnati area.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Secretary R alph A. Leigon, who is<br />

a Vice President and Executive Board member<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Union Label Departmen t. participated in<br />

the opening ceremonies <strong>of</strong> the Show.<br />

The I BEW Exhi bit was a colorful display <strong>of</strong><br />

TBEW-made electrical appliances and services<br />

performed by our me mbers.<br />

The color photograph s on this page and additional<br />

photogra phs a nd slory beginning on page<br />

4 <strong>of</strong> this issue <strong>of</strong> the Journa l show a ll aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

the IB EW Union l ndustries Show Ex hibit.<br />

Pictured In the mlJDr appllanee .rn 1'1 the <strong>IBEW</strong> uhlbil are. 10111 tD righl. 4,<br />

Int .. nallonll ReprKenllllve Robert W. McAI ......: IDEW DlredDr <strong>of</strong> Purchas-<br />

Ing Oorl. FrDman; U.S. AIII. l anl Secre"ry <strong>of</strong> I..bor [ula Dlngkam; Intema·<br />

tlDnl1 Sec ... l.ry R. lpk A. Lel&Dn; "FL.CIO Secretlry ThDmn R. DDn akue; ~<br />

Milin "'.... h. pre.ldent Df Ihe OhlD Stale AFI.·CID: Elrl McDavid. ucretary<br />

Df<br />

Ik" AFL·CIO UnlDn Label Department; CDn8;rn5m an TkDmu LukIn<br />

(D.QkID); and InternallDnal Repreunlat;ve Ckarlu W. Walker.<br />

i<br />

Skilled Craftsmanship<br />

and Quality Products<br />

,..........,'<br />

·1<br />

An Dverall view 1'1 Ike <strong>IBEW</strong> u kibit bDDlk .ko .... Ike betui liul union·<br />

made appliances Dn d isplay.<br />

A klgkll8;hl Df Ike <strong>IBEW</strong> elklblt ,t Ihe UniDn Industrin Skow Is Ike maJDr<br />

appliance ..... AI'D .kD"'n Is a lilt 1'1 Ihe toell union 'pDnsDrs from Ike 1<br />

greater Cincinnati Irn.

•<br />

•<br />




CHARLES H. PILLARD, Editor<br />

Volu me 79, No. 8 <strong>August</strong>. <strong>1980</strong><br />

FEI=ITLlFlES<br />

ISEW 1981 Founders'Scholarships 3<br />

One Quarter Million Cincinnati Area Residents View ISEW<br />

Exhibit at <strong>1980</strong> AFL·CIO Union Industries Show 4<br />

Twelfth District Progress Meeting Held in Charlotte, N, C. 6<br />

<strong>International</strong> Executive Council Minutes 7<br />

18 EW RR System Council 34 Meets in Montreal 13<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> Community Corner 17<br />

July. <strong>1980</strong> Summary Annual Report for National Electrical<br />

Contractors Association Pen sion Benefit Trust Fund 18<br />


Editorial Commen t 2<br />

Safety Ti ps 12<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Research and Education 14<br />

With the Ladies 16<br />

Local Lines<br />

In Memoriam<br />

ON OUR COVER-Picturesque<br />

Portland Head Lighthouse.<br />

Maine. is pictured on this<br />

month's <strong>Journal</strong> front cover.<br />

Inside thiS issue are stOfies on<br />

the <strong>1980</strong> AFL·CIO Union In'<br />

dustries Show. t he 12th Dis·<br />

trict Progress Meeting. and<br />

other important news items.<br />

\9<br />

63<br />

P~IN TE:O ON<br />

UNION Io1AO E:<br />

PAPEft<br />

POST ..... STER' Changa 01 .dd.... 'lid, on Fo,m 351'9 lhould bel IIni 10 Inle.nltlonll B'O!h .. hood<br />

01 Ellel.I,.1 WO.k .... 1125 FIII .. nlh 5""" N W .. Wllhlt1gl0n, D.C. 20005. Pulllllhld mOlllhl, Ind<br />

.. cond·dl" po.I'ge p.ld II W .. hlng.on. D.C .• nd Idd,lIon.I entty, SUDleflplion p .. e .. Unlled $11, ..<br />

Ind Canldl, $4 pe. ra .. In Id.lnn. p.lnlld In U.S,A, Till, J OUR NAL ..!II '101 bel hlld ,"ponllllil<br />

10' vie .., '.P,used by eo" .. ponoHnll, Tha 11 .., 01 ..,h monlh r, ,IOllng dill, 1111 copy mull bel<br />

In OUI h.ndl on 0, bel lo .. Ihl, 11m., Plld Idv."r.lng nOI leCapted, 18EW Journ,' (USPS &61.5401<br />

PubllCilion No. 21402.<br />




1/OI.m,tlon., PI.a/dell!<br />

11 25 15th St.. N.W.<br />

Wunlngton. D.C. 20005<br />


Inl.,n.r/on" SK,.""<br />

'1 25 15th 51 .• H.W.<br />

W'llIInglon. D.C. 20005<br />


IM.,rq/IoM' J .... .,IV<br />

156-11 J.-.I ...... _<br />

Fh""'ng. N. T. 11365<br />


FI", DIII.lel, K. O. ROSE<br />

'5 Shepp.rd A •••• £UI, 5\.111. 401<br />

ell, 01 Narln YOrk<br />

W,lIowo.I., Onle.lo M2N SY!<br />

Second OIIl.lel, Fl VNN , JOHN E.<br />

Hll Forwi Roao, F.,.,n/l Floor<br />

0,.1,,1 •• 1, Man. 02184<br />

TIII.o Oll','el. JOHN J . BARRY<br />

222 M.m •• oneck ..... nu.<br />

Whit. Ptal"t, New TO'k 10605<br />

Foulln D,",let. B. O. WILLIAMSON<br />

1710 Rno,ng Road<br />

Amoe.I, .. " £'\lClll,.., Bldg.<br />

5,,1,. ,<br />

C,nc.nn.II, Ohio 4,5237<br />

FIUh Oh!tI~!, DAN H, WATERS<br />

No.2 M.uroplu O,lve<br />

Sul!1 III<br />

Birmingham. All. 35209<br />

S •• lh O,".lel. J"'MES P. CO NWAY<br />

Comml'~1 PlllI Th ....., Sultl 570<br />

201$ Spflng Ro8d<br />

Olk B'OOk. Ill1nol.605.21<br />

St.ven!h D .. lfI~l, RAYMOND O. DUKE<br />

2701 A ... n ... E, IEI'I<br />

Sulle 4'2<br />

AII,nglon, T .... 16011<br />

Elghl" D,'lfI~t.<br />


Sunl 2fl.4C<br />

2460 WI" 26lh Ave.<br />

Den ..." Colo.ado 110211<br />

Nlnlh Dlti. lel, S. fl. McCANN<br />

ISO No"" Wigil LIlli<br />

SUIII 100<br />

WolnUI C'lek, C.IUo,nll !1-1598<br />

Tenlh Olll,lcl, ... ND REW M. RIPP<br />

O'Hlfl Olliel Building 1, Suh ... 400<br />


Building an America<br />

That Works<br />

For Everyone<br />

• The AFL·CIO in expressing its<br />

policy views on the major issues<br />

facing the nation to the platform<br />

cornrninees <strong>of</strong> both political parties<br />

rece!llly made it very clear that<br />

issues and not personalities should<br />

be Ihe basis upon which the American<br />

people determine their vote in<br />

November. Dolh parties have been<br />

informed that the AFL-CIO and its<br />

affi liates expect the parties to present<br />

their proposals factually and<br />

honestly and that the presidential<br />

nominee and the legislative leaders<br />

who are elected will keep their<br />

respective party's word as set-forth<br />

in the platform at their party's<br />

national convention.<br />

The AFL-CiO in its political beliefs<br />

forwarded to the Republican<br />

and Democrat platform committees<br />

conveyed the message that plat·<br />

fo rms should unify rather than<br />

divide and that it is performance<br />

and not promises that should provide<br />

the electorate the opportunity<br />

to make a decision based on issues<br />

rather than personalities. The AFL-<br />

2 I IIEW J ournal<br />


C10 and its affiliates and the rest <strong>of</strong><br />

organized labor have asked both<br />

national political parties to construct<br />

platforms for building an<br />

America that works for everyone.<br />

Labor has asked for a commitment<br />

from both political panics to<br />

work for and promote a growing,<br />

healthy and expanding economy.<br />

The AFL-C10 believes that in a<br />

democratic society it is wrong for<br />

one group to impose lower expectations<br />

on ,mother group, 10 demand<br />

a degree <strong>of</strong> sacrifi ce not demanded<br />

<strong>of</strong> all, and to permit exploitation <strong>of</strong><br />

some for pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong> others. 11le nation<br />

ngreed with this principle when<br />

it enacted labor sponsored laws<br />

prohibiting child labor and establishment<br />

<strong>of</strong> a fair minimum wage,<br />

sa fety and health in the work place,<br />

protecting prevailing wages and<br />

most importantly o( all, permilling<br />

workers to have their own free<br />

choice whether or not to join unions<br />

and bargain collectively with thei r<br />

employers.<br />

The American trade labor movement<br />

also believes and supports the<br />

general welfare, <strong>of</strong> educating the<br />

young, o( (ceding the hungry, <strong>of</strong><br />

providing security to the elderly and<br />

also medical care for the poor.<br />

Organized labor was a leader in the<br />

struggle to eliminate segreg:lIion<br />

and discrimination against minorities<br />

and women and believes it is<br />

the vital responsibility <strong>of</strong> the government<br />

· to assure and protect the<br />

civil rights <strong>of</strong> all its citizens.<br />

The AFL-CIO and its affiliates<br />

promote the ratification <strong>of</strong> the Equal<br />

Rights Amendment to the Constitution<br />

and has asked for support in<br />

developing an affirmative action<br />

program :lgainst discrimination <strong>of</strong><br />

handicapped individuals. Labor believes<br />

equality should be a constitutiona[<br />

right and should not have to<br />

be the sum <strong>of</strong> piecemeal legi slation.<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> has always supported<br />

economic policies and programs<br />

that promote full emp[oymelll and<br />

balanced economic growth and<br />

sincerely has worked with labor,<br />

management rind the government to<br />

provide job opportunities for its<br />

members and all Americans. We<br />

firmly believe thai bolh political<br />

parties should unflinchingly promote<br />

policies that should strengthen the<br />

national economy by a full employ·<br />

ment policy, Ihat both panics<br />

should work to assure soci:l! justice<br />

and equity in the fight against recession<br />

and inflation, move faster toward<br />

energy independence, rebuild<br />

weakened industries, protect the environment<br />

and promote interna·<br />

tional negotiations and agreements<br />

that will safeguard Americans but<br />

not be II party to any reduction <strong>of</strong><br />

nuclear weapons or to stop strengthening<br />

our defense systems that<br />

would eventually weaken our nationa[<br />

security.<br />

As we go to press one major<br />

political party has completed its<br />

national convention. Until the other<br />

political party has had a chance to<br />

prese nt its platform. we will not<br />

make an evaluation or comparison<br />

between the platforms <strong>of</strong> the twO<br />

parties. This will bc donc in forth<br />

coming issues <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Journal</strong>.<br />

From now on until Election Day<br />

in November, we will be subjected<br />

to an abundance <strong>of</strong> politicul rhetoric<br />

through Ihe avenues <strong>of</strong> the news<br />

media in print and on TV and radio.<br />

Of course, all those running for<br />

onice will claim to be a friend <strong>of</strong><br />

working men and women. The votmg<br />

records o( the incumbents are<br />

there to be judged. there can be no<br />

doubt as to their true position on<br />

labor matters. The background o(<br />

the new <strong>of</strong>fice seekers can be used<br />

as the guideline <strong>of</strong> just how much<br />

can be expected <strong>of</strong> them in the<br />

worker's interest. Again, I urge our<br />

members to take the time to study<br />

the records <strong>of</strong> the candidates. I am<br />

still <strong>of</strong> the opinion that when a<br />

union member takes a good look at<br />

the COPE endorsed candidates a<br />

vote will be cust for union backed<br />

candidates.<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

1<br />

-I<br />

-1<br />

- I<br />

I~I<br />

------------------~ ~<br />

J<br />



, <strong>IBEW</strong> IFOUINIDIER.s'<br />


FOR 1981<br />

-• The ISEW lakes g"al pleas." ;n "noundng Ihe Found",' Schol",h;p P,og"m<br />

· 'or I 981.<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers to its members a maximum <strong>of</strong> 12 Founders' Scholarships annually<br />

for full·time universi ty study leading to bachelor's degrees in specified fields. The<br />

_ number <strong>of</strong> scholarships awarded Is determined by the number <strong>of</strong> qualified appli·<br />

ca nts- one scholarship for each 25 qualified applicants or major fraction there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

.. The scholarships are worth $2,500 a yea r for up to four years <strong>of</strong> undergraduate<br />

study toward a bachelor's degree in any <strong>of</strong> the approved fields fisted In this<br />

__<br />

announcement. They wi ll be granted on a competitive basis to qualified<br />

candidates from all branches <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong>.<br />

The ISEW Founders' Scholarships honor the smaJl group <strong>of</strong> skilled and<br />

dedicated wiremen and linemen who, in November, 1891, organized<br />

the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong> Electrical Workers ,<br />

Eligibility-<strong>IBEW</strong> members who have been in continuous good standing<br />

- for at least four (4) years by the time they begin college study or are origi·<br />

nal members <strong>of</strong> a local union chartered less than four (4) years are eligible<br />

.. to apply for the Founders' ScholJrships. It is further required, where applicable,<br />

that apprentices shall have completed a full, formal apprenticeship as estab·<br />

lished in their trade and area.<br />

Applicants are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAn, which will<br />

be administered in communities throughout the United States and Canada on<br />

October 11, <strong>1980</strong>, November 1, <strong>1980</strong>, December 6, <strong>1980</strong>. and January 24,<br />

1981. Applications must be received by the Scholarship Selection Committee<br />

. byJanuary31,1981.<br />

Complete information on requirements. instructions, and <strong>of</strong>ficial application<br />

'" forms may be obtained from your local union or by writ ing to:<br />

ISEW Founders'<br />

Scholarship Administrator<br />

lJ25 15th Street. N.W.<br />

Washington, D.C. 20005<br />

Please note, this Is an adult program for ISEW members only. It is not open to sons<br />

~ and daughters <strong>of</strong> members, unless the sons and daughters themselves are quail·<br />

fied. When writing be sure to include your <strong>IBEW</strong> Local Union Number and your<br />

-. Card Number.<br />

The <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> are indeed pleased that the <strong>Brotherhood</strong> is able to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

these <strong>IBEW</strong> Founders' Scholarships to its members. It is their hope that, over the<br />

years, the awards will contribute, not only to the personal development and achieve·<br />

ment <strong>of</strong> the successful candidates, but also to the development and improvement<br />

... <strong>of</strong> the electrical industry. <strong>of</strong> which the <strong>IBEW</strong> is a vital part.<br />


Aerospace<br />

Chemical<br />

Civil<br />

.. Electrical<br />


Accounting<br />

Architecture<br />

Business<br />

Business<br />

• administration<br />

Economics<br />

Industrial desisn<br />

Industrial<br />

ma nagement<br />

Ensmeering science<br />

Industrial<br />

Mechanical<br />

Industrial relations<br />

Labor studies<br />

Metallurgy<br />

Occupational safety<br />

and health<br />

Political science<br />

Vocational education<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

SEND FOR <strong>IBEW</strong><br />


Please send me<br />


the leaflet, "1981 ISEW FOUNDERS'<br />

and necessary application materials.<br />

NAME: ------------~~_cc_c------------­<br />

(print 01 Iype)<br />

r ADDRESS ____________ ~c=o---------------<br />

r<br />

(sl,"I)<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> Local Union No. _______________ 'Card No. ____ __<br />

I<br />

Note: All information must be supplled.<br />

(city) W p)

•<br />

~ Million Cinoinnafi Area Re~idenf~ V1ew<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> EXHIBIT at<br />

<strong>1980</strong> AFL-CIO '<br />

The IB EW Exhibit was onc <strong>of</strong> the<br />

leading auractions at the 351 h Annual<br />

AFL-CIO Union Industries Show held<br />

thi s year in Cincinnati, Ohio on May<br />

23~28. More than two hundred thousand<br />

"isitors from the Greater Cincin-<br />

nali area altended the six day Show 10<br />

sec the 300 special ex hibits <strong>of</strong> the'<br />

sk ill , se rvices and products <strong>of</strong> America's<br />

union members and the companies<br />

which employ them.<br />

The Show was opened with an impressive<br />

ribbon cuning ceremony and-'<br />

many labor and political dignitaries..<br />

were there to participate. AFL-CIO<br />

Secretary-Treasurer Thomas Donahue,<br />

Assistant Sec reta ry <strong>of</strong> Labor Eula<br />

Bingham, and many other union. political<br />

and civic leaders <strong>of</strong> the Cincinnati<br />

area were guest speakers.<br />

The Union Industries Show is fur .....<br />

ther dramatic pro<strong>of</strong> that when there~<br />

is good faith and cooperation between I<br />

employees and employers the goods<br />

and services produced will bring beller J<br />

products and benefits to the consumers I<br />

in the long run. -<br />

Internati ona l Secretary Ralph A. LeiBon, left, Is shown assisting ArL·C tO Secretary­<br />

Treasurer Thomas Donahue and U.S. Assistant Secretary <strong>of</strong> Labor Eula Bingham in<br />

cutting the ribbon at the opening o f the 35th Union Industries Show, sponsored by the<br />

AFl·CIO Union label and Service Trades Department, held this year in Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

1990 Un ion Industries Show<br />

Prize Winner10<br />

WII I.lpoo ll" s~<br />

C .... KtII'<br />

Mil' E. Hlf'ls<br />

511 A.mory AvellUe<br />

Apt. 300<br />

Clncl~MtI, Ohio<br />

~~ R.u.-C'<br />

SIster AM<br />

M.lncI.rKhtl~t<br />

3306 Al/lusta<br />

CIIftoa!, 01110<br />

Whlrl,oall,.SII<br />

C .... KI ...<br />

C. Cebula<br />

1710 Mo~tkilio<br />

Ft W.I&ht. Ky.<br />

....... 1.lpOiI TraSil<br />

C .... KI.<br />

Vonelll! Trnll<br />

310 Helen St'ee!<br />

Clnci""'tl, 01110<br />

i<br />

'I<br />

J<br />

Wh llaoWtltl"llloull<br />

1rtt .. ,<br />

loCtln Ramsey<br />

821 Harth HUt<br />

Cincinnati. Ohio<br />

WhI!t·WuUnchOUII<br />

free"r<br />

Rl\Ill oP'~<br />

2332 Qlltu$lW<br />

C'nclnn:.aU, Ohio<br />

•<br />

Pictured In front <strong>of</strong> the lSEW Exhibit are, Jeft to right, <strong>International</strong> Representatives<br />

Robert McAlwee and Charles Walker, <strong>International</strong> Secretary Ralph A. lelgon, Direct or <strong>of</strong><br />

Purchasing Doris Froman, Fourth District <strong>International</strong> Vice President B. G. Williamson,<br />

and <strong>International</strong> Representative Paul Witte.<br />

A..a.na hdarlll,1<br />

1I~1k Cftlllt ~<br />

100l) Wllhllmln.<br />

Valldilla. Ohio<br />

A ma~1 ladar_,1<br />

Den AI11p<br />

3690 GIIII,n<br />

CllI(:lnn.lI. Onlo<br />

Zeni th Color hln-lllon<br />

11"11:. Buc:nwlld<br />

28S4 l..o$lnll.lII,<br />

Clnclnn:.ati. Oh io<br />

4 I IIEW Journol

Shown right is<br />

the Western<br />

Electric display<br />

featuring prod·<br />

ucts made by<br />

ISEW members<br />

<strong>of</strong> local 2020,<br />

Columbus, Ohio.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the high·<br />

lights <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Union Industries<br />

Show was the<br />

ISEWexhibit<br />

showing major<br />

electrical appli·<br />

ances as pic·<br />

tured above.<br />

Manning the<br />

booth <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Western Electric<br />

Columbus, Ohio<br />

Works display<br />

shown In left<br />

photo are Joe<br />

Evans, Loca l<br />

2020, treasurer<br />

and Jim Keiner<br />

<strong>of</strong> Western<br />

Electric.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the fea·<br />

tures <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ISEW Exhibit<br />

was the attrac·<br />

tive display<br />

sponsored by<br />

Presto.<br />

Admiring her new trash compactor is lucky<br />

drawing winner Voncile Travis <strong>of</strong> Cincin·<br />

nati. Ohio. Looking on is her father. W.<br />

Travis, and <strong>International</strong> Representative<br />

Charles Walker.<br />

Pictured at the Executive Council Board<br />

Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AFL-CIO Union Label and<br />

Service Trades Department, held in conjunction<br />

with the Union Industries Show.<br />

are left to right, Thomas Miechur. President<br />

o f the Cemenl, Line. and Gypsum<br />

Workers; <strong>International</strong> Secretary Ralph A.<br />

Leigon; and Eugene Glover, secretary·<br />

treasurer <strong>of</strong> the Machinists.<br />

Avgull, <strong>1980</strong> I S


rogress<br />

Mee ing HELD IN CHARLOTTE, N.C.<br />

,<br />

Vice President M. A. Williams chose<br />

the Radisson Pl aza Hotel in Charlone,<br />

North Carolina, for the <strong>1980</strong> 12th District<br />

Progress Meeting. Registration or<br />

delegates and guests began on Sunday.<br />

May 11.<br />

On Monday. May 12, the proceedings<br />

began with the invocation by Kenneth<br />

James, assistant business man ager<br />

<strong>of</strong> Local 175, who also led the group<br />

in the Pledge <strong>of</strong> Allegiance. Eugene<br />

Ruff, business manager <strong>of</strong> Local 379.<br />

welcomed the delegates and guests to<br />

Charlotte, then int roduced John<br />

Brooks, Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Labor for the<br />

State <strong>of</strong> North Carolina. The next<br />

speaker was Eddie Knox, mayor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

city <strong>of</strong> Charlotte. Cecil E. Jenkins, Jr.,<br />

State Senator, next made a few remarks.<br />

Vice President Williams then introduced<br />

the head table guests, which in·<br />

eluded <strong>International</strong> President Charles<br />

H. Pillard, who addressed the delegates<br />

and guests.<br />

President Pillard gave a very<br />

thorough and eomprehcnsive talk cov·<br />

ering all facets <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brotherhood</strong>.<br />

stressing that progress was stil l being<br />

made in spite <strong>of</strong> inflation and unem·<br />

ployment. He emphasized that all<br />

branches need each other and should<br />

organize the unorganized as a mallcr<br />

<strong>of</strong> survival . He praised the TVA loe;,]<br />

unions whose representatives got the<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> position across to the General<br />

Presidents' Commiuee. He touched on<br />

the lawsuit with TV A. President Pi I·<br />

lard recognized Bonnie Crawford,<br />

chairman <strong>of</strong> System Council EM·2, who<br />

r-""'-~""""''''''''''---""<br />

played an important role in the nego· •<br />

tiations with Gould Battery. Prcsident<br />

Pillard congratulated the onlcers <strong>of</strong> ..<br />

Local 429 and the 12th District staff<br />

on the successful organizing campaign ..<br />

at Toshiba. He stressed the importance \<br />

<strong>of</strong> COPE and the need to get our members<br />

registered and thcn voting. He<br />

thanked Vice Presiden t Williams for<br />

inviting him to North Carolina and<br />

wished him success with his Progress~<br />

Meeting.<br />

Thomas Van Arsdale, <strong>International</strong> I<br />

Treasurer, next addressed the dele- .I<br />

gates, giving a report on the Pension<br />

Fund, NEBF, and the General Fund 0(­<br />

the <strong>IBEW</strong>.<br />

Business Manager Bill Lowery 01<br />

Loeal 175 then presented to President<br />

(COllfillrltt/ OIl page 64)<br />

, .I.<br />

Shown at the podium addresslllg the detegates to the 12th Dis·<br />

trict Progress Meeting Is <strong>International</strong> President Charles H. Pil·<br />

lard. Seated at the table, left to right, are 12th District Vice Presi·<br />

dent M. A.. Williams, <strong>International</strong> Representative John Hightower,<br />

and lEe Member Thomas Pursley.<br />

Twelfth District Vice President M. A. "Burr" Williams is pictured I<br />

addressing the delegates. Seated left are InternatIOnal Treasurer ,<br />

Thomas Van Arsdale and InternatIOnal PreSident Charles H I<br />

Pillard.<br />

•<br />

A partial view <strong>of</strong> the delegates from the 12th District local Unions<br />

attending the progress meeting is pictured.<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers shown during II break in the meeting are, left t o>nght,<br />

Vice President M. A. Williams, lEe Chairman Wesley Taylor,<br />

lEe Member Harry Bexley, and <strong>International</strong> Treasurer Thomas<br />

Van Arsdale.<br />

6 I IUW Jo .. ,nol

•<br />




This reaUIllT m«linl <strong>of</strong> the Inlernational E.w;eeutive Council was called<br />

10 order by Chairman Taylor I ' 9:00 •. m., Monday, June 2, <strong>1980</strong>. Ot11er<br />

_ members ot the Council in allendllnce were McCall, Fulton, McNuhy.<br />

.. t.'Iu[Joney. Acton, Bexley, MiSK)" a nd Pursley.<br />


. The report <strong>of</strong> fund invtslmenl aCl)on by the tote-Tnational President and<br />

Inlcmational SecrellU')' since the 1115\ Council meetina was presented 10<br />

lIIe lEe, examined, and approved.<br />

•<br />


The auditor's repol1 for the various fund~ <strong>of</strong> lhe <strong>Brotherhood</strong> ""cre<br />

presented 10 the lEe, examined, and filed.<br />


Payments for le ga l defense made from the Defense Fund were examined<br />

_ and approved in accordance with the requIrements <strong>of</strong> Artkle XI, Section<br />

2 <strong>of</strong> the Constitution.<br />


In accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> Article XIV, Section II <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Constitution. the .um <strong>of</strong> S9$,704's0 WlU Innsferred from the Military<br />

Service Fund to the 18EW Pension Fund co"crinl tbe months <strong>of</strong> Febru.<br />

ary, March, and April, <strong>1980</strong>.<br />

In accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> Article XI. Section) <strong>of</strong> the Con·<br />

... st i{Ution, the sum <strong>of</strong> S)I,l12.B6 was transferred from the Defense Fund to<br />

the General Fund covering the mOn1h, <strong>of</strong> February, March, and April,<br />

"' <strong>1980</strong>.<br />


President Pillard met with the lEe a number <strong>of</strong> times to discu.u lenral<br />

.., maller~lnke sanctions; IUD medinl: Council on Industrial Relations;<br />

negotiations results; orlanWn, activities or the <strong>IBEW</strong>: and other subjects<br />

affectina all branches or the <strong>Brotherhood</strong>.<br />


Secretary Le ilO n presented finan~ial statcments and reports for the<br />

, Electrical Workers Iknefit Fund: the <strong>IBEW</strong> Pen.!-ion Iknefit Fund; and<br />

the inl'estment portfolio <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brotherhood</strong>-bnth in C.nada and the<br />

United Statts.<br />

Il"o'TERNA1l0NAI. TREASURt:R<br />

Treasurer Van Arsdalc attended the meetinl and aided the IEC on<br />

",several matters.<br />


In a~cordance with the mEW Constitution, Article III , Section II (6),<br />

the IEC approved two (2) applications for Joint Ind Survivor Option<br />

Iknefits.<br />


In accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> Constitution, Article<br />

III, Section II (6), thc lEe approved four (4) applk.tions for Pre-<br />

• Retirement Spouse's BentefilJ.<br />


Approval wu grAnted by the IEC to th e followinl <strong>International</strong> Rtepre-<br />

,st:ntativu rcque~tinl retirement:<br />

Mi ~ hael Uroderick -elfecth'e 10/ 1180<br />

(lnd District Int. Rep.)<br />

Sam Burch -t:ffeetive 10/ 16 80<br />

(1.0. Int. Rep.)<br />

Robert Dillon -t:lJective 81 I 80<br />

(2nd District Int. Rep.)<br />

Carmen E. Scrow -t:lfeclive 91 1/80<br />

(2nd District Int. Rcp.)<br />


• AI tIM: request <strong>of</strong> the inte rn ational Presidtent and in accordance with<br />

Arl j~lc lX, Section J, SubparaJf1lph (9) <strong>of</strong> the IU EW Constituuon, the<br />

;: Intern ational uecutive Council luthorized the ~ontinua t ion <strong>of</strong> the inter_<br />

natiooal CharlC <strong>of</strong> Loclll 640, PhOt:nilt. Arizona, for an additional silt<br />

months, sub;c:ct to the approval <strong>of</strong> the United States District Coun for<br />

tile District <strong>of</strong> Arirona.<br />

U,""""EI, Y APPEAL<br />

The IEC received one appeal wh ich, .fler beina re ~ ie"' ed, was found 10<br />

be untimely before the Council and, therefore, could no t be reCOlniu d .<br />


Assistant Business Mana&er N. S. Butlin <strong>of</strong> Local 254 preferred charlel<br />

alainst lelLow member Reginald E. Sherry for .Ileacd violation <strong>of</strong> A"icte<br />

II. Section 2.01 <strong>of</strong> the Colleelivc Barpin;nl Aarecment and Article<br />

XXVII. See-tion I, Subsections 1, 9, and 16 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> Constitution.<br />

Aftcr due and proper nolke. the Trill Bolrd <strong>of</strong> Local 254 found<br />

Brothter Sherry JUilty <strong>of</strong> \liolatinl Artkle II, Section 2.01 <strong>of</strong> the Collective<br />

Blfpining A,rcement. He Wlf suspended from hold in, <strong>of</strong>fice or attendin,<br />

meetin .. in thc ID EW for a period <strong>of</strong> threc (3) years Dnd assessed a sum<br />

<strong>of</strong> $2$0.00.<br />

Guilty <strong>of</strong> YiolatinS Artide XXVII, Sec tion I, Subsection 1 <strong>of</strong> th e mEW<br />

Constitution. lie was suspended from holdinl omce or nltendinl meellnp<br />

<strong>of</strong> the I BEW for a period <strong>of</strong> three (3) yeus (to run ~oncurre nt with the<br />

.wspension under the first charse).<br />

Not luilty <strong>of</strong> violatin, Artkle XXVII, Section I, Subsection 9 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

IBEw Constitution.<br />

Guilty <strong>of</strong> violatinl Article XXVII, Section 1. Subsection 16 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

IDEW Constitutioo. Sht:rry Wlf Ilueued a wm <strong>of</strong> $750.00.<br />

On appeal, Intcmation.' Vice President Rotc affirmed, but modified,<br />

thc T rial Board's dec:ision by relTlOYinl the S250.00 assessment levied<br />

Ilainst Sberry relative to ~iolatina the Collee"'e 811rlaining Agreement.<br />

Thc $7S0.00 assessment levied relative to viola!inl Ankle XXVII , Section<br />

I, Subsection 16 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> ConstItution Wal reduced to $~OO.OO.<br />

On appeal, <strong>International</strong> Pruident " dlard upheld the Trial Boll rd',<br />

decision. as affirmed-but modified-by Inte rnational Vice President ROle.<br />

After a careful re"iew or the oomplete record, thc lEe finds that<br />

char&cs filed a,ainst BrothH Sherry werc properly proccued consistent<br />

with the provisions ~t fonh in Ar1icle XXVII <strong>of</strong> the Constitution. In<br />

addition, Brothcr Sherry was .fforded .11 ri,ht, constnutin, due proceu.<br />

The record is clear that a work !tOpplle did occur al the Pacillc<br />

Petroleum Empre.u jobsite in the jurudietion <strong>of</strong> Local 254, Calpry.<br />

Alberta, Canada. Assistant Business Mana&er Butlin, after arriv;nl at<br />

the jobsitc. ad vi~ d thc members that they were patticip3tinl in an illegal<br />

work StopplI&e and to 10 to work. Thc men oriainatly refused and Brother<br />

Outlin re

The lEe upholds the deci ~ ion <strong>of</strong> the Local Union Trial Board in thi ~<br />

mailer.<br />

The appeal is t1terefore denied.<br />


Charael were preferred against Bill Rodman. Card No. D20.50&4, memo<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> Local II, <strong>IBEW</strong>, for alleged violation <strong>of</strong> Anicle XXVII, Section I,<br />

Subsection 1 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> ConstilUtion and Article III, Scdion 10 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Inside Wireman AarcemenL<br />

Aftcr due and proper not icc, the Trial Board <strong>of</strong> Local 43) found<br />

Brother Rodman luilty <strong>of</strong> violating Article III, Section 10 <strong>of</strong> the Collec.<br />

tive Bara:aining Aarcement. He was as5t~d a sum <strong>of</strong> $.500.00. In addi.<br />

tion, Brother Rodman wu found gUilty <strong>of</strong> violatine Aniele XXVII, Sec.<br />

tioa I, Subsec!ion 1 <strong>of</strong> the ISEW Constitution. No penal!y _as levied<br />

llIainS! Brother Rodman on this charge.<br />

This decision _as appealed unsuccessfully to Intcrnational Vice Presi.<br />

dent Moore and Intemational President Pillard.<br />

The <strong>International</strong> Exccuti,·e Counc il has made .I careful revie_ <strong>of</strong> the<br />

oomplete record in this case and has givcn oonsideration 10 Brother Rod.<br />

man's procedural objection~ relative to the process ing <strong>of</strong> thc charllCS. We<br />

find that the charges were properly processed consistent with Ihe appli ...<br />

cable provisions sct forth in the <strong>IBEW</strong> Constitution. Brother Rodman<br />

was afforded all rights constit uline due process in that hc was scn-ed _ith ...<br />

written specific charaes.. He was Jiven a rea!lOnable lime to prepare his<br />

defmse and accorded a full and fair hearing. Rodman _as presenl at the<br />

Trial Board hearin, at 1IIhich lime he 90'8$ given evcry opportunity 10 be<br />

heard in his own defense. He wu Jiven the right to confront and crossexaltl.iM<br />

witnesses. He was rcpresented by counsel per the <strong>IBEW</strong> Constitution.<br />

Brother Rodman, by his own admission at the hC3rinl, committed an •<br />

act violating the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the mEW Consti.<br />

tution.<br />

Acoordin&Jy. the <strong>International</strong> Executive Council upholds the decision<br />

<strong>of</strong> ~ <strong>International</strong> Vice Pr~ ident and denies the appeal.<br />


A formal charge wu filcd ,,·ith the lEe. 1be charge allcges certain ..<br />

,·jolations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> Constitution. The IEC reviewed thc c har g e ~ and<br />

ordered a formal investigation. hcaring, and report.<br />

•<br />


""ROVED<br />

,.. lat_tlaul Enc:lltiu<br />

toullcll IPPrGUti fi .. ~Ulldr"<br />

Hd flll' 15~ ) H""II l.eaSlln<br />

hnefil IpptlCIUUI, 11 ollG.,:<br />

CAlID IN<br />

THE I.D.<br />

1 J UIEW Journol<br />

MEMnlSHIP<br />

IN L U.<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

l 1:::;;,',,'.<br />

,<br />

•<br />

,<br />

•<br />

"<br />

"<br />

.. "<br />

"<br />

..<br />

,.<br />

"<br />

..<br />

.,<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

" 58<br />

"<br />

..<br />

"<br />

"<br />

..<br />

"<br />

..<br />

"<br />

"<br />

'"<br />

. " '"<br />

BLAZIS, JOSEPH J •. . • .. • 126<br />

DA1.LESA/(OllO, BERNARD • 126<br />

RUec, ELI H . ........... 126<br />

[VAnS. ROBLEY. • ••.• • 129<br />

IlAXTEIl. SINCAY f ....... 1:JO<br />

BllOOI($, AVIS Eo . • ••••• 130<br />

BUI)(I'ISKI. CARL O . •• •• •• 130<br />

BlV .. MELVtN W . .. . . .... 134<br />

BRELJNA. DAVID A. •• ••. • 114<br />

CAIN, .• R(CfWlD J •. . ••••• 114<br />

CtOCIlON. BIONlstA I • . . 114<br />

DAJI/IISTADT. WtlllAM ••.• 114<br />

D£SCH, CHAlIUS I. .. . . .. 1J4<br />

FOll. JR. , ROBERT L . .• . 1J4<br />

lIAM£lIN, JEROM( G ..... 134<br />

JENI'IEP, GfORGE N .. ••.• 1J4<br />

JOflSON. TIiOR •••.• ••.. 134<br />

1(<strong>08</strong>$, fRED . . .......... 1J4<br />

IUI'IA, NICHOlAS J. ••• . 1J4<br />

MACkAY. HAROlD R. •• 134<br />

MUll£N , WILLIAM J • • • . • . 134<br />

DOMS. GARRm ..... ... 1J4<br />

RICHfItUI. HAlIOlD . •• 134<br />

SMITH, IWtltY P •.....••• 134<br />

STutlll'«lER, WAlTn E •.• 134<br />

TIMMS. ROBERT t.. ..••• 134<br />

WACHIiOll, GERHARD .•• . 115<br />

BENTON, MARVII'I ... . . . . 136<br />

GIBBS,- 1011" O .......... 136<br />

HAROllfG. CLAUD( E ••.•• 136<br />

lA/IIE. CECIL E ••. . • . ..• 136<br />

MCDOWELl.., JR., 10BERT L 136<br />

MO~ , JR .. ntED M •• . •• 13&<br />

MUUINAX, JAM(S L ...•• 136<br />


f . ...... . ... . ..... 136<br />

P£TUS. WILLIAM J •••••• 141<br />

PfllZINMAIU, BEN F .... 145<br />

CLOUSE, MAETT E. 146<br />

YOUNGMA~, HARRY ..•.. • 141<br />

MINORS. wARD T ...•. ... 150<br />

USTABtE. EDWARD G. • • 158<br />

BEILkE. RAYIIKlNO F .•• . . 159<br />

WOlTUS. OliVO W . .... 151<br />

ItOLLMAN. fRANCIS '- •••• 160<br />

PlAUN. RAlPH C ....... . 1600<br />

STUBrDAS, HOWARD A • • . • 160<br />

JAMIESON. JOHN M . • . •.•<br />

PI'OCK, JOSEPH I .... ... .<br />

HUGHES, UON I .........<br />

MINTER, JR .• (OWARD II . •<br />

POOlE. RAYMOND O • .••. •<br />

KOBOlD KENI'I£TH E ••.••<br />

DIXON, AUSTIN E. ...... .<br />

RES[). SAM ...... ...... .<br />

HAlL. LLOYD F ••• . .•. •. •<br />

SCAMAHORN, GEORGE: , • •<br />

COX. B£Rftl.RO •. •• •••<br />

HAlPINE. WAlTU L . .<br />

WHITE, LOUIS M ••••• • ••<br />

fiELDS. DAVID O . .••• •.•<br />

STAnD, THOMAS R. •••• .<br />

EItEN, JOHN D . . .... .... .<br />

SCHRUNta. lUll f .... •<br />


SPARGO. MYUS E • ••••. •<br />

1It(0. IOHN I . •...• __ ... 223<br />

HOlDEN, AlBERT Go •••• •• 224<br />

'ACE , DtlOlIY •••••• ••. • 230<br />

SrtYOEI, 106ERI •• . •••.• 231<br />

fUNKS, SIIERLEY II •••• • m<br />

M OO~Y, THOMAS C ••..•• 233<br />

BANKS. JOHN W ...•••.•• 242<br />

SC H1EV£R, .. PAUL D •.••..• 245<br />

PEI"TON, williAM H .. ••• 25

-<br />

"<br />

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CUD 1M<br />

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.••• 122.1<br />

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I2S1<br />

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•...•. 1311<br />

.... 1l1'<br />

. ••. 1377<br />

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E .... • 1910<br />

••••. 2G30<br />

••••••.• 2131<br />

P ••••.•. 2149<br />

C ...•.. 21SO<br />

•••..•••. 2253<br />

fOllUILY<br />

Of loU.<br />

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•...•• 111<br />

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.. 663<br />

••• 661<br />

•••• 140<br />

.••••• 115<br />

II •••• 110<br />

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•. 103<br />

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••• 101<br />

... '2'<br />

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•••••• t04<br />

.••.••••. 14'<br />

.••••••• 1013<br />

L • ••• 112.<br />

•.•••••• 1224<br />

•••••• 1241<br />

•••..•. 1253<br />

E ••••• 1292<br />

. •••.. . 1348<br />

J •••••. 1l70<br />

.•...•.. Il91<br />

..1193<br />

. .. I'Hi<br />

• ••• 145'<br />

• .•• , .•. 1460<br />

A. ." . ISOI<br />

.•. 1555<br />

... t611<br />

••• 1710<br />

••• 1169<br />

...• 1831<br />

, •.• 195&<br />


oUlIEO<br />

flIl t.1""'\ II,,,. Ill ""<br />

... 1 , .. lie. ..tftt .p,lIe..<br />

,Ian • ." 'nol"',<br />

CUD I. MIMIUSM.,<br />

TME 1.0. I. LU.<br />

MERtZ, JAMES H. .,<br />

McNUTT. TlIOMAS W .•••.• 721<br />

AOCCO. TOM A . •..••.... 1377<br />


'ElS101l5 ""PROVED<br />

TIl. 111""1'1111 l..I .... ifl<br />

CIII.c1l ."n.... 'It ~IIII',.'<br />

_, .il~". {Illl .,u ... 1<br />

_" ntl,_-, ,..,•• ,...<br />

fit .., !lUIl'.I, .. I .....'<br />

CAID I.<br />

THI 1.0 .<br />

M'MlfUII!'<br />

III L.U .<br />

aOECKMANN,. AOBER T L. .•<br />

BIUUN, AAT n UI C. .••.•• 1<br />

M'Lll!;AN WIUIUI C. •.• 1<br />

OSl[RHO~!!r JR.! LUTU c. THA\.KAMMtIl, OWARO f. I<br />

STEnE, flOYD V. •••••• 2<br />

WAII!'I fRANK E. ........ 2<br />

W1NIiATE, WILLIARD C. ••• 2<br />

IECK£L c:£ORC[ W. •.••• ~<br />

C.I.II80IIE, ntOMAS V. .... 1<br />

DAIOOI.A, PETER C. ••••• 3<br />

OEll.SE .. WILLIAM •.••••• 3<br />

fiSCHER, MAnHEW •..•• 3<br />

rOllNO CH~ RLE S J. ..... 3<br />

G(NOW I T~, JEAOME ••.•• 3<br />

CI~MBAUNO, JOHN f. .... 3<br />

HAUl, STAHLEY...... ••• ]<br />

HAYDEN, THOMAS C. .••• 3<br />

HULST, RUSSlLL L ... ••• 3<br />

HURD, C{OAc[ P. ....... 3<br />

lAN,..IEU.O, JOSEPH W. •• 3<br />

MAllNI! DANIEL .... .... 3<br />

MAY~ OQ:.NE.......... 3<br />

MILLlI. CIWtl..[S w. .... 3<br />

PASTORES$A, FlIMI( I. ..• 3<br />

PINE, LESlER C. •••.••• 3<br />

REOANO! !TlLO ..•••.••• :I<br />

SCHAAA • CEORC[ H. .•.• 3<br />

W{ISSWAHCE! AtBEAl . ••• 3<br />

BOECLEII. FII O(RICK C. •• 4<br />

B(CKER, l(SlU P .•.. ,.. 5<br />

MATIIEWS, 10HN W. . .. ... 5<br />

COLLI NS, WILLIAM J. •.•• 6<br />

HARNDI; flOYD C. .•••• 1<br />

ANDJELI~ , c:£ORCE J. ..•• 9<br />

HESSING. P£TER J. ••.••• ,<br />

MOItRIUn, IWIRY s. .... I<br />

t.R...lNSKI . JOHII S. ......<br />

IEBUS<br />

t<br />

RUSSELL C. ...... It<br />

IENfl Y. WENDElL 10. ... 11<br />

CARtER. CHARl..[S M. .... II<br />

CLARI(, ROY C. .......... II<br />

DAVIS. KAt E. ......... II<br />

HAll, 1I0BEIIT .......... II<br />

HELTON! MAURICE c. .... 11<br />

HOOD, NID A. ......... 11<br />

HOANSBY, EAWIN J. •..•• 11<br />

IIRUGU. EOW.t.IID C. ..... II<br />

lAffTZ, GEORGE C. ....... 11<br />

LYONS, ERNEST A. ...... 11<br />

MANl..[V, WilfRED I. .... 11<br />

Mc;NAIIY<br />

l<br />

LOUIS N. ..... II<br />

MIHKE , ESTtR O. ... ••• II<br />

MOllGAH, .• E...ANEST P. ..... II<br />

SOUTH, rwtRY [. ........ U<br />

I<br />

•<br />

n<br />

"<br />

"<br />

..<br />

..<br />

"<br />

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V ••••• 1113<br />

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'"<br />

'"<br />

'"<br />

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I .. no<br />

C. 134<br />

•. 134<br />

.. 1'5<br />

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E. .... 19]<br />

. .••••. 19]<br />

F ••••• 2112<br />

. ..••.. 203<br />

O ..... 204<br />

•• 210<br />

'"<br />

ZlO<br />

....... 214<br />

S ...... 214<br />

...... 235<br />

••.•• 245<br />

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m<br />

· '" 27.<br />

••. 184<br />

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....... ~!<br />

'"'<br />

""<br />

'" ,,.<br />

'"<br />

..... 31]<br />

E ••... '17<br />

RAYMOND, CHESTU O. , •• 332<br />

HtNOfASHq,J., ROY A. • ••• 314<br />

HAIIIEIIT, !:\tAT •..•••••• :MO<br />

A<strong>08</strong>UC, CU~ 'Af A. •••• , :MO<br />

SCOTT , LAYEANE W ...... :MO<br />

STUEBER. EDWIN J .••••• 343<br />

"''''il lLfAEO J. • ..... 34'<br />

fRAN I N~ HARAY P •••.•• 34'<br />

'IERCE , KUPERT J . ••••• • 34 •<br />

W[UK$O'!t LOUIS ••••.•• 34.<br />

wtMZ. Ru8ERT A. •••• • • 34'<br />

TAPll't. B£NJAMIM W •••• 150<br />

Sl(un. CUIRIN L ••••••• 1st<br />

8l0MMAlU, nOIl£NT ••• 3SJ<br />

.,nboVEIW. O . ........ 3S1<br />

HUN ~J CONRAD W •••• 351<br />

SPW'E. MILES t ......... 35.<br />

LAUn, EDWIN M. •••••• 314<br />

SMITH WILLIAM J. •••.• 3&7<br />

JOHNS t O!ll Cl..[NELLE •••• 371<br />

BUCHL.,IOIIMUEL E •• , ••.• lI7<br />

MELLO"II DAVID E ....... 387<br />

f OC!, JO N ............. 317<br />

/'ORIEl, WAl.TU H ...... 390<br />

IkCtJUlR. ClinON •••• , lil<br />

tIE,AtE. MI CItAEL A. •••• 397<br />

MILLER, RICHARD W ••••• 'IIi)<br />

1WI'8ACI(I .• ~IB£R ....... .01<br />

TOlIN, CrwtlfS A. ...... 412<br />

NELSON. HAROLD E •••••• • 13<br />

DUM JOE ............ .25<br />

IlAXTU, CHARUS E •••••• 428<br />

I\.NIZl.EYl C. l. .......... 42.<br />

l..[WIS ~HAIILES J<br />

M ..••.• 428<br />

MATHtNY, C~RROLL S .•.• 42e<br />

CHANCE, J~MES D .•••••• 429<br />

PISTOLE, UNIST O ...... 429<br />

WAlTHE • EARL r ....... 4Jl<br />

wtLCH, WilliAM L ..... '33<br />

MOOTz., CHARt£$ ....... '39<br />

COUCH J<br />

UYMOND 8 •••••• "I<br />

ElJUN", JAMES W ••••.•• "I<br />

KIN5UY. llOYD E. •••••• "I<br />

LEONARD. JAMU C ••••••• «I<br />

LOGSDON, l..[OIU.AO L ••• «I<br />

DYSART, JR •• JOHN R •.••• "'"<br />

NELSON<br />

h<br />

ROBEAT J •.•• ,. «5<br />

BAINSO b l ROY C •..••.. 4411<br />

HAMMON , EARL C ••.•••. 449<br />

P£ACHEI!, 10HN w ••..•.. 45]<br />

CODOIN. GLENN E. •••..•. 465<br />

LU{OTK£ , lLfll£O H ...... 465<br />

SIMONS . ... O .......... 475<br />

GRANT. HOOvtR N ••..••• 477<br />

rOIlC( , GlORCE W •...• ,. 471<br />

H!LonUNO. HORMAn I .• 413<br />

SMINK. LAWRlNCE •.•••• W<br />

rJlENCH, JR., JOHN f ........<br />

DEMI(N. ROBERT E .•••• , 414<br />

MAU J<br />

fRANCIS J ....... 414<br />

fHELlN. rAANK M .•....• 494<br />

CREWS, AOBEAT R. • ..•• 495<br />

OEUNCEY, MELBrRT O .•• 497<br />

ross. ROBERT I ......... 497<br />

CRECC. ROBEAT C ••..••• 499<br />

HUNT. CHARLES W •••••• 499<br />

SAJlSf1(lO, ORVIL •••.••• 499<br />

STREETER, OlLE G ••••••• 499<br />

BAHUR1N$I(Y, JOstPM •.•• 5G4<br />

fIOElICH£R, flOAENl H •• SM<br />

to8UlS. OSCAR ........ 501<br />

SMITH. L O ............ S20<br />


••.••..• SJI<br />

FEIIN, JOSEPH A •.••..••. 540<br />

WILLI~MS , J~OIE •..•••• 553<br />

DAVIS, ALLEN .•.....••. 557<br />

(Del. CLAHNC[ II ....•• 558<br />

HAns, ROY L ......... 55'<br />

lEHTl. A. N ............ 558<br />

Sl'(NC[R, 10SEPH C •••.• 5061<br />

BUAT ON<br />

k<br />

IlENIIY J ••••••. 569<br />

HADlOC , [V[II[TT W •••. 569<br />

!IUTKU. fliED 8 •••.... 569<br />

wt8(lI. AUCUST A. . . .•• 5n<br />

ARMENDARIZ, JR., l UIS ., SIl<br />

BYRcr, CLYO( W ...••..• 58l<br />

HUSSMANN . JOHN I. •..• 58l<br />

80TT. lAMES H ......... 584<br />

ISLEY. ROBERT ..••••.•• 58-t<br />

GOLDSTE IN , BENJAMIN .• 589<br />


flEMINC. AICHARO l. ... 515<br />

STUUB IR .. ERNEST A. • 595<br />

f REsnER, rREOERIC C •• 601<br />

aBB OTT. JOHN H .••••••• 602<br />

S(1lLE. NUBERT C •..•.•• 602<br />

WILliAMS, ntOMAS L .• ' 602<br />

CHAytZ, ECl( A ......... 611<br />

GII lllHl MILL£R l. ..... 613<br />

HACCUTY. HMO 8 .•••. 61]<br />

VOGEl. H[AMAN ......... 613<br />

HOPPER, (ARl l. ....... 631<br />

8ROWW, c[0Ac[ 8 •.•.... 136<br />

LAWIIENCE, WILFlI[O G ..• 1:Ie<br />

MITCH(lL, P£TEII G •....• 636<br />

CUTHIIIE II USSELL W ••.. 637<br />

IIUSS, VIRCIL O ......... 631<br />

MACKEN, ARtHUR E ••••.• uo<br />

ROEDER. 10SEPH A. ••••.• uo<br />

WAllO CH~RtES A. •••••• au<br />

G.LeMAYH JIM W. . ..•• 647<br />

H(NOEllSON , ntOMU W. ' 647<br />

PRATT, WILLIAM O. . •••• U7<br />

O·CONNOR. lAMES II •••.• 649<br />

COP£S. ruNtIS E ....... fi54<br />

HAMILTON, EDWARD P .... 6,..<br />

AU8IUI, 1110 I ,

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WilSON. rlOYO W .. •• ..•<br />

fOX, IIARRY C ......... ..<br />

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E. '" 712<br />

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....... i5l<br />

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... I:!OS<br />

.. 1245<br />

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C . .... 1249<br />

...... 1249<br />

.... ... I2S9<br />

OAKU. ERNEST J • •..• ••• 1]19<br />

YARWASKT. SlA NUY S. .. 1319<br />

SCOTT, PE'~INE 10 ..... 1362<br />

KEETON, llOY D M .•••••. 147. ..<br />

MOTES, DONALD C ...... 15<strong>08</strong>3<br />

OtAl. JAMES W . •..••... 195S<br />

CUD IN<br />

THt 1.0.<br />

tOTAl DIUlilITT<br />


fO.IU.U<br />

OF l .U •<br />

Tht lollawlnc ,Ieuft (11)<br />

IOUI ' ;u,ltlty peul,. hnfil<br />

." lIelllonl Wlff drilled:<br />

CUD IN<br />

TilE 1.0.<br />

fORM ERLY<br />

Of loU .<br />

JOIIN5(lN, ROBUIT lo .. . 11<br />

MEMBEASIlIP ....<br />

IN l.U •<br />

CUMMINCS. RALPH E. .. . 15<br />

511UK$, WtUlUli O •••• • 100<br />

WOVE', CHARLES L .•• • 204<br />

HARDING. GEORGE C. 332<br />

GRANT. HARRY ...... . .. . 613<br />

WIiITAI(E" • • E . ... .... . 617<br />

SUITE •. ROBERT t . .. ... 70G<br />

~UERWE1 N , Wi lLIAM M .. 778<br />

SHARP, BOVCE E ........ 855 ..<br />

REYNOlDS. OAl! w ....•• 1245<br />

APPliCATION '0' VUTrD<br />

."Nt YO PINSION<br />

'[NUIl ",P.OVU<br />

lII, Inl.,nU,",1 [u(1I11••<br />

Cunell ,p~l1I.. d Ippllullont<br />

lor f u ted ,I,hl .. nn,ln<br />

hnlfil ,I Ih lollowlnl thtrtun<br />

(Il) m,mh ..,<br />

enD IN<br />

t NE 1.0 .<br />

fOR MERl' -<br />

Of L. U.<br />

BARNETT. Bill H •.•.•. .• 249<br />

WE T2El. FII(O W. 336<br />

BEDfORD, ROBERT t. ... 2295<br />

MtMBEASHI'<br />

1M l .U •<br />

SCIIAIN. RONALD B ..... II<br />

RICKETT. ALlERT [. .. ... 17<br />

PERRY, ANDREW S. •..• • 54 ..<br />

MnCIC, JOSEPH F. • .•• • 131<br />

fRfNCH, DWIGHT ........ 3119<br />

HARVEY, WAYNE T . • .. ••. 381<br />

WURST, GOR DON l. ...... 889<br />

SMIlII, RAV r. ......... 903<br />

OLSE N, DUANE R ..••..•• 1302<br />

KYlE, CHAltl[S l ....... 171l3<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />


Al'I'lICAT IDM fDI nun<br />


I[!IIUIT DtM l lD<br />

Th lallowllI/ I,pll"",.,<br />

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" 114111 w.r. ' fIIl'" .,. till<br />

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THE 1.0.<br />


rORMERlY<br />

or 1.U.<br />

••.•• It<br />


..;. IN 1.U.<br />

KINGSTON, (I. W ••••• •.• IJe<br />

WILSON. ARCH IE M ...... 1042<br />

.. .AYNENT Of OU'H<br />

(WON·lnlln .. INIIU)<br />

.. TIll latln.tI ... 1 tIIKIU"<br />

Council 'IP'''" ,IJlllnt I I<br />

'hi ' !I' ~ enlfll f'I' ~ 11 WId ...<br />

'hi ,rnlsln. , rtlcll XII ,<br />

SKlian 2 " IhilltW Canltll.<br />

tlln ,. 'h. f,Uo.la, In __<br />

*d III' In (202) ... ·'.tlr ...<br />

. ... 11 ... 1' ' .. 1, .. ,.. t.1"IIc1.<br />

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OS<br />

..<br />

"<br />

m<br />

m<br />

ISO<br />

J •• l Si<br />

J ••••• 164<br />

CAlIAlICH, WAYNE T ..... 115<br />

IARIM, C. W ......... n.<br />

SUSKU:. IICIWID F ... .• n.<br />

IC£LlY, EOCENE l. ...... . 114<br />

HOlliS, CURTIS II •.••••• 1951<br />

VIEs[R. kURT .......... 2lD<br />

OllVUl, UTHUI ••••• . •• 2$1<br />

BARNES, JUS[ L .... . .. 261<br />

DillS, HOMER G ......... 270<br />

MATI. WIlliAM H . •. ...• 27.<br />

ROS[NDAHL. ERNEST E •.• 210<br />

D[N INND. A ...... .. . ... 291<br />

JOHNSON, CECIL It.. •••••• 291<br />

LlNC, JOHN E ......... .. m<br />

WIIORG, LUTU ••• ••••. m<br />

JENSON, G[OIIc[ It. ••.• 2tS<br />

T[NTlS, VINCENT ........ 3(12<br />

STEIN, 1I0NALD It.. •• ••• , 305<br />

BAKER. OOUClAS D. , •••• lOB<br />

HleGINS, DAV ID A. •••••• lOt<br />

SYMONDS, DAVID f ...... 3U<br />

KING. W I LlI~ ......... 3n<br />

BEITEl, 1)[,," C .•.•. . • . • 322<br />

PltAn, SHERMAN J ....... 322<br />

CASALINO, rRANK P . •• . • 323<br />

WRIG HT, PAUL A ...... . .. 324<br />

rLUrT, WILrRED L .•••. . • 328<br />

P •••• 321<br />

· . .•.• 332<br />

• • • •• 340<br />

.... 341<br />

•• ••••• 341<br />

. •. •••• 3$3<br />

E •..••• 3~<br />

• •••••• • • 351<br />

• •.• 351<br />

•••• 351<br />

• • • ,. 351<br />

..... . . 361<br />

" .! ~'"'' It.. .... 381<br />

'"<br />

.. .. 114<br />

.. . U4<br />

· .... u.s<br />

• .... . 429<br />

....... 449<br />

....... 45(;<br />

••••• 414<br />

.... 41.<br />

...<br />

'M<br />

'" SO,<br />

soo<br />

so,<br />

so.<br />

S>,<br />

... '"<br />

... so.<br />

$1'<br />

SIS<br />

$1'<br />

SI'<br />

GARDNEI. CEC il ....... 1515<br />

lUCAS, HARDlD D •• ••••• 1523<br />

fUMEI. If(NRT H . ...... 1521<br />

COODNIGHT, HAROlD E . .. 1521<br />

NEWMAN, NATHAN .. ..... 1571<br />

MONTCALM, LAWUNC[ •• 1111<br />

I'I/fTUTOM, tHOMAS A. .. 17"<br />

L£E , WIUI~ L ....... .. IM5<br />

WILSON , DOOClAS C. . ... 2282<br />



• .-1<br />

n.<br />

..,<br />

nc<br />

...." ,_ t.rfItI, .." . till,.,· HI __<br />

If... .ct. tIM ,..."..... et<br />

Attkl. III, Sldln :I ., til •<br />

=~: I~, ) ~ltl~ ::::::.•<br />

e!nf,utl4 ••".tIel.rla:<br />

M[NIUSN.,<br />

IN LII •<br />

LAUTNEII, 10M .... _.....<br />

I<br />

HULTCEN! F .... Ne IS f . .. . ,<br />

BOYA. LUIS ........... II<br />


ASHTON, LOUIS .. . ...... 41<br />


WAOE LORIN T. ......... 77<br />

PilOt t .O.II..! ' AUL II •. ••.. . l al<br />

ClANIEI..WN, CARL L .... 110<br />

COLEMAlf .. PAIIL J ....... 124<br />

BUNC H. IIOBERT , . ...... 125<br />

GERVAIS, GEOI«'.[ W ..... 130<br />

STlIDI1!,. CORDON w ..... ~I<br />

HORST_N, IOHN Ill • ••••• 25S<br />

NOU., VUNON C. ••• •••• lOS<br />

.:m~ USlIE It. ....... ,...<br />

, HAM£t L .... , . 3S1<br />

MATHIS, JR., IltIY D • • .•• 357<br />

WilliAMS,. HARIIY R ••..• 31S<br />

Dum , C" ESTE R H ...... 401.<br />

BA IlS, WILLIAM E •.•••.• 504<br />

WIIICHT./.. WILLIAM L. •. 518<br />

DOM MEIIT, (AlIl II. .•• . 527<br />

lev(SQUE, ROGER P ••.•• S67<br />

DIEHL, JOliN E .......... SS,<br />

BONE, KENNETH C . •••.•• 594<br />

CROSSMAN, H(NRY ••..•• 65.<br />

ClBSO N\ DALE M... .... &M<br />

BRA~.~" JII .. LUSTER S •. 61&<br />

HOFf"""" .. IIIVIN M.. 733<br />

FUU£R IIL.fIIEO'. l ID<br />

DORS£TT, JOHN S. .. tIM<br />

ORTABULO, M. It.. •. 115<br />

0VSAlC. MICIlA(L . .••.•• 152<br />

HOUSlEY!.. SAMUEl Ill ..... 1141<br />

F\.AC I(, JII ., THOMAS R ... 1245<br />

VAV1I.l. ROBU T O ••.•• ,1)62<br />

HAR~:tl _ WILL IAM J •. _ un<br />

SCHUMI\l;If(R. ERVIN It.. .. 1«1<br />

'IHERMAN RAU'H t . _ . 14U<br />



.lcClp,,_I. Ilacuml"11 w. r.<br />

IU .... ItI ... IIId urrlClllftl Now.<br />

... ... . II Ih 1.0. rK.r"<br />

I f Ih ,.".wllll ......,..,<br />

CAI D 1M<br />

tM[ 1.0.<br />

f D"IULT<br />

OF loll.<br />

$l AP' , GL(NWOOD J. ••• • 1<br />

JONES, LLOY O L ....... 322<br />

MARTEHS, C(CIL I ...... 599<br />

STEUIEN. EDWARD W ••• ' 100<br />

DAVI S, WI LLIAM L ....... 1205<br />

DUSHANE, SIDH£Y H ..... 2295<br />

MEMl nSHIP<br />

IN L.U .<br />

lEITLER, WUU DAVIS ......... 3<br />

CEIlALD ......... 9<br />

DUM ll 1 EU, ,aLIERT s, .. . II<br />

MOIl"'", LAWUNCE L . . 24<br />

WOODS. DlW£'t' £. •••. •• 34<br />

LIVElY,. JOHN H ........ U<br />

1ISHER, .JAC K L ........ sa<br />

CWI(, RIMIERT H •• .•••• 122<br />

AU , LEO F ............. 134<br />

SEARS, DOI'W.O O ••••••• 134<br />

NEW. MIUJdID W •••.••.. 146<br />

HOSKINS, CHARLIE •••••• 113<br />

LEEOY. AUHUR •••••.•. 191<br />

PHILLIPS .. DOYLE •..• .. 194<br />

£SP[l.AC~, S' ANLU R .... 212<br />

POSTINGS. HORMAN . .... 230<br />

HENEGA.R, ALBER T •. .. •.. 270<br />

SU THULIIND. MEARL L ••• 294<br />

KEEM, UTHUR G ••.•... 3GI<br />

K[H8(, JAM£$ M .••••••. 309<br />

S[EHEY, HARRY M •..•••. 313<br />

WHit(. LYNN H ......... l l 6<br />

JOCK. RONALD .......... 328<br />

LOGAN. JAMES D .•••••.• l12<br />

NENADICH. ItANKO ••••••• lU<br />

GUlU 00l. Hum s. .... 34'<br />

BAUN, IUNNElH It.. _.••• 3So1<br />

CASSELLS. WIlliAM F. •• 351<br />

BERGERO"'r JULES It.. •••• 441<br />

ruSON , W UIE J ........ 429<br />

SAVANT. OCIE R ......... 479<br />

FItEE MAH. CARL D ...•••. 480<br />

IULKAIliS YICTORAS •..• 494<br />

STEIMA, hAOY C ....... 494<br />

WEBER. 'AUL J ........ 5<strong>08</strong><br />

MclEAN, RENE •• ••••• SS I<br />

JOHltSON,. JOHNNIE , ... ' 605<br />

.,"! ,"{RMAN u ...••• 605<br />

GORN WICI. ADOLPH A ... 716<br />

BLICK. SHUtt E. ........ 760<br />

SKIDM OR ~ , JAMES H .•... 1&0<br />

snErT, .. llll~ E ••• • •• 'J4I<br />

TURNER, HOlMAN S. 105 5<br />

POWUs, J. J. ... ...lm<br />

Ilnlt DUU NOT CNAN' EO<br />

"~ 'Htl lor ell.ft,a l~ til.<br />

111l11li111 .. 1 Dille. II til. ,.1.<br />

lewll' . .... ' tIIld:<br />

fO RM I IILY<br />

Of loU.<br />

HUMICM , ANTHONY ..•... 730<br />

,.IMURSKIP<br />

IN LU.<br />

LE FTWICH, AL EX (I •• 647<br />

TNE NU T IIE"'W MUTlNe<br />

nl. ,.. ul. r "'Iltlnl .t I~. InltrllJllolIll llec uU.I C" l eli WII<br />

~ 1 1ct fa III. Dllleln eol''''_' ho. II Ih 1 ... dqlPrt .... l ul1d1n"<br />

WIIIIII",,", ' .c . n • • , . tll, "10_" friar, lun " ,.ID, It<br />

S:ID ... .<br />

TIl l .... 1 r ... ' • •• ,,1 •• wi ll ca •• e-e • • , ':DO • .• . , .... _.<br />

SrJl. '. I . IUa, I. WIIIII""II, D.C.<br />


J.mH • . MullonlY, ,.er.llry<br />

Inllrullon_1 E" " utl .. Council<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ele,tri,al Workers - Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report<br />




TOTAL NUMBER ON PENSION 69,906 27,365<br />

TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH $ 3,924,185.25 $ 3,334,369 .17<br />


• DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH $ $ 663.499.99<br />

A ug .. " , \910 I 11


for you and your family<br />


The u.s. Labor Dcpanmcnfs Occupalional<br />

Sarety and Health Administration<br />

(OSH A) announced on May 21, <strong>1980</strong><br />

a final occupational s.,(cly and health<br />

standord thllt permits worker :lnd OS HA<br />

:ICCCSS to cmplo)cr-maintained medical<br />

and toxic exposure records nnd specifics<br />

Ihe conditions under which access is<br />

allowed.<br />

At the same lime. OSH A an nounced<br />

other ~Ir i c t administn.tivc regulations<br />

thai govern "'hen nnd how OSI-I A "ill<br />

seck accc~s to medic", records "ilh personally<br />

identifiable infornllllion, who c:m<br />

usc Ih i

•<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> RR System Council 34 Meets in Montreal<br />

•<br />

-<br />

- Delegates attending the 5th Convention <strong>of</strong> System Council No. 34<br />

in Montreal, Que. Seated left to right afe Jim Cla rk, Reg. Carter,<br />

- Walter Redhead, Gerry Orr, and Gerry Tanguay, Standing left to<br />

right are John Sures, Earl Hammond, David Cameron, Nick<br />

- Hykawy. Gary Dota, Calvin Gregory, George Mundrick, Ra y Lang·<br />

staff, and Hardie Nelson.<br />

Shown left to risht are Res. Carter, Vice General Chairman; Vern<br />

Nieh<strong>of</strong>f, <strong>International</strong> Representative; Walter Redhead. System<br />

General Chairman and Secretary Treasurer.<br />

The 5th Convention <strong>of</strong> <strong>IBEW</strong> RR<br />

System Council No. 34 was held in Mon·<br />

", tre:l\. Canad:l. during the week <strong>of</strong> April<br />

.. 14-18, <strong>1980</strong> find WIlS !lIIcndcd by delegates<br />

from affiliated local unions from<br />

across Canada.<br />

A visit to the convention was made by<br />

10th District <strong>International</strong> Vice President,<br />

Brother Andy RIPP. and he 3ssigncd<br />

Brother V. Nieh<strong>of</strong>f, 10th District Rcprc-<br />

• scnt,lIivc to remain nnd n'isist throughout<br />

the convention.<br />

~ The convention delegates handled 105<br />

resolutions which had been subrniued by<br />

the affiliated local unions. Prior to the<br />

convention the Resolutions and Laws<br />

Cornrniuee and F innnee Cornrniuee met<br />

... to study the reso lu.i on~ in order 10 make<br />

recommendations to the delegates. Serv-<br />

.. ing on the Resolutions lind Laws Committee<br />

were Brothers Gerry Orr <strong>of</strong> Winnipeg.<br />

Nick Hykawy <strong>of</strong> Calgary and Bob<br />

Laroche <strong>of</strong> Montreal. On the Finance<br />

CornmiUee were Brothers Jim Clark <strong>of</strong><br />

.. T oronto. Earl Hammond <strong>of</strong> SI . John,<br />

New Brunswick. and John SUres <strong>of</strong><br />

.. Thunder Bay, Ontario.<br />

Several resolutions recommended<br />

changes to the council bylaws but most<br />

concerned item~ which the membership<br />

wanted presented to CP Rail in the next<br />

le 5 ierne eongrcs dt! Conseil de Reseau<br />

No. 34 a CUi lieu ~ Montrcal du 14<br />

au 18 3vril <strong>1980</strong> et se eomposait de<br />

dclcgucs des Sections loca les affi 1ices d'un<br />

"'bout a I'autre du Cnnada.<br />

le Confrere Andrew M. Ripp. Vice­<br />

President intern3 tional nous a rendu<br />

visite lors du collgres el il a assignc Ie<br />

Confrere T.V. Nieh<strong>of</strong>f Representant incontract<br />

demands. Some 40 resolutions<br />

were forwarded to the <strong>of</strong>fice o f Division<br />

No.4 for discussion at the Division No.<br />

4 convention which was held during the<br />

week following the council convention.<br />

The election <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers for System Council<br />

No. 34 was held and incumbents<br />

Walter K. Redhead and Reg. Carter were<br />

re-e1ected to their respective positions 35<br />

System General Chairman and Sec(etary<br />

Treasurer and Vice General Chairman.<br />

The council convention. throughout the<br />

wed .. proved very informative and many<br />

important matters were dealt with.<br />

Following the council convention. most<br />

<strong>of</strong> the delegates attended the D ivision No.<br />

4 Convention at which approximately<br />

525 re~o lution s were dealt with by the<br />

delegates from the various crafts. Severll l<br />

committees were formed to study over<br />

500 resolutions and 10 mnke recommendations<br />

to the convention delegatcs.<br />

Many laic hours "e(e spent by these<br />

committees. before and during the con·<br />

\'ention. so a word <strong>of</strong> thanks is in order.<br />

Serving on some <strong>of</strong> the commiuccs on<br />

behalf <strong>of</strong> ISEW System Council No. 34<br />

",ere: Brothers Reg. Carter o f Calgary.<br />

Ray Lang~tarr <strong>of</strong> Montreal. Hard ie Nelson<br />

<strong>of</strong> Toronto. and Gerry Orr <strong>of</strong> Winnipeg.<br />

By these efforts they were succes.dul<br />

* * *<br />

ternational du dixieme district pour nou ~<br />

assister du debut a la fin du congr~s.<br />

Lcs dcl~guCs au congres ont ~lUdic 105<br />

rc~olutions qui avaicnt auparavanl ~tc<br />

soumi~es par les Sections locales afliliccs.<br />

Av:mt Ie debut du congrcs. Ie comi tc dc ~<br />

r~ soltJtions. celui des lois et ceilli des<br />

F inances se sont r ~tlnis pour ctudier<br />

chaque resolution afin de faire des recin<br />

having many IB EW resolutions adopted<br />

and it is hopeful to see them in the next<br />

contract demands. Convention action<br />

proposed the following in priority order:<br />

Sick leave; Wages and COLA; No Contracting<br />

In or Out; Pensions; Shorter<br />

Wor~ ..... eek: Vacations: General Holidays:<br />

Length <strong>of</strong> Contract; Denlal and Medicare;<br />

Job Security; and Passes.<br />

An important step was taken to recommend<br />

a change in the name <strong>of</strong> Di vision<br />

No.4 and the convention delegates<br />

adopted the name "Canadian Council <strong>of</strong><br />

Railway Shop Craft Employees and Allied<br />

Workers." (fhe groups will sti ll be known<br />

as the "Shop Crafts" and the name<br />

D lvi~io n No. 4 will remain as is IIntil<br />

legal ndvice is received and the nllme<br />

challged Officially.)<br />

The incumbent <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Division No.<br />

4 were re-elected wi th John Asprey as<br />

president-secretary-treasurer and Leo Roy<br />

as vice president.<br />

On behalf <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers and delegates<br />

attending the Council Convention and<br />

their wives. sinccre th anks arc extended<br />

to the <strong>of</strong>ficcrs and members <strong>of</strong> Local 561<br />

(CN) and Local 2253 (CP) for the excellent<br />

supper and dance they arranged for<br />

during the Convention and also the bus<br />

tour arranged for the ladies.<br />

ommandations alL't delcgll':s. lcs membrcs<br />

du comitc des resolutions er des lois<br />

etaien t les Confreres Gerry Orr de Winnipeg.<br />

Nick Hyknwy de C;llgary et Robert<br />

L'lroche de Montreal. le comite des<br />

finances sc comp

•<br />


RESEAJ:lCI-l I=INO<br />

EoLicRTIOI\I<br />

The Rebirth and the Promise<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Electric Vehicle<br />

Indicator<br />

Private Housing<br />

Starts (Annual<br />

Rate)·<br />

Industrial<br />

Production Index·<br />

( 1967 = 100)<br />

Total Unemploy'<br />

men! Rate-<br />

Latest Month Ago Year Ago<br />

920,000<br />

(May, <strong>1980</strong>)<br />

145.5<br />

(May, <strong>1980</strong>)<br />

7.7%<br />

(June, <strong>1980</strong>)<br />

1,039 ,000 1,80 1,000<br />

148.6 152.4<br />

7.8% 5.7%<br />

•<br />

•<br />

AI Ihe turn <strong>of</strong> this century. nearly 40<br />

perccnt <strong>of</strong> all cars .... erc clcctric. They<br />

were ph::ased out <strong>of</strong> circulation by the<br />

ga§Olinc cngine. Now, as .... e approach<br />

the turn <strong>of</strong> another century, it seems possible<br />

Ih:ll, with new developments, electric<br />

vehicles will become economically<br />

competitive with internal combustion<br />

machines.<br />

The development <strong>of</strong> a new, practical<br />

propulsion system for the clttlric vehicle<br />

could nOI come at a more favorable lime.<br />

for our nation is in great need <strong>of</strong> a me:lns<br />

<strong>of</strong> transportation that i~ quiet, safe, cleanoperating,<br />

and fuel -efficient. Two companie~<br />

ha ... e made important strides th at<br />

should pro ... ide the impetus for the rebirth<br />

<strong>of</strong> the (!iectric car with its long-awaited,<br />

but unfulfilled, promi\e.<br />

Zinc-Chlorine Uallcry<br />

Gulf & Western l ndu~tries had begun<br />

work on a superballcry to allow electric<br />

utilities to store energy at night so it<br />

would be a ... ailable for IISC during peak<br />

demand periods in the daytime. The cost<br />

<strong>of</strong> research was funded in half by the<br />

U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Energy and the<br />

FlecHic Power Research Institute. Along<br />

the way, the possibility <strong>of</strong> IIsing this type<br />

<strong>of</strong> bauery as the po .... er source for electric<br />

... ehicles was recognized, and de ... elopment<br />

o f the battery proceeded. As a<br />

result, the zinc-ch lorine battery pro ... ide~<br />

a system that could male electric cars<br />

cheaper to run than con ... entional C:lTS.<br />

help clear the air <strong>of</strong> pollution, and save<br />

more than 600.000 barrels <strong>of</strong> oil :1 day<br />

by the turn <strong>of</strong> the eenlUry. lt could be<br />

the answer to the f:lmily's need for a sec·<br />

ond car fo r short-run trips to the ollice.<br />

the shopping center. etc.<br />

Chlorine and zinc arc cheap, abundant<br />

elements that have long been realized as<br />

providing the polential for a b:luery that<br />

would operate Ilt a low cost while providing<br />

plenty <strong>of</strong> energy. The corrosive and<br />

poisonous qualities <strong>of</strong> chlorine have been<br />

alle ... iated ..... ith the discovery that chlorine<br />

can be stored safely .... hen mi>.:cd .... ith<br />

chilled water, resulting in chlorine hydr:lte,<br />

a sherbet-like slush. that .... ill yield<br />

chlorine only when warmed lind then at<br />

a slow and controllable rate. The chlorine-hydrate<br />

slush is stored in an inexpensive<br />

type <strong>of</strong> poly ... inylchloride tank in the<br />

fronl <strong>of</strong> the ... ehicle. When the hydrate is<br />

wanncd. it releases chlorine intO the<br />

electrolyte, .... hich is pumped back to zinccoated<br />

plates <strong>of</strong> inexpcnsi\ie and inert<br />

graphite in the cell stack. ( T hi~ stack <strong>of</strong><br />

graphite 1'1 lites dues not shed p:lrticlcs<br />

during the electricity-making proce" .md.<br />

th.:!rcforc, docs not deteriorate II'> the<br />

metal plates in a conventional battery do.<br />

lt also appears that these graphite plate~<br />

can be recharged indefinitely.) The<br />

chlorine reacts ..... ith the zinc to produce<br />

electricity and zinc chloride. The clcc+<br />

trieity po .... ers a DC motor, w hich drive~<br />

the wheds, and provides the energy for<br />

the battery's pump. The amount <strong>of</strong> po ... er<br />

is controlled by an electronic microprocessor<br />

embedded in the ~ystem. As the<br />

dri ....:!r<br />

accclerates or deccJer:ltC'O. the<br />

mieroproce~wr lells the pump to ~pccd<br />

or to slow the flow <strong>of</strong> chlorine from the<br />

chlorine-hydrate slush.<br />

Charging is don.:! at II 220-... 0It AC outlet<br />

for about six to eight hour~. During<br />

the charging proce~~. the zinc i~ redeposited<br />

upon the platcs ..... hile the chlorine<br />

is pumped to the front and r ..... tored<br />

to the hydTllte form . The c>.:ternal ch:lq~.:!r<br />

refrigerate,; the hydrate ..... hich is insulated<br />

:lnd can be kept cool for four<br />

weeks.<br />

So far, th is zinc-chlorine ballcry ')'s·<br />

tcm has undergone more thlln 1.400<br />

charging cydes, the equi ... alent <strong>of</strong> 200.000<br />

miles <strong>of</strong> dri ... ing. The battery has been<br />

\losted only in existing automobile modds<br />

to date, but on a single charge, the ballery<br />

is expected to go for 200 miles til 55<br />

miles per ho UT in a car specially designed<br />

liS an electric. The design and large-scale<br />

• Senon,lIy adJusled<br />

Sourcn: BLS. u.s. <strong>08</strong>p~rtmenl 01 Lebor<br />

BOlrd 01 Gov.rnors, r,der.t Re ..",. System<br />

B"re .., 01 the CenS"I, U.S. Department 01 Commerce<br />

production <strong>of</strong> ... ehicles and parts tailored<br />

for this system arc still some years away.<br />

Ho .... e ... er, Gulf & Western foresees elcctric-car<br />

sales <strong>of</strong> 1.3-million by 1990.<br />

There arc several thousand electric vehicles<br />

in the U.S. today. They usc con ... entional<br />

Iead-:lcid batteries and munlly h:lve ~<br />

to be recharged after 30 to 50 mile~ at ~<br />

highway speeds.<br />

Nickel-Zinc Hattery<br />

The nicld·zinc banery ha\ recently ~<br />

been dC\ielopcd by General MotoT'i and is<br />

much ~ill1pler than the zinc-chlorine battery.<br />

-I he nickel-linc battery rc~emblcs a ~<br />

lead -acid b:lt tery, with alternating plates<br />

<strong>of</strong> nickel and zinc suspended in an clectrol~te.<br />

General Molors' Flectrovctte, its<br />

clectric "chicle. is a straightforward<br />

machine .... ilh 3 battery pack in the rear<br />

hooled to an electric motor that driv

•<br />

--<br />

,<br />

• 0.li •• dO l. "0'" Ihol 10' Ih. lote. do" o"d d;vidiftg II. •••• ul' by ,h. i ...... nu ... b • • 10' th.<br />

_.Ii•• dol., Ihen ... ultiplying by 100.<br />

EXAMI'1.E, for II., period <strong>of</strong> May 1979 10 May <strong>1980</strong>, 207.6 _ 189.7 17.9 ind •• poi",,; 17.9<br />

di.id", by 189.7 = .09. X 100<br />

• P'.p ... ed by, O.po" .... n' ..' R ... o«h .. nd Educ"lion, ISEW Jun., <strong>1980</strong><br />

May 1978<br />

May 1977<br />

May 1976<br />

May 1975<br />

•<br />

May 1974<br />



MAY, <strong>1980</strong><br />

197\ = 100<br />

Incl ••<br />

"_',II & lecr ...·<br />

.... l,on.po._ ' .'''''"01<br />

Mon.h ,.... ,;on &<br />

,~.<br />

H .....;ng Clo,h;ng la lion C .... Reading<br />

7<br />

April <strong>1980</strong> 251.5 197.3 177.5 195.3 195.0 168.4<br />

March <strong>1980</strong> 250.7 196.3 176.4 192.5 194.4 167.9<br />

February <strong>1980</strong> 248..4 194.6 171.1 190.9 191.2 167.0<br />

January <strong>1980</strong> 245.0 193.6 167.8 190.5 189.0 165.6<br />

December 1979 244.3 192.2 169.4 188.7 188.4 164.2<br />

NO'lember 1979 241.0 191.4 168.5 188.1 188.1 164.1<br />

October 1979 240.4 190.1 166.5 183.1 185.2 163.0<br />

" Y<br />

May 1978<br />

May 1977<br />

May 1976<br />

May 1975<br />

NOTE , C .."odo'. Con,um" P,ic. Ind • • I". on itorn, inc,eo...,d 7 .• i..du poin" d .."ng ,h. I .." monlh<br />

Or 1.2%. Th i. equolled On ...,nll.. 1 '01. <strong>of</strong> ;n........ 0/ (12 X 1.2). Th. ;""ItO.. ,fo.. in"<br />

Ih. POI' yeo. WOI 17.9 poin" ".<br />

'e.. enl chon9' belw •• ft two dol •• II eoleulot.d by .ubl'oel'", II.. ;...... ""... b.o. 10. Ih.<br />

MAY, <strong>1980</strong><br />


lE IC L ~ ERS<br />

IT 'ER GE<br />


REfERENCE BA SE, U.S. AVERAGE 1967 = 100<br />

Ap"..'"<br />

& T, .. n.p ...· ""edie.. 1<br />

Monlh Y.o. food Hou.ing Uphep lolion COf'<br />

Apr il <strong>1980</strong> 249.5 257.8 176.1 247.7 263.1<br />

March <strong>1980</strong> 247.5 254.4 175.1 244.3 260.9<br />

February <strong>1980</strong> 245.2 250.5 171.5 240.2 258.7<br />

January <strong>1980</strong> 244.0 247.3 169.8 234.1 254.9<br />

December 1979 241 .8 243.6 171.4 228.3 251.7<br />

November 1979 239.1 240.7 171.3 235.7 249.1<br />

Oc'ober 1979 238.3 237.7 170.8 223.4 247.2<br />

September 1979 237.3 234.5 169.3 222." 244.7<br />

NOTE: Con." ..." P,;ee 'nd.. 'Of all it, .... ;net,o.. d 2.5 ;nde. poin" ctU.inll II.. po.t ... onlh, 0' 1.0%.<br />

lhio equoilid on onnuol ,ote <strong>of</strong> 1"0" 0" <strong>of</strong> (1 2 X 1.0). Th. i""flOM in CPI du,;nll<br />

the po.1 y.o. woo 30.8 poi"" 0'<br />

P" .."I i"efl"" between two do", io (olelllo"d by .ubl'oeting II., ind .. "u... b.o. lor the<br />

•<br />

..,Ii,. do" f,om thol '0' Ih. IDler dol, 0".1 dividing 'he .e.ull by Ih , ind .. "u... b.o, '0' Ih,<br />

,..,Ii,. do", 11.," "'u'lip'ying by 100.<br />

EXAMPLE: fa. th , p • • iod <strong>of</strong> Moy 1979 to May <strong>1980</strong>, 2.5.1 - 21 • . 3 = 30.8 ind .. POinlo; 30.8<br />

divid.d by 21

WIT'" Y"'E LI=IDIES<br />

•<br />

Pearl S. Buck: Citizen <strong>of</strong> Two Worlds<br />

Her childhood .... as certainly not .... hat<br />

one "Quid call a typical American childhood.<br />

In her r1ulobiogmphy. Pearl S. Buck<br />

records Ihlll she ""'ilS rcared in IWO worlds<br />

- the "orld <strong>of</strong> her Amencan missionary<br />

p:\rcnl~ and the world <strong>of</strong> a vast and<br />

Cllp!iv:!linC China. She WM in the cllrioll~<br />

position <strong>of</strong> c)lisling "in one world and<br />

not <strong>of</strong> il. and belonging to another v.orld<br />

and yet not <strong>of</strong> it." Ncvcrthdc~5 she continually<br />

attempted to bridge both world~:<br />

she "belonged as much to the onc as to<br />

the other," according \0 her autobiography.<br />

Even when her IwO world~ came<br />

10 a more definite diYi~ion al the lime<br />

when she chose 10 scllll! permanently in<br />

the U.S .. she actually never Jert her other<br />

c1(i~tencc far behind.<br />

Pearl Comfort Sydcnstrickcr was born<br />

in the United States, but was taken to<br />

China as an infant by hcr missionary<br />

pareOls .... here she remained until she .... as<br />

17 years old.<br />

During these early and adolcseent )'ears<br />

in China. the culture <strong>of</strong> the Chinese<br />

people WII\ indelibly ingrained into the<br />

child's mind and imagination. She was<br />

surrounded by Buddhi~ t temples. ornate<br />

pagooa\, ~t:ltues <strong>of</strong> unknown gods.<br />

strange ritllflls and rite'!. and endless taics<br />

<strong>of</strong> Chinese ancestors and family traditions.<br />

T he Syden~tricker~ chose not to live at<br />

the American missionllry compound: thcy<br />

found it too cold and alo<strong>of</strong>. Instead they<br />

preferred to live and work among the<br />

natives. Thlls Pearl grew up in very close<br />

contact with Chinese people. She loved<br />

to sit for hours and listen to their storie~<br />

and ask countless questions. She spokc<br />

Chinese before she spoke English, but she<br />

came to read and .... rite English ~ooner<br />

than Chine'le.<br />

But Pearl's life was not completely<br />

oriented to the East: her mother, Caroline<br />

Sydenstricker, saw to that. She gave her<br />

dauJ;hter considerable instruction In<br />

Eng l i~h .... ilh frequent writing e:'(erciscs<br />

and told her endlC\s stories about the<br />

fami ly's relatives and ance~ t ors in<br />

America.<br />

Pea rl also learned abo\lt the West<br />

throuJ;h her i nce~Slln t reading. n ecause<br />

there were very few children's books<br />

available, most <strong>of</strong> thc books she read<br />

were classical English and American<br />

t6 I 'lEW Jou.no l<br />

novels. Often when she ran out <strong>of</strong> new<br />

material to read. she .... ould rere:llj Dickens<br />

or Shake~peare.<br />

Therefore, Pearl Syden'!tricker had<br />

quite a varied background .... hen she left<br />

China in 1910 to attend Randolph-Macon<br />

Womun's College in Virginia.<br />

it is agreed on by most critic'! and<br />

readers that the greatest .... ork <strong>of</strong> Pearl<br />

l1uck's wriling career and the one for<br />

which she is bc~t kno\\n is Til., Good<br />

E(",II. publi~hed<br />

in 19) I. Thc book, for<br />

.... hich she won the PulilJ.er Prize in 19]2,<br />

has been dranHllized. filmed, and tran~lated<br />

inlO more than )0 Innguage~ . It i\<br />

a lengthy narrative about the hi~tory :md<br />

life <strong>of</strong> a Chinese peasant family.<br />

When she ~at do .... n 10 .... rile the book.<br />

!luek admitted that there was no plot or<br />

plan, just the idea <strong>of</strong> a pea'!ant farm<br />

family. But she felt she could draw on<br />

her personnl ex pcricnce~ to .... rite a mC:Hlingful<br />

pieee <strong>of</strong> work. She recalled the<br />

fi ... e )eaTS she spent in northern China<br />

:md the farm refugees that lived there.<br />

The book centered on the anger \he had<br />

e~perienced and felt bc

•<br />

ISEW<br />


CORNER<br />



,---__-=-<br />



OEPARTMENT OF THE <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

News <strong>of</strong> interest to all IOEW mcm·<br />

bcrs and their families regarding the<br />

experiences and concerns thai afTect<br />

their daily lives .<br />

.. El/iWr'S Nole:<br />

(The Spccitl/ Sl'fI'ices Depar/mclII <strong>of</strong><br />

'he IIJEW will /lse (his space from time<br />

/0 lime 10 bring you news <strong>of</strong> Ollr ;1/­<br />

I'oh'cmelll with organizations allli<br />

/It'ells '"m we liS cili:.ell.f ill ollr locoi<br />

COl1llllllllilies paflici,)(lle ill and im'oil't'<br />

- Ollr families willt.)<br />

" The (Jepllrlmelll I,,{'seml), 'WorJ.s ill<br />

promoting good will alld fIIppor' 10 tile<br />

following orgalli:.ati<strong>of</strong>l.f llral mall)' <strong>of</strong><br />

yOIl in the BrollwrJwod come ill COI/-<br />

lael wi,h in ),ollr ever},day lives: Natiollal<br />

COllneil 0/ Senior Citi:.ells. COII-<br />

• ccmed Seniors Jor /Jetter GOI't!rnment,<br />

NatiOl/al Couneil 011 Aging amI IIJEIV<br />

Locll/ VniOll Retiree,r Clubs, Boy<br />

Scouts 0/ Americ". Vocational fmlt/strial<br />

CIIII)s 0/ America (VICA), Gir/s<br />

Clubs 0/ Americ(l, Presidelll's Commitfec<br />

011 Emplo),mellf <strong>of</strong> tIJe IImulicappl!ll,<br />

I ndw;{ry-Ulbor COUllcil (for<br />

the halldicapped), }IIRE Program ((lis-<br />

• abled ,'('n), A. Philip Ralldolph Illstitllte,<br />

National COl/llcil 011 Alcoholism,<br />

The J'residelll'S Committee on Social<br />

Security, l",d all the I'Orious groups<br />

alld af:ellcies i/I\'oh'ed wit" t',e AFL­<br />

CIO Commullity Sen'ices programs<br />

.. (Red CroSJ", Crime lIIId Delillqul'llcy,<br />

drug rdw/)ililtlliOll, ('tc.).<br />

Some <strong>IBEW</strong> delegates at the NCSC Conllention in Cincinnati, representing Local Union<br />

Retiree Clubs in Detroit, Boston, Atlanta and Jacksonllille, holding a brief meeting with<br />

the Director <strong>of</strong> the Special Services Department.<br />

Cincinnati played host to Hppro-:imately<br />

3,000 delegates from across mllinland<br />

U,S., Hawai i and Alaska, liS the<br />

NCSC held ils annual Convention.<br />

The three day session hrought fOrlh a<br />

subslanlial number <strong>of</strong> resolutions that<br />

deal ~Ith the evcryday lives <strong>of</strong> our nation's<br />

senior citizens,<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> the increasing numbe" <strong>of</strong><br />

seniors and Iht: fact .hat they do gel oul<br />

on dection day and vote, it is believed<br />

that these r{'sollilions will be dosely<br />

scrutrnil.cd by our la ..... mak{'rs on Capitol<br />

Hilt<br />

By supporting the National Council <strong>of</strong><br />

Senior Ciuuns il is hoped that morc rctirees<br />

and Retiree Clubs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> \\oill<br />

join NCSC and lake pari in these session~<br />

that may affcct the lives <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> our<br />

relired populalion_<br />



AFL·CIO Community Service staff representatilles and Community Service Directors from<br />

many large NatJonal and tnternatlonal Unions met recently In New York City to diSCUSS<br />

ways 10 improl!e labor's role In aiding their members through community service. At the<br />

same lime they paid honor to Leo Perils, the relmng Dlfector <strong>of</strong> the AFL-CIO Community<br />

Services Department. and welcomed the new director, Walter Dallis, The ISEW is proud<br />

to participate With this organlzallon and it is hoped all 0' you will become 'amiliar With<br />

the services it prOllldes in the coming monlhs. Left to right are Walter Davis, newly<br />

appointed Oirector <strong>of</strong> the AFL·CIO Community Services Department; EllereU Lehmann,<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> Special Services Dpartment: Lorenzo Stellen <strong>of</strong> American Postal<br />

Workers Union: and outgoing Director <strong>of</strong> Community Services Department, Leo PerUs .<br />

• "9Ult, <strong>1980</strong> I 17

July <strong>1980</strong><br />


for<br />

,<br />

•<br />

T his is a summary <strong>of</strong> the annual report<br />

for Ihe Nalional Electrical Con­<br />

Iractors Association Pension Benefit<br />

Trust Fund. employer identification<br />

number 53-0181657. for Ihe year ended<br />

December 31. 1979. The annual report<br />

has been filed with the Internal Revenue<br />

Service. a~ required under the Emplo}'ee<br />

Retirement Income $ccurity Act <strong>of</strong><br />

1974 (ERI SA).<br />

Benefits under the plan arc provided<br />

by a trt1~t fund. Plan e:\pcnscs \\erc<br />

$63.469.793. The~e cxpen~es included<br />

$3.287.968 in administrative e.~penses<br />

and 537.327.610 in benefits paid to<br />

participants and beneficiaries. and $22.-<br />

854.215 in other expenses. A total 01<br />

229.000 persons wcrc participants in<br />

the plan at the end <strong>of</strong> the plan year.<br />

The value <strong>of</strong> plan a~scts was $671.-<br />

384.615 as <strong>of</strong> December 31. 1979. compared<br />

to $548,880,498 as <strong>of</strong> January I,<br />

1979. During the plan year the plan<br />

experienced an incre:Jr;c in its net assets<br />

<strong>of</strong> S 122.504. 117. Thi~ increase includes<br />

unrealized :lpprcciation or depreciation<br />

in the value <strong>of</strong> plan assels: that is. the<br />

difference bct\\ccn the value <strong>of</strong> the<br />

SAFETY T il' S (Com;'IIIt'd lrom paJ.:" In<br />




plan's asset~ at the end <strong>of</strong> the year and<br />

the value <strong>of</strong> the assets at the beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> the year or the cost <strong>of</strong> assets acquired<br />

during the }ear. The plan had total income<br />

<strong>of</strong> $192.635.557. including employer<br />

contriblltions <strong>of</strong> S 130.763.735.<br />

ga lll !; <strong>of</strong> $1.100.63 \ from Ihe s:.le <strong>of</strong><br />

:I!>sets. earnings from invC'stments <strong>of</strong><br />

$59.1 19.986. :md other incomure recolds n~d only be lept for<br />

I year.<br />

- Key terms <strong>of</strong> the standard are deflncd in del~;1 so thaI employer<br />

obligations nrc clear.<br />

-Employeu arc provided complelc nc~ibil;lY as to the form or m:lnner<br />

in which reeords arc 10 be maintained, e~cepi ,hal X-rays must be kepI<br />

in Iheir original state.<br />

- Employers :He given Ilexibilily in providing ~cees~ in a rCJson~ble<br />

time. pbce and manner. bUI in no event Inler than tS days after a<br />

request for acc~.<br />

-Employers arc given lle~ibililY in re5ponding 10 requests for copies <strong>of</strong><br />

rceords. including ehHging reasonable COSIS for lepeal requests.<br />

- An employee and his or her designaled Icpre ~cn!mivcs are aS$urcd<br />

access 10 nil c~posurc records rclevant 10 Ihe employee. including<br />

records <strong>of</strong> other employees.<br />

-An employee and his or her desi&nated represent3ti,"cs :I.Ie assured<br />

aecess 10 medical r ecord~ <strong>of</strong> whi ch the employee i5 th e subjecl. Aecess<br />

to the medical records <strong>of</strong> nnother employee is provided only upon the<br />

specific wrincn COllSCll1 <strong>of</strong> Ihat employee. T he smndard provides a<br />

suitable sample authorizalion leller for Ihis purpo!IC<br />

IB I ]SEW J .. urnal<br />

the plan administrator. 1735 Jefferson<br />

Davis HighwilY. Suite 1000. Arlington,<br />

Virginia. 22202, phone 703 / 892-6400.<br />

You also have the right to receive<br />

from the plan administrator. on request<br />

and :It no charge, a statement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

assets and liabilities <strong>of</strong> the plan and<br />

accompanying notes, or a statement <strong>of</strong><br />

income and expenses <strong>of</strong> the plan and<br />

accompanying notes. or both. If you<br />

request a copy <strong>of</strong> the full annual report<br />

from the plan administrator. these two<br />

statements and accompanying notes will<br />

be included as part <strong>of</strong> that report.<br />

You also have the legally protected<br />

right to e",amine the annual report lit<br />

the main onice <strong>of</strong> the plan. 1735 Jefferson<br />

Davis Highway. Suite 1000, Arlington,<br />

Virginia 22202, and at lhe U.S.<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Labor in Washington,<br />

D.C .. or to obtain a copy from the U.S.<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Labor upon pa)'ment <strong>of</strong><br />

copying costs. Requests to the Department<br />

should be addressed to: Public<br />

Di~closure Room. N4677. Pension and<br />

Welfare Benefit Program ~. Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue.<br />

N.W., Washin gton, D.C. 20216.<br />

- I'hysicians on behalf <strong>of</strong> employers IIle ~ncol.lr3g~d 10 discu5s wilh • I<br />

•<br />

employees the contents <strong>of</strong> their medical records. and mlly recommend<br />

!1lC;lns <strong>of</strong> disclosing medical records olher than by direct worker IlCCCSS.<br />

- A physician may, on Ixhalf <strong>of</strong> an employt:r and whue appropriate. ...<br />

disclose in f ornl~tion on specific diagnoses <strong>of</strong> terminal illness or psy- j<br />

ehialric conditions only to an employee's designated representative. nnd<br />

not dire

LOCflL LII\IES<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Outstanding Craftsmanship<br />

/<br />

~ pholOS t bo .. the n acU". H.aU .. h~ .. lIld,<br />

Local I , SI. Loul .. Mo. . .. c ", lH: ~ In'a iSal rIM<br />

rou~h - In porI Io n 01 Ihe Mdklnnr" I)oul •• T ..... k<br />

ThfH Com/.II'o. CAnl u In St, Lou" c.. .."11. Sho .. ..<br />

It one <strong>of</strong> ""yuaJ bub o f ' ...."In. ~o".,. nr.k bHd,<br />

01 U,",e.lnch ~on du l l ••' 1') 1". "",,·u to tb. few" "<br />

po .... IIIII IS,<br />

TH$oo a rc I$·KV ",lIut <strong>of</strong> " .... MCM .. to. I . .....<br />

<strong>of</strong> rl, ," 150~ .. l>lr+looI plIII lKIul .. I.... 1111010_·<br />

mnl.<br />

• ..<br />

• • •<br />

-<br />

..... yl... m".'nU"1 ,.... ..orlon... blp<br />

Til., "<br />

rou," 101 ,.... N"'p"'U l oot'.<br />

Fine Work <strong>of</strong> Electricians<br />

Usually Hidden fr om Vie w<br />

I~U . I. ST. LOUIS, MO.-As is the ca.soe .. jlh It<br />

Iteat dul <strong>of</strong> electrical c:rafl5manship, its swap.<br />

inl lines and ceometric confi8Utal,ol1ll ale faled<br />

to be emerro by walls and Hoors, buritd in lhe<br />

earth, or tucked away in subbasemenl$, far<br />

trom the vicw <strong>of</strong> the general public, 10 be uen<br />

only by a selccl few engineers and mainlenancc<br />

personnel.<br />

The McDonnell Douglas T rack T luce Com.<br />

pUler Cenler job, which is .. ma!iSIVe seven_<br />

building, commcrcial-induslrial project, i, currcnlly<br />

being wired primarily by Guarantee Flec_<br />

lrical Company with D work force <strong>of</strong> 136 wile_<br />

men and apprenlice5. Individual SYSlcms wOlk<br />

hu also b«n performed by the Johnson Con.<br />

Irol Company with three wiremen. Mack Electric<br />

with D workforce <strong>of</strong> 15, P&S Electric wllh<br />

eight. and T ech Eleclronics wJlh Ihree.<br />

As most <strong>of</strong> our membership is aware, afler<br />

considerable floor debale • unan.moUJ VOle fejecled<br />

our new consln>Clion conlracl olfer in<br />

May and mandated our pr~ident and business<br />

man;tgcr to _t removal <strong>of</strong> Ihe CIR cl.ustS JO<br />

our .veement.<br />

Please be advised <strong>of</strong> thc deaths <strong>of</strong> the fol.<br />

lowin8 members in April Ind May: Willi.m J.<br />

Tobin, wircman, inilialed Junc, 1953: John<br />

Manis, maintenance, October, 1\146: Frank<br />

Keough, si,n ereclor, October. 1946; Emil<br />

Sindelar. wireman on pc:nsion. November, 1923;<br />

William E. Ponzar. petroleum m.inlenance,<br />

November, 1973: Lyman M. Jones. wireman on<br />

pension. December, 1\147: John D. Finney. inspeClor<br />

on pension. November. HISS: Elmer<br />

Swan. maintenanee. Oclober, 1961: and Foster<br />

Runei. produclion on pension. October, 1931.<br />

R OREU ECAN, P.S<br />

Sweeping Gains Won In<br />

New Construction Pacl<br />

l,.. U. J. NEW YORK, N.Y.-In a dramatic<br />

wind.up <strong>of</strong> negotiations, the 10·man rank.Dnd_<br />

me comminee <strong>of</strong> Ihe ConstruClion Division,<br />

headed by Business Manager T homas Van Ars_<br />

dale and President George Schuck. wu still in<br />

IDJt.minule bargaining wilh Ihe employers, while<br />

the regular monthly membership meetin. <strong>of</strong> the<br />

CODStnlction Division WlIS 51anin .. The meelln.<br />

WlIIS called 10 order .1 5:00 p.m. in Manhluan<br />

while Ihe nlgotiators were meeling in the Elec.<br />

trical Industry Center in Queens. An demands<br />

were agreld upon c:

Joint Conference<br />

Loaol II, Lot An l~I~, Cat" Iw. lrd ..... Southcm<br />

101nl Confc,enot <strong>of</strong> Et« t,tu l W01'kc .., Lefl 10<br />

,IMhl art .'f1I"k ll"d.,hlll, ... ~ nt a l')" , Southern l oldl<br />

Confen"u <strong>of</strong> F.1«1,tu l Wo,k . .., ... d E. E.,I 111._<br />

ChIS, ~n l , Soulh ... 101nl Conf. renn <strong>of</strong> .;1«_<br />

trlnll W o,kltrS,<br />

([" )'-_.<br />

O,'e, 100 ... n .. b." . \lu dc4 Ihe Soulbe ... Jolnl CoIIfer<br />

. .. « <strong>of</strong> Elff l rl~. t Wothu ,<br />

On Council<br />

lI,olb .. P ~ l e M d h .. uJ, bud ness "'. ... l tr <strong>of</strong> Lncat<br />

11, D~lr o \l , M k h" ..... d "' l ~ d 10 Ihe Nallon. 1<br />

Saf.ly Cou". 11 La bor I1h·l.llon,<br />

worker who was well re5p!:cted by the men <strong>of</strong><br />

this lon, R, Co<br />

Lt. II., ."d J ohn U'ban,<br />

.-Orll-I". ' rulpl. nb, " 0"1 ' 0"',<br />

W. R. llooptr, Wal l1t Jobnwn, n u b<br />

•<br />

•<br />

-<br />

Presentation<br />

IlIul.a. M ..._ CILIorlao " BINI" FbAH. LonII %5.<br />

t.o.r blaIN!, N,V .. rll~I , _ ..."" .. Praldnal<br />

Gtllt hmll.IOtI ",UtIU • Sf'Jt • • ,. I. 8 •.,u.n­<br />

J_.,h Na.tn •• n.<br />

us what brotherhood is," said !lrothcr Sullivan,<br />

"Trcat your family as guest, and ncat your<br />

gues" as family," he said, and they certainly<br />

did!<br />

We Ihnnle Local lOS for their courtesies to<br />

BrOlhcr SuJlivlrI, and we u!end our sin«re<br />

eongtalUlation, to Brolher Tom Sulliyanl<br />

I wish I could Jive our travellnl 8,011len I<br />

litlle belur picture <strong>of</strong> the work Si!U3lion here<br />

on Lana bland, but we .re at aboul the same<br />

point as we wele Ia. t year, 11lcre hos been much<br />

work on !he drawinl boards waitinl 10 be<br />

started. but Ihe increase in Interest rales sort <strong>of</strong><br />

put I hold on Ihinp, r.bybe Ihe politicians on<br />

aU levell. local, state, .nd federal. need a lood<br />

eMIll3 10 let them moviq. Watch your COPE<br />

!lulletins Ind vote for the elndidale who will<br />

suppan labor. You keep the foilh and we11<br />

I:eep swinginl!<br />

EuGI! .... 1l PUII .... tTrO .... , r u:s,<br />

loco I 26 Elects Officers<br />

For Three-Yeor Terms<br />

LU. 26. WAS UlNC1'ON, [).C.-on Friday,<br />

June 13. <strong>1980</strong>, Loelll 26 member. turned out in<br />


One <strong>of</strong> the interesting instalbtions wu the<br />

lar&e 5Coreboard which was hoisted in the cen.<br />

ter <strong>of</strong> the are n ~. The board was built and in.<br />

stalled 100 per cent by mEW cr<strong>of</strong>U;men,<br />

Brother Harl lIomilton <strong>of</strong> Spokane, Wuhm,.<br />

ton, was in charge <strong>of</strong> the installalion, which was<br />

IMlalled by local !ill sign Brothers.<br />

Brother Lowell Good hu resigned IS preli.<br />

dent <strong>of</strong> local !ill, The Exco.:ulive Board hu ap.<br />

poInted BrOlher Steve Corley to fill the unu.<br />

pired term, Steve brings to the presidency<br />

con~idernblc upcrience in local union atTHir ~,<br />

havinll s.crved as an ollicer and hnvinll been ac.<br />

t;ve on many commillees, We conllratulate him<br />

Ind w,lh him .... ell in his new <strong>of</strong>lke,<br />

R, p, O'Hn , .... " .5<br />

Friends<br />

'boll.1OI' Tid ye>nIN: ..... Lon! 61. Dc.,,.,., Colo~ "'f1.<br />

U J.IIo_ .. IU. '_0 fl1c.dJ., _c <strong>of</strong> .. ~ It CltarUe<br />

n "Uft'. 01" ....... llroue IllNa1 WIa.ft'.<br />

Unit Officers<br />

C>fII«n BJtd __ lMn <strong>of</strong> lite Sip V.II, $eft to I1pt,<br />

_ AI ~'k"."', 0-. o.~'''-. CU.lu I) ...<br />

C_, , .. /11"" .. _. lI .. d: Rodel1,,", _" /IIonk<br />

W~'oIr .<br />

Ollle,.,.1 <strong>of</strong> tIM Roookkr U.II. lell 10 .teltt , a .. Kollt<br />

01.-. Dott C.rd", •• W.)'.e 5h.IIOII, /lUke Itud.,<br />

U,nt lho'lct ... 11 "~"'I 8."'....... M ...... r<br />

01 .. 11. Y ........<br />

Record Number <strong>of</strong> Members<br />

Vote in Local's Election<br />

LU. 68, DEN\' EK. COI.O.-Our membcor!Jiip<br />

voted for the <strong>of</strong>ficers .... ho .... ilI lead our local<br />

umon for the: nut thret' years. W,th a \rille o~er<br />

40 percent <strong>of</strong> the membcorship caJtina tMir bal·<br />

10H. either 1.1 th~ polhng l't3ce or by aMcntee<br />

ballot, all omen, with the txcel'lion <strong>of</strong> president<br />

Ind "ice presid~nt. wcre decided.<br />

Brother 11 111 IIdfernan was ~Iected business<br />

mannlcr.finallcial JC:cr~ tary and Intcrnatl on~1<br />

Convention delelate, Brother Charl~ J, IIlltz<br />

was tco.:Jected to the posilion <strong>of</strong> recording sec·<br />

retary. while Illothrr Chuck Clemenson was<br />

rHledtd to the post <strong>of</strong> treasuler. The election<br />

<strong>of</strong> the E1eculive Board was <strong>of</strong> the most inter·<br />

tSt. starting with a candidate list numbeling 16.<br />

The election resulted in the follow;ng sc~en<br />

membcrs: Brothers Jim Campbell. Doug Ander·<br />

son, Tony Sirbin, Ncil Dun~ko .. ie, Jerry Bates,<br />

Pat Panion, and Ray Nail.<br />

Due to I chanae in our 10(:1.1 union bylal""S<br />

this pa51 year, four members were clco.:ted to<br />

the 1000al union', Examinin, Board. Thl'y arc<br />

Brothers Ken Mackey, Jim French, Tom Gibbons,<br />

and Malk Marq UC:7~ Five candidates wcre<br />

elected to the Buildin!! A s~ociDtion T rust«"s;<br />

they are Brothers Mike Burch. Chuck Dc.<br />

Moulin, J im Klo~er1trom. t Oll Malito, and Ken<br />

Stockton. As repOrted. the <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> both presi·<br />

dent and ~ke president 101;11 be dco.:ided .... ith a<br />

run-<strong>of</strong>f elco.:tion~flke <strong>of</strong> president, Brothcrs<br />

John M . Burke. Jr, and Oarencc " Mack Mc·<br />

K<br />

Cracken, and orr>ee <strong>of</strong> .. icc prelident, Brothea<br />

Mike McDonald and Russ Rensrnk,<br />

This year's elco.:hon saw a record turnout <strong>of</strong><br />

our memMrship, wllh more than 800 <strong>of</strong> our<br />

Brothers and Sisters cllStin, their ballots, look·<br />

inl b.ack 10 nOle the ,DOd turnout in 11171, the<br />

total vote was !illS. Refore that. in the year<br />

1974. 643 cast their ballou, 164 <strong>of</strong> our members<br />

cast their ballou; in the election <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers in<br />

1911. Before that, when Ihe term <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice was<br />

two years, instead <strong>of</strong> the present thrCf:, 6S9 <strong>of</strong><br />

our membcors voted, With more and more <strong>of</strong><br />

our members aettinll invol\led, and the acneral<br />

campaign arowin, more and more, let's hOfH!<br />

that the trend continues thrOllp the run-otf Ind<br />

in all future e\cetiOftt.<br />

1 would be nqliJ:ent if I didn't mention tM<br />

most important ilem or th.s year's decti<strong>of</strong>l-{he<br />

candidates themselves who attended union met't·<br />

in&5. both the lIeneral mcmbership u well as<br />

the unit meetinp. There question. Were asked,<br />

and answers Jiven. A 101 <strong>of</strong> lime was spent on<br />

the phones or just bcondin, the working buddy's<br />

ear on the job. lIere in our jurisdiction we hne<br />

a saying that "Elco.:lions have .... inners; there<br />

must bco winners in an)' conlesl, but we have<br />

no losers." Our union ,ains by know;na we<br />

hB'·e qualified members who ale available, .... ho<br />

want to aet in"olved, and participate. And the<br />

mlmbrrs who were not successful in this recent<br />

election .... ilI still han, in there.<br />

Signing 011 for this month. St:e you at the<br />

local union mectinp.<br />

JOIII''' M , DUUE, J ••, P.S.<br />

Busi ness Manager Retires;<br />

Work Scene Slows Somewhat<br />

LoU. 70, WASIIINGTON. D.C.-As m05t ot<br />

you know, Bl1!Iiness Manaller Willy Grover reo<br />

lired on January I , 11180, Brother James H.<br />

Ol1l.lI£e has been appointed by Ihe fu.co.:uti~e<br />

Board 10 finish his tetm. We all .... ish Willy a<br />

lona and happy retirement.<br />

Work in the ate3 is down somcwhat, but we<br />

look forward to a beller future. It sums that<br />

on the new tramit Iystems in Washington. D.C.,<br />

and Baltimore. all ollr contact rDil (third rail)<br />

.,iork is bein, ,;ven to the LabQrers by 1M general<br />

contraclor,<br />

Internalional Vice l'rC'lident Buck Williamson<br />

~isited our 10

On Jobs<br />

Ne .."" ol'J;anJud OA/ QC ... ~ ... IH., <strong>of</strong> L .... I 76,<br />

T .._ •• w •• h., ... e SlUt lIanbMl1:t, ... (;nl.<br />

t.a ..·rmrt ..."<br />

..... "OfI.I_. for --.. "lKlrk a'<br />

Sal,;op.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Kltk Skolrood .tand. In fro~t <strong>of</strong> • MI. 51. IId~n .<br />

• trul.!! ... n .. lIh an alI h_toHrtd Iruck . , s"r~"I"<br />

ddfl"rent ileou <strong>of</strong> inlt.nl to .11 who aUtnUt,J.<br />

Many thaob 10 to .U .... ho sct up the banquet<br />

and c:onl.alulalions to an who rece,ved<br />

diplomu.<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> Local 7G', jurlsdiC:lion is diUinlt out<br />

<strong>of</strong> the recent MI. 51. lIe1ens eruplion. The ash<br />

hos crealed quile • problem ror some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

jobs no,.. ill proareu.<br />

T.ke eare'<br />

Fuslt BEuolorP, r.S.<br />

• Construction Work Not Improving;<br />

Negotiations Settled<br />

I_ U. 77, SEATIl. F ... WASIt.-CorUtIiCI con-<br />

5Iruclion work is nOI on the irK.ease as was<br />

expected II Ihil; lime <strong>of</strong> year. AI 11 ,\'Suit <strong>of</strong> the<br />

deep ellIS in the "doc"" erewl worldn. for<br />

PUlet Power and eUlbacls or work with other<br />

utilities, Ihe bools are nol mOYing yet)' well a t<br />

this time. Any trlyclerl are urged to calt bdore<br />

e<br />

headinll inlO this area looking for worl:.<br />

The negotialions al Washington Water Power<br />

in Spokane hoye resulted in an increase in wallel;<br />

or 12.48 per cent Dcrou thc board in the tirsl<br />

ycar; a second·ycat cosl-<strong>of</strong>·]jylllJ IncreaJe: <strong>of</strong><br />

SS per ccnt <strong>of</strong> Ihe tirst 10 per cent increase in<br />

Ihe Consumer Price I nde~ and 80 per cenl <strong>of</strong><br />

all ovcr 10 per cent plus incru!IC in be:ndil\ in<br />

Ihc s«ood year. This brings the journeyman<br />

lincman sc .. le 10 S12.3S per hour.<br />

I'ultl Power members accepted ~ one·yep!<br />

contract which included 11 12 per cent acrossthe·board<br />

il'l(:lease in wales in add,tion 10 in.<br />

crcaS('d bencfi.,. That settlement brings Ihe<br />

journeyman lineman scale to $ 12.13 pel hour.<br />

Local union <strong>of</strong>fice elections are in progress<br />

at our lot"l. wilh actlvc camp"ilDlnl going on<br />

for ,,11 but three unoppOSed pOSilion!l. As usual.<br />

we Ire looking forward 10 11 unified local "fter<br />

Ihe ballOIS are counted. with .11 ener!Jies ad·<br />

dressed to !Jellinl beller wall" and workinG<br />

eond,tions out <strong>of</strong> the emptoyees.<br />

RtC'''''n N. RO(.f .'. B M.<br />

Doa" ,.... Ioow ,~......... '~Uo" I. JO" _lilli, dr

Dinner-Dance<br />

Linda Ru s< h~r rln ~~ up • laru i ~ l r . Llnu) ~b~H<br />

I, . ho ... I .. bad.,rouad.<br />

R,01hu5 5ity 1$ iIKre;ninc.<br />

Huebner SpOrtina Goods hu a nonunion elec·<br />

1Iic:.:r.l contractor .... irin' their f>C'W ltore.<br />

In the past 18 months our 100::11 hu lost 12<br />

Il rothers. Sincerest Iympathy is extended to<br />

the (!lmilies and friends <strong>of</strong> these Urothers:<br />

Donald E. Owens, v. J. Hoskrns, A. R. l.ein.<br />

inaer, lIunter Vines, LeRoy Schafter, Woodro ....<br />

lIarr1$. Ben Ellis, Glen Rust, Henry Hyde,<br />

Wallie W. Smith, John II. Stevens, and Donald<br />

Ilyito n.<br />

1 look for .... ard 10 writing this Brticle for our<br />

local. If you have any pictures that we can<br />

print, !ltnd them to the hall with all information<br />

about them. They will be .eturf>C'd.<br />

Buy American.<br />

K: ... I"I II AMMONO, 1'1.5.<br />

Boston Locol 103<br />

Endorses Clark<br />

1..11, 103, II0S·roN, MASS.-First <strong>of</strong> all, I'd<br />

like to welcome back the IIrolhers who have<br />

betn working on mainten~nce Jobs, such .II!<br />

II Jr~ard, and ..·ele forced to join Local 123<br />

....hen this mainlemtnce local WD5 formed. The<br />

InternatlolUl h3s rulcd that they may return<br />

their cards to Local 101.<br />

tabor has lost a lnod friend in the local<br />

pOlitIcal arena. Patrick "Sonny·· MeDonoulh<br />

passed away at the aac <strong>of</strong> 69. lie was once<br />

quoted as sayina, "I neyer met 10 Republican I<br />

liked." As you might hp_e guessed, Sonny had<br />

qUite a sense <strong>of</strong> humor. We need more like him.<br />

Speakmg <strong>of</strong> friends <strong>of</strong> labor. I.ocal 10) is<br />

endOfSinl Arthur Clark to fill lhe cOfllrC!5ional<br />

5Cat yacatw by Father Robert Orman. Mr.<br />

ClArk bas a long record as being pro-bbor, u<br />

oPPo'ICd ID hi~ competilion. Barney Fmnk, who<br />

has been a thorn in labor's side for 10 ycars.<br />

So, you >·ote~ in the 4th District, do your best<br />

to support Arthur Cllrk Ihis coming [leaion<br />

Day. We desper-lilely need (.iends in Convess!<br />

On the StDte level .... e arc supportin, Lou<br />

Sano for smte reprenntDtiye in the Conlon.<br />

Ra ndolph area. l.ou ;, II member o( Local ).<br />

We're al\V;lys (allinll OSII A for help. Now<br />

OSII A news our help. There is an amen'!·<br />

mellt, !oOOn to be acted upon. that would<br />

eumpt small businesses from complyina wllh<br />

the prC'iCnt safely .tondards. I would I3Y ~O<br />

percent <strong>of</strong> our contracto" fall into thi, cate·<br />

lory. If Ihis amendment carrin, it will show<br />

labor U II p~pcr ilger and big busincss, once<br />

3lDin, pu~hing e

Instructor<br />

Retirees<br />

IrDtulalions to Ronald Wood or Belleville for<br />

the excellent marks he made in his advanced<br />

cOursc at Loyloisl College, Belleyille.<br />

T hc wOlk siluation in the di~tricl is still very<br />

slo"", ,,·ith no large projecls geuing started.<br />

I hIve ukcd Brothel'll from other zones or<br />

Local lIS to send me information and photos<br />

for publinlion in Ihe JOl',nDI, but I haven't<br />

lecei.ed any yet<br />

Roy WOllta.nL, P,S.<br />

7..~lda B .... .,IHI It 010 .... · •• 1 Ik l lt .. a rd. trtolftlBI<br />

daM ,f.·I,," 11Il·I,.dIOilI to Jlf .... d l <strong>of</strong> ~ I 111,<br />

O"'.·t . , Colo.<br />

~tarted to work, IM-folc he was 14 ycars <strong>of</strong> a3e,<br />

for the Union Pncific in Oibbwn, NcbrO$ka<br />

He travelcd with the work truin repa;rin3,<br />

building Bnd maintainin3 th e Jines from Sherman<br />

lI ilJ ~~r Rawling, Wyomin3, through the<br />

Midwest and down south to nnton RoulC, The<br />

last 34 ye:l.rs <strong>of</strong> hil workinl lifc he s~nt w,th<br />

the Public Service Company <strong>of</strong> Colorado.<br />

• Brother Tucker was a line foreman for the<br />

lasl 20 year$ in the Ril1c, Colorado, alea, and<br />

laught many <strong>of</strong> our younler members the<br />

trade <strong>of</strong> journeyman lIneman, Orother Tucker<br />

will be greally mined by his wife, Gr~ce, who<br />

was married to Edwin for 4' YeDrS, Dnd his son<br />

and dauj;hter.<br />

RemcmlN-r 10 protect your job by kccpin,<br />

yourself informed by attendin, your umt meet_<br />

ing$.<br />

OU.II':O MOtilOYA, 1'$<br />

Traveling Brothers Have<br />

Dormont Vocation Accounts<br />

LU_ Ill, Kt:NNEn IC K, WASII,-Followinl<br />

is a Ii", <strong>of</strong> ID EW mc:mlN-rs who h:lve dormant<br />

vacation aCCOunts with Local 112. These memo<br />

bel'll paid into the vacalion fund prior to 1915<br />

and have had no activity since that lime,<br />

, have Iried contacling thesc members by<br />

writing Ihem at Ihcir last known address we<br />

have on file, and also Ihroulh thdr home loeals,<br />

but I hayc received no reply from Ihe.w. nlCm_<br />

bers listed her c.<br />

They are Billy AIClIandu, J~ph C. Arm­<br />

Slrong, Thomas Bailey, G, !.Iakke, Kent Barnes,<br />

L M . Barringcr, Rudy lIa~rt, J . 0 , Beck,<br />

Rel:8ie C. Brede, IX-nnis M Ilrown, RolN-rt<br />

Drown, G. H. Canterbury, Jr .. I). I~ Center,<br />

L S. Chrislianson, t ee A, Cloy, Robert R,<br />

CIe\'e13nd, Darryl F. Cosad, Fred Cramer, Keith<br />

Curtis. A. N, Day, J. L DeYine, Doyle Di(kinson,<br />

D. V, Dumas. Genlld Eaton, Urian Elijah,<br />

L A. Erickson, Tony h elds, Loren Freeland,<br />

R. R. Frye, F. Ga~, J ~ph Gowdy. L Guffery.<br />

S. E. Hammer, E. IInon, A. Heilman,<br />

O. E. Hollingsworth, OaYid Jacobsen, Ronald<br />

Jewell, ForreSI Johnslon, D, R, Kaler. Robert<br />

J, Kammer, L L. Koondt, Julian Kowalski,<br />

David Lantz, lIer~11<br />

LUl1er, L D McCarty,<br />

J. J. McFunsworth, II. S. Messer, Donald II.<br />

• Miles, L C. MIller, Bruce Nason, C. Ol5on,<br />

P. G. Palmer, O. A. Pederson, R, J. I'hilii""<br />

Dennis Prinderville. Kenneth Ou'-&Iey. R, F.<br />

Raymond. William 0 Rhoden, J, F, ScOI!, R.<br />

L, Setup, David SIOlin, W, E. Smith, W.<br />

Smythe, W, L. SIlenCer, Oer:tld Steen, J. E.<br />

Stogsdill, Dayid R. Taylor, David Thompson,<br />

• Wallace E. Tinslry, lien Trollier, and O. 0 ,<br />

Wilson.<br />

Will Ihe above members please contact 1.0.<br />

cal 112 rcgMdinl this mailer?<br />

GeolGI'I R. ELGIN, !.I,M,-F,S.<br />

R,Otlorts 80& c..~, \HlIla. S trl~ IIf~IIf1", .Itd ".u<br />

'.Stod.\H Sotdd ..... <strong>of</strong> lera. IIJ, Coko,.do Sprln •• ,<br />

Colo., a... n*,,, ntlrn. 01 the Ioc'III.<br />

Col oro do Springs Forges Ahead<br />

In Electronic Ports Producti on<br />

L,U, l1J, COI.ORAOO SI'RINGS, COI.o._<br />

Silicon Mountain b a man-nlilde mount~in In<br />

Colorado, With Ihe addillon <strong>of</strong> Mastic, Inmosl<br />

and The Unilcd Slates Space Center, which ale<br />

to be built this yur along wilh the olher maJor<br />

firms, Ampex, Diltal, lIewlctt I'ach.d, ud<br />

Honeywell-just 10 name D few olorDdo<br />

Springs will soon be the lar.e~t producer or<br />

electronic pam ~nd producls in Ihe United<br />

Statcs.<br />

With Ihe completion <strong>of</strong> Ihe R D Nixion<br />

Powerhouse, Ihe work piclure i, slow bUI due<br />

10 pick up with lhe "·calher.<br />

This year brings to a close the Jcn'ice <strong>of</strong><br />

thru or I_oea l 113·s lonltime and outJtudinl<br />

memlN-l'lI: Bob Cole, I former F~ecuti'e Board<br />

member and D pr~nl member <strong>of</strong> the E~ecu_<br />

tive Hoord: William Strlnlfellow; and hmes<br />

"Suds" Suddarth, who served liS a recordinl<br />

i\CCretDry Dnd chairman <strong>of</strong> the commiltee which<br />

in5tDted the <strong>Brotherhood</strong> Fund.<br />

All three memlN-rs are avid fishermen, .nd<br />

soon plan 10 spend muy hours wellin, their<br />

hooks. To all Ihrcc .. e $3y ,oad luck and<br />

Ihanks ror many yea" <strong>of</strong> faithful 5

.<br />

SteaK Feed<br />

Manllaer Dob AyclS and tht new Pacific Power<br />

and LlClu busintH representative, Paul Dobbins..<br />

II is I lwa)'J a plu5ure 10 cal a larce delicious<br />

sled: and .. ~il with Ihe memben.. I wllnt to<br />

thank Ihe members It Bend for a Yery enJor-ble<br />

evening.<br />

The local is very concerned aboUI the altempts<br />

to form local public utility di"ricl' in<br />

Orelon. Our position is thai publie utility dislrie(J<br />

cannot help the citiuns <strong>of</strong> Ihis slDte; they<br />

coutd be detrimcn tnl to our members' we lfMe<br />

(r hry wOIl1(1 lose Ihe right to strike and the<br />

protection <strong>of</strong> the National Labor Relations<br />

Board) Ind in lime could erode workinl con_<br />

dition, and WIIIU.<br />

The business manager waJ ln~iled to 10 to<br />

Wuhington, D,C., and meet with I'resldent<br />

Carter .nd his lop lides. Hob repo.ts thO! the<br />

meetrnl WU inteTHling and informati'e.<br />

The final K"lllement is in for the eight<br />

surveyed utilities, and the Bonneville IUUIIlCY'<br />

man nile is $ 12.14. This completes ne,otiolions<br />

in Local 125 for this year. All rno:mben ihould<br />

be pn:p;arinl their proposals for nut year's<br />

II't&QtiatIOns.<br />

lIope 10 sec you at the meelings.<br />

JACK MII4CHAM. D.It.<br />

down and write a leuer bragging abollt how<br />

areat il it to be I member <strong>of</strong> Locil 130. And<br />

isn'l Ihat a nice: chanle <strong>of</strong> pace from Ihe carp.<br />

ing and cUII;nl wc're ,II a liult luilty or Crom<br />

tllnt: 10 time' Thanu sl:lin. BrOlher Pizzo!<br />

ALI'atCD W. DOSlICK, P.S.<br />

Mourned<br />

locol 136 Holds Election;<br />

Work Scene Unimproved<br />

R,"lh .. J" hn A. Crook,<br />

nrl,~d mtnlb~, <strong>of</strong> 1.oc:II<br />

136. R''''n_ham, AI • . ,<br />

I~ m_ rnH III IH tonI.<br />

G ... rdln. Ih t bu . kt ••, the Ar n" .,uk Iu d, kfl<br />

I" rl_ht, • • ~ h.k H II)' nu, ohOI' . ' ...·M .11 nUl IIUlon,<br />

~n d Tu " 0.1 ...<br />

and not lile soulh. We all wish IhM mountain<br />

... uul!! ~tlie down.<br />

RD), Wright, our con~lruc l ion /(presentative,<br />

u~ thl work is ,low now. ~nd anybody consider<br />

in, coming out 10 our .rn should nil<br />

first. We wcre c.~rin, :I. boom )'UT, but<br />

jobs ITC nat breakin"<br />

Bobby A5Ch<strong>of</strong>f rCp(lrlS lila. some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

s"",lIe. ulililits do occasionl!!y need journeyman<br />

'incl1'"Irn. Uo,,·c.cr, any journeyman ron­<br />

~rin. u"lI.y employment In our ana should<br />

be advised thai hot Ilk!.: cDp3bl"'lc~ ale a rrcrequisite.<br />

I had the opportunity June ) 10 auend the<br />

annual Ucnd area Ilcalt fecd ... "h DUliness<br />

First Golf Tournament Planned;<br />

Broth er Brags About local 130<br />

I_U. 130. N EW OIU.EANS. I"A.-Thanls to<br />

Brother Gene RliIIlcman. I have some pictures<br />

<strong>of</strong> ollr first [asteT elg hunl. Obviously. it was<br />

a hUlle $UCC~S~. Nr~1 month we }hould have<br />

some shols <strong>of</strong> thc si~th Dnnual picnic. courtesy<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1I,0ther Riuleman.<br />

I am plnscd 10 announce plans for our first<br />

.!lair tournalNnt, tenatively _Ialed for late<br />

Alillust or e~rly September. All those interested<br />

sholiid contact IJrother AI Valloton II 888-<br />

3901 S() Ihat proper arr:l.nlcments cln be final_<br />

ized.<br />

Ihother Drew I'.,.zo d~r~" a hrarty thanklr<br />

f,olll II' all. Earlier thi, ycar \lrothe, ";7.1:0 w:u<br />

scJlolisly inJII.ed in an au!omobile acdden!.<br />

Bill lhe uunch aupporl from his Brolhers and<br />

Ihe Unllh ~nd Wclf.1fe rlan dllrlnl TKo,'ery<br />

promplc:d II'other Piz1.o to send I acne.olls<br />

and ,lowing letter <strong>of</strong> npp'~;ation for tho:$(:<br />

gestllres 10 I' resid~ n t P ,l1~rd. In other words,<br />

Brother rino actually toot the: timc to 5;1<br />

I ~U . 136. BIK,\tlNGIIAM, ALA.-The elec_<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers was held recently, and the memo<br />

bers holding the <strong>of</strong>licu <strong>of</strong> president, vice<br />

president. recording secretary, financial secreta,y,<br />

and treasurer werc reelectcd ...."hout op.<br />

po!O"ion. Incumbent Blisiness Mannger James<br />

Multinax. Jr .. was rec:!ected withollt a run·o/r.<br />

after recciving 73 percent <strong>of</strong> the YOln counled.<br />

Our work Situalion has not improvcd 10 any<br />

ulent since our list Irticle appeared in Ihe<br />

lo ..,nal, Ind I lar,c nllmber <strong>of</strong> our rno:mbers.<br />

indudtng a few apprentices, are employed in<br />

Ihe Jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> other local unions. We are<br />

cenainly Irateful fur tl,e aMinance <strong>of</strong> III the<br />

local unions who have provided our members<br />

with c:mpIO)'ment.<br />

Wireman pension rnember, Brother John A.<br />

Crook. IIC 19. passed away after sufferin, a<br />

prolonged Illness. Brother Crook had been a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the mEW for 60 yea,.. lie was<br />

bUlinns manaler and financial sccretary dUring<br />

the ~prt~~inn, anr! receiYcd no s.;o.IHY. other<br />

th~n me~ger donation~ whcn the hUI was pused<br />

around. lIa ~lso served in practically eyc ry<br />

olher <strong>of</strong>fice within the local union. l'rior to his<br />

rClllcmem, he was part owner <strong>of</strong> Crook and<br />

Dunn Electric Company for several ycars. This<br />

information invol~ing Brother Crook'. activities<br />

in the local union was furnished to me by his<br />

brother. R. F. "Bob" Crook, who is a 5S·)ear<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the 11Jl:"'''.<br />

In closing. I would likc 10 encourage each<br />

member to allend e"cry local union mcetinll.<br />

If II all possible. If you follow Ihis procedure,<br />

you will ,et your inlu"" .. tion firsthand instead<br />

<strong>of</strong> relyinl on rumor ..<br />

W. D. SANDUS. F.S.<br />

Dinn er Held in Honor<br />

Of local 145 Graduates<br />

L.U. 14.5. ItOC h": ISLAND. ILI..-This local<br />

once al~"1 had the pleaiure <strong>of</strong> s~crnl a group<br />

<strong>of</strong> young men honorcd upOn complelion <strong>of</strong><br />

the demandlO, four-year apprcnlicuhip period<br />

requir~d to become journcyman electricians .<br />

A dlOncr was held In their honur ul ~ ],xal<br />

supper cluh. Certificates <strong>of</strong> completion flOm tbe<br />

mEW and Ihe Burcau <strong>of</strong> Apprenticeship and<br />

Training lOere awarded as well as <strong>IBEW</strong> INdal·<br />

110,15. A Jpc:"al fUIUrC <strong>of</strong> Ihis ceremony. which<br />

was added only Ihis year, W:lS the awardinl<br />

<strong>of</strong> a $100 check to the indi~idual with the best<br />

fou,-year Ilade ufrll,e. and the Ileatni num.<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> hours <strong>of</strong> ~hool attended mel1led $50<br />

checks.<br />

The happy I~ipients wcre Sarry VanBlari_<br />

com, $100 for beSt vade ayerale; Bill Ober_<br />

haus, $50 for grodcl over 90 percent: D31e<br />

•<br />

2.6 I 18fW <strong>Journal</strong>

•<br />

Graduation<br />

T ... "'''''7 tnd .... U 04 I.oo:a) 145. R.,.,k b .... d. W .•<br />

.n.rd. ~fI 10 rldol, .,~ ,--.. Ie S'~ph~._, ......<br />

M.!oIII. aIUTJ ,'... I.,k ........ d O"IUe c ... r; ~ 1 . 1Id ·<br />

Inll' .,.,.. ~h ... d7. T~"7 S/u .., 1H •• b M _~, O.)e<br />

Pol.')I)". C.,I D ... ~ ... D~n .. b T . ' ~hm .., RI ~ h . n:I<br />

HU""I', J ~m~ . 1I . ,' ~k. John lIu ..., \N I U '~'" Obn.<br />

h~u ~ .nd Gu. y lIugh •••<br />

" ~m""n <strong>of</strong> 1M Lonl IU API' ••• d~bhlp C-.. II.<br />

tn, ~" to rill"', .rt 1'.' ••• ndl., 0..,1", \\llIb.~<br />

N I~h •• d SllIn. A .. hlanl Hu.luM M.n.~ •• G. ' 7<br />

M ~ \bhUI . C, 'II' .''' •• I).an!> "· u~h. l , .nd Un<br />

W . U~" .. h" " ... .... ~o n.m l ... c 'n "'Mn7 ... ".<br />

L""a) IU '.... rvcl .." , Idl 10 .' ~ hl , .,. 1 ...... 1 .'I••<br />

~ 1 .hlU, to: lI" Don".U7. Lo".1I 11. ".0. , Nat W. II.,<br />

SI ... .',uma.., Ronald J".dan. KIm E •• nt. ~U ke<br />

K.U"."lIh, lI.ma. d s~"n, M.y 1·".lon .• nd Nonald<br />

0\110".<br />

Ldl 10 . I,bl art Jolo. 0 ..... p,bld~.' 04 Lonl<br />

145; Ctntl F"o~ ..... Hid ...' 01' Quad 017 E"~lrkal<br />

C ........... I"" Ano .. I.UOOOI Dr. C IIt" '"'Pt ri.' ~lIdc • •<br />

<strong>of</strong> D ••",POt1 o-blk ",koh: C~ ... 1d to: ...... II .~.<br />

b ... lnU5 .. a" .... <strong>of</strong> """1lI 14$; aIId D .. W . It • ••<br />

n«".h·. ,.~ ' ~ I . '7 <strong>of</strong> th. 1 ..... 1 .;1«•• 1.,.1 ConI .....<br />

10 rl A .... cI.lloa.<br />

I'elcrson. S~O oyer 90 rcle~nt; Oon Mundy,<br />

SSO o~er 90 rcrcent. Carl Dantu r~cehed ISO<br />

for hoeSI IHendanc. in Ih. cl~".<br />

F.awr.d speaker for the evening w:u Dr.<br />

Ted Gray, DJvcnpart public schools superin·<br />

tenden t.<br />

The wiw< <strong>of</strong> the new jou,neymell ,ecei~ed a<br />

speeial aceolade for their patience and proddin&<br />

in helpin, their husbands th.ough th e lour<br />

yurs. f:.

... h~ n tbey become v~can1. AI presenl, Ihere<br />

arc 29 unfilled job5 in our departmenl, jobs<br />

Ibat the Company app.arently wants 10 eliminale.<br />

These posilions represent notbin. to Ibe<br />

(;ompany but a hlper W"IC bill. an oppOr_<br />

tunity to lQueeze more work alII oC fewer<br />

people for hiaher pr<strong>of</strong>its. To th e Union. espe.<br />

ciaUy the younger members. these positions<br />

reprcs.cnt our [uture, the only w~y we e3n<br />

learn necdtd 'kiJlJ and advance 10 become<br />

linemen.<br />

Because Duquesne Lipl hu consistcntly refused<br />

to discuss this problem with Ihe Union.<br />

we decided 10 take an independenl aelion 10<br />

bilhlighl th e impuJla",,, <strong>of</strong> Ihis issue. On<br />

April 9. 18 mcmbers <strong>of</strong> Local 148 hcld an informational<br />

pIcket at thc Duquesne Lipi Company<br />

headquarten m do .... ntown Pillsburp.<br />

Our grieYllIlCes were publiciztd by the three<br />

local TV S h'liu,, ~. 1 .... 0 radio 510tion$. and Ihe<br />

press. Passers-by were supportive, lIS were Ihe<br />

m EW mcmbers <strong>of</strong> the olhcr locals on tbe<br />

propeny who were nol a ... are o[ our situation.<br />

Manalemenl sho .... ed their support by makilll<br />

deroaatory slalementS lu llo t pTUS, relllSinl<br />

to let us use lheir rest rooms. and stnding out<br />

Ipies to lake I)iclures, (Klint tinsers. and iden_<br />

lify the pickel5.<br />

AI the May union meclin,. the members<br />

Ihanked the UrOlhers Who s.1criticed u ~~~ation<br />

day 10 10 downtown and sland up for our jobs.<br />

There is no doubl Ihat Ihe Company will try<br />

to climb ~booIrd the lay-olf bandwagon by<br />

eliminatinl our job!! in order 10 r~ise thcir<br />

11101115. Our Job sccutity ..."n't be "'on if we<br />

lct Ihe Company roll mer us. but only if ... e<br />

Jt~nd up t.th~r ~nd tiPI b~cl.:.<br />

TODD htlla. I'.S.<br />

On Power Plant Job<br />

1>1 .... dl ... I .. '.unl uf lI't tJ1ltrlftirnlal pUW •• pl..,l,<br />

bM .. 'OW . Idr 10 ./ahl, are B.mlb.n Al Itmll.II,<br />

1010. wQ ........ Roo"." c • ...,.. 0. •• P"III>1

Scholarship A w ardee<br />

Golf Outing<br />

Stewards School<br />

•<br />

l o~ph nrru ..., _ <strong>of</strong> "ro lher . nol 1\11S. , .,..... 11<br />

1)ITuro, Sr., ... s .~n.. d, ..... c1e4 a lkhllU'Iihl ..<br />

A 1t hI Lon! l&t, h.~, Clll , N.J, Ldl 10 .llthl<br />

• " 8'01l'~. !)rr..... S." 1\11S. DIT ....., . ecl ..<br />

1_.... It..,<br />

l>fTwro, I .. , anlt P .... l ol ~ nl lohn A ,<br />

IH ....... I ~.<br />

The award was presenled !o Joseph Oi Turo.<br />

$On <strong>of</strong> BrOlher and Mrs. Joseph Oi T uro.<br />

Mr. O i Tum was selected for 'he award becau~<br />

<strong>of</strong> his OUlstanding academic achieve_<br />

ment' in his high school yenrs. Wc are surc<br />

Ihal Mr. Oi T uro wjIJ usc lhc scholarship to<br />

his utmost abilily and we wish him Ihe besl<br />

<strong>of</strong> ]uek in his college years.<br />

The loc.1 Brolhers .re uHemely pleased<br />

wilh Ihe dforU <strong>of</strong> Ihe Schol:ushlp Commince<br />

in makin, Ihis .ward pOSSible neh yeu. The<br />

eommillee members are t..eon3rd Murshall, Ken<br />

Owens. and Tom SpJno.<br />

KI NNl;'1I T . NAGEl . I'.S.<br />

Stewards Class<br />

AII. ndl". II •• slu •• ,oIJ J."'I .... and ".!nln. "'us<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lonl 16$, OIlu.o, III .• b .. k ....... Ifli I .. rf,hl,<br />

.', Adrlln HI ~ hop , tO n Fry, l:Hnnl, Ikh .. k ho",<br />

... 01 Cl!arfu r aIM"'o,,; fronl ro .... nlane AnduJOn,<br />

Annie 1\111." 1'bo"'., Honk, IlIhn M,. ... , . nd K.",<br />

MII",U!.<br />

I. uo.lH • ..,,.... <strong>of</strong> lat clau, .... 11 ........ 11:'1 10 riI:""<br />

are P. I 1\1 .. ", TrffU SI. I.w ..... /U. h l. M od~tS.<br />

Lornla. 8 ... 10 .. , ... 01 a ...... 1· ..... ~; I.onl ru ... ,<br />

t:d IIl1U't •• O ... n .sc-1M>bfl-, U. !t n "up,ln, ... 01<br />

lun ~ Ta,..,. ,<br />

Stewards Seminar and Tra in ing<br />

Classes Held in Chicago<br />

I •. V . ]6.5, C II]CAGO, ILI •. _A itewards ~mina<br />

r and Iraining class was held for the plant<br />

deparlmenc's new siewards on April 30, wilh<br />

one for !he complrol!ers' new stewuds on May<br />

21. With !he rapid chnae-ooer <strong>of</strong> siewards<br />

the local muse hold these e1a5!iU on ~<br />

I,"UOUS ba5is 10 keep eO'cryone !fained<br />

up 10 dalC on eurrenl issues and conlr~cl procedures.<br />

This ye~r W2S a firsl for local 165. We hsd<br />

1.'0 Mwt-We.Forgec'· JOlf ouhnp.. The first<br />

WaJ Mid May 8, <strong>1980</strong>, • Thursdo1y, and .. e<br />

had four foursomes show up 10 JOlf, The<br />

medalisl <strong>of</strong> Ihe day was lIal [berhnl <strong>of</strong> Stew_<br />

art Swilehin&. and Ihe duffer <strong>of</strong> the dJy was<br />

Mill Norstrom. one <strong>of</strong> our retired members OUt<br />

<strong>of</strong> GTF.<br />

T he ~cond outing was held on SJturdJy,<br />

M ~y 17, and we had 118 brave ,olfers show<br />

up for II day <strong>of</strong> lolr with some rain thrown in<br />

for good measure. The meda]ist in Ihis tournamenl<br />

was Kris WCJvcr; firSI .pbee hand'cap<br />

"'cnl 10 Marty Ouellman. second·place hndi·<br />

cap wem 10 lIob Anderson, Ihirll·plnce handi·<br />

cap was won by Gary Ericks and Ihe dulTer<br />

<strong>of</strong> lhe day w:rs I'hil Moneslero.<br />

L~UHN Cll F. li n HI, I'.S.<br />

local 175 SeHles New Contract;<br />

COPE Drive Progress ing<br />

I_U. 175. CIIATTANOOGA, TENN._ As <strong>of</strong><br />

May], ]9S0. we haH~ a new .,reement with<br />

the NEeA contractors in our jurisdiclion. The<br />

journeyman-wireman scale is now 512,)2 ¥rilh<br />

7' CCntS health and welfare plu, 86 cents in<br />

p('nsion. As <strong>of</strong> May I, 1'18]. lhe .. ircmen scale<br />

will be .$1J.65 with 7' cents heahh and Welfare<br />

plus 9S

oor o;en~tOI1 .~p.~sentin, them in Washinllton_<br />

l'lu§e remember this ... hen you ,0 to<br />

YOle_ Be sr' ~~ you are ruisttred 10 "Ole, 11r~11<br />

be SIU' you vOle.<br />

Everything th~1 is ruLly ,real and inspirin,<br />

is cr~)ted by individuals ... ho labor in freedom.<br />

Remember the ballot is ,I.onler than the bullet.<br />

C-U :lIllie nell union m~Cling.<br />

ClIUI.U DUNNINO, 1'.5.<br />

K EN JAM ES, A SST. P 5.<br />

New JATe Building<br />

- .~-<br />

ShO"-•• t Ihe lie" J ATC bulldln •• I,udl 10 un by<br />


m05t are being cmployed without a long wait.<br />

Thc outlook is bencr for lalCr in the year, Jf<br />

somc jobs can belln conSl/uclion before the<br />

llIin.<br />

Two new members were mitiated at the<br />

June 2, <strong>1980</strong>, meelina: Teddy Brewster and<br />

Allen Walker.<br />

BUJme:ss Manaler David luch sends the<br />

followinl messale: " I would like 10 upress<br />

my deep apPIC:cialion on Ihe hord and tiring<br />

work our union Ihother! put inlO our elections<br />

in the yurs pasl. So don', let your lu;ard<br />

down: we hawe I presidenlial eleclion coming<br />

up Ihis ynr. We must do aU we CDn 10 get<br />

friends <strong>of</strong> labor ctected to .tale Ind nation;al<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficn 10 help de[ut some <strong>of</strong> these bills that<br />

the rilht·winl is i"troducinl to makc it hard<br />

for union, and union people to uis!. So when<br />

called on 10 help, do ~ll you can: you won',<br />

regret il."<br />

The local is proud to announce the names<br />

<strong>of</strong> I J new journeyman wiremen. Th~ Ire<br />

Randy Akin, Eddie Il3r"n, Jim Barton, Ru<br />

Doling. Will Coleman. Andy Cory, Tommy<br />

Dunalin, Clifford lIurlley, Rickee H ughes,<br />

Wayne Pickett, Anron Roaster. tynn Wiedek.<br />

and Jerry Wilhite. These men were honored<br />

with II prime rib dinner ut the graduDtion ban.<br />

quet held this yur al the Shre'eporl Conven.<br />

lion Center.<br />

Randy loki" WIS lleleeted 15 the outslanding<br />

apprentice and will alle"d the 32nd annual<br />

Apprenticcsh ip Conference in lIou510n, Te .. u.<br />

I'our <strong>of</strong> the Ir.duaICS, Randy Akin, Eddie<br />

Barnes, Andy Cory, Ind Clifford lIarlley, were<br />

presented with perrect IIChool anendance<br />

awards. Three others mlncd by only one nigh,<br />

over Ihe four·year peliod.<br />

GUY WAlKEI, P.S.<br />

Annual Golf Tourn a ment Held;<br />

Retirees Help at Industry Show<br />

L.U. 212, CINCINNAn, O IflO-lt neyer uins<br />

in C.melol, C.melol be;na .ny modern-day<br />

•<br />

golf COUf$C. The IJth .nnual loclls 212 and<br />

648 lolf outina WI' held S)turday, May 17,<br />

al Neuman', Gol( Couri!:. Muy 17 entered tile<br />

record pagn <strong>of</strong> Cineinnati 15 hayinl had IWO<br />

inches <strong>of</strong> roinfall in n 24·hour·period. Because<br />

<strong>of</strong> the rain Ihe tourney WDS ,hortcncd to a<br />

nine-hole event. Over the history <strong>of</strong> the tourney,<br />

either local thB! won three times in a row<br />

relained the tournament trophy. necause <strong>of</strong><br />

this, the lourney became I do-or-die tourney<br />

[or Local 2 12. We were yiCloriollS over Local<br />

648 by four strokes. Ilrolhctll Dick Warman<br />

<strong>of</strong> local 212 won Ihe handicap trophy and<br />

Brother Terry Baker <strong>of</strong> Local 6411 won the<br />

scratch trophy. The tournament is the joint<br />

effort <strong>of</strong> Brothers Wall J..ewis I nd Dick War.<br />

man <strong>of</strong> Local 212 Ind Ihothers Bill Berry and<br />

Bill Fliek <strong>of</strong> Loc.1 ~II . Even thouah the lour·<br />

ncy was shortened, lOme 52 devoted golfetll<br />

played Ihroulh the ",ther hlah humidity.<br />

The Union IndUJtry Show ,..u held in Cin.<br />

cinMli May 2).211. tocal 212, alonl WIth other<br />

are:! m EW locnls, WDJ requcsted 10 serye a'<br />

thc <strong>IBEW</strong> booth. l'lrticipatinl Icti"e members<br />

<strong>of</strong> local 212 "'ere Ilrothctll Will Zimmer, Bob<br />

la.mpill&, Buzz Weikle, Don IJ Utllt, nob Reily.<br />

and Dick Warm:!n. The f'eMion Club <strong>of</strong> 2t2<br />

was asked 10 serve IS mEW se

<strong>of</strong> Local 229. II sholild h3vt ix'cn tht 62nd,<br />

not the 61$t.<br />

A CPR (cardio-plllmonary rUllscimtion)<br />

course was hetd recently, instructcd by Urcllher<br />

Marlin Grove. As m(Ht Of you probably know,<br />

CI'R is a life·sustaining technique to be used<br />

until advanced life support arri vc'. Adminis·<br />

terins C I'R to an accident victim u soon lIS<br />

p05Sible CDn make tile difrucnce between life<br />

and death. II rother Grove abo instructs th is<br />

course Ihrough tbe York·Adams lIearl Association<br />

and lerves on the York Crty ambulance<br />

crew as an EMT. Onr local ;s fortunate to<br />

have a member qualified to teach Ihis CO ll rse,<br />

and at present about 40 members ore certified.<br />

nO! tn mention family mcmbcu 10 whom the<br />

course is also availablc.<br />

T he work situation has picked IIp. and<br />

th ere 're lome Iravelerl workinB out <strong>of</strong> our<br />

local. Work continuC5 at Veach Ilottom Alomic<br />

Plant and Drunner's Island, but a shoppinl<br />

mall SCheduled to BO up in York h.I'I been 1'111<br />

on hold.<br />

CARl. THOMAN, " .5.<br />

Mourned<br />

R",rhfr Al ";rkl <strong>of</strong> Lon ' 1.1I , St" ... Cll y, l a •• .. ho<br />

",unit,. p a~std . ... " I, sh""n

Retirement Party<br />

.holhe. Ralph Wa.e, bu>lne •• mana,e. <strong>of</strong> LO"a1<br />

1S9, Salem, M""",, .a, hono"eI al hll rellre",enl<br />

PA" '. lie IJ ' ''o .. ~ .. 1111 altn,lM: .. <strong>of</strong> 1111 fallOUY.<br />

P.uletenl Paul L· II .u.tu~ , left, I, )bo.... ..1111<br />

B.olht. Ware.<br />

•<br />

1.<br />

B.o.h,. Wa ... eulvc. a plaque f.om Ille 1'1 . .. "",I.<br />

n." ",analln, " ya.d lion",,,,,.<br />

Sho .... a. e La .."nu O · ~I.lt' , p.tU .. tre ••..,.; Rkb·<br />

a rel ~Ion a ""' , b .. ~ 101 t.u ........." Lota. 113; B.ul".,<br />

• Watt; and Ru,luH :U"".~U lIo .. m ....<br />

Business Manager Wore Honored<br />

At Retirement Party<br />

I_U. 259, SAI. t:M, MASS.- Rnlrh Ware, who<br />

served as business manager for Local 2S9 for<br />

the past 20 years. retired in April, He was I<br />

- member <strong>of</strong> the IIJ LW for )0 yea ...<br />

UrOlher Wa re was honored for his work in<br />

the Salem Ioc:al at a retirement l1,nne. at th e<br />

Holiday Inn in I'cabody, During thc cvening<br />

he was presented with a plaque in apprcciatiOn<br />

for his work by fonner I'resident Uyard Ilors·<br />

man. Urother Horsma n was appoimed to fill<br />

the pos,tlon left vacant by Urother Ware,<br />

Before a gathering <strong>of</strong> 200 persons. Urother<br />

Wa re was recognized by locnl President J'aul<br />

L'HeureUl fOf his contributions to the Ioc:al.<br />

Drothef Lawrence O'Maley, wh o served as<br />

master <strong>of</strong> ceremonies. inuOOuced Urother<br />

Ware's family, his daughter, Priscilla, ud her<br />

husband, Albert Sivo; his son, Kenneth, who is<br />

also a member <strong>of</strong> Loc:al 2S9. and his wife,<br />

Ilelen; his son, D wight, and his wife, J. /'.;<br />

and his son, Ralph. and hi, wife, Judy,<br />

Guest speakers were Speaker <strong>of</strong> the Iiouse<br />

Thomas MeGee <strong>of</strong> Lynn and Int crna .ion ~1<br />

Represtntath·e ErnClit Viveiros who rud I let.<br />

ter from Second District Vice: I'resident John<br />

E. Flynn, who commended Ilfother Wart for<br />

his work.<br />

GUl'Sts Jl'lclud~d m~ny visit'n, bllsine~. man·<br />

asers from around th e statc, and rcpresen!:I'<br />

li,·es <strong>of</strong> Add· Men, the National El ec trical Con·<br />

IrDctorJ Association, the North Shore Uulldlllg<br />

T rades JUJOCiation, Local 138 Plumbe,. nnl1<br />

Fitters; Loc:al 12 Plumbe,,; Local 17 Sheet<br />

Metal Workers; Loc:al t4 Laborers; Local 815<br />

Carpenters; Local 1044 Gl n1.iers; Dnd mEW<br />

members from L oc~ls to}, 522, Dnd 33".<br />

The local has been saddened by the dealhs<br />

<strong>of</strong> four Urotliers, Ernest Sargent, It iehard<br />

Fisher, T homas Spellman, and r~ward O'~.tul ey<br />

during the past year,<br />

Work in the Salem arca hu increased, III·<br />

though many Urothers Dre still traveling Ollt·<br />

side the areD to worl:. The local is gratdul to<br />

the neighboring Ioc:als for helping Salem duro<br />

ing th ~~ lull in work.<br />

At the rC(:ent ele

WU declared the <strong>1980</strong> K:ll'lus Stale Outstandina<br />

Electrical Apprentice. The Wichita E1ectrieal<br />

Industry is very proud <strong>of</strong> Larry, n is<br />

his wife, Terri. Larry received the John Jenner<br />

Kansas Stale Award at the tompletion tere_<br />

moni~. lie also received a walth as a join!<br />

gifl from Local 271 and NECA, Kansu Chaptt<br />

r.<br />

David Fun,ton. who has been doing an tl_<br />

tellen! job <strong>of</strong> instructing the third-yur .ppren.<br />

ticeship class for Ihe past four ycars. has lakcn<br />

a job with Southwestern Dell Telephone. Seyeral<br />

yurs ago. Dave was selected by the Wichita<br />

CommillCc as the year's OUlSlandinl Apprentice.<br />

Soon after that he won Ihe Kansu Slllte<br />

Contest in Topeka. lie r epr~nled K ans~s in<br />

the 7th Dimkl IB EW-~ th DiStricl NECA<br />

Conlest and won that also. lie receiyed Ihe<br />

Kanus Stale and Ihe Dislrict John Jenner<br />

Award I I the Kansas Siale complelion cere.<br />

monies that year. Dave was outstandmg I t th e<br />

Southwc5tern Eleclric Company .nd at Ihe<br />

lraining cenler. We will miss him and are<br />

thanHullO have had him with us.<br />

Completion (:C,emonies were held on May<br />

31 10 honor Ihe scyen graduating aPPlenticl'S.<br />

They wele Larry Clark. Brad Holt. G ary Joy,<br />

Marlin Marrs, G ary Menhuscn. Donald Moren,<br />

Dnd Randy Schwartz. TOlal tlan absencCl for<br />

the enlire four yeaf"1l were I ~. Their gradl'S<br />

,eHeeled this allainment. Larry Clark received<br />

Ihe John Jenner Award for winnin, the K.Mas<br />

StDle Apprcnticeship cOnltsl. Donald Mortn<br />

recti ... ed D pl3que for four yean <strong>of</strong> perfecl<br />

allendance.<br />

KLNSETII E. S .. II.O., Ta. 0, •.<br />

Assistant<br />

Shown U A' ~" I~nl RU l ln~ Sf Aten, nob Jon'tn <strong>of</strong><br />

1 ....,.1 2~4, II lbbln~ , ~11"n.<br />

Girl Friday<br />

Girl "rld." ~'.'~'''I Ib.rkll. kupS lilt <strong>of</strong>tin lull·<br />

" Inl·<br />

Controct Agreed On;<br />

Work Scene Very Slow<br />

LV. 29.1, illUDING, l\IINN_At 4.00 D m.<br />

Friday, May 3D, <strong>1980</strong>. our local and NECA<br />

came 10 an alreement on • conllaCI. The dead·<br />

hne was Ille lhl al midnighl. Th:u III gom,<br />

down to the wire.<br />

They JlfCCd to I SI.3 1 intrease:. maling il<br />

S T3.12 on Ihe c llcck. plus II r:lise on health and<br />

welfart. fr om 4 percenl to !I percenl; Ihe In·<br />

nuity wen l from 80 cents to SU)() and the<br />

subsi"ilence "aycd at $9.00 per day.<br />

3. I IIEW }o ... nol<br />

Apprentices<br />

....... rtb·)·u r .PPffntln' ... ~ ho .... I" .. hool<br />

In)I.""lor lIo ... rd I!._r)· ., Iht pUCll ......<br />

local 242, Duluth, Minnesota, ultled .nd<br />

hIS Ihe same houdy rille. heallh and wdfare,<br />

but a d,fferenl subslSlence. loc.l 216, Superior,<br />

Wisc:onsin. se:uled, IS well.<br />

Work in our Irea is ... try .Iow now and the<br />

fut ure dOC$n'1 look blllhl, With Ihe $Ieel companies<br />

Illyin, <strong>of</strong>f in the Tltonite Plants IS well<br />

IS steel-producing plants.<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> us can do ~o m elhinll about th e<br />

eeonomic situation in our country by makinll<br />

consumer detisions Ihnl will hel p lave jobs.<br />

Whether it il • decision u 10 which new car,<br />

tools, shoes, dothinl, or Iny olher produci<br />

you may want to purchase, .Iwa)" look for<br />

"Made in USA"; beller yet, Ihe un.ion label.<br />

Brothers and SislCf"1I, n:mtmber Ihat the union<br />

I.bel means "M.de in USA.. .. Buyin, products<br />

wilh the union I.bel mearu Ih.t .lobs will IIDy<br />

in the USA where they .re needed loday.<br />

We <strong>of</strong> Local 294 are happy 10 announce<br />

Ihe latest birth} in our local. A daughter was<br />

horn 10 UrOlhu lind Mr.. Ka rl Il rundl on<br />

February 19. ]980. 1Irother David Lee Car1wn<br />

and his wife, Joy, hnd a boy. Derek Joseph,<br />

on April 14. <strong>1980</strong>. OrOlhtr Michael Anderson<br />

and his wife, De~erly, had a boy, David Michatl,<br />

on May ~. <strong>1980</strong>. We eatend our eon,ratulalions<br />

to these Brothcf"$ .nd their fomilies on their<br />

lalesl ,ddilionJ,<br />

Unlil ne)[t monlh, try your besl to 10 10 your<br />

union meetin, Ind be union .nd buy union.<br />

E. LI Roy lAU DI!. V.S<br />

locol 295 Scribe Poys<br />

Tribute to Brother Hill<br />

I •. U. 295, UTILE ROCK. ARK.- From lime<br />

10 lime we feature one <strong>of</strong> OUI retired members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ID EW. In Ihis i!wc we WISh to pay<br />

Iribule 10 Or01het !larry W.yne 1I11\.<br />

Urother lI ill was born in 1900 and .lIended<br />

Khool al the old Norlh l 'lIle Rock 1I"h<br />

School (where It is rumored hc Ine~hd in to<br />

try his h~nd al ,mokin, and burn~d the school<br />

down).<br />

lie Krved four yea .. ond nine months .s an<br />

apprentice in 15117 in Local 6S8. flrede

' "<br />

.<br />

work which wa5 a charaCltlistic or the luxuli­<br />

OUI railroad carl durin. tile railroad cra,<br />

Durin, the areat railroad strike or 192),<br />

Brotlltr '''II !ramped rrom the West Coast to<br />

the Eas t Coast doina evclythin. [rom ra king<br />

leaves to paintina hOU5Cli and diagina ditch~.<br />

He married Frances 11 011 on AUI uSt 1, 1940.<br />

whom he mel while wilinl Ihe old Seville<br />

Hotd at !larr ison, ArkanDI. lie tranderrcd<br />

his membersh ip 10 the: IBFW local 31 lI arr ison,<br />

AlkaM:lS, at tlliJ time<br />

He wOlked for Civil Service al the navy<br />

y:Hd at B,emerton. Wuhinl!lon. ror five yeus<br />

and 31 lUI returncd to hi1 home Mate. Alkan.<br />

sas, in 1945. whcre he went to work fOI Ad.lms<br />

and 1I0l!3n l'lectlic Compan)', owntd by lIud<br />

Adams and T roy lIoll3n III' worked as a<br />

maintenance elceui.:ian for the Uni"NSlt)' Medical<br />

Center f,om 19~6 to 1970 and .eturned 10<br />

electrical constru~tion and worked on the 27-<br />

slory WOllhen BanI;; build,na until he retiled<br />

in 1911,<br />

Harry and bis ... ,fe. FmncH. mJke Iheir<br />

home at 1401 West I ~ t h SUect. North I. lltle<br />

Hock. Alkan'a!. II nrry'S hohhin include cabine<br />

t m~kinll nnd 'hhinll, III' il nn nClive member<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe AAR. I' (American A s~oci"tio n <strong>of</strong> Re_<br />

Iii I'd Persons). and he and Frances ..... Of k in<br />

Ihcir church lo,clilel We .... Isli thcm both<br />

many h DPPY yurl <strong>of</strong> retiremcnl<br />

It is with ullnes, lhal "'1' lepoll Ihe dcalh<br />

<strong>of</strong> Brotber IIMrold "!tu.'>ly" Wealhelford. who<br />

was 69 yeus <strong>of</strong> aac al the lime <strong>of</strong> his death<br />

on May 22, <strong>1980</strong>. "Ru5ty" WII initialtd into<br />

Local 29S on Februar), 17, 1942, and rttired<br />

~ on March I, 1976, lie WJ\ I J8·ycar mcmber<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong> at Ihe lime <strong>of</strong> his death. On be.<br />

half <strong>of</strong> our mcmbels. we .... i5h to exlend oor<br />

condolem:n 10 the loved oneJ <strong>of</strong> our dece;Hed<br />

Brother.<br />

.<br />

Afler Ii. in, wll:lt he consideled 10 be an<br />

dJccti\'e pOlitical s[>Cceh, Icllin, hil aud,ence<br />

.... hat he thoulhl it wanted to he~r and plomisilll<br />

10 fu llill the yotcrs' wilhes. Ibe pOlitician<br />

looked OUI at his liSleners nd asked confi_<br />

denlly, "Now arc there an), qUClltiolll?"<br />

" Yes." came II voice, "who ctse is runninll?"<br />

Lt 0,' 11 R. LYNCII, A SST. BM.<br />

Three Members Mourned;<br />

Organizing Campaign to Use TV<br />

LU, lO8. ST, Pt., EKSKUKG. "-LA,-It is ""ilh<br />

deep regret th nt I inform th e Ololhcrhood <strong>of</strong><br />

th e denilis <strong>of</strong> three I.ocal 3<strong>08</strong> members. Drothu<br />

Elmer "Pcte" II renllle. M 6S,year·old inside<br />

..... ireman. paned awa)' on May 18. Pele was<br />

initiated into Ihe local in 1969 and was nOI<br />

working, due to disability. at Ihe lime <strong>of</strong> hi!<br />

dealh. Brolher Paul Punk, a mtmbn <strong>of</strong> OUI<br />

L,ne Unil since hnLlsl)', 19 ~8. died on May<br />

2 1 at Ihe Ige <strong>of</strong> 49 Paul was I mcmbel <strong>of</strong><br />

the ElIeculi.e Board from 1916 until t~ time<br />

his illness co<strong>of</strong>incd him to • Tampa hosp,lal.<br />

1u.'>1 three days .ftt. I' MUI'S dealh we lost<br />

Brother Alfred II . Sehrocder, wh o was 90<br />

yu.s old and hd been a member <strong>of</strong> Ihe IIIEW<br />

~ince May, 1942. lie retirtd in 1964 a fl el serving<br />

the local as an inside wilcman fOI 22<br />

yealS. We mouln the lou <strong>of</strong> thue Drothers and<br />

our sympalhy and pnl~" lie nlellded 10<br />

Iheir famrlics.<br />

On a bliahter note, I'm happy 10 announce<br />

Ih31 we ale !lOOn 10 take our filsi Slep in Our<br />

10na-awD,ted orpnil:rnl campa',n This (j'SI<br />

slep i'l mainly in Ihe form <strong>of</strong> TV commercials<br />

We arc also lookinl into thc pn»ibilit)' <strong>of</strong><br />

spol radio advert,s;ng for fUlu re pur po~es. At<br />

the present. Ihough, we nre conctrned w,th.<br />

and cOnCenllDling on. TV. The members Ievie<br />

..... ed Ihese commercials nl the re~Lllar "by<br />

meeting and I II sumed pleased with rhe .1'_<br />

suit s. Our main objcci is to edueale Ihe public<br />

to the benelits and .dvantale5 <strong>of</strong> usinl union<br />

labor. A arcu deal <strong>of</strong> emphasis i, pl;lced on<br />

tile apprenticeship trainin. that the union<br />

journeyman .... iremen h3"e received. It is im.<br />

[>Crative Ihal lhe: public be informed and made<br />

aware <strong>of</strong> the fact that the IDEW lind Local<br />

3<strong>08</strong> supplies hilhly trained Dnd skilled craftsmen.<br />

This traininll and experience are .... hnt<br />

distinguishes m EW elccl/ician, from non·union<br />

clcct.iciailli. Thc a"er1ae consumu mu.'>t rcalile<br />

lhal. !IOOnel or laler, thcy will pay the penalt),<br />

fot using non-union and non-quali(jed elce_<br />

lIicians. For thrll: fcaSOnS I fecI Ihat TV commercials<br />

arc an impOrlanl Slep in the l itht<br />

direction. AI Ihis li me, we extend our appre·<br />

Cialion 10 Business Manaler Ceorle Hudspeth<br />

<strong>of</strong> Local 123, Wesl Palm Buch. Florida, for<br />

his help lind contribution., in thi' endea"or,<br />

Coinl hand in hand wilh TV ad"ellisinl i,<br />

personal all'cni5rng. T·5hll" bea.inl Ihe \DEW<br />

emblem. local union numbers. locations, or<br />

union sloganli a.e a \' alu~ble $Oul~e <strong>of</strong> p.omolion.<br />

lI all, bell bud.ln. dceal~. and bumper<br />

IilickerJ ale all W3)'5 10 explen .nd promole<br />

union strength and pride. I.ct'. all do whal .... e<br />

CJn along these \ines. Orothel •. There isn'l IIny<br />

e~cusc on this. for we ~11 "'e3r shillS lind<br />

uri'e somelhing!<br />

In closrns I ..... ould h~ e 10 greet the Inr velins<br />

members from 3<strong>08</strong> who arc scattered all over<br />

th e COLlnlTy. Broth ers ..... e hnvcn'l [o'lolle"<br />

you; remember that ..... 1' 'trll care. I ask Ih~t<br />

you remember tbe )0 or 40 failhful membef5<br />

hert who a.e trying Iheir best to<br />

priue and Brolherhood in I.ocal 3011<br />

Sn"lI'IIIU.lAS, P S<br />

Honored<br />

I.ffl 10 rI~I" ..... Brolht" C . Ke.p, K_ SIi'omn1,<br />

and V. 1I,..,,'on <strong>of</strong> I.ocal ,J19. Sa.kar ...,n. s:o,~ .. ..·ho<br />

.. ~.r ~ 'mo.. d :01 ... n.rm,n! p:o'I).<br />

Three Members Honored<br />

At Retirement Porty<br />

L.U, 319, SASKATOON, SASK.-l"hlee memo<br />

bers. Brolhcrs G Kemp, V. lIenion. and K_<br />

Skromny, "·ele honoled al a .et"emenl pany<br />

on April 2S, <strong>1980</strong>. 1I the Nutana ltaion The<br />

families <strong>of</strong> these memberl, and ~Pl'fO~imalely<br />

100 members and Iheir friends attended the<br />

banquet. The.e was danein.. weiali;ein., Ind<br />

'eminiKin, <strong>of</strong> trmes ,one b)'.<br />

PrescnlaliolU we re made by I'residenl L.<br />

Dionne on behal f <strong>of</strong> Ihe union; Mr. Bunn, the<br />

Ulili1y De panm~nt head; and Mr. M . Cherntski.<br />

for the employer <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> Suilatoon.<br />

BIOlher Kemp spent 34 yellS <strong>of</strong> selvice as<br />

In apprtntice. lineman, mcul in~Ia.lltr, and<br />

siorekeepe •. Brolhe. Skromn), WJ'I In aniuanl<br />

Sioreketpe ..... ith the Ilt>lil)' fOl 2~ )CJIS- IIrOlher<br />

Hnsion s[>Cnt 21 years III a lineman an.! his<br />

rnspiralionJI leadership .... ill be mi5se.1.<br />

S. A. ~ 1I .orlJl., I ''i<br />

Inside a nd Outside Members<br />

Ratify Controct<br />

L U. In, CASI'EM, \\ YO.- One <strong>of</strong> Ihe la rle,1<br />

turnouts in .ceent years clime on Ap III 12 and<br />

I~. <strong>1980</strong>, when 119 n~mbers r.lllied to \·ote on<br />

Ratilicat;on<br />

I.t fl 10 rl~h l hh. MH h, JIm 1I0llandu, Duane<br />

S.IIh, and Bill W • • ddt 01 LocaJ lll. c.'~ " W'O.,<br />

Hnt "p 10 pa, dutt MIme .olln. 00 tb" ron lfll.(l.<br />

Ltft 10 .Iahl John ~ Uflt • ..,..,.hu htt Mad, latu_<br />

naTtonaJ M tp . U

October I, 1981, $ IS.70 per hour. Additio nal<br />

itell1$ included $.0) an hour on heahh and<br />

welhre: 56,00 3 day more on travd pay: .IId<br />

wile percentIle for apprentice wiremall in.<br />

cre:a~d by 10 ~rcent for lI3rtini apJlIcntH::rs.<br />

Ihe Wyomlnl Lme COlUtruchon 8sreement<br />

II('Iotiation5 were coneluded carty this year<br />

Ind raufied at Ihe lanuary 12, <strong>1980</strong>, meclinl<br />

by a comfollable margin. T he innca~s wtre<br />

n follow': journeyman lineman, $1.9S pcr<br />

h"ul. t'lLli,,,,,cnl ",,,,,at,,,, $1.7S ,IC' 100UI, lind<br />

Iioundman, $I 42 per hour. noth Nelotiallnl<br />

Commiutts Me to be ("ongrDtul~tcd for I job<br />

well doll(',<br />

T he Wyornin, State Elccllical JATC will<br />

"aduale :'!2 ncw journc),m:an wiremen :al Ih,<br />

Iidlon Inn '" Casr>er on SeJllem~1 6, <strong>1980</strong>.<br />

l et's all I" our to the ("clemonon and sUJlpOrt<br />

Ih~ h:andsl<br />

Members Retire;<br />

Retirees Club Chartered<br />

Roscoe Doc"'14,,1, PS<br />

L U, lJ2, SA N JOSf'.., C AI __ TI,c ICllltll ...,,1<br />

applicallOn! <strong>of</strong> Ihe follow,", llrothers wele<br />

3ppro~ed II Ihe membership meelin,: Robert<br />

ArmSlrOnS, Donald DUnwonh, Aluander<br />

Gauss, and Jamrs Logan, We wish Ihem well<br />

in Iheir retirement.<br />

Local 332's ehlrtn for the Retirers Club has<br />

been recei'-ed from the Inlernalion31 Office. The<br />

dub was founded on April 7, <strong>1980</strong>. The omurs<br />

lire Edwald Johnson, presidenl; William Gilt.<br />

At Research Center<br />

11."_ Mf9.ue.,.lIu I I.<br />

1£_ ... <strong>of</strong> I.onl l.lZ,<br />

Sa. 10M, Cal .. )\. ..., . ell 10 I I. ".. <strong>of</strong> _ <strong>of</strong> IH<br />

.. h 11,101 hp _ors . 1 Ihe NASA ••... lllIy A.u<br />

Relnrdl Cn IlU.<br />

som, Yiee pr~i d e nl : Cad lIi,don, ~c r elarytrensurer:<br />

and Tomas Suhr, "'Jeant at :arms.<br />

All retired memlxn . re ulled to become in.<br />

"oh'w in the club, ,,'hieh l1l\'ets the fourth<br />

Wednesday <strong>of</strong> each month at 10:00 I.m, at Ihe<br />

union <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

The NASA Facility Am« Resta'ch Center,<br />

located in our jurisdiction, i, remoddin, its 4{)..<br />

fOOI·by·So. rool win d tunnd and upOn comple.<br />

tion it will be the world', b'leS!, SO fcci by<br />

120 fCCI. I he e~,stlnl 11K Il,UUU hI' mOlors will<br />

be repi:ac(d with six 18,000 hi) motors built by<br />

Wcstinghou~ Ifl Roulld Rock, Tuas. They are<br />

4o.pole sycro 180 RI' M. operate at 6.9 h. Ind<br />

dra ..' 1.212 limps. The job il II maximum ere ...<br />

slle and fully m .. nncd p.nently.<br />


local 340 Holds Election,<br />

Pa rticipa tes in Demonstration<br />

340, SACNAMENTO, CAI..- Ballots wcre<br />

I ~ U .<br />

'" and counted on June 7 fo' our l ocal )40<br />

dcctiun Willi th~ full"w;", rnulls. For bu,inus<br />

manager, we face II run<strong>of</strong>f al none <strong>of</strong> Ihe eln.<br />

didat~, BrOlhcl1l Lee Flith, Earl Christenson,<br />

0' John Jenkins, carried a majority. New <strong>of</strong>fi.<br />

cers elecled arc: President Lee Bunch, Viee<br />

Presidenl Paul Kaur, Record"" Sccrttary<br />

~ l lchad Dyba, T reasurer Roy Ridley; Eucutive<br />

Board mem~fI Harry Bain, Lud Larson, Fred<br />

Meredith, Cary Pelerson, and Jim Steelm:an:<br />

Examinin, B03,d members Paul Curdy, Tony<br />

Ferrari, Gary Hamilton, M,ehael McDt-rmon.<br />

and Riek Nelson<br />

Speaking on behal£ <strong>of</strong> the member5hip, we<br />

would like to give ~pc:cial thDnks to the E lec_<br />

lion Board Brolhers for II Ions, tedious job<br />

.... hic h was vcry well done un de r the 5 I1 ('1f:r ~ i~;o n<br />

<strong>of</strong> judge Tom lIiII, wil h able assistance from<br />

tellers Art Cla rk, Wally Gayton, Jack Gerard,<br />

and Mike Stinson, T hese Brothers PUt in a shift<br />

which slorted at 9:00 a.m. Saturday and did nOI<br />

wind up Until 12: )0 th ~ 1 nilb!. Aho, they now<br />

will have to PUI in another shift for the run<strong>of</strong>f<br />

.nults. Again, thanks I 101, ID nl!<br />

On to a new subject, Local 340 panidp3ted<br />

in a demonstration objcclilli to I recent "minar<br />

IiYcn by the Ave and the ABC contractors in<br />

conjunction with other CU rlS, held 01 the Sierra<br />

Inn in Sacramento. All uniOIl buildins trlld~<br />

crafts were reprcscnted in the very successful<br />

objeclion demonstration.<br />

The ABC is a non·union orsJnizalion and the<br />

AGe is the pnme repre5Cntative <strong>of</strong> the union<br />

COntractors, They Ire try;III 10 inSlrucl Ihe ABC<br />

on how to ulilize the dual laic ,yllem in Sacra_<br />

~,~<br />

Th:lnb 10 Orother Geor,1 K!phart, W8 bn8<br />

I dandy picture Ihowinl Ousinas Manaler Lee<br />

Frith and Brothcn Tom 1' •.\tollCr Ind AI Porter<br />

with Ih!;r picket lilns at Ihe objection demon.<br />

~tt3.tion<br />

RocKY B IbnlS. p.s,<br />

Till. b: a n,odt t <strong>of</strong> Ibe ~oml' I ' l e I ~ n Antmbly, ·It,. Ii ~ ur . <strong>of</strong> A mlin, t' ... ·er It ll, R" ~ ,0P •• Idn <strong>of</strong> huw<br />

hUKe Ih. f;tll . 'Mon bll u a..."<br />

Demonstration<br />

I<br />

Sho ......... 1or ... II ... I. I..., .... ;..,11 ... 6

•<br />

Graduation Ceremonies<br />

Wal present ed a gold !BEW lie IDek f,om Roy<br />

and Jody Smith. Also. e3ch received. $]0 5hare<br />

in the Electrical Federal Credil UnIon. The<br />

class ga¥e BrOlher Joe Aiel an award for bein;<br />

the oUl$tandini instruclor.<br />

In the audience were the 30 undidates <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Apprentice Class <strong>of</strong> 1984; th ey will 10 throup<br />

the same ceremony in just four yC3r5. We "'ISh<br />

th em lood Juck. There was a bil turnout <strong>of</strong><br />

famiTic.s Ind friend5 <strong>of</strong> the apprentices. Brotbers<br />

Pele Cole and Chuck Grimes were drased IS<br />

clowlH Ind enleUJlined Ihe small ehildnn. Later<br />

in the day, • banquet was bdd in th e Ameri·<br />

cana Room <strong>of</strong> Ihe Maxim Hotel. The ludwllinl<br />

cbu thanks all who m3de these thinas poo$liblc.<br />

AI.I.DI J. GI.ASS, ".S.<br />

Bowling Expert<br />

• CraduU ... n.t.",,1u .. _ hid lor .w.tnd ....<br />

and ... lt:I <strong>of</strong> 1,0(111 m, Las v ..... N~. , e ... " ..... ,<br />

kfl I" . I.hl, au Earl IIndt. tta-dt OO.tr, Ooiu<br />

--. U OO\M1', T~o hfl'_.; ",Iddk ..... , RoM" IIMnl·<br />

jot" H oI. ndo Loptz, IItniOll "MI.II, ... 01 TOtOt<br />

SII .. kdlOll; ~nHlln l' IIk ... d B.U.nft, Mille Aa·<br />

dn .." Earl Ln.·lu, ud Mar. 0..". Nul pltl ...""<br />

It l"IIUe T.lf.<br />

Coklen Side euuu .1. .... 01. fa • • "~nd .llce 01","",<br />

Ille four teart <strong>of</strong> IIPpnnUctihtp w,n, 10, Iff! 10<br />

.1.hI, Mil." 0 ....., ClIolu " _ •• RoM" Bunl ....<br />

" [ ~ e .1._01".... £ a rl 0 .... 01)'. Rlcllard lI.nann, and<br />

Ton)' SII ... bllO".<br />

•<br />

lI.oIII~ . Ottl V.~O"I pr~nlS O .." Ianllln,<br />

lice C .... du. lc .1......<br />

01 10 Tont Sh."'Uon.<br />

Ilk ..... d CarlW" ..... III. ""·0 ..... dltn ",~I<br />

• Wtkllrt, A_rd 10 TOIl)' Shart:e"_.<br />

ard Wrilhl f~mily. The Weldinl Award. I $SO<br />

U.S. Savinas Bond. W3S won by Tony Shackel·<br />

ton: lhe Academi

ing a ~r fect game, a large 288 game and a<br />

greal 71 2 set. Always a high·avernge bowler,<br />

it's only a matter <strong>of</strong> time till thai lOO pme<br />

falb 10 Brother Bachleda.<br />

SrEvl; R. SeliEIN, P.es.<br />

Lobo. Rally<br />

Jurr lIammond, .. lIr Orjl;an ttu, 15 ~ h o"Q on I h ~<br />

~ I. PJ <strong>of</strong> Ihe .. a t ~ Capllol In " .. nkfu .... KT. U'Ulhu<br />

lIammuod I, • rIIUllbu <strong>of</strong> Ih t Iron W orhn and Ii<br />

on Ih e K , nluol

Diana and all the lo~ed ones <strong>of</strong> our de

,<br />

Local 449 thank the fi rothers who 5tf\'cd on the<br />

Negotiating Comminen tbili ytDr. We fed, in<br />

part. tlmt we gained $Ome and, as al ways, we<br />

lost in phrl. A s all kuow, you ne~c r get a large<br />

enough rabe with the times but still we arc<br />

better <strong>of</strong>f than $Ome ot~r places.<br />

The members <strong>of</strong> 449 also thank Wayne Keith<br />

for his years on Ihe Execuli~e Board. This year<br />

Wayne declined to accept Ihe nominption 10 run<br />

for the "E" Board again. May he cnjoy his IInlC<br />

<strong>of</strong> leisure now.<br />

We wish all our members who nre sick th e<br />

best, and may Ihey be wilh u ..... n the ;ubi 313in<br />

lOon. I.Irothtr Var 1.I05wor th has :Ipplied for<br />

medical retirement May he have a long time to<br />

cnjoy it.<br />

Our work here in 449 is still slow due to the<br />

three weeks <strong>of</strong> rain we have had. We ha'c a<br />

few s.m~1l jol.>. but nothin, big to talk about.<br />

Nex t mouth we "'1 11 know who our new <strong>of</strong>fi·<br />

cers will be for the ne)C!s.<br />

Newl y Elected Officers<br />

Receive Oath <strong>of</strong> Office<br />

JJ.~It:S M. T,I.\'1.o •. I'.S.<br />

L.U. sao, SAN ANTONIO, TEX.-Election <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers and the visit <strong>of</strong> <strong>International</strong> Rcpresen·<br />

tmi"e Henry Villarreal highlighted our June<br />

meeting. I'residtnt Cllrl Dietrich <strong>of</strong>ficiated o\"er<br />

the obligation <strong>of</strong> Bill Eckert, Juan Fierros,<br />

W, R, Markl, Jr., T roy Muon, and OoMld<br />

Oatman.<br />

Internatioual Representati ve Villarreal issued<br />

the oath <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice 10 the newly elccted <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihis local. Accepting tb e o~th were P resident<br />

Carl Dietrich. Vice President James Peeler,<br />

Financial Secretary Oollgl.11 l)e Salmc. Rewrd·<br />

jng Secretary Kenneth Sefr;ik, Trea'lurer Jack<br />

Lacey. and E.!cecutive Board members Charles<br />

Carruth, Richard Gomez, Raymond Klul!. Ilnd<br />

John Rutherford. Congratulations 10 all the <strong>of</strong>fi.<br />

cers. for Ihey will ha"e the pri"i!elle <strong>of</strong> le~ding<br />

this local into the ,hallenJl;inJl; '80s.<br />

The Se"enth D istrict Utility Conference will<br />

be held in San Antonio in September. Some 200<br />

dclegntes will attend the meeting. the first e\"e r<br />

for SlIn Antonio. Locals ~oo and 60 will host<br />

the Ilospitatity Room for the delegates. This<br />

conference is a sure sign that San Antonio is<br />

coming into the age <strong>of</strong> organized labor.<br />

Carl Dietrich and Charlie Carruth not only<br />

5trve this local as <strong>of</strong>fieers but spend a great deal<br />

<strong>of</strong> time nnd energy on boards and councils <strong>of</strong><br />

other area labor orpniZiltions. Carl was recently<br />

reelccted Hoard member <strong>of</strong> the San Antonio<br />

AFL-C IO Labor Council. and Charl ie was reelected<br />

trustee <strong>of</strong> the Public Employees Council.<br />

The bylaws <strong>of</strong> this local are being studied for<br />

some f'O'l_ihl~ Chanles. If you feel revi ~ions are<br />

needed, contact 11 member <strong>of</strong> Ihe Executi ve<br />

Board,<br />

I would like to take Ihis opportunity to thank<br />

Charles Flln" and Albert lIuhn for serving as<br />

tellers during the June elections.<br />

One final nOle. international Repre5tntative ~<br />

Villarreal informed our group that the !) per·<br />

eent plus walle incre(lse received by CPS em·<br />

ployees really recei\"ed wide publicity in south<br />

TexDs and that <strong>International</strong> Vice President Rlly ..<br />

Duke was plcD5td with the large increase in reo<br />

quests for membcf>hip in the <strong>IBEW</strong> because <strong>of</strong><br />

Local )00. fhlS should make 1111 <strong>of</strong> us feel<br />

rcally greD\. Go ahead and pat yourself on the<br />

back. you de ~r \"e it. The victories are few and ~;<br />

far bel"'·een. so enjoy them.<br />

ROGEl KUtJ!NH, i'.S.<br />

Charitable<br />

Journ~,· ..... n .. I...,.ri"' .... <strong>of</strong> I,o

Members Volunteer Work On<br />

Church; Brother Young Retires<br />

LU. 511, GLOBE, ARI7_-Journcymnn elcctricians<br />

<strong>of</strong> ~ 1 8 are workin, to brlnl the electrical<br />

system <strong>of</strong> Holy Aneels Church in Globe,<br />

Ariwna, up to code Ibndards. 'These Orotbers<br />

are to be commended for voluDI~rin, their time<br />

on weekends.<br />

Brother J. C. Youns. who has taken. dbability<br />

re!ircmcnt, is a native Arizonian and has been<br />

• member <strong>of</strong> the mEW ,ince September, 1 9~~,<br />

transferrin, 10 Local ~18 in February, 19S8. He<br />

is one <strong>of</strong> our members who bas contributed<br />

much <strong>of</strong> his knowledge and ClIperience to the<br />

Ioc:al dUling bis membership. Blather Youn,<br />

and his wife, Clara M lIe, will be enjoyin, letircmenl<br />

in Holbrook, Aflmna, where they have<br />

lived for Ihe last few yurJ. All Ihe members <strong>of</strong><br />

~ 1 8 and the mlvekrs who know "J.C." wj.\h bim<br />

. ,,"ell in his rdiTement<br />

Presentation<br />

Rol'l M..ooo"', P.s.<br />

I<br />

Srothels<br />

O/d-Timels Dinner<br />

lA't to .1,111' R""ordl., Stenia.,. G.~,..,..,. W.<br />

Sthll lt ·~ <strong>of</strong> Lonl 511. ~1iI ... gl

The film d10uld be Kcn by .11 workina people.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the thinls that Humphrcy belie~cd WllS<br />

that unionism should be tauahl in schools, and<br />

il should be. because: l1Iu.1 ,...huu!) I"adl nonunionism.<br />

]nternaliona] Vice I' r e~ident Jack McCann<br />

lal"e • la]k on reciprocity <strong>of</strong> pensioos and<br />

heahh· ..... dfll'e. II" wid tln.1 .etirees should be<br />

protected in the hullh Ind weJfare plans JOf<br />

their contributions 10 lhe p]lns and the <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

in the past years.. He lbo llIid that he be]le,ed<br />

in 10lal pcnwn reciprocity and that IU local,<br />

Utould ICt tOlCthn and put it in pntctice as<br />

lOOn as possible.<br />

The wo.k picture h:tl improved a litt]e but is<br />

still on thc dark .ide It Ihi, time, lIopcfully, by<br />

the time you read this, the wo rk situation will<br />

be much briShler.<br />

Nominations lO'ere made II the last meetina<br />

for ~II <strong>of</strong>ficel or the Ioeal. The <strong>of</strong>fien <strong>of</strong> business<br />

manuger. rC(:ordin. sc:crclary, and treasurer<br />

each had only one nomintt. The ,est or the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices ha"c morc Ihun one, ~ially the E.\ecu·<br />

tive !loard, We h.wlI 11 rMmbeU runninlt lor<br />

six IlOSition s.. Good luck, fenas.<br />

Orolher Arl Hughu wos nppointed election<br />

jUdie. Orolhers I'uul [)Clamont. Frank Me·<br />

Qucrn, and Inmcs Schult7.e wera :tppointed tell·<br />

er5 for Ihe upeomml election.<br />

Unli] neXI monlh, Orolhers, rCrMmbcr to atlend<br />

union meetings and bdna another llrolher.<br />

N JOSH Makes Tests;<br />

CPR Course Offered<br />

l)ow II GOnIAKO, P.S.<br />

I •• U. 5119, JAMA IC A, N.Y.-Ilrothers. Ihis pasl<br />

week wc reached :tnother milc~tonc. We had<br />

requested the services <strong>of</strong> N IOSII to enler the<br />

propcrly <strong>of</strong> our carrier Ind m:tke llealth lIazards<br />

Evaluation Tesls. Althouah this JOvernmcnl<br />

lIaency urries no clout because we do not come<br />

under the juri5(jicilion or OSIIA, il don. he ..-<br />

e~r, make very siron. recolOrUndations. Until<br />

we ICt the results <strong>of</strong> all the lesting tbat was<br />

done, I cannot inform you <strong>of</strong> onythina at the<br />

preo;enl lime bUI will do 10 jusl as soon as we<br />

receive a report. The point we must siren to<br />

the carrier is Ihat w~ cannOI and will not have<br />

all heall h nnd 501fely ha~urdl Ihrust upOn UI<br />

without fighting for whnt Is right and just. To·<br />

day we pre the lea.ders in lhe drive for a healthy<br />

and ~Je place to wOlk. No olher union on this<br />

property call bo:tst <strong>of</strong> the ehangel we are bringin.<br />

aboul, nol only for our union members but<br />

for all workers <strong>of</strong> Ihe Ll RR family.<br />

Ne.1 week, we .. ill an tn the polls for the<br />

election <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong>fices. II is our desire to see l<br />

aood turnoul. Our mcctinp thi.l pasl Ye:lr bave<br />

bad II marked increase in attendance. II abows<br />

;rut intereil by the memtICrs. Hnpefully, we<br />

want to see il increase more for a aood, hcallhy<br />

union. Take pride and Jive .11 hour <strong>of</strong> your<br />

time uch month; it's you and your work .. e<br />

want to protect. Withoul your interest we cannot<br />

lebieve the lOals you mly be 100kinl for.<br />

Your <strong>of</strong>ficers and I lake areat pride in announcing<br />

\hal in September we will <strong>of</strong>fer . CPR<br />

tn.iuiua course for all our mcmben who want<br />

10 learn the basics. Finl, it wiU be • ODe·man<br />

opcratioo, and then we will JO 10 the two-mlUI<br />

and infant training program$. We hope everyone<br />

will tal.e advantage <strong>of</strong> this o ffer. We do h av~ a<br />

certified instructor, Il rother John McGuire. The<br />

session, will be on your own time from 4:30 10<br />

7:30 p.m., one time only on a night or your<br />

choosin .. No one wiU be allowed 10 enler II<br />

class JUIe. Those latccomcn .,iU JO 10 the boltom<br />

<strong>of</strong> the list. Please lake advant:tae <strong>of</strong> this<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer.<br />

AI'I . HuI'lY Covleuo, P.S.<br />

The Clydesdales<br />

Th. I_s I ... <strong>of</strong> III,d ... bI:, Os d~lu pll1lde<br />

lhe ~ tr ... u o f C'tflI .. ood, Mlu. (P .... I .... lIb.1t11Pd<br />

11'1 Lonl 6I!i, h cbon, Mlsa.)<br />

The Bud .. ei~ , .. alon b 1Mi,.. d","·n b" Ibe O l llu.<br />

da"' •.<br />

Budweiser Clydesdales Pa rade<br />

Through Greenw ood<br />

I •• U. 605, JACKSO N. MIss.-h IOU • bi, day<br />

In Greenwood. ~hss i ss lppj, recently when lhe<br />

f:u .... olls Rlldw~i~ r Clyde5daJes horses made their<br />

Innd par:tde Ihrouah Ih~ cily.<br />

The hor.seJ ..... ere ,roorMd at tOe Florewood<br />

RivC( Planlation on Sund:.y prior 10 their parade<br />

scheduled for Monday. And admission to Ihe<br />

l'lurltalion to see the careful at tention thcse<br />

greal horses gel from their attendanu was free.<br />

On that Monday, Ihe horses paraded be,innin,<br />

at noon at the Highland I'ark Shoppin,<br />

Center, n](}\'jng c:a)1 Ult l'u.1. A"etHle h) Grand<br />

!loulevard. At GraDd they turned soulh across<br />

Keesler Bridac, tben ust on Market Street, and<br />

iOuth on Howard Street to CarrollOn Avenue,<br />

Ind thence 10 Ihe County Livntoclc Bam on<br />

CarrO]lOn Avenue, Ihe end <strong>of</strong> the parade route.<br />

The Clyde5(ja~s we re originally r;cheduled to<br />

appcar at the Greenwood Leflorc Civic Cenler<br />

but sPice requirerMnls made it nccelSllry 10<br />

have the Iwnoes ouldoors. Greenwood J aycees<br />

we't selling Clydesdale sou\'enll1 for tht bene- .,<br />

fit <strong>of</strong> the Burn Center in Greenville.<br />

The Oydesdales Irrived complete "'ith their •<br />

"'a&On, a dlllmalJ3n named flud, aroomsmca, and<br />

drivers. The horses are repOrted 10 be "eat<br />

travelers and make appear:.nr;cs throuahoul Ihe<br />

world. The "Gentle Gianl5," as they Ire called,<br />

arc one <strong>of</strong> the three leaRU <strong>of</strong> Clydesda]es. The<br />

leam visi tinl Greenwood is stabled at Merrimack,<br />

New lIamp~i r e, and is on lour <strong>of</strong><br />

JOuthern cilies.<br />

The Greenwood Am Fe~tival is an annual<br />

community activity, <strong>of</strong> which Wt can aU be<br />

proud. It has become one nf the best <strong>of</strong> such<br />

futivals in Mississippi, and every yeu il gets a<br />

hule beller, Ihanb 10 Ihe hundreds or volunteer<br />

wo, kers who plan and .... ork to make il II sue­<br />

~.<br />

The appearance <strong>of</strong> thc Budweiser Clydesdnle<br />

horse team II Florewood Plantation and in the<br />

parade downtown was a part <strong>of</strong> Ihe festival<br />

program. Bul the festiva l reaUy got goinl on<br />

Thursday, Fridny, Saturday, and Sunday <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihat wecL<br />

This is the fint time we have bad aVlilab]e<br />

the beautiful Ind IPlcious new Civic Center.<br />

This enhlnced the performances. even thOtigh<br />

the plrkin, lot was not yet complete.<br />

Pelt FOtintain pcrformed Friday nLlbI Ind<br />

Tanya TllCker on Saturday ni&ht. And many<br />

others or nation31 prominence were on the sJ3te<br />

<strong>of</strong> entertainment.<br />

AU lold, It was I Ireat fcstival, and one<br />

which everyone in Green .... ood. Leflore County.<br />

and Mississippi can very well be proud <strong>of</strong>.<br />

May the God 10 lIeaven bless and keep aU<br />

our readers.<br />

J. W. RU5SJ!U., p.s.<br />

local 6 11 G ets N ew Contract;<br />

Work Scene Nat Good<br />

I..V. 611 , ALBUQUERQ UE, N.M.-5pccial<br />

congratulations for a job well done 10 \0 our<br />

NClolialin.g Committee for SClling u, II new ...<br />

contract. Alter laking II "bealinl" Ihe laSI lour<br />

years, we finall,. rccei~ed a conlntet, far over· ....<br />

due and well deserved. The nelotinliotU entled<br />

,----------------------------------------\<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

Address CHANGED?<br />

I Brothers and Sisters, we<br />

1 want you 10 have you r<br />

JOURNAL! When you<br />

have a change 01 address,<br />

please let us<br />

know. Be sure to Include<br />

your old address<br />

and please don't forget<br />

to 1111 in L U. and Card<br />

No. This information will<br />

be helpful in checking<br />

and keeping our records<br />

straight.<br />

" you have changed<br />

J local unions, we must<br />

I have numbers 01 both.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

NAME .• , .• ' ...•••.••••••••••.•••<br />


...... C:I; ..... , ......... 'siiti' ............ z;p' c~; .. .<br />

PRESENT LOCAL UNION NO. •••.•••... . •••• • •••••••<br />

CARD NO •••.•...•.••••••••.•••.•••••••....••••••••<br />

(II wnltn_n _ clled w,1/I Local unl .... 1<br />


o<br />

OLD ADDRESS •••.•••••••••.•. , .•••••••..••••••••• ,<br />

...... C:I; ......... , ... , . 'si~ti' ... ' .. , ..... iip' c~ ; .. .<br />

FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER ... , ••.. '<br />

Mail T,: CircDlalian Departmeat<br />

IDlernaUanal Bretbelhoad af [Itetlinl Wert.en<br />

1125 15lb Street, N .W~ W as ~ ilgt lll , O. C. 2D0n5<br />

~ - ------------ --------- ---- - - --- - -- - ----<br />

•<br />

•<br />

42 I 18EW Journo l

up in Council due to the fael that the conllac.<br />

tors reru~d to tal k on 17 issut"J,. We <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

611 would .lso like to thank the Inte rnational<br />

.. Office for stand in, behind us on our new can·<br />

traCI.<br />

Even thou&/! we DIe now wOlkina on our new<br />

contract, the work Situation IS not looklnl too<br />

-<br />

Kood in New M e~ico. There §eems to be plcnty<br />

<strong>of</strong> good·sized jobs around Ihe state, I'Spc('ially<br />

around Albuquerque. but most .,e >'elY slow<br />

in Ilartini. Some <strong>of</strong> the stDtewlde Jobs will not<br />

be callinl for men unlil 5t'ptember or October.<br />

By the "me you read this artkle. mO'iI <strong>of</strong> you<br />

!!rothers and Sisters may be wo,kin •.<br />

Last month / wrOle . n article on the accident<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gene Geu, who W;\.l bUlned wncn I 480·>·oh<br />

disconnect blew up in hIS face. I <strong>of</strong>fer an . pol.<br />

o~y for not menlionin, the fact Ihat Terry<br />

Iialcher WlU al.Kl involved in this ilK'idc:nL Even<br />

thoullh Terry WaJn'l hurt as much. 1 <strong>of</strong>Ter my<br />

lpOlogy and we all hope this accident serves to<br />

7" make us all realile the i1ltnlleu <strong>of</strong> .. orklng wtth<br />

cncrli/.cd circuitJ. Wc mUst not take our wor);<br />

for !!-10, IlIeI<br />

1 ...... 1111. O .... IIIII.'t. 01110.<br />

Golf Tournament Held;<br />

Officers Eleded<br />

L.V. 641, IIA'II LTON, OIllO-Thc month$<br />

<strong>of</strong> May .nd June ha.e been >'ery busy montir.s<br />

for memben <strong>of</strong> I.ocal 648.<br />

On May 17, I.ocnl, 2 12 and 648 atain held<br />

Iheir annual lolf tourn ament. Local 212 wa ~<br />

the host this year .nd Ihe tournament was held<br />

at the Newmann Golf Cenlcr in Cincinn~tL<br />

Local 212 won the trophy Ihis year Wi1h a<br />

score <strong>of</strong> S8S.S to S90. Hrother Danny Johnson<br />

<strong>of</strong> Local 212 won the Closest·to-the·!>in Award .<br />

Brother T erry Baker <strong>of</strong> Local 648 won the low<br />

gross with. 40. Brother Dick Walman <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

2 12 won low net with (I 27.S.<br />

Agam the lolf tournament "'J$ held in ncar<br />

perfect weDther. a regul3r monsoon. Ne~t year<br />

Local 648 will host the golf tournatllcnt.<br />

Hutler County Buildinll T radC1i held a Monte<br />

Carlo Night to raise money for the operations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the building trade1i. BrOlhers Stc.-e Crain,<br />

Tony Carito, May Fuerst, Tom Pate. Gutdo<br />

Terlo. Joe Tabler •• nd Art Tepker helped ~ I<br />

LIp lind tun part <strong>of</strong> this fund rai§C'r.<br />

The AfL.CIO ncld a convention and<br />

Union Industries Show in Cincinnati May n<br />

to 27 at the Cioc:innati Con'ention Cuter.<br />

Hrothe" Doul Cloud, STe>e Crain. and Ray<br />

Fuerst allended the convention. Brothe" and<br />

their wives Soefl''"1 at the lHEW booth dunn,<br />

the show were Ray and Carolyn Fuersl, Jim<br />

and Georgia Pate, Larry lind Milby 5t'ISoer. nob<br />

and Evelyn I'Dte. Roatl and llarbara Teplef,<br />

and Art lind !)orothy T epker. T he IBI:.W booth<br />

was one <strong>of</strong> the more popular boolh' at thc<br />

show.<br />

I.ocal union elections WCIC held a\ the local's<br />

hall on June 4 Brothers clectcd to §C'rve the<br />

ntxt three yea" "'ere Russell BellY. president,<br />

Steve Crain. vice president: Lalt)' 1I0ltkTbach.<br />

reeOld'n, secretary; Ray !- Lletst. tleasurel; Wtlham<br />

Flick, financial sccrc13ry; DoLlsbs Cloud,<br />

business manacer,<br />

llrother$ lien .sullmilk:r. An Tepkcr, and<br />

I'aul Wernlluh were elected to the EJ.ecutiH<br />

Augu.', <strong>1980</strong> I 43

Board, and BrOlhers 8 iU G ray, Larry Setser,<br />

Robert Wroot, Dale T ruster, and Steve Napier<br />

.... ere el«ted to the Examining Board,<br />

Congnllulations to Orother Kennelh Rhodus,<br />

wh o is the newest journeyman inside wireman.<br />

Don't forget th e annual picnic later this<br />

month. <strong>August</strong> 2), .t the loc.l's picnic groumb.<br />

Until nut time, please dri~e and work .,leI,..<br />

An T EPICu, p.s.<br />

Work Scene Still Slow;<br />

$S40-Mill ion Job Encouraging<br />

L.V. "', A.LTON. ILL.- With the eeonomic<br />

situation being., it is, work. in our jurisdiction<br />

is still slow. Business Manager Parker reports<br />

Ihal our .... iremen are slowly being returned 10<br />

work but a good number are still unemployed<br />

or . re travelinl 10 other loo:als.<br />

Olin Corpor.tion in Easl Allon, Illinois.<br />

which produces brass shcel products II'Id fabri·<br />

calions and munitions for the Winchester·West·<br />

ern D ivision, has tlIpcrienced • reduction in<br />

orderJ with a lub5equenl eurtailment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

work force. A number <strong>of</strong> Local 64!J mainte.<br />

nlnce personn el al Ol in are currently unem·<br />

played.<br />

One br;,.ht sPOt in our work picture is the<br />

eoostruetion <strong>of</strong> the new $54().million Alton<br />

Lock and Dam 26 on the M ississippi River<br />

about Iwo miles downstream from the nistinl<br />

.tructure. The new single lock dam will tak.e<br />

about nine and one·hall yea" to complete Dnd<br />

.... iIl replace a dam completed in 19)8. If Can·<br />

gress ... ilI appropliale Ihe funds .• second set <strong>of</strong><br />

locks m.3Y be added which will areatly improve<br />

the work foree requirement for our wiremen.<br />

II will be two yean or more before the proj·<br />

ec t is suffic iently advanced to require a lubstanti<br />

al number <strong>of</strong> wiremen. In the meantime,<br />

the Louis Payne Eleetric Company, I S1. Louis<br />

contraC'lor, holds the contrlci for temponry<br />

power and maintenanee . t the site. I understand<br />

that Brother Ronald Sinaleton has the nobble<br />

ditlinction <strong>of</strong> beinl the first Local 649 wireman<br />

Idened to the site.<br />

The groundbreoking ceremonies were hfld on<br />

April 25, and were attended by many ItDle and<br />

local dignitaries from Illinois and Missouri.<br />

n,other Chris Vell<strong>of</strong>f h ~s be~n appointed<br />

chlinnan <strong>of</strong> the I'icnic Commillee for this year.<br />

Chris will be annoLln(:ing full picnic plans bter<br />

on but SUUCSIS that e~etyOne look forward to<br />

an <strong>August</strong> dale.<br />

I notice that a number <strong>of</strong> our Brothers are<br />

driving Japanese automohiles. These art Da\.Sun,<br />

Toyota. Honda. etc., from Ihe folu .... ho IDve<br />

us Pnrl Ihlbor. Do America a fa\'or, 8rothers<br />

Ind Sisten. Buy Union! Buy AmerK:ln!<br />

J OliN N . AONIl\', Pia.<br />

Loca l 654 Celebrates 41st<br />

Anniversary at Banquet<br />

I~ U . 654, C II E.!!''l:K, "A.- The 41st anniver·<br />

ur,. <strong>of</strong> Local 6S4 was celebrated with a banquel<br />

on February 23, <strong>1980</strong>, at Ihe Treadway Inn and,<br />

u the sign said, it Wlls "Welcome Local 6S4:'<br />

We had • good banquet-not the utfllYD'<br />

lalU.D <strong>of</strong> D fifth yellt but .3 good time nonethe.<br />

less. I might add il was quite economically<br />

lehieved for an ",n:lIion year. Thele was a<br />

chicken dinner, open bar. dancing to rccorded<br />

music, and best <strong>of</strong> all, the pleasure <strong>of</strong> good<br />

company.<br />

IJ rothers Stan Slrzala, Bill Simmons, Jr., and<br />

Oscar Roark, three recent retirees, were pre.<br />

sented pins th~t nilht, but we can elaborate<br />

furlhtr. They .. ere aeti\e members <strong>of</strong> our local.<br />

working members. They warted 0111 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

local for yean and '" it. D.J ... ell- in 1\ 1$ <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

and member. <strong>of</strong> rommitte~5. They reltularly<br />

Mtcndcd Dnd were an interested part <strong>of</strong> Iheir<br />

union meetings, 1100II union men on and otf the<br />

job. They can retire .... i,h dil1nity.<br />

4 J st A nniversary Banquet<br />

A .... d ... ert prutnled 10 lO .. e .. ,t.eu . • ·. onl .0 ...<br />

left 10 rI.", art Siu SInIIIa, Bnt SI ......... Sr ..<br />

0,.,.., R .... '" !:>Mt 00'" W-.. " lIlJ1d," S .. III,<br />

" Intala_e.' e ... u-.. . . .. d Dnlnb KlWaa. prQI.<br />

dHlI.<br />

-<br />

lI e~ i, the " .ooond 'abte" rolrP I' 'Ioe banquel.<br />

Our Credit Union ramed <strong>of</strong>f a buket <strong>of</strong> cheer<br />

on Ihe night <strong>of</strong> the banquet. The proceeds <strong>of</strong><br />

the rome wenl toward buying equipment for<br />

our new union ha]1. It was I nnounced at our<br />

last meet in, that thl'y had becn ab]c 10 purchase<br />

Vacation Money<br />

Anyone who worled in I.oc:al 6H'$ jurisdic·<br />

lion durin. ]974 Ilnd did nOi rccei>e their<br />

V)Cllllon money, r>le:I~ contaci our <strong>of</strong>lke .II<br />

600 Turner Industrial Way. Aston, " fnMyl·<br />

vania ]9014. Thank you. R. W. Osman,<br />

chairman, V:rc3(ion COmmill1:(l<br />

><br />

II new refrigeralor for the kitchen area and il<br />

had beet in il for after tl'le meeting. Sounded<br />

Ilk.e • areat buy.<br />

MrJ. Lu Mor,lln. wid ow <strong>of</strong> the late Harold<br />

W . Morgan, II former member lind probably one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the be5t "pr<strong>of</strong>l'ssionlll stewards" our local<br />

has hid. " ·00 the buket. II was I pleuure to<br />

SI'e her win Ind il is al_ays .3 plu5ure to see<br />

her.<br />

Congnllubtions to Local )80 on their 50lh<br />

annh·ersaryon Mnrc h 29, ]9110.<br />

T. FUNCIS "lll~p" 1141'111:1', I'.S.<br />

Fish Fry<br />

IiIh.btrs <strong>of</strong> L«al tIJ, COtu ...... 0"10, ........<br />

III 1M ~ B .... Mt"""" FbIo Fr]'. StudlJlC,<br />

ttll 10 rlpt, _ h.1 Uebroct, 0. •• C_, ,",I"<br />

Ja~bon , N~ WtUl ... It, Jad' Te"ell, Fnd I...,FUn,<br />

Mlh Slem", Crt. Cood ... ln. Joe l)oo .. ln. F .~<br />

Catp, CliaUIIU, l\1or.,. JI", lin",,,, l,trnJ ~ 1 ~·<br />

ad Nod Martl_: " 'linc: ......... Coldea.<br />

0.,., .•<br />

Motorcycle Club<br />

M t ...... s <strong>of</strong> 1_ Lont W ..... pllpl..., ~ l ol~,de<br />

Club. lell 10 rlCbl •• ft Jot 1)oq1~1. , At S .. UIo, and<br />

To", 8urton. (Photo b, Joha !\Iu,phy.)<br />

Fish Fry a Howling Success;<br />

Other Social Activities Scheduled<br />

I .. U. 68J, COtUI't18US, OIllO-The Loc:al 683<br />

Chuck 8 land Memorial Fish Fry was held J une<br />

6 at Bricker lIall. In Ipite <strong>of</strong> an early evening<br />

r.in ~ower, the aflilir was a howling uce('$$.<br />

The commiuee members were Chairman Paul<br />

liebrock, Randy Liebrock. Jerry WIlters, Jim<br />

Griller, Sib Goelz, Joe Fenneken, Jerry Hem·<br />

bree, Fred Whrte. Dave Anderson, Mllrc Lt~i·<br />

Mln, lind J im Titus.<br />

ll rolher Jeny Huffman was k.LlIed last April<br />

when the bucket truck: he was Opeutinl over.<br />

turned. Brother Huffman was. 20'year member<br />

Ind I n employee <strong>of</strong> The EI«tric !'ower Equip..<br />

menl Company. !lis death wu the first jobrelaled<br />

one in Local 683 in mllny Yl'atS.<br />

Hrother Wally Obert rode SO miles and raised<br />

SlSO for th e blind in the flft h annu;,1 Ride for<br />

Ihe m ind. sponsored by Ihe Central Ohro Radio<br />

Reading Service.<br />

The Loc31 681 cOin roasl for membcn and<br />

Iheir wives 01 gi.lfriendll (but nOl both) will be<br />

held <strong>August</strong> 6 lit Jachon lake Palk:. eVI't)'one<br />

had a 1000 time I~sl yl'ar and thi, year should<br />

be better. IJ rother t llrry Brenner is the chair.<br />

man aglin thit year.<br />

The annual lIundlnl and Construction Trades<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

44 I Ia£W J .... r .... 1

At Conference<br />

•<br />

LonJ UJ lI ...... eu RtPlftC"lalhc TI. L-, Ie"',<br />

.... prcu ourclarJ' Tcn]' N"'~ " II, rlpl, arc<br />

~ .." .. Uh 1"I~m aUo"'l PtQhle"l C .... la If. pu.<br />

lard al Iat l ..,rln.', BlIlIdl". . "d Coa5lnocllo"<br />

TradCJ Conrercn.cc. BIIUdl". Tndq P.uklnl Ro b­<br />

e.1 Geo •• lnc I ~ Ila"dln. Mhtnd J'ru ldc,,1 Pllla.d.<br />

picnic is scheduled for AUIU.\\ 23 8\ Fronticr<br />

Ranch. Tickets .re $HlO ~nd the business<br />

reprC'5cntutivQ will Jell Ihem al Ihe corn rO:l.5I.<br />

United labor Niahl is September I II Ihe<br />

Columbus Oippers b:uebalJ pme. All <strong>of</strong> orp.<br />

niud labor in Central Ohio will IiCI tOilether for<br />

this one. We nced a lot or people to represent<br />

Ihe lD EW. TickclJ .re only I buck. Come on<br />

out to the batt,3me.<br />

Business Representative T im Lucu hDs once<br />

again PU t tOlcther a foOl ball bnh. This year·s<br />

game wilt be Ihe Cincinnatli Oengals vs. lhe<br />

Piusbur,h Steelcrs on ~ptcmber 21 II Kivu.<br />

front Stadium. There may still be a few tickets<br />

left<br />

Be union' Buy union! look for the union<br />

bbe!.<br />

naa.y NlcoorMus, P.s.<br />

Plan ts laying Off Men;<br />

Dinner-Donee He ld<br />

L U, 6S8, MANSPIEI.O. OIIlD-Work in our<br />

area is sliU slow. Muny <strong>of</strong> our pl3nl$ Drc IDyin,<br />

<strong>of</strong>f production people, which evcnluolly acts to<br />

the maintenance mcn and in turn lake5 our<br />

mcmbers out <strong>of</strong> these facilities.<br />

Our inside IIlIreemcnt did 110 to the C IR; it<br />

was our first time there. The Council iave U$ I<br />

beuer settlement than the contractors wonted<br />

to give.<br />

The United Telephone members, who had<br />

been workin, on I d,,.·to.day Miis since April<br />

I, ratified therr new I"eement May 27.<br />

I havt h~d one meetinl with the Fi,eland§<br />

Co-op Negoliatinl Committee. and tWO more<br />

are scheduled.<br />

Our spring construction dlOner-danee, Which<br />

was held May 17, JCcnlcd to be quile successful.<br />

In allendam:e were Je~eral IUests. members,<br />

and ,eufces. Those reccivin, special a ..... rds are<br />

:II follows: Ihrry DcssenberL Richard Cartcr.<br />

C. Roben Fulton, Frank M01t:lndrc:a, Richard<br />

~ibolt, Doyle Ned. Hert Ibiley, Charles Swihart,<br />

and Joyce Damron, who received 2().year<br />

piM; Richard iloonr, I'hli Bosler. Eu,ene<br />

Good$On. William linkcnbach, Roy Spicer, C.<br />

E. Winters, Dave VcUtr, Corole IJlevins, and<br />

Li nda Kearns, 2S-year membell who received<br />

watches; Carl lJ urkhnlter, WilHam Oody, Walt<br />

lI aun, and Oon GUlhrie, who received J().year<br />

pins; and Robert C,umm, Robert Gossard,<br />

Charles llighnam, R. O. McDonald. Georae<br />

Parish, Mark PUIU, John Uzunolf, and Allen<br />

Mosey, who received JS·ycar pins.<br />

Iln01 1! EB~asOll!,<br />

11.1'.1.<br />

Scribe Reviews Business<br />

Of Indiana AFl-CIO Convention<br />

I_U, 702, WFSr I

The vote has won again, as Ken Caperton<br />

unseated Hill Moore, D istrict S, with the help<br />

<strong>of</strong> a strong voler drive. suppOrted by Local 116<br />

under the guidance <strong>of</strong> " rothers R. L. Rasp..<br />

berry. Allen Cook, and Don McKnigh t.<br />

This local union. in the last six ycars, has<br />

taken a very active part in Texas politics. and<br />

having done so has gained great strides. not<br />

only [or our members, bUI for every person in<br />

the Te~as labor mo'·emenl. To anain such goals.<br />

it is <strong>of</strong> great impOrtance 10 ha"e membership<br />

involvement. such as that shown in Austin.<br />

Te~as, in our great protest against Senate Bill<br />

SI3.<br />

The work picture for the area this summer<br />

and on into the fall looks greDt at this time.<br />

lia"ing completed Unit 7 for H ouston Lighting<br />

and Po .... er on schedule, the ground .... ork has<br />

already begun on Unit 8. a matching coal·fired,<br />

6OO·megawall generating station in Thompson.<br />

This. along .... ith one or pOssibly tWO enclosed<br />

shopping malls in the outlying area and xveral<br />

multistory buildinp. all over 50 stories. in the<br />

do .... ntown area, makes for 3 bright work pic.<br />

ture for our memben..<br />

On the local scene, our [ocal unioo held its<br />

election <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers on June 1, but due to the<br />

run·<strong>of</strong>f in the president's <strong>of</strong>fice, the only good<br />

news 1"11 pass on right now is that Brother R.<br />

L "Ronnie" Raspbcrry was reelected as busi·<br />

ness maoager by a very comfortable margin,<br />

making him the only business manager in Local<br />

716'5 history to be reelected to a third con·<br />

secutive three-·yeal term.<br />

As for the other <strong>of</strong>ficers el~ t ed. watch this<br />

column out month for tbe fina] results. Uotil<br />

tben, see you at the next local union mectml.<br />

JOliN D . ~fuIlL, 1'.S.<br />

Mourned<br />

Brolbfl Araold Rt~d.u,<br />

IIPprut",," dlrKlOf <strong>of</strong><br />

Local 711, Fort La_.·<br />

obl~. Fla., sl ... e Jun~ .<br />

t969. dint qul~U, al bls<br />

home In A~rt l .<br />

Brother Bleeker Mourned;<br />

Work Scene Remains Gaad<br />

LU. 728. FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA.-It is<br />

witb sincere regret and a deep sense <strong>of</strong> loss that<br />

I report the dealh <strong>of</strong> Brotber Arnold Blecker.<br />

Arnold, our apprenticeship training dirC'Ctor.<br />

se rved our Apprenticeship program for over 20<br />

years. His dedication 10 the concept <strong>of</strong> appren·<br />

ticesbip. his wi$dom, patience. and ever·strong<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> disciplined bitness .... as Ii contribution<br />

that cannol be measurcd. We .... iIl miss Arnold,<br />

but our loss will be tempered with the certain<br />

knowledge that he left behind a legacy <strong>of</strong> no<br />

small consequeoce. H is goodness and integrity<br />

have had a tremendous influence on a lalge<br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> our membership .... ho o>"er tbe<br />

years ha"e benefited from his guidance during<br />

tbeir ycars <strong>of</strong> apprenticeship and. in many<br />

cases. for years after graduation. T he world<br />

needs more mea like Arnold Blecker. Hc left<br />

his mark and hc will not be forgotten.<br />

Work in the jurisdiction remains substantially<br />

the same. wilh all local members seeking em·<br />

ployment employed.<br />

Due to my recent employment by the Apprenticeship<br />

T rust Commiuee as training direc·<br />

lor. this will be my last article for the JQltrtwl.<br />

I .... ould like to tate this opponunity 10 express<br />

my appreciauon for the chance to submit the<br />

Local 728 articles for the past year. I have<br />

grown 10 appreciate the time and effort my<br />

predecessors had to put in to achieve the Qual.<br />

ity <strong>of</strong> the articles Ihcy submitted.<br />

CUAR I.E5 R. "Clue" PEREZ, I'.S.<br />

Presentation<br />

"..,. Idenl II .. Ulln 01 l.oC"aI 1S6, O.ylo:>n. B ... ~b ,<br />

Pia .. h sho .... p.~Unt CuI R.OIth:amu a plalfUq:er <strong>of</strong> L.,.,.I 156 . •'.010 left to rla:hl t"~, a.e t'rank<br />

.'''''''0. DoD MO'1laa, . nd Rob Cbambul.ln.<br />

Chairman Receives Plaque;<br />

Annual Picnic He ld<br />


May 14 ullion meeting, time was tat en OUI to<br />

thank Carl Broghamer for the good work he<br />

has done as chairman <strong>of</strong> our Health and We!.<br />

fare Committee. Carl is one <strong>of</strong> those rare per·<br />

sons who will take on a lasle. with quiet dedica.<br />

tion and put out 100 per cent in doing the job.<br />

Many times 31 past union meetings. Question·<br />

and.answer sessions were conducted on our<br />

~I ealth Plan and Carl almost always had the<br />

answers. If not, be 'VI'ould have them by the<br />

following meeting. To show our appreciation<br />

for Carl's efforts, President Jim Utter prcsented<br />

him with a nice plaque engraved .... ith words<br />

<strong>of</strong> thanks. Also given to Carl .... as a dinner<br />

certificate for t .... o to Aunt Catfishes Restaurant<br />

for himself and his wife. Ann.<br />

Our annual picnic was held at Ponce DeLeon<br />

Springs on Saturday, May 17. and believe il or<br />

not. th e picnic .... as better than ever! I kn ow I<br />

wrote the same thing la51 year but we seem to<br />

[earn as .... e 10 and bave belle! picnics each<br />

year.<br />

We also had an added ceremony <strong>of</strong> D plaque<br />

presentation 10 T om BUrgess at the picnic. I<br />

.... rote <strong>of</strong> Tom and his fine .... ork in getting the<br />

apprentices involved with union a~tivi t ies in<br />

June's issue <strong>of</strong> the / 01",,111. It was for this reaSOn<br />

that Tom received bis .... ell.deserved recogni.<br />

tion.<br />

There was some politickrng going on at the<br />

picnic. Our nomin8\iolU for the loc31'$ <strong>of</strong>licen<br />

had taken place at our May 14 union meeting<br />

and most <strong>of</strong> the nominCC"S came to the picnic.<br />

This is being wriUen on Ihe e,'e <strong>of</strong> the election,<br />

so il is not known at thIS time who will repre·<br />

scnl Local 756 for th e next three years. Next<br />

month's issue <strong>of</strong> the JourMi .... iII ha"e the reo<br />

suits <strong>of</strong> OUf election.<br />

Picnic<br />

I<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

com<br />

Somerhl0l: .. ~ ... 10:>' Ihts ynr" pknk was th~<br />

uttn. tonle.l. It ..... s"p~ to .... a ... bJlIt"I.<br />

'Of" the .. ate ..... elo ..' .... Id ..... d a prohlblil~e tS1<br />

_ Ihem. b~t ~ I COfIIHI ... enl o.n 50 ... ~tI Ihat II<br />

..·111 M a Part <strong>of</strong> H~I Jnr's "ka"'. ..<br />

f·.l ost every year there are ooc or two people<br />

who show up at the picnic who we haveo't seen<br />

for years. T his year was no exception. Eddie<br />

Lynn and Marvin Ne .... by. both retired and on<br />

disability pensions. were th ere. Both <strong>of</strong> these<br />

Brothers looked real good and it .... as a pleasure<br />

to see them again. Also attending were Ken<br />

Stuckey and wile. Pat. whose father is Bob<br />

Cummins, a retired 156 member. Kenny hasn', ~<br />

been 10 many <strong>of</strong> the local's galherings in recent<br />

yean but he is no stranger to those worting<br />

around the Ormond Beach area, for he is the<br />


-<br />

I<br />

hNC'S $Ome food for thought, J immy Carler is<br />

not IIrcal shakes for labor; however, he isn't<br />

b3cked by the National " !t i,ht-to-Work" Com.<br />

mJUee, wh!Ke orpnizalion would have I union.<br />

free enVironment, as Ronald Rcalan is.<br />

loUIS IIEDGococIC, P .S.<br />

Local 760 in Negotiations;<br />

19th Annual Meeting Held<br />

I_V. "/60, "NOXVIU. F_ TENN.-Local 760<br />

has not had ~n arlic1e in the }r"'mu/ for the<br />

paJt few months. I will Iry to bring you up to<br />

d:llc IS \0 what ill hap~njnJ. The unit Nell>­<br />

(ialinl Comm,uetS have been busy nCa()(ialillJl<br />

for their units. There atc IiI: Ivccmcnts in<br />

nerolial;O", II th;s lime.. We anticipate' SUC,<br />

I:t'$$ful series <strong>of</strong> negotiations. K«pinl in mind<br />

Ihnt we have rnUlu8] obligaliolU \0 fulfill for<br />

our respective membershipS Ind l/'le clcclf;cal<br />

indu$\f)' IcnerlUy, it is the intent and dC.'S;rc<br />

10 plid)' the nctdJ <strong>of</strong> an involv~ .<br />

Our Con~truction Unit hn been .lfl:tulations to C3ch <strong>of</strong><br />

you.<br />

At the National COPE Conference. Ihe dcle.<br />

ptC'S heard thi, report: Portions <strong>of</strong> Ihe pr<strong>of</strong>ils<br />

from the sale <strong>of</strong> hats, shirts. and jackets ad.<br />

verli!.ed in the ,nEW <strong>Journal</strong> ;:Ire deposited in<br />

the IDEW COI'E Fund. A computer SYSlem<br />

wHl inform COPL wh .. lher union members arc<br />

registered 10 vote, .nd mainlain vOlinl r

W~ 1001; forwa.d to ::a 5I>Ccosfui conclll5ion<br />

<strong>of</strong> our llTOr~ in bolh the nallonal and local<br />

Irl:U, and 10 that lnd, "'l are prepared 10 work<br />

''''~lu;nAly to 3ch,cvc our 10QII ond 10 obloin<br />

for our memblr, thc besl contrlcl lVer nelohated<br />

for Ihlm,<br />

P J e"'SIlY, SEC.·Tn ... s.<br />

Two·Yeor Controct Discussed;<br />

Work Scene Slowly Improvi ng<br />

I..U. 855, i\1 UNcn ;. IND._At our .cgul ~ r<br />

union mUling on June J. the tcrm5 <strong>of</strong> our new<br />

two-YCJ. contrJCI Wl'C discusscd. There is still<br />

\onle diKu.~ion about Ihc prosp«tive dental<br />

pl~n,<br />

The local thank~ the member, <strong>of</strong> the Ncaat<br />

i~ting Commll1ee, Steve Freeman, leroy Brad.<br />

Icy, mild Bill RoollTcr, for tnc line job Ihl'Y Ili!!<br />

At the meetinll th.te new members "erl<br />

,"o.n III. Congratublions to Jeff Payne, Ron<br />

".own. ~nd Bob F.~.Is . All Ire lmployed by<br />

F.arls ElectriC. which r«ently sijtned ~n alrec.<br />

mtnl to lJ«,ome a union contractor In our<br />

area. 1 am sure we will bencfil from Ihis new<br />

contractor. Also, con,.atulalioM to OUr nlWl~1<br />

journcyman, Ron Melling ... ho ill cmployt'd with<br />

Mclling F.leetric in the Richmond arca,<br />

I'resently we 3.e ('xperient.nl IS to 20 pe,.<br />

cent unemployment in OLlr jLlrisdiClion. Cha.rlie<br />

lIIack. busines~ m~nagcr, rCpOm that work i~<br />

slowly improvrng, lie hopes to hat'e c"cryone<br />

back to work soon,<br />

We ur,e e,'ery member 10 a \lend our union<br />

mcctmgs on the first TLlC$dIY <strong>of</strong> the month.<br />

I hope evc. YOI", lou a very enJoyable and .afe<br />

summer.<br />

60-Year Recipient<br />

Riley UyJ he doesn't do I whole 101 any.<br />

more. I IUCSS he is lavIng hIS enere. It seems<br />

R,llY ;, well known downtown on Friday .nd<br />

Sall1,day nighl. ms btint ~n 1'~l""r l on Ihe lalesl<br />

'Number One'<br />

MHonIl,.. SftH'lAr]o J""'. Do\ooatI:lor, <strong>of</strong> LoeaI nl,<br />

lilaln b b lld, N.Y .. _u 1M blnt ISEW ba.It~dllll<br />

1N ..... a1 ... 10 UtI.I,. al SLaT', Olf._ S""", IIml .....<br />

00\0.II .... 1l'. _\10 .. 0 . ... 001 llIe SIRT Ihlrd ,.U ~n_ ,<br />

II ~om_"1¥ kilO" u " Nlllllbcr On~ ," anu lln. 10<br />

1111 ~1IO .. 1ed.~ <strong>of</strong> l~t.d . ,.Lt __ Iell.nn.<br />

OnJob<br />

""0''. .... 1I_~en Jolul TIto_, ... rl, aDd J""<br />

\ 'C'I1U,. .1 I"~ Olfl .... CItop nplada. lite _or<br />

~ O~tl'J 00 th~ 600"011 I .. c!kl" molO". <strong>of</strong> tile It ....<br />

."b"a, c ....<br />

d.1.ncc5, inclLldml disw stylc. I .. onde. ..hal<br />

the pin for lS )'urs looks like, Rilcyl We're all<br />

prolld <strong>of</strong> ro",<br />

Wt'. h3ve 10 new prob:lIionary app.entic:a<br />

wo.king this month. Thcy I.t Tony Younl.<br />

Roger Snoogrus. T im Wyant, Kurt KOlMer,<br />

Joseph Greentru, Allen Mcintire, Donna Wen·<br />

nin$. Phillip Schrock. Mike Bowman, and Gren<br />

ROU$h. Welcome to the progrlm, cubs. It's :I<br />

IIood trade, as I Ihink. Y01l11 $OOn realae.<br />

IhIJl.B I;RT L , Mul.I.ul'f, P.S<br />

State Moy Give SIRT<br />

Workers Pority<br />

L..U, 922, STAn: N IS t AND. N.V_ ln Albany,<br />

JLlne I), <strong>1980</strong>, the 51ate Senate passed legiJlation<br />

Ihal would give Slaten Island Rapid TraM;t<br />

(SIRT) employccs the same sal.ries ., their<br />

counterparts on lhe Tnnsit ALlthority. Tbe mea. -j<br />

lUre now loti 10 Ihe Assembly .. here ;1 i5<br />

CJ.p«tt'd 10 be taken up I. ter.<br />

The SIRT legislation "IS one <strong>of</strong> the la~ <strong>of</strong><br />

scveral hllndred bills .pproved by the Senale<br />

dUring a l1-hour marathon session thai uded<br />

at 4 :4S ',m.<br />

In as1t.in& for approval <strong>of</strong> the SIRT bill.<br />

Senator Marchi <strong>of</strong> Staten Isl.nd laid Ihe nil<br />

line's 2ID employccs earn considenbly less<br />

money than thcir counterparts a\ the Trans;t<br />

Authority, ''These are workers who have Ihe<br />

best safety and malnten~m:e record In the cllti,c<br />

state. bUI find IhcmJelves grossly underpaid in<br />

comparison 10 their cOllnterpa"s," Marcrn said.<br />

The Jenator uid the MTA's failllre to negotiate j"<br />

.n good bith hl) led 10 four work Slopp3ge$ in<br />

reeent years.<br />

The mcaslIre passed n·l ... ith the only nega.<br />

tlve voce comin, from Senalor Frar1l: Leithter<br />

«().]l,fanhiuan). The paSI two yc~rs the hill ha~<br />

dIed in Ihe Assembly. bUI Muehi said he is<br />

opiimisl~ il .. ill ~u I"'er today.<br />

A close dialoa;lIC hIS been CAlblished be·<br />

t ..«o Senator Marchi and Asse:mblyman GLlY<br />

Molinari by Ollr lenetal ehairm3n. Thomu P .....<br />

Walsh, who Ihrou,ah his efforts hPJ succeeded<br />

in gellin, thi, bill to the state Senate and th e<br />

"<br />

•<br />

;<br />

I<br />

Dinner-Dance<br />

1I ...&lns 111--" .' ~...... CoIU., <strong>of</strong> LoeaI 17.1,<br />

KoII_, I lId~ rl l~ I , PI'tieIl" a 6t-Jnr pUo '0<br />

tllr"Ih ~ r lU1 ~r O"llIn.<br />

Brother Riley Quince<br />

Receives 6O-Yeor Pin<br />

I"U. 873. KOKO,\10. INU.- Brother<br />

Quince recenlly received hi5 6O·~car pin<br />

IIllsl ness Mnna .. er " crman Collins,<br />

Riley was born M~r c h 17, 1899, and SI3fICd<br />

worki", as In electrician's helper when hc w:u<br />

14 lie joined the old local 28S, l'cru, Indiana,<br />

on JanLlary 26, 1920. TI,c carliesl .... St he remembers<br />

ICII;na was 6S ceRU an hour. We've<br />

~ome a long W3y since then.<br />

lie t.ied his hand at contracting for a couplc<br />

<strong>of</strong> years in Ihe early '~(k bUI decided Ihat<br />

wun't the way to ,0, so he Slrapped his tool.<br />

b,cl; on.<br />

When Local 28S amalpmatt'd with ~l 811<br />

In lhe ea.ly 'ms. Mill'y hn'!ulhl hu tkkct .Iona,<br />

lie has ~n w,th u, evn since. lie .etired on<br />

Dccemblr I, 1970, but YOLl can't kecp a aood<br />

nllln down. lie went back 10 work in AUluSI.<br />

1911 and worked for Iinu mort monlhs before<br />

he d«ided enough was enoLlah,<br />

•<br />

"8 I <strong>IBEW</strong> Jov",ol

- slDte Assembly. Closely assisted by Interna.<br />

tional Representative Russ Homiak, they have<br />

" succeeded in furtherina our cause for JUSt parity<br />

with our counterparu in the Transit Authority,<br />

Dut a great amount <strong>of</strong> work still has to be dono<br />

tn other areas, such as frin&e benefil'l.<br />

SIRT worker-s Mill arc archaically behind<br />

other workers when it comes to fringe benefil'l .<br />

• such as vacations and sick days, bereavement<br />

time, and much more. Hopefully in the future<br />

something can be accomplished to justify this<br />

injustice to our Brothers <strong>of</strong> Local 922.<br />

A lillie less on the labor side we would like<br />

to congratulate treasurer I'ctcr Argcnziano. who<br />

lias been nominated for the !DEW Life-Saying<br />

Aw ard. I-Ie sayed a SIRT passenger who had<br />

fallen on tile tnds as a train was approaching.<br />

_ Thanks to Pete's efJorlJ he quickly juml'

Local 995 Brothers<br />

SIIo .. o _ II. II. " 11111," Ilidt. Itl!. IUId AU ..<br />

Calln " ...<br />

KellJ' C .... h'u.U Iud. Iht .. In.<br />

I' rank PDllln, Jr, r"m rull!<br />

he had alrudy been chosen to be the "IUI$"<br />

<strong>of</strong> my next Story.<br />

Now Ihis young lad believed .... hal he was<br />

telling me. He hnd purchased n larlC mobile<br />

home nnd is 10 be milrfled in AU llu5\' Thi,<br />

"scab" told <strong>of</strong> his Dttempt 10 gel into D nearby<br />

jack_or_all tradc5 union, bUI had been rejected.<br />

lie spoke <strong>of</strong> "fOUf buslold. <strong>of</strong> Puerto Ricanl"<br />

hired on 31 Yill'lula tOfS" for S5.IS ptr hour. The<br />

"tPI" Kale for Ihi~ Cfar, is $11.50 per haUl, to<br />

now they don't even wanl \0 pay non-union<br />

wDgesl He staled thnl th e Puerlo Rican, were<br />

"lIcuinll il" like ,hcfe was no tomorrow, The<br />

polnl is this: you can expect these same "'aliI"<br />

and conditions if the "righl-Io-worl(' for less<br />

bill remains on the ]8W books <strong>of</strong> Ihis counlry.<br />

Knowing Ihis should convince all <strong>of</strong> IIJ thur .... e<br />

havclft been and we ,in't doing enouch.<br />

Is il pOSSible that somc <strong>of</strong> Ihe "bi, bUJinc.u<br />

Iycoons" are hav,na bit lay<strong>of</strong>fs to rile and<br />

IIngcr the .... orkers 50 they will vole for<br />

" RI,mpant Rcagan?" Just a thought, mind you.<br />

In tooay's paper it wa~ announccd thut more<br />

than one third <strong>of</strong> H mlttion auto industry work_<br />

CU pre Llnemployed. I'm convinced Ihat the<br />

lovcrnment is not aoing 10 do any thin, ubout<br />

so I IIEW JOII.llol<br />

the bia influx <strong>of</strong> forclan car!, and why should<br />

they whcn thousands <strong>of</strong> union members IU<br />

drivingthem7 Fmnkly, I don't have the yen for<br />

onc <strong>of</strong> the little rascals Damn, I believe I've<br />

JUSt clcated a pun.<br />

Tlliking about a funny bUmper sticker. I JaW<br />

one loday thul yelled out at you. II said.<br />

"Nuclear powcr is as safe as Ted Kenncdy 's<br />

carl"<br />

, don't kno .... ir <strong>International</strong> President Pil _<br />

lard reads this siory. b'l! , hope he remembers<br />

ull the signs hanging in the Convention lIull at<br />

Atlanric City, New Jersey, thaI read, " Havo<br />

Ihe next convention In Las Vegas!"<br />

Well. they have started the new building thnl<br />

will house our Ilcalth ILn(1 Welfare program.<br />

There wi]l be pktLlrel tUler, <strong>of</strong> course.<br />

Thanks Dgain to IJrothel Daniel Geort«'.<br />

presidem <strong>of</strong> Local 397. lIalboa, Canal Zone<br />

See you nut month<br />

PliTIl M ACAl.USO, R.s<br />

local 1055 in Negotiations;<br />

Support Officers, Says Scribe<br />

LU, IO.!!.!!, " Y.NSACOL", Fl,A,- ll's contrac,<br />

time aaain! Our local is ~ntering into D period<br />

<strong>of</strong> negotiationJ which we hope will result in<br />

beUer benditJ and pay for 111 <strong>of</strong> our members.<br />

Many II rothers in our locII have put in lonll.<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> work for a good package for our<br />

members nnd, U~ I write this, mnny more hour!<br />

will be ~pen t before the final agreement j§<br />

reachcd and ~eceptc d by the members.<br />

Even though mOSt <strong>of</strong> us rnay not take 31\<br />

active part in nellotiations, .... e 5till hDVe a job<br />

to do and that i5 to support the people .... e have<br />

elected 10 lead U5. If we show a solid front,<br />

show thai ""e are united in II strong union. then<br />

we shall all benefit<br />

Even though most <strong>of</strong> UI may not take an<br />

active part in negoti3tions, wc 5til] hove a job<br />

to do Dnd that is to support the people we have<br />

elected to Icad us. If we ~how a 50lid front.<br />

show that we arc united in (I strona union, then<br />

we shall 311 benefit.<br />

Dissension, careless remarks. and other simil.tr<br />

acts revealed to those OUl5idc the local afe the<br />

seed <strong>of</strong> failure.<br />

DisagreementS are better solved by the uftion<br />

3t our mectin(U and in a proper manner.<br />

I'll gel <strong>of</strong>f the sonpbo~ now. In future artiell'S<br />

J hope 10 have stories Dnd picturcs <strong>of</strong> the many<br />

mcmbers Dnd activities <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the units<br />

within our local<br />

Keep pn eye out becau'iC you JUSt might be<br />

in th e ne~t issue along .... ith Urother Dale Burke<br />

or I.arty Keith or even Sl,Iddy GatC5!<br />

Dl!Al'I A G IVF.N!, P.S.<br />

local 1106 Negotiating With<br />

General Telephone <strong>of</strong> Michiga n<br />

L.V, I t06. MASON. MICII,- Negotiations<br />

with General Telephone <strong>of</strong> Michigan began on<br />

June 9, <strong>1980</strong>. The ~jXl l ~~IIC'MJn5 for Local 1106<br />

are Business Manager Dave Johl\$()n and In_<br />

tern3tional Representative Larry Rella';s.<br />

Before negotiations began. some last-minute<br />

appOintment) hl.d 10 be made. iJrother DJve<br />

Morse, <strong>of</strong> the Muskeaon Unit, .uigncd from<br />

the Exccutive Board Dnd nargaining Committee<br />

because <strong>of</strong> health reason •. Appointed to tnke<br />

hi. place wps Sj~ter Mary Detamorc. also from<br />

th c MuSkCgon tJnit.<br />

Also rtJianina from the c..eeutive lIoa.d<br />

and 83fgainin, Commillee was IIrother Mike<br />

Mohr from Ihe Adrian Unit. IIrother Chuck<br />

McMillen, <strong>of</strong> the Adrian Unit. was DppOinted<br />

to r~plDce Mike in both po,ilioll,.<br />

Uopcfully, nc~t month we will be reporting<br />

on a tentative allreemcnt with General Tele_<br />

phone <strong>of</strong> Michigan.<br />

We hope ull <strong>of</strong> our fellow Br others and<br />

Appointee<br />

Slll~ . MmfJ D ~I.mQ re <strong>of</strong> I.out 11116, Maron, ~ Uth .,<br />

.."" appolnttd . n !he t:'Kutl . ~ Hoa.d . .. d 8Mr.<br />

ulnln. Co ...... IUu,<br />

Resigns<br />

,<br />

•<br />

r<br />

•<br />

,I<br />

n.OIIlt. M ike Moll. resltfted from the t:atrulhe "I<br />

B .. lrd uti tb. 1I.'lallllna C.........,IU",.<br />

'I<br />

Discussion<br />

lIu) lnUl Ma .... u Dave. JOhnso .. , lell. and r. e~ ld e .. t<br />

CbrlJ . '00 dl ..... s,o ne lo tl . '\on ~ .<br />

1<br />

J<br />

'<br />

Sisters saw tile ABC News Closeup pro,um<br />

"The Invelitiaator •. " Much <strong>of</strong> the pro, ram I<br />

dealt wilh the monitoring <strong>of</strong> persons, including<br />

telephone employees. This has been a problem,<br />

and a real concern, for our member. for a long<br />

t,me.<br />

DAN MOILIIS. r.s.<br />

Brother Brown Donates Camera;<br />

Scribe: Attend Meetings<br />

IRU_ 1116, TUCSON, A.RlZ..-lIrother Doc<br />

Brown has donated a camera 10 our local and<br />

to the press secretary! Thank you, Doc, tor your<br />

dedication. devotion, Dnd unselfish concern fOI<br />

all IIrothers and Sisters. Your generosily is<br />

,reatly uppreciatcdl<br />

Brothers and Sisters, for some time I hnve<br />

ob5erved 3. communication breDkdown. You<br />

th ink because you know or arc aware <strong>of</strong> IIOme_<br />

thina (be il job·rclated or related to our Broth<br />

ers 3nd Sisters) which we should know about,<br />

you think everyone knows. Well, Brothers and<br />

Sist~,~. thaI 18 nUllO. What do you aaln by<br />

withholding information ubout polentinl hU13rds •<br />

or by not lettin, othe,., know <strong>of</strong> accidents.<br />

health problems, or whalevcr? Ilow cun we<br />

kno .... when somcone needs help or counseJ1 Call<br />


•<br />

•<br />

Birthdoy Dinner<br />

Sln n Mary M~C Oar" <strong>of</strong> Lont 111' . THIOII,<br />

ArlL, IooslN • ..,.... pllo... b~ clIour for<br />

::1 "tired Sbtu Hanl Setu...rtt. Lftl 10 rip l an<br />

MUJ' rot......." 0., .., bootUl; Han l Boll; n oUie<br />

CoIllu, " aid Sc nl ~.,.n'. motH' : aOMI U o,U1<br />

Se"~1~" ptil <strong>of</strong> ....." .<br />

the hall (792.· 14".). YOLI<br />

would teel thaI the<br />

... orld 111'3' against you if somelhinl happened<br />

• to you a nd no o ne came to see you o r called.<br />

We hav e no way <strong>of</strong> know;n, aOOll t these cvcnta<br />

unless yOLi inform us.<br />

So Ihat you know about the following meeting<br />

ni ghts, mark your calenda r: the first T hursday<br />

<strong>of</strong> each month lit 7:30 p.m .. ltneral rn eelinl<br />

(all attend) ; s«ond Wedneway al 7;)0 p. m.,<br />

TEP stewards meetinl: third T uesday 01 7:00<br />

~ p.m., G enual Electric: Unit meetina: third<br />

Wednesday a' 7:30 p.m., Southwest Ou Unil<br />

meeting; third Thursday I' 7 :JO p.m., n:c<br />

meetiq: fourth Thursday at 7:30 p.m., E~cculive<br />

Board meet in ...<br />

All meelinp are hdd al the h;all loaned a.<br />

750 Soulh T uc:son Boulevard. If you think you<br />

have a problml, why don', you (ome 10 the<br />

meelinp so you learn what i:t loin, onl Don't<br />

be a complainer; be In attendee and participate.<br />

Welc:omc new manbers from 0.£.: Olla<br />

4' Arandules. Oary Barnes. Richard Biskic, and<br />

Bithinia Ortiz; Soulhwest 0;15: Elizabeth<br />

Bertsch; T E P, Mercy Garcia, Ibrb3ra BUlan,<br />

- Karen Lipphardt, Iia Miller, Bekki BOOlh, Mary<br />

ROSlIles, and Ilobby Outler, We look forw3rd<br />

10 seeing all <strong>of</strong> you at the meelings.<br />

The health and wel fare prOp05al passed by<br />

a wide marain. T hank you (nr your concern<br />

and allcndance to nl'ress your feelings and<br />

~ concern.<br />

Don't forget to reli~ter to VOT E lind Ihen<br />

exercise your rilhtl<br />

The Asplundh Hee Himme,. contest .... as pOIt.<br />

poned until later in the year. 1 will do my bat<br />

to keep you updaled<br />

Bu MilS!!, P.S<br />

ISEW's Role Important To<br />

... Federation <strong>of</strong> lobor<br />

LV. 1191 , WEST PAI.M Ol-:ACII, FI.A.-To<br />

keep you up to d:ue on union happcninp, Ihll<br />

is our firsl newsletter to the mcmbershil'.<br />

The m EW plays a very importllnl role in the<br />

Palm Beach County Federation <strong>of</strong> L.bor, AFt..<br />

C IO, We're enlitled to hDVC one deleaate per<br />

100 union members to reprcscnl us '1 the Fed·<br />

e ralion. This livu UJ • fivc-member ~Icglliion.<br />

Our delcgates Ire Mark LaCount, Tony Marino.<br />

Joel Baskin, Richard Welch, and Jerry ~1LIIi

Brother Antonson Succeeds<br />

Brother Josiwick as Treasurer<br />

LU. 1238. WILMINGTON, DEL-On May<br />

27, <strong>1980</strong>, the Executiye Board met to choose a<br />

ne ... Ireasurer, due to the r~ignation <strong>of</strong> Brother<br />

Joseph Josiwick. Brother JosiwiDlal<br />

Blltlow u d .e",ben are JJ. H ..

honor dUrin, the e~enin .. Jimmy V, n lieusen,<br />

....,. 11 friend <strong>of</strong> Note's .ince thei r school days, I]SO<br />

spoke and "nl I number <strong>of</strong> his odlinal hits,<br />

accOnlp3nyinl himself on the piano.<br />

Work it It ill slow here, with I lot <strong>of</strong> our<br />

Brothers still t lll~elini .bout the countf)'. The<br />

Fishkill job is about completed with by-olfs<br />

ClI"pected in the ~ef)' near future. Bids hIVe<br />

t-n It'! out on lnother job in the Fishkill<br />

:lfU. If this job would SlIrt SOOIl it would hclp<br />

.. our unemployment I liule. A fcw mcn Irc<br />

still on tM pipe·type cab]e job in Buffalo and<br />

" 'rom .11 rcports arc doilll • fine job.<br />

leI's protecl our livelihood; Work safelyl<br />

Buy union! Combat obstructionists!<br />


~ line Work Pick ing Up;<br />

~ Inside Work Slow<br />

LU. 1150, It APfl) CITY, S.D_ Lint wOlk is<br />

pick,nl up and will put over 100 milu <strong>of</strong> line<br />

through our jurisdiction, start in, th;, fall. In·<br />

side work is still slow.<br />

NegOliation5 "art in AUlust for our line<br />

.. aI1CCmcnl: al50, ne,otiations ha~e ,one wcll<br />

for mOSI <strong>of</strong> our utilll Y units. Two arc yct to<br />

_ be Klllcd.<br />

Our IUJiliary hcld itl annual sprin, dance.<br />

bUI 110 many <strong>of</strong> our II rothers h3Ve becn out<br />

<strong>of</strong> town workinl, there was a poor turnout.<br />

E~crybody who aUen~d cnjoyed themsel,·es.<br />

Brothcr Martian boulht breatfllSt for thc<br />

clean·up crcw.<br />

Oon't forlCt Local 12.10', camp-out and<br />

picnic on U.bor Day.<br />

hMf.S F. ZnLu. p.s.<br />

Graduates<br />


ference. If the wa ge "ructure and difference<br />

does not change, we are on a 'collision course'<br />

with our Brothers which could lead to the<br />

downfall <strong>of</strong> our locals and Ihe destruction <strong>of</strong><br />

our brotherly friendship. LeI's nOI loot at pasl<br />

pnlclices and policies when Ihe future is now.<br />

Let's change the wage structure and differences<br />

and support the 'minority' <strong>of</strong> our union. Let's<br />

lIiye everyone an equal share <strong>of</strong> our future."<br />

Rebuttals anyone?<br />


Party<br />

It. 'tllrt"' ~ DI .. artJ' fo, Ed K' .... lOad Bob 1010._<br />

"U ". Id bJ' Local 1361. Ooln~o. III. L ... 10 rI~"t<br />

au hill ~tulu"y, 00 .. Hardr • ."d I ... Wtitk, .1I1d<br />

\I. ... rd, Ow.rbnd.<br />

Hue . te Jim lIardy, II ... Mad.lnn ..... ."d T .....<br />

Con llan.<br />

11111 II .. KeDt <strong>of</strong> tlte ",110,,,,,"1 .. ar..,. at tilt<br />

8 ... ertJ WII04J Rest ...... !.<br />

54 I taEW Journol<br />

General Wage Increases,<br />

Fringe Benefits Approved<br />

I_V. 1361, CtliCAGO, ILL-The general wage<br />

increase Dnd fringe benclill were approved<br />

May 16 by the membership <strong>of</strong> Sy.tem Council<br />

U·2S. The 10lal yes vote was S.6 12 and the<br />

total no vote, 2,74). Seventy·two votes were<br />

invalid. Local 1361 member. voted )66 yes<br />

votes and )8) no votes. This raises our stnight.<br />

lime average rate 10 $10.35. Our fi rst c]o.ss, or<br />

journeyman, moycs to S] 1.85 and Ihe crew<br />

leader rate at $ ]2.55. A]so there was an improvement<br />

in the grievance procedure. The<br />

number <strong>of</strong> biweetly posting periods for bypassed<br />

overtime were reduced from four to two. When<br />

a holiday is observed on an employee's regular<br />

day <strong>of</strong>f (Monday 10 Friday im:lusive) and he<br />

does not wOlk, he will be paid a day's pay at<br />

the tole <strong>of</strong> time and one·half. If the employee<br />

wOlks, he will be paid in addition at Ihe rate<br />

<strong>of</strong> time and one-half for the first eight hours<br />

on fil"Sl RDO and double lime for the first<br />

eight hours on second ROO.<br />

Congratulations to Dlother Tommie Allen<br />

on hi~ pppointment 3S steward for the Transportation<br />

Deparlment at Chicago South.<br />

AI the April Executive Board meeting. two<br />

new members were accepted inlo Local 1J67.<br />

flNry CamooecD and Tina Harrell. We welcome<br />

Ihese new members.<br />

Celebrating company anniyersnrics. congratu_<br />

lations with 45 years to iJ rother William Wall.<br />

crew leader, 5ubstation construction. ConllUtu_<br />

lations for 2S years to Brother Eugene Cwik.<br />

lineman special.<br />

The regular meeting <strong>of</strong> Local 1367 will be<br />

hchl on Wednesday <strong>August</strong> ]) al the H illside<br />

Holiday Inn; your presence is always welcome.<br />

AI$O. t~ Executive Boord meeting will be held<br />

on <strong>August</strong> 21.<br />

A few <strong>of</strong> our men are retiring and a parly<br />

is being planned around Noyember ) or November<br />

]0, a Monday before a holiday; please<br />

keep these dates open. More information will<br />

follow for our new pensioners in the Septem_<br />

ber IIIEW Jou,,,ol. The <strong>of</strong>lieers for the Chicago<br />

South Edi$On Retirement Club are President<br />

John Quealy, Overhead: Treasurer ~I enry<br />

Voith, Underground; and Secretary Rich Rubas.<br />

Overhead. Committee members are Mel Matgay.<br />

Joe Keane, Charlie Fusco, Rich Urbanski, and<br />

Rob Gannon.<br />

I received a leller from service annuitant<br />

Norman Smith. Norm retired in 1969 and was<br />

a former steward for our local. II I' would like<br />

10 hen. from some <strong>of</strong> hi' friends. lI is address<br />

is Mr. Norman Smith, 4905 North West n<br />

SUeel. Section 6, Tamarac. Florida )))19.<br />

Thanks for your compliments on the anicles<br />

and for the piclures, Norm.<br />

Till next month. keep Ihe summer safe and<br />

happy.<br />

Rlcl! RUBAs, " .S.<br />

Retiring Business Manager<br />

Feted at Dinner-Dance<br />

L. V. U17, CLEVELAND. OIUO-On Saturday.<br />

April S. <strong>1980</strong>, a retirement dinner-danee<br />

was held for retired Business ManDger Carmen<br />

Carpinelli, who has been active in Ihe !lbo.<br />

movement for oyer )0 years.<br />

To p.1Y tribute to Brother Carmen Carpinelli.<br />

over 400 people attended the dinner-dllnce. in<br />

attendance were <strong>of</strong>ficers, members and their<br />

wives. members <strong>of</strong> orpnized labor. management<br />

pe.rsonnel from planls represented by<br />

Local 1377, communily leaden, and many other<br />

friend s.<br />

DiJtinauished guests present included Ralph<br />

A. Leigon, international Secretary: B. G. Wil.<br />

Honored<br />

•<br />

- ........<br />

•<br />

Rell.IIII Builllftli M"".,e. Carao" canotlldU, Lotal<br />

!In, a~yttand. 011111, Heond f ...... I ~ fl , "u fff

Office,s<br />

DlliuB 01' I.oc:" IlIl . ttic . .. IIk. N .V~ Idl 10<br />

ridlf. au "'UII 1\oI ... rU 0.. 0 . ... 7. AMbl .. 1<br />

BlUlnus :'I-l.... .t

ness first· hand Ihe lack <strong>of</strong> knowled,e m.ny <strong>of</strong><br />

these candidates demonslrate on lut issuel<br />

important to the labor movement. h '. hard to<br />

beli"c th l t any eandidate seetin, cndorse..<br />

ment by tbe labor movement would be IIrI«r·<br />

lain <strong>of</strong> the pros aOO coos in "riahHa.work"<br />

le,islation, let alone havi.n,a litlle or no koowl·<br />

edle lbout the in. dequ.ey <strong>of</strong> Unemployment<br />

and Workmen', Compensation bcndilJ. Thil<br />

e~polure certainly was an eye·opener for me<br />

and Itrved to emphuilc th e importan

.. Negotiating meetinas have been held in New<br />

Jersey and the wrap-up meetinp are being held<br />

.... in Towson, Maryland, where Local ISO I is<br />

headquartered. After the contrac t is aecepted,<br />

local members <strong>of</strong> the Negotiatinl Commillee<br />

will tnIYel to the various stain where members<br />

are wor king to brief them on the new contract<br />

in preparation for ratifieation.<br />

Membe,.. <strong>of</strong> the Nelotiatinl Commillee Ire<br />

toRkhard litlezinsu, New Jer~y representative;<br />

Tom Rohatsch, Catskill Region representative;<br />

_ .Tony DcSayln, Ohio representative; Louie<br />

Severino, Connectieut representative: Jimmy<br />

Schwizer, New York reprucntative. Dion<br />

Guthrie. president <strong>of</strong> Local 150 1, heads up the<br />

. committee. The above was Submitted by Orother<br />

Louie St"erino, Connecticut job steward.<br />

0101'1 F. Gunll]I!, O.M.-l'lU.<br />

•<br />

Retires<br />

K.otlot. Jullll' lbolllA ~,<br />

fonner . kc p . t~ l d ~ n t <strong>of</strong><br />

t.oc-.I 1504, I lIdt~lI aPOtb<br />

, Ind., ' « tllrtr u­<br />

rI.cd.<br />

Brother Thomas Retires;<br />

Picnic Planned for September<br />

Lo U. 1504, INntANAPOI.1S, INI).- Juliu5<br />

Thomas. former vice president <strong>of</strong> Local 1504.<br />

retired from WUlern Eleclrie. April 9, <strong>1980</strong>.<br />

...Brother Thomas had b«n active in union<br />

""lIffairs for over 2S years. He began hi~ carecr<br />

on the E~ecutive Board. Later. he was ap-<br />

; pointed vice president, Bnd held that <strong>of</strong>fice for<br />

JJ years. Jullu, and his wife. Roberta, will<br />

spend their retirement operalin; their Hower<br />

shop, Julio', Flower Shop. We wilh the beSt<br />

. <strong>of</strong> everythinll to you Julius. You've earned it!<br />

Job Grades have been working with C. Young<br />

, 3nd D. W iggin~ from <strong>International</strong> on a complu<br />

evaluation cnse.<br />

O mcers recently returned from Fort L~udcr -<br />

"'I.da le where they met with the EM-J Council<br />

on fi nnlizinll Ihe bargnining demand~ on the<br />

negotiations for <strong>1980</strong>. Other <strong>of</strong>ficers ullended<br />

the Industrial Union Department Lelislative<br />

Conference in Washinllton. D.C.<br />

Recordinl Secretary Shirley lIarakos has<br />

... b«n wOlking h~rd 'Nith her commillce In planning<br />

our union picnic. This will be held in<br />

.. September.<br />

Several members helped with the Speci31<br />

Olympics in the Iwimming meet. The Irack<br />

and field events we re rained out and cancelled.<br />

We're lool:inl forwllfd to ne" yur when they<br />

med again.<br />

We had I I delelatcs rep,uenling our local<br />

- at the Stale AFt -CIO Convention held here in<br />

IndiaMpolis..<br />

As you can ~e, our loc~1 is becominll very<br />

ac tive. I will plan to submit an article to the<br />

10l/rltal every month to report on our actlv;.<br />

ties<br />

- Support Your Union;<br />

< Support COPE<br />

L U. I!!O!!, WA I,TIIAM, MASS.- An ell ito rinl<br />

recently ap peared in the Bosroll G lobe, th ut<br />

journalistic citadel <strong>of</strong> libe ral ism. It called for<br />

II na tionwIde program to de velop Ame rica's<br />

vaM coal reserves e,'l" 0/ the exPCll5C QI l llvi.Q"<br />

mtn/o/ concerns. America, the Globe<br />

argued. had to break the tyrannical grip <strong>of</strong><br />

OPEC whose monOpOlistic oil pOlicies have<br />

sapped the economic strength <strong>of</strong> the Wesl, and<br />

jeopardized prospects for the elimination <strong>of</strong><br />

poverty and inequality. Implicit in the editorial<br />

wu the admission that prolress toward<br />

social jU'lIice requires the creation <strong>of</strong> additional<br />

wealth and not mercty its redistribution from<br />

the more to the less fortunate. When the na.<br />

lion's treasures arc being mortl aged to satisfy<br />

the appetite <strong>of</strong> an insatiable cartel. liberal proarums<br />

must be the first easuslly .<br />

The Globe. therefore, calls for a tempOt3ry<br />

relnntion <strong>of</strong> environmental restrictions upon<br />

the mining and use <strong>of</strong> coal. Let us all shout<br />

hosnnnohs in celebrntion <strong>of</strong> this happy day .<br />

Imagine-the Globe aceeplS the obvious:<br />

that the first imperative is lurvinl; that progress<br />

has a price tag; an" thM liberal aspirations<br />

arc forfeit unless the American economy is<br />

freed from its chains. Arc we witnessing D<br />

return <strong>of</strong> responsibility to Amcricun liberalism<br />

which was once a marriage <strong>of</strong> hope and rwlism?<br />

We hope so.<br />

A dinner honoring memberl with 2S or more<br />

years <strong>of</strong> service WOJ held J une 29 8t the Chris·<br />

tian Formation groundS near the West Andover<br />

I'lont. This affair since its inception hu been<br />

a pllre delight for those who allen" and those<br />

who serve. Wise men have nld that it is im_<br />

possible to please everybody. We o11er this<br />

annual dinner as pro<strong>of</strong> that sometimes it is<br />

pOSSible.<br />

At a recent meeting PI the m EW Hall in<br />

Waltham. our prcsident, Art Osborn, spoke <strong>of</strong><br />

the ominous political and economic develOpments<br />

which have darkened prospects for the<br />

'80s. lie stressed the need for union members<br />

to become more aClive and more a;&1cssive in<br />

assert in, their own interests .<br />

lie noted thai many union members seem<br />

contcnt to leave the struggle in the political<br />

arena to their union <strong>of</strong>ficers. Such an attitude<br />

was naive and unwi~, he warned, an" would<br />

lead to political ehanlCS damag;nll the lives<br />

<strong>of</strong> working people.<br />

We have said beforc Dnd we will rel'Cat that<br />

Ihe effectiveness <strong>of</strong> union spokesmen depends<br />

entirely upon the perception that they speak<br />

for someone. When thc politicians believc that<br />

the lea"ers <strong>of</strong> labor unions speak only for<br />

themselves, they cea~e to li~ten. Workers must<br />

demonstrate, when called upon \0 do so, thn t<br />

they support their unions whe n they lobby in<br />

behalf <strong>of</strong> working people.<br />

As the tinanci31 power <strong>of</strong> the rich gro~.<br />

armed with so-called political petion committees<br />

with unlimited funds, it is vital for work_<br />

ina people to participate in the pOlitieal battles<br />

that lie ahead. SuppOrt COPE and p!rticipale<br />

in the functions <strong>of</strong> your local union .<br />

I It:NRV W. M ANCtNt, P.S.<br />

Wichita Members Go<br />

Rattlesnake Hunting<br />

(MU' 1523, WICJIITA, KA NS.- Junior Wage<br />

and wife Shirley recently 'Nent on a trip with<br />

Richard Hoh'erson and wife Vickie. They all<br />

tool: time 011 from their jobs to relax in<br />

Waynoka. Oklahoma. and hunl for ralliesnakes.<br />

80th couples have boen loinl on hunts like<br />

this one for the pall several y~rs. Junior<br />

5nid they enjoy goinll to Oklahoma every year.<br />

lie also said they used \0 mo l:e hat bands<br />

from the snake skins, And some belts too.<br />

I think I could find a beller way 10 relax<br />

than by hunting ralllcsnnkel. Good hunting,<br />

though. to th ose who li ke the sport.<br />

Just fo r fun- Good Wic hita linemen never<br />

die. They just fade aW8y and become busi~5 S<br />

manngers.<br />

T EaRY F LIIMING. P.S.<br />

Snake Hunters<br />

Two "'~"'M" 0 ' Lonol I5lJ, WkllUa, K.",., ..,d<br />

Illd . wl'u "· ~ lIt ... It~""~ b"ntlll~. 11 ~ . e J,,"lo'<br />

Wa., h,,'d' Illf ",tUeon alre be n Ulht tn WlJlnoka,<br />

Okla.<br />

k l~ h a .d lIoh·u .... ~ lcb th ~ •• ttln o.h ~, n lll ht.<br />

Shown att Vk" lt lIo ln no.a, lto'l, . nd 5hl. I ~, Wilif.<br />

Members Proud to Belong<br />

To New l ocal <strong>of</strong> <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

L.U, 1!!!!9. SUI'EIUOR. WIS.- In June 1917.<br />

electric inn! working for the BurlinGton NOrlh·<br />

ern RuHloa d in th e Superior, Wisconsin, area<br />

branched into Local Unit ~ 06 . 1 , under th e<br />

leadership <strong>of</strong> Rya n Jos!. From that time, il<br />

<strong>August</strong>, <strong>1980</strong> I 57

Newly Chartered<br />

Graduation<br />

Presentations<br />

Vt« P ru ld ~ nt W~I ~rs p",UIIU • 15·yu. pin to<br />

"re5td~ol 1.11' Em.flIOo .. bll. 15.year 8«>tb ~1I<br />

"Jah" Jacob, W. L. Wr\dIt, Glyoo R')"IIotdi, 8 0b<br />

M«Q, an" E. E, DrooLs ... U lor tbel. pllli.<br />

T~nl" D b lrlcl R.prrwnlaUu Norm Sd, .. Ualla ....". 1I •• e are T. S. Vuhrou.tll. bu>l d"U ....."u.n Hub<br />

In,ulatu ne ... ly dlO

,4 BelleConte lIiah School. One hundred and<br />

ninety·two pints <strong>of</strong> blood were w ll«:ted and<br />

.. first·time donors aecry ,oot! turnout at our first<br />

mectlna m the new location. The three youna<br />

IldlCJ tbat Dttcndcd added a touch <strong>of</strong> cbn.<br />

Mary Dill has become II. relular at these meet·<br />

inls..<br />

On the ..... aterfront. three vcry old bUIldings<br />

were to rn down. lind wo rk to upgrade the dock·<br />

Slde capability is ,·cry much in progress. This is<br />

II. lona·term Investment. lonl overdue. There is<br />

II. "mil as to how far indIvidual endcavor can<br />

10 to supporl an ob50lete plant facility. Work<br />

continues on Ihe Sea Wol! and the Pogy. The<br />

Nllultius was decommissioned m March. after<br />

almost Ihirty years <strong>of</strong> wr.ice.<br />

Two supervoors h ..·c aone who ... ilI be Ilcally<br />

missed. Both were utremcly ..... ell lel:3lded. This<br />

wu based on a hip delJee <strong>of</strong> personal in·<br />

leafllY and 1o)'1llty to tbeir subordinates. Sid<br />

J'ond retired, and John "Moosc" Toutolmtn<br />

thDuaht he 1I0uld like to try something else. For<br />

~hrinus ChristelUOn. an implning ttrtificate<br />

was signed by the shipyald wmrnander.<br />

Thank you for your kuers, Mr. Murray. I<br />

,ertainly did appreciate your lund comments.<br />

Gordon Triemert recently returned from three<br />

weels in Guam. lie 60es a 101 <strong>of</strong> tra.·clina for<br />

tbe Company. 1I0w many <strong>of</strong> you know Ray<br />

8ohnJ1 Ray is a paSI plesident <strong>of</strong> Local 214S.<br />

one that consistently allends all the m«linas.<br />

With Ihal m:lpuficCnl mUSlache. Ray manales<br />

to look like a matinee idol. Our Iac:al conllnues<br />

to I row. At each meelin, thc :applications <strong>of</strong><br />

ncw members ate read.<br />

Recently thcre was .. su~rvisor cvaluation. a<br />

,urvey conducted by Dan Sil~crton. Supervisol<br />

John Rownberg emeraed as the most high ly reo<br />

aardcd. Dall made this ObWr~a l ion: "Thank<br />

you. Mr. RoscnocrK, the YDld needs more super.<br />

ylsOTS like you." My o wn feelings on this sub·<br />

jcct are thnl recoanition or exemplary superviJo<br />

r, is long overdue. I know Mr. Roscnbcrg per·<br />

Augll,l, <strong>1980</strong> I S9

JOnally, and he. certainly d~s meril I~ recol'<br />

nilion. I ",·ould vcnlllre. 10 say th:u Ihere. are. a<br />

conslder:lble number <strong>of</strong> supervisors wilh Mr,<br />

Rosenberg·s attribllle", and that an effort should<br />

be. made 10 idenlify Ihem, 100. Dan Silverton'S<br />

publication, MEGGER, hu 1>«n developed inlo<br />

an excellent source <strong>of</strong> informalion.<br />

TI"I·ed.<br />

The slrona IiUpport the Negotialing Com·<br />

mlllee rceC'ived from the membership throullh·<br />

Ollt nCiQtlalionJ is ~ery worthy <strong>of</strong> recognition<br />

and lit Ihis lime, as a member <strong>of</strong> the Ncaotiat·<br />

ing Committee and on behalf <strong>of</strong> the other<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the comminee, I would like 10 c:o:.<br />

press our sincere ,ratiludc and apprecialion for<br />

all the IUIpport the membership afforded us<br />

dUrin& negoll.lions.. Without the lIron, support<br />

<strong>of</strong> the membership thoc Nelotialina CommillU<br />

would have had an even more difficult task <strong>of</strong><br />

obtaining an equitllble eonltaet.<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>1980</strong> Ncaotiatinl Commillee<br />

were George Crawford, Joe 1I0Il1I. Dcryl liart,<br />

Nancy Thibodaull, J im MOil. Richart East. JOIl<br />

Toole. Doris Jl1TImcrson. Larry 8eucley, and<br />

Gordon Doss.<br />

Queen<br />

Stxt RtttH K ......... Itt <strong>of</strong> §.bIn SIllr"',. Kuh.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lo

"U: situs. labor reform law, Davis·Baeon<br />

and will vote wrona on the OSII A bill if it<br />

... comts up for a vOle by Ihe Senate. That was<br />

his reply to me by mail.<br />

Flo rida is • Irea, state and hn takcn 0<br />

areat leap forward in population. The economic<br />

growth hllll not mpl c ri al~ed because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> • creative, p rOllfcssivt slate policy<br />

or program.<br />

.. There are many issun 111M do not e~i5t \0<br />

accommodate the increucd population o r the<br />

j ::.n~dJ <strong>of</strong> new b u s in~.<br />

The people who live he re should nOI be<br />

as ked \0 sacrifice:. 10 subsidize higher company<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>its for lo w li vi na standards, 10 tol.<br />

CrOll' poor plaTies and a palilllcd environment,<br />

and pay the hilliest cnul)' c05I5 in the nation<br />

for d ectricity.<br />

.. It hllS been \onl oyerdue to have our leaislalors<br />

mount an assault upon the " Righ t-to­<br />

.::rWork" I.aw wh ic h is vc ry deceptive and non·<br />

produc t iv~.<br />

Our recordina secretary ;5 doinll a arcat job<br />

<strong>of</strong> r~mi nd in a our mem bership, throulJh th ~<br />

_ m~~ tin g a nnou n c~m e nt s, to Ihop 1I t store:; fa.<br />

vorable towa rd la bor, to form CM pools, nnd<br />

JO buy good, made in our country. Votc for<br />

candidates who favor labor Dnd who whe n<br />

~lecte d will follow up on th eir campaiIJn prom·<br />

Our club, o ffi c~rs, Dnd membcr~ extend the<br />

best u. WIshes for all to enjoy the vcry best <strong>of</strong><br />

health<br />

Dwm ll t",I

The club meets on the $econd Thurfda, <strong>of</strong><br />

uch month at 12:)0 p.m. at Bl$hops Cafeteria<br />

It the Merle Ha, Mall<br />

The club is provided I .peeial and private<br />

meeti~ room; lhose Ittendinl 10 throua,h the<br />

food line and are thus provided their choice <strong>of</strong><br />

food, Dutch tro;) t, Members should not be surprised<br />

to find a number <strong>of</strong> their former employers<br />

and/or admini5trative employees at our aubsequent<br />

meetinp, 1.5 it is also our intention to<br />

invite them.<br />

The meetinp arc mformml and everyOne is<br />

privileled to paM;eipate in conversation and in<br />

fraternizing with tho~ with whom the, hll. \'c<br />

spent a lifetime <strong>of</strong> on·the-job rela tionship!. So,<br />

mMIt ,our calendar and rderve the second<br />

Thursdll, <strong>of</strong> nch month lor our luncheon<br />

meetings.<br />

Swearing-In<br />

1',e.lIMII! Gu. B ... Illfi4,1d lo.n .. J III l ite -rIOt,.<br />

t lr . .... oni

'""<br />

•<br />

><br />

IftllVIEIVIDRIJ:lM<br />

Prayer for Our Deceased Members<br />

Farher ill heaven, ollce more we come to Thee wilh sorrow ill our hearts. because so 11Ial/y <strong>of</strong> our<br />

Brothers and Sisters w;,h whom we shared every day experiences afC no longer wilh /IS. Reach out Thy<br />

hand alld draw them home, where they shall know joy and peace forevermore. Amen.<br />

~QCal<br />

,<br />

.<br />

oe ~: "<br />

..<br />

"<br />

"<br />

n "<br />

to'<br />

'"<br />

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'"<br />

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I7S<br />

I~<br />

.'"<br />

3]]<br />

tJ~<br />

'"<br />

.., '"<br />

..'"<br />

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..:m<br />

".<br />

61'<br />

".<br />

...<br />

'""<br />

'"<br />

'"<br />

'"<br />

"<br />

'"'" '"<br />

1185<br />

.. m<br />

.<br />

I ~ &46<br />

1205<br />

1249<br />

1249<br />

.... 393<br />

. ~,<br />

1527<br />

"'.J 579<br />

1579<br />

2282<br />

1.0, (1)<br />

Surnm.<br />

Matelu, J ......... .<br />

St!esmeytr I. J . •"<br />

lobin, W ........ J .<br />

Runnlls, R. R. . ••.<br />

VOIIlllrakls, J. . ••.<br />

SUllinft, 1. 8 .••..•<br />

Jonn, J. f ....... .<br />

Plett., F. J .•••••..<br />

Crews, J. F .••.•••.<br />

Mortensen, W. H •••<br />

Jones, C. R ....... .<br />

SeIlIOY, J. F ••..•••<br />

fotey, A. J ...• , •..<br />

lollm.nn.: F. l •....<br />

Seetey, 1;. W •••••••<br />

'"~". J. L. ••••••<br />

Heftllrltk, , . H. • ••.<br />

,tlc:lk. R. Y .•••.•••<br />

Jones, J. C .•••.••.<br />

Hash. B ...........<br />

ScIIIHb.lver, A. C .•.<br />

Glillith, Sr., E. R •••<br />

DenhOlm, J. A. •••••<br />

Cgntr.~, Jr .. r •.•••<br />

Pechumln, G. H ••••<br />

Briley. D. R ••...••<br />

Munol. H.<br />

Giles, H. l. ......<br />

Thompson, S. A. •••<br />

Currie. J. (.<br />

Talbot, D. E.<br />

Wilson, J. W.<br />

l lntlit. J. F .......<br />

Mc:C.Jn, H. W •••••.<br />

hlon, R. E ...... .<br />

lyvers, T. M ...... .<br />

GrKlyKOwskl, J. J ••.<br />

Sulllv~L T. J • ••••••<br />

C.lb.up, W. T .... .<br />

DlUs. H. G ........<br />

Roselldlhl. E. E.<br />

Jenson. G. R .......<br />

Perry, J. D .••.••.<br />

Symonds, D. f •.••.<br />

W,I.ht. ,. A. ., ••••<br />

fluet. W. L. ......<br />

Wilker. R. E .••.•••<br />

Watson. Ir .. R ••.•.<br />

Henderson, f . J •••.<br />

00Cn, H. O .•..•••<br />

P.trlck, H. , ......<br />

Newmiln. N.<br />

Spivey. W .•...•...<br />

Wil son. D. G .•.•.•.<br />

ManiS, I ..... . ..<br />

Amounl<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,400.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

3SO.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

116.66<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.&00.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

\,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

i,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,400.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.60000<br />

1.600.00<br />

i,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,800.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

EWBA Death Claims Paid in May. <strong>1980</strong><br />

l oca l<br />

Surnilme<br />

I.D.(l7j 'ennelf, H. f •.••.<br />

I.D.(84 Ham, lck. Jr., J. H ..<br />

1.0. (l 41 Duffy, J. D. . ....<br />

1.0.!1l4 Schrewe, H. E. ,.<br />

1.0. 114 Schmlll, G. I .....<br />

I.D. 121 Simmons, A. C ...<br />

I.O.!","! T.ytor, W. . •• , .•<br />

1.0. 1224 laCrosse, f. H ••<br />

peM.!,! Dilndlno, B. • .•<br />

Ptni. I Keou,h, F. J •••<br />

,anl.(I! Rgbln, w ......<br />

PenUI Sind. Ir E •••••<br />

P'"I.(21 Glaser, M. f .•.<br />

Pent.{3 Anton, II .•....<br />

,ens.!l) ArVldl, H. R ...<br />

'enl. 31 Crowley, J. • .•<br />

,ens.(3 DeCecco. ~ .•..<br />

'enl.(3) Caddis. R. J .•.<br />

Pens.(l) Gambino. A. E ••<br />

Plnt.(l) Kohl. E. C. • ••<br />

' .ns.(31 H3th ~ n. L ....<br />

,ens.(31 O'Keefe, J. , ..•<br />

Plns.(l Oml, W. E .....<br />

Penl.(l) ,.duano. D. f, •<br />

',nl./3) Ross. I. , .••..<br />

"n1..(3) Schmidl, P. f •••<br />

Pens.(l) ShJrpe, A. f •••<br />

'enl.(3) Tulip.n. L. . ..<br />

Plnl.(3) Wunem.ehet. H.<br />

,enl,!5) lImlson. V .....<br />

'Ins. 51 Mathl.s. C. A. •<br />

P,ns.(S Webb, W. . •• ,<br />

Pen1..(6) Burns, W. R ...<br />

"ns'!'1 Miller. W. M •••<br />

'Ins. 6 Web.r. O. f .•.•<br />

'ens.(9) Schumaker, C. A.<br />

'enl,(9) TIplnn, A. . .. .<br />

'enl.(lO) AHen. H. ,....<br />

p,nqUI Carrinilon, E. A.<br />

Penl.{il Del""" f ..•••<br />

'ens.(11 Denbaugh, E. J .•<br />

'etll.(lI) 'hll" f. I ....<br />

'Ins'!" 1 Sechr.st. A. C ••<br />

Penl. II $1 •• If. L. M •.•<br />

'enl.fll) l./n,uh, C. C. ••<br />

,ens'llI) Wud, P. B ....<br />

Pens. II) Watts, J. L. .•••<br />

PeM. 16) Fowler J. W ..•<br />

'"nS.(l7) Kine • ..,.••.•.•<br />

Pent.(lII Sttoou, w. T .•.<br />

PUS.!II) Trierweiler. W. H.<br />

Pens. 2l) Bleeinl, O. C ••.<br />

Penl.(25) EIIiffe, S. . ••..<br />

P.n l.(2~) Uekort. f. G .••<br />

Pens.(2S) Mulvaney, J. V .•<br />

p,ns.(261 lItlle, W. H • ..<br />

,.n$.(26 Mann nl, M. l. .<br />

PUI.(27) Homber., L. P .•<br />

'enS.(27) '1ItS, G. D ....•<br />

Pens.(271 Wrl, I. A. W •• ,<br />

Pens.(31 Wesl, A. II •.••<br />

P'"$.(34 H.II.r, D. T.<br />

Penl.(34) Tlnquary, W. D.<br />

'enS.(35) Hansul l, L ...•<br />

Pens.(35) lepper. f. B .•••<br />

Penl.(36) SandersDn. W. W.<br />

,.nl.(381 Bush, f .......<br />

Penl.138 Kalina, J. J. •.<br />

Pe",.(38) Rose.~. B ..•.•<br />

P.ns.(41) Brle • . W. A.<br />

Pens.(4!) Wlldort, G. f ...<br />

penS'146) Bellman. C. O ..<br />

PUI. 46) Cre.. J. . ••..•<br />

' ens. 46) Napper. C. A.<br />

Pens. 47) Hammock, R. . .<br />

'Inl,(47) Moore. J. C .•..<br />

, ens.{481<br />

' 0.1.(41<br />

Blrhom, E .•.<br />

G.uslaa. C. G.<br />

pens.{481 Neilan. W. l.<br />

PenS.{411 Schurman, W .•.<br />

,enl.!49}<br />

'ens. 51)<br />

Wr.lten, J. D ..•<br />

Klnl, J. I.<br />

, on5.(521<br />

'.ns.(52<br />

Guarino. A. M.<br />

Ynung. C.<br />

PI "I.(57)<br />

Penl.(57)<br />

Hansen, W. D ..•<br />

Roberls, V. C ..<br />

' ,ns.(sa)<br />

Pens.(64)<br />

Sc hie ld, H. T .•.<br />

Ha mi lton, f . W ••<br />

Alllou ~1<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

800.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.1iDO.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,1iDO.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

UOO.OO<br />

1,600.00<br />

\ ,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

UOO.OO<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,&00.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

800.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1.600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600.00<br />

1,600,00<br />

l oc.1<br />

'enl.16S}<br />

"nS'I'"<br />

'ens. 12)<br />

Ptn •. 13)<br />

'enl. 111<br />

'Inl.!"<br />

'In1.. Pen •. 111 71<br />

Pen1..!"<br />

Penl. 82<br />

Plnl .~,!<br />

'Ins. $4<br />

'ens. 5)<br />

'Ins'!"1<br />

'ttll,98<br />

"ns.(99)<br />

P,nl.(loo)<br />

P,nl.!",!<br />

'ens. 103<br />

Penl.(l03)<br />

,tnl'1105)<br />

',nl. I06)<br />

'tnl. 1071<br />

P,ns. III<br />

'In1.. 112!<br />

'1 ... (112<br />

,etll.(l 161<br />

'enl.(l24<br />

'enl.<br />

~:::Iml<br />

125<br />

,enl. , 25 1<br />

Penl. 125<br />

'.n'.(l25<br />

'Inl.(I30)<br />

,.u.(ll4)<br />

'""I.!""<br />

'ens. 134)<br />

'Inl·(Il41<br />

P,ns.(Il4<br />

Penl.(l3.)<br />

Penl·(Il41<br />

'ffll.!Il4<br />

~:~! :I:rol<br />

Pens. 1411<br />

',nl. '.5<br />

'ens. 152)<br />

"nt.(I59)<br />

,.n1..(I&01<br />

',nl.( 166<br />

I'lnS'!"'1<br />

Plnl, 193<br />

penl.(I93)<br />

I'lns.(212)<br />

PenS.(214)<br />

'enl.(237)<br />

'Inl.(245 )<br />

1'1~1 .{ 246)<br />

P,nS.(25l)<br />

',nl.(265)<br />

'Inl.(280)<br />

p,ns.{ 2921<br />

Pens.!",<br />

'Inl. 295)<br />

'enl.(299)<br />

'Inl.llOII<br />

P,nl.(302<br />

,ens.(3021<br />

P,nl.(309<br />

, enl.!,,"<br />

Plnl. 3 121<br />

Plnl.(332<br />

PU,.! 340)<br />

Pus. ]40)<br />

P,nl.(340)<br />

P'""!~'I<br />

Plnl. 353<br />

, .nl·!'''1<br />

Penl. 351<br />

p,nl.(3651<br />

Plns.1369<br />

, enl.(3721<br />

p,ns.(lU<br />

' ,nl.(390)<br />

' on •. (395)<br />

l',nl'!"'1<br />

Penl. 405<br />

Amount<br />

Rlebh<strong>of</strong>f, A. R, .. 1,600.00<br />

'Ierce, D. J ••• 1,600.00<br />

WHUams, R. L. • 1,600.00<br />

J.yne, E. R .••• 1,600.00<br />

Brown, R. [. ••• 1,600.00<br />

KOI>9IIn. A. O •• 1.600.00<br />

SI':ft'" L. I . .. 1.600.00<br />

W. e, L. T •••• 1,600.00<br />

Kunllonls, W. J. 1,600.00<br />

T"1nol. $1.,-W. J. 1,600.00<br />

Crowe. W. T ... 1,600.00<br />

Drytn.n, P. J ... 1,600.00<br />

Killfl, f. C •••• 1,600.00<br />

Clshm.n, L J •• 1,600.00<br />

"If"y, R. . ..• 1.600.00<br />

Pike, II. $.. .••• 1,600.00<br />

H,lton. O. T ... 1,600.00<br />

Colcloulh, J. C . . 1,600.00<br />

"t,lne, B. I, • 1,600.00<br />

P'OCIO', P. R .• 1,600.00<br />

Oesch'fM!~, L. P. 1.600.00<br />

Colt, W. " ...•• 1,600.00<br />

~'n.r. f , ..... 1,600.00<br />

DuM, R, W. •.. 1,600.00<br />

lusby, ,. E .••• 1,600.00<br />

Milton. J. H •••• 1,600.00<br />

Clarll, T. N •••• 1,600.00<br />

Mcore, R. W •.. 1,600.00<br />

But'ICh. R. , ••• 1,600.00<br />

Harper, G. E ••• 1,600.00<br />

Huellon, H. W. 1.600.00<br />

KI"lni. C. E .•• 1.600.00<br />

'"ndlvllle, O. C. 1.600.00<br />

Reed, D. M .... 1,600.00<br />

RUhlman. L. f. 1,600.00<br />

0Cktl, H. E. •• 1,600.00<br />

Bilker, G. M. 1,600.00<br />

Milan, J. E •.•• 1.600.00<br />

CIII', E. f ••.• 1.600.00<br />

HUlon, F. H .•• 1,600.00<br />

Sleln. E, , •.•• 1,600.00<br />

Domm.rl ... E. H .. 1,600.00<br />

flesel, II. • ... 1,600.00<br />

[Jsle,. C. • .•• 1,600.00<br />

Bod, M. W. •• 1,600.00<br />

Wlillami. A. •• 1,600.00<br />

Sileoll. J. D ••. 1,600.00<br />

la,sgn, L .... 1,600.00<br />

Smith, A. A. •• 1.600.00<br />

101111", C. W ... 1,600.00<br />

Dgnnlnl. W. E .• 1,600.00<br />

lauler. II. B .•• 1,600.00<br />

Redmorod. A. I .• 1,600.00<br />

M',nard, t. A. . 1.600.00<br />

MlIter, R. C ... 1,600.00<br />

Shar" W. A .•• 1,600.00<br />

Carll$urt, t, _. 1.600.00<br />

Kammond, A. W. 1.600.00<br />

Md;o~.h. B. J •. 1,600.00<br />

Bradley. )r., l. 1.600.00<br />

Mills, H. , . . •• 1.600.00<br />

Dahlin, C. W ..• 1,600.00<br />

CorwIn, R. M •.• 1,600.00<br />

Sh.II.". E. M .. 1.600.00<br />

1$(Im, I\. E. , .. 1.600.00<br />

Hiles, C. B .•.. 1,600.00<br />

Graml, F. O. .• 1.600.00<br />

_Ulsgn. O. M ••• 1,600.00<br />

hlhune, .. C. E .. 1,600.00<br />

Blounl, w. f, .. 1,600.00<br />

DeakIn, W. H •.• 1.600.00<br />

C,een, T. (. .• 1,600.00<br />

Hllllm.n, I. M .. 1.600.00<br />

lOWI, A. l .••. 1,600.00<br />

Holcomb'J H. O. 1.600.00<br />

KII'llr, . f, .. 1,600.00<br />

Alnn,ls, W. C •• 1.600.00<br />

Harp." C. W •. 1,600.00<br />

'almer, J. E ..• 1,600.00<br />

fuller. A. , •.. . 1.600.00<br />

V,nHooII" C. O. 1.600.00<br />

Allen. l. ). ... 1,600.00<br />

Sewell, C. E ... 1.600.00<br />

Sch~ltll .. , H. J. 1.600.00<br />

Dver, C ••..•• 1,600.00<br />

flanery, E. E ... 1,600.00<br />

V.nc:ook, N, .•• 1.600.00<br />

flowe.s, G. M. 1,600.00<br />

Scanilln, 1. J. 1.600.00<br />

Bonin. l. H. 1.600.00<br />

MeG"'., l. C, 1.600.00<br />

PI'~tnln~, t. 't: 1,600.00<br />

Grau, R. E ... 1,600.00<br />

Ort lb,Uo, M. A. 1.600.00<br />

TlICker, E. 1,600.00<br />

Brylnl, R. J. .• 1.600.00<br />

Henley, F. B. 1.600.00<br />

Boyd. D. f . • .. 1,500.00<br />

OVllk, M. . .. . 1.600.00<br />

Summers, G. B .. 1,600.0D<br />

CI"lslenlOn, C. 1.600.00<br />

Trok, R. f ..•• 1,600.00<br />

Ron, D ••...• 1,600.00<br />

MeGlasson, J. A. 1.600.00<br />

Silthy, J. l •.. 1,600.00<br />

Brllne, W. F ... 1.600.00<br />

HousllY, S. G, 1,600.00<br />

Augu,t, <strong>1980</strong> I 63

1141<br />

loul<br />

Amount<br />

Wl .c~ nd.. A. O . . 1,600.00<br />

....... I'.nl.( (1200 lIhr, t . F ••. 1.6011.00<br />

IIkWatt ....., M. L 1,600.00<br />

M.dd ..., C. W •• 1,6011.00<br />

!oIi/!. J. T .... 1,600.00<br />

C~r~ W. £. •. 1,600.00<br />

Wood, J. D .... 1.600.00<br />

D)"I'o, C. . ... 1.600.00<br />

Blcku, N. H .• 1.600.00<br />

SJ\t~n.rd, C. A .. 1.600.00<br />

B.rlsley. C. M. 1,600.00<br />

WIIII.ms, $ •.• C. 1.600.00<br />

W.,,,,, I. I. 1.600.00<br />

MonloOn. E. W •. 1.&00.00<br />

ROIIln..,n, V. l . 1.600.00<br />

Slo.llerr. S. W .. 1,600.00<br />

Maddol, N. B. 1,600.00<br />

'''''''1''''' tnl. 1206<br />

PtnL(l210<br />

' Inl.(I232<br />

'Inl.(l245!<br />

'Inl.(l302<br />

plnl'113391<br />

P,nl. 1347<br />

' tlll. 1392<br />

'Inl.(l426<br />

Penl.(U&O<br />

Penl.(IS-l<br />

p,nl.(I&03<br />

'10"11683! Ptnl. 1701<br />

lIn(<br />

'· 'Inl. ....·1"23)<br />

1901)<br />

,-.I.Oj<br />

'1tM.1.0<br />

1'I!I1.1.0.<br />

Pens I.O.!<br />

Inl. 1.0.<br />

' Inl. 1.0.<br />

P.nl, I.O.!<br />

Ptnl. 1.0.<br />

PUI,1.0.!<br />

p,nl·ll.o.<br />

Plnl. 1.0.<br />

'1111'11.0.<br />

' tnl. I.O.!<br />

p,nl'I'·o.<br />

' tnl, 1.0,)<br />

Suru ml Amounl lIul Amount l ocal Amaun_<br />

PlIICI, O. B ... 1,600.00<br />

IIkB,' ... , T. f •. 1,600.00<br />

hUIII" I. L •. 1,600.00<br />


REFLE<br />

T<br />

The Good Old Ca mp Life<br />

With houses alike all in a row,<br />

Each with a bit <strong>of</strong> lawn to mow,<br />

II comforts some for one to know<br />

• The rent <strong>of</strong> same is very low.<br />

Hooray for camp life!<br />

Kids out yelling in the yard;<br />

Dad complaining that he's tired;<br />

Mom says "This life is very hard.<br />

It's no longer fun just playing<br />

cards!<br />

Th is boring camp life!<br />

When neighbors put you to the<br />

test,<br />

You try to ge t along your best<br />

Wi thout involving all the fest<br />

In one giant useless slugging fest.<br />

Th at's part <strong>of</strong> camp li fe.<br />

There are summers w arm and<br />

evenings cool,<br />

Potluck suppers at the school,<br />

With foods to set you r mouth<br />

adroal,<br />

And you forget diet's rules.<br />

The joys <strong>of</strong> camp life!<br />

It's not all bad frOIll day to day,<br />

Though some prefer another way,<br />

And move to lawn with no delay,<br />

•<br />

While others-they just stay and<br />

stay.<br />

They love the camp life.<br />

What camp life means to each <strong>of</strong><br />

you,<br />

Depends upon your point <strong>of</strong> view.<br />

But there must still be quite a few<br />

People who pay tribute to<br />

The good old camp life.<br />

Th t' ol~ I. Wolff<br />

Wife <strong>of</strong> Oris H. Wolff<br />

Lout 659, Medford, Oft'.<br />

Conscience<br />

There is a linle something insi de<br />

me<br />

That guides my every move.<br />

It seems like something helps me,<br />

My worth to surely prove.<br />

When J do wrong, it prods me<br />

And keeps me in a straight line.<br />

I'm not sure where it comes from,<br />

But r suspect it must be divine.<br />

That feeling is always with me,<br />

In everything that I do.<br />

Thai little push to help me and<br />

Keep my path straight and true.<br />

That little something is my<br />

conscience,<br />

I know that for a fact.<br />

If r don't follow II,<br />

I'd really be <strong>of</strong>f track.<br />

I'm glad I have that lillIe help,<br />

To push me through the day.<br />

AI times it punishes me-<br />

I wo uldn't have it any other way .<br />

As long as I have my conscience,<br />

I don't have to worry a bit.<br />

Because I know I'm living right,<br />

My record I'll submit.<br />

nord A. Cole<br />

Member 01 L oc~1 1171<br />

Tr('nlon, N.J.<br />

A Sa lute to the Tree Trimmers<br />

Of the Electric Companies<br />

When the strong winds begin to<br />

blow,<br />

And th e phone docs ring,<br />

It's to tell you trees are down,<br />

And you mus t come in.<br />

For the wife il means another<br />

night,<br />

Of being all alone,<br />

And waking up now and then<br />

To see if you are home.<br />

You take chances no other man<br />

would take,<br />

You 're there to meet the task;<br />

Knowing a fall or shock may come<br />

And it could be your last.<br />

You're sen I to olher sta les to do<br />

your job,<br />

Till all hours <strong>of</strong> the night,<br />

But still you keep on working<br />

Because you know it's right.<br />

You have to take<br />

A lot <strong>of</strong> fl ack,<br />

You miss precious slee p<br />

That's nol gained back.<br />

Because you get such lillie praise<br />

For the jobs Ihat you do;<br />

These verses arc for all to read<br />

To thank you for your loyal deeds.<br />

rr ~n , e , Vune,<br />

Wife <strong>of</strong> Clord V~'ner<br />

toul 126, Phil~de l phi~ , P~ .

. THINK<br />

over the hlgh w~ys SAFETY<br />

. . . over the hills<br />

FIRST! ;<br />

Iiiiiiiiii;;;; S PEED ~<br />

LIMIT ;<br />

•I<br />

••<br />

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