IBEW Photo Contest - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

IBEW Photo Contest - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

IBEW Photo Contest - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


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<strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>Photo</strong> <strong>Contest</strong>


J.J. Barry, Internalianal President<br />

An Agenda<br />

for Progl'ess<br />

11 latL!. cplcm bcr. I led th t.: lIil· W';.. J c kg:u1ilJ1 10 Ihl.!<br />

A I ~ L - (' I O' ... hll!llnial cnn eJltion, \VIMt I " iI\\ il llU<br />

h~iJrd thefc \\il~ ellcouraging lor the flllur~ uf IIr~ani/l.!d<br />

lahor.<br />

\Vhen I talk about the ruture uf luhuf. I uOIfl mean<br />

just the futu re well hei ng III UnH1I1' a' orgalll/alion ....<br />

\Vhat is most 1Il1pOntll1l i., that the a\ocragL' \\ tH t.. i n ~ IlIllll<br />

or woman in the North Amcric:l Ilan,' a J..,:gilimatc<br />

hanct!' H) have i1 d\!ccnt life nnd thl.: ~' p portLIllil) to L uihJ<br />

hi!5 or her 0\\ n brighl future. Ir thaI happcn .... 1I1110fl

1 \14.l11\ I, (JlIIU : R~<br />

J.IA,U't<br />

nm,OIIOI "."';..,.<br />

IU·1S.SI NW<br />

~DC 1QOOj<br />

\I 0..1r I<br />

)NALD lOUNDS<br />

Sheppood ""v, lo"<br />

I ~ 40 1<br />

'I Gf Noll h v o ,~<br />

lIo lfoodalt. Onlol'l<br />

'n QflI,. 0.., ....<br />

.N!! 3Q.s<br />

.... '''9hcmo AIa,­<br />

.209-68~<br />

do DlilrOCl<br />

RfMlAH J. O 'CONNOt<br />

'00 s.,..II! MO,,, h ....<br />

It 303<br />

Inud ,001 '"<br />

'xI'ftna"<br />

.'YDf BOWDEN<br />

" ISEW 10",1381<br />

118 N 7,10 S!II". !;,,,,I. :20 I<br />

a.n,x . A/'lOf1C1 a~I J<br />

'11 DiJrrln<br />

)SEPH A. McCAFflRI'T<br />

(, ISEW I~(I 180<br />

X)() Rodg. P •••<br />

:I.g..... 190 .,,., 0. _<br />

1 141)<br />

s,.. D .. "<br />

MI LTON L fOS"Ut<br />

IRfWl 101<br />

28111. ~ ..dA_ ...<br />

~"" WOI~ :JIII 082tJ I<br />

f..f'''' D,,,, .... '<br />

JOHN i . COLI<br />

C/o IBfW 10(,,1 2)00<br />

IJ8 r.t..1l3ff'"<br />

F .. ~rlM ... ...,I. NI'o<br />

C"nuda U ,II, n6<br />

J 0 U R ~ N A "l «j<br />

I' \ r<br />

6 Best or Ill(' Bl'st<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>Photo</strong> <strong>Contest</strong> Winners<br />

10 \11 Po II lic. is Local<br />

Union Power at the<br />

l ocal Level<br />

14 Bridging Ill!' I ,S,­<br />

Cg.\<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> Holds ICS Window<br />

Users' Conference<br />

2<br />

16<br />

I) I' \<br />

\ rounrllhl'<br />

LalJul' \1m t'1l1l'nl<br />

60th Birthday-Sleeping<br />

Cor Porters Union; GeHing<br />

the UN ION STORY Out;<br />

Knight-Ri dder ond Caterpillar<br />

At It Againl<br />

I'<br />




VOlUME 96. NUMBER 10<br />

NOVEMBER 1997<br />

I I';<br />

20 ml~ \\ 1 II:CI\ Bcncl1ls<br />

Conrcrcnce<br />

Tackling the Issues Facing<br />

Pension, Health Funds<br />

21<br />

24<br />

42<br />

P">gl'r, R \Iccling<br />

Th ird, Te nth and Eleventh<br />

Districts M eet<br />

\i1'F, '1'1'1 () \ !<br />

c\ .. hrslos \olice<br />

lnlt l'nalional K\CCUlil c<br />

Coun(,iI<br />

M inutes <strong>of</strong> IEC M eeting ,<br />

August 25·28, 1997<br />

,<br />

I ~ T<br />

25 Local I,inc,<br />

47 In ~ ICll1ol'ia ll1<br />

COVllI: toco/ ~y~ . liubim, CO/,fOfOlO,<br />

member Ar, ItChleo" Hernondez's entry<br />

depie fing member Jimmy Higo working on<br />

the 1996 Oaklond Coli$eum Reno'o'Olion<br />

Project took "First Place'" m Ihe second<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>Photo</strong> Con/e,/,<br />

nun- .<br />

~ ... \<br />

1111:\\ 1111 R\ II<br />

J .J . lleu ...,. rd .<br />

.1.'1",_\ .. ,,4<br />

Metll. W.lalla ...<br />

D.'.rt .....<br />

e. JClm • • S,.llo_ , 0,,_<br />

Carol A. ( lpototl. ~_<br />

Ruth ... . EWing<br />

lynn O. Clark<br />

(orol 11., Fitho.<br />

Allgolo M. Robert.<br />

Mary lurdl oll<br />

.A,.. ... ur O. lovlllD<br />

t 19971"111"11' ...,t IIroIkmhoOO<br />

'l olE "IWIWIlI\orn<br />

AI log!!b ,.......d<br />

"'l-IlfD'H THl IJ!. A<br />

01" IJI"llOf<strong>of</strong> "MAD( P.r\IfR<br />

JOUiNAI IISSN 0897-2826) Pubhhed 1'\O~ . hIy excop'<br />

Jluoryfebrvory wille'" IS Il comIIln.d ,' _ by t"- InllMnoI>onIJl<br />

o l~elhood 01 [h"I,,

I B E W<br />


The Pre-Finishing louch<br />

"The qualil~ <strong>of</strong> \\ nrkm

... ·rite<br />

To Us!<br />

Th~ Jourl/al 1"<br />

announce a nL:\\' fea ture.<br />

Starling. with Ihe J ill'UarylFl'brllary<br />

I YY ~ i>SlIc. the <strong>IBEW</strong>'s<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficia l publication will p ll bl i ~h a Lelte.<br />

n; 10 the Editor column. This I1ll ticc<br />

is being, puhlishcJ 110W. so that there<br />

will actually he sum >.: Idlers ill 1 h.; ri rsl<br />

such col umn.<br />

The inclu:-.ioll or thi:-- new kalurc<br />

will he pari <strong>of</strong>

T R A N s<br />


h1l.crnaLionai<br />

\fife PI'csidcn I<br />

Kfll ... Woods<br />

ir~1<br />

F<br />

[)i~lricl<br />

I rlh.:rnalinntll<br />

icc Prc:,idcnt<br />

K...:n \V ooos<br />

announced hh.<br />

rCLircrncnL.<br />

<strong>of</strong>feet ive OClnber<br />

1. 1997. I ni li·<br />

a I cd In III Loca I<br />

~04. Kilcbcnl'r.<br />

Ontano, In June I"J1h. Vice Presidellt<br />

Vo.' oou!'! ha~ :;'l.'rvc.:u the Brothcrhooll<br />

for 41 yeaN. While he was ;1 memher<br />

<strong>of</strong> Local XO

Loumh st:rvcu on the O)'laws.<br />

App rL'nll ct:~h ir . lleahh and v/t'lfar('.<br />

and Entcrt,liullIenl Committe c~.<br />

Other commillccs wilh which he was<br />

o(Tilifllcd were Ihl' Albena Guvern­<br />

I11 1,;n1 Lahour-Relatcd " orkcN enOlpt!n~ation<br />

Soan.! and the CallnJiilll<br />

landards s'IDCiation ( A), In laic<br />

1971. he W;j ... elecled businesl".; mnuagerlfimlJ1cial<br />

!1CCrclary. a pO!1i tion he<br />

held lInlil April I. 1974. when he Wa!lo<br />

appullllCd illI <strong>International</strong> Rcpn.:~cn ­<br />

talivc ami as!>ignl!d to the Firsl Di,trict<br />

THE BEST<br />

OF TH E<br />

BEST FROM ...<br />

... THE SECOND<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> PHOTO<br />



1 1<br />

• 1<br />


The Second <strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>Photo</strong> <strong>Contest</strong> was a great success-and we<br />

thank you! With each entry the members conveyed their pride,<br />

brotherhood and true photographic expertise.<br />

Don't stop! We are going to continue this contest. So, go out and capture<br />

our members dOing their high quality work, participating in a unionrelated<br />

activity or doing what you think depicts the spirit <strong>of</strong> brotherhood.<br />

Look for details in the March 1998 issue <strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong> Journal.<br />


Twelfth Di.sfrict Vice President Carl Lonsden<br />

inrroduce.s V"l£e Pte.sident Gote.<br />

fllhi l'd A nJluallll ~W Politici<br />

Legislative Conl'er'cnce<br />

B EW leader from voting<br />

districts all over the United<br />

States gat hered in Washington_<br />

D.C on September IE<br />

anl! 19 10 hear about 110\\<br />

IHEW membe rs influence<br />

City ound ls. County Commi<br />

ssion. Sta l c A sse mblies and<br />

Ihe ni tccl St ates Congress. Wilh<br />

a Iheme th ai foc li cd on LBE W<br />

members in elected o ffice. t he<br />

speakers drove home the poinl<br />

thai union in vo lvement in politics<br />

at t he local Icvel promotes rea l<br />

lInion power o n the national<br />

level. A highlight <strong>of</strong> the meeling<br />

was an address by Vice Presiden l<br />

AI Gore.<br />

Ri ck Diegel. director <strong>of</strong> COPE .<br />

reported Ihal IB E W-COPE rai,ed<br />

$2.949.2110.53 Ihrough ""tulll ,H)<br />

member contrihut ions 111 the<br />

1995- 96 elecl ion cycle. Ite also lold<br />

the delcgates thai the IBE\V is in<br />

the midst <strong>of</strong> surveyi ng its local<br />

union~ to fi nd out how many memo<br />

be" h,,"J polilic,,1 <strong>of</strong>fice. So far. 277<br />

<strong>of</strong> our melllbers hn ve reported thai<br />

Ihey hold cll!c t ~ d or appoinl~d<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice: one s t ~ t l' 'Icna tor. I I) sta le<br />

assembly mt'l1lber~<br />

or representatives.<br />

12 county c Ol1ll11i~:-iin n t:!r~ 0]<br />

legislaturs. 13 rnayor .~, 57 ci ty coun·<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL/NOVEMBER 1997

TIle ponel on "Recruifing and Running" was {Ieh 10<br />

r i9h ~ Will Robin.son, n<strong>of</strong>ionol media consultan'; BroJ<br />

BanllOfJ, no/r<strong>of</strong>fOl polling conwltanl; Dionne Feldman,<br />

nohonpl polling consultant; Congressman Shenud<br />

Brown (D-oH); Ridc Diegel, difedor. 18EW-COP£<br />

Dep<strong>of</strong>"1'ment; Rob E"9Ie, politicol direc.lor. DCCC; and<br />

Mike Froioli, nafionol lund raising consultant.<br />

cillw:lfd ml.,:mbcr~ and u fficL:r:;;, four<br />

judicial or municipa l olficers. 14<br />

!-.c rvc ~ ,:-. ~c h o('ll and college hoard<br />

membcr"l. In addition. 7"2 mcmbcrt;<br />

han! he.:n appointed to CIIY boan.b<br />

and comml~" 11 ~. Thc~c Ilumhcr~.<br />

Director Diegel I,,

Colltilltl{'d from pa}?,e II)<br />

affecting our members arc being<br />

l11il(1c. ('ungrc~\ Illilkcs the Jil\\'s and<br />

unIons make them work. \\le should<br />

have a hand in crafting our work.<br />

Thar'c.; wh~ we ~re here for this conferencc.<br />

tu finu out h w we can best<br />

influe nce the Ja\\'~ heing milde that<br />

affect Our Jives. ,.<br />

Vice Preside nt AJ Gore. in a much<br />

anticipull ."J "J')t:l!t.:h to Iht! ddcgiHion.<br />

thanked the I BEW for its support Juring<br />

the eleclion and pr.iscd I BEW<br />

members for pouring, their hearts and<br />

mind ~ into gra~:-,ruob organi/ing. H..:<br />

assured th l: dclcgalCs thai he and President<br />

Clinton would protect the righb<br />

<strong>of</strong> workers to nrgani/e. TIll! Vice Prc~i·<br />

dent obseJVed thai some rnemhers <strong>of</strong><br />

Congre:-'l) wanl 10 take m\ay \\urkcr~<br />

rights lO organize and work in a s~lfc,<br />

protected cllvironll1l.:nl. Thl.:

loretto Sanc.hez (D-CA) ;s infrodlJC.OO by<br />

fBfW-(OPE Deporlment Director Rick Diegel,<br />

wom~'n fWIlI O li. III g.~ COllllt~ , Cali/Of ­<br />

ni,1, \\ as ;11 ... 0 elected III ('on gn:~" in<br />

1l)l)f1. dde,1I 111g long Il.!nn llh:U Illl'lellt.<br />

){obl.' rt K . Dornan. Tlu: ( ollgn.:-'''I­<br />

\Ulman·... "'r~l..'l..'h focu ...... lI "m \\h~ lahor<br />

uOIon ... MI,.' n~ ... lku in hld.I\"" \\orili.<br />

She ....:tid. " Pc()pl~ .... houlo h ... Ju .... lly<br />

COmpt.:lhat~ J for Ihl! pr<strong>of</strong>it ... that Cl)lllpank~<br />

~~.'t lwm their clllplmcc< hZHO<br />

\\ork 1·\l..'ryonL' 1\ l.'nlllll'lt to hc.tllh<br />

CaTC. lrdllllllg ,!nO \\ url...plm:c .... afct ~.<br />

anu \\ Orkl'Pi .... hould 11;1\1,.' 11K' nglu 10<br />

organi/l.' hl mah' 'Ufl.' thill Ihl.'~<br />

tllll~L' f.Jlr\\a~l..'~ llllU ,!.lund h ... ·lll'fit ......<br />

I~Oll<br />

get<br />

Knlu In, .. 1 fr~ ... hm.t11 Con<br />

g,rc- ...... m;ln Irnm \Vi .... COI'hIll. l.dked<br />

ahout growing up in lIll IHI- \0\1 f:lmil~<br />

whell..' lit .... dad \\ a .... a .... hop >;h.'ward I Ie<br />

l:llk ~ d .Ihout "" li king llil! pll..'kct line<br />

\.vilh hi .... d,IU .• lnJ \\'h,ll nil Illilul.!lll.!C<br />

that h:ld 011 h,... lire,<br />

l ie "lid " Politic ...<br />

111.II h: r.,. \\lIHII g.e t:-.<br />

de ci d ed here in<br />

\V;I"dllllgtOlI :.fkch<br />

thL' whnlc CtHlIllfY.<br />

Labur ha .... iI uniqul.'<br />

OPP(lriUIlII\ 111 tiNS<br />

10 chang.:- I Ill .. ' I..lircc<br />

t loll ,,( "'Hl Irl<br />

AIl1~ricil_"<br />

rh~ l'onkr~nc~<br />

conc luu ~d<br />

Rep. Ron Kinel<br />

\\llh a<br />

(D-WIJ<br />

rOll~in}.! ..,pcedl hom<br />

Pal rick ,,"cllIlL'dy (D-<br />

R1). " \\-ht: n l:lhor .1Ilt! D t: mocrilh<br />

\.\1I1~ log\.' lh\.'r. \\\.' "in. h· ... il I" ...' \\U~<br />

~Ircct . You \\(nlell for mc .. IntlI Ihank<br />

\ U tl ( 1\\ 1"11 \\ork lor ~ou ,. J Ie ..... 110<br />

lhmlhf" 1\11I('fll' ;l1l J1t'llph--' t"an lh.rnk<br />

(COl/m ll/eri IlIlI'O,!!t' -18)<br />

I •• W JOURNAL/ NOVEMBER 1997<br />

Members from Minnesota Iocob served a$ the EKorl Commiffee for 5flnotor Paul We/fstone ID-MN)<br />

(rom left 10 right are: Jerry Wesferhoim, L«0/292; Jerry McDonough, Local J 10,. Ed Linden, Local 110;<br />

Seooror WeI/stene: Sc<strong>of</strong>f Knighl, l.oco/292,. and ",arnot koohfer. Local 160.<br />

Legislative Issues<br />

Important to <strong>IBEW</strong> Members<br />

Utility Deregulation<br />

[H.R. 655/Schoefer (R- hili would ad\ c.-ely affeci con­<br />


I10e Seconcl span<br />

under COfu rructiotl;<br />

view is 01 the Port<br />

Huron shoreline.<br />

lDOI~ths Iooaer 10 build<br />

but that wa due 10<br />

di&~ foundalion Q5-<br />

C)f aeiglIboring prop­<br />

Mfety ptCMldwes. ID<br />

ilii:i+a:t'llaa been described 81<br />

, ~"~De.ifeIt on recIOI'd.<br />

ifte.Dilior difference between the<br />

IS tile COlt. The totaJ cost<br />

~f!!:~ tip8D was 13.9 miI1ion.<br />

~ band. tbe Second SpaD<br />

miDum. Who was inslru-<br />

!I;~:~to obtain fundia& for<br />

~ Michigan Governor<br />

~I*. CoaeJ- BoaioI: as<br />

""i!aIC! Represtnlatives Terry<br />

ili:1~:nWillard and Slate Senl:~tOrow,<br />

an worked bani to<br />

pan or the Blue<br />

arealily<br />

~ 'tIIilpaal bridJIe opened to traffic<br />

IJO in October 1938. AI:w<br />

iUlra nDllOve the original deck and<br />

the bridge roadway II wm<br />

wv1I mto the next century. along<br />

!be Second Span. which hu a life<br />

PICY <strong>of</strong>7S years.<br />

the hard work or so many<br />

workers wbo c:onnected tbe<br />

VD:~~I 'Slllles<br />

and Canada througb<br />

,atelllailKl e!'flClretc. tbeae bridges bave<br />

made. aod wm make their mark In history<br />

The prune electrical CODIJ'acto1'5<br />

on die S. &ide ere Po&un aod Per<br />

ndale Electric: On the Canadian side<br />

CA C <strong>Electrical</strong> ConstructIon and<br />

ClaiMpber EIec:Iric were lhe c0ntractors.<br />

Both IB W Locals 58 and 530<br />

IIave $bown, throuab tile ... bard wortc.<br />

!ha( IlIOn: than steel and cooaete COIltwo

niglll-Rldder ne\\spaper <strong>of</strong>ficials have fired all<br />

the union employees at the ~/()llte,('\' Ileruid<br />

[Califorma), afler bUYing. [he paper from ScllPp'<br />

Hm .. ard. Th t: union employees must rcapp l ~ for<br />

(heir juhli. whilt! nonunwn e mploye~ al the Salt<br />

tWf ObL\/JO Telegram-rribune, which \\ali bought<br />

iU thl.! srum.: 11mI..' . "'ere nOt fired. Employees al<br />

Knight-Ridder Ill:Wspapcr\ '" nt.~ arl} a dozen<br />

CilJcs. protested o n AUg.U~1 21. 1997.<br />

thc com pam actiorut thaI are thrcalcnll1~<br />

Ihe Jobs <strong>of</strong> the 19() "orkers at<br />

Ih e Hi-raid Gannclt'KllIghl<br />

Ridder i.., the same compall~<br />

(hal has been enga~cd 10 a<br />

long and biner ,Ink. "ith<br />

\\orkeJ"'{. at the Dl'troil :\'t'h.\<br />

and the Detroit Frt'e Pre.H .<br />

. \

.. .....,-.--<br />

11Ie ""11 ....<br />

.. c. .....<br />

.....,. ......<br />

to the chili .......<br />

-1kIII1h ...... asad .... willi<br />

the olvll rIChta :::~<br />

InD,. ___ . ",<br />

__..<br />

_:e .. Exnutl .. 0IIIIIr .....<br />

laIt"'_'" lIIOye thIIt ........<br />

..,. u-P ...... :l Aria.. D.<br />

..... on June 21, U4S, wNaII<br />

:= the ConHnIttM 01'1 "*<br />

., Plall ....... 01'1<br />

.. 1Ie ...... _ IIldlll ....<br />

ibid.. 8IId P"Il=Ib far ...<br />

..................... fIr<br />

WItIIIn tile alclled .,.... lOr<br />

ntnaIllJJGUIII.<br />

Today, the A. Plllllp Randol.<br />

-ab1t8 (APRIl, .......... In W'"<br />

D.C ........ _ ..... to<br />

.... AfIIoII~ _<br />

_ ..... 10 the .. hi <strong>of</strong> aid .....<br />

::~Md: In the ........... <strong>of</strong><br />

wItII ......... ....<br />

w0rk8 towMi theM ...... IIr<br />

affIliat. ,rn... .1141<br />

to oclll... polltlaal<br />

~1IaI11 • • APRI 11_ 118 .....<br />

the OOIIIItIy, wIIIoII tuactIan<br />

...,no.. <strong>of</strong>...,.<br />

..<br />

...,111 n lit<br />

:::::~_:,,"'1 ,.,<br />

t<br />

work<br />

l ..... atllIII~<br />

... Fl.-('lO Pre".!cnt J hn wccn c~<br />

.,.. !:laid it I~ n~H enough that union ...<br />

have a wonde rful 'lory to tl!lI , bill lhal<br />

" unions I11 U,' hfln~ the f:lcc~ unu voi-.:­<br />

e <strong>of</strong> looa 's uniun memher, in to<br />

loda~'~ li\ ine. rtKUIlS." To thai end. the<br />

AFL-CIO has hegun a new TV cam<br />

paign. to be hroudcur.,t fi rM in fin: pllol<br />

cilil!s: Baltimore.<br />

Mih\ aukcl.' . S,111<br />

Antonio. Scut t le<br />

and ' I. LOlli" 10<br />

lell lhl! uniun Slor)<br />

rlli:;.. 'iaics Will f a·<br />

l ure union m CI1l ­<br />

UI:I:' \\jlll c()-ww~·<br />

cr and r cla tl\"c~,<br />

explaining in thdr<br />

OWIl words how<br />

heing a member <strong>of</strong><br />

a union help them<br />

ca re for their fa olllies.<br />

upholJ pi I~s ­<br />

sional ~ lan

Above, 18EW Compurer Depottmtml personnel (from IehJI kx<br />

Harlefit'. Janel Won9 and Moureen Emig, at fhe conference.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> Holds the ICS<br />

Windows Users' Conference<br />

I<br />

n<br />

11t'~) .<br />

.I n IIl1l1all\'C. dt;vclopt.:d ~pccifi­<br />

I.."a ll) I(l hnng all it:; loca l ~ onto<br />

Ih e IBrW rompul cr SySlcm<br />

Ihe 111l!\ held a se ries or<br />

ICS \Vlllunw:-. lhcr:-.· Conf~n.: n cc~ in<br />

Wa ~hlng l o n . D.C .. from A ugust 25<br />

tllr ugh Seplcmbcr 5. I Y97. The trainill~<br />

~1.!~!'Iioll:-' pi o\. iut:u r~ prc sc nll:ltiv cs<br />

Irom I BI '_ W loca l union..; wilh updmed<br />

dllJ cnhdlll'cU -,ollWilrc lO convert their<br />

c\l,ti ng ,~ ... h:m\ . L.ocal unions were<br />

cncou r i.lp,ct.l hl di'pcn'le wi th the old.<br />

o Ulda tcu computcr progrHm\ ~mu install<br />

tht: nt:\\ I< '~ \ VIIlUO\.\, a ... o,;()on

011 J B ::!~ ~I k\\ ~I.!af' ago. ft.!placcmenl<br />

pans ror thai 11i.tn.J\\Jrc arc IlO\\ vc r ~<br />

rliffif'u ll tn fi lld An alicrnalc program<br />

i'\ a 111 11 ... 1 fo r t lAS user .... T he old DO<br />

pr()gra lll alo;;o hn!) II~ prohlc lll ~, Continued<br />

u ... c <strong>of</strong> it in il ... pre..,..:nt configura<br />

lion \\111 e\..:nlu:lll~ ft.!quifl! com(!p.lon<br />

to a Ill'\\ Lia l ah"~1! d ... illialiull \\I!<br />

want 10 avoid. ITo f cmilil t \1.lhk ,till.!<br />

in o;;yncl, l octl(~ lI~in ,l! the uld ~j"'ll' m ~<br />

m ust migrale 10 tile no,;w 1(', Windmv ...<br />

as soon as rO~"iih l l!, . ..<br />

Said rhe I lei-lid. l:.xl'cUlhc I\~~i~ ­<br />

lanl 10 . I!crCliin Hill. . I hI .... i, iI<br />

\\ Of king. confl..'n,:m:c. Illcal lInllHl fepre"t:IlHlllVC'"<br />

\\ 111 kill n \\ hILt it ( I CS) I~<br />

and ,\ ha l il \\ ill do lor the m '1 he<br />

LB L \V has d..:, clnpcd thl~ "Y,It!IH h i<br />

hl'lp U ' I...cep anrca~l uf Ihe t:\ I!radvancing<br />

ClJIl1PUlI..'f 1I1UU ... 1 f\ ..<br />

lie ~H"e partu':lpanl\ II hm:l...t:!.fuunJ<br />

on Ihe ICS pfO~rall1. whk:h \\ ", tic, d­<br />

oped I h ro u ~ h " OOll lfilC I IlIlh U il ion<br />

Fril'nJly S<strong>of</strong>t",II'c COlnpany in Cillilumia.<br />

l lnum I'fiendly ~II"II U\..:J Ihc<br />

\c:r\'lcc" 01 prol1r ,lInlll~f'" \\ Ilh \VSL a<br />

COl1lrill1~ oul <strong>of</strong> th...: ,latl: <strong>of</strong> \\ a .... h­<br />

in~lOn . ICS \Vindo\\' I' iI I'II...I.!-orr<br />

from Ihe hd'tjC I("S, hut in It \ \ 111-<br />

U~)\\ \" \,cP.. UIIl, \\ i th '\c\ era) fe\ l'lon ...<br />

a nd L'n hancl'lllcnt, nUll llf \\ hich<br />

\\ cre t'c qllc~ l cd hy nUl lor.:.iI",<br />

There wcn.~ mer \."\5 pan icipOl ll '''' 10<br />

Ih~ Cllll lcfl.!llCC, nil 01 \\hulll knrncu<br />

1\(1\\ to JUdd 1 he ICS \\ Int!m" ... ,~"Iem<br />

11110 thclf ,mil cornpuh:r \,,~'tl!m... I he<br />

Ilt:\\ ,),tC[I1 \\111 plodulC In-t.lcpl h<br />

rcpon ... "llh C,he, 11I,lnu:lion mcludcu<br />

an intrntillcll\)I1 hI W lndtlW' 9S und it<br />

1);\1 \1 l3a~c l)\ l: 1 \ k'\\. \\ hil.:11 prm ided<br />

Ihl: "h(1\\ Ill" ... h.:p Itl crcall..' il IT1crnha­<br />

,ll1p r..:corJ. a 'i0l'1

"A ::n~~~\\~h;I~I7,'~~~~I'~;s~r~,~: The Power <strong>of</strong> Labor-Management<br />

and are nOI covered by pension plans.<br />

the il'lslIcs we will di \cu~!' \

T,,,,, ,", ,,,""<br />

h" ""'<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficiul Progress Mcct i ng.. si nee<br />

rd District<br />

being appoin led InIC,.n nlll,,1al<br />

Vice p,.esidenl or Ihe 'Il, i,.d I)i,­<br />

(ricl. Vicl: Pn.:siucnl Lawft,;I1Cl.: E.<br />

Ro"a proclaimed Ihal Ihere could<br />

on1) hI.: nne theme ror Ihi, me!..!,­<br />

ing-ORGANI7I NG! "Th,'ugh<br />

\\C have nwJ~ Illut:h pfogn.:'\" in<br />

all area' or org.ani7ing. buth int ernal<br />

and exte,.n al.", Ih",.e is slill<br />

much work 111 do. icc I're,idenl<br />

Ros," asked Ihal Ihe 1,)Cab ,",III<br />

)oul:-.t.:hc!-! lu lhl! glcill lraining<br />

proglcl111s th a L Ihe l: duCHIIOIl<br />

Depanmcnl I"" developed-I he<br />

On!.!-tll1-0nc Program. COM FT.<br />

MEMO. Train Ihe Trainn ami<br />

Slc\\ard ... · Training. \ c ha\l! tIlt.:<br />

n,:.,ollrcc ... : \\I.! 111U'\1 U't.: them:'<br />

Iidli III Atlantic Cit).1\~\\ Jcl"i~).<br />

on Augu .. 1 l-l-l';. 1997. tht..' '1IlIrd<br />

Di"lric( Prog.rc"" M l.'l'llng \\ 11 "1<br />

attenued hy ) tIlL'miHlol!:!1 PIl:!

E, moo d.I""" "<br />

the Te nth District Progress<br />

Meeting, held July 3 1, 1997,<br />

thDistrict<br />

at Myrtle Beach, South Caro<br />

lina. it was tbe first time<br />

meeting a nd hearing the<br />

remarks g ive n by t he ne w<br />

I n t e r n a tiona l S ecre t ary<br />

Edwin rlill-and they we re<br />

e ncouraged by his vision.<br />

Be fore introducing Secretary<br />

Hill, Tenth D istrict <strong>International</strong><br />

Vice President Daniel<br />

Davis, himself newly lected,<br />

thank ed me mbe r for th e ir<br />

support and pledged qual ity<br />

represe ntation <strong>of</strong> a ll Tcm h<br />

D istrict members.<br />

R o b ert Blcri tz , t he n -Executive<br />

Assistant to the Inte rn atio nal President,<br />

add ressed delegates. informing<br />

them <strong>of</strong> the issues confronting t he<br />

Broadcasting. Construction and J'vianufacluring<br />

Industries.<br />

Internatio nal Secretary Hill hegan<br />

by gi "ing a pledge to delegates Ihal<br />

they will always receive the vcry hesl<br />

efton he has 10 give. noting that his<br />

40-ycar unio n experience \.. tas a key<br />

part <strong>of</strong> his life which has give n mllch<br />

10 him and h is family. lie praised the<br />

legacy <strong>of</strong> former <strong>International</strong> Secretary<br />

Jack Moore, saying th L! best way<br />

to honor the legacy o f Jack Moore is<br />

to build upon his good work tu ma ke<br />

the IB E W even stronger.<br />

Secretary H ill discussed lB E W<br />

Invest me nts a nd their growing<br />

returns, as well as the Railroad Retirement<br />

System. which bas come under<br />

criticism and threats fro m greedy clements<br />

in our society. He spoke <strong>of</strong> the<br />

contributions <strong>of</strong> lBEW-COPE and<br />

commended Local 362. Wash inglon,<br />

D.C., Local 1923. Hamtel. North Caro<br />

lina. and Local 589, Jamaica. Long<br />

Delegate5 to the Tenth Di5trict Progre5s Meeting pose for the camero during a break in the sessions. In rile front<br />

row (second from right) is Vice Pre5ident Daniel Davi5; (fourth from righf) Secretory Ed Hill; (seventh from righ,) i5<br />

then·Executive A55i5fanf to rile <strong>International</strong> Presidenf, Bob Bieritz.<br />

Island. New Yurk o ror having the highest<br />

per member contribution rates in<br />

Ihe T enth DislricL In his closing<br />

re marks. eCfdary Hill u rged delegales<br />

to slCp up the pace and gel mure<br />

involved in the legislative processes<br />

than ever before.<br />

Topi~ or greal inte rest to delegate...,<br />

, ere discussed by peakers Michael<br />

Wolly. al1orncy. who informed delegates<br />

o f changes occurring with the<br />

Surface Transportation Board and<br />

mergcr~ or railroad compililics;<br />

Uni ted I-Ica llh Care Presiuent E. Joe<br />

Kinder, who spo ke o n the im pli cations<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe Na liona l [healt h] Pl an<br />

GA ·23000: and an upda le on benell ts<br />

provided by Aetna .S. Health Care.<br />

gi ven by I '!liona] AccDunt Executive<br />

Peggy Shea Colangeto. Mosl imporlant<br />

to delegales was an address by<br />

Railroad Retirement Board. Labor<br />

Membe r Larry La roc4uc and Allorne<br />

Rl chard S. Edelman. who<br />

addressed the rrun ificaliom. o f Ihe sale<br />

<strong>of</strong> Conrail to orrolk Southern and<br />

CSX Transportation.<br />

Vice President Davis adjourned the<br />

two·day progress meeting saying ...<br />

U ~ usc this p rogr S~ meeting as a<br />

springboard to he ller timcs in the<br />

T enth District: let's tap in to our inner<br />

resources to meet the challenges that<br />

lie ahead in a nev. century."<br />

t<br />

Tenth District<br />

vVomen Meet<br />

AbriefTe nth District Women's mee<br />

ing. conducted by SiSler Mau re,<br />

Correm Davis. was held 0 11 July 3<br />

1997. in which delegates pa rlicip"tcd<br />

workshops 011 health-care and ra ilr .,<br />

benefits. Larry Larocque. U.S. RaiI ro"<br />

R Cliremcnt Board and legal represel<br />

tatives from the fimls o f Gray and Ri<br />

ter. P.C .. Jo nes & G ra nger Law Fifl<br />

and the J a mes \V. Owens Law Firl<br />

presen ted pcninc nt details o n issU(<br />

concerning railroad benefits and retir·<br />

me nL<br />

22<br />


local 22<br />

Bus;ness<br />

M""9C'" I"/m<br />

Boorne glftk<br />

me delegate..<br />

Seoled ", me<br />

fable (from left<br />

to riShl) are<br />

Eleventh Djsfrjcf<br />

Vice Pre$ickn'<br />

Roy Edwo,d.,<br />

President<br />

I. I. Bony.<br />

wrp.fnry<br />

Edwin O. Hill<br />

and Father<br />

Vol Peter.<br />

thDistrict<br />

T ho<br />

Elo~ "' h 0;''';00 em",,"<br />

MeC IlIltt lVas held a ll .Jul y 23-24 ill<br />

Omaha. 'cbras ka . InlL'-rnat ioll al<br />

Vice Pr c~ id cnl Ray edward,<br />

chaired the even!. which featured<br />

such pca~crs as Gordon McDona<br />

ld . p residen l <strong>of</strong> Ihe Ne b ra,ka<br />

State AFL-C IO: Intcrnaltonal<br />

P, e,idtllt J. J. Ball ). Int ernalional<br />

Secretar) Edwin D. H ill : C lyuc<br />

BOIVuen, IEC chairman: Ke ilh<br />

Quary. Fiftb District IE member:<br />

J e rr~ O'Connor. \ icc prclO;l·<br />

den!. Sixl h Di, lrict: Rubert Durall<br />

II I. preside nt N [ A: Ri chard<br />

Pal\.:nl i. regional direclor rv l idw c~ l<br />

NECA: Petcr Hasti ngs. Allied<br />

I nvestmenl Ad"is"". I B EW-<br />

ECA ElJu il) Indc\ I- u ll d allli<br />

Art Marti n. "lIorney. Schucha!.<br />

Cook & We rn er.<br />

In hi ... ~Iuurc~. Prc:-,iuc!llt Uarn di .. -<br />

cuo;; .... cd lhe 111 ;p~c i i l lly I!lect r ic<br />

utilit ), dc rl.:'gula tion an d orgnni/ing<br />

~ u cC~':'i.:" 11." \\ ell U!'J the need to C,-)O<br />

IIllUC or!!antzmg campJi~n\.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the highlight\ <strong>of</strong> the mcding<br />

occ:uITcd when retired 13 11"il1c~"i<br />

Man·<br />

ager Bill James. Lucu153. K , tll "'il~ Ci ty.<br />

Mi ·souri. was. p l'c~cnte d with hi~ 55<br />


Bus;mm:<br />

Manager<br />

ail/lome,.,<br />

tocal 53. (I.hl<br />

recei~s hi)<br />

55 ·yt!Or pin<br />

from Presicknf<br />

80rryand<br />

Vice Presidenf<br />

frlwnrd"<br />

yCdf pill h, Pre .... lllt.:nt Bdl l\ and icc<br />

Pre'mle nl Fth\:l rd .....<br />

I HI \V h .l UCOltlOIl !)Ircl.:lor Mart:<br />

I t.: h lll!'CI con uUI.:tl.'u a "o r ~::,hIJP cntl·<br />

tk:d "Ouikling Ihl.:' Loclil Umon." Thl.:<br />

workl:lhnp locuse, on lorgll1g 11"".:I11 I·II..:r·<br />

,hip im olvcIllCnl - \\ h ~ U.'I.! need 10 he<br />

in\'oln:u. the v,oah tl nd rlJ lIctiolh or a<br />

ICK'n l union .1I1d it., :\vai1:\hk rc ..."urcc\.<br />

I hI! rnn~t lI11p0rlant 1 .... memb...-r ['larue·<br />

IPdtll .."IIl. I he prenll''Ie <strong>of</strong> the work\hop<br />

i~ 10 .... how that loca l union lcatk: r ~<br />

nced 10 look ro r opportunities to work<br />

with Il1cm h c r~ on ~()I\,l ll g ,orne pruh·<br />

lem .... to~ether. rather than ,"olving<br />

I11cm bl:p," problems for them. Ca:,e<br />

.... tutlics u~ in g th i" Ill L! (hod were<br />

ra:\lc!w..:d as exa mple .. <strong>of</strong> hll\\ to .... nlve<br />

"'OI1lL' COl1lmon problcm~ in the \'orkplace<br />

and within the union. PClrlici·<br />

pl1l1t ... Ir:-ITI1l'd (hiH wl1["11 Illp' lllhr rs<br />

\VOl k together wi l h lender .... they feci<br />

111On: ... olidan ty \\o ith their un ion brother\<br />

~UHj 1~lcr\ . DireclOr LCl'.ingcr<br />

emkt.l the \\ork\hop with 1111,\ pIece <strong>of</strong><br />

wisdom from C nfucious. " rell me. 1<br />

furgel. Show Ill l.:' . 1 remember. Involve<br />

111 l!. I undcrslnml." ,<br />


A T T E N I o N I<br />

•<br />

A ll persons who have worked with or around asbestos or<br />

asbestos-containing products (whether or not currently suffering<br />

from an asbestos-related medical condition),<br />

their spouses, household and fam ily members,<br />

and legal represen tatives<br />

The December 1993 and November<br />

1994 IB E W Journals pr vided<br />

n tice <strong>of</strong> the sC llle me nl o f a cia s·<br />

action lawsuit in Lhe United<br />

D isi rici Court for the<br />

ta les<br />

aslern Di Irict<br />

<strong>of</strong> Pennsyh'ania. The case was styled<br />

Georgine v. Amchcm Products. Inc.,<br />

Civil Action No. 93-CV-0215 (E. D.<br />

Pa.). T his lawsuil sough I 10 recover<br />

damages to viclims or ccu pational<br />

exposure 10 asbeslos produced or distributed<br />

by the followi ng lwenly (20)<br />

defendanl companies:<br />

Amchem Products. Inc.: .P.<br />

Green Industries. Inc.: rms trong<br />

World Induslrie , Inc.: CeTl ail1-<br />

Teed Corp.: C.E. Th ursto n and<br />

ons. Incorporated: Dana Corp.:<br />

Ferodo America. Inc.: Flcxitallic.<br />

Inc.: GAF Corp.; I. . orl h<br />

America. lnc.: Moremonl Corp.:<br />

Asbestos Clallll< Ma nageme nt<br />

Corporulion (formerl.- known us<br />

atio nal Gyp u rn<br />

Company):<br />

ational ervices Industries. Inc.:<br />

Nosroc Corp.: Pfizer Inc.: Q uigley<br />

Company. lnc.: Shook & Flelcher<br />

Insu lation 0.: T&N pic; Union<br />

CarblJe hemicals and Plasti cs<br />

Company Inc. (formerly known as<br />

nion Carbide orporalion): and<br />

Uniled Stales Gypsum Company.<br />

0" JUlI" 25. 1997, liI < "p,<br />

rclalcll medical cunciitiun a nd you<br />

~u h ~equc n lly were d ia gno~ecl with<br />

another ashestos-rcluled medical co n ~<br />

dition, you n1i1Y stilt have a valid cl aim<br />

again t OlJe or more uf tllO~C comptI­<br />

Ilie . In lhal CV

L 0 CAL<br />

LIN E S<br />

Locol 1. 51. loui~ , MO. m embe r ~ we""·<br />

ing with Guoron!ee E1echlcol Co.<br />

inltali.d the equ;p~nl for the new<br />

- MI'. h eel.e- rotl.,. coo~~r ride 01 rhe<br />

SiJ( F~. o-..er Mid·Americo omu~<br />

menl po~ In 51. louis Coun ry. Th. patollel<br />

bonk <strong>of</strong> linear induclion motor,<br />

installed ollh. 180·fooll •.,.1 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

roUer ccoiler prcpel the corrier bClc~ ·<br />

word 10 the ~Iorting pcint.<br />



I .U, I H. ( ftl .~p. &rt ). ST. lOu iS,<br />

\H)-I.I" 11.111.\ Oil" ""tl-AII1t:m.l Iht"<br />

mn"jl'c a InU '~ menl ".Irk comrle\ ill<br />

~u\llh\\c'l , . I ,'" I' C 11U11I\ 1M" pn ll lJ,<br />

ed tilt: 1",,;11, Illcml't:"llI)l \l llh mull,·<br />

r ic "" 'I r~ "rrUrlIlOlIIC\ 11\t:r thc \Cll'~<br />

\ In(t: II>. IIrlgmJIl:llo\Uudllln 10 Iht:<br />

c.lrl~ I'Plk.<br />

I hL" t.llc1 ,11,141111"11 hi Ih .... 1OlU..a!"mc:m<br />

IMrL .. md l\, hijoth-thllllml..: .. I' Iht: M\h<br />

I'r~'c/c' rolh;r C11,I"C I , lin 'o\'hlch C(1n·<br />

',rUCIII1I1I"'!W I1 1111' 'P' 1 11 ~. I he IIJII II !!C<br />

il'~'1.:t 011 11_ filii.: I' Ihalll lkparl' (ronl<br />

lilt.' 11,,.,htu lIl.Il 1-:"1\11, 1.,11 pmmpk' (111\1<br />

actu.dl~ hun..:hc:"lh\ carrier rl)f~ard Il'<br />

,t-. hll:hc~1 puml .111.1 Ih ... 11 rc\l.·!"'C" Iht:<br />

\Jm:(w.n ,,~ r(r..lhnl! 11 \'!ackv.;ttd hi<br />

Ih\· I.U!fllII\! P"UlI 111,1." dCCtlftl l,iI\h..-J<br />

h\ ' \1\1 ,hll llh!lltl',lr.llkl h.wL>. "I lin .... tr<br />

IIldu~' t 1f1n 11 11 \11'1\ (termed II ~h l l l'oC"- 1 1<br />

cd ul hui ll 1 11.' low HUll hJ!!h pj ,illl uf I h~<br />

nul ~\~ICI11 Ili~ b ·"I)..:er.l rUI~il l lOn con,<br />

trill,., Ihe ·li'IIl Hlh u\luh!c-'mlcd 111111111<br />

.1rra ll!!,ml.'nl u' .. - Ih .. rl.'pUI~ ll ln Imlul.<br />

!ltllI P'lIIl-IJ' 1l' III I,\llnch Ih e ~;/lllt l<br />

\ d lldc 1\llIn11 1111111 lin~ .1I1 hnl h _u.k_ III<br />

Ih ... \dlldc 1','\\ I lIwu):h lin :lIr )!Up. ;md<br />

lin ,H'Leler,ll m", Illll,e "~tn-';I.th:d 111<br />

IIWnl h\ the ml'I('I'\ tru\dm~ lid.' IhL"<br />

pul""III'" (:""11111....",uell Ihl' 1 1\11. lin<br />

,,"d .,U w lhlll tht \.:lIlck Ph)~H"''''\<br />

.lllln~ lit .. lrad.. I1Ice llll ~ nllllllh " 1111<br />

hlj!h .. 1 ami hl£1ho,:r "",coJ unlil 11I11i,1I<br />

I.HlIl, II I\CC'lI' ,1\ !\1'1'f( ' ''1I1H1,d~ xII 1111,11<br />

t\1 ~lll11C ()\Ilkel ~r l ,emh1.:u l ," III Ihe<br />

l!lI!IInd. Ih ... \..: hld.,; "wI'''. ,lIlu 11 1.' ~~'.<br />

"1111 h.ln" uf 11\" re\cr'>t.· ... Ihe rr.),;t:"<br />

.Inu C31.lpult\ 1111." H:hldc .. ad .... rd hi<br />

Ilk ;:ntMOtl." f'U1U1<br />

\\l' \Io,_h hI t.I~.: 1l\.~I ...,f and enn)!I.II·<br />

ul.lI ;: th;: .. 1. ,11 III IIi,·, mull/II I kllllN<br />

1/11/\ 1'lIr,' 1II,·,,'I"ft'. 11(' /I<br />


the uruon hall. I'Illh a d,l\ IllIed "' Ith<br />

pnde ~";;l1l;rnenl. ctlm·fdd..:q anJ<br />

rcrre.'h~nl~<br />

\\'t: (xlend a ~pl!cilll Ihan"'·~('Iu 10<br />

O:\'(,r\'une "'hll ,olunh:ereu th~lr vlllu~<br />

able tIme 1111 .artt1u\ curnnlllh:c~ In<br />

order 100 m~h: our u.hm DiI\' cekhr01<br />

lion a ~ucce:;;:). O Ut appreci~llo li and<br />

gratlludc also ,!!OCl> uut II) 111 1 S!!C ,<br />

Edwin W. Hill :lnd 'I1md DiSlricl In l<br />

Vice I'rl'S, Lawrence E. f{O .... ~ll for help­<br />

Ing u~ cdebr311: WOOr D.IV IWI<br />

AI Iho.: Aug. 10\ me;: ling. Local ;,<br />

dd,rn:w.led1!cd and h(mareO Ihe fullu>Iing<br />

membt;n. with Ihe preloCntati(r and .:'\:Icnd our condolcnc-\!\ 10 hb,<br />

lamll\' lod rriends. Our deparlC'u<br />

Orolhcry,.i11 he missed.<br />

Coognltwlltions and b..~1 wishc-s to tht<br />

fec!!nl reluce~' Ravmond L Ka~~f1h<br />

Thorn ..... P. ShuJI1~ Jn~c~ E. nu~lo.e, OoJn~<br />

ald (' Du::hl. \1llan Dmoor Jr" Ch u r le~<br />

D. Fry Jr .. DdVld A. J IUl1ocn. Charles R<br />

MeI'arlland, DQna ld A, M.:cklcr and<br />

f\alhall K StollcC"lpJu:r. We t!l.:mk thc'>t!<br />

m~mbl:-n (or Ihdr manv n!ars <strong>of</strong> dedi·<br />

cated hlp<br />

mct!llllg. Ken rccei\ed the aWllnl<br />

as hiS ..... ife and children dnd Bro.<br />

Rohln.'iOn II")uket.!lln. A Itrllf Ihe L(JC:il<br />

q hard hal it') Ken, and he

nlj!.h! ("O.bl Gu.;.rJ lllllm.Im.i1.:1 io..l."fl"<br />

nelh BurJc .... said (1f !h('1t f~SCUC<br />

oIl1tmrU, ..., can', ~ay ('nnu~h IIbout<br />

lh~jJ 'plm and \\111 10 hclp In lv,h dr·<br />

I;:UIl1,tancc\, II \Io,I'> lruh J hemiC d!on<br />

We u.llnled !usa) thani ... '<br />

Anolher memher. !)t'\!I:r Durlcnc 1((1:,'<br />

UnmduU. h. l ~ hOfl~t.Il.01.;.ll L' In helm:<br />

dc;C'lcd Ih. 1997 IOL\\ I'lIunJcr'~'<br />

SdllllAl\hlr "'Inner Ikr 'lin)'. al.)nf;<br />

\',lIh Iha, <strong>of</strong> !he Niler IW7 hnllll>.hlfl<br />

\\\Onl."f'\. ,ll'llCllrcd 10 Ihe ui!-u~' JlttJ~<br />

1131 \\ J\lurnal. ('ol\gmlul.. lrnl1\. \1\11."1<br />

Hrilm\(.l r.<br />

MOIR'\ O·Kr I I t ,I'"<br />

A SUMMER<br />

OF FULL<br />


L •. 4' 11.\c.es.t'm&' ),.IHl), IIUHt\LO.<br />

N'I'_A' )'(lU n':ilO Ihl' ill'l lde, Ihc "um·<br />

mer III 1 )\/11, IlJ .. l.Ind and fighl loda~·<br />

Thai b .. tllc I. ttAl led

Will ked 1I11outlh A lui ul 11 1 !I~h "lilIl!<br />

III,"~ I~ u t wr.: hd\C HI~11 hilu 'lll1lC H!r\<br />

Iun IInU COJtl)!!"'h: c'"l'crkn\.'c' whll!:<br />

'o4:1"'1I1).! lite Ihnlh!!,hlluJ 1 ,II'llleUale<br />

hi .. unlt'n C'tJ"'l!rtl'I." and c"f"CC'OIlh hi<br />

'-"IC'.lII"III1I11J fflo:nd,hlp Ihwu~hnul<br />

the \0.;.0$1"- I r"ro.:~1 01"111 hll h." ~"hlo.; .<br />

JeUu:alllln "lid pl.'ncr(.I'1I\ ,",lrm h~\<br />

.11~d,"" he!!n \h.:n: I ..... nw .... 111:." I nl.'t.d·<br />

~d hdl' :lnd ;l"\I~I .. nc\.' 1M Cllrr)ln~ \lUI<br />

m, dulle .. II" 'HI~IIIC'" 111,(11111.0.,", Mul<br />

'htnTl h;l~ "hLa .. I1cc/l tlwt~' for Ih..:<br />

mcmll\:rshlp. gJ\ in~ hi' hdploil h,md to<br />

1!II1't' HmIIU:1\ unJ '1,11:1' \\ hll h,nc<br />

t'\.'o.:n J.1\ hre.lk<br />

I~"I .11 1hc Dutlll' ('lllnJ " ,'h:1<br />

pptll'll11.Ih:I) 20;u 1\t:llpll •• IIL ,IJc,1<br />

IhL'rL' .... crc unlt.n m .. m~f'. In~nJ, 1'(<br />

I .• hlll dnd lueal ... Idle 'lntl Il.tllllndl<br />

ro,111IClnllil' I Xl reponL'J<br />

thl' hte!l ~ la'i .l... i l llellh:nd L l u ~ "11(:(;":",,_<br />

Th.; \\Om\.. rl\UlTC m Dlln~. 1I" I\f Ihi'<br />

.... 1I1111~ II, tillln/-! fil\ll\ .... eli. v.llh d rcV.<br />

Ir.l, ... hn!! 13wth ... ,.. .... d St'I ... ~ "'i.'Ir\..mg_<br />

II HIU AI.: ~·un'lI.kllnlI L' I'" /I. OI)-)Car 'iCT<br />

\'IC\,: ...... ;ud .... ,1\ Ilf.:wnl1.:d tl) n rtl<br />

Rllb.·r1 101111111111111 nil" Slllu1l1ul1 tint!<br />

\\IIL.: ill': ~h.ITI":T 1I1cmt>cr\ Ilf u'C.d 7l<br />

ttnll"'c Ih;tnl. them (Of p.;!''"!! Ibe .... a)<br />

hll th~ )!~·nt'l.lltl1n, .. 1 I!lf\\ memt>cr'<br />

",h(1 h.I\,; 11'\I"v. .... d "\Ii UWlhcf' ~CJ<br />

W,,, I Y ",1, ... 1' ... It"<br />


100 YEARS<br />

1..1 .77 h l,U.IIII .lcll&'lt. , .. \ III ...<br />

\\t\-ln rn"'fJ\lIIlln or nur 1,,,,,1",, Imlh<br />


tr.mll /f'Rr,hrr 1'11"11 if ,I!111 Im·mt-...:r-. III .tIIcnililn(c<br />

Iho; m1'(111(.'1\'1(111 hendll' lind It<br />

·1II1{k.l p">t~r'lIl1. 111 ;IJdtIUlI1 til ultr CUI<br />

r..:nl ,lnnUII\ pn.pram<br />

II W.I,.I 11'11\' h.ud...:1 ilf nCt!ull.lllllR'<br />

b..:l¥o..:..:n 1,11'-1" .md 1I1.ln.II:..:l1k.nl<br />

1 he H'mmllh'l' Cillbl'h'J nf RII"<br />

\1.,-. 1,,1£1 \\>.1111. I III \..:... R-.:h (1.,Hl\b,<br />

no. Pre\ J.II!II nUm,". Itu. \1!":111 k •.:<br />

Sh..:clhll1.1 Ih',\1t1 II1l'II1II1.'1 R~.I. 1...:.111\<br />

I ·lI!11u d I1\l'l11llC I Brian LUII.kr. ,l nd<br />

rl1H11I11I1I).' Uu:mJ II1cmllCl \.-l lll' ('"Idl:r<br />

AIIi1i, \lfllln)!, 1:1J11\1,II.:t Ilq:II\i;tlillll'<br />

\Ire: \\111 Ul1lk, If,o.l\ Ill' .1U, Idccmnmu<br />

nl~.IIt\'", I1lCII1Il\'"<br />

Our 1"1d...:Iln~ I"hlCI.lm ":lIntinu~ hI<br />

I'JIIUU": j:!11,"1 le,"ll,. "'Ih 'ol·\cr.d Jul ...<br />

I">o.:inl! lumo.:J Ilh·' III 1.,,,..,1 III.~<br />

1 "'lluld l1l.c \11 Ct)tlC l il\uh,lt: l1u~<br />

\l ~r Il,1U1 \'",11 11 11II III" ,1 1'1 " 11 11 11111.'111 Itl<br />

Ihe InlllnJllllfl,11 1 ,ct.;ulhe C,\umil<br />

Inc memhc"hlp I' pr"IHJ III \lIut<br />

d\..'t.:llmrh~lmenl'. IInl \\"nt<br />

("llnr:Io1lul;l\i,m' Itl L(-.: .. I W."h \(Ift·<br />

tl.lll 11:'''111 lh~'\ VlCIII Ihlt'e ",m, .Ind<br />

on1; h ... ~ .-'Ihl ;:hth 111m! hl .. nd. 1\\.<br />

-;.,l\halll(l\IT"I\C\' \(I..:r.rl "lemh'I"ItlI'<br />

ckd \111""" Itl 1 h ~c, tht.; uI " ll<br />

We I cecil'" hlld our annu;JI LlIbm<br />

J).:a\ hrc,d.I. I ~1 ,II till" P,II1. Jl1.I/,1 lillid<br />

"'llh \chr .. l nt ... mhcI~ a{h;n1.lin~. Our<br />

j1(lhllt:.11 .1\11", ~.I\e 'l)Cl'~he' 1m labo'l<br />

Jnd II .. (UIU ...<br />

Illc II un I \.,mmIlH!. nll.itel m.c::mho.:l<br />

Jdl ('"n r":",,,"c.1 ,1I.·J\loUl! 1111\11 Ihe<br />

(irc:lth,'f 11.1'''10 1 illtm ("nuIlCII. Con<br />

,!!.r,II II I.IIIIIII\ Jell.<br />

\! i, With lelll t.; 1 th.11 I .1Ilnounc~ Ihe<br />

1IIIIIIIIl'l" dC.III! 111:1 Il1ljl~II11'c !Itend .II1J<br />

Im: ..."I:I, Bill I ,,~IIII.III, OU I d ... pc~1<br />

',mIMlh\ it,ll:, IIUI III h" o.:nlllO: rilll"!1<br />

11.. '1\-111 1>0: llul'h IIH"ld h~ "II<br />

In do"'IIIj!. pk, •. , .. ffilml'l;r tu I,,· and<br />

, hl'('I dl UllluntHlI1! ,lIId 11011111 m.lIlll,un..:J'ltlf":".<br />

'\lkI hu~ 'I"rth AmcOI.:.!R<br />

Illfllk l'I I,dlld' t\cql AmO:rlca \lnrl. lII:!<br />



COURSE<br />

KIn: I Ie \1" 1' :-'<br />

L U. 105 li.u&.UIII). 11 \ \111. J 01\.<br />

O ~- I I\Cl\ 1 W\ h,l~ Jlhl cIllIlpletet.l Ih<br />

111,1 Itt..: "I.HII1 (llhlu;dll: l'ru~l.un<br />

Ctlur,C Thc I1r"Jlfilm" a Jllml eH'"1<br />

hCIVoc..:n Ih..: 110.:ctrttal (\mIT.I\'hll'<br />

''''o,,,u,lIll1n IIlI Iho.: Pfll\ln~c Itl<br />

()(lhlT!I'. OnlJrul mrw ItlCJI unUlo •.<br />

,1111.1 'l.'\erltl cUlllnlUntl\' cnlleCI:' 1 h..:<br />

,11.1:01111',111\'11111 ph.lhl ",I" I:I~e~1 dllrlll(.!<br />

Ihe chI"<br />

1\ Ih.III" l'IlU I!I1C, ;,ul 101 o.:UlHt.lrhll'<br />

IlAd m ...."h\:r" \\hn 1Il3dl c4u1pmcnl<br />

dun.utllI)\ lIT hdllt.. ..... ~ h.cIJ \u!! 1"111 \\ll~.. hnll<br />

PdlJ". Ihcle Vo.".1 1.1I!!0: 11Ilnllul, Illl'<br />

" ... ld \\ .1' ~\kkl. 3nd Iho.: "nlll~ d I~ ",1".1<br />

hug.· \IICl·o.:~" II II,,, C'IJCllilll) IIU:o.: Iu<br />

\cc ,"nte ,'f flUI r..:tir\·c, "'~ ,1111,'1 ~,l III<br />

....:e ,II ",,'rk .m, !llIlfC<br />

\\mne" or In.: ):lllt ~ .. IllN .. \1"',0: I.d<br />

\ •• 1111\1 \\lllt, \II\L'IIII.("", ,,,hll.lud<br />

.8SW JOURNAL/"IOVEM&ER 1997<br />


C'hmlOpht!r Yahn Thr;. lnuf';OIn"" {"unl-­<br />

hmtd fur .. I..;jll~ <strong>of</strong> 1ft unckr p ddnllnJ'l-\ralulQ a,<br />

bu,tnc,!' manager/financial hXTdiU)·.<br />

\lhlC'h ,>1;Jrtcd ..... llh 1m cll!t!llon to LI)b5<br />

Charlie 31'0 scncd on the EXcCUII\·c<br />

Rnard. \\'hIJ.:o 111 <strong>of</strong>fltl!. he \\IU~ il dck·<br />

gal~ 10 thc lB E W \:O J1VCll(JOII' and<br />

chairman or the n::l!iolla! <strong>IBEW</strong> l3u ~i"<br />

ncs .. \1 'In: According h) the<br />

dccUtcal worl. pcrmll' I ~~ul'd hy Ihc<br />

ci l) (>f Chattanooga_ Iht: p.:rc-cnl.1gl' IIr<br />

the \\(lrk tJl'JIIg done Ufliltn h ll~ dounkd<br />

~incc the pro~l)\tII \"Ieg.ttl<br />

Ct)ll l!,rrnuhll i(lns 10 Amv M m ' 11C\.<br />

d;1ughkr IIf Bm. Mil..", M';nnc} 'he<br />

ha, h..-cn ;t\.\. Tho.: "c:.llheT Wi\§ pka!.Olnl. and<br />

thcTC .... a' g'Hld tOQd and plcnl~ <strong>of</strong><br />

cntcrtamnlcnl fnr kllb ytlung lind olt!<br />

Tht.: re lJ ow~ hi p wa~ grcat. and il \\'a~<br />

e'j)Cciully ~ilud 10 '>Cl: old fru.:lllb frnlll<br />

~':;Irsgo rtcby.<br />

l,lC,,1 175 .md E.llst rt.:Tln~'"iSCc Cnapler<br />

Chattilllflnga Din'>l{In l\L("A h;J\C<br />

just cllmpkteu tncn lim !ourn..:rman<br />

Cc-rllfll"l.! Conlnll S'~tcm~ 'Il't'h Lc\d I<br />

tourst: g.t ..·en tbrouBh the Chananhmcoh and harbeCIJO:<br />

R~p. p,l .. harJ d.;:li"cct:d.:] 'J":.lIll,"din~<br />

pro .. latwi .lddrcll/:ncd a~ the<br />

CWLp .. JATC' scC'r.;ta~. Boil "lh.:~~r.I• .tnd i"""u·c ... JdUre.&-.cJ<br />

lIIdUikd Joo C'OI-P. lIell~r .... rd(\flTI and<br />

' laNI( min<br />

Jlartn ... ro;tllp. Tlu; focu\ ..... is or eslall ..<br />

Ii.'hmg Q)lJunun)C'atinn." .... ith l·ummUnI·<br />

IV lender~. The ArL .. CIO affilllituM<br />

\~ith cnmmunn\ ~~'rvlcc~ IS lhe h';'1<br />

kept ~

!lro-. Al\am and Kl'o-lnck ~{JO'te.J thlU<br />

lhccamarn, \\hll.b<br />

""[ illh.:1,,1 u) all ~u,"Jl 0111 dilrercncr:"><br />

,1'lIk, Ict'!, II~c the ~r "l l (If h mthC'rfw.o;~.<br />

III deed Il!i \\.:i11" ~'nI'J On, loiet,; IInII<br />

1I1~ IIII' 11\ ;11 t'tlm U!lITi gllul One V\lICI;<br />

creal hIli ., tlHlIIul.IllU" MHIOU tlllC<br />

\"IICt!,I!IIC u di llm ~ 111PI1lC"nl.<br />

A wllrm wcknme III Ihc n~w Ill ... 'ul<br />

t1nu,n rm.:mb..:r., ~e ~(lu!U Ihc m!!elln):<br />

1)1'''''[\A'::;1111\1,.' I eilg,uc ruel ,II mlf hall ttl lhllt1k<br />

\,l\'oo.\t lor \b d lnt'\ In tho! p,h\ dedit)n,<br />

,\IVl l tl alleml:mce ~er.; .. tate Senalor'll<br />

MMI! "ddu:CH. Ruh ... rl (rCCI.II11l ,lIul<br />

1l1\"r~~e<br />

~I umt\. ,I1MIl "'lIh si\ ,tdh;<br />

fCI'fc .. cnld l l\e~. 'pprn\llIIillt,;h IfMI<br />

ilC' >pI\! aUcnJI.'J<br />

IIIII \(1'.\! 1 C'dd'f,\\\:" A\lh'IICil ",,"\1"<br />

lIl IHI!H.;1 ~UI.·I.V)l:hl""C:: Ihal \\e ,1(r,:<br />

III Ih~ IlISl t.ttUl1h!J ullhe \'C;"\I ,lilt! \\111<br />

Icr I ~ JU~l llwunu the C(lrn;,:r.<br />

I hl' l!Ilml:11 1111" \"" iCrL',c~~ nl I '~I~C I ri~<br />

Gllif ~ta~ ...·11$ hdd ~cpl.111. LI1 I ~ II[ lUll<br />

lello .... ,hl(l dntl .~oud Iun \\.,:rl' cnlll~o,:d<br />

h~ Jl! \\hll ... lh;rlJ~u. t.:\cn if Ihen ~IIII<br />

)!.111lC \\a.. n·1 11('1 h) par~ Thllllb III Uti><br />

"1[hIml /1.1,1\1111 nn all hl .. l'Ilnrh IIU!.II<br />

nlJmg Ihl!o lun r,:\..:nl!<br />

A dmm:r'll'lnl;e pm pr(''o\'"I .. lIll1l "'1l~<br />

hdd OCI. 1)01. 11m l".:nt I~ helu e\l'IY<br />

olher ye;n, ,II Inl:rc wcre a JOl ll! JIICfll<br />

bers in ,11i or mlltc. vou WCHlder aholH 1111<br />

i lll! chan1!i!\ lil ~\< h",'£: '\'CI1 in Ih\'11<br />

union. Work In!! Cllntlttions. b,nelll<br />

Ihld.i"lge~. Ir'"n1n~ "nll It:chnnlo~y Me<br />

iu .. t a re\l, "I Ihi! .uC.t., thai h .. ~l'<br />

impfO\cr.lln Ihllll1rm: flCn,1t.I JU~llhinl.<br />

\lher~ i~UI uown ""ul") he tndll\ II<br />

Ihl'~~' m1;n hllJ \1\11 heo 1II~I,hl:tI ·~u<br />

next 111m", IUc';iH1i1 mght. ull!1'1 1ll11ke<br />

C"'U ~ e~ a l'>OtIl whv \tIlL ~an'l \11 jl~C II<br />

Gel thad l h j\ I '~ ilOw }Otl CUll hdp<br />

.. nur~cl i ;I\hl ~Ilur ll lllltll ~rt!\\ IlnJ<br />

Imprl1\\!.<br />

Dl-US) S]!i:'\(lM,I'<br />



L , l.Ii51i, III I .r l ~ & ~ II1I ) . I.INI 'OI.I"I .<br />

Nf: -l!llli' hl ~r ,miJ glJou ch~~1 \~ert.:<br />

,It,li eu 11\ Il1l!mhcf'> illllllhl'11 Illmlhe~<br />

l'n Aug tl iii I ;I("dl !(,~'!!> alll\u;llllkni~<br />

In tlilJl1 llln III iI \"Iltluclo:. ~hrm_\!1 1lf\J. lhe.<br />

~decllon 01 ddu;Hlu ... me .. l\ ]l1l~p;Ht'd<br />

h~ Uro 1m \\ IlhaOl~, III,,;r.: "erc l!.Jmt,;,><br />

ror Ihe ~1I1 ~ .. 1 hm'l' .. I1(~ tum nl\~ncnl.<br />

h1l\ .il~' ;1II(j II rllt rrc~l! lIt:t li"\I ~uhJI 11O nr,<br />

rill" \Vc r ~ ,Iwil rdcd l u nUl 111 1:11111",-.,<br />

"'1111 .to nr more year ... o r mcmbcl'hip<br />

\\ ..: .. alule tll..: .. c [nnll,.. t:IIHII11g. memo<br />

tJcrs. \htn' Ihotlll,,~ \!O Iu nru\ Ro\<br />

( Lmh II J~m (h(1(,;\\IC/. ,,\,,\1,' I hall<br />

.ana Rl"I) Limit 111r -..cllmg u(llhe pICIUC.<br />

It W.iI" ,I ~I('

fev. whu (,"hn~c (0 .. U) tv hdp As!'1<br />

HI&. Mi!r OI~UlII .. r O,tU 'IeAh\lcl In<br />

('Iur or,!!ilni7Jng camraign Wl·,lun); ow<br />

\I~'CI lucal~ lor JlrmKlmg lIo'urk 1m uur<br />

tn..:mhtn. In lIur hnll' !if n\;~d 'lndal"l1<br />

thunk I'ur mcmhcrs r{lr helpmg orgn<br />

ni;,e lllJl l,:tlIlIPClllu,,",<br />

Bu~, Mgr. Jim ..:nltln lind A~ I Bus<br />

\ Igr \

Some <strong>of</strong> th ll tocol 3.5 1, Winslow, NJ, membe, ~ who were employed on the constfUCnon<br />

project CI' &oUy'1 Pork Place Wild , Wild Wett (Ilsino orll pichJred ollhe ca sillO<br />

joluile,<br />

" ,,\1 .\ ,( ~,I \ \111\..: 1 "T~': 'lilt .... hl) 1n1'~I:J<br />

Ihl' lint' nUl III 1Tl ;l 1..c: Ihe ml\l.t l ~' III<br />

m l"lnll II nl:\\ y\:llr I h.H\k\ 1\1 lhe<br />

m Ull \' \'llIU II II,.'C I' l\ nU I,I. m~l'lI ', II hl1l ~1<br />

h l lll i . k~ th l' I'lcnio.. ~uC' h ,I ~ u\"c"<br />

A ., III Ihl' "'''llI nt: ..... 1: .11''': III !he<br />

pHw.::~' ... L)f pl.lllll m!! ~ l u r fin-I ,llIInl.:r<br />

dlln~~ f hll , t.ovld ~ h(' liJ 'IIrn..: llmr<br />

I.:,uh no.: \ 1 H.:,II 011 line III IIUI 1,..1'11111'<br />

l' ka\c: pilla 1\1 attc:nd .nll m"I\!: .un<br />

h ,..,L llmll':I-.JJntt ,1\!Kco.:"lull1t!.·<br />

Our C\mdnlc nt:..:, ~\I . 1111 III Ih\' 1.L1m<br />

11(" III .tl! tlUl rccc ll ll~ d..: r .ln~·J Un1lh·<br />

\,1 .IIl,I 'mler, .<br />

I'k,,,( rcnh; mher ltl .lllc n tJ \" UI<br />

10\, ,,1, UII II!l1 mc..: llnt' O ur I UIUH'<br />

J..:' ..... IIJ I (ttl II .<br />

\lcrr. nm~lm'I' h.'I'P' h

JUIlC 1~2tl C,JX"Ci>l1 gU~h aHcndlll.p Iht<br />

rnl..'c:ling "'~n:: Inl. Pre: .. JJ Barn,lnt<br />

So..">(' E-..t1~Jn 0 11111, Cighlh District Int.<br />

\'u;e Pre:~, Jon r \\iIItC'~. and 1I11!<br />

Eighth DJ"tnct Inl crn;'jtlonllll~crr,~~n·<br />

tltl i \(!~<br />

We Me ple,,~ct.l III WdClIlIIC nell<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> ~ignatory cuntrnctor Encr~l}<br />

Eh::unc lItHJ h'nk lorw.ud III worLlng<br />

.... jth the company Thi~ ~ut'cc"s came<br />

abuul Ihrough It meellng otrrangcd by<br />

Local ]~ Or~nOl,cr Chartie Dockham<br />

""JIb thl: JOInt dfnrh <strong>of</strong> Lutltl ]2:! Uu~<br />

\I!=f_ O.llddnd l."~al 41S nU) \Igr<br />

\Ia,ho.:w and Local 1250. Rapid (il}.<br />

SD. Bus \1[',r. Rand\ Slamhn)uk<br />

1..oc-II14JS 1\I~h~ to II-clcume the 1.)1·<br />

I"wing nl'W "f\ ~ memoc'" IntO Ihl.' local'<br />

Joume>'mllll "·irt:l1Icn Rohert IImill l ('lll<br />

Bosworth. Frank WaLson. K~vin Gus;,:<br />

amJ lar~ lean~n; tint! lIpprentit'c\<br />

Dllvid A J one~. Thllmib (' f\h:Bnl.!c.<br />

~Ih D Hilmt'lurgcT Coll;I) Vlcrl!ret~.<br />

Alan T Cdl"\Cf .Ind Clll11011 R l·uqu.1<br />

Sus.an lema"lcr i.s planmn, I C"hnst·<br />

mn~ parl~ lIlT Ihc clulJlcn III hi! helLi In<br />

DcC\:mht!r 1111: k,d· "ult t'>I:.lthle h) ploa>"<br />

gaml,... ,enJo} rdte§hm\'nt . ha"l: II go at<br />

pll'l8la .... amJ rnlk 111 S.mlll II )UU l\t)UltJ<br />

like to \OIUnIC;;f for Ihis C~CIll. canUlel<br />

eilher Su~an ur Ih~' u!l inn hll ii.<br />

As "'~ !;Il In pn:~~. IIi\;; wc)(L III mn<br />

)urhlll,'Ij(l!l is- t'I~'glllning to PIC).:. up<br />

I"hen: are p({JjI:~ch In Ihe plunmng ~ 1 ; II!.t.:<br />

and a kilt''" the l"lttkhng procc ... ~, So!~·er·<br />

aJ or our mt.:nll~f'> arc out 01 1\ol"L. In uur<br />

juri5dlclItm. ,",ul v,1: hopt.' ~o,; COln pU!<br />

Ihem 10 " 'o rlo;" ~wn \~ a Tc\uh \If Ihe<br />

,1o,", \IIork here. '>I,!\t.:lal nlt~mber .. are<br />

1T1"cling w~ thank our ~""I~'r local~ fOI<br />

hdflin!!. flut M)me 1)1 ,lur memller~ hi<br />

..... ork in our 'lACk pcrir ... h.<br />

Ill)"!} O~1I0I t r., 1'.S<br />



L.U • ..t.tJ (l.o.. ~&n5l . SASTA A '/\ .<br />

C-\-('onpdluI311UII~ ItI.ill 1'lY7 graLi<br />

uallng apprO\;nlio..~. '-'Ih~1 .II..: nt"lv, L0C41<br />

-'ol l'" ne .... Journ~)mc-n Thl~ ;;111 ...... h;J\<br />

i1"l;uk ib marL. dnd uK-.11 .t-H will he<br />

C'uunung. un lhe grlidualc\i In carr)' lin<br />

Ihe Inll.htion uf g~u.)d unUlll Bmlba,<br />

anJ ~i:.ler.<br />

Dvn RO~fln \\a~ ~lcc l -cd II~ ,\prr.:n·<br />

liel' 01 Ih e- "CdT In adulIllllL 1)011<br />

RIJgJn anti ld Caner wcn: n:cognl2cd<br />

fur then perle..:! hllcmJancc. and Munu<br />

Pc=m for his out.sIJnUinlt.111~nd4nc".<br />

Our guod ~ .... ) hen: -al Lucal J"I h<br />

lhal Ih..: Californu I.:ttM\Om, ha .. rllda.'J<br />

up, and \\or" I~ lilnk1J)~ gtwxJ 101 It'Cal<br />

memhcn, /\ ... a .. i!!" <strong>of</strong> Ihe ImH:~. Ihl.:<br />

memhcr011. Ja;on: dlluglut!r.<br />

t.:errj , ,md all whit r..ne~ hIm. II I~<br />


and pra)e~ go uut to the ranlll,' 01 Urn.<br />

Mnrn,h In Ihelr lillie uf llnef<br />

j \\lIull\ like III Ih.lII\.Ihe Illc il l~ 111<br />

CU lIlllhl llnd Ih..: Umtcu Sllltc.: ilj . I\LTQN,<br />

II Ircct lll~ :tml hOlPP" 1 h,IIIL~ ~I \' I11 ~<br />

Itl ItIL The mo.:m~r ... ot l. oco1l M~ and<br />

the !flOln) IrJ\t:lc" 'Nhll 11.1\': 110m Lcd In<br />

tl'l .... 11 .. ,1 ~houIJ~· th,lIIllul to, Ill\: r im·<br />

Pl'ruU\ \l'ar \'I \, hll\>': Iuu! '-ll flit wur"<br />

h!t~ hee" plc::nlllullhttluv,hflUI mu 10 stalld up pmUlJ IlIltl he ellll<br />


IMmben <strong>of</strong> loc:al 697. Go~ or\d t-\ommood. IN. m<strong>of</strong>ch to the ~nd <strong>of</strong> bogpipes in<br />

Indiono ' ~ o&detl Labor Day po~ .<br />

The fin.t·shih (flIW <strong>of</strong> Loto1143. Reoding. PAl memben; are pktured 01 tfle iobsife <strong>of</strong><br />

° Sorgent Eledric project otlM Kellogg's pIonl in londlf\lil~ . PA..<br />

which 10 "-: thllnUul. One h "",4Irk . '\1<br />

Ih.lI "I.' C,1I1 hun..:\lh ,upporl ULH I,UlII<br />

Ii\!~ ,II ~ JctCnl ..... I!!\!. Othl:rl> .H~<br />

I k~lllh .. lid WcI(un: l'11:nc(lh lind retire'<br />

menl helll:III\. 1Il;IJC pm'lhlc h~ IIUI<br />

having JOined IIIlJdhcr. III rnl\ldc lor<br />

{Iur cIlIIIlIlumi! ncccJo.<br />

\\..: h~\1: Ih,' 1tc:'>1 It~lnlll~ rwgl,LI11'><br />

thitl ';'I;hl ,lnl.! .... c bll"'c .. mCII'" II~<br />

'>h.m: nur dl.,\:umul.lIcd LI1I1"lcd!:c .... ,Ih<br />

uch ~UC;:":.~I'c IlCllcf;Unln ur dCl:lfI·<br />

tUfl~.<br />

\\ (:' h~H:.m mglll11,,,I Il1!1..1 lJfI1lhcr<br />

h~W}d. Ihlll ..... 1' 111\'cn to U~ 10 l'!.!rrl.!lU<br />

nle fm Ih(I\e \l llII lillhm 1""'1.'1111 Wi.'<br />

;:n uld 41(. il ,11011>.:. I th,n', Ih ln~ Ih,11<br />

"I\UIJ he hI' lit< he'l When "C ~Innd<br />

Ittgdher. we IHo.: I!IH:n lh~' UrrtlrtUllih<br />

h. ~hm'. Iholl Yo': 'Jr~' f\~1 OIIlL ADothdlu<br />

III t>c[l.in hBrRilimng._ The: romr.1n~ ~1l11<br />

!elu....:,. ;md Ihc'l'll\.o: slllkd<br />

1 h\'\ >,;lIn lll1u\.' In meel t:\{"r~ :,undtl)<br />

Wi th Orgrlnl7C r Jim ('ouch. and they<br />

hll\ l' 1(llm..:d ~C"·i.'I. 1 1 L'''llImlllc ... ~ fllr<br />

\Miou.. 1.I."k,. tmm c.llIlnllJOil" d\\JfI."­<br />


cd to Inl. Sec. Edwin D, I hiland ~J\ a<br />

huge "ul lI l lcd nUl dntli III11J<br />

rog.gy; but Ihen, Eh lion un!er. Ihe ,un<br />

Clime (luI and Ihe h!cc/c plckeu lip III<br />

creale "heautifuilla) \I n ur pCllpk<br />

hale Ibat much. po .... cT. poli\l(lan~ \loll"<br />

h"l 1: 01) tcg.m.l fur UIIII)II I,-,Ue .. helh;r<br />

.... ulch (lUI<br />

What m.lI,co. pl;lllIlg m " ufllnn lour<br />

namcn! ,0 gr": 111 1 .. lhL: ~ rlrll Ilf "rolher'<br />

huod b 'c n if yLIU un nnt ~now )ilur<br />

j'llayiJ) l;': Ilarlll el' Ih;1I \lei! lin lhe hr~1<br />

lee. hy Ihe c nt.! nf Ih..: round Yt)U i1T~'<br />

,lcadfll" fnemh<br />

F U I l ile' ,I.:\.UIIJ \1:"1 III .. H'''. h.hll<br />

Papp .... un LtI'" ( iTO .... ,1111.1 I l1n~e,(<br />

Dri\c; 1..,,\\ Nel .lIld nthe,' 10 Ihe rill<br />

lI...:fe won h\ \\'Illium HU"~'JI Hrll,<br />

Pa lricL. l or;!.', 11',1" Ihl' )Cill·, \lml<br />

I Jonest GolfL!r,<br />

rim. )'C:H ullOlher I{) .. ~ tlrh'e "wllld<br />

wa~ e~lllh l j 'hctI. !fMC)", M", I I r:Hd~tl<br />

Golfel a .... anl 1 hi .. il\.\anl " ... nl In "Ir<br />

(,b,trh:.. 0\.:\1101 fthc 1,llhl.:r l1i 11 m ..<br />

Cha rlC"!> DeViw and rh(.mll" 0 1:\'1141),<br />

\\ibn Hllne~ hum 1IIIIIua ~·'H:h ICilr 1(1<br />

panlclpale In our IOUmanll.:nl<br />

C'(lnl:\H111 l lalilln~ tl) ul1 thl' Wlnnl'l~1<br />

\\ I\ IUU·l\ I' () 1\ 1- 11 1, 1('"<br />



1.. • 1055 ~1I). 1·[~ Si\C 01.A . n.­<br />

Our CU I TI:nt Cnntl ,n;l e~ Jlll c' 1)11 i \ U~,<br />

IS, 1'I'l!t A llc\\ NC~ Ll Ii.111I1~ «(lmmil·<br />

I ~'C will h~ elcCIC d f(lr Ihe upeom i ll~<br />

nl'gollnuplI­<br />

Ih) j.:.lX" IKJI III Ihdr (Jmlli\,;~<br />

\lIcnd l uur unll ml'clm~ .. ;1Ilt! I Ole.!<br />

'nlll "',m:errh ,lOll l~,I' (,;t .... ur~pla.:c<br />

mlpTtlVCmenl" II. ~ III111e PH\I, 1' \I,'Cll­<br />

IIH' Hullall11ecI111 ~ .. IJrC ;Jhl,I~', open III<br />

!H ' ~ l11 ~ mber \\oho 1\(lu!d like It\ ~1I ~ nd .<br />

J.\\ M ~'1I111 1'\<br />



I"U. 12U5 (I,o.u,cm&I!:Ol O, GAII't~ S·<br />

\111,1 E, J·'I.-{ircctm!!, . Bro l iler, Hnd<br />

~I'ih.:n. I hln)!~ ,HI.: gl1l1l!! \\n III Ihl,: tI)JI .... One<br />

c.m 4Ut"hlt: {I\C' Uel,1I1~ hUI Itlt· h,Nl'<br />

1.1l! .. Cu.<br />

1I1.ln\ ~i.ll1dcreJ l'ilmo.: had coich<br />

\cur III !!tect \lId fn emJ

\\ .. 11,,,,-,,0 1·(~cll'''''~'I'N.cd''"O\.t\un<br />

·\U! 7. 11J91. ICIer I IU"I= ilml (ount·<br />

P:CUU\ hanle "Jlh (;um;CI 111 l~XI Hrn.<br />

1'11\11-1;11 hCJlan ~ork In (mh;ln RI"~ I<br />

J~n .... ~r I'lan l 8\;' nt.llnh:llltlll'C heiller.<br />

In PI>l1 he: Irull,IcrTcJ 10 ').ll i,buf} in<br />

Ilk: Sut'ostaHon Dept It\ if "lIh'ulwmnn<br />

!tnll rrn~rc\\cd III ,'pprenl11:c"U In<br />

II"MI dep.trlm..:nl tlo.:llIflO 1M", inlo Ih(<br />

I inc ("rc'" In \\c,tmcr In \\C\'O\·cr.<br />

\\.tll~ mmcd up IhfUU~h Ilk: oIf"'l'h;nlll:c<br />

rrl'!lrlm a.nd "'a~ .....,d,.d th,. lob or<br />

rIlUllu.·)m.1n hnl.'molll In 1"'11 \\c ""II<br />

All'" nrt). P,mdt. anJ ","c c'(lend Qur<br />

ctlflJnlcn~c\ 1(1 hi, lamdv \ 1.lv fi nd<br />

hle\\ }IIU. W,III} .•<br />

On d Ilghlcr nllic. Urn C"h in A.<br />

f',lIner... u.'l lrC<br />

hall sinh. Mr. Angelos' lahor union<br />

background \!ncnm pa"'I.'\ hI'> enlire­<br />

CA reel lie rcrre'Co!nh Ihe tI,tlllmorc<br />

nu ildln~ unL! Construcl ion Trull c!><br />

Council lI nJ Ihe IiIl~eI .... mkc" llnH'"<br />

Jnd h.u a,hll!\"!!J landm .. rk §c1I":ml:n~<br />

for "'·orken. .... hl' b3\1C had Ihe., henlth<br />

nllned b~ C!~puo.urC! II, a..~ll"I"<br />

Mr. An~IOi I) a plainltrr, III~lfnC\<br />

and.;'I f"rr.l:o IncnJ uf labor rh ... ~ un ...<br />

ollhc: re-.. ,{m~ labor \10 as \Urpvrh\e "'<br />

hi~ bid III foml Il coahtlon hi pUTl.:h.,o.e<br />

the IHluhh:u BClhleh.:m Sled "1';1111)1'."<br />

Poml Sh lpYo'r kaJe .... IlftJ 0\1'; kJ ..,.....<br />

HJ1\ nil I" Hw I rnUl ("CC~U rr~"'1<br />

dc:nt "r lJur AFL·CIO (""(luneil. fm Ih(<br />

OUI~;tllnJII'~ loh hI' ,tnlJ h" \1.111 lin\e<br />

pcrlmmcil 111 I11ttlll1/; Ihe'c COPI ,1m·<br />

ncn. stich OUl'lI:tnJIII!J, ' II Cl:C!l~'I<br />

IIII )\II\ .. J I(n~rhn",'Kr,lt ...<br />



LU. 1 ~5 ~c l11 ) \\ A lTH \~1. /\1 " -The<br />

1I10lllh or lI"ulemllCl hnng-. U~ " h,)hll.IV<br />

111111 ilil hlO nltl. n I ~ O\erillokcd 111<br />

Ind.1Y·, \ld ldl! V~-lcr.Jn~ Dlnllw."<br />

thc J !I ~ th.tl h \~ I iI,idL nt" (.nh If'<br />

relll~'lIlhcr ,III \It Ihe men IIml ",omen<br />

.... 11" h .. ,,", ....: .... ~J in Ihe Arm,;d IIIh.L .....<br />

hUI ;11\.1 101 h'111I11 anJ 1';1\ Inhul~' In<br />

Ih,,,< IIl\;II .. IIJ "'llfiIL'1I .. hn h.t\1: m .. Je<br />

1111.: ""premo: ... "!mila: In Ikh:n...: ,II "III<br />

\'\.IUIlI!\- \\.,: ,1",uM IlI.:"edurrcl lhallh\."'<br />

..... n.:nfil:c:, m.lu\· '" Iho: mo:n ilnd 1O.,llllcn<br />

<strong>of</strong> the \\ 1l1I1i1,;" b,ue .,1dUl! Ih~' hll'<br />

\\c 1c,It.iWJ,1\ flO'slb!.:. A~ Amel h':'Hi'<br />

\"\."' l1~l' lIur H~ler,lII~ uu r etetllul !!I.HI<br />

tuJc fll! r l l!,el\ 1I1~ ,\ ~UC ' I.:I} .... hl.rl Irel!'<br />

OOm 1.11 \f1\.!c..:h. In:eJtlll1 ln \1001'1111' Ih,'<br />

('Iw.J IIfllUr dum;e. allJ Ihe UPJlIIfIUII,h<br />

hI rm"'r":1 :U,.IIITUI.' fctdlt~<br />

lie",: 10 111~ .. 1 10;0". \ e(I,:'''u\ I).I~<br />

\hould na\C .n aJolll4lnll1 meallln,.<br />

Our memoel' pruudh prnJuce Ih~<br />

11l,,1~. nd "'''IIp'ln> that ;I\lt ,\I)(hcf'o u



LU. 1553 1t" 1II) , .sPKINGHELI),<br />

Mo-Thi~ pa~tliUmmcr \IIdS:I hu.~y OIl\;<br />

fur nlcmhcr. or [-'.Il"111 155:- IlIc) p.1nlCl<br />

IlJlI.:J III numcroo~ '::\/':Iil~ including Ih~<br />

fulhl\\ln~ .he -Reld\ For (jfe- (a .... all.:<br />

\0 liii"t: 'fu nJ~ fOi COr ror lhe BUfi'.au <strong>of</strong><br />

Rl:di!mJlJnll .11 Y(:IIOWLail DiIrn in Monlana.<br />

(See \ICt1'1f11fldfl~1ng phOlD.)<br />

'I:\t !tme I \llil In 10 pre!.ent a ~,~.<br />

(rom the ....·ifc <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> our members<br />

\I'hl! \I.:nl IhnlUgh the IrialS!)f rin urgan<br />

!.lon;lIlon ,Ind h(,; 1 que ... tv hcl fll hc<br />

donor prO@ram.<br />

Besl rl'!i!anb<br />



U£1'1 R EES ASSOCIA TlO,\' O f.'<br />

LL. 3. ~t::\V ,"OK "' . "" . SO UT II<br />

JFI(~F\ (II \.,"1 I-H-I 01 h,ur"a"<br />

In 1:,11(\ JUIlC!. m~'nl"-:'" ur "ur chapLcr.<br />

Illlned ... ~ mcmix''''' Ilf Ih.: '\unh JCf'oC,<br />

.JnJ oum\ (h"I'ltl~_Il"'1.. Jlhantal!l IIf<br />

11\1: fIlCIIiIl~' prnl"ldco.! h\ lIl'r lucal .11<br />

B.I\·ht:rr~I,lIh.l.1I "twlh IIUnlplon nn<br />

I ClIIj;! r~l.1n d . "i,lilt- ,1\'rLilllhk Lhrough<br />

Ihe ¥"llI.l lllfll.;l'~ ,II I IICII I '\\ RClm:e\<br />

ClOlIIllHllcc 1 H.;.n.h.:~1 h~ 11m. Joe Jacob­<br />

~n .'-1 c()upk ... cnJ . \~cd Ih.: 1'1 llwru 1'''''<br />

,I htll:f oritrllalillli IIIi,:clm~. Ither \\hieh<br />

\\c wcrc r",c \ (1 wimlici l h l.;' gr;It-OUI I{ttltl!C~ (']110 h.l!><br />

le~..:.1fdlecl Ih!! h;~l!.ln ,,f Iho~c \\ ho<br />

Ilr~(lnlll:d I"".:,II"!:! 111111"c-lh,1 1I Ifll) yea,""<br />

,I\~U flU ,I ("1rUjCl'L III d.~'l.'ll\hlc a ~lk (If<br />

name'. (aet~ I:CUIC Ihe t>cnchb .lIld .....,rl..lng condl'<br />

till-n~ 1Dt\\·lTh.'mhc:"~n,m 1IIt.! ..,<br />

In llUl re~c;l!(h llot: 11.,\1: round 250<br />

rUllnl!". card numhl!r~ IUld ~I!r\' i ,c<br />

[l"cIJ(I.h 0' lIV\\ 1JJ.:"I·.I~nJ JUcml"wn 11)<br />

dllla:: liVing rl!lIrl!c'" and .... Idu\" hn\!.':"<br />

UUlInhUh:d 'iU 1I1(ln:<br />

\\( "HUitt 11i..1; In ,I'l. rCddel~ \CJ<br />

rk,ll;IS. I ... \ -Cnn\:r.tIUIJIIIJII, 10<br />

IIUI HHhl lillie" pic lu;ed IIt'll\'C .... hll<br />

\\.l're bj. htlf'lt,rl,:'\J al the Jmll' II} I"nl:clmg.<br />

local 130. New Orlean~ , LA.<br />

Reiirws Club membeR cli!pIoy tbeir<br />

)ervKe- aWQrd plaqtM!s. From Ie",<br />

honl row, F.F. Fenosci, Ronnie<br />

da,k (dub ~nll , and S,CI.<br />

Anthooy negle

Lcxol3S1 . Winslow. NJ. &n. Mgr. Edward H. Gonl (ngh~ 101M Icwmer Rehren ctub<br />

P ...... Phil Bingenheimer {\eftl and newfy eleoecllocol 35' Retirees Club <strong>of</strong>ficINa electoct<br />

for the 1997·96 term, Beginning ie(ond from left, bo(k row, Treas. Geor-ge lIns,<br />

Prel. Woller Ru(h, Vke Prcs. Nonnon We KOft, end Exec.vt! .... Soard member J~<br />

Roche: 'rOl'll row. EJl.ccutive 1I000rd members ((mn.e RU(h, Marion Smith and Care!<br />

Hill. Not pictured (lrc 50«. Coroline Goudy and UUKutive Boord member Joe Sreeden.<br />

'Alii:. (tmmo.: L\o.:C'UlI\o.: 11 ...,.u,", meml'l.: l<br />

h.It'" hCCII WlIlIIn~ kllc" In lIur , ... 10:<br />

~1I.lInr'lo and 'u~mbh r ..!'r......:nl•• tl\l,· ...<br />

~h.llklll!11I1! the: t>tmu I\\UC h1 h.t1.(n\~·<br />

~'ur 'Idle "'ull~d. Ilur II1~h ",ullllll'UI<br />

"lIl~·.. In,", tlw If' ..: oj .IUT h"me I"\~' hi<br />

rlll.llll. .. l it" '>I.:h["11 , \ ~t ': lII I he\ ;IIC II'<br />

hi: l·\1l\ptoltu!at..:d t\)r thdr dMr l ~<br />

1 1-.;.\1 ,l'i\ hd,", th~lr o1nl\\I,.111\\·n!1: .In<br />

.\UIl \ .11 I .Ih I.CI).liX IJ1 \1,\\, \~Iml<br />

In!!. I h( TclUee\ ilnJ Ihelr ~rou~ ..... erc<br />

IO\lh:rJ II 1'1.'" .... dl-dHl'mlcd j,\ nUl<br />

'o.:llln:" 'Ahtl o.:nJ\.l~l"I..Ilhl.· r.II.J Ilnd<br />

~1'\I.III/.ltl\ln I ue,1 1 I~I I ,Iun...... ell.!<br />

~!\'~·II tl! t:ach r';lir~\: J.lld 'f'II'u~<br />

1{t;III\.:c, l".:ai i)1 \\;1" thc 11\1"1 h>e:11<br />

rur Ilk .rJ\l'I\1\ IIH \\ dr.:·l."lfll.., l ullI<br />

~ltUt:IH1 11 j!IIl Up 111\ \uJ,: I .,oJ Ihl."<br />

('enl \\.1' Wldl uHcmkJ h\ 11111 relilct.!<br />

Blluht:"<br />

On \II~ 1~ the f.h·lirc~ ... flu)' ",,"uh<br />

h nh'elln~ .... a~ hdl!.lt *,.1\1 \ Ind,IOIi<br />

11 ,111 \luh II lMltlta.:1. 11II .... :h,;(l11 \1" Con·<br />

m~ \1dll""\C\ Ihe nlll-ll1l'1 "I 1),'1111"'"<br />

1,11 11' fllhcllI,Ht!trnl canUld.1l1! Ma)1)1<br />

Julllc, fI. \..< ,rent: I. I'",,,, IHII ~tl~'1 ~ I ,~.IL<br />

~(. "'lw ,lIlI ed Ih"l ho.:r •• m 'Upf"Il1h •• U<br />

umull rlll~nlm ' .:mll I" WH p" I"t:1l1 111<br />

lol\\H III thl: tunnel h. UllllIl;l.l the<br />

"'1',,,- ~'A I~ I" lit.: Q'oiO' ~<br />

J'"If'l11 rtlK III 1'\<br />



in IIRt: i::1., CLUB or tOCA t J('J,<br />

'I \\ ( 11'. '" -h,rndl~ .11111\1 u". Ihl."<br />

lo.OCil\lh\ Ltn-rr'i).!hte:r" RI:IIJa.:, t luI>.<br />

I" nllu>Jul'e Imr...:h ... ~ \\1; h.I\(, tl..:cn<br />

ml",ltnr mllnlhh Ill! mille Ihwn III<br />

~'I.".I'" hUI \!'l' ha\ .. n'l c. lfllnl'ukJ In Iht'<br />

JIIII/Ill') III m.m, \e,lr~. ,II !cit'! IWI It"<br />

I", .1' \10.: "In r..:rnl·ml'l.:r<br />

I)UJ \'llIh mel'" 1111 thl.' '-I.:nllll.l I lle~<br />

d.I\· ,11 .... ldl lll\llltlt, tn Jul\ '~I! Ilid ,lIlhe<br />

Otdnj:.l!l>llIg IUIl;llIlln Rdllll: 'In J\I<br />

Ihl IHIIIII~ III mil.! Juh. I'll; h.n.l Ill.ld ...<br />

rl.m .. III lTk.'el In -\Ug.Il~!11 1 'Il\:h·~ un<br />

I{llulc ~\\ III "1I111~ I'ulnl o lI .. u .... "n \t.un<br />

"'n·1 III "'\01(" n~"1 ,1,KIt III 'Ahell." \Ie<br />

hdJ "UI 1Ii"IIIM~ lU ... dm~' \'1.:1,,1\.; I~.~.<br />

'A Ill''' \\1.' 1111" ...,11(1 1\ ....\\ C '1\<br />

\\ ... \I a .. Jdil:"! h l~,1 hI .I!~ \\111"<br />

('Jlill~'" \\ hn " up frmn IlrHiuiI li e<br />

htl1Ullhl )1).. \1... 111.1.1'1.1111111 'on' \\" I ~ :II~\I<br />

pll." 1\"-" It' ~l·t.: J,,1.: 0,\ •• ~ h;t\ m~ '(1m~'<br />

h.:.llih I'lohlelu,. hili hI;' hd~ h."\;I)\t!rct.!<br />

nl~eh ro.:l~ han, JI~" ,,1I\,PlIo.:J. and<br />

h~ 1~·.Jl'4ll1t1l1l!! 'Ad\ lie \\111 h~· 1.!\IIII"<br />

h' 11"110. ~h"rll\', .I~ ~III m~tn\ III u,<br />

11\ thl' el •• n· III illt· :\ hl \lllI11\ 1;"J OUI<br />

n1t'IIIII~ I ,hI P In Ih ... IIlI \\ 11 1l1l1n , \\""<br />

h.I~'" Ih\." m .... 1n~ \II tin '0.<br />

W~· IMIX more oj LJur rl:llI~ tl lI\elll'<br />

l'l:l~ 'Alit \~· l ltildt: thaI \\,"I,;~I11~ 11Ir:,d;!\<br />

\,ll.II,:1I tnlllll h.it I~ nu(\n \\1 hle,I" .\ hi<br />


Ill.: "'11'><br />

l!leI lilt Rep Hld!.uJ J 1·.lnUlll'I~~1<br />

.Hld Ikll 1\ .ljlplilnh:J 1 11(;11 1..;1\ !Ill"<br />

~11!-1 l'all1C'L Donahuc nu'l "Iltl l'klll·<br />

.Ihul \\d~ UI )rClll1h;~1 10 r.:\lntj'kt~ 111\;<br />

lerm "f I'ln runner hu~ i llC!\~ m'lnIL~1."1<br />

fr,rnl I t ·;1HIIII .... ht,I1.I\ ~·"o3hu~· ;u"j I", \"k;\,'<br />

Pr\" (IIn(llll)n tlk:,rlhWl 1~"'lllllt"",tlld<br />

wI~h IlIl'lll \\ell<br />

1'll·.IW 11."1II~Illh

_.<br />


\n NtJr[~ . \ '10 NI ~ ll0HTO I 7 TJIE<br />

IXI £R'lA'IIO"'lAL EX I ~CUT I VECOUl\'C ll<br />

KLGUI..,.\K \ 1 .. ...: n N •<br />

TIll>" IIbt m"hna ,<strong>of</strong> IIv ' nldn.lllon .. ' E:oIcCUI j,;.:<br />

( lOu.nuI ..... ulh.:d , •• " .. k! 1>\ (:h.ul fILUI u."....J.:p.AI ~ OJ ".IIL<br />

\1,," ..... \. ,\UI:.hl" ,.,.", ClII1"mo:mIk"utlhcCnunc:il m<br />

oIl1rn.UIIW ~"I" h....to;l. Ul.II;lr\. ' ..... k\'. ( 'uk 'It< .. fIe,ll.<br />

s"k! .\\.~hl '1lI.I1JJ..d",""~·· .<br />

II'qERf't, /\ 110N ,'tl'RI ~ I OE:-''T<br />

1·,~, u.l cl1l R . ,tr~ mel .... ,1 11 the IFC"lI nllmlle, !)llune- In<br />

dl'ft.U'\,. \,Ul\;t, vllU, Il I~I~ ~l t\~ III\!I ~U br .. ndlO oj 11K<br />

BItd<br />

1l\,.t./«I\,.\TIUi\'f\l. StX'ltt; r J\ I( V ANn<br />

INTt:Ili\'\ T IO'\'I\I. TR rA~u n. F K<br />

I\o..tdIU) '1 IlIl"~nl«llln.atll;l.lllerl(Jn"~u\c:nll8lhc<br />

181:\\ ,'"n''''11 I urW .. mJ Ihe I tlh~II""'nl JIC,nfl>lIO,,, the<br />

Bn,tkrboN.J llIoth 1ft ('tn.llal h~,utlv( ("',loUt1(lllhnt I..olh'l "hll I ~IKI \Ilnu'"'' ~<br />

Afler II le ll ~ ! hy UI>CII .... u'n II mliliun .... 'l~ nUK.Ii •. \C\COJlldL."(!<br />

~lIU ilpP! ll\'"d I'~ Iho.: (tl l~1 !I.I 1t' 1I\ ~ 11.\"(; II\I~ " Coontfl I"<br />

ulC\i~<br />

F Cluml~l .. m !ow.1()IM,-" \111\ I '1. 11, ,~\ It ..... n ,1i1&lfThln),olbc::l<br />

",I\I.II.art..u",·<br />

WllfRf,\'\ Iht: IRI \\ h.'~"'nrbrh,\ ..,J lnoln.Jwpport<br />

etJedt,w; ".. rull.If'J"llftulnl .... I," IlJI \\ "",nt..;B&Ddlbctr<br />

11UII1Hc. Indudmrr lhe "\I"'It~mo:nl nd iundoa, .. 1 thc<br />

lOt \\ hlllrM.",", )..hutarohlf'I"''¥' .am,<br />

\\ II[Rr ,\.., the. n ( ,,~,,"Ih ho:cllm,· .... 1'£ Ihdll..:­<br />

\1~nc ("Hlk~e In ~\I'h.1I\C Nt'" ... I'lL" 'oed'lII!! III aLih{l!ih<br />

''oCh" h,, ~hlr funtJ lu "endll ~hlklr"n 1'111 unl<br />

Illllhl.:IIII!l lhc t duuhvn "I "htltJ,cn u.l Ll ll lUn IlII:nthc .... and 10<br />

t OCCo;t, ..,.... 1"'" BI1'Ih~" \\ IIt'lim l, I R",I,,) n"""r ..... on lUI<br />

\".I~tl"" (It "'I.rlM;lL \,; X \'I , '0.;,·1"," 1. ~ut....."C"I I "'"' (4) ~nJ (to).<br />

rollh~ !H!:- \\ (''',,\lllul '''1\ II)' kll~1"\ dulL-.j "')\~mt>C 1 I. 110195.<br />

TIl\; ~ 1 ',lrr.c~"'o.; l " lo; .•" ~ I II", NII\~nlh.:r 2. llJ'JI1I[1">\n ,1"'..... lIlnll lt.., I It,ll "()Iu,d tJen''''n 11<br />

VM 1't~ ....J.:ntl.. n'o.k 11,,1'1 I .... tu,ff', 1'/.1" '" I h. 1~1I1 "'."<br />

tkrucd h\ \. n I'T ...b:nll ..,,-.kn to\ \c·ltcf d.tlcd Arnl 1 IW7<br />

810100 Thun.I .....'" "1'!.!..-\I \ IQ; " '''''hknl L.an"'."<br />

~ _ I., ....... 1."'·"1 R..t-I'\ I,n \ t ," 1 ,.,." 1ft. "rrral "'..,<br />

denred ~ I',co.aknl u..1T) l-) klle, ""Lcd .\1,,) ::r 1 h,,,uf"''''' w~ln''IIlh.:d<br />

"lin 1I ".t.:lul I ~\IC"" ,~~It Ih. "'... um.·n\. rro.:lllcd. lhe<br />

Inl.'nllll.' ..... I \.... 1111. ~ (·uulx..ldid ttI.lt.~ >I n",lltm 14!C&lnded<br />

lInoJ lul ... d I" ur ..... lu' ....· unl\ ..", l<strong>of</strong> Ph .Lk·nl Ru,,,·<br />

Thcrd"'e. II,.. !If'f..·.. II, IkmrJ<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOURNAL/ NOVEMBER 1997

~_ [)o.,.a~<br />

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$Iopr MII"'_!<br />

H .. I.D H.ryl<br />


I N<br />

MEMO R I AM<br />

PBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in September 1997<br />

,,~- ....,'<br />

""., ..... "" ........ I",,' ,,- .... '" """<br />

"'"<br />

....... 'm •• ,,'<br />

_ .. w.<br />

Pon<strong>of</strong>t. R. l fdmlllllk. D. 0 &o.rm, K.. D.<br />

ChOhoIo, l. acner.J. L "-d,U """'-"1<br />

Dondrm, L<br />

,<br />

dw.-,LM. t.odd, T.L ""'""". J.'.<br />

Don<strong>of</strong>rio, D. Glenr.l P !.:wk. J. I. ......G. J.<br />

Tempony. R. C. 0' Hollenbetg,J. I. Ytager. W. C. '''''byIo.,.<br />

(10'1:' J. L Hamilm. A. M.<br />

" CreelMOi\, G. 8. ¥ Sc;huttig, L<br />

Sore ,eft, J. t . I\, \ ~ (oJ'lO\'lln, E.l. r~ 1(,\1 Hottingef, 8. Gotd~. f, L<br />

Brothen. G. V. ". , COfOpi, P.<br />

, Marlin, B, Godden, c. s.<br />

.,.., .. fi~ .J. H , Wonon, G. G. Shupe!. E. A.<br />

Hiiord, D. R. ~9 , I . S . Womack, L P. _ .'.L ,<br />

, Warm k .. l R. GobbeIrI. P. ""-... M. _.G.(.<br />

~. A.P JDftnson, V. E.. .......... l.l ~ . U .<br />

IrIgfn. S. W 1.aurenIi, J. W , L G. l'itkttt k ., (. C.<br />

Perry, D. It.. MtCukhon, A. W. ""9g. Y. l ""I .•. l.<br />

Mon, G. D. ~ .T.J. loom, I. I. I. kltinwllChtet, c. G.<br />

Martinez, 8. (. " Milne, G. F. I Wiliams. R. L J '1:) .......... 1.1.<br />

fo rrell H, E. H. biner, H.<br />

., Brewtf, W. ( .\1:(1 ~, Wodernon, E. M.<br />

"<br />

.<br />

Goltio. J. M. Stmmig. A. E.<br />

. . HaMilton. P. • 1['1' ,)1 Oul'Oll, P. V<br />

Donth Jr., C. G. SlommlcV. l Ior~F.l 100 ,',- Mocnc, 1. C,<br />

WdJh, W.e. .......... MorvI, 1It J. ~ , J.f .<br />

Wilaml. M.D. W~Jr . 1.H . ligIuon, L C. ""--'. ( B.<br />

GoLneI. w. M.. 1IogoIdo. l F_, C. i. ...... CL<br />

Cmwor. I. P. ChN, f. R. MilK D.l ~It . tl<br />

fmlmaa. W. C. """",. G. O. W*'i,V.C. HUJdIe. l 1.<br />

GoGItrtt. T. L PmcIey. W. E. -J Corse.,. It. T. Boumftotm. G. B.<br />

Nrwb;II. J.O. Thi!I, L J. 109ft!, C. t. ,,-,, .. FuItr.O.l<br />

, Freeman, M. !I. Tsd.orn, E. A. 0' Bbncheltt. J. R. FoIAhober, J, l.<br />


WifMlm. R. A.<br />

aIob, C. J.<br />

, "<br />

Schroder, t p<br />

Hcwkins, H. l<br />

Wcts.on. L L<br />

, ........... lW.<br />

• qo.c. W.<br />

........ J.<br />

laim, K. P.<br />

.........<br />

Schroeder. tA.<br />

1,-,100, o.s.<br />

'*' w C.<br />

I"" W<br />

AIk!l, H. L<br />

(IIM' I.K.<br />

Hcl*od, W J<br />

...... D. A.<br />

s.m...,'"<br />

,.,.......WW<br />

1MrlMII. P, l<br />

GriInes, 8, J.<br />

lDIour, J.l<br />

Hien:!!f. K.<br />

Kiloy, II<br />

Io'crod, W Il<br />

s.dqwd, 1<br />

XCII',ll.<br />

Priu, It H.<br />

Inlh::lIl1. I. L<br />

Hoover, C. J<br />

8iond\i, It J.<br />

HoIderfltld, E.<br />

""Md.l<br />

Ainswom. C. I,<br />

.Ya1in, H..l<br />

KnIood. L<br />

HoiInoIi. S.<br />

""",<br />

( , ..<br />

!sown, c. l.<br />

PouIcMr, C. v.<br />

Vonctr.ff, S. 10.<br />

"'-' ... ,' ",""N .......<br />

""~<br />

Ikwilollii, D W, ,<br />

SlKhonan, G. W. ,<br />

Porker, D L<br />

Chorde" G I<br />

CoiIoghtl!a k c~: that memb(:nI <strong>of</strong><br />

organi7cd la hor, muo;l get<br />

involved in politics and !'llay<br />

invo lved and even run for <strong>of</strong>fice..<br />

olidarily no longer applie.s only<br />

10 bargaining. IB I:.~ members<br />

must sland together 10 clect o fficiale;<br />

at all Icvcb <strong>of</strong> government<br />

who wi ll supp n workers and<br />

legislation that will guarantee<br />

fair pay for a day's work, good<br />

h"ncr..". educali n for our children,<br />

and safel), in the workplace,<br />

Vice Prcsid "' 111 lo re<br />

!'l ummcd it up when he said.<br />

"Early to bed, early 10 rise, work<br />

rea l hard and orgHllIze," •<br />

4B<br />


E<br />

lIe lBEW Founder ·' rim/firs/lips IlOlIor tile<br />

dedicate.d wirelllell alld IIlIrlllell 11'110, Oil<br />

lOYl'lUber 28, 1891, Qrgflllized tile IlIlem(l/iO/w/<br />

Ilrotl,f,'hood <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electrical</strong> Worker.~. The <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong><br />

ti,e mew (Ire ple,,~ed to <strong>of</strong>fer il.\ workillg melllbers as<br />

IIIallY (IS 12 selIC/larships fllI/llllllly ()II a col/lpeUtive Ilas/s.<br />

fl is IIoped ,IIal lI,e 1IIV(lrds will 'wi 011/)' COlltribute to IIII.'<br />

persol/fl/ deve/opmellt <strong>of</strong> o/lr membe/'s, but a/so steward<br />

Ihe eleclriwl illc/ustr), tlU/lmlr fillllu/e" eIlvhioIJeti.<br />

TIlerI.' lViIl be rille selwlarsllip CIIvfI/'ded frOlll each gro/lp <strong>of</strong><br />

25 qu"lified "I'IJlilCIIlIS, or IIIlIjnr {mcliOIl Illereor<br />

Tllis award is {o/' 200 a semester credit IlOur at allY<br />

an rediled wl/ege or I/Iliver~ilr towarti {/II illilial Hac/lelor<br />

dl'gree ill rill allproved field. Tile maxilllulII distribulioll is<br />

$24,000 over (I pe/'iod 1101 /0 l'xceed cigllt ),e,,/'s.<br />


The illdepelldellt Foullders' Scil/J/"r ~hip Seleclioll 0111 -<br />

mitll'l' IvlII be composed <strong>of</strong> a at/l'IIIIe, pr<strong>of</strong>essiollal all(/<br />

COf/llllllllilr represelllaUves. n,ey lVill e,W/mille tile CO IIIplele<br />

recurd o{ (,flell scholar Ilip "pplicalll to clwose ti,e<br />

lI'illller.\ . ,111 "pplicallIs<br />

lVii/be lIolified,<br />

(//lei tile<br />

sc/lOlul'sllip<br />

\Villll er~\ will be<br />

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