UfuOfthe - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

UfuOfthe - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

UfuOfthe - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers


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LA.OR DAY ' 95<br />

AQavintbe<br />



J J. Barry, <strong>International</strong> President<br />

Putting the Labor<br />

Bacl{ in Lab<strong>of</strong> Day<br />


The Uni~n ~, Heg,'s gnd Minds<br />




VOlUME 94, NUMBER 8<br />

SEPTEMlIER 1995<br />

o u R<br />

N<br />

A<br />

L<br />

®<br />

4<br />

t\ Oa) in Il1r loUr<br />

01' I he IBE"<br />

12 Eledfm Supef'ltlletldent iOf1<br />

Gobrick (leFrt ~J os 101m PaullS'<br />

rnokttJ. Of! oC;lJ1fme(If 01 1M Aubum<br />

I?ecycling foe';lty. on mr.mcl'ive project<br />

fot loco/567 POftkmd Mo'ne<br />

12<br />

A ,Vew<br />

Pa rtller'shill<br />

Local 567 En!~rs A<br />

Un ique Partnership<br />

14<br />

IBEWrl('l<br />

Part 1-<br />

A Usa's Guide<br />

16<br />

Ar mo VICA COf'I"rpelitior), ludges<br />

jim BooJerJ. tcxo/124 rrOln ifl9<br />

DifN:/(Jf (lop! and refired 1/Xo1124<br />

member G!!f1e CrcrwfOfd {bottom}<br />

8KOmrl1C rl1 6 q Illy and accuracy<br />

<strong>of</strong> (] w nfaslotll'5 c/eclrir:oi work.<br />

16<br />

Building The<br />

Skills or<br />

Till' Fulur'e<br />

\BEW Sponsor;<br />

VICA Wiring Contesl<br />

18<br />

The IBEW-.V) K\<br />


I'r'ugl'alll<br />

Tccnnical Trai ning<br />

For Ihe FUlure<br />

20<br />

I 131m ~h' llIb('I'S<br />

\Iaking \<br />

Oillert' n('('<br />

··Th\! nion uf<br />

I-I~arls and ,\1ind,,··<br />

24<br />

IJrogl'rss<br />

~ h't'ling Reports<br />

Third. Fourlh,<br />

Eighlh. and T enth<br />

D lSlric!, Meel<br />

In I I' I'll a I ionnl<br />

Rei). Relin's<br />

46<br />

NlmF /\nnllal<br />

Rr1lO1'1<br />

COliER PHOTO: A 'lIJld,nr<br />

IMtroOilCr s..:..lOry<br />

I 125-LS,r. ~, N w<br />

112S.15,h SI, N W<br />

W(lIhj~!on, D,C 2000s Wtuh,ngftHI DC 20005<br />



I B E W<br />

CURREN T S<br />

Aussies<br />

Pay a Call<br />

ThL' qui p, n ~\.v fil~ t dnd rur i o ll~ wilen<br />

LocHI 595. Oakland. ;d iforniil .<br />

rece nl ly pltlycd h O~ l 10 a group <strong>of</strong><br />

A u .... trnlian llade union I ei.H.lL:rs. The<br />

rca"OIl"! rhe AW'I lralian o;; arc pari or<br />

CEPU. II large. amnlgamatcd union in<br />

lilill L'Uuutl )' wh ich rcprcc;cnt:-, communica<br />

tions worker'. cI~c l ri c ian s. and<br />

plumoel'o.<br />

Bi ll Davi,. A~ s i~tant Secretary <strong>of</strong> a<br />

branch o j C I~ P U 'I\ pllllllhing division<br />

(and no rela t ion to the IBEW's<br />

Teleconlm II n ica l i 1I1l ~ Depa rt m en t<br />

director) Jo ked: " II isn't that much <strong>of</strong><br />

a :-.t r c l,c h to imagine plumbers an d<br />

dcclrici:lI1>; in I h i.! ~ al11 c union. They<br />

both ~ rcnd it great deal or their working<br />

li vc~ in:-.tallin£ pipe lhat tran spur t:-,<br />

a product. I-:. Ic.::clriclans ~ I rivc to do il<br />

~ I rai g h t and le \. cl: plumbcr~ are Ics:-,<br />

fll""y- (II)wnhi ll i" ju:-.I fi ne."<br />

The rca ... on for th..: c re ation <strong>of</strong><br />

(,E PU wa~ 11 0 jo\"'ing matter. The<br />

l10 nllnitln ... eclor ur Am.tralhl's consl<br />

ru ction I I 1(J lI~t r wa" making serious<br />

inrwul .. into the u ll i lln~ ' ~ h H r ..: <strong>of</strong> th e:<br />

market. 'I he AusI.:ICS report thm their<br />

un ited from It"s " n"bled I"hor to figh t<br />

back ~ lI ccc:-.,s ru ll y .<br />

e<br />

Local 1579 Business Manager T.5. Yarbrough<br />

(righ" welcomes Robert MO~l1ing home from his<br />

stin' obroad oncl accepl$ a souvenir <strong>of</strong> currency<br />

from one or the (armor Soviet storos. No word on<br />

whether the local accepts dues payments in robles.<br />

Welcome Home!<br />

"Bnck in the USSR,,'

Iowa Tt'ades Get<br />

New Advanced<br />

1faining Center<br />

While the right wing claims to wa nt to<br />

get govcrnmel11 <strong>of</strong>f the back <strong>of</strong> urdi~<br />

nary citize ns. 18 E\V L OCH I 3..J7 . Des<br />

Moines. lowa. a nd o ther building<br />

trades in cemral Iowa

LABOR DAY '95<br />

From the North Atlantic to the Far Pacifi<<br />

The first MOl/tlfly ill Septembe.r marks file holir/ay ill<br />

IlIl' Un;(l't! Itlll\\' {'aJ/ed Labur Day. Origm nlly<br />

gmmeti to {)I'O l r idf! working Pl!Op/f! wilh fI day's<br />

f(' \'p ;rp f rom Iilf'ir /a/)on', Ihell becomillg (I tiny '(I hOllor<br />

lVo rkllr~ people. Lahor Day (ada seems olllv to "llIrk rhe<br />

lJlld nf b('neh season, lilt 1m, weekend be/uft} lel/ou! Marts.<br />

m/(I (molher <strong>of</strong> several tftree-day weeke" ds where th e llOrel<br />

pllt c!vcrytltil/g 0 11 sa/e.<br />

This Labor Day. rh e IS EW Journal sa/Illes S(Jlff(' <strong>of</strong> llit'<br />

[illc"'SI I1WJ/ and lVo m ell in th e IWJrld. O/(r m emhers, 71lis flrti·<br />

de f!.\ amilllf.'t justll fell' <strong>of</strong> Ihe mony jobs pelfumwd hy In EW<br />

.'1/ 1 i·~ ..<br />

·0 , :1·<br />

11 :59 p.m., Northern<br />

Mariana Islands<br />

4 •<br />

.7 ~~. The warm cean breezes<br />

drin over the island <strong>of</strong> Saipan,<br />

one lime z.one we t from the Interna­<br />

Ii n3 1 dale line. It·, mostly quiet<br />

except ror the occasional ring <strong>of</strong> a lelephone.<br />

The teleph nc sy~le m on<br />

Saipan is maintained by members <strong>of</strong><br />

nil 10 <strong>of</strong> ISEW Loca l 1357. based in<br />

Honolulu, !Jawaii.<br />

The world 's day 81ariS at the Int ernfllional<br />

1J('J"\' (l l 'ery day from rllt' rocky ("vasts <strong>of</strong> At/(lnric Canada<br />

to rllf .wlldy shores <strong>of</strong> tlte J 'acijic is /am/so with om wllk h 'he<br />

UI/ired Sw(es and Cal/ada would come 10 a gri"di",q Ita/I. We<br />

also look at the many tasks im'o/l)ed ill the day · (o~(iay nm­<br />

IIillR uJ all 1131.:;W focal. iJeClItt.\t1 fhe umOll l.~ a vital part vi<br />

II'h(l{ make., North America work.. TIll' Jou rnal 1Vi.\/tes fO<br />

,hank all who cmrlribllferllO thL\ (If/ide and IV so/we ellery<br />

sil/gll' lIIan wrd woman who (ogf)f}wr form ril e I B E1V fomily.<br />

Come with IfS HOW 011 (1 trip ,Imr sjJans JO rime ZOlles. Th e<br />

day cmlld hr:' filly day, bill ,hi' stnrif'S fllld Ihe work <strong>of</strong> rhe mc"<br />

flnrll1'OIneH <strong>of</strong>lhe IIJ EW (ln J reul.<br />

Morning in the East<br />

ness M nnagcr John MacKinley sl(lrts<br />

his clay as a techn ician nl N va colia's<br />

ATV t clcvi~ i o n stat io n. The sun<br />

first hilS the North American continenl<br />

in enstcrn Canada; thc only parl<br />

<strong>of</strong> orl h A meri ca in (In ea rlier time<br />

70nc is cwfounJlaml. which is one<br />

half hour tl hcad <strong>of</strong> Nova cOl ia. As a<br />

mail er <strong>of</strong> fact. MacKin ley says. "when<br />

the Slin comes lip from the o cean ,<br />

we're usually hooting il for usc on<br />

uur li ve morning show, ' Breakfast<br />

Television.' ,.<br />

Mw.:Killley uegi ll ~ \VUI k at 6:00 t.:!Hl:h<br />

morni ng, with " Brea kfas t Tclevi iOIl"<br />

going on the air at 7:00. In iJdd ilion 10<br />

A I'v. whIch re"ches peopl e III I he<br />

Hillifax ilrea. M acKinley':. stillion also<br />

hroadcasts from a sat ellit e on A<br />

which reached viewers ~ I I ve r eastern<br />

Cr-lnndH :md nOl'l h CfI) N ew Englund.<br />

Local 13 IS Susiness Manager John MacKinloy<br />

stands in fronf <strong>of</strong> the ASN disk ;n Hafjfa)(.<br />

NOI only is MacKinley resp nsible<br />

for running prechecks and checks on<br />

all th e hroadcasli ng equipment before<br />

hi [irst show airs, but as business<br />

manager. he also has a loeOlI 10 fUll . He<br />

said he tric ' to set aside lime after<br />

work lor ulllon b USIIlCSS, bUi that he<br />

usuall y sta rts answering quesli on::. ilt<br />

6:00 a. lIl. and he la kes a 1111 IIf c.lls at<br />

home fit night. lie snid doing both his<br />

TV job and hIS un ion job "cnn be<br />

4<br />


E\VMembers are at Work<br />

ovcnvhclming:' espt:cially because his<br />

local is grO\\ ing. "\ c ha\c a hig operation<br />

here: ' he ald. "w e 11li:l) 100"­<br />

smaU. but we're not:'<br />

2' 8:00 a.m., Eastern Time,<br />

:j. Upstate New York<br />

As "Breakfast Television"<br />

goes <strong>of</strong>f the air in eaS le rn<br />

Canada. Local 2032. Massena. New<br />

York. memhers Ben Harvey and<br />

Nancy LaBaff are beginning their day<br />

at {he Robert 'In:,cs Pow I.!f Dam on<br />

Lhe c\\ York·Canadian border. The<br />

po\\cr station i'\ driven b~ the Sl.<br />

Lawrence River and i~ jointl) owned<br />

by Ontario Ilyd ro and the Ne\\' York<br />

Staw Power Authority. Harver sa id,<br />

"There arc 32 generators in the plant.<br />

the Canadian~ have 16. nod we have<br />

16," Some pO\\ cr comc'\ to the stalion<br />

from Ouehec. ,lIld most <strong>of</strong> the Quebec<br />

power. comhincu with the power the<br />

planl producc

LABOR DAY '95<br />

2' 10:00 I.m., Eastern lime,<br />

:1, Long Island, New York<br />

"A bu~incs;,; IrUi nager 's d:1Y<br />

i:-.. a day when a guy \: ears a<br />

lot <strong>of</strong> hats:' "laid Local 25. Lo ng<br />

Islnnd. New York. BU'i i lll:~!I M ~ II ( l ge l<br />

Bill Lindsay, "A lypic,,1 day for me ;,<br />

mle n,-!.!, and fill ed wilh so many differenl<br />

problems th at, at tUlles, the job<br />

~Ct! I11 S impossiblt!. ,.<br />

Of coursc, for Bill :1nd Ihou

Using the larest<br />

,"'10-61-"->"<br />

equipment Loco/<br />

1805 member<br />

Ruth Ooley, worla<br />

on a mkrochip.<br />

equipme nt to manufacture and<br />

develop microelectronic assemblies,<br />

RF Ub';;yslcms manufactures comple);<br />

mulli -chip modules ('I eM) and<br />

microwavc modllies (MWM) for CII'­<br />

tUllh.:r'!lo r"Ulging from Oiwi:l.l to landbased<br />

10 airhorne 10 space. Of Ihe 230<br />

pcr;on work force III tha t particular<br />

unil f Ihe compa,,) . 150 are Local<br />

1805 member;. We gct the Job done:'<br />

11:15 I.m" Eutero lime,<br />

florida Keys<br />

It \ a halm)' day in tbe<br />

" ulhcrnmo'::lot poinl in lhl.!<br />

nilcd IlIle, KCl West. and Ihe gencnlling<br />

racillty on neighboring Slock<br />

Island. Local 1990. Ke) West. Florida.<br />

Prc\iut!nt-I3u,inc\'\ \lanager Randall<br />

Rober .. Sr. i\ cnjo)ing life. Like Local<br />

1318', John lacKilllc). Roberts jugg<br />

l c~ h" union dU lies wtlh a full-lime<br />

job \\lth the mUnici pal ut ility <strong>of</strong> Kc}<br />

\V C~I, Yet. he wouldn't have It an)'<br />

o\h ~ r \\a)',<br />

AI the Siod 1,land Generating<br />

racllity. Rohert .. works as a<br />

\l c l d~r- - cncra llon<br />

Technician. I h: \\ elus<br />

equipmt!nt hack<br />

together if il<br />

break\, anu<br />

designs<br />

and fabri ­<br />

cal~ new<br />

pieces if<br />

necessary,<br />

T he plan I<br />

works hfl ~ i ­<br />

call y a, "<br />

back up to<br />


p wer brought in from the malnland,<br />

It \ also used ~I rook-de mand<br />

times tu ~u ppl y aJJitil llhd PU\\CJ m<br />

needl!d.<br />

Rohc rt'i. in his hU ~lne,\ manager<br />

capilci\), repre...ems men and \'.omCn<br />


LABO<br />

DA<br />

11 :43 a.m., Eastern lime,<br />

Nashville, Tennessee<br />

"We're fighting back." said<br />

Loc:ol 429. N:oshvillc. Business<br />

Manager Bob "B1acki." Emery as he<br />

walked Into his <strong>of</strong>fice. Local -129 has a<br />

large and divente membership. cover­<br />

Ing construction. manufacturing, ulil<br />

tty . and pr<strong>of</strong>e>sional and clerical<br />

workers. Righi now. politics is o n<br />

Bruthel E lilt: I ~ ''\ .llilld. H e'~ ju~t<br />

returned from a meeting \\ ilh other<br />

Nashville labor leaders . .. Labor took a<br />

licking in the 'overuber elections:'<br />

he ,aid.<br />

Brother Emery explained that labor<br />

leaders In ashville have banded<br />

together. " It's what we call the Work·<br />

('n° CUlllif;UIl for Beller Go\'er1lmelll.<br />

We're 'Harling with the ma)orai campaIgn<br />

here. and onl) promoting candIdate..,<br />

\\ c choose." Dave Hickc}. \\ ho i\<br />

courdlllHtmg the campaign. arri\c~ for<br />

a meeting,. " Brother Ilickey will over­<br />

'\l'(.' the Hcti\ ilk.., or Ihe; ('ollliliO I1; \H!<br />

fund-""," through voluntary COPE<br />

conlrihulIolh from our l11~mber~. \Vc<br />

ar~ gom£, 10 have a great Labor D:tV<br />

parade thili year. focusing on lh ~<br />

i",~uc:-,:' Brother Emery adds.<br />

The Day Moves on-Central a<br />

'10 '" }" t' :r<br />

1 :00 p.m., Central lime,<br />

3· Eastern Iowa<br />

.- .7 Ii tl The pace is Iwt ~lI1d hl.!<br />

work 10 the traclio n mOlar department.<br />

repairing electric drive motor::;.<br />

.. A 1(>cornOlive in the shop doc nOt<br />

carn its keep:' says Heyland. "Every<br />

time one's down. it cost · mone • ~o we<br />

have 10 gel them out by a certain time<br />

bccau~c another one's wai ling 10 come<br />

in." TIle engines will haul freight n<br />

the Burlington orthern acros the<br />

northern half <strong>of</strong> America \\c~ 1 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Mi~issippi Ri\ler. The biggest single<br />

commodit) >hipped on the Burlington<br />

ortht:nt is coal, mOMI)' to be u ed at<br />

utllit> plant. 0 the locomotive that<br />

Local 452 m(!mbers are working n<br />

could soon be used to haul the fuel<br />

that other IB EW m 'miter ' will con·<br />

vert In to electricity.<br />

t ledricKJn<br />

crone opero'<br />

Jors from Locol<br />

452 movin9 0<br />

Iocomo/i",<br />

during repair.<br />

lDcol499 member George f""ll' 0 weide, "" Midwe,<br />

Gos<br />

t<br />

in Iowa, ;s working on 0 broken gas roo;n.<br />

. ·u 12 J'<br />

'to 2' 1:30 p.m., Central nme,<br />

·0 3· Centrallowa<br />

.b t .<br />

.1!.» Local 4~9 . De Moines.<br />

Iowa , mcmhcr George<br />

rong has been on the job for six<br />

hours. I-It: i ~ a we lder for I idwe t<br />

Ga:,. and he repairs leaking natural<br />

gas lines.<br />

He said that mo>t <strong>of</strong> the neW lines<br />

his company ino;;lall" today are made<br />

oul <strong>of</strong> plastic. ~o hi~ \\clding work is<br />

confined to fixing older lines a nd<br />

mains. and making and repairing M;: ts<br />

for meters. Even lhough he \\Io rk s<br />

when the linc ~ arc nul live. Ihere is<br />

plenty <strong>of</strong> daneer <strong>of</strong> a cas explosion.<br />

He sa id he doe~ a~ much \\t.:lding as<br />

possible in the shop. 0;;(1\ ing II'; lillie as<br />

he can for the field.<br />

In addition to the danger the gas<br />

po cs. a nother reason Fong d oes<br />

much <strong>of</strong> h i~ wekli ng at lilt: ~ hv p i llat:<br />

heal. " In th e ~ u mI11CI. when il gels<br />

hot. it 's nasty." he sa id. lie also o ft en<br />

has 10 work in light and uncoml-on·<br />

a ble ' pOlS. H e saId he's worked in<br />

wate r up to his neck , and in high-up<br />

sPOlS o nl y accossihl e by a bucket<br />

truck.<br />

B<br />


Mountain Time<br />

,'10:u r; "I' 2'<br />

·9 3·<br />

I,<br />

Z:OO p.m., Central lime,<br />

Eastern Kansaa<br />

.7 6 ~ LIke Local 499', George<br />

Fong. Local 304. Tupcka.<br />

Kansas. member 011 Il iidehrandl IS<br />

worried about the heal. He is a Journeyman<br />

I ineman for K :.tn\;I,\ Power<br />

and Ligh!. alld wilh all Ihe rubhcr pro·<br />

tective geHr he wears, he "':lld. ·· It docs<br />

lend get a liule warm." ThIS sUI11mer il<br />

reached lOR dcgrt!l:

LAB<br />

the from pouch <strong>of</strong> hl~ co\'e ralls. Il L'<br />

look" up ilod !lomite:'!. ~b he pUb pl'ncits.<br />

nOICpuu mul circuit 10000\1I.:r in the bi b.<br />

nnu u hammer in Ihl! right side hip<br />

loop. "I'm i.1n old-timer. amJ lhis i~ my<br />

clail~ routine: '<br />

011 Ihh Ild lln.:ukll Jllb. BH..Jl hC::f Hr.tlten<br />

i~ one <strong>of</strong> three eh:clricians on the<br />

hu~!'I dUCI cn:\\. Although he i", nOi a<br />

foreman . he iii; Ih\! "old-timer. and<br />

therefore. the dc!;ignatcu ~ceker <strong>of</strong><br />

mfumlallon from the foreman. " \Vell.<br />

j"\(' got tu ~n III "(lr~ nm":- he said.<br />

a.., ht..: (HJjllliit~t.I hjl,~ \'ur~ paraphernalia.<br />

.. !t't;; all in i.1 U ;:I~' \\ork.. . ilnd I proud<br />

to h(: a union mun,'<br />

Electrician Stu Hatten beginJ his day.<br />

9:30 a.m., Pacific lime,<br />

The f\JJgged Area 01<br />

British Columbia<br />

" \ VM"Il tn knO\\ "hat fll}<br />

\\ or king da~ i ... like?" a",k'"<br />

Brot her Mnrvin \Viggcf-; . lit:: i~ a<br />

O Ualll) lililily Arhorhl ill L

4:00 p.m., Alaskl-/18wall<br />

lime, HonolulU, Hawa<br />

It", heen;j hll "Y tI ' l ~ in lilt"<br />

51,,1 !.tale. lB E \ I11 l.: mhcr'i<br />

\\ (J rklllg fOI 11.J\\aiian Tdcphom.: hav..:<br />

hcc n riB o \ cr the varied IOrllp,raph)<br />

and fac iluil:-s o f these beaulirul i~lanu ....<br />

One cr\!\\ has heen \CrvlclIlg. telep<br />

ho ne linr.:~ for Ihl ' Internationa l<br />

Oh"'CI'\CltOnc,,> '-Lw na K l.";1 Oh,cr\a·<br />

1011'. nut her ere \\ lu~ hcell \\ or"-tng<br />

in t he 13.000·foCll mountain arca !<br />

1\IJnagcr GL.!orgc \\ a ia ll- ale Icn n ...<br />

IOr\\ ;lrt.l and pl!cr:. O\l.:r n,:pOl I !o. from<br />

hi' far tlullg Ulllh, H\! and o l lh.: r", .Ir..:<br />

rout inel) ill Ihe air. t rml.!llng to :-.er·<br />

vice the unit' on t hl..· \;.l riou ~ i'!ohllld, .<br />

In e:xpl'lI lllllg the di\'cr,c and ... Ollle·<br />

lilllCo;; Ua ll f!,(.'rou , Job undert a ke n h"<br />

hi, mC01 h ~r'). \Vaid1cal..: 5.ccau, c jl'c;; live. :llly ­<br />

thing can happe n.<br />

At Ihe moment 'ti)ilhara IcaH:"i Ihe<br />

building into th ~ nlOi!o.l night, a wo rld<br />

a\\ ay in Ea ... tcrn ~H1 ada. IOC\V m~ m ­<br />

ber;. arc w;l klllg up lO "BrL' a ~ ­<br />

fitst 1 eh!\ 1'.lon.·· M ca llwhl k ,<br />

over in SalJla n. iI's 10:00 p.m.<br />

Local 1351's Untt on that isla nd wi ll<br />

soon fini'h the ti u Ih a t lB E \<br />

m e m bt~-r!o. III I hI" nii will ju ~ t he<br />

w n ing in (lne minute.<br />

"I he world turns : time<br />

pa$!,Cs: ),cl al any lime o f Ihe<br />

d ay or I1IAIH . I B I ~ \V mem· ~

Local 567 Members Enter A Unique Partnership With<br />

J<br />

() In is nOl unusual at ali these days for a contractor to<br />

gotiate incentives into their construction project to<br />

get the project done on time. What i unu ual is when a<br />

contractor does it and then shares Ihe wea lth when the<br />

work i' done with the men and women on the job.<br />

Project Equity<br />

Account Trust<br />

Local 567. P rtland, Maine. Business<br />

Manager Milton McBreairty said<br />

that his local entered inlO a neverberore-used<br />

arrangemem with Stone<br />

and Webster Engineering Corporation.<br />

whereby both the workers and<br />

the company put up money to be paid<br />

back to the employees. with interesl. if<br />

the project came in on time and on<br />

budget. The called the unique runding<br />

agreement the Project<br />

Equity Account<br />

Trust (PEAT), and it<br />

Wa' negOliRted jointly<br />

for. and administered<br />

jointly by, Local 567,<br />

by the other building<br />

trade, locals On the projcct<br />

(lhe building 0[111c<br />

Virgin Pulp ubstilUtc<br />

Facility in Auburn,<br />

M aine). and by tone<br />

~nd WCb!)I~ I .<br />

The I rust workcJ as<br />

follows: T he unions<br />

involved in .he I(X) percent<br />

union job, building<br />

the state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art recycl ing plant in<br />

Auhurn, neglltiat ed a pay rate equal<br />

to 100 percent <strong>of</strong> the loca l prevailing<br />

wage for each trude. All benefits were<br />

calculated and paid at Ihat ratc. The<br />

workers I hen received 90 percen t <strong>of</strong><br />

t2<br />

Rep. John 80klacci fD-Maine)<br />

helped I.ocol 567 and<br />

5/oM & Web, .... k .. p ,..<br />

Aubum project on target.<br />

lhal rate as. regular wages. with 10<br />

percent put into the combined<br />

employer/employee " risk pool. " Stone<br />

and Webster al 0 conlributed to the<br />

ri k pool. Three milestones were<br />

agrced 10 by the part.es and if Ihe<br />

work was completed on time for those<br />

milestones, which it was, then the<br />

money wa to be p~tid , with intercst,<br />

back to the employees. In ract. despite<br />

ove r 300,000 fee t or additional cable<br />

bcing ad ded 10 .he original projcct<br />

design. almost $700.000 waS paid back<br />

to the workers, who finished<br />

th e work under<br />

budget and two month<br />

ea rl y.<br />

Ir the work had not<br />

been compleled on lime<br />

ro r any or the tbree<br />

milest ncs. and the joint<br />

labor- management<br />

board <strong>of</strong> Irustees or the<br />

trtl l determined it was<br />

becau e <strong>of</strong> poor la bormanagement<br />

performance.<br />

then I he risk<br />

pool money would have<br />

been held in escrow and<br />

used to pay ror any cosl<br />

overruns the prOject would have<br />

incurred . And if the work wasn'l done<br />

in time, but there were no cosl overr<br />

uns, the money would hnvc been<br />

donated to :1 M aine tate college<br />

ontractor in Maine<br />

cnd product that displaccs " corresponding<br />

product thai IS more energy<br />

lntcn~I"e. and lhat u~cS mure chemicab<br />

Ito produce I."<br />

BU'illlel\S Manager I cUrc~\lrt} s~l1d<br />

lhal the uburn plant wa~ the fin,l <strong>of</strong><br />

its dc~igll to bt: built. There arc plan~<br />

for '" many 3'i 10 more additi na!<br />

plants to be bui lt in lhe United Slalcs<br />

lIsing. lhis design. J Ie f..aid it was one <strong>of</strong><br />

the la rgest projects for the local in<br />

years. employing up lu 65 electricians<br />

HI n li me. He ali\o ~aid e\cral pol ilii<br />

a n~ . including .S. Rcprcsentati\'e<br />

John Bald.cd (D·Maine). were instru·<br />

mental in keeping the pr jcct going.<br />

From the respon~s McBreainy g I<br />

from people on the site during COn·<br />

')tfucl ion. building the<br />

uhurn recycling plan t<br />

wa, more than just a<br />

ju ltlUJ jub~ arc too<br />

few and far between<br />

in today·s s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

co nst ruction<br />

market in<br />

the area.<br />

The PEAT<br />

invohcd trust<br />

and cooperation.<br />

Everyone<br />

has heard a lot<br />

about labor·<br />

manag.ement<br />

coopcr~tio n ,<br />

b lit the workers<br />

in Au bu r n .<br />

Maille. sawall<br />

that talk lurned<br />

into act ion, and<br />

yc,. cold. hard<br />

co,h 1\" in all. the<br />

uburn plant \\cI~<br />

rewarding indeed<br />

fnf t he member ..<br />

<strong>of</strong> L c"1567. J<br />


The rOO-percenr-union.bull, Virgin Pulp SLlbstiM'6 Facility in Aubum, Maine.<br />

EIComining.some <strong>of</strong> tM proiMt'$ i!lertril"al worlr ore.' (from left) Foreman Paul St. PiefT8, f/~drkal<br />

SupMintendonl Ron Gabriele twho is a member allSEW i.ocaI325, BinghomlOO, New YorIe}, and locol<br />

567 membeo Sieve Chorest and Michael St. Pietn.<br />

Second Oislnc, V-"e PreslcI&nt Poul tcughran {for<br />

righr, standing} mel wifh leey members « tho<br />

loboromatlOgemenl foam thot made the PEAT proiecl<br />

0 success. loco/567 Business Manager Milt<br />

McBreoir1y is third 'ron, left in the second row.<br />


Part I: The Basics<br />

For Beginners<br />

Earl ier this yea r, the I SEW look<br />

a major leap into the Infoml.·<br />

tion Ap,e with the initiation <strong>of</strong> its<br />

own online computer network<br />

called 18£Wl1el. 18£lI'lIel is many<br />

things. as will be di us cd below.<br />

but first and (oremo t. it is a means<br />

to facilitate communication and the<br />

exchange <strong>of</strong> informalion within the<br />

entire structure <strong>of</strong> the IBEW<br />

18£IVllel is open to all IBEW<br />

members in good standing. .'<br />

\ hat is the purpose <strong>of</strong> ••<br />

18£IVlIel? In a nUlSheU, It is<br />

to give the I SEW a place i., the<br />

rapidly expanding world <strong>of</strong> electronic<br />

information exchange. known by the<br />

world's most overused metaphor. the<br />

Information Superhighway. Because<br />

so much <strong>of</strong> this uwlred" world is new,<br />

the fuU uses Of uch a y tem are yet<br />

to be defined. One thing i clear: we<br />

bave before us an opportunity to<br />

make communications within the<br />

entire membership <strong>of</strong> the IBE\<br />

faster and better than ever before.<br />

Since April, Some 200 members<br />

have signed onto 18£Wnel. In com·<br />

parison to some other networks. that<br />

is a slrong rate <strong>of</strong> growth, but it only<br />

scratches the surface <strong>of</strong> our potential.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> the initial u er are computer<br />

veterans who have been on "the et"<br />

for years. Othe rs are ju t beginning.<br />

We also suspect thot mony local om·<br />

cers and members are still just begin·<br />

ning to become familiar with<br />

computers, and thus are hesitant to<br />

jump head first in to a strange new<br />

world with ItS own language.<br />

The purpo e <strong>of</strong> thi series <strong>of</strong> articles<br />

wi ll be to provide a users' guide to<br />

18£WI1e1, and the larger network <strong>of</strong><br />

WhlCh it is a pan. Given the limitations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the print (annal, we cannot convey<br />

the full impact <strong>of</strong> whnt it' like to be<br />

online. We can, ho\ eve r, answer<br />

many questions. from the most<br />

14<br />

basic to the advanced.<br />

We've al 0 included a<br />

glossary <strong>of</strong> computer<br />

terms. The<br />

first installments <strong>of</strong><br />

the series are dedi·<br />

cated to those <strong>of</strong> you who<br />

8re beginners. As we progress, we will<br />

d.iscuss more advanced concepts.<br />

An old Chinese proverb states:<br />

"The journey <strong>of</strong> a thousand miles<br />

begins with one step:' 18£Wnel is •<br />

vehicle that could take us on a journey<br />

measured in light years, not miles.<br />

Let's lake the first step.<br />

OTE: The tutorials in this series<br />

will be based on the WinCIM" (the<br />

Windows CompuServe Information<br />

Manager) s<strong>of</strong>tware, the sign-up ki t<br />

most <strong>of</strong>ten requested by IBEWn"<br />

subscribers. Users <strong>of</strong> DOS and Mac·<br />

intosh· system. are urged to call lhe<br />

~uppurt numbf.!.~ listed in lhis article.<br />

Whalls IBfWn8f?<br />

18 EWner is the I B W's<br />

priva te area within the<br />

AFL·CIO 's private rorum called<br />

LaborN £T on the "CompuServe<br />

Information Service," lBEWllet has<br />

three components: (1) a library area,<br />

contflin ing a variety <strong>of</strong> in formation.<br />

uch a press relea,es, issue papers.<br />

ec n mic data. branch-specific items.<br />

and graphics; (2) II messnge area<br />

where members can correspond with<br />

other members in a public area or prj·<br />

vatell' bye-mail; and (3) a c nference<br />

area where members can gather for<br />

live conversation to discuss issues <strong>of</strong><br />

common concern.<br />

How can I know whelher I<br />

have Ihe right com puler<br />

equipmenllo inslall<br />

IBfWnef? I'm Ihinking 01<br />

purchasing a compuler and I want 10<br />

know Ihat II will be adequale.<br />

You will need at least a computer with<br />

a ke board and a modem. at least one<br />

noppy drive. a monilor and a mouse.<br />

A rrinter i. nlmn" e .. ential hecause<br />

you will probably want to print some<br />

<strong>of</strong> the messages or library information<br />

that you see on your computer screen.<br />

The following i the minimum com·<br />

puter hardware required to run the<br />

WinCTM s<strong>of</strong>tware: (1) an IBM-com·<br />

patible PC with at least an 803 6SX<br />

prnces or and 2 megabytes <strong>of</strong> RAM<br />

memory; (2) the Micro <strong>of</strong>t Win·<br />

dows'" s<strong>of</strong>tware (version 3. I), running<br />

in enhanced mode; (3) an EGA or<br />

Itigher resolution monitor compatible<br />

with the Windows'" graphical e nvi·<br />

ronment; (4) a modem and a standard<br />

phone line: (5) one hard di k with at<br />

least 4MB free; (6) one high·density<br />

n ppy drive; and (7) a mouse or other<br />

pointing device that is compatible with<br />

Micros<strong>of</strong>t Window..,nf,<br />

Why do I need a modem?<br />

n,C modem links your per·<br />

sonal computer to the world<br />

<strong>of</strong> networked computer in the global<br />

information inrrastructure. You need<br />

a modem because you mtlSt make the<br />

pulse ratc f tho computer acceptable<br />

to telephone equipment.<br />

The speed <strong>of</strong> th e m dem is<br />

ex pres cd as " ba ud rate. such as 2400,<br />


's<br />

9600. 14.4 (14.400) or 28.8<br />

(28.800). The faster the baud rate<br />

Lhe faster the infonnation can be<br />

tran,millcd. In most geographic<br />

area~ ompuSeTve currently<br />

accommodates a maximum baud<br />

ral C <strong>of</strong> 14.4 hut can accommodate<br />

a 28.8 hau d ra te;n ome<br />

area codes.<br />

How does IBEWnel<br />

relate to LaborNET,<br />

CompuServ and<br />

the Inlernet?<br />

IBE\lVncr is our pnvate area <strong>of</strong><br />

LabarNET. which is carried<br />

exclusively on CompIiServe· . a<br />

commercial online communication<br />

and information service.<br />

LaborNET and IHEWne, are<br />

"private" because acee s to them<br />

is limited to indhidual who are<br />

currently affiliated with the<br />

AFL-CIO and the I BEW.<br />

The CompliServe$ network is<br />

connected to the worldwide communication<br />

network <strong>of</strong> compulers<br />

known as the [n ternel. The<br />

Internet connect univer itie .<br />

government agencie • military<br />

branches. research institutions.<br />

corporations. unions. and even<br />

individual users. Although their<br />

computers may operate on different<br />

systems, r nternct users share<br />

data by using a common me t.hod<br />

<strong>of</strong> exchanging inrormation known<br />

as TCPITP (see glossary).<br />

~ 5<br />

I've never Installed a<br />

computer program .<br />

How do I know whether<br />

I can Install the<br />

kit successfully?<br />

Your kit contains a tloppy disk(s)<br />

and step·b ·step, wri tten direc·<br />

lions for installing the s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />

Once you place the disk in your<br />

Hoppy drive and initiate the<br />

in tallation. simply follow the on-<br />


creen instructi ns. If you do run<br />

into any problems. you can Icle·<br />

phone the !BEWn"r SY~()P for<br />

assistance.<br />

How can I get a kit to<br />

6 installlBEWnelon my<br />

/ compuler?<br />

You can rcqUl:S;1 a free Com·<br />

pUSene Information Manager<br />

kit by contacting the IBEU'Il(!{<br />

YSOP (S)stem operator) in the<br />

Research and Technical ervice<br />

Department at the 1.0. at 202-<br />

728-6113. Be ready to give your<br />

local union number. your IBEW<br />

card number, the size or the<br />

floppy disk you require (3.5" or<br />

5.25"). and the computer platform<br />

you are using (Windows"'.<br />

MS-DOS' . or Macintosh ).<br />

Requesting a kit does not<br />

obligate you to ubscribe.<br />

Installing the kit on your comp<br />

uter enables you to sign up with<br />

CampuServ,' through your computer.<br />

The kit does not provide<br />

access to any services until you<br />

initiate your subscription.<br />

If I live In a lural area,<br />

will I have 10 pay for a<br />

long -distance lelephone<br />

call to connect to<br />

IBEWnan<br />

Many urban and rural areas <strong>of</strong><br />

the United States and Canada<br />

are acce ~ible to the Com·<br />

plIServe· network by a local<br />

telephone call. For specific information<br />

about your area, contact<br />

the toll-free CompuServe<br />

He l p<br />

L ine on 1-800-<br />

848-8990 in the<br />

United Stale<<br />

or (~l) (614)-<br />

529·1340 in<br />

Canada.<br />

Glossary<br />

baud - A unit for measuring<br />

the speed 01 data transmISSion<br />

One baud is 1 bit per second.<br />

TYPICal modem speeds today are<br />

as high as 14,400 (14.4) baud or<br />

28.800 (28.8) baud.<br />

blt - Acronym lor "binary<br />

dlglt.- either a -one" or a "zero:'<br />

used in computer notation to<br />

represent a number A bit IS the<br />

smallest uOlI <strong>of</strong> InlormaiJon rec'<br />

ogmzed by a computer.<br />

byte - A grouping <strong>of</strong> adlacent<br />

binary digits (or "bits") which<br />

the computer handles as a umt.<br />

The most common byte contains<br />

eight bits. The faster personal<br />

computE rs handle information 10<br />

16·blt units or 32-brl units<br />

cyb.",pa ..-<br />

The universe <strong>of</strong><br />

networked computers<br />

cyben;urting - BrOWSing<br />

around Ihe large rnternatlonal<br />

computer network known as the<br />

Internet<br />

EGA - Acronym lor "enhanced<br />

graphics adapter." descnbrng a<br />

Video adapler thai can dISplay up<br />

10 64 eoto",<br />

e·mail - Abbrevia1ion for<br />

"electronic marl," the process <strong>of</strong><br />

sendrng and receiving inlormalion<br />

over a computer nEtwork.<br />

hard dISk drive - A storage<br />

device mounled either outside<br />

or inSIde a computer. S<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

programs and directions lor run·<br />

ning the programs reside on the<br />

hard dis dnve<br />

high density lIoppy drive -<br />

A drive (either 3.5" or 5 2'1 that<br />

will accommodate lIoppy disks<br />

With a storage capaclly ot t 2MB<br />

or 1.44MB.<br />

Internel - The worldwide ne -<br />

work <strong>of</strong> computer networks that<br />

use a cnmmon protocol (or style<br />

01 cnmmuOitatlngl called TCpnp<br />

megabyte (MB) - Approximately<br />

one million bytes (about<br />

1.048.576) <strong>of</strong> Information<br />

modem - Acronym for "modulatorldemodulator<br />

" A mo dem<br />

makes the pu lse rate <strong>of</strong> the<br />

computer acceptable to telephone<br />

equipment. The modem<br />

proVides communicatIon capabrlltles<br />

behveen networked<br />

computers over telephone hnes.<br />

mouse - A deVICe llSed to<br />

move a cursor or other object on<br />

the screen or to dIck on a button<br />

or area to perform a function.<br />

A mouse can be a small device<br />

connectEd 10 the compu ter with<br />

a cord or a small rolling ball on<br />

or near the keyboard.<br />

online - Adjective used to<br />

describe persons or equipment<br />

that are directly communrcating<br />

with a computer or a net\vork<br />

01 computers.<br />

processor - This is the central<br />

proceSSing unit (CPU) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

computer; the microprocessor<br />

chip that pertorms most 01 the<br />

work," a computer. IBM·compatlble<br />

microprocessor models<br />

are denoted by numerical reler·<br />

ences. such as 80286. 80386.<br />

80486. Pentium', etc.<br />

prolocol - A method agreed<br />

upon by dillerent com puter<br />

systems for communicating<br />

with each other and exchanging<br />

informallOn.<br />

RAM - Acronym for "random<br />

access memory: This IS the<br />

working memory 01 the computer.<br />

where programs are<br />

called up and executed. RAM is<br />

measured rn megabytes (MBI.<br />

TCPAP - Acro nym for 'TransmiSSion<br />

Control Protocol/lnternel<br />

Pro tOCOl ," which IS a set <strong>of</strong><br />

protocols that regulate how data<br />

is transferred between compu t­<br />

ers on the tnternet<br />


Apprentice<br />

Sandy )0<br />

Swafford<br />

Jhow$ how<br />

i,', clone.<br />

IBEW Sponsors VICA Wiring Contest<br />

In keepi ng wi th its philosophy that<br />

trai ning and ed ucation are crucia l<br />

to the future or members and<br />

potential l11 embers, the ISEW<br />

once again playeu a lead mle in helping<br />

VICA in ~lillth e spirit <strong>of</strong> pride aod<br />

quality in yo ung workers.<br />

Vocational Ind ustria l Clubs <strong>of</strong><br />

America (VI A), a nati nal student<br />

organization r r those in educational<br />

programs for trade, technical and<br />

Iwalth occupa tiolls 1 sponsors, wit h<br />

industry. an annual skill USA championsh<br />

ip.<br />

For th e past 27 years the ISEW.<br />

with NE A's Cls sis ta nce. has sponsored<br />

the Residential \A/iring Contesl.<br />

This conteS!, planned annually by the<br />

Residenti al Wiri ng Technical Commiltce,<br />

consisting <strong>of</strong> member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ISEW. co nt racturs. educators and<br />

ma nufacturers j, dc~ignt!d to test tbe<br />

skills needed for successful e ntrylevel<br />

pe rformance in residential<br />

wiring.<br />

Contcstnn ts in n:~ i dcntia l wiring<br />

wen.: tt:s lcd 0 11 their abililY to install<br />

wiring <strong>of</strong> a residenlial sy"tcm from<br />

drawing and specification~. The COIltest<br />

co nsisted <strong>of</strong> IWO pari S: cond uit<br />

bending a well as simulated wirin g<br />

<strong>of</strong> H ga rage. bedroom, and an ali-purpose<br />

room.<br />

T he judges for this year's contcst<br />

were <strong>of</strong>ficers and retired members <strong>of</strong><br />

L cal Union 124, Kansas it y, Missouri,<br />

and the director and instrucLOrs<br />

or the Kansas Cit y E leclric,,1 JAT _<br />

ocal Union 124 members nn u<br />

retirees also assisted in setting up several<br />

<strong>of</strong> the 54 different trad ~. technical<br />

1md hC(lhh contests<br />

T p ,\inners in thi~ c nlest: first<br />

p lace secondary. Daniel D wdl'.<br />

Mayridd_ Kentucky: fir't place POSl­<br />

The fechnico/ (ommjftef.!<br />

and judges<br />

<strong>of</strong> the VlCA<br />

Residential Wiring<br />

Contest. Local 124<br />

Business Manager<br />

Lindel/lee is third<br />

from left in the<br />

back row.<br />

Fronk Patfon <strong>of</strong> D.F.<br />

Patton and Associolej<br />

(Iront, Ieh} and Ken<br />

fdworcis, diredot' <strong>of</strong><br />

the IBEW's Research<br />

and Technical Services<br />

Deparfmeflr (fron "<br />

right) presented<br />

medals 10: (Fronl raw,<br />

lelt to right) >

~<br />

Technical Training jar the FUl1lre<br />

ageT to prepare for (he comi ng<br />

E high-Iech "orkplacc. lBEW mcmhe"<br />

employed h)' Y L . arc gelling<br />

ready to sci ""ide Ihe" hard-hat;. 1001<br />

bell\, and clllnhc~ for nne day:1 \\cck.<br />

Afler J anuar~ 1996. , Ia ndard tool<br />

pouchc, will pcriodicall) he rcplaced<br />

with laplop compulers. malh and<br />

graph calculaloN: :tnd work prin ~ and<br />

cabk plaLS "ill be e,chang.ed for college<br />

tcxthool.. \.<br />

In taci. al l 'l"al<strong>of</strong>ied YNIoX<br />

cmplo)'cc~ . incl uding clerica l and<br />

::tdlllini~lrali\lc orflce personnel. will<br />

havl! the opportunity to attend collcgl:<br />

du!!!!-c~ one day n \\cc,", on company<br />

lime. They an.' seeking to advance<br />

ltWIT ca rl'L'r'i b} lIJldilting 11w'ir ....!..iII...<br />

\\ith the la i c ...! Il.!c hnology. Recenl<br />

lahor contraCh between the IB E\V<br />

and NYNEX oroughl fo rth Ihe<br />

"\,ty , EX Un1 \ CNlty Project. which i') a<br />

portIOn <strong>of</strong> the nl'\\I}' fOTmcJ NYNEX<br />

NEXT STEP P, "gml11.<br />

Olflecr, and memhers uf IB EW<br />

Local 23:!O, 1i1nL'hc~lcr. New Hamp­<br />

~ h irc : Locctl 221.1. \Va:-; hingLDn Mill s..<br />

New York: clllt! thl.! New York-N ew<br />

16<br />

England L\chdngc ( Y\lEX) an'<br />

~orling \\ ith local lInivcrsitic .... h!chni·<br />

cal schools. and community college,.<br />

through" hieh Ihey "ill dc\e1op Ih""<br />

own degree prog.ram- an A\~oclatc<br />

Dcgrce in pplieu Sci~ncc in<br />

rClccOmmllIllC:1t10n\. Thi

lum. l ie said that IUEW l1l~m b l! r facilitating<br />

cJiI::'SCS were fo rmeu 10 ~ I..; si..; t<br />

uthe r Illcm hcr'= in pas .. lng an n~'\Or1 -<br />

menl <strong>of</strong> c!'lIn test"l Ull c:ol1lptrny tim!..:.<br />

with union tcchllit.::ians a~o.;l..;ting olhc r:(· 0/ 'he JWllre will IU!(!(/ /0<br />

rt'lJ 011 IN.:nrJIwl i",:,t'Wlily 1111(1<br />

('(('(lfn'il),. TIll' "',ilJly 10 IIlIIiZl'<br />

Ihe.\~ Imi,\ 11'illlln a lI'orl.. font'<br />

h'ill be lill' mO.\I ;mporlmJl fOol<br />

mor/ern COut/Hlllll',' 11'111 hovi'. /1w<br />

JW\'('r-emlmg d/{lIlgf" ,lUll \(''-'01 fn<br />

keep (",["hiiIlK b, ",,, hHHn£'u<br />

mlfl work cJtl'irollllf('''' 1.\ II repel"<br />

lion oJ ,1m. hm litH .wrpri\lllgly;<br />

rechnology . • ~roh"1t (llId ( hw/lil!<br />

are ~ymJl1y"'(}I/.\ lI'i,II 1/,,· I JJ I:. HI .. .<br />

Thl' NEXT . TF:P /'roJ.:ram '."<br />

YNEX Ullh'(·niIY. 01/ IIJEW.<br />

Nl'NEX {Jartm'/'JliiIJ, (!.u'mp"fies<br />

(Jllr '/c'ilicariol/ 10 (I {'(JIlliIlIlOIiS<br />

(lml e\'a -Krol\'illt: h·tlrlIIH~ em'ironllll'n/<br />

in 111/,. work<br />

Im'u' jor 1"1' /illlIl'll, "<br />

Th i ~ jl)int part ne rshi p d Cl1lon~ l ratc~<br />

po~i ti vc mutlwl-g;!i m. IHi rgail1ing. Hilt!<br />

promises O;;UCcesS rm Ih .:: union Icchlllcian<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fLlIure.<br />

Ed, NlJIl!- rile [U/lUll'illg (!l.W1Y on LabuT Day I,'as .HliJlllillcd hy P,Ner Camerato,<br />

IJrt!J., Secrelary <strong>of</strong> Loctl/ 1505, \¥althcms, MaStillcllllsCIIS. WI' include if<br />

as part <strong>of</strong> our Labor Day issue MIming r/li' work nf III I£W J//emll er~.<br />

September 4 is 1..1OOr Day<br />

in the United States. For<br />

those <strong>of</strong> Wi who Inil in<br />

lhe employ <strong>of</strong> (Illolher, it<br />

i a day <strong>of</strong> rcc;;1 from our work. a<br />

cJ .. IY <strong>of</strong> recreation with our familie~<br />

:J nd fric lld ~. lJnu tt day to rencei<br />

upon what We have ga ined as<br />

members uf the trade union<br />

movement here in the<br />

United ' tates.<br />

B ecause <strong>of</strong> th e<br />

un ion movement and<br />

th e banks being.<br />

rough t fur the working.<br />

men and women <strong>of</strong><br />

thi. cOllntr) by org"­<br />

nil.cd l'lbuf. we enjoy i.I<br />

\ilandard <strong>of</strong> living and<br />

a qual'ty <strong>of</strong> life un,urpas!oJcd<br />

anywhere in<br />

the world. nlike the<br />

unror tunal e children<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mahlysia who toil<br />

fo r pellnies. 12 -15<br />

hours a day making<br />

snc'lkcn. thai .... ell at 100 a pair.<br />

our child ren enjoy a publ ic sch 01<br />

system. 3 system that is available<br />

to all childre n through the effort"<br />

<strong>of</strong> organized lahor. Unlike th e<br />

uc~pcratc young girls in T haihllld<br />

whu are prisoners in the clot hing<br />

fa cjori e

The Union <strong>of</strong> Heart and Minds at Work<br />

IB EW members are making a difference in cummulliti"" aero s the United<br />

Slates an I Canada every day. ll1ey are living pro<strong>of</strong> that the I B W­<br />

known a~ "The Union oC Hearts And Minds"-is dedicated to giving back.<br />

to helping those in need, and to maki ng a bell er li fe [or lho e wh se live<br />

touch the lives <strong>of</strong> its members.<br />

Here are just some <strong>of</strong> the stories out there <strong>of</strong> IB W members lending<br />

a helping hand:<br />

Illmning for LiIe<br />

st ricken with leukemia. come togethe r<br />

in lhe Run for Leukemia roau races.<br />

In the Washingl n. D ..-area it i n'1<br />

" I t ' ~ a great feelj ng." he ~" id .<br />

unusual to hear about someone running<br />

for something. It IS unusual. howster',<br />

is one \Vashington race where<br />

One thing is for sure. Brolhe r Fenever.<br />

10 hear that [hey iUC running for everyone from both sides o f Ihe aisle<br />

s",nolhing Ihal has nOlhing 10 do with come., out a winn r.<br />

politics or e lecti ve omc~ .<br />

Local 26, W ashinglOn. apprentice<br />

Fred Fenster is running to help raise<br />

mone to fight le ukemia. In fact he<br />

and ct few parlner..; are rganizing a<br />

scric <strong>of</strong> road race::.. being run th is<br />

!olummcr and fa ll lO cullect money for<br />

hili cause. The firs! race was scheduled<br />

for lasl month. Ihe ,ccond for September<br />

9. and the third fo r e plember 23.<br />

Brother Fenster ~Hid the c ri es <strong>of</strong><br />

rll CC!ol is calleu Tri-Fitn c~s Sports Run<br />

for Leukemia 5K Series. All the race<br />

proceeds. min us the costs to stage the<br />

events. will go lO the Leukemia Socicty<br />

<strong>of</strong> America.<br />

n avi d runn er. I3ro ther F nste r<br />

has run in thc W •• h-<br />

ington Marine Corp<br />

Brother Fender at a<br />

Marathon. a nd thi

,. ~ ' ~'-l3& ;jrdMJ . ~ .tn !f''1 '<br />

~! I" III n. f~ I~/.J!II'I i : H If/1l. J"~<br />

Pr""'~11!/ the 516.700 che

Labor<br />

Legislation<br />

Protects You,<br />

The Worker<br />

Purl VI: Labor,<br />

lanagemenl, Onlll<br />

TIle RillIway Labor I\ cl<br />

The Railway Labor CI , covering<br />

workers employed in the railroad<br />

and airline induslri"" i. Ih" oidesl federal<br />

law d irectly affecling labor-management<br />

relari n . J-Iowever. among<br />

olher workers. the RLA i probably<br />

the least weU-known <strong>of</strong> .S. labor la"<br />

CondiUons 1"r4'c4'dillg<br />

The Law<br />

Railroads were indispensable in<br />

transporting people and freighl<br />

Ihroughout the Uniled Stales. In fact.<br />

the pidery proad <strong>of</strong> Irains trans·<br />

formed the Uniled lale from a<br />

nation composed <strong>of</strong> i,olaled. self·sum·<br />

cient farming communities into an<br />

tndustrial. urban-centered colos us.<br />

The railroad was also a key faclor in<br />

the settlement <strong>of</strong> the American West.<br />

Railroad companies encouraged easlerner<br />

and immigrants to se ttle the<br />

vast tracts <strong>of</strong> open land surrounding<br />

Ihe rail line Ihe companies bui lt. A<br />

Ihese settlers shipped agricultural,<br />

mineral and limbt:r pruducts East,<br />

they depended upon relurn shipments<br />

<strong>of</strong> manufactured good. In addilion,<br />

raIl ti nes between cities encouraged<br />

growth and creali n <strong>of</strong> areas surrounding<br />

cities called '!uhurbs.<br />

The rail baronlii who owned the carrier~<br />

pressed the advantage <strong>of</strong> their<br />

vita l p sition to gai n mo re advantage<br />

and more wea lth. Unlawful financial<br />

l ran ~ac ti ons between pol il icianlii and<br />

IN FOCUS<br />

bureaucrats. and natIOnal Hnd interurban<br />

rail operators. resulted in favorable<br />

trculment for large produceI"'; and<br />

hippers at the expense <strong>of</strong> smaller<br />

operations. Legislalors set Illri(f level<br />

depending not on length <strong>of</strong> haul. bUI<br />

n the presence. or absence. <strong>of</strong> a competing<br />

carrier.<br />

T ward the end <strong>of</strong> the 19th cenlury,<br />

complainLS about exorbitant rales and<br />

againsl Ihe praclices <strong>of</strong> Ihe giant rail<br />

corporal ions finally spurred ongre<br />

inlo considering ways 10 curb the rail<br />

barons' po\\er. The IDlers-hne Commerce<br />

ct <strong>of</strong> 1887 r ulted from tbese<br />

effon . The act t an importanl legisla<br />

tive precedent: Congress had (he<br />

power to regulate Ihose aspect <strong>of</strong> the<br />

economy considered vital to the nation<br />

and to institule agencies 10 enforce<br />

th""" regulalions.<br />

One aspecl <strong>of</strong> railroad operalion<br />

oon idered vilal 10 the nalion. , nd thus<br />

subject 10 congressional 8uthonty. was<br />

Ihe ckpondahilit)' <strong>of</strong> th rat lroad, ser·<br />

vice. incc labor-management disputes<br />

could disrupl the railroads' dependabil­<br />

II)' througb work toppages-thus<br />

arre ling the public inler">1 and not just<br />

Roifroad workors around the tum <strong>of</strong> the century.<br />

arfaifli bel ween employe" and cmployee>-<br />

Ihe governmenl felt il had Ihe<br />

right to ulIcrvenc in these di~pll \ e . Al<br />

first. g vernment aCled quickly and<br />

forcibly on the side <strong>of</strong> tilC arriers. Frequently.<br />

federallroops were dtspatched<br />

to cru,ure the regularity <strong>of</strong> mai l. freight<br />

and passenger runs Unionll;, no mallf'r<br />

the legitimacy <strong>of</strong> their grievances<br />

against the carriers, were vilified as the<br />

demons <strong>of</strong> Ihese strikes; and public di<br />

satisfaction usually went against them<br />

and supported the carriers.<br />

Legislali\'c Conll'ol Inilialed<br />

Beginning wilh :>"Iaryland in I 78.<br />

slales led Ihe way in pas ing legtslation<br />

to promote amicable adjuslmenl<br />

<strong>of</strong> mil labor-mamlgement disputes.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> Ihese laws provided for form<br />

<strong>of</strong> voluntary mediation. Massachu ell<br />

and 'ew York cnacted laws also providing<br />

for arbllrallon. The e t01ual<br />

allempt at developing a framework<br />

for ,ell ling lahor-managemenl dis·<br />

pules in Ihe railroad induslry formed<br />

the foundalion fo r laler legislation by<br />

the U.S. Congress.<br />

From 1886 through 1923. mainly in<br />

22<br />



(PI·W<br />

(PI<br />

Monih Yeor 11 982·84=1001 11 986=1001<br />

June 1995 149.9 133.7<br />

May 1995 149.6 133.7<br />

June 1994 145.4 130.2<br />


ISO<br />

U,S. CPI·W lnCteasecl Q.:) lnde)j poInl.S dsrIroo!he lasl month<br />

or O..N. TtM W1Crlase dut1ng Iht pasl ,.ear was 4.5 II'dex<br />

100 pojnts or 3.1%<br />

CflnedI cpr f4mBlned me same dunng Ihe last mornn. The<br />

IJO<br />

InCteIlH (U!r9!n11 pasl year was a::. 11108)( poIrU Qt' 2 7'tI,.<br />

120 So.""" US Dep;rtmenl 01 labor<br />

and $taU5tltS Canada<br />

liD<br />

100<br />

~Id II'J ISEW [Mplnmenl 01 Aeselrch.nd<br />

Tlkhnlcal ~Ic: ••• Juty 1995.<br />

response to continued lab r lrife in<br />

the indu try. Congress passed several<br />

laws governing the way carriers and<br />

workers handled their grievances.<br />

F.ach <strong>of</strong> lhe~e IHw~ ntirled pror.r. rllIrel1<br />

which the parties might usc to :octtl e<br />

th eir diffe rences without st rikes and<br />

without vio lence, For example. the<br />

Arbitmti .. n Act <strong>of</strong> 1888 provided for<br />

volun tary lI rbitralion and investigation<br />

by il U.S. presiden ti al cOInm i:;si n.<br />

(See box f r other example,.)<br />

The federal government asserted<br />

(:01"11..11 V\ ctl tll ~ • aillOau UU I il lg \Vodu<br />

\Var I. and the policies instituted h tJ1C<br />

Rai lroad Adlninistration o;;trcnglhcned<br />

the position <strong>of</strong> ullIons Q\cr the carriers.<br />

\Vorkers. could not he discriminated<br />

against ba~ed on union membership.<br />

alional adjllidenl Coolidge signed the R a il w~, y<br />

Lubor Ad intu la\\ on May 2U. 1926.<br />

AI., amcndl:d over the yean>. the R3i l ~<br />

WHy ~bor Cl merit" lhe distinction<br />

uf heing the oldc~l continuous federal<br />

COlleCll\fe bargaining legio;lation In<br />

.s. h"'tory.<br />

i'otc: 'Ve'(( "'(JIlr" JIlt' cUflcltufe our<br />

H' rlt'S "n U.5 lohor luu'., by dCj{'rihil/g<br />

till' pr(}l " ~in1ls uf ,Ire Railway Labor<br />

I\t"t nJ1d OIltlming steps ill its colleclive<br />

hargaining procedure.<br />


thDistrict<br />

r,<br />

UTAH<br />

WYO<br />

50th ann lla~I~--..J..---__ J<br />

Eighth District Progress Meeting<br />

was ailed to order June 22.<br />

1995. al the Shilo Inn in Idaho<br />

Falls. Idaho. Local 449. Pocatello.<br />

Idaho. Business Manager-Financial<br />

Secre,"~ry Robert Chandler<br />

served as temporary chairman<br />

while Local 291. Boise. Idaho.<br />

Busines Manager-Fmancial Secretary<br />

Benjamin Antunes led the<br />

Pledge <strong>of</strong> A llegiance. <strong>International</strong><br />

Representative Ted Jensen<br />

delivered the invocation. The<br />

gavel \Va then turned over to<br />

Eigh th District In tern ati ona I<br />

Vice President Vice President<br />

Jon Walters.<br />

Idaho AFL-C10 President Randy<br />

Ambl!.ehl welcomed the delegates. H e<br />

thanked the IBEW for its contin ued<br />

support <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> organized labor in the<br />

state. He then spoke about the need<br />

for political change. both in Idaho.<br />

and In the entire United States.<br />

<strong>International</strong> President J,J . Barry's<br />

keynote speech focused on alLaining<br />

three goa ls for the fBEW: to organize.<br />

to educate. and to be innovative. He<br />

also urged local union leaders to communicatC'<br />

as well as they can to their<br />

memberShips. To Ihal end. after President<br />

Ban"y's speech. Vice Prc~id c lli<br />

Wallers presenled awards LO Eigh lh<br />

'nlom<strong>of</strong>ional President JJ. Barry' (rigM and '.""""tionol Secrelorr Moore (second from the lehl ,Iond<br />

with local 44, Sulle, Monlona, Su!S;nas.s Manager-Financial Secrelory Slon Dupree (center) after Local<br />

44 was presented with the "'Jooma'/ News/etrer Award" at the Eighth Di5trict Progress Meeting.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Treasurer Van Arsdale (left} and Intemational Vice President Walters (at podium) are in<br />

the background.<br />

Districl local unions which showed<br />

"outstanding commitment"' 10 the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> " Local Lines" published in the<br />

fBEW JouJ'/lal.<br />

Internatiooal Secretary Jack Moore<br />

reported on the union's business malters.<br />

and gave a political roundup.<br />

Also addressing the delegates were:<br />

<strong>International</strong> Treasurer Thomas Van<br />

Arsdale. Nint h Dim ict lnternationa l<br />

Vice President S.R. "Jack" McCann.<br />

5ghth o;, /rict delegate> in a woOOhop.<br />

lnternational ExeCUlive Council member<br />

T homas Sweeney. Execut ive<br />

Assistant to the Inrernational Presidenl<br />

Mike Lucas, R esearch and Technica<br />

l Services Depart me nt Director<br />

Ken Edwards. <strong>International</strong> Representatives<br />

R ick Saer. Ken 01 en.<br />

and Don hapulis. NECA Western<br />

Regional Directo r Dan McPeak.<br />

and AFL-ClO Region IX Director<br />

David Gregory. ~<br />

24<br />


dDistrict<br />

T", .o,h annunl 111ird D15-<br />

IricI Prollr C.,~ Meeting o pened<br />

June 29. 1995. In Allnntic CiIY.<br />

c\\ Jcr'I)Y. y~lcm Council -3<br />

Pre idl)lll Willi s Warde ll Jr.<br />

wei ol11cd Ih e delegales and<br />

in lroduced 11lird Dislri cl [111 r­<br />

national Vice Pr c~itk nl Ed Hill.<br />

who chaired the meeting.<br />

Int 'rnm innal Pres ide nt Barry, in<br />

h i~ adclr~sf\ to Iht! dckgutioll. said<br />

" We have th e caprlhllllY to survive<br />

the n(:w clwll engcs. the 111 0:,1 di ffi·<br />

cult in memory," Tn do )'0, he said<br />

J BF W loca l union le"ders "must reenergize<br />

Ihl! '1 1)iril <strong>of</strong> activism in OUT<br />

mcmhcr\ an d organize ." <strong>International</strong><br />

ecrcla ry Moore also "tressed<br />

th e need for rencwed actlvi m. concenlrallll[J:<br />

hi" rcmnrk, nn ITInl ivill ing<br />

the mClllbcr,hip to he come more<br />

aell'e polilically. lie presenled<br />

aWhop> during the<br />

mccling\ ~cc(md cJa ~ ongrc5.sman<br />

Ron KllI1k (D· Penn.) spoke on the<br />

The TllIfd DI,lrict held their<br />

nnnual \Vomcn'!o, C~lUCUS June<br />

2ll. the da~ before the opentng <strong>of</strong><br />

the 'nlird Di ~ 'ricL Progress Meeting,<br />

inlerna,ional President Barry<br />

addrcsc;;ed the th: leg,ue!-J. lrc ~s ing<br />

th e need fur Jlolitical ed uca lion.<br />

and ever) mcmhcr', involvement<br />

in 1111' 1"gi'I~II\'" prn ('t'v~ Internationa<br />

l Vice Pre~idt,;nl Hill al 0<br />

urged the dclcgtllcs lu IH~ come<br />

third day, ttiv in g lhc d-.:\t!galc'" an<br />

overvi w <strong>of</strong> i~!iiue~ pcnding before<br />

Congress. Dr. Arthur Shmlak <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

George "kan) I.ahortutitc< Cenler<br />

and tnternational Trc ..\..,urcr \ ~\Il Ar~dale<br />

also addrc"cd the t1elcgatc,. ,<br />

polilicall) in,olved. Irc meml>cr<br />

McCaffcrty spoke to the ca ucu,<br />

delegation iI> \\cll.<br />

Workshop' were held on developing<br />

communication, !)k11l .... The<br />

workshops were conducted hy<br />

Dana Patton <strong>of</strong> the George \lean)<br />

Labor ludie'S Center, nlC participants<br />

then u1'tL'd lheir nl'\\ ,~ill\<br />

during di~cu'\l o nl'l<br />

on klhor-onented<br />

Icgtslalivc I~SUCS . ,<br />


thDistrict<br />

OM 0<br />

E,nh Di ni , Vi " Pee,'·<br />

dent Pa ul Wi tte convened the<br />

Fourth District Pfoj&a "'330" business mana9ers and organizing ,oorc/inalors m&t with Vice President<br />

Witte (seoted centerJ. Naliona/lndustr;a! Organizing Director Freddy Allen (slOncJing, !econd lrom the<br />

left). end District Orgonizin9 CoorrJinolor Tom Curley (sealetl, rig"tJ,<br />

199) Prog ress Meeting at the<br />

Canaan Va lley Resort and Con­<br />

[ercnce e nt er. in Wesl Virginia.<br />

on June 2() and 21. Welcoming<br />

the dclcgntl~s<br />

Rt the ge neral. e.­<br />

sion was President Bill Ferrell,<br />

West Virgin ia Slate Association;<br />

Preside nt Joe: Powell, West Vir­<br />

' inia Labor Federation: and Secretary-1'rcasu<br />

"cr Roy Sm itb ,<br />

West Virg inia ta le Bui ld ing<br />

Traut.: '.<br />

The keynote 1'Ipcakcr Wl:I'-, Intcrnl:llIonal<br />

Pr es luenl J.J . Barry, who<br />

i1d dr l.!~sl!d Ihe economic rcgrc&sioll or<br />

worki ng people and the widening<br />

gnp between them and the ",e"lthy ill<br />

Amcricnn ..,nch':IY. Inlcfrlmiollal Secretary<br />

"tick Moore gave 11 detailed<br />

report on I11cllI hl! r ... hip. pensions, and<br />

IBl · \V ~ PI , Hnd fl!v icwcd the Icgi'ilalive<br />

and politictll scene. Following<br />

their rcmHrkl.i. hot h Prc

thDistrict<br />

L-10th DISTRI"<br />

0,<br />

on Bloomington.<br />

Tenth District'<br />

J"'" 15 ""d 16. 1995.<br />

M innesOia. the<br />

199- Progress<br />

Meeting was convened. <strong>International</strong><br />

Vice President o rman<br />

Schwitalla int roduced th e <strong>International</strong><br />

Officers and guest and<br />

called upon Intern ati onal President<br />

1.1. Barry to deliver the<br />

k~ynUll! ~uure".<br />

Pre,ident Bu rry ' poke <strong>of</strong> the many<br />

cha ll eng"' f:,ced by IBEW mem bers,<br />

but c~pi,!ci!:l ll y the. l o~s or johs due to<br />

rai l merge rs and job abolishment. He<br />

warned <strong>of</strong> lhl: cro~ i o ll <strong>of</strong> l.inc:ial g;lin'i<br />

enjoyed by I13L IV members throughout<br />

th e yca rs- induuing thc attacks<br />

on ceial Secunt)'. Railr ad Retirement<br />

"nd MediclIre.<br />

In tcrnatlonlll ccretary Jack .\Iloore<br />

111 hi ~ dlhJ r c~~ hig hli ghteu political<br />

iss ues in the Lnited Sta tes and<br />

Canada. One speci fi c area uf concern.<br />

he sa id, IS chrlllgc~ In legislation that<br />

would permil unadian railroads to<br />

undertake the spin-orr or rail Iinescrc~lIng<br />

a se vc r~ Impaci on the signal<br />

and communications membership. He<br />

then presenlcd a n ,Iward 10 Local<br />

1146. Amarillu. Te,",. ror the highe t<br />

pcr capna. p.:r memhcr IBFW·COPE<br />

contrihution, ,n the Tenth Di' tricl.<br />

Other speaker"! at the progress<br />

meeting were r .ggy Shea Colangelo.<br />

AETNA Insurance: Michelle Katl.<br />

MEDCO. \\ IHI introduced and<br />

rc"icwcd hcn ll it-care benefit: and<br />

R ob~rt B-.:rgcrlll1. f\.,~btnnt 10 the<br />

Lahor Member <strong>of</strong> the Rail road<br />

Rc.:IirclllC nl BOArd. In ternational Rep-<br />

1t.:~~ nt "' li ve RichilJd rnwshaw led an<br />

orgallizing wo r k~ h p. \vhcrc special<br />


em pha~I'ii \\ a~ placed on teamwork.<br />

The " or""hop covered all "'peels or<br />

an organi/lllg ca mpillgn oeginning<br />

with miual con' ac' \ 0 the ce rtification<br />

election. The llftcrnoon sc Slon fca·<br />

tured a tk!ncrilS presenlatlOn by Dan<br />

~I i ll er. Tra\ eler.. lob urance.<br />

Vice Pre_ idem chwnalla opened<br />

the Fri rl fl) morning 'iI'''! Ion with informalion<br />

on orga ni7ing. and introduced<br />

Canadian Int crnntional Represen tative<br />

John E. P\(\ I\ who presente(\ a<br />

co nci;;;c ex planation <strong>of</strong> activit ies in<br />

Cana.da, I Ie..: 11 0 1l,; U Ihe continu ing<br />

drain on rL:~nlll'CC S posed by ra id ing in<br />

Canada, incl lld ing SQnh!

,<br />

,<br />

~<br />

.....<br />

/<br />

SA F ETY &<br />

(<br />

...- ........<br />

.1<br />

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...<br />


OSHA<br />

Reform-<br />

1995<br />

Workt'rs Call Call Il<br />

"Tht' Death ;\lId<br />

11 j IIl'y i\(',1 01' Hm:;"<br />

Anotiler antiw rker. anti·OSI I A<br />

hill Wtl"i introd uced in the U. ,<br />

(J ouse <strong>of</strong> R eprc!

(<br />

pe ti tion OS] IA 1 revoke an exis t·<br />

illg slandard unless Ihe benefils o f<br />

the standard outwe igh the costs.<br />


bill e liminate::, Ihe National lnsti ·<br />

lute ro r Occupational<br />

Safety and Heahh<br />

(N IO II)-Ihe<br />

o n l y fcdc r" 1<br />

a gency that con·<br />

uu c t ~ resea rch o n<br />

worker sarcly and<br />

lacalll , prohlems and Ihe only fed·<br />

eral agency Ulat conducts \yo rksih!<br />

hased research (to j ob hazards.<br />


MADE. Job '\.:tfelY cond itioll!> in Ih e<br />

United State, havc improved in the<br />

la,1 25 years. Nationally. 140,000<br />

I,vco,; have been '",veu si nce<br />

o HA's passage.<br />

ongres 25 working men unu<br />

women died in the tragic<br />

;:\ fire at a North Ca rolina<br />

poultry plant '! This was<br />

~ : ~ a tragedy Iha l could<br />

~ have been prevent ed<br />

had JUSt one 0 I-IA com·<br />

pl iance orficcr performed a walk·<br />

through inspecLion. He r she would<br />

havc fo und Ihe lo cked r: ~ ~<br />

exits. the railure to have f)~-'


Labor Savors<br />

Victories In Congress<br />

The labor lllovemt;nl twice in<br />

recent wcck~ ... I opped the<br />

Repub lican controlled Con!!rc>'<br />

rrom rolling Q\ cr worker protections<br />

and rights. In 1\\0 vules<br />

in two separate cummille!.!'>.<br />

labors allies in Congrc» heat<br />

hack plan!'! lO gUl prol cclIonl}<br />

flla ranleed by Ihe Railway<br />

Lahor Cl. the Davili-Ilacon<br />

Act. (he crvice Contract Act. the<br />

Fair Labor Siandard, Acl (I'LSA).<br />

and lhe Walsh-Healy Act.<br />

Amtrak Reauthorization<br />

A s reported b) Ihe FL-C10.<br />

"The I l ouse RaIlroad l"uhcommillCt.:<br />

reported the Amtrak rCHulhori/..LItion<br />

hill with

L 0 C AL<br />

LI N E S<br />



I"U, 1 (i. I : IU '''IHl& r l ~J. S r. 1.!l UIS,<br />

\10-0n Mny:-l l Ihe nh: !ll hcr~ hip uf<br />

Luea l t l'l'p rm·.;d [I new three-year<br />

Cnll .. llllClttlll Cllnl rll CI. IndUlled 111 thc<br />

ag(\)cme nl ate 1!l Ither li cf llUIIOIl\ uf<br />

scope <strong>of</strong> \\l1rk. inCfeli\cd Ilmld llltt. cod<br />

Ifl l;(lI,11 11 uf \Hlrk , h ll rin1t IMflI1\h::leJ1;, it<br />

!11onl.! l


PARADE<br />

LU. 17 (o.lI j<br />

lc lI&CI1H1). Ol

Loc.al 51, Sail Lall_ City, UT, memben<br />

pCII1icipo_ in riM kM:al'. Foutrh Annual<br />

lineman', rodeo held June 10 <strong>of</strong><br />

l,Qgaon Amu~~t Pnr~<br />

Lmeman-" RodeO' on Junll II! "'<br />

La200f\ Amu'oCrnenl Park LocalunJon<br />

mrmbt'n \Olunlcelcd Ihell IlIn(" on<br />

weekends and .dte! worL (or O\\:t I<br />

monlh 10conslruC1the lodeo pale ~Ird.<br />

Although It had raintd in Ulllih {or Ihe<br />

pa~1 month Rodeo day l urned OUI to<br />

be: a perfect one; for Ihe P4111tll"anlo;,<br />

Ihelr lam lites and Inend~ I enjoy thefc!>Ii,,"llie-..<br />

(h!:1 600 pc:Hple 311ended Ihe<br />

c\'o:m. After the- compe-uuon. /I barbecue<br />

and an aw ulll ~ ccrcm(ICI)' we held<br />

in the Davis Pa\il!on IH I.agoon. We<br />

had II I t Unl'l nnd 2~ IIpprentice. com·<br />

1l~ling Ihls year. TIn:: Iwtl 1Io1lt1ll!1g lelllli~<br />

and the winnlns apprentice will now<br />

compctc 11\ Ihe 12th hnnuull memltn'~<br />

Rodeo in Kansas Cil) on Sept 23,<br />

Al Ihls wntHl8 wc were lookm" forward<br />

10 our annuli] gulf tou l nam nt<br />

hosted by Local n. The e\e nl Wi'll<br />

scheduled lor Au~, 1M Bnd III thl'> ,ear<br />

It has IIu.a)'5 b~en a hUle ~ucces"<br />

enJo),cd U) all the parllelpilnt~<br />

AIIC!nd rour untl mllelmgs-. And<br />

remtmbe:r to v.ork saCci). pia)' arcl)'<br />

and he safe'<br />

TAKE AN<br />


I..U. 71 (o,rlb&ltu ), (,OI.Ul\1KU~.<br />

OH-Summer once "glm "dnaWln!lto<br />

a dtXC. ,lnd Ihc dd)\ arc ~CUmp. 'Shur1·<br />

Ct. The i\ullulel ;;,( ' 95 ~11I b!)<br />

Re~)tt III \\< C!.I VIt!:1J1I1I 1111: \\ e,1<br />

Vi rginia Slale Am)!;' hl'lStct! Ihe c\'cnl<br />

and did II wonderfulloh<br />

U ro~ John Lcv.'U. Dick Dumpcn and<br />

Dale. \ Inrlin dki 111 c'(cellcnl Job reprc·<br />

"cnting the A plundh T ree E"perl<br />

members on the ' ~got i aUnB- (.\)(1111111-<br />

lI::e co\enn@ the CinCinnati Glb dnd<br />

Eleclnc Clmt"''"' The Ullhl) compames<br />

au()~ th e coullIr\ h;lH~ delled 10<br />

dClltra~' Ihl mlltkc l and ba\'( forced<br />

our 11Il>: dc.uilJIce mcmbc,'i'o 'll>OIt for<br />

,ubslantialiy lo","'r \\apc~ and reduced<br />

h:nchlS<br />

Construction "'\.trL: In our jun.d~lInn<br />

ha .... 10","(.1 00"'" c~m~lderabl) . \~'raI<br />

ullhlll.~s hint d~i,:lIjeu nol 10 conlr,let<br />

u.«d.. (II Ihc ltJ.f' C\\ Ih31 fe~d~ OUI<br />

(ami lie!>. "nd thlnl. \1( .. "'01\ \\lU can<br />

heir I.'tlllllnut Ih.: IrlKhl1nn reaa:<br />

J(hl PilI \\ o\l '" JR r<br />



l. . 10] t'lcH. UQHO'_ '1A-On<br />

\oll1l1by_ \1,) ~O , Mil mcmbcn and<br />

thelt gueo.l\ .. UcndcJ ,I 1c~ \lmMlIlIaJ dm·<br />

n~r-d~n~' (" (or f{'nIl.:r Du~ Mgr Rw~clI<br />

~hcehan u.hl' nlly. hlls mlHeJ ,In 10<br />

hecome Ih~' lIdmlni~tr

anolher IR I c.lm~ Iced <strong>of</strong>f al I p.m<br />

hr;1 JlnJC fur the murnll1l1 prnup wen t<br />

lu Ilu~ I .. dll, uf JOIh,. \1II,I\ell, J.lek<br />

Con"er e. l:d \Ia(~ell pnd ('ha rl H::<br />

Bergl.'wn I he .. Hemnun ~lOl1Inl.l. team<br />

111'.<br />

made up or I'aul Carrc!, O...,.en<br />

rantl Kalph Pt·un ;ln cl Drnm" Prn·<br />

ne" J,m Ferriera \\(In Ihe ralne prot. a<br />

complcte '(t (If ,t,1f dun.. Second rrut'<br />

\lcnl to \1lkc Gr,l,w,ki o f I.(Klt l %.<br />

Worce3h:f. \1A<br />

('onlJihullll/l§ <strong>of</strong> nlore Ullm S~.IMHJ<br />

\\crc rabo.:d for Ih~ t'lcndit or the Droth·<br />

erhood fund Once: a~al/l, nl3ny Ihanb<br />

10 the G(llfCvlllntlUce lInJ I I ~d".lJmll'n.<br />

Ed Keough . the hu me" m(UlII~eJ"<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice:: the (1O:II1CI,11 \e:,rcl.u~·§ n((u;c;<br />

and mostlmronomly. the p llOCC and<br />

thill ~c;taQl;e In eJur.allon and mJ.IO '<br />

1I1n1d~ a IX'"ItI\1" and prot""'''"r JlfI!.<br />

tude 1\ lmpmt.anl<br />

[I is with re~r(;t Ihal we rcpoM the<br />

death <strong>of</strong> Bro Er~ Doc" Jone ... \\e<br />

c'(tcnd OUt ~in'ere )mpalh) 10 bi§<br />

fllm!])-<br />

Rem~mher to altC'nd local union<br />

mcellOp. Be union and buy uruon!<br />

FlL", .. 5n'RBLF'G. P S<br />



l.U. 141 (I.O,U&'fftl. \\IIEEUKG.<br />

" '"' -Con~lruclion worl>; In IhlS area<br />

remams C'xtremeh slo~. with o\er 50<br />

mcmben 011 ow Book I list. Some <strong>of</strong> our<br />

\I!femlen and apprentices ba\e found<br />

~ork in nCirby Ohio local!. 10 Canton.<br />

\ian~rleld. and Steubcn\llle We are<br />

j.fIltfuJlo these. ~ (or thc:ir dfora.<br />

ThrouJl! a comhlnauon <strong>of</strong> JOb targel·<br />

ing funds and contractor sacrifice. a<br />

Sun Tcle\"lilon anJ Appbance Slorc 10<br />

be built ;at the Ohio Valin \1aU has<br />

been 'A~tlcd aowll)' from the nonunion<br />

element The p!lectncal muallauon "'111<br />

be done b\ mEW memhe,... emplo}cd<br />

try Erb EI«tric.<br />

Training IS conhnumg In fiber optICS.<br />

COMET. OStiA u!el~ and other lopics.<br />

Oul ppprentice In IruC10N are prepann.<br />

10 .I!tend thIS )ear'lI- 'JA lC ,,"ationa!<br />

Training [rutllule In Knoxville. TN.<br />

\1ay was a parlicularl~- ~orrowful<br />

month for us. as three <strong>of</strong> our Brothers<br />

pas~ed a Vl ay Rellred 8ro HO\lard<br />

'fuzzy" Klein. II 4lH'eat member,<br />

LotCl1 141 . Wh"ling. WV. aro. Corson<br />

COli i, pictured working at a recent<br />

C:ONSOL projecl.<br />

pas!ied aW

Corcoran. Paula Dulin. Jerry Miller<br />

amJ Tom Lemen!>. Ell!ct~d to tbe<br />

Examining l10ard are: Billy II mclson.<br />

J~rr}' \ftl'{ncr and Tim Haloe} Congralul3tiOUT declcd n;p­<br />

TC~ntllti"cs 10 ,'oice lou. view:. ou Ihi::.<br />

matter.<br />

It IS with regret th:ll we: report lhe<br />

recunt passmg <strong>of</strong> aros Darrel I-hggJn5<br />

11111.1 nub A~e. Ollr ~ympal t llC!> go OUl lO<br />

their families.<br />

Rememotr III be an acli\'c un Hili<br />

member. llnd bu}" only Xorth Am rican<br />

madc produCl":.<br />

STEVE BE.RSt"'Ci, P S.<br />

local16S, Chicago/ lt, Bro, Ray Kull,<br />

who Hrved the local in numMOUI<br />

copacities oYer th yscm, pa"ed aWllY<br />

May 27.<br />



L U. 165 (I), CHI CAGO. lL-Local<br />

165 mourns tbe death <strong>of</strong> 1I dedlclued<br />

and fallhfuJ union man, Bro. Ray Kul~<br />

who pas~d a .... a)' Me., 27 at the age <strong>of</strong><br />

70. Ral sel"\'ed as a Sie."ard from 1948<br />

to 1969, first ....'\h former Local 31ll'lnd<br />

later for Local 165 following Ihe amal·<br />

glUl.1atlon l ie ..... as eJecled to thc I:XC(u·<br />

live Board in 1969 lind served In that<br />

posh!on until 1971. when he WllS e!cClcd<br />

85 vice presiden!. He served as Vice<br />

(lrr~i r1 r.nT fro m l q11 Tn l(jqo Hi\ nthM<br />

du lles includcd serving 0:) b u ~me s<br />

agent fOr Local 165 and .~s co·chalr <strong>of</strong><br />

Ihe Heallh and Welfare Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

the \'"alional Bell Countil He was t!1ec\­<br />

ed numerous times a5 delegate to the<br />

IBEW (nte.rnatlonal Con\cnuon find to<br />

Ihe TeC·] Tel~collummiclltioJl~ COli'<br />

fe rence As admmlStralOl <strong>of</strong> linlon<br />

Healrh BenefitS. he a~ged hundreds or<br />

memben solVIng problems they encollJl­<br />

Ined \",th health rdaled N:nefu ...<br />

Bro. Kull is SUT\'iHd by his wirl:",<br />

An.!t1t'. \on, Ra) Jr~ tlauglncn L~ru:tlt<br />

and Laura: llnd Ihree grandchJldren.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> us here 81 local HiS Ulend (lur<br />

deepest regreti and ,)mpa.lh)' 10 the<br />

famll\ <strong>of</strong> Ra,· Kull<br />

Th'e local'!> annual retirement lun·<br />

chl!on Wa$ he ld (II lhe Golden Flnme<br />

here in Chictll!u un \1.1)' 21 J hc hili<br />

ch..:on Ii held yearly for newl~ rclitcu<br />

membefs dtld tllClr tluesl~ Pre~ tJu ..<br />

\lgr John r Chene-man \I, In III('n·<br />

!.lancc to ~ I~h all the retiree' Jood<br />

health .1nd prospctll ror Ihe (Ulur.:<br />

Thanh and besl wuht's to all our<br />

1r:llIl:Q t<br />




L • 175 (l,fJ.CIII ,(",IlII ,u&klt ), eIlAT.<br />

T NOOGA. ~- , hore this column<br />

finch. each <strong>of</strong> }'ou .... ell nnd wQrklng. On<br />

June 5 Locol 17S cleCted Ihe fl)lIowilltl.<br />

IllflCC f S I(H II til ll!t'·yclir lcrlll Bus.<br />

MSdF'iu, S.; .., P~1U1 L nl~~, l'reN<br />

DWlg hl 1 Wilholl, Vice Pre~ MMk<br />

Wheeler. Trea~. Bru

Jlh::a~e get Involved when: )'ou clln. and<br />

support your locul hlbor-fncndl) cumi1<br />

d.'tr:!J_ If yl'lu llf~ called 10 donate. ~omc<br />

lime. pleose do so if at all pos Ible.<br />

hen Ihoullh mun} <strong>of</strong> us may nClI like<br />

poilli(;'\. il i~ extrc.mely imponanl Ihal<br />

~ (' hil\C' pl111ll(,1l1 rlolll<br />

~t:e mU.1I the nC'I"1 meetmg!<br />

BL'G BrRM~ P,S<br />


SWORN IN<br />

LU. 2Jltl.u.rtb&§pal. SIOUX CIT'.<br />

li\ -He't .... ishe~ 10 Bro~ Rntu:rI<br />

O~lcrmiinn anJ Chesler Mesner Ofl<br />

the II ,hSllt'lthty rcliremenlS. Bro. Qiu:r·<br />

mann \\;" milmll'o.nlo the union Dt~<br />

:!. II}~lJ, II..; worked b 3 journe}man<br />

..... Iremon (or vanou~ oonlrtU.1('1r" In our<br />

~rC'a lie rclln:d In "member 19~4<br />

Oro. Me~nu Jomed the union \11) 6.<br />

11J5~. and ht' retired 10 Qct()ocr ICN4<br />

Oto. \Ic~ner v.orked as a journcrman<br />

IIncmM for I-'Ivrnouth Electric CQO~r<br />

Dti\t' <strong>of</strong> lc\t.&~. IA. Good luck 10 t:acll<br />

Ilf them In Ihclr ~\iTt;mt:1I1<br />

A~ '" rr$uh <strong>of</strong> our Iocar~ organlLlng<br />

eHOT1~. tbe follo\\ing nC\I, membc~<br />

.... ere S\loLlrn III M Joume\rnan \Iolremen<br />

al tbc June meetin,8.: Oros Da\-id<br />

~hure. Rohert Walrod and OIl\"ld<br />

\\lllkr. ConF:f,lIulallons and good luck<br />

10 our ne\l,c~t unIOn membe~<br />

The .. mnu.1i IDEW Crescenl El.ectm:<br />

Golr Ouling IUS held May 10. We had<br />

a record lurnoul <strong>of</strong> ~7 golf~~ thiS ~ear<br />

nnol plJc~ ~(:nl 10 Chuck Carnell end<br />

\1 811 Y()ung;. Thank .. 10 Bill \1a\;on .<br />

clec.;led Ilrc as. fol lows: Dus. Mgr. I .cr<br />

old J 7cll: Pres, Gefald W John~l!n:<br />

Vice Pres. Chllrles Ca.rri Fin. S~C. SlllHn<br />

Klnan; TreBS Timothy Reed. Bnd Ree.<br />

Sec, Nicholas J ankowski E:cceuthe<br />

Board members afe; John Baird. Jon<br />

Kloostcrlllnn. Ronald Ll:pmc. O c;nt!~<br />

Man71, RUS5ell OU3ranll!l lu ,Ind<br />

Rlc.;hard Stoneham, On Ihe E~dmmmg<br />

OuanJ are, Ra lph 80re11l_ Frll ncis<br />

SZlllChl1l Ilfld James Sliochta. Bus, Mgr.<br />

Icll wn~ elect ed a5 delegate 10 lhe<br />

Inll:tnal ional Conn!nlion. "nd Pres.<br />

Jnhnwn 11$ altemate" delcgule.<br />

The Slag ampout .... 111 be hl'!!d Sept<br />

22-:;!J ~t Alk!:dll) 51alunng the nam('~ ot our<br />

\ 'e teran~<br />

Kelnember to attend local UOLon<br />

meeting' htld the Ihird Thuhda~ () j<br />

each momh at 8 pm t111he ElL I,oolte.<br />

UiOS 3rd A\I! .. town or Niagau<br />

J.v.tESTr.RREfJ.fRR', PS<br />



l.l . 2"~ IfI.lI.go\·l.rth~lrll ). TOI.f.·<br />

no. OH-Qur outside worl.. IS picking.<br />

up "Ith Ihe ~[ar1 <strong>of</strong> tnc C1c\cland ('·10<br />

proJect, Tbis is a \Ioelcome rchef. 8\<br />

.... nrL on the outside has been Vl"r\<br />

slow.<br />

On the Toledo Edi'ion propefl),.<br />

eHorh. 10 reduee cosa and become<br />

more rompctill\e ronttnue. In bolh the<br />

1M lac.aI231 , Sioux City. IA. mird·,..or oPpt"efltic. don ijOifled by inltrudor Duo,..<br />

Wonomol.o" SClCOnd from right) 9CJtnen few 0 photo~ from I.ft, lenni, I(n"'l. Bob LM<br />

111, Dcrrid Hobbl, 18"rey ~en , John Jo9ft'" Jr. and Korel Wolten ..<br />

JerT) Grimsley, Tom Prince and C'\'ery·<br />

nnr whn helped make Ihl" OUllnr a<br />

~Utte\!t.<br />

('onllraIUICcunng JObs<br />

\\ lIh our oontraC'!oB.<br />

8e'il \l lshes 10 III for 8 "afe and<br />

happy Labor DOl.)<br />

PAl1llCK VAUGU!' . P.S<br />



L.U. Z7 1 (i,rlb.rt!.&!tpa). WI lin ,<br />

KS-ComptctiolJ cc remOnte, ror Ihe<br />

1995 graduatmg dass were held at the<br />

Airport Ramada Inn In \\lchlla on Fri·<br />

da~. June 2. The dinner banquet ""as<br />

al1ended b~ graduate!.. IheH fllim llics,<br />

JATe memben and r.eprestnlall\ e <strong>of</strong><br />

\ ECA .and thC! IBEW ThC! ma~ t er <strong>of</strong><br />

ceremonies was JATC Chmn. James<br />

Wh itell. CO~O \lo

locol 291 , BoiH , ID, 8Ui. Mgr. knny<br />

Antunes (1eftt cong,-otulotes 8ro.<br />

Dwaine Strand on hi). retif1lmenl.<br />

wl!>h OIUlnc IIml hlOi .... de II 'f~JII<br />

rellrement<br />

On f\ pnl Z9 TraIning Olr Don I ~ory<br />

5ch duJeJ .1 cI,,~ .. un fibcr Opl lC) fhe<br />

C<br />

Don Mclver. Chuck Smilh Bnd C.tl<br />

Rodgl!l1I, Hnd rehree, Fllrl K IIJ~e\u. )',<br />

Gemld Wil hom' aniJ Jllmci Rudolph<br />

We Wish clleh or tnl:m II speed)' rCCll"<br />

" Y<br />

I look fnrward 10 iU:cmg )'I)u at j)ur<br />

neXI union meetIng!<br />

DICK M HTON. A ~q' It.M<br />




I..U. 311 .5 (l&sl' llj, 1"0 1

~nd his ramil) We HII 11m .. 111m ... cry<br />

nllJch<br />

On the \11 m !; ;Jny Joke hnd hl~ henrt<br />

31t,1Cl., Bro, Keitll KclJ.\c~ ~I Jl r(: r cd II<br />

"primn ry conlllct" I1nd Will k,lh:d<br />

mSIHfLlly. I\pp.m::nlly he Wfl~ 1101 WC;lf<br />

in.e. mmlntrd rubhc r !! I ovc~ or nlhcr<br />

pcrson.{l l p rCllL'el lvc elj Ul pmcnl We<br />

ha\i~ been dctpl) s.addencd hy Ilus Ullg,<br />

ie tll't'lclenL We have h,o;11I Hrolhct, M\I<br />

more 111'I1",rl:IIIII)',:l t.lIIllIy" deVa~lIlh.:J<br />

lind ehikJrcn nrc rnlhcrlc~~ Our ~lIIcc rc<br />

~YlllPIl\ll 1(l lhe Kclgc\ fUlIlIl,.<br />

Brother anll Si ~ len, w1.' all mu" t<br />

II:.lrn lrulll eh" Ir!lgcd~ IInu femember<br />

Iv ~I"II}' "'VI1. 1,,_ Jut1 Hafd; N.~ 111.11·<br />

It:r ho"" ru.. hcd we ure. nn mutter "h,1I<br />

I~ gOin.ll on in nur Inc), we mU!>1 take<br />

the II1n(' to Ihmk ab.)ut whrll Wi; 1m:<br />

,foin!; t1rUI milk., ~ur,· "" lin II "'Ifd,.<br />

\'0 JOt'! b: nllih f-lIl1shurlt. 'Y An<br />

o\lcrwhc1mlll& lurrlnut rc~uhed III ,11'1<br />

llUN(lndm, dl\)' or fun Antl memmenl<br />

rh~ d rn 'lkriuh. It:'uJ "\I.t."!l Wllhnlll thelll )IIU callnol<br />

be cenlfied in tht.-st: \pcciuh\ ficltb. Jlld<br />

nut lu~mc ccrldlC,j can leel' )OU (In<br />

cenairl job ... Su, 111 1n!.llll.' )'llIIr (1.11 un:<br />

cmpln)mCOl, c:tll ilnJ silln uft fOI Ihe~<br />

d.u.scl> .... hen the)" .lIe ufrelf.:d<br />

ThIS year'!' dnmhake ~ III be held<br />

SePL 10 UI Ihe Gennan \ IUloilIlK 1II)II\e<br />

In Tappan. NY l ickt:h are $30 per ret<br />

5un The: d'l) heglR~ \\ll h hrt llk(ust.<br />

~OC"S InIO lunch Bnd conclude!. WIth um'<br />

ner Fur rccrCIlU(ln . Ihc Irjdltlon~l<br />

gamc~ WIll be OfleH'u ( iet YUUf rl!.\cf<br />

""'Ion,\ enrly<br />



(itl\i\ '\1 .\f'll I',S<br />

I .. ... 01 ji. CI.rt\," &. ~ I). K,.; ' 0 , NV­<br />

By Ihe tllne you rend 1111 .. tlnil:le III 0 11,:<br />

)cl'tcrn bcr i~~ue. our memhe r will<br />

IhlVC c!cetellll husiness m:llllll!cr/fimm­<br />

(i111 ~ccrelnry lind .l ))r~sj J~t ll ill :1<br />

IUIllIIf c!ccll\lfl NUlle or Ih,; carultdutc~<br />

fliT Ihe .. e tl'ot) <strong>of</strong>fIces received the<br />

r,;qllHcd 51 l)crr,;O;: I1I u( Iht: \011: in the<br />

"artkr lcx:u l union \'Ictlion, r\ run<strong>of</strong>(<br />

t:ll'Clwn hud been 'iClll~dlllcd, but had<br />

1101 ytl Inken plru.-c, 111 thl.' time 01 Ih is<br />

"'fIl1l1!!. j' r:lnk -(iruh h~-- (.rlJ n~ll' lId<br />

find Jerry 1').I\'ld "-ere Ihe candidate.;; in<br />

the runt,rr df..'ClIon lor hUSHlI$," m:\lm~·<br />

I:l tr1lM IH ..'1.11 st 3 !!ood<br />

I~U )c:lr~ Thl! rollo\.\iug conlraclors<br />

huetJ mO~1 ,'llhe mEW rncmtlCl"'i on<br />

Ihl!> JJJo,tXl Fi .. k Ekunc.I laRSt'n Elec·<br />

tric. Rooiln EIcC1nc, SturgCl'amlch<br />

C'tJI,,.OIW 1if{j[,I'IIS I>.!\<br />



I ~ IJ . " t ;- ( i , II .(,& ~ II If I , CIII', ' 1 ·, i\ N ~ : .<br />

\\'V-Work continues 10 Improve III<br />

the luri"-thcllOn Uut Conlfathll"'i un,'<br />

domg c'~l") l t'llllg th~" ~Il (U~Ufe lhe<br />

,ob~ thal ure n\':l lllll'lle fur t'iludmg.<br />

Hllwc\cr. stirnI!' tl .... ner~ huch 1I~<br />

EchMl3r. a rompany Ihbl m"nu(llClurQ<br />

hi!lh.tc{'h ~telhh' dl\hes) ('ho..e 10 ~I\C<br />

their "ork to I.1UI·,,(·.,I,11I.: 110nunu.ul<br />



L, , ",, ~ .\ ( l , r ih . r1 ~, ~ l l a~"' I!" '· I) , S I' RI NI.:.<br />

" IEI.I), M4'>-Orowing p

j!.;,h,:, 10 Ih e In lcrn "'lOrllll Con"e ntlOn<br />

arc ~Ieh i n l). W~)ndrin,. Vern ~· I<br />

RII~ II I(uherl I At;hhU II ~ h Dl1 l1 l1ltl<br />

IIval. CI ' ~"I1 '~") SUllt h ~III I Oun ...<br />

Stn re><br />

Goil,g tlHl1ug h .111 cle.:.:t llm 1'0 ul .... np<br />

a hectic rnN:c"'~. rh\ ~ t:\cClion rcq t 1lr ~d<br />

. '~ln l l' ffnr1.1h II .... ;., IJur II,.." ~ 1IIt,: t,: Ihe<br />

illnalj!arn,Hllln o f three l ocal~ intu unc.<br />

LUI.:.114'W We Ulllnl. Ihe " leclIlln ("vm·<br />

millcc for all Ihe ume Ih l.:)· dl.:\(lleJ ttl<br />

make Ih" ciC(':\llln har~' n In an urderl\<br />

anJ prc,;i,c n ... nncr n.un- fumpl. lIl'<br />

wn .. Ihe JudJl.e (If Ck CI Hln(. ltcliion<br />

l ellen \lCrt: , I ~ lollu .... ~ (ir.;,~ l ll1cm.ln<br />

(£:.ne); Ru:l tkl. lc) (\ !' am:n). J (~ rh<br />

Kilmer (("I c arf H~ILI ); Vuujl.hn 11r1) 1<br />

(To-wanda); Rol"ll!rl lianle ... (Juh n<br />

' Io .... n); anll Dclllm li nnr,:nc!. (IJrnd<br />

ford).<br />

ConI1T:uul:lllons and wckiJmc III !lin<br />

nc .... uffl!':cr-.. hU.lld memhcr. .IIkllkk<br />

gall:'> \\'e 1001. fOf"la rd 10 .... urLlOp 'A-.lh<br />

lhem \\

chll. Jeff ~!I~~, Aaron Scott, Ke"ln<br />

Stoltcnht:rg, Ken Viltarubia. Mark<br />

Wi lkenon Ilnd 'orm:1n Wilo;(JIl<br />

JOE I-IEtSLFR JR .• P.S<br />



I.. U. 611 ( LO. U.I.U I\ .IcIl•.s pa&e-!i),<br />

AI RUQ U ..: IU)Uf_ \l-fnr Ihe fir;1<br />

tlm~ In t\'oO \1!;l1'5, 1he; llX .. 1 \\ill be grad·<br />

uating IMide opprenttces. The ne\\. JIJur·<br />

nC~'mnn Wlrem!!n a rc Todtl 8ecenll,<br />

Lloyd Beebe. Gar)' £loyd. larry Etsllty.<br />

Joseph Gurule. C'hntlc'i Humiston.<br />

Kenneth M,ldrld, Andr!!\\' f!.kck. Flo-­<br />

rencio Romero. Mutthev.· Sl~nerorl \Io!! lU.'it l} dcscf\C<br />

r ollowing is a listing <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

union <strong>of</strong>ficer!> ell-cted on June 24. Hu ~<br />

Mgr.lFin. Sce. Jack Tueth, PI . Fred<br />

Redd. Vice Prc-~. Rogcl laughlin,<br />

Trea~. Ouugla'l MC(I)rmu:\.. ,md Rc.;,<br />

Scr. J Ul1ICS HCll1o..:monn<br />

Executh c Board members arc: Tom<br />

Kin~dla (Clark Oil): Randy Cough lin<br />

(llll':lll:ln); Edgar Jon!!" and Charle"<br />

I ling (Ol in): Mart in Culp and David<br />

Mahanay (Shell Oil): Aaron Fitzgcrnld.<br />

James Hamilton 3nd Terr~' Wilhite<br />

(""rcmcn); Denms Fu nk. and Chalks<br />

Yancey (Union Elr.'ct ric) EumlOing<br />

lloartl members arc: Kc:nt Reid (Clark<br />

Oil): Don Baker (Llllon Elcclnc): Jef·<br />

frey Ihclu and J.S. Si,son (v.iremen)<br />

Randall Malone is our delCI!RI;"! 10 the<br />

stale AFL·UO Cunference and the<br />

dc1e.@ilk 10 the IBE\\' CQoH.mlloo<br />

Cons,H1tulatlOns 10 all ncu.l} C'looetl<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer!.. We than k all v.ho ran for<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice und lhose o;(f\lOg on the ... anGUs<br />

comm l tle~s for their commilmt:nt <strong>of</strong><br />

lime and effort for the loca l.<br />

GORDON LAm.IIRE. P ... o;;<br />


Modi c, Fin. S.:c. Ron illnglllCOml) ,<br />

Pres, John oall Jr , 1 ren rom Go .<br />

llnd Rec ec ('ral& I ';~eht"d AI Ihls<br />

writing a run<strong>of</strong>f election w,,~ ~hC!Jult!d<br />

fo r Ihe <strong>of</strong>fH,:c ()f "'Itc rrt\ldenl ExttuliH<br />

Board mccnbcrt arc. AnlhCln),<br />

Gamba le!;c, I)anl I LIil SIOlll and<br />

I hu ulJ R,,;::JcI. r"" UIIIIIIU!( Ih ... IlIJ mCI1Iben:<br />

are: R o~rt Gamiere. Gary<br />

1·logan. l lmolhr I Jl fl e~, C"harllt' HOSt<br />

and Richard blanka<br />

II 1\ Wllh Llct'pl'''' IClirel ,hit \Ioe<br />

repon Ihe Jealh <strong>of</strong> Om AntJre"" ilIarl.<br />

He was II I~)fj friend 10 (\'(rronc he<br />

mt.:1 lind a 1001 !,Mlner e\'Cf)"one ""!Shed<br />

for \\e c'I;u:nd our ~lnccre I),mr.alhv 10<br />

hl~ fUlml)' nro Andrew l!o ml~~d Dnd<br />

lliill nc\cr be forgonen<br />

('ongnuuhlinn", 1('1 our n:'ccnl<br />

rellrees.: Rnlph Lasltmo (With J4 )'ea r ~<br />

<strong>of</strong> ervlce): fJne C!\mpbcll ('" Ith 41<br />

~'eal~); Don "iml1h (VI Ilh J8 years);<br />

Gary R,,}buck (w llh )7 )'ean); li nd<br />

Harold Breedlo\'e (... 1Ih 41 yeart), Con·<br />

gratulallon!> and hesc ""I~hcs 10 aU<br />


WAGE LAW<br />

Cit 10 EOEIA,,"O. PS.<br />

L U, al ~ I&e m l. ' 01.. Mit " QU­<br />

At Ihis wming our Slate Ilrcvnilingwage<br />

IlIw was under IURck In the Ohio<br />

Lt;gi~IIIILlre . Elich week dunng May<br />

and Ju ne, we fl r.ode d the Hou~t' <strong>of</strong><br />

Reprcsenlll lh'es hea ri ng rooms where<br />

Ihree bills 10 n:pcnl (or '§C\crcly we"it·<br />

en) the pH;,)!C nt 1,,1',' were h ~ lI ro, I he<br />

liouse 9uOCOmmllll!e hcnrinQ,l his hill j<br />

loaded I'ohh H C ll ut1l1clln~ who ,ecm to<br />

dislike Iho! pre\,\iltn!! wu.sl! 11Iw,<br />

til! , we were working to klllihe bill<br />

io COIl1I11!llee; hcc lIll ~e wllh Ihe ptco;cnl<br />

gnng <strong>of</strong> h! g l ~1tutHS nm! un nlill unIOn<br />

govemor, \lot! face nn extremel), difficull<br />

hme In p rc~c l\ inS II ,, ~ law If II comes 10<br />

a \·ole. We Ih'-IIIL Ihe 1{)(.11~ lrom ocr(l~S<br />

Ihe "llIle .... ho ~I' nl r eJl r r.'i c' n tAlI\t'~ 10<br />

Ihe C{lmn\lllec hcann g..\<br />

\VorL h3\ tlCl!n !!oocJ III (1111 IIn:,llhl~<br />

past'iumml:t We thank 1M local, from<br />

around the C(lUiliry wtltl hUH' hclpt'o tI~<br />

man I hl~ \Iomk 11:t\11I1: mure \\\lr k Ih •.111<br />

\\oorkeh I~ dlrrer~'n t fO I Uti. a~ II h:t~<br />

be('11 Ihe ollac ' WI!\ Mound In recent<br />

~ea ~<br />

I Ihis wrillng Voe \Io'ere lookln! forward<br />

10 Ihe 'nl!" MuJ .... csl ~ohball<br />

Toumamt.nt sch~dulcd hcre for Jul)<br />

Remembr:r: )'Clur union and )our<br />

orgonlwig lllOl\rnm h nnh' 115 1:00lI a

Pic1ured are Local 953.<br />

few Clalf .. WI .. voIu,....,~<br />

wtto contribur.ci m~r tabor<br />

for 0 youth (amp ptoject:<br />

from WI, slanding, Bf"os.<br />

Jeff Secraw, AI F.rb«, AI<br />

Oro .... ,.n. Ikk Reidtert.<br />

Sherwin N.wman, JeR<br />

Sonda and AI Nova";<br />

Ie_ing, ann. Ntcl!: LKhI<br />

and Brien Schitla. Da ....<br />

Novak Ikneeling. righll. the<br />

iOn <strong>of</strong> Bro. AI Novo", alla<br />

helped oul.<br />

On t+.e oawion<br />

<strong>of</strong> m. inJIoIotion<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fici" for<br />

local 1031 .<br />

Chicago. It.<br />

newfy alee"'"<br />

Bus_ Mgr_ JOM<br />

A. Caaz (righll il<br />

joined by Sj .. tft<br />

Ojlrricllnl. Va<br />

Pra~ . Jomti P_<br />

Conway Icen,.,)<br />

and Int. Rep.<br />

Timothy J. Collins.<br />

men employed b)' ll arron '" leelnc<br />

CoOperall\C recently spent approxi·<br />

matery SO labor hours hell'ln[t with II<br />

~ummer )outh camp plulee! The Clmp<br />

Pblillps COPE Project pnmde'i -·ChB I<br />

lengmg outdoor pcfS(JlI.al c);f'Iottlence'<br />

fur looUt 5.000 c.mptn eacb ~C'ar II<br />

c.<br />

NY-Qur local receRtly loo k pUrl In<br />

Ihe Wal"Amenca fund ·ral~er for the<br />

Ma.rch <strong>of</strong> Dimes. Bus ~'lr Rich ard<br />

Redmond. local unIOn <strong>of</strong>f~"_ hecu·<br />

II\C Board membeA and <strong>of</strong>fice 'Iaff.<br />

1Dg(:lher \\ollb loci! IOJ9 mem~" .nd<br />

Ihelr famlhes. pullcd together to rltI~<br />

O\cr $3.200 for the drj\(<br />

In Januar) Com mun llY Sernce~<br />

Chmn. Wilham Gmh.llm and commlllec<br />

members Jllme~ Ca mpllello. Ch Ml e~<br />

Grebe. Ra lph Morales and Warren<br />

O'Neill began planning Ilnd work Ins<br />

wi th the. Murch <strong>of</strong> Dime, ~tllif 10 Pfl.\·<br />

parc for the e\lent .<br />

When nil " "Iker; and "orkel~ ~Ign ed<br />

In on \Ioall: day. they \Ioete entered In a<br />

prize r1Iftle. &i~·en • local 1049 T -

on compa ny ea rnings. The !lCC()nd yeM<br />

also ~ i ll hring an impro\'cmen l in Ihe<br />

rel ircmenl plan. another increase in<br />

shift differential nd I'll/He minor<br />

changes In the medical plbn,<br />

Our local bas bet:" sadd!::ncd by tht<br />

de atb <strong>of</strong> Bro, L. Steve Brown e, who<br />

passed awa)' un ~' !; Ir 13 tcve began<br />

work in Denton. MD. a~ II laborer on<br />

April 10. 1967. He then moved 1010 the<br />

tine crew as II groundman On Aug. 21,<br />

1967, and progrl!ssed Ih tou!lh the<br />

appren tices hip to become a journey·<br />

man Imeman in 1971. He acceplcd Ibe<br />

poSI tion <strong>of</strong> lea d Im crna " in heSlerlown.<br />

MD , m 1981 and remained In<br />

thaI Job un iii his tleath <strong>of</strong> lin apparent<br />

hean allack.<br />

On a hgill er nOle, "-'C welcome the<br />

members <strong>of</strong> rormer Locals 1707 (Dcn.<br />

lon, "\to) lind 2120 (Parksle:),. VA).<br />

which wcrt amalgamated into Local<br />

1307 in June:. Former Local 1707 WAS<br />

the bargaming agenl for Ihe cmplo)'cc$<br />

<strong>of</strong> CbopHank Electric- Co-op, On lhc<br />

EaSlern Shore <strong>of</strong> Maryland. loClll 2120<br />

represented the employees <strong>of</strong> A&N<br />

Co·op on tb~ Eastern Shor~ or Vir·<br />

glnia. We aIC! loo1iln~ 'Qr"~' ard ID<br />

strength in numbers and fed all pantes<br />

.... 1.11 be able 10 benefit tn' Ihls move<br />

Until next time: Be u~ion. bu) Ul'lion.<br />


(fomlCr bu.~IIIC'iS mann~c rlfina n tlnl o;ecretary):<br />

Vice Pres. Eu K oberin~ki (for.<br />

mer ~il.:e chRlr. Unit b): l reas, Edward<br />

Plumb (incumbent); Rcc. Sec. \V llync<br />

Giraudier (former chair, Unit 17),<br />

Elct'tt!d 10 the E"ccuth ~ Board liS the<br />

memher nt·large was Doug MorTISon<br />

(incumbent).<br />

Voter turnout was a lew, 49 pt:nxnt<br />

We had expected a larger turnout.<br />

gi\ cn the number <strong>of</strong> members running.<br />

fOT <strong>of</strong>fice and the major change.!> forth·<br />

coming al S(l~kPower.<br />

Those elected 'A il! haH: been $"'\)01<br />

in dunng Ibe Exea.liye Board mcctln,g<br />

In July, and the} look forward 10 the<br />

nexi lhree )eal'S. Congratulations to our<br />

newl\' elected <strong>of</strong>ficers. We also thank<br />

paSt <strong>of</strong>ficerS. and dU who ran for orflct<br />

for their hard lA'ork ilnd dtdicauon<br />

Our locars second Education Conference<br />

was held May 12-14. Like the<br />

fir:!jt conference. thl'> one ,",'as a huge<br />

success. Guest speakers included First<br />

District Int. Vice Pres. Ken 1. Woods:<br />

Kanssa Job{L'Q)n (Wastunglon 100ema·<br />

lIonal Energy Group); Ro~~r Shant·<br />

man (Prairie Coal): and Jack M~er<br />

(Sask.Power) The speahrs Informed<br />

our ml!:mbe:rs aboul the busin side <strong>of</strong><br />

the electric utility industry and dlScussed<br />

(he upcoming changes in (he<br />

industr)'. ~ delegates left thc confer·<br />

ence v;uh nev; knO'!o'ledge aooul hov.<br />

the companies tber *orL. for will be<br />

operated in the future.<br />

Thanks to aU lhe ddegales for laking<br />

Ibe lime to ~mend. and thanks 10 tbe<br />

conference committee ror helping 10<br />

m.aJ,:e lhe e,'enl such a suCttSS..<br />

We hope e\'e.ryone bas enjo)'ed a<br />

safe and happy summtr.<br />

GoRD LAVERDIERE. ASST. 8.\1.<br />


AWARD<br />

L . 2685 (i&I.I)_ WI NNIPEG, MR­<br />

Congratulations ,are: In order fOr Bro.<br />

Tim Senko"". ",bo \loBS named by the<br />

Manitoba Apprenticeship TfalOing<br />

Program as i13 lop graduatin.s. electriatl<br />

construction apprentic(" In 1~)9J The<br />

' fA TP saluled Tim OIl a eradw.tion ce.r­<br />

("mony held at the legislati\'C Building<br />

on Frida). April 17. Local 2085 plesented<br />

Tim wilh an engra\'ed IBEW<br />

walch al Ihls ceremony_ Represtonta­<br />

In'c:l'i o( \1anilooa mdUSII}'. communlt)<br />

colleges. organized labour aod the go"·<br />

ernm~nt ~ert! on hand for the presen·<br />

talions.<br />

Local 20S5 mourns the pamng <strong>of</strong><br />

cbartoe r member Bro. An Cameron. a<br />

lonner bUSiness manager <strong>of</strong> our local<br />

lie p!l55Cd 3wa~ March 21 following an<br />

illness \10 ilh cancer Bro Camuon<br />

se .... ed our local as business 1'Il3nager<br />

from 1971

unit ~ m p l oyec:s wtre "n:classified " to<br />

fill positions In other classifications and<br />

lines <strong>of</strong> progression. We do expect Ihis<br />

lTend 10 continue. We now fa ce daily<br />

issues regard ing "contractor utilization'·<br />

d uring this lime.<br />

At Ihis wriling in June. fomla! contrac<br />

t negotia tions were scheduled to<br />

begin in late July or earl )' A ugust.<br />

Local 2337 has planned 10 eOm;entrate<br />

II signIficant amo unt <strong>of</strong> effort on the<br />

isslles <strong>of</strong> bentfits, ~spccially the fund·<br />

ing <strong>of</strong> the retirement plan.<br />

As a result <strong>of</strong> the widespread reduc·<br />

t ions in force ;m d employeeimemtw::T<br />

changes. the loca! will be seeking 10<br />

secure appropriate stewards for all bar·<br />

gaining unit groups.<br />

Bus, Mgr. Mike Speer has been<br />

involved in the legislative (lSpccts <strong>of</strong><br />

-reliHI and wholesale v.hcding o f<br />

power" in the Siale Capitol, and he has<br />

worked on these issues in conjunction<br />

wi t h the Texas late Associal1on or<br />

EleC1rical <strong>Workers</strong> and the Texas AFL­<br />

C IO. For additional infonnation memo<br />

bers may call the local. See rou &1 Ihe<br />

mettings,<br />

STEVE w. AlJ~""'IN. PRESJ ASST. H.M<br />

Brothers and Sisters, we<br />

want you to have your<br />

JOURN AL! When you have a<br />

change <strong>of</strong> address, please let<br />

us know. Be sure to include<br />

your old address and please<br />

don't forgello fill in L. U. and<br />

Card No. This information will<br />

be helpful in checking and<br />

keeping our records straight.<br />

If you have changed local<br />

unions, we must have<br />

numbers <strong>of</strong> both.<br />

Mail To: Address<br />

Change Depanment<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Eleclrical <strong>Workers</strong><br />

" 25~'5th Street. N.W.<br />

Suite 903<br />

WaShington, D.C. 20005<br />


NAME<br />




cARDNuMaER ______ 7.7C7~~7C~~~~~~-------------<br />

(if unlmown, chtJck With local Union)<br />



soc. Sec. No. _____________________ _<br />

(PleaSfJ afIiJf mailing labsl from mi1gazlne)<br />


FORMER LOCAL UNON NUMBER ____________________________ _<br />

Don" lorgel lo register to vote at your new address.<br />


Ricbard<br />

H. Mills<br />

I<br />

nlernalionai Representative Richard<br />

Haywood Mills announces his r e l i re~<br />

ment from the IBEW effecti e Septem~<br />

ber 1, 1995.<br />

Born in Camden, ew Jersey, Brother<br />

Mills began his service [ 0 [he I BE W in<br />

March 1960 in the Research and Eco~<br />

nomics Department in the <strong>International</strong><br />

Office. After a tour <strong>of</strong> duty in the U.S.<br />

Army: hc was assigned to the 1.0:$ Manufac<br />

lUring Departmem . where his duties<br />

included both servicing and organizing.<br />

On May I. 1966, he was appointed an<br />

l ntcmational Representative.<br />

While working in the Manufacturing<br />

D epartment. Brotner Mi lls has b een<br />

involved with negotiations at General<br />

Electric an d Westinghouse. Rockwell.<br />

Square D, Sylvania, and a va ri e ty <strong>of</strong><br />

companies in the wire and cable industry.<br />

He participated in the chartering <strong>of</strong><br />

EM-4 (Genera l Ca ble) and EM,S (Ge n-<br />

eral Electric). In 1965 he worked with<br />

the group wbich became the AFL~CIO<br />

Coordina ted Bargaining Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

G e nera l Electric a nd Westingho use<br />

Unio ns (CBC). eventually serving as the<br />

group's treasurer. The eBC concept and<br />

struc tu re was la ter adopted by the<br />

!BE W and other companies. by other<br />

unions. and by the AFL ~ C IO 's InduSlrial<br />

nion Department (IU D) as an effecli<br />

e way <strong>of</strong> negotiating with multi-plant<br />

companies. He bas also served on the<br />

IU D's Committee to Preserve American<br />

ColorTY.<br />

Brother Mills gr aduated from the U ni ~<br />

versity <strong>of</strong> Maryland with a Bachelor <strong>of</strong><br />

cience degree. He and his wife. Barbara,<br />

have two grown sons. Scott and Steven.<br />

and three grandchildren.<br />

The Officers, members, and employees<br />

<strong>of</strong> [he tBE W wish Bro ther Mills all the<br />

be st as he begins his retirement. ,<br />



1994 Summary AnnuaJ Repor't for the National <strong>Electrical</strong> Benefit Fund<br />

This is a sununnry <strong>of</strong> tbe annual report<br />

for th e National <strong>Electrical</strong> Benefit<br />

Fund. number 53 -0181657. for the year<br />

ended December 3 1. J 99 -1. Tht: annual<br />

report has been filed with the Inte rnal<br />

Revenue Service. as required under the<br />

Employee Retirement Income Security<br />

Act <strong>of</strong> 1974 (ER ISA).<br />

Busic H nanclal lill(' ulcnl<br />

Benefits under the plan arc providt:d by<br />

a (rust Plan expcn:;cs \\ cre -3 .9 7.545.<br />

These expenses included $20.748.420 in<br />

ad ministrative expenses and $288239.125<br />

in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries.<br />

A total o f 363.578 people were participants<br />

in or beneficiaries <strong>of</strong> th e. plan at<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> th e plan year. although not all or<br />

these people had yet earned the rigu! to<br />

receive bcncEils.<br />

The va lue oC plan aSSl!IS, after subtracting<br />

liabilities <strong>of</strong> the plan . was<br />

$4.823.085.465 as or December 31, 1994,<br />

compa re d to $4.988,682,237 as <strong>of</strong> January<br />

l. 1994. During the plan yea r the<br />

plan experienced a d ecrease in its net<br />

assets <strong>of</strong> 165.596.772. Thts decrease<br />

includes unrealized appreciation or depreciation<br />

in the value <strong>of</strong> plan assets: that is.<br />

tbe diffe rence between the value <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plan's asset at the end <strong>of</strong> the year and lhe<br />

value <strong>of</strong> the assets at the beginning <strong>of</strong> lhe<br />

year or the cost <strong>of</strong> ~l s"c l S; acquired during<br />

lhe year. The plan had tO lal meom\.· <strong>of</strong><br />

$ 1-U.390.773. including employer contributions<br />

o f $201.684.5 16. losses <strong>of</strong><br />

145337313 from the sale <strong>of</strong> asscl~. earning~<br />

from irl\c~lD1c nts <strong>of</strong> 5.129.100. and<br />

oth...:rInCOlTIe <strong>of</strong>$I.914.470.<br />

'linimUlIl Vunding 8laudar ds<br />

An actUi.IfY·~ statement shows thal<br />

enougb money \\ a~ contributed to the plan<br />

to keep il funded in accordance wah the<br />

mintmum funding standards or ERI A.<br />

\0111' RI~I'S 10 t\ddil icuml infur maliull<br />

You have tbe righ t to receive a copy <strong>of</strong><br />

the fu ll annu

Sorrell,<br />

I N<br />

M E M 0 R I A M<br />

L ... L SurnDIIIII ,-,<br />

PBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in June 1995<br />

"'~- '-' SUI'MIIIt<br />

""" "",' ,-, "",'<br />

Sumome lmolln'<br />

. .11.<br />

GflIII9, A.<br />

, RMrb, a. E. BrO'Jent, A. W. , .1 ~ 10<br />

'"<br />

H..el lrog, R. G. ~ 'DI frtnl, C . 1 KotI1lff, LA. "'''r, I. W<br />

Wun, C. w. XJ, ,(<br />

lonero, l. I<br />

,<br />

KG",I, J. I~ Welmotll Jr., H. O. Kelly, F. R.<br />

Connon, P. l " 0Ct100 Kttfe. £. J.<br />

,<br />

Curling. W. 5 xoll, W. J.<br />

lavender, I. A.. Kuumdd. J.<br />

,<br />

51TOItr, J N. Snnk, R N.<br />

Ml:Sherry, M. H Ianoiino, l , Bond, L D. Smilh. C. A.<br />

Sylvia, E.G. loW, ! . I S,,-, D. l WhiIM)'. E. ••<br />

" ..... ,le. ..... , ~<br />

,<br />

Mwlar, l . L ...., . .u.<br />

',....lM. lOtTti, V. I , Mllin Jr., No.. H. Lndwy, c. o.<br />

~ , ~[ Y.....,r..u, L V. MidltiH, t f. WilSOII, A. A.<br />

V IIIICIric:h, s. lit G_.c.A. CNillir.o, J. blright, J. I.<br />

5m!m, L A. lesko, G.<br />

0am, H. L<br />

Wold, G. H. McCIdIcmd. J. H.<br />

~u.<br />

, T. f. ~osenbIo'" M.<br />

Ph~ tp l , W. M.. tonmon, E. p, MtU.m1C1, T. H. Swain, A. W,<br />

'''''', L 5-,,1Ion Jr .. f. 11tIWT1, J. MoiiIond, L<br />

f..+r,' L Amald, f. W. ()w

.....<br />

-,<br />

"'- '-, ...., """'- .......<br />

S",mCUM<br />

"""<br />

"""""<br />

.... .-- , '-',<br />

~hok. t O. "':/... , " Pollon, f. e. ',' 0 JoMooo,'Ul<br />

...... , Ius , 1M, ., J Miler, N. W. 0 ''''''to ~ w. "<br />

"'-Od.! w. JI DotIIhil, C. L . ~<br />

Reimtr,J.G . l J,J) P K\lJmtr, E. £.<br />

/Ibphy Jr., L J. WocG, T.A. Ihomp>oo. •• O. : AOOoo<br />

t.on.*s, A. tt.<br />

,-'<br />

UlIVUO, ~ . Poland, a. I . Young, D. t 1.4...000 P '''' I.tamed, L E.<br />

W~ , G . L to ... " .. lmdh.1.H. " QOO<br />

"'"<br />

TakaiM, f . .... Koth. f. W. t..I.oow. G. ·uOO: p. ~ . ,J:/..<br />

byrooId~ . W D. ~ , D. E. J-i.A )00 "., McDow, T. H. .L~'X<br />

Hodg~. W,J. HoI,l P ~, LE.<br />

,<br />

_f.L JX<br />

[otun, R. Y. c..ddy, LL . J ~ . A.. J. - , ~'- 1.))00<br />

lolft, D. H. " _ , • . W.<br />

"""-. G. l J.il: )j<br />

....... I.J. LmOO<br />

Goodo, L I o..., H. A. ......, •. l 3~. 1 MoodnoIp, J. O. ~ b)JOO<br />

Howatd, C 0 .... oJoy,ll , en.w..,LL 4j,1 .... .... , .. ,~o,n<br />

.... Mi ... , V. M. .... Alonso, L ...... Ill 2 'lOOO<br />

'"<br />

Pv!ton, D. J. !wI. A.L ......., L AOOOO "'"". J.<br />

"<br />

f ..... fL ,.,......"J.J. " """",, t 2<br />

....<br />

~X100 """"',U. ,)Oro<br />

" PiII',J W.<br />

JOOOO<br />

.... -, Chamberlin,,,, f. .... 1DMkIII. F. l J , !fown, G. P • 2Moo<br />

.... ') ~. f . f . 2.4XOO<br />

p ..<br />

" CoIIm, l W. ' ..<br />

I<br />

••, CI'O¥I'dtr. H C. :: t 3:;.r '1 Brown, LI. ~.1~ (:<br />

&hholn, f. f. 91 I "",, L W. .. 4000: I hwn, W,D. 400 (X<br />

Mob<br />

. C, l<br />

00<br />

", ~ Il00,,, .•. 2.aXlOO<br />

p,.. 01 Pril'l(e, C.l 2.10000<br />

P~J If P"""""LL 2 .1000:;<br />

..... 'Ie kOWl'lirtih S E Pohi, w. L ,4C);)C( If CQMO(I, H. L . 1 4'~J~<br />

P~<br />

Fn '716 MocMaI\o!t, I ''''''',t 240000<br />

f. A. F~" .I ~,W. '00 . If Cannon, T. J. 2 J'.tJ<br />

Rled, E. O. 2 ~OOOO<br />

" """<br />

"'""" k .. l L ;.,01 ~ lIPl, W.L 4 ,.<br />

OJ CtrWI,J.G, 4,)Jt)<br />

...·1<br />

R~' . 21.0000<br />

p"" W"",', A.l f ,?' Griffin. to C. 1. .1X}r. p~" OJ Cheod\e, L A.. Jex} IX<br />

"<br />

"', I R....-t, f.}. " 40000<br />

Wonllw, LS,<br />

"'"<br />

... "I McGowon., H. S. 279' 31 rl!ll~ 1'01 CoIlim. •. ~ 240000<br />

""'111 llIocIti, W. G • 10000<br />

F! i \o-:xl<br />

,<br />

~. W. l J)) ~ 0 ' ...... lM. t ':(l(I!Y"<br />

.... " ... 01. .... ~ J • ~ Mi\. Jr .. LJ. 2'))11)<br />

... , " __ S<br />

...<br />

,"Xl lrtM, A..l 24"'01 ,,"p Homberp, f. p, ~X1 ~J<br />

I""""""", SI,AOJ,9lJ.02<br />



Intematlonal<br />

BENEfIT fUND<br />

BENEffifUND<br />

<strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong> Number admitted to pen.ion lo.t month ~ 381<br />

Ilectrical<br />

Total number on pension 90633<br />

<strong>Workers</strong><br />

Mn1<br />

Total pen.ion payment. lo.t month $ 5332,200 52 $ 2543339076<br />

Pension and<br />

Death Benefit Total pen.ion payment. lo.t 12 month. $ 63.7877096J $ 296 824 606.00<br />

PaYlllent Report Death benefit. paid lo.t month $ 1 403933 02<br />

June 1995 Death benefit. paid lo.t 12 month. $ 16248 31 975<br />


John W.<br />

MitcheU<br />

4B<br />

The Brolherhood is saddened<br />

. lo announce th e deat h <strong>of</strong><br />

Fourth Di strict Inle;:rn old.<br />

BrOll1er Milchcll was bo rn<br />

April 14. 1938. in Mal'S Lick.<br />

Ken lUck) lie wa') inll iated into<br />

Local 1>17. Cincinnati. Ohio. o n<br />

June 31. 1957. where he \o,.orked<br />

a, a lineman fo r the Cincinnat i<br />

Gu, & Elcclric Comp;:my. IJrothcr<br />

Mitchell !:ien 'cd os recording<br />

secre tary and huslnt.!ss manage r-<br />

financi:tl secretary <strong>of</strong><br />

his local. and was also<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

loca l' s Executive<br />

Board a nd Examining oard .<br />

\Vithin his local. he scl"\ed on th e<br />

I egOl iaung. By-Laws. SafelY.<br />

Building Fund. Picnic and Social<br />

Commillccs,<br />

On April I. 1976. BrOl hcr<br />

Mitchel l W3:) appointe d an<br />

In terna t ional Represenl3live<br />

and assigned to the Fourth DIStrict<br />

laft. Hi Pilrticipalion<br />

on labor-re la ted committees<br />

includt:d work. with the AFL­<br />

C IO U nited Way Commillcc.<br />

the Cincinnati Labor-Ma nagem<br />

e nt Committee. and Ihe<br />

Nationa l Council on Alcoholi<br />

~ JIl. He wilS (lctive on th e<br />

Boone oun,y RClardcd Chil·<br />

dren's Association. From 1955<br />

10 1960. Brother Mil c h el l<br />

served in the U.S. Army and in<br />

the .S. Arm Reserves. He<br />

allcndcd Northe rn K entUCky<br />

laic ollege a nd Thomas<br />

More ollege. and he \Vas a n<br />

lwid SpOrISIlHIO.<br />

Surviving him a rc hi~ wifc.<br />

Barhara; nVC 0;.0 0 5. John Jr .. Jeffrey.<br />

Jason, Jared, and Joshua:<br />

and six grandchildren. The cntire<br />

Bro therhood, a nd his ma ny<br />

fri e nds, extend Ihe lr dcepesl<br />

symp:llhies to his fam ily. He will<br />

he grelllly missed. I.<br />


A Real Voice on the Job<br />

Newt Gingrich aod<br />

others LO Coogress<br />

want to trample your<br />

democratic rights by letting<br />

employers control worker<br />

organizations. That way<br />

employers would be free to<br />

cut wages. slash benefit<br />

and reduce job safety and<br />

no one would be left to<br />

stand up for workers.<br />

H.R. 743, the so-called<br />

"TEAM Act.'· would let<br />

manage ment create phony<br />

unions and fak e employee<br />

committees. The bill would<br />

allow management to hand<br />

pick the leaders <strong>of</strong> these<br />

groups and then act as if<br />

these non-elected puppets<br />

were the voice <strong>of</strong> workers.<br />

Here is what you can<br />

do to stop this attack<br />

•<br />

on our UlllOn:<br />

* Register<br />

to Vote<br />

Today!<br />

* Call<br />

•<br />

m<br />

or Write your<br />

U.S. Representative<br />

and tell him or her<br />

to vote NO on<br />

H.R. 743!<br />

* Ask<br />

yom<br />

Local Union<br />

how you can<br />

get involved in<br />

IBEW-COPE!<br />

* VOTE<br />

mevery<br />

election!<br />

T1MI Men ami Women 01111.<br />

AA. -au -I..odIlllllIIe f\ghllor<br />

Amerlel's WorIIlnR miles

m EW JOllnwl<br />

1125-15Ih Slr"ol. ,W ,<br />

Washi nglon , Dr 7 1111O ,~<br />

I' r i lll~ ~1 illlhl.'lI.S,/\ ,<br />


Fit the job to the ~=i<br />

person, not the ~<br />

person to the job. ~<br />

Design the job and<br />

the equipment to<br />

be user friendly.<br />

A Monthly<br />

IBEW Safety<br />

Reminder<br />

Work smarternot<br />


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