1974-03 March IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1974-03 March IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1974-03 March IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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o JOURNAL' MAR' 74<br />

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• JOURNAL· MARCH· 74<br />

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Volume 73, No. 3<br />


<strong>IBEW</strong> Organizing Victory<br />

System Council EM·4<br />

CHARLES H. PILLARD, Editor<br />

<strong>March</strong>,<br />

Biggest Electnc Generating Station in the Southwest<br />

Manufacturing Conference Held in Boston<br />

At Weslern I:.lectnc Hawthorne Worksa<br />

New Dimension in On-the-Job Safety<br />

Vocational Industrial Clubs <strong>of</strong> America<br />


Editorial Comment<br />

Safety Tips<br />

Apprenticeship and Training<br />

Research and Education Department<br />

With the Ladies<br />

local Lines<br />

Dea th Claims<br />


<strong>1974</strong><br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

10<br />

35<br />

2<br />

12<br />

17<br />

18<br />

20<br />

23<br />

71<br />

A high·voltage tran smiSSion tower is<br />

shown being gUided into place in the<br />

vICinity <strong>of</strong> JlJnp.illJ. Alil5kil and In the<br />

Jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> LocaJ 1547. Brother Ken<br />

Hi ckey submitted this photograph to<br />

the <strong>Journal</strong>.<br />

POSTMAsn .. C"".1' 01 .",1, ".0" r-." l'H ,1(1 b" o'<br />

I t .~. , a,,,, ,"""d <strong>of</strong> e ., W'''~e'' ,l"S F'h" ~ "·j. 5,· .. ,<br />

.., W W I'~" 0 C 1OOO!i '"bl ~ ...; 0"", •• 1 .....; J.<br />

~ '" P4'';'' v .... "1' ". D.C S b, "I'"o~ p" Uo '~j S'.,<br />

. ,. 13 51 r· , , o' ft .O,.A. P""'~d ~ U.S.A. T~ JOURNAl<br />

".. ., be ~. j • .., .. ",.b'. I.., ~,r.p' ...... b. co' .. ,eoo"

editorial COlnlnellt<br />

• The Amcriclm labor move ment ag:lin i ~ !

• In May. 1973 the m EW en·<br />

gaged in an organiling campaign<br />

10 organize into Ih!,! IllEW o\'er<br />

400 l'mployccs <strong>of</strong> thc 'iorthland<br />

Electric Motors plant IOCaicd in<br />

\ValerlO"'n, New York. Norl;,land<br />

Ekctric MOlars is a suhsidiar) <strong>of</strong><br />

thc Scon & Feuer Corporation and<br />

i~ mllin busines:, is 10 suppJ) mOtors<br />

for the Kirby vacuum machine.<br />

On Jurw 7. 1973 lhe <strong>IBEW</strong>, having<br />

a suOicicnl numb..:r <strong>of</strong> authori·<br />

zation cards ~igncd b) the elllployees<br />

10 requiT'" it secret ballot<br />

election to determine the qu"',lion<br />

<strong>of</strong> J BEW aflilialion and rcpn.:scnt:llion<br />

<strong>of</strong> Northland employees. filcu<br />

for an NL RB ckction. The IB EW<br />

had hoped (n haY": a CUllwnt ekeliun<br />

bcfor..: July 4, but Ihe company.<br />

after deliberately ,tailing.<br />

agreed \0 an election in A u gU~L<br />

Bul because a greal majority <strong>of</strong> the<br />

employee!'> would Ix on vacation.<br />

the I BEW rdu"eo and an election<br />

wa!> sc heduled fo r Seph:n1ber 13.<br />

1973.<br />

During July ,md August the company<br />

had .. large turnover <strong>of</strong> employees;<br />

and in thl' lattl'r part <strong>of</strong><br />

A ugu'\t Northland .. h:ppcd up Ihe<br />

campaign with captiVl.' audknce<br />

I1lccling~ twice a wed. with :t vice<br />

president ;uld an attorney from the<br />

parent company. Scl111 & Feller. in<br />

attendance. K..:y rabe'\ up to 35<br />

cents an hour wcre givcn to ce rtain<br />

clTlployee~. cmplo)cc, \\cre th rC:lt­<br />

..:ned with lo~ or job .. in c;!'>!.! <strong>of</strong><br />

~t r ikc. and articles 'Igainst the I BEW<br />

:lppcarcd in the ncw .. puper and on<br />

the mdio :.1:Ilion. Dc:.pile the .. e .11-<br />

tacks. on ciection day the nH\.· was<br />

161 for the IIlE\\' and 144 ngninsl.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> ORGANIZING VICTORY<br />

N.Y. are happy after organizing<br />

Harper. Van Lltz, Arline Carr, Lou<br />

Cathy O'Hara. PreSIdent Painela<br />

DeVito. Busmess Manager, Local 910. Watertown, N Y" Kenneth Day, In ternational<br />

Representative Dorothy Husted, Jerry Baker. Peg Simmons. Doris Alton, Bob<br />

Mathews, Executive Board members Tom Neddo, Ken Grosse, Jr" and Richard<br />

O'Oonnell. Bottom row, left to flgllt, are Treasurer Wanda Sprague, Vice PreSIdent<br />

Nancy Bacon, Recording Secretary Barbara LaFave. Executive Board Chairman<br />

Dorts Bovey, Executive Board members Luella Crandell. Rose Ramsey. and<br />

Charles Dunham. Absent from the picture are Financial Secretary Dawn Radley<br />

and Execut ive Board member Beverly Busto.<br />

Bill \ictOf) wa .. not )d realiLeu,<br />

111e com pan) filed ;1Il objl'Ction<br />

claiming overt induccm!.!nh and<br />

other ac" by the <strong>IBEW</strong>, T he regional<br />

NLRB ruled against the<br />

com pan)' and Northland appealed<br />

to the NLRB in Wa~hington. On<br />

November 26. the NLRB denied<br />

the appeal :lnd certificd the IBI; W<br />

a, the <strong>of</strong>ficial exclu!>i\'e agent for<br />

the cmployee~ <strong>of</strong> Northland Electric<br />

Moton •.<br />

t\~ :I re:.ult <strong>of</strong> this hard-fought<br />

organi7ing campaign. the cmployet:s<br />

<strong>of</strong> Northland Ekctric Motor .. :ITe<br />

nuw rcpresented und!.!r the bllllner <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> chartered LoclIl 2101. Wmerto\\I1.<br />

Nt:w Vorl. wilh full bargaining<br />

right:.. In charge <strong>of</strong> the eamp:lign<br />

for the I BE\\ was Thin.! District<br />

Il1tcrnatiOllll1 Rl·pre .. entUli .....: Dorothy<br />

lI u~ted. w ho wa~ :Ibly assi .. ted by<br />

Kcnndh Day. busine),~ manager <strong>of</strong><br />

Local 910. Watertown, New York;<br />

Donald Elliott. pre:.idell l <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

554. W:ll erlOwn. New York: Lois<br />

Harri ... a m!.!rnb~·r <strong>of</strong> Local 1377,<br />

Clt:vdanu. Ohio: and the organi7ing<br />

committee <strong>of</strong> Northland Electric<br />

Motnn. em pIn) ee, who arc now<br />

nwmbcrs <strong>of</strong> the JOE\\'. All these<br />

pef'oom arc to be congratulated and<br />

c()fnlllentied for II line job.<br />

Congratulations and special thanks<br />

g{\ tn l,oc:11 2101 memb('rs who<br />

donated cOllntlc,s hours <strong>of</strong> their<br />

personal tim!.! to the campaign by<br />

att.:nding mceting. ... di~lributing union<br />

icands. ,oliciting union authorization<br />

card ... lIlal.ing tckphone calls.<br />

and p.:rformingolhercarnpaign wor!..<br />

Ih;lImah·the IllEW \'ictory possible.<br />

Portsmouth, N.H. Telephone Answering Service Employees Choose <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

• On Oclolxr 26, 1973, the lif'o\<br />

meding belwe~n empl(l)!'!\!' <strong>of</strong> the<br />

PomlTloulh. New I irlmp"hire Telephone<br />

An,wering St:f\ icc and th!.!<br />

I BEW was held, I ntcrnational Rl!prc..scnlat<br />

ivcs John Carr ;lIld Kara<br />

l\'lulvey mel with the cmplo)c.: .. 10<br />

discuss thc union. and authuri/ation<br />

cards wcrc signed.<br />

During the next two wce!.. ... two<br />

employec, were laiu 01T nnu one<br />

was fi red. T hest: act ion'\ were accom]Jlltl<br />

icd by ~ Ia te lll cnts ~uc h a~ " I<br />

hale 10 dl1 Ihis but the union is not<br />

gClling in here," Lette,", wriucn 10<br />

the crnplo~ccs .. tated that the bm ..<br />

\\OIlld make :I "\\onuaful friend<br />

buIll mi .. crable enemy."<br />

The\, emplo)ct: .. 'tated on October<br />

26 tlHI\ thcy would .. tic!..<br />

1(1g~·lhcr. and con"cquently rallicu<br />

behind the employee.. v. ho were<br />

di~lI1i .... eu fmm their jobs.<br />

Additiuual mceting .. were held<br />

with <strong>International</strong> Repre\cntative),<br />

Carr and Mulvey and A,si .. tant<br />

Busine ..... MunagN Patricia Hutc:hin­<br />

,on, I.ncal 2310. Manchc~ter, New<br />

Ifamp .. hirc.<br />

llnfllir lahur practice charges<br />

w!.!rc fiku. :lnu \\hen the National<br />

Labor Rei;ltioll'i Board (NLRB)<br />

imcstigalcd. Ihe employees prm idl'd<br />

over 30 pages <strong>of</strong> tClotimony in support<br />

<strong>of</strong> the charges.<br />

On NO\'cmbcr 26. ju~t one month<br />

after the initial meet ing with m EW<br />

representatives. Ihe employees <strong>of</strong><br />

CfJllfillllCt/ 0/' (!IIO:C 22<br />

M .... h. <strong>1974</strong><br />


\5lJotem<br />

Gouncil<br />

EM-4<br />

Diocuooeo<br />

'74<br />

These scenes show negotiators in session.<br />

Negotiotiono<br />

ond<br />

GOOrdinoted<br />

Borgoining<br />

ot<br />

;\nnuol<br />

Meeting<br />

. "' he anl1ual Il1c(,lin!,!. ()f SY'[\.'111<br />

Council EM-.t, GClll'fal Cable em­<br />

]JOralion (Gee) employe('" \\;.'><br />

hel d in Ri via<br />

wilh Ih" co .. t-nf-l iving dau~l' nl'guliatl'tl<br />

in Ill7 1 and the Ik'lhiull and<br />

in .. uralH,:e gain .. madl' in recent CI\Jltrart~.<br />

In 11)7 -1 nq,!.)tiatioll' thc Jdcgatl'''<br />

l'xprl" .. l'd the nc..:d for il1lproh'd<br />

[angUllgl' in Ihl' agr..:ell1cnh<br />

and in th l' pension plan to protect<br />

thl' l'mpl\l~cl' in cas..: <strong>of</strong> a plant<br />

.. hwdcl\\ll. I hl' ddcgllt.: .. \\Cfl' in­<br />

,lrul'll'd 10 review all <strong>of</strong> Iheir b:lrgail1ing<br />

lkl11and~ in their local<br />

unilln" and 10 .. ubmil them in 1illle<br />

tlEW JD","'QI

These scenes show negotIators in session.<br />

~<br />

ror the Fcbru'H) Council ~x ...·..:uti\c<br />

Board Illo.!cl ing.<br />

EM-4 <strong>of</strong>lic..::rs and ExecutiY\!<br />

Board member!> whu wil! !c'ld the<br />

ncgnl i ation~ indud!.': Chairman Joe<br />

Ru,,\otto. Local 868, Bayonne. New<br />

kr: TrcOl\·<br />

urer Norm Och:., Local I Yt)3.<br />

Monticello. Ill inois: and Executive<br />

Board m..:mbcrs AI Blatccky. Local<br />

226R. Kingman, Ari.,-ona; Dave<br />

M CHC h. <strong>1974</strong><br />

Gla!>:.m:lI1. Local 1800. Elkton.<br />

M:Il] land: and Idell Rigby, Local<br />

2164. Brandon. Mississippi.<br />

Following the COllncil meeting,<br />

Ih..:: Indu,trial Union DcpartrncrH <strong>of</strong><br />

the AFL-C IO cOllvcncJ the fiN<br />

J UD-G.:ncral Cable Coonlinah:J<br />

Bargaining C()Jlullin,x me..:ting <strong>of</strong><br />

alJ union, reprc~cl1ting Get1eTal<br />

Cable l'lllployces. C\loruin(l!(lr 10hn<br />

CiplIrro Il'd the uiscu, ... ior. on the<br />

need anu re.!.pon ... ibilities involved<br />

in an [UD-cooruinalcd bargaining<br />

program. A ueluilcll report wa, presented<br />

[0 the uck'galc .... compMing<br />

[he contractual benefits and tht"<br />

pct1~iiln lUld in~urallcc plans <strong>of</strong><br />

every collective b.trgaining agreernc<br />

rH with Gee.<br />

Future mccting.' <strong>of</strong> the Committee<br />

v. ill b..: held to tlc\dop bargaining<br />

~tralegy in <strong>1974</strong>. In mJditiuJI [0<br />

thl' <strong>IBEW</strong>. other international<br />

uniulI'i rCIHe,enling GeC employec"<br />

im:luue the Mm:hilli'I~, rUE,<br />

Teamsters. Auto Workers, UE. and<br />

Sted\\ Mkl'rs.<br />


• rhere arc big bendil .. al Ihe<br />

biggl!),t ekclric generating M'llion in<br />

Ihe South\\>c\l. Some lx'nefils werc<br />

given by nature, and Ulhc~ wer..:<br />

gained at the tmrgaining tabh,.·.<br />

This is thl! ~i t e <strong>of</strong> the Navaju<br />

Gem'rating Swtion. where an operating<br />

erew <strong>of</strong> about 300 "ill produce<br />

power fo r u~e in Ari7.0na,<br />

California. unu Nevada. Already<br />

morc than I UU ere" member:. arc<br />

at thl.! Mation. preparing for thl'<br />

~Wrt <strong>of</strong> commercial opcra ti on~ next<br />

May <strong>of</strong> the fil"')t <strong>of</strong> three 750.()()O..<br />

kilo\\att unit ... Another 1,700 con­<br />

'truction worl.l!r\ arc busy building<br />

uniL~ 2 and 3, which will be compktcd<br />

in May. 1975 and May,<br />

1976.<br />

Thi)' is also thl.! ukc Pow('[J<br />

countr}. location <strong>of</strong> the ~('ondlargest<br />

n:~crv() i r on the North<br />

Aml!rican continent. And that<br />

mean!. ~\\i rnm ing. boating. water<br />

~kii ng . and trout and bass Ih hing.<br />

And it 's Nuvajo country-with<br />

eye-filling viM;l" <strong>of</strong> red rock ml!~a!.<br />

and plalc:IU~. ,catlcred hogam. ;lIld<br />

fl ock.. <strong>of</strong> 'hcep. This b where<br />

Navajo arti'ian .... till wea'e blanl.ets<br />

and muke turquoise jewelry.<br />

I)agl.' itsdf has that kind or ... rnall·<br />

\()wn atlllo~plll're<br />

that permeate), a<br />

place <strong>of</strong> only 4.000 permanent resi·<br />

denbo Thi ~ i .. e~pc'cia ll y so bccau

<strong>March</strong>, 19 74<br />

Shown is the Na\lajo Generating Station,<br />

loelled near Page, Ariz. The first 01 three<br />

units is scheduled lor completion in<br />

May, <strong>1974</strong>.<br />

The generating station is situated in the<br />

area <strong>of</strong> Lake Powell, second largest<br />

reservoir on the North American continent.<br />

which <strong>of</strong>fers year-round boatmg and fishing.<br />

lion from other SRP fac ilities arc<br />

guaranteed pay for 10 hours per<br />

day for 12 consecutive da)s; and<br />

that includes double-lime pay for<br />

all work after the first 60 hours in<br />

a workweek.<br />

• If maintenance work is<br />

awarded 10 outside contractors. station<br />

emplo)ccs who do the :.amc<br />

kind <strong>of</strong> jobs will work thl' same<br />

number <strong>of</strong> hours as thl! "outsiders:'<br />

• Moving expenses for up to<br />

8,000 pounds are paid by management<br />

for SRP employees who transfer<br />

10 thc 'avajo Station: however.<br />

if an employee voluntarily terminates<br />

before one year <strong>of</strong> se rvice at the<br />

station. he must reimburse the SRP<br />

on a pro-rata basis commensurate to<br />

the time remaining in the first-year<br />

assignment.<br />

• After three years at Navajo.<br />

employees who bid to another SRP<br />

facility will be reimbursed for 50<br />

perccnt <strong>of</strong> the moving expenses to<br />

the new assignment.<br />

The Navajo Generating Slaliol1<br />

will cost about $6 I 3 million for<br />

construction with about $200 million<br />

for environmental protection.<br />

Navajo Project participants arc dedicated<br />

to making the station the<br />

epitome <strong>of</strong> environmental protection<br />

-an asset to Page and a credit to<br />

the electrical industry.<br />

Nature helps somewhat in environmental<br />

protection by providing<br />

high-grade coal at Black Mesa. The<br />

average ash content is only 7.93<br />

percent, and the average sulfur content<br />

is only one-half <strong>of</strong> one percenl.<br />

But to make matters even beller,<br />

Ihe NavlIjo participants havc ordered<br />

$40 million worth <strong>of</strong> hot electrostatic<br />

prccipitators. which havc a<br />

design efficiency <strong>of</strong> 99.5 percent.<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> the three g.enerating units<br />

will have 16 separate prccipitawr<br />

chambcrs. Furthcrmore. each chamber<br />

can be isolated so that indhidual<br />

maimenance can be l>erformed<br />

while the rcst <strong>of</strong> the chambers are<br />

in operation.<br />

Sulfur dioxide removal equipment,<br />

costing about $94 million. is<br />

being designed in an accelerated research<br />

and development program at<br />

the Mohave Gcnerating Station at<br />

the southern tip <strong>of</strong> Nevada. The research<br />

is a joint effort by Navajo<br />

and Mohave participants.<br />

COIl/i/rliCll Oil /'(Ier 70<br />




HELD IN<br />

BOSTON<br />

• I he fall ~ l anufac(uring :md<br />

So.:nico.: Local Unions Conference<br />

\\ll~ hdd at the Ll.:nox 1I00ei. Bo~ ·<br />

ton. \1a!>!>OIchusl.:lIl•. o n NO\L'mbcr<br />

16. 11173" O\l.:r 60 ddcgale~ \\erL'<br />

prL· .... nt. rcprc .. enting about 25 diffL"rcnl<br />

10c:II\. IllIroduclion <strong>of</strong> th ...<br />

ddl.:gat..... r",vl.::tlcd th... vcry \\ itk<br />

r,lIl!!c :IIlU "Cllpl.' <strong>of</strong> IBE\\ or~afli­<br />

.I;l[illn m Nc\\ Englanu-(rom<br />

nuck-ar !>utmmrin..:!> to 111L' tinie .. t<br />

dio(k .. and [rall.. iMllr~" Sl)rne <strong>of</strong> [he<br />

IUI:ul .. function with :t .. ingle large<br />

emplo)l.:r <strong>of</strong> ,>

'<br />

handling <strong>of</strong> legitimate cases. "Our<br />

problem." said Mullaney. " is more<br />

orten in the form <strong>of</strong> complaints<br />

from female members who do not<br />

want to be trealed '('qual' in terms<br />

<strong>of</strong> work assignment. We've been<br />

able," he said, "10 raise :.ubslantially<br />

the earning levels <strong>of</strong> the<br />

worn':l1 workers in Local 1505 without<br />

the need <strong>of</strong> leaning upon the<br />

law,"<br />

Brotller Mullaney also urged thc<br />

member.; 10 participate in all available<br />

I BEW activities. and emphasized<br />

the case with which the locab can<br />

attend the <strong>International</strong> Convention.<br />

"Our COIl.')litulion allows sufficient<br />

rei mbu rsement 10 the delegate (0<br />

pconil even the smallest <strong>of</strong> our<br />

local!. 10 send delegates without too<br />

much sacrifice," he said.<br />

<strong>International</strong> Representative John<br />

Carr spoke <strong>of</strong> the plan to charier<br />

a flight 10 thc <strong>1974</strong> Convention.<br />

as req u e~te

At<br />

Western<br />

Electric<br />

Hawthorne<br />

Twenty months ago the c<br />

T<br />

oncept was a first' th<br />

oday. the JOint H th In e natioq<br />

aw Orne C / U<br />

'tt 0, nion Advisory C<br />

01, . ee on Safety and Health has bee . om<br />

productive in the natiOn .. n ludged the most<br />

Day" has become a wo ~ ~afety 365_AII Day. Every<br />

r s'wlde safety p<br />

National Safety C . rogram and the<br />

ouncil has confer d '<br />

<strong>of</strong> honor On local 1859 re rts highest award<br />

• • <strong>IBEW</strong> as well<br />

Its rare special citatO . as awarding<br />

IOn to Safety Director J p •<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> the Joi t c . ' , 0 Connor,<br />

n ommlttee,<br />

Midwest Electrical News<br />

September 1973 '<br />

Works-A New DimensioJ<br />

• Labor and managcment have<br />

joined ran~., again.,t olHhc-job ae!,:i·<br />

denls and injurie., at Western Ekc·<br />

tric's Ha wthorne Work'l in Chicago.<br />

Together thcy hu\'l.~ formed Ilaw­<br />

Ihorne\' Company-Union Advi"ory<br />

COlllmittce on Safety and Heliith<br />

onc <strong>of</strong> the nation's first. And after<br />

20 l1Ionth ... Ihey agn:c Ihal Ihc ne\\<br />

safety concept i" ~lIcceeding_<br />

The nine-member comminee.<br />

wh ich rcview" sa fety and health<br />

practice" \~ithin Ihe Work~, consi"h<br />

<strong>of</strong> four union lklegales. four management<br />

lleople, allll a ehllinnan_<br />

Union members rcpre .. ent t()(:al~<br />

1859.1864. and 1806, <strong>International</strong><br />

BrotherlHxxl <strong>of</strong> lIectrical Work ..:r...<br />

AFt-CiO.<br />

In pral·ticc. the cUlllmittec lackle ..<br />

an) on-the-job safclY prublcm.<br />

ranging fmm m:lchin.:ry affect ing<br />

one cmpluyec In Ihe handling IIf<br />

ha7ardmh materiall> in .. hop\ \.. here<br />

hundred, <strong>of</strong> employces work . COIllmittel.'<br />

members rcvic\\ acddell!<br />

ca!...:~. di~cll"s Ih .. ir cau.,e .., and "ugge:<br />

.., way, to prevent their relw.:currcnce,<br />

Tht!y alw rc\ ic\ .. prote'tive<br />

c(l uipmerH and conduct ,afet) inspectiom<br />

in .. hop area ..,<br />

From ;I labur relatiuns \ie\\. the<br />

committec is al,o significant for what<br />

it f/Of''iII', do. It doc,n', rephll'c tnt-<br />

anh! option ...<br />

remain. but Il a\\thorne uniun, h:!\e<br />

an added ;j\enue, \ iii the comminee<br />

J he:y call air pmhlertl and rc,ur"<br />

on ~afLI}' probkJll~ Ihal we ean rcporl<br />

10 the employee.'> we repr~·,cnl."<br />

Committee Ch:lirman roepp cite\<br />

an opeTilling ild\'a nt ag~ for hi, pro·<br />

ft~,~iunal lleoplc : "A stafT org:tn;/ation<br />

like: our .. doesn't u"u:llI~ elHllt!<br />

into daY-lo-dny COnt:lCl \~ith the<br />

union" If we were aware <strong>of</strong> pmbleTt1\<br />

rai~e(1 hy union rnernber~ l)l··<br />

fore, it \\ ,1\ usually becau~c <strong>of</strong> Ollr<br />

conlact ... wilh operming pcopk \\ ho<br />

h;r\c da~-t(} .. day rclation'hip' with<br />

them, Frequent stafT contilc" through<br />

the commiu e:c IInw gi\t! " .. union<br />

\-ie\\poilll, directl). ~o \\l' :rdd emphusi,<br />

:lIld direction to the prnhkrn~<br />

f:rdug union-reprcsented empJilyecs<br />

and their ,upcnisors,"<br />

An air IIf ()J~II objeclivil~ :tnd Ihe<br />

problem ,(lIving approach Jlen ade<br />

the ,onunillec's monthl) mecting'.<br />

~ays Chairrn:rn T ocpp. "I he com mOil<br />

eonce:rn for ,afe!y a\oid, lht: ad­<br />

\·cr~ary mcrtones he;ml in ,orne<br />

labor-management meetings, AI the<br />

'aml' time. h~' adds. mcmh~'" don' t<br />

Iwld had their feeling... or th l '<br />

fae", rt!al i/ing that health and 'afct~<br />

prtlbkm\ cuuld become gri('\ ,rnees.<br />

I<br />

~<br />

I<br />

I,<br />

I<br />

j<br />

I<br />

1<br />

10<br />

rB EW Jou.n"r

labor management com·<br />

millee's monthly meeting<br />

(foreground, c'ockwise)<br />

chairman, Burt Toepp II,<br />

assistant manager, plant<br />

engineering: Gene Koz·<br />

lowski, ISEW local 1859;<br />

George Greenwood. safety<br />

supervisor: Walt Lopinski,<br />

ISEW Local 1864: Jack<br />

O'Connor. 18EW Locat<br />

1859: Bill Hanen, IIldus·<br />

t rial hygiene and environmental<br />

engineeri ng super·<br />

visor; Bill Shanklin. ISEW<br />

l oc31 1806: and WJlt Oas·<br />

kas, a plant t rades super·<br />

visor.<br />

On-The-Job Safety<br />

" U something is wrong. y,o.!·r~ here<br />

10 correct it:' say Tocpp. describing<br />

the commillec's dircct approaeh.<br />

Besides their concern for ~arCI}.<br />

labor and management members <strong>of</strong><br />

the commitce share common ground<br />

in olher areas. Like some management<br />

counterparts. sevenll union<br />

members belong 10 the same pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

societies, receive ll1 ufety .11'­<br />

proach. and I belie\'e that 11 01\\­<br />

thome's committee is the mo~t productive<br />

in the lIution'-'<br />

Not atl <strong>of</strong> the committee'" problem<br />

cases-including long-rang.:<br />

proj.:cts. <strong>of</strong> course-are resolved<br />

quickly. At a recell t IIh.:eting, members<br />

reviewed the st atus <strong>of</strong> 26 cases,<br />

including engineering ~ t udics. closed<br />

two and introduced four new OIlC\<br />

fllr commiltee considcration.<br />

The health and safety problems<br />

that the commiu1,.·C reviews arc not<br />

safety tips<br />

for you and your family<br />

NEEDED:<br />

MORE<br />

~~~ COMPLIANC~<br />


OSHA<br />

SEEKS<br />

TO<br />


MORE<br />



FROM<br />

THE<br />

RANKS<br />

OF<br />

UNION<br />


WITH<br />



IN<br />

SAFETY<br />

,<br />

"<br />

ISEW J, .. "nal

-<br />

• OS HA has recently taken<br />

steps to increase the numocr <strong>of</strong><br />

compliance <strong>of</strong>ficers from union background:..<br />

" HislOricaJly. unions have<br />

b...--en among the leading supporters<br />

<strong>of</strong> OSHA aClivilil.'s." As!>islanl &."'CrNaf}<br />

John H. Slender. head <strong>of</strong><br />

OSHA . points OUL •• \\'~ f..:c/ that<br />

the praclical cxpcrkncc and training<br />

in safcl), m;lIl) union members<br />

receive could be valuable qualifying<br />

cxpcrio!r1cc for our compliance<br />

o!1iccrs. As p .. rt <strong>of</strong> OUf overall effort<br />

to recruit more compliance <strong>of</strong>tic..:rs.<br />

then. we ar.:: trying 10 lap Ihis pool<br />

<strong>of</strong> talent:'<br />

Likl.! all federal age n cic~, OSHA.<br />

by law, cannot hire rll~W cmployc.:s<br />

directly but IllU:.! recruit through the<br />

Civil S .... rvicc COlllllli!.1>ion. In the<br />

p":.1. the Civil Service Conuni", .. i<strong>of</strong>l's<br />

Mid-Level OuaJificali()n~ llrid lippar.:ntly<br />

had been ;Ill obst

Local 613 Cited For<br />

Top Safety Campaign<br />

• Gl.!nrgja Govanor Jimmy<br />

Carter j"Ul'U an <strong>of</strong>lici .. 1 Proclamalion<br />

(."tllllnll:nding Local 613.<br />

Allanta. and the 1-\ (l:uII 1I';lh .\'(1/1'1.1'<br />

cnntain..:d inforll1alioll l'ornpil..:tI by<br />

th ..: U.S. Con,UrlIcr Prnduch Safl'l~<br />

('olllmi"ion, amI c()\cr~'d in tldail<br />

the hn7!Inh pr ...·wnt in th..: many<br />

decor,lIion .., [ril11 l1l ing.', and gifh <strong>of</strong><br />

thl' h olilla~ \ea,un, I' ree" ('h..:mical<br />

,Il'cnration... ligh.... and c:lIldles<br />

werc among it..:nh di-.cu ..,cd. I h..:<br />

p:lm phkt\ had pand li'h!d ,omc<br />

uf the pui,on h:tlanh ml)!C COI11-<br />

mon at Chri"I11:", :lI1tl l'arrkd Ihe<br />

num ber uf the POi-.l1l1 CUIlITtl1<br />

Ccnl..:r (If Grad) M":lIIllri ;11 Ilmpilal.<br />

A 'l'lCcial ictter \.\as ,em ttl more<br />

[han 7.(X)O prim:ip:tl .. :In,1 te a c h ..: r ~,<br />

urgi ng Ihem [tl h:lvc 'lUdenh ta ke<br />

Ihc p:lluphkt homc fur parcnh III<br />

,tud) and I....:cp on hand for r..:f .... r­<br />

~' n ce, I he kUer ~uggc:-;!C( l vil.!wi ng<br />

[WO l>Jl..:cial Chrhtrna, s afc[~ [..:1..:-<br />

Proclamation<br />

local 613. Atlanta. Ga, and the Atlanta Chapter. NECA, had a Proclamation<br />

ISSUed by Governor Jimmy Carter In recognItion <strong>of</strong> thetr Chrtstmas safety cam,<br />

palgn, Gat hered on that occaston, lelt 10 rl.llilt. were Bernard Trtmble. public te<br />

lattons director 01 Atlanta Chapter. NECA, Bill Bradford. Local 613 customer<br />

relations representative: Local 613 Busllless Manager Harry Bexley, Geor.llf!<br />

Peterson. Atlanta NECA Chapter mana.ller, Governor Carter; and Ed walton. prest<br />

denl <strong>of</strong> the Atlanta Chapter. NECA<br />

1..:t' on \\ ~U 1{,ldio during<br />

the I'hanl..,gi\ing \\.;e l.. \,.·ml.<br />

COmm ...·nting on the Chri,lma,<br />

,af,·t~ program. Il arr) Ik\k) ,aid,<br />

" III ('(Imhining all dC Il1 ":ll h <strong>of</strong> thi,<br />

program 11ll' tli,triblllilln nf Ihl'<br />

llarnphlct, thrtl ugh the ,chllok ,uppl<br />

ying [h":l11 frcc Itl th" llIallY tltgalI<br />

i/:lliOl" which reqlh,·'tcll c(lpie',<br />

and Ihe 'tal...·I\iu..: [d..:\j'llln l'Olerag..:-we<br />

\,.',111 lal..l' ju,titiahk' prill..:<br />

in having made Chri\lmu , ,afc!" fOl'<br />

I1 HUl~ peurk in all par" <strong>of</strong> our<br />

grl·a[ ,Iatl', I he pmpcr u,e IIf del"­<br />

t rkj t ~ i .. a l ilal part <strong>of</strong> Chri~lJna,<br />

' af ...·I~. I h..: ,I..ilkd del·t rician i,<br />

cntl!;c TIIl'd \Iith hi .. own ':lrCI~ and<br />

till' ,afl·l~ IIf ot lt l'r, in hi, d'lil~<br />

""'\Irl.. . '-\\ l a[ hl'r~ and gr:llldfalhcr"<br />

\\" arc l'lHlCl' Trl ..:tI wilh th ..: ,afe l) nf<br />

\lIlr dlildr ~'n and all l'h ildrl' n. ! hI.'<br />

k·alk .... hip and llIen <strong>of</strong> our 10c:11<br />

union h,l\e welcoll1ed Ihe llPlxlr­<br />

[tillit~ In I:d, ,' part in thi ~ impon;mt<br />

public 'cr\ icc. It i, :.oIiJ f,'1 idl'lIl.'l·<br />

that labor and manag ...' nlent call and<br />

lhl \\url.. tngcl hl"r for the puhlil'<br />

g(lod:'<br />

I dg:lr C. Wallon, \ icc prl, .. ilknl<br />

Ilf Di,ic I kctrie COll1r:tn~ and<br />

prl',ilknt <strong>of</strong> the Atlanla Charta.<br />

"ECA. ,aid, "The 26 IIll'mher<br />

lirn" nf our Chapter lie\.\ thl'<br />

Chri,tma, ,afct) rrngr

<strong>IBEW</strong> Locals 1379 and 1249 Receive Safety<br />

Award <strong>of</strong> Commendation<br />

local 1379. Davenport, lao and l ocal 1249, Syracuse. N.Y. were the reCIpients <strong>of</strong><br />

the Award 01 Commendation plesented at the Nallonal Safety Congress In Chi·<br />

cago. The Award IS designated the Harry Read Memorial Award for labor Organi<br />

lations, named in honor o f the late assistant to Ihe secretary-treasure, <strong>of</strong> t he<br />

AFL·CIO. Documents Judged In behalf <strong>of</strong> the locals for the year 1972 Included<br />

Involvement <strong>of</strong> members In vanous on and·<strong>of</strong>f-Ihe·job safety acllvlties. The ISEW,<br />

With over 100 locals partiCipating In the Safety Congress, has the largest representation<br />

among participating <strong>International</strong> unions. Shown, left to right, afe<br />

Warren An gerer, Local 1379, president; Ray Ward, Loca! 1379 safety committee·<br />

man: Bob Fritz, Local 1379 sa fety chairman: and Roy E. Christensen, Lodge 851.<br />

Joliet. III., <strong>International</strong> ASSOCiation o f Machinists.<br />

SI10wn With the Award are Local 1249 members Robert D. Langtry, safely super·<br />

Visor, left, and Wallace D. Houck, sa l ety director, both 01 the New YOlk State<br />

Llneman'S Safety Training Fund.<br />

('",Hillll('" froll! 1m!.!,' "<br />

nwnagClllent c it ....\ the rdrc\hcr<br />

course a~ an important f;IClor in<br />

helping to red uce truck damage<br />

co ~ts to building). and ddi\cr .... d<br />

good~ by one-third. Mo re ill1f>ortantly,<br />

IlawthOl"lll!; cxpcrknccd no<br />

lost-tim .... accidents o r i n j ul ' i e~ in-<br />

Ma lth, 1914<br />

\'ol\ing inuu\triaJ \rucl. driver, for<br />

seyc r:J1 years.<br />

\\ hcn union-r .... prcsentcd employl'C'<br />

balked at \waring companypm\'itkd<br />

earmutTs in \hop area,<br />

whe re nob,; level, muke them<br />

mandato ry, committeemen joined<br />

safety Ih!oplc and o p\.'rating supcrvison.<br />

for ).ho p IIII"s about the problem.<br />

Pka ......· :lcccpt :I lin!..: discomfort,<br />

they urged .. hop employees,<br />

whik w:lys arc ex plor .... d to make<br />

them more comfortable or reduce<br />

the 1lI1ise to e;lrmuff-free level s,<br />

rhat's a problem that the committee<br />

ho p .... ~ to re .. o lve, while the employ<br />

.... e' in voh' .... ll have thcir hea ring<br />

prope rl ) prot\'cled.<br />

COllllllitt ... c mcmber\ havc bcen<br />

eon"ciou\ <strong>of</strong> \h... l1 ... ed for emplo)cc<br />

II1\,ol\ ... l11el1t in Ilawthorn c'!

New President for System<br />

Council T·3<br />

At Building Trades Business Agents Institute<br />

Shirley Chapman, Local 818, Oswosso.<br />

MiCh., is the new president o f System<br />

CounCil T·3.<br />

. 011 NO\cmbcr 17, 1973, th..:<br />

FXL'ClIti,(' Bo.lrd appninkd Shirk~<br />

Chapman prc\idcnt <strong>of</strong> S)"'l'lI1 COIIIIcil<br />

1-3 upon the rL'\ignalion llf<br />

Robal Fo l ichigan<br />

,inc\! 1953. ,LIlli in S),It..'11I Coundl<br />

1'-3 .. inc... il.. f"ruliuiotl. She has<br />

~('n a 'Iewanl for thL' [farlie dJ.:'­<br />

partrncnt at "lImorc ~incc 1953;<br />

recording 'l'crcl:tr) <strong>of</strong> Lo.:;11 HI R for<br />

the p:l\1 15 )(';1"': a 111\'lI1b ••.'( <strong>of</strong> the<br />

(l'am ",hil'h furrn..-d f)),kl1l Council<br />

1-3: and a Local 81M ddcgatc<br />

to SV~lcm Council T-3 ,incl' it was<br />

forn;cll. In audition ,he :tucndcd all<br />

colkcthc b,'fgainillg negotiations<br />

wilh Gl'llcral rckphmh.: Company<br />

Ilf Michig;m during Ihc pa'it 17<br />

}"::lrs, and h,1\ worked a'l a lel('­<br />

phon~ ()p~rator almml cOlllinlLolL~ly<br />

,incc 19-12.<br />

)\.1"". Ch,lpman :Il·l,.'cplI!d thl' presilkncy<br />

;1' a cha!kng.: ami an opporlunil)<br />

to .... ork for Ihe bettermenl <strong>of</strong><br />

:III Illem}x',... <strong>of</strong> Ihe 'h: !oe:l! uniOIl\<br />

:lflil i,lled \~ilh S}'lem Council r-3.<br />

She i .. married III Men/u Chapman.<br />

fXr-lIlM~h:r <strong>of</strong> Blanchard.<br />

Michig,l!l. and ha ~ Iwu daughlers.<br />

S) ~ICIl1 CI)lIn.:ill-3 h pr\·\.:ntl~<br />

making illl neccssar~ pr.:paraliom<br />

for the forthcoming b,lrgaining W'>­<br />

,>ion~ with Gelleral I dephonc Compan)<br />

<strong>of</strong> 'Ikhigan. rhc-.c .. I.· .. sion ..<br />

will COlllllh'ncc ,ollh,tim.: in April.<br />

<strong>1974</strong> and \\iIl im.:luuc a \'oag.:<br />

n~nl'r. pcn\iun plan .• IOU one mher<br />

propo .. al frum the union and un.:<br />

from Ih.: Company.<br />

Oflin'rs and :.tcward:. (Gl'ncral<br />

Telephone Company <strong>of</strong> Mkhigan)<br />

training<br />

..<br />

sessions werc conducted in<br />

Labor leaders who recently completed the Institute for Building Trades Busmess<br />

Agents semillar at Ihe AFl·CIO Studies Center in Washmgton, D.C. are shown here.<br />

These men partiCipated In an intensive week long course studymg varoous aspects<br />

<strong>of</strong> labor law, construction Industry economiCS, occupational safety and health. and<br />

the Construction Industry Stabilization Comrlllttee. <strong>IBEW</strong> members. seated, are<br />

Richard E. Stromberg, busmess manager, l ocal 99, PrOVidence, R.I., third from<br />

lefl, and David J. Cornelius. bUSiness manager. local 996. Bradford, Pa .• fourth<br />

from right. Standing are Ronald G. Hughes, Sr., business manager. local 631,<br />

Newburgh, N.V .. third from left: louis Reilsor, business manager. Local 369.<br />

LOUIsville, Ky., fourth from Lelt: R.chard PanagrosSI, assistant bUSiness manager,<br />

local 90, New Haven. Conn .• eighth from lell: and EdWin D. HIlL, busmess man<br />

ager, Local 712, Beaver, Pa .. e)(tfeme nght . Not shown IS Busmess Manager<br />

Hubert fisher. local 637. Roanoke, Va, who also attended.<br />

Marie V. Downey Memorial Charities Fund<br />

Many underprivileged children in the Washington, D.C. area were made happy<br />

at Christmas time by the eHorts <strong>of</strong> the 1973 Christmas Charities Committee <strong>of</strong><br />

the Mane V. Downey MemOrial Chanties fund Committee. ISO Chnstmas stock·<br />

Ings were donated to the Salvation Army lor unfortunate boys and glfls; bo)(es <strong>of</strong><br />

lood and complete clothing OUtfitS tor 15 children were given to the Central<br />

Union MISSion for poor famlhes and needy children. All members are <strong>IBEW</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

employees and belong to local 2. OHice and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Employees Interna·<br />

honal Union. Gathered around the array <strong>of</strong> beautiful grlls are, left to nght,<br />

Denyse CO)(, Jean Wllhams, Gladys Waddell. (director. MDMCf), AntOinette Owens<br />

Marie Crabtree, Cecilia Wllhamson, Georgette lee, Margaret Bryant. (secretary.<br />

MDMCF), Susan long, ChriS If"'Ilng, lillian Conrad, Ruth Dove, Sharron Zentko,<br />

Cindy Mullikin, Anabel Taylor, Margar!;!t Bostwick. and Evelyn George. Absent<br />

when picture was taken, Hazel Gross, Katie fiOri, Shirley Adams. and Ann Eldridge.<br />

carl~ Fcbnlary. <strong>1974</strong> in the 'ii'( :lfliliatcd<br />

Joe ..]., <strong>of</strong> S~'leJl1 ('uuncil '1'-3<br />

b) Bu,in.::.\ '''''nager 'Iichad<br />

Kc1lr:y. SlIbj':Ch cm.:r.:d w.:rc ollie<br />

.... ""· and 't.... w;m.l!\· r':'Jx)U~ibililit:~<br />

and duties.: union ,",ccuri!): grie\';Jncc<br />

proecdurc~; arbitration procedures;<br />

n~golj .. tcd changes in the contract;<br />

and oth.:r .. ubje.:" brought up b)<br />

Iho..c aUl.'nding: and b) Bu~in .::.!'><br />

~lanllgl.!r Kdl.:y. ThL'Se s':5 .<br />

(c'(litor'\ Noll.': Tlu' (lho\"(' WlH<br />

1II/1IIIillf'll by \/i("/I(ft'i .-I. 1\1'11£'.,'.<br />

hll.lilll'l's 1I1t11Il1}:er, Sy.\{('111 COl/lleil<br />

T.J.)<br />

'BEW Jo".n .. '<br />

I<br />


apprellticeship<br />

& traillillg<br />

Education and Training<br />

'<br />

• Lei u, distingu ish between education<br />

ami training. and discuss<br />

how [he), rclat..:: to each other.<br />

Some people (ev..:n a fl!w within<br />

the industry) believe Ihal appr..::ntic..:<br />

.. hip may be 100 long and that<br />

our ClH r:l llCC rcquirl'llIcll lS arc perhaps<br />

100 high. Some well meaning<br />

people feci that a high school diplom3<br />

~houlJ not be requ ired. But<br />

practically evcry local effort to indud.:<br />

apprentices \~ho do not meet<br />

the minimum cntrancc requirements<br />

has resulted in loss <strong>of</strong> the "pprentice<br />

from the program. dissatisfaction<br />

0 11 the part <strong>of</strong> the apprcI11ic..:. the<br />

JATC. Of bot h, or the need for remedial<br />

ed ucation concurrent with<br />

apprclllicc\hip. "hich the JATC is<br />

ill prepared to supply.<br />

The national standards arc based<br />

on the premt'c [hal the school s}s·<br />

tcm i .. obligated and lx'st qualificd<br />

to elitl("(II{', and the prcrogative ;Ind<br />

respon:.ibility <strong>of</strong> the industry is to<br />

Irain. 'I hose who urg ..- llcccptance<br />

<strong>of</strong> 16·ycar·old high school droJXHII.try.<br />

In this country we have re:l.son·<br />

ably uniform requirements for clec·<br />

(rician.. occausc ",e have standardized<br />

cle ... trical hardware and equipment,<br />

a Nillion:11 Electrical Code.<br />

the Inlcrnlllional <strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Electric:!1 Workers, a National<br />

El cctricll] Contracto rs Association,<br />

a nd a National Electrical A pprcnticel>hi<br />

p Cou rse. Because <strong>of</strong> this il<br />

is I)()s!.ible, adviSlible. and necessary<br />

for us 10 have nalional standards<br />

<strong>of</strong> entrance and pe rfo rmance. rhese<br />

national standards havc evolved<br />

a nd developed by carefully observing<br />

the succes!.es and fail ur..:s <strong>of</strong> approxim<br />

ately 400 J AT Cs training<br />

approx inlllt ely 25,000 appr.:ntices<br />

at :Hl y given tim e in a n:l!i onall y<br />

unifo rm manner over a numbe r <strong>of</strong><br />

years. Expe rience gathered from<br />

this unionized crrort has d.:termined<br />

the policy, standards. skill requirements,<br />

and course cont.: .. t <strong>of</strong> our<br />

industry.<br />

roday we hear much about "va­<br />

Jielity" study whic h. in e~.!oence , is<br />

a pr<strong>of</strong>c~~ional slUdy <strong>of</strong> a small<br />

group <strong>of</strong> indivieJullJ.., the outcome<br />

<strong>of</strong> which may be U\..:

departlnellt <strong>of</strong> Research<br />

and Edllcation<br />

I<br />

/<br />

•<br />

I\.<br />

-...<br />

•<br />

V<br />

• American workers. thanks prim"d!y<br />

10 organized labor's efforts at<br />

the bargai ning table. fi nd that they<br />

have increased leisure lime on their<br />

hands. Their unions have won for<br />

them more paid holidays (n standard<br />

<strong>of</strong> nine. wit h some contracts<br />

providing for as mally :15 15); longer<br />

paid vacations (as many as eight or<br />

morc weeks for long-time employees):<br />

bonus pay during vacations<br />

(aimosl 10 percent <strong>of</strong> all mai~r collective<br />

bargaining agreeillents surveyed<br />

by the U.S. DCP<br />

Union worker" began to win paid<br />

vacation provisions in the years immediately<br />

preceding World War II :<br />

by r 940. (I nc <strong>of</strong> cvcry fou r orga<br />

n i7cd workers was covered hy an<br />

;lgrco,:lllent Ihat provided for some<br />

Iype <strong>of</strong> vacalion. D uring World War<br />

II. il stamtanl vacation pla n wal><br />

adopted by the National War Labor<br />

Board-one week <strong>of</strong> paid vacation<br />

aft er one year <strong>of</strong> service and a maximum<br />

..<br />

<strong>of</strong> two weeks <strong>of</strong> paid vacation<br />



Source, U.S. Deporlmenl <strong>of</strong> lobar Bureau <strong>of</strong> lobar Sla lis t;C$<br />

RE VISED INDEX SERIES--Re f e re n c:e Bose, U. S. A verage, 1967 = 100<br />

All All<br />

Index 0011 hem, ham, Appo.el Heollh<br />

Com. ,<br />

Co m· T,on.po'. & Ra.·<br />

Monrh-Yeor bined ' biMeI Fooel Hou ling Upkee p totion ,eotion<br />

Dec. 1973 161.1 138.5 151.3 140.5 130.5 126.7 133.0<br />

Nov. 1973 160.0 137.6 150.0 139.4 130.5 125.8 132.6<br />

Oel. 1973 158.9 136.6 148.4 138.1 129.6 125.0 132.1<br />

Sepl. 1973 157.6 135.5 148.3 136.6 128.3 123.9 131.1<br />

Aug. 1973 157. 1 135.1 149.4 135.2 126.5 124.5 130.5<br />

luI. 1973 154.3 132.7 140.9 134.2 125.8 124.8 130.3<br />

Dec:. 1972 148.0 127.3 126.0 131.2 125.0 126.3 127.5<br />

Dec. 1971 143.2<br />

Dec. 1970 138.5<br />

Dec. 1969 131.3<br />

Dec. 1968 12 3.7<br />

1 1957.59 Ref,'ence 80ie.<br />

NOTE: Con.ume. P.iCI" yeo. wo. 11.2 PO;nl>. o. 8.8%.<br />

Pe,.a ntage inc,eo.a be,ween two dote. ;. colculo.ed by .ub1loc' ing 'he Ind ••<br />

Numbe. I"r the earlier dOl. Irom thaI 1o. the lo'e. do'e. cnd by dividing .ho<br />

•.. ull by the index numbe' 10. th e eorlie, dote. ,he" multiplying by 100.<br />

exAMPLE: f or the pe.iod <strong>of</strong> OK. 1972 1o OK. 1973: 138.5 - 127.3 = 11.2 Inde.<br />

Poi .... ; 11.2 di"ided by 127.3 = .0879 x 100 = 8.8%.<br />



Inde. Dote Item, '"<br />

Heolth & Recreolion<br />

Com. hon.f>CI" Penonol ood<br />

Month- Yeo. bined '~d HaUling Clothing lo tion Ccre Reoding<br />

Dec.<br />

Nov.<br />

Ocl.<br />

Sep.<br />

Aug.<br />

Jul.<br />

Dec.<br />

Dec.<br />

Dec.<br />

Dec.<br />

Dec.<br />

NOTE ,<br />

1973<br />

1973<br />

1973<br />

1973<br />

1973<br />

1973<br />

1972<br />

1971<br />

1970<br />

1969<br />

1968<br />

156.4<br />

155.5<br />

154.3<br />

153.9<br />

153.0<br />

151 .0<br />

143.3<br />

136.3<br />

129.8<br />

127.9<br />

122.3<br />

172.1<br />

17 1.8<br />

169.7<br />

170.2<br />

168.7<br />

163.5<br />

147.1<br />

157.3 145.0<br />

156.1 143.8<br />

154.9 142.3<br />

154.4 139.5<br />

153.6 138.4<br />

152.8 138.2<br />

146.8 135. 1<br />

141.4 161.1 148.3<br />

140. 1 160.8 148.3<br />

139.7 159.3 147.8<br />

139.6 157.8 147.2<br />

138.7 157.5 146.9<br />

136.7 156.3 146.9<br />

133.4 151.8 141.4<br />

Conodo', Con.umet P,ice Index 1o, all item. increo,ed 0 .9 index pain .. du.ing the<br />

lo,t mon.h, o. 0.6%. Thi, equolled on cnnuol ,cte 01 increo •• 01 7.2% (12 " 0.6.<br />

The increo •• d ..,ing the po.t yeo. woo 13. 1 poinl


Percent 01 101 Contra(" Potte.n Affecting<br />

Co~trac" 1.9 Million Wo(~ers 3.' Million Wor.en<br />

1 week afte r<br />

1 yeor <strong>of</strong> service 50.5 35.8°0 1,254,050<br />

2 weeks after<br />

1 year <strong>of</strong> service 41.6 52.0 1,818,250<br />

2 years <strong>of</strong> service 19.8 17.5 613,900<br />

3 yea rs <strong>of</strong> service 26.7 17.4 607,250<br />

3 weeks after<br />

less than 5 years <strong>of</strong> service 2.0 7.0 245,700<br />

5 years <strong>of</strong> service 2l.8 294 1,029,000<br />

10 years <strong>of</strong> service 62.4 50.8 1,778,000<br />

4 wee ks after<br />

Less Than 5 Years <strong>of</strong> Service 4.0 47 164,150<br />

10 years <strong>of</strong> service 12.9 312 109,200<br />

15 years <strong>of</strong> service 23.8 382 1,335,600<br />

20 years <strong>of</strong> service 37.6 293 1,025,850<br />

25 years <strong>of</strong> service 6.9 a.4 293,650<br />

5 wee ks after<br />

10 years <strong>of</strong> service 1.0 1.2 42,350<br />

15 years <strong>of</strong> service 4.0 3.5 122,150<br />

20 years <strong>of</strong> service 15.8 2'7 933,100<br />

25 yeors <strong>of</strong> service 26.7 153 534,100<br />

30 years <strong>of</strong> service 5.0 7.a 270,550<br />

6 wee ks a fter<br />

15 years <strong>of</strong> service 1.0 1.3 44,100<br />

20 years <strong>of</strong> service 2.0 1.5 53,900<br />

25 yeors <strong>of</strong> service 1.0 .4 13,300<br />

30 yeors <strong>of</strong> service 6.9 2.3 44,485<br />

Extended vatation provisions 7.9 12.3 431 ,900<br />




July T, 1972<br />

Hot;doy P,oy;,ion. AII'"",ent. Wo,h ..<br />


All Agreements ......,..................................... 1,300 6,312,850<br />

Tolal with paid ho'idays ....................... ..... ........ 1,149 5,653,000<br />

Fewe r Ihon 6 days ........................................<br />

6 days .... ....................................................<br />

7 days .. ......................................................<br />

8 days ........................................................<br />

9 doys ........................................................<br />

10 days .................. .................. ......... ...........<br />

11 days ....................... ................................<br />

12 doys ... .....................................................<br />

13 days ........................................................<br />

14 days .................................................... ....<br />

15 days ........................................................<br />

Subject to local negotiation ..........................<br />

Funded holidoys .................................. ..... .. .<br />

Vories with 10tOlion ................................... .<br />

1a 54,250<br />

30 126,400<br />

86 381,850<br />

202 1,051,350<br />

364 1,731,150<br />

210 635,350<br />

89 474,300<br />

57 761,950<br />

12 29,000<br />

1 1,200<br />

1 2,000<br />

, 10,300<br />

48 220,050<br />

19 154,050<br />

Other ............. ........................... .................... 8 19,800<br />

No referente to paid holidoys ........................ 151 659,850<br />

Sourte: BlS U.S. Deportment <strong>of</strong> lobar.<br />

Ma .. t., <strong>1974</strong><br />

after fi ve years <strong>of</strong> service. By 1952.<br />

nine <strong>of</strong> every 10 workers were covered<br />

by agreeme nt s that provided<br />

for paid vacation. Those people who<br />

were nOt cQveret.! in 1952 wcre<br />

mainly in cOll~tructi() n work.<br />

Union-Won Gains<br />

Since 1952. the bu ildi ng trades<br />

unions have been able to obtain vacation<br />

plans for their members .• lIld<br />

ull unions have been g.aining longer<br />

paid vacalions. with a reduction in<br />

the requi red length <strong>of</strong> service. In<br />

the 19605. pait.! vllcations increa~ed<br />

from an average <strong>of</strong> 1.8 to 2.2 weeks<br />

per year.<br />

Vac'llion Plans<br />

Negotiated agreements cover four<br />

types <strong>of</strong> vacation plans-gr;tduated.<br />

funded, ratio-to-work. and uniform.<br />

The graduated plan is the mo~t<br />

prevalent. in i ndll~trics other [han<br />

construction. and provide~ that the<br />

length <strong>of</strong> a workers vacation depends<br />

on the worker's length <strong>of</strong><br />

service wilh a particular company<br />

or particular indu ~ t ry. Some gradu­<br />

;lIed plans today call for one week<br />

<strong>of</strong> vacation after one year <strong>of</strong> service:<br />

IWO week .. after two years: three.<br />

afll~r 10: fou r. after 20: lind live,<br />

aflef 30.<br />

The fundct.! pbn i .. found in [he<br />

con .. truction j ndu ~ try and other multi-employer<br />

industries and is <strong>of</strong>tell<br />

called the cenl ..-per-hour plan. E:1Ch<br />

employef contribute ..

'Nitl, the ladies<br />

The Lady Sea Horses Beat Us, Gals!<br />

(LllClieJ, ,hi, 1110",11 yOI/ lIec(I,,'l<br />

It'd YOIf IIIlIll clea/l YOllr siln·r,<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>.. (/ m g, 111m {/ Imel.N <strong>of</strong> ice<br />

{"r('(lIIl. or (,OIlIIt YOllr {'f/lories aller<br />

o<br />

o<br />

rcar/illg the" With ,It!, L(Ill ie~" (lffide.<br />

Tlli, IIImll lt il'~ alum, the liltle<br />

lell hone, (yol/'n- H '('I/ 'heir \J..e/e-<br />

10//1' IIsed ill 111t'1l jell'dry mId I/llm/·<br />

lUIgI', fJOIJer wdgh/I, 11(//1(1/('5 oj<br />

lelft'r 0fJl'''('r.~. I'/e.) tlu' ft'lI/ule lfJl'·<br />

des <strong>of</strong> II'lridf. /llI/pll'('1I Ilu!/I\{/ml<br />

YC'{/I'I' ago, obl'ill/I\/)' /limit· Irellle'lIdOli<br />

I' /I('mlll'(l), ill ;1\ 11'01111' 11 \ lib/,rtf-<br />

1;011 III/II'('I//Clll. ~o, /(I(lil'\, j llst n'//(!<br />

,m.)<br />

o<br />

o<br />

• When Mother Nature created<br />

the ,ea horse. ,he 11ll1"" have been<br />

..:onuuc\ing a wild ex periment , for<br />

,he made ,/ ii .. h thai loo~~ like ,I<br />

horse. allJ gave 10 the male <strong>of</strong> the<br />

'J>Ccics the role <strong>of</strong> m Ol her a ... \\c1l<br />

as father.<br />

'I he [iu lc :.ca hor-.e Ill'" f;!...:in il t~d<br />

people , incc the hegiulling <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

On ~ Cilnnot help hut he impressed<br />

hy the grcat similarity (hi, littlc fish<br />

bears to thc hcad and neck <strong>of</strong> "<br />

four-leggeJ hor,e. \in,t <strong>of</strong>ten the<br />

appcar,tnce <strong>of</strong> thc ,ea horse is<br />

[ikenl'd 10 the dignified hor,c <strong>of</strong> thc<br />

ehcs;.mcn.<br />

T he alll1o,t tk,hfc" little boo) <strong>of</strong><br />

the sea hor .. c i~ enea .. ed in a bonclike<br />

l'o,"cri ng \~jth hard ridgcs. Including<br />

its coiled tail. the ,ea hONe<br />

i" OU[ Y:I fcw illche, long.<br />

Sea hor .. e~ l'an he fmUid in<br />

nearly ever} part <strong>of</strong> the \\ udu whl'rc<br />

Ihe ,cas arc" arm. I heir h;lbitat h,<br />

along the , horelincs where ,eaweeu<br />

grows dcn,ely. Thcre the~ arc rell!­<br />

tively safe. for. li~c chameleons.<br />

thc} ch ilugc their color to match<br />

their .::rl\'ironmem: anu their large.<br />

yell ow eye,. \\hid} 1I10ve independently<br />

<strong>of</strong> ... 3ch ot hcr. can ea~il}' ~iglll<br />

any danger.<br />

In aquariurn ~. "here thc sea<br />

hor~e can [i\c for aimo'l 10 1I10nth,.<br />

it is alw;I}' interesting tn watch it<br />

1110\'':= upright and in a 'taldy m;lnncr.<br />

Thc ~ca horse appears nOl to<br />

ha\'e lins, but in the center <strong>of</strong> hi!i<br />

back is a gm r7 c-[ i~ e. alm o~l tran ~-<br />

"<br />

parent HIm which i, a fin tha t propel<br />

.. him. I he pectoral fin, :11 each<br />

~il..le <strong>of</strong> hi, head balanw him :lIld<br />

help him maintain hi!i dignitied 10-<br />

t:omotion.<br />

Lik c other ti~h. ~ea hol' \l'~ breathe<br />

through gillo,il-. her<br />

cgl?~ ill lhe pOlich WIder hi, blldy.<br />

Wh cn Shl' completes lhi, \ it,,[ chore.<br />

\he comidcrs her role concl uded :<br />

~hl' !mims :IW:I)' amI abandon, her<br />

future <strong>of</strong>fspring fore\ cr.<br />

A, ,o011 u!> the l'g~s arc dcpo\itl'd<br />

in the pouch. they arc r:lpidl)<br />

enveloped in Ihe ~ 1lI:t1l opening.' <strong>of</strong><br />

the pouch lining. At the same lime.<br />

another lining w:l11 form, and lhi ..<br />

lIew area pro\ ides addition:!1 ,pace<br />

fo1' thc cgg;. which have flot f(l und<br />

a plac..: 10 secure thcrnsch e'.<br />

I hc r.::sponsibility <strong>of</strong> hatching th ...<br />

eg&-s f:llis solely upon the f:lther,<br />

who now !.u ddenly finds himself :l S­<br />

suming the role <strong>of</strong> the mother, 100.<br />

llEW J .... , .... r<br />

"<br />

I<br />

i<br />

~------- ------- --- ---- - ------- - --- -l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Carol' ... "'nl'o,.il'· ...<br />

(Carol. who WO,./';5 ill ,I/{, JO/lI'/II// 1),·Pl/rllIIl'lII. 111)'.1' IIII'M' dillln' 11/'1'<br />

S< x or eight pieces 01 chicken<br />


New Ha mps hire<br />

An swering Service<br />

Choose IB EW<br />

POrll>11l0Ulh, New J-I :llnp~hire Telephone<br />

Answering Service \OleU<br />

overwhelmingly tn joinlhe IB EW,<br />

On December 4 thc company<br />

agreed 10 rdnstatc all di\mi,sed cntplo}l'cS<br />

and 10 rdmbursc back<br />

wages and benefits to all. The union<br />

then withdrew the unfair labor practice<br />

charges,<br />

The new IOCW members arc now<br />

looking forwaru to contract nq\olialion~.<br />

\<br />

Shown at the orgamzing meeting <strong>of</strong> the Portsmouth, N H.<br />

Telephone Answermg Service Employees, lell to Ilghl, ale<br />

Glolla Walts, Cora Sandin, Pat Plrlnl, Regina linn, Interna·<br />

tional Representatl\le Kara Mul\ley, and Frances Nichols.<br />

Front row, left to right, are frances Nichols, Regina Unn,<br />

and <strong>International</strong> Representative Kara Mulvey. Back row.<br />

Dot Montmarquet, Joan Campbell, Cora Sandin, and Jean<br />

Allen.<br />

Manufact uring<br />

Confe re nce Held<br />

in Boston<br />

ccr~ and Ill c mbi:r ~ "ithin the Di,­<br />

Iriel.<br />

<strong>International</strong> R cprcsl~ntathe'<br />

"Mikc" Ha\c} l>tre",cd the fact that<br />

the Di ... triel\ fun ction i, to 'l'rve<br />

the membcr"hip. and that. on bi:half<br />

\)f John Fl ynn. it is hi, job to ~ec<br />

Ihat this i, done, lie il\\itcd Ihe<br />

delegatcl> to conUlct the Vicc l)rC\ident'l><br />

ollke an} time Ihe) "anI<br />

help. but pointed out that the)<br />

\hould first work through Ihe <strong>International</strong><br />

Rcpre\entative "ho i~<br />

as~igned 10 the local.<br />

Each dclegall' \\ as a,l.ed 10 mal.e<br />

:1 report on the current comlilion,<br />

al th.: planh he rcprl',cnts. ~ I tlch<br />

concern "a\ exprl· ...\Cd aoout both<br />

fuel and ekctril'al ,hortagcs and<br />

their ultimate dTecl on joo, and<br />

incollle's <strong>of</strong> the worker,. The wire<br />

and cable indu ... tfY. onc <strong>of</strong> the big<br />

emplo) en, in till' Sl'Cond Di\t riet.<br />

is destined 10 bc hit particularly<br />

hard bccau ... e <strong>of</strong> tlw dependence<br />

lI pon oil derivalive!. in the m,mufuc<br />

tu re <strong>of</strong> insulating plastics, T:llk<br />

<strong>of</strong> reduction <strong>of</strong> hours. four-day<br />

weeks, and ot he r ways to (:011-<br />

"<br />

'cne encrg) ilia) ha >,;e ~orn ..' lIll'rit.<br />

out the) OIrc frightcning to till: \\:Ig..:<br />

carner" ho i!. barely abk: tIl Illl'ct<br />

hi ~ ,,:xpcrhe,. eH'n \\ith O\crtime,<br />

Worl.erl> C:l1Itlut livc on reduc..:d<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> work without cOIllIX'n,ating<br />

inere:hl'!. ill pay.<br />

While ~l)Jlle <strong>of</strong> the local, arc c\­<br />

pcriencing IlHxierale lay<strong>of</strong>f ... and pmduct<br />

ion r"'ductions, uthcrs appear 10<br />

be ..',xpand ing, Loc:11 261. Groton,<br />

CUl1Ill'cticul. reported the 1;lrgcsl<br />

gowrnmel1! contract in hhtllfyrunning<br />

illlo the billions for 'lIhmarine!.,<br />

Almo~t ;111 <strong>of</strong> the locals \\ere ablc<br />

10 r('port ,ub"'mtial gain~ in both<br />

wagCl> :lIlll fring.:" but the illu,ory<br />

:1\jX'ct <strong>of</strong> higher" age, is apparl'nt,<br />

sinc~' they arl' cOl1tinually dimini\hing<br />

as a rc\ult nr i-oaring COi-b.<br />

eh:lirman Dick Rogers <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Second Di\trict ,t:lff r..:portl'd that<br />

re;l\onahlt: prugre" j, Ix'ing Ill;Hk<br />

in urg:lI1i/ing new pla nb in New<br />

England. anu ex pre"ed thank~ In<br />

Ih... 100::lb ulld nfliCl'f\ who lwvc<br />

bi:en u ..'vnting lUuch tinw :Lnd l'n­<br />

~'rg~ to Ihi\ runelion.<br />

"Our wins havc heen much<br />

greater thrill laoor', national a\erage,"<br />

h ... s:lid, " but i-omc <strong>of</strong> ,hl'l>e<br />

haw been ~l1Iall in \izc and \\e<br />

aren't abk 10 claim any really Mlbstant!al<br />

victori ... ), yet in t..:nns <strong>of</strong><br />

grem number,," I I..: ,tated that, \~i(h<br />

Ih ... \-ictor) m th..: Lc", i~lUtl, Main ...<br />

pJam <strong>of</strong> /\rrow I lart, the IBl~ \V<br />

now repre:-,cllt, cv ..'r) IUcatilln <strong>of</strong> thi..<br />

cml'lo)er throughuut the cllu lltry,<br />

Ruger, invited the local.. 10 kn'p<br />

Vice Pre\idenl FI)lItl's ollice auviwd<br />

<strong>of</strong> aJl po\\ible lead ..,<br />

In thl' Iimiled time rcm:lining. th ..'<br />

delegate, IK'ard from repre~"'llt:ltj\C\<br />

.,f an e mploy ..:c b ... ndit plan I.l1Im n<br />

a ~ "S)'t"'1ll Five," It b b ..,cd on a<br />

planlled jllvc~tm(,llt and saving.\ prngr:1I11<br />

ami apllI!:lr, to havc con,idcrahle<br />

merit. Several <strong>of</strong> the Ielcphonc<br />

lucah in Ih(' arl'a arc rnm<br />

:u:li\Cl~ participating and rl'J)()fIing<br />

good e;(p ...' ricn cc~ .<br />

A future conference <strong>of</strong> manufaeluring<br />

and ~crvice loc:ll union\ j~<br />

plallne(/ in conjunction with the<br />

Scl'Ond Districl P rogre~ ," Ieeling,<br />

\\hidl "ill hi! held the lalt ~' r part uf<br />

April. <strong>1974</strong>. in BOl>ton.<br />

CAN<br />

...... 1<br />

ISEW Jo .... na l<br />

I<br />

~<br />

I<br />

j<br />


local lines<br />

Local 3 A Horney,<br />

Harold Stern, Retires<br />

L. U. 3. :\,EW YOHK . N.Y.-After 41<br />

}ClHS or dC"oled senitI! 3S Local 3 attor-<br />

01.'). He Boy<br />

Scouts.<br />

local 3. New Yo

Local Gets New Home.<br />

Receives Boy Scout Plaque<br />

L. U. 21:. 0\11\11.\. :"':11. 1 0e:.1 :'2 ~i ll<br />

'>O()fI h.\~1' 1\ new addrl"~, lI updully. we<br />

~m M,)Of) t'C !lCuh:d in lIur ne~ "uildin~ at<br />

L "i(reel \lore on (he n'·11 huilding m fnlUre<br />

article,_<br />

I he apprentice,hlp \,:ummm ... e rl'~.-i'eu lin<br />

a~aru from I~ Btl) "'-'uUh ,it uur I;ht<br />

uniun lII~clmg. D.lk \lIIilh uf Ihe \ hu­<br />

Americ" (oun~.1 "rl'","nICU •• ,,1.llllle (0 .h,·<br />

appr"nticC',hlp ~,mllllil!«' for urg,\niling a<br />

."llInl",,·r \\-"r~du)' al (;11111'1 (el';'r~. \ : , ~I<br />

}I'ar. ,'a,'h da\~ uf aprr,·nlie ..., 'p.:m (Inc<br />

W) ~,.r~lng un r ...... 1TIng Ihe "',1111 c;.mp<br />

limier rhe .hr... cuun ,If Ih Ic:teher"<br />

Unlil nl',1 nlllnlh, "-:\. ""h..., f"r the<br />

N ... ~ " 'ar hI ,III<br />

\)(\11, (\'1 \.1'\<br />

850 Youngsters<br />

Get Big Treat<br />

l.. l l. 2 ... II \LTI\IOfU', \11). On o..'H'III'<br />

her I~. 1111.;11 :'J held il. fir,1 (hri,II11."<br />

pari) for Ih .. chil.lren uf 1)1l' m ... It\"-:r,. AI"­<br />

J'lrIl\imalrl) ~~O 'hil,lr... n "1'1',' Ilr ...... II'U .mu<br />

Ire .• I ... u 10 .1 fun·flllc.1 .. flelnoon, I he, enjo)I'd<br />

C'I~C. icc n ..... m. ",,,1;1. mOl ie,. ,,"d :.<br />

m,IIll(I,UI I h ... hillhlillhl uf Ihe U;t\ ~.')<br />

nunc other Ih.m uld ~I , .. ~ hlm...:lf. ,1\ he<br />

pre...:nl ...,1 .... Ilh (hllu "ilh .1 ,wlf...,1 "odin):<br />

and " ~ift "enih,'"I"', I "lh ,hild :11'0() h.1I1<br />

hI, riClure I.,~ ... n ~ Ilh \.lm.1 IIrllln.:r, 1'.1Il1<br />

k crnl .. 11 .md Ho" \\ ihun .• r,' hi t>1' ,um·<br />

mend ... d for Iheir 1,:1 ..... 1 jo" .1\ 5.1111;1<br />

CI'HI"'::~ .•• nd for Ihdr "r,llc,) ~"')\ ....,nd<br />

t>e\und 'he "Ill <strong>of</strong> du'~ I Ihlll~ In.:} ... n·<br />

jn} .... 1 it ;1' milch .,~ ,h... }OUIII:,lcr,.<br />

\I ~:" 1l00t1 10 ......... Ihe "hole famil} in-<br />


T he t",o B,'others \\ho teach the coun.c<br />

arc C his l' [, ,~ov. also an in~t ru ..:tor for our<br />

llpprcnliccship progn!lll. :l11U C:II'men C,tlhi.<br />

II project nwnaJ;cr for Bahh.in Slel'ollrt<br />

Electric. and II past bu~iness rcpr"'l>I:ntllthc<br />

<strong>of</strong> Loe,, 1 35. -I he course de:.1s mainl) ",ilh<br />

hilleprint reading and job ~pccification'.<br />

u,;ng r>rint~ <strong>of</strong> the I"Ollmlns I'\aza building<br />

in I -a~t l lartforu .lith the pcrmi\~i'lI1 01<br />

r he Conncctinu lI:onl; and T IU~t CUmp;on)'.<br />

Upon completion <strong>of</strong> the CUUI'C II glmkd.<br />

pcr'>OlIal tour <strong>of</strong> lhe l-uundcN \'1017a 1>111111-<br />

ing ., ill be con,hu;led by the in'truc1Ur~.<br />

Apprentice,hip director Nk~ Ilunadic~ i~<br />

H'ry oplimbtic :,bout the eOUT'" :m.1 fure.ee'<br />

" t:lrgcr c\:I\5 upon complelion <strong>of</strong> the pre\­<br />

I.'nl cOUfsc. r \lould li~e 10 rernind all ~)urlie}<br />


Scenes<br />

At Dinner-Dance<br />

1<br />

\<br />

Local ~~. On Mo",u. la. membef5 shown hl.e<br />

on 3~~ IIV low", nep, P"mllh~,. I.<br />

Seen he,e ," head ,ab'" o. (fI... Pa. loca' 56' .. d.nn ...·dance. ,.It '0 "810'. ~,,, NECA ch"p'.'<br />

m"nafi:"" f.1'd W,lk.n. l..c.1 56 Bu,.na", Manage, ( J. S.nnott. Th"d 0'''''' "f (;.ilhrul ~r,i.-.!. all\1 ,.i,h,·, him<br />

Ihe hc" <strong>of</strong> Iud HI hi, n'lirClllelll.<br />

I" ",k~ (."rlll"II. John Sirfu,. ;.1111 ( .l',"'I="<br />

ll.mU,I'" re.-I'oll, 1=';UI"",,·,1 frum Ih" \ 1"<br />

\Ouri \ altl.') "l'l'r~mj"l',hil' Ir;"nin!! 1',0'<br />

J;r:lIIl.<br />

ttIC,,1 ~~ ;mJ \ 1 1.'r'·O,.~ (olllllluni.:tlion<br />

Con\lrudiun ("ornp;m) •• ft" ,'urremh 'cllinl;<br />

LIp .1 1I"ininl; prollr,nu tor CA ' \ "PP'l'lI'<br />

Ik ... lint"rnl!n. \\ ilh mor ... "ml 111\11'" ( \ 1 \<br />

')\ll'm, hcmll ",,1,,111.'

COUJ'M'S in cont rol wiring ,t:ltic. Naliol1l,1<br />

Electrical Code, electrical he:,\, welJing.<br />

pipe bt'nding, trllnsformcr cunnel'liull). b ll ~ic<br />

motu. 1;011[101 ,,;,iut:. 1LIHI juurnc) lII un upgrading<br />

course-s.<br />

Worl in oLir juri....ticlion h quill,: ~rO\\ at<br />

this writing.<br />

We aTC ;louul 10 \lnrl inh:n iewing fur<br />

our flew apprentice clll~~ uf 12!i. The J A'l C<br />

will he inlcf\'io;wing fur Ihe nc.\1 couple <strong>of</strong><br />

mOnlh~.<br />

A l"I'rnindcr 1hal Ihe union Illcclin~ is<br />

"heTe the t>1I,inc~) tllles pln!'"c twice a<br />

month. T he cuntract will he cuminS up<br />

vcry won, ;111(.1 il I~ up 11.1 lOU i, \ r11cr1l1'l'r~<br />

10 be lhac and leI )'UlIT wbh.'~ be ~nu"n.<br />

•<br />

[hlCl l'o i t.;"1I0, J>.S.<br />

Awards Night<br />

Local 59, 0"U"5, Tn ,"warded 'e"',Ce pins<br />

ree,wlly. Rec,piern~ ualed her., leI! 10 "lIhl.<br />

~ are C. H Pralley. L. J. Mc Dowell. Rlld E. J<br />

" B,II" Slater,<br />

From le I! . thr~e honoru. s hown are JI>C~<br />

HuddleSlon. B. Van Dixon. and F. O. Brewton.<br />

LO(;al 59 Brolhe", a' head table .re: Sf! ..' ed.<br />

~ uf!Cu'ivf! Board mflmbflr DW'8hl RAlhmeU;<br />

~ ~ I .. nd;ng. Buslnen Managflr J.mf!S Forem .. n at<br />

If!lt. Presodf!nt Robert Gandy at m,c,ophOflfl.<br />

Bnd Te. .. s ... FL·CIO (',utlle"t I.",.y IIvbb.'d<br />

on right.<br />

Great Numbe r <strong>of</strong> Pins<br />

Awarded At Dinner<br />

I..U. 59. J),\I. LAS, TEX.-The :!rHlllll l<br />

Loc:!1 59 llwllrds p:!rl)' wa, heM al ~l lIrl.ct<br />

Hall. and was a treat success. II wa~ the<br />

Morch , 197 4<br />

largcst aWilr,h p,tr1)' the local ha~ eler hud.<br />

:Iml Ihis year more ;Iw:tnj~ werc given (lU!.<br />

There were 2~. 2()..yellr pin,: 45. 2S-year<br />

pin~; IS. 30-yea( pins: eighl J5-)ear pin,.<br />

and Ihree 4o..)ear pins. One S()-)ear pin<br />

wa5 aWi.rded to II r01her John 1-. Gilhcrl.<br />

The e,ening ~ l arterJ otT with II delil'iou,<br />

naro.:cuc dinner. followed b} " \cr) illlere~ling<br />

tall... h)' H,trry Hubl'"rrJ. pre,idcnt \1 1<br />

Ihe rl.'~as Slat" A FL-('IO. A .... ,tnj, \\erl.'<br />

pr\'~l·nh.:d by 101ll l >ur~Ie)'. Inll.'fn.llion:.1<br />

F\CClllile Council membzr. Shth Di'lricl.<br />

Oler .\S door priles ..... hich h'l(.I !'Cen dn·<br />

natl.'.! b) \'ariuu~ firms ami eomraCj"I"'i,<br />

.... "re drll" n for. Thc balunce or Ihe e\enlllg<br />

wa~ 'pen 1 dall~ing and renewing acquaintanc.::~.<br />

1 h,' Succe~~ o f Ihe pany ..... :1\ due 10 Ihe<br />

umirlng clrorl~ <strong>of</strong> the Local )'1 <strong>of</strong>fice ~t"lf<br />

<strong>of</strong> J"me) I-oreman. Sonn} Hrd,. Bill POII~,<br />

Jean Bro .... n. and \I;nnell \\'righl~ . The<br />

memhcr;hip appreciate, Ihdr dforh.<br />

The accompan}in J,! pier"re' :lTe "f thc H·<br />

and .tU-}'~"r !llemhcr~.<br />

Scribe Reviews<br />

Year Of Progress<br />

R. I'. O'R!! I'. 1'.5.<br />

t.U. 11K. nEi'VEI{. (,OLO.-fj"d ;Ib.""<br />

lifter mhsing the la~t i''iue <strong>of</strong> the JourIIlIl. I<br />

h:l\"(' ;In e;\cll ...... Ihou!!h. ," r \Ia, in Ihc<br />

hospital. I hopt' Ih,\I hy the lime Ihi\ i ...,ue<br />

come.', OUI I .... iII ~ t>.rd ;11 .... orl. 1[', 'urpri,ing<br />

ho .... lired a peri1it) program.<br />

Ilhkh lias ,,1'0 hroadl.'ned from 6H<br />

to 71 months. Emplo)'L'Cs ~o\eretl by hask<br />

elit,:ibilit} .... ere prolidetl "ilh a Death ;111:00\1 \"C'IT. In order 10 lht<br />

all <strong>of</strong> tho,c members respon,ihlc for these<br />

[:;,in,. Ihc.se item, for :1 Octtcr \\;1)' <strong>of</strong> life. I<br />

.... ould hlt\'e to lis! all OlflCeT'>, committee<br />

lIlelllherl. ;1I1t1 mOSI o f thc members fur<br />

ide;". recommendations. 10Ie~. and "I'­<br />

prol'al<br />

I he current year" iII hi! " chilllcnge for<br />

our mcmbership. Some hard deci~ion~ I\ill<br />

h"le to be l1Iad .:-. Beginning Ihe rcar arc<br />

~ ur rent negOliations. The Negotialing Committee<br />

hliS not changed, ;lnd lIil h the help<br />

<strong>of</strong> thcse members, we should cornc OUI <strong>of</strong><br />

l'oarS"ininS in it position a, good as, if not<br />

better Ihltn. 1,,'1 ycar.<br />

r hi~ i, the )C:lr <strong>of</strong> our In teTn,'lionai Con ­<br />

I'ention, :1110.1 t.lclcg"tC~ ",ill be electcd. 1 ..oc~.1<br />

68 ",iII "Iso h.tlC ele~' liol1 <strong>of</strong> omcers Ihis<br />

)car. Wc .... ,11 IIclcomc nc" rnembers;ls we<br />

COll111111e 10 t,:rOI\. 1\ 1 me~lings lie .... 111 see<br />

nell fnec, joirling (amili;lr ones. gelling involve((<br />

in Ihe 10CII)\ bu,inc" And "c "ill<br />

mh, -.ome me1111>el\ nu longer lIith u~. In<br />

197,l \\1.' 1011 !lC:veral. .100.1 Ihe) ;Ire tm,~ed:<br />

L,rI It_ \\hile. ellrl II \lllh. Et.lI\.lfd A.<br />

S'o1Ier. Clurence I);ot,:gell. oeorgc It. II"ile}.<br />

(h;ol.::, I- Lllni>cn. (,corge 0 l-hulIm"r,<br />

Sr .. I 1(I}d W, lIi.hup. juhn A. lIenno.: l..<br />

Flmer' V. W;llt,·r. Jo l1l1 (rBl ien. :md Llob<br />

Tnrlt) gone no" . bUI nOI forgollen.<br />

I he fulure 1001., good It .... ilI be IIh,11<br />

lie menli>cr, <strong>of</strong> 1.0-:.11 (.1'( male h. See }Oll<br />

ill the 1ucill I1l1Ion mceting~ , 11M!", .... hcre<br />

i!"~ h,IPJ'l.'nrn¥. lirolhel'.<br />

jPIt" ~ 1. BUMKt. JM., I'.s.<br />

On the Job<br />

...--.<br />


On the Job<br />

Jody Reynold.. H"I" "'dams .• ,," Bobby Mal·<br />

rhe_ nnMke qUIre. 'Hli SlIek crew.<br />

r rank Cochran on lell. one 01 l oclII 74's I,n ..<br />

"pO,enl,ces, "nd Uneman T R Durden "o,k'''fI<br />

on a 2O-KV CO.on job S,orM' Outden .5<br />

al_ "pp./lnt..:e In~lfuCIO. _<br />

" he-r .... hili lei II~ nul !; i ,,~ "1'- 1'", can. :onl!<br />

,hall. o,,:rcomc it. II) "orLin!; IO!!Clhcr ,,~<br />

the ~I.illclt. lr;linc,1 cr"ft_flIen "'c life:. h}<br />

If",tin!; ,,"r kalin_. h) I>I\'I1\,: cUIl,j,kralt ....<br />

to union ront r:IClor,. h) 1c;lnliu!! :1' milch<br />

a~ "C (;1" ;,h(mt the prohlclJl\ "0: flll' C, hy<br />

\\orlil1l; 101'.;0(,1 11\10,1, C: "No gooJ IhinJ:: d.,."<br />

Ihe LUfl1 " ithhold (rom Iho-.c "h,\ ",Ill<br />

IIpriJ;hl t ~ ." ~ 1',.11111\ 1101: III<br />

J. I). 11m I ()~II" . J~ I'''' •<br />

Reporter Introduces<br />

Local 82 Officers<br />

•<br />

I<br />

LI I, 112. I) " ~ I O' . 01110 Ikll,l. 1111 \\<br />

\\OTlu '\illin!! here ;1\ 01) PI(''' ..c.-n:I;If\<br />

~ I e,l. Ille ~il~hl'n lallie. 1'111 romkrin~ )11,1 I<br />

ho"" 10 1,:1'1 ;,,;:ro,~ 10 ~Oll fol~, ,0111.' III Ihe "I<br />

""I)r~inl!\ \I( 101';,1 X2_ ,lOll ",,1K1 m.,~e,<br />

Ihillll' J;o.<br />

I \IIPpt)\C I eOIlIU lell )OU Ih.,1 Ih.· hl"i·<br />

nc,\ 1I1.1I,.I!!er i, Ru\'>C1I G. I ;Inl'. "h......<br />

li .... 1 lelll1 <strong>of</strong> om~e hcg.Jn in 1"'601, Ru" ".1\<br />

r~d~II'd<br />

1.1'1 Junc. \\orlin!; ""lIh hlill in<br />

Ihe ollke ,Ire 1"0 ;,~,i'I;IIlI'. 1l.IIT) "r.l\i,<br />

h." t-..:en ""ilh I ;lIle ,ince IW,oI. RII,.,...II I<br />

I i,her '1;.r1e~1 in 1\1"';1, bUI re,illm'd rc~entl)<br />

'0(' he co1l1u !!I'I I'o;I,l OUl in Ih~' ""or"",!!<br />

IleI,1. :oml ;j, 01 Ihi, "rrliUIl 111> r,·pl;Il·~rn~nl<br />

h." l'Ccn noUned.<br />

In Ihe ollin' <strong>of</strong> fin;",.-ial ,,-,crelMI h<br />

llrolher William F. 5Ie";III. Bill h;h<br />

"or ~ cJ Ihal 1"O';,;on ~inc(' 1912. "hen I<br />

Ilarry Illal)'; relirell uflcr scninl: ~in"e 1')601, .• ,1<br />

Il rOlher :'IC\\art \\!is al~o reel""':led in Jllne.<br />

In).<br />

j<br />

I<br />

lBEW Jou.n(>1 ~

•<br />

Local faces<br />

;.,.,,-.<br />

local at. O~ylon. Ohio 8u",,", M~n~er R_<br />

sell la .... left. d',""USMS buslfM'S' W,lh Assosi.<br />

ant Bus,ness Manaae, Ha"y T.~~ls.<br />

Local a2 £xecut,~e Boa'd ali spruced UP 11)0<br />

Monday meellng. Sealed .ra Ass,lIanl Bu.,ne51<br />

Manage, Harry Tra~'s lind Treasure, Bud Man<br />

ley. Standing on f'flIl row. F,nan

marines lInU submarine support IInil5, '( his<br />

,,"ork involve$ operating under mO,1 dimeuh<br />

condilions, including "Of~ing in Ihe I\llter<br />

from fowl\oals. II i~ m~ IImlerllanding th;1\<br />

Boal Yard omd,ll, MC eltremcly plea'>ed<br />

,,"ilh lhe: 1I1\lnl1alion\ done h) our Pl'OplC".<br />

and a lelia <strong>of</strong> commendalion i\ fonocolll­<br />

Ing.<br />

r he Wooleo compte\ in We~1 H;llen.<br />

Connedieul and the Ho"aru John'>On cum·<br />

ple'l: in Old S;I~hroo~. ('onnediull emplo)'<br />

some ~.~ loc.11 people, -I he gelleml conlm,·<br />

lor~ <strong>of</strong> hOlh Ihe\( juh\ n:, ... nlh infmm ... d<br />

me Ihal Ihey are ple." ... u ,,"ilh Ihe pcrfOllllance<br />

<strong>of</strong> local 9{) rcople. '1 he (Jrolhe.... on<br />

Ihese ;oh, "ere gil en ('hri\llIIll\ rarlie, ;11<br />

thc !;... ncral c01l1r,ICIOr\' e~f'Cn'oC, !Inll, I<br />

mighl ;\ud. holh jot" :Ire open \hop \1 ,111)'<br />

non'lImon U;tfh ;IT,' emplo) .... 1 on rolh.<br />

The fUel Ih:ll Ihe ttcnenll 'onlra~lnr. lCllCled<br />

thi~ W;I}' in.itc·alel Ih,11 Ihe) ren)l!!\i, ...<br />

:Lnd apprecialc ollr dlml, II fun her illlli­<br />

CIUe$ Ih;1I "e :.re HClonlrlhhinl! our I.n)ec·­<br />

livcs uf superior pcrform"nce ;Inu<br />

erafl\nulnlhip. Ilhieh lIil1 dde;'1 Ihe nonunion<br />

~omp.:lilion III Ihe area. I hc job 'III,'<br />

il IIhere ,,"0.' lIill rrel,til: I ~n\l" lie .If... (a'<br />

pahle <strong>of</strong> doinll il. It 11111. hOllcler, I"~C Ihe<br />

\incuc l"Ifortl <strong>of</strong> eH;,r~ memhcr in Ihl.' ortt;lniliuion<br />

1'1;ln, ;Ire ~in!! nM.1e for the :mnual dinner-JOn\<br />

sl .. lf. Brolher Spar~s nOied Ihal in Ihe 50<br />

years spanning from 1923 10 1973 OUf honorr~<br />

ha~e e;>.peritnceU lhe l)epre"ion. Ihe<br />

5c:Tond World \\.tr. 1"0 .. rmed Hml1i(h.<br />

and man} Iriall .JrnI Irihul!: .)\\;,ru \llI1l1er, in<br />

,ttlend,lI1l'c Jo..erh ell'lin. llerl>crt I ttn\'r.<br />

1'.ltri(~ H,·nr~. R;t~ \I.ln(ill.

should. gllwhne IS hurd 10 COIIIC hy, OIlT<br />

, I:mdard <strong>of</strong> Jiving is changing rapidl)' for<br />

Ihe \lorse. This is :1 pfell y blad picturc,<br />

and il doesn'l 1001.. :1\ if thin,l:S ure ~oing 10<br />

~el an)' hellcr for some lime 10 cOllie.<br />

The prohlelll\ thM Ix:set II~ nU\I lIrc<br />

problelllS lh:u \lC hllvc let h:lppcn to our­<br />

~hc,_ 1-10\1, <strong>of</strong>tcn \Ie hale hc"rd lhc<br />

phr;"", " Why don't 11,,'y de Copk. :IllU IInion mem-<br />

~ I'ocrship.<br />

I he fir~1 thing 10 110 i~ la~e lIli iniere'l.<br />

Ta~c an inlerc~1 in your gu\·ernmenl. from<br />

10c;11 10 national. I e do lhi~. )Cll rnu~1 pul<br />

in <strong>of</strong>licc people \lho "'o; lle-<br />

MrO)CII.<br />

R ~memhcr . for u, 10 :lch i~I'C an}thlns.<br />

we h:l\"e 10 ~h;l1lgc the tJlrl' to I .<br />

11. 0111 RI' H. r. l ,!i(l)\. "~!>I.H,M.<br />

Completion Ceremoni es Held<br />

For Apprentice Wiremen<br />

L I I, 1-'0. i"\EW flH I.f:,\i"\'S. 1 .\ ._·1 he end<br />

cf 1973 found Local 130 in the milht lIf<br />

much ilc,hil) . Earl) in December .... c hc1d<br />

our anllual completion ceremonies for ilPprentice<br />

.... iremcn al Ihc (o ~cr Room <strong>of</strong><br />

Retired Members<br />

~<br />

Apprentices<br />

New lourneymen. left to nght. are M. H_ McG,ltigan. D. J_ loomi •. J . W. Ben"l Ill, O. ",. Blanllluc is going<br />

filII lor!;e right nOli . :m.! the lOp live teams<br />

:u·c ,~pllrilted b} only !I fe\\' poinl ~. It loo~s<br />

like :Inl)lher , cr) light race. righl dOl'.n 11.1<br />

lhe "ire.<br />


'" I I<br />

Locol Faces<br />

locill ISO. Waukellan. III BUSIness ManllKer<br />

Don Barger cO"8ralulales Brother MOIII~"<br />

Milchal on rece iving pIn fo, 40 yea,s o f servIce.<br />

Enjoying Loc .. 1 lSO'~ golf oul ing. le ft 10 ,I/lhl.<br />

are Brothers John By rum. Tom Cmley. Joe<br />

E:tlerlng. and Oan Curley.<br />

Appointment<br />

Brother Robert J. Dahlke. buslnus repr.",nta·<br />

ltv. <strong>of</strong> Local 165, Chic3f1o. has be .... apPO,nted<br />

to Ihe Counly ""dlt Advisory Board b~ State<br />

o r III;no;s Comph oller George W. lIndbery,.<br />

I' rior 10 Ihe merger, hc 'oCf\ed :IS pn"i,]ent<br />

ami "1I\ine\, manager <strong>of</strong> thc former ! oc:.1<br />

lf1l1. Sill~l' Ih.:: mergcr he tUI\ heen :I hll_i·<br />

"c,~ rcpre,,:nl,llhc <strong>of</strong> thi, local. 1-1 1." h,,~ he­<br />

';l)m(' IIeli kllo"!l tll ollr ,outh ~rea and<br />

1l1\1 &E rtI,·mher, \lhile ,pe

one. 'lOt! c:o~h ..-hild rc,:cllcd hi, ~prl hom<br />

• ,):,01" ellUl, him,elf. or cOllr...:. \umc <strong>of</strong><br />

the )OUrlJ;! chit.lren " ,ill ., ....... Ihe fe;ll<br />

S.U1I:, (Ja",. :.nJ wille ,.1,,1 il ....."n'l. \\ell,<br />

I don', ).,no" \\ h ~thcJ il 1\.1, IIf nOI. Iml \\1:<br />

diJ nOlke Ihlll Brother II. I . Knud.lc' lit·<br />

· ,<br />

ThO ,-"dlc,", 11 ....,1011')'<br />

<strong>of</strong> loc.' 183. Lh"'I1\"'"<br />

Ky. held a CII".\m". pari), In o..:em~r He ••<br />

_ ~ _ younl'S'erl eh.,lon. wIth S,,"'a;<br />

the other 1_ M~u"8S ler. " ar. M... JKH<br />

Stee'., wlf. 01 OUr bu ..... u menage., ."d Mrs.<br />

Jon" francis. prnldent o' 1M 1'1".,1'.')1.<br />

Santa Claus lind I".nds.<br />

Ihe 11;'r Ihe "un",:n had clcr)lhing Olllllni,cll.<br />

il I1l11lcd right :,IOII!: \\1Ih CICf)onc<br />

cnt'-» ing Ilu.'m'>Chc) \prrO\II11",el> 10<br />

)ounj! ,In'" 01,1 childn:n "cre prc'>Col_a<br />

good numh.!r lur the hr.1 wile<br />

Ill.:- IctJic~ h.lLl c.th ;tnl' ..Inn),., for .:,.:r)­<br />

tic I;nlmJd:tUl;htcr ..... u, "orrinJ N:C:tlt....: ,he<br />

couldn't fin"! "Lr"ml"" .1Il)"here in the<br />

r.;ro"d. rh'lnl.., :l 101. &in!!t. for II. fin.: JOh.<br />

.md r.;ongralul:ttion .. 10 ,III )on "omen for::l<br />

plc,I\.tnt afternoon. WI' ellclo\C .1 coupll' <strong>of</strong><br />

pi .. wrc, o f 'omc <strong>of</strong> the Hdltldren" II ith<br />

S:lm".<br />

SjlC"lin~ <strong>of</strong> Ihc i\uliliaf). the <strong>of</strong>lin'rs<br />

hal'c :t~led me 10 H'lllin,1 "!lC, <strong>of</strong> all I o!.'r (iR) C"iard imd your<br />

prel) sCd tht. d'lIlCo.' )'011 mi,scJ the<br />

be'l one )et. I'm '11\'... "II Ihe guy) ,md their<br />

lndie, h,,11 :, hL,,1. I lllo ..... \\:,ndil ;lt1d I<br />

did<br />

'I he 'I.ength <strong>of</strong> the IIrolherhond hn ..<br />

he.'n '00 imrortllnt in our li\e, th.lt I would<br />

lile to l'mph,I\ile Ihe l}Cces,il) <strong>of</strong> our famil)<br />

<strong>of</strong> "orllllg people wntinuing to eooper­<br />

,lit! 'Ind "orl in uniwn to lee!, u\ healthy<br />

:Uld ..!rullg_ With brolher!) lu\e, morality,<br />

"n.1 friend,htp on our , ide, \Ie (,mnot fail.<br />

Remember, III IInily lie~ \Irellglh, in<br />

~Irenglh Ihere j~ confldenr.;e, :tnd 111 conhdene.:<br />

Ihe!'e i~ prOllrc" lind growth,<br />

In do,inll. Ihe member', ollicen, .lI1d Our<br />

om.:c hIJle" I 1.'1;0 lind ".Ir). hope all <strong>of</strong><br />

)011 de.IT friernh ,mtl )Ollr familK:' :Ire eniIl)in}:<br />

.1 he,llth), h,IpP). and prcr, al Ollr<br />

nexi meetil1g, 11\ }'our III1;on: prole!.'t il by<br />

Hltcn.ling.<br />

'I \MMII V,SIIII'llIkll.P,S,<br />

Scribe Salutes<br />

37.Year Member<br />

I" l '. 194, S II Wt-:\ ";I'OI{T. Li\ ,- J l1liu.~<br />

(jeOTlI'" I'on" Ocller lnu"·n :I' Jad. ha"<br />

,ledie"led Ihc P

ut hc ~ t a~~ bu,y in hh J;ankn and being a<br />

home h:\odynwn.<br />

n rother Jud, " o n,' molttl, "Do )ollr best<br />

1000 }our be,1 "or~." Io:"ifi"" to hi ... ch"fact~r.<br />

He i, p,or! <strong>of</strong> thc COf~' 'lf OUf mtlu ~·<br />

Iry. He "ill be ""fd~ nll''l.~. Broth",r J:< c~<br />

I' oo~. "e ".hllc }'HI f( .r )tllIf c'JnlrirnllIOll'.<br />

}our tledic,oliuo. pn,k. :ul,1 f"ilh ,n Ih",<br />

ele..,<br />

Local 20 I Celebrates<br />

Twenty-fifth Anni versary<br />

1..1. 201. 11 .. \\1-/(. 1'\. 1 111. •• 1 ~III<br />

"l;,r~e,1 ii' ~~Ih •• nni"· .....", un "'"ml.lI. (h:<br />

'oner ~II. 1"11,<br />

I Ulal 2UI ...." ,h.lrler,·J "n \I." I. 1'/>11'<br />

;mtl f("(<br />


•<br />

Few<br />

student<br />

organizations<br />

emphasize<br />

respect<br />

for the<br />


OF WORK<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong><br />

found<br />

one ...<br />

VICA<br />

,<br />


President's Message<br />


INDUSTRIAl •<br />

CLUB ~<br />

0 1<br />

AMERIC~<br />

1\ IS seldom that we find a student organization Ihal<br />

has goals which foster attitudes <strong>of</strong> humility, dl ~IIl!ly<br />

<strong>of</strong> work love <strong>of</strong> country and honesty amono<br />

sl udents who ar C planning to elller the labor<br />

market<br />

It IS also extr emely rar e for a slUdellf<br />

OIganlzallon 10 Involve Orgamzed l abor In the<br />

mainstream <strong>of</strong> 115 actiVities The Vocational<br />

Industrial Clubs <strong>of</strong> America (VICA) IS one<br />

such organrzatlon<br />

The <strong>IBEW</strong> has long support ed those whose<br />

actiVities have been to enhance the human dignity<br />

<strong>of</strong> skilled crah smen and those who<br />

leach reS I)QnSlblltlles and the guar

The Vocational Industrial Clubs <strong>of</strong> America (VICA) is the national student organization<br />

serving trade. industrial. technical and health occupations education students with leadership.<br />

ci tizenship and character development programs and activities. Through its 7.000 clubs.<br />

V1CA emphasizes respect for the dignity <strong>of</strong> work, high standards <strong>of</strong> trade ethics.<br />

workmanship, scholarship and safety. Another goal is the development <strong>of</strong> patriotism<br />

through the practice <strong>of</strong> democracy in the club.<br />

VICA does it with ...<br />

VICA<br />

u.s. Skill<br />

' Olympics<br />

VICA members compete wIth basIc<br />

occupatIonal skills at loca l.<br />

state and natIonal meets The VICA<br />

United States SkIll OlympICS IS<br />

a program that gives VICA<br />

members recognItion as young<br />

workers. pnde In their trade and<br />

confidence In themselves Contest<br />

wlf1ners receive gold. silver and<br />

bronze medallions The U S SkIll<br />

"" Olympics medallIon IS becoming a<br />

symbol <strong>of</strong> excellence.<br />

Leadership Training<br />

Le adership training sessions If1<br />

such vItal areas as public speaking.<br />

pa rliamentary procedure. group<br />

dynamics and cooperati on With their<br />

fellowman are a regular part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

VICA member's club work In<br />

addition. the VICA member has the<br />

opportunity to take part In district.<br />

state and national leadership<br />

con ferences whIch <strong>of</strong>fer the<br />

opportunity to grow VICA believes<br />

Its members should provide<br />

leadershIp In aCtlvllleS which<br />

affect their work. thel( commumty.<br />

their school. their natton.<br />

Vocational Initiative<br />

and<br />

Club Achievement<br />

Program<br />

A s VICA members progress In theIr<br />

occupallonal training. they are<br />

recognized for their achievement by<br />

adVisory committees consisting <strong>of</strong><br />

labor and management leaders in<br />

the community The achievement<br />

program gives adVisory committee<br />

members the opportunit y to<br />

evaluate VICA members directly as<br />

they climb the ladder <strong>of</strong> success<br />

In both leadershIp development and<br />

OCcupallonallearnlng As students<br />

achieve. they receive patches or<br />

symbols <strong>of</strong> achievement recognizing<br />

their progress .<br />

Why we should get involved with VICA<br />

• Gives local Unions an opportumty 10 IIHerprellhe <strong>Brotherhood</strong> 5 obJecltvc~<br />

10 local school <strong>of</strong>ficials ami students<br />

• Puts your loearln direct contact with motivated students who have already<br />

committed themselves 10 emenng the IIlclll Slry<br />

• Since VICA members will be entering eleclrlcal IndUSlrles after gradudtlon<br />

yOu will have an Immediate source <strong>of</strong> yotlng leaders for union partiCipation<br />

•<br />

• PrOVides members another Opporturllly fOI community servlC(~ sharing thell<br />

speCIal skills With students<br />

• Offers YOllr local an OpporllH1Hy fOr desirable pubhc VISibility<br />

What local representatives can do to support VICA<br />

• Serve on electncalmdustnes courses adVisory committees These<br />

commillees evaluate IIlstruClIonal programs ami students<br />

• Serve clS guest speakers 10 VICA Cilibs on<br />

job mformation<br />

technical subject s<br />

organized labor<br />

leadership<br />

m ethods for enter ing the industry<br />

• ASSIst VICA as contest organizers and Juckjes<br />

• Sponsor local contest wmners 10 Slate and nalton(ll eveills<br />

• Invite VICA members 10 view labor In action<br />

·1<br />

j<br />

I<br />

How to get involved<br />

• Write for additional mformatlon to Director <strong>of</strong> Skill Improvement<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> <strong>of</strong> Electrical Workers 1125 15th Strcet N W<br />

Washington DC 20005<br />

• Contact local high school prmclpals where vocational programs eXist or<br />

vocatIonal techntcal school directors and <strong>of</strong>fer to serve on adVisory<br />

comml1leeS for eleclrlcallndllstry programs Ask to talk. WIth the VICA<br />

club adVisor<br />

• Offer assistance 10 local VICA clubs In high schools and vocational<br />

technical schools

-<br />

rQlI/ill/lI'l! Imlll /I"!! ~ ' .14<br />

We again have ;!n :IPl'rcnli(:C progr:ull on<br />

the C&N W, .... hich we hll'C~. ! he<br />

hIO")e:lr pall.;lge"" <strong>of</strong> ""I;C' ami fringe, '''"<br />

in ... \ ...,." "f I ~ p.:rlenl.<br />

C,lrl (Hrpcnh.·r. "r~;I lIIam,g~r <strong>of</strong> tho::<br />

I),.\ .• Hld 11I •• ir (.'rionJ;cr. Ike<br />

pre,i,knl or N.::hun I r ... ~ 50::1"1 ir .... Ih.Hll.ed<br />

cmpIO}ec, for their fine "orl. p;,-rfurm"n,·,·<br />

in Ihe p.I,1 }~:or. Al,o in Hllelld:mc~ "ere<br />

(1}\1c 1l01id mn! Carl H:m,en. reliree,.<br />

Cume 10 thinl <strong>of</strong> il. Ihe...c 1"1) rctil'ee~<br />

loo~ed<br />

,Iill ",,,·lillg.<br />


Service Pins<br />

\'ilk, Ohio and plar:ed his uavdcr inlO<br />

Local 246 in Janullry <strong>of</strong> 1947. Brother<br />

Br;.gg retired in s'::plember. 1967. To Ihe<br />

families <strong>of</strong> both men. "e <strong>of</strong> l..oc:al 2~6 eJ(­<br />

tend our deepest condolences.<br />

RAYMOI'll W . l.o\SII, I'.S.<br />

Construction<br />

,<br />

-I<br />

Tile 25·year members, Icrl<br />

Hcnthorn, 11"1.' s:11 dOlln to I. dclidoll' dinner.<br />

DI.'\\ey MI.'''ay, pre~idl.'nl <strong>of</strong> Local 246<br />

:md IO:'Slllla~ler for Ihe e"ening. then imroduced<br />

the dislinguished gIH.·,IS on the (Iais.<br />

'-hey \\ere Ihl.' Reverend ;Ind r-.'l rs. I

Construction<br />

Youngsters Treated<br />

Re tires<br />

LoC~1 265, L,ncotn, Neb. treated members' ~ld5<br />

to • Christmas party. Here Cemmun.ty Play·<br />

house Puppet eelS entertain the .ud.ellce.<br />

Brothe. Robert Young 'i lor8",an on Ihi, hOlli­<br />

,nlS prOleCI 10' Ihl! e!de(ly.<br />

Bokunh: Flc,·tri,· ha, "ccn worl..itl); on<br />

",10th", 1", ;,:\lildin);, Idlh Ihr ... c II in);" h:" 1UO<br />

,tp;trltllcm,.<br />

1\10 lar);t hou,ing unit\ fur the ,",u,·rly<br />

arc umln<br />

con,lruClion ami \lill I.e .. p ,omc<br />

men bu,) lor Ihe I, inler monlh,. 0111: is II<br />

,Ioubie unil <strong>of</strong> Io:ing done<br />

h} Bennell Ek'·lrk. rho..- olher j, hX:;lt.;d in<br />

Ihe c,'mer <strong>of</strong> S;Jt.:m, ;11...0 a t ... n-,tor} Itnil.<br />

and United Fl",clri,' i, Ihe contractor.<br />

I-el"ll(:r<strong>of</strong>t condominiulll' in D,Lnwr\, ••<br />

non-union joh \lhkh \I,", \I"tched clo ..... l)<br />

b} tho:: loe'll dc,'lrici,m, ,,,,Ii the olher<br />

h"il,ling IT'I,Ie, for o\er ,I }ear, ha, do\eu<br />

dm\ II. I he \I orl.. m,,} nO\l !,:O union and<br />

op~n up "efore ~prinll.<br />

r h~ local \la, ",ddened h) Ihe. 1'""inJ;: <strong>of</strong><br />

Brolher r ed Lo,·I..;:. a 10n1;'lime memher.<br />

We e.\I,·nd our ,,}Il!palhy 10 hi, f.ullil\ .<br />

Local 265 Dedicates<br />

New Building<br />

LAIlIl\' O'M II I \. PS.<br />

L.U. 265, U ;o.;('Ol.i"I' , ;-";1-; 11. On Np,,·m·<br />

her 27 . 1\173 Local 105 held a 'l1"na l n:remony<br />

10 ,ledic:,lIC it, 11Il"r..on An Ka,p"r. RII" \ Iun­<br />

,Iorf. \Ii~e ~ I arlin. 0 ;1"'" D rcI'o, ,,",I m)­<br />

.-elf. ~po:m many hour, meetlllg \lilh Ih .... Ir·<br />

l.· hiteels durinll co",trul"tion. \ Iorl.' \liII he<br />

rcpor!.:" on the J l.'dic:lIio" \I hen th~ rictur.:,<br />

come hacl.. from th.: photographer.<br />

r he annual ehil,lr ..,,·, (hri,lm", 1'.11"1)<br />

\I:,,, held on D xt!mhcr If,. Enten,Ilnmcnt<br />

for the ;,(Iernoon \I,,, proliul.'J 0) Ihe<br />

Communit} rl ,j~hou,e "uppell.'er,. II h" .lid<br />

an onh\,lIIdinll joh. \la"\l.'r <strong>of</strong> ceremnnie'<br />

,Igain thi, lear \I;lS JIlt-inc'" Mam,!,: .. r I\rlie<br />

H eald. Aft,'r the ~i,l, I',jrli.:ip;rud in grollp<br />

,inginJ;. S"nl:t C]all~ \ r om MeKal'} I"" ... ~J<br />

out gif" to :1 11 . I he F\eClilile Board mem·<br />

r...'r~ an,1 jhl'ir \lile~ "erle,1 ") Ihe ,'oml1l1l'<br />

tee thl.- }car. ;lIloJ l\"C r,' Iw,,,Ie.J "I' hy<br />

IJrolh.:r Roy LlImh.<br />

For the lir,\ time \Ie held a C hri,lmfh<br />

d inner-da nce. and m'lny hop..- il II ill he :tn<br />

Mc«h, <strong>1974</strong><br />

Bus,ness Manftger ".tle Heald le/lld5 the kidS In<br />

group singing.<br />

alltHllil alrai!". I ighl} I'cop1c .11I.. n,I.-(1 on<br />

De"emher 15 ;,1 Ihe Airport 1I"lid:l} Inn.<br />

1\ 11 h.,d a "onderflll cv .. ning. and lIe \I,l1\t<br />

to Ihal1~ 1Il\\lhl.'r Dun ,ll1d MartellC 11011,""<br />

for Iheir \Hlr~ in org,"0mg the e\"cnt.<br />

R\I~\l11 N . \(IIl"I". I ' .~.<br />

Loyal Member <strong>of</strong> Local 280<br />

Retires After 25 Years<br />

L,U, 21W, SALW\1. O I{ E,- On D"eent!>cr<br />

21 tt", ~nlph,~ ...:, <strong>of</strong> (,ouM. InL. nm~ .. r, <strong>of</strong><br />

:Iluolllolile h:,lter;",. h .. hl Ihdr :l11nu,tI<br />

("hri,lIn", hulk! lunch,'o" ,l1hl tU1l1.. Ilw IIC­<br />

,·;"iol1 10 honor I eOll:l I-.l1hn 0,)11 h .. r rcriremen!.<br />

I con" had "el.''' emphl)I.'J nt Ihe<br />

I'lanl for 2~ ) ";'h. durin!,: \lhieh lim .. ,he<br />

\lU~ u1C31 ~80 ,~ Bu~inc~s<br />

Mana!jer Glen McCa ll. lelt. and On right. Gould,<br />

Inc. plnnl m"n"'Re. A( ehle Came,on.<br />


Parties<br />

EnjOYIng Ihe adults' Ch,lstmll$ party. 'ell 10<br />

right. a'e (:ommilleeman Btllt Ranslord. Sioo<br />

&1 11 ce,tificale w'nne, Thomas Coug""n, lind<br />

COmmItteeman Tom BaumRnn,<br />

P'esldent Joe La'kin, rig hI, lind "is lalher Ed<br />

La,kln, aC,olS the t~ble. Seem 10 be enlOylng<br />

Ihe dinner.<br />

Christmas Meeting<br />

....;;. ......<br />

,<br />

Two lady helpers I<br />

t.enure,; 8,11 Leepe,. Jr. and Stan<br />

Execut've 8o""d membe'S. working fo,<br />

commIttee al Local 292. MinneapoliS.<br />

Ch"~tmas meeHng.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> Ihe many 8r"the~ who enjoyed Ihe<br />

smo'sesbo.d after the Chtlslm-s meeting.<br />

lkmidji, M inlle!ro(l1a was the M:ene o f a<br />

Chrblma~ parI} for our Urothers Ihere on<br />

December IS. "on}-fi\'(~ members ami<br />

\\ive~ llltende(]. From all rcporl~. Ihe two<br />

partie. were greal ,uccc"c~. nnd everyone<br />

enjo) .. u Ihem,clvc\.<br />

On l>ceember 2~ our :10011111 Local 2'J~<br />

Chrhlm;os pari) ":IS held :11 Ihe Ell) Club<br />

in Ifibhins. I,\,ith .1'25 in Hltcml:lllce. It. 100,<br />

wa, a grc;!l ,Lio,:C.."<br />

and lIon pr:li", from<br />

all. l\lan} Ih;LI1~' :Ire c.\lended to BrOlhcr<br />

Vkwr Koi-i,lo :lnd ;111 lho\o(' "ho helped<br />

him mille il Ihe memorable elcnlng: it ":1'.<br />

..\11 111;11 Vol!, mi"in!! "cre Ihe m;,"} Broth·<br />

er~ I,hl) h~ve h!!d to !cave the juri,uil'tion<br />

to "or~<br />

AI Ihi, "riling:, I,\,e h:lle Ie" men worling<br />

in our jnri"ll~liun Ih\ ' 1 ...."'1.• I',S.<br />

M e mbe rs Attend<br />

NJATC Wo,kshop<br />

,<br />

Some long.l lme local men,b,"s enjoy g"Ulng<br />

toget her.<br />

T his !!ala affair was held at Ihe Pithfield<br />

AmericC<br />

1"0 rt'porteT\ for e'en Ir)ing 10 gavel :1<br />

mceling or thir)ly and hungr) hrolher,.<br />

I here "cre a couple <strong>of</strong> c:ll'd g"me~ whkh<br />

1l1:lde for a few ~mi l e~ and :, 101 <strong>of</strong> fro "n~.<br />

A good tillle "!L' had h) all. We hopI.'<br />

Ihill Ihi, re;Ir" ill hring hcuer da)~.<br />

Dor-. AND JON I '~,>(1~. !',S.,<br />

Local Holds Three<br />

Chri stmas Parties<br />

L U. 29~. IIIIUU NG. i\IINi'._ On ])e..,CIllhcr'<br />

7 in In!Cl'lW lioJlal )cr IS lI u~ine,s \lal1:lger W. G.<br />

])enliln ,md I attended the /\rlan"h SHIll.'<br />

Electric;II \Vor ~ crs As,oci:llion \ I\ SI' WA)<br />

meeling at the Ramada Inn CUII\C I1l10n fa ­<br />

d lit} in North Lillie Rocl. T Vrelflh Di,trict<br />

Vice Presidenl Earl Hurnelle :Ind IEC<br />

memb.:r rom 1'III'lIIey I,\,ere hOllore,1 gue~I~.<br />

Both pre,emcd intere,ling und informative<br />

1;lI l ,. BrOl her ~ uhin Burn, <strong>of</strong> Local 474.<br />

;lnd AS I·W/\ rrc~itlcnl. pre~idcd ovcr lhe<br />

meet mg. L ..-Ro) Slmin. Loe .. 1 700. i\<br />

ASEWA .lICeret:.ry: W. G. l)cnlon. 1000al<br />

2'J,'i. i, vice pre,ilien!. Somc 3S delegales <strong>of</strong><br />

JIl l- \\' local~ in Arlu n ':I~ ;ll1cnued. M:IIlY<br />

imporlanl lopic, I,\,ere discl1~",'d . and ever)­<br />

one " ho particip:ued g:Iined yaluable inform!Llilln.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> JOII,no!<br />

Local Faces<br />

Local 300 faces<br />

..,....-<br />

Ch"slm'" p~tlY commillee commended; lell 10 "/l:hl. lou,~n and Sherry R~s: MatRa.el .nd<br />

M'lIon lee; lInde end WI~ne leWIS; Bo Bu.ne!!; Patll and James Salkeld: Ce.o! .nd Hom .. BuCk;<br />

nOI p,clmftd Debb •• Du.nell. Ind Ca", and Molhe Cope'~nd.<br />

Membe,s <strong>of</strong> lillie Roc~. A'~ lOCII 295 lOlned<br />

approx,melely 35 dlilsate. from lome <strong>of</strong> Ill.<br />

23 IB[W local. In A.kanul I' Ih. AS[WA<br />

lunch ...... ,,"II. lot \ I.,,c/"'. K. Ander.on .• lIl1.1 J.<br />

\I crri~;m Ihd Iht' ",orlo..<br />

1 0\;;11 lUn I'r ..... ldenl D.l\e Goo.t;111 .mJ<br />

llu,it1l'" \i.. n;o1!ef Jame, \krrig:w \\011111<br />

li~c h. th.ml. Iht' memhe/"'hlfl ror .ulentltn~<br />

IInit mcelmg\ regularl) and p.,l'Iicip.'ling ."<br />

i!ooJ. ,ldiH' mcmhcr •.<br />

I he 1<br />

high 1;] .\ on g",ollnc :tnd rai,in!,! Ih.:: fl r i~~<br />

r ~r ~ all'l!1 "f he;oIin!! oil doe,n'l ~ohe Ihe<br />


prohlem: all il does is lal..e hard e .. rned<br />

money from our Brolhers' pocl..eh. '1 his<br />

problem should be nipped in the bud.<br />

Alone "e e;lO nOI SlOp lhe problem. bUI "e<br />

can help b} remembering to ~eep our home<br />

thermo.tah IUrned down. lind 10 obey the<br />

SO·rnil.;·per-hour speed limit.<br />

We "eicOille Kenneth Locl ami Llrry<br />

Fortin 10 our h.Ie;I!.<br />

Remember. 10 ~'1!t your Illone}"~ \Iorth.<br />

spend union dollal), for union producls.<br />

RICHI IIIl J. SP IN I. 1'.5.<br />

Bylaws Committee<br />

Shown he •• , I.h 10 "alii. ar. memlHt ... <strong>of</strong> lOCI'<br />

302. Mart,nez. Cal., bylaw$ COmmi1t"' B,II !'fir<br />

Silk,s. John Hunler. A.,. CmuCII, Sam Bouc:lI.r.<br />

ancl ~. Pe."n Not pr.ll..e~ on hume<br />

COMlrnChon: IIItere~1 ratc~ arc -.0 high Ih.1t<br />

horne hu}er, beg'lIl cancelling ne" hOllle<br />

purchascs. Induslrial constnl,lion h lIeing<br />

held up. to 3n (')'Ient. b~ malerilll .hort·<br />

3ge •. All in ull. il ~eems Ihal ,in1,:e the pre,­<br />

en! admini'lr;Hion h:ls hcen in JlO\\er,<br />

ever)lhing h:l) a;one \Our,<br />

l ocul )02 hi!> a vcry hHrd \\orl..ina; "nd<br />

con'>\:ienliOIl$ h)la"s committee. lJurin!! Ihe<br />

P,I~I couple <strong>of</strong> )C;II'" il hJ.' been going<br />

Ihrough our bybll's from l>cJ:!inning 10 end<br />

10 nlil~e th!'nl 101all) rele\'anl and IIOf~mg.<br />

Arlidc, ha\e been re"rinen and darified 10<br />

clHllln;,te m hi n lcrpre l mjon~. and to bring<br />

ollld"lcd .Lfticle. lip 10 dale.<br />

' l emJ,er~ <strong>of</strong> the com nlitl~e include S.lnl<br />

Boucher. ;:hairm:ln. John I-hillier. G~ n ~ !'er·<br />

rin. G ail C rough. 1:1111 i'l·fg:.l..is. I';\ul Stu­<br />

Ifud. lLnd John B as~,<br />

Tho-.e o f YO Li who subscribe 10 Ihe H,'ml·<br />

f'r's Dit:.'j' hllve probabl)' r"ad wrne <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

anli·union labol' llrticle, prinled in Ihe l u~t<br />

reOir. They were wrillcn b} Charles Slc\'cnson.<br />

Rfl/llu's J)iNt'S' rO\inl; editor SpeCi;llik<br />

ing in labor nmllefS. H j~ ani.:les d e~fibe<br />

"holcsalc tcrrorbm. beati nJ;s. deslruclion <strong>of</strong><br />

conslruction eqmpment. and olher atro;;l\ies<br />

~lI p posed ly direcled :It non·union comp,lIlics<br />

and p rote"~ b)' union "1o'OOn Mlu;ld~:'<br />

Oddl)' enough. Ihese Ihing~ rcJlOrted b~ ~Ie·<br />

" e n~o n in Ih ~ Di/: /'sl never M'ern 10 appear<br />

in ncw~pape r s. news maga:d ncs. or on h .. le·<br />

"bion. T he Rf'llder'r /)i/:fJ/ seemS henl 0 11<br />

..<br />

deslroying Ihe re pul:llion <strong>of</strong> o r g" l1 il. ~d hlhor<br />

by prese nting Ihese a rti cle~ to il) readers.<br />

As umon people. perhllps it i, lime 10 respond<br />

10 Ihe.e articles by cancellinS sub­<br />

;.criplions and e~pl.lining \\ h) "e arc doing<br />

"'.<br />

JlM, I 1>. Sn rRLI). 1'.5 .<br />

Contracts Settled;<br />

Pins Awarded<br />

I_U. JII-I. T()I'I ~ I\A . K \ '5. '1 he 'fJnlT;tel<br />

"ilh Ihe We,krn I' o\\~r ])ili\lon <strong>of</strong> Cenlral<br />

Telephone :md Utililie, (orJlOralion has<br />

been .eulcd for a 7.5 ["Creem gener.11 \\,,!,:e<br />

illcre;!\('. plu. anot her hoIiJ!L) _ lhc I riJny<br />

l,fler I hanh~i\'inl!.<br />

Our contract "ilh \\he;lll.md l·k1,:lric<br />

Cooper;lli'e. Inc. h.IS ;,1'0 heen r;llified h)<br />

the member" lhe ~eocr:ll in.·rca~ "ill he<br />

S.S per,cnl. The ;lpl"rcnli.. e linem.tn ~Iep~<br />

\\ere 1,:h"ngcJ from four \0 three }ellr~: hoi·<br />

id,,}, 1";1) \\;1\ lilx'rali/ed for Iho-.e .:mplo)­<br />

ees v.ho ar.· 1,:;,lIeu h;KI.. 10 \\()(~ on Iheir<br />


Picnic<br />

Enjo~,nll Loaol 308. St. PoeteJ'$burg. ria .• poen.c<br />


Graduation<br />

Cmp lct!n eer, 'flcates wen! to the fotlow'ng new Journeymen o f Lcal 340. 5ftcramenle. Cat.;<br />

frent. lo ft to roght. John Zommermlln. Randy Maul. Richard Horn. J ames Mille •. Rlchftrd Bello. and<br />

CU'lrS Au,leh; rebr. lef! to "ghl. Dan,el Sw,nk. Richard lawrence. Oll",d Parvin. Jlly Gough. Lance<br />

Engeldonller. A,li'ur O,,,lIn. Michael Oyba. and Arthur COp"iand. NOI prcsent for thl p,et"r,. Jemes<br />

Conne,. John A Oyer. Ylclor lanf(don. and W,lIiam Tanner.<br />

IaN for non-u nion 1>CrI'iccs Rnd commodilies.<br />

and delll wilh concerns housed in<br />

scab-built and scab-maintained places <strong>of</strong><br />

bU.'lincss in their suburban communities.<br />

These same union members send their<br />

L.ids 10 scab-buill lICOOols financed by bond<br />

issues appro\c-d b) the electonue. <strong>of</strong> .... hit-h<br />

Ihe) are a pan. and .... hkh are go\emed by<br />

pubh( <strong>of</strong>fitials elecled b) a minoril) <strong>of</strong> eligible<br />

\Olen; III their I:ommllnil).<br />

\1 .10) <strong>of</strong> Ibcse s,lme members fail 10 allend<br />

union meclinttS. fail 10 \Oh: for tandidale~<br />

for puhlic <strong>of</strong>fices .... no are comidemle<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe Inuje union mo,emenl, and don'l<br />

conrributc :1 bueL. 10 COI'I" . or p:.nicipate<br />

in union :I(fairs. lIo"c\ ... r. it is terlain Ihal<br />

Ihe)' ;.~ intluded in IhO'>!! "ho ;Ire cmical<br />

<strong>of</strong> the. "cliquc" \lorldng 10 ad\ance lhe pur·<br />

pow~ for \lhi~h all m"mhcrs are oblig;ucti.<br />

It h", ;11\1:1)\ llCen a myster)' 10 your<br />

scril.l-c "h)'. \Iith the nceu ror prolcclin],;<br />

and atlvancill!,: Ihe purro~cs <strong>of</strong> organi:.(cd<br />

labor. mnn~ Ill1ion !11c!l1ber~ e~hibit "hout -/<br />

lhc \llIne iniliarile a~ :1 ~id I.iucn.<br />

NUll. hefure )UlI ",... 1 mad and scream,<br />

.. rhrow Ihe bum out~··. COllnl the union labels<br />

On your :.pp:.rel ;ll1u your r;Idio. lele\'i- ~l<br />

sion .• mlo. anu apf'li"n~e~. If yu r.J.le a<br />

gmdt <strong>of</strong> 7n ['I('r~ent. I' ll apologize.<br />

/11111 II , I'OIlIIb.I'.S.<br />

Hall<br />

S,ngled 01,11 for Ip&ch.1 Iw"d. dUllng complehon eeremon,es. hold,ns bondl. I,ll to "ghl I.e<br />

Michael Oyba. R,cha,d Bello. and Randy Mou1. Not shown but alllO .",.,,,,ng 1In 1Iw1l.d wlS W,lIIlm<br />

K. Tanner. labor m1ln'IFmenl and I.aln,ng: oHicials p,ctured w, th the ~w lourneymen a ... teft to<br />

';ght. H (dward Wh"e. drc.1 351. Las VCIIU.<br />

Na".<br />

Reporter<br />

Back On<br />

Looks<br />

1973<br />

L.U. J57. LAS '"":GAS. i'1-: V.- I-IearJline<br />

frum our " Ik lk\e II Or NUl" d,'p"rlment:<br />

T he Nc" Year in 1 ..:"1\ Vel,:(1 ~ "a, gr~eted<br />

b) Ole Man Winler "hen I'll' deli\ered 10<br />

u, appnl\;malel) len illl;'h .., IIr thai .... hile<br />

stulT c;llIOO ,til>.....<br />

III Ihe fir.1 f"ur d:I)\ <strong>of</strong><br />


Strike<br />

loc .. ' 351 membeB employed by Cent,al Tel"<br />

pt)one on pIcket dilly duronlil ,ecent s'"ke.<br />

Ih~ hold. Nul unl) ,Ier\! d"n'!1iom l"ut-<br />

1""lcd "hen a Brother ,'a.. ,Ii..;,hkd. hIli jll\!<br />

h.:fur,- Chri'l!na~ :, ,pedl.1 CU IiCl"tioll II;"<br />

l:t~ cn f"r Ih",~ "h" hale hccn di",bk,1 (" r<br />

>om .. time. We ctll11l1lcnd m'l (ln ll' Ih",e<br />

"h" ""rl..:.! a1 the hUld hUI ",eT),;nC IIh"<br />

,j". and nOI lei I"<br />

. rcgr;:~, to Ihe poinl uf bclinJcmenl and ,uh_<br />

Il'rfu,!;",<br />

~ MatC h. <strong>1974</strong><br />

~ I IKI I ,:"/(;TOI', I'.S,<br />

Ten New Members<br />

Join Local<br />

1 •. 11. 36 1, Lf: UA,," O " ', I'A,- I hi, nh)mh'~<br />

I.'Ohlll1l1 \lill be a ,hun ,m... Wllh "inler<br />

h"T". Ih ... fe " job, \Ie h,I\e are ,luwil1g up.<br />

\ V,· 1Iln, 1''''nn,ylv:Lllia. 1 hill t-ring.~<br />

w l:,I IlA 111,·mncr,hlp lu 31.<br />

II tlricf "'ur,1 ;thoul nc!,"!"ti.ui,)lh. We .. lid<br />

have a f ... " m ... cllngs "ilh Ihe c,mln,CI,'r,.<br />

II ,,",·m, " ... cal1 'l ...... e e)c 10 q ... ,I' 'el. hili<br />

, ..... "II h .. ,pt: Ihe CUnl raCI "ill hc ,ICeepl

Christmas Party<br />

Bro,ke. B,II T,,~ o WOn 'he ,""d'enee w,'h h,s<br />

juga"""<br />

Oave Wolf. J •. rectlives assls' a".::e from yOU"!'!tI.<br />

m .. mbers <strong>of</strong> his aud,er>c:e In hIS malll(; show a l<br />

Ch llSlmas party.<br />

\\hi'h \\OlS ··Kin!! (,f Ihe {'amil.,I:· f ... alurin~<br />

\li~s G yps} Ko...: I cc. Kill pla)· ... u nl.ln)<br />

hl)\pil;,ls anu uiu ,>ho\\\ (or ",:oll1in~ I>r~anj ·<br />

t;li! .... Negotiillion\ hro)..e <strong>of</strong>f on I)cullon<br />

linel1wl1. bec:lIl1e u Wi ..... 0\\1 member 0 11<br />

Sclllemher II . 1973.<br />

\eler.11 o( thc l oc .. 1 1'111 ~MP" rc,ciled<br />

the 5,(,ulh (",.rolin., O<br />

IlIInhrunnen in \ ri/on". and W"It"r JO) .<br />

.. ho i, \lIl;l;e"ful1) recolf'ring from hb<br />

hC.lfl ;.lI;K)... 1>111 hfl~ allplied for ,Ji ...... l>ilil}<br />

pen'10n.<br />

\\e enJoycd .molher \er} fin ... Chri'lma~<br />

Il.,n ) Ihi, }c"r. 1 h ~ food .... 01' d..-i kiml\. Ihe<br />

Ilidie, .. ere he.lUlifll!. and "e ;,11 h:.d a<br />

good time . 1111: committee 1I0ini! ,III Ihe<br />

\lorl. l:on,j".:11 <strong>of</strong> I) ie).. Ingle,. C urt N)"<br />

land. Siele Wernwgc r. Tom Whillcmore.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Iheir I\ile'. W e e'llre,s our :tllflfecialion<br />

itnd ,h.IIl)..' for lheir effort. ;md Ihe gooJ<br />

n,""I1~ ;,ehie~e,l . I heir Ilrogram prolided a<br />

nc" idea for enlcnainlllcm :md an .• hunu·<br />

•.nee o( door Ilri /.e~, BrOlher Slevc lI erman<br />

lolunteered 10 'iI)..e 'tOm~ rklurc, for U~.<br />

•<br />

hUI Ht Ihi~ \HiLin~ Ihe) ,l(e nOI )CI Hvai!·<br />

ahlc. \0 lie \liIl h,lIe 10 ..:,il for Ihem.<br />

Than).. ~ much. Slc\e. (or )our heill.<br />

We mu~1 h,,'len 10 L'Orrel:1 ;,n error. Tile<br />

report <strong>of</strong> our I:o~t gr:,duating "ppr~nlic e<br />

d:u, .. ilS incomiliele. II included Ihc names<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe mcn in Ihe piC1ure. l>uI no' lho'-C<br />

11110 \lere nOI pre ..... nl for Ihe piClurt. Thec<br />

.,ddilion'll Ill:" jOllrneymen .Ife: ·10111 (01·<br />

lin). Mi)..e I·run'hle. RO!1cr (iranl. I.arr)<br />

10uLol ... Konmn K.,im. f arl l.odh;lrt. and<br />

lIil1 D ) all. Our ,incere ;lflOloJ,:ie,. IJ ro' her ~.<br />

;Inli I hope ollr communk:l1 ion, .... 111 he bet·<br />

I ... r nC'1 linlc<br />

l'-ell Brolher. 11M h.l\e rc,ell1l) been<br />

obligated lire: Do .. vo~~. Chilrle, l'ullmer.<br />

,tnd Jel'Olllc Weidclllier from the IO\lu Cit)<br />

arc ••. :,nll l' llprenlice) Kevin Kacena :Ind<br />

Terr) O·Connell. Congnllula t ion~ 10 Ihc, ...<br />

men. and !I reminder <strong>of</strong> 'he \lord!> Ihe)<br />

IUW Jo",nol

.<br />

spoke .... hen they took this obligation. It is<br />

good for all <strong>of</strong> us to Stop and :I~L our.<br />

~I\'..,s. rrolll tillle to lime, how .... ell lIe :Irc<br />

LeepiDg that oalh.<br />

JOII" It. J-:ll'oG. 1'.5.<br />

Faces<br />

These local 410. New Sedlord. Mass, membe,,.<br />

1101 out 10 ~ole 10' otfr,e.s. See" lell 10 roShl<br />

~.e Siante~ Perr~. Made""e G.eenwood. Mafia<br />

P Souza. Henr.ett" HamPl'on. Ma's ... el Ba,h.<br />

Wrlliam Th .."he•. and lu,~ Ba.ao<br />

,.-~<br />

...<br />

rellers at t he ele,tion. ~tandrng left to rill>!.<br />

• IIe Oa~id Ca",.I1",. Helen Hln,hlrtfe. and Ge.<br />

!rude Whalen: seated are Carnet Peny and<br />

Ce""a Mello,<br />

Shop Stewards<br />

Attend Meetings<br />

L.I J. "1 11. ' 1-:\\ I.IEDFOWIJ. \ Ir\SS, Our<br />

\hop ~telO.;H\.Is re,eml} :llIend... r.I four .. due;I'<br />

lion,,1 m .... ting~ on the' suh;c,t <strong>of</strong> hO\l 10 he<br />

a more effe'eli\(: union reprt'-.:m:tti\'e. The<br />

m .. eling,s .... ere cOllllucted h~ Inu:rn;otion:11<br />

Weprc'\Cntath< I ugenc 5t. I'It.-rre,<br />

1\1 1\10 <strong>of</strong> the meetings film\ \lere 'ho\ln.<br />

enlilled -Grielan,e~" and "Shop SlelO..It.h,­<br />

I hey \\er~' ..enl 10 us h) the Af-L·(lO hint<br />

Ii.-p"rlment in W a~hington, D.C.<br />

'1 he cla

Outing<br />

Course<br />

Marie Coerlitl. assisted by Jean Freeman. CQUl<br />

bingo game at Lo.::al 441. Santa Ana. CIII.<br />

outing.<br />

Loc.1 441 IOuIOeymen ",Mo .;omplete" lelepMone onlercomm"n,c~t,on COUlse p,cture" here. left 10<br />

roSh!: fronl row. No,m Schm,Ilt. CMuc~ 1

John Zuplo. Sr. and his ''''0 ..ons, John,<br />

Jr, and Rich::mJ. had some luck in Springfield,<br />

Vermont whcn thcy gOl 11 142-pound.<br />

the·poinl buck. The bo)~ sent Father John<br />

bllCl to Ne", Jersc), tllen tnneled north to<br />

meet the re)1 <strong>of</strong> thcir part) : eorly Cone.<br />

Loe,11 2.JS, T oledo. O hio; J im Mcintyre.<br />

Loeal .ISS, Columhia, South (Molina: Bob<br />

Smith. l..oc:tl ')32. Coos Ba), Orcgon: ami<br />

ChMIi ... Vig,lnt, l.oe,,1 10-19. Long 1,I,md,<br />

Ne" York. Thc !;troup accountcd for Ihrce<br />

decr and one hear "hill.' in Canada.<br />

T he Irip talen b) Sle'e I lache.l <strong>of</strong><br />

Loeal 3511, " enh Amho}' . f\.c" JeNC' . ant.!<br />

Ed \leCra,len. Loe;,1 4~6. 10 l.00.:al 68.<br />

Ocn\er. Colorado ended in ~oot.l huming<br />

.md fi'hina;, SIC\C li1let.! a ~i\·point hlKl<br />

and Ed an eight-pointer on thc fir"l day <strong>of</strong><br />

deer ~awn .... hieh lefl some tim~ for good<br />

lroul fi~hing.<br />

Brother hi Mei\sner 1001. ,I mUl1th· long<br />

hunting Irfr to Ihe ~mo"'cy " lounIHin\ in<br />

rennc , ~e. 10 Nl'w YOI'''' SI:lle, Cd and p1ea-.cd. ~inCf,' ht' hat.! pl:UHlCd<br />

10 pur,h"sc one afler goin~ h,,~l to lhe<br />

Compan~.<br />

'0\1 Ihal Boh \liIl h:llc more frci' hourer<br />

,md eheri~h Ihc Ihoughts <strong>of</strong> all the conlrib­<br />

Ulor, 10 Ihi\ fund,<br />

WI.' h,I\C compleled ollr negoliations with<br />

Ihe Itl· \ III \,hehoro. Nor!h Carolina. and<br />

"ho for our lelephone a~reemenl for :In·<br />

Other \c"r. B~ the time this :lppe.. r~ in Ihe<br />

),111".,,1. it \I ill bc: lime 10 ncgolial~ our<br />

lin~ ,Igrccmem.<br />

("{)n!!ralulalion.~ go OUI 10 Brother James<br />

I }~~. our hX,11 pre~iJenl. on his promolion<br />

to for~m;ln: 'll~ to \\. II. " I'rca~bcr" Oelkrllh<br />

,lIld John I. D .. niels on be,omin\!.<br />

foremen. 1 01:,11 485 Trea~urcr Hnmdu\<br />

Tho'"p\on \I;l~ prOn1OI~d to supcrinlcnt.!enl.<br />

When :t contra~lor pro mOles linen"," 10<br />

fo rcnwn. foreman 10 superintcndent. it's a<br />

~ign uf Inte progrc~s.<br />

Ollr \lorl. on dhlril1U1ion :tnd Iran'llli,­<br />

~jon has tx-en plentiful. and looks much<br />

nrighler for Ihe coming months. \\e h,,\e<br />

;Ihout 15 tr,l\("ler- from Florida III our<br />

juri'>di~lion. due to a ~Irile I\ilh Florida<br />

I'o\l,"r :Ind Light.<br />

, humpcr _Iider thai gOI m)' ancntion:<br />

"'Bchind ('\cry W"lcrg"te there's a \lilhou"':"---I:ould<br />

nc'<br />

P. G/\L"'S. I'.S.<br />

Local Loses Brothers<br />

1.. 11" 500. S'" " .... TO:" IO. TI-:X._ Rieh:trd<br />

11 ~)c, \lhu retir .... d a~ a pole erew foreman<br />

from C PS in 1965. pas..'iCd a"a) on Decl."mncr<br />

3. lie had t>een a member <strong>of</strong> Local SOO<br />

for W }~"f';. Another long-lime mcmher,<br />

J uan Almanl;!. pa~scd a\la) on Nmembo:r<br />

12 al the ,I!!e <strong>of</strong> n. Brolher AlmanZ'"I. ""he<br />

retirers<br />

\Ion anent.!;!IIce prizes: I). c.. Slomehin~hi.<br />

Richard B,J.ggs. Joe Ardila. Roger<br />

"'b"rner, Joe Gareia. Bcnha Hcrnant.!el. D.<br />


Christmas Party<br />

Local 530, Sarnla, Onl. held lis Christmas<br />

dinner and dance in Oecember Shown hete,<br />

left to "gill, ate Ftank Searlet. 30·)'ear pin<br />

tecipient. Intetnational Vice President Ken Rose;<br />

and Fras"r COllins.<br />

mlln did hi~ job welt. Man)' year pins \lere<br />

awarded. bllt I want to mention one in particular<br />

: Ihe 30-)ear pin a\larded to BrOlher<br />

Frank Sc;,rlel. presenled 10 him by our new<br />

Inlernalional Vice Presidenl Ken Ro~e .<br />

Brolhers Chlude Kem ~ le y and Kon Chi\­<br />

ers camc all Ihe wa) from Florid;, to recei~e<br />

20-)ear rins.<br />

t\ few <strong>of</strong> our invited gue~t\ I'cre<br />

Imernalion,,1 Vice Pre,iutnt Ken Ro)C: Inlern;ltion:,1<br />

Keprewm;ltilC Dave lIutl. Bev<br />

Dum;lre"'lue. hu~me~~ nmn,lger <strong>of</strong> 1.0n,lon<br />

l»cal !20: and Corke) M:II; lnnC5.<br />

r-,'Iany <strong>of</strong> ottr Hrolhcr ~ Ilere up l1urth<br />

hunling "ntl \lcre ul1""le 10 "l1end the<br />

u;lnc:e: bUI ,,"en E~clcigh \lcnl up 10 northern<br />

Ont;trto. got his bud., ;md got ""d. in<br />

lime for our r;trty.<br />

HOI, IIlU D . GIIA"I. I'.S.<br />

w,,~ <strong>of</strong> intereSI ttl a number <strong>of</strong> Local 55 1<br />

meillbers. T he installing <strong>of</strong>ficer, Ihe installed<br />

masler, and the ~tarting mlln in Ihe line <strong>of</strong><br />

progrC...,;iOll are all clectrician.... Roberl,;<br />

Barnes b the ,evenlh eil-ctrici:1Il II> preside<br />

a~ lIla,ler <strong>of</strong> LUlher Bur":lIll No. 752. Bob<br />

i~ also an aCli\c memhcr <strong>of</strong> Loc :11 5!i 1, al<br />

prc\enl ser'llll: ", a 11\cmlx:r <strong>of</strong> Ihe '"E"'<br />

lIoaru and .. n,-,Uicia! he;1\1 .)f Ihe rcfre',hment<br />

committee. He Icll\ me he l,iII become<br />

a f;llher again 'n <strong>1974</strong>. as \lell as<br />

ma,ler. John I'rie,jrich,cn IIRS m;t~ter in_<br />

19(,9. ,,,,d r:lbed Hub to Ihe ,tcgrce uf tni,Sler<br />

l1t;j~un. in nddition 10 in~la!1ing him in<br />

197-l. Juhn wne, Lu.:al ~51 liS in,'ruch.)f<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe founh-~ear apprenlice l"1a~s. ;!fld fill~<br />

in a' pre~s wcret"ry. I'cle Len". Junior<br />

\lc\lOLrd. ;, he;ld cieclrid:ul fl,r Ihe Cily <strong>of</strong><br />

Sanla Ros;t. and \Ie 100]" for\laru t,1 the<br />

ua~ \lhen he will ..... ne Ihe craft •• ~ 111:",er<strong>of</strong><br />

h" lodge.<br />

Of Ihe 200·plu~ memi"tcr, <strong>of</strong> Luther Bllrban~.<br />

'lbout 20 arc ctnpl,)ycd in Ihe electriclil<br />

Irade. \t:'en are !ourne)man I"remen<br />

memhcr. uf Local 551.<br />

J"II I>. A 1-1I1f 1I1t1("ft-;II>.. I'.S.<br />

Brothers shown here enjo~ing parly are Fraser<br />

Cotlins. Ron Chivets. <strong>International</strong> Vlee Presl·<br />

dent Ken Rose. Oave Bun. Bev Oumaresque.<br />

Corke)' Macinnes. and w,ves.<br />

lien Rose. left. aw"rds 2o.year pin to Ron<br />

Ch,vers, center. as Bitt Man,eom on "eht looks<br />

'".<br />

Brother Ken Evetelgh and his buck.<br />

This Chrislmas II"~ one <strong>of</strong> the ho::~t thllt<br />

we have eVer had. : 1 ~ e,er} nutn I,ho b<br />

,tble 10 \\.ork and walll~ 10. i~ working. We<br />

Iwve enjored a long slrelch <strong>of</strong> full emplo)·<br />

lIIem. I (1111 happ}' 10 :Innounce. :tnd Ihe fu·<br />

lure looh very ~0Ctd for son1l' lime 10<br />

come.<br />

We recently held our annual Chri~lma~<br />

"'inner :l11d dance "I Ken" iel rerrace. We<br />

:, 11 had a \londerful lime. 11 sur.:- \lot, nice<br />

to :>i'l' such :, good I1Irn01l1. I headed up Ihe<br />

uance committee. ;llong '" j,h Jo hn Bell.<br />

L,,"'rcnce Bntnder. Norm Angcr. lind Paul<br />

Vail. P on Ihe Executive Board.<br />

Moe ~tllrted in Ihe electric;\! Held ... hcn<br />

hI: \I;IS 17 )'e;tN old: he hec:tme a journey-<br />

1ll:ln by otSC :!O. :lnd b 00\1 M. 'I h;tl 1I!;lles<br />

a 101,,1 <strong>of</strong> some -l7 years in con-trtIClion.<br />

Dltring the Dcpre';sion hc "'a~ a jOItl"tlcy­<br />

/11,m. He ....,\ a general forem:tn for Ih,rland<br />

Flectric on the third fOllndq «(jre~ '"<br />

Iron). He l:tIer 'Iorled a, :0 foreman fo r<br />

C"pilol ElcCiric <strong>of</strong> M ndt~un. Wi ~COlhi l1.<br />

and ha' ~penl the 1:1SI l-l ye; ,r~ I,ilh Elcc­<br />

Irk' Service <strong>of</strong> Ann Arl>or. Michigan.<br />

\\ hen aid .•<br />

"You musl cra\l I t>efore you ""Ik:'<br />

Br01 her Dnlc David h:ls the c",;r air his<br />

leg. Brother MorTi, Goo~;n had some veins<br />

rcpl:tc~d :Ind i, nO\l bacl :01 rull ~Ire nglh.<br />

Brulher Ed Lunger i~ in Ihe hospilal. T errific<br />

Tom W:ml hn~ becn filling in for Ed.<br />

Jlrolhe r J ack Tntvcrse is slill Irapping lurtles.<br />

",hile Brolher D ick --The San Diego<br />

Kid'" Lynch is hunting for razor blade~.<br />

C ... ltl. PI tl. 1'.5.<br />

ISEW Jo utnol

50 Years<br />

Local 569, Slin O,ello sends this photo 01 Mr,<br />

a"d Mrl. JII~1c Zelte"!!II. m.,,,ed 50 yeMs IIgo<br />

in ChICIIIO. shown he,~ on the oi.'':o<br />

..eeJ"inJ;! \\orl, :1' "I.' .'fe hanl rrc" ... J I"<br />

lind \lorl. ((If 11"1' mcm"cr, ... 1 ........ line.<br />

Our (on):r;ltulalions III l!u~UH:~ ~ /o,l,II1.I;:cr<br />

lim I>kCullough <strong>of</strong> I 1)\.';11 ~') I in Stodton.<br />

Cal. on hi, .'f'POinlll1 "tleml 111l' oIcdic:' lion<br />

<strong>of</strong> ollr InlCl'n.'liO I1:d Ih!:ld'III;lrlcr, in w;"h·<br />

(nglon. D ( h i, UlliCClI a be,Jllliful huilJ·<br />

ing. on.: Ih;1I ;011 m.:mhel .... "r Ihe IIU W 0;.11'<br />

[11I..e 1" ille 111 "'nh Ih,' H:r) 1:111·,1 in (0111-<br />

pliler. ;ond .1.lta f'ro~e"int;. IIC l.tl"' be<br />

a~~urcd <strong>of</strong> ':Icn hcUcr ..ctlO(!>' frol11 Ihe 1.0<br />

Our [h,m~, 10 Prc\ldenl 1,,11,11'.1 .11111 Ih.:.<br />

other Inlern,uion;.1 ,,"ker, lor n1;l~mg<br />

:'I'ai1.,hk ;011 oillee, Imd Itcp:orllncnh lIf Ihe<br />

bui"Jit1l:. ,!lId ):illl1l: Ih a prclic\I .)f ore!';"<br />

lions.<br />

Our 111:\\ 10\.;,1 ~/i') "uilding 1,.ldilioll i,<br />

progrc"ing;,1 " fa'l dip: 111:t}tIt! "0.' "ill tit!<br />

"hie to II..., il hy the time }OU re:l(,<br />

Ihal if you Iw.,:,1 e\II;o "a,h. 10\, "ill h.O\c .1<br />

~ood. frien,jl) rciallomhil' buill Ill',<br />

Consr"tlll.llion~ \0 Mr. ,Ind \I,.~, 1:id<br />

Zcilengn. rn.lrried .'iII ),c,lr, .'1,:0 in Chil':II,:O.<br />

T hey 1I\0vcd to 5:111 l)ie1:l0 in 1\1-11. The<br />

Zeilen!:,,, h:II'e five ehil,jren. 19 gmndchil·<br />

,j re!! . a 11,1 'J grral·l/ranuchilurcn.<br />

Il"w .... m J. VOl I, 11.:-' 1.<br />

Mo,peril~ \loul,j hoc lhe heighl IIf 01'1.111,,11\.<br />

Ollr gOlcrnrncn1 and "i,!! "",ine" nc'cr<br />

f"il 10 :lnl:'l.e rne. \\he:! "e j:"1 ,,,~d 10<br />

I">cinj: ""M1cd "ith t,,~,·~ anJ "rit'c, ,h.,t ;lrc<br />

100 high and rn,II"'~e to \

Hard Works<br />

Pays Off<br />

L.V 613, ATLA:,,'TA. G ,\ .-Bu,iness Manager<br />

Harr) Bexley has initi •• ted and ;Iccomplished<br />

many worthwhile projects during hi~<br />

IH·ye;lr tenure in <strong>of</strong>ftce: waglf rates. vacation<br />

plan, health and \lclfare. life<br />

in~llt1Incc. [len~ion plan. denIal program.<br />

~cholar~hip fund. our o\ln six-:;tory bui lding.<br />

and m,IIIY others. '\lore carne e;oS): a<br />

greal de,,1 <strong>of</strong> plllnning und plcm> <strong>of</strong> plain<br />

hard worl. \lTI, IIcceS!>.1r). E'II:h projecl had<br />

ih critics lind opposition. Mnny busine,s<br />


A gang <strong>of</strong> men in a busy to .... n.<br />

With a ho-he:l\'e-ho and a lusty )'ell,<br />

They s .... ung a beam and the sidewalk fell.<br />

I asked the foreman: A re Ihcere al alfa". lell to<br />

tighT. a". E~ecutlVe Bo.Ird member l. KrstMr.<br />

N. J. SenaTor Peter McDonough. ~nd local 67S<br />

President Robert Ouempel<br />

Members gruting the Governor·elect; lefT to<br />

' ighT. Business Man"ger J . J _ O·Connor. Presl·<br />

dent Robert Guempel. Governor·eleet Brendan<br />

T. Byrne, V'ce P.esidenl Neil Boyte. and COPE<br />

c h.urman Raymond Wagner.<br />

~ MatC h, <strong>1974</strong><br />

lhe affair. He appeared rri~nd l y and informati-'c<br />

as he met our people. He \\-as<br />

\lell reCt'ived by all.<br />

Business represcnla l iv~s <strong>of</strong> the building<br />

trades and industrial unions wtre presr:nl .<br />

The Local 675 COI' F committee, indudillS<br />

cha irnl[LIl Rober! Greenillg. registrar<br />

Ray Wagncr. Bill H are, :lIld M ike Hry­<br />

~en k o. did llll olltslanding job and arc to I>c<br />

complimented. as arc m ember~ and Iheir<br />

wives. Fveryone had a wonderful day.<br />

Do" IIUOI I. 1'.5.<br />

Local Ends<br />

Lengthy Strike<br />

L.U, 696, BEU .. A IRI-:. OIIiO- AI Ihis<br />

writing_ local 696 has jll,t cnded a strile<br />

ag .. imt Ohio rower Compan~ :LIld the<br />

Amerie:." Electric Po\\er Sy ~ letll \\hich<br />

l a~ted over five month" Even ;.fter thai<br />

lenglh <strong>of</strong> time we did not g~1 a fair M: tt!cmCllt.<br />

Lin Ie did we ~now what a hind \\e<br />

",cre ill until the slr i~c was two months<br />

old.<br />

Ollr ~i!Uation ~ho\\cd u) ho\\ dire i, Ihe<br />

labor eri_is in Ihis cOllnlry tod:!~. The la\l<br />

do!s nOl pre-lent a loe-.i1 ~trrlillil. htll Supreme<br />

Court rulings <strong>of</strong> rectm }ear, h.lve<br />

talen a\\ay the impael <strong>of</strong> a ~tril~. Rullllgs<br />

hone gilen compallies the righl 10 rtplaee<br />

,trilrng \lorlers \lilh scab 1;lror hired <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the st reet. Our BrOlhers ill the ':onSlnreliOIl<br />

trades h:ne aiM) cxp~ricnced non-llI1iOIl<br />

I:lbor problems throughout the t'Ounlr~.<br />

T hzy hrlOw. a~ we found Ollt . Ih,oI only ,0<br />

many scans \\ ill leave jon ,iles: olheh ar~<br />

ju)1 there 10 )lay. anti nOI hillg '>Ccm~ to<br />

change their minds.<br />

Our -.o..:i:ll .. cti\'itie~ h;"e IJ.ct'II fe\ler. hut<br />

th.llll~ to th= energ) [lIld ~pirit <strong>of</strong> 'iOme <strong>of</strong><br />

our members and their \\hc\. elenh h,I\e<br />

nOl heen completl'l) ~hul do\\ n. 011 o...c-em-<br />

Candidates<br />

Gethnl ,o:>&elher ""'re. felt to tl8hl. are Assem<br />

btl' etect Tom Devefln. AssemblyelKI John Gre·<br />

80nO. Bus,ness M"n"ge. J_ J O'Connor. V.<br />

Sp,na. and Reeo,dmg Sec.e,ary J_ Pasano.<br />

Addressing sathe"ng Is Senato. elec, Thom"s<br />

Dunn: behind h,m. left to "Skt. are Vice Presi·<br />

dent N. Boyle. Business Manllger J. J, O'Con.<br />

nor. Oovernor·elect Brendan T, By.ne. and Free·<br />

holder Thomas Kaczmarek.<br />

ber l our Ioc-.tl sponsored a dance for<br />

members and friends. We illviled members<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ulility Workers <strong>of</strong> America from local<br />

po .... er plant$ \\ho wcre also on slrike<br />

agaimt Ohio Power CompallY. BrOlher Bill<br />

~ I ilell,hy d id alllhc orgOlnizi ng.<br />

A Chrblmas pOlrty for Ihe kiddies waS<br />

held 011 Dec~mbcr 15. The committee in<br />

ehnrge 11':" made 111) by Marge Poole, Peg<br />

KO'·nch. Pam Milewsky. and Donna H uff.<br />

a ll '\Ihe~ <strong>of</strong> 10c:lI ll1embcr~.<br />

Some or our members ha"e retired since<br />

Jul) I. They are Gerald W. Arers. Carl A.<br />

··Bant)" Pax lon, William E. ()v.ens, John<br />

E. Jio\\ell. George F, Sl:rizak. alld William<br />

W. Rogcu. Local 696 presr:nled each man<br />

a S!.'i ~'ings bond.<br />

We wi~h 10 t:lle Ih is opportunity 10<br />

thanl all <strong>of</strong> our Brothers from mall,.<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> locOlls Ihroughout the country \100<br />

havc given u~ :.".btance during our time <strong>of</strong><br />

need. Wit hom thClIl we 'IIoulJ not have<br />

been :rbl c to hold OUi as long as wc did . In<br />

time <strong>of</strong> labor 'Irife, il is gre;tt \0 find th:!1<br />

there is ~till (ratern.. l cI~ness ill the<br />

IBFW that no "ltb \I ill ever experience.<br />

D,n.: Rouso!". 1'.5.<br />

Old-Timers Night<br />

Lac,,1 697. Glry and H"tnmond. Ind. hono.ed<br />

five SO-yea' members rKently. Here we see<br />

Iwo honored Broln.rs, Frank Fargo on left and<br />

M,lton Muncoe on "sht. In cenTer '5 Inle,na·<br />

IlOn.1 Repre,enl.t,ve Noms Haug.<br />

Pins Presented At<br />

Old-Time rs Night<br />

L. U, 697. G ,\RY A~ll 111\ \1\10,, 1).<br />

IN D.-,\I OLlr 0Id-'1 imel'> I'\ight mcc!ing in<br />

o.:lo~r lit' had tht.' rk"~Llrc <strong>of</strong> pre ..... nting<br />

a 64)-)"~ar Cil:ttioll to Brother Fred ""ibnall.<br />

ami ~n·\ear pm' 10 fi'e OIh~r meml"er, <strong>of</strong><br />

our 10CT\cd ,I~ g~lIeral forem.tI1<br />

:tnol _te",.rd 1111 m,lIl~ joh in th; .. 'Ice.t durillg<br />

hi .. long ye;or, uf ...:r,i.:e. Fr"n)' .>Ild hi~<br />

lIife \-!ar) ~till rc\id..' in erO\\n Pomt. Indi­<br />

:ma. lmd hath are clljoyillg good health.<br />

Brother \ lllton I-ILlncie, :oge 77, \1,", mrh·<br />

ated on April 7. 1923. I-Ie beg .. n hi, ,'"recr<br />

in OIlOIl:l, Ill inois in 1912, 'Ihen h ... he-<br />


came a I:harter member <strong>of</strong> the old Local<br />

21'). He lost hi ~ membership while serving<br />

cighl ye:lrs in Company C. T hird Illinois<br />

Infantry. 33rd Didsion. during the Mexican<br />

W:lr. Milto n has always been vcry act;vc in<br />

our loca l. He :lnd his \life Mary slil l live<br />

in I-lammond.<br />

Broth..:rs H,lrry C. Lewis and John Stev<br />

c n ~ were unabl::: to llHcnd, so 1 had Ihe<br />

plea~ure o f pre..cllling each a SU-~'ea r pin<br />

bter.<br />

Brother Lewis. age n. W:IS initiated 011<br />

S~plembcr 19. 1923 mnl retired (rom the<br />

eleclrical trade on J anllar~ I. 1'.166. H:,rry<br />

~er\ed on many o f our job~ a~ genentl<br />

foreman Mit! sle ward.<br />

Brother Steven" ab' strikers al Giles Armotura and Electric Worh In Marlon, III.<br />

Gal Friday<br />

l ocal 100, Ft. SmUh. A.k. ulutes Ma ry led·<br />

beller.<br />

Scribe Salutes<br />

Mary Ledbetter<br />

L.U. 700. F r. S\IITII. i\RK._l.ocal 700<br />

Wlts ~hop foreman there for 1ll.IIlY )car~.<br />

He also \lircd our prese nt <strong>IBEW</strong> hall.<br />

Brolher Oscar llachmii TI. age ~2. has<br />

been living in 51. Pe la~burg. H orida for<br />

"houl 25 yc:trs. und wa~ unable to be prese<br />

ll! for hi~ award. I.oeal J illI in SI. l) e t er~burg<br />

Wit' ~ind enough 10 make the pre~ n­<br />

lation for us. amJ we II i\h 10 Ihank the<br />

onicer; ;tnd member.'> thue.<br />

Congratulation, 10 ;.11 1i1'1: <strong>of</strong> our newesl<br />

50-rear mCl11bcr~ :mu. agai l"!. thllnl..s 10 II"!­<br />

lenMtiolll~1 Ikprc">C111athe Norris I·!;tug for<br />

his I..ind : i ~si,tance in our program.<br />

We had Ol hcr rrCM!r1talions llwt night.<br />

but sin,e I lim running OUI o f allotted<br />

\ P;occ. [ \lill contmue Ihb article next<br />

mo nth.<br />

CH~ RLt'~ O. WlI SON, I'.S.<br />

is Icry fortu nate to han: M,lry L ctl~\1er<br />

worl..ing for it. Shc beS:tn worl.. in Octohc:r.<br />

1')6J. and is now worl..ing for the Ihi rd<br />

business manager \Ie halc had since thai<br />

timc. There have been eighl a~shta nl hu)inc~s<br />

managers.<br />

Any time a memher needs to ~n ow :tbout<br />

his hcalth ,tnd \lclfare in)urance. vac'ltion<br />

p;~)'. o r FWUA in~lIT[luee. he ju)1 a'l.~<br />

" ' ary to get Ihe answer.<br />

"' ar)' o;:,id )he had been living \li1h the<br />

same hu~b:U1t1 for 20 ),car,.• tntl if Local<br />

700 doesn't hal'e ""Her Ilick al gdlinS rid<br />

<strong>of</strong> her thun he has, she wi ll he wilh Ihe<br />

loe.,1 a lonl; limc.<br />

.[ he Illemben o f Loctll 700 feel that<br />

/I1 (,ry is :111 asset 10 Ihe local union

\lhkh \lQuld mili;lle lokr regio.lralion hy<br />

~Ieard. " ael.. in rhe I:uter pan <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

19th etrii, ... am' :Kccp''''11 " nc" ntfer<br />

h)' the comp.1-n). ,\ 1 thi, liritiug. negol;;llion!><br />

are !>Iill in progr~,) .11 lI.dl) \ I,mllf"c·<br />

IIIring CorporaliOIl ,111,1 111 I-t( A.<br />

Bu!)in ... s) \1 :ln"ger H.lrry W".tla ,uHI<br />

l>raf[ had the pleOl!>urc <strong>of</strong> :!>Cdng mall} <strong>of</strong><br />

our mem~h during Ihl' p",1 holill.II ""I'<br />

JOlt' J (111111',1 tol. I'.~.<br />

Houston Local Gets<br />

New Business Manager<br />

L. U. 7 16. H o u~n 'O" '1 EX, \\ .-11. Ihln~<br />

do happen fasl, :o.inn' Ill} I;.~I "'port I IX:.I<br />

716 h,.~ eh,lIlgell hll,inlIcce!>!> in hi, n('" jot>. " 1110'>1 <strong>of</strong><br />

you I..no\l. UrOlh,'r Uoh S\I"nn h,,, heen !>c.<br />

o lccled 10 fill Ihe hlhin~~, m;m"ger'~ chair<br />

unlil our ne~1 election in June_ Brolher<br />

S",ann i!> no ~Irang ... r 10 hh ne\l ;oh, co, he<br />

sen-cd ;\> a,~hlanl hi"inc,\ rn;ln.lg..-r from<br />

June. 1')1.2 10 J ul). 1')63 "n,1 "CO) ... Iell,,\! h)<br />

t\lO t('rlll, a, hll~in"!>!> m"n"g.'r from Jul~.<br />

1965 10 Jul). 1969. I-or Ihe p:"1 1\\0 )':.11' "<br />

Brolher S\\ann ha, been an a,~isl:1II1 under<br />

Brolher Noal:k. I.e!'!> all gel be hind Ilrot h ... r<br />

Swann ami move [ O\:a1 716 fOf"'.lrd.<br />

Mo"h, <strong>1974</strong><br />

Conduit on Local 716 Proiect<br />

Sh .... n ""th Harry £. Bu.kelt and sm~ n,c.<br />

con(!u,t wo.~ a~ "x,~mplo~~~ <strong>of</strong> Gulf Statu<br />

Ol!(:lnc John "Mac" McDonald and J.m A.<br />

l\.ns~l. bolh <strong>of</strong> whom n.... wo,~ und~r Ihe<br />

<strong>IBEW</strong> banner at Cu"y [11!(:\fle. the AMACO job<br />

al Chocolate Bayou.<br />

[n Ill} 1"'1 ,mic1c 1 reporlcd on Ihe d­<br />

rorl~ being maJ,' to org:lI1i/.: the jllri .... lklion<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1.01:,,1 716. I ,,01 happ} III r.:port<br />

thaI Int.:rnatlonal R.'pr~""J1!.lli'e 1',1111<br />

J mllOIl h", l>ccn as~ignc d full lime 10 help<br />

ollr 10,';11 in our ,Jrg'IOiling program.<br />

Ilrnrh.:r Fnmon ha, a r~p~II:llion for g~lIins.<br />

Ihe jll" ,jon~. anll Ihere i, no d()uhl Ih,,1 .1<br />

hig jot> e\i-r- in [.{.II·:,I Union 710\ juri ..... lk·<br />

lion. \\ e II ill ne,'d >Ol1f hdp .mJ ,upporl if<br />

Ihi, pro~"'''111 i~ to ~ucceed. !>II pie".,;: gh~<br />

Ih ;Ill Ihe info )011 h:!\e that mighl he helpful.<br />

I "ill repurt e:,~h monlh on I~ progr~'"<br />

<strong>of</strong> thi!> imporlant progralll.<br />

If }Ou \liII i"lc c;lrcful noli,.: <strong>of</strong> lho.! ;lC­<br />

,ornpan}ing photograph. )OU \lill ~e >omc<br />

heautifuf underJ;fOtrnd ,'ooouit "orl.. Jone<br />

h) e\-- \\ ilh greal pic."ur.: th'll "I' "nnOllnce<br />

Ihal II': ha\e signed an agre.:menl<br />

"ilh Waller D. Pride, Ill':. Wh,11 01.11...', thi><br />

'00 plc:l.)urablc i~ Ihe f:' CI Ihal until .:omin!-:<br />

under the union hanner, \\"It~'r Pride ".n"<br />

dllc'-pa);ng. meeling·.Iut'noJing. p:lrticip.lling.<br />

ABC conlra~lOr. BII,ine" '1 .1Il.,~'Cr Jim<br />

\\.-Idon rcported Ih"l the 10lal in;lhiht~ 10<br />

oblain oln~ qU:llified h .... p \lhile ",ilh '"C<br />

II;I~ \lh.. 1 madc Mr, I'ride go union.<br />

·\ 1 the tim.: the ;Igr~emenl \la, ,itln... d,<br />

W"lter D. Pride. Inc. emplQ\ed [.j p..·orlc.<br />

1\\0 p.:op1..- ".:r,' I .. ~,'n in under oq;;tlliJ,Ilion.<br />

\I ilh 1\\ 0 morc rd.'rred 10 Arnold<br />

Illeder for :lpprenlice~hjp. We ,Ire certainl),<br />

happ) 10 have M r. I'rid ... a.) one <strong>of</strong> our<br />

contr:lclors.<br />

'] o~t <strong>of</strong> us over the cour", <strong>of</strong> lime dthcr<br />

Apprentice School<br />

leiJ.n,n8 1M biJ)'cS here are LociJl 728. Fl.<br />

laude.dlle. Fla. Ipp.~nllCes.. tel! 10 "8hl. Tom<br />

W,tlon, O&nn), Pope. Thomas a"chanan. and<br />

Je.ry G.aba •.<br />

'.<br />

Danny G"," and Ron MC Keehan lOP <strong>of</strong>t a por •.<br />

JiJmn T_ Pottett. a capabte ,"slr"clor.<br />

r"rnu-dcl or r..r"rni,h ollr home!> or ap;trtrn~111,.<br />

On.: n:Hne 10 ke~p ill mind "h... n<br />

,hopping for lighting thturc, and :1':':1",,0-<br />

rie\ i, [ ighling l'llt, in Ihe 1IC\1 L" l e, \1 ,,11.<br />

[ h~ Ihing to ~c~p in mind i, Ihal Ihe) 'lie<br />

" m~mho:: r 01 ABC.<br />

, t;rOllp Ihal h.I' been nq;lected in thi,<br />

'P;I':,: i, our lin ... Irnil. R"ccllll)' I \ i~iled Ihe<br />

line IInil "pprenlice,hip ....·hoo!. 11 i~ held in<br />

Ihe fidd e.cr) olh,'r SJlurJJ), ,IOd in Ih ...<br />

.1.1!>')/'0011l elcr} Olher Tuc"J,.~ ;lnd I huT'>d<br />

.•), \\~n ",e li,il;:.! one Satllnla}, a •. Iri­<br />

('I) <strong>of</strong> ,lilb \lere tx--ing lallght b) 1-IrOlh",<br />

bmc, I . "Jim" i'ol1clI .10

Local Remembers<br />

r----<br />

Honors At Banquet<br />

_ __<br />

. -<br />

l ocill 779. COlumbuS. Ga. member Oiln HiSh.<br />

lower. left .• s honored for 3S ye'''s <strong>of</strong> member·<br />

shIp in Ihe ISEW Presenl lnS Brolhe. HisMower<br />

his badge '5 IEC member HI'ry Bexley.<br />

Shown here are lOme <strong>of</strong> t he local 773 membe", who look Ihe "ode Course al 51. Cia" College;<br />

InSl rucior HCd. ami lIe\er forgot·<br />

tl!n. by Ihe members <strong>of</strong> Loo.:al 773.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> us emp~oyed in Ihe Orlt"riu clec·<br />

Iric:,1 construclion imlu~lry are ...... ,ITe <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

lIew Onlario cleClrical code and ih nwnerous<br />

Chl""11e,. Local 773. in conjunelivil wilh<br />

Ihe Windsor electrical eOnlr;oClor~. h,.~<br />

~ponsorcd un Updating course In Ihe On·<br />

InTio hy\lro code al SI. Clair Col1~gc. 1\1 11ch<br />

10 e\'er)one'$ ~lIp r ise. Ihe courses .... cre<br />

scheduled 10 h:lndle the h,lcklob· Se\enl)­<br />

one p:rcenl <strong>of</strong> our member_hip will he tal.·<br />

ing Ihe cour~e. Much <strong>of</strong> thi~ pro!!r:.m·~ ~uccess<br />

mll\1 be ;ourihU1ed to local hydro<br />

inspeclor and fello.. BrOlhl!r Henr)<br />

" Hawk" Zimmerrllall. "ho has ~lIrplie d hi.<br />

valu.1ble experience and le,lehing .,bi lil ic~ ,IS<br />

instructor. I ",ould also Ii!.e to mention [he<br />

IremendOliS joh <strong>of</strong> efficient organil.ing done<br />

b)' the E:.,ex :lnd Kent Count) Joint AJI""<br />

"<br />

prenti."e,hip Council In pltTlieular. the)"<br />

should be commended for initi .• ling :, prograll1<br />

<strong>of</strong> further edUl'lIlion for jOllrne)mcn .<br />

.... herch) our memher, rna) .Idvane!." Iheir<br />

training and ~dlJc;otion .md be reiIllOll!"'cd<br />

in Ihe next JOIlr/ml.<br />

At prc.')Cnl. 25 p.:rcenl <strong>of</strong> our member·<br />

~hip i~ 011 Ih~ oUHtf·wor!. h~t. Duc 10 the<br />

boom ill con~tr\lClltln in Ihc ChlLlham lIrea.<br />

howe\er. most <strong>of</strong> thc'>C men :Ire "orUng<br />

out·Of-lO .... n jobs there. \\'e hope to ha\e a<br />

furl her report on the

Honorees<br />

Local 804, Klt chene" ani, Brolhe. HII,old Sle;nh<br />

displays gilts IIn(l lette. 01 conS'lIlulatfo"s pte<br />

s~"ted him 0" Ihe occltSlon 01 hi' .~I".m~"1<br />

lJrOlh ... r Mains joined Lo\.·.l( I!04 a~ a<br />

joum.:yman wirem~n in June. 1967. afler<br />

arriving in Canada from G1.IS!;O~ . &01·<br />

land. Brolher \ l ain~ "'~~ a vo::r) aClive<br />

union memhcr. sen';ng a~ a member uf Ihe<br />

cnto::rt~inmenl eommil1ee lind our la~t NegoliMing<br />

Comminee. Brolher \lain, "ill be<br />

remembered per h ap~ b) .. Ulll

Sk yline<br />

Retirement<br />

Local Honors Retirees<br />

Brmher Jimmie I-ox reponed that Broth·<br />

ers John Window. 1'. D. ·I erry. iutd J\l url<br />

Chal1n have nppliell for relirement. Brother<br />

Window is one <strong>of</strong> the fe", rem.lining cahlc<br />

.. plicer!> in our loc:.l. :tnd i1e1l1l1l \\or ~ ing a~<br />

a splicer in 1925.<br />

I he m~mhership <strong>of</strong> Local 1161 wi .. he~ ;111<br />

members <strong>of</strong> th~ lBl'W ,I H,IPP), and Prospcroll~<br />

New Year.<br />

I ~U_ 8 110. S IO UX CITY. I A.~ I oc;tl 8110<br />

honored ils relirees for the ~ccuml con'-Cculi,e<br />

year. Our relire~~ "'erc in,il"J 10 i.ltend<br />

our November ml."elinj; .. It '" hich each<br />

\Ill" preed a\la} No,~·rt1bcr 26.<br />

He juined 10"'1l Puhlic Serviee in l\1n ,lOll<br />

relired in 19(>5 as II ..en icc di~r"'teher. We<br />

ilre 'lldJen:d h) hi~ los~.<br />

BrOlhcr Herb Utechl lOul.. aJl oth the service depart men I .Llld ~.l'

Retirem ent<br />

On the Job<br />

Party<br />

Rel"ee Lawrie receIved colo. televisIon from<br />

Loe,,1 948. M pr(/le~la l ion. lefl to rillhl. are<br />

PresIdent De"e BCltbyl. Lloyd LlIw"". Dennis<br />

Denmlln. lind Don MOrin.<br />

loC,,1 964 Brothers E.nie TIdrick and Joa Guln.<br />

ther On the Edmont,W,lson iob.<br />

•<br />

worL We hore all lllcmlx'rs ar..: I0111 [he \l(,! (hr;,lm." jlO"il>le. IIrulh..:r<br />

I tllll ltrenner. lhro\l~h Ihe dlurI' . If hi,<br />

hrolher 1t1"...,11 .ond lhe \\ ,I'hinglOn S;;tie<br />

1'.llr,)1. ":" Iluwn In 1hz Uni,..:p.i[y <strong>of</strong><br />

\V",hinglon h",pilal in Se,tlile 10 rc.;che<br />

Ihe I.idnc} lr."hpl.1Il1 he \),1\ I-..:

Goldie Ward nnd hl\ wife G lend,\, Mel :lnd<br />

Ghlll y, Pederson, Leroy l\nJ A ileen Wllfd,<br />

:lIId Dan and Vera J atoh .. promoled Ihe<br />

,ueCe55 <strong>of</strong> Ihis )ee. F •• nk S .. " tlt.<br />

len. reee,,'" I>,s SO·yea. p'n and cerT,I'cale<br />

"om B1OIl>a. Jack R,ley. forma. bus,nns man<br />

alia. 01 Iha Ix,,1 lor 26 yu ... Brothe, Sm,lh<br />

5e",ed SOma 30 y ...... ;os Loc,,1 1002' •• ecordlng<br />

-.ecr.lary<br />

h nl"m~n " 'ilh the uli li ue ~ li nd SI'A herc in<br />

O klahoma. Conlnct us if }OU lIre inlere, led<br />

to .... o r~ing in our Sooner SI"Ie.<br />

On o\'cmbt'r 4. "'e held our ,Innuul<br />

barbewc picnic UI O'llricn P,l rL in Tuba.<br />

We "'ailed almo~I 100 Ion!!, a~ Ihe ",ealher<br />

W;h nOI 100 eooptnlli'e. HilI a f.lir·silw<br />

crolld braved Ihe r,lin lind cold 10 I1l1end.<br />

\1 0,1 all <strong>of</strong> Ihe relired mcmhef\ "'ho "'ere<br />

uhle 10 alleml ",cre pro:...:n\.<br />

The t "lIlOn :Irea B rolhcr~. once -cncJ b)'<br />

I ()I;.,I 11!60 OIml nOli merged ",ilh I ()Cal<br />

1002-. enjo)e-d II harb~cuc: dinner 011 Lllller·<br />

.... ood·" Itarbccue in I .1"'Jon. Scleral hingo<br />

I"ri£e, ",ere all,trJed .• md cla)one h .. d a<br />

nlC~ \JillOn, Qur c0\11 10Ien~c, go out 10<br />

thcir f.lnlilies.<br />

I c;11I your 1,1!cmion to Brot her John C.<br />

\I ead~r"s leller from l ocul I I I in l>Cnl·c r.<br />

Colorndo. T nler "'ord\ lIere nCler .po~en.<br />

LOC,b,l,on<br />

MaggIe r"bflJIO and Kev,n Kern ... e.e • b'g lIelp<br />

,n lethnll up the p~rty<br />

Co-ch" .. man J, Barlolotti g ... ls IWO <strong>of</strong> Our<br />

membeti' w,VH and youngster, "I lI>e door.<br />

Who Is It?<br />

Brolher Roy Kelley. leh. el>aorman 01 Ihe con<br />

51ruction apprent,ce lul:>comm,Uee. p'HenlS<br />

8rol'e' G R"y SJuon .,adu;OllOn "'~Icll f.om<br />

conSIrUCllon app''''''ce pro«um ... lIen R~y be·<br />

Clime. Journeymen I",em.n<br />

Construction Work<br />

Good, Scribe Reports<br />

L. U. 1002. I uU'~ \ . ot\1. ' .-Our eon,lrll"<br />

11011 ",orL " good .11 prc,enl. All mcmh'r~<br />

,,"d ~elcral IraHlcr~ arc "'or~ing. I h"n~~<br />

Jo our ~rolhcrs from our Ilel~hhor. 1. 0~,,1<br />

304. ropd:l, Kan',;l" for helping u~ on our<br />

h igh lin\! 1hrough O ~l lI h on1il inlo KIUN[\.<br />

I here are \Ollie opcninlls for jouflle)rI\an<br />

"<br />

Brother Borrows Wins<br />

Award; Kids Have Party<br />

I..l1. Itl~9 . U"G lSI "D. ' .' . Ih,In).,<br />

10 ;111 nwmhcr\ .... ho .:onlrihuted lu the<br />

Cniled l und III Lon~ "1,[1\11 1'"IIIClp,Ilior.<br />

"';l\ a grc:at l'I7 pcr.;cnl, ,LIld \1(,7.114< "',"<br />

f;,i-.ed 1 h"nl. ,,1-.0 10 ~lecrtOg cummillce<br />

mcrnhcr~ (" Curi.mo. J It .. rtololli. K<br />

I',tr).~. D. I-'.II>riliu. J. (iill>el'l.• Ind loc,ll<br />

1049 I }re~;dcnl ( ,corge I i,ha,<br />

("ungr..:ul;ltinn, \0 J Borr .."" fUf ",in·<br />

ning Ih~ $31)0 , .. f.::l) ,,";)rd. amI 10 Ihe mcn<br />

in lIid"il!e ;ore.I D. "'hu nl.llie it JK)"ihle<br />

",ilh a perfect no·"ccidcnt fc,or,1. ('nngf"t·<br />

1I1,lliun, 10 lhe ulh('( dcp;lrlmcnl Ih.II had<br />

drall ing' for perkCI recurlh, ...."ep up lhe<br />

¥oOO ,",orlo<br />

Our chil d rcn'~ C h ri'lm' l ~ pMI)' \III~ II fine<br />

lI fTair; MId ",.~" highlighled h} u judo c~ h i·<br />

hilion hy Brother Forlunuto :lIld mem bers<br />

uf hl\ \chl\Ol. Ihl" Soulh Shore 1udo Cluh.<br />

\"'e mi ..'tCd ~hjldren\ p.tTl) chairman W.<br />

.... Cfll. who II.I~ ill and un,Lble IU .Illend.<br />

C..,..,h;lirmen J. Bulf;IJino. J. Harlolulli. and<br />

D I ahri/io Jill a hne jah <strong>of</strong> j!cuing lhe<br />

p,ln), org;lnlled. r hc) hnd help from 1"'0<br />

h" rd ",orLulg }oung"er:-. .... elin Kern and<br />

\laggie I·"brizio. "..ho ani>ed 1hree hOIll'S<br />

eMI) 10 hel l' ,d lhlng' up. Thanb. Lld\.<br />

La"l monlh's J11}\lcr)' man was K. Mcr·<br />

e;md,mle. ",ho has ;ince lefl Ihe COIllP;IIl)<br />

18EW J .... 'nal

to open a (icliellle,""::n in Sell ClilT. Lots <strong>of</strong><br />

luck in your new bu~inc ss. Richie!<br />

Hey, you retired members. leI's hear<br />

from you! How :Ire things? How were your<br />

holid3Y51 Maybe .. picture or two'! Send<br />

your replies to me at 10 FiSl.'llhower Koad,<br />

Cenlercath, New York 11720.<br />

_ Until next month I le; ....(· you \\ilh the<br />

advice <strong>of</strong> Proverb-., J: 27 (1001. it up). Keep<br />

smiling.<br />

CHAlII ' S J. I 01 F' I III. JII .. 1'.5.<br />

Two Members Receive<br />

Leadership Training Course<br />

L U. 1076. TOU: I)O. 0 111 Vite I >rc~i·<br />

den! Kon H an~en !.. :11.'00 cornplcteu 25 year~ in OClObcr.<br />

Gene ~t; lrt cd \\or~mg here at Marion :IS a<br />

hoiler upcr:1l0r III Ihe hoiler rOOnl "for<br />

$3\1.\15 a \\eek." Before he lefl M:lrion.<br />

Gcne ;tdv:Hlced lu " rade 1\\0 electrician. In<br />

1\161. Ihe )e:,r uf the "great culrnlcl." ;LI the<br />

Marion station. Genc and the other 12S<br />

men invoh'cu wcre ~urrhl,~ed to other ~tH·<br />

tion~. I"or four yea rs lIm\ eighl months<br />

Ihese mcn Ir"veletl on area mainlcnance<br />

wilhout a home ~tation. Gcne fin;')ly found<br />

a home in Ilcrl1Cn in 1\16(1. lie lives "ith<br />

his "'ife i\largnrct lind their three children.<br />

Brian. Muureen. and PatriciH. in Jer,e.y<br />

CilY. Brulher Nolan enjoys fishing.<br />

On November S. John L. Manning relire(\<br />

Hrter ]1 ),enr, \\'Ih Ihe wmpany ;md<br />

Ihe IOCHI. During hi~ 10llg c:.reer. John<br />

,penl tillle [,I Mariun. I.inden. and Bergen.<br />

When J IIs~eJ him wht,t he will do with<br />

hilll-.clf ,Ifler relircnwnt. he m.::mioned Ihhillg<br />

;lIld 1:II.ing rllre <strong>of</strong> hi~ f:tmily. John Hml<br />

hi, II ife UIl!:"1 live in Jcr-.ey City. ,tnd<br />

ha\e 1\\0 children. "':Ilhleen, l. nun ami<br />

rClli~lered nur1>C III St M llr~"s lIospital in<br />

I'ass;tir. New kr:.ey . lind a son. R:tytnond.<br />

We II i,h John ,1Ild hi~ famil} "II thc Iud<br />

in the \\orld. anu hope thllt Ihe thh I.e.::p<br />

hiring.<br />

Oyster Roast Brings<br />

Trade Members Together<br />

L.t. 1340, "'''\\I'Oltl "'E\\S, VA.- Local<br />

I HO had :In uy,ler ro..'1,t thb month.<br />

the fiT\T -"Jch e\ent in Ihe la~t three }e:'.....<br />

II \\:1, hclu al American I eglon "V'it :!S.<br />

111i\ )ear nut unl~ did ~'Iectrkian~ :iIIend,<br />

hut :Ihu 'ume (,0 mcmben. In \ariou)<br />

tT:ld~. IIlcludtnil pllinte ...., carpenleT\, lind<br />

llI:tchini,I' in the maintenance contr-rct.<br />

·n.i" W:I' rhe Itr'l e.ettl they hlne tmeotled<br />

in our IOC:LI. On the menu \\cre oy~ters,<br />

ue.ilcd cn' ..... dam chowdcr. cold CUh. and.<br />

<strong>of</strong> eOllr,e. plenly <strong>of</strong> heer. The members on<br />

the ellinmiuee \\l'rl' Slnc FII. in~ and Denni\<br />

1I:lrnuur.<br />

Our coumry w.::nh It> be in ~ome tTt)tlblc<br />

lately. With tht:' cncrgy cri,b being what it<br />

is. you ha\c HI a~k yourself. what will happen<br />

to ullr cconollly1 Well. in my opiniun,<br />

it ClIO hurl :t\ wdllb help. II could C:UI .... ,I<br />

boom in Ihe builuing uf more nuclear<br />


Roast<br />

Local 1340. N_pOrt News. Va_ held an oyst ..<br />

• oast recenlly_ Here S,others James. F. Walkl.<br />

and Mauriea Wlnn enjoy a vISit.<br />

Members socialize III OO3SI. Only II w!!iIk alter<br />

U"s photo waS 13ken. the youna m.n In Iha<br />

eanla •. Oanny S.lmond. fell 60 'ee'<br />

Clownina for e.me ....<br />

po"cr pl;lnIS. !t ight no'" all union members<br />

can help b), con. un\poiled, de·<br />

§crted t>eache~. II fern grollo, and spectacu·<br />

lar "alerfalh. If iI's \ariet) )(,III'rc seeLing.<br />

K:,uai is lhe place 10 go.<br />

Uarold l)i;o1 i\oCne~ ;IS Ihe unit chairman<br />

:lnd. with the memhe r ~ <strong>of</strong> the comrniltee,<br />

is conducting \'ery intere~ting mcmbcr~hip<br />

meetings. The ~hop ste ... :.mh ~holLld he congl'lllu!ated<br />

aho for lhe f:lntaSlic joh they're<br />

doing in gclling mcmbers to allcnd the<br />

meetings.<br />

<strong>1974</strong> continue, to be a bu,y year for all<br />

<strong>of</strong> us. We will be focusinS on negoti:lt ions<br />

for a new and beller labor :,gn::cmc:nt with<br />

Ha ... aiian Telephone Company. Our present<br />

conlmct e'(pire~ April 10.<br />

In J une "e "ill h.L'e local el~tions fOT<br />

pre-;idenl, ,ice pre,ident, rC'Cordm8 ~re·<br />

tar). tre:.~urer. I \eclLlhe BO:'lrd memhcrs.<br />

lind I'ous i !le~s LlllLndger· !inand;11 sccret:ITY.<br />

Uni!\ ",ill I,h.o conllur.:l their ek.;tion~<br />

Along Ilith the election <strong>of</strong> onker~. lIe mmt<br />

elecl tlc!cgl'tes to the IIIFW ConvcntLon.<br />

Conventions :,re held e'c!) four lellrs:.<br />

refer 10 lour COP)' <strong>of</strong> the IIIFW Comti1\l·<br />

lion or loe:.,1 h)la"'~ for more detaib on<br />

how 10 qual if) ;L" a lIelegate. or ~I'\e as an<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

In the fall <strong>of</strong> 1'}7~ "e ha\e another im·<br />

portarll dale. inlohing e'ery dlilen <strong>of</strong> lot·<br />

ing llge- H .I"';lii'~ guhcrnat<strong>of</strong>l.L1 race. It :.tp.<br />

pe:.,~ Ih:'lt GOlernor llurm "'LII ~Iep ."ille,<br />

h," norhing LS otlkittl )'ci.<br />

As in tHr), IlOtitic:'11 race, there "ill be<br />

hopefub eagerl) ,ceLin!; otlke IIho lue the<br />

Ica~t fil to lead. :tnt! IIho "ill :tttempi 10<br />

cloud Iheir ~horlcomings h)' <strong>of</strong>rering free<br />

beer ,mll cocLt:'lil~ We ,hould hc a",:,re <strong>of</strong><br />

fahe promise, and Olher politi-:'Il romances<br />

during elcction ycar.<br />

Kegarule~s <strong>of</strong> the c:.mdidale· part)' affili·<br />

alion. his qualirK:alion~ mU~1 lIemon~trate<br />

his anility to guide and help, nOI his nilility<br />

to rule.<br />

1.00::11 1357 memhcr " :.In;n 1I0rio retircd<br />

from the lIall:lir:ln Telephone Com·<br />

pany reccmly after pUlling in olt'r 28 lears<br />

<strong>of</strong> SCr\'ice. Urother 1I0do "'II' emplo)ed as<br />

11 mult ililh operator in the print shop. and<br />

"'as very well liLed. lie h fL~ beell :, union<br />

member since <strong>March</strong> I, 1 95~. He is nOI<br />

(uking life casy in his rel iremel1l ; he keeps<br />

himself busy with home life and a part·<br />

lime job. On behalf <strong>of</strong> the membership and<br />

stalT. Il\l~i!less Manager Jo hn 1- . Guzmnn<br />

and I wish Brolher Horio health and happi·<br />

ness in hi, retirement.<br />

I hope <strong>1974</strong> i going v.ell for all OI.lr<br />

memhen Hnd their families. I ulsa cJ(tend<br />

this greeling 10 Ha",aiian 'l elephone Com·<br />

1':'") in Ihe hope <strong>of</strong> CUfI:liling IIny more<br />

la)'otr~!<br />

Aloh:'L for now.<br />

Local Holds<br />

Annual Banquet<br />

\ 'ut'OS SnUHI, 1'.5.<br />

l_ l '. 1",02. 1'rnsnUHGIl. l'A.-Our an·<br />

nual union banquet "as held al l' ~por1~<br />

men's duh in Ihe north 'lCcliol1 <strong>of</strong> town,­<br />

somclhing difrerenl than Ihe u~ual plu~h<br />

dinner dul'!On, \I;tr)l;tnd.<br />

( , ue~t~ <strong>of</strong> honor "'ere Charles 11:,rgel1, Sr .•<br />

10e I genberJl.er. Willis Dcuer. Mel Schcxh,<br />

:Uld Bill Rad" . Retiring memhcn from ~<br />

other ure;(~ "' ho "'e r~ unable to :,Ilend l,re<br />

Andy Kelly, l. e~ Deringer. Bud Henning.<br />

Gcorge We;l\er, ,Ind Slcphen Wlord. '1 he)I.C<br />

men hale b~en a big lI~,ct to Loe .. l I~()I,<br />

Imd Iheir a~;,ociati\ln "'ilh the local "'ill not<br />

be forgolten. On hehalf <strong>of</strong> Ihe <strong>of</strong>llcers :md<br />

member. <strong>of</strong> Local 1501. I "'i~h :.,11 our reo<br />

tiree~ a long. health). and pr""'r;:rou) re·<br />

tireml·nl.<br />

On Deccmber I, 1973. I )re~ident·nusine!ii<br />

Manaller Dion Guthrie. A~sistllnt Busintu<br />

M:lnager Bud North, H n:.mcial Secretary<br />

l' .. ul (o-.Cill. H.cconling Secretary John<br />

Neff III, lind E:.,rl Monlgom er)'. chief Sle"' ­<br />

:,rd at General Kegisler Company, a\1ended<br />

II dinner al the Wnshington Hilton in<br />

Washington, D.C. in hon01' <strong>of</strong> Ihe ded ica·<br />

IIEW Jolt,nol<br />


i<br />

,<br />

l<br />

l<br />

Local 1501, B~IIlmor", Md. r(lceml), held It.<br />

3n nual ret"(lmtnl dinner. H.,re Broth.,r W,III.<br />

De~ter, le ll, rflcei.,.es lel"emenl p,n f,om<br />

B"5",en Manager Dian Guth".,<br />

BusIness Manager Gu th,;e, leU, recounts Me'<br />

Schock', many yea'" <strong>of</strong> .ervice In Ihe In51~(1a,<br />

bon depal1mem a s Mel and hI' wlf, listen.<br />

hock Kell)" lefl, ..... I~ Brolher Rodll open 0_<br />

o f h,s gll& gIlls at dlnn"'. Broln.. Rada wo.lo,ed<br />

In . Iod,oom o f our Towson plftnl,<br />

Retirement Dinner<br />

lion <strong>of</strong> Ihe ncl!. IBE\\ IttJi1.lin~ in W:"h·<br />

inglon, '1 he onker, <strong>of</strong> 1.000al I~OI I!.CI"\!<br />

honoretl 10 110: pari <strong>of</strong> Ih i, miic'lOne in lhc<br />

hiSlOr) <strong>of</strong> Ihe <strong>IBEW</strong>, Wt' enjo)etl Ihe m;tny<br />

Spt:;i1..C ..... e'pt:ciall} \ Ir. (,cor}:c \lc;In). All<br />

",ert' ,er) in'Jlirin!:.<br />

To Iho..e I (lcal 150 I "1~!11I""'r \ ~Ii ll Iivin j1.<br />

in Ihc 1'1;,,1 :I' f:lr :1' Al11cl'k'un 'l ot:ili'atIJT<br />

Company i~ concenlctl. Ihe Com pan)' ha~<br />

c h : ln~ed t!r;I~licall) ,tnJ j, .: han gin~ c\cry<br />

day. I[ i ~ not changing for Ihe !'CHer. much<br />

to our Ji~;,,_h ;\nt"~c We IIIU,I u1..e 'tep~ \()<br />

com1>:u the eH'r im:re,,~ing pn.·,~ure, <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

Company. a nd Ihe tml~ \\,i) 10 do Ih,\ i,<br />

10 he 100 pen:ent union. \\e C,' I,'I c~f'Cd ;1<br />

f,' w 10 c:lrry [hc 1-0.,11 for hlll1{ l rcd~.<br />

Negolialion, :Ire in progTl.'" again for<br />

our llrOlhch a[ Gcner.tl Keg"lcr Compan)<br />

.U Codt'},~illc. \ 1:lr}l:tnd. I'rc,ido.:nt·Hu,j·<br />

!le~S \ 1.In;.gcr Guthrie, I!.ilh the help <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

Negoli.lting Commilh:o:, hct:.tn 1>:lItlint: 1>C·<br />

eember 12. Ma} Ihe nc~otj,'tjun\ he \horl.<br />

and the ga in ~ nmn}! &or-illg un Ihe 1'\ 0001;0Ii·<br />

aling Commil1ce are Hernie "-le,,Jcrlo.:lII,<br />

Ted Martin:lk, F:ITI MontgomCr), :tnt! n tl~i,<br />

ne s~ Mamlger GlIIhrie.<br />

ROlli III II. NIIIIIII. I',S,<br />

AS h,. wllft looh on, 8 ' 01hft. Cha"e~ Ha'&ail<br />

,ecawn fr om 8rolha, aUIIIII. 1\ e~rll fI C8 h!<br />

be~flnl( 1115 n~rne "' GnU 0 1 Iha OlIK"'ijl .lg"~I'<br />

01 lOCMI t 501's ellarlt1r on Apfli II, 1946.<br />

Allend"'l dInner w,., J~ EII.nb.rRel, •• en<br />

hit. on I ~ tl , and hi' old I,lem' and bo~. Johll<br />

Nett. J •.<br />

Retirees<br />

loc:",1 1505, Walthllm. M".. .eeently hono.ed<br />

th.ee .. U ...... WIth a I".key dUlne. Ind mlln)'<br />

&,It•. T1'Ie III,". shown h ... left 10 '1lhl, lI"<br />

I,oII ,}, Col' Wltll 31 yell"', HaUlI "ylo. WIlli 22.<br />

~nd I ..... Amo.-elil. 1110;0 Wllh :n y.a"<br />

Scribe Ponders<br />

Mec1ning <strong>of</strong> Unionism<br />

1.,11. 1505, \\';\1.1'11.\;\1, " /\S!". I Ihil11.. il<br />

"'0111t:lllole hrille,. Ort!.lI1i/cti lahor ~lIp[lOrleJ<br />

Ihi, hill in Ihe '~II,,; n kno\\lcdsc 111.1' il<br />

"ould re.'eilc ;, more ,)mJl:tIht-l ic :ulitutlc<br />

frolll poIiliei;"" nOI ohlillalet! 10 Ihe ~orflO"<br />

r.ile f;tle:ll~. T he '>; I\on ;.tl mini'lralion \\a~<br />

lhe prindpal jur •.: !->ehmd the filihu,ler<br />

I!.hi.h lillcd it. ' 10'>1 iml1OrI:ml. ho"'c\er. i\<br />

Ihe r;on Ih.11 ~1 ..... nillOh ",ere re.ld) 10<br />

w pporl (on,cru":I;\c .loti dfeelhe eampa;lln<br />

reform Icgi,I,lliun.<br />

'l1Ii, indic'lle,. I Ihinl, Ih"l in Ihe $..-n:t1C,<br />

:lnJ I'roh:.hl) ill Ihe lto)u..c. onl} ;1 ~ III .. 11<br />

nunlbcr <strong>of</strong> IDle' nced~ 10 1>e ch;tn!,ed in<br />

onler 10 gel lito;' l..inJ <strong>of</strong> lelo'rro<strong>of</strong> and fili·<br />

"",Ier-pro<strong>of</strong> ("(Jn~re"<br />

lhal lithor hit\ m'en<br />

-.cd in):. 1 h.' 11"\1 consr!;),iona l eleclion\<br />

.or,- Ie" l h~ n " }eaf ,1\\.1), :lntl la1>or {'an<br />

gel Ihe lllltl <strong>of</strong> C(lIIt!re" il need) if I!.e, lile<br />

"wkinS p.:opk . .I" ntH " ..,11:<br />

ollr \l>lc',<br />

"II1P[lOrl COPF lind [he (a lldit l at.:: ~ en.lor-.cll<br />

0) che A rI .·t IO. We «/Ill heal dly hall.<br />

,tn.1 Ihl' \\ hile lI ou..c, 100'<br />

Reporter Sends News<br />

From New Hampshire<br />

I tI"l'" ;o.1\'U"I. I '.~.<br />

Ll l. '1137, 1'1 Hfi !"\lOlfrlt, :" , It.-" I i'I·~<br />

"II e.)O .... ne ,·ncr(/.)·· j , Ihe common (I)<br />

1110.1;1). Uni"'l"h ]t;"JiliIJl\:III) ha\" r;.lIio.:d be·<br />

hu,J 1';\lriOlI( pic;., anti , hould eominue 10<br />

0..1" 0,(', Hill Jtlll'l kl Ihi, common Cr} tie·<br />

~"i\e U'. IImlh,'n. It mml nUl ,11;10..10'" hen·<br />

clth ....)0 h} "rg"m".cJ I"hor .11 Ihe hargain·<br />

ing lable, I'uhlie s.cT,iee Company <strong>of</strong> Nc'"<br />

lIalll!)'>hire .1Ilt! Cenlrlll Maine I'ower Cum·<br />

pany gronled the tlay herore Chri~ttllll s <strong>of</strong>f<br />

",ilh pay. Illere .....:h some fbck about 1",,­<br />

ing ;i Ita) b«-a u'>C uf being on vac:llion. bUI<br />


--<br />

Busy Members<br />

Retiring<br />

Loc.1 1837, Port.moulh, N Ii members .Ite"d­<br />

'''K II.", •• d 1 ••• "lng scnool, left 10 "(l:hl, •• e<br />

010'" O .... y 01 Mancheste.. N H ,,,,1ruC~ a Shl\lnS<br />

joh done h} No."" Hlllnp,hirc rncml'Cr\.<br />

Union meml'Cr\ inciudeJ A . 'IC'CI'>un. 1)_<br />

B,II.er, I I'mer). and G \\ ri~le). I he<br />

cOlllp;ln} cummine ... <strong>of</strong> f.,'.11I Ilunier .Illd<br />


Committee<br />

Class<br />

local 1907. Findlay. Ohio Neioli .. lintl Comm!!.<br />

lee reached "g",.. n.ent w,lh RCA Comm,lIee<br />

membe,s. lell 10 "ghl. a'" [ ..,1<br />

Montgom",y.<br />

Je .. n Plumb. Vlrg,n,a COtlin~. Ruby K .. ~sel. and<br />

Her$hel SirOnI':,<br />

Lac .. 1 2047, St. P"ul, M,nn. re

cOler <strong>of</strong> e.lch cdilion Some <strong>of</strong> Ihem arc<br />

.... orh <strong>of</strong> arl: mnn) are ~uil: lbl e for fmm·<br />

ing. If thc re;u!er doc,n't '1l1C hi~ m;'Ha-<br />

7ine~. h~ cerluinl), ,hould hDI·e<br />

imp ... dc\! progrc,~ <strong>of</strong> cneqlY \le,clopm"nt<br />

progr:ml~. Ophic~ lind atl i lud~s<br />

C" II innucn("c forei~n poli.:}. <strong>of</strong> [I' II to [he<br />

detrimcnt <strong>of</strong> Ihe ta~I"" I )er. I_ocul pCttlem ... nl ii' fol·<br />

lOll, .:' 1 hc:~c terl1l~ <strong>of</strong> '>I!t1lerl1enl in·<br />

dud ... d p;.~ in~rc:I\C' uf \C\..-n rcr.-cnl df..-/,;­<br />

Ih·c July 30. 191.': 11\1) p..-r

Retirees<br />

the I'rc,idt'nt <strong>of</strong> Ihe Unileu !)Iatcs. j U ~1 be·<br />

cnu.e Ihe l'rc"ident ha~ more loopholes.<br />

Bt' union. huy union, b~' e now.<br />

U . I'. "NUTS" Nt WM>\N, P.S.<br />

Brothers 01 Ihe Retired MemlJ.ers Club <strong>of</strong> local 26. Wal hlngton. D.C. gathe, at ,ecflnt meeling.<br />

I ~<br />

-<br />

PI Clured here. left to righl. are local 26 PreSident l""y HOlian; Herold Tate. d"ectot <strong>of</strong> <strong>IBEW</strong><br />

S!>(,clat Set\l;ces Oept .; Presldflnt Claude Creamer <strong>of</strong> Retl,e(! Members Ctub; local 26 BU51nen<br />

Manatler Tom Noone; and Vice P,esident Edward Coppa,e o f the Ret"fld Members Club.<br />

The )Ottnj; II r~,[III:r "ill Ji

Old business brought lauies to our mernocrship<br />

even,<br />

With II member's presence ,I membership<br />

c;\ru he is given,<br />

Meet ing is over now, h.:l liS all enjoy<br />

the show,<br />

It's reeny the magic,11 c!OI .. n: he is very<br />

goo~.<br />

One A\sis!;I1\1 llnu h lln his dog Ilor~ed<br />

v. it h his IICt.<br />

We all enjoye

EWBA Death Claims Paid In December, 1973<br />

t Olea ) S urna me ,\ mo unl I ~a l S urn"m .. ,\ moont 1.0CII \ S urnam!' Amounl<br />

3 I'anno, ,'. \,250.00 '00 l'tlcC .. lI, T. 1.2&0.00 1'1:1111. (771 I'ea,", E. ],250.00<br />

Pender. (:. W. t .250.00 702 Thurmond. K :0:, 416.66 Pcn •. (110) "ottl0.00 '" 7Hl Jordun. J . B. 1.2;,0.00 1' ...,ft,(!lijl "Iutt"n, II. J . 1.2iiO.OO<br />

1J1i.~ . V. E. 1.:!iiO.OO nil Th u"'''~o ", B. 1.2r,0.00 !,"I\~. n lli 1 PHen"n. A. l.t!iIl.OO<br />

IIlistin l(R. II. ~;. 1,2r,(I.OO 73;; IIrpw\,r, ,\1. II. 1.250.00 """ ft. I!!!! I I\t"-\I')', >' 1.2;,0.00<br />

"<br />

Wlln.ekll, J . E. 1.250.00<br />

Smith, Jr .. J B. 1.2[.0.00 1" 'U8. ( t(lO) BHllcnl,(H • .\1. ~:. 1,:U,O.OO<br />

12 W i l."n, A. 1.250.()41 7fiO<br />

'"<br />

WhilehvusE'. W . 1,2;;0.(10 l' e n ~. (10:1) ( '1110. A 1.2:'0.1)0<br />

24 Sm;th. E. F. 1.2UO.00 , fi:! F" x. C. K. 1.2liO.00 I'ef\ ~. (10:1) J ensen. A. J . ].2;;0.00<br />

~ I W"'drnll n. Jr., \'. A. l,2r.o.oo 7/lr> Helin. C. T 1.250.00 f'en,. 11<strong>03</strong>1 (Il... n. I) T 1.2.'>1"1.00<br />

'.- _.<br />

Ta}·man. ,(>II<br />

T. II. 1.!!50.oo<br />

(;iernlann. A n. 1.2liO.00 l'enl.IIOIII J llrd ... n, II E. 1.2.'>0.00<br />

lIulu·n. I:. V 1.2,.0.00 769 Yoind ..., II 1.2:.0.00 l'en'.III~) Hllnka, (:. W. 1.2;,,1100<br />

Uu rn~. I) 1.2:;0.00 Hlti MOr

PeUB. ( 499) )Iu..,k. II. f. 1.250.00 Pc n!!.. (7H ) Qui n n. J . II. I.!!:;O 00 I'l'nB. ( 13101 1I .0wn. B. 1.2i'>O 00<br />

I'enl. (5001 Al mnnza. J . 1.2;,000 Pcns. (71j7) ('",,;n, J . C. 1.2;;000 Pen~ . ( I:H,!!) w ""an .lI. I.. N. 1.2f,0 00<br />

Pens. (501 ) (: r o~~o , C. A. 1.~ :; O .OO l'en8. (7M' ) J ~w Ht. II. J. 1.:!50 00 l' e " ~. (1.1:18) " I/lrch. II.<br />

, 1.2[;000<br />

P c n ~. (&08) Sec. ( '. J . 1.250.00 Pe ns . (770) I\ neiper. J. f , 1.2110.00 Pens. 11It:!31 T rusty, It, I., 1.2;'000<br />

!'cus. (;;31)) enrr!s"n. II, 0, ].2.;000 I'cn'n.00 Pe n ~ . 11.0.1 ni l",&rtl" . \ ' J) • ].2,;0 on<br />

t'ena. ( fo1 71 Smith. J , W. 1.25000 I'{'n~. 0n~.I I .O.1 Il es""rd, G, F, 1.2&0.00<br />

I'enft. (6&91 Osler. G. J). I .~"(' IMI ['''''8. (t1171 l.illie. \\' " II . 1.2;;0.00 I'~IL •. I I .n. 1 KO}'nn{'n, E. 1.2:-,0.00<br />

!'ens. (GljOl Shcl.l r i"k. G. 1.2:;fJ.(HI 1',·n8. ( i'f,:l) I< I!;hnrd."Il. 0 , J, 1,2;;11 O{) 1" ·ll s. ( 1.0,) ~ l c AlI i~tc r. T , W. 1.2[,0.flO<br />

PCn H. (i;A!11 l'ah l(,T , I', F 1.2;'0.00 1"·IIs. (HH I I 1'1·l t r. II , ~ :. 15,0,HQ I'ens. IJ.O.) Muore. ('. 1.2::;0.00<br />

l'('n8. (70~) SIl",lI. II . 1', 1. :!:-"I.l~ Pens. (!l!l~ I l'iICOt!. II, \', 1.2:;000 Pens.fI.O.1 OI~on. O. 1.2:,0.00 ,<br />

Pens. nO:!) W ehh. :\. ,I. 1.250.nO I'''"S. (W021 lI utehcr~on. t:. 1.:!r.fI.fMl Pens. 11.0.) I'ulme r. F' I.. \. ~5 n . o o<br />

1'(,"0.17 11\ ) 11 0O.OO<br />

P ~t>s. (7:l~) H err~·. T. 1.2;iO.110 1' ~ns.{12I1ii)<br />

:>""""y. F' ,I. 1.2t,0.00 l' "n~. ( I ,f) . ) Si u r m. S r .• II. .. 1,250.00<br />

I' CI1~. {nil) B"II,"H. II. e, ].2r,o.0() l '~n~. f12~111 1\ ~lly . M. 1.2.;0 00 I' en~. (1.0.1 W"Kncr. W. ,', 1.2fiO.00<br />

I' CIl~. (7!1l!1 Brlln

I<br />

,<br />

Snowtime<br />

Star-like angel nukes s<strong>of</strong>tly l1owing,<br />

White fi re sw irling by;<br />

Childre n, bundled. warmly lowing<br />

Sleds <strong>of</strong> snow piled high.<br />

It's snowtimc, wintertime.<br />

T ime <strong>of</strong> chee r for all:<br />

Makes 110 differe nce what the<br />

rcason-<br />

We c:m have a ball.<br />

hils. S. II ~ Sle. n<br />

Wile <strong>of</strong> L .... . 5 1e rn<br />

Loc. 1 ]<br />

Ne w Yo rk Cit,<br />

A Tribute<br />

Elcctricity, Ihe great but unseen<br />

power,<br />

Servan l 10 man, every minute and<br />

hour.<br />

Through wires large, some vcry<br />

small,<br />

[t wends ils way 10 o nc and all.<br />

Tho ugh unseen, ii's not un known,<br />

Its hel p \0 man ki nd i1 has shown.<br />

Lighti ng a nd heating o ur homes<br />

today,<br />

Helps industry in a very big way.<br />

The <strong>of</strong>fice. Ihe school, the tele phone,<br />

T he hospi tal. the c hu rch. none<br />

stands alone.<br />

T his power now, man's greatest<br />

frie nd,<br />

Uy ca reless lise can be his end.<br />

Much like the purest breath <strong>of</strong> air,<br />

We see it not, st ill it is there,<br />

r . ank Onlmu,<br />

Ret ire

,<br />

:I 0 STS<br />

w<br />

I<br />

D<br />

It ha s been estimated, using<br />

death rates for past yea rs,<br />

that as many as 3,000<br />

motorcycle rider deaths may<br />

occur dunng <strong>1974</strong>. The<br />

National Safety Council<br />

estimated that, for Instance,<br />

during the year 1972. there<br />

were 2.700 motorcycle rider<br />

deaths. The mileage death<br />

rate for motorcycle (lders<br />

during 1972 was estimated<br />

to be abou t 17 (deaths per<br />

100 million miles <strong>of</strong> travel).<br />

This death rate <strong>of</strong> 17<br />

compares with an overall<br />

motor-vehicle death rate <strong>of</strong><br />

4.5, or nearly four times as<br />

great. The National Safety<br />

Council emphasizes to<br />

motorcycle operators some<br />

<strong>of</strong> the special hazards which<br />

require special skills. They<br />

encourage cyclists to make<br />

certain they can see and be<br />

seen, to be careful <strong>of</strong> bad<br />

traction which could cause<br />

a spill, to pass other vehicles<br />

properly, and to always<br />

check the mechanical<br />

condi tion <strong>of</strong> one's machine<br />

to ensure that it is in safe<br />

working ord er, Proper<br />

refl ective clothing and sa fety<br />

helmets are other musts.<br />

,<br />

l<br />



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